#but yeah TDP is great!
tategaminu · 3 months
Anyone else incredibly happy by the animation in the new clips?? It's awesome! the expressions?? Movements?? Rayla's action scene?? the 2D water??? like it seems the animation from S2/3 is back! Season four was... kind of bad and even if S5 was improved it still didn't have the smootheness of Arc 1 SO YIPEE
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weaverofink · 2 years
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raayllum · 1 year
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Some new (and old) screencaps allocated to S5 episodes from the TDP discord!
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raylasgf · 29 days
idk if starting to lose hope is a good reaction but i really am starting to think all hope is lost
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kanerallels · 7 months
Girl help there are people in my house at 7 at night who don't live here
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kradogsrats · 8 months
thinking again today about Beren going to the nethermost hall of Angband to take one of the three Silmarils from Morgoth's crown for Luthien as demanded by her father and Callum going to (the top of?) the Starscraper to take (one of?) the three quasar diamonds from the Corona of the Heavens for Rayla as demanded to rescue her parents
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hi!! i’ve been reading your atla metas and i know there’s been some conspiracy theories about aaron ehasz in the writer’s room, but i think you would be very happy to know that he recently liked a tweet acknowledging how azula and katara are narrative foils in zuko’s life! your meta on that was excellent btw
I think that might've been my tweet tbh! He and I are actually mutuals on twitter cause I mostly post about his show The Dragon Prince (TDP) (which imo makes the preferences pretty clear as a result, but I'll get more to that in a minute) and one of my friends has interviewed him a few times for it
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I bring this up because years ago (well before I was on twitter) he expressed interest in reading a meta I wrote regarding Katara/Aang's romantic development with the main ship of TDP, Callum/Rayla. This was noteworthy because at the time, Callum and Rayla were heavily implied but not actually canon.
The reason I say it makes the preference(s), if they are some, clear is because Callum and Rayla, although not initially planned, have parallels to both Katara and Aang as well as Mai and Zuko:
They are literally Moon, Ocean, and Sky per the show's magic system. Rayla is a Moonshadow elf, linked to life and death, and Callum becomes a Sky and Ocean mage
There are parallels between bloodbending and dark magic (including evil puppetmasters) in which, like how Katara breaks and learns bloodbending to save Aang's life in S3, Callum likewise uses dark magic to save Rayla even after claiming he'd never use it
Rayla and Zuko both leave their partners apologies and goodbye letters before they go on quests they don't want to drag the other person into
"No, I think it's great! You're like a secret hero!" / "It's because Rayla is a hero."
Rayla being a little older and bit of a magical instructor for Callum in a similar manner to how Katara teaches Aang waterbending
[in defense of "you ran away"] "Aang is the bravest person I know. He's done nothing but help people and save lives since I met him!" / [in defense of "you ran away"] "Rayla's brave. She saves people [...] Rayla, you're the most amazing person I've ever met."
Callum and Aang asking Rayla and Katara, respectively, to trust enemies who could be allies (Claudia, Zuko) due to their past history, and the girls reluctantly going along with it
There's also this post again from pre-Callum and Rayla going canon in S3:
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Although there's some overlap perhaps with how Zuko helps Katara in show re: her mother's death, as Callum will be helping Rayla get her parents' back and give closure that way, but it's framed very differently. Whereas Zuko is surprised by how Katara responds to Yon Rha and Aang is ultimately portrayed as the one who knows her better ("You were right about what Katara needed"), the closure Callum offers is more in line with how Aang reaffirms Katara's ability to choose, as Rayla was going to stay behind and die for her parents' perceived failure and has to reevaluate upon finding out the truth:
Katara: But now that I know he's out there, I feel like I don't have a choice. Aang: Katara, you do have a choice.
Rayla: What does this mean? What should I do? Callum: I don't know. But it's your choice. No one else's. Rayla: We should decide together.
There are more parallels, and nothing in TDP is a 1:1 by any means - every character / couple / aspect of the show is its own unique thing - but like... you can see where they're pulling more inspiration from, I think, and I expect there'll be more parallels going into S6-S7 for TDP.
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rayllurn · 2 years
Dear Rayla
Summary: After freeing Rayla from Claudia's grasp, Callum returns to Katolis, leaving Rayla with nothing but a letter, his favorite red scarf, and a choice.
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boypussydilf · 9 months
sigh. i should rewatch the devils playhouse. Again
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elfboyeros · 2 months
Things in TDP that surprised me but I'm not mad about
The title is a bit misleading because I could never be mad at The Dragon Prince but I'm specifically talking about season 6 because I think Aaron, Justin, and everyone that worked on this show infused this season with drugs because this is so fire they fucking cooked with this one.
Soucering: most of the gifs used in this post are from this post  by celestialowlryx unless stated otherwise! (I am not in the business of stealing people's shit)
The Blood on the Beach!
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There was a lot of blood on that beach like the blood that you could tell was blood on that beach in the first episode, and I know this show doesn't shadow away from death but THAT'S A LOT OF FUCKING BLOOD IN THE SAND! Not to mention, CLAUDE IS COVER IN BLOOD! Plus the whole Claude amputated her own leg, and her fucking voice actor during that scene, oof my heart!
The Bathing Scene
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I'm very surprised that this was allowed dispute knowing nothing about TV rating (I mean obviously it was allowed it's in the fucking show!) But that scene is silence, besides a backing track, and you have a Terry bathing Claude in the ocean! That scene is so fucking intimate, especially for what is supposed to be a children's show and it makes me go insane!
Rayla and Callum's Bed Sharing Scene
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Yionked from this post by rayllurn 
I'm looking at this in part from the eyes of a parent dispute not being a parent and just being a 23-year-old fucker that watches children's cartoons they have a weird obsession with, But this is another scene I'm a little surprised was allowed. Although I love that it was allowed! I can see from the eyes of a parent this scene be too "raunchy" because "What happens when two be people share a bed... sex!" but Fuck you this scene was great!
Viren and His Wife's Backstory
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Yoinked picture from this post by Kilfeur
Okay fucking attack me in the internet town square if I'm wrong, but Viren described abuse... right!? Like that was Spousal Abuse right!? Because if it wasn't it was so fucking close! And where the scene wasn't animated in the traditional sense respective to The Dragon Prince, that whole sequence is insane!
All the Kissing Scenes
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Damn, there was a shit ton of PDA this season, Specially thinking about the one scene with Rayla and Callum on top of the Starscraper, THINGS ARE GETTING FUCKING INIMATE FOR KIDS SHOW! I fucking love it! I love when we can do Romance like this so no complaining here there was just a lot, or many in the scope of the series as a whole this seems like a lot, I don't know, but regardless a win for romantics everywhere!
Viren's Sacrifice*
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Yoinked from this post by madou-dilou
This one is more of an honorable mention, was it surprising, fuck yeah, but it didn't surprise me in the way everything else did. I did think Soren was going to be murdered for a hot second, which was shocking but fuck this scene had been balling like a God damn baby!
Janai and Amaya's Wedding*
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Another Honorable mention because it's not shocking that it happened The Dragon Prince has not strayed from representation and the longer it continues the more representation we seem to get, although queer representation is still always shocking to get especially in children's cartoons, so it's going on this list for all the creators that have wanted to give us queer rep but couldn't and to those that have paved the way for us to get here!
Couldn't find a picture of Allen lol
Okay, you may not get this if you haven't read the graphic novel Through the Moon but Allen is a minor character way back from season one that Lujanne couples up with and I was surprised to see especially because the day before the season came out. I had read the graphic novel and cackled at his presence! So I freaked the fuck out when he was just there, at the moon nexus!
Rayla and Her Parents*
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I'm adding this because it was another scene that had me balling (I think mostly because I have a good relationship with my parents and I couldn't imagine losing them) Knowing Rayla's character it wasn't surprising but I respect everyone who made that scene possible because, brother, that's emotional!
Finally Leola
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*sigh* Leola's existence in general is a shock, and to me changes Aaravos completely! That purple motherfucker created the Sea of the Castout with his own tears, then got imprisoned in a pearl in a calm in his daughter's bones in the same sea he made with his own tears of grief! In addition, THEY FUCKING ANIMATED CHILD DEATH! THE ANIMATORS ANIMATED A CHILD DYING ON SCREEN! I don't give a fuck if there wasn't blood, THERE WAS CHILD DEATH ON SCREEN IN A CHILDREN'S SHOW! HOW HEAVY METAL IS THAT?!
Honorable of the honorable mentions: Big Aarvaos
Fuck he's huge.
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Alright, I'm done.
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tategaminu · 4 days
It doesn't matter that Viren had his heart in the right place ASSAULT is not okay and Lissa had all the rights to leave. Viren and Callum have parallels but they are different in a lot of ways one being that he would never do something like that to Rayla and in a similar situation they would have talked about it. The narrative and Viren himself knows what he did wasn't okay you don't need to justify abuse. You can love a character and aknowledge they aren't a good person in canon.
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sorinethemastermind · 1 month
Everybody leaves.
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In light of the events of Season Six and the resurrection spell, I wanted to talk about the official TDP short story "Rise Again" which hints at what was to come.
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Niaga esir, nellaf fo hsa!” With as deep a breath as she could draw into her little lungs, Claudia blew out her red candle’s flame. She sat with her eyes squeezed shut for at least ten beats of her heart. Claudia didn’t think she could take it if the spell didn’t work.
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She didn’t want to believe that her father had been right—that some dark magic would be too difficult and dangerous for a little girl of only eight—but she had to look eventually.
Not only do we see once again that Claudia is not willing to lose anyone, we also see a glimmer of Viren trying to protect his daughter from the dark path he himself followed.
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“Biscuit?” The smoky creature trotted closer, faintly trailing ashes and magic. Claudia gasped in delight. “It’s you. It’s really you! Look at you, there you are—!” The spell began to disintegrate, fraying at the edges. Her heart nearly fell out of her chest. “No, wait—not yet!”
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Soren poked his head in through the doorway, wiping the spill of his blonde hair out of his eyes to smile sheepishly at her. “Sorry, Clauds.” “You followed me again!” “There are spiders in this attic. Big ones. I’m supposed to—” “—protect me, I know.” Claudia rolled her eyes and Biscuit’s shape wobbled. “You don’t have to, Sor-bear.” “But I want to,” he said and came up beside her. Out of the corner of her eye, Claudia watched him freeze at the sight of the smoky little cat on the ground before Claudia. His hand flew to the little wooden training sword he kept at his belt. “Woah—!”
We also see Soren wanting to protect Claudia, and not just from physical dangers, either. He also wants to protect her from Dark Magic. But Claudia doesn't think of Dark Magic as something that she needs protection from. In her mind, it's something she can protect people with.
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“Don’t freak out!” Claudia told him. “It’s just Biscuit!” Soren’s eyebrows shot up. “Biscuit?” She nodded. Her brother squirmed. “Clauds, Biscuit’s—” “—I know. But I fixed it. Now we can still play with her.” Soren shook his head. “No. She had a nice long life, but then… we had a little ceremony, remember?” “Yeah.” “Because Biscuit died.”
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With a flick of her wrist, the dark magic holding the little cat’s ashes together made her hop and scamper as though she’d seen a mouse in the attic’s dusty corner. Claudia laughed. “Isn’t it great?” Soren stepped back. “Clauds, what did you do?” Claudia grinned, watching her cat-shaped spell pounce. “Just a little bit of dark magic. The spell used her ashes, so—I guess we can call her Burnt Biscuit now.” Soren said nothing, and Claudia frowned. She had hoped he would laugh.
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Frustrated, she pulled on the magic again, calling the little cat back to her. Biscuit sprang to her side, trailing cinders. “You want to pet her?” “What? No! Besides… it’s just smoke! It won’t feel like a real cat.” “It’s almost the same,” Claudia insisted. “It tingles! Come feel.” She ran her hand above the creature’s back as if petting her. Biscuit was warm—like their hearth in winter—but she didn’t burn like fire. Not unless Claudia wanted her to.
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Soren shook his head. “Does Dad know?” He sounded worried, so Claudia spoke with a big, wide smile. “No, but it’s okay, I knew I could do it! I watched Dad really closely when he did this spell, and he even showed me how to make the candle because I didn’t do it right the first time—” “Dad doesn’t want you doing this stuff without him!” Soren squared his shoulders like all the castle’s soldiers. He thought he was so much like them, tough and brave and strong, but Claudia only saw a little boy trying to look bigger. “He said not until you’re older—”
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“I know what he said, but—” “I’m telling him.” “Don’t you dare!”
Viren might have been the one who taught Claudia dark magic, but he also knew it's dangers and tried to make sure she understood them too. But to Claudia, she saw only Viren's example, and to him, dark magic was a "creative solution" that could solve any problem. And so that's what it became to her.
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She seized his hand. Her brother froze for a second, and Claudia thought she’d won, but he pulled his hand away and glowered at the cat. “Fine. But he’ll find out anyway if you keep that thing around. How long will it last, anyway?” Claudia crossed her arms, proud and stubborn. “As long as I can make it last. Maybe forever.”
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Soren scrunched up his nose, watching Biscuit circle Claudia and rub up against her leg the same way she did when she was alive. He turned a little green. Soren had never liked magic. “Ugh! Stop being so weird about it, Soren. You just don’t understand.” “Don’t understand what?” “Dark magic,” Claudia said. She cupped Biscuit’s warm cheeks in her hands. Smoke trailed between her fingers like whiskers. The cat purred—that low, hollow rumble.
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“Dark magic can do anything.”
This short story illustrates both Claudia and Soren's relationships with dark magic really well, as well as shows us the first signs of just how far Claudia will go to make sure nobody leaves her ever again...
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raayllum · 11 months
was thinking about why the fandom focuses on callum's devotion to rayla more so than the other way around - even if they're equally nuts in a lot of ways and i do think the focus is 60/40 - and i think a lot if is really comes down to callum just being 'easier' to love than rayla like, objectively, especially in arc 1.
he's sweet and goofy and emotionally open, he can be insecure and get stuck in his head but that's very internal, he makes mistakes but never anything too major, at most interpersonal relationship wise he can be a bit pushy or momentarily cruel, he's a prince and wanted peace with the elves from the start, he never really causes massive disasters and when he does there was a 50-50 chance it was going to work out anyway or if he is taking a massive risk, thus far it's really only involved risking himself.
he's cute and caring and has never really broken her heart (as she maintains hope even throughout his bouts of cold shoulder in s4). of course she loves him. of course she'd risk everything and anything for him. and even in arc 2 when he's being cold, he's still caring and still knows when to step in and support her
rayla is like... a much more 'difficult' character and person from the start. she lies repeatedly, especially to cover up her failures, she can swagger without actual substance, she's snarky and stand offish and can be snappish. she breaks at the worst of times and often leads to other people being put at risk. she abandons him and breaks his heart. she showed up threatening to kill him. she blew up their lives together and repeats the same mistakes over and over again.
on a surface level and on an interpersonal level, she's far more of an overt piece of work, whereas callum's nastiness comes out more sparingly and is more hidden under the surface; it's not always so apparent. but rayla's typically is, she is a moonshadow elf who fundamentally cannot hide her flaws even when she's trying to so hard
and callum loves her anyway.
he's endeared by the snark, he persists past the standoffish, she pushes him away and he keeps coming back to try and help her, he gets angry but he ultimately (and always rather quickly) forgives her, he's had multiple people telling him that she's bad and cannot/should not be trusted and just flat out doesn't listen to them, because he believes so fundamentally in her goodness, even or especially when she doesn't believe in it because of all the reasons above. he knows she can be difficult and he either doesn't care or loves her not in spite of those things but because of those things. and that's what's so appealing about that aspect of their dynamic.
callum is a wonderful walk in the park when it comes to catching feelings with only a few hiccups, and so often rayla is a ditch with spikes, and callum just goes "challenge accepted" every time (and succeeds) because he knows/believes that she's worth it (and he's right)
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strangerasher · 2 months
i love how aaravos had a daughter instead of some lost love. like yeah that trope is great but it’s very overused now,, romantic love as a reason for people doing and things is rlly overused imo
but ermm I also loved seeing aaravos being human,, it’s so cool when we get that side of usually asshole/manipulative calculated characters
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thrandilf · 2 months
okay. for the first time in my life I'm using the #tdp critical tag because I have some things to get off my chest about s6 and I desperately need to focus on an exam for tomorrow and can't and idk I feel slightly out of my mind/wondering if this really is just a me problem but like
this season felt kind of sparse to me regarding character interactions outside of duos they wanted to focus on/letting characters present react to situations. stuff like Amaya not having a comment about Callum not being at her wedding or the Celestial Elves really not having much to say about Aaravos himself despite the Elder theoretically having been around in the days pre imprisonment like
I don't mind that Viren died but I do feel out of my MIND that he and Ezran didn't actually get a conversation, and beyond that that Viren didn't try to pass along any Aaravos information to anyone, and that even if Soren and Viren's relationship was just Maxed Out that we didn't get Opeli and Ezran talking about what to do with him (could've even had Soren walk in and do a Callum S4 moment of 'you ever walk into a room and everyone goes quiet and you know they were talking about you' moment), Opeli reacting/checking on Soren while Viren was imprisoned even if he didn't want to talk to her, there being any verdict about Viren at all and we're never getting anything else out of him again which is why no Ezran and by extension Callum/Rayla/ect feels sort of disappointing to me, as he hasn't interacted with Callum since S1
It's a really good moment, don't get me wrong, but we traded the suspense of thinking Viren had perhaps killed Soren for us getting any last words or gesture from him to Soren face to face
the Celestial Elves gave us info on Startouch Elves in general but not on Aaravos specifically even though the Elder I thought would know more? They aren't surprised at the idea of trying to kill a Great One/Aaravos but there wasn't even a word of warning about if he does get loose or anything Specific about the last time it happened or, if they didn't know anything, confusion about why a Great One is imprisoned like idk
no one had any concern either when getting access to the stars which again, idk, I thought Callum might've been more worried about Aaravos being at the Starscraper and the prison (when he thought he had it) being surrounded by Aaravos's main connection but idk, it didn't matter but I thought it could have
No Aaravos and Callum interaction is also smth I've made my peace about but after the trailer, especially the choice to use that thumbnail for it/as a promo image, idk, I am kind of sad I have to wait until S7 for any of that and now I wonder how significant it can really be/why hes gonna need callum as a puppet now if he's Out and as powerful as he seems to be. we just raised the stakes but had three entire seasons of building towards it, so how can s7 handle getting callum to do dark magic again, theoretical possession/aaravos use, coming back from that, ect, all within 9 eps?
tbh no one really had grief about sir sparklepuff being gone which I guess he wasn't a full Person in anyone's eyes and the focus was all on Claudia/her state which was fine, like we did get some of that nonverbally with Terry at least but we kinda moved right past it. like even one line in ep 9 from terry like "look what he had you do to his most recent child" would have made me go yeah exactly that Mattered but it wasn't there
in addition to no Callum at the wedding Ezran also just sat on Viren being back like idk I guess I wish he'd talked to Amaya more. like I loved him and Aanya I just feel there was room for Both
Listen I'm not one of the people only watching the show for Aaravos and I am delighted with the two episodes we got of him but that he was in more episodes in S3 than in S6 does have me like. cries. really. s4 and s5 i didn't mind in part because I figured stars would be big and it Was but im like oh my god. i got to ep 7 and was like is he REALLY not gonna get out which thankfully he did but only at the end
and the end was like. the biggest cliffhanger we've ever had and i get going for the suspense but it's KILLING ME MAN
I know Aaravos's motivation/goal but not exactly how his actions are leading to that whatsoever as he seems to play every side and doesn't even favor humans if he's willing to torch katolis. unbridled chaos i guess? is that it? I don't even know what to be afraid of next season with him except I'd presume he's going to Xadia next and will Somehow be getting back at the Cosmic Order but idk what the past thousand years have truly been for unless it's waiting around for the stars to align and throwing a fit while doing so
Runaan is out and he and Callum didn't get so much as a sentence between them and that and the Aaravos out but also no conversation double whammy just has me like
at the end of this all this was a more dramatic/cinematic season but it didn't have a lot of the smaller character reaction moments/balance the prior seasons all seemed to give me tbh and it took all season to lead up to highly anticipated events aka letting Runaan and Aaravos out but I didn't get any of the Payoff of that characterwise except for Runaan and Rayla and idk I do feel both like S6 had some of the best moments of the show and also really disappointed in places where it feels like it could have been so easy to have had just a Bit more cohesion and characters plugged into their overarching circumstances/dynamics more
like I think we had the time for it
and going into this expecting a penultimate season and then learning theres a third arc planned, it makes the pacing and lack of aaravos sort of make sense but also has me like, we may not even get that and now I feel like s7 will make or break the Entire show for me which is terrifying
like we got a lot of new info but it was largely not what I was expecting without touching on a lot of stuff I was hoping for and I AGH. i didnt expect this season to continue the build up train and I'm having a hard time accepting that it's the first time tdp has ever like. idk. thrown me such a curveball that it's gotten me honest to god upset which is on me and not the show, and i keep hoping i feel better but so much rides on s7 now
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shiroallura · 2 months
anyway I'm once again saying that for anyone who was disappointed by VLD or wanted more for Shallura should check out The Dragon Prince on Netflix for
Multiple happy, developed, loving queer relationships that are also interracial and inter-abled, as well as two transgender characters and two nonbinary characters
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Multiple disabled characters / characters who use and known Sign language who are all interesting with varying personalities
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As well as a great, consistent, constantly evolving and over arching story with twists and turns who always return to their plotlines? And everyone gets their time to shine in the ensemble cast? With a great magic system? And detailed, developed, understandable and sometimes sympathetic but still asshole villains?
And for the Shallura, you get an overly sacrificial white haired elf girl who's so brave and sweet with an immense fear of failure and so much love in her heart despite all her grief, because you get characters who actually Talk about their feelings and what they're going through?
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and an Asian guy who would Literally do anything for her and is haunted by his predecessor, and determined carve out a new place in the world for himself, and is so optimistic and loving while also not losing his edges? Possession, brainwashing, for best sweetest most selectively loyal boy?
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and they're canon, like written in the stars + so much tenderness and trust + more than eight smooches canon, while still being best friends and working through their differences and no matter how mad they get they still always look out for and trust one another? yeah
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There's also deep lore and varied loving but complex sibling dynamics and Beautiful animation and backgrounds and so much more I can't get into with big spoilers, but the latest season just came out and I cannot recommend it enough!!
also the fandom doesn't have ship wars, so... If you wanna learn more if this would be up your alley please shoot me a message here and/or at my actual TDP sideblog, @raayllum
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