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epifaniacintilante · 6 months ago
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nat-20s · 1 year ago
I fucking LOVE that Donna is not immune to being a little starry-eyed over The Doctor in the way that many of us get a little starry-eyed over our best friends but she IS immune to being that way in front of them lmao. Double love that this appears to also be Catherine Tate and David Tennant's dynamic
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lykoiii · 1 month ago
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the-woman-upstairs · 8 months ago
It is driving me…cuckoo bananas that Daniel uses his job as a socially acceptable way to chase the high he used to get from drugs and Armand not only is fully aware of this, but he himself then PROVIDES that very high when Daniel beats him and exposes his lies to Louis.
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whitedarkmoonflower · 3 months ago
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I'm a lot. I'm not perfect. // Interview with the Vampire // S1E3
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I heard your hearts dancing! // Interview with the Vampire // S1E3
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wizzard890 · 8 months ago
You’ve done it. You’ve made me go watch an Anne Rice novel adaptation and it’s batshit insane in a way that would make her rotate in her grave like a turbine in the Hoover Dam.
It's genuinely and seriously the best thing on television right now. Like, I think that shouldn't get lost in the fantastic messy drama of the narrative itself: the writers' room is simply on another level. The way the show moves through time and theme and doubles that all back into character exploration is enormously confident, and it has all the skill to back it up. I don't have a ton of hope for it to be recognized this season in television awards, since genre shows really need to pop with Respectable Critics for that, but I've noticed a sea change in the critical conversation around it that's long overdue. Astonishing stuff to get on my screen every week.
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captmuldoon · 6 months ago
still find it hilarious that eric bogosian went on an assad zaman appreciation spree online. basically just going:
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seriouslyimagine · 3 months ago
from now on i think dnp should make it a requirement that only phannies can interview them. if you can’t sing the internet is here all the way through and name every member of the howlter family then you DON’T get the interview
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sam-reid · 3 months ago
i don't care what anyone says, sam reid deserves every bit of praise and acknowledgment for what he's brought to his masterful and gorgeous version of lestat, and i want him to win awards for it. he more than deserves it, just as much as jacob and assad deserve to be recognised
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paddockpatrol · 1 year ago
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“It was difficult to be one of the first women to sit on the pit wall. You have to tell people what to do—they have to trust in what you’re saying and have faith and belief in you. So, it probably did take a bit longer because of that. Not because of anything personal, but more because of people’s perceptions of how women are and whether they think they can deal with those environments. And I think that was the main thing of concern—of whether you’d be able to deal with the pressure.
People often feel women are more emotional, and I can be emotional. I’m not at all when I’m on the pit wall, but I can be in other things in life. That is a strength. And as more and more women get into positions of responsibility, we can show how good that is. Empathy is so important, and a really valuable trait for a leader.”
Hannah Schmitz in femalesinmotorsport.com
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erebus0dora · 8 months ago
there's one thing i need to share with IWTV fandom
bc book Armand is originally Andrei, which means nothing in particular (it is 'masculine', end of story), albeit looks like a nod to Andrei Rublev, a painter-who-became-a saint (wiki link if you'd like to know more)
tv show Armand is originally Arun, which is, ok, it's beautiful in Sanskrit
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a boy named after the sun, right? RIGHT?
wait for it
practically the same word in Armenian is BLOOD
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if it is an Easter egg, it's a brilliant one; if it is a coincidence, it's still amazing
and i am looking at Eric Bogosian rn
i hope the amount of language he can actually understand allows him to know this and privately cackle about this
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qveenpoppy · 3 months ago
"There's a couple of takes [in the lunch scene] where I just wanted to say [to Wolf], 'God, you're such a dork.' But in the way where it's like, 'You're so cute; you're such a dork.'"
-- Teddy Sears, in a recent interview about Episode 8
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a-realproblem · 9 months ago
armand: “my daughter was my sister was my throwpillow when he wouldn’t look at me kindly lestat lestat lestat lestat lestat lestat lestat lestat lestat lestat lestat lestat lestat lestat lestat lestat lesta-”
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rosengris · 8 months ago
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A quick snap of the Jon magazine that came through my mail box today. The interview itself isn't all that insightful. I'll put some interesting bits behind the cut for length.
Leigh (interviewer): Is it a bit of a relief when you walk away on that last day and you get to leave Louis behind?
Jacob: It is. But then I'm missing him immediately. Like, it's funny. At the end of season, the last day we were shooting something, a scene where Louis is just so tired. He's just reached this point where he has nothing left in him. Right? And this was at the end of six months of nights. We did 100 nights and I was working every single one of them. So it was great to do a scene where I had to be as tired as I was. But then we wrapped...and it sounds so dramatic, but the first thing I did was literally fall to my knees, lay down flat, face down in the middle of the street and just had a cry.
Leigh: We should campaign for that. We need a political party that advocates a 3.5 day work week.
Jacob: I'm down for that. Like I found great purpose and great joy in playing Louis and enjoyed being there every day. I only had a few days off in season two, and I don't know ow much my partner loved that...It was a lot for my family.
Leigh: Well, I have got just two fun questions for you - our issue theme is FAB. So I wanted to ask you about two things that are FAB in your life - what's your most fabulous pair of shoes? And what's the most fabulous dish you cook?
Jacob: Okay, I'm going to say the most fabulous dish I can cook is a brown stew chicken. [...] It's a Jamaican dish. You do it with rice and peas and it's basically like a stew where you cook it for like, four, five, six, seven hours. You cook it for as long as you want, basically. And the longer you cook it, the more the meat just falls off the bone. The reason I think it's FAB is because there's such a freedom to making it, you can do it with real flair and eccentricity.
Leigh: Really FAB. What's the basis of the sauce? What's the brown?
Jacob: This thing called 'all purpose seasoning', which is very common in Jamaican cooking. It's beautiful. It's quite hard to describe it, but it's a little bit sweet. It's very salty, and has a tomato flavour.
Leigh: And then your favourite shoes. Most FAB shoes?
Jacob: I did like a recent cull of shoes because I realised I had too many shoes [laughs]. I got some Clarks recently that are really beautiful. They're like, kind of a high, chunky feel.
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the-woman-upstairs · 9 months ago
Really beholden to the idea that at least part of why Louis was fascinated with Daniel initially was because of his project of interviewing citizens of San Francisco, documenting their stories and voices, in much the same way Louis was trying to do with his photography in Paris.
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landonor · 3 months ago
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lando and esteban omg
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