#like she's my ideal woman
natjennie · 4 months
I need everyone to watch this right now please
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cozylittleartblog · 1 year
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i now understand how certain people felt when harpy eda was revealed 😳
prints here
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millidew · 1 month
rip lucy and mina you would’ve loved farcille. rip marcille you would’ve loved westenray (falin lost interest and fell asleep before finishing the book)
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bonefall · 4 months
Tbh I never read that far in DOTC but I heard so much about star flower from fandom that now hearing about it directly from you I feel so cheated. I was promised a femme fatale.. tho in hindsight considering how much these writers hate women I probably shouldn't have gotten my hopes up
I WISH we got a femme fatale. It would have been incredibly cathartic for her to make herself alluring to Clear Sky, turning his worst traits against him and getting both power and revenge. For Thunder to bond to her over it, reaching the conclusion in the end that they both had terrible parents that they need to reject.
but, knowing the Erins, they would have just had Clear Sky kill her violently and gratuitously for ever tricking him. Like how he gouged Willow Tail's eyes out. So... I guess we were doomed either way.
Anyway im cooking
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the-descolada · 11 months
frankly biggest under-discussed overlap between baru in masquerade and harrow in tlt is a protagonist who people somehow see as femme because they have a love interest who more people see as butch, despite both characters being...either very fucking butch too or just not fitting into those categories precisely
hell, baru being butch in a very specific way in terms of sexual dynamics she likes playing into is a major fucking plot point!
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michyeosseo · 9 months
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Ano bang ginawa kong mali? [ t/n What have I done wrong? ]
Barbie Forteza and Julie Ann San Jose as KLAY & MARIA CLARA
MARIA CLARA AT IBARRA (2022-2023) 1.36
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sarellathesphinx · 2 months
Hey did you guys know Reeve is the one who had to tell Elmyra and Marlene that Aerith died in the original game. I think about this constantly
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chiquilines · 1 year
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Currently obsessed with her. What's better than a cocky man? A cocky woman next question
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maopll · 2 months
I scream everytime I see arlecchino
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vaugarde · 4 months
i think its always worth thinking about how women are portrayed in certain stories, from fictional narratives to reddit posts presenting themselves as true stories. is every woman in the narrative either antagonistic or shallow? are most or all of the men portrayed as sympathetic and competent, moreso than the women, even if they commit the same crimes?
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zevranunderstander · 11 months
idk how to phrase this but like. people retroactively calling Fleabag a privileged, dissociative portrayal of feminism which is Bad, Actually, are lowkey deranged to me because, yeah, Fleabag IS about the expierience of womanhood. but like. through the lens of ONE woman? like, nowhere in the show is it ever implied that fleabag's expieriences are supposed to be universal, relateable core pillars to womanhood?
its almost like half of the population of the world is female and I think it's kind of weird that all stories about women always have to be feminist and activist, and can not just be an exploration of an imperfect woman, they have to be correct about *all* of womanhood?
i also think that the people saying this don't really understand the character of fleabag and i do think that the show is feminist in many ways, but even when no person working on this show would have had any intention of making this a "feminist story", i think that would have been their right to do that?
breaking bad, fight club, american psycho, lolita, etc. all tell the stories of white men who are objectively horrible people. and these stories still treat these characters with a level of empathy and understanding of how they got there and why they are like that. the stories don't excuse their behavior because of that, they are simply a fictional analysis of a person who is not virtuous or good in a lot of ways.
but women, people of color, disabled people, and other minorities are never given the same right to just tell a story about a character, the character has to be virtuous, a good role model, a representation of their whole group, likeable, flawed only in an "unproblematic" way, never make a bad decision, and its insanely limiting in what stories can be told by writers, when they want the approval of the general audience
and i so genuinely want more fleabag women, who may interact with feminism, but who are actual human beings in a real world, who have real flaws and who can be selfish and cruel, but who are still treated with empathy by the story
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millidew · 1 month
sometimes I forget dabi mha isn’t actually missing patches of hair on his head in a what-could-be-loosely-defined-as-an-edgy-diy-undercut-but-is-really-more-because-of-his-burnt-skin sort of way
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buckttommy · 3 months
JLH’s boobs x that wedding dress.
No literally like i'm trying to be respectful but god my brain went to the disrespect IMMEDIATELY
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blinkbones · 7 months
i didnt really like the last scene of Primal (s2) but thematically it makes perfect sense and i can't be mad at it. Primal, besides being a visual delight of cartoonized gore & character design, is a story about the continuation of life. The second season could not make it more clear, with the emphasis put on the egg-laying scene, managing to imbue the long close-up of a cloaca with a sense of poetic wonder; and even more so, with the darwin episode, in which charles darwin explains primal theory before getting to play action hero. (this episode was honestly so shameless about having fun; it's a gem). This episode being the only one with dialogue that most of the audience would understand, as well as the only one breaking away from the main story, highlights its importance and makes it almost a demonstration of the series as a whole: one that openly chucks historical accuracy to the side to play with the concept of violence as a means of survival. what it doesn't mention, however, is the subsidiary theme of the importance of "family", aka the group one belongs to. It shines through with the main duo, and of course with the subplots of the giant and the vikings. With all this in mind, I can't argue against the thematic coherence and near necessity of the final sex scene--i may not have liked it, but it fits in with the narrative. As the caveman slowly dies from the wounds inflicted by the only being that could beat him (a godlike avenger), mira gazes at his paintings and gets a sense of his loneliness. They have travelled far together and while she may have found her village again, her previous lover is long dead. In many ways, they belong to one another and are "family" already (with the lizards too, of course). It's true that the scene, while quick, does not shy away in a classic fade-to-black--i'd call it off-puttingly intimate--but the series is very adult; it spreads intestines over just about every episode. And most of all, it's not grotesque or ridiculous--it's a tender rekindling of hope, symbolized by the dinosaur-riding daughter in the last images.
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feldsparite · 6 months
p5x spoilers if anyone gives a shit about that uhh
acts of evil being committed in p5x (they unmilfified the milf??!!!)
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meirimerens · 11 months
(voice of a lesbian who is dying from lack gender-nonconforming women representation in media) please.... meiri..... don't shrink them... keep them the same size as the original.... meiri......you hear me mayriwebsbsbndna
the hugest mascest fattest butches i've ever had the delight joy and honor of knowing were all under 5'5"/165cm [my height] or comically pocket-sized for the ox strength they had you're going to deal with me shaving a few centimeters off burakh who i already make taller than in canon‼️
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