#like reels and stuff. i mean reels .
quibbs126 · 8 months
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What do you mean Patrick Seitz voices him??
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theprinceandthewitch · 6 months
Man, what is it with Sonic Prime and it's need to make Shadow a Vegeta type of character? I've noticed how the western side of Sega has an apparent dislike for Shadow and Team Dark.
Shadow DOES have people he cares about. But Team Dark hasn't been acknowledged since, like, Sonic 06'. I also don't like how Rouge is shoehorned into Sonic's friend group... that doesn't make any sense to me, given Rouge's moral alignment. Rouge could have been included in the show without being pushed onto Sonic's team.
Again, I've noticed the western side of Sega has a very strange dislike for Team Dark vs the Japanese side of Sega and I'm not sure why that is tbh...
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bright-and-burning · 6 months
this isn’t even halfway to my wildest “hear me out” but i’ve been watching a lot of car instagram reels (😭) and my current two …interesting and car-related… “hear me out”s are richard hammond and the head mechanic guy from concept3 (whose name i just discovered is william chang)
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whatudottu · 15 days
I have a question what were Annie's og parents like(i mean she was willing to run away with five aliens to be her fathers instead so I don't think they might have been the best😬) or maybe they're dead and were good people idk
A lot of the lore is actually written by @sweetpeaches666, who may be tagged under sugarbutterfly432, thanks to Annie technically being a 3 way OC lmao. There has been nothing solidly concrete about Annie's OG parents beyond the fact that she doesn't know her ancestry and she's had many foster homes AND orphanages to live in (plus it'd also be easier legal wise for the Andromeda 5 to adopt her if she isn't officially someone else's kid at the time)
It's actually why she does ballet, one of her foster mothers wanted to recreate her failed dream, turns out it breeds resentment and a lot of running away :P
What can be said is that Annie's been many different homes and in a constant state of transitioning between them, a prime example of being a refunded kid and all that, something something No Roots by Alice Merton yada yada 'oh no that's relatable'. Her birth parents one way or another have never been in her life, though regardless of what actually happened Annie will always believe that they left her behind like like everyone else did :P
#ask#anonymous#annie andromeda#ben 10 oc#ben 10#if there was a frequent flyer's pass for running away annie would be getting so many check-ins#or whatever happens with frequent flyer stuff idk i don't fly#anyway annie would call herself a jailbird if living in group homes or transition homes fit the definition#she sure does fly the coop enough to make the connection stick#p'andor adopting her out of the blue (give or take the actual time it would legally take to do so) after she tried to mug him#was the biggest shock that left her reeling for a hot fucking minute before she even had the chance to maybe run away again#something something 'what do you have' yada yada 'a smoothie'#annie realises she's been adopted by aliens or at least in the process of being adopted by them during the midst of her confusion#and maybe being kitted out with a room and also a wallet to mooch off of#because while the andromeda 5 are being given parental rights and responsibilities she's living under their roof#if shit goes south she can at least get one of the adults to purge their money on her food and supplies should she run off later#(which doesn't end up happening... at least not seriously with resentment)#sometimes she feels the need to take a breather from a comparably overwhelming amount of love and affection sent her way#let alone the fact that she's getting like 5 adults' care instead of the nuclear 2#which may or may not end up freaking out some of them (ra'ad especially but probably everyone but p'andor)#p'andor being a combination of not fully grasping what a kid on a conceptual level is but also because he first met annie trying to rob him#not exactly points for him in the 'responsible parent' tally but he's far from a single parent#sure technically- since annie's 16 (give or take to match ben's age)- she was soon gonna be too old for the orphanage#p'andor will be the one to look for her (he'll actually insist since the others might freak her out more) even if it means they stay out#just an easy bake oven taking his outdoor cat on a walk- he and annie will return home soon but hey- nothing like a breath of fresh air#anyway the tags hold more details than the post itself lmao tag rambling at it's finest :P#hmm does there need to be a warning for this?
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lilgynt · 19 days
i am like wildly overestimating how well i could defend myself with like no self defense training with or without weapons on my person but id prefer that over thinking i cant like. build up enough strength to overpower someone or be scared to go to places alone
#personal#the effect true crime and women working out primarily to lose weight and not gain strength#and this weird notion of. not weird but inflated sense of fear? in women my age makes me unhappy#like you can lift mattresses or washers and dryers or idk other heavy stuff you just have to try lifting heavy stuff#you can be strong enough to match or at least put up a decent fight with that male friend boyfriend relative#like the amount of videos i see of women being like when you realize even at ur full strength you xyz can easily over power you#which is scary i get that but it’s not some crazy inevitably if you have xx chromosomes???????????#and maybe this comes from being quote unquote a big girl my whole life#like sure i’m not 5’10 but im a good height#and i’m hefty i got weight and like ED and body issues aside#i do like that i have a heft to me and you FEEL when i push back and i feel relatively safe bc i know i got weight and strength#but idk. i just#feel like to some degree resignation#like oh even the skinny lean guy will be naturally stronger than you it’s so scary#my ex was taller than me and worked out and i could easily hold his arms down just with mine#let alone if i used my body#like i lifted him on my shoulders and i pinned him i was the stronger partner just with our natural body types#and for some chicks yeah ur 4’11 and struggle to break 100 pounds naturally yeah yeah. ur kinda cooked genetically#but for a lot of chicks it’s like no i think ur boyfriend wouldn’t over power you without any resistance if idk#you gained weight and muscle mass?#again i’m probably overly estimating what i can do#and a tiny chick who actually does self defense training will handle herself way better than me#which also is just kinda the point. like it’s not some unavoidable fate that a ‘man’ is gonna be unquestionably stronger#and even if so doesn’t mean you can’t be a better fighter or better at getting away#idk tik toks and insta reels going through a lot of gender essentialism#like i believe any person with xy chromosomes are naturally inclined to rape and murder#ohh! so close the issue is an ingrained societal issue that was learned behavior and ur spouting terf rhetoric
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weird evening
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visgae · 2 years
I'm very normal about nettles. I found a patch of winter retted nettles that were the perfect level of dead for fibre extraction! Will do an update video about what I make with it soon :)
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adaine-party-wizard · 4 months
okay this is probably gonna mean nothing to a lot of you, but i think the recent trend of purses that look like (or are) toiletry/cosmetic bags is because those are often more affordable designer items compared to the actual handbags, so for people who want to have designer things and flaunt having designer items it’s a slightly more affordable way to do it. like i don’t have tiktok, but all it would take is one influencer sharing a “designer shopping hack” and boom now that’s the trend and that’s where we are now. am i right? i think im right.
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victimized-martyr · 1 year
Uh 2, 6, and 10 please I would rlly like to see ur take on these :>
2. Who is the (overall) smartest in stan’s group? 
So I’m gonna talk myself thru this answer actually— Ok, My first instinct is to say Kyle bc his whole deal is wanting to learn things and (usually) is the voice of reason, he’s always been gifted with wit and Cartman’s had to play catch up since (they’re evenly matched now, but still. the fact that Cartman’s had to develop himself meanwhile Kyle’s always been Like That says a lot). But, Cartman is Kyle’s weakness.
I’d say then, Stan is contender for the smartest because he’s a skeptic that easily sees through people, whereas Kyle is the more emotionally gullible of the two. He doesn’t take Cartman’s shit and for that reason I don’t see them paired up often bc anything Cartman would try to pull, Stan would shut down unless his image is involved ofc.
Cartman is the most gifted of the group, with a wide array of talents he can master within days and often spearheads plans for the guys with unmatched confidence. He’s uniquely attuned to the world of SP, he knows people and is good at anticipating what they want/ what they’ll say. in the words of Matt, he’s “an evil little genius”. But, Kyle is his weakness+ in conjunction with his broken mind— paranoia, one-track mind, lack of self respect, keeps him from reaching his full potential. Perhaps it’s for the best.
Kenny has been shown to be a revolutionary scientist in PC, which shows that mixed in w/ that horniness is the potential for a scientifically inclined brain. He’s the only of the 3 who’s most decent hearted, and has dignity. He takes his role as vigilante seriously, the true martyr of south park (eat your heart out Kyle Brofloski). He’s not obsessed with self image (stan) or with one of his friends (kyle and cartman). Perhaps Kenny’s the secret genius of the 4.
6. Is creek really that great?
Yeah, I think it is. Trey took Craig and Tweek’s dynamic in a way no one say coming, he cheekily canonized them and didn’t stop at that. He showed them facing couple issues authentic to their characters and doing their best to rise above it bc they’ve grown to care for each other. (Put it Down, Budda Box)
Shippers might be loath to admit, but creek is an ally to the Kymans. Trey is out here writing so many of his couples The Same Way and I’m just here for the ride dude— Duo who’re at odds, physically fight, develop a bond neither of them particularly wanted or saw coming, but managed to fit in each other’s lives and haven’t left since.
Creek is based. It’s overwhelmingly shipped, but like, it’s also a ship that’s misunderstood? It’s good.
10. if you had to match each kid in craig’s gang with the kid that was the most like them in stan’s gang, who would be the most like who?
uhhh what ok uh. Clyde is Cartman (fatass solidarity) Craig is Stan, Tolkien is Kyle… well fuck I wouldn’t say Jimmy is Kenny bc they’re kinda different. I don’t like this question actually, ble
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piierrote · 1 year
finally legitimately sorting out my shit around my shop i have NO IDEA how ive been running my etsy since like 2019 and havent organised this before,,, i was relying on shitty little checklists in lost notebooks
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girlbot666 · 1 year
i've definitely posted about this before but why are instagram reel comment sections the most toxic misogynistic spaces on the internet rn ??? i'll get the most innocuous reels of women doing makeup or making food or whatever and then i'll open the comments expecting stuff about the content, and instead it's all people criticizing her face or her body or her voice, just in the most blatantly rude and sexist way imaginable. and i never expect it either because i never even think twice about the things ppl are criticizing. like i just saw one n all the comments were about this woman's armpit hair which i fully didn't notice. and like. are these people just going about their lives like this? aggressively judging and criticizing every stranger they see in their heads, if not out loud? it's just so... sad
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horrorwebs · 1 year
2 days since my Friend last sent me instagram videos please come back i miss you :(
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cerbreus · 2 years
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my day so far
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victory-cookies · 1 year
the only irl friend I have that I feel comfortable actually talking about the things I enjoy with just insulted me for gushing about smth to her over snap last night and now I want to cry
#this is going in the tags bc it’s stupid but it’s making me sad so#the only irl friend I have that I actually felt comfortable sharing my interests with just made fun of me#for gushing to her about smth over snap last night#and I’m at work rn so I can’t even cry bc in a few minutes I’m back out on the floor#but just like. I think I have rsd (especially around my interests and then my intelligence but that’s not pertinent here)#so I’ve never really been super open about what things interest me bc when I get made fun of for it or those things get insulted#It really hurts#the only people I’ve really felt comfortable opening up to are like. Sid obv and then this one friend of mine#bc the two of us found out we shared some interests and started like. telling each other about other things we like#I’d tell her about my silly little tv shows and podcasts and she’d tell me about the movies and books she was into#and I’ve explained to her before how I’ve never really been comfortable enough to talk about that shit and how I appreciated her being kind#and not insulting me like other people have in the past#but today I’m sitting on break and watching the replies she sent me and one of them is just a clip in response to my video from last night#where she just goes ‘girl I literally don’t care’ (and this was not in a joking way like that was her response#and it was in a tone that implied ‘so shut up about it’)#and like I get it! I am often not interested in the things that people tell me about! but I try to be earnest and engaged#and I can understand loving smth and wanting to share it with others! and how it sucks when people are then mean about it!#like when she tells me about a teen drama romance book or sends me instagram reels of cake decorating I try to respond with enthusiasm!#bc while the content may not interest me I like hearing about the things she enjoys and I’m glad she feels open to telling me about stuff!#but now I don’t want to share shit with her anymore bc this has given me a huge spike in anxiety and I feel like shit#idk. it’s stupid but it sucks#vent#ig
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sapphic-luthor · 2 years
stalking sasha and ang*e's instagram pages from the r&i days and i'm wondering whether or not they were friends? because it seems like neither of them posted much with the other lol
they used to take family vacations together!! they were visibly very close while the show was still airing, but i think it was more in interviews and such bc it was a liiiitttle before their sort of older c-list celebrity types were really heavily leaning into social media i think lol
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
#bluh. its been a long week and its not over bc i have to get this fucking manuscript done like fucking this weekend#and Sunday i have to go do fieldwork and then its Monday hhhhh#my boss: the meme of the week is productive women get shit done#and im like being called a woman in stem kills me a little more every time i hear it bleh im just trying to live my life#and by live i mean drain away all my time in the lab. uuuuh i need to rewrite these fucking methods and dun wanna#also fucking the coordinator lady who bought my plane ticket to visit one of my potential schools made it so that im gonna have to drive to#the airport at like 4am and then ill get back to my apartment at after 12am on the return. like i said my time was flexible but wtf lady?#its prob bc they were expensive tickets bc the fucking military#ugh. and the other school is like select 3 profs to meet with. and im like wtf y do i have to? if its just screening stuff y dont u just#assign it? i dont understand hhhh i dont wanna talk to them. i fucking dunno. at least i made it to the interview stage i guess#also also i was running today and randomly remembered that over the break my old bat of a nana was being stingy abt#money bc she said she was gonna give out inherentence to her kids while still alive so they would still be young enough to enjoy it#and my dad and uncle could retire a lil early and still pay for insurance and now shes going back on that bc she doesnt want taxes to go to#the government and my papa is like 85 and hes gotta b nearing deaths door and he cant reel her in anymore#anyway. point is she was talking to my uncle abt her reasons for keeping the money and she was talking shit on my mom for like the way she#spends money. like my mom has cancer u old fucking bitch. shes trying to enjoy her life a little before shes like dead or bedridden#shes also made comments abt my moms weight and like wtf lady she has cancer. shes had multiple abdominal surgeries she had a hernia for#like a real long time sorry shes not spending all her time exercising and eating tasteless healthy food like u#anyway i just think my nana is a bad person. so is my other grandma tbh my sister gets so pissed at her for ordering my mom around#like she treats her dog better than she ever did her kids. lol my grandparents just suck on both sides#and like everytime my parents r like go do things for ur grandparents im like fucking y? they're bad ppl#i dont kno how my parents r so normal#anyway wtf was i doing... ah right procrastinating#unrelated#srry for lack of drawings. just zero time 🫠#i lov my mum so much. she doesnt deserve any of this bullshit
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