#hello molly rose please call me
natjennie · 7 months
I need everyone to watch this right now please
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theheadgirl · 2 years
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31 Days of Fear, hosted by @hp-fearfest
Day 11: Rot (read on AO3 here)
CW: death mention, implied murder, dead body (off-screen)
"Your roses look beautiful, Audrey; I don't understand what the issue is," Percy says, taking a sip of his tea as he follows his wife out into the backyard. 
"You really can't see a difference?" Audrey asks. She points to her rosebushes, a riot of leaves and color, then her wildflowers, which are also … a riot of leaves and color. 
"They all look very healthy. Isn't that the goal? Having a healthy garden?"
"Yes, but …" Audrey exhales, putting her hands on her hips. "It's just so much stronger than the others. I'm not doing anything differently. I just don't get it."
"If the dog pooping on them makes the plants this much stronger, then you need to stop fussing at Molly when she doesn't pick it up."
"What's Faolan pooping on now?" Oliver asks. He slings an arm around Percy's shoulders and kisses him hello, looks at the bush, then back to Percy and Audrey, waiting for an explanation. 
"Percy thinks Faolan excretes fertilizer, and that's why this plant is doing so much better than the others," Audrey says. 
"I was joking." He turns to Oliver. "Go take a shower; I can't stand being this close to you right after practice."
"Sorry my pheromones are too much for you," Oliver says with a grin. He curls a finger into the collar of Percy's henley. "You know, now that both of the girls are at Hogwarts, you could just give in to the pheromones…"
Laughing, Oliver holds up his hands. "All right, all right." Before he goes, he turns back to Audrey. "When did you plant this one? Pretty recently, wasn't it? Maybe that's why?"
"About a month ago, yeah," Audrey says. She shakes her head. "I don't know. Maybe I'll poke around in the soil later."
Three days later, Percy gets the door for Audrey after they Apparate onto the front stoop. 
"Ollie?" she calls inside. "Home, darling?"
"Addie, thank Merlin - " Oliver rushes in from the kitchen, Faolan at his heels. He's holding something long and white in his hands and thrusts it out to her. "Please tell me this is a chicken bone."
Percy goes very pale and looks away as Audrey takes the bone and examines it closely. 
"Sorry, no luck there." She turns it over in her hands again. "Care to tell me where you got a human ulna?"
"Shit." Oliver exhales heavily. "Faolan was digging by your rose bush. I hollered at him to stop and then I had to wrestle that away from him."
"Oh, my God," Percy says, and abruptly leaves the room. 
"Right," Audrey says decisively. "Oliver, keep Faolan inside, and make sure Percy's puking into the toilet. I'll call Fletcher before I go back out there."
"You're being very calm about all of this," Oliver says.
Despite the seriousness of the situation, Audrey laughs. "Darling, I work in forensics. This is my job. I'll melt down later. Go, check on Percy." She pops up onto her tiptoes and kisses Oliver on the cheek, then goes into the living room. The fireplace roars to life with a tap of her wand, and she takes a handful of Floo powder and flings it in.
"Fletcher Brooks, the Ministry."
A few moments later, Head Auror Brooks' face appears in the fireplace. "Weasley?"
"My dog dug up a human ulna from under my rosebush," Audrey says without preamble. "My husband is puking his guts out and my partner is barely keeping it together. Anyone available to come have a look?" 
Brooks is silent for a moment. "I'll send out a team now. You're in Catton, right?"
"Just outside."
"Secure the site and keep the dog away. I'll have someone there in five minutes." 
"Thanks, Fletcher."
"You've ruined my night, Weasley." He ends the connection, and Audrey gets to her feet. She presses her hands to her face and screams into them for five seconds. 
There's a body in her garden.
She lowers her hands, blinks back tears, and inhales deeply. Nothing to do now but find out who it was, and figure out who did it.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
HELLO! I'm here with a TWF request! Fully platonic fic, but a fic where a close friend and employee of Jack Walters finds him as Bon and recognizes him after they spent months looking for him when he went missing. Maybe it could be a Angst/Comfort fic as well! - moss
The one thing you thought you'll never get.
For several long months you've been searching for Jack, wondering where he could have gone. Of course Rosemary was just as fretful, but she searched the restaurant nonstop in a hopeless struggle until one day...
She went missing, too.
The number of friends and coworkers who've gone missing without a trace left you paranoid that you'll be the next victim.
But to who?
You didn't know, although when you visited the restaurant when it was open..Bon always gave you odd stares. Like he was watching and waiting for you to make one wrong move.
Fortunately he never lunged off the stage or did anything more than stare.
Even so, it was kinda creepy. You couldn't help but felt like there was some....unusual connection between him and Jack. Like anytime you mentioned his name, Bon would turn his head.
You've been afraid to confront him alone until now.
Recently you received word from Felix that a new storage facility--called K-9--had been established in the heart of Saint Juana's forest. A temporary place for the animatronics until he could finish the paperwork for some "Relocate Project".
You thought he'd be more concerned about Jack and everyone else who went missing, but he seemed obsessed with keeping the franchise alive.
Although you were close to giving up hope, you believed this facility was the last clue.
Your last chance at finding Jack.
"K-9..wonder if that pun was intended.." You mused as you arrived at the storage facility.
After watching the training tapes, you got everything you needed, including a set of keys for the main entrance and the rooms within it. Once inside, it took you a while to find the animatronics.
Plus it was so dark and cramped, even with your flashlight guiding you. It made you feel more uneasy by the second.
Still..you took a deep breath and pushed forward, determined to finish your mission.
At some point you finally arrived at one of the rooms mentioned in the tape--a room that hid the animatronics and their spare parts.
Your eyes immediately landed on Bon, who was laying against the wall. The poor rabbit looked like he's seen better days. The fabric casing around his lower arms and legs had been removed, and his teeth had chipped away into sharp points.
In a way they looked like old dentures, which didn't help the creepiness of his overall appearance.
"There's gotta be some light in here.." You grumbled as you shook the flashlight, seeing it was growing dimmer, before deciding to look for a switch.
Though when you finally found one, that's when your flashlight decided to die. "Huh?" With a frown you shook it again, confused.
But you froze when you heard the sounds of mechanical clunking, briefly glancing back at the darkness. "B-Bon..?"
Silence answered you.
'Maybe something fell...just relax, [y/n].' Sighing, you turned on the switch, which illuminated the room only slightly.
But hey, it was better than nothing.
Though you heard heavy breathing noises--which sounded awfully organic--and nervously turned around to see Bon towering over you. You jumped a little as he cackled, clearly taking delight in your fright.
"J-Jeez..you're fast, huh?"
As his clawed hand reached out to you, he hesitated and tilted his eyes, confused at your lack of terror.
Not only that but..something about you seemed familiar..
While he remained still, you seized the opportunity to do something that would most likely be the death of you.
You stepped forward and embraced him.
Yes. You were hugging the tall decrepit rabbit animatronic. Now he was more tense than ever before, wondering what on earth you were doing. "Wh-Wh-What's this now? A hug-g-g?" His voice was choppy and warped, but still held that snarky tone he was known for.
"Yeah, I missed you." You sighed and stepped away, gazing up at him. "And I..really miss Jack. Maybe I was a fool to think he'd be here. But if you ever see him, Bon..tell him I'm sorry about his children, Ed and Molly."
Bon just stared at you. You couldn't tell what he was thinking, but it seemed your efforts were in vain.
What were you thinking? He probably didn't even know Jack since he was still being built by Susan when he vanished.
"Well, I'll see how your other friends are doing, I guess. See you around, Bon." Forcing a smile, you turned around in disappointment and heartache.
'Damnit, another dead end. Maybe he IS gone and I haven't-'
With wide eyes, you slowly looked back at him, shocked.
Bon spoke yet again, but his voice sounded...deeper yet softer. It had the same kind of distorted undertones, though you could easily recognize the all-too-familiar voice of-
"Are you..mimicking him, Bon? Because this isn't funny-"
"It's easier to show than explain. I'm sorry.."
You fell silent as he reached up to grip his mask. He seemed to struggle a bit, but he slowly peeled it off and lowered it so you could finally see the man you've been searching for.
Your colleague, boss, and best friend:
Jack Walten, and his rotten decayed face.
His hair was somehow still there, but far more matted and sticking to the bloody wounds on his skin. Through the black tuffs you could make out his teeth--the lips ripped off and forming a permanent smile that mirrored the rabbit's.
The mechanical parts to the animatronic eyes were practically shoved into his empty sockets. As if...Jack was forced to see the world through Bon's eyes.
It was such a nauseating sight, but instead of being terrified all you could wonder was:
Did he do this to himself?
No...he wouldn't have. This couldn't have been an accident or some suicide. The Jack you knew wouldn't have done something like this to himself.
But what sick bastard would shove him into this suit and leave him here to rot?
"J-Jack...who did this to you?" Your voice wavered with anger. "Tell me, please. I wanna know who killed you."
Jack didn't answer. Instead he put the mask back on; it seemed Bon was crying now, his eyes leaking an oily substance as his hands trembled. "E-Ed...Molly...Rose....S-Sophie...Felix...Felix-x..." His voice became more warped and distorted, merged with his creation's.
Loud mechanical grinding from inside him was making him twitch violently as he clutched his snout.
Bon froze and looked down at you, tilting his head.
"I know you want your family back..trust me, I know how much you loved them. You used to show me Ed's and Molly's concepts of the Showstoppers and..you said they'd grow up to be amazing artists." You smiled, wiping the tears from your eyes. "They would've loved them..they would've loved Bon. They basically brought him to life."
His green eyes glowed a bit brighter and he giggled as he crouched down slightly. "E-Eddie and Molly would'a loved me? Of course..wh-who wouldn't love me-e-e-e?"
Now you saw that Bon was back in control; it was clear that he and Jack were at war with each other. Sadly that might be the last you'll probably hear of your friend's voice for a while.
But...it's safe to say that he had been found.
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luxwritesfanfic · 3 years
Old Money
In which Sherlock tells you something you’ve wanted to hear for a long time. Or, the one where reader reads auras and as always with Sherlock, things are never as they seem. Thanks for reading!
Sherlock Holmes/Reader
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Cursing under your breath at the weather, you pushed the door to 221b open and found solace in the warmth of the building. You didn’t think you’d ever get use to the dreary London winters. Today had been terribly long and as much as you wanted to be in your bed watching Iron Man with last night’s reheated takeaway, Sherlock had texted you saying he needed your help with some experiment and John just wasn’t capable of helping him. You almost said no but the thought of passing up time with Sherlock was unbearable, even if you were just a guinea pig for him to test on. ‘Yeah”, you thought to yourself, ‘I’m down bad’. Doing your best to shake off the snow and fatigue, you made your way to the stairs but stopped at the bottom when you heard a soft melody coming from the second floor. Tilting your head to the side, you furrowed your brows and tried to hone in on the sound. It didn’t sound like a violin so it couldn’t be Sherlock playing. It wasn’t often that he cared to listen to music besides his own so it must be part of his experiment, you thought. You carried on, moments later finding yourself in the doorway when you noticed it.
It was like you were seeing the world through rose colored glasses. Everything was cast in a soft pink glow that made it all seem so delicate and precious that you knew you had to commit this feeling to memory in the chance that nothing in your life brought this shade to you again. Sherlock stood with his back towards you, arms taut behind his back with his hands folded neatly. He gazed out at the busy London street beneath his home and seemed lost in a trance of his own. Music was playing from his laptop and it really brought everything together. You wondered what he would say if he could see it, if he could see how he made the world look for you. You wondered what he must’ve been feeling to project it as beautifully as this. Dragging your eyes away from the skull on the mantle that was illuminated by the pink in a way that almost seemed romantic, you looked back at the man of your every hour.
He was absolutely perfect and that was something you had never been more sure of. You let yourself lean against the door frame to admire him completely. You knew you didn’t look at your other friends like that and while that should have scared you, it didn’t. You loved Sherlock for what he was, everything he was, and if he never returned any affection for you— you would still love him the same. You had the time of your life fighting dragons with him and you could only hope you expressed that to him in a way he could understand. The corner of Sherlock’s lips twitched as he spoke, bringing you back to him. It seemed that was something you did for each other often. “You’re staring, you know. If you stared any harder I’m afraid I’d feel it in my chest.” He was still looking out the window and you hadn’t been sure prior if he knew you were there at all. If it was anyone else, they would have missed the humor in his words. Luckily for you, you could hear him smiling. You were sure it was as lovely as it sounded.
“I’m sorry.” You weren’t. “What did you need help with?”
Sherlock finally turned to face you, fingers playing with the cuffs of his sleeve as he made to roll them up. He walked towards the kitchen and you followed, shrugging your coat off onto the back of John’s chair. “I need to ask you something. And you must be honest with me or it will be for naught.” He leaned against the dining table, one handing holding his elbow up and the other brought up to his lips. He was studying you in the way he thought was less obvious than pyramiding his fingers but you were well aware of the detective’s tells.
You moved to lean against the counter across from him. The tips of your shoes were almost touching. “Okay, shoot.”
Shifting under the weight of his suddenly intense stare, you followed as his eyes moved from your head down as if you were wearing the answer he was looking for. While he was searching, you had happened to notice that the pink that seemed to envelop everything in his flat wasn’t touching him. Hell, your white scrub top looked like it had gotten mixed in with the reds in the wash. But there Sherlock was, unaffected by the light he was supposedly giving off. How strange, you thought.
Before you could fully register what was happening, Sherlock had stepped into your space and left you pinned between him and the kitchen counter. He was still looking at you like that and you could feel blush rise up your neck and onto your cheeks. That seemed to have caught his eye as he brushed a lock of hair behind your ear to get a better view.
“Why is it that whenever I call for you... you never deny me?”  Eyes still fixated on your cheek, he brought a hand up and brushed the back of his fingers along your jaw. His other arm still rested on the countertop next to you and his legs on either side of yours. 
Your eyes widened at his question. You had no way of explaining why in a way that would both satisfy him and protect you. You stayed silent as he tilted your jaw back with his knuckles and moved to cup your cheek with his palm. He moved to do the same on the other side, taking his time as if the act itself was sacred. His lips parted into a silent ‘oh’ as if he was drinking in your movement and analyzing your every reaction.
“Sherlock,” you croaked, not sure if it came out as whine, plea, or prayer. It was all too much- his hands on your face holding you close to him, your knees knocking together, and if you moved just a little closer you were sure your noses would touch. “Y/N, why?” He urged. He was going to have your answer whether you thought you were capable of giving it to him or not. The air was so thick you thought you were going to choke. “Why do you always come when I call?” His breath was fanning your lips and you had to swallow the involuntary moan that nearly slipped out. You brought your hands to his wrists and held onto him, initially to feel him but you ended up using him to hold yourself steady. “I love you.” You murmured, eyes closed. You couldn’t see his reaction. You squeezed his wrists as you spoke and hoped he understood your silent apology. You were going to ruin your friendship and you were so sorry. “I always come when you call for me because I love you. I love you so much it hurts my head.” Like a faucet, the words slipped through your mouth and dug you deeper and deeper into a hole you never wanted to be in. You closed your eyes tighter than before and tried to keep the oncoming tears at bay. “I love you in the morning when we’ve been at Bart’s all night looking into microscopes and even when my eyes are sore and I’m exhausted, I see you and I know I love you. I love you when I’m scared because you’re chasing some criminal down the streets of London and you have no idea if they have a GUN and I love you even more when come back to me and tell me that ‘I’m stupid for worrying’ because you always outsmart them. I love you when you let me make you tea, or you ask me to cook for you, because I love taking care of you-“ Before you really made him uncomfortable, you forced yourself to stop. Taking in a deep breath and moving your head up to look at him once more, you searched his face for some sort of response. You bared your heart out and you only hoped that he’d still allow you to be friends even after knowing how you truly felt about him. Moments had passed and you still stood there, with his hands still on your cheeks and his eyes roaming your face for something that he still hadn’t found. You needed him to say something. To let you apologize, to tell you that it could be forgotten, that you didn’t ruin everything. “Sherlock?” You whispered, hoping to bring him back to you. “Please say something. Anything.” Your heart was racing and the tears had stopped but you knew it wouldn’t take much for them to start again. You didn’t mean to ruin this. Sherlock blinked and it almost looked like he had returned to his body after being somewhere far away. His hands never left you as he moved them from your cheeks to lock them in your hair. He lips ghosted your cheek as the moved towards your ear and just as he opened his mouth to finally respond- BZZZZZZT. BZZZZZT. BZZZZZT. You pulled back from him in confusion, trying to make sense of what just happened. He was staring at you so intensely you thought he was looking straight into your soul. “What did you just say?” He opened his mouth again and started to speak but all that came out was-
Your eyes shot open and you pushed yourself up as you looked around your dark apartment trying to make sense of what just happened. There was no glow, you weren’t on Baker street, you weren’t with Sherlock, and you hadn’t ruined everything. Your breathing was labored and you had felt so much emotional whiplash from that dream that you thought about checking to see if this one was a dream, too. You looked to your nightstand where your phone had been vibrating non-stop and went to reach for it.
“You weren’t answering my texts.” Before you could even say hello, Sherlock’s voice rang without missing a beat. You pulled your phone back to check the time. “Sherlock, it’s 3:18 in the morning. I was sleeping.” Your voice was still ladened with sleep and you weren’t even sure that you trusted yourself to speak with the real detective since it didn’t go so well with the dream one.
“Nevermind that. I need you to meet me at Bart’s. There’s been a murder and Molly can get us a look at the body before she does her paperwork if we get there now.” Sherlock sounded like he had been wide awake, and you could faintly hear him shrugging on his jacket in the background.
You thought about your dream and how you had been so afraid that you had lost everything by confessing. You were ready to beg for it to be forgotten and thrown under the bridge so that you would never have to go a day missing these calls. In Sherlock’s own way, he was telling you how much he needed you. The more you thought about it, he could have easily called John who was a floor above him or even Lestrade, who could have cut a lot of corners in getting him the information and access he needed for the case. But he called you. You glanced at the clock. You had work at 8:00, but if you and Sherlock got there by 4:30 you would more than likely be out by 7:00 and you could grab coffee with Sherlock as he walked you to your shift.
“Well?” He insisted. You could tell he was growing impatient, but you swore he had sounded hopeful and whether that was the sleep deprivation talking or the love sickness, you had decided right then. Who were you to keep the brilliant Sherlock Holmes waiting?
“I’m on my way.” Click.
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runningtwiceasfast · 3 years
I’ve Never Not Wanted You
This is my contribution to the Hinny Ficfest organized by the wonderful @clarensjoy - Thank you for organizing and for the fantastic contributions. I haven’t published a fic in awhile and this one is very not proofread and rough but I wanted desperately to contribute something. I hope you don’t mind this one is under the wire! Eventually I will post a cleaned up version on AO3, but in the meantime I hope you enjoy!
Prompt: “I’ve never not wanted you”
“You have to come to dinner tonight. Mum has invited another suitor and we are all going to want to watch the bloodbath.” Ron’s mouth was full of curry, so it was hard to make out exactly what he meant, but the gist was an invite for dinner.
Harry scowled in response and pushed his food away from him, suddenly having lost his appetite.
“When will Molly stop? After Ginny has killed someone?”
Ron gave a barking laugh. “Maybe. It’s hard to stop a determined Weasley though.”
“So, who is more determined? Molly to marry Ginny off or Ginny to resist?” Harry wondered out loud, still staring at his noodles as if they had offended him.
Shrugging, Ron reached over and helped himself to Harry’s discarded lunch. “Mum just wants Ginny to be happy. Wizards marry pretty young in our world and everyone else has mostly coupled off,” Ron pointed his chopsticks at Harry. “Well, except you mate.”
Harry frowned.
“I’ve been busy,” he finally said, and Ron gave a series of nods.
“Of course. Ridding the world of unstoppable evil and what not. I’m sure that’s why Mum is focused on Ginny and not you.”
“That’s a bit of a double standard, isn’t it?” Harry asked, irritated at the way the conversation had changed. The last thing he wanted to talk about was his sorry dating life. Or Ginny’s for that matter.
“The entire wizarding world is a double standard innit? Best to just make the best to just make the best of it and enjoy the show.”
Harry merely gave a small noise of assent, turning back to his noodles to find them completely gone. He looked up at Ron’s sheepish look.
“I thought you were done.”
Avoiding the floo network entirely, Harry opted to apparate to the Burrow, pausing outside the familiar door to collect his thoughts.
Using his free hand, he smoothed down his shirt and jeans, his other hand grasping the bottle of red wine Arthur had mentioned he liked the last time they had dined together at Grimmauld Place. He rose his hand to knock, but the door swung open before his fist even made contact.
“Harry! You’ve come to save me!” Harry was rather unprepared for the sight of Ginny, fresh faced and beautiful, greeting him at the door and found himself unable to say much of anything other than a grumbled hello as he shoved the bottle of wine at her.
She was wearing a simple black cotton dress that hugged her waist and flared out at the bottom. Her hair was down and bouncing around her shoulders. He gestured stupidly at his ears.
“You are wearing the earrings.”
She gave a tinkling laugh and pushed her hair behind her ear so he could see more clearly the diamond studs that he had given her last Christmas. “I’ve practically never taken them off. They are gorgeous. Probably one of the best gifts I’ve ever gotten.” She smiled at him sincerely and he felt his heart rate accelerate uncomfortably.
“I’m glad you like them so much.” He smiled back at her and they remained that way, smiling at each other silently before Ginny was called rather abruptly from the other room.
She gave a grimace in response. “She’s invited Ernie Macmillan over can you believe it? Him and Hermione are currently fighting over some horribly boring historical fact in the other room and she expects me to marry this man?” She rolled her eyes and Harry gave a weak laugh in response.
Learning up, she gave him a light kiss on the cheek, her hand resting on his arm. “It’s so lovely to see you, Harry. Please feel free to rescue me from inane conversation as you see fit.”
She floated away and he stood there struck rather dumb for a few moments.
Following the trail of voices from the entryway, Harry entered the living area to various greetings. It appeared he was one of the last to arrive and he grabbed a butterbeer and joined in where Ron and George were huddled together by the fireplace.
“I think the formula is off. People shouldn’t be incapacitated. Just unconscious for a short while.”
George shook his head. “They are fine if you just poke them—Harry! You’ve come to join us!” George gave him a broad smile that Harry couldn’t help but reciprocate.
“Is this for something you’ve already invented, or you have created something else to wreak havoc on the wizarding public?”
“Harry my dear boy, I’m not sure why it can’t be both,” George said sincerely causing Harry to snort into his bottle.
Ginny’s laughter brought their attention to where she was standing in the center of the room with Ernie.
Ron frowned. “Maybe mum actually found a winner.”
They watched as Ginny laughed again at something Ernie said, her hand placed on his arm.
“Apparently he works with Percy. Probably in the Department of who has the biggest stick up their arse,” George laughed to himself.
Harry frowned as he watched Ernie with his patrician features and pedigree push a tendril of crimson hair behind Ginny’s ear causing her to blush.
“What did that bottle do to you mate?” Ron joked and Harry looked down at the tight grip he was maintaining on his butterbeer. He loosened his grip and stretched his fingers.
Molly’s appearance in the room quieted most conversations as she herded everyone into the dining area where amazing smells were wafting. It required gymnastics in order for everyone to get into the magically enhanced room.
“No no Ginny. Don’t sit there. Sit over here by Ernie,” Molly smiled warmly at the tall boy. Ernie smiled back in a way that made Harry’s hand flinch towards his wand, imagining all the new curses he had recently mastered in his second year auror training.
“Mum it took me straining my hop to even get a seat. I’m going to stay right here,” she turned to Harry who suddenly realized how close she was. “You are ok with that right Harry?” Her eyes widened slightly and he managed to cotton on.
“Er yes sorry Molly. Ginny is fine here.” She gave him a brilliant smile and nudged his shoulder with hers.
“I think I’ve lost some of my brain cells.” Harry had to resist flinching as he felt her breath brush his hair as Ginny leaned over and whispered to him.
He gave a tight-lipped smile. “You seemed rather fond of this one,” he whispered in return to her causing her to wave a hand at him dismissively.
“I’m just trying to be nice. If I hex this one she will just bring in someone worse. I heard Malfoy was keen,” she gave a dramatic shiver, her impish smile telling another story.
Harry felt a rush of relief he tried not to analyze. “Molly can keep on bringing by all the unsuitable young men of the English wizarding world if it means I get to sit next to you.” The words are soft and filled with way too much feeling and for one frightening heartbeat he wished he could take them back.
She remained silent, grabbing a dinner roll form the passed tray and fidgeting with it between her hands. “Harry, you shouldn’t say such things to me,” she finally said mildly, refusing to look at him. “I might start getting ideas.”
Impulsively he reached for one of her hands, forcing her to drop the bread. He pulled her hand under the table and squeezed it gently.
They sat with hands clasped under the table, but otherwise ignoring each other, answering direct questions but otherwise staying mostly silent. Harry thought he saw Ginny’s face was rather shiny and he wondered what he looked like. Probably pale white and sickly.
“Ginny, how goes the season? Should I be placing my Harpy’s bets now?” Ernie asked Ginny directly causing her to drop Harry’s hand and inhale shakily.
“Oh, I’m just reserve for now. But a bet on the Harpies is always a safe bet,” Ginny gave a wicked smile causing the table to collectively give a ruckus laugh.
“Ernie, you know Ginny is the youngest reserve chaser in the league,” Molly boasted, and Harry noticed Ginny resist rolling her eyes.
“Mum, I’m so glad you support my career choice now.” The words were biting but the soft look in her eyes made Harry think Ginny actually meant them.
Harry stole a look at Justin. To his disgust the boy was looking at Ginny rather starry eyed. It isn’t like Harry could blame him; a similar look frequently graced his own face.
He was rather sick of it all though. The constant parade of unworthy men being thrust at Ginny.
The rather petulant thought that Molly had never asked him to be one of those unworthy men flew through his brain unhelpfully. Perhaps everyone had given up on the possibility of him and Ginny ever making it work.
They had made it work though. For a few blissful months they had been something new and delicate and untouchable. Frequently Harry thought back to some of those times. Of walks around the school, hands clasped and of breathless goodbyes leaving them both wanting and late for class.
Ever since the war Harry had been trying to pick up the pieces, but it had been hard and often he had found himself rather aimless. Without even realizing it, he had found that he had pulled back on all the ties that bound him-rarely coming by the Burrow, never seeing friends other than around the office and busying himself with work and tracking down rogue Death Eaters.
He had finally looked up and while he had stayed in the same spot, everyone else had moved on. Ron had ditched the aurors and found his calling with George in the joke shop. Hermione had proven herself immensely capable apart from him in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.
And Ginny had graduated from Hogwarts and immediately absconded to Harpy training camp.
Unfortunately, in all his chosen one lessons with Dumbledore, the wise wizard had never told him what happens after the bad guy has been slain. What happens to the chosen one when he’s done being chosen?
In this instance it seemed as if Harry was doomed to sit there and watch as everyone he loved moved on without him. Bitterly he looked down at the roast on his plate, moving the discarded pees around with his fork.
“You gonna finish that?” Harry looked up to find he was almost done at the table, Ron leaning over him, fork in hand.
Scowling, Harry pushed his plate towards Ron who tucked in happily. “Ernie left a bit ago,” Ron said, in between bites. Harry’s eyes snapped up at that.
“Why would I care whether or not Ernie had left?” Harry snarked at him, frowning when Ron paused his eating to give Harry a knowing look.
“Either way, Ginny is in the backyard if you want to talk to her,” Ron scooped up some mashed potatoes. “Or not.” He shrugged.
Harry pushed away from the table and paused in front of the living room. He could hear the rest of the Weasley’s making their normal noises and he hesitated before joining, his eyes straying to the backyard where Ron had said Ginny was.
Whatever gravitational pull Ginny had made the decision for him as Harry turned and slipped out the door.
She was silhouetted against the starry sky, the light of the moon reflecting off her hair in a way that made his throat dry. He approached her slowly and she turned at his footsteps, giving him a warm smile.
“I came out to get some fresh air,” she told him unnecessarily and he plopped down next to her, his arm brushing hers. “These family gatherings can be a lot,” she said, her voice so quiet he could barely hear her, but that’s probably more to do with the quick sound of his heartbeat in his ears.
Feeling that same impulsive urge he had felt during dinner that let him hold her hand, he lifted his arm up and over her shoulders. They both froze at the contact, but before he could regret it, she leaned in, setting her head on his shoulder.
“Where did Ernie go?” Harry asked eventually, that familiar monster roaring in his chest.
Ginny leaned even further into his side. “He got an owl, had to go into the office.” Her hair brushed against his neck and he caught a whiff of her comforting flower scent that hadn’t changed since sixth year.
“Did you want him to stay?” He asked her, the darkness giving him some sort of courage.
She shook her head. “Not really. He wasn’t as bad as the other’s, but he’s not really who I want,” she said, voice low and husky.
Finally, she sighed deeply and pulled away, pulling her knees under the skirt of her dress and into her stomach.
“At least he seemed to want me,” she mumbled, and Harry took a deep breath, tired of always waiting for the right moment.
“I’ve never not wanted you, Ginny.”
Amazingly, the words didn’t sound weak or pathetic out loud like they did in his head. Instead, all he felt was relief.
The sound of a sharp intake of breath was the only indication that he had been heard. Summoning his Gryffindor courage, he looked up at Ginny. She was staring at him, eyes wide.
“You want me?” She asked finally, incredulously.
He ran a hand through his hair nervously. “Watching your mum parade those boys in front of you has been a special kind of hell for me Gin. I miss you.” They aren’t the most eloquent words, but they are the ones he had.
“Then why didn’t you say anything, you stupid arse?” Ginny finally spit out and Harry let out a choke of laughter.
“I’m an idiot?” He told her helpfully and she shook her head, a fond smile on her face.
“Can you come closer Harry? I need to smack you,” she laughed, and Harry obliged, scooting back towards her until there was no space between them, his body tingling in anticipation.
“So no more set ups from your mum?” He asked, moving his face toward hers so close he could feel each breath she took, could count the freckles on her face from just the soft light of the stars.
“Harry I can confidently tell you I will no longer let my mum dictate my romantic life from here on out,” she giggled and Harry fought the smile that threatened to climb up his cheeks.
“Harry,” she said, drawing his attention back to her and her lips.
“I’ve never not wanted you to kiss me,” she said before closing the small gap between them, her soft, sweet lips under his. Suddenly all the pining and scowling became worth it as he rolled them over, her body under his, molding to each other as if reminding him that they’ve done this before.
As he kissed and kissed her, lips trailing down her neck, he sent a silent thank you to whatever work emergency had claimed Ernie’s attention. Tonight and forever Ginny was his. And he set about showing her over and over.
“Ernie Macmillan? Really?” Ron took a noisy bite of his biscuit.
“I don’t know what you are talking about, Ronald,” Molly tutted, waiving her wand so the corresponding feather duster would wipe down the windows properly.
“I just want you to know that I know what you did,” Ron shrugged, gesturing out the window Molly was cleaning to where Harry and Ginny were clearly engaged in some unwholesome activities.
Molly smiled at the image the pair made before closing the curtain and turning back towards her youngest son.
“Don’t you have your own home?” He lifted his hands in surrender before leaving the room. Molly watched as he disappeared from view. Really, what was she supposed to do? Let them pine away for each other forever? No, she did the right thing. She did feel a little bad poor Ernie would have to go all the way into work to find that emergency cauldron bottom situation wasn’t quite the emergency that ministry owl had made it seem. But the boy had gotten a home cooked meal for dinner so he surely made out alright.
Smiling one more time to herself, a very satisfied Molly Weasley set about cleaning dishes, brainstorming how she might next get Percy to dinner along with that nice young man Oliver Wood.
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theeslytherinslut · 4 years
12 Grimmauld Place (2/?)
Pairings: Sirius Black x reader, Remus Lupin x reader’s brother 
Word Count: 2,272
Warnings: injury, implied smut, cursing
Part 1 | Part 3 |
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“I suppose I should clean up,” you gestured to your wrecked state. Trying to get up on your own, however, was laughable, and you fell back against the chair quite quickly. 
“Would you like some help?” Sirius asked, knocking over his chair in his angst to help you. 
“That might be nice. If you could just, maybe...” you trailed off, trying to think of a good way to get up. But every time you tried to straighten your back, the pain made your vision fuzz around the edges. 
“Perhaps I’ll just...lie here,” you resigned to spending the night in your own filth after several attempts. 
“Hang on,” Sirius said, and then he was gone. 
With an enormous creak and shuddering sensation, as the water protested greatly after years of no use, you heard water being run somewhere in the house. A couple seconds later, Sirius returned to the doorway, sleeves rolled up. You tried not to linger too long on his hands as they glistened with water. No matter how long the two of you had known each other, you’d never get over his hands—something about them made it near impossible to look away. 
“I’m going to carry you,” he declared, striding into the room. 
“What? No! Sirius...no, I’m much too heavy. I’ll be alright until tomorrow, it’s fine,” you shrugged off, cheeks burning fiery hot at the thought of Sirius carrying you and placing you in the bath. 
“Y/N, you are covered in dirt, sweat, dust, and your own blood. I know you well enough to know it is most certainly not alright. Also, your lack of faith in my strength is rather insulting; you’re tiny. Azkaban didn’t do that much damage.” Sirius waved off, an annoyed look painting his features. 
“Oh, alright. But if I can’t even stand, how the ruddy hell am I supposed to bathe myself?” you asked, stating the obvious. 
“Oh, hmm. Excellent point.” Sirius said, hand coming thoughtfully to his chin. “Well, there’s no one here but me and good old Kreacher. The kids, Molly, and Arthur won’t be here for weeks.” 
It was at that moment Kreacher had chosen to poke his bulbous head into the room, no doubt curious as to all the noise in his otherwise quite empty house. 
“Ooh, Master has brought home a lady friend....a bloody, filthy lady friend...oh, but could it be...yes, it is so...Kreacher knows her blood runs pure...Mistress would be most pleased,” Kreacher began monologuing. You looked to Sirius, who wore a most tired look on his face. 
“Yes, you wretched thing, she’s a pureblood. You and Mother can get positively tingly with excitement about having another one in the house later. For now, go fetch a towel--a clean towel Kreacher.” Sirius commanded him. 
“Of course, Master...nothing but the best for the pureblood...” Kreacher bowed, disappearing from the room. 
“My mother has positively ruined that poor creature,” Sirius pondered before turning back to you. “So, what’ll it be?”
You weighed your options, but it seemed there was only one. Feeling vaguely as if you were in some cheesy movie, you acquiesced. 
“Oh, alright.” you lifted your arms, signaling for Sirius to come pick you up. “But no funny business, Mister. And when I say close your eyes, I better not see them peaking.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Miss.” Sirius bantered back, snaking an arm under your knees and behind your back.
Looking at him now, he looked much better than you’d seen him recently. That light that always lit his face back at school was just beginning to reach his eyes now. 
You’d attended Hogwarts with James, Sirius, Remus, and Lily—though you weren’t quite as close as the group of them. Just a little sibling on the outskirts. You were several years younger, and what’s more, is you’d been placed in Slytherin. Despite this--and much to the dismay of both of your housemates--Remus always came over to chat in the halls, but people years apart in separate houses rarely saw each other. Especially in Gryffindor and Slytherin, no less. 
You were fine with things, however, contenting yourself with your housemates--though finding those worthy of friendship was hard. Many of them seemed to make it their mission to further Slytherin’s bad reputation and were assholes just for the sake of being assholes.
Naturally, every time Remus was in the hallways, he was flanked by his friends, James, Sirius, and Peter. James was always friendly, but you saw the way his eyes followed Lily Evans around and knew he was smitten. Sirius, however, well Sirius was different. 
Though you weren’t exactly friends, your eyes often trailed after him as he swaggered through the halls with James by his side. Remus seemed to be a touch embarrassed on how the crowds would split for them, but James and Sirius ate it up like candy. 
James looked above the crowds, happy to be on top, only coming down to find the redhead he so loved, grinning at her boyishly. Sirius’ eyes raked through the crowds just as much as their eyes raked over him. Always finding one set in particular to smirk or wink at, likely loving the way the blush rose to their cheeks, and they turned to giggle with their friends. Sirius seemed to exude sex appeal, and you weren’t impervious to it. 
Your brother’s best friend. You were such a cliche. 
When you were younger, he always gave you a boyish smile and even a wave sometimes, the other girls in your grade giggling madly and asking you how you knew him--that always felt good--but as you got older, he began to look at you less. Or at least he wanted you to think so. You could swear you could feel him looking at you, but turn to find his eyes quickly flitting away. Then, when Remus would come up to say hello, his eyes would be on anyone but you. Glaring at passing Slytherins, sneering at others, or looking contemptuous but slightly interested at some of the older girls. And so eventually, you stop letting him catch you looking too. You began dating around just before they left, but it never turned out well as the group of them were suddenly all your older brothers and who wanted to snog a girl with four older brothers--the Marauders, no less. 
So instead, you just resigned to watching that last year, drinking in every moment before you’d never see Sirius’ smug smile lighting up the corridors, James never a step too far behind. Their faces were always lit with excitement, some mischievous plan developing behind one of their eyes. Even after Hogwarts, that life never left their eyes. Not as the two entered the Order, not as James settled down with Lily, not even when Harry came along...but you saw it almost go out entirely when James was taken from Sirius, and then you saw it truly die the day he was sentenced to life in Azkaban. 
Upon his return, some life was breathed back into him but whatever was there was quickly being snuffed out during his house arrest to a place he detested so much, no one but Kreacher and Buckbeak for company. 
Suddenly, interrupting your thoughts, Sirius changed direction and stopped in the doorway of what you saw to be the bathroom. 
Sirius’ POV
“How do you want to do this?” I asked, pausing as her brows furrowed in thought. My heart raced with fury as I looked down at her broken frame. 
Fenrir Greyback. I’d had a bone to pick with him since Moony told me he was the one responsible for his furry little problem, but now, looking at her grimy face, the wild look in her eyes...I had half a mind to call Remus anyway and run out right along with him. 
“Hmm, well, let’s see. Set me down on the edge of the tub; as long as I don’t straighten my back too much, I should be able to undress,” she thought out loud. Following her command, I set her gingerly on the edge, wincing with her as I did so. 
Why the hell were they after her anyway? She was merely a mole—each side had plenty, and we certainly didn’t sicc our nuttiest killers on each we suspected...but then again, I guess we were the good side. Perhaps it had something to do with Remus? But I couldn’t think of anything he was doing that would result in this. 
“I’m just going to try slipping in. If I yell out or something...just keep your eyes shut for a moment,” she said, hissing as her cut up skin hit the hot water. 
“Is it too hot?” I asked nervously. Like a bloody teenager, my heart beat wildly in my chest at the thought of her naked body in the tub just behind me. 
‘Stop, it’s Moony’s sister,’ I thought to myself--just as I’d done all those years at school. 
“Fuck...It’s fine, Sirius, thanks,” she breathed out. “Alright, you can open.”
She sat in a ball, her knees brought up tight to her chest, her Y/H/C hair slicked back against her scalp, sopping wet. Kicking myself before I could let my thoughts wander, I took my shoes off and padded over to her. 
Gingerly I worked through her hair until it was free of glass, clean, and soft. Dragging a soft rag across her cut up skin, I cleaned off every bit of grime from her. Enraged once more, I saw the beginnings of dozens of nasty bruises peppered all across her body. I’d kill that bloody wolf if it was the very last thing I did. 
As my eyes danced along her wet figure, I had to tear my eyes away several times from how her knees pushed on her breasts, cursing myself for my inappropriate timing. However, it wasn’t every day I got to bathe the potty-mouthed, absolutely breathtaking Slytherin I’d been watching for years...even if she was Remus’ sister.  
She kept to herself in school, only really talking to her friend group, but I swore I caught her eyes on me quite a few times, but she’d always turn scarlet and look away before I could be sure. 
“Hang on,” she said, and I held my breath as she straightened out a leg and placed it down. Not wanting to look like a pervert, I averted my eyes away from her now exposed chest. 
“It’s alright, I’ve covered them with my arm,” she said, her cheeks bright red as her hand dove into the water to cover the spot I fantasized about most. 
Closing my eyes and willing myself to stop, I picked up the rag again and brushed the rag gingerly against her thighs, this time being unable to tear my thoughts away from her creamy skin. Just a stroke or two farther...and I could make her forget all about the events of the night. 
I cut myself off once again as I felt a stirring in my stomach, but it was too late. I could already feel the blood rushing quickly as the image of her splayed out, cheeks red this time from pleasure, gasping my name as she clenched around fingers. 
“Sirius?” She asked, snatching me from my thoughts. Cursing quietly, I looked down to find a definite tent in my pants. 
“Sorry, what?” he asked, his cheeks a more red shade than normal, his pupils all blown. 
“I said I think that’s as good as I’m gonna get. Close your eyes and give me your hand so I can stand,” you said, gingerly reaching for the white, fluffy towel Kreacher had placed on the toilet. Though this bathroom was a right sight better than the rest of the house, the towel practically gleamed comparatively. 
“Alright,” you said after a moment, wrapping the towel around you. “I feel a bit better after my bath. Perhaps I could try walking again.” 
“Alright, but I’ll be right here,” Sirius said, standing steadfastly at your side. It seemed he was taking Madam Pomfrey’s words to heart. 
Gingerly straightening, you made it a fair bit higher before your back protested, and you started walking slowly towards the door. 
“Where should I go?” I asked. I’d only been in the kitchen of the old house a handful of times. 
“I’m afraid I only have the one room cleaned up thus far. Molly said she was going to give me a hand on that...” Sirius trailed off, looking embarrassed. “It’s just down the hall here.”
He led you down the quiet hallway, various paintings muttering mutinously underneath their sheet drapings. 
“Not too friendly, then?” you asked, gesturing to one who was hissing faintly. 
“Meet my family,” Sirius grimaced. 
“These are...this is your house?” you asked him. Thinking back to your childhood years, you’d often pondered where Remus’ friends lived, but never did you dream of a place like this for Sirius. 
“The Noble House of Black,” he muttered in a funny voice. 
“Was that a Kreacher impression?” you asked, a smile coming to your face for the first time that night. 
“It was good, then?” Sirius said, smiling at you playfully. The sight took your breath away; it took you a second to reply. 
“Dead awful, love,” you laughed. Not two hours after having been almost killed and Sirius had you laughing. 
“Ah, just as well. Don’t want to be anything like the cretin.” he shuddered as the two of you came to a doorway opening up to a spacious, light room. 
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nelweensfic · 3 years
Saving Christmas
My entry for Jumani_art DTIYS on instagram. Thank you @curlyy-hair-dont-care for Beta reading this fic 🥰
Draco couldn't believe it was happening. He stood in front of the Burrow's door, Scorpius clinging to his right leg, a little bag on his left arm. Having Harry in his life for months was one thing. Having to meet 'properly' Harry's family was another thing. Meeting them, for the first time, on Christmas Eve, was a complete other  thing altogether. 
Harry spent the week reassuring Draco, telling him not to worry, telling him some of Weasley's traditions for Christmas like Molly knitting sweaters for each one of them, decorations flying everywhere or the children doing something special each year. Draco was also mostly panicking for his son. Scorpius had never met the Weasley's children but Harry talked a lot about Rose, Hugo and Victoire. Teddy was the only one Scorpius knew since he was practically Harry's son and was now living with him. 
So when Arthur Weasley opened the door, a small curious look on his face, Draco internally panicked, fearing he wasn't as welcomed as Harry said. But then, Molly came into the frame and both smiled lovingly. 
"Draco, dear! We were worried you'd never come!" Molly said in a motherly tone. "You must be Scorpius." 
Scorpius whined in fear but Draco pushed him slowly by the shoulder to say hello. 
"Nice... Nice to meet you, Ma'am." Scorpius said timidly. 
"Thank you, Mrs and Mr Weasley for-" 
"Arthur." Mr Weasley interrupted with a smile. "Call us Arthur and Molly please, you're almost family now." And then held out a hand.
Draco gulped then shook Arthur's hand before stepping inside, a small smile on his face. Molly grabbed his jacket and bag so he could make himself comfortable. The house was bigger than Draco had thought. Effectively some Christmas decorations were flying here and there. He could smell the delicious meal from the kitchen and decided to follow Molly since he didn't know where to go. Scorpius was still on his leg before spotting Teddy in the kitchen, eating a biscuit. 
"Teddy Lupin Potter!" Molly shouted. "You're supposed to put them on the plate, not eat them!" 
"But they're so good Mol'!" The boy said in defense, stuffing another biscuit in his mouth. 
"Teddyyyy!" Scorpius exclaimed, letting go of Draco's leg to run toward the blue haired boy. 
"Scorp! How's my fav brother?" Teddy said, crouching to pull the child into his arms. 
"Hey!" Exclaimed another boy who entered through the opposite door. "I thought I was your favourite brother!" 
"You're all my family, Hugo! But Scorp' will soon be my real brother!" 
At that, Teddy looked directly in Draco's direction and the blonde's heart clenched. Never had he thought the teen would accept that Harry and Draco would be married one day, nonetheless accept Draco as another father figure. They smiled at each other, then Teddy got up and went to embrace Draco in a welcome. 
"Hey Draco! You're almost late!" Teddy said in the crook of Draco's neck. 
Damn, he's tall now. 
"I wouldn't have missed this. Where is Harry?" 
Suddenly Draco really feels like he should have seen Harry by now. 
"Oh! I think you should follow me to the living room, they should be there"
Teddy ruffled Scorpius’ hair before heading toward the laughs. Draco immediately felt out of place when he entered the room and the chats ended and the tribe looked at him. It was like being in a Lion’s cage. Literally. All the Weasleys were here, orange bushy and majestic hair everywhere. 
Ron and Hermione went to him and welcomed him brightly, happy to see him. It was the most comfortable thing in this house so far. Then Bill and Fleur came, like Molly and Arthur, they welcomed Draco and Scorpius nicely to the family. 
George and Ginny were the most awkward. Because of their troubled past Draco wasn't expecting much from them. They all looked at each other, sensing the tension as they stood without words. The room was filled with a silence that wasn't good for that kind of night. 
"I-" Draco started.
"The past is in the past." Said George before turning around and walking toward the couch. 
"Don't mind him," Ginny said without looking at her brother. "Listen Malfoy, Harry is my brother. I don't want to hear him cry because of you. I don't want to hear him being angry because of you anymore." 
Draco gulped, he wasn't expecting to be humiliated like that in front of people on Christmas night. 
"You were a fool at school, but marrying Astoria and being a dad changed you. We can't deny it. Harry is happier than we have ever seen since Hogwarts. So we know you make him happy." 
"Ginevra, I-" 
"Welcome to the family, ferret." She finished with a smirk and gave her hand as a truce. 
Draco took it sheepishly. This was the weirdest and most realistic version of being treated and welcomed into that family. George and Ginny were right. The past is the past, they won't forget who he was but welcome him anyway. 
Charlie and Percy only nodded at him, being busy with bedsheets in front of a wall. Only Harry and the other children were missing. Well, now Hugo and Teddy were missing too. 
"Where are the others?" Draco asked Hermione.
"Preparing the annual surprise," she answered with a knowing smirk. 
"Hum... a Weasley tradition? Harry told me the children always do something for Christmas." 
"Yeah, we stopped doing it when we went to Hogwarts but Harry insisted on bringing it up when Victoire and Rose were born," Ron said with a laugh. 
Before someone could say something, the light went on and off for a couple of seconds before switching to a light blue. All the family gathered on the couches and whispered some things to each other. Scorpius took a seat between him and Hermione, looking confused. 
"You can't be serious!" a voice said behind the white sheet. 
"I can't believe he left us alone to go on vacation!" replied another voice. "Especially at this time of the year!" 
Two little kids walked from behind the sheet, both dressed in green pants and a red shirt with a sleeveless sweater with fleece. Pointy shoes and fake pointy ears. 
"What do we do? We can't do Christmas without Santa?" A girl, maybe Rose, said with a panicking tone. 
Scorpius gasped in fear and surprise. At the age of 5, he still believed in Santa and Draco chuckled at the thought. 
"Rose, it's us, we will save Christmas," Victoire said, with determination.. 
"But... how? It's just us!" Whined Rose. 
"Let's find some help then!" 
The two kids started faking a long walk before being stopped by a noise. 
"Who are you and why are you on my domain?" An ugly, unrealistic wizard said to the elves when he joined them. 
"My name is Victoire, this is Rose. We need your help!" 
"Help? I won't help you, you're invading my domain!" 
"Please, we need your help or there won't be Christmas this year!" 
"And why is that my problem? Santa hates me!" 
"No he doesn’t!" Rose protested.
"Yeah? Then why did I never get a present from him?" Hugo asked with hurt in his voice. 
Scorpius whined, he could understand why the ugly, who was meant to be an evil wizard, hadn't had a gift. 
"Because he left us, enjoying his time in the Bahamas!" Victoire said in frustration. 
Ron and Hermione snorted and Draco couldn't help but smile. The little play was really nice and funny. Seeing the children debating how to save Christmas against the Wizard was nice. It was almost a realistic version of muggle and wizard interpretation of Santa having house elves. 
"I'll help you only if you guarantee me I'll have a present for the rest of my life!" Finally, Hugo bargained.
"Deal! Follow us then, Wizard!" Rose said happily. 
Hugo huffed then they faked walking again. Only to be stopped again but with a giggle. Teddy went out of his hidden spot, a pink dress with fairy wings. His usual wand had a little pink star at the end of it. Long blonde hair was up on a ponytail and he looked really feminine. 
"Oh young elves, what are you doing in the Fairy forest?" said Teddy with a high voice. 
"Oh Queen Fairy Tooth! We need your help!" Rose cried in relief. 
"Yeah, we need you to save Christmas!" 
"Again?" Teddy groaned. 
"Yeah, this time he went on vacation." Victoire sighed.
"When will he understand that these days are the only days we need him?" 
They all started to walk and they finished their journey at the elves' home. They went behind the bedsheet and then, suddenly, Harry was there. 
The Weasleys burst out laughing but Draco was speechless. Harry was disguised as Santa, in a fake white beard and cute little red hat. He had even put  pillows under his jacket to look fat. Scorpius clapped his hands delighted by the new appearance. 
"Ho ho ho!" Harry said, putting on sunglasses. "So much pressure tonight. It's a good thing that I'm on vacation." 
Ron and George booed and threw some napkins from the coffee table at him. Harry wasn't impressed and kept going.
"I should send a message to know what's going on in the big house!" Harry whistled and a tiny owl came to him. Harry gave it a letter and then the owl flew away. 
Harry walked behind the sheet and then the children came back, their arms full of presents. 
"Santa is impossible," Victoire said. "I just received an owl from him, asking if everything was alright and he might come later around January." She tossed the letter in rage. 
"It's okay Vicky, we can do it, Fairy and Wizy are with us." Rose tried to comfort. 
"Who are you calling Wizi?" Hugo groaned. 
They all moved to the Christmas tree and put the presents under it, where one shoe of each member was present. 
"Dad, there isn't mine. Does that mean I was mean this year?" Scorpius whispered in fear. 
Draco didn't know what to say, no one had asked for them to bring a shoe for the presents and Draco hadn't had time to give the presents to Teddy or someone. Panicking, he looked in despair at Hermione who only smiled fondly at him. Then before he could open his mouth, Harry, well Santa, was behind the couch. 
"Ho ho ho!" Harry said and Scorpius turned his head. Some tears of fear and happiness to see Santa rolled down his cheeks. "I forgot to tell my Elves that there are two more people in a special house today!" 
Draco watched Harry ruffling Scorpius’ hair, then with wandless and wordless magic, he removed one of Scorpius and Draco’s shoes and took them in his hands. 
"I have to go back to the big house now!" Harry said with a wink to Draco. 
Without effort he Apparated in the middle of the play, to where the little group were obviously waiting for him. He put the shoes under the tree and Scorpius gasped in joy. 
"Victoire, Rose. I can see you asked for help." Santa said sternly. "Maybe I should retire!" 
"No!" Shouted everybody in unison. 
"Okay okay, no need to scream!" Harry looked at the children and tapped his belly. "There will be two more people from now on at the Burrow. You need to fetch the presents so we can do our duty!" 
The wizard grumbled but gave Draco's bag that was on his left leg without Draco noticing before. Teddy took it and cast a spell to open it. His eyes widened when he put his arm on it. 
Draco snorted and Hermione gave him an elbow in his ribs. Then Teddy gave the presents to the Elves, whispering for who it was since they were all labelled and Rose couldn't read easily yet. 
Once the gifts were in place under the tree, Harry clapped his hands satisfied and looked at the children. 
"Thank you for your efforts, now I think it's time to do our job for all the houses, people will be pleased to open their gifts!" 
With that, Harry and the children went back behind the sheet and everybody in the living room applauded the little play. Draco was happy to have seen such an amazing play and Scorpius still seemed amazed by Santa's appearance. 
After a little while, they came back in front of the family, still in their costumes and went under the tree. Harry picked up a gift and walked toward Draco. 
"Merry Christmas, Malfoy!" Harry said in his Santa voice. 
"Thank you," Draco said when he picked up the package, brushing Harry's finger at the same time. "Santa," he added with a small smile. 
When Draco opened it he gasped in surprise and he tried hard to refrain a tear from falling. It was a sweater. The famous Molly's knitted sweaters. It was light green with white letters. 
Santa's favorite Ho!
Draco snorted and looked up, searching for the Mother of the tribe. They locked eyes and Draco moved before thinking. He got up and walked toward the woman, pulling her in a tight hug. 
"Thank you, Molly." Draco tried to keep his composure but failed, overwhelmed by the events of tonight. 
"Merry Christmas, my dear!" She chuckled. Then they pulled apart and she caressed his cheeks. Draco sobbed a little and she shushed him gently. "Better now than every year, Draco dear." 
They laughed; then he came back to his place. Scorpius had a little broom and a plushie. 
A lion plushie of course. 
Then Hugo climbed on the couch beside Scorpius, a similar little broom on his hands. That was the first time they met and seeing a big smile on his son's face made Draco's heart melt. He looked at them for a moment, chatting and giggling, not really knowing the hateful past between their families and already being friends. 
"I can't wait to see them at Hogwarts," Harry said, putting his arm around Draco's waist. 
"Do you think they'll still get along even if they're not in the same house?" Draco asked, afraid for the future. 
"Draco," Harry whispered, turning Draco's chin to look in his direction, "Both of you are now family. You don't have to worry. If something happens, Rose will be there, you will be there, I'll be there." 
"But you're the head of Gryffindor." 
"And you're the head of Slytherin," Harry argued and laughed. "Even if he's Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, there is Neville and Luna. Don't worry about it, little Prince." 
Draco pulled Harry and kissed him on his cheek. Whispering at the same time, "Thank you, Harry. For everything!" 
Also on Ao3 if you want to share it too 😘
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piratewithvigor · 4 years
My first thought in regard to every band that gets played on my radio station
ACDC: Every dad’s favourite band
Adams, Bryan: Every mom’s favourite singer until Michael Buble came along
Aerosmith: haha they thought Vince Neil was a lady
Alice Cooper: he’s a Game Of Thrones fanboy and I have proof
Alice In Chains: my sister doesn’t like them because she decided AC were Alice Cooper’s initials ONLY
Allman Brothers Band: good music for dropping acid to
Allman, Gregg: That’s too many Gs for one name
Animals: House Of The Rising Sun, or who even cares
Argent: Sometimes Hold Your Head Up is really catchy
Asia: Tuesdays
Autograph: one of the members went on to be a pharmacist
Bachman-Turner Overdrive: There are just so many pop culture jokes about Taking Care Of Business that whatever I say won’t be as funny
Bad Company: with their song; Bad Company, off their album; Bad Company
Benatar, Pat: Always getting her confused with Patti Smith
Black Crowes: I like them for Lickin, but it doesn’t seem to exist outside of one shoddy video on youtube and my old CD
Blackfoot: this band name feels kind of racy
Black Sabbath: Dio was not better or worse than Ozzy; just different
Blondie: I like Call Me, but Blondie confuses me stylistically
Blue Oyster Cult: MORE COWBELL
Bon Jovi: Hello, childhood trauma, I missed you
Bowie, David: Don’t let your children watch The Man Who Fell To Earth, or David Bowie’s will end up being the third penis they see in life
Browne, Jackson: Another musician ruined by Supernatural
Buffalo Springfield: Jack Nicholson was at the riot they sing about
Burdon, Eric: no ideas, brain empty
Bush: ditto
Candlebox: ditto once more. Who are these people?
Cars: This band feels so gay and so straight at the same time, I can only assume they’re the poster children of bisexual panic
Cheap Trick: I played Dream Police on Guitar Hero so fucking much because it was the only song anyone who played with me could keep up with
Chicago: Chicago 30 exists, but they do not have 30 albums. Fucking riddle me that
Clapton, Eric: 6 discs in one Greatest Hits is too many. That’s called “re releasing your discography”
Cochrane, Tom: For some reason, everyone thinks Rascal Flats did it better
Cocker, Joe: Belushi did it right
Collective Soul: who?
Collins, Phil: If his biggest hits were done by MCR, they would be emo anthems, but because he’s 5′6″ and from the 80s, they’re not
Cream: *Vietnam flashbacks on the hippie side*
CCR: *Vietnam flashbacks on the war side*
CSNY: David Crosby; meh
Def Leppard: the only music for when you’re a heartbroken bitch but also a sexy one
Derek And The Dominos: Clapton and ‘Layla’ broke up
Derringer, Rick: Tom Petty if he was from the midwest
Dio: You thought it was an anime reference, but it was me, Dio
Dire Straits: You can tell how bigoted a radio station is based on how much of Money For Nothing they censor
Doobie Brothers: I have yet to smoke weed, but I listen to the Doobies, and I think that’s pretty close
Dylan, Bob: I take back everything I said about him in my youth
Eagles: Hotel California isn’t their best song, but the memes that come from it are second to none
Edgar Winter Group: @the--blackdahlia
Electric Light Orchestra: Actually an orchestra and sound a fuckton like George Harrison
ELO: I really hesitate to ask what happens with the 7 virgins and a mule
Essex, David: no prominent memories of him
Fabulous Thunderbirds: cannot spell
Faces: Who on earth thought that was a good album name?
Faith No More: I got nothing
Fixx: One Thing Leads To Another is a damn bop
Fleetwood Mac: I ain’t straight, but I’m simply not enough of a witch to enjoy them to full potential
Fogerty, John: He got sued cause he sounded like himself
Foghat: Slow Ride slowly becoming less coherent feels like a drug trip
Foo Fighters: He was just excited to buy a grill
Ford, Lita: deserved better
Foreigner: dramatically overplayed
Frampton, Peter: a masterful user of the talk box
Free: dramatically underplayed
Gabriel, Peter: leaving Genesis changed him a lot
Genesis: if someone likes Genesis, clarify the era, because yes, it does matter
Georgia Satellites: sing like you have a cactus in your ass
Golden Earring: Twilight Zone slaps, but it doesn’t slap as hard as this station thinks it does
Grand Funk Railroad: Funk
Grateful Dead: I like their aesthetic more than their music
Great White: there are so many fucking shark jokes
Greenbaum, Norman: makes me think of Subway for some reason
Green Day: the first of the emo revolution
Greg Kihn Band: RocKihnRoll is literally the most clever album name I’ve ever seen
Guns N Roses: They have more than three good songs, but radio stations never recognize that
Hagar, Sammy: I’m still trying to figure out where he lived to take 16 hours to get to LA driving 55 and how fucking fast was he driving beforehand?
Harrison, George: He went from religious to rock, and if he had continued rocking, he would have gotten too cool 
Head East: I respect people who use breakfast foods as album names
Heart: Magic Man and Barracuda are played at least once every goddamn day. They’re not even the best songs!
Hendrix, Jimi: I have both a cousin and a sibling named after Hendrix references
Henley, Don: Dirty Laundry gives me too much inspiration
Hollies: Somehow sound like they’re both from the 60s and the 80s at the same time
Idol, Billy: he’s doing well for himself
INXS: Terminator vibes
Iris, Donnie: knockoff Roy Orbison
James Gang: too many funks
Jane’s Addiction: if TMNT had a grunge band representative
Jefferson Airplane: *assorted cheers*
Jefferson Starship: *assorted boos*
Jethro Tull: The only band to make you feel not cool enough to play the flute
Jett, Joan: icon
J. Geils Band: I requested them on the radio once and it got played
Joel, Billy: he really did just air everybody’s business like that
John Cafferty And The Beaver Brown Band: literally wtf is that name
John, Elton: yarn Elton sits in my basement, unstaring. Please someone take him from me
Joplin, Janis: Queen
Journey: Stop overplaying Don’t Stop Believing. It takes away from the rest of the repetoire
Judas Priest: literally started the gay leather aesthetic
Kansas: another fucking band Supernatural stole
Kenny Wayne Shepherd: the man confuses me to the point where he isn’t in the right place alphabetically
Kiss: Mick Mars and I will simply have to disagree on the subject
Kravitz, Lenny: runaway vibes
Led Zeppelin: Fucking fight me if you don’t think they’re the most talented band (maybe not the most talented individually, but collectively, no one comes close)
Lennon, John: My least favourite Beatle for reasons
Live: I got nothin
Living Colour: slap a decent amount
Loverboy: do you not get TURNT the fuck up to the big Loverboy hits? Who hurt you??
Lynyrd Skynyrd: Sweet Home Alabama is a Neil Young diss track
Marshall Tucker Band: no opinion
McCartney, Paul/Wings: Power couple
Meatloaf: I have nothing but respect for a man who willingly named himself Meatloaf
Mellencamp, John: voted cutest lesbian of 1987
Metallica: I liked their appearance on Jimmy Fallon
Midnight Oil: I get them confused for Talking Heads a lot
Modern English: who?
Molly Hatchet: Hollies vibes, but also Georgia Satellites vibes
Motley Crue: Stan Mick Mars and John Corabi. They’re the only ones who deserve it
Mott The Hoople: no one loves them except for David Bowie
Mountain: props for naming an album ‘Climbing’
Nazareth: I want to make a John Mulaney joke here, but I can never come up with one
Nicks, Stevie: witch queen
Night Ranger: I get them confused with Urge Overkill
Nirvana: Kurt Cobain was the ally grunge needed
Nova, Aldo: he’s Canadian, at least
Nugent, Ted: *serves a ghost as jerky*
Offspring: nothing here
Osbourne, Ozzy: this bitch crazy
Outfield: Your Love is kind of a sketchy song, but it slaps hard
Palmer, Robert: low quality Eddie Money
Pearl Jam: *grunts in Eddie Vedder*
Petty, Tom: I have so many feelings about Tom Petty and they are all good
Pink Floyd: which one is Pink?
Plant, Robert: solo career is a crapshoot, but his voice is unparalleled
Poison: I want them to write a song called ‘Alice Cooper’
Pretenders: I want to say good things, but I have nothing to say
Queen: A doctor of astrophysics, a screaming girl, a disco queen and a diva walk into a bar. It’s Queen; they’re there to play a gig
Queensryche: neutral opinion
Quiet Riot: they got big because of a song they hated. I love that
Rafferty, Gerry: the second-sexiest sax opening in all of music
Rainbow: Ritchie Blackmore created something very magnificent
Ram Jam: one good song and they didn’t even write it
Ratt: I’m sure they have more than Round And Round, but I don’t know it
RHCP: funky, but if you have paid money to hear them, you’re going to The Bad Place (I don’t make the rules)
Red Rider: basically Golden Earring
Reed, Lou: Walk On The Wild Side would be such a cool song if it wasn’t so dull
REM: American Tragically Hip
REO Speedwagon: Props for having a dad joke as an album title
Rolling Stones: Never in my life could I imagine the drummer being named anything but Charlie
Rush: How to make being uncool the coolest fucking shit
Santana: The world needs more Santana
Scandal: There’s something really funny about The Warrior being my brother’s “song” with his girlfriend
Scorpions: Was Wind Of Change written by the CIA? Only the spotify podcast I got an ad for once could say
Seger, Bob: A different variety of Eric Clapton (frankly a better variety, but that’s just me)
Simple Minds: we ALL forgot about you
Skid Row: Sebastian Bach is prettier than all of us
Soundgarden: music that makes you feel like you dunked your head underwater
Springsteen, Bruce: my arch-nemesis. Maybe someday, he’ll find out about it
Squeeze: according to my friends, the stupidest band name ever, but they’re theatre kids, so you know
Squier, Billy: If he can make it through 1984 alive, you can make it through whatever bad day you’re having
Stealers Wheel: Yet another band who I always mistake for George Harrison
Steely Dan: my house’s nickname for the Robber in Settlers Of Catan
Steppenwolf: Either makes me think of Jay & Silent Bob, Jack Nicholson, or that time I had to cut 6lbs of onions
Steve Miller Band: when you’re in the right mood, they slap hard
Stewart, Rod: my soundtrack to summer 2015
Stills, Stephen: Love The One You’re With Is Catchy, but the lyrics are questionable
Stone Temple Pilots: the only band to write a song about goo you smear on yourself
Stray Cats: an obscene amount of merch is available for them
Styx: Supernatural would have ruined them for me too if I hadn’t been into them previously. 
Supertramp: I hunted for Breakfast In America for two years and it was worth every hunt
Sweet: I will never understand my two-month obsession with Ballroom Blitz when I was 15, but it was legit all I listened to
Talking Heads: you may find yourself in a pizza hut. And you may find yourself in a taco bell. And you may find yourself at the combination pizza hut and taco bell. And you may ask yourself; ‘how did I get here?’
Temple Of The Dog: I keep confusing them for Nazareth
Ten Years After: somehow still relevant
Tesla: not the car or the dude
The Beatles: Evokes a lot of opinions from people. Mine is that I love them
The Clash: I showed my sister the ‘Lock The Taskbar’ vine ONCE and it still kills her
The Doors: evokes teenage terror from deep within my soul
The Guess Who: Canada’s answer to confusing question-themed band names
The Kinks: kinky
The Police: wrote the theme of 2020 and everyone somehow forgot it was about a teacher resisting becoming a pedophile
The Ramones: playing all of their songs in a row wouldn’t take more than 2 hours
The Romantics: you don’t think you know them, but if you’ve seen Shrek 2, you have
The Who: If someone can explain Tommy to me, I’d be glad to hear it
The Zombies: I think they happened because of the 60s
Thin Lizzy: Could the boys maybe leave town?
Thorogood, George: blues, but make it modern
Toto: the most memed song behind All Star
Townshend, Pete: just makes me think of the end of Mr. Deeds
T-Rex: Mark Bolan is an icon
Triumph: The no-name brand of Rush
Tubes: like the yogurt
Twisted Sister: they did a christmas album and my mom does NOT hate it
U2: U2 Movers; we move in mysterious ways
Van Halen: RIP Eddie
Van Morrison: honestly, who’s named Van?
Vaughn, Stevie Ray: Steamy Ray Vaughn
Walsh, Joe: The Smoker You Drink The Player You Get
War: Foghat, but even groovier
Whitesnake: the most successful band to be named after a penis
Wright, Gary: the 90s thanks him for writing the song every movie used for the “guy sees cute girl and it’s love at first sight” scene
Yes: To Be Continued
Young, Neil: The best part of CSNY
Zevon, Warren: the album cover of Excitable Boy makes me deeply uncomfortable for reasons I don’t understand
ZZ Top: has been the same three guys since 1969. Lineup unchanged. 
3 Doors Down: They feel a little modern to be on a classic rock station, but whatever
38 Special: Why 38?
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witch-and-a-half · 4 years
a weasley winter holiday
who’d have thunk i’d get carried away with a christmas story during a september heatwave?
notes: reader x fred, fluff, no specific house/year/etc, a tiny innuendo or two ;)
words: a little over 3k (sorry it’s so long!)
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As the train slowed to a stop, Fred felt his girlfriend’s hand squeeze his gently. He glanced back at her with a soft but still humorous grin, “Nervous?”
“Not at all,” she exhaled. [y/n] did her best to give Fred a confident smile, but her eyes betrayed her. He could see a glint of worry in her eyes. [y/n] had visited the Burrow last summer before going to Quidditch World Cup, but that felt like ages ago. It was easy for her to disappear into the commotion of the Quidditch World Cup, and she wasn't dating Fred at the time. This was going to be her first Christmas at the Burrow… and her first time meeting the Weasley’s as Fred’s girlfriend.
Fred did his best to sound reassuring, “You really have nothing to worry about. Everybody knows and loves you already. You’ll only be meeting Bill and Charlie for the first time…”
“... and they’ll just be glad you’re distracting Fred from bothering them. Actually, I think you should be worried that I’ll be mad you’re hogging my prank buddy.” George finished.
[y/n] scoffed at George’s suggestion. She knew he was only joking, but there was still a little piece of her that wondered if there was some truth to his statement. Maybe her presence really would throw off the whole family dynamic.
The three rose to their feet, and Fred stretched up to grab their things from the overhead railing. Fred handed [y/n] her bag and took note of the way her hands shakily clutched its fabric straps. He pulled down George’s suitcase, shoving it into his brother’s arms with just enough force to knock him back into his seat. “Hey!” George looked genuinely confused. Fred only raised his eyebrows, communicating his irritation with his brother's statement. Fred took her hand and led the three out of their compartment where Ron, Ginny, Harry, and Hermione were waiting. [y/n] took a deep breath. She was determined to squash the nerves before they got off the train.
You know the Weasley’s. She thought. They like you. Fred likes you. George and Ron and Ginny like you. Harry and Hermione will be there too, and they like you.
Fred noticed his girlfriend lighten as you walked through the train corridor. “[y/n] is worried Bill and Charlie won’t like her.” he jokes to the group. [y/n] stepped off the train onto the platform. “I’m not really that-” she started, but was interrupted by Ginny, who came to stand next to her, “It’s okay to have nerves. I’m sure Bill and Charlie will love you; they’ve already heard plenty of good things.” [y/n] shot Fred an accusatory look. His cheeks reddened a bit, “It’s not just me! Georgie and Ron and Gin have talked about you too.”
“There’s mum!” Ron said and he started pulling his trunk down the platform. [y/n] spotted the red-headed woman as she hurried toward the group with outstretched arms. Her face was as kind as [y/n] remembered, but she still felt a wave of worry sweep over her.
Fred had known for a bit that [y/n] was anxious to spend the holiday with his family, but she had been careful not to let him find out that she was most worried to meet Mrs. Weasley. [y/n] knew how loved Molly Weasley was—by her children but also by their friends—and she had been perfectly kind when [y/n] visited before. She had only spent a few hours with Mrs. Weasley before the World Cup though, and who knows how she would feel about her son’s girlfriend. [y/n] fought the urge to tense up as the words “my boyfriend’s mother” echoed in her mind. She knew it would break Fred’s heart if he found out his girlfriend was scared to meet his beloved mother.
[y/n] masked her nerves as Mrs. Weasley released Ginny from a tight embrace and turned to [y/n]. “Hello dear! You’re taller than when we saw each other last!” Mrs. Weasley pulled her into a warm hug. She smelled like fresh baked bread. In a funny way, it reminded [y/n] of the way Fred often smelled of explosives and sweets. “Thank you so much for inviting me to stay with you, Mrs. Weasley.”
“Oh, we are so pleased to have you dear. I’ve been so excited to get to know Freddie’s girlfriend.” She pulled away from the hug but kept her hands on [y/n]’s shoulders. The kind look stayed on her face as she looked [y/n] up and down.
“Yeah, he was basically begging in that letter-” George chortled.
Fred moved to smack his brother on the arm, but Mrs. Weasley beat him to it. “He didn’t beg,” her gaze turned from her sons back to [y/n], “And he wouldn’t have needed to. We obviously want [y/n] here for the holidays.” The hand that was still on [y/n] stroked her upper arm lovingly. “You can call me Molly, dear.”
“Mum, please, I’m starving.” Ron groaned. He had been first to receive a hug, so he had been waiting the longest while she worked her way through the rest of the group. His face turned a bit when both Mrs. Weasley and Hermione gave him a scolding look. He fell into step with Harry as Mrs. Weasley led the way out of the station. “Bloody hell,” [y/n] heard Ron whisper to Harry, “they’re already ganging up on me.”
~ ~ ~
[y/n] was quiet most of the way to the Burrow. She listened intently to the chatter. Mrs. Weasley’s children were catching her up on life at Hogwarts and all the other things they couldn’t fit into letters. Fred noticed his girlfriend’s silence and his heart panged as he realized she might feel out of place. He was just about to tell his mother about the pastries [y/n] had given out before their most recent Quidditch match—they turned half the school’s hair bright red and gold—when they arrived at the Burrow. Fred caught [y/n]’s eye as he unloaded their luggage; she looked content, but Fred wasn’t quite satisfied with that.
Fred and [y/n] were the first inside the Burrow, and they paused a few feet inside. [y/n] had barely begun to soak in how cozy the Weasley home was when she felt a soft pinch on her upper arm. 
“Ouch… Fred what was that for?”
He gave his girlfriend a toothy grin while she rubbed her arm in the same spot Mrs. Weasley had at the train station. “Just checking if you’re alright, love.”
At that moment, Mr. Weasley came into view at the bottom of the staircase. “Surely I didn’t just watch my son pinch his lovely girlfriend?” his tone was mostly sarcastic, but the emphasis on “pinch” turned Fred and [y/n]’s cheeks rosy.
“Yeah, honestly. Who raised you Freddie?” George said from the doorway.
Mr. Weasley patted George on the back as he passed his father to head upstairs. He brought Fred in for a quick hug and similar clap on the back, before extending his hand to [y/n]. His jaunty but firm handshake reminded [y/n] of when they’d met before. Her heart lightened as she remembered how kind Mr. Weasley was. He looked her dead in the eye, “Let me know if he pinches you again. Molly and I will scold him like when he and George were little and would bite their brothers.” [y/n] giggled as Mr. Weasley winked. Fred was too relieved by his girlfriend’s ease to defend himself.
“Oh, I’m sure [y/n} already knows Fred’s a biter.” Ron piped up from behind them.
[y/n] felt her face flush, and she didn’t even have to look at Fred to know his cheeks were the reddest they’d been all day. She turned to Ron just in time to see Mrs. Weasley gently smack the back of her youngest son’s head, “Ronald!” He rubbed the back of his head, still grinning. But the cheeky look fell from his face when he saw the anger in Fred’s eyes.
Ginny giggled and grabbed [y/n]’s hand, pulling her up the stairs “Hermione and I will show you where the girls sleep.”
As they climbed the stairs, Ginny turned back to [y/n] with an amused look still on her face. [y/n] mouthed a “thank you” for saving her from the most awkward moment of her life. As they neared the second floor, [y/n] turned to catch a glimpse of Mrs. Weasley quietly lecturing Ron. Fred stood beside her with his arms folded and face stony. But he still winked when he caught [y/n]'s eye.
Once the three girls reached Ginny’s room, they burst out into laughter. Even [y/n]. Ginny brought [y/n] to sit next to her on her bed. Hermione knelt next to her bag, but rested her hands on her knees before unzipping it, “Fred looked like he could’ve killed Ron on the spot.” [y/n] shook her head and leaned back onto Ginny’s quilted bed. “Oh my god,” she said, giggling in disbelief.
“Welcome to the Weasley home!” Ginny said with her arms spread out ceremoniously.
~ ~ ~
During [y/n]’s first few days at the Burrow, she became much more at ease around Fred’s family. She no longer got lost on her way to the bathroom. When George or Ron poked fun at her, she quipped back as though they were in the Gryffindor Common Room.
Just as soon as she’d nearly relaxed, however, Bill and Charlie arrived. It was just a few days before Christmas and the oldest brothers were greeted with the same warmth and vigor as everyone else. Fred waited until everyone else had gotten a chance to say hello before bringing his girlfriend up to meet his older brothers. [y/n] was ever grateful that he boyfriend thought to introduce her without an audience. He rested his hand on the small of her back as they waited, and he rubbed a few gentle circles with his thumb as he led her forward.
Before she could reach out to shake Bill’s hand, he pulled her in for a gentle hug. She felt the nerves melt as he released her. But the worry rushed back when she heard Charlie’s concerned voice.
“Oh god Freddie…” he said, directing a convincingly sorrowful look at [y/n] and then Fred, “You haven’t told her?”
[y/n] bit her lip and glanced at Fred, whose eyes narrowed in confusion.
Charlie’s face broke into a familiar sunny grin, “She’s horribly out of your league.”
“Charlie, I swear to-” Fred began to lunge at his brother, but was cut off by a chuckle that made his heart leap. He turned to see [y/n] covering her mouth to stifle her laughter. “Oh, nevermind. I guess she already knows.” Charlie nodded, with a humorous glint in his eye that [y/n] had seen before in his brothers’ eyes.
“Just making sure she knows where you got your humor from!” Charlie called as he strode into the dining room.
~ ~ ~
Once [y/n] had warmed up to the oldest brothers, it began to be glaringly obvious which Weasley still made her uneasy. She knew Mrs. Weasley liked her. But everytime she was in the room, [y/n] began to overthink everything she said and did. What if she said something that made Mrs. Weasley think she wasn’t good enough for her son? What if Fred’s arm around [y/n] makes her upset? Aren’t mothers supposed to be judgmental of their son’s girlfriend?
The evening before Christmas Eve, [y/n] and Fred found themselves truly alone for the first time. They rested on a couch in the living room as the fire died out; everyone else had gone to bed or were chatting elsewhere. [y/n] sat next to Fred with her legs draped over his lap and her head rested on his chest. His arm reached around her shoulder, keeping her close to him. The opposite hand sat on her knee, his fingers tapping lightly on the fabric of her flannel pajamas. She closed her eyes and focused on the way his chest steadily rose and fell beneath her. His heartbeat was a bit less steady though.
“Can I ask you something?” Fred said softly. [y/n] had never heard his voice sound so unsure before. When she tried to shift to look at him, his hold only tightened. It was like he was worried she would leave if he didn’t keep her against him. Her voice was shakier than she’d have liked, “You can ask me anything, hon.” The hand on her knee stopped tapping and just held on firmly.
His words made her heart ache worse than she had imagined they would. “Do you-” he paused, “Do you not like my mum?” His voice was low, but clear.
“Oh Freddie…” she felt her eyes prick with guilt. “I absolutely love your Mum.”
His grip on her lightened and she pulled away a bit so he could see her face in the dim light. He wished she’d make eye contact with him though. “But you are so much quieter when she’s around…”
A moment passed before [y/n] looked up at Fred. When he saw the glisten of tears in her eyes, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. His gentle hand came to the back of her head to pull her into his shoulder. [y/n] nuzzled her head into her boyfriend’s neck. She fought back tears, but a few fell when she realized how unfair it was to Fred that she’d been treating his mother poorly and now he had to comfort her. She should be comforting him.
[y/n] wrapped her arms around Fred’s torso and sighed, “I just really want her to like me.”
Fred rubbed his fingertips along the nape of [y/n]’s neck as she explained how worried she was about Mrs. Weasley thinking [y/n] wasn’t good enough for her son. Fred’s confusion slowly melted away. Once she’d finished, [y/n] was startled by the feeling of Fred’s shoulders shaking. At first she thought he was crying, but when she pulled away to apologize, she realized he was laughing quietly.
Now [y/n] was confused. Fred brushed the tears off of her face lovingly, holding back the laughter that threatened to spill out when he saw how confused she was.
“Have you been paying any attention? Didn’t you hear what Charlie said?” Fred asked incredulously.
Lips pursed, [y/n] shook her head. She was only slightly irritated by her boyfriend’s sudden humor.
“You’re out of my league!” He grinned as [y/n] buried her head in Fred’s chest again. When she came back up to look at him, she was smiling too.
“Oh shut up!” she swatted his arm playfully.
“I’m not kidding!” Fred shifted sideways a bit so he could grab [y/n] by both shoulders and look her in the eye. “Do you know how relieved they are that I’ve found such a sweet and down-to-earth girl? My mum was convinced I was going to live here and bother her forever.” His voice was still quiet but earnest. [y/n] could tell he would be talking louder if it wouldn’t attract attention.
“Oh my god..” [y/n] said breathlessly. She felt a weight lift off of her shoulders. How long had she been carrying that weight? Her hands found the back of Fred’s neck and she pulled him in for a deep kiss. Since coming to the Burrow, they had only caught quick pecks or light touches, so the kiss was hungry and full of a welcome relief.
“Mum adores you [y/n].” He said when they pulled apart. His palm still cupped the side of her neck and his thumb rested gently on her jaw. Her breath gently fanned out along his lips as he saw tears tease the outer corner of her eyes. “[y/n], she told me she loves you. She even told me this morning.”
Only one tear fell, and Fred quickly swiped his thumb along her cheek to catch it.
[y/n] thought back to earlier in the day when Bill brought her and Ginny along to help him pick out a gift for his mother. Fred had stayed behind to help Mrs. Weasley bake Christmas cookies. [y/n]’s heart soared and she wrapped her arms around Fred’s broad shoulders. They sat like that, both relieved, for another hour or so. Occasionally, [y/n] would feel Fred’s soft lips on her forehead and she would leave chaste kisses on his neck and jaw in return.
Neither of them noticed when Mrs. Weasley passed by the doorway, pausing for a moment to look at them and smiling to herself. She recalled what her son had told her that morning as they made cookies: “Mum, I think I love her.”
~ ~ ~
[y/n] was shook awake by Fred two days later. “C’mon girls! It’s Christmas!” George exclaimed from the doorway. Hermione and Ginny sat up groggily. The whole family had spent the night before decorating—and eating—the Christmas cookies. [y/n] had gone to bed exhausted but exhilarated by the sense of belonging. When Charlie accidentally broke his gingerbread man, he passed the leg to [y/n] and nudged, “Now it’s a stocking!” And Mrs. Weasley showed her how to make perfectly round buttons on her snowman cookie
Fred sat next to [y/n] on the couch as presents were opened. Everyone had loved the gifts [y/n] had brought: little Muggle trinkets she’d handpicked for each family member. The wide eyed look when Mr. Weasley opened his Mr. Microphone was absolutely priceless.
As the morning came to a close, Mrs. Weasley brought out packages wrapped in brown paper and tied up with shiny red bows. Ron muttered something to George under his breath as Mrs. Weasley carefully passed out the right gift to each person.
“Thank you, Mrs. Weasley.” [y/n] smiled, without the hesitation she would have had a week ago.
She patted [y/n]’s cheek lovingly and gave her a knowing look, “You can call me Molly, dear.”
Everyone opened their packages to find the famous handmade sweaters. [y/n] set hers on her lap and gently traced the outline of her initial with her hand.
“Oh it's lovely Mrs.-” but she caught herself, “It’s lovely Molly. Thank you so much.”
[y/n] caught Molly’s gaze just long enough to see the love in her eyes. Before she could fully take it in, she felt Fred nudge her with his elbow.
She looked up at him, a childish smile still plastered on her face. “I thought these were only for family?” she whispered quietly. Fred grinned and brought his head down a bit to whisper in her ear.
“They are.”
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
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“Uptown girl --  You know I can't afford to buy her pearls, But maybe someday when my ship comes in, She'll understand what kind of guy I've been, And then I'll win!”
~“Uptown Girl” by Billy Joel
Bill Weasley had always had trouble relating to kids his age. As the oldest of seven kids, he’d pretty quickly slipped into the role of support for his mother Molly, parenting and looking after his younger siblings while his father Arthur was at work in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts office. Even when he was little, there wasn’t really anyone his age in his tiny hometown of Ottery St. Catchpole. All of the other magical families with kids in the area were much younger than Bill, and it was always a tricky proposition trying to play with the Muggle children who lived closest to the Burrow, with the Statute of Secrecy looming large. So when Bill got to Hogwarts, he found himself almost inevitably falling back on how he acted around his younger siblings, even with kids his own age...which, in turn, made Bill lose his footing, when those kids his age didn’t respond well to being coddled or “looked after.” And given Bill’s rather modest, people-pleasing personality, he wasn’t the type to force anyone to listen to him or do what he said...and so, almost inevitably, he found himself at a loss about how to interact with someone without looking after them in some way, on completely equal footing. And thus Bill Weasley, sweet and amiable as he was, actually found himself largely alone in those first two years he spent at Hogwarts -- and that solitude was something he found out pretty quickly he really didn’t like. 
Bill was relieved when his younger brother Charlie started his first year at Hogwarts. Although Bill had trouble admitting to his family just how unhappy he’d been those last two years, the eldest Weasley was secretly relieved that he’d now have some family at school too. He had always been closest to Charlie out of all of his siblings, given their closeness in age, so it was comforting to know he’d at least have one friend to spend time with, when he wasn’t in class. Charlie’s year, however, also included a ginger-haired Slytherin girl called Cromwell -- the same surname as the infamous “delinquent” Jacob Cromwell, who’d been expelled from Hogwarts and disappeared mysteriously a few years ago. 
Bill first heard about Jacob Cromwell’s sister Carewyn through Charlie, who’d heard that she’d stood up to another Slytherin in their year, Merula Snyde, for bullying Charlie’s timid dormmate Ben Copper and even defeated her in a duel with a Disarming Charm, a spell not taught until at least Bill’s year. Despite himself, Bill actually felt a bit relieved -- he hadn’t known Jacob Cromwell at all, but he figured it had to have been really difficult, for someone to lose their only sibling. Even if he didn’t know Carewyn Cromwell at all, he couldn’t help but feel sorry for her...but at least if she was still confident enough to stand up for herself and others, then it probably meant she was doing okay, even with what had happened to her and her family. And his analysis seemed to be confirmed when Carewyn sought Bill out to get his help the following year with breaking the curse on the Ice Vault. From the moment they first met, Bill made up his mind -- Carewyn Cromwell needed someone to look after her, so he would, until she found her brother again. And so Bill and Carewyn became friends. 
In Bill’s fifth year, he was named Gryffindor Prefect. It was a rather obvious choice for Minerva McGonagall, considering Bill’s predisposition to “look after” and mentor younger students, but it still filled Arthur and Molly Weasley with immense pride. It was also the first year that Bill and Charlie invited Carewyn home for the holidays, upon hearing that her mother Lane had been commissioned by the Ministry of Magic for an international assignment and wouldn’t be able to be home in time for Christmas. When he heard Merula Snyde also wouldn’t have anyone to spend the holidays with, Bill made the remarkably kind move to invite her to the Burrow as well, even with Charlie and Carewyn’s misgivings -- but that holiday ended up being one of the best all four of them had ever had. Merula and Carewyn were even able to mend fences enough to sing Christmas carols together, the first’s clear Soprano voice hovering ethereally over the second’s warm, emotional Alto harmonies. That Christmas was also the year Carewyn gave Bill his very first record -- an album called An Innocent Man, by an Muggle artist named Billy Joel. Arthur Weasley was almost more thrilled by the gift than his son was, and he immediately brought out the Muggle record player he’d...”been allowed to take home” from work so Carewyn could show the Weasleys how to play the record on it. And for the rest of the winter break, it wasn’t uncommon for one of the Weasleys to put the record on in the background while doing dishes or playing a game of Wizard’s Chess in front of the fire. The song from the record Bill found himself humming the most, even after returning to Hogwarts, was the first song on side two of the record. He’d liked the tune immediately just because it was fun...but it also reminded him of a girl in his year he’d been trying to muster up the courage to talk to -- a very pretty and daring Gryffindor named Emily Tyler. 
“And when she's walking, she's looking so fine, And when she's talking, she'll say that she's mine... She'll say I'm not so tough, Just because I'm in love with an uptown girl!”
Emily Tyler was the most popular girl in Bill’s year, as well as one of the most popular in Gryffindor house overall. She’d made a name for herself at the Dueling Club, where she remained Gryffindor’s main champion -- it was likely only thanks to Hufflepuff’s own dueling prodigy, Diego Caplan, that Emily had any competition at all. She also was top of her class in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Bill’s favorite and best subject, even managing to Stun an entire flock of bats with one spell. And coupled with that talent was a lot of style, confidence, and ability to captivate and charm others. She never seemed uncomfortable in a crowd and never seemed to be at a loss for words around her peers -- something Bill himself still struggled with. She’d even expressed some interest in Cursebreaking post-Hogwarts, gushing about the acclaim and glamour of the profession. In short, in Bill’s eyes, Emily just seemed amazing -- a bit out of his league, sure...but maybe if he was brave and put himself out there, she might give him a chance!
So one day, right around spring break, Bill passed Emily a note in Defense Against the Dark Arts, asking her to meet him in the castle courtyard. The eldest Weasley was kind of an emotional wreck on the inside, absolutely beside himself with nerves, but he put on his bravest face anyway. He’d even brought a pink rose, which he tried to keep out of sight in his back pocket until Emily arrived. It was the flower that caught Carewyn’s eye, when she was passing through the castle courtyard. 
The third-year Slytherin had been planning on meeting up with Ben and Rowan in the library so they could study up for an upcoming Charms test, but she put that on hold, seeing her friend Bill sitting alone in the courtyard, as if waiting for someone. Normally she would've gone over to say hello, but the pink rose in Bill’s pocket made her give pause -- a fortunate thing too, for not long later, Bill shot to his feet as Emily Tyler entered the courtyard. She was dressed head-to-toe in bright pink, with her dark hair tied up in a high ponytail and her makeup impeccably neat. She wasn’t alone -- several other boys and girls were with her, all talking to her animatedly. They reluctantly waited for her at the edge of the courtyard, their eyes locked on her as she approached Bill. The scrutiny from Emily’s cohorts clearly intimidated Bill, but he didn’t let it rattle him. He faced his crush with the best smile he could.  
“Hi, Emily,” he greeted. “Thanks for coming -- I know you’re pretty busy with the Dueling Club...”
“I am,” assented Emily. Her voice was matter-of-fact. 
Bill gave a weak, uncomfortable laugh. “Well, uh...I won’t take up too much of your time, then. I just wanted to...er...”
He took the pink rose out of his back pocket and offered it to her. Emily blinked down at it in surprise. 
“I wanted to...give this to you,” said Bill with a modest smile. “Pink is your favorite color, I’ve heard. Not that I’ve been eavesdropping on you or anything,” he said very quickly, “I just heard you tell one of your friends that once, last month, and...”
Carewyn felt very uncomfortable, listening to this. Deciding at once that the whole thing really wasn’t her business and that Bill deserved his privacy, she turned to go. She probably would’ve walked away, were it not for how disdainful Emily's voice sounded, when she spoke.
“Is this...some sort of confession?”
Carewyn immediately stopped and turned back around. Emily was looking from her friends on the sidelines to Bill, her face twisted in a very critical, flabbergasted sort of look. 
Bill, to his credit, somehow managed to keep a weak smile on, even as her brought up a hand to rub behind his neck uncomfortably. 
“Well, uh...yes! I guess so. I...was sort of hoping we might be able to hang out sometime...maybe get some butterbeers in Hogsmeade or something -- ”
Emily’s eyes had widened little by little with every word out of Bill’s mouth until, finally, she brought them to an abrupt halt when she started to laugh. 
“You -- you’re serious?” she said incredulously. She glanced over to her friends on the sidelines and then around the rest of the courtyard, as if expecting someone to jump out from behind a nearby pillar. “This is a joke, right? Tell me this is a joke.”
Her laugh and slightly louder voice had caught the attention of some other students close by. Her friends over by the entrance of the courtyard were exchanging disbelieving looks and whispers among themselves. 
Bill’s smile faded. 
“A joke?” he repeated blankly. “No -- it’s not a -- ”
Emily fixed Bill with a rather pitying, condescending look as she slipped the pink rose out of his hand. 
“Look, Bill,” she said very coolly, “you’re cute and all -- but you really think you’re my type? You’re a Weasley. Prefect or no, you’re still a blood traitor in messy, second-hand clothes with younger students always tagging along after you like ducklings and a father who chases after Muggle airplanes and scooters rather than work a job that can pay the bills.”
She carelessly dropped the pink rose in the fountain and turned her back on him. 
“Maybe actually make something of yourself, and then we can talk.”
Carewyn had been furious at the things Emily Tyler had said -- but it was the absolutely devastated, heartbroken look on Bill’s darkly flushing face that made her snap. In an instant, the third-year Slytherin had barreled right up to the pink-dressed Gryffindor as she rejoined her snickering friends at the side of the courtyard. 
“How dare you!”
Emily’s friends all stopped laughing to look down at Carewyn. 
“Excuse me?” said Emily, looking down at the much smaller girl with a very condescending eye.
“Bill bared his heart to you just now, and you don’t even care!” Carewyn said fiercely. “Talking about his family being poor and liking Muggle things as if it’s something to be ashamed of...clearly Bill couldn’t have liked you for your personality, because it’s disgusting!”
Emily’s nose wrinkled as she glanced around at her friends. “I don’t think anyone’s surprised you’d throw in your lot with a Weasley, Cursebreaker kid. Your family’s got even less reputation to be proud of -- not to mention your clothes are just as out-of-date as theirs are.”
The boys in the group all gave a low “ooh,” sniggering among themselves. 
“Well, fortunately, unlike you, I could care less about my reputation,” Carewyn spat. “And I’m frankly glad of it! Bill is a kind, hardworking person who always puts others first and puts his whole heart into everything he does! If his family’s reputation makes it so you can’t appreciate any of that, then I’d say you’re the one who needs to ‘make something of yourself’ -- ”
Carewyn felt a hand coming down on her shoulder, almost holding her back. She looked up, to see Bill standing over her. His gaze was locked on Carewyn rather than Emily and his face was very scarlet, but his voice was low and forcibly level. 
“Don’t worry about it,” he mumbled. 
Carewyn looked at him with concern. “Bill...”
“It’s okay,” said Bill. He forced a thoroughly unconvincing smile. “Let’s just go.”
Carewyn stared at Bill for a long moment, feeling very reluctant to let the issue go. Her eyes then fell away, drifting away -- it seemed they’d acquired an audience, in the rest of the students scattered around the courtyard.
Bill would probably be even more embarrassed, if I escalated things further, she thought guiltily. 
Exhaling quietly, Carewyn shot one more very dirty look in Emily’s direction and walked off with Bill. As they walked off, some of Emily’s friends shouted taunts after them.
“‘Mother Duck’ Weasley strikes again!”
“Follow along after Mama, little duckling!”
Carewyn forced herself to keep walking and not turn around. She shot a furtive glance at Bill, and saw that he was doing the exact same thing, even with the ruby red flush in his cheeks and the slight shine to his eyes. 
Carewyn followed Bill out of the courtyard, down the hall, through the large double doors, and out onto the castle grounds. The eldest Weasley seemed to be walking with no destination in mind, his gaze endless and his steps aimless. Carewyn could practically feel the misery, shame, hurt, and embarrassment coming off of her friend, and it made her heart hurt. Her gaze fell to her feet as they walked side-by-side together. 
“...I guess...it was her, wasn’t it?”
Bill straightened up. He’d clearly forgotten for a moment that Carewyn was there. 
“Huh?” he said, before uncomfortably adding, “...W-who?”
“Who you were thinking about, whenever ‘Uptown Girl’ came on.”
Bill flushed a dark red. “What? No, I...what makes you...think there was anyone I was...?”
“Oh, come on, Bill,” said Carewyn with a pitying look. “Your eyes were always so bright, whenever side two started up. I thought...well, there had to be something special you were thinking about, when you heard that one. Even if it wasn’t a specific person...it just felt like that song was something that spoke to you, I guess...”
She offered him a weak, sad smile. 
“...It kind of reminded me of when I sing certain songs. Like even if the words are someone else’s, you can sing them like they’re all yours.”
Bill considered Carewyn for a minute. Then, his flush darkening further, he bowed his head. 
“...Yeah. I suppose that’s true.”
He gave a low sigh.
“...What did I do wrong, Carewyn?” he asked. “Did I come on too strong? Should I have sent her a note, or asked to meet her somewhere more private?”
Carewyn whirled on Bill with an incredulous look. “What? Bill, you didn’t do anything wrong!"
“Sure feels like it,” mumbled Bill. 
Carewyn stopped right in front of Bill, putting her hands on her hips and fixing him with a very reproachful look. 
“You listen to me, William Weasley,” she said fiercely. “I may not know anything about that snobbish twit -- ”
“Emily Tyler.”
“ -- I may not know much of anything about her, but I know you, and I know you deserve so much better than how she treated you. Even if she doesn’t feel the same way about you as you do about her, there’s no excuse for how cruel she was to you...all clearly just to save face around those awful friends of hers...”
Bill blinked in surprise. “You reckon?”
“Yeah,” said Carewyn. “She kept glancing at her friends, the whole time. She rejected you that soundly because she thought they wouldn’t approve of you.”
Seeing the look on Bill’s face, she added, “But that shouldn’t matter, Bill! If Emily thinks impressing her friends is more important than being a decent human being, that’s her problem. And if her so-called ‘friends’ are the sort of people who look down their noses at good people like your family...well, clearly Emily Tyler’s a rotten judge of character.”
Bill looked a bit comforted by Carewyn’s words. He tried to smile again, but it still looked halfhearted at best. 
“Thanks, Carey,” he said lowly. “It’s just...well, she’s just so amazing. Talented and pretty and perfectly brilliant -- you should see her in Defense Against the Dark Arts, I reckon she’s on the NEWT level already. She even said she might like being a Cursebreaker, when she graduates -- travel everywhere, and become world-famous...”
Carewyn brought a hand onto Bill’s shoulder and gave it a supportive squeeze. It felt a little odd: he hadn’t really talked to anyone about his feelings for Emily, and just talking his feelings out, rather than listening to someone else’s...it was something he could only really ever remember doing with his parents, and only occasionally. It was weird, but it felt...nice.
“I just...didn’t think she’d react like that,” Bill admitted. “Not that I expected I’d sweep her off her feet or anything, but...I’d sort of hoped that she’d give me a chance, and that when we went out, we’d get on, and maybe even hit it off...”
He sighed heavily. 
“Guess I really don’t know much about love at all, do I?”
Carewyn frowned deeply. “That’s not true at all! You know plenty about love. You love your brothers and Ginny, and your parents...and you love your friends too!”
“That’s really not the same thing,” said Bill. 
“It should be,” huffed Carewyn. “Love is love. If you love someone, you care about their happiness more than your own. Sure, maybe when you marry someone, there’s a lot more kissing and you want to have kids together and stuff like that...but well, the important part is that caring, right? Without that, what does the rest of that stuff matter?”
Bill’s face softened slightly. 
“...I guess you’re right. And I guess...when I am looking for that person...I should find somebody who’ll care about my happiness just as much as I do theirs.”
Carewyn nodded with a smile. “Definitely.”
She took Bill’s hand.
“And maybe someday when your ship comes in,” she sang brightly, “she’ll understand what kind of guy you’ve been...”
Bill’s face flushed again, but this time it wasn’t out of embarrassment -- this time, it was accompanied by a bright, touched look in his brown eyes. 
“And then I’ll win,” he finished, in a much less trained, gravelly singing voice than Carewyn’s. 
Carewyn beamed. She walked on ahead, pulling lightly at Bill’s hand so as to coax him to walk next to her. 
“And when she knows what she wants from her tiiiiime~...”
Bill gave a laugh, but followed Carewyn’s lead, recalling the words by heart. 
“And when she wakes up and makes up her miiiiind~...”
Soon Carewyn and Bill were back toward the castle, swinging their linked hands idly back and forth as they sang the rest of the song together, getting louder and louder with each line. 
“She'll see I'm not so tough, Just because I'm in love with an uptown girl! You know, I've seen her in her uptown world -- She's getting tired of her high-class toys And all her presents from her uptown boys.... She's got a choice! Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!”
Before long, all the two thought of while singing that song was hanging out together and being silly, while not caring what anyone else thought. Not a single word of the song brought Emily Tyler back to Bill’s mind -- and in the years to come, Bill would continue to enjoy the song with no negative connotations whatsoever, instead only remembering when Carewyn and he sang it at the top of their lungs to make him feel better. And that moment did indeed signal a shift in the dynamic between Carewyn and Bill. For Carewyn, it made her feel like she was walking home with Jacob again -- like she had an older brother who she could look after, the way she used to for Jacob. And for Bill, it made him feel like he’d acquired a second younger sister -- one who emotionally supported him the same way he did his real siblings. 
One thing was for sure, though -- it was this moment, among many others to come, that cemented Bill and Carewyn as the very best of friends. 
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Tagging @the-al-chemist​ and @oneirataxia-girl​ for expressing interest in this prompt! 🤗
Carewyn’s dress is based on the design on the left 💗
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Saturday in combination with Anthony remembering the blue handkerchief incident! MY HEART!
Thank you for treating us to such fluff, Molly. If my future husband isn't like AU Anthony, I don't want him. What have you done to all of us? What have you done to yourself? Perhaps you're feeling more hopeful.
I haven't sent you asks in a while and I was super excited to see mine being answered and posted consecutively. There seems to be a trend where you sometimes end up grouping mine. Not that you would know, obvs.
Anyway, I am rambling and I have an hc for you! Although, please remember you deserve a break from all of this and don't have to stick to your schedule if you cannot.
HC: do you think Kate leaves messages on post-it notes for Anthony in random places? In a drawer at home, on his steering wheel, inside his planner, on baby Edmund etc?
Sorry for leaving you hanging for so long on your requests! I have had, a very insanely busy month which will hopefully settle as we get further into April and I have some time off from work (a rarity) in May (an entire week!! My God! unheard of for me) ! So sorry about me! But I enjoyed filling your last few prompts, and your message was so lovely so I’m skipping you ahead in an effort to not leave you hanging on this one (which I love just by the way!) Though I must say, I’m very curious who you are! 
Okay! Kate + Anthony + little notes 
 Anthony found the very first note five days after their first date. He’d been out a meeting that had run straight through lunch, sadly and he’d slipped back into his office, eyeing Kate a little appreciatively in her own meeting through the glass wall in conference 2, could have sworn she’d winked at him over her client’s head as he passed. He said, a little tiredly to Gregory on the way in Can you run out and get me a sandwich Greg? And Gregory had leaned back, flipping his comic closed a smiled as he’d said If you still want one when you’ve gone inside then yes And Anthony had raised his eyebrows confusedly but his brother had just hummed a nodded his head the door. Anthony had sighed, muttering nonsense about his idiot brother shutting the door irritatedly behind him. And then he saw it. laid out on his desk was a club sandwich, on a plate, still warm, a glass next to with something that looked suspiciously like Lilt in it. and as he got closer he saw the little blue post it note stuck to the plate. Handwriting he’d seen looped aggressively across his memos, looping now across the note sticker. Much less Aggressively Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, I made you a sandwich, now you owe me something too ;) -K As soon as Kate had gotten out of her meeting, Lucy walking the client dutifully to the foyer, Anthony was standing with her purse ad coat over his arm, his own satchel over his shoulder. His lips tilting upwards as he took in her confused frown. Anthony leaned forward, his lips brushing her ear as he said Well I’ve had mine, doesn’t seem fair you should have to wait so long for yours To Kate’s credit, she only squeaks in surprise a little bit. 
When they move in together he starts finding her little notes everywhere. On the mirror after she leaves the bathroom, on the fridge when she goes out with her sister, and his heart skips every time. He’s sitting at his desk one day, going over his schedule with Gregory when he opens his planner, scanning through the day’s appointments ad something falls out of it. He looks down at the little white square curiously, turning it over, and he can’t stop himself from grinning. It was a polaroid picture, clearly taken by someone else at her sister’s birthday party last month Anthony was laughing happily sitting in an armchair, Kate sideways on his lap, her head resting against his shoulder a grin on her face her drink halfway to her mouth happiness radiating from the image. Kate’s handwriting was looping on the small strip at the bottom Love Always-Kate The polaroid gets taped to the inside of Anthony’s iPad cover  
The note that makes Anthony laugh the most he finds taped to Newton’s forehead on a Sunday morning. Mary and Edwina are downstairs and Anthony, having run out to run an errand for his mother before brunch was changing from his gym clothes upstairs when Newton scampered up to him yipping happily. Anthony looked down confused to see a tiny square of paper stuck to the dog’s forehead Sorry that I ate your slippers again, Dad with a tiny scribbled paw print. Anthony barks out a laugh tugging the note from Newton’s forehead before calling out Nice try, Kate. You owe me new slippers though He hears three voices laughing from downstairs before his fiancée’s voice calls out Well it was worth a try!           
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Falling in love with Draco as A Gryffindor (Draco x reader)
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You were a firey little thing, you.
Draco noticed you when you went to go get something from the cart
And oh boy he fell hard
He sat there in that great hall "Please be Slytherin please be--" "GRYFFINDOR!" "oh come on."
You ended up spending a lot of time with Fred and George, those two were practically your best friends.
Draco noticed you, always seeing that smile on your face as you talked to Hermoine.
He would usually find Hermione with you.
She would be trying to make you study and you'd be doodling or doing origami instead.
Draco would smile to himself as he would hear your giggles from Hermione's frustration.
Course he'd never admit that. God no.
He was always a class A dick to you and the trio
And you were forced to sit in your common room with the Slytherins.
"Bet one of the Slytherin kids let it in as a joke." Fred yawned.
You shook your head and leaned to him
"There's no way, none of them have the brain cells for that." You said making both of the twins snicker
Still though, something felt off. Really off.
"Hey wait a minute... Where's Harry and Ron-- Where's Hermione!?" You asked making the entire common room silent.
Mcgonagall was shocked when she was made aware of the situation.
Course when they all came back you started asking questions like "So you took down a troll... How do you feel besides absolutely epic?"
Christmas rolled around and you stayed with Fred, George, Ron and Harry
Molly made you a sweater and you usually wore it if you were cold.
Draco didn't go home for some reason and you took notice.
"Yo. Draco." You said walking over. "Oh God, what do you want?" He asked.
You rolled your eyes. "I wanted to say Merry Christmas. Here." You said handing him a paper crane.
He took it and stared at it for a while as you walked away.
"Y/n." He called. You rose a brow.
"merry Christmas." He said making you smile.
His heart almost beat out his damn chest and he quickly turned back around.
He found a note though on it's wing
"you should try smiling once in a while, I've seen you do it and it's nice."
Draco turned back around and you gave a wave with a laugh.
He shook his head... But he smiled.
And that's when your heart went "BAM. YOU LIKE THIS BOY NOW."
When the school year ended you walked over to Draco.
"Hey. Draco." You said making him turn around.
"What L/n?" He asked. "Write to me sometime. I'm usually bored over the summer." You said giving him your address.
He blinked a few times as you walked away.
Well he actually did. His letters at first were more aggressive
"Why in the world would you give me your address?!"
"Seriously why?"
Then over time as you wrote back he actually became... Likable.
He actually formed inside jokes with you and was actually... Friendly
The week before school you both had a much needed conversation though
"So I take it I'm going to be ignored when I say hello to you?"
"Why would you assume that?"
"Because a Gryffindor fraternizing with a Slytherin? Isn't that... Beneath you?"
"You're my friend Y/n I really don't care."
So when he saw you in Diagon Alley you said hi and he gave you this "DON'T COMMUNICATE WITH ME" stare making you confused
That's when you saw his father and was like "Oooohhh. He's terrifying!"
What you didn't realize is that you said that out loud
And you immediately had to duck behind Fred who was walking by.
"Hey Y/n what are you--" "SHHH. YOU DON'T SEE ME!"
He looked at Lucius malfoy and then you and nodded.
"Gotcha." He nodded before George stood in the way of Lucius' view.
"So what did you do?" Fred asked.
"Accidentally looked at him and said 'oh he's terrifying!' out loud." You mumbled.
Fred laughed and George snorted.
When he left you sighed with so much relief before you felt someone tap your shoulder.
"Imsorry-- Draco! Hi!" You said panicked.
He rolled his eyes with a chuckled. "I wanted to make sure that was you. Father has a problem with me talking to Gryffindors." He said.
"Ohhh." You nodded before Fred turned around. "You two are getting along? Damn I must've drank something strange this morning" he said making you shake your head.
"I have to go, will you sit on the train with me?" He asked. "Yeah sure!" You nodded. He walked towards the door "Y/n." He said making you turn back around. "It's good to see you." He said sincerely.
Your face turned so red and George laughed. "Someone has a CRUSSHHH!" He said making you smack him. "Shut it!" You hushed.
You did sit with him on the train, laughing at some stupid joke.
Harry walked by and then froze.
"Are you... Actually--" "Harry join us!" You said.
"What!?" Both of the boys said. "Join us! We're having fun and you two need to get along, join us!" You said.
"But--" you shot them both death glares and some how some way you actually ended up having fun.
Harry could almost find Draco... Enjoyable!?
None of you had any idea on how bad this year would be
Your father's a wizard. Your mother... She isn't.
When the chamber of secrets opened oh boy...
Draco was a nervous wreck, every other class period he'd be walking you to it.
"Draco, really I'm fine-- We CAN SIGN UP FOR QUIDDITCH THIS YEAR!?"
So uhm... Funny story you ended up on the quidditch team.
You stood in for Harry when he couldn't play, which was a lot more common than expected
Honestly? You could give Harry a run for his money.
The only issue? Draco hated competing with you in a setting as brutal as that could be.
Didn't stop him from playing as hard as he did though.
Then that bitch Lavender decided to hex your broom.
"WOAH!" You said flying. Draco noticed you jolt and nearly fall. "SHIT!" you gasped as you nearly fell off it, seeing the golden glint beneath you. That's when you had a plan.
You let go.
You naturally hit the ground hard, you sprained your wrist
But then you held up that snitch and the crowd went WILD
Your wrist was fine within a week so you weren't worried.
Draco acted pissed but truth be told: he was happy you were okay.
Then it happened. You had studied with Hermoine until you two were booted from the library.
You forgot something and turned back, walking as fast as you could because to be honest, the castle kind of scared you at night.
You left a magnifying glass, you used it because of the fact that THE TEXT WAS TOO SMALL (seriously who can read that small?)
That's when you saw this reflection on the glass and you blacked out.
The next morning everyone found out about it, Draco was losing his shit and told Harry to "FIGURE THIS OUT! PLEASE!"
That was the first anyone had heard him say "please" and he was basically thrown into the investigation.
He was there for it all, Gilderoy being a complete MORON, Fawkes, the chamber-- Draco was there.
When you finally came to the first words out of your mouth was "BASILISK!"
Draco booked it to you when he found out you were awake and he hugged you.
"Woah woah woah-- what happened to you, you look like hell?" You asked.
"Found the chamber of secrets-- that's not important, you're awake!" He said.
"Yeah-- wait what?"
So you spent that summer at the Weasley's and my God was it fun
You, Fred and George had a blast together
Then came news that Sirius Black escaped from prison
Draco was panicked when he found out that he was possibly near hogwarts
Letter after letter he was basically begging you "Homeschool. Please. I almost went insane when you were attacked by a basilisk, now there's a convict on the loose"
To which you were like: "I'm not homeschooling, Draco I've got you, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred and George, I think I'll be fine!"
He found you in the leaky cauldron and while he was happy to see you he was also worried sick about you being here.
Everyone at Hogwarts was treating you like a child playing in traffic and it began to piss you off.
The only person treating you normally was Cedric after he found you kicking a tree.
"Woah there, that tree didn't hit you did it?" Cedric asked.
"What?" You asked confused.
"I'm genuinely paranoid about the plants on this property because of the whomping willow, did this tree attack you?" Cedric asked making you laugh.
"No no... I'm just angry that's all." You sighed.
"Really? Why?" Cedric asked.
"Well... Everyone's been treating me like a little kid because I was amongst the few who was petrified." You said.
"Ohhh." Cedric nodded.
He listened to you talk and he told you if you ever needed to get away from everything you were welcome to go to Hufflepuff's common room
Fun fact: Draco felt jealous for the first time
He saw you two hanging out by the lake and he just felt so jealous.
"What's with Draco?" Fred asked, noticing him being grouchy.
"he's been like that all day." Ron said.
"Probably because Y/n and Cedric started hanging out." Hermione said.
"What?" Everyone asked.
"I was walking by and heard them talking. She's tired of us basically treating her like she's a walking hazard. She has a point, we've been hard on her." Hermione agreed.
So they all eased up on it but Draco was still upset and wouldn't tell you why.
"Draco can you please just talk to me!?" You asked.
"I don't want to talk, I'm going to my room." He said.
You began to feel really hurt by this and then that damn lesson came along on Boggarts.
It got to you and it turned into Draco just... Leaving?
You stared at it for a while and Remus just handled it before you took off.
Draco thought that the boggart was just him so of course be was genuinely worried.
He went after you and found you having a meltdown.
"Y/n." He said kneeling to you.
"I'm sorry." You whimpered.
"I don't know what I did but I'm sorry Draco."
It was then that he realized what your boggart actually was.
You were afraid of him leaving you.
He never left your side again from that point on.
Draco began to sit at the Gryffindor table more and people of course took notice.
No one dared to comment on it though because uhm.
Draco could be scary when he wanted to be.
Course when he cried like a little bitch because Buckbeak attacked him that wasn't intimidating.
"I swear, you treat me like a child but you're the dumbass that just walked up to a Hippogriff!" You sighed.
"You're the one that managed to fall walking up the stairs. HOW DO YOU FALL WALKING UP THE STAIRS!?"
Madame Pomfrey had to listen to this argument the entire time
Hogsmeade was the best
You, the trio, Draco, Fred and George all having a blast
Snowball fights and butterbeer
Sitting around telling jokes
Then witnessing Harry have a break down because he found out Sirius was a friend of his parents'.
You all comforted him, fuck even Draco felt bad.
When you all got back to school you all agreed to stay in groups in case that bastard really was lurking around.
Then came Lucius going "Well that creature just tried to hurt my son so... Let's kill it"
You were PISSED.
You actually had to be pulled back and you were kicking and screaming.
That's when Hermione said "I have a time turner!" And you were like "Well shit why didn't you say something BEFORE I INSULTED MY BEST FRIEND'S DAD"
Draco went all protective mode and was like "Guys I don't think this is a good idea--"
And then he was dragged into this adventure too.
So You didn't expect Harry to produce a patronus
you didn't expect Remus to be housing a convict
You didn't expect Remus to be a werewolf
And you didn't expect that damn rat to be an actual PERSON
Your head was spinning and by the end of that night you felt like you were insane
"So... Never talk about this again?" You asked.
Everyone exchanged glances
"Agreed." They all said in unison.
Summer was again, really fun.
You spent it with the Weasley's and you helped Fred and George with their business
You were always writing to Draco in your free time
And uhm...
Sometimes Draco would sneak out and go to you guys.
Molly enjoyed having him over and promised not to say anything about him being there
Arthur and Molly both recognized that look whenever he'd look at you though
That was love.
Both of you would whisper things to each other and then laugh
Molly would smile to herself knowing damn well that you two liked each other.
When he left one day you were helping Molly with cleaning.
"So how long have you liked him?" Molly asked making you almost drop a plate.
"Wha- no-- I-- uhm-- That's absolutely crazy-- I--" you saw the "You're really going to lie?" Look on Arthur's face as he put down the paper. "... How'd you know?" You asked.
"It's quite obvious darling." Molly said.
"Well to everyone but the boy." Arthur said.
You both asked them not to say anything and they agreed
You all went to the world quidditch game and had to pretend to hate Draco.
Course he wasn't the biggest fan of Cedric being there with you
Course the group noticed the smiles and flirty glances from you two across the damn stadium.
When it ended you were hanging out with Ginny when Draco ran in.
"You all need to leave." He said out of breath.
"What's going on son?" Arthur asked.
"Death eaters, everywhere. They're scaring the locals-- it isn't good." He said.
"What about you!?" You asked.
"I'll be fine Y/n, go." Draco said.
You hesitated but he put a hand on your cheek and looked into your eyes.
"Go." He said.
You and the Weasleys booked it and got the fuck out of Dodge
You all made it back to the burrow and were exhausted.
Draco snuck out to you guys and you hugged him immediately after seeing him.
That's when it clicked for the rest of the crew that "Ohhh so she likes him likes him."
The school year began with talks of something weird going on
Then the cup was introduced and you just got this gut feeling something was wrong
Fred and George were hellbent on getting their names in that goblet though
Draco stood there next to you watching those two jackasses try to put their names in to the goblet
You were standing next to a statue and his elbow was resting above you as you both laughed as those two not only failed but were launched back and taken off by Madame Pomfrey.
You two laughed and then looked at each other and just... Something changed. Something in you just nearly fell apart looking at that boy and your words were just jumbled.
You two spent most of your free time together though, always laughing or you showing him how to do origami.
Then came finding out who was going to be in the trials
Fluer, Viktor, Cedric and Harry-- wait what
Ron got upset but you could tell this wasn't planned and was bad.
Harry accepted it though.
Hermione had a little buddy following her around though
Nice kid, really. But did he have to be here all the time!?
You finally just decided to start studying with Draco.
Then came one day where Cedric sat with you and Draco had to deal with it.
It became a regular thing.
Then the second trial came and you were the one Cedric had to retrieve
When he came back up you both were out of breath and soaked.
Draco ran over and helped you up.
"So there's a Yule ball coming up." Cedric said making you look up. "Yeah?" You asked, slightly shivering from the weather. Cedric noticed the "Don't you fucking dare" look on Draco's face.
"Would you like to go with Draco?" Cedric asked.
Draco opened his mouth for a threat but when he realized what Cedric actually said he just started blushing.
"Uhm... Sorry did you just ask... Me... To go with... Draco?" You asked.
"Yep." Cedric nodded.
"Did you two plan this out or something?" You asked.
"Yes." Cedric said.
Draco was still reeling. "Uhm... Y-Yeah we did." He lied.
"Then... Yeah sure." You nodded with a laugh.
And so Draco was spending even MORE time with you.
The dance class was so much fun to you
Plus, Draco you being close didn't hurt either.
You both danced with giggles and exchanging smiles.
The Yule ball finally happened and Draco was at a loss of words when you and Hermione both walked down together.
"Y/n... Wow." Was all the poor guy could muster.
You smiled and tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear
You two danced for a bit, smiling at each other
Then you two walked through the grounds and Draco gave you his coat.
You looked at him and something just took over
You kissed him.
You two started dating from that point on
Draco would walk you from class to class even if his classes were on the other side of the school
Everyone loved seeing you two so happy.
It was now a common occurrence to see you two in the library together
He'd be doing origami while you studied.
Draco loved seeing that focused look
Course he always made sure you weren't too stressed too
The two of you had no idea how bad the next few years would become
Part 2 coming soon
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norestwithoutlove · 3 years
did u ever gather together the song u used in to build a home? also were some of those songs dean sang originals?
hello !! hang on i dont know that i did but, running through the songs and where they’re referenced -
Hey You - Pink Floyd (Chapter 1)
Be My Angel - Mazzy Star (Chapter 8) Saturday Sun - Nick Drake (Chapter 8) So Nice, So Smart - Kimya Dawson (Chapter 8)
Wild Horses - The Rolling Stones (Chapter 17)
Stand By Me - Ben E. King (Chapter 33) Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper (Chapter 33) True Colours - Cyndi Lauper (Chapter 33)
Something by Bob Dylan which I didn’t specify at the time and now for the life of me cannot remember what I had in mind BUT we can at least assume it was a protest song (Chapter 35) When the President Talks to God - Bright Eyes (Chapter 35) Rebel Girl - Bikini Kill (Chapter 35) Strange Fruit - Nina Simone (Chapter 35) Something by Tracy Chapman which again I never specified (Chapter 35)
La Vie En Rose - Probably the version closest to what Dean would have sang is here but see also Edith Piaf (Chapter 37) Stand By Me again (Chapter 37)
Anyone Else But You - The Moldy Peaches (Chapter 38) Obstacles - Syd Matters (Chapter 38) La Vie En Rose again - probably Louis Armstrong’s version (Chapter 38) Anyone Else But You again (Chapter 39) La Vie En Rose again Stand By Me again We Are Going To Be Friends - The White Stripes  Sweet - Cigarettes After Sex Chances - Athlete Tugboat - Galaxie 500 Sea of Love - Most likely Cat Power’s cover Landslide - Most likely the Chicks’ cover Please Be Mine - Molly Burch - although it’s worth saying that in this chapter Dean is covering it (All the above are Chapter 39)
I Wanna Hold Your Hand - The Beatles (Chapter 45) Bookends - Simon & Garfunkel (Chapter 45) My Love, My Life - ABBA (Chapter 45) Can’t Take My Eyes Off You - Frankie Valli (Chapter 45)
Something from Beauty and the Beast LMAO which is what Charlie walks down the aisle to. (Chapter 57) Something by Patsy Cline - most likely She’s Got You (Chapter 57) Landslide again - Stevie Nicks (Chapter 57) La Vie En Rose again (Chapter 57) I Want to Hold Your Hand again - something like this version (YES queer longing !!) (Chapter 57)
Something by the Moldy Peaches again (Most likely a repeat of Anyone Else But You but also very possibly Jorge Regula) (Chapter 63) Something by Chuck Willis, most likely What Am I Living For (Chapter 63)
I mention Sufjan Stevens in Chapter 65 but I don’t think any of his specific songs - although it is in reference to the Call Me By Your Name soundtrack.
Dean makes Cas do a Bruce Springsteen tour of New Jersey with him in chapter 66 (this isn’t a specific song mention but it’s just very important to me)
And, finally,
Bookends - Simon & Garfunkel (again), (Chapter 70) in what is probably the most depressing couple of paragraphs i’ve ever written.
Aside from this, all of the chapter titles come from song titles and lyrics. I think I have them written down somewhere, but already this answer is WAY too long.
all of dean’s songs and the lyrics to them were originals ! idk if i’ll ever post recordings of some of the music to accompany them, but yeah those were all written for the fic
and one of my favourite people in the world made a GREAT playlist on spotify which you can listen to ! it runs through the songs mentioned and referenced and songs to match the vibe of the fic, all chronologically. SO good. (love u caroline !!) https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1HrPDtnUuyibBOiEQdqcn2?si=0qGtssNBTc6xvj8cdAgzVQ
sorry for this essay lmao stay safe out there! lots of love
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adenei · 4 years
Hermione doing everything to seduce Ron but fails miserably. A hilarious Valentine's day fic. XD.
Hi anon! At first you had me stumped, but the idea started to unfold, and I enjoyed writing this one in the end. Please enjoy their first Valentine’s Day together
Warning: Implied Smut, but no actual Smut. 
Valentine’s Surprises
She’d read the books. She’d gotten special permission from the Headmistress. Hermione was fully prepared to give Ron the best Valentine’s Day surprise. This was the first Valentine’s Day that they were actually together and could celebrate properly, and she’d have to make it extra special because she probably wouldn’t get to see him for his birthday since it fell during the week this year.
It’d been six weeks since they’d seen each other over Christmas hols, and this whole long distance thing was getting old pretty quick for Hermione. She looked in the mirror and observed herself. Demelza had helped with her makeup, and she’d managed to tame her hair down a bit using Sleakeazy’s. It had a nice waviness to it, and was pulled back into a side plait.  She smiled as she stared down at her overnight bag. Massage oil, sexy red lingerie and a silk robe, the fuzzy throw blanket that was wrapped in decorative paper, rose petals and bath bombs...and a change of clothes for class tomorrow.  
If Hermione had planned everything out properly, Ron would be in for the surprise of his life. She knew he and Harry always went to the Burrow for Sunday dinner, normally arriving at four and getting back around seven. It was 4:30 now, and Hermione was heading to Professor McGonagall’s office, where she was planning to floo to Grimmauld Place. She had two and a half hours to bake biscuits, and set things up before setting herself up in his bed for him to come home and find her. 
Upon arriving at the Headmistress’ office, she was reminded that she needed to return at 8:30 the following morning, and Hermione profusely thanked her again for allowing her to leave. She stepped into the fireplace and in a few short moments found herself in the kitchen of Grimmauld Place. The boys had really done a fantastic job updating the home, making it brighter and more welcoming. 
Hermione set her bag down and began summoning the ingredients she needed to bake his favorite biscuits. Molly had shared the recipe. She only bothered with checking the ingredients because ‘if you could read, you could cook,’ right? Hermione quickly set to work preparing all the ingredients per the directions until she hit step seven. 
Wait...how was she even supposed to do that? She understood mixing the dry and the wet ingredients together normally, but there was a spell written, and having never read any magical cookbooks, Hermione was at a loss for what to do. She began panicking, looking around the kitchen for some sort of ‘how to’ book to help her through this. Of course the boys didn’t have one! She was opening and closing every cupboard she could find as she became more and more frantic. Then, she opened one particular cupboard, and a memory flashed before her eyes. 
Would it work? She had no idea, but she had to try. She was desperate for this night to go perfectly. “Kreacher?” she asked softly. At first nothing happened, but then a loud POP echoed through the kitchen and Kreacher stood before her. 
“Hello, Miss. What is you doing in Masters Potter and Weasley’s home?”
“Oh, thank goodness it worked!” Hermione said with a rush of relief. “I’m here to surprise Ron tonight, Kreacher. It was my intention to bake his favorite biscuits, but I’m afraid I- I don’t know how to get past step seven. Could you help me?”
Hermione was crestfallen. She wanted to do this all herself. She didn’t want to have to ask for help, but she couldn’t leave a half attempted recipe out for Ron to see when he got back.
“Yes, Miss. Where is the recipe?” Hermione pointed to the counter.
“Thank you, Kreacher! Do you mind if I watch?” Hermione tried to hide the disappointment in herself.
Kreacher gave a grumbled sigh and a curt nod as he set to work. Hermione should have known that the elf would use nonverbal magic on the recipe, so it was partially a waste of time to watch him work. He made quick work of the rest of the steps, and magically placed perfectly round balls on the baking sheet. “Miss forgot to turn on the oven.” He took care of it. “Would you like me to take care of the rest?”
“No, no, thank you Kreacher, I can take it from here. Thank you again!” Hermione said as Kreacher fell into a low bow and then disapparated out of sight. Hermione figured she had about fifteen minutes before the oven was heated to temperature, so she grabbed her bag and set to work upstairs. Somehow it was already after six. 
Hermione opened her bag and pulled out the bag of rose petals when she got to Ron’s room. She scattered them on the floor and over his bed,placing the package on the end of the bed and the massage oil on his nightstand. Satisfied with her work, she went back downstairs to find the oven was ready and she placed the cookies in the oven. Mrs. Weasley’s note said they needed to be baked for exactly ten minutes. Hmm, I wonder why so exact? Hermione thought. 
She set a timer for herself as she went back upstairs to draw the bath water and change into the lingerie and robe, keeping an eye on the timer. She’d gotten the top on, but was struggling with the bottoms when she got the minute warning. Giving up on them for now, she threw the silk robe around her and turned the water off, casting a quick warming charm over it as she hurried downstairs.
Hermione opened the oven door just as the timer went off and pulled them out. They looked perfect on top, but the bottoms were tinged a bit dark. It’s okay, at least you didn’t burn them! She turned the oven off and transferred the cookies to a cooling rack. Hermione magically washed the cookie sheet and double checked the recipe once more. Ugh, not another charm! She realized Mrs. Weasley had one more charm to set the cookies with at the end. I’m sure it’ll be fine without it, she thought because she did not want to call Kreacher back again. 
Hermione left the cookies to cool, and hurried back upstairs to figure out the mess of straps that were the bottom half of her outfit. It took a good ten minutes to get everything situated properly, and she checked herself in the bathroom mirror. She smiled softly and hoped she’d drive him mad with desire upon discovering her like this. Hermione didn’t often care what she looked like, and she wasn’t exactly one for seduction, but she wanted to do this for Ron. 
She checked to make sure the warming charm was still intact on the tub, and dropped one of the bath bombs in. Then, Hermione hurried into Ron’s adjoining bedroom, shut the door, and hung up the robe. She carefully climbed under his covers. Now, we wait.
Harry and Ron finally flooed home from the Burrow just before 7:30. Ron knew they were later than normal, but it wasn’t like he had anything better to do on Valentine’s Day. He cursed again because he should be able to spend it with Hermione, but she was at bloody Hogwarts. Harry had invited Neville and Seamus over around 8:00 since they all might as well be alone together on this particular holiday. 
“Uh, Ron,” he heard Harry say. “You didn’t bake biscuits before we left, did you?” Ron looked over and saw, were those his favorite biscuits? He didn’t even realize the sweet scent until Harry had said something.
“Er, no, mate..that’s odd,” Ron said. Harry made to pick one up, but having been poisoned before, Ron stopped him. “Harry, no! Better check with Kreacher first. We don’t have any bezoars lying around.”
Harry called Kreacher who appeared with a POP. “Kreacher, did you bake these while we were gone?”
“I helped, but it wasn’t me,” Kreacher croaked.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Ron asked him.
“Surprise...doesn’t know how to bake with magic,” Kreacher muttered as he shook his head.
“Kreacher, is someone else here?” Harry asked as Ron did the homenum revelio spell. Kreacher nodded as the spell did in fact reveal a third person.
Ron looked back down at the cookies, which were his favorite. He looked at Harry, who said, “You don’t think…” 
“If it is, you’re on your own with Nev and Seamus,” Ron said as he sprinted up the stairs. His bedroom door was shut, and he definitely hadn’t left it that way earlier. He opened the door to see Hermione, scantily dressed and laying in his bed. His heart damn near stopped. “Bloody hell…” was all he could manage.
“It’s about time!” Hermione couldn’t help herself. She’d been waiting over a half hour and was starting to get nervous that he wasn’t coming home.
Ron shut the door and cast a quick lock and silencing charm on the door. “Why didn’t you tell me?” he said as he met her on the bed and wasted no time in pulling her in for a passionate kiss.
“Wanted to surprise you,” she said.
“Reckon it worked. You’re bloody gorgeous, you know that?” Ron couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She was stunning. He’d never seen her in lingerie before, only dreamed of it. He was basking in the glory of having her here, when he saw the look of disappointment on her face. It was subtle, but it was there. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s- it’s nothing,” she said as she looked away.
“Tell me, ‘Mione. Please?” Ron reached out and touched her chin, directing her face back to meet his.
“It’s just, everything I planned has gone wrong! I couldn’t even bake your favorite cookies! I needed Kreacher’s help and I still missed that there was a spell at the very end, so they’re probably ruined. I planned for you to be home around 7, so the bath water is probably cold, and I couldn’t go anywhere to check because I didn’t want anyone seeing me in this. I probably should have just told you McGonagall let me off for the night. Then you would have known and we could have had more time.”
Ron chuckled. “Hermione, we have the whole night ahead of us, and I'm so glad you’re here. And it’s a good thing you didn’t leave the room in this because I want you in this all to myself, though I’m about two seconds from ripping it off you,” Ron gave her a dark, wanting look then. Six weeks was way too long.
He always knew how to instantly make her feel better. “I was hoping you’d say that,” she said, giving her best seductive smile. Ron was on her in an instant, hands exploring her body and relishing in the feel of her against him. “Happy Valentine’s Day,” she said against his lips.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, love,” Ron returned, becoming lost in the sexiness of his girlfriend.
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we belong together - kylian mbappé and julian draxler fanfic
1| Hello Again
a/n: slightly smutty
june 2022| london
Molly frowned as she felt herself shake, before hearing a faint voice. She opened her eyes and sat up, seeing Adam's face in front of her. She sighed. He pulled her into a hug and started tenderly tracing his fingers over her back. "I had a nightmare."
"I know baby, I'm here," he whispered against her hair. She breathed in his scent and started to relax. She glanced over to the photo frame on her bedside table and exhaled. It was a picture of Molly, Freddie and Ruby; she missed them an awful lot and she missed Paris even more. She eyed Adam, he gave her a weak smile and pecked her lips. "We have to leave soon."
"I know," she nodded her head slowly. Today was the day she had been dreading; it was the anniversary of her dad's death, one year since she got the phone call that broke her heart into a million pieces. She wasn't the same woman anymore. She had left her entire life in Paris behind, she still spoke to the majority of people, but she struggled to hold a conversation with anyone. She was a mess; she spent every night crying, she couldn't look at herself in the mirror without wanting to put her hand through it, Molly hated everything about herself. "Please stay with me, I can't do this without you."
Adam had been her rock throughout it all; they reconnected when she returned to London, she found comfort in him. He was somebody that her family could trust, he was the only person that could make them smile or laugh and that, was what she was thankful for. He hugged her again, connecting his lips with hers one last time.
july 2023| ibiza
"Kylian, are you daydreaming?" he turned his head to face Rosalie, a bemused look across her face. She laughed and kissed his cheek, Kylian placed his hand on her thigh and pecked her lips. They were currently sat enjoying a meal in Ibiza, he had two weeks left until he had to return to Paris for pre-season. He gazed at the diamond ring on her finger and softly smiled, he couldn't believe he was engaged, but he was happy. "You're doing it again!"
"Sorry," he chuckled. She rolled her eyes and nudged him, he pulled her closer and wrapped an arm around her waist, lightly brushing his lips against her forehead. Kylian rested his head against Rosalie's and just gazed into her eyes; she traced a finger over his cheek and across his bottom lip, he closed his eyes and softly groaned. "Keep going and I will take you, right here, on this table."
"Please do," Rosalie smirked. She placed a hand to his thigh and started slowly moving her finger across the fabric of his pants. He bit his lip and watched her brown orbs, she moved her lips to his ear and gently bit the skin.
"Rose," Kylian quietly moaned, chewing on his lip harder. She started palming him through his pants, he relaxed in his chair. They were luckily sat in a secluded place in the restaurant; they still had some drinks left, so knew the waiters wouldn't bother them.
"Relax," Rosalie whispered against his neck, he parted his lips and nodded. She expertly unzipped his pants and found his shaft, he closed his eyes and rested his head on her shoulder. She moved her hands teasingly up and down.
"Shit," he groaned. "Faster," he instructed. She laughed and picked up her pace, tenderly moving a finger across the tip. Kylian bit down on her shoulder to stop the loud moan escaping, gently piercing the skin. He used his hand to roam his fingers around her hair. "Fuck, like that."
He gripped Rosalie's thigh so hard his knuckles turned white. She started whispering in his ear, as he felt her grip him harder and faster. She gradually nibbled on his ear, unintentionally causing his hips to buck up. His abs tightened, he could feel himself getting close. Kylian squeezed his eyes shut again and threw his head back, right now, he didn't care who saw them.
Rosalie connected their lips, passionately kissing him. She pumped his shaft at a rapid pace, he moaned against her lips. He only lasted a few more minutes, before his stomach tightened and he released himself onto her hand and his boxers. "You've made a mess."
"Oops," she winked. He could see in her eyes that she didn't care, he rolled his eyes and glared at her. She kissed the corner of his lips and rested her head in the crook of his neck. God, my fiancé was filthy and I loved it, he thought. "I love you."
"I love you to, my filthy little squirrel."
june 2022| london
The fake smile Molly had plastered on her lips was starting to fade; she had forgotten how many family members she had said hi to and how many of them she had to pretend to be okay with. She caught the eyes of her mother and sadly smiled at her, her heart broke for her. She made her way over and pulled them both outside, she knew the older woman needed a break from all of this. "Let's go get some air."
"You okay Molly?" her mother asked. She sighed and slowly nodded, pulling her into a hug. Molly took deep breaths to stop the tears from falling; her mother had seen her cry enough the past year, she was unsure how her daughter had any tears left to shed. "You can't fool me, you're my baby girl."
"It's fine mother, I want to make sure you're okay first," Molly exhaled. Her mother was right, she was the only person that truly knew her, she couldn't hide anything from her.
"Please talk to me dear. It's okay if you miss being in Paris you know; do you miss it?" she questioned. The brunette loudly huffed; it was the topic she had been avoiding, she couldn't answer any questions regarding Paris, she didn't want to. Her heart still ached when she thought of the city; she had happy memories there, but she also had extremely unhappy memories as well, ones that had happened seconds before she had left. "Honey look at me. Your father would want you to continue living your life. I know you want to be here with me, but I am fine and I have your sister. I know how much you loved Paris and I know there are some bad experiences there for you, but there are also lots of good ones. I saw how happy you were."
"I do miss it, but I'm not ready yet," Molly sighed. She wanted to return to the beautiful city, but she knew she needed to change before she could do that. "Give me a year and then I'll re-think," she continued. She knew giving her mother an expected date would be easier; she wanted to return, but first, she had to figure herself out. She knew what she would be returning to and in her current state, she wasn't near enough prepared.
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simplyshelbs16xoxo · 4 years
Sherlolly from the promot list 5 or 19? Please and thank you
I chose to do #5: “Dont yell at me like I’m a child!” “DON’T THROW SCISSORS!”
One Shot. Post-TSoT. Molly ends things with Tom, and sets out to find Sherlock. She never thought it would turn out like this.
FFN | Ao3 | Buy Me a Coffee?
               Molly had had enough. The consulting git was being absolutely ridiculous. And how did this all happen again? Oh, right, after ending things with Tom, Molly left the reception. She took a cab to Baker Street where she was apparently unwelcome.
               “Go away,” Sherlock told her when she walked through the already open door.
               Molly didn’t waver, though, and she approached him where he sat in his chair. He was just in a mood. “Sherlock, I’m not leaving you; not like this.”
               He rolled his eyes. “Don’t you have a fiancé to get back to? I wonder how he’d feel knowing you’re visiting another man instead of staying with him. Or, better yet, that you allow another man to sleep in your bed though he isn’t your intended.”
               She was taken aback. “Are you insinuating something?”
               “Depends,” he replied. “Are you guilty of something?”
               Molly Hooper had slapped him, and for good reason, he added.
               “How dare you! It’s not enough that you come waltzing back into everyone’s lives and think everyone will just drop everything for you, but now you have the audacity to make me feel like I did something wrong by going and getting myself engaged!” She was red in the face and furious. But with who?
               Sherlock stood up from his chair, and spoke before he could stop the words from spilling out. “You should’ve waited for me!”
               “Oh, right, it’s not like you actually asked me to!” Molly started poking at his chest, punctuating almost every word. “You had several chances to tell me how you felt, but you’re a coward, Sherlock!”
               His face fell into one of genuine shock. He had never been called a coward before, but he knew she was right. And then the sight of her turning her back and walking away fired him up again. “You left me for that dull, ordinary prat! You left me! “
               Molly stopped in her tracks, right at the doorway. “Newsflash, Sherlock! We were never together! And I doubt we ever will be! You were never mine, so I had to move on!”
               “But you were mine!” He shouted. “My pathologist!”
               “I don’t even know what the hell that means!!” She was so angry, tears were falling down her cheeks.
               Sherlock grabbed a pair of scissors and threw it at the smiley face painted on the wall. “Damn it, Molly!”
               “You seriously need a timeout!”
               “Don’t yell at me like I’m a child!”
               “DON’T THROW SCISSORS!”
               The first to laugh was Molly. Sherlock followed right after. This whole fight was ridiculous. What were they even fighting about? So, their wires got crossed because he couldn’t be brave enough to tell her before he left for two years. That wasn’t her fault, he realised. They laughed long and hard ‘til they were out of breath. Molly had gravitated toward him as their laughter bubbled up through them until they were face to face.
               “I’m sorry,” they spoke in unison.
               Sherlock spoke softly now. “Molly, I don’t blame you for you trying to move on. You’re right. I was a coward. I was afraid of losing you. I’m not good enough for you, Molly Hooper, but you make me want to be a better man. You make me feel like I’m just me, William Sherlock Scott Holmes, and not just the façade of the famous consulting detective.”
               She smiled sadly. “Oh, Sherlock, I don’t ever want you to think you don’t deserve me. And I’m sorry I broke your heart. I knew I had that day when you spoke to me. You kissed my cheek as if it was goodbye. And in many ways, it was, but you know, I much rather prefer hello.” And she rose up on her tip toes, her hand coming up to cradle his face, and pressed a soft, lingering kiss to his lips.
               He was smiling when she pulled back. “Hello,” he breathed out.
               She smiled back. “Hello.”
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