#ok i saw him yesterday at college but sometimes i miss people a lot and talking to him is always great
horrorwebs · 1 year
2 days since my Friend last sent me instagram videos please come back i miss you :(
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romanarose · 2 years
I'm on Fire
Bruce Springsteen X OC
My masterlist here
I'm drunk, sorry if the intro doesn't make sense. I wrote the story sober, I promise. Shout out to Calista for proofreading despite not knowing a thing about Bruce Springsteen.
I love Bruce Springsteen, I love him so much. Bruce Springsteen drinks respect women juice.
Takes place after the I’m on fire music video. Kate is a 21 year old college student with a rich dad who is an asshole. She’s taken a liking to Bruce, the mechanic at the shop she goes to and started taking it in for minor repairs, asking for him by name. Last night, Bruce dropped the car at her place late at night. She saw him, and unfortunately so did Kate’s dad
Best if you watch the music video beforehand.
The name Kate is taken from the song My Hometown. "Last night me and Kate laid in bed, talking 'bout getting out"
I know theres not a lot of desire out there for Springsteen content, but I love him. If you are here from Sunshine, Starlight Sweetheart Brightside this is a cute fic, but not Moon Knight.
WARNINGS: Excessive drinking, man trying to take advantage of a drunk girl at a bar (not Bruce), parental abuse, not shown just mentioned. P in V sex, unprotected sex, oral (f receiving, m receiving), pretty basic shit, good times
Bruce was working on a beat up Buick when he heard the unmistakable sound of her heel’s clicking in the shop. I just fixed the car yesterday. He hoped he had done it right. He rolled out from under the hunk of junk “Did it stop running again?” But when he saw her face, he knew something was wrong. Instead of her calm, classy, smile, she looked mad. He stood up and whipped his forehead, wishing he wasn’t a grease monkey right now. “Something wrong, miss Kate?”
She held up her keys to his face, looking upset. “What was this about? I told you I’d come get it.”
“I’m sorry miss Kate, I thought I’d save you the trouble.”
“Well you didn’t save me any trouble. My dad saw and now he thinks…” She trailed off.
Bruce realized what she was too polite to say outright “Ah… I’m sorry”
She calmed down a bit “It’s ok Bruce just… don’t do it again. I think maybe it’s best if one of the other guys work on my car for now” She looked genuinely sorry. “Gosh, it’s hot in here.” She took out a blue handkerchief and dabbed at her temple. That’s when Bruce noticed it.
“Is everything all right?” Bruce noticed her bruised temple.
Kate saw him glance at her temple and panicked. When she looked down at her handkerchief, she saw the makeup had whipped off “oh gosh…” she murmured. 
“Did someone hurt you?” His concern was genuine, taking a step closer to look.
She stepped back, making Bruce stop in his tracks. “Shoot. Everything is fine, I just hit my head this morning. I’m gonna be late for class just…” She began to leave, putting a hand up “Don’t come to the house again, okay?”
“Yes ma'am” 
~~~~~~~latter that evening~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~Bruce’s Home~~~~~~~~~~~~
He feels guiltier than shit. He knew her dad was an asshole, everyone knew. Their family was fairly prominent in town and her dad, Rich, had been coming to the shop since the senior of Jacob’s and Son’s had first opened. Mr. Jones was not a man to be messed with. People had talked, as they always do, of Mrs. Jones disappearing for a few days, returning to social events attempting to cover up with makeup. Bruce wasn’t very interested in town talk, but he didn’t care much for men who hurt women and children, it was cowardly. It seems Kate had learned tricks of the trade. Sometimes he wondered why she stayed with him, but he supposed it was hard to leave while going to the school he was paying for. 
Kate really was beautiful, with her long hair in perfect curls. She was well dressed, but he wondered what she would look like in a tee-shirt and jeans. Probably just as beautiful. He didn’t like how the other men talked about her, he had to tell them to knock it off.
“I hear she’s an easy lay, Bruce”
“She might even take mercy on you and give you a pity fuck”
He didn’t care for that talk about ladies in general, but especially not Kate.
 Bruce looked at the clock and it was only 9 pm on a Friday. Time was going too slow, he decided to hit up the bar and see who was around.
~~~~~~~~~Kate’s home~~~~~~~
Kate winced as she applied more make up to the bruise on her face. This was hardly the worst she’d seen, but the feeling of her dad's fist in her hair as he tossed her into the wall made her wince a second time. One more semester of school and she was out. Luckily, she was out tonight too. Her mom and dad were out of town. She knew she couldn’t go to the bar’s around there, word couldn’t get out to her dad. But if she went farther out, to the bars on the edge of town, she could get a drink.
~~~~~~~~~~~At a bar on the outskirts of town~~~~~~~~
Kate had, perhaps, a few too many drinks. Everything was feeling fine, until Edge of Seventeen came on and she downed her drink to go dance. She worshiped Stevie. She admired her freedom, her ability to be who she was and how she wanted. She admired the way she seemed to claim her sexuality. It was hers. She’d sleep with whomever she wanted, because she wanted to. Not to get men off, but herself.
The song ended and Kate made her way back to the bar, trying to order another cranberry vodka, wondering what she had to do to the DJ to get him to play more Stevie. 
“Hey sweetheart, here, I got one for you already” A handsome young man handed her a cranberry vodka.
“Oh wow thank you!” She took only a sip, seeing how it tasted. So far so good. He was handsome, maybe she’d go home with him tonight. She took another sip, feeling the vodka practically replacing her blood.
“What’s your name, beautiful?” 
“Uh, my name’s Kate, and you?” The way the man was staring at her made her uncomfortable. Like he was just… waiting…
“Jack, it's a pleasure” He put a hand on her thigh, making her stiffen.
She moved his hand off her, “I think I’m going to go dance” Kate stood up to go.
“It’s Phil Collins, maybe we can dance together?” He didn’t give her a choice, grabbing her waist with one hand and her wrist with the other.
“No, thank you, please just let me go” Kate started to panic.
“Just one dance” he pulled her close.
“Hey, the lady said no.” A voice came as a hand attempted to push the man away from her.
“Bruce?” Kate recognized him, despite being drunk off her ass.
The young man didn’t relent.
Bruce continued “Listen buddy I’m gonna give you one more shot.”
“What are you gonna do about it?” 
Bruce was hoping he’d say that. Before the man had a chance to see it coming, Bruce punched him in the nose, causing blood to come out and Kate to scream.
The bartender shouted over the loud music “BRUCE! What did I tell ya about getting in fights?!” He threw his hands up, annoyed.
Bruce shouted back, smiling a cheeky smile “ONLY WHEN THEY DESERVE IT?!”
“NO! GET OUT AND TRY AGAIN TOMORROW” The bartender waved him away.
“ALRIGHT SEE YA DAVEY” Bruce waved grinning.  He looked at the groaning man covered in blood on the floor. Bruce had walked in 10 minutes ago and only had one drink, but the punch was worth it. When he saw Kate, he was surprised to see a girl like her at a place like this. He watched her for a few minutes, he didn’t want to be a creep, but he was curious. He watched her get all excited when Stevie Nicks came on and dance like no one was watching. She was stunning, her brown curls slightly teased for more volume and her dress was black and tight around her torso with no sleeves. It was simple, flaring out at the hips, but the woman inside the dress made it captivating. She was clearly drunk, still downing the cranberry vodka the man had given her as she stared at him on the ground.
 He sat two seats down from the man who had given her the drink, hearing him ask what “That drunk chick” was drinking. He watched the drink, making sure nothing was put in it. Although Bruce was a little jealous of the attention the handsome man was getting from Kate, he wasn’t going to interfere when he saw him touch her leg. However, when Kate tried to leave and the man wouldn’t let her go, that’s when Bruce stepped in. Not out of jealousy, but because his mama raised him to protect women, and his dad taught him to fight. When he was a kid, he hit his dad with a baseball bat after his dad was screaming at his mom. To little Bruce’s surprise, his dad didn’t hit him, but started laughing. His dad told him “Bruce, don't ever let anyone hurt your mom, not even me.” Bruce took this to heart and treated all women the way he would’ve wanted his mom to be treated.
When Bruce turned back to Kate, she looked like she was going to be sick “Oh my god”
“Come on, let's get you outside”
Bruce had to half carry her out the door to the alley where she threw up on his shoes.
“Shoot, this is embarrassing., I'm so sorry...” she muttered
Bruce reassured her, noting how she wouldn’t swear. “No it’s ok, I didn’t even like these shoes” That was a lie. The only nice pair of shoes he owned had pink puke on them.
“I felt fine until that last drink.”
Bruce held her hair as she threw up again “Is there a friend I can call or something? There’s a payphone inside, I got change.”
Kate moaned, looking at the puke. “I’m sorry, I’m humiliated.”
He straightened out her hair when she stood up “No, trust me, it's not anything I haven't done before… Maybe less pink…” he wiped the vomit from her face with his sleeve.
“And no, no friends I can call”
‘You’re not driving, can I take you home? I can drop you off nearby so you’re dad doesn’t see”
Kate laughed, “It’s ok, I’ll take a cab.”
“No cabs come out here, Sweetheart. I really don't mind”
Kate smiled at him, “Okay handsome, whatever you say”
Bruce wondered if she was flirting like they used to, before he got her hurt. “I’ll drive your car”
“What about your car?” Kate stumbled to keep her footing as they walked to her car.
Bruce opened the car door and attempted to set her inside nicely “I came with a buddy, he can take my car home” This was a lie, he had come alone. He would get his car later. Bruce wasn’t entirely sure how he was getting home, but he figured he’d spend the night walking.
He made sure she was buckled in and drove to her house in the hills, she was silent. He looked over to see she was sleeping. The garage door was left open, he noticed no other cars were parked in the double garage “Hey Kate, you’re home” He gently shook her, wondering how she was going to get inside if he couldn’t risk her getting hurt if he was caught. 
Kate groaned “No, I’m too tired” She turned over.
Bruce sighed and got out, going around to her side of the car, when he opened it, she was still trying to sleep. “Hey, little girl” Bruce gently took her chin in his hand and turned her face towards him to get her attention “Is your daddy home?” 
Kate looked at him. Oddly, in the garage light, he still looked ruggedly handsome, like Harrison Ford. “No, he and my mom are away for the weekend.”
Good, no risk of her dad trying to kill him or hitting her “Is it ok if I help you get inside?”
Kate smiled, knowing what this would lead to. He wanted her, and she wanted him “Of course.”
He unbuckled Kate and helped her walk into the house using her keys, she couldn’t hardly stand on her own. He wrapped his right arm around her waist, attempting not to feel more than what was necessary but it was hard in such a tight dress. He opted to curl his fingers into a fist around her waist so his fingers couldn’t feel anything.
“My room is down this way, end of the hall” She was hanging off his arm, leading him to her room, stumbling, but he stopped outside the doorway “What’s wrong?”
Bruce smiled shyly “I don’t think it’d be proper for me to go into a lady’s room, miss.”
“Come on, how you gonna know I made it safely?” she was looking at him innocently and she took his hand and pulled him in.
“Alright, just till you get settled.” Bruce didn’t want her to get the wrong impression in the morning “I’m going to grab you water, you’re gonna want that”
Bruce went to get the water, worried that at any minute her dad would burst in and beat his ass. When he walked back to her door, he knocked.
“Come in” Kate called
“Oh Jesus,” Bruce muttered. Kate was in her underwear and bra standing by her bed, but she walked over to Bruce as he averted his eyes from her. The image of the skimpy underwear and the body inside it was seared into his head, she was stunning. Kate attempted to touch him, and it took everything Bruce had to not touch her back “Sweetheart you’re drunk, let's just get you to bed.” He grabbed the robe from her dresser top and put it on her as she tried to land a kiss.
“It’s fine, come on” she pulled him onto the bed on top of her, loving the weight of him on her, drawing in his smell. 
Bruce took her hands in his and pinned her to the bed to stop her touches “Kate…” He looked at her underneath him, this beautiful girl wanted him, and he wanted her, but he knew he couldn’t have her.
She looked disappointed. “Don’t you want me?”
“That’s not really the point.” He got off the bed
She sat up “Do you think I’m pretty?”
Bruce sighed “Of course I do. But I don’t think I’m any good for you”
Kate pouted, but then he face went bleary again “Oh god”
“Shit” Bruce realized she was going to throw up again “Come on, up” he took her to the bathroom and held her hair back while he puked. When she was done, she sat by the toilet “Yeah, I wouldn’t want to sleep with me after seeing all this either” she looked exhausted as she leaned against the wall. Bruce wetted a towel and cleaned her face “Hey, that’s not it at all. Trust me, I’ve been here and way worse.” He was careful around her temple, taking time to gently take off the makeup and took a moment to look at the bruise, suppressing the anger he felt.
 He found some mouthwash and figured it would easier than getting her teeth brushed “Here” 
Kate took a swig and swished it around, Bruce had to help her lean back into the toilet “God, I feel like crap” and leaned back onto the wall.
Bruce smiled, even drunk off her ass, she didn’t swear. “Stay here” he stood up.
“I don’t feel like I’m going anywhere for a while” Kate muttered
Bruce grabbed the water he had left on the counter and brought it to her “Here, this will help with the morning” 
Kate drank the glass and thanked him, she began to slump against the bathtub adjacent to her. “I’m just gonna sleep here” she murmured
Bruce chuckled, she looked very different from the well dressed woman he knew only earlier today.
“No, you’re not.” He scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bed as she leaned her head against his chest.
He gently laid her down in her bed, pulling the blanket over her. “Goodnight Miss Kate” he brushed the hair from her face. She looked angelic, so peaceful resting against the white pillow. He placed a glass of water on her bed stand for the morning and put her trash can beside her bed, just in case. As he walked to the door to leave and turn off the lights, he heard her call out for him, oh-so sweetly “Bruce?”
He turned around to see she was still awake “Can you sleep here tonight?”
“Miss, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
She sat up a bit “Please. It’s been a bad day. I feel safer with you here”
How could he say no to that? He looked at her in the soft light coming in from her window, her eyes were lidded, he thought of her dad and how he might come home anytime. But she said he made her feel safe, and that’s what he wanted. He wanted to protect her from every man who might hurt her, for the rest of her life. “Sure. Yeah.” he laid down on top of the covers and crossed his arms so they didn’t wander, making sure to stay on the far side of the bed.
“Relax, you can get under the blanket. I won't bite” She muttered.
“I think I’ll just stay here, thank you Miss Kate”
“Thank you”
“Don’t worry about it Sweetheart, you saved me from a boring night”
~~~~~Kates perspective~~~~
Kate woke up that morning feeling like shit. She attempted to piece together the night. Shit, Bruce was there? She looked around the room and landed on the Settee sofa in her room. Oh shoot. Bruce is HERE. She recounted the night. Bruce rescuing her from the man at the bar, punching him, taking her home, refusing to have sex, holding her hair while she puked… carrying her to the bed… He even moved to the much less comfortable couch once she was asleep. He only was in the bed because she begged him… What was wrong with him?
She wrapped her robbed around herself and walked over to him, taking in the sight of the man who she had only previously seen full of grease and dirt, curled up on a small couch. It was really a picture. He looked so young and innocent like this. Kate wouldn’t exactly say it was a contrast to how he normally was; it wasn’t, Bruce was kind and warm. But there was something about having the mechanic sleeping on a pink couch warmed her heart.
She admired his curls, small mouth and kind eyes while she considered what happened last night. He took her home, that alone had led her to the assumption that they would sleep together. She came onto him, she was there in her underwear before him… and he refused her. He had insisted that he found her pretty, and the way he looked at her, she knew he was tempted… So why not? Well, the obvious answer was that she had been drunk, but that never stopped men before. 
It’s fascinating. all her life, her body has belonged to men. To her dad, who dressed it up to the version he wanted and told her she had to eat a certain way to look a certain way. Her dad, who hit her body when it wasn’t doing what he wanted. Every boyfriend who wanted her a certain shape, every one night stand who essentially used used her body to masterbate, who didn’t even look at her while fucking… Bruce is the only one who treated her well and expected nothing in return, and had in fact refused her attempt to return his kindness. Least she could do was make him breakfast.
Her family out of the house, Kate was free to put on her own music. She chose, of course, her favorite album of all time; Rumors by Fleetwood Mac. Kate supposed she could make eggs and toast (she was not a good cook; it was all she could do)
~~~~ Bruce’s perspective~~~~
Was that Fleetwood Mac? Who was playing Fleetwood Mac in his house? None of the guys listened-oh that's right. Bruce opened his eyes and attempted to stretch but was stopped by the small couch. He looked over to the bed; she was gone. He ran the night through in his head, namely her coming onto him. God, he wanted to take her up on her offer, he really did. It was hard when a girl that pretty was offering herself to him. But his mama raised him right.
Bruce sat up, stretching out his stiff limbs before standing. He wondered if her dad had come home, should he make an escape out the window? No, he wasn’t a coward. If Rich wants to beat women, he’s going to have to be prepared to fight a man.
He walked out the door and followed the sound of music to the kitchen where he found Kate dancing in her robe to “You make loving fun”. Even though her hair was a mess, she still looked beautiful.
“Morn’n, Miss Kate”
She turned around, looking embarrassed “Oh! Morning, just in time!” She was holding two plates. “I was going to bring it to you, but we can eat at the table.” 
Bruce glanced at the door involuntarily, “Uh, I think I should be going”
“My dad won’t be home today if that’s what you’re afraid of…”
“Well, I’m not afraid” He was a little afraid. He had gotten into his fair share of fights, but it wasn’t something he relished.
“Didn’t you knock out the guy at the bar? And the bartender talked like you had gotten into fights there before”
Bruce laughed a little. He had gotten into several fights there. If Davey didn’t like him so much, he was sure he’d be 86’d. In his defense, they always deserved it. “Knocking out a drunk man who isn’t expecting it is very different from being in an evenly matched fight.”
She smiled “I think you could take him. But please sit. Let me repay you for last night.” She set the plates at the table. Bruce noticed that the bruise on her temple wasn’t nearly as prominent, did she put makeup over it already?
Bruce considered for a moment. She had already gone through the effort of making him breakfast, so it would be rude to leave. “Okay Kate, I’ll eat with you. Thank you”
Kate beamed as they sat down and ate. There was an awkward silence. Bruce thought maybe it was best to eat in silence and just leave, but if his grandma ever heard he was rude to a lady, he’d have an earful, God rest her soul.
“You a Fleetwood Mac fan?” Bruce asked, making conversion.
She looked up from her plate, lighting up “I worship Stevie Nicks. I adore her.”
“That’s understandable, I’m more of an Elvis man myself”
“Beatles or the Stones?”
“Beatles, no question”
“Excellent taste.”
"Tom Petty or John Couger Mellencamp?"
"Melloncamp, no question. I mean, no disrespect to Petty, but, like Jack and Diane? God, iconic."
They spoke of music as they finished their food. Kate stood up to take their plates, but Bruce stopped her “Please, allow me” . He washed their dishes and put them on the drying rack.
She walked up beside him “You could stay the day, if you’d like…”
Bruce paused then turned to her “I don’t think that's a good idea.”
She frowned “You keep saying that. Why? If I want to spend more time together… is that a bad thing?”
Bruce wasn’t much taller than her, they were probably about the same height, but somehow it felt like she was looking up at him. Maybe it was her brown doe-eyes and pouted lips that made her look so innocent. “I don’t think I’m a good idea for you.” 
Another step closer “But why not? You made me smile, you’re a good man, you’re hot…” She dodged her eyes to the side before returning to his, blushing, right side of her mouth quipped up into a half smile.
Bruce felt his heartbeat speed up. She thought he was hot, him! Someone like her looked at him this way? “I’m no good for you…” He repeated, but he was getting closer to her, yeah, there was make-up covering her temple.
“You don’t get to decide that for me…” she muttered, taking another step closer.
Bruce spoke lowly, looking at her lips, but his actions didn’t match his words. “I can’t give you nice things, I can’t give you what you want” One more step, wrapping an arm around her waist chastly.
“I just want you.” Kate pressed her body flush against him, feeling his body, hardened from the physical work “Can’t we try?”
He still didn’t think this was a good idea, but here she was: beautiful, sober, and asking for him? He smiled at her “Yeah, yeah we can” Kate smiled back.
He finally moved in, taking her lips in his as he pressed her back against the counter. He could feel her chest rise and fall as he grew hard against her. His hands roamed her body, savoring the feeling he worried he might never get again. Bruce moved his lips to her neck, placed his hands underneath Kate’s ass and muttered “Up” She hopped up into Bruce’s arms and wrapped her legs around his waist, he carried her to her bedroom. Gently, he laid her down on the bed and moved his hips between her legs, eliciting a gasp from her against his cheek. He continued the motion as he cupped her ass, grabbing and pinching as he went.
When Kate was worked up enough, he slid himself off the bed and untied the robe she was wearing. He kept it on, for now, because he liked how she looked in the pink, fluffy material. Standing above her, he drank in her body, perfectly curved and moving against the bed, anxious for him. When Bruce took off his shirt, Kate sat up, running her hands on his chest “Beautiful” she murmured hazily, mesmerized by the tan Italian body before her. He leaned over to kiss her again; she kept her hands on his as he explored her mouth, his hands snaking around her neck, making her shiver. His hands landed in her hair, giving a small tug “Lay back down.” It was a request, but his gruff voice made Kate clench for him.
She did as she was told, and he knelt before her, fingers running along the lines of her underwear. She looked at him under her, eyeing her. Kate sat up a bit on her elbows. “What are you doing?”
Bruce paused, straightening up to look at her “Sweetheart, has no one ever gone down on you before?” Kate shook her head. What kind of men has she been with? “Just lay down and relax, you’ll like this, I promise”
She trusted his word “Okay” she laid back down as he pulled down her underwear, hearing him mutter swears under his breath.
Knowing that no one but him had ever tasted her, he made it a mission to make her come from just his mouth, no fingers involved. When he latched onto her, he heard Kate gasp. She moved beneath him, responding to every touch, every lick, every suck. He wanted to keep her like this forever, the sounds she made were heavenly and he couldn’t imagine a more beautiful sight.
“Can I touch you?” Kate asked above him.
Bruce chuckled, “Of course.”
Her hands found his hair. She took his curls in her fists, loving the thick texture and being able to guide him to where she wanted him to be. She could feel herself getting close, hips bucking against the scuff on his face.
The muscles in her stomach were tightening. “F- hmmm god, fu- God!” 
Bruce pulled away for a just a moment, noticing she was still stopping herself, he teased “You can swear here honey,  I won’t tell anyone”
Kate pulled him back to her sex “Shut up” she muttered, but she was smiling. Bruce moved to focus on her clit, he knew she was almost there by how tight she was pulling at his hair.
When Kate came, he could’ve sworn that she took out a chunk of his hair, not that he minded “F- god, FUCK” She finally swore, the strength of her orgasm wracking through her body. He continued with his tongue inside her, licking her up as he held her hips to the bed.
When he crawled back onto her, she looked spent. Bruce tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, kissed her cheek, and asked “Do you want to keep going? It’s okay if-”
She pulled his lips to hers again, kissing hard and giving his lip a bite before she answered “Don’t stop” she whispered, touching his thick arms.
“As you wish.” kissing along her mouth, chin and lips, he took off his pants and underwear, his cock finally free from the constraints. Bruce heard her moan when he placed to fingers inside her, he just had to feel inside her today “Fuck, so soft…”
Kate reveled in the feeling of his rough, calloused hands working her, as his 5 O’Clock shadow rubbed against her cheeks. Fuck, she had never had a man like this, a man like him. 
When Bruce lined himself up at her entrance, he kissed her, entering her slowly, carefully. Kate took matters into her own hands, bucking her hips up to take him fully, adoring the sounds that spilled out of his mouth. “Fuck me.” she demanded, and he obliged.
The headboard rattled against the wall as Bruce vigorously pumped into her, focusing on the feeling of her taking him so well and the little sounds that she made. If he thought nothing could be more beautiful than the sight of her body as he went down on her, well, he was eating his words. Bruce sat back, a hand firmly gripping her to keep her from moving up the bed with every hard snap of his hips into her. Now this, this might be the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. He realized that he had never even gotten to taking off the bra she wore under the robe from last night, nor the robe. But man, did he love how she looked like this.
 Her pink robe was sprawled out beneath her, mirroring the mess of brown curls on the pillow. The way her breasts looked in that bra? Shit. He would take it off next time and really, look at her, but right now, he wasn’t stopping. The fluff of pink at the end of the robe tickled his legs. She reached up to touch his chest, obsessed with the feeling. He laid over her, gripping the headboard for a new angle that she seemed to really love. “Fuck, fuck Bruce, just like that.” Hearing those little swear words spilling out of her pretty little mouth did something to him, knowing he did that to her… He wondered what that mouth would feel like, taking him… Another move for another time. There would have to be another time now, he hoped.
“Bruce, I’m gonna… I’m gonna-, fuck, no one has made me come twice, please make me come…” She pleaded up at him with those beautiful brown eyes. 
He didn’t want this to end but how could he deny her another orgasm? Not when she was begging him. With one hand still on the headboard, his freehand moved to her clit, working the bundle of nerves as he rammed into her, hard. She yelled out for him, he inadvertently slammed the headboard into the wall, breaking a part off from the top. Kate paid no attention, feeling the orgasm roll through her body, the wave of pleasure pulsing through her. 
When came out from the haze of pleasure, Bruce was still fucking her. “Sit up” she ordered, he did as he was told, Kate felt empty as he left her. She crawled onto her stomach, taking him in her mouth.
“Fuck, fuck Kate…” He entangled his fingers into her hair. 
Kate briefly pulled herself off Bruce “Come in my mouth.” She went back on him, working herself up and down his shaft.
She was so wet and warm, he couldn’t hold off anymore, emptying himself into her mouth as requested. 
When he finished, he pulled her and himself to lay on the bed, Bruce felt the silk robe beneath him. Kate was entranced with Bruce’s hair, playing with the curls, feeling the sweat on his scalp.
“I’ll fix the headboard” he assured her. “Sorry about that.”
“Don’t be sorry for a single thing that just happened…” she moved to place her head onto his chest that she was so entranced with, tracing along each muscle. 
He laid there for several minutes, until the bruise on her pretty face caught his eye. Most of the make-up had either rubbed off or came off from sweat. He gently touched around the bruise, careful not to graze it “No one will hurt you again, I promise.”
Come read part 2!
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cuentaprovisional · 2 years
The dates don't make sense to me 😭
So... I don't know if someone already made a post about this and if there is a good explanation but since I have seen nothing I'm going to talk about it because it's driving me crazy.
We were told in Episode 1 that Porsche is 23 years old (and Chay is probably 17 since he is going to start college).
Kim was investigating the death of Porsche's parents, and in episode 11 Kim tells to the Inspector that the "car accident" was 10 years ago.
That means that Porsche was 13 (and Chay was 7) when his parents died.
All fine up to that point, but then comes episode 13 and we go to Porsche's parents graves and we get this:
Tumblr media
Porsche's dad was born in 1970 and died in 2004. His mom was born in 1974 and died of course also in 2004.
This seems weird to me because a couple of things.
First, if they died in 2004 and that was 10 years ago that would mean that the show is happening in 2014, which seems kinda weird to me because the tecnology seems more recent and doesn't really seems to fit 2014, but ok, I don't really care that much about that 🤷‍♀️
But then there is also the fact that Porsche's parents were 34 and 30 when they died (well... tecnically 33 and 29 since they died before their birthdays), if Porsche was 13 back then that would mean that his mom had him when she was only 16-17. Of course that IS a possibility, teen pregnacy happens but it was another thing that seemed a little weird to me.
And then, as if I wasn't already confused about the dates, we see Porsche's flashback, and look... I'm not the best with kid's ages, ok? But does that kid looks 13 to any of you??? Because he definitely doesn't look 13 to me. Until now wherever I saw the family photo and Porsche looked a lot younger than 13 I just assumed that the photo wasn't the most recent one when they died, I didn't care because sometimes the nicest photo you have is not the most recent 🤷‍♀️ but in the flashback Porsche looks around the same age that in the photo. How old is kid Porsche really supposed to be? Because my friend has a son that is around 7 and kid Porsche looks more or less as old as him. I am that wrong estimating his age by his looks? Is he really supposed to be 13?
This is driving me crazy, I went back to all those chapters to see if maybe I was remembering any of the dates wrong, but that is what the subtitles say. Sadly I don't know thai, so there is the possiblity that any of the subtitles is actually wrong and I wouldn't be able to know if that is the case.
Everything would fit better in the accident wasn't 10 years ago like Kim said. If, for example, the accident was 15 years ago Porsche would have been 8 and Chay would have been only 2, that fits with the photo and with Porsche in the flashback better, that would mean that their mom was 21-22 when she had Porsche which seems more reasonable than 16-17, and since they died in 2004 if the "accident" was 15 years ago the show would be happening in 2019, which seems a lot more reasonable.
I would like to know other people opinions about this because it has been driving me crazy since yesterday. Maybe you all can tell me if I'm missing something, maybe I'm stupid and missed something obvious that would make everything fit perfectly, or maybe I'm just super bad at basic math, or maybe the subtitles are wrong and someone that speaks thai can come and save the day correcting whatever the subs got wrong. And is everything is correct what do you all think is happening here? Do you really think those are supposed to be the correct dates or maybe that Kim is a terrible detective and the accident wasn't 10 years ago? Maybe they just didn't expect us to calculate anything,but c'mon... this is how fandoms are, someone is always going to want the dates to makes sense, and that someone is me.
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cygnetofthesea · 3 years
Moments: Elite Fanfiction
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This is a silly, goofy, bit I wrote while I was making tea yesterday. Sometimes I have an elaborate process and it made me think of how Nadia would have to teach Guzman his way around a kitchen since he grew up with a chef and maid and he needs domestic lessons lol. Will be part of a series of one-shots with GN domesticity. Warning, this is ridiculous af and a big stream of consciousness, hope you guys like it anyway! oh also some mild references of racism and islamaphobia
"You know when I asked you how to make tea, I didn't realize I was signing up for a science experiment."
Guzman looks on with wide eyes as Nadia pulls out a pot, filling it with water while grabbing a measuring cup. She smirks and winks at him as she pulls out a can of evaporated milk from the fridge.
"Hey, you said you wanted to learn how to make my favorite tea," she says with a shrug. "This is how."
Guzman eyes the supplies Nadia laid out on the counter and points at the can. "And what's that?"
He balks at her. "Milk? I've never seen milk in a can before."
Nadia snorts at his bewildered expression and rubs his shoulder affectionately. "Oh you poor, rich baby. Let me teach you. This is called evaporated milk. It’s usually used to make desserts but I like putting it in my tea. Makes it smooth, thick and delicious."
Nadia hums in delight at the thought of the delicious tea and Guzman can't help raise an eyebrow suggestively. "Smooth, thick, and delicious, huh? Sounds familiar."
She gasps, scandalized, and shoves at his shoulder. "You're such a pervert. Don't ruin the moment."
He tickles her waist, teasing. "I thought I was creating the moment."
Nadia fixes a stern look upon him, eyebrows raised, even as she fights back a smile. He sees her trembling lips and wants to tease her some more but instead pretends to be properly chastised.
"Yes ma'am," he says solemnly, his hands clasped together in supplication. "I promise to behave."
"Good," she says with a nod and misses how he mutters "For now," under his breath.
Nadia takes out a glass measuring cup, different from the other ones she had pulled out, and fills it with water.
"Wait, what is that for?"
"This is a measuring cup," Nadia answers patiently. "I'm using it to measure out four cups of water."
"But you already have those measuring cups," Guzman says, gesturing at the smaller, ceramic ones.
"Those are for dry ingredients, this one is for wet ingredients. Like water."
Guzman scratches his head. "This is way more complicated than I thought."
"We haven't even begun! Really, it's simple, just pay attention." She pours four cups of water into a small pot with a wooden handle."
"Wait, why are you putting it in a pot?"
Now it's Nadia's turn to look at him with bemusement. "Where else would I put it?"
"I don't know, in a kettle or something?"
"I told you, I'm making stove-top tea. Kettle tea is fine, but doesn't work as well for what I'm trying to do."
"Oh ok," Guzman says as though he understood even though he didn't. He watches her set the pot on top of the stove attentively, leaning against the counter. "Continue."
Nadia shoots him a teasing look. "I'm going to turn on the stove now. Will you be able to behave near the flame? No hanky panky."
Guzman lunges toward her, wrapping her up in his arms. "Well since you gave me a warning, I'll take advantage of the moment now, thank you." He smacks a kiss against her cheek.
She doesn't struggle out of his grip, instead slaps at his hand on her hand as though calling his attention. "If you're going to goof around, at least pay attention."
"Ok, ok, I'm paying attention." He rests his chin on her shoulder, looking over to see what she was doing. "When does the tea part come in?"
"Oh my god, Guzman!"
"Sorry, sorry, go ahead." He squeezes her bashfully to alleviate her ire.
She heaves a deep sigh. "Ok so as I was going to say," she says pointedly. "Let the water boil for a little bit before you put the tea in."
"How come? Why not just throw it all together?"
"Because the water isn't hot enough to steep the flavors out of the leaves. The leaves will just sit there but the flavors aren't being activated. Only the heat can draw it out, especially if you want the tea to be strong, which I do."
Guzman nods like an attentive student, Nadia's curls brushing against his cheek. He can't help but lean into her more, rubbing his cheek against hers. "Right, that I knew. Now I know to keep the leaves in longer when I make it for you."
"Exactly." She smiles and lightly caresses his ear with her free hand. "So, once you see the bubbles on the surface like that, it means…?"
She waits for him to fill in the blank and like a good student, he says "It’s ready for the tea leaves?"
"Good job!"
She actually sounds genuine when she says that and Guzman, like a dork, feels his chest swell with pride. Hah! He got something right. There was hope for him yet.
She steps away from him and gestures to the loose tea leaves. "Would you like to do the honors? Remember half a cup of the leaves."
Guzman nods eagerly, reaching for the leaves and the measuring cup when Nadia abruptly halts his movements. "Half cup, Guzman!"
He looks at the measuring cup in his hand, confused. "Isn't this half a cup? It looks small."
"Honey, no. It's labeled, see? That's a whole cup. We don't want me dying of heart palpitations."
Guzman whips around to look at her, wide-eyed. "You get heart palpitations? I didn't know that. Are you ok?"
He moves closer to her but she soothes him. "It's ok, it's nothing serious. I've just been over-caffeinating lately because of classes. I should probably slow down on it," she says, rubbing her chest absent-mindedly.
He places his hand against her heart, a frown on his face. He feels the steady thump and he relaxes a little. "How long has this been happening?"
She sets her hand over his. "It's ok. Life of a college student who's double-majoring and with a minor," she says with a wry smile.
Guzman's frown deepens, bordering on a pout as he pulls her into a hug. "You work too hard."
"It's all I've ever known," she says with a shrug, chuckling when he squeezes her tighter.
"It's a good thing I'm here, then."
He hadn't fully grasped just how much stress she was under. He knew, logically, that she had a lot on her plate with school and even a part-time job on the side. She had sent him a copy of her course schedule and her work schedule so that he knew where she was and could coordinate calls accordingly. He remembered opening up the email and balking at how packed it was, his own stress level rising on her behalf. But whenever he would talk to her, she was dismissive and said it was normal.
Nadia was always good at shielding stress sometimes to the point where she wasn't even aware of it herself and it worried him. But he was here now and he would take care of her.
He presses a kiss to her forehead, pulling away softly. Just then he sees the water bubbling over and as though they were in sync, Nadia's eyes widen and she whips around.
"The water!" they shout in unison, rushing to lower the heat.
They watch the bubbles fade until it's just a low simmer. Nadia sighs, shaking her head. "Yeah, that's not a step. Let's not repeat that."
Guzman salutes her and turns back to the measuring cups, taking care to look at the label on them to make sure he picked up the right one. He was definitely not trying to send his girlfriend to an early grave, especially not now that he finally has her.
"Ok, I got it!" He brandishes the half cup proudly, checking to make sure she saw. She shakes her head affectionately at his boyish excitement and claps again, the gesture genuine.
He carefully pours the leaves into the cup, glancing at the water to make sure it didn't bubble over again, but the heat was low and it was sage again. He gets a good whiff of the leaves and is pleasantly surprised by the smell.
"Whoa, what kind of leaves are there? Where do you get them from?" He looks up from smelling them and grins at her. "You know, since they're a staple for you."
"There's a middle eastern café not too far from here with live music and good food. They have a little shop at the back where they sell tea and all kinds of other snacks. Ooh we should go this Sunday night. I think that's when they're having their special and a performer who's supposed to be really good."
Guzman brings over the tea leaves, his grin widening at her excitement. He can't help but beam at her happiness, every time she smiles so brightly or gets excited about something.
"Definitely. Anything you want." He gestures toward the now boiling water with the cup of leaves. "Is it ready?"
"Fire away!"
Guzman looks at her, cautious, before his eyes flit to the open window. Nadia rests a reassuring hand on his shoulder knowing where his mind had gone.
"Don't worry," she says.
Guzman grimaces. "I've heard New Yorkers are crazy and assholes. Especially after what happened here all those years ago."
"It's not anything more or less different than what I've dealt with before." Before he can say anything else, she nods toward the pot. "Toss the tea in before it boils over again."
Guzman knows that he'll always worry about her and about people being hostile or worse, violent, toward her just because of her appearance, her beliefs. But it wasn't because of her, Nadia wasn’t the problem. It was others and what others perceive her beliefs to be. He knew all too well how radical racists could be, creating their own narratives. He knew because once upon a time, he was among those assholes.
He never resented Nadia for her hijab or religion, but he certainly didn't discourage other people's narrow perceptions. Not until he got to know her and learned that all the stereotypes that ignorant people perpetuated were complete and utter bullshit. If he could beat up his past self, he would but instead, he would fight for Nadia. She was no damsel that was for sure, but he would be right by her side, fighting alongside her. Fight for her beliefs, her rights, her freedom. He would spend the rest of his life righting his wrongs and making sure those that did wrong her, would soon learn not to.
But now was not the time for dark thoughts because his girlfriend was looking at him expectantly. He had wanted to learn how to make her favorite tea so that he could make it for her whenever she wished, he wanted to be able to bring her some small piece of comfort when she needed it.
He steps closer to the stove and pours the tea in. He watched in fascination as the boiling water rose to engulf the leaves, turning the once clear water a thick, dark sludge almost.
"Wow, this really is a science demonstration," he murmurs. "It looks like wet mud actually."
Nadia snorts. "Yeah, I suppose so." She looks at him with sparkling eyes, the amusement shining bright. "Your fascination with the simplest thing is both hilarious and cute."
"My parents always drank coffee and even then I never saw them actually make it. Probably because they never actually made it themselves," he adds.
"Well, allow me to humble you," Nadia winks. "Ok now stir with the wooden spoon."
Guzman obliges, stirring the boiling, dark water carefully. The sludge had looked thick on the surface but as soon as he began to stir, the smooth liquid gave way to the spoon.
"Nadia, you humbled me the moment you blackmailed me at that party."
"Hmm I think it took a bit more time than that. Ok so you're now going to let the water boil with the leaves. Then you're--"
"What? There's another step?" he asks, astonished.
Nadia gestures to the can of what he now understood to be evaporated milk. He made a mental note of the size and appearance of the can for future reference. "Yeah, what did you think that was for."
Guzman stammers. "Well…I guess, I don't know, I thought that's supposed to be the last step? Isn't that how the British do it?"
"And when exactly did I become British. Moreover, when were the British deemed to have dictatorship on tea-making?"
"True," he concedes. "I guess I didn't realize there were so many ways to make tea, especially ways that took soooo long."
Nadia shrugs with a grin. "You want quality tea, you have to put the work in."
Guzman couldn't help the broad smile that broke across his face. "Sounds familiar. I had to work really hard for you, didn't I? Worth."
He considers this a moment as Nadia pulls a box from the cabinet. They've been together for awhile now and living together for three months already and still, Guzman had moments where he couldn't believe they were truly together. How many times had he fantasized about running away with Nadia? Too many to count and yet he had never envisioned this particular scenario. The reality was so much sweeter than anything he could have imagined.
"Glad you think so. And I'm grateful you were patient with me." She pushes the open box toward him after kissing his cheek. "Ok now you're going to grab the other measuring cup, the one that's labeled two thirds."
Guzman looks between Nadia, the box, and the simmering pot of tea.
"Nadia, are you making tea or a potion?  Are you secretly a witch and this is your way of telling me?"
"Hey, it wouldn't have taken so long if you didn't keep interrupting with your commentary. You talk a lot." She flicks his ear lob teasingly. "Now hop to it."
"Yes, master."
Guzman takes care to find the correct measuring cup this time and scoops the white granules from the box. "And what is this?"
"I thought that was the sugar." He gestures at the shaker labeled azucar. Nadia was so organized he never had trouble finding things even when he first moved in.
"It is, but this is sweetener. It's a good substitute for sugar sometimes, especially for me since I drink too much tea."
"This doesn't have your label on it though."
Nadia twists the box to the side where the brand and logo is presented with the word sweetener on it.
Guzman pours in the milk then the measured amount of sweetener, watching the color change into a pretty brown color, resembling a light chocolate.
"This is cool actually,  I feel like an important scientist. Look what I just created."
"You are an important scientist. My scientist, you did great work."
She rubs his back in that way that's become familiar to him.
Living together, he saw another side of Nadia, one that made him fall in love with her even more and he hadn't thought that was possible. He loved the way he stretched as she woke every morning, the way she put toothpaste on his brush automatically, the way she hip-checked him to spit into the sink before he could, the way she always served him a heaping helping of food like she thought he had been starving for a month, the way she rubbed his back or neck or hair as she passed by him around their apartment. These small moments meant everything to him, these casual but intimate touches that told him she loved him and was thinking about him, kept him in this perpetual state of contentment and he never fails to return the touch.
He does so now, pulling her to his side and kissing her temple and he watches her turn off the heat. He's taking note of everything she's telling him and showing him so he can surprise her with her favorite comfort drink.
"Is it done now?" he asks eagerly. He wanted her to try it and he was excited to see if he had managed to replicate the delicious way she makes it.
"Almost. We have to strain out the leaves."
"Ah shit."
"We should definitely cook more often," Nadia says in amusement, pulling two glasses down from the cupboard. "Forget take-out, we're cooking. I get dinner and a show."
Guzman takes the small strainer from her, taking care with the steaming pot. "Hopefully not burned dinner. I just pour the tea into the cups now? Through the strainer?"
"Exactly and then we're done."
Once Guzman pours out two glasses of tea, he sets them in front of Nadia with a flourish. It's silly but he's still proud especially when Nadia hops excitedly.
Guzman watches anxiously as Nadia takes a careful sip, waiting with baited breath for her final verdict.
Nadia sighs in contentment. "Perfection."
Nadia sets down her cup to return his enthusiastic embrace. "I know how to make tea now! Who would have thought?"
She pulls away and takes another sip, smirking over the rim of the cup. "Definitely not me."
He sticks his tongue out at her before reaching for his own cup. Nadia was right, it was perfect.
"You know I'm going to expect this to be a regular thing now, right?" Nadia says, her smiling lips pressing against his.
He pulls her close, letting their glasses clink lightly. "Anything for my girl. That's why I wanted to learn. So I could make it for you whenever you wanted."
And he kept that promise for the rest of their lives. Even when they were old and graying, Guzman made sure the love of his life had warm tea ready with a kiss.
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Carter (Spencer Reid x Reader)
Summary: You’re a single mother, and your 12-year-old daughter, Carter, decided to track down her father.
Warnings: Mentions unsupportive asshole parents. Also language. References sex (between two underage kids) and teen pregnancy.
Notes: ....so i kinda disappeared for almost a month...and instead of updating my series i have decided to write a whole new fic... sorry? :) in my defence it says right there in my user that i only write SOMETIMES
also this is kinda an au where Spencer graduated high school at 16 instead of 12 yet somehow gets all his doctorates and joins the fbi at the same time. does the math work out? no. do i care? no. 
also sorry if your name is Carter. maybe you can pretend you pulled a Lorelai Gilmore and named your kid after yourself
Word Count: 1.9k
“Carter!” You ran through the hallways, paying no attention to the various government agents staring as you made your way to your 12-year-old daughter. About an hour ago, you’d gotten a call from her school because she hadn’t shown up to her classes that morning, even though you’d watched her get on the bus yourself. After the longest 15 minutes of your life, you got a call that freaked you out even more; Carter had gone all the way to Quantico and was now with the FBI. You drove like a madwoman from work, especially since all the FBI Agent, Jareau, had told you over the phone call was that your daughter was safe. Now, that same agent was trying to keep up with you as you marched towards your daughter, who was sitting at a desk in the middle of a busy office. 
“Miss Y/L/N, maybe we can take you guys somewhere private to-” 
“Carter Rose Y/L/N, what on earth possessed you to skip school and take a field trip to the FBI?” You interrupted the agent, talking to your daughter, whose eyes were now wide in fear. You two don’t fight often- or at all, really. You’d had her when you were only 16, so sometimes your relationship danced the line around the line between mother/daughter and two sisters. This was the first, and hopefully only, time she’d done anything to make you truly angry. Instead of answering you, Carter just looked down at her hands, mumbling something. “Carter, the longer you don’t answer me, the longer you’ll be grounded.” Your voice softened just slightly, but it was enough for Carter to know how worried you’d been.
“I found dad.” Her words made your heart stop. You hadn’t thought about her dad in a long time, you wouldn’t let yourself.
“What?” Carter only looked over to the man that had been standing next to her. You hadn’t even glanced at him, you were too worried and mad at Carter. You looked up at him, and he looked at you, and you felt like your world was crashing down. Spencer Reid. You hadn’t seen him since you were 15, when he’d left to go to CalTech. He was just a couple months older than you, 16 years old, but he was already graduating high school with enough college credit to put him halfway through an undergrad degree. He was set to become one of the youngest doctors in the country. And now here he was, 12 years later. He looked at you with the same wide eyes he had all those years ago, the same look your daughter had on her face. 
“Agent Jareau?” The blonde woman came back into your line of sight, but you only glanced at her before looking back to Spencer. “Can you watch Carter for a while?”
“Yeah, of course.” Carter stood up to follow Agent Jareau, but before she could walk away, your hand stopped her. 
“You’re grounding starts now, C. Hand it over.” Carter begrudgingly pulled her backpack off her shoulder and opened it. First she placed her phone in your hand, then pulled out a book and handed it over as well. You glanced at the cover. You know for a fact that she finished this book yesterday, so you tucked it under your arm and held out your hand again, and waited for her to place her second book in it. A moment later, another book was in your hand, and you nodded at Agent Jareau, allowing her to take your daughter out of sight to what you assumed to be her office. Finally, you turned back to Reid.
“Hi.” You started, avoiding eye contact. You weren’t sure how to start this conversation. You never thought you’d have to have this conversation. 
“Hi.” Awkward silence. Instead of looking at Spencer, you looked around the office space, and noticed that some people were staring at you and Spencer. Spencer followed your gaze, and turned back to you. “Um, those are my coworkers. We have a conference room, do you wanna talk there?”
“Yeah, that’d be good.” You followed Spencer across the office and into a small conference room. You both sat down at the circular table, and Spencer opened his mouth to speak first.
“Is it true?” You only nodded in response, still not able to look at him. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
You took a deep breath before looking up at him to answer. Spencer had tears developing in his eyes, and he was leaning towards you. Raising Carter on your own had been hard, but you’d never even considered how missing out on so much of her life would affect him. “You...you were going to college. You had this insane future ahead of you, and I didn’t want to ruin it. By the time I found out, you were already gone, so…”
“You left Vegas.” Spencer interrupted. “When I came home for Thanksgiving, I stopped by your parent’s house. They refused to talk to me, and said that you transferred to a boarding school.” You scoffed at your parent’s lie. Your parents were pretentious, upper-class people. They’d wanted you to “take a semester abroad,” and quietly give up the baby for adoption. You refused, so you emptied your savings account and booked a ticket to DC, where your cousin was willing to take you and the baby in. There, you finished up your GED online, got a part time job, and began to raise Carter. 
“Yeah.” You paused. “She was born May 19th. She’s 12 now.” Spencer was hanging on to every word that came out of your mouth. “She reminds me a lot of you. She’s always reading, and she loves school. I would say I’m surprised that she found you, but she’s way smarter than I am.”
“You never told her about me?”
“I told her some stuff. She knows that we dated in high school, and that you went to college early. I didn’t want her to feel abandoned, so I told her that you left before I could tell you I was pregnant.”
“You could’ve told me.” Spencer didn’t seem angry, but it was very clear how upset he was.
“I know I could’ve. But I was 16, and the only person in my life that was willing to accept me and Carter was my cousin, and she was only 22 at the time. I didn’t want to reach out to you only for you to reject me too.” Your response didn’t appear to make Spencer feel much better. “Look, Spencer, you can be mad at me all you want, but it’s obvious Carter wants to get to know you. I won’t force you to be a part of her life now, but don’t cut her out because you’re mad at me.”
Before Spencer could respond, there was a knock at the door, and a brunette woman poked her head in. “Sorry, I know this is important, but we have a case. Spence, Hotch said you can stay back, work this case from here with Garcia.”
“No, I don’t want to take you away from work.” You saw a stray piece of paper on the table, and reached into your purse to grab a pen. You quickly wrote your number and address on the paper, before pushing it towards Spencer. “Work your case, and when it’s over, we can talk more. It’ll give you some time to think things through.” Spencer looked at your words on the paper, and only nodded in response.
“You daughter is in JJ’s office, I’ll walk you over.” The brunette agent said, so you followed her out to pick up Carter.
A week later, you hadn’t received any calls from Spencer. Carter asked for updates practically every hour. You were tempted to give her back her phone and books just to get her off your back about him, but she’s grounded. That means the only books she’s allowed to read are for school, but right now it feels like you’re being punished just as much as she is. You were in the kitchen making dinner for the two of you when you heard a knock on the door. “C? Can you get the door? Check the peephole first-”
“I know, I know, never open the door for strangers.” Carter interrupted you, pausing her studying in the living room to walk out of your sight and to the door. You faintly heard the sound of the door opening before Carter spoke again. “Mom? Can Dad stay for dinner?” The mention of Spencer shocked you, and caused you to trip over your own feet and hit your knee against one of the cabinets.
“Shit!” You said loudly, reaching down to rub your hand against what would quickly become a bruise. Just as this happened, Carter and Spencer entered the room. Carter with a large smile on her face.
“That’s a dollar in my jar!” She said happily, grabbing your wallet from the counter and handing it to you.
“Yeah, I know.” You rolled your eyes, pulling a dollar out and handing it to her so she could put it in her jar.
“Mom and I each have a jar, and at the end of the month we go shopping with whatever money we have. Whenever she swears, I get a dollar, and whenever I do, she gets a dollar.” Carter explained for Spencer, then lowered her voice to a whisper, that you still easily hear, “I always have more money to spend.”
“Hey! That’s not true!” You defended yourself, even though you know she’s right. While the swear jar had easily stopped your daughter from using foul language (that she’d picked up from you), you had a lot more trouble holding your tongue.
“If your language is anything like it was in high school, then Carter is probably right.” Spencer joked, causing Carter to laugh.
“You know I don’t have to feed you two, I can eat all of this myself.” You responded, turning back to your stove.
“You wouldn’t!” Carter gasped, which caused you to laugh, giving yourself away. 
“Ok, ok, you’re right. This time.” You paused for a moment, “Hey C, Spencer likes reading almost as much as you do. Why don’t you grab one of your favorites from the shelf for him to read?” Carter clearly liked this idea, because she was running to her room in an instant, yelling facts about her favorite book from her room. You knew you’d only have a minute alone with Spencer, so you turned away from the food and back to him. “Are you sure?” You asked.
You could tell from the look on Spencer’s face that he understood exactly what you meant. Once he decides to be Carter’s dad, he can’t go back. You were giving him an out.
“Yes.” He answered, with more confidence than you’d ever seen from him.
“Good.” You said, with a small smile ghosting your face. Just as quickly as she left, Carter came bounding back into the room, carrying 5 books instead of the one you’d suggested.
“I couldn’t choose a favorite book. I read kind of fast, but you can borrow these for as long as you want! I don’t mind sharing.”
“Oh yeah? How fast did you read these?” Spencer asked, looking over the book descriptions on the back.
“I usually read a book a day. Sometimes I finish books in a few hours if they’re interesting enough.”
“Impressive! Maybe one day you’ll be on my level.” Spencer bragged. You tuned out of the conversation as Spencer began talking about how fast he reads, and how Carter could learn to read faster. You just watched them, enjoying the fact that for the first time ever, Carter could have a dad. And maybe, with time, you’ll end up being some kind of family.
taglist: @dr-reid-ismyspiritanimal @la-vie-en-amour1 @peculiarinsomniac
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peachymarkeu · 4 years
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𝓟𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰: NCT 127 x OC
𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓻𝓮: Fluff, Angst & Suggestive
𝓢𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓪𝓻𝔂: What is it like being an 18 year old girl that had just moved into her new apartment and then suddenly meeting the people she would consider to be her brothers while being away from her parents?
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𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 4: 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓽 𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓘 𝓝𝓮𝓮𝓭𝓮𝓭
‘Uh- the hell is that sound, can’t you see I’m sleeping’ I thought.
The ringing sound stopped for a while so I continued sleeping peacefully until.
Kringg…Kringg... Kring…
‘Oh come on again.’ I thought in my sleep again.
Once again the ringing stopped and I went back to sleep again.
“Aish what is that sound.” I said while looking for my phone on the nightstand.
I was pushing stuff off the stand until I found my phone. When I got it I realized that it was the one that was making the loud ringing noise.
“Agh- I was sleeping so well then I heard this aish. The hell its only ei-” I cut my rambling once I saw the details on my phone.
January 8, 2021 | Monday | 8:30 am
‘Shit, I’m LATE!’
I got up as quickly as I could and went straight to the bathroom. Since I’m already so late there was no time to take a shower and fix my hair and stuff. All I did was brush my teeth, comb my hair and started to put on my uniform. After putting on my uniform I went out of the bathroom and went straight to my front door to put on my shoes. I didn’t bother getting breakfast at this point, I can just eat something in the cafeteria. After putting on my shoes I got my school bag, coat and keys and went out of my apartment. Once I got out I saw Auntie Minjie getting ready to go out, to the grocery i guess since she there was a little shopping stroller beside her.
“Oh good morning Yuna!” Auntie Minjie Greeted me.
“Good morning Auntie Minjie! Sorry I really need to go now I'm super late for school!” I told her while running backwards towards the elevator.
“Have a good day and travel safe!” she told me while waving.
“Thank you! You too!” I yelled back still while running.
I was near the elevator and saw the doors slowly closing. 
“WAIT!” I yelled and put my hand in between the doors before it closed so that It wouldn’t close.
I got inside and leaned on the elevator walls. The ground floor button was already pressed so I didn’t have to worry about that anymore. I closed my eyes while trying to catch my breath from all the running.
‘Ugh, what way to start the week’ I thought to myself
My hair was covering my face which was why I couldn’t really see whoever was inside the elevator as well. I didn’t even care who was inside. The only thing in my mind was getting to school before the bell rings. I checked the time using my phone and saw 8;45 am flashed on my screen. This was a huge problem. Still need to learn how to get to my school from my apartment. I hit my head 3 times and tried to compose a plan before getting off the elevator.
‘Ok so I’ll search for the directions on my phone, make a run for it and pray that I’ll be able to get to school on time.’ I formulated my plan in my head.
I opened my navigation app and placed my location and the school’s location. I loaded real quickly so I saw the calculations and directions for me to get to my school. It said that it was a 30 minute walk to my school from my apartment so if I run to school I might get there twice as fast and half the time. 
Once the elevator doors opened I sprinted out the elevator and the building. I kept running while looking at my phone for the directions. I was halfway to my school until I tripped and scraped my knees. I saw that my shoes were untied. I guess I didn’t notice them getting untied while I was running.
“Aish you’re so stupid Yuna. You should’ve double tied your shoes so that this wouldn't have happened now you’re wasting time.” I said, talking to myself like a crazy person.
I got up again and checked my phone for the directions. I checked the time and it read 8:55 am. I only had 5 minutes left. I ran as fast as I could until I reached my school. When I arrived I was already 10 minutes late for class. I sprinted up the stairs up until the 3rd floor. I arrived at my classroom and opened the sliding door forcefully which made a loud noise. Every head in the classroom turned to me including the teacher.
“Kim Yuna late.” the teacher announced to the class.
“I’m sorry sir I woke up late this morning and-” I rambled.
“I don’t care about your excuses so go and take your seat. You’ve already disturbed the class.” the teacher snapped at me. 
I bowed to him still as a sign of respect and quietly proceeded to my seat. As I walked across the room all eyes were still on me. Classmates of mine were whispering at each other and were chuckling while looking at me. I must’ve looked like such a wreck. I felt so humiliated that I kept my head down while walking. When I reached my empty seat, I saw my elementary friend, Lee Sungho sitting beside it.
“Hey Yuna, you alright…?” he asked me carefully.
Before I could answer him the teacher cut me.
“So what were we discussing before I was rudely interrupted by your classmate Miss Kim Yuna?” he said, emphasising the word rudely as if he was rubbing it on my face.
I heard a few of my classmates laughing before the teacher continued with his lesson. I’ve never felt so humiliated in my life that tears were brimming my eyes. I felt Sungho tap my shoulder lightly as a sign of comfort. I looked at him and gave him a small smile, assuring him that I was alright. After that I tried my best to focus on the discussion while  restricting myself from letting my tears fall.
*School Chime Ring*
“Class Dismissed. Everyone may now step out of the classroom except for Ms. Kim Yuna” the teacher said while fixing his things on his desk.
‘Well shit’ I thought to myself.
“Yuna-yah, I’ll wait for you outside,” Sungho told me. I bowed to him as an acknowledgment as he strutted out the classroom.
Slowly, I walked to the front of the classroom to Mr. Park’s table. He was fixing some papers on his desk when he lifted his head and looked at me very sternly.
“Miss Kim, I am quite disappointed with you. You are close to failing my class then I see you come to class 15 minutes late.” he said in a very strict manner.
“I’m sorry” I said, bowing my head.
“You are in your senior year. You know that grades are very important to pass your college. You better study and get your grades up. I don’t want to see you coming to class late again. If you continue to have bad grades, say goodbye to entering college because there is no way I will be passing you in my class.” Mr. Park said while grabbing his things and stepping out of the classroom.
I was left alone in the classroom with tears streaming down my face. As I felt them cascading down, I rubbed them off using the back of my hand. I got my things and went outside to meet Sungho who was waiting for me.
“Yah, you alright?” Sungho asked me. His face was full of concern.
“Hm… I’m alright.” I said hiding my sadness with a small smile.
We proceeded to go to the cafeteria for lunch. When we got there, students were lined up, some were even cutting in line just to get what they wanted. Sungho and I waited patiently in line. He sparked up a conversation about his funny experience during his soccer training yesterday. I laughed at all his stories which made my mood become better until.
“Yah move” she said in a very annoyed tone. She cut in line and was now infront of me.
Gwan Aeri. The girl who seems to be so annoyed with me everytime. I don’t know why she’s so annoyed with me since I never did anything to her. Plus, she’s my number one bully. She would push me around, embarrass me and all that stupid stuff. Good thing she wasn’t in Mr. Park’s class. If she was, I would be suffering a lot by now.
I saw her getting her food already so Sungho and I got our trays and started to get food as well. She didn’t get much only bread and milk. I saw her open the milk carton and turn towards me. She bumped me intentionally and “accidentally” spilled her milk on me. My uniform top was drenched in milk.
“Oops, sorry.” Aeri said to me without any sincerity.
All the students inside the cafeteria were looking at me. Some were whispering, somewhere chuckling at me again. Sungho took off his jacket and put it on my shoulders to cover me up. Tears were pricking my eyes again from the second time I got humiliated. I continued to get my food with Sungho. Sungho thought that it was better to eat out in the schoolyard rather than inside the cafeteria. We ate in silence. Sungho would sometimes spark up a conversation but I really wasn’t up to talk at that moment.
After lunch, classes continued and I really was not in the mood to listen to the teachers. I would sometimes doodle, stare at something or just zone out. The day miraculously ended really fast and I went home right away. I felt so physically and mentally drained. While walking home, pain from my scraped knee was now there so every step, there was always this stinging sensation. 
I got home and entered the elevator. No one was inside so I sat down on the floor and let my tears fall freely. I hated this day. First I came in late while I scraped my knee, I got scolded and got milk poured all over me. I was completely done for today. When I entered my apartment I dropped my bag and went straight to bed, ignoring the huge amount of assignments I needed to accomplish, and took a really long nap.
I woke up and looked outside my window and saw that it was already dark. The nap helped me recharge physically but I was still tired mentally. I didn’t know what got into me but I found myself going to the building's veranda and just enjoying the city’s view. To be honest, this was the most relaxing part of my day. I was drowning myself in the city’s noise and view until I heard the door to the veranda open. I was ready to tackle this person down but was then surprised to see who was there.
“Oh, Yuna-yah annyeong!” Taeil Oppa said.
“Taeil Oppa annyeong!” I said back less nervous knowing that we’ve already met.
He sat beside me while looking at the view. We both enjoyed the silence until he spoke up.
“How was your day? I saw you sprinting out the elevator this morning.” he said while I was shocked.
“H-how di-” 
“I was the one inside the elevator with you. Didn’t know that you didn't notice me. I was about to call out to you until you ran out once the doors opened.” he said to me which made me remember everything that happened that day again. Tears were brimming my eyes again and Taeil Oppa took notice of it while staring at my face. Before I could answer his question earlier he spoke again.
“You know, whenever I feel down or frustrated I would always come up here and relax to let out everything.” he said and I looked at him. He was looking out into the horizon while speaking then his eyes were back to me.
“You don’t have to keep it to yourself. You don’t have to stop yourself from crying. You can let it all out.” he said in the softest voice. 
With this, tears fell down my cheeks nonstop. Taeil Oppa pulled me to his chest and hugged me tightly and I cried my heart out. I cried for a while but he never let me go. When I stopped crying and had already collected myself Taeil Oppa spoke again.
“I hope you feel better now since you’ve let it all out.” he said and smiled at me and I smiled back.
“Thank you Oppa.” I said to him while still smiling.
“You know it's getting quite chilly already. How about we go to our apartment and we’ll have some ramen.” he said.
“I-uh thank you for the offer but don’t want to disturbed you guys.” I said trying to politely decline but he still insisted.
“ No, no it's alright, we’ve got the day off tomorrow so it's no problem.” he said.
“We’ll if it won't be a problem to you guys” I said
“Ok lezgetit” he said in a high tone which made me giggle.
We both went to the door and he opened it for me. I went inside and he followed.
‘That was the comfort that I needed’
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kmforeverff · 5 years
There Goes My Life Chapter 3
Chapter 3: La La Land 
Kevin sat there. His head in his hands. He fucked everything up. He barely chased after the boy. He didn't run down the road, or even got on his bike. He just got to the end of the hall and shouted out his name. It's ok. He told himself. That dork doesn't deserve me. Kevin leaned against the wall and slid to the floor as his face became wet with tears.
Double Dee entered the busy cafeteria with his friends on either side of him. He was nervous. Normally, they ate outside, where it wasn't so busy, on a blanket that Edd washed, and pressed himself daily. Sometimes his OCD drove the other boys mad, but they accepted it was a part of him. Double Dee was taking medications for it, and sure it was more manageable, but there were some habits that were hard to break. And right now, Double Dee was resisting the urge to turn around and run screaming in the opposite direction.
"Boys, I'm sure that this is all just a cruel joke. Why do we not make ourselves sparse, and resume our nutritious meals over at our usual tree?" Eddy rolled his eyes at his friend.
"C'mon, you know damn well that this ain't no joke." He proceeded to push his friend in the direction of the table they were to sit at. "You have been eyeballing this guy all year. Now grow a pair and actually talk to the asshole."
Double Dee resisted the urge to correct Eddy's horrible grammar, but stopped short only whispering out, "language." Eddy heard him but ignored the retort. Ed was bouncing happily in the same direction even going as far as to say loudly, "look guys, they saved us a seat!" Eddward looked up, and sure enough, there were three open seats where the football players usually sat. Kevin was beaming proudly, Nazz was munching on a carrot stick, and Nat… well, Nat was being his usual self. He was standing on the table, telling a rather provocative story in excruciating detail, only to receive a warning from one of the teachers overseeing the cafeteria. The teal haired boy laughed before sitting down across from Kevin.
Kevin looked up and saw the three Edds walking towards them. "Over here!" He called out happily. The unwanted attention as heads turned to see who the most popular boy in school was calling to caused Edd to blush a deep red. The three boys quickly joined the table at Edd's insistence as Eddy laughed loudly. "What's got you so flustered Sockhead?" He joked. Only to earn a disapproving elbow in the side. Ed bounced happily and sat next to Nazz, Eddy, sat at the end of the table, leaving only one empty seat. And that was the one right next to Kevin. Edd's face only grew redder as he took his seat. "Gr… greetings Kevin. Thank you for inviting us."
Kevin grinned back at the dork. "Hey dude, it's no problem really. I've been wanting to hang more with you." He appeared like he was going to say more, however, he choked back his words as a ferocious blush overcame his face. Eddy noticed this, and a plan started to come together in his head. He knew then without a shadow of a doubt, that Edd wasn't the only one who kept his feelings quiet. "Hey Shovelchin, didn't you fail the last English test?" He inquired.
Kevin's face flushed with anger. "Yeah? What's it to you blockhead?" He was starting to rise but felt a hand on his shoulder. "If you need assistance with your English homework, I would be more than happy to offer my assistance." Double Dee stated without hesitation. He didn't want there to be a fight, and he also abhorred the idea of anyone doing poorly in school. It would also get Edd out of trying to do scams with Eddy, and he would be able to spend time with the object of his affections.
Kevin contemplated for a moment before receiving a hard kick in the shin from across the table. He yelped, startling the other attendees, but when he looked at the source, Aqua-eyes moved back and forth between the red-head, and his favorite dork. He got the hint. "Really?" He almost shouted. "That would be rad! Wanna chill after school?" Edd blushed but nodded his head. "Choice. I can take you. Wanna study at my place or yours?"
Double Dee didn't want to go home, only to be greeted by nobody there. Albeit, his parents were sometimes home, they worked very demanding jobs. And being alone was taxing. "Yours will more than likely suffice." He concluded. Suddenly, Nazz jumped from the table and ran out of the cafeteria. Nathan held up his hand. "I got this." and followed her out.
The smart boy looked towards the exit the two used curiously. "Oh dear, I do hope she is not coming down with something." He subconsciously started wiping the table in front of him with a napkin. He felt the need to grab the Lysol that he kept in his bag and douse the entire table.
Kevin noticed the worry in Edd's eyes and reached for his hand. "Nah dude, I'm sure it was just something she ate. She didn't look sick at all." He blushed when he noticed he was still holding Double Dee's hand. He quickly released it and looked around awkwardly. "So, ever been on a cycle before?"
Eddy and Ed, burst into laughter as Edd paled. "No Kevin, AI have never been on one of those death traps, and nor will I ever." It wasn't that he was worried about Kevin's abilities, he was more concerned with the other drivers who did not pay any attention. He wished that they never existed. However, they do.
"Dude, it's only for like 10 minutes. It'd be a lot faster than walking home. and I promise not to get onto any busy roads or anything. We'll take the scenic route." Kevin argued.
Edd sighed. "I had already planned on receiving a ride from Eddy. It would be rude…"
"Yeah, about that," The shortest boy started, "Me and Ed were going to go see a movie after school." Edd felt a small pang in his chest. They had planned to do something without him. It wasn't the first time, but they never even consulted him. Eddy could read his friend easily. "Hey, don't be like that." He teasingly pulled on his friend's beanie. Not enough to pull it off, but enough to get Edd's attention. "You wouldn't like the movie anyway, 'sides, you've been way to busy prepping for college."
Edd didn't feel any better, he felt like he was being left behind. It hit him that soon, they would no longer be together like this. "I… I understand Eddy." He turned to Kevin, not looking him in the eyes, for fear of tears escaping his cobalt eyes. "Um, Kevin, I believe, I will accept that offer." He quickly wiped his face before looking the red-haired boy squarely in his forest green eyes. "However, you will not go above the posted speed limit." Before he lost his nerve, he quickly stood and left the cafeteria behind him. His eyes stinging, and his heart breaking.
Eddy, Ed, and Kevin watched as the lanky boy walked away. "Ya' know, you're not fooling us." Eddy poked Kevin with his fork earning a glare.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Kevin was rubbing his arm where he almost got skewered.
Eddy sighed, and his expression softened. "Just don't hurt him Shovelchin." The red head was shocked but listened anyway. "Edd, he, well, he's tough, but he wears his heart on his sleeve." He looked Kevin in the eyes. "So, if you hurt him, don't think I wouldn't kill you in a heartbeat."
Kevin laughed at the statement. Not cruelly, just ironically. "Dude, you don't have to worry about that from me." He put his fist out across the table. "That's a promise." Eddy eyed the closed fist and smiled. "Deal." He pounded the fist with his own. The promise made between the two boys.
Ed just watched on smiling happy that everything was coming together. "Everybody is going to live happily ever after." He cried out happily.
AN: So I missed posting a chapter yesterday. I’m sorry. Here’s 2 to make up for it. I’m sorry. Don’t hate me. Although, I’m pretty sure I’ve only had a couple of people actually read the first chapter. Anyway, later!
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serendipityjxmn · 4 years
I Hate You, Park Jimin!
Chapter 16
Words Count: 2.7k
TW: Brief smut moments!
Link to Chapter 15
Link to Chapter 17
The sun had rose so high that Saturday afternoon it’s getting slightly warm although it was Fall. I sank on the floor in the living room, feeling exhausted and slowly wiped the sweat beading on my forehead with the back of my hand. I had been busy doing house chores since early morning and I thought my morning had been pretty productive. I did my laundry, even threw in my bed sheets and stuffs, swept and mopped the floors, dusted the few furnitures I have and even made breakfast for myself this morning.
I frowned when my thoughts suddenly went to Jungkook. I hadn’t seen him at all for the rest of the week except our short encounter at the locker last Tuesday. He told me he’d meet me later at the cafe that day but turned out he didn’t show up at all that day. And the next day. And the next day as well. He didn’t come up for work at all for the rest of the week. I asked Kyung Hee eonnie and she said that he’d been taking leaves due to personal family matters. This worried me a lot and had been a source for Jimin’s grumpiness this week.
I glanced at my phone. Now that he appeared in my mind... I miss.. Jimin. He hadn’t texted me at all yet today. He usually sent me a good morning text though. Perhaps he was busy today. I pouted slightly.
And I had no idea how Yoo Nara’s name suddenly popped in my mind. She had been acting weird lately and I had no idea how to react to that. She had been civilised earlier during our first meets and ever since the incident of her bumping into my shoulder, she had been shooting glares and scowling at me during the few moments where we had unfortunately locked eye with. I suspected it had much to do with my relationship with Jimin.
Yesterday however, I had bumped into her when I was heading for the restroom. She was already inside, washing her hand when I entered. She looked up at me and her expression immediately turned nasty. Almost instantly though, she changed her expression to smirking. She shook her head as she exited the toilet with a sinister smile plastered on her lips.
Honestly, it had me weirded out. I sighed and decided to pull my thoughts away from depressing things or people.
I spent the rest of the day studying some chapters for a few hours before settling myself on the couch and flipping through Netflix channels. The night had just settled in when my phone buzzed. I glanced and felt my heart leapt from excitement when I saw Jimin’s name on the screen. God, the simple thing he does that makes me feel all butterflies.
Jimin: Have you had dinner?
I was already halfway sprinting to my bedroom to change my shirt.. just in case.
Kim Hana: No.
Jimin: Be at your place in half an hour.
I replied almost instantly.
Kim Hana: OK.
I squealed in excitement as I roughly pulled my wardrobe door open. I changed into a simple blue short pants and an oversized white T-shirt. I brushed my hair and even put on some lipstick. Jeez- Hana. Calm down girl.
The door rang half an hour later. I opened the door and immediately my mouth went dry at the sight of Park Jimin. He was wearing black turtleneck with leather jacket on top as well as ripped jeans. He looked... delicious.
“Hey.” He smiled his megawatt smile and I felt the rapid beating of my heart immediately.
“Hey.” I replied and stepped away to let him in when I noticed he bought food for me.
“Thought we could have dinner together?“ he said as he placed the plastic bags on the kitchen table.
“That would be perfect.” I said and he grinned at me. He turned around to shrug his jacket off his shoulder and placed it on the chair before turning around towards the sink to wash his hand. I had no idea what washed o ver me that I took a few steps towards him and hugged him from behind.
He stiffened for a few seconds perhaps due to shock because this was definitely not something I did to him a thousand times but immediately relaxed when I buried my cheeks against his back while my hands lay flat on his chest.
“Miss me that much?”
I only hummed in response and he chuckled. He clasped his hands around mine and gave me a tight squeeze before I realized what I was doing. Oh God- am I Kim Hana? I gasped and immediately dropped my hands. He smiled in amusement when he turned around to see my red face. I looked down.
“You’re so cute when you’re shy.” He said as he stepped towards me and I instinctively took a step backward. “Don’t be shy though, I like you jumping on me.”
I flushed crimson. I was about to head back towards the kitchen table when he blocked my path and stepped even further till I had my back against the countertop, caging me. He had both his hands beside me and I gulped from the close proximity. Sure, we’ve been.. intimate but I was still shy and everything was still new to me. And of course, it does not help that Jimin’s so ridiculously good looking he made me catch my breath all the time.
He didn’t say anything and just leaned forward until I felt his lips against mine. I immediately drowned in his kisses, soft and moist, with only slight urgency. I felt his hands went to my waist and I whimpered at his touch.
He groaned and suddenly the pace of his kiss escalated. He kissed me deeply and my breath grew shorter as I gasped for air in between kisses. His hands moved towards the small of my back as he pressed himself towards me. I moaned when I felt his crotch, hard against mine.
He then moved his lips to my neck and I shivered when he bit it lightly.
“Jimin-“ I was already a hot mess.
“Hmm?” He hummed, his voice low as he continued to place wet kisses on the crook of my neck. I gasped from the sensation. Oh God- are we gonna have sex in my kitchen?
“Jimin-“ I called him again as my hands went to lay flat against his chest. “The food will get cold,” I said as I pushed him slightly.
He lips stopped attacking me and he regarded me for a moment. He smirked when he saw the mess that I was in. “Okay.” He said and pushed himself off me. I let out a huge breath I didn’t know I was holding. I cleared my throat.
Then suddenly, without warning Jimin leaned in to plant a soft kiss on my lips. “I missed you too,” he whispered and I froze. My heart couldn’t possibly beat any faster than it did right now. My legs were slowly turning jelly. Jimin and the power he had on me and he wouldn’t know for the world.
“I’m sorry. I just can’t resist kissing you. It doesn’t help that you have the most adorable reaction either.”
I flushed further. I cleared my throat again and pushed him slightly to head towards the kitchen table while he chuckled behind me.
“So, how’s your day?” He asked me as he gently took the hair that fell down on my face and pulled it all behind. I melted at his thoughtfullness.
“Productive. I did house chores, mostly.” I smiled at him as I unpacked the food.
“But your house is sparkly clean all the time anyway.”
“Because I clean.” I retorted.
“Well then maybe- I should go and lie down on your freshly washed linens.. in the bedroom..” he said, voice low and seductive near my ear. “Care to join?”
I stilled. God- he’s so flirty I sometimes had no idea how to react other than freezing. I smacked his arms. “Pervert.”
He laughed and I swear it’s the most wonderful sound ever.
“What about you? What did you do today?”
He didn’t answer immediately so I looked up and saw him frowning.
“Huh?” He looked up as if from a daze, eyes finally meeting mine.
“What did you do today?”
His brows furrowed further. “Um- nothing.” I frowned at him and he knew I was dissatisfied with his answer so he quickly said, “Nothing really. I woke up noon, watch tv, and nap again and here I am.” He said and before I could say anything, he already made his way towards the living room, carrying the food.
I was still frowning as I followed after him and sat on the floor beside him. He was already flicking through the channels of Netflix.
Was he hiding something? I thought. Then I shook my head. Maybe he didn’t want to share or talk about it and I shouldn’t pry about it unless he wants to talk about it. So I didn’t press him further.
“What’s your favourite food?” He suddenly asked. He had finally settled on letting Good Doctor series playing on tv but he toned down the volume a lot the show was almost mere flashes of pictures.
I smiled at him as I took my first sip of the beef braised soup. Ummpph- this is heaven. “What’s so sudden?”
He shrugged. “I just realized I didn’t know your favourite when I wanted to buy food just now.”
“Actually, this.” I jutted my chin low slightly towards my soup of braised beef.
His eyes lit up. “Really? I made a good choice then.”
I nodded. “And this is really good. What about you then?”
He didn’t answer immediately as his brows knitted, thinking. “Hmm.. I don’t think I really have one. I eat everything.”
I just nodded at that. Food are something easy to fix for guys.
“What’s your favourite color?”
Hmm this is easy. “Blue.”
“Me too.”
Oh? That’s cute. I sipped my soup. “So how long have you known your annoyingly handsome group of troublemakers?”
He raised one of his eyebrows, his expression bemused. “Annoyingly handsome group of troublemakers?”
“That’s what Ah Young usually says.”
He smiled fondly before answering. “Ever since I was a kid, I guess. For Taehyung’s case,” he added. “We’re family friends. His father knows my father.. my mother knows his mother.. you know how it is.”
I simply nodded. How the rich world works- it will always be a wonder for me.
“And then Taehyung met Hoseok hyung back during Second Grade.. And he was already close with the rest at the time. And then he introduced me to all of them.”
“Taehyung’s really friendly.”
He shrugged. “I guess so. If it wasn’t for him, I might have no friends at all.”
I raised a brow at him. “Why would you say that? I told you everyone likes you.” Seriously, Jimin and his lack of self confidence. Jeez- who would have thought. The way he sauntered at college.. one would think he’s the cockiest jerk alive.
“It’s just the face.” He scoffed but when I I opened my mouth to rebutt, he suddenly chuckled.
I frowned. What’s he laughing at? “Something funny?”
“Just thinking that.. we’re kinda doing things backward. You know.. sex before getting to know each other’s trivia.” He smirked at me.
I reddened at this. How could he say the word with such ease?
“Do you have any sex kink?” He asked suddenly and I choked on my soup.
He laughed at me while I frantically clutched my chest.
“Can you not say those things so easily?” I glowered at him.
“What? I’m your boyfriend. I need to know what you like or you might think of running away.” He was done eating and now had his hand propped under his chin, his expression amused.
“It’s not like I’m dating you for s-“ My eyes widened, my hands flew to clamp my mouth immediately, realizing the word I was about to say. Jimin’s shoulder vibrated as he tried to contain his laugh. Jeez- he loves teasing me so much! I gulped. “S-something physical.” I managed to finish. ”You could be the worse in bed and I would still like you.”
“Really?” He asked, one of his eyebrows arched at me. “So you don’t like me only for the sex.. or my body?”
I gulped slightly but then shook my head. Does he really need all these assurances?
“At all?”
Jeez. He’s infuriating. “Yeap.”
“Huh,” he huffed. “So you like me huh?”
“Yeap.” I blurted out.
“Since when?”
“Since-“ my eyes widened. “No, no I’m- it’s um- it’s a slip of a tongue I don’t like you,” my eyes blew further, “I mean, I don’t hate you like, maybe I like you a bit-“ I was ranting by now.
And suddenly my words were sealed when Jimin crashed his lips against mine, surpressing all of my words. Damn Jimin and his way of silencing me!
I was lost in his kiss almost immediately.
He deepened the kiss, his tongue hot and hard exploring my mouth and I squirmed when I felt his hands went towards my thigh. He moved forward and leaned closer and my back was pressed against the sofa feet, his hands on either side of me.
I could hear his breathings getting heavier and I was pretty sure mine was too.
“Jimin-“ I moaned when his lips went to suck my neck. Fuck- my head lolled to the back and Jimin seemed appreciative with the access and he wasted no time attacking me with wet kisses and I moaned louder. God- I could already feel the wetness pooling down there. His hands that was once on my thigh already went up higher towards my waist, my stomach and now they were tracing the line of my breasts over my shirt.
“Shit- ah Jimin-“ I whimpered when I felt his crotch dangerously close to mine. I was about to push him aside so I can sit astride him when he suddenly pulled away from me.
I opened my eyes and saw him sitting casually beside me, smiling bemusedly at me.
“So tomorrow- at my place.”
Huh- what? “What?” I asked, almost inaudible as I struggled to catch my breath. Damn it- I was in such a mess, panting heavily, cheeks flushed and fucking hardened nipples but he seemed so at ease as if we didn’t just had a hot make out session. I glanced down at him - nope, he was affected - confirmed as I saw the growing bulge beneath his pants.
He seemed to notice where my gaze landed at and cleared his throat. “Our study session.”
Oh. I flushed even further, biting my cheeks. Maybe I can try to turn it into something else.. or plan a revenge seeing how he made me feel bereft tonight.
“Oh and anyway, you’re going to meet my, as you said annoyingly handsome group of troublemakers tomorrow.”
I- what?! “Me?” I almost yelled at him. “I mean- what- why?”
He chuckled at my reaction. “Because they haven’t stopped pestering me about meeting you, saying things like.. hiding sister in law.” He smirked and playfully grazed my chin.
I went pale. I wasn’t ready. I so wasn’t ready to meet his bunch of annoyingly good looking group.
“I’ll pick you up tomorrow okay.” He said and then stood up.
In a daze- still trying to wrap my mind about meeting his friends tomorrow- I staggered as I tried to stand. He caught my waist immediately. A fond smile plastered on his face.
“I wouldn’t sweat about it. They’ll love you.” He placed his fingers on my chin, trying to make me look at him.
“Or more like you’ll break their neck if they don’t.”
He laughed. “That may be right too.”
I smacked his arms then proceeded to wrap my arms around him too as we made our way to the door.
“I’m going now. Good night and dream of me.” He planted a soft kiss on my head and left just like that.
Leaving me horny.
Link to Chapter 17
200830 9:00PM
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riskeith · 4 years
hi babe, hope you slept well.. ♥️
answering on the phone is just *takes screenshots* *opens tumblr app* *switch between screenshots and answering* do you also put on my messages on the laptop and answering with your phone usually, because that’s what i do lmao sjshdks. thank god for technology.
(I LOVE BEING CALLED BRO.. i believe that i would’ve been a dudebro in another life tbh..) there is? i’m not super immersed in the fandom actually so i had no idea, do you have any examples? ofc only if you wanna talk about it i know these topics can sometimes be annoying to think about. also you’re right! ‘don’t like don’t read’ is the law. follow it. i can’t believe how some people have the nerve to talk about what other people do creatively... yikes
you should if you ever find yourself not knowing what to read! i think their fics were some of my first in the fandom and they set the bar so high hehe. dude i love how oikawa just wants to see kageyama burn it’s so funny..... he’s so cocky about it while kageyama’s just his moody self. speaking of; one of my fave fics of yours is the swapping jerseys one!
WTF 😭 BABY POOLS AND POOL FLOATIES..... razor please come back to us please. sidenote but do you also think that his powers are 5 star level? hes soo powerful it’s so odd how he’s only 4 star haha... or maybe it’s just me being biased.
YEAH! THE SAVING SCENE IS SO AHHHHH. god especially if they have dialogue while person a is hurting and person b just spills all their feelings and becomes so erratic and scared and person a is like holy shit you love me.... and after everything is okay there’s still some awkwardness and tension and aaa.... 💢💔
OOO. sadly the ps5 is always out of stock it’s crazy how fast it sold out. but i mean it makes sense it’s arguably the most popular console so.. hopefully they restock soon. last of us is such a fun game! and the second part is ~gay~ which is always a plus. i’m not sure which memes you mean? tell me 👁 HAHA that makes sense actually omg... lumine and aether reunion won’t happen until like two years if the updates keep coming the way they are (STOP THAT WOULD ACTUALLY BE SO FUNNY.... like hello if you want to unlock the rest of the story you either gacha $pin for it or you imagine it yourself love ♥️😗) talking about this makes me wonder what the other worlds might look like....
your followers are just here to witness us planning our co-op date sjsjdkdjskz. speaking of,,, hehe. i have some fantastic news. i’m at ar level 11 right now and co-op unlocks at level 16... i might just reach that tomorrow (today for you) so i’m just saying hehehehehehehehehehehe.... 😏♥️
BOWL CUT. my cutie little baby. also mullet? sounds nice omg you will probably rock that look... 😳 i’m a non mullet supporter but if cluna has a mullet then call me a yeehaw mullet lover i suppose. can’t believe my wife is a cowboy. OMG YEAH IT MUST FEEL SO NICE your head went bzz bzz. how long did it take for them to accept it? and yeah god ikr some people take hair so seriously which is fair but also i’ve never understood it... like it grows out..? wow you really went from a ballet girl to punk rock style huh. i feel like you’re the both sides of the ‘she was a punk she did ballet’ meme.
memo fic is a jealous fic? mmm smells good. I FIGURED jshdjdkhsjs slow songs are just not your forte, huh? rip. langst is the best yet worst thing ever tbh. and YEAH I DO we’re truly 🤝 ok literally mood sometimes it’s just nice to talk about how much you love a character through another character in a fic yk? so what if this 2k fic contains 1k words about how beautiful oikawa looks? it’s what iwa feels <3 (YOU’RE LEARNING!!!!!!! THATS SO EXCITING!! i guess you just have to drive me around, huh?)
oh i’m in love i’m with that fic my girl. and i knew about that spoiler it’s kind of hard to miss it since it’s everywhere skdhdkdhdk... god, that sounds so good thank you for sharing it. pining iwaizumi hajime >>>>>>>> the air i need to exist 🥺 
THE DAY IS SO SOON CLUNA, it’s literally here soooo soon holy shit i just can’t wait. i played for almost 6 hours today in a row like an idiot and now i never wanna see hilichurls again in my life but hey, one step closer to my baby. prepare yourself.. 😏
AWWW i had a feeling you’d be a tea person. but omg tea effects your sleep? how late is too late for you to drink it? what’s your favorite flavors? 👁 and i’m addicted to both shdkdhsks. i say addicted bc i literally have 6 cups of tea per day easily and like.. 1 or 2 coffee cups per day. it’s really bad but i can’t stop so.. 🙇🏽‍♀️
COLLEGE BOYFIES CLUNA. COLLEGE BOYFIES WITH DIP DYE HAIR. imagine them doing each other’s make up and nails before going to concerts together. imagine xiao in euphoria kind of make up. holy shit. here’s something for your overwhelmed heart jsdhjshska. xiaoven soulmates girl, no doubt about it. THE EDIT THE EDIT THE EDIT!!!! they just look so beautiful. we need scenes with them like Asap. the edit is based on a fic... notes down.
can’t wait to see your screenshots. super excited!!
xo, m.a. (i almost wrote my name down in a haste shshskdjdk... although you’ll find it out soon...)
hiya!! i slept alright~ ahaha
:o that’s smart! but no i don’t LOL whether i’m on my phone or my laptop i just continuously scroll up and down fhdskjfkhsdf i think that’s why i come close to missing some paragraphs some times oops. yay for the ~wonders of technology~
(AIGHT NICE AHAHHA fhsdkjfsh does that mean you’re a bit of a tomboy?) actually coincidentally i came across this thread: https://twitter.com/maxatsuomi/status/1350145589296685057 which gives you an idea lmao (also some things on there i wasn’t even aware of wtf) EXACTLY??? it’s even worse when non content creators try to come for content creators like?????????/ um you’re getting all this food for FREE and yet?????? lmfao the nerve of some people
i def will!! FKJSHFDSKJ yeah that do be their dynamic lolol. and thank you!! i too think i snapped on that one 😩😩 glad others agree ahahah
i actually haven’t really seen him in combat... and when we could trial him i was too busy trying to pass the quests to focus on how he fought fhdkfhsdkfjshf but i do think his abilities are cool!! he have wolf above head 🥺
YEAHHH BOYEEEEEEEEEEE god that reminds me of a scene from a drarry fic (What We Pretend We Can't See wink wonk)
oh damn!! hope they restock soon for your sake~ yissss ive watched a playthrough and omg lev.... my Son. i don’t think i can find the memes again but it was just about the bugs like how if you throw a grenade on the highway everyone will run out of their cars like a flashmob or something hfskfhsdjfkds. (LMAOOOOO) there’s actually a trailer with the other worlds! https://youtu.be/TAlKhARUcoY (it has spoilers tho supposedly lol. none we understand rn at least)
hdsfkhjs. omg you absolute legend!!!! but i also hope that you’re taking care of yourself and prioritising the important things too fhsfhdksdhf. but i am excited hehehehehe
AHHAAHKFHDSKJFSD pls... once i saw someone with an actual proper mullet on the bus and i was like “ew... keith would look like this irl?” FJSDHKFSAHKDASHDFSDJFKJFDSHFKJS. but what can i say i got influenced by all the kpop bois 😔 and hmmm idk? i think my dad didn’t care too much but ik my mum did/does fhsfskfsdfhkf so who knows lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. IT REALLY DOES GROW OUT LMAO LIKE. fhkshkfsdkj my cousin called me a rockstar when she saw it LOL so you’re prob right 🤪
yeah slow songs really just. aren’t LMAO ‘behind this mask of mine’ was based on a slow bts song and i put it in the playlist i had for it (bc obviously) but i wanted to skip it every time hfksjdhfskjdfhskfdkfhkslfhadksfjsdjhfkashkfjsdh. EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!! you are so correct. (hehehe i was gonna say that too that you don’t need to drive bc it’ll take you around 😏 LMAO)
fhkdsj thank!! legit pining iwa.......... more like pining ME mayhaps i just be self projecting 🤪🤪
lolol dw i can fight the hilichurls for you 😩 also who’s your fave enemy to fight! i used to like fighting the treasure hoarders most but the hilichurls are cute.. FHSKJDHFSDFKJSD plus i need their fucking masks my god why are their drop rates so shit hfsdhjfks
i’m not too sure actually? i’ve never been up early enough to test it but i like drinking tea like after dinner... which is the problem AHAHA. hmm well i like matcha a lot LOL but also chai? and then like black tea.... all the other ones too... i used to drink some fruity ones which were nice but we have a lot of the like basic chinese ones at home too and i enjoy those as well lol. wbu?? omg.... m.a........... dfhksdfkjhfkjshfksjd that’s a lot!!!!!!! do you even need to drink water then HKDSJFHKSDFHDKDSHFJKSDH
omg............. ive never seen euphoria LOL but ............. omg ...................... i cannot process thoughts rn.....
xoxo!! c.r. (you mean bc we’ll be playing co-op? you don’t have to if you’re uncomfy fhdskjf my genshin name was literally ‘aether’ up until yesterday FHDFHSDKFSDFJSHFKSDF)
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confetti-bones · 5 years
House of Cards 1
Pairing, Hoseok X Reader X Yoongi
Genre, Fluff, comedy, Angst, College au
Warnings, none
Tumblr media
    Love, what a beautiful but ugly word. Love can mean many things to people; Family, a significant other; but to you, it means desperation and rejection. You've liked, maybe even loved tons of people. You would always somehow find the guts to ask someone out only to get rejected in the end. Most people would call you a hopeless romantic; but to you, it just felt like you fell for people way to easy and fast.
     So here you are crushing on your colleges most happy go lucky boy, Jung Hoseok. You've been crushing on Hoseok for what feels like forever, but in reality has only been three months, after having a kiss at a frat party.
     You've known Hoseok since the two of you were in high school together. You were always put in the same class and you would occasionally have to partner for projects together, so naturally, the two of you became close friends; which makes liking him harder. 
     You want to ask him out, you really do but there's something, or someone that's in the way. Hoseok's girlfriend Ara. He's been dating her for a month now but they seem extremely happy together. Hoseok always talks about her when the two of you hang out, and he always asks for advice from you. 
     You feel like if he wasn't with her you'd actually have a shot with him but in the end, you just can't seem to get his attention.
     As sad as it is that you can't get attention from Hoseok you did manage to get the attention of someone else. Min Yoongi Hoseok best friend. You've known that Yoongi has liked you for a while, do to Hoseok's hints, and the occasional flirting Yoongi would do when the two of you would occasionally talk. 
      As nice as it is to have someone as handsome as Yoongi like you and want your attention he's not Jung Hoseok. Yoongi is known around campus for being rude and blunt, to be honest, you don't even know how he and Hoseok are friends the two are complete opposites of each other. 
     Hoseoks an extroverted happy man with a passion for dance and Yoongis an introvert with a love for producing music, it really makes you wonder how they became friends.
      "Y/n are you even listening to me?" You hear your friend Jimin say. 
     Jimin is your best friend; the two of you met in a photography class together and instantly clicked. You can tell Jimin anything from crushes to terrible drunken mishaps that have happened to you, and it's safe to say the same goes for him.
       "Yeah sorry, Jimin I was just spaced out what's up?" You ask.
      "Yoongi's staring at you again," Jimin says while taking a quick glance in the direction said man was at. You sigh at this and turn over to where Yoongi was sat in your college's cafeteria only to see he was indeed staring at you. 
     Instead of looking away like most people would, when the two of you made eye contact he just blankly stared at you before deciding to answer whatever his friend Namjoon said and continued to eat his lunch.
      "I swear, you should just give up on Hoseok and date Yoongi instead. He's obviously super into you Y/n." You shake your head at this and take a bite of your food.
      "I don't know about that Jimin. Maybe when Hoseok breaks up with his girlfriend he'll want to date me" you say. Jimin sighs at this and shakes his head at you.
     "Y/n Hoseok is very happy where he is in his relationship, I think it might be a while before he breaks up with his girlfriend. Come on give Yoongi a try. You might just fall for him. I mean what are you gonna lose? He's pretty handsome, and nice... I think" Jimin states while taking another glance over to where Yoongi and his friends were sitting. 
     "I'll think about it" you sigh. 
  "Adda girl, now go throw your food away we gotta get to class," Jimin says while getting up from his seat and throwing his food away. You sigh and pick up your garbage before throwing it away and following Jimin to your shared class.
     Later that day after all your classes you find yourself sat across from Jimin in your favorite cafe drinking hot chocolate. 
     Throughout the day Jimin still hasn't given up on the whole dating Yoongi thing and it's starting to really bug you.
     "Y/n c'mon Yoongi's hot and I'm pretty sure he's nice, I saw him hold the door open for some random person today, "Jimin says while taking a sip of his drink. You sigh and shake your head, glancing around the cafe looking at all the nameless faces before looking back at Jimin with a frown.
      "Jimin, I really don't want to. You know how I feel about Hoseok, it'd feel like cheating if I went out with his best friend, and I'm pretty sure that your still unconfident about Yoongi actually being a nice guy." Jimin sighs at this and the two of you sit in silence till you notice a mischievous look on his face. 
     You raise your eyebrow and take a sip of your hot chocolate.
     "I really don't like the look of your face Jimin," you say before taking another sip of the delicious beverage.
     "I just got a really good idea" Jimin states. You instantly sigh at this and say,
    "Alright let's hear it" Jimin instantly smiles at you and says,
      "Ok so I know you won't date Yoongi but what if you dated him to make Hoseok jealous?"
     "To make him jealous? Jimin I don't know If I could do that" you say.
      "oh come on Y/n I think you should do it. What could go wrong?" Jimin asks
     "Literally everything Jimin" you state. 
"Y/nnnn" Jimin whines
"Jiminnn" you whine back. Jimin sighs at this and looks at you as if he was begging for you to at least try this, if not for you for him. 
     "Fiiinnnne, I'll go out with Yoongi" you sigh.
   "Yayy! So how are you gonna ask him out? Where are you going to take him on a date?" Jimin asks.
     "I don't know yet Jimin, I'll probably just say hey do you wanna go out on a date and get coffee with me or something sometime" you huff. Jimin nods his head and then suggests, 
     "Maybe when you go out on your date with him you go at the same time as Hoseok and his girlfriend, I know they go on lots of dates together" 
     "I think that would be a good idea, but maybe not for the first date so I at least get a chance to get to know the dude. I think I'll ask Yoongi out tomorrow before or after class then and get it over with. It's not like he's going to say no" you say. Jimin enthusiastically nods his head at this and the two of you decide to change the topic to something school-related.
    The next day you sat in class in your usual spot at the back next to Jimin keeping an eye out for Yoongi. Yesterday when you declared you would ask him out you acted like you felt confident about it but on the inside, you were dying of nervousness. You knew that Yoongi would say yes; he doesn't really hide his crush on you, in fact, the whole school knew about how much he likes you. But anyone would be nervous in asking someone out even if someone is romantically interested in you there is always the small possibility they'll say no for whatever reason. 
    So here you are, with Jimin's constant talking as you silently sat dying inside hoping to any higher power that Yoongi will not show up to class today. 
    "Ughh why isn't he here yet?" Jimin groans. At this point, Jimin is starting to get frustrated. The two of you have been here for a half-hour waiting for Yoongi and class is about to start in a minute. 
     "Look, maybe he's sick today," you say while taking a quick glance around the room. 
    "I doubt it. I don't think Yoongi would want to miss any class that he has with you, he'd miss the opportunity to stare at you for the hour" 
    "Now you're just taking his crush overboard," you say.  
    Eventually, the class starts with no signs of Yoongi. You and Jimin shrug at each other and you can't help but praise literally every god or higher power ever that he didn't show up. You really didn't feel like asking Yoongi out today. The only reason you would've done it was because you told Jimin you would and Jimin would be an ass if you didn't follow through.
    About halfway through the lecture, the door to the classroom opens and a familiar white-haired man walks in. You instantly feel yourself die inside while Jimin silently cheers. 
     You watch Yoongi apologize to your professor before choosing a random seat in the middle of the classroom before your professor continues with his lecture.
      As the lecture went on you noticed that Yoongi would look back at you every once in a while before looking down at his notebook and continuing to take notes.
    Once the lecture was over you quietly cursed to yourself while quickly grabbing your things so you could make it over to Yoongi before he leaves. 
     After you grab all your stuff Jimin wishes you luck and you head over to where Yoongi's desk is.
   When you get there you can see Yoongi putting his stuff away slowly. The white-haired man looked extremely tired as well as attractive as much as you'd hate to admit it.
    "Hey, Yoongi." You say. Yoongi quickly looks up to you with a surprised look on his face. 
     "Ah Y/n do you need anything?" Yoongi asks with an awkward smile.
    "Um yeah, so I was actually wondering if you'd like to go get coffee with me sometime or something…… like a date," you say while feeling yourself slightly cringe. I can't believe I'm doing this just to make Hoseok jealous what's wrong with me? You think as you awkwardly smile at Yoongi while waiting for his response. 
     After a few seconds of waiting Yoongi finally smiles at you, 
     "Yeah, I'd really like that. Umm, I'll get your number from Hoseok so we can plan it out" Yoongi says happily.
     "Ah okay, that's all I wanted… umm, have a good day ill text you later then" you smile. Yoongi nods at you and grabs the rest of his stuff before giving a small wave and leaving the classroom. 
    You then make your way over to where Jimin is standing only to see a proud look on his face. 
     "What's with the look?" You ask as the two of you finally leave the classroom. 
    "I'm just so proud of you," Jimin says while pretending to wipe a single tear off his face. 
     "ah well you can be proud while you help me figure out what I'm going to wear for my date," you say. 
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trh-thesussexes · 5 years
Michelle Obama’s Interview by HRH The Duchess of Sussex
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College Pepperony
Title: College Pepperony
Author: Purple_ducky00
Rating: General Audiences
Warning: n/a
Relationships: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark
Read on AO3
Summary: Before Virginia Potts met Tony Stark, everyone warned her to be wary of his playboy ways. Little do they know she will be the one to make the first move.
“Ginny. You won’t believe what my roommate did today.” Jimmy Rhodes flops down on Virginia's bed.
She smiles indulgently. Jimmy has been complaining to her since day one of the first semester about his roommate. They are now in semester number two, and she still has not met said roomie. “What did he do?”
“He blew up our toaster! And he knows I eat Poptarts for breakfast every day!” Jimmy cries, and Ginny laughs.
 “Oh, poor Jim. Did you say something to him?”
 Jim's eyes soften. “I didn’t have to. He immediately apologized and went out and bought me a new one. He’s a good guy, but he just has the sense of a moth. And he doesn’t even realize when he gets burned.”
 “So when do I meet him?”
 Jim sits up. “Are you sure you want to? He is almost definitely going to try to flirt with you. He thinks he’s a ladies man or something.” Jimmy muses, “I guess whatever he does works because more often than not, he’s got someone in his room.”
 “I think I can take care of myself.” Virginia waves. “He’s definitely not the first fuckboi who's tried to get in my pants.”
 “Your funeral.” Jimmy rolls his eyes. “Want to grab some takeout and head back to my room?”
 “Panda Express?”
 “You know it. Let me call Tones to see if he wants some.” Jim pulls out his cell. His roommate answers before the first ring is over. “Hey Tony. You want some Panda Express? Yes… No… Listen… My friend an… Tony.” Jim sighs then raises his voice. “Tony listen. I’ll be home in like twenty minutes. My friend and I are getting Panda Express. What do you want? Mmhmm… ok… ok… anything else? Ok. All right. We'll be there asap.”
 Virginia raises an eyebrow when Jim hangs up. He shrugs. “I don’t know. He’s hungry. Probably hasn’t eaten since breakfast yesterday.”
 Twenty minutes later, Virginia and Jim walk into his dorm. “Tony! Dinner!”
 Virginia walks in to see a man about her age, sitting on the floor with toaster parts spread out around him. He’s wearing a red muscle shirt that’s not too tight, and his hair is sticking out in all directions. He doesn’t realize they are there until Jim claps his hands beside his head. Immediately he goes to a fighting position. Seeing Jim, he relaxes. “Oh it’s you, Rhodey. You almost gave me a heart attack.”
 Jim shrugs when Virginia mouths Rhodey? “Tones, you need to be more aware. Or turn JARVIS on or something. Come on, we got you food.”
 “Who’s we?” Tony snarks, then turns and sees Virginia. “Oh.”  He stares at her with wide eyes, mouth gaping like a fish. “I, uh, um, hi?”
 “Wow. You really made him speechless. That’s never happened,” Jim chuckles. “Tony, this is my friend Virginia Potts. Ginny, this is Tony Stark, my friend and roommate.”
 Tony recovers quickly. “Aww, thanks for the friendship badge, honeybear. Hello, Ginny. Oh no, I don’t like that name. I’m going to have to come up with another name for you.”
 “What’s wrong with my name?” Virginia shoots back.
 “Virginia just sounds like the state, which ew. Ginny makes me think of a powdery old lady. And Potts? I can’t even make a good nickname out of that. You’re going to need a whole new name. Oh, you know what? How do you like ‘Pepper'? Pepper Potts. Hey J?” Tony calls out.
 “Hello Sir,” a male British voice comes out of the speaker. “Remember this lady as Pepper Potts.”
 “Welcome Miss Potts,” the voice says.
 “You just defeated my purpose JARVIS,” Tony says good-naturedly.  “That’s JARVIS, my AI. He’s still learning.”
 Virginia is amazed that he was able to create even a functioning AI.
As the three hang out more, Virginia realizes the effect Tony has on people. For one, everyone on campus refers to her as “Pepper”.  Tony’s a weird fellow because he has this reputation and all, and he does sleep around, but he’s not the jerk that he lets everyone believe he is. Other than the big persona he slips into at parties, he’s really a lowkey kind of guy.
 Everyone who knew Tony warned her that he might try to bed and then abandon her, but in the two semesters that they have hung out, he never hit on her, not even once. She is a little disappointed, though, because she has an itty, bitty crush on him.
 She’ll never tell anyone, but there was one time she stopped past Rhodey and his dorm to drop something off. She knocked on the door, but no one answered. Assuming that no one heard because the music was so loud, she tried the knob. It was unlocked. When she walked in, he was in the living room with one of his bots. There was an ACDC song on the radio, and he was headbanging and using a wrench as a microphone. The bot was moving its claw with the beat of the song. Pepper quietly snuck past and laid the bag on their table. She was going to sneak out when the song ended. Tony turned and screamed when he saw her, then sank to the floor.
 “Are you ok?” She raced over to him, concerned.
 Tony was wheezing for breath. “You scared me. I thought I was here alone.”
 “You should really learn to lock your door.” She had told him, laughing. “By the way, I love your moves.”
 There was a moment where Tony had looked up at her with wide eyes, then he smirked and said. “Who doesn’t?”
 Now, Pepper is eating lunch with Rhodey at a little café near the campus when she asks, “Why were you so concerned that Tony would hit on me?”
“Honestly, I didn’t take into consideration how much he likes you.” Rhodey takes a sip of his Pepsi.
 “Why wouldn’t he like me? Are you saying I’m not likeable?” Pepper demands. “That I would be just a call girl to him?”
 Rhodey shakes his head. “I used the incorrect wording there. I knew he’d like you well enough. I hadn’t accounted for the amount he’d actually love you.”
 “Love me?” Pepper snorts. “He treats me like he likes you.”
 “But he doesn’t flirt with you like he does me. He thinks you're unattainable, and he doesn’t want to do anything to drive you away.” Rhodey explains.
 Pepper gives him a look. “Did he tell you this himself?”
 “No, but I know Tones.” He sits back in his chair. “And I know how he looks at you.”
 Pepper doesn’t know if Rhodey’s just hyping her up or not, but she figures it won’t hurt to ask Tony out. She figures that she can move past it quickly if he rejects her, so their friendship shouldn’t be hurt. The next day, she texts Tony. Wanna grab some lunch?
 Sure. What are you thinking? He texts back quickly. Do I need to shower?
 Yes. She grins. What about the coffeeshop near my dorm?
 He texts back his affirmation, and Pepper squeals. Today she is going to see what he thinks about her and, well, the two of them. Her roommate grins. “Sounds like you have a hot date.”
 “Nope. Just getting lunch with one of my best friends.”
 “That you have a crush on.” Bethany across from her. “Which one is it, Rhodey or Tony?”
Pepper brushes her off. “Rhodey’s dating Carol.”
 “So Tony. Be careful. He’s got the love-em-and-leave-em reputation.” Bethany shrugs. “Don’t really know the dude, so I can’t say one way or the other. You do, so I trust your judgment.”
 “Thanks. Most people would tell me I’m out of my mind, but he’s really sweet. He never once hit on me, you know that? Rhodey told me it’s because he likes me and doesn’t want to lose me, but I’m not so sure about that.”
 Bethany pats her shoulder. “He’d be an idiot to reject you, Pep.”
 Tony meets her at the coffeeshop for lunch, and conversation goes on like normal. They tell each other about their days, and there’s some good-natured ribbing. Finally, Pepper works up her courage and asks. “Are you dating anybody?”
 “Umm… no?” Tony is frozen like a deer in the headlights.
 “Want to go out on a date?”
 Tony shifts uncomfortably in his seat. “Are you sure? Like, I’d love to, but I’m not the best person to date. I forget things, like a lot. I get so caught up in my inventions that I don’t even realize anyone else is there. I forget to shower sometimes. My brain-to-mouth filter is basically non-existent. I’m a mess and a failure. Also, people are going to say a lot of stuff about you. Stuff that’s not true and could be really hurtful. My life is in the spotlight the moment I go out in public. Like, are you sure? You’re going to want to break up with me very shortly.”
 “Did people actually say these things to you?” Pepper asks angrily. “Give me their names so I can murder them.”
Tony sags. “You’re right. Let’s date. Just let me know when you’ve had enough.”
 Tony won’t look at her until she takes his hand. When he finally does raise his head, she is amazed to see the vulnerability in his eyes. She knows that is one thing he hates – seeming vulnerable to others.
“Tony,” She says softly, “I really like you. If you want to date me, and I want to date you, why should anyone else get a say? Shouldn’t we decide what we should have?”
Five Years Later
Pepper will laugh when she looks back to that day. Five years later, and they’re still together. They’ve had their ups and downs, but together they worked everything out.
 Lying in bed with Tony curled around her side, she looks down at him sleeping peacefully. She loves this man, and he loves her, too.
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noeliareads · 5 years
Penpals? Chapter 2
Chapter 2: 
November, 2017 
After about 2 weeks of preparation (waiting for a paycheck) Arizona had almost everything ready for her box. All she had to do was write the letter. 
*Dear Jinho, I don’t have words to express how grateful I am for everything you sent me. I actually feel bad because I don’t send as much. But here are a few of my favorite things from America. I really hope you like them. The SNSD mug? I use it everyday for my morning coffee. (she printed out a photo of the mug on her side table) The tea is incredible! Jinho, everything is incredible and I can’t thank you enough! 
By the way, how are you? How is South Korea? I hope you’re doing ok as well as your friends. I am ok, just a little bit stressed with school. Our final exams are in about a month and believe me I am not ready. Oh! I haven’t introduced myself. As you already know my name is Arizona, I am 20 years old and I am a music major in college. That’s something we have in common, music. I wanted to become a music major because I would love to be a music teacher in a university. I feel like my acquired skills would be exploited there. I really don’t know what to say about myself. My favorite colors are moss green and beige. I cannot write with normal ballpoint pens. I know. It’s weird. Fountain pens are a blessing and they are the best thing in the world.*
Bang Chan was in his room working on some mixtapes when he heard Jisung yell. 
“YA! We got a package for Bang Jinho. Who is Bang Jinho?”
Bang Chan threw his laptop on his bed and almost slipped on the wood floor, running to where Jisung was.   
“Nae goesida!” It’s mine! He said. He yanked the… box? A box? And ran to his room, locking the door behind him, leaning on it as if one of his band mates were to break it down. It has happened before... 
He clutched his chest regaining his breath. He took a seat on the floor and curiously examined the box, it had the typical shipping label. He didn’t spare a minute so he opened the box with his bare hands. Inside the box were a variety of American sweets. He found a mug with the american flag on it, post-its of the american flag… There were a lot of things with the american flag. Very.. touristy. Still, he thought it was cute. He saw a light blue envelope and grabbed it. It was time to read what she said. 
Dear Jinho…
*I have no siblings, sadly. I am an only child so I grew up alone sometimes. But that’s ok. I don’t mind being alone sometimes. I find comfort in being alone. Oh! I listened to the songs you sent me. Ok, let me gather my thoughts. 
Likey: It’s so catchy and I watched the video as well and now I can’t stop doing the hand movements from the beginning! My best friend Nick, laughs and teases me because I will do it without realizing it. I will have to check out more of Twice’s music, they seem very promising. 
You Are by Got7: I have heard of them but never got into their music yet. This was until you told me to listen to this song. I like this song. It’s has a beautiful melody. I like how it builds up and I didn’t expect the chorus to sound like that! I know kpop involves a lot of rapping but that “IT’S A BEAUTIFUL SKYYY” Dude. That buildup. Wow. 
Matryoshka: I don’t even know where to begin. Who are these people?? I mean, I downloaded Soundcloud because you mentioned it and I was blown away. They are amazing! The first rapper has such a chill flow. It’s like he’s not trying but it sounds good either way! The second one? He’s good, too good. And the third one? Oh Lord. I really hate you right now. Who the hell has that type of voice? I figured it was him who accentuated the MAAAAAAAATRYOSHKA. And wow, just wow. Thank you for showing me these amazing rappers. I have to look into them more! 
Lastly, Be Lazy. I have like 2 things to say. THE BASS. THE BASS. Thank you. I like them so much. THE BASS.*
The letter was two pages long and Chan enjoyed reading all of it. She seemed like a very animated person. She seemed to be happy about the simplest things and that weirdly made him smile. 
FAST FORWARD TO DEBUT ERA. Chan and Arizona have exchanged a few letters (shipping time and Chan’s schedule). But they became great friends in the short amount of time they’ve corresponded to each other. They kept trading on songs, Chan loved or dislikes the ones she sent and same went for her. In future v-lives, he would play some of the songs he told her to listen to. But, one thing was for sure. Chan converted Arizona into a newer generation K-pop lover. Chan told her that 3racha were actually part of a survival show that basically consisted of working hard to be able to debut together. He also never told her that he was Bang Chan. But, he did tell her that he was working hard in order to get a job as a backup dancer for idol groups.  
March:  Chan to Arizona (They just debuted)
*Zo, I am so happy! I GOT THE JOB! I wish I could tell you all about it but I can’t!*
Arizona to Chan
*No way! Jinho that is amazing! I am so happy for you! I know how much you worked for this! Whenever you get to dance on stage let me know so I can watch you.* Chan sighed as he read her response. She will see him, but she won’t know who he is.  
Months go by and Stray Kids have won multiple rookie awards. Thanks to Chan, Arizona has gone head over heels for them. She will rant about them in her letters and fangirl with him.
*Jinho… I know I sent you your letter and you probably received it yesterday or a few days ago but this is an emergency. SKZ DROPPED ANOTHER VIDEO!  BTW, You have to see the street version of  Insomnia. THEY WERE IN THE US I MEAN WHAT THE HELL! This is why I hate being a college student. No money. And, 10 days later they release the street version of Question? Do they want to kill me. Changbin and Hyunjin body rolling killed me! They all killed me. I really can’t thank you enough for introducing me to them. #PROUDSTAY*
For the release of their album I Am Who, Chan sent her an album. He wanted it to be autographed but he couldn’t explain how he made that possible. Either way she has his handwriting in paper so that counts? The boys knew about her, not much but they did know he was corresponding with a girl from America. Either way, she has his handwriting. Arizona in return, sent him an ASAP Rocky album! That made Chan very very happy. 
Life suddenly was brighter for Arizona. She always had a hard time seeing the bright side in life and being positive was extra effort. But corresponding with Chan helped her breathe with ease. He was her escape room. She could tell him everything and she knew that he wouldn’t judge her. He would always offer words of comfort and advice. There were times where she would vent about how hard her classes were or how her  mental health deteriorates day by day.  Chan wasn’t bothered by this. He wished for her to be happy and free in her own mind. He would occasionally send her various letters in the span of a few days or less. He knew she wasn’t expecting it and he hoped it made her smile, which it did. 
They were so used to corresponding to each other that friendship slowly and silently became something else. Arizona once debated about it but she brushed it off. It can’t be possible and it won’t be. Letters were romantic and that is the stigma that is around it and that’s all. There is nothing more to it. Chan thought of her constantly when he wasn’t busy with producing, practicing or anything related to the group. He knew he liked her, did he have the opportunity to ask for a picture? He did. But he didn’t ask. He would feel obliged to send her one of himself and he couldn’t do that. It was enough with lying about his job. 
FEBRUARY - 2019 
“I am soooooooo tired.” Arizona complained as she walked into the same coffee shop she frequented with Nick over the course of their college years. Both were seniors now, graduating in May! 
“All nighter?” Nick asked? She just nodded and smiled at the barista giving her their order. 
“You’re a master procrastinator. What were you doing?”
“Working on my senior project and portfolio.” She mumbles taking a seat and resting her head on the table. Nick didn’t miss how she avoided his eyes. 
“And probably writing J’s letter right?” Arizona looked up at her best friend and smiled. It was true, she was working on less than 2 hours of sleep, writing the letter and working on her project. “Zozo, you like him don’t you.” It wasn’t a question. It was an affirmation. 
“Nick, stop.” She wasn’t ready to face this topic yet. Like him? Pff. She’s never seen him before. “We’ve never met and probably never will. Ok? Drop it.”
“You don’t have to like or love his looks.” Arizona knew that and she knew what danger she was in of falling harder and faster for Jihno. She just wasn’t ready for it. 
Arizona arrived home after her evening lessons and collapsed on the couch. She was just dozing off when her mom threw some papers on her stomach. “You have mail” She said. The sleepy girl sat up and flipped through the envelopes. Phone bill, student loan information, a postcard?  
“Australia? I don’t know anyone in Australia.” She turned the postcard around and smiled when she recognized the handwriting. 
*Hey Zo, sorry this is going to be short. But, I am in aussie visiting family. I won’t be able to read any of your letters until I get home but I will write! Just make sure to send your responses  to my normal address. I am so happy to see my family again, I actually came with a few of my friends and we are just touring around. I also heard Stray Kids are going to be here! I’ll see if I can go to their concert or spot them at the touristy sites. If I do, I’ll send photos. Take care. 
Her heart fluttered. He knew how much she loved Stray Kids that he would even look for them for her! The days flew by and she received an envelope. It contained a post-it and multiple photos. The note said, ‘Found them.’ The photos were of Stray Kids near the Sydney Opera House. Wait, he found them? The photos seemed to be taken from afar and the boys were with cameras? Filming a video? Arizona died right there. He went all the way to find them, take their picture, develop them and send them to her. 
Chan’s Perspective
Chan asked his manager to take photographs of them as they filmed and as if they were fans who spotted them. Manager Kim (let’s say that’s his name) agreed without asking for a reason. Chan quickly developed them and sent them before going back to South Korea. He was dying to tell her who he was. After all, he was her bias. Not that it made any difference. Sadly he still couldn’t, Stray Kids were going to be extremely busy in the next month and he feared not to have time to write so he made sure he had conversations planned out so she wouldn’t feel lonely. He also had the feeling that this comeback was going to be important for their careers. 
His last letter ended with; ‘Zo, I won’t be able to write as much because I will be dancing for a group for their comeback so we will be very busy practicing. But, I will try to write as much as possible. Don’t miss me.” 
Hey guys this was more of a filler chapter. I hope you get an idea of how the story is going to go.  There will hopefully be two more chapters, I still don’t know how I will space them out. Next chapter is going to be about the Miroh and Yellow Wood era. Arizona also graduates college and there is a big surprise that will lead to the last chapter. 
Adios - Everglow
Teeth - 5 Seconds of Summer
Wanna Go Back - Day6 
Mirror - Stray Kids
These are the pictures Chan sends to Arizona.
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queer-starling · 5 years
Flower ask: also all of them. you get to suffer with me >:3€
oh darlin’ we’re in it now huh
Alisons: Sexuality?
Amaranth: Pronouns/Gender?
she/they | all gender will be shot on sight
Amaryllis: Birthday?
sept 23rd
Anemone: Favorite flower?
Angelonia: Favorite t.v. show?
stranger things or ghost adventures
Arum-Lily: What’s the farthest you’d go for a stranger?
like? distance? a couple miles probably
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes?
“We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little lifeIs rounded with a sleep.” William Shakespeare, The Tempest
Aubrieta: Favorite drink?
wild cherry capri sun
Baby’s Breath: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
ima change that to ‘kiss the last person u thought abt kissing’ bc YES
Balsam Fir: Have you ever been in love?
*jenna marbles voice* hell yeah!!
Baneberries: Favorite song?
waiting for the end - linkin park 
Basket of Gold: Describe your family.
Beebalm: Do you have a best friend? Who is it?
i have too many to list !!! brandi, kasey, you, liz, ivy, nick , just to name a few!!
Begonia: Favorite color?
blue uwu
Bellflower: Favorite animal?
foxes !! and opossums
Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person?
night time babey
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be?
either a fox or an opossum or a raven, i think
Bloodroots: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
i wanted to be a vet !!!
Bluemink: What are your thoughts on children?
theyre ok as long as theyre not screaming and/or mine
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why?
i don’t liike vomit bc. nastey (trauma i think) and i don’t like old ppl well. i dunno why? they’re just so old and fragile and helpless and sometimes they’re really mean and idk i think it’s like something to do w death or something LMAO idk. also i just hate the idea of becoming old and having to rely on other people ?? hhh
Borage: Give a random fact about your childhood.
i was bullied a lot
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth?  
realistically? probably playing dead by daylight with my girlfriend ADFSGRHYUTR
Buttercup: Relationship Status?
happily taken 
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go?
ireland, scotland, alaska, greece
Candytufts: When do you feel most loved?
whenever my friends or family tells me they love me but esp when u text me goodmorning or when we say our goodnights sorry im gay haha
Canna: Do you have any tattoos?  
i have. uuuuhh 6
Canterbury Bells: Do you have any piercings?  
no!!! i want some tho :(
California Poppy: Height?  
i think im like. 5′5 or something? give or take an inch ?
Cardinal Flower: Do you believe in ghosts?
oh absolutely. my house is haunted as we speak
Carnation: What are you currently wearing?  
bmth hoodie and pajama pants w foxes all over them. i just woke up lol
Catnip: Have you ever slept with a nightlight?
yeah i always keep one on in the bathroom
Chives: Who was the last person you hugged?  
my sister bc she came home from college yesterday
Chrysanthemum: Who’s the last person you kissed?
ask me in like. a little over a month from now ;)
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font?
FONT??? the animal crossing font
Columbine: Are you tired?
oh absolutely
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to?
thanksgiving, christmas, seeing my gf, magfest
Coneflower: Dream job?
idk if it’s a job but i just wanna own like. a ranch that takes in all sorts of animals and takes care of them
Crane’s-Bill: Introvert or extrovert?
Crocus: Have you ever been in love?
ooooh yeah
Crown Imperial: What’s the farthest you would go for someone you care about?
i mean. depends on what they want/need. distance wise? i’d travel the known universe for u  
Cyclamen: Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? What was it?
he was a plaid teddy bear his name was Stanley!!!! i miss him :( but now i have Little Moon God as my favourite stuffed animal 
Daffodil: What’s your zodiac sign?
Dahlia: Have you done anything worth remembering?
Working in Yellowstone is something I’ll never forget
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?
well. hmm. i was gonna say flying to yellowstone but maybe driving to north carolina by myself bc driving long distances alone to places i haven’t been before gives me hella anxiety (i’m better now)
Daylily: What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner(s)? 
i don’t pay rent in this house to listen to their opinions lmao. 
Dendrobium: Who is the last person that you said “I love you” to?
you, i think, when we said goodnight last night!!! EDIT: you this morning!!
False Goat’s Beard: What is something you are good at?
being bad at dead by daylight
Foxgloves: What’s something you’re bad at?
dead by daylight
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month?
(little over a month now but uhhh) GOT A UH ......GIRL.....FRIEND ...... GOT TO VISIT GIRLFRIEND ........ and got the windshield finally replaced in my car 
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today?
i dont know! so far ive laid in bed now im at my computer answering this. not too bad. my shift is only 4 hours today. 
Gardenia: Are you happy with where you’re at in your life?
for the most part, i’m pretty content, yeah
Gladiolus: What is something you hope to do in the next year or two?
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life?
my friends, my mom, my sisters, my girlfriend, my bastard dog
Heliotropium: What helps you calm down when you feel stressed?
Hellebore: How do you show affection?
what does this mean. physically, i’m very affectionate, i just. don’t show it alot bc anxiety/i overthink. that and i constantly tell ppl i love them and what they mean to me 
Hoary Stock: What are you proudest of?
whoever is reading this
Hollyhock: Describe your ideal day.
wake up next 2 a cute girl. take way too long to get up. go climb mountain w cute girl. vibe on mountain w cute girl. go to waffle house 2gether. gome home and vibe. play video games or watch a movies/tv w cute girl.  
Hyacinth: What do you like to do in your free time?  
i like to make art or play bideo jame
Hydrangea: How long have you known your best friend? How did you meet them?
oh gosh i dunno. the ones i’ve known the longest are kasey and brandi, and i’ve known them both around/over a decade i think. we met in middle/highschool!
Irises: Who can you talk to about (almost) everything?
you, ivy, liz
Laceleaf: How many friends do you have?
so many 
Lantanas: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
idk man but i remember when you said u had a crush on me and then i posted a selfie and u were like ‘OH NO SHE’S CUTE” and like ??? idk i think that was definitely the first compliment to ever shock me LMAO 
Larkspur: What do you think of yourself?
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
my tattoos
Leather Flower: What’s your least favorite thing about yourself? 
Lilac: What’s something you liked to do as a child?
i liked to play zombies ate my neighbors on the sega genesis !!!!
Lily: Who was your best friend when you were a kid?
eliza !!!! we lost touch a few years after i moved away :(
Lily of the Incas: What is something you still feel guilty for?
ima be real everything makes me feel guilty
Lily of the Nile: What is something you feel guilty for that you shouldn’t feel guilty about?  
aaaaaa the whole abi/moon incident 
Lupine: What does your name mean? Why is that your name?
my name is fox. it means i like foxes
Marigold: Where did you grow up? Tell us about it.
northern virginia babey !!!! that place fucking sucks!!! but everyone who lives up there thinks they’re hot shit. 
Morning Glory: What was your bedroom like growing up?
i had a bunkbed and i think the walls were pink 
Mugworts: What was it like for you as a teenager? Did you enjoy your teenage years?  
😬 i’m just gonna say i’m much happier now and i’m coping with life and shit a lot better  
Norwegian Angelica: Tell us about your mom.
she’s sweet and funny and i love her so much!! she always does the Most for everyone, sometimes to the point where she isn’t concerned abt herself and i see where i get it from. but yeah my mom is great, my dad doesn’t deserve her 
Onions: Tell about your dad.  
source of a lot of trauma and why i have so many issues regarding men. i don’t wanna talk about him anymore LOL he doesn’t deserve the attention
Orchid: Tell about your grandparents.
my dad’s mom is becoming senile and i think she’s racist and queerphobic. my mom’s parents disowned her a few years ago so we don’t talk to them anymore 
Pansy: What was your most memorable birthday? What made it be so memorable?
i dunno. i don’t try to remember my birthdays. whenever i can go to busch gardens for my birthday i usually have a lot of fun there. 
Peony: What was your first job?
if you don’t wanna count working w my mom as a florist, target was my first job back in 2016. i found my name tag the other day , actually
Petunia: If you’re in a relationship, how did you meet your partner(s)? If you’re not in a relationship, how did you meet your crush/how do you hope to meet your future partner(s), if you want any?
WELL, i know you followed me on here first. and then twitter?? but we didn’t really start talking until stranger things 3 came out (thank u stranger things) PHYSICALLY, we didn’t meet until fursonacon (haha. i remember when u texted me that u got to the hotel and i came down to help n i saw u unloading yr car and it was then that my brain was like OH NOOOOOOOO and my heart was like OH YEEEEAAAAAAAH) 
Pincushion: How do you deal with pain?
physical, mental, or emotional? i play a video game or listen to loud music
Pink: Where is home?[
somewhere in appalachia i can feel it in my stupid soul 
Plantain Lilies: If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would stop/change? 
idk man i’m pretty content w where i’m at now so 
Prairie Gentian: Who is someone you look up to? Describe them.
chester bennington 
Primrose: Describe your ideal life.
i have a waife and we have many great pets and we live in a log cabin in the mountains or in a nice victorian in a small town or something IDK but we’re happy and that’s all that matters 
Rhodendron: What is something you used to believe in as a child?
Ricinus: Who’s the most important in your life?
my mom, me best friends, my girlfriend
Rose: What’s your favorite sound?
my girlfriend’s laugh because it’s THE cutest shit and then when she giggles??? oh my heart 
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory?
oct 23rd, 2005, we brought Fat Boy Zack home !!!!
Sage: What’s your least favorite memory?
July 22nd, 2016. i was 2200 miles away
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want?  
to be holding my girlfriend >:(
St. John’s Wort: Is it easy or difficult for you to express how you feel about things?
Sunflower: What is something you don’t want to imagine life without?
those i hold dear
Sweet Pea: How much sleep did you get last night?
enough, i guess? 
Tickseed: What’s your main reason to get up every morning?
my girlfriend
Touch-Me-Not: How do you feel about your current job?
it’s fucking BORING and TOO EASY and they don’t pay me ENOUGH but i can get away with so much shit there so ima still go, ima still go 
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing?
all of the flannels currently in my possession
Tropical White Morning Glory: Describe your aesthetic.  
mountains, woods, forests, cabins, autumn, cryptic, occult, victorian, edwardian
Tulip: What would be the best present to get you?
if someone gets me a gift i’m legally required to execute them
Vervain: What’s stressing you out most right now?
this 40hr workweek i got coming up 
Wisteria: How many books have you read in the past few months? What were they called?
i have not read in So Long
Wolf’s Bane: Where do you want to be in life this time next year?
Moved out away from here lol, we’ll see
Yarrow: Do you know what vore is?
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself.
i’m a furry
that was SO LONG im sorry i also put you through that but THANK YOU ENJOY READING ILU
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luvknow · 6 years
roommates au | the best friend, kim woojin
genre: kim woojin x reader | college au ; friends-to-lovers au summary: woojin has been your best friend since high school. now he was your roommate, and living together took your friendship to a whole other level. wc: 2.5k
if woojin was going to be living with a roommate, it had to be with someone he already knew and trusted.
he wasn’t about that whole “let’s meet on craigslist” deal after he was randomly paired with someone for his first year living at the student dorms.
the day they met was when he decided he would never do anything like that ever again.
his roommate was absolutely terrible!
not only were they messy, they also played their music loud, got crumbs on his bunk, had people over, and worst of all...
he was sexiled five too many times to count in one month.
all five of those times he found himself crawling to your dorm just down the hall.
you and woojin have known each other all throughout your high school years and when you both found out you got accepted to the same dream school, you figured this was some sort of stroke of luck and applied to be in the same dorms, too.
luck was on your side, because you both ended up on the same floor and in the same hall!
so whenever woojin needed help with his homework, wanted to grab a bite to eat, or was exiled from his room due to a sock on the door knob, he was at your door in a heartbeat.
on the other hand, your roommate was perfect, due to the fact that they were almost never there because they were always at their significant other’s place, so you and woojin often had your dorm to yourselves.
a lot of long nights, long talks, and long study sessions happened in your dorm.
one night, while silently studying, you came up with a brilliant idea.
“hm?” he hummed, not looking up from his textbook.
“let’s get an apartment together next year.”
“wha - really!? just like that?”
“honestly, i was going to ask you eventually. you just beat me to it.”
“ok, this is a real verbal agreement, right? no take-backs?”
“if i have to live in the dorms another year, i will drop out, so i am one hundred percent serious.”
“yay!” you grinned. “we’re gonna be roommates ~! let’s shop at ikea!”
“we can only afford ikea, anyways...”
after spending the entire summer together buying furniture, decorations, and basic essentials, you were all ready to move in before the new school year.
your bedrooms were on opposite sides of the apartment, allowing you to have your privacy if you wanted it.
but most of the time, when both of you were home, you spent that time together in the living room and only went to your rooms to sleep.
you guys studied together, ate together, watched your favorite shows together - as roommates, you guys were inseparable.
sometimes while watching a movie, you wouldn’t even make it to your bed and fell asleep on the couch with your head on woojin’s shoulder.
that was the weird thing about being roommates.
you guys got pretty... intimate while sharing the same space.
mornings often went like this:
“woojin, can you move i’m trying to brush my teeth,” you mumbled at 8am while trying to fight woojin in a tshirt and boxers for sink space.
“my skincare is more important than your dental hygiene,” he scolded back.
“god, why are you so big it’s like i’m pushing a wall!”
“don’t be so mean - i’m thick, not big.”
in the kitchen it was more like this:
“wooojiiinnn ~” you whined cutely from the kitchen table. “i’m hungryyyy ~”
“go make something then.”
“but you’re so much better at making things...!”
“are you serious right now, i made dinner yesterday!”
"and it was amazing ~”
“ugh, you’re so lazy.................................................. what do you want?”
and the living room went like this:
“yoink,” woojin said as he snatched the remote up from your hands.
“don’t you change the channel or i will eat all of your snacks.”
“... you won’t...”
woojin squinted his eyes and dared to change the channel from your drama that was in the midst of a scene that could have led up to a kiss to his stupid weeb programs.
in a fury, you leaped up from the couch and sprinted straight woojin’s stash of snacks in his bedroom.
“hey, get out of my room!” he yelled, chasing after you.
“i said bet, so i’m gonna fulfill it!! that’s what you get!”
“don’t be a dick!”
“don’t change my channel!!”
in the end, both of you missed your shows and ended up sharing the snacks while watching some terrible movie.
living with your best friend had it’s difficult times, but you would never trade your roommate for anyone else.
if you thought you were best friends before, well you sure as hell are now, ten fold.
it took your relationship to a whole other level, and you weren’t sure whether that was a good or bad thing.
take, for example, when you were patiently waiting to use the bathroom when woojin was busy showering.
annoyed and already late for the day, you would continuously knock on the door knowing he was just taking his sweet ass time doing his skin care routine.
“i swear to god, if i miss one more clicker question -”
and then as if he was waiting for you to be at a certain level of annoyance, he’d open the bathroom door, letting all the steam out and revealing him in nothing but a towel around his waist.
he never failed to make you stop mid-sentence to gawk at his nearly-naked body that where his lower half was only covered with a towel.
you thought you knew everything about woojin up to this point in your friendship, but you never thought about how much he worked out and developed a six pack.
“staring is rude, _____,” woojin teased as he walked passed your stunned form.
it was hard to look him in the eye after that.
on woojin’s side of the matter, who also wasn’t sure whether living together and taking your relationship to a new level was good, had a weakness about you of his own.
on nights when it was warmer and you were dressing more comfortably around the apartment in your pajamas, instead of pajama pants, you opted for shorts that revealed a lot of leg.
just like how you didn’t realize woojin’s six pack, woojin never noticed how long your legs were.
your skin looked so smooth and soft, too -
“staring is rude, woojin,” you mocked, kicking him lightly as you passed him.
after that, whenever you wore anything tight that shaped your legs, he couldn’t take his eyes off of you, and luckily he was sneaky enough that you never noticed.
sundays were one of your favorite days to spend with woojin because it was a day to relax and go grocery shopping.
it took forever to finish shopping though because you two would argue about which foods were necessary.
“hot cheetos are so bad for you!” woojin scolded while putting the bag back on the shelf.
“if i wanna melt my insides with spicy cheesy goodness, then let me!” you whined.
“no, it’s gross, and you should be eating healthier! we’re not in high school anymore.”
“ugh, you never let me get what i want.”
he pinched a huge chunk of your cheek playfully. “you’re such a baby.”
“if i can’t eat my chips, you need to stop eating fried chicken so much.”
“those are not on the same level of unhealthiness ok, i eat white meat.”
“it’s still not good for you. you should eat like, baked or grilled chicken.”
“i would rather die.”
in the midst of your argument, while woojin was inspecting the nutrition facts of some cereal, you saw a shy but clearly interested passer by who eyed your roommate.
you nudged woojin harshly.
“ow, what was that for!?”
“i think someone’s checking you out. look in the next aisle.”
so obviously and not discreetly at all, like an idiot, woojin swung his head to face them and almost immediately, they tried to hide their blushing face behind a box of pasta.
“what are you waiting for, go talk to them!” you whispered.
woojin shook his head and went back to the cereal box. “nah, i’m ok.”
“are you out of your mind, they’re clearly interested in you, for whatever reason! and they’re not bad looking, either! this is so rare for you!”
“you’re such a dick.”
that’s how it always went whenever you two were out.
whether it was groceries, or getting coffee, or grabbing a bite to eat, or even studying in the library, there was always someone who was checking woojin out and every time you told him about it he would shut you down and not talk about it for the rest of the night.
which was crazy, wasn’t it!? like, who wouldn’t want to take all of these opportunities!?
you wished you had even one interested person look at you the way these people looked at woojin.
“why are you so lame?” you teased him while eating lunch one day.
“what do you mean?”
“like why don’t you ever go for it? you know, shoot your shot? you’ve had so many missed opportunities.”
“i’m just not interested in them, that’s all,” he shrugged.
“god, it’s like high school all over again. you had so many people lined up hoping you’d ask them on a date or to prom and you never did! you asked me to go with you instead, for whatever reason.”
“you said you were worried no one would ask you.”
“i mean yeah, but you didn’t have to ask me out of pity.”
“you know i’d never do that. we had so much fun that night, remember?”
“maybe you did, not so much me - i spent a good chunk of the night throwing up at the after party. you didn’t have to stay with me the whole night, you know. i felt so bad, like i took that night away from you.”
he shook his head. “it was so funny seeing you like that. besides, i didn’t want to leave you alone. i learned a lot about you that night, like how fireball doesn’t agree with your body and you have lacy red underwear.”
“oh my god, you saw that!?”
“yeah, and you’re lucky i made sure i was the only one.”
“d’aw woojin, you like me ~!” you teased. “see, you’d make such a good boyfriend for someone."
“maybe some other time.”
“well, i hope you do soon. i wish i had half the people interested in me like that.”
woojin stayed silent and clenched his jaw.
of course you had people interested in you.
whenever you were out, woojin always saw someone eyeing you in not-so innocent ways.
that’s when he would stand a little closer to you or block their view from you.
you never knew about them because unlike you, who told woojin nearly every time you saw someone interested in him, he never told you.
none of them were ever worth your time.
until he finds someone worthwhile for you, he’ll let you know about them. but for now, he’d stay silent.
which sounded selfish, but he was just protecting you, right?
“no dude, that’s totally selfish,” chan said while they hung out at his place. “why won’t you play wingman? they do that for you all the time!”
“all the guys are douche bags who probably put their soundcloud link on their social media bio.”
“hey, i do that.”
“yeah, and how many times have you asked me to set you up with them?”
“ok, i would stop asking if you’d just admit that you liked them since high school.”
“... not since high school...”
“so you do like them, right?” chan teased, nudging woojin playfully causing him to drop the gaming control.
“ah hey, i just died!”
“don’t change the subject!”
“i’m going home.”
“tell _____ to call me sometime ~”
“shut up.”
the walk home was long and frustrating.
maybe chan was talking some sense for once - was he really being selfish with you?
all your comments about wishing you went on dates or all the nights you spent staying up watching romantic dramas - you’ve been like this ever since he met you.
but you and woojin pretty much did the same things!
always going out to eat, making each other laugh, you even live together, for god’s sake.
the only thing that was missing was, well... the whole kissing part.
you were just chilling on the couch watching tv when woojin came home from hanging out with the guys.
“hey,” you greeted.
when you didn’t hear a response, you looked over to the door and saw woojin looking upset with his brows furrowed and jaw clenched.
“you ok?”
woojin softened his expression, unaware of how tense he was being. “yeah, sorry. i just lost to chan a bunch of times.”
“aw, poor you. wanna pick what we watch tonight?”
“you know me so well.”
he gladly joined you on the couch put on something you both would enjoy - trashy reality television.
tonight was one of those nights where both of you were too tired to talk or make conversation, so you’d stay up for hours watching whatever was on.
you were the first to fall asleep. woojin was so used to the weight of your head on his shoulder that he barely noticed it by the time he fell asleep.
the both of you must have been exhausted that night because neither of you woke up until the following morning.
you were the first to wake up, positioned perfectly under woojin’s arm and your head on his chest with your arms wrapped around him like he was your body pillow.
never had you guys fallen asleep in this position before, but for some reason, it didn’t feel weird.
it felt so right.
it was something you could only dream about.
until he woke up, you’d just pretend to sleep and lay there just a little while longer.
but he thought the same thing - he didn’t want to leave the couch at all, even if it was a bit cramped.
holding you was just too good to be true.
then it was almost noon, and both of you figured it was time to get up.
“hey,” woojin whispered, playing with your hair. “are you awake?”
“no ~” you replied, snuggling closer.
“c’mon, we gotta get up and be adults, or something.”
“but it’s sunday ~”
“why, do you like it when i hold you like this?” he teased, tightening his grip around you.
“i like it, too. but guess what? sunday means we have to go grocery shopping today.”
“oh yeah, i totally forgot!”
“maybe... i could cook you something tonight.”
“wow, and i didn’t even have to ask?”
“i guess i really like you.”
“then i’ll take you up on that offer. in exchange, i’ll bake some cookies.”
“i like the sound of that. it’s a date...?”
you lifted your head up gave a blushing woojin a kiss on the cheek.
“i’d love to go on a date with my best friend.”
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a-cai-jpg · 4 years
if you’ll stay with me, we can rewrite the rules of the universe
"does she have to go away? can't they just live together happily?" - director son, melo is my nature
there's an idiom in chinese that i think about a lot.
the first time i heard it, it was season 2 of a drama i loved as a kid--three years old, sitting too close to an old, heavy color television, my cousin warm by my elbow, and my grandmother's voice drifting in from the kitchen.
(it's a technicolor memory, filtered a little yellow with age.)
season 3 of this drama is something i try to never watch.
first of all, they changed the cast, and even though leo ku is a beautiful man, he couldn't replace the legend, alec su.
(we don't talk about the new female lead.)
second of all, shit hits the fan and the character i loved the most becomes the character i hated the most.
third of all,
the idiom becomes true.
(there is no such thing as a banquet that never ends.)
see, the drama is about two girls who meet each other in historical beijing and become sworn sisters despite being polar opposites of each other. where one is gentle and demure, the other is reckless and brash. one of them (guess which?) happens to be the long-lost daughter of the sitting emperor. the other girl promises to help her reach her father. after a series of unfortunate events, the emperor crowns the wrong girl as princess. season 1 is about the fake princess sneaking the real princess into the palace, their struggles with palace life and figuring out a way for the emperor to recognize his real daughter without executing his fake one, and them falling in love--one with the 5th prince and the other with a son of a palace official.
eventually, the misunderstandings are addressed, and the emperor realizes he loves both girls too much to have harm come to either of them, so he recognizes both as his daughters. more things happen, but eventually, the two girls get married, and it's happily ever after.
but they decided to make a season 3.
(in hindsight, it makes sense, because the non-blood related princess could have never lived a happy life caged in the palace, but it's nice to dream ok)
season 3 ends with the non-blood related princess and the prince she marries (my childhood crush) leaving the palace for good, and thereby giving up the throne, to live in yunnan. many, many years later, a carriage arrives at their tea field, and it's the emperor visiting them during the last years of his very long reign.
even writing this really poorly-articulated synopsis can bring me to tears. it's not an ending i can watch without crying.
(i can still see the ending in my mind's eye. the scarf around her hair, the basket of tea leaves by her side, the sound of children laughing and the carriage rolling to a stop. they see erkang first. yongqi and xiao yanzi greet him and their laughter is wild from happiness. but then erkang lifts the curtain to the carriage, and the emperor steps down from the coach.)
(the moment yongqi drops to his knees and says 皇阿玛 is usually when i start bawling.)
(the end end is them riding the carriage together, singing, and the words 全剧终  appear on screen, and you can almost fool yourself into believing that the carriage just continues on until they are back in the palace, ten years into the past.)
i like endings where everyone stays in one place.
senior year of high school, i watched a drama where the ending was a group of friends, who had bound together to conquer evil, literally all going their own ways and the main character dying, and i was so traumatized, i cried for three hours, shakily typing up my english essay through a curtain of tears until 6am in the morning.
when i finally went to bed the following night, i rewrote the ending in my head.
maybe because i was so tired, or maybe because the pain was too raw and not something i wanted to face, i managed to convince my sleep-addled brain that the drama actually ended with the female lead gathering the remnants of the male lead's soul, finding an elder in the snow-capped mountains (which is the setting where the drama leaves us), bringing him back to life, and the two of them returning home, where their friends have gathered to welcome him back.
this remains my most successful daydream yet (nightdream?), because i can still see the fabricated scenes play out in my head, the imagined emotions on the actor's faces, the ghost of a soundtrack playing in the background.
there's still a very, very large part of me that likes for everyone to stay in one place. 
but maybe it's getting used to reality, or maybe it's me viscerally feeling how difficult it is to stay in a place for too long, i've slowly started to accept people dispersing.
i used to not understand those scenes in dramas where old friends who have moved away come to visit the main character for just one afternoon, because in my head, i would always think wow, i would've had them stay. my friends would've stayed the week.
but see, time doesn't move in a way that lets us stroll in the past for a very long time. now, i'm grateful for the hours taken out of a night to meet with familiar faces and make plans for a future we know might not happen. i swallow the faint wrenching feeling when we bid goodbye, and continue my own solitary journey home, and through life.
but in the end, we move through the world alone and with nothing.
there's still a very, very large part of me that likes for everyone to stay in one place, but i'm guilty of leaving.
you'd think after four years, i'd be used to not knowing what home is, but i'm still a little scared of going away.
i don't know what i'll do with my room when i do. i don't know what to do with the posters on the walls (magazines cut-outs from high school still posted above the living room desk that has long not been mine), or my mountain of books that spill into every room in the house, or my keyboard sitting heavily above my bureau, or my guitar stashed by my closet, or my upright.
i don't know when i'll play my upright again, and that thought in itself really hurts.
i used to do this thing where i count the number of hours i'll be able to spend time with another person. i used to do it with my grandparents and it's honestly the most painful exercise of all time.
i try not to do it now, and as i write this, i'm actively pushing the process out of my mind, because i know i'll be able to calculate the number of hours left i can live in this house.
in my final story for my creative writing project, someone says this to the main character, "You were banking on us to preserve this idealistic vision of the past--to stay the same--so that when you got tired of being an adult, you could return home to us. But, we were growing too. Maybe we were growing in tandem with each other, but out of sync with you."
this is a line buried in the text among many other sentences that i think are a lot more beautiful. but, this is the line that took me over two weeks to write. for the first time, i tried to put the anxiety and regret i felt for four years into words. 
(that sort of reckoning is akin to pulling out your chordae tendineae through your esophagus and wrestling them into something worth presenting to the world.)
see, i want to experience the world, get to know foreign lands over the period of a couple of years, call the hidden corners of large cities home, visit mountain tops and build a life there, but i don't want the world to change.
part of it is because if it does, i'll never get to know the world. the japan i'll see in the future will never be the japan i saw last year and the japan i missed this year.
part of it is because life is a long, tiresome process of getting used to the new. as i grow up and out of this two-story condo, i am constantly having to digest this larger, more nuanced picture of the world. but, sometimes i get tired and i want to fall back on something familiar.
sometimes, that something familiar changes, and you're left utterly, completely alone.
i'm more used to this process now. i'm no longer so bothered by it that i balk at the idea of my parents moving.
i still feel unsettled when i think about the coming four years and the years after that and the notion that really, this bed i'm sleeping in is not going to be my bed anymore.
and this time, it seems like it will be permanent.
i was watching this variety show with a singer i like very much yesterday night, laughing and crying, and wrote this next bit in chinese.
i'll translate it here.
hua chenyu is a very peculiar existence in my heart.
i don't particularly love his voice, but i view his music as a sort of standard for all pop music. he has changed a lot since 2013, when he first debuted, but he still has this aura of aloofness, maybe because of his single-minded obsession with music.
but, when i saw him lift his head to look at his college bandmates on a large screen, over a webcam, the love and happiness in his slightly reddened eyes were indisputable. in that moment, the look of nostalgia and wistfulness in his gaze suddenly made me think that he's grown up a little, aged a little.
(this following part i wrote in english)
they performed a song they used to play a lot in college over some sort of webcamming interface.
but, see, there is a difference.
i used to think that it didn't matter how far away my friends were from me, because technology has taken distance and shrunken it to a few lines of text or a phone call. but, there's something irreplaceable about the voice of a person you love without the tinny grain of the mic, about the warmth of another someone next to you that you can lean against. 
sometimes, we are lucky and for a few years of our lives, we have someone who can understand the messy scrawl over a few pages of our stories. sometimes, we are lucky, and that someone takes up chapters and arcs.
(isn't that a very nice thought.)
(华晨宇在我心中是一个很神奇的存在。我并不是特别喜欢他的声音,可是我就是会以他的音乐为目标,为典范。他从2013年 刚开始参加快男到现在 变了很多。但他一直有一种拒人于千里之外的感觉, 也许是因为他对音乐的执着。可是当我看见他抬头看着在屏幕上的大学乐队成员。。。他泛红眼里的爱和快乐是不可忽视的。在那一瞬间 他眼中的留恋突然让我觉得他好像长大了一点,老了一点。)
(i'm like weirdly proud because i couldn't have written this two years ago. see, reading in a different language really helps you learn that language. too bad my students never LiStEnEd.)
(i realize i talk about this creative writing story a lot. it's because it is my story. the story of me and my largest 心结. something like that.)
(maybe i'll post it one day.)
(or maybe not.)
song rec: kevin oh - mortifying love
glossary: the first drama mentioned is 还珠格格 (princess returning pearl erkang = son of the palace official, married to the blood related princess yongqi = 5th prince, one of the most tragic existences in chinese history xiao yanzi = the princess returning pearl, the non-blood related princess, married to yongqi 皇阿玛 = in the qing dynasty, princes and princesses who were sons and daughters of the emperor had to call their father by this greeting 全剧终 = the end the second drama mentioned is 古剑奇谭·(legend of the ancient sword) 心结 = literally, heart knot. i don’t know how to translate it, but i liken it to the freudian concept of a fixation...? 
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