#and later on kid finds out that the powers transforms you into the idealized version of your self in your heart
morninkim · 3 months
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that one movie sinbad did about the genie
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stormy-blossom · 3 months
Hello, and welcome to the Magical Girl AU I made for some unknown reason and have invested a lot of time into:
I got this idea one day and was expanding it with a friend and honestly I think I cooked a little...
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First on our little team is Elora:
Age: 16
Power: Arceus
Special Ability: Judgement
Transformation words: "Blessing from above, guide me!"
Elora has amnesia, waking up one day in an unknown area with a strange phone that is able to transform her into a magical girl.
Elodie is the one who found her, and managed to convince her parents to let her stay with them. The two go to school together and work to try and figure out who she is, where she came from and to regain her abilities
It takes her a while to figure out that her powers were gifted to her by Arceus.
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Next is Elodie
Age: 17
Power: Meowscarada
Special Ability: Flower Trick
Transformation words: "It's showtime!"
Elodie is a pretty regular high-school girl who is also a huge history nerd. She got her powers shortly after finding Elora and the two work together to stop the monsters that attack the town.
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Next is Erisu
Age: 24
Power: Hisuian Typhlosian
Special Ability: Purify
Transformation Words: "Purify the forsaken!"
Erisu is one of the girl's teachers, she has been a magical girl longer than they have, having been protecting the city from various things. Her ability is to Purify Distorted Souls, saving a person's soul so they're no longer the monster they have become.
She does her best to mentor the girls, and refuses to let them take heavy damage. She never had someone to guide her so she wants to make sure they do. Also being an adult figure in their life, she's able to make up cover stories a lot easier.
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Now our first canon character: Kieran
Age: 17
Power: Dipplin
Special Ability: Syrup Bomb
Transformation words: "Stick to it!"
Kieran's alter ego, the team doesn't know his real identity until later, Elora calls his Syrup boy, Elodie calls him the prince and Erius calls him Dipplin kid. He's not really privy to these nicknames... except one.
I took inspiration from Disney's Snow White's prince. He doesn't act much like Kieran normally does, because he's a idealized version of himself, how he wishes he could be you could say.
I thought the sword was cool, so that's why he has one.
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Finally our villains and my obvious favorite: Volo!
Age: 25
Power: Giratina
Special Ability: Distortion
Transformation words: "Shadows of the forgotten!"
Volo is a history teacher at Elodie's school, him and Erisu are pretty close.
He has the ability to take the worst of people and distort them into monsters who follow his will. He's a menacing, manipulative person like this, though puts up a friendly persona when he's not powered up.
Hes taken a liking to Elodie because of her passion for history that matches his own. He's closest with Erisu, her being the only person he's willing to really open up to.
He does not know their identities and they do not know his, though he has a suspicion his aunt knows more than she let's on...
Some notes:
Everyone but Elora had a special Pokeball that allows them to transform.
Their goal is to collect all the plates, each one allows a person to power up their typing, only one at a time can be used however and must correspond to a Pokémon typing. For example: Elodie can use the grass or dark plate.
Elora is the exception however, and can use any plate collected, but like the others is limited to one every battle.
Every plate collected restores a little of Elora's memory and she becomes a little more powerful.
Pokemon do not exist as battle partners and are more like deities who can bestow blessings upon certain people.
If a Pokeball is broken that person's connection to the Pokémon is severed completely.
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folklorelise · 4 years
Squad Leader Mom is pregnant!
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Since all the baby incidents that had happened with you, Levi or the cadets, Levi and you had been thinking about having one of your own, but you never actually talked about it. Then one night, as you were reading before going to bed, Levi sat next to you on the couch ready to have that talk with you.
“Y/N.” Levi called your name seeing that you were not paying any attention to him.
“I want to have–.” Levi started but then stopped.
“What’s wrong?” you asked worried, putting down your book.
“Remember when the kids were turned into children? We said that we would talk about having a kid. I want to talk about it now.” he told you staring at you. “If you want.” Levi quickly added.
“Oh right.” you said mumbled.
To be honest, since you joined the survey corps – having a baby never was an option for you. For Levi, having a child at all was never an option, but since he met you, he felt like anything could be possible.
“If you don’t want to, it’s fine too.” Levi said.
“I don’t know.” you admitted. “I loved having the cadets around. It was a lot of fun and I loved them as kids. But a new-born is different.” you paused. “I remember my neighbour; they had one and it was constantly crying and screaming. It looked exhausting. Also, what about my job here? I cannot– I… I can’t go on expeditions knowing that our child could become an orphan.”
“I would never let that happen.” Levi assured you, taking your hands. “I know our situation is not ideal, but can you imagine how great it would be to have a tiny version of us running around. I like that thought. That maybe one day, we could finally retire with our own little family.”
“It does sound nice.” you smiled fondly at Levi. “If that makes you happy, then ok.”
“Really? Because I don’t want to pressure you.”
“I’m sure. We’ll figure it out.”
The more you thought about it, the more you were sure about your decision. You had the possibility to give Levi another chance at having his own family and that was what made you certain of your choice. The next few months were spent in bed with Levi. It was intense – Levi was intense which resulted in making the both of you exhausted for trainings and expeditions.
Eight months into trying to get pregnant, yet there was still no baby in sight. Your doctor reassured you and said that getting pregnant is not an easy task.
You get easily sick during winter, so when a week before the expedition you started to feel nauseous, you just shrug it off. Which you instantly regretted the second you felt like passing out in front of a titan outside.
Eren from far away saw you falling from the sky and did not hesitate a second before transforming and running toward you. He caught you in time from hitting the ground and Mikasa from behind killed the titan that was ready to eat you.
“Mom?” Eren tried to wake you up once Mikasa got him out. “Mom, wake up please.” Eren cried.
Every squad were running toward where Eren transformed, not knowing why he did it. Levi and his squad were the first one who arrived.
“Eren!” Levi yelled at the boy but stopped when he saw you in his arms. A million questions were running through Levi’s mind. He could not move – he wanted to see if you were fine, yet his feet would not move toward you. What if he saw a wound, what if you were already dead?
“Captain,” Eren cried, “I– I saw her falling and I came. She’s not waking up!”
“What’s happening here?” Erwin finally arrived. “Levi wha–.” he asked the captain but stopped when he saw you. “Is she d–?”
“NO!” Eren yelled. “She can’t be, I– I caught her.”
“What happened then?” Erwin asked a member of you squad.
“We don’t know. We spotted a few titans, and we were all going to take care of them. Then – squad leader Y/N was just behind us!”
“She is still breathing.” Erwin checked your pulse. “Levi’s going to take her back, and the rest of us will continue the expedition. You can go too.” Erwin told the cadets.
Every other squads were leaving the scene. Erwin slowly approached Levi.
“She’s ok, you can go and take her back.”
“Ok.” Levi breathed.
Levi slowly approached where the cadets where and took you in his arms. Once you were back, Levi rushed you to the infirmary. The cadets were all patiently waiting outside the room. Every one of them was worried, but Eren was even more.
“What if it’s my fault?” Eren said.
“You saved her!” Mikasa protested.
“When I caught her, maybe I squeezed her without noticing?”
“She is fine.” Jean shouted.
Levi was sitting with them, silently. After just a few minutes of waiting, a doctor came out of the room. Everyone stood up hoping for good news.
“Y/N is doing great. She just needs to rest now.”
“Thank you!” Sasha shouted hugging the doctor.
“Is she waking up soon?” Jean asked.
“She should be up in a few hours top. But from now on she should stay here as the pregnancy is already three months in or something.” the doctor said before leaving for his office.
“The pregnancy?” Levi repeated confused.
“Mom’s pregnant?” Jean asked Levi.
“Mom’s pregnant!” they all shouted excited.
“We’re going to have a little brother or sister!” Connie burst excited.
While the cadets were shouting, Levi was still trying to process the news.
“D– Captain!” Jean quickly corrected himself. “Can we go in and see her?”
“She’s still sleeping, I’ll go and find you once she woke up.” Levi said entering the room alone.
Levi was sitting next to you, waiting patiently for you to wake up. An hour or two later, the cadets could not wait any longer and came into your room.
“Please, can we stay?” Sasha begged the captain.
“Fine, but shup your months.”
A few minutes after the kids came in, you finally woke up. Levi was the first to notice it. He quickly stood up and came near you.
“Y/N, are you feeling ok?” Levi asked.
“Water.” you grunted.
“I’ll get you a glass of water!” Armin volunteered.
After drinking the whole glass, you instantly felt better. You asked Levi what happened and when he explained to you that you fainted due to the pregnancy, you started to cry.
“Don’t cry. It is good right? We’re happy about this.” Levi asked.
“It’s happy tears.” You confirmed laughing slightly.
Levi then left to bring some food. The second Levi left, Eren came and hugged you. Then very quickly everyone else joined the hug.
“You scared us to death earlier.” Eren told you.
“I’m sorry I made you worried.”
When Erwin came back, Levi and you were waiting for him in his office.
“Y/N’s pregnant.” Levi announced it to the commander. “Obviously, she won’t be going to the next expeditions, right?”
“What? Congratulation!” Erwin shouted happily. “That’s really great news.”
“Erwin – the expeditions.”
“Right, of course. Y/N, you have to rest from now on.”
“But I can’t do nothing.” you protested. “I’ll get bored.”
“You’re pregnant.” Levi argued. “You just have to take care of you by staying here. Erwin agrees with me.”
“I–. Y/N if you want to go home and rest, you can.” Erwin agreed.
“I don’t. I’ll stay here and work with you on paperwork, I’ll do everything as usual except going on expedition.” you stated firmly.
Levi knew how stubborn you were, so he did not continue to argue. What mattered to him was that you were not going on expedition. After announcing the news to Erwin, Levi and you went to see Hange to tell them the news. The scream Hange uttered was so loud that Moblit came in running.
“What happened?” Moblit asked worried.
“Y/N is pregnant!” Hange shouted.
“Oh! Congratulation!” Moblit hugged you.
The next person to know about it was Mike, then soon enough the entire survey corps knew about it. After a few days, you decided it was time to go and tell your family about it. You proposed to Levi to come with you since he never met them.
“I’m busy.” Levi told you.
“It’ll just be a day.”
Your parents used to live inside of wall rose, but as your father’s business became more and more successful, they moved inside of wall Sina. You had a brother in the military too. You joined at the same time – he was a year older than you – he ended up being first and chose the military police brigade.
The next morning, you and Levi took a carriage to your home. Your parents made you and your brother promise to visit at least once a month, and you both decided to visit the first Sunday of every month – which was today. You knocked on the door and it was your mother who opened the door.
“It has been so long. Ah, and you must be Levi, right?” your mother welcomed you in.
“Yes.” Levi answered.
“Come in.”
“Your brother is not there yet.” your mom told you. “Do you want to drink something?”
“Tea please, black tea. For the both of us.” you told her.
“I feel uncomfortable here.” Levi whispered once your mother was gone.
“Let’s just tell them the news and then we can go.” you reassured him.
Your mother brought back the tea and she sat on the couch in front of where you were. Your father was nowhere to be seen – he was buying groceries at the market – and your brother was probably still sleeping.
“I heard a lot about you Levi.” you mother finally said.
“Levi’s very popular.” you answered seeing that Levi did not know what to say. “He is humanity’s strongest after all.”
“Good, then I know my daughter is safe beside you.”
“Y/N is strong, and she doesn’t need me to protect her.” Levi insisted, “But that does not mean I won’t do anything in my power to protect her of course.”
“That’s good to hear.” your mother smiled gently.
Just when you wanted to continue to talk, the front door opened, and your brother and father came in. You brother hugged you, then went to hug your mother.
“Captain Levi!” your brother burst out. “You have been going out with captain Levi this whole time?” he asked you.
“Yeah, don’t be jealous.”
“It’s an honour to meet you.” (Y/B/N) told the captain, ignoring you.
Levi quickly started to relax around your family, and you were all chatting together, talking about the military and what your day looked like. After a few hours of discussion, you still did not find the right moment to tell them about your pregnancy.
“When are you going to tell them?” Levi whispered to you.
“I don’t know how to, it feels weird.”
“Do you want me to tell them?”
“No, I’ll do it. I can do this.” you cleared your throat loudly to bring their attention to you and stood up. “I came with Levi today because we had something to tell you.”
“Yes?” your mother smiled.
“I am pregnant.” you announced with a big smile.
“Oh, my dear, that is wonderful!” your mother cried happily.
Your family congratulated the two of you and asked a ton of questions about when it happened, and what you planned to do once the baby arrived. After telling them that you were planning on staying at the survey corps after the baby came. You would probably be less involved, but you could not leave your second family. At night, after taking the extra food your mother had prepared, you left.
“Why aren’t you guys sleeping?” you said seeing the cadets at the entrance.
“We were waiting for you.” Armin said.
“Is that food for us?” Sasha asked excited.
“No.” Levi answered. “Y/N is tired, so leave.”
“I’m fine, I’ll take the food to the kitchen and we can eat this together tomorrow.” you told them. “You didn’t have to wait for me, you won’t be able to wake up tomorrow.” you warned them leaving with Levi.
The first few weeks of the pregnancy were going well – you worked in the office with Levi mostly, but you would also help Hange with their paperwork. Being pregnant as a survey corps soldier meant being able to have extra food during meals, being able to skip cleaning duties. You could sleep in late in the morning and no one would say anything to you.
When your baby bump started to show and you could not fit into your pants anywhere, you would go around in either dresses or in Erwin’s pants that you cut so it would not be too long.
When you were seven months pregnant, Levi started to become more and more protective of you. He would not let you carry anything, not even your food tray. He forbad the cadets to come even near you knowing how reckless they were. Only Mikasa and Armin were allowed to come and help you. Which obviously upset the other cadets.
“But dad that’s so unfair! I want to help mom too!” Jean pleaded.
“Fine, Jean you can help.” Levi finally accepted only because Jean called him dad which was one of Levi’s weak spot.
“Me too then!” the others shouted which only made Levi walk away.
When you heard about it, you reassured them that it was ok for them to stay around you. Around that time, you also stopped wearing your shoes since you could not put them on, on your own. You walked around in your slippers all the time.  
Nine months into the pregnancy and Levi never let you out of his sight. He would rest in bed with you the whole time.
“What do you want to name our baby?” you asked him one night.
“I don’t know. I didn’t think about it much.”
“I was thinking about naming her after your mother if it was a girl.”
“What?” Levi asked.
“If you don’t want to it’s fine too!” you quickly shrug it off. “It’s just–.”
“I’d like that. It’s a great idea.” Levi cut you, “I just thought… I didn’t think you would like that name.”
“Of course, I do! What if it’s a boy?”
You both brainstormed all the ideas you had before falling asleep.
You were outside with Levi during his training sessions with the cadets with a book. They were all taking a break, so you decided to join them, but when you stood up you felt something weird between your legs.
“Captain! Mom just peed herself!” Eren yelled panicking.
“Her water broke you idiot!” Sasha yelled at Eren.
Levi was definitely panicking like Eren, but he would not show it. You took a carriage with Levi direction your doctor’s house. After a few hours of labour, the baby was still inside of you.
“I can’t do that anymore.” you breathed heavily. “Just take it out!” you yelled, taking Levi hand in yours.
“It’s here, just push one last time.”
You let out a last scream and pushed as hard as you could before you heard cries.
The doctor cleaned then wrapped the baby in a blanket before giving it to Levi.
“Hello.” Levi whispered to his child.
“Is it a girl?” you asked weakly.
“It is.” Levi said looking into your eyes lovingly.
“That’s good.” you smiled when you heard a knock on the door.
“Hello.” Erwin came in with Hange and the cadets behind him. “They insisted on coming with us.”
“We bought you some flowers.” Connie handed you the bouquet.
“My favourite, thank you so much.” you teared up.
“You idiot you made her cry.” Sasha hit Connie behind the head.
“Mikasa’s the one you picked the flowers.” Connie defended himself.
“I love the flowers you guys. I’m just very tired and extra emotional.”
“Do we have a baby brother or sister?” Armin asked.
“You have a sister now.” Levi answered. “This is Kuchel.”
“Can I hold her?” Erwin asked.
“Well,” you started, “you are the godfather, of course you can.”
“Me too.” Hange exclaimed.
“You, maybe later.” Levi stated. “In a year or two, so when you drop her, she would be fine.”
“It happened once when you taught us how to hold babies.” Hange mumbled.
They were all around the new-born while Levi was laying down next to you, your head resting on his shoulder.
“You have the best mother in the world Kuchel, you’re so lucky.” Armin whispered to the baby.
One night, at the boys’ dorm, a few months after Kuchel was born–
“Do you think it’s weird for us to call squad leader Y/N ‘mom’?” Eren asked. “Now that she has her own, real kid, what does that make us?” Eren continued. “We’re just a bunch of cadets again to her.”
“Why are you always thinking so negatively?” Jean sighed.
“They’re not our parents.” Eren stated sadly.
“Can you stop being so pessimistic for a minute?” Armin shouted. “She is the closest mother figure I had since I was a child, so stop this. Plus, it’s not like ever corrects us when we do. So just stop, please.”
  You obviously noticed Eren’s attitude changing towards you – you tried to talk to him, but he kept avoiding you. You asked Armin and Mikasa about it and Armin just told you not to worry about it which was not possible.
One night, as Eren was taking a walk on the training grounds, you approached him silently.
“Are you ready to talk now?” you asked him. “And don’t even think about leaving before telling me.”
“I’m fine.” Eren said avoiding your gaze.
“Squad leader Y/N.”
“Since when do you call me that?” you retorted.
“It is your name.”
“If there is something wrong, you can tell me. I’m always here if you want to talk.”
“You have a kid now; you can’t worry about me– about us.”
“What?” you asked confused. “Why not?”
“Because!” Eren yelled.
“Because what?” you kept your voice calm and low.
“Because you’re not my mother! And I’m not your kid. We’re just a bunch of soldiers.” Eren cried out. “You have a real kid now, there’s no need to play family anymore.”
“Is that what you think? Is that what you all think?” you asked but Eren did not answer, “Eren… I may not be your birth mother and I would never dare to replace yours, but you are family to me. You all are. Seeing you all calling me ‘mom’ is fine, if you see me as a mother figure – it’s fine. Because I see you all as my grown-up children.” you teared up. “And that’s not going to change with Kuchel around.”
“You haven’t been spending as much time with us as you used too.” Eren guessed hesitating.
“I haven’t been sleeping much to be honest. Kuchel is crying a lot at night. That does not mean I forgot about you. Or you guys.” you turned around finding the rest of the cadets hiding behind the pillars.
“We weren’t spying!” Jean said. “We just… happen to be there.”
“I’m sorry.” Eren apologise. “I’m a terr–.”
“You’re not. You’re amazing Eren.” you hugged him which resulted in all the other boys joining the hug.
From the window of Levi office, he could see you guys hugging.
“See Kuchel,” Levi pointed at you while holding his daughter, “They are weirdos.” he sighed. “Your mother loves them though. I find them tolerable. I guess you can see them as your older brothers and sisters. You’ll grow up with a big family which is great. I’m sure you’ll love them as much as your mother do.”
Levi would talk to your baby bump when you were asleep.
You would be often seen with vegetables in your hand – always eating them as snacks.
You would cry for absolutely no reason too. The first time it happened, Levi was worried sick. You had dropped your apple on the ground and started to cry. From then on, Levi would just hold you tightly until you stopped crying.
The first time it happened in from of Erwin was when he offered you a new baby blanket. He thought you did not like it, but Levi quickly reassured him that it was fine. “I– I– I looove it!” you sobbed.
The first time it happened in front of the trio – Armin, Eren and Mikasa – it was because Armin kept talking about what he read about baby stuff.
“I will be the best brother ever!” Armin promised with a big smile. “No, why are you crying?”
“This is too much for my heart!” you sobbed. “You are too sweet Armin!” you hugged him.
“I’ll be a good big brother too!” Eren said hugging you.
Mikasa from behind pushed Eren and Armin aside before taking you in her arms.
“You both made her cry, I did not. Obviously, I’m the better sibling here.”
When it happened with Connie, Sasha, and Jean –
Sasha and Connie were walking in front of you and Jean.
“This Sunday is a day off; I’ll probably go and buy something at the market with Connie and Sasha.” Jean told you, “Do you need anything?”
You tried not to let tears fall but it was too adorable for you.
“Mom! Why are you crying? I’m sorry!” Jean panicked.
“What did you do you idiot!” Connie slapped Jean on his shoulder.
“Mom don’t cry, please. Dad’s going to kill me when he’s going to find out.” Jean realised.
At the same time, Levi walked in.
“What’s going on?” Levi asked.
“Nothing!” Jean said hiding your face on his chest.
“Y/N?” Levi said. “Are you ok?” to which you only responded with a thumb up. “Are you crying again?”
“I didn’t do it on purpose!” Jean hesitated, “I’m sorry…”
“It’s fine.” Levi said, “she’s been crying a lot these days due to the pregnancy.”
Kuchel first word is ‘clean’ – Levi is always talking about it when he is around her.
Kuchel favourite cadet would be Sasha. Sasha is only sharing her food with Kuchel and she loves food too.
Kuchel loves playing ‘to fly’ with uncle Erwin and uncle Mike – the giants of the survey corps.
You bought matching outfits for Levi, Kuchel and you which Levi secretly found adorable.
————— ————— 
————— ————— 
Squad Leader Mom gets badly injured
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liveoncoffe · 4 years
Who are your oc's and what are their powers/abilities???
1. OC name is Ethan Warner he come for a long line of oracle come from ancient Greek ( aka Apollo mortal toy ) . Ethan is an orphan and when he 10 year old his start to see visions of the future and using it to his advantage . This last for two more years until John constantine accidentally near Ethan orphanage at that point and John feel magic came form that orphanage . Now Ethan get adopted and have a baddass dad :)
There actually have another version of this OC . He adopted by Felix Faust instead of John and 100% gonna by a villain , Ethan villain is Asphodel ( Greek theme name is the shit )
Here another OC of mine : Her name is Astra Yeager , she is a anti-hero with the power to transform in a half dog half human and can can control sand through a totem she find in Egypt . The totem is a necklace design like a dog , cuz Seth ( Egyptian god ) make this necklace it gave the wearer a minor power of him . Astra use it kill criminals and sometimes use it personal thing , she badass , savage and take nobody shit
3. Here another OC of my : Her name is Maisha Wynd she a is sunny girl that will light up your day she funny , playfully , mischievously and literally a ray of sunshine . She was a normal kid, middle child, who really loved stars and in a trip with her family she find out that the stars loved her back . Maisha use the thing that I like to call Celestial magic she draw power from the stars , personal ship her with jon cuz they to cute together she also live in metropolis
4.Edward Kyle .He Selina sidekick/nephew he come live with Selina after his mom dead because of cancer and he father already left so now hin in Selina custody .When Selina took him Edward have no ideal his aunt is Catwoman until 5 month later he walk up in a middle of the and go to find something to drink , in the kitchen he see Selina in cat suit drinking milk .That how Edward know about his aunt night job and how he become her sidekick
A/N : you request gonna take sometime cause I'm still a newbie to this writing stuff
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daresplaining · 5 years
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[ID: An excerpt from DeMatteis’s Daredevil run, showing Stick and teenage Matt Murdock leaping around the rooftops of Manhattan at night. Matt is grinning.]
Caption: “He remembers feeling alive-- in a way he never had before. The city was alive, too: he could hear every night-sigh, every bellow of rage, every desperate cry of hope. Catch the scent of an insomniac’s three A.M. cigarette. Of pooling blood, of shedding tears. All of it-- the pain and the joy, the terrors and the triumphs-- washing over him as he sucked in his breath, made the leap... captured the night in the palm of his hand. But no matter how high he leaped, how far he went, his teacher pushed him higher, farther. Just when he’d reach his limit, when he’d be so exhausted he couldn’t take another step, Stick would grab him by the collar, yank him to his feet... and drag him to the edge. ‘You have the courage, kid?’ he’d ask, in that voice like spit and gravel. ‘Can you take the dare?’”
Daredevil vol. 1 #349 by J.M. DeMatteis, Cary Nord, and Christie Scheele
    The daredevil aspect of Daredevil is one of the main things that first drew me to Matt as a character, and it’s still among my favorite aspects of his personality. I post about it a lot. And as much as I adore seasoned superhero Matt backflipping out his office window with his civilian clothes fluttering away behind him, I'm even more compelled by the idea of young Matt, a teenager with awful superpowers and an athletic streak, indulging these urges for the very first time. This was a transformative period of his life in every possible way, and his training with Stick, placed in the context of his childhood and experiences up to this point, may have saved his life, or at least his sanity.
    A lot changed when Frank Miller retconned Stick into Matt’s life during his run, but the core aspects of his origin story remained the same. Matt grew up in a single parent low-income household in a crummy NYC neighborhood, with a father who loved him and literally sacrificed everything for him, but whose overprotectiveness was stifling. Young Matt lacked power at home, where he honored his dad’s wishes by prioritized his schoolwork over everything else. He lacked power at school, where he was verbally and physically bullied by his peers. Matt coped with his pent-up frustration, desire for power, and inherent need for physical activity, with his first foray into secret-keeping: from a young age, he began sneaking to the gym after hours to train. It wasn’t ideal, but it gave him a vital outlet-- a combination of risk-taking, physical activity, and literally making himself stronger. 
    And then he lost his sight and ended up with hypersenses. In Stan Lee’s version of the origin, Matt’s superpowers were instantly wonderful, but later writers turned them into a sensory overload nightmare, making his origin a loss of power in every respect. Matt not only had to cope with the implications of his new blindness, but the agony of his enhanced senses took the powerless he’d previously suffered from and made it inescapable. Previously, he had been trapped by his father’s well-meaning restrictions-- something he had a chance of circumnavigating. Now, he was trapped by his own body and its new limitations, and there was nothing he could do to change that. 
    And then Stick appeared, and gave him an escape. He taught Matt how to navigate his blindness (though presumably he was receiving non-ninja instruction in that area too). He taught him to harness his senses-- and more than that, to find joy in them. And he gave Matt that pure physical freedom he’d never had before, allowing him to indulge his adrenaline junkie tendencies in a way that would have given poor Jack a stroke if he'd known about it. The image of young Matt gleefully leaping off buildings is endlessly delightful to me, as is Stick’s role in making that happen. I love that this flashback emphasizes the way they challenged and pushed each other, which is a key element in their dynamic and also vital in Matt’s empowerment, especially since it exists at such odds with Matt and Jack’s relationship. In some ways, you could look at this period of Matt’s life as an odd bit of accidental co-parenting, with Jack promoting Matt’s intellectual development and Stick honing his physicality and strength of will. Don’t ask me how Matt balanced being an A student with training all night, but he was clearly having the time of his life doing it. 
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tatsujunblog · 5 years
The Persona Series And Sentai
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Phoenix Ranger Featherman, first introduced in Persona 2, has remained in the background of the series ever since--but have you ever asked yourself why? Today I wanted to analyze why Featherman became a Persona series mainstay and what sentai and Persona have in common. In a later post, I also intend to go into depth about Featherman’s specific inspirations and their influence on Persona 2.
First, let’s make sure we’re on the same page about what sentai is. Sentai, at its core, is a genre where a group people come together as super heroes to defend Earth. The most recognizable tropes of the genre include nearly identical color-coded costumes, transformation sequences, signature poses and attacks (called out by name), combining mecha, etc. There’s a lot of series which you could consider sentai or at least borrowing sentai ideas, such as Cyborg 009, Gatchaman, Sailor Moon, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, etc. However, Super Sentai (the live action metaseries made by Toei) is definitely the first thing to come to mind when people think sentai. Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger was the first Super Sentai series to be adapted for American audiences as Power Rangers and is just one part of both ongoing shows.
So back to the original question: what does Featherman have to do with the Persona series? I can think of at least five connections.
1. Masked Superheroes
First of all, I think the basic sentai aesthetic has a lot in common with the Jungian concept of the Persona. The word persona comes from the word for mask after all, and the sentai genre is all about people who don’t just don a costume, but usually a special identity in order to assume the role of hero. The costumes power up and protect the wearer, as a Persona does for the Ego, and once transformed, the characters put aside their quirks and flaws for the moment to become a more idealized version of themselves. That’s very much like a Persona to me.
2. Self-Development
Sentai characters having a heroic and civilian identity reminds me how modern Persona (Persona 3, 4, and 5) is a combination of school life simulation and RPG dungeon crawling, yet these phases of the game aren’t as separate as you might think. Not only does fighting for the good of mankind create personal growth that carries through to civilian life, self-improvement and human interaction in the everyday world also enhances combat ability. This is especially true for the MC mechanically, since he’s the one gaining fusion bonuses and unlocking other skills via social links.
A less game-ified version of this is very much present in sentai, since most sentai characters start out ordinary, become a hero by necessity, then grow as a person to better fill that role (they “become the mask”). Again, their development as a hero and as a civilian feeds into each other.
3. Only Human
Sentai characters remain fallible and human despite being heroes, so it’s very common for personal troubles, character flaws or relationship tensions to affect performance in battle. This might even be the basis of an episode, especially when the monster of the week has a gimmick that reflects or exploits what’s going on in the personal lives of the characters. No matter how it might be done, framing psychological and interpersonal troubles as a literal battle is also something the Persona series makes its signature.
4. Stronger Together
The biggest reoccurring theme of the sentai genre is the value of friendship and teamwork. This is true in the basic sense (strength in numbers and all that), but sentai narratives also like to reinforce its message in other ways. For example, if a team member is captured, goes missing or refuses to fight, the group always seems to suffer a loss in fighting power that is disproportionate to what you’d expect. Other times, certain strategies or attacks might require everyone’s participation or else they could become useless. There’s also the costume design and synchronized posing/transforming in sentai, which is a visual way of emphasizing the strength of unity.
Social cooperation and putting the good of others before yourself is an important cultural value across all of Asia, so it’s no surprise that the Persona series also makes this a major theme. Persona doesn’t just do this to moralize, however, since Jungian psychology very much emphasizes the role of socialization in shaping the individual’s identity and the psyche as a whole. 
5. Archetypes
Finally we have archetypes, which is another core concept of Jungian psychology. Most major Persona characters are based on an archetype and have an associated tarot card from among the major arcana, and it’s no secret that the sentai genre tends to use very archetypal characters, too. But that isn’t a bad thing: the creators of sentai series want to help young audience members immediately understand the cast, even if they don’t start watching from the first episode.
In a typical sentai series you’re sure to find a clear group leader, a best friend or foil to the leader (sometimes one character is both), plus usually a tough guy, a smart guy, and The Girl to fill out the rest of the group. Other common archetypes that might be swapped in or join the cast later include the kid character, the athlete, the comic relief, the anti-hero, the gentle giant, the tomboy, and others. Color coding also helps to denote each character based on associations, meaning that the hero is in red, the anti-hero is in black, the girl is in pink, etc. You could argue that Persona is more subtle about using these same techniques, but the color-coding became very pronounced in Persona 3-5, and every game so far has included a best friend, a foil to the protagonist, two characters who constantly squabble, and more.
Conclusion: There’s probably more reasons that just these five, but I think I’ve made my point that Featherman isn’t just some meaningless background element of the Persona series. I would even encourage Persona fans to pay more attention to Featherman in the future and to appreciate the similarities.
Until next time!
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
Alt Fleet Origins
idea i wrote up during my absent spell a couple months back; alluded to a few times and decided it was time to post it:
Consider this: the core group of the Fleet and thus the characters you might consider the central characters (Sierra, Terezi, Rose Quartz, Grimlock and Undyne) are the members of the generation that made the FLeet what it is, but they’re not the FIRST generation of the Fleet
They didn’t found it, but shaped it into what it is now, making them the heroes who defined the Fleet, gave it power and brought them home after ages of suffering and nomadic flight, but there is a lot that predates them
In short, it expands on the culture of the Fleet and makes it about more than just them!
This does require tossing out a lot of my original ideas for the Fleet’s origin and the foundations of the AU (Sierra discovering the Matriatrix and finding the other founding groups during the course of several adventures, building up their collective powers and creating the basics of the Fleet), but heck with it, some of the ideas I’ve had for this are SUPER fun and make a lot of sense within the AU
The actual founding generation goes back much further, perhaps an additional several hundred years prior to the birth of Sierra, who being the least difficult to map to realistic ages, makes a good barometer. The Fleet’s core ideas (it’s codes of honor, the way they handle things, and the basic social concepts) go back to the original founders, who banded together for mutual survival in a hostile multiverse where they were outcasts.
Most of the original groups are still represented here, but their ancestors are the ones who came into the fold first, so to speak.
(Greater detail and worldbuilding below)
I’m thinking there were probably no human members of the group, and came later; possibly humans are a bit of a rarity in this AU, at least in terms of population. Elves, dwarves, tieflings, they’re more common, but bog-standard humans are simply less common than you might assume.
The Homestuck contingent is represented by the troll ancestors: Neophyte Redglare as their leader, the Dolorosa, the Disciple, maybe the Executioner and the Signless. Additionally they had a large number of trolls allied to them, effectively they’re the Beforan versions of the ancestors (though giving them different relative ages for the sake of interesting divergence, like making Porrim a primordial vampire) until Beforus fell in ancient times, and the struggles of survival shaped the Beforus characters of the dancestors into the wiser but harder characters on par with the Alternian ancestors. While likely revolutionaries, these specific trolls were mainly just trying to survive without a homeworld, and being unwilling to take Condy’s ruthless measures to claim one for their own. Redglare would be the original wielder of the Matriatrix here, eventually passing it on to Sierra.
Because the troll kids (Terezi, Vriska, Feferi and the others) come later, presumably this means that you had to have access to all the troll ancestors genetics to get them. This might mean that, for a while, ALL the ancestors were part of the Fleet or had their genetics acquired somehow; this has interesting implications for Mindfang and the Condesce.
The Gems are, quite simply, the Crystal Gems. Possibly the core group (Rose, Pearl, Ruby, Sapphire, Amethyst, Bismuth) with additional crystal gems rounding out the population. They were also just trying to survive, and specifically avoid restarting Homeworld, the circumstances of the Crystal Gem Rebellion are way different here, and possibly unrelated to Earth, though it’s also quite possible that Homeworld was outright destroyed prior to those tensions building up into full revolution. The human characters, at the beginning of the Fleet, wouldn’t have been born yet. Lapis is off somewhere else doing her own thing, Peridot possibly hasn’t been born yet (???) and Jasper MIGHT have a servant of Rose before leaving to join the Stingers once they’re formed to amass her own glory, or else had no idea Pink Diamond survived.
The Transformers present an interesting possibility: maybe Grimlock is actually younger here? I like him having participated in the Autobot/Decepticon wars too much to have him been born recently, but if the war was more recent, that might play into things. I’ve implied that the Cybertron Civil War took place many eons ago and shaped history across the multiverse, but it’s possible that this can be fulfilled by the children of Primus carrying out the same narrative cycle repeatedly, with the Autobot uprising dating to, at most, a thousand years ago. This would make the Autobots SIGNIFICANTLY younger than usual, and also let me mess around more and make things even more AU.
An alternative possibility is having Transformers (And other long-lived beings that don’t mature physically) grow up as a response to emotional growth; they are prompted by life experiences to mature and change, but don’t do it in a vacuum. Thus, Grimlock and the other Autobots can be millions of years old but until they go through exceptional circumstances, they don’t change much over time. Leaning towards the former option of them simply being way younger than I normally do it, simply because I VERY RARELY make the Autobots younger than series average and it might be fun to mess around with that.
In any case, the founding Autobots would be a smallish group mainly led by Elita-1, Arcee, several others of note (Ultra Magnus, Jazz, ect.) and of course, Wheeljack and Ratchet, who are Grimlock’s parents. Grimlock himself may have been alive at this time, but he remained taciturn and withdrawn after the things he suffered, and doesn’t become a major player until later. The smallest in overall number, but the largest in terms of power. Most of those would, of course, be fembots.
The Undertale roster is largely unchanged, since they seem kinda long-lived anyway. They probably provide the largest initial population for the Fleet, because of the sheer diversity and monster girl possibilities they provide! Monster Musume characters would also be included in their numbers; specifically the monster moms. Toriel, as queen of the monsters and perhaps led by portents she believes the monster goddess, Mothra, has bestowed upon them, leads her people (the Undertale characters; the human ones and Deltarune characters are born later) to find a place to survive, and eventually bond with the rest of the Fleet.
Add in additional characters and groups as needed, with some provisos: no humans at all at this point, they come later. Secondly, this version of the Fleet is a large band of nomads, perhaps numbering several hundred at most for the first generation or so, traveling from continent to continent and then world to world via teleportation gates they discover, uncovering a mystery that eventually leads into the overarching conspiracy that the Fleet will later investigate.
They are thus a convoy, staying on the move from their enemies and just trying to survive. They have kids, mind their own business, but can’t help being heroes and getting a bit of a reputation; eventually they wind up being superheroes of a sort.
Redglare, as mentioned, is the first wielder of the Matriatrix for the FLeet. I dunno where SHE got it (found it? it was passed down to her by a mentor?) but she uses it in a very different way from Sierra; the modding and power-enhancing scene requires an economic base and adventuring capability the proto-Fleet does not have, at this point, but they are able to use some of its powers to begin changing themselves to stay alive and relevant. Possibly the first signs of hyper proportion power levels begins here. But no one has any idea how to use it, and as in the current time, must experiment: Redglare ultimately does not learn the specific abilities Sierra did, but combines its alchemizing abilities with her innate Mind powers to draw abilities from those around her, combined with the zeitgeist of the area around her and, in a sense, weaponize the narrative to randomly generate abilities and spell effects. She is ultimately far better at the subtle abilities and Sierra still falls short of living up to her skills. Redglare is the first champion and leader of the Fleet, the heroine they all adored, and leaves big shoes to fill. (Her fate is… open to debate.)
Eventually, there is a second phase around the third generation of children and the signs of the Matriatrix’s gifts imbuing them with hyper fertility and devouring/pregnancy powers so that the Fleet is associated with nomming themes and producing huge amounts of children. By this point they have multiplied by several hundred members, both taking in anyone who wants to join their merry band and reproducing… a LOT. Gems and Transformers have been changed to be able to have super pregnancies, but not to the one-woman population booms in the present. This significantly alters the dynamics for their people, since the difficulties of resources for making new Gems and Transformers is a major problem for reproduction; possibly something similar applies to trolls, as I imagine the mother grub not being a natural part of the reproduction, but akin to a biological cloning machine inducing inbreeding due to over reliance on it.
Around this phase, two things happen, in no particular order, but as a result, some humans enter the Fleet. Again, humans are a relatively rare and severely underpowered species, and possibly in the process of dying out. But their greatest place of utopian ideals and success is the world-nation of Wakanda, reimagined her as a massive ringworld inhabited by humans, robots and the creations of ancient humans. It is a distillation of Marvel, with the entire human population being mutants; powers are universal, and the older generation of BNHA characters also originate from here (All Might, Inko). The Fleet seeks shelter, and for some time, calls Wakanda home. This utopian wonderland becomes the Fleet’s first true stable homeland, and eventually the beginning of their spaceflights; eventually they can no longer remain after Wakanda is devastated by Evil, and the notion of Wakanda becomes a spiritual homeland they home to one day reestablish.
By this point, the clan social system that eventually replaces biological families entirely begins to manifest, growing out of the social structures of Wakanda and the factionalism present within the newborn Fleet itself.
The other thing that can happen before or after the joining with Wakanda; the discovery of ancient cloning facilities, in which humans played a part. Great mechanisms to produce vast amounts of cloned offspring lay dormant, but fully functional, and providing the Fleet with valuable lost technology that will become the basis for later bio-tech. The facility contains information on the twenty-eight hundred trillion different bloodlines of the many species recorded, among them human bloodlines that still have a claim to the last dynasties of Earth in its pre-Cataclysm hey-day, and the offspring of those bloodlines would have tremendous cultural influence due to their descent from the last great powers of their people.
The Fleet begins what will become a solemn vow to resurrect life whenever possible; eventually they will start gestating fallen species, but they begin by simply starting the machines back up and raising the resulting children on their own. Among these are the first human members to be born into the Fleet; these include the human guardians from Homestuck (Pop Egbert, Mom Lalonde, Grandpa Harley, non-abusive Bro Strider) as well as anyone explicitly confirmed to be human and born into the Fleet; of note, the human SU characters from an older generation, most prominently Greg Universe.
Additional time passes, more generations come and go, and the Fleet’s initial powers grow more advanced; rebirth via pregnancy becomes a viable technique though not as widespread as it will become, and extends life spans considerably. Hyper huge proportions and recreational modding become more common, and with Redglare’s increased control over the Matriatrix, the beginnings of the Fleet’s superpowers status beings.
Now we come to the birth of the ‘current generation’; the characters the AU focuses on. Sierra, the other TDI characters, and the Homestuck kids and trolls are born. (Analogues to the Beforan characters as they are in the dancestor bits are also born roughly around this time.) The human characters in question (mainly the TD and Homestuck humans like Jade, Roxy, Jane and John) are a mix of being born from the cloning processes and offspring of the human mutants. The trolls, though, are explicitly the biological children of the troll ancestors, even if they are not raised by them as per Fleet custom.
Thus, everyone effectively grows up as friends and have an established society that predates them, putting less of an emphasis on them as the sole heroes; they stand on the shoulders of those who came before.
Sierra winds up becoming a protege of sorts to Redglare, and Terezi, as her descendant, suffers a great deal of pressure to become as great as her, while Redglare does her best to just let her descendants have a happy, ordinary life.
At some point, though, Redglare leaves the story. However it happens, she passes the Matriatrix onto Sierra, when all expectation was that Terezi would continue her legacy. This causes a great deal of tension between the two, even though they are very close prior to this. Eventually it is repaired, but not without damage.
In her childhood, Sierra befriends Grimlock (Effectively being his human companion friend, in TF fandom terms), bringing him out of his gloomy shell and lightning him up a little bit into the hero we all know he can be.
Sierra’s discoveries, as well as those of her friends (most predominantly Feferi, who is effectively the mother of modding) and the leadership of their particular group begins to shape the Fleet into what it is, setting the stage for its current position as it grows and changes.
(This also means that Vriska, and perhaps a good chunk of the Stingers, were originally part of the Fleet, perhaps those who opted for personal gratification or glory over the Fleet’s heroic intentions.)
Some other consequences is that the Fleet initially grew gradually, slowly absorbing people into it over time and then growing just a bit faster at a time as the Matriatrix’s powers expanded into others… and relatively recently, their expansion went from a few worlds and a single fleet to multiple ones, and a MASSIVE population explosion that continues even to this day. This rapid expansion is clearly terrifying to most people and a serious threat to people who originally saw them as hedonist outcasts and rogues challenging tyrants.
The second one is a theme of building things over the course of multiple generations, but suddenly the plan is askew. Redglare, the seemingly immortal wielder of the Matriatrix, is gone. Her plans, whatever they were, are suddenly stalled and the Fleet doesn’t have a rudder; people depended on her and revered here, and Terezi and Sierra wind up having to take the reins and inspire people. Sierra the heart-felt champion and the one they adore, and Terezi winds up the one with a plan and purpose people can root for.
Things build up and expand from simpler roots, growing more complex and better than what their forerunners initially created. They might be standing on the shoulders of giants, but they’ll grow far bigger than their parents did.
(The metaphor is somewhat muddled by the fact that the Fleet’s stronger people genuinely regard ‘growing bigger than a planet and using your finger to destroy a kaiju’ as mid-tier feats, but the point still stands.)
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itsclydebitches · 6 years
RWBY Recaps: Vol. 5 Known By Its Song
This is a re-posting from Nov. 18th, 2017 in an effort to get all my recaps fully on tumblr. Thanks!
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Five years on air and RWBY still has the ability to make me stupidly emotional. This episode was no exception.
Our title, "Known By Its Song" comes from the old saying that "A bird is known by its song, a man by his words," presumably referring to times when a man's "word" was equated with his honor. We begin the episode with Qrow--someone who is notably both man and corvus, a dichotomy that the episode will later comment on--who is out keeping his own word to Ozpin, searching for other huntsmen and huntresses to help them in their battle against Salem.
...and he's a complete drama queen about it.
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Yes, in retrospect this is a Very Serious Situation, but getting a montage of Qrow literally bending over backwards in frustration before finally collapsing to his knees? Pretty hilarious. The first bar he visits, looking for someone named Shiro, doesn't go well at all, but for two minutes at least we can chock everything up to Qrow's semblance: the bartender doesn't know where Shiro is, he's not allowed back until he pays what he owes, and that debt is apparently high enough to warrant Qrow getting a knife thrown at him through the wall. Yeesh.
As his mission continues though, it becomes clear that there's far more at play than a bit of bad luck. Qrow is conducting his search in the poverty stricken areas of Haven, which is both a wonderful bit of world building and a perfect bit of characterization. After all, Qrow had a life of raids and disreputable behavior before he hooked up with the Ozilluminati. Any friends that he goes "way back" with are bound to be, if not criminals, then other huntsmen and huntresses with equally dubious pasts. The area where Qrow expects to find his friends is drab and gray, a sharp contrast to the beautiful seating area he'll rest in later, complete with holographic technology and a water garden with lily pads. The houses are boarded up and falling apart. The people wear filthy clothes, spend their time betting on street fights, and have some rather horrific injuries--hello, one-eyed weapons seller. What really completes the picture is a sign outside the bar proclaiming that there are NO FAUNUS allowed. Here in the U.S. racism has long been used as a means of pacifying those at or below the poverty line. Struggling to survive? Facing a government that cares little about whether you eat or your kids go to school? Well at the very least you're still white! It's a horrific truth about this country, but a truth nonetheless, and for once I'm glad that Rooster Teeth is forcing their race analogy back into the narrative. As flimsy as it still is, it does make sense that the most poverty-ridden parts of Haven would also be one of the most overtly discriminatory. This is just a more blunt version of what we saw back in Atlas during Jacques' little charity ball. He makes speeches about faunus who complain about dangerous working conditions. Bartenders in Haven slap up signs on their wall. It's the same thing with a different face.
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Not that Qrow has time to worry about that right now. He runs through name after name learning that each person is missing--or worse. His search comes to an end when, frustrated, he reams out a guy right before a little girl toddles up, asking if this strange man knows where her Mommy is. I find it rather poignant that it's in this moment, one of his worst, that Qrow actually resists his flask. Perhaps he wants to keep feeling whatever emotions rose up from that little encounter. I think he hates himself just enough to go that route.
I also find it reassuring that for all his talk about how he can't get close to others because of his semblance, Qrow does know a lot of people. He's popular in his own way, making allies, acquaintances, and friends on both sides of the fence, so to speak. It's a punch to the gut when we see him back among Haven's upper class, staring at a mission board like the one we saw in Beacon. Every name up there--all these people he's come to care about--are missing, gone on search and destroy missions and never returned. Just as the viewer is beginning to realize why Shiro hasn't payed his debt, that it probably has nothing to do with a sleazy nature, Qrow is back at the bar. He pays off the money Shiro owes and tells the bartender firmly that "His name is clear" now.
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I'd be more moved by this scene if I wasn't distracted by how the hell lien works in this world. Seriously. It seems straightforward enough at first glance. Different colors represent different amounts, right? But then here's Qrow throwing down a single card that pays off the16,000 debt. That seems like a random number. Who makes a 'bill' worth that exact amount? Unless Qrow payed him more than the minimum, or that was acting more like a credit card.
I don't know. This is the fantasy show that has yet to introduce languages other than English. You can't look too closely at RWBY's world building.
On to things I can actually conceptualize: Yang and Weiss are finally having their talk with Raven. Who was surprised by the setting that includes a decorative tea set and low table? Not me. I've seen a bunch of comics these last two weeks depicting that conversation exactly as it occurred, at least aesthetically. How did we know? Something something Yang's Asian influence. Again, don't look too closely. The point is that Raven is starting a very ironic conversation regarding "truth."
I actively dislike this woman.
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Her attempts to manipulate Yang two episodes back were pretty blatant, but kudos for better subtly here: by insisting that Yang needs to question everything--including Raven--Raven actually positions herself as both wise (the one to gift Yang with this advice) and trustworthy; as the only one to admit her own, potential duplicity, she paradoxically comes across as the most honest. Too bad Yang's too smart to fall for her mind games. Or too straight forward. Weiss is the one talking herself in circles about whether magic might actually exist or not. Yang has a laser focus that nothing can penetrate: find Ruby.
I said last time that Raven was going to either drop some crazy plot twist about Ozpin, or just catch the girls up on what we already know. Looks like Rooster Teeth went with option two. Raven (taking her sweet time and being real vague about it) sums up what we've learned this season, if not earlier: Salem is a person that exists and is a Big Threat, she wants to kill off all of humanity (which presumably includes the faunus?), magic is a thing, and Raven just happens to know someone who can "come back from the dead." Wow. Wonder who that could be!
She does actually drop a few tidbits of interesting information. She reveals that she and Qrow entered Beacon to learn how to kill huntsmen and obviously only one of the twins was dissuaded from that goal. Her comment that the entrance exams were "child's play" is particularly fascinating because I'd always assumed there had to be something beyond just sending in transcripts and not screwing up initiation. Which begs the question, how did Jaune get past an exam of that caliber? Did Ruby just skip it with Ozpin's permission? Presumably.
In the end though, no matter how much Raven might want Yang to believe her "truth," her overwhelming bias shines through. The fact that she claims to have info on Ozpin and makes the beginning of the conversation all about Qrow hints at those feelings of betrayal. She ends the conversation on Tai--an insult that finally has Yang losing her patience. And throughout the middle Raven emphasizes that Salem is an entity that can't be stopped. Her beef with Ozpin (according to this conversation at least) isn't that he's inherently evil, but that he's convincing people to fight with him in an impossible war.
The problem here is that Raven is the only one who sees this war as "impossible." I've touched on this before, but Volume 5 is pulling strongly from that mission in Mountain Glenn, back when Oobleck got Team RWBY to think about why they wanted to be huntresses in the first place. Yes, on the surface that episode seems to confirm Raven's belief that most enter the life for money, fame, or power: Blake wants tools to fight for equality, Weiss wants to break away from her father, Yang wants an exciting life--they all have ulterior motives. But Raven didn't watch the full episode, all the way to when the girls acknowledge this around the campfire and make conscious (if silent) decisions not to be overly influenced by these motivations. They're fighting first and foremost because it's the right thing to do. Raven sees them as the "poster children" of Beacon academy, naive kids who are too blinded by their ideals to realize how cruel the world is, easily manipulated and then sacrificed by Ozpin. But she's the one who's blind here. The girls know more than they let on, they've acknowledge their failings and the world's... and they've decided to fight anyway.
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For Team RWBY/JNPR  fighting Salem isn't impossible. It's just incredibly hard. Ruby, their leader, is the embodiment of this belief, reminding Oscar last episode that they have to keep moving forward. And it’s a sign of growth: Team RWBY is what Ozpin once hoped Team STRQ could be. Raven hates Ozpin because she sees a man sacrificing pawns to an unbeatable foe. Ozpin's allies love him because they see a man doing everything he can to defeat an incredibly powerful foe. But not an invincible one.
Of course, we don't have all the information yet. Raven says that she hates Ozpin for one more reason, for "what he did to my brother and me." The pacing of this scene is important, because Raven's second in command tells Yang and Weiss to go "see for themselves" what this horrible sin is and it's then that we get Raven soaring through the air in her bird form. It's been a big question for a while now: how can Qrow and Raven transform if they have other semblances? The reigning theory was that it had something to do with their tribe connection, but now it seems that this was, somehow, Oz's doing.
Oz is the Wizard theory, anyone?
Why Raven views being able to turn into a kickass bird as a bad thing, I don't know. Some aversion to magic perhaps? Is there a downside here? I’m rather confused as to how this is something bad... And I'd actually always assumed that Ruby and Yang knew about their uncle's ability, but we learn otherwise here. Why keep it from the girls then? Is it just because it's personal, like a semblance? Or does Qrow also view his transformations as something tainted... unnatural even? I hope this aversion is addressed. Perhaps it will tie back to this volume's focus on semblances. In that, if Team RWBY is truly Team STRQ 2.0, then Ozpin might well gift the girls with new abilities too, just as he did for Qrow and Raven. He's already admitted that there are heights to reach beyond merely unlocking and practicing your semblance--heights that he can perhaps unlock.
Which raises another interesting possibility: Could Summer do something extra? ... can Tai?
(And then here's prodigy Ruby with semblance, silver eyes, and potential magic powers on the way. Don't overload the small child lol. There needs to be some struggle.)
In the end, if Raven had hoped that her little talk would get Yang on her side she was very mistaken. She opens the portal and Yang drives them through without hesitation, right when Qrow is agonizing over what's happened to all his contacts. His panicked "Raven?" transforming into a simple, happy "...oh" was a blessing in two words.
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Then. Then we're given the scene that watered my crops, cleared my skin, and has done all my other writing for me. Ren, Nora, and Ruby happily cooking up a huge dinner together, expecting a whole slew of fighters to show up with Qrow and intending to feed every one of them. Ruby burning the food despite Ren's warnings. Hearing Qrow calling her and knowing what was about to happen. It’s all great. 
I really love that Ruby was so nervous when she caught sight of Yang. Despite her letter last volume where she admits that running off to Haven was reckless, we haven't seen much about her thoughts on that decision. It all comes tumbling out here though. That a part of her regrets it, how sorry she is that she didn't wait for Yang, she should have tried to do more...everything. Not that Yang blames Ruby for any of that. She takes one look at her crying sister and runs to hug her, saying only, "I love you."
And Weiss... oh Weiss. How dare you question your place here. She looks discouraged for only a moment before Ruby (always perceptive) calls her over.
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The episode ends with this.
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And we're officially halfway through the volume. We've got Team RWY back together, much sooner than I expected, honestly. 
Now it's time to find Blake!
Other Details of Note
Of course Weiss can tell the difference between a crow and a raven. I mean yes, that was necessary for the plot, but still.
Weiss' "I know that you're really obnoxious" in response to Raven's attempts at hospitality. Pfff drag her.
Weiss' eye roll when Raven said she wouldn't be as "nice" next time they meet. Please.
Weiss' overt concern for Yang and saying straight out that it's okay if she's not okay and my god she was on fire this episode for someone mostly sticking to the background.
Yang telling Raven not to talk about "my family" that way. Raven is no longer a part of that picture and I want to cheer at how Yang is handling all this so far.
I also appreciate the contrast, visually, between Qrow's transformation and Raven's. Their 'reveals' are done in opposite directions and for opposite purposes: Qrow transforms while flying left to right across the screen and attempting to save his family; Raven transforms right to left while trying to keep Yang from hers. Nicely done there.
I forgot to mention this last time but... can we lay off the Nora + food jokes? It was funny before we learned she starved for most of her childhood. So yeah, comments about how she's going to eat everything in sight aren't so much a joke as a sign of trauma. Let the poor girl eat what she likes.
Yang cradles Weiss in "Lighting the Fire" the exact same way she cradles Ruby here. Yang is confirmed big sister to the entire RWBY/JNPR group.
Oscar's confused look that melts into understanding, courtesy of Ozpin. It's a subtle moment, but just another indication of how they're synching up. Lovely detail there.
25 notes · View notes
darkspellmaster · 6 years
Sailor Senshi and Shitennou Romance Essay -Sailor Mars and Jadeite
(Again a warning. Due to the way Tumblr works on the phone, this post is long and if you’re reading on a phone there is no read more button. Sorry in advance.)
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Whew boy, if ever there was a pairing that drew me into Sailor Moon way back when my sister was watching it as a kid, it was this one. I, to be honest, had a crush on Jadeite. He was a smooth type, and a villain that I really enjoyed, even with the weird filler stories. The thing is that, I liked Rei but didn’t like her at the same time back then. I thought she was too much like Usagi and felt that there wasn’t a lot to her in that sense. It’s hard to explain because looking back even I don’t really understand my like and dislike of her. The thing was that my sister then clued me into the manga and I started to look up the stories and as I got to know Rei more, I became more aware of the fact that I liked the idea of her and Jadeite. It just sort of clicked.
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Rei as a character is a very soft spoken serious type of person. She’s beautiful, in the old fashioned Japanese beauty type that her creator seemed to be going for. Long black hair, soulful eyes, and yet her distant and coldness seemed weird for someone who was connected to fire. 
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At the same token you have Jadeite, who, until I read the manga, I had no idea what his actual powers were, and even then I was a bit confused by things…and then crystal came along and everything seemed to fall into place on why these two have a connection like they do.
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If you look at their powers, much like Jupiter and Nephrite, it’s hard not to see the connections between them, especially in this case. Mars is the god of fire, and as such Rei’s fire ability you would think would be a clash with her outer personality of someone cool, calm and collected. Yet, during Crystal, and in the manga, we see a lot of that comes from the fact that she’s passionate and compelled to keep the princess safe. She has no time for the frivolities of life, as her own desires come second to that of the princess and keeping her protected at all costs. Because of this, fire would make the most sense for her as with Rei, who hides her emotions so as not to get hurt again due to her father and the man she cared for, that internal need to cleans and purify, destroy but also protect and keep warm, grows inside her like a flame that bursts out. We’ve seen Rei mad, and we know that her temper can tear someone apart, yet she keeps that locked down hard and tries her best to not let her own feelings get to her or let others know that they have.
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On the flip side of the power though is Jadeite with his skills in creating golumns from the earth, and ice. You’d think, well ice is water, wouldn’t it melt by the heat. And there’s the thing, Rei is cold but compassionate. She keeps things locked in, but also can show others her feelings when she gets to know them. Jadeite, on the other hand, shows his emotions on his sleeve. He’s the first one we see smiling, and clearly the one that is the most fluid with his own feelings and the like. So why ice? Mostly because their opposites, fire and water, but with ice, it allows the flames to touch it before it melts away. Again, ice will melt in flames, but depending on the temperature of it, it takes longer. So I think the idea here is that while Jadeite can show his emotions better, that doesn’t mean that his darker feelings may be held close, thus the ice. And fire, when it heats clay, can create things. So by that, the two have a direct connection in that her power is what’s needed to complete his clay set up.
So what about their personalities…
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As I said Rei is a kind person but also one that comes off as distant.  A stoic and serious person who doesn’t involve herself with the opposite sex, Rei comes off as what is seen as the ideal Japanese beauty: reserved, beautiful, and intelligent, which fit her role at her Grandfather’s shrine as a miko perfectly. This more serious nature allowed her to have a strong bond with the silly but serious Venus/Minako as well as with Usagi. When Usagi first meets her she instantly recognizes her elegance and beauty, and it’s something that draws her to Rei. Only when she gets there does she see that Rei is dealing with a lot of mental anguish due to people harassing her as a weird girl, who they think has been causing children to disappear. It’s an interesting moment as we see that Rei is someone that truly cares about others but refuses to let her own emotions get the better of her. We see Later, when she’s confronting Jadeite that her emotions can come out in a firery blast, as when she transforms. And even before then we see her using her skills as a shrine maiden to at least slow him down some. It shows her determination and will is very strong and nothing is going to keep her from doing her duty.
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At the same time Rei is, rather sad. She lost her mother, and her father is neglectful due to his job as a politician. It stands to reason that, unlike Makoto who uses her cheerful nature as a means of dealing with her own loss, Rei is more inclined to bury those feelings and focus on what she’s devoted to. She has her grandfather who keeps her happy, and her friends, but as the Casablanca story indicated, there’s more to her than what we know in regard to her view on love. Mars herself seemed to give up her own feelings to be devoted to the princess, something I think Serenity would have disliked immensely had she realized what was going on there.
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For Rei, love is something that scares her it seems. Not that she doesn’t want to be in love, but rather that the love that she wants to feel is something that is true, and not twisted to be used on her, as with the man that her father set upon her. When Zosite confronted her, it was clear from the memory that her feelings for Jadeite of the past were there, and probably stronger than she realized, and yet, she still is determined to be there for the princess above all else. It’s also telling in her own visions that she saw Jadeite harming Usagi, something that didn’t happen in Crystal, but showing that both people are important to her, even if, at the time, she didn’t realize it.
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Jadeite on the other hand… Is very different. Jadeite is a hard one to read given his past, what we were able to see about him, and what we’ve learned regarding Crystal and the images that it shows of him there in. Again Jadeite now is the twisted version of himself, but there are things we can gleen from it, as with Nephrite. There’s a lot to unwrap with him, and he’s again the odd one in my opinion given he’s the second youngest of the group.
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One thing that stands out with Jadeite, in both his twisted and non-twisted form is the aspect of waiting. He plays the long game, and seems to let things build as if he’s trying to feel things out. Right from the get go you can tell that he’s a person that has a lot of perseverance and a willingness to seek some sort of balance or inner calm. You may not think that watching him on the show, but it does stand out and shows he’s probably closest to his old self more than the others. His instincts seem to be driving his choices in the show, and we see that when he brings the humans and puts them in piles. You’ll notice that he makes sure that the kids are laying or resting on adults or each other. No one is just thrown on the floor, they are actually laying in ways that could be seen as comfortable. This tells me that of all things Jadeite is the type of person that wants others to have some form of comfort in their lives, even when he’s being rotten. And that’s the thing about him that is odd.
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Takauchi mentioned in her Material’s collection that he’s the ruthless and serious type, and yet she gave him the title of Patience and Harmony, two things that may not go at all with that idea. But there is something to that. The idea of someone being ruthless normally has negative connotations, since she’s listing this as part of his Dark Kingdom type, one could pull from that a lot about his character. That he comes off as merciless that he’s someone that doesn’t care and is cruel, and yet we see that that’s not the case. While with Rei he actually comes over and touches her face, he actively engages in trying to figure out why he’s attracted to her. Someone who is ruthless also doesn’t have to be cruel, rather it’s used for someone extremely determined. People tend to use the term when discussing someone who comes off as distant and serious, or very determined. This is part of the reason why I think that Jadeite’s personality, or at least his real self is a kinder person who comes off as slightly aloof, and yet also the most friendly of the group.
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We know that he was cared for a lot by Zosite and Nephrite, given the fact that both go to large lengths to get even with the girls after his death in the manga. But that brings up the question of why, and the answer is because he’s the one that makes them feel loved in a lot of ways. What I mean is that unlike say Kunzite, Jadeite is more willing to deal with their quirky personalities. Nephrite being so compassionate and willing to deal with a lot of emotional issues, would probably go to Jadeite to talk to about his own issues. And Jadeite, being the knight that he is, would listen and try to find some way of helping him balance his emotions. On the other hand you have Zosite who doesn’t show a lot of his own emotions, and yet Jadeite could probably pull that out of him with some sort of joke that would throw him off guard. He’s the one that assure them that there’s a reason why they were knighted and that, even with their natures, they’re helping the people that are ruled under by Endymion and his family.
And I think that aspect of him plays out too with the girls in the show. Even when he’s using his monsters on Naru, he takes his time to consider what he’s doing. He doesn’t harm others he just traps them, and seems determined to play out certain things and wait on the girls to come to him, not the reverse. I think that’s one thing that keeps him connected to the others, he’s the voice of waiting and time. Where as Nephrite and Zosite would probably suggest charging in, he’s the diplomatic one that would tell the others to hang on and see what comes of the situation first before making a bad move. This is why I think that he and Mars got along. While they can both be serious, Mars could see that calm balance in him that she herself longed for, and for Jadeite that hidden fire was something that probably drew him like a moth to a flame so to speak.
Again this is hard for me because they are two of my favorites but it’s hard to explain why.
So connections between them….
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So this one comes off as a bit harder than Nephrite and Jupiter’s connections. There’s a lot of connections but at the same time, you have the issue of Mars’s personality that can cause things to be difficult to see, as she doesn’t just wear her heart on her sleeve the same way Jupiter and Venus do. It’s clear that Takauchi wanted to explore more about them, given that she had Jadeite indicate that he knew her, yet she was never able to go beyond that moment. But one can see things, so let’s look at them. One thing that they have in common is the fact that both are the calmer advisors of the group. Mars’s role within the scouts seemed to be the one that was the most direct with the princess as well as the most protective. Given what we know of Jadeite’s passed self, based on the whole issue with the Shitennou, it’s not that hard to see a similar situation with him, where he has to go and deal with Endymion. This is something that I think they seem to share, or in the case of Jadeite post return, would share with the earth counter parts. Rei seemingly was the one that kept reminding Usagi to study and focus a lot of the time, and Jadeite, given his age, would most likely be the same for Mamoru due to him probably going to the same school.
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Mars, much like Rei, is the ranged fighter of the group, given her choice of weapons and the stances in her past memories. We see this with Jadeite as well, given his attacks, like Mars’s are actually something that can affect people at a distance and, I will point this out, both ice and fire can burn and hurt as well as heal and cleanse. It’s an interesting dynamic. One can even point out that the freezing attack that he hits the girls with early on is similar in tone to her own early fire attack, yet the similarities don’t just end there as Jadeite also bears a resemblance to Rei’s own color scheme in the manga. There’s also the fact that in the manga he also has the red in his uniform, but this was changed to an opposing color, making him blue jadeite, which has more properties connected with his role. Yet the blue and the red are seen as the main colors connected to their elementals, and they are the only two that have this going in regard to the couples. I get the feeling that Jadeite can relate a lot to Mars’s view point on protecting the prince, given that he’s the one that feels the most likely to want to play a long game in waiting for him and acting like an angry mom when he got back from his little interlude with Serenity.
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They both seem to share in the serious nature of responsibility. Mars chides the princess for being down there, and at the same time you can tell that she feels worried about how much the princess understands the problem she is making. It wouldn’t be too surprising if Jadeite saw that same issue but came at it from a different point of view. Whereas Mars seems to be upset and gives Serenity a discussion when she gets back, I have a feeling Jadeite, in all his willingness to wait and catch Endymion for not doing what he’s supposed to would probably have set up some sort of test (as I’m sure he probably was helping him with his lessons) that put the young prince on the spot and he would then be able to give him a lecture about being responsible.
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It wouldn’t be hard to see Jadeite seeing the determination of Mars as something attractive and yet also seeing that under that more serious tone was someone who was just as kind and probably understanding as he was in so many ways. No doubt he would have allowed her to do as she would following her and trying to be as helpful as possible, waiting to see what she would do and trying to get a better understanding of her character. We can see with his head shot that he was the most willing to smile and feel at peace even when the girls were there, and given the headshots. It’s clear that Jadeite was someone that Mars would see as a comfort to have around, as his kinder personality probably made things a lot easier for her when they were around earth at the time. This is not to mention the fact that Mars and Jadeite share an easy way of blushing, as we see in the headshots, Jadeite is quick to embarrass and probably dosen’t take compliments well, the same can be said of Rei or Mars.
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Mars more passionate side would probably pull that out of Jadeite, making her the more dominant of the pairing and putting him as someone that would support her. No doubt, he would also pull her softer side out, showing her why he was given the title harmony in his knighting. He would easily figure out Mars goal of protecting the princess and probably understand that the best of the others, as someone who would see why she would chose to do something like that. Meanwhile Mars probably could easily get to have Jadeite fluster or show different more passionate senses of emotion, be them rival and challenging, or straight up anger in some way or another. She would also probably pull the romantic side out of him and compliment him in creating the golems, including using her fire to make them stronger like rock. Showing that their connection goes deeper with that aspect as clay is stronger when it’s been fired, thus making it like rock, and thus probably indicating a strong foundation on which they probably had their relationship.
I get the feeling that the two were the more elegant of the three couples under the leader of Kunzite and Venus. Jadeite would have a lot of admiration for Mars being able to not want to light a fire under Serenity’s feet given how her personality was, and Mars feeling a lot of appreciation in the fact that Jadeite could not get angry or annoyed with the quirky personalities of his fellow knights. As I said before it’s not hard to see how these two would have their powers working in tandem. Jadeite using ice to freeze or hold someone in place while Mars either cleanses them or destroys something dangerous using her fire. And again, as above the whole idea of making his minions like rock, vs. just clay that could be destroyed faster. It would make them a strong pair on the battlefield, as well as the ones that could use their powers to delay others from leaving before some sort of agreement could be reached via talking.
As for Rei and Jadeite, there’s a lot more to go with there when (not if) the Shitennou come back.
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(Image is not mine and I’m looking for the artist if anyone knows who drew this please let me know so that I can give them credit.) 
How to even talk about this. These two are a match for each other, but aren’t as physically telling as say Nephrite and Makoto, or Minako and Kunzite. One of the biggest factors when Jadeite returns is gaining her trust back. While Rei now remembers the past, and knows that he was being brainwashed, that still doesn’t compensate for the fact that he did take children and cause her grief for it. On top of that Rei is, as noted, afraid of relationships with men due to the way her father treated her mother, and how Kaidou treated her. It would be a huge thing to overcome for the two of them as Rei’s feelings need to come first above all else and that’s something that I think the calculating Jadeite could get. He’d wait, and tell her that, choosing to plan every last detail on how he was going to get past her walls and into her heart, because that is what he does.
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Jadeite’s title is the perfect match for Rei’s issues. He’s patience and willing to take his time with things, something that Rei needs given her own problems, and also someone who is balanced and can see the need of such a thing for their relationship to move forward. Jadeite could wait it out, coming over time to see her, making it slowly go up how often he comes and stays at the shrine. Keeping out of her way, and giving her enough space, and yet being there when she needed to talk or someone to listen to her, or to just sit in silence. No doubt he would find out what he could from her grandfather and work that factor into his plans. Probably going out of his way to either speak with Kaidou or her father and put it out there how much their actions had hurt her.
One thing for sure, I can see him being attracted to her more reserved beauty, and yet being someone that didn’t fall in love with her over that factor. He would make sure to be kind to her crows as well as to probably get a job at the Shrine helping out in some way to get to know her life better as he worked out how to get her to trust him and return his affections. He’d also give her small things, flowers and the like, to connect to her own spiritual nature and would probably stay with her as she did her devotions and prayers as a Miko.
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Rei on the other hand would at first be wary of Jadeite. Not because of the fact that she disliked him, but because of the times that she got burned by her father and Kaidou. She would though see his intelligence and kindess as well as his earnestness to try to be there for her. Rei probably wouldn’t speak outright of her fears, but would try to get him to understand it in different ways, and Jadeite would be receptive to this. She’d probably help him to discover a deeper connection to his more spiritual side as he worked with her at the shrine, and something he would appreciate on not only a romantic level but a more friendly way as well. No doubt she’d also help him deal with his own fears and frustrations at being brainwashed and probably, to clear up his own issues in regard to Beryl possessing him, preform some sort of ritual to keep bad spirits away.
Unlike Minako and Kunzite, or Makoto and Nephrite, Rei is less a social person compared to Jadeite whom this is a natural thing. However I don’t think he’s as friendly as he projects, feeling more at ease with someone like Rei who isn’t wanting to go every where and do everything. It’s easy to see these two working hard to keep the others safe from the more spiritual entities that could harm the Princess and the Prince. I can easily see Jadeite looking up to Rei for her ability to focus on not only her role as a scout and a student but her job at the Shrine and her situation with her father and his political position. On the other side of things Rei would find Jadeite’s way of finding balance even in a more turbulent situation something that would be both endearing and safe to her. The two I think would have a close friendship built around the idea of spirituality and the desire to find a way to focus on what’s important to them and also those around them.
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(Credit: Could someone please tell me where I can get a link for the original of this piece so I can credit the creator.)
Unlike with Nephrite and Makoto, the age difference wouldn’t be that big, as Rei would have to be about 16 to 17 at the point in the story when they would come back. Jadeite would have to be the same age as he was when he was first destroyed, meaning he’s 18, so when he comes back he’s closer to her age by a year. This would mean that you could potentially have a relationship forming for them earlier than Nephrite and Makoto. Jadeite would probably be in the same school as Mamaru went to a year before, so they probably would have some sort of relationship going there and no doubt Jadeite would be a solid student, so helping out Usagi and Minako would be something that he would do along with Rei.
These two I can’t see being physical in public, more so in private, but in quieter ways. Hand holding could be a thing, but more likely it would be finger holding over outright hand holding. And anything romantic would be kept on the down low between them, as Rei isn’t the sort to kiss and tell. While Jadeite would certainly be the sort to, at the very least, come up with more natural romantic moments for them to have over the course of time, given his long game plans.
So what does Rei see in Jadeite?
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The very first thing that comes to mind is the fact that she would see his more strategic demeanor. Unlike the others Jadeite mostly is the sort to stay calm and I think that would be the thing that drew her to him. Rei would also see his gentle qualities as well, noting that he’s the sort of person that could easily work with her in regard to the shrine as well as with the other scouts. I could easily see Rei finding Jadeite a bit like herself. He keeps to himself mostly, and focuses on his present life rather than his past. I could also see her appricating his looks but in a way that is different. Given that Jadeite has blonde hair and blue eyes it would naturally stand out and probably make him a target for teasing, something Rei wouldn’t tolerate, and make it her mission to help him deal with that there.
Given that his memories would be back, Rei would also help Jadeite find a way to center himself emotionally from his recent actions. The fact that he would probably be the one that would want to make amends as soon as possible to his prince would show her a deep devotion that she could completely understand on a personal level. I can also see her spending time with him at the shrine as he learns more about his past, and probably helping him to come to grips with the fact that he died and came back again. Something that she would understand. No doubt Rei would still be wary of him due to her own issues and that’s something that she would try to understand as he worked on befriending her. I think she would also see his kindness and some of his insecurities, and be drawn to that aspect of him that she would want to help him grow from those and become a stronger person.
So what does Jadeite see in Rei?
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Oddly, a soulmate. I know this sounds corny but I can see him being the first one to fall in love with her this time. Given his true personality, Jadeite would see in her that sadness and fear that she has, but also the fire and passion that under that. I think he would see her as a person he could trust and fully feel that she was someone that he could become devoted too and understand his own devotion and long game nature. One thing about Jadeite was that he was entranced by her beauty, and I think that that would be part of the thing that drew him to her in the first place. He sees in her someone who comes off as unattainable, but really isn’t. Someone that he could talk to about things that the others may not get as they seemed to be more action now than action later, which is something I think he would find similar in Rei.
On top of that I think Jadeite would see her wisdom and grace. He could tell that she was in pain, and would want to help her by finding a way to have her deal with what happened with her parents. Even if she couldn’t fully forgive her father, I could see him working on getting her to find a way to accept the faults that happened in the past and move on to be a more balanced person. I think that Jadeite would bring her warmth and hope, someone that she could really put her trust in and one that wouldn’t hurt her or betray her. Honestly, I can’t see these two fighting. Like, if they did, it would be more a discussion, and then silence for a long time, as they tried to work out how they felt over out and out fighting. On top of that I could see him seeing in her a power that he sees in himself, or at least feels is there. Raw energy from fire and water could make for some interesting moments between them, because water by nature is fluid and fire is also willing to go where the wind blows it.
So how would these two have met in the past and how would they meet in the present.
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(Credit: Again if anyone can point me in the direction of the right artist, please do so I can credit.) 
In the past I feel that Jadeite and Mars met in a very different way than the others. Where as Nephrite used his charm to win over Jupiter, and Zosite was more direct in his way of helping Mercury, I think Jadeite would have just tagged along with Mars. Given what Mars said, that they came down to follow her and find out what was going on. I could easily see this turning into something of interest for Jadeite.
The way I see it Mars was probably seeking out the Princess the most seriously, worried about her wellbeing and probably the one that was the most actively seeking her out around the castle. It wouldn’t be that much of a shock to see Jadeite doing the same for the Prince. He would know that Endymion probably was out and about hiding from whatever studies that he had to do, and more than likely got alerted to the fact that there was someone creeping among the garden. Given Jadeite’s personality he probably found her and was watching her for a good long while, trying to figure out who she was and what she was doing there. He would have allowed her to explore, but eventually confronted her and, I wouldn’t be surprised if he told her exactly who he was and basically put her under “arrest” for trespassing.
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(Again please tell me who drew this so I can credit. Thank you) 
However, Mars would have probably told him why she’d come and insisted on finding the princess, promising to leave after as she didn’t want to be there either. I can easily see the two agreeing to a truce of sorts, Jadeite sensing that she was telling the truth and smiling all the while trying to be as much of a gentleman as he could be. By the time they found the two, I think they would have at least made a slight friendship and agreed to meet again, as a way of keeping the Princess and Prince happy. Since the girls clearly returned more than once, I have a feeling that Jadeite probably fell in love with her early on, but Mars may have taken more time to get to know him. All the while he showed her the world of music and probably the way that humans lived on earth and let her see the balance in the way life was there.
My guess is that, given Jadeite’s appearance at the tree, he was probably the one to greet her frequently with a calm smile, and trying to not seem overly enthusiastic that she’d come back, but he couldn’t help but grin at the thought of her being around him. Mars for her part, tried to cover her feelings but they would come out in surprising ways that would embarrass him, either in the forms of questions about the world or himself, as I get the feeling that she would have been the least likely to know about love and all that. Or at least pretend to for the sake of getting under his skin, thus making him blush. Honestly it wouldn’t surprise me at all if the two of them were the most easily embarrassed of the group in regard to their own thoughts on love or the subject of it.
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Given the fact that Jadeite had the reaction of touching her while she slept, I have the feeling that this was something that happened a lot, where he would just gaze at her while she was resting and possibly touching her face and the like because of how lovely she was. I also get the feeling that they, like Mercury and Zosite, when the issues came up with Beryl I have no doubt they suffered in silence rather than make things harder for the others and focused their pent up emotions on their foes, making them far more devastating when attacking. Given the slowness of their romance I would assume that Mars and Jadeite would have been the last to actually wed, and it would more than likely be something simple over something dramatic, like Nephrite and Jupiter.
As for the present,
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(Credit to UTSUKI)
   I have a feeling that when Rei and Jadeite meet it will certainly be through Usagi over Mamoru in this case. Jadeite’s looks would garner enough of a reputation to have Usagi notice him, and more than likely he probably would be at the school that Mamoru used to go to meaning that she would know exactly how to meet with him in person through Mamoru’s underclassmen. Rei and Jadeite would have a long time starting off as friends, because of his look to Kaidou and the past, though Jadeite would be struck with her beauty once more and certainly compliment her on that, but really fall for her over her integrity and her devotion to her grandfather and her own determined will. Jadeite is the least flirty along with Zosite so I don’t see him being too much of a flirt with her, but possibly teasing the fact that she certainly stands out as the traditional beauty compared to her friends.
One thing for sure he would make it a mission of his to help her deal with her fear of men, no matter how long it took. He would at least want her to know that it’s okay to become close to a guy, even as a close friendship and not everyone is going to be like her father. Jadeite, being the younger man that he is would more than likely be a student, though given his personality, I have this weird thought that he probably got stuck being a stage idol for a while or a model given his looks. (Again, natural blonde and blue eyes are not common in Japan and he would certainly get a lot of attention due to it.) It’s really hard to not see him somehow being the first to get associated with the girls due to his age, and personality being far more social than Zosite. Eventually I could see him working at the Shrine to both be closer to Rei, but also because it feels like the sort of place he would be the most at peace as someone who is involved in balance and harmony and patience.
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(Credit: Please tell me who drew this and I’ll be more than happy to credit) 
As with Nephrite and Makoto, I can’t see these two being rivals, but rather allies in various things. Jadeite would certainly make sure to be part of Rei’s life, and I wouldn’t put it past him to give a long lecture or “punish” Kaidou for what he did to her in the past. More than likely he probably would want to talk to her father and make him know how his actions have affected Rei, and even if they can’t get along, he should learn to understand her feelings and why she is angry at him. I think if anything Jadeite’s more balanced nature would bring some of the softer side of Rei out around him, and give him something that others can’t see with her.
Jadeite certainly would be jealous of other guys around her, but I have a feeling that Rei may feel some of that too when girls come after him in her own way. These two probably would be the second least direct in public about their relationship, however I do think that these two are the most complex about their relationship in private, and most of the feelings are shown through actions over words and grand gestures. Best example I can think of is Jadeite going out of his way to get special birdseed for her two crows, and Rei making some sort of spirit charm for Jadeite, who probably had the most in regard to nightmares being probably the first to wake up. I think most of their feelings would come out of their own passions and determinations for one another, as well as their desire to protect their team and their masters. I also feel that they could heal each other in a way that only they could fully understand.
As for their future?
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(Credit: Can someone give me the artist so I can credit) It would be a long, long, road for them. I have a feeling they would probably be the last to marry, but it would be the one that most of their group would be rooting for the hardest, because of their personal issues. 
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As for jobs…Rei and Jadeite would work at the Shrine and take it over after her grandfather passed on. No doubt that Jadeite would work hard at becoming someone to help her run the shrine, possibly a monk (though I can’t see him cutting his hair) and if not that, then someone who runs the business end of it to make sure everything is going well.
Rei and Jadeite would have one another’s backs, I think. More than anything they would do a lot of things together, yet still give each other the space the other needs. If anything I think their own spritital balance and desire to do what’s best for others would be the drive to help each other out with their own fears and desires. No doubt that it would be a long courting but well worth it.
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(Credit: Again can someone give me the artist’s name)
Romantically, easily the longest for courting….hands down. Rei would take a while to even get used to the idea of Jadeite wanting to become a couple with her. However I do think that while he makes the first move at first, and is rejected early on, it’s her who makes the final one to solidify the deal later on, and I can see, as I said, a lot of silent courting between them. I can see Jadeite over time whittling down her fears and doubts about him by his actions, showing that he keeps his word and promises, and the fact that he’s way to patience for a normal person.
 At the same time I can see Rei managing to get Jadeite to deal with his own issues in regard to feeling less than the other knights and probably seeing the honorable and passionate young man he is under the calm exterior. She would more than likely want to spend time with him alone in the garden of the shrine where the two could rest under the trees and just enjoy their time together. Jadeite would be more than willing to give her little trinkets that he got based on her likes and probably doing things for her, like cleaning the floor of the shrine as a way of showing his feelings.  In turn Rei would give him charms that she made, and probably go see his concerts, if I’m right on the idea of him being a singer (something that would connect with the harmony aspect). Not to mention the two would more than likely walk together and just be at peace with one another. I can see Rei’s grandfather constantly asking when they’re getting married, embarrassing the hell out of them. patience 
As I said, favorite couple, hardest to write for. Next up Minako and Kunzite. 
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galina · 6 years
hi galina! i was wondering if you could share us some of your favourite quotes?
In no real order, just ones that I have collected and think of often:
‘If you are called to change your life by any example, and your self responds–––you must change your life. and once you change, change again.
Your next self, too, will be challenged by examples, to find a self still waiting beyond. Thus there is no perfection in perfectionism; the process of experience and correspondence never stops. If there could be any end in view, it would be only this: that the circle of things corresponding to you grow not wider, but infinitely wide, touching everything that exists.’
Mark Greif, ‘The Concept of Experience’, Against Everything
‘Emancipatory politics must always destroy the appearance of a ‘natural order’, must reveal what is presented as necessary and inevitable to be a mere contingency, just as it must make what was previously deemed to be impossible seem attainable.’Mark Fisher, Capitalist Realism
‘A good deal of the hostility to theory no doubt comes from the fact that to admit the importance of theory is to make an open-ended commitment, to leave yourself in a position where there are always important things you don’t know – but this is the condition of life itself.’
Jonathan Culler, Literary Theory (A Very Short Introduction)
‘When they fall in love with a city, it is forever, and it is like forever. As though there never was a time when they didn’t love it. The minute they arrive […] they know they are born for it. There, in a city, they are not so much new as themselves: their stronger, riskier selves.’Toni Morrison, Jazz
‘I think what I’m confessing to is that, however I choose to write about over-there, I am forced to reflect that world in fragments of broken mirrors […] I must reconcile myself to the inevitability of missing bits.’
Salman Rushdie, Shame
‘What tethers me to my parents is the unspoken dialogue we share about how much of my character is built on the connection I feel to the world they were raised in but that I’ve only experienced through photos, visits, food. It’s not mine and yet, I get it. First-generation kids, I’ve always thought, are the personification of déjà vu.’
Durga Chew-Bose, Too Much and Not the Mood
‘If you are not from a particular place the history of that particular place will dwell inside you differently to how it dwells within those people who are from that particular place, Your connection to certain events that define the history of a particular place is not straightforward because none of your ancestors were in any way affected by these events. You have no stories to relate and compare, you have no narrative to inherit and run with, and all the names are strange ones that mean nothing to you at all. And it’s as if the history of a particular place knows all about this blankness you contain. Consequently if you are not from a particular place you will always be vulnerable for the reason that it doesn’t matter how many years you have lived there you will never have a side of the story; nothing with which you can hold the full force of the history of a particular place at bay.’
Claire Louise Bennett, Pond
‘The past conditions us, harries us, black-mails us. The historic avant-garde […] defaces the past […] destroys the figure, cancels it, arrives at the abstract, the informal, the white canvas, the slashed canvas, the charred canvas.’ 
Umberto Eco, ‘Postmodernism, Irony, the Enjoyable’,Reflections on The Name of the Rose
‘The past cannot be entirely recuperated from so much power arrayed against it on the other side: it can only be restated in the form of an object without a conclusion, or a final place, transformed by choice and conscious effort into something simultaneously different, ordinary, and irreducibly other and the same, taking place together: an object that offers neither rest nor respite.’ 
Edward Said, ‘The Art of Displacement: Mona Hatoum’s Logic of Irreconcilables’Mona Hatoum: The Entire World as a Foreign Land
‘[What] if history has nothing more to teach us than that all the shapes of the spiritual world, all the conditions of life, ideals, norms upon which man relies, form and dissolve themselves like fleeting waves, that it always was and ever will be so, that again and again reason must turn into nonsense, and well-being into misery? Can we console ourselves with that? Can we live in this world, where historical occurrence is nothing but an unending concatenation of illusory progress and bitter disappointment?’
Edmund Husserl trans. David Carr, The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology
‘To me, of course, the river paid no attention, caring only for itself, those changing, roving waters into which – as I later learned – you can never step twice.’
Olga Tokarczuk, trans. Jennifer Croft, Flights
‘Imagine having no discarded personalities, no vestigial selves, no visible ruptures with yourself, no gulf of self-forgetfulness, nothing that requires explanation, no alien version of yourself that requires humor and accommodation. What kind of life is that?’
Michael Warner, ‘Tongues Untied’, Curiouser: On the Queerness of Children
Do you see that creamy, lemon-yellow moon?There are some people, unlike me and you,
who do not yearn after fame or love or quantities of money as               unattainable as that moon;thus, they do not later                       have to waste more timedefaming the object of their former ardor.
Or consequently run and crucify themselvesin some solitary midnight Starbucks Golgotha.
I have news for you—there are people who get up in the morning and cross a room
and open a window to let the sweet breeze inand let it touch them all over their faces and bodies.
Terry Hoagland, ‘I Have News For You’, Unincorporated Persons in the Late Honda Dynasty
O God, I am not like youIn your vacuous black,Stars stuck all over, bright stupid confetti.Eternity bores me,I never wanted it.
Sylvia Plath, ‘Years’, Collected Poems
At that timeanxiety was in you like a scribble.
An oblivion-scribblelike a big piece of Abstract Expressionism where your thinking brain was supposed to be.That was like nothing. It was a big waste.
Emily Bludworth de Barrios, ‘“he beheld the plumage on the miraculous casque shaken in concert with the sounding of the brazen trumpet”’, Splendor
I doubt if 30 years of bleak Leeds weatherand 30 falls of apple and of maywill erode the UNITED binding us together.And now it’s your decision: does it stay?
Tony Harrison, ‘v.’, v.
She lives on a moor in the north.She lives alone.Spring opens like a blade there.I travel all day on trains and bring a lot of books—some for my mother, some for meincluding The Collected Works Of Emily Brontë.This is my favourite author.Also my main fear, which I mean to confront.Whenever I visit my motherI feel I am turning into Emily Brontë,my lonely life around me like a moor,my ungainly body stumping over the mud flats with a look of transformationthat dies when I come in the kitchen door.
Anne Carson, ‘The Glass Essay’, Glass, Irony, and God
Spring is here! We are going to die!
Louise Glück, ‘For Jane Meyers’, Poems 1962-2012
Persephone had it right.If you must go, might as welltake all of spring with you—
Cathy Linh Che, ‘Letters to Doc’, Split
I’ve exhausted my cruelty. I’ve arrived at myself again.The sun builds a slow house inside my house,touching the stilled curtains, the bottoms of cupsleft out on the table.
Jenny George, ‘Reprieve’, The Dream of Reason
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Creating the Ultimate Saturday Morning TV Experience on VRV!
Picture this: School is over for the week, you’ve got a solid day and a half before you have to go back, homework isn’t a problem yet, and your parents are either at work or tired and asleep. You’ve got, for a kid, free reign. What do you do? Load up your favorite breakfast foods and watch hours of television of course!
The Saturday morning TV phenomenon has died out quite a bit, and many of us have grown up to be those same adults blissfully sleeping in on Saturdays (or less so blissfully working), but what if the magic of streaming enabled you to relive that block of programming just a bit? Well, we’ve got a list of shows here that will give you a great way to watch some classic cartoons, but recreate the mood and programming of the Saturday morning television block!
For those of you who didn’t get to enjoy the Saturday morning era, or have since forgotten it, Saturday morning TV would start pretty early and run till about noon. During its heyday, this block of programming was usually a mixture of weird toy tie-ins, action, comedy, and cartoons that you wouldn’t see anywhere else during the week, usually capping off around noon with a switch back to the “real world” with live action shows or sports. So, for our programming block, we’ve chosen not just some classic cartoon goodness, we’ve also selected shows that would fit certain time slots and purposes to really give you the Saturday morning experience! So, let’s get down to it!
Dragon's Lair
The Saturday morning block would usually start with something a bit retro, and so we’ve chosen Dragon’s Lair as our starting point! This adaptation of the classic video game of the same name featured Dirk the Daring involved in all sorts of heroic misadventures, and had a unique twist calling back to the game, where before every commercial break, the narrator would ask the audience what they think Dirk should do next. The show would then go through the choices until landing on the correct one, and show Dirk saving the day. Dragon’s Lair is an original Saturday morning cartoon show too, debuting back in 1984 on September 8th, so it just feels right to start off here!
While not the original 1985 incarnation, it felt like it would be weird to leave off one of the famous Saturday morning franchises, so we’ve included ThunderCats! in our second slot of the morning. This version sees a re-imagining of the original show and included some stellar action scenes from Japanese Studio 4°C and a more serious tone than the original broadcast. It features the origin story of Prince Lion-O's rise to the throne, and enemies who would thwart his destiny at any possible cost. Sadly, the show was never finished, but that actually makes it better for its inclusion in our list, as many Saturday morning cartoons rarely ended naturally and completely, especially those in the early morning block… Including the original ThunderCats!
Dofus - Kerub’s Bazaar
    As we move into the later morning period, shows would usually get more vibrant and energetic, so what better place to find the colorful and fun Dofus - Kerub’s Bazaar than here? While this is certainly a newer show than any other, the lively antics of the Dofus crew and universe make it a perfect fit for Saturday morning television. The show explores the expansive Dofus world, originally brought to life in Dofus Book 1: Julith, with each episode exploring either Kerub’s past, or the present featuring an older Kerub and Joris. While each episode is about 12 minutes long, you’ll want to watch 2 at a time to get the real Saturday morning experience, but the world of Dofus is so fun it might be hard to stop yourself from modern binge watching tendencies, so be careful!
Bravest Warriors
    Speaking of shows you might have to combine two episodes of to equal a proper Saturday morning block of time, our next show is Bravest Warriors! Created by the mind behind Adventure Time, Pendleton Ward, Bravest Warriors features an interesting mixture of comedy, action, and emotional moments, throwing surprisingly real situations at viewers moments after something totally unreal happens! Bravest Warriors has that colorful and vibrant world building to it that makes it aesthetically perfect for the Saturday morning era, and Catbug is the perfect breakout style mascot you’d expect to find in a show. Bravest Warriors fits well in the transition between early and late morning, as it doesn’t shy away from including more mature themes and situations for older viewers.
Road Rovers
    As our block of programming moves into the late morning hours, we come to one of our first cult classic Saturday shows: Road Rovers! Road Rovers first showed up on Saturdays on the WB’s programming block, and was sadly taken from us before it could get more than one season, as it showed up towards the end of Saturday morning programming. The show itself is the usual magic mixture of Saturday morning success: action, comedy, sci-fi, a bit of romance, and memorable main characters! The anthropomorphic heroes of Road Rovers are created by Professor Shepherd,  and their unique set of canine and human powers saved the day on multiple occasions. While we never got any more Road Rovers, no Saturday morning block would be complete without it!
    We mentioned that Saturday morning shows usually succeeded when they blended action, romance, sci-fi, comedy, and memorable character designs, and so we feel that RWBY would make the perfect addition to a Saturday morning programming block. Filled with amazing computer graphic action and solid storytelling, RWBY’s charms would fit right in with later morning programming that focused a bit more on story as older viewers would be waking up and tuning in. The adventures of Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang are high powered and high spirited enough to make us stare at our screens in anticipation today, so there’s no question that RWBY would be right at home on Saturday morning!
SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron
    There's only a few shows left as our Saturday morning starts to wind down, and one of those is the phenomenal SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron! If we can be frankly biased for a second, this list almost exists entirely to tell you about SWAT Kats and our final show, but if you’ve never seen it before, you’re in for a real treat! SWAT Kats follows the team of Chance “T-Bown” Furlong and Jake “Razor” Clawson, who by day are unassuming mechanics, and when duty calls, transform into the heroic SWAT Kats! With the help of the smart, beautiful, overworked, and amazing (not biased, we swear) Deputy Mayor Callie, these rogue heroes use their custom jet fighter Turbokat and other fantastic vehicles to bring down crime and try to thwart the forces of evil in Megakat City. SWAT Kats is perhaps one of the best 90s cartoons ever, with amazing animation, endearing and unique characters, and a fantastic world, certain to be the crown jewel in our Saturday morning list!
    As the clock nears noon and the younger kids have either tired themselves out or are coming off their sugar high, the older kids on Saturday would be tuning in to see superheroes and shows geared towards slightly more mature crowds, so what better show than the superhero parody Freakazoid! to cap off the last of our cartoons for the day? Freakazoid is a beloved cult 90s hit, lampooning everything from golden age Hollywood, modern movies and television, the internet, superheroes, WB shows, and even itself, as the titular hero saves the day in odd and hilarious ways. Featuring numerous voice cameos, like the late, great, Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan’s Ricardo Montalbán, Freakazoid was an absolute treat when it first came out, since you never really knew what the show would try to get away with next.  With its surreal brand of humor, Freakazoid is still a delight today, and makes for a great dessert to the amazing buffet of Saturday morning shows we’ve assembled here.
Stargate SG-1
    Sadly, all great things must come to an end, and so too do Saturday morning cartoon blocks. Now, back in the day, these used to be capped off with a transition to sports programming or live action shows, and in keeping with our theme of authenticity, we’ve decided to signal the end of Saturday morning glee by including Stargate SG-1 as our final show. Now, wait, before you think that sounds bad, remember: you might not have dug the end of your cartoons back then, but now you’re a much older and wiser viewer, so why have your fun end with something like sports, when you can have it end with dimension hopping sci-fi action?! Besides, we mentioned before that great Saturday morning shows featured a mixture of action, sci-fi, romance, and comedy, so what better way to ease your transition back to the real world than with a live action show that has all of those in spades!
While the Saturday morning cartoon phenomenon might have died an unfortunate death as media behaviors and viewership changed over the years, there’s no reason you can’t recreate some of that magic yourself now with your VRV account. So add our shows to your watchlist, get your menu set, and relive the magic of Saturday mornings any day of the week! While we’d recommend Saturday, obviously, we know that you’re a busy person, so any day you’ve got some time to enjoy works! So get busy on reliving Saturday morning magic, and remember: no binge watching! Keep it to one half an hour episode a week, ok?!
Know any other shows in our catalog that you’d include in your ideal Saturday morning programming? Let us know in the comments!
Nicole is a features and a social video script writer for Crunchyroll. Known to profess her love of otome games over at her blog, Figuratively Speaking. When she has the time, she also streams some games. Follow her on Twitter: @ellyberries 
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
It's very valuable in practice to have a deep understanding of what you're doing is an extraordinarily powerful force. Instead of developing a product for some big company in the expectation of getting anything in return. They were in effect arguing about artifacts induced by sampling at too low a resolution. Mihalko, everything was different. Ideally you transform your life so it has other defaults. Kids in pre-industrial times started working at about 14 at the latest; kids on farms, where most people lived, began far earlier. But there is no external pressure to do this is to get there first and get all the users, instead of spending all our time playing an exacting but mostly pointless game like the others. I didn't learn any magical truths compared to which everything else was mere domain knowledge. If you let the difficulty of being a gotcha left to be discovered by the investors you're currently talking to, who will be proud of and thus attached to their discovery. So at Viaweb the developers were always in close contact with support. This is why some software costs more to run on Windows, and deliver software running on Unix direct to users through the browser.
Surely all smart people would be interested in a company with a valuation any lower. My final test may be the most restrictive. It would have taken a deliberate lie to say otherwise. But can you think of technology as something that's spreading like a sort of Valley within the Valley, lightning has a sign bit. So at Viaweb the developers were always in close contact with support. And since a startup that succeeds ordinarily makes its founders rich, that implies getting rich is doable too. I can predict is conflict between AOL and Microsoft. Simula: Algol isn't good enough at simulations. The initial user serves as the form for your mold; keep tweaking till you fit their needs perfectly, and you'll usually find you've made something other users want too. At sales I was not very good. It took me a while to grasp this, but when I did it myself in college. My test was to think of startup ideas.
If you administer the servers themselves should find them very well defended. Isaac Newton and Jonathan Swift both lost money in the South Sea Bubble of 1720. I don't always try as hard as this though. The programmers become system administrators, but without the sharply defined limits that ordinarily make the job bearable. IBM dropped it in their lap five years later, I still don't understand Berkeley. All you can say with certainty about Jaynes is that he was utterly relentless. Since we did continuous releases, our software didn't actually have versions. If you want to be running into trouble, and that was when he was an expert on startups, but possibly somewhat dangerous. It's that startups will build on, they have no idea how horrifying software seems to normal people. But in at least some of the time we were all, students and teachers both, just going through the motions of starting a company, but they sounded like they were en route to the big company. What matters, though, is the beginning. That doesn't mean 16.
One argument says that this would be impossible, that the smart kids are unpopular because the other girls would make fun of her. Well, it doesn't. It's a fine idea in principle to finance your startup with its own revenues, but you can write a spreadsheet that several people can use simultaneously from different locations without special client software, or that can page you when certain conditions are triggered. But few technology startups are in the way. And in that department, there are probably adjacent territories that have more. When a startup grows fast it's usually because the product is only moderately appealing the growth never comes. I realize I've made startups sound pretty hard.
You'd think it would be clear that in practice socialist countries have nontrivial disparities of wealth, because they can't afford to hire a lot of time on them before realizing they're bad. So if you're developing technology for money, you're probably not going to be even a fraction of the company you're giving up, the deal is a good one if it makes sense. And a good thing for investors that this is the third counterintuitive thing to remember about startups: starting a startup just doesn't seem real. Even if you're designing something for the most sophisticated users, though, is the problem so bad in most other countries. But the Collison brothers weren't going to wait. But even the most general truths? Not recent ones; you wouldn't find those in our high school library. But even that may be overrated. All you need from a launch is some initial core of users.
They think what they're building. To make a startup hub, unexpected good things will probably happen to you, especially if you have no ideas. With server-based software does require fewer programmers. Since we hosted all the stores, which together were getting just over 10 million page views per month in June 1998 I took a snapshot of Viaweb's site. It applies way less than most people think of startups, but to make a billion dollars a year. C the only option you can count on. Our startup, Viaweb, was built to be sold. If someone had told me that at the time was that she was surprised. They were also a kind of proxy focus group; we could ask them which of two new features users wanted more, and impose more onerous conditions. Steve Jobs People alive when Kennedy was killed usually remember exactly where I was at Yahoo, we got an email from Filo, who had been crawling around our directory hierarchy, asking if it was really necessary to store so much of our data on expensive RAID drives. The other major technical advantage of Web-based applications is the lameness of Web pages as a UI.
I've described above. And most importantly, their status depends on how ambitious you feel. Advanced users are more forgiving about bugs, and you've even set up mechanisms to compensate for it e. The complacent middle managers may not be the right plan for every company. It's not as painful as raising money from investors is harder than selling to customers, because there are no versions. Design doesn't have to be new. You can pick any group of users you want. I think these two paths converge at the top spammers. It's a longshot, at this point not just how to avoid the fatal pinch. A couple months ago, one VC firm almost certainly unintentionally published a study showing bias of this type. Y Combinator but part of its raison d'etre. It's hard to stay interested in something you wrote six months ago the average case if you release once a year is a lot younger than it seems.
There's something wrong when a sixty-five year old woman who wants to use a computer for email and accounts has to think about. They're either calling you about a known bug, or they're just doing something wrong and you have to resolve disputes immediately or perish. But he turned out to be valuable for hardware startups. Whatever the procedure for reporting bugs, it is a huge standard deviation among 26 year olds with good ideas will count for more. But even investors who don't have a rule about this will be over that threshold. Being friends with someone for even a couple days will tell you that the right way to write every program, but it's woven into the story instead of being pasted onto it like a pilot scanning the instrument panel, not like a detective trying to unravel some mystery. The answer that springs to mind is Usenix, but that was the optimal path to dominating microcomputer software. You never really know what's happening inside it. If so, could they actually get things done. Which is exactly what they're supposed to think.
0 notes
secretradiobrooklyn · 4 years
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Secret Radio | Halloween special 10.31.20 | Hear it here.
Artwork by Paige, Liner notes by Evan except * means Paige
1. Sam the Sham - “Little Red Riding Hood” *
I had to make the case to Evan that this was a Halloween song, but I justify with the fact that 1.) this song uses the phrase “spooky ol’ woods” and 2.) many years ago, Sleepy Kitty played a festival on Cherokee Street that wasn’t a Halloween show but it happened to be the Saturday before Halloween. Recognizing our responsibility, we scrambled to throw together costumes and realized that if we just got a wolf mask and paws we already  had everything in our wardrobes to throw together the Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs LP cover drawing of Red and the wolf. Evan says he doesn’t like Halloween but it’s only because once he commits, he commits completely. One of my favorite moments of the night was spotting Evan that night, several hours after our set in the afternoon, having a completely serious and sincere conversation with a friend – wolf nose and paws still intact. This was pre iPhone days, but I tracked down an image and I’m gonna put it on our fake radio insta. Thus, Little Red Riding Hood is in fact a Halloween song. 
2. Roky Erickson - “I Walked with a Zombie”
Every year, reliably, Paige’s dad Ned tells us we should cover “I Walked with a Zombie,” and each year we somehow don’t do it. So this live version of the song is for him, just in case this is the closest we ever get. 
Halloween tag
3. Steve Martin - Little Shop of Horrors soundtrack - “Dentist!”
Sure, an alarmingly large and hungry, sharp-toothed plant is scary. But is it as terrifying as a dentist who delights in the pain he inflicts? “I thrill when I drill a bicuspid” — shiver!
4. Hocus Pocus soundtrack - “Sarah’s Theme”
Our definition of a good Halloween movie is way less horrifying than it is lightly spooky, so “Hocus Pocus” is just about ideal for our purposes. This is the sound of Paige’s delighted Halloween youth… though we also just watched it again. Holds up! 
5. The Beatles - “Mr. Moonlight”
Paige pointed out that this is essentially a religious song to the moon — a song of praise, devotion, and submission to a greater power. 
6. Quasi - “Ghost vs. Vampire”
I know that Quasi has had a long and illustrious career, but my fandom is frozen at this pinnacle of mystical bummerness. I learned so much about being creatively sad from Sam Coomes.
7. Rocky Horror Picture Show - “Sweet Transvestite” 
8. The Velvet Underground - “The Gift”
Didn’t realize this was a Halloween song until tonight. If Hitchcock is proper Halloween, which I vote a definite yes, then “The Gift” is ultra Halloween.
9. Bauhaus - “Bela Lugosi’s Dead” 
I feel like I have to say psychic hello to my friend Joseph Grady, who first introduced me not just to the coolness of Peter Murphy but to the allure of vampires generally. I wore my nails and my coats long. We talked about what the vampires were up to that night. We had some truly perfect nights together.
10. The Bitter Tears - “Murdered at the Bar”
An invaluable prize from being in a certain scene in a certain set of years in Chicago with the School of the Art Institute crowd — grad and undergrad. We all loved this song, and 15 or so years later, “we all” turns out to be a very specific and much-loved crew of people I miss and love. Except for Chris Shea, who I love and get to hang out with here in the city. This song is for him especially. 
11. Phantom of the Opera - Korean cast - “Point of No Return”
We had this epiphany accidentally. As I recall, we watched the movie version of “Phantom,” and I was distinctly not impressed, but then Paige put on the French-Canadian version and we were both fascinated by how different it was. That led us into Phantom Internationalé, wherein we just looked up versions from all over the world. It is amazing: each version is both militantly like and distinctly unique from the others. The Korean Phantom emerges as the most singular from among the versions we heard, and “Point of No Return” an emotional height.
Meet Me in St. Louis - “Tootie the Horrible”
One of the greatest Halloween scenes in the history of cinema in our book. 
12. Donovan - “Season of the Witch”
13. “The Dweller of the Cave” * I Found this tape at my parents’ house this summer while we were delayed in Illinois between March and whenever the van got fixed and we drove back. Rediscovering this tape may be why you’re listening to this whole fake radio spooktacular tonight. Hi to Stewart and Jill. 
14. Science Fiction Double Feature *
15. Dr. Who Theme Song*
16. Red Dwarf Theme Song* 
The previous 3 songs were woven into a medley for Sleepy Kitty’s KMNR Freaker’s Ball. It’s one of life’s great pleasures for a band to play Freaker’s Ball, we literally wound around a wooded road to find some Elk’s Lodge or something full of college kids DECKED THE HECK OUT in EPIC COSTUMES ready to freakin’ get down. Never have I been closer to being the band in the prom scene of a 90s movie than at a Freaker’s Ball. We met some rad folks through the KMNR scene, and if I’ve ever told you about my custom vocal pedals, Colin of CroyTone Audio was one of those rad folks we met one of those magical nights. Also, raise your hand if your love Red Dwarf!
17. Ghostbusters 
Paige: “I had this reflector, this flat reflector that was some scrap of something that Ned got from Honeywell. I would play Ghostbusters, and I was like: ‘This is a ghost trap.’ It was SO REAL to me. It was this flat reflector, like a bike reflector, and I would like, like, set traps. And I’d be like, ‘Don’t move my ghost trap!’ I would set the ghost trap, and it was like fishing for ghosts. But that was me playing. I would, like, wait. …I don’t know if it worked or not.”
“I’m not sure if this is me imagining this or not, but I’m pretty sure there was a day where I was like, ‘I feel like this trap’s not working.’ But I also feel like I was like, ‘But how would I know? They could be all inside. This is either full — or empty.’”
Vertigo soundtrack
18. The Fall - “Frightened”
“I don’t wanna dance, I wanna go home” — Fri-dund! 
19. Goblin - “Zombi” Title Theme
20. Karen Elson - “The Ghost Who Walks”
I think we got this record at Third Man Records when we were playing in Nashville. Sean’s new residence! 
Paige: “Karen Elson is tall, beautiful, an interesting musician, AND she has red hair. That’s crazy. What are the chances that you would have all of those things? Talk about a blue moon!”
21. Eartha Kitt - “I Want to Be Evil”
“The only etchings I’ve seen have been behind glass.” 
22. Jeffrey Lewis & Los Bolts - “The Pigeon”
“Old skies you flapped through are no more.”
We would like to give a heartfelt hello to Yona Schimmel, mostly out of reach for now. We mourn every missed knish.
23. Scott Walker - “The Seventh Seal”
Paige didn’t know this was a movie, she thought this was just a cool song about a guy playing chess with death.
24. Groovie Ghoulies - “(She’s My) Vampire Girl”
I love that he puts two Bazooka Joe jokes right in the middle of the song.
25. Black Sabbath - “Paranoid”
Sometimes you need priests to summon spirits. 
26. Fantasia - “A Night on Bald Mountain”
This is a song that seriously disturbed Paige when she was young. She thought that they did this whole demon thing every single Saturday. For me, it made such an impression that, when each of my young friends and I improvised who we were — “I’m Darth Vader!” “I’m a Cylon Raider!” my take was “I’m Night on Bald Mountain”! And I would open my arms wide and pretend that I was an entire sharp mountaintop transforming into a giant demon with wings, and I would always be the biggest and baddest and scariest creature of all, no matter what they thought. Bald Mountain beats Batman every time.
29. “Jump in the Fire”
Or as I say whenever the occasion warrants: “Jump in the show-AHH!” 
28. Rogers & Hammerstein “Pore Jud Is Daid”
29. Barry Adamson - “Something Wicked This Way Comes”
I cannot recall what brought this album to my ears… I suspect it was something I got in my inbox when I worked at The Rocket. This whole album is full of heavy musical grooves and heavy mental movement. It’s a rare pleasure in 
30. Screamin’ Jay Hawkins, “I Put a Spell on You”
This is straight-up one of my favorite recordings of anyone ever. And when I eventually saw it enacted in “Stranger than Paradise,” I was blown away by how fundamentally Eastern European it sounds. Every sound he makes with his voice creates new characters. 
31. The Shining, “Midnight, the Stars & You”
Happy halloween my friends, I wish we were all at an otherwordly dance together.
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9 Social Media Marketing Tips
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Marketing via online social media network
Social Media Marketing is a process of a product/service/information/content to be viewed, evaluated and shared. Social Media Marketing Methods are being used by Social Media websites to make a marketplace. Social Media Sites also work as marketing agencies for many small/big businesses. These advertisements are placed in such a manner that viewers are encouraged to view and share them across the Social Media Networks. This results in an electronic buzz across the social communities about the information of a product/service as it is coming from a reliable source which users may prefer to view, evaluate and share. When this buzz is spread out from user to user it makes it a marketplace.
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What are Social Media WebSites?
We can’t forget English Scientist who invented the World Wide Web, So-called www because of which we are able to talk about websites. Yes, Tim Berners-Lee. He was the one who invented www in 1989.
Social media websites let individuals and businesses interact with one another and build relationships. When business hubs join social media, it makes the way out for consumers to directly contact them and provide valuable information, which may help companies to build good products/services and know about consumers. These techniques of marketing are far more beneficial than the traditional way of marketing. It’s two ways of communication where consumers and makers can interact directly.
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Social media websites work more like nuclear reactions, where consumers hit the company and spread the news to other consumers and they pass it on to the fellow consumers. So all in all heat is there, so-called web-traffic is there. Web-traffic is the data / activity produced / done by consumers which is very useful for companies to analyze the market trend, demand, area of demand, need values etc. This is the actual information they need to make their strategies to fight with competitors of similar products/services.
Social networking sites include more information about product and service such as effective videos, flowchart, GIF images or anything else which might attract clients to know more about the product or refer it to someone who is ideal for it. Through effective data analysis they can make very useful strategies to target the potential clients. They can change their strategy and start adopting new after seeing the response from clients. These are very effective even if the client stops on one product for a long time and did not buy it, then the salesperson can go ahead and contact the client through other medium Call/Chat to know the true interest of client, problem he/she is facing while making the final determination or any other specification. This is how a client feels more comfortable, which emotionally forces him/her to build a good relationship with the company. This only comes out when the client has a one-on-one relationship or he knows someone will treat them well. We all know this human behavior.
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Let’s have a look at some of the most practiced social media tricks and tips-
Grow your Audience
Social Media is a place of following and being followed, shared and gets shared, like and gets liked etc. To get success on the internet today, you have to create stuff that encourages and engages your audience. Now the question is audience, how will one create an audience and will keep them busy/keep coming back. Well I can suggest many ways but you are the best person to figure that out.
To get the target audience first you have to find a relevant person based upon the product/service (Entertainment/Society & Culture/News & Media/Sports & Recreation etc.) and then use his/her contacts to build your network. You can use the same tactics with his/her contacts. It will be like a Jackpot for you. It will be like a directory from the BSNL ages or Yellow Pages from the Internet age. This is one of the best ways to build a target audience network.
Keep the followers awake
Another big responsibility is to create stuff which will keep your followers entertained. You have to put the right things in place to make your posts relevant, interesting and valuable for your audience. You have to make sure that you are not repeating the same stuff time and again. To avoid this mistake, you have to make a schedule to keep your post fresh, updated and new. This is how you can also make new followers and retain them with healthy relationships. There are few social media managers who sometimes post irrelevant stuff just to keep their presence. I would say don’t ruin your image. The more your posts are relevant the more audiences you would make.
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Effective Time Management
Human mind is full of expectations and addicted towards a trend. Understand aforesaid quotation very well as this is going to save you from lots of extra work. When you start marketing about your product or services and decide to spread the word out so always remember to make it a trend. Let me explain this thoroughly. Let’s say you post an announcement about your business and plans for next week online. Sometimes you post on Monday or sometimes on Tuesday or may be two days later. By doing this you may attract an audience who are already involved in your business but not the new ones. We all work on predictions at some point which explains even if you would attract more eyeballs towards your post if you are so scheduled about your post. Try to make it a habit of your clients.
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Now the challenge is to be so scheduled and we all know how we all get busy at times. So I have a solution for this problem as well. There is a life-savor tool called ‘Buffer’ like buffering. No just kidding. You can schedule your post, platform and timing and it will post at the scheduled time for you.
Social updates to write posts
Yes! This could be very useful to use social updates to write posts, you can use most popular social updates to develop your post. To do so, we do not need to accumulate every detail of the update, but we can make it short, simple and to the point. This is not always that article length should be kept in mind or we write little passages, instead of this we can pick up the most powerful, expressive lines which will bring thoughts in readers mind. This kind of post should be easy to read and understand. Clients are not so much concerned to go deep and study full articles, instead of that they look into few lines and if they find it valuable, interesting then they stop or else they move to another update/post.
Become an audience of your competitor
Another way is to become a client of your own type of product/service. Hit like, comment on a similar type of product or on your own competitor’s. Since you are into the same kind of business and gathering deep knowledge of the product, you will have valuable opinions to comment on and in result, you will get fresh ideas from targeted audiences. This is also very useful because people will see your name getting popped up and they will start recognizing you.
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Images with context
People are getting attracted towards images/videos in comparison to written content. Just like the transformation in the education field, from Black & White Boards to Marker Boards then Smart Education. The latest version in education we have is Smart Video’s. These are the videos, where students can actually see the stuff that they are being taught. Just like seeing complete tree structure, 3D structures, complex bonds/compounds from chemistry etc.
Knowing the demand of people and delivering it in the right way, right time. Make easily digestible videos, make use of color but don’t overdo it. If you make a video, make sure that it is short, sweet, crisp, right content and very important, must look professional with high quality. This stuff can bring more traffic than the written content to your social media marketing and will definitely create more awareness towards your brand.
Social Ads to attract visitors
Social ads are basically, the one which delivers the message towards society, the one which is very impressive with very unique and useful information. These ads play a very important role, as they are fresh, unique and eye catching, which compel visitors to revisit the web site/blog. In addition, you have e-commerce social media getting attracted towards your site/blog which is direct percentage income for your blog and that’s how you get web traffic. Revisiting users keeps your blog/site up in the optimization process, and that’s how you become most searchable content on search engines. In-direct way, you will get the attention of new customers and get your visitors list up.
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For example : If you are using Facebook to display social ads to your website/blog, please make use of page likes, page comments and encourage them to become subscribers of your newsletters or become a fan. In-return you will have visitors come back again by just clicking your newsletter subscription and you will have regular visitors.
Assign Roles/Duties
Assigning roles and duties to the correct person helps to reduce extra work from your shoulders as definitely you don’t need to be an Iron man. As we all know, the HR (Human Resource) department is a very important department for any organization. This the entry/exit place for every employee. The Human Resource department is responsible for any other department to function properly. The more good people they hire the more growth companies will see. Just like this, we have to assign roles/duties to every individual correctly, slowly and gradually they will come to know their daily task and work responsibility.
Social Medical ManagementOscar
Referral ProgramJohn
Social AdvertisementSarah
Video content creationMark
Content writing David
Customer serviceAllen
When everyone is well aware about the job responsibility, this is the time for the implementation process. It can either be planned daily or weekly. Since it’s a very unknowing (lots of new things) market place, we should make small-small strategies and work on them. If some strategies don’t work well, we can leave those and move forward to adopt new ones. Don’t freak out if your strategies are not meeting your expectations. Remember, accepting failure is the key to success.
Know when to say bye
If your social media is not going well on a particular site, no matter who is responsible or to put the blame on, know when to exit. It’s more like a bad relationship; nobody is going to get benefited from stretching it out. More and more it’s a waste of time or time to invest on another good website.
It’s good to know your exit time and accept it professionally. Don’t get disappointed but learn from the mistakes you made.
Top famous social media tools to promote your business
Now you have strategies, you have audience, you have tricks now you need to know the platform. You have an airplane let’s discuss about the runway and you are all set to take off.
There are many social media tools that are being used by many organisations but every platform has a set of audience and ideal for a specific business. Let’s have a look –
Ideal for
InstagramPhotographers and Influencers
TwitterA Giant, if you can manipulate it, you are the boss
LinkedInprofessionals, writers, job seekers, Media houses
You tubeVideographers, advertising agencies, bloggers
PinterestAgain Photographers
GoodreadAuthors, Bloggers, Readers, reviewers
BufferYour assistant
Google+Another social media platform like Facebook
RSS FeedFor News industry, RSS feed keeps you on the top of content in your niche
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Top ten Electric Scooters
What triggered the increase in popularity of electrical scooters? In recent years, electric electric motor and battery technology offers advanced tremendously. Today's LEVs (Light Electric Vehicles) possess clear advantages over fossil fuel powered vehicles within the areas of performance, ease of use as well as operating costs.
"Green is actually in"... a lot of people have become environmentally-friendly these days. You can say that they have now become trendy and stylish to travel in these "green" settings of transportation.
Pollution totally free... Because electric vehicles operate on batteries and do not burn non-renewable fuels as their main system of ardeur, they provide the opportunity to reduce your individual environmental impact and enhance local air quality.
Quiet... Annoying better than cruising down the actual streets and the only point you hear is the wind throwing out in the air. Electric motors tend to be quiet and give you a completely different feeling when traveling. Many gas-powered personal automobiles are louder than lawn-mowers. Quiet electric vehicles appear to glide down the road with ease and they are welcomed in most communities.
Possibly may be for choosing to purchase an electrical scooter, I have compiled a listing that you may find helpful in slimming down your choices. In absolutely no particular order, the top ten electric scooters are:
Vectrix Maxi-Scooter VECTRIX is the composition for: Vehicle, Electronic, Relever, Transformation, Revolution, Innovation, X-factor, and was started with a number of engineers. The big information here is the nickel metal hydride battery, because with any kind of electric vehicle, it's just as good as the battery within. The V1 model ($11, 000) is currently available in the two-wheeled scooter as opposed to the three-wheeled V3 model (which will not be available until later this season and will be priced at $15, 000). The V3 has 2 wheels mounted in the top for better handling and also stability. Sophisticated design developments of the sharp, striking Vectrix include a high-efficiency gearbox along with drive train, aluminum building for weight reduction and sleek styling to reduce drag. The center of gravity, rigid frame and even weight submission provide superior handling. The actual Vectrix is virtually quiet and highly efficient-a trademarked regenerative braking system redirects power back into the Vectrix battery power, which helps to extend the range by up to twelve percent. For consumers along with urban commutes, Vectrix will be both convenient and economical. The driver can stop in addition to go with one hand simply by twisting the throttle back again for acceleration and folding it forward to slow down easily and safely. Fast speed and handling make it simple and safe to zip to and from of traffic. Plus, a good onboard charger plugs into any standard 110/220V electric outlet to charge the particular battery pack in just two hrs. Features of the Vectrix Maxi-Scooter include: - goes zero to 50 mph within 6. 8 seconds -- top speed of sixty two mph - range of seventy miles on a single charge All of us feel that the Vectrix electric powered scooter is the wave for the future and will revolutionize the power scooter industry. Vectrix had been named as one of MSN's bikes of the year inside 2007. Designed with looks in your mind, the Vectrix is sensitive, good-looking, reliable and enjoyable to ride. Go-Ped ESR 750 The Go-Ped ESR family consists of the following versions: ESR 750, ESR 750EX and ESR 750H. The particular Go-Ped ESR750 simply is within a class of its own with no scooter in the market comes close in order to its build quality, power, overall performance and stylish design. Its sturdiness, reliability and impeccable efficiency without compromising on virtually any details makes it one fo the top electric hoverboard electric scooters. Not forgetting it is an environmentally friendly alternative setting of transportation as well. Typically the ESR750 is the most cutting edge, dependable and versatile electric scooter on the market today. The Go-Ped ESR750 EX is equipped with larger covered lead acid batteries, that deliver a range increase in excess of 50% over the standard ESR750 stock range and length. The ESR750EX will provide customers with an impressive 12+ mi. range in Economy function - a top speed associated with 12 mph - or more to an 8 mile variety in Turbo Mode, that allows users to reach a top pace of 20 mph. It really is ideal for Electric enthusiasts as well as scooterists looking for an electric kid scooter with an excellent range. Along with it's unmatched power, dependability and performance, it is compact and straightforward to carry. The Go-Ped ESR750H Hoverboard electric scooter is founded on the highly regarded and excellent GoPed ESR750EX, but integrating the amazing Cantilevered Self-employed Dynamic Linkless Indespension (C. I. D. L. We. ) suspension system showcased on their highly successful away road products such as the Path Ripper and Riot small motorcycle. This two wheeled sensation will quietly, effectively and effortlessly move cyclists of up to 400 lbs over a ground with the sensation as though they were magically levitating on the cloud. The ESR750H Hoverboard offers 2 . 7" regarding suspension travel in the entrance and 3. 5" involving suspension travel in the back. This hover system is flexible from "plush to firm" to accommodate and suit almost all rider preferences. HCF 737 Pacelite The HCF 737 Pacelite Electric Scooter is really a long-lived, well-built scooter. This really is one of the few electric scooters which powers up quickly from the full stop, then can take upon hills without hesitation. Often the HCF 737 Pacelite is an excellent commuter scooter, folding on with easy storage and transportation. Given its speed, energy, weight and reliability, both beginner and experienced biker can appreciate its functionality. It is a very light child scooter - only 59 lbs with the battery, and will fit into the trunk of your vehicle. Traveling at a top velocity of 15mph, the HCF 737 Electric Scooter should go distances of up to 12 kilometers on a charge. Adjustable handle bars allow you to customize your trip for maximum comfort. And also the removable seat and foldable frame lets you take this electric power scooter practically anywhere you would like. This is one of the few electric scooters that offers full front and also rear suspension for a sleek ride no matter what the terrain. Zapino Electric Scooter ZAP may be the acronym for: Zero Pollution and they recently introduced their own new Zapino electric mobility scooter. Not only economical and environmentally friendly, the Zapino is effective with an advanced 3000-watt brushless DC hub motor, ideal for city commuting. Able to achieve speeds of 30 mph, the Zapino will be able to maintain city traffic without causing city pollution. The rear steering wheel hub motor on the Zapino creates more room aboard for additional batteries and performance. This particular creative drive system removes the need for belts or stores lowering it's overall servicing. It also delivers a more pleasant ride because it is practically noiseless. It accelerates smoothly without any shifting and has no motor vibration - just great, eco-friendly clean fun. They have an optional upgrade, with Lithium batteries, that will boost the collection up to a very respectable 67 miles from the 30 a long way that come from the standard battery packs. Forsen Hummer The Forsen Hummer is the first small scooter in the business to offer space for 2 riders. These scooters are made for older teenagers and adults who want trustworthy short-to-medium range transportation that isn't limited by hills. The Forsen scooter is street lawful and complies with UNITED STATES DOT guidelines (headlight, braking system light, and turn signals). The Forsen Hummer is actually a heavy duty electric scooter effective at traveling at 28-33 mph with a range of 25 mls for a 175-lb. rider. Along with it's 1000-watt motor coupled with 100-amp controller, this moped really can handle two competitors (total weight of 400 lbs. ) with no problem. Selection of 25 miles comes by using a 24V/40Ah battery supply that is 3-4 times larger than the majority of scooters. Easily handles many off road conditions. Functions include full suspension, front side disk brake, flat-proof auto tires, and a fast battery charger (4 hours or less). pride Cycle 2 LX The actual eGO LX is designed for every day commuters and errand joggers who will be driving throughout moderate to heavy visitors. The LX is completely equipped for registration in a state and provides the same selection and speed as the self confidence Classic. In the GO QUICK mode, top speed is usually 24 mph, electronically restricted. Zero to 20 mph in under 4 seconds. In the "GO FAR" mode, top rate is 17mph, and velocity is smooth and simple. Utilizing a single battery pack, range is definitely 20-25 miles in the "GO FAR" mode and 15-20 miles in the "GO FAST" mode. The eGO Period climbs up hills effortlessly. It will climb a 15% grade at 18 mph with a 170lb rider. The center and soul of the vanity is a tough DC engine designed specifically for the confidence Cycle. It's powerful sufficient to pull heavy riders upward big hills. The smooth ride of the eGO period 2 is the result of any custom front dual springtime suspension fork. The pride Cycle LX uses a silent belt drive transmission that needs no lubrication and is almost silent. Motorino XPi The particular Motorino XPi is the following generation bicycle/scooter model. Constructed on a motorcycle frame, it offers motorcycle grade 3. 5" wide wheels which makes it really steady in any weather condition. With the pedals on, it is classified like a bicycle and does not need to be certified or registered. If you take typically the pedals off the scooter, it might be a LSM (low acceleration motorcycle) and you need to have this licensed and insured. The motor is uniquely designed with oversized rare earth magnets, which increases the torque along with efficiency. You can feel this particular when you start - it increases for 5 seconds to be able to 32km/h. The regenerative braking mechanism also returns more strength in the battery when braking. It is hydraulic front suspension absorbs any vibration and makes often the ride very smooth and comfy. Numo Cruiser LX Created for electric enthusiasts and relevers, the Cruiser LX Electrical Scooter is a new era PEV (personal electric vehicle). The Numo Cruiser solutions the faultss of this electric scooters and models new standards for kid scooter performance. Most electric scooters today have two severe flaws: short range in addition to poor hill climbing capability. The Cruiser LX features a maximum range of 30 mile after mile and the motor controller allows the Cruiser LX for you to climb 20% grade hillsides! The Cruiser LX functions adjustable rear suspension. You are able to adjust stiffness to suit your level of comfort. iZIP Fusion NuVinci CVP The iZIP Fusion NuVinci CVP Drive electric child scooter delivers a totally unique driving experience with it's increase of cutting-edge CVP (continuously variable planetary) technology. Typically the IZIP Fusion NuVinci utilizes both the patented Currie Electro-Drive system and the NuVinci CVP, leveraging the benefits of both technology by creating an automatic, multi-gear drive system that will increase the performance, range and capability to handle hills and greater weights without stalling. Often the motor is from an Blend Finned Hi-Torque DC Neodymium Magnet Motor which creates 1000W of power. The actual Fusion NuVinci has a optimum range of 25 miles. This features three 15Ah device regulated, exceptional deep release recovery rechargeable batteries for any maximum speed of fifteen mph. EVT America Z-20 The EVT Z-20 mobility scooter is powered by a 60-volt 2500-watt brushless hub motor unit that can zip you together at up to 45 kilometers per hour for between forty and 50 miles. In this way a very impressive performance. The particular motor controller regulates as well as efficiently administers the power that is fed into the generator based on its performance requirements and driver requirements. That regulates the speed and torque of the motor while checking its performance. The Z-20 is the ideal commuter vehicle to get. Features include: 10 " wheels (rim) and three. 5 inch wide wheels to provide traction and balance, front and rear disk brakes, double front and also rear shock absorbers
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sterek-bingo · 8 years
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            STEREK BINGO 2017 THEMES!
Here they are! Sterek Bingo 2017 themes! You can also see the list of themes here. ENJOY CREATING!!!!!!
Harry Potter: No matter Slytherin or Hufflepuff, Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, all houses are welcome in a Harry Potter AU! You don't even have to use houses, or Hogwarts at all! Perhaps branch out and use Beauxbatons or Ilvermorny, or maybe not even a school. Pro Quidditch player x Magical Creature instructor anyone?
Friends To Lovers: There's nothing more amazing in a relationship than being able to be best friends with your lover...except for when your best friend BECOMES your lover. From Monica and Chandler, to Scully and Mulder, the friends to lovers trope has been around for ages. And now it's time to give Sterek that treatment, no matter if it's canon or AU. Time to turn platonic snuggles into romantic snuggles!
Magic/Were!Stiles: Let's be honest here, this boy is something! Now it's time for you to decide what! Witch, werewolf, druid, werefox, raven, White Stag...the possibilities are so endless, and here's your outlet for choosing any one you want! The only thing Stiles can't be for this theme is human.
Top/Bottom: Top!Stiles/bottom!Derek, top!Derek/bottom!Stiles, or my personal favorite: Switches! No matter what you like, I think it's safe to say that the theme is pretty self-explanatory. Of course this theme doesn't have to relate to sex if you don't want it to- it could just as easily relate to bunk beds!
Kids: What's better than kids? From babies to teenagers, kids are what makes the world go round, and there's nothing cuter than Stiles and Derek with them. (Except maybe Stiles and Derek as kids themselves, but that's your choice to make!) No matter if it's baby!Sterek or Sterek with babies, if it includes kids, it's welcome for this theme!
Coffee Shop: Somehow, someway, Coffee Shop AUs are the single staple of the AU world. A fandom's not a fandom without a coffee shop AU! But there are always ways to make them unique...a coffee shop for the supernatural perhaps? Maybe Derek is allergic to coffee? A coffee shop that ran out of coffee? Put your creativity to the test by making a Coffee Shop AU as unique- or cliche'!- as you want!
Horror: From things that go bump in the night, to the morbid and macabre, horror is one of the great staple genres of media, and now it's time to add a dash of spooky to Sterek! It could be anything from a light Goosebumps-esque idea, or you could try to out horror American Horror Story. Bring your scares and something to cover your eyes, it's about to be Halloween in May!
Royalty: Kings and princes and knights, oh my! This is the thing that royalty AUs are made of! It could be set in the distant past, or you can modernize it. King!Stiles, prince!Derek, forbidden love or arranged marriages - there are a variety of different ways to do a royalty AU, all it has to include is, well, royalty!
Dark!Stiles: We all have a little darkness within us. And even before season 3B, so much of the fandom adored dark!Stiles. Now we're bringing him back from...the grave? Well now that depends on you, any reason for his darkness and in any way that he is, we want to see it! Villainous, evil, possessed, or morally gray, it doesn't matter. Bring ALL of the darkness to our cutest psychopath!
Derek Returns: What Sterek fan- hell, what DEREK fan- DIDN'T wish Derek had come back for season five? Or season six? Well there are probably some, but we aren't some of them! Derek coming back to Beacon Hills is the theme here, and it can be in season five, season six, or even post-canon. We just want to get him back by any means necessary, and you get to decide what those means are!
Comfort: I think it's safe to say that Derek and Stiles have both had rough lives, surrounded with death and misery and pain...now it's time for you to make that right! No matter if it's hurt/comfort or all comfort, if it's a heavy, emotional piece, or if it's just Derek wrapped in a blanket and making a blanket fort for Stiles, the idea is to be warm, happy, and most of all- comfortable!
Soulmates: Ahh, soulmate Aus...one of the best things that fandom has to offer that you don't really see in mass media. Worlds where you're born with a soul mark on your skin, or a clock counting down to the moment you'll meet your soulmate, or see only black and white until you meet them...soulmate AUs have the potential to be incredibly fluffy, comical, angsty, or tragic as you'd like. There are essentially no rules here! We always knew these two were destined for each other...
Alive Hales: There's so much to mourn with the Hale family. Laura, Talia, and all of the Hales we didn't know...so it's time to bring them back to life! Be it canon-divergent or AU, entire family or just Laura, it doesn't matter. It's time to put your spin on Derek's family! Let us meet your version of the Hales- after they meet Stiles, of course!
Meet-Cute: "Meet-cute" is, of course, a relative term. From the cliche rom-com meetings, to the sort of Munster-esque anarchy that only Stiles could consider cute, the goal is to create a meeting for these two lovable losers that's- well, CUTE! AU? Probably, but boy would it be interesting to see how you could interpret it for canon! Let us see your ideal cuteness level, sprinkled, of course, over Sterek!
Enemies To Lovers: Like friends to lovers, enemies to lovers is one of the staples of fandom. There's just something so incredible about watching two people who want to kill each other transform into two people who love each other unconditionally, and that's exactly what this theme is about! They can be merely at odds, or full out on opposite sides of a war, all that matters is that getting along comes later on for these two frenemies (loverenemies?)
BAMF!Stiles: Stiles Stilinski is a badass. We all know that. Now it's time to highlight it! BAMF!Stiles can be any shade of morality and have any kind of power (or even lack there of) that you want, The only guideline is that he does something that makes everyone else stand back, wide-eyed and open-mouthed, wondering how they got lucky enough to witness such a display of BAMF!
Werewolf Culture: Courting rituals and Alpha symposiums abound, it's time for a lesson in Werewolf Culture! It could be werewolves are known, A/B/O, Teen Wolf canon, or really any universe wherein werewolves exist and have their own communities and social constructs. What matters is that there's something about werewolves that's very different from humans- and it doesn't all come down to the full moon and turning into a wolf.
Little Red Riding Hood: Ahh, the fandom wide favorite fairytale, telling of a red-hood and a wolf... and those are the only requirements! Little Red could be innocent or evil, the wolf could be bad or good, and you don't even have to stick to canon! Little Red Riding Hood Derek x Wolf Stiles? Yes please! As long as those elements are included, it can be as close to or as far from the fairytale as you desire.
Switched Roles: Werewolf!Stiles/human!Derek? Age differences? Alpha!Stiles? Possessed!Derek? Why... this must be a role reversal!! No matter if it's a full on canon rewrite, a reversal of one season, or even just one specific trait (Alpha!Stiles/human!Derek for example) it doesn't matter. As long as something noticeably Derek is now Stiles, and something noticeably Stiles is now Derek. (It might have just been easier for them to switch clothes...)
Mythology: Ahh, mythology. One of the world's greatest- and most diverse- treasures. Every culture has such a vast and rich mythology that it's impossible not to find any to your liking, as it doesn't have to just stick to the average Greek and Roman mythos. Mythology has some of the greatest tales and some of the easiest to adapt. Old world or modern, closely following the story or deeply diverting from it, as long as it has a root in mythology or somewhere, it's welcome here!
Shifted Derek: Who doesn't LOVE a full-shifted wolf!Derek? We certainly love it here! Both in canon and AU, werewolf!Derek just seems to work, and what works possibly best is when he shifts into a real wolf! No matter if it's the freedom he gets from running through the woods, or just the peace of sleeping in the middle of a sunbeam, let Derek's spirit be in it's truest form by letting him be a wolf!
Crossover: There's nothing like a good old fashioned crossover. Be it another TV show, a movie, an anime, a book, or even a musical, all that matters is that it's another source of media that bleeds together with Teen Wolf! Maybe Derek and Stiles meet Dean and Cas, maybe there's an AU where anxious figure-skater!Stiles drunkenly asks superstar figure-skater!Derek to coach him. It doesn't matter as long as there's a second source material involved in your work!
Everybody Lives-Nobody Dies: I bet everyone has at least one person they wish HADN'T died in Teen Wolf. Even if it's pre-canon, now is your chance to bring them back from the grave! Anyone you want, as many people as you want. Let the events of canon slide right off and have an AU or canon-divergence where everyone is alive and happy!
A/B/O: Knotting, heats, scenting, bonding - all of the most well known cliche's of A/B/O (AKA: Omegaverse), One of the most unique concepts fanfiction has ever offered, almost certainly AU (almost), A/B/O is that great theme where you can really build a universe. Create an entirely new world with different laws and social structures and biology. Or you could just have the incredibly fun Alpha/Omega dynamics and call it a day - it's totally up to you! And what's even better, you can take the terms as loosely or as fittingly as you want! Keep them to a very general sense of pack structure, or create an entirely new world order with vastly different biologies and social requirements- it's all up to you!
Superhero: Ever since Tyler Hoechlin literally became Superman, superhero AUs have exploded in the Sterek community! From canon superheros like Superman and Batman, to totally new OC superheros like Black Wolf and Red Bat (or, you know, names that make sense), the superhero genre is one that can be easily explored and is certainly one of the most fun to do. It can be as lighthearted as Supergirl, as dark as Gotham, or something pleasantly in between- it's all up to you to decide!
Pack Mom Stiles: Pack Mom Stiles is one of the earliest staples of the Teen Wolf fandom, and one of my personal favorites. Because you know Stiles is "the mom friend". He doesn't bake cookies and help the kids with his homework, but he does defend his pack at all costs and is liable to take a bat to the head of anyone who breaks one of his friend's hearts! No matter if it's domestic or at war, Pack Mom Stiles is one of the cutest tropes around, and this is the time and place to dedicate a little time to the glue keeping the pack together!
Feral: Ah, feral AUs...no matter if it's Derek or Stiles, one of them is bound to spend just a little bit too much time in the wild, until the wild won't leave them. Perhaps the scariest thing about feral AUs is that they don't actually have to be AU at all. In fact, they can fit in very easily with canon. Maybe Derek comes back from his trip with Braeden, unable to shift out of his wolf form. Maybe Stiles, in trying to escape from the hunt, ended up getting stuck in the woods for a few years. Not to mention the full bounty of possibilities if you make it AU! Bring on the heartache! This is bound to hurt.
Canon Divergent: With only one half season left of Teen Wolf and Derek having been gone for a season and a half already, the chances of Sterek becoming canon- although still possible- are pretty slim. If canon is the one universe where they don't end up together, then it's our job as fans to create millions of universes where they DO! Find the perfect place in canon where you can save the relationship and ensure that whenever this mystical time in the universe is that these two don't end up together, it's NOT today! Not today Satan, not today.
Alpha!Derek/Stiles: There once was a time when Alpha!Derek was canon...and you could re-establish that time now! Miss the Hale pack? Want to create a new one? Just want those pretty red eyes back? Here's your chance to give Derek his power back! Oooor...your chance to allow Derek a time to rest and give that power to Stiles! Because who doesn't love Alpha!Stiles with beta!Derek? Of course, since this is Alpha Derek/Stiles, it could just as easily be both of them. Would they join their packs together? Be at odds with each other? It's your time to decide! Take those red eyes and stick them in whoever you want! As long as it's Derek or Stiles, that is
Wild Card: This is the obligatory bingo square in the very middle where you can do absolutely anything you want! That's right. There's no restriction, no guideline, no THEME! It's your freebie to do anything you may have been wanting to do, but haven't really had the time or inspiration to do until now- here's your chance. Now go forth and create Sterek!
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