#I think it’s fun and I like the character designs
What're your thought on Skully/Skelly so far? Personally, I like the kid, he seems fun and cute (might even adopt him too lol)
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I’ll make an update post later once the full event is out; this post will be my first impressions of the guy! Thought it might be interesting to document my feelings now and see how those change over time.
First thing I’ll say is while I like his design, his personality didn’t match my expectations. I expected him to be polite yet also eccentric and a little sinister, not… going around kissing the hands of everyone he meets. Skully also comes off as much more harmless than he appears. It’s an odd mix of demure but also really excitable when his special interest (Halloween, lol) comes up in conversation. A fun-loving guy! He definitely looks a lot more imposing and mysterious than he actually is.
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I think a lot of his intimidation factor comes from the shades. If you take them away, he looks more like a dejected fuzzy animal or a Halloween-flavored Idia/Saeran (Mystic Messenger boi). LIKE SORRY BUT WHY DOES HE LOOK LIKE A SAD PUPPY LEFT OUT IN THE RAIN… His spiral eyes are cool though ^^ It’s just slightly hard to see sometimes because of the shadow his hair casts and the shading around that area.
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His overall expressiveness is great! He looks cute when he smiles and blushes (from his idol complimenting him, haha). It feels very pure and innocent, which contrasts with his more… deranged expressions.
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The way he speaks surprised me too… He talks about coming from a rural place, but he speaks so formally! Sometimes even more formally than Jade. I wonder if that implies being of high class/social status or if he just taught himself to speak this way for personal reasons. My worst nightmare (hah) is that Skully devolves into a heavy Kansai accent later in the event (if only because I’m not sure how to transcribe the Kansai accent into English when I write his dialogue 💦).
I mentioned in an earlier post that Skully’s outfit is a Nightmare Suit provided by the book. We don’t know what he actually dresses like irl which is a shame. Knowing that would really help with getting a read on his character, even if he were just in a school uniform (because different people can wear their uniforms very differently, as we can see in the NRC School Uniform line of cards). Stuffing Skully into a Nightmare Suit by default doesn’t tell me much about how he presents himself outside of the book, in reality.
There’s definitely a lot of interesting (and vague) lore around him 🤔 like how he doesn’t know what magical pens are and how his hometown is the only place that knows who Jack Skellington is… Hopefully those questions get answered by the end of the event. I also have to wonder why he’s such an intense Halloween otaku??? There could be no deep reason behind it, but I’m a little suspicious since this is a Halloween event. It feels like Skully’s hiding something and/or he’s not confident in himself since his dialogue implies he’s a loner irl. Maybe he’s attracted to the idea of Halloween because even the dead and creatures of the night can fit in (so he, the outcast, can also have a place among them)?
That being said, I do find Skully’s personality charming, especially when he’s opening the event with his little dramatic monologue about Halloween. It’s a nice way to interpret Jack Skellington’s whimsy and child-like wonder into a Twst character. However, I don’t exactly find myself completely endeared to his character yet. He feels a little too… safe? Too… sweet. Unless this was all intentionally and he's actually a RSA student or something/j I’d like to see more of his villainous traits and weaknesses on display to get a full scope of his character. *rubs hands together* I want to see what he’s like when he snaps… We already saw some glimpses of his nastier side when he calls his classmates worthless for not understanding him. I want to see that unleashed on the NRC students! As is, I’m not sure if I enjoy him talking down to others (he calls his classmates worthless) for not being on the same wavelength as him when it comes to his interests. It feels like something elitist otaku do (Idia has definitely done this), and that’s a big yikes for me.
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feel free to ignore this question if you so wish but i gotta ask:
is there anything you regret making/implementing into this specific comic line that you are aware of looking back? if so, why?
different question if you dont wanna answer that, what would Lili's and Sera's favorite pie be?
A couple things
I SHOULD’VE MADE POWERS AN AGGRESSIVE DICKHEAD LONGER AUGHHHHH. I just got really excited with a comic idea and couldn’t wait a year to reveal that she’s a demon. Shes still an asshole but since she’s not mean to Sera and Lili it makes the dunks on her a little difficult to write since I don’t want it to feel like bullying her, hence why Prince’s issues with her is addressing her past behavior
I don’t entirely regret it because I can explore some ideas but I do wish I held off on getting Sera and Lili married. My interactions were falling off at the time and back then, I just viewed this series as a hobby and a way to make money so I could work on Bugtopia so I thought “oh I’m sure I won’t regret this latter” I did. I did regret it later
I do regret making Violet and Lucy wives and I may just quietly retcon it
I wish I didn’t introduce Scylla as some crazy bodyguard because I actually prefer her being a grump her takes her job seriously. I think I have too many violent girls with anger issues
Prince’s design is something I’m really conflicted on. I was split between making them really skinny or giving them those big strong horse thighs and you can see which one over, but after the constant weird comments about being called a “Gooner artist” I did second guess some of my design decisions
I wish I didn’t make Mara a succubus 💀, in fact I do kind of wish I didn’t have so many succubus characters but they’re also fun to draw
Those damn comics where Luvart talked about fucking Powers because I don’t like making their rivalry explicitly sexual
I’m actually not crazy about Domino’s design but when I tried to redesign him I realize people would complain if I made him super different
I wish I didn’t make Lili’s mom a hellhound but I’m stuck with it now lol
Lili’s favorite pie would be apple and Sera can’t taste food
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chaifootsteps · 2 days
I can proudly say that I liked Mammon (as much as you can like him that is) since, when was it, a year ago? When he was first shown in that one episode.
Yes his design didn't make sense, yes he looks like a Christmas tree, yes he's a terribly written 'bad guy'. But like, so were everyone else in that show.
I could tell I was going to like him because Viv would clearly hate him cause he's fat. And I knew she wouldn't dare to sexualize him like she does to the other characters. It's actually kinda refreshing to see a vivziepop character who's smug but not 'sexy' (in the typical way I mean, I think he's a catch).
I know exactly what you mean. Mammon's a hot mess, but nothing about his design or story is good, but he's fun and he can get it.
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angel-of-the-moons · 2 days
You can definitely ignore this little thingy if you feel uncomfortable buttttt,,,,,,, do you think Steven would like the idea of being bred? Now, breeding is cool and all I love anything that has to do with it but what if it was the opposite? Like, instead of yn it was character? (Doesn't have to be amab specifically lol cuz fake cum is a thing) but like it specifically thinking of Steven having a breeding kink, both ways not just once ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ sorry if this is not your usual type of requests or food for thought haha 😞
Okay this has been sitting in my box for a while but I finally got an idea for it asfjdlndlnd
Sorry if it's like, all over the place and not as detailed as my other stuff :'> I might come in and edit it in the morning when I'm more awake!
A Little Strange
Steven Grant x Fem! Reader
TW/CW: NSFW, Smut, Flat out smut, pegging, creampie (sorta), spanking(?), Steven is a crybaby, punishment, Sub!Steven, Top!Reader Reader has some hair that is long enough to be pushed back
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The request your lovely, mousey, nerdy little boyfriend made of you was one you were not expecting.
Sure, you had pegged him before, but the most recent time, as you helped him ride out his orgasm, you heard him whimper and sob into the pillow; "Breed me, love--"
The poor thing was so embarrassed about it all, but after a little sit down with him, he'd explained that he had fantasized about it, imagined you with a real cock; pumping him full, letting it drip down his thighs as you pulled out...
So, you started looking into online forums, Discord servers for adult toys that gave you advice as well as some stores that did custom designed dildos with cum tubes in them, as well as prep and cleanup.
You showed the messages to Steven, showing him there was no shame in what he was thinking about and you noticed how much lighter he was.
So much so that you and Steven started looking at adult toy shops online together for the "perfect" toy to play out his fantasy.
Steven wasn't yet brave enough to enter actual shops so, that task fell to you, Steven completely and utterly trusting whatever decision you made.
However, one night, while scrolling through various product lines...
You found it.
The perfect one. Lifelike, even complete with soft foreskin--matching your very own skin tone to give Steven a bit more reality in imagining that you were going to be the one to fuck him full of cum, not some obnoxiously-colored hunk of rubber.
You bought some warming lube, the fake cum, a new harness to accommodate the tube as well as a vibrator you could insert into yourself. After all, if he was the only one getting off, it wasn't much fun if you didn't, too...
You loved Steven for that. Your pleasure was always his, too.
You looked at him questioningly as you adjusted the harness, "If you're not sure about this..."
Steven had practically been drooling, watching you slip the silicone dick into place. Hell, it looked so life-like he had to blink for a moment to remind himself it was just a toy.
Not that he would have minded the real thing, per se...
He nodded, a little too enthusiastically; making his wispy raven curls bounce back down in front of his forehead, "Y-Yeah, love... I'm good. So--so good. Um--yes. Comfortable, I mean. That is, I'm--"
"Steven." You laugh softly, taking his cheeks in your hands, noticing how he leaned in on sheer instinct alone; as if your comfort was the one thing he needed most in the world.
"Baby, sloooooow down."
You boop your nose to his, making him laugh in return, an obvious red hue to his cheeks. His tongue gets his lips before he speaks, "Right, sorry. Excited, is all."
"I know." You say gently, brushing your fingers through his hair to push some of his curls back. You kissed his cheek and leaned in just a bit more, your lips brushing the shell of his ear as your hand pressed firmly against the bulge in his sweatpants.
"How do you want my cock, Steven? How do you want me to fuck you?"
The way he shudders visibly makes your toes want to curl and your pussy clench around the toy seated comfortably within you. It was off... for the moment.
"I--ah--a-all fours. From behind." He breathes, pressing his cheek into yours.
"Good boy." You purred, grazing your fingers along his jawline so you could tip his gaze upwards to meet yours.
"What about you, sweetheart?" He asked quietly.
"Oh, me?" You giggled, turning away, noticing how his gaze immediately fell to the way the dildo flopped as you sauntered your hips over to your shared dresser. You decided to spare him a quip, and grabbed a small remote.
You walked back over to him and placed the device in your hand.
And Steven, being the wonderfully curious goober that he is... pushing the button at the top, turning the vibrator on at full force.
The unexpected sensation made you squeak and squeeze your legs together; you hands cradling your midsection as your face erupted in a vibrant flush.
"W-wait!" You whined as you doubled over.
"Oh, bloody--I'm sorry!" He floundered, frantically trying to turn it off--accidentially hitting several buttons in the process so you suddenly were barraged with decreases in frequency, pulses, and even warmth--until he finally managed to succeed.
You panted as the sensations finally subsided, a sticky wet heat soaking the crotch of the harness, leaking out around the vibrator tucked snugly within you.
"Take off your pants and get on your knees." You said, your mouth twitching into a smirk.
"You are in so much trouble for that!"
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"I'm s-sorry--" Steven hiccuped as you withdrew your hips oh-so slowly, your eyes watching how the strap-on sunk back in welcomingly past his tight rim of muscles.
His ass cheeks were red and swollen from the spanking you had given him--you didn't actually start fucking him with it until he was drooling and crying into the pillow he had tucked against his chest, his cock a weeping mess into the blankets below.
You didn't even let him touch himself.
You pressed the toy in as deep as it would go, pressing your hips down hard until you were grinding against his prostate; Steven whining and babbling the most filthy things as he chewed his pillow, begging for you to just move, to go just a little faster.
"You want me to go faster, baby?" You coo'd, pulling back just to slam home once again, grinding in deep.
"Ye-eeeeh-eeessss!" He cried.
You huffed, pushing back some of your hair that had gotten stuck to your sweaty forehead as you smoothed your hand up the curve of his arched spine, your fingers easily swiping through the rivulets of perspiration that flowed down his skin.
"Shh, shh, I'll give you what you want..." You murmured, leaning in to pepper soft kisses across his trembling shoulder.
He had been behaving since his "punishment"... You figured he deserved a bit of a reward.
So, you pried his tight-fisted fingers open and slipped the controller to your vibrator into his sweaty grasp.
"I want you to cum. And I want you to make sure I do at the same time. If you forget and don't let me cum..." You curled your fingers under his chin, scraping his messy stubble with your nails slightly, making his Adam's apple bomb as he swallowed the lump sum of saliva that had been gathering in his mouth.
"I--I will! Or--I w-won't? I..."
"Just make sure I do, baby. Can you do that for me?" You murmured against his ear, taking the lobe between your teeth and biting down softly.
"I--y-yes..." Steven sobbed.
"Yes..?" You hummed as you pulled back.
"Yes ma'am." He gasped as he felt the dildo inch its way out of his hole.
"Good boy." You praised him, your teeth snagging your lower lip as you feel him turn the vibrator inside of you on at a nice, comfortable setting.
Comfortable, but not what you wanted.
You thrust into him in a nice, deep, steady rhythm, groaning as you watch his hole clench and try to drag you deeper.
You almost wished this was your real cock, just so you could feel how his walls clenched and gripped--desperately trying to urge you along and deeper inside of him.
A moan was torn from your throat; as you thrusted in and out of Steven, the toy would nudge at a delicious angle to just barely catch at your g-spot.
"Steven, higher..." You panted, planting one foot down on the bed as you increased your pace.
You probably should have given him a bit more time to process your request before you began to fuck him harder, the poor man. He was a babbling mess of drool and tears, and you were relentless--pounding into his ass with vigor and energy he barely had in reserves.
His thumb shakily found it, and your breath punches from your lungs when it is turned to the highest setting on a steady pulse to almost match your rolling hips.
"F-fuck!" You groaned, gripping the soft fat on his hips for more leverage to fuck him harder, the vibrator inside of you moving around in your gummy walls, massaging you wonderfully from within, driving your impending climax closer as the seam of the leather harness you wore ground against your clit with every movement.
"'m gonna c-cum, love." Steven moaned loudly, his head lifting from the pillow.
"God--ahh!--are you?" You huffed back, your eyes rolling a little as the vibrator pulses harshly within you.
Maybe you'd chosen your toys a little too well... Neither of you were going to last at this rate. Pity. And here, you wanted to play with him just a bit longer.
Oh, well... Maybe next time you could cockwarm him; slowly fill him up with fake cum until he was begging to ride your cock. Maybe fill if with flavored lube and have him give you a blowjob? So many possibilities...
You reached down and grabbed the pump from your harness--your hand lightly squeezing it to let the fake cum solution work its way up the shaft as you moaned for Steven.
You hear a furious slide of skin as you realize he'd slipped his free hand below, stroking his flushed, fat shaft as you fucked him from behind. He'd get a punishment for breaking that rule.
He hiccuped, a broken and shattered moan coming from his soft and sweet lips was like music to your ears; making your heart skip a beat in your chest.
Later. He'd get one later.
"J-just a little more, baby--you can hold on long enough for me, can't you?" You sighed, swallowing hard to try and keep your voice level as your orgasm threatened to wash through you.
Your only reply was a choked-out whimper, your name leaving his mouth like a prayer as he sniffled; his hand on his dick slowing just a fraction to allow your budding climax to swell and bloom.
"Love, please." Steven pleaded, his hand dropping the remote to your toy--leaving it on the setting that already had your toes curling--as he gripped at the sheets blindly, drooling into the pillow once again.
"You want me to fill you up, Steven?" You moaned (perhaps a little too theatrically) your hips moving in a sharp blur; chasing every backwards jerk of his hips as much as every graze of that seam against your swollen clit.
"Want me to breed you, baby boy?"
"F-fuck--yes!" He almost bellowed
"Mmmm--" You panted, leaning down to press your chest against his back, his skin almost searing against the flesh of your breasts, "Make me cum, baby."
Steven continued to whimper and sob, arching and rolling his hips back to meet your thrusts, the jostling and tugging of the strap making those flames of pleasure lick up your spine as the vibrator pulsed and buzzed inside of you; the heat pooling in your belly battering down the walls of your self restraint.
Steven gasped and twitched, his hand going still for a moment on his dick as the first thick rope of his cum shot from the tip, coating the sheets and his hand as he picked it back up again.
You kept pumping inside of him--the sight and sound of him coming undone making your muscles go taut and flex as your own orgasm washed over you, his sweet voice muttering your name again and again as his cum began to soak into the fabric below him.
You barely had enough focus to remember the pump in your hand. You thrust once, twice, and on the third and final thrust your hand squeezed a final time, your "cum" shooting from your cock and flowing into him.
And, oh, the sounds leaving his mouth were downright sinful. They surely would have blocked any person from reaching the gates of heaven had they been uttered by a holy man.
Well... maybe holy in a different kind of religion...
As your hearts stilled, you slowly pulled out of him and watched as the white fluid dripped from his twitching hole and rolled away, onto your back as you panted for sweet oxygen--the bedroom felt so hot and humid. The smell of sweat and sex soaked into the very molecules of air between you.
You rolled onto your side as Steven collapsed, your fingers shakily reaching for the remote to turn off your vibrator as your body shuddered to a stop, the aftershocks of your orgasm finally washing away like the tide.
"You alive?" You huffed at him, reaching out to comb your fingers through his soaking wet curls.
He turned his face to you, then, a blissed-out smile on his face as he blinked his adorable little doe-eyes at you.
"I... ah.... better than okay." He mumbled, reaching out to grasp your hand in his. "You?"
"I think I found a new favorite hobby..." You grinned at him as you wiped sweat from your brow.
"Oh... I'm right properly fucked, aren't I?" He joked tiredly.
You leaned over and kissed his temple, where the vein throbbed beneath your lips.
"Oh, absolutely."
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monsterkin-culture-is · 24 hours
Tips for Vampirekins? BECAUSE GENUINELY I JUST FOUND OUT I AM ONE TODAY considering theres been signs for years...
So any advice and tips is VERY MUCH APPRECIATED. 😭
SQUEALS OMG WELCOME TO THE COMMUNITY!! It means so much you came to me for help 💜
I'm not sure if this is your first kintype so I'll add my general kin tips as well as vamp specific stuff.
Ways To Connect With Your Kintype:
Create a Spotify Playlist: Doesn't have to be on-theme, can always just be your fave songs labelled under your kintype - they're both part of your identity! Vampirism is heavily linked to alternative music & subcultures.
Create a Moodboard: This is easy enough to do in Canva or most mobile collaging apps! I recommend using pinterest to find your images. This is one of my favourite ideas because you can make a 3x3 square moodboard & add it as your spotify playlist cover!
Design Your Own Kin Flag: Kin pride flags are very popular on tumblr. There's probably an already existing one for your kintype, but a custom kin flag has a special personal connection & the colours can have relevance to you!
Make a Kinsona: A Kinsona is like a fursona but for your kintype! It's an original character with the species of your kin. If you're into roleplay, that can be a great way to foster a connection. If you're part of the voidpunk community, you can also make a voidsona!
Support or Donate to Animal Sanctuaries: Sort of in the title for this one. This is usually a tip for therians & similar but I think bat sanctuaries would be relevant to vampirekin. Support can just look like following them online! It gives them reach & you get to see cute animals.
Vampirekin Tips:
Raw Meat & Blood Diet: Obviously human blood and raw meat isn't a viable option here! @/forests-creatures created a good list of alternatives: Beef jerky, rare steaks, safe raw salmon & dried fruits. For sweet options, I'd say the red tongue-staining lollipops could work, as well as pink or red chocolate & red popping candy. You can also add red food colouring to existing food. Please research that what you're eating is safe beforehand! Tumblr is not a reliable resource. I took this list from my zombiekin tips - it's proving pretty good for most monsterkins!
Wear Sunglasses & Sunhats or Gloves & Scarves: You're a vampire! You can't be going out in the sun! Incorporating day-to-day human protection against the weather is a good way to stay safe. There are some really cool tinted and bat shaped sunglasses out there if you know where to look.
Make a Necklace of Your Home Soil: In old vampire legends, if a vampire went abroad or travelled long distances they would need to bring some of their home soil with them. Online you can buy fairly afforable vial necklaces! Go to your garden or local park & scoop a little dirt in.
Gear: The obvious gear for vampires is of course fake fangs - these should be a little easier to find now we're into spooky season. However, I've also seen biting fidget/sensory toys (often in the form of charms or necklaces) be recommended!
Spend Time Outside @ Night: It's definitely not safe or recommended to go walking around alone at night, however there are alternatives! You can always sit in your garden or do what I do (as a werewolfkin) and sit near your window to moonbathe. Taking friends or family stargazing is also great fun! There are apps you can get that will locate the constellations around you.
Hopefully a couple of these were helpful!! ❤️
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dallasgallant · 3 days
opinions on all the greasers?
First draft of this got deleted because I went to check another app, anyways, love all of them honestly.
Lightning round!
He’s logical minded and struggles to communicate but he loves so deeply.
Very much a middle child and a charming guy, the way he’s described and the way he’s portrayed both capture me.
The 14 year old ever. A daydreamer who wants more. Who thinks too much and too little for his own good
The best friend™️. He’s very reactive and tends to say a lot of things the guys think but won’t put into words
Also a silly little guy. I relate to him a lot actually in that I sort of navigate the world through humor and know way too much about the world than what’s good for me.
Need to put him in a box and shake him. Like him for his complexity and also that he’s basically from the factory of ‘cool guy’ JD. But there’s more to him than that and it’s something to be appreciated… as the more you re-read or rewatch the more you see through that facade.
If tragedy was a character. Sort of like Dally being designed to be cool, Johnnys designed for you to feel bad for him. But again the more re-read and rewatches the stronger he becomes, the more you notice little things about him beyond the surface.
Or I guess that’s what I like about all of the in the amount of times you reengage with the material there’s so much to them beyond the surface. It’s fun to dig.
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bloomeng · 22 hours
You complain about the mischaracterization of dick yet continue to mischaracterizatize cass. Because if you actually READ or cared about the character you wouldnt have her with 1. No bat symbol and 2. With the orphan design
Hey so this is the exact etiquette I was referring to. I’ve addressed this multiple times already so this will be the last time I address Cass specifically.
Can’t believe I have to say this but mischaracterization is not drawing a character in a canon outfit. Even if you don’t like that canon it doesn’t make it mischaracterization. I talked about this awhile back but one run/ver of a character doesn’t make the others more or less canon (referring to the main tl in DC). Just because I don’t love Nightwing in Year One doesn’t make his actions less canon. We all have our favorite versions of the characters and ignore what we want.
When I was originally designing Cass I actually was referencing her Black Bat design which I think looks super cool. But I was struggling big time with how to translate the stitches around the mouth and after a few days and a conversation with a friend of mine, I scrapped it. I went back to what I knew about her character and I was reminded that she enjoys dance and I thought that was a better jumping off point. I used her Orphan design because it leant better to that idea.
The Orphan design already has boots and metal plating that leans into a magical girl design. Not to mention it has a distinctly different silhouette than everyone else. I personally really like the pants. I went into detail about this when I responded to this comment initially.
Everyone in the au gets one version of their costume that I reference. The Orphan costume has no bat symbol, which is why I didn’t include it. I also wanted to make her distinctly different from Batman, bc in magical girl shows they often try and give each character their own “brand” and I was thinking ahead and I was trying to make her stand out next to Bruce. I understand she’s super loyal to the bat and will probably be the next batman however I personally don’t like that everyone basically boils her character down to “girl Batman but even more badass,” bc she’s her own person, not to mention she’s not like Bruce. Giving her the Orphan outfit isn’t ooc. Leaving out the bat symbol is canon.
I’ve stated several times that I want to go back and draw a Black Bat design for her. I still have intentions to do so.
I’m going to be blunt now. This sort of rude behavior is the exact reason I was complaining. I cared that Dick was being mischaracterized because someone was in my comment section accusing me of not making the design to their taste. I don’t go into the comments of say a fic and tell the author I thought their characterization of Dick is ooc, because they made this for free. I’m doing this au for free. This is my au. You are not paying me. You are accusing me of false things. I have read Batgirl (Cass and Babs) runs, some of them specifically for this design. People demanding free art of me, with intense turn arounds, without even checking my account further to see if I’ve done the character in question, makes this not fun anymore. It makes me not want to draw or talk about her, because quite literally every time I do someone is rude to me. I put a ton of thought into each character especially the ones I’m less familiar with. I actually spent the least amount of time on Dick. Cass got three iterations before I settled and I’m still not happy with it, but this whole project was supposed to be light hearted and quick.
The first time I answered this question right after I posted Steph and Cass I responded in good faith, bc I’m trying not to be mean back, but it makes me wonder where the creator etiquette has gone.
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fairrytype · 1 day
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Hello 👋
I won't be making many posts on this situation, but after a few people have reached out, I thought I'd explain some things. these are just some of the messages I've sifted through and have been deleting. this has been going on for weeks - they come in bursts and I turned off my messages, but I wanted to donate to causes sent my way, so I opened them again and after a few days it picked back up.
I can only assume these messages are related to my poke art. Sharing these doodles, these sketches and ideas - that was my escape while my personal life has been so rocky. Maybe it's an unhealthy escape, I don't know. but to be told there is a group of people taking those things and talking amongst themselves and laughing while also pretending to not... My trust has completely been broken if it's true, and I'm at a loss. I'm only vaguely part of two groups through association, so I've narrowed it down, I guess.
I guess. I don't know.
It's also just simply that the things being said are very hurtful, and if people really think I'm spreading pedophilia, I don't want to keep doing that. I don't want to insult people with the things I do, either. I try to be incredibly mindful of the images I produce, aware these characters are children, and never set out to put them in any adult situations. I've never drawn them to kiss and even with my aged up designs, I try to keep things innocent, as I'm really sensitive to this subject as a victim of CSA myself.
...But I also know that it's hard for me, as a victim of CSA, to have an objective view on the situation. I'm truly sorry to someone if I've offended them, so I've set on a mission to try and remove my art everywhere, just in case. I don't want to add to a problem if I am.
I'm just not sure what to do from here on.
I only hope that if anyone is part of this group where they make fun of me, they can tell me who it is one day to put my mind at ease because now, I can't really trust anyone in this space, and I feel like I've lost an entire group of people I had an ability to talk with.
and I'm aware that perhaps, that's what I'm supposed to be feeling if I've offended everyone
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junabuggy · 2 days
Flufftober day one: Carving pumpkins with Toby !!
A/n: Happy spooky month !! I'm watching kubzscouts while writing this, he's pretty kewl
Warning: None ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
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Toby didn't care much for Halloween. I mean sure, it's fun when you're a kid, banging on your neighbours doors in a cheap halloween costume, shitty face paint and a pillow case to collect the candy you demanded from them after trespassing on their property in the middle of the night... At least, that's his idea of the holiday.
But since he's met you, an avid lover of Halloween, he's participated in a few festivities during spooky season because, well, he loves you.
Carving pumpkins wasn't his idea of fun, he'd rather be watching a horror film with you or something, cuddles up under blankets together with some popcorn... But again, you liked to do it and so he'd indulge just for you.
Soooo here he was, sitting on the kitchen floor in the manor with you and carving pumpkins. You were carving a character from a game he didn't know much about into the fruit and he was carving the standard design: triangle eyes, triangle mouth and a triangle nose.
"What're you carving?" He heard you ask, hesitating for a moment before he turned the pumpkin towards you, a sheepish smile adorning his lips.
"Don't laugh at him.." Toby murmured, eyes flickering down to its face as you attempted not to giggle at it.
"I'm not! He's very... cute." You managed to get out, letting out a laugh and covering it with a cough into your shoulder before turning your pumpkin around to show him the design on it. "What do you think about mine?"
Yeah, his jaw dropped. How the hell did you manage that?! He stared at it with a pout. "How the fuck did you even do that??"
"It's called preplanning, being meticulous and not just raw doggin' it like you do." You said back playfully, leaning over and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "We can always get you another one and you can try again?"
He nodded slowly after a moment "Only if you help me out this time, oh great and wise pumpkin carving master." His words laced with sarcasm but a smile tugged at the corner of his lips once more.
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𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐞, 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 ◟( ˃̶͈◡ ˂̶͈ )◞
ᯓ★ 𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐲
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It could just be me rambling here but... I'm hoping the new event isn't like Playful Land, where everyone was stoked at the Fellow and Gidel's designs only for the story to be meh. I don't know if it's worth getting excited over the new guy only to be disappointed again. Rollo and Glorious Masquerade was good, though, so there is a chance it could turn out fine.
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To be completely transparent here 🙂‍↕️ I’m also on edge about this year’s Halloween event after what happened with Stage in Playful Land (lots of plot holes, deus ex machina resolution, the SSRs did not feel important) 💦 but I think we should also step back and think about this in context of all Halloween events. Twst’s other Halloween events were also pretty… mediocre? Not bad, but not great. The first was pretty standard, the second was atmospheric but the ending invokes strong negative feelings in me, Playful Land had a fun setting but many issues with its narrative. The trouble is that Glorious Masquerade’s story is so much stronger than the others that it inevitably becomes the benchmark for which we compare any and all future Halloween events to. I’m trying to judge every event as its own thing, since the quality of the previous event should have no bearing on the current one.
I have other… reservations though, and that comes down to this event being a Lost in the Book. We only have Stitch to compare with, but that alone makes me set my expectations low. The problems with Lost in the Book are threefold: 1) the story is limited (because we have to maintain the status quo of the Disney property we’re collabing with), 2) no significant new lore about Twisted Wonderland itself, and 3) the characters all get amnesia afterwards, so what was the point of all of it anyway? It doesn’t feel like it would leave a meaningful impact on the characters. (Like, since the NRC students met Skully in the book, will they instantly forget who he is when they return to their world?) Once the novelty of having Twst characters interacting with classic Disney characters wears off, there isn’t anything substantive to keep my interest 😔
I think there was definitely a missed opportunity in making this event a Lost in the Book. We could have had Skully kidnapping Sandy Claws Crowley or something (then maybe taking over NRC and using its status as a renown magic school to spread his message to Twisted Wonderland as a whole), and well 💦 we can’t have it with the book set-up…
It’s still pretty early into the event though, so I’m remaining realistically optimistic and just enjoying the vibes + new character as they are. We don’t know where the story might take us—and hey, even if the story ends up not rising up to meet GloMasq standards, we still got a really cool character out of the event ^^ Skully joins the Halloweenies Squad with Rollo, Fellow, and Gidel…
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quibbs126 · 8 months
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What do you mean Patrick Seitz voices him??
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turtletoria · 8 days
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i wanted to try drawing older Mabel and Dipper !
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midoristeashop · 1 year
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was feeling silly goofy so I undragoned the dragons
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I’ve seen some artists draw human versions of the dragon gang so naturally I wanted to join in the fun 😌
Edit: HELLO to ALL people who have reposted this or are planning to repost this (looking at you Pinterest) please don’t!! I do not appreciate my art being reposted and respectfully if you have please please take it down thank you
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puppyeared · 9 months
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my attempt at making a fursona
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turtleblogatlast · 7 months
I love Raph and haven’t said that enough so to be more specific I love that Raph is a soft boy who loves bear plushies, a gross boy who eats an assortment of things that are definitely better left alone, a smart boy who is more than capable of taking down villains through planning and fortitude alike, a strong boy who is dedicated to training his muscles and fighting prowess, a teenage boy who loves his brothers but is more than happy to tease and roughhouse with them, an angry boy who sometimes lets his anger take a hold of him to cover the fear, a gentle boy who is generous with hugs and affirmations to those he loves, a capable boy who takes on more than should ever be expected of a teenager, a good boy who just wants to be a hero and slowly comes to realize the cost of that duty, a good boy who has no reservations about putting himself in the way of harm coming to his family, a good boy who’s a great brother and son and person and deserves only the best the world has to offer.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt raph#rise raph#he’s so wonderful frfr#my poor boy is traumatized but still so proud of what they accomplished because they’re HEROES#what started as something fun - Saturday morning cartoon-like heroes vs villains esque - soon becomes his calling#and he loses himself a little along the way#because the world is TERRIFYING now#if they don’t do something about the bad things in the world then worse things will come#and Raph CARES too much to let it happen#even at the expense of his own happiness and youth#and he luckily reigns back that fear - knowing his family is there to keep an eye out with him#and he finally lets himself be a kid again#he’s very well rounded and his flaws are so good because (like the others) they are ALSO his strengths#I like how it’s softly implied that bears are his fav animal too bc that’s cute af#headcanon that he likes them so much because a stuffed bear was the first toy splinter managed to get Raph#but yeah one of my favorite things about tmnt is that the characters are well rounded and rottmnt exemplifies that immensely#with raph being no exception!!#amazing big brother and character#there’s a REASON in my tmnt main character tierlist he’s S tier!!!!#hot take but in terms of who should be leader I think it should be less who’s the better leader-#-and more who’s the better leader FOR THIS SPECIFIC MISSION#bc all four can be great leaders fight me on that#APRIL can as well 100%#doesn’t need a designated leader for them to succeed#they just need ~communication~#one of my favorite things tying Raph and Leo together is that they both *hide*#I’ve talked about Leo’s many masks a lot but Raph has one too#and it’s the mask of a hero - the mask of the protector
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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A fierce duel commences!
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