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serendipityjxmn · 3 years ago
been a while ;
Warnings: Just random rant ahead.
Hello everyone. I honestly have no idea where to start. I have so much to tell but I just felt like I've left this place for so long but at the same time it felt like it's only been yesterday that I've been posting so much of my new chapters.
But truth is, it's been half a year. And I'm so sorry that I've left all the dust piling up on my blog. A lot of things happened. Like, a lot. But I've missed writing so much. I've missed this place which is my safe haven, where I pour out all my emotions writing all these pieces.
I don't know if any of you is interested in reading or knowing what I've been up to all these while, but I just felt the need to let it off my chest since I've never properly written about all these things that had been happening in my life. I also figured that by writing here I'm basically leaving a kind of diary that I can read back some time in the future.
Did you guys know? Back then when I haven't started to write things on the internet, all the stories were just in the back of my head, I enjoyed reading all the well-written fics across so many platforms. There's just so much talented writers out there. And back then, I used to see my favourite writers taking breaks, with personal things happening in their life, some of them got sick, some of them lost someone in their life, some of them got a job, some of them graduated medical school etc etc. I used to not understand that. I felt like they owe the stories they hadn't finished, I felt like they owe me the drafts they had stored in their phone.
Little did I know the same thing would happen to me once I picked up the courage to post my writings. Back then when I started writing, I promised myself that I would never become those writers who left their readers abandoned, never coming back. I really did not know what God had written for me back then.
Last year, while I was finishing the story Mr. President, my mother had fallen ill. I struggled a lot to finish the chapters as well as the bonus chapters I had planned. In the midst of that, in August, my mother had to undergo surgery. I stayed at the hospital throughout her post-operation recovery and it was all really overwhelming to receive all the news firsthand at the hospital.
At the time, it just doesn't feel right to be focusing on writing my fics rather than tending to my bed-ridden mom. Especially when we still had no idea how severe the situation was and how long I have with her.
After she recovered from her surgery and allowed for discharge, she still has to undergo chemotherapy for a number of cycles, and she's still undergoing it now. She has to be warded every time she undergoes the therapy and a lot of my time is taken up for that.
So, to anyone of you, if you're reading this, I hope you can all send your prayers for my mother and wishes that she can undergo all her chemotherapy cycles well. I hope you can also pray that she is cancer free soon.
Also, I would like to take this place to say that I will continue to write, I will and will never stop doing so but I'd never be able to promise the frequency of me posting new stories. It takes a lot of time, effort as well as when inspiration hits.
So I hope that whenever I might be missing for some time on this blog, I hope you guys can keep me and my family in your prayers and wait for my return.
Thank you so much for all the support from you guys. It means everything.
Also, I posted a new one-shot story! I hope you guys enjoy it :)
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serendipityjxmn · 3 years ago
Indomitus ;
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Pairing/Characters: Park Jimin x Character/Reader
Chapter Count: Oneshot
Words Count: 6.2k
Genre/TW: gang, romance, mature, mentions of guns, smut, mature (explicit 18+)
Status: Completed
You're almost certain that death has come knocking at your door when a beautiful looking but dishevelled man broke into your apartment, holding you hostage. Until you realized he's wounded from gunshot, triggering your conscience as a doctor. And everything dirty, fantasy, your darkest desire spirals from there.
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You take a deep breath as soon as you’re out on the streets, the cold air hitting your face making you shiver and relieved both at the same time. It’s past midnight and the streets are empty. You quickly head towards your car and waste no time driving off from the parkway of the hospital.
You’re on duty at the hospital tonight and the last two nights as well and there’s nothing more that you want than to soak yourself in a hot bath. It doesn’t take long to arrive at your apartment. You don’t live far away from the hospital, to be convenient for on call duty. You could basically walk to the hospital but sometimes your shifts end late night and you don’t think it’s safe enough to walk alone for two blocks in the dead of the night so the car it is.
You shrug off your shoulders, winding it back and forth several times to relax your tense muscles as you make your way to your apartment.
You had just closed the door behind you, walked several steps inside when you notice something feels off. As if there’s another presence in your apartment.
You opt not to switch on the lights. The moonlight shifting through your window, which you now notice is ajar, although very slightly, illuminates your living room. But it’s enough evidence to warn you because you never really open the window unless during leisure time but that’s on weekends.
You move forward slowly and place your handbag and car keys on the table before walking towards the window. Silently, you closed the window and you have to fight a shudder from the breezing wind.
As if on cue, a strong hand clasp your mouth and all senses in you become alerted at once. You would fight, if you don’t feel the muzzle of a gun against the side of your head. You could barely make out the person’s face through the window, only his silhouette can be seen. You gasp out loud, when you realize your attacker is a male.
“Be quiet or I’ll shoot.” He says, voice close to your ear.
You nod as your body trembles. You doubt anyone would hear if you scream and be quick enough to save you before he cocks his gun. You doubt he wants to harm you anyway because he would’ve done that as soon as you step into the apartment.
“I- I don’t have money, if that’s what you’re asking for-” you say as soon as he releases his hand from your mouth, your body still trembling as he still holds his gun to your head.
He lets out a sound like a scoff but doesn’t answer. After a moment, he says, “You’re a doctor aren’t you?”
You nod slowly.
“I need your help.” He says, and this time you finally hear the slight huff between his breath, like he’s having trouble breathing.
Help? What kind of help could he possibly need from you? You brave yourself to slowly turn around, definitely not prepared for the sight in front of you.
The silver beam of moonlight through the window only serves as a dimming light. But even in the bleary, the slight features and outline of his face is enough to tell you that the man is beautiful. The slight glint on his forehead is what gives his situation away. He had beads of sweat on his forehead and when you look down, that’s when you finally took notice of the dark wet patch on his shirt, right above his abdomen. His free hand clutching the wound tightly, but the blood still gushed between his fingers and quickly soaked the crumpled cloth underneath his fingers.
“Oh my god- oh my- you’re hurt!” You gasp in panic, and his safety is all you could think of now. Your hands quickly reach forward to apply pressure above his hand, perhaps a little too sudden, making him hiss.
“Careful.” He says through gritted teeth.
You mutter a sorry and looks up into his eye, asking for permission. Swallowing hard, he then lifts his shirt and your eyes widen the moment you see his wound.
“Is that- is that a bullet wound?” your voice thick, “Where’d you get a bullet wound?” as panic starts to register in your voice. You’ve never seen a bullet wound except in videos back when you’re still studying, but never one in your country, or in Seoul.
“Can you help me stitch it?” He asks, and even in the dim light you know he’s going paler. He’s losing too much blood.
You look up, hands no longer touching him. “Who are you?”
He regards you intently before answering. “You don’t want to know. Now answer me instead of asking questions. Can you help me?”
You bite your lips. “I- I don’t have the equipments. I’m just a general doctor, not a surgeon- you have to go to the hospital.”
“I don’t have the fucking time!” He grits out and then- out of nowhere- he shoves some medical equipments towards you.
“Where’d you get this?” You look at him in disbelief. “Clinic? There’s a clinic few blocks- oh my god- did you break into the clinic?!”
“Can you do it?” He asks again, voice getting weaker.
Oh God, he’ll die if you don’t do it.
Your brain is in an entire war for what seems like eternity, the guy who’s face is getting paler by the second, slumps himself on the single chair, you’d probably scold for staining it on normal days. But this is not ‘normal days’.
“Wait here.” You finally say. You walk away to get some hot water to do some mediocre sterilization process, forcing your brain to work on muscle memory as you waddle through the pitch darkness.
When you return to him, he had his eyes shut. “I need to switch on the light.”
He purses his lips. “Just this one.” He says, pointing to the standing lamp beside the chair.
You want to argue because you need more light but decide against it so you move towards the window to shut the curtain, leaving your whole apartment completely dark.
It took a moment for your eyes to adjust and making your way back towards the guy before you tripped over some furniture leg and would’ve fall flat on the floor if not for the cold hands gripping your arms strongly, catching you. And that’s when the light beside him flickers on.
He’s sitting on the chair but you almost catch your breath when you glance up. He’s pulled away all of his shirt, so he’s naked from the waist up top, save for his wound area being applied pressure upon using his shirt.
He’s not just beautiful, you think. He’s gorgeous and ethereal. Probably the most wonderful existence you’ve ever seen. His skin is fair, his face too pretty to be true, his features both sharp and delicate, and when you look further down.. you gulp as his beautiful muscles come into view. His pecs and abs toned to perfection.
And yet, it’s his heavy and intense stare at you that snaps you out of trance. You clear your throat and he slowly takes his hands off his wound. With the cloth you brought, you begin cleaning him off completely and it takes three sets of cloth before the wound can be seen.
You fetch your phone to switch on the light to see if the bullet’s still in there.
“Is the bullet still in there?” You ask for confirmation.
He shakes his head. “No, I already pull it out.”
You would ask how but not now, you think. You try to clean the wound area as clean as you could before you finally begin to suture his wound.
And all the time you do it, you could feel his intense stare so you work hard to keep your focus before you combust into flames.
“W-who are you?” You ask after gathering much courage.
“I told you you don’t want to know.” He says, voice still weak but you notice how low and raspy it is.
You wet your lips, wondering what to ask next. A question that would not cause him to pull the trigger.
“How did you know I’m a doctor?” You purposely makes your tone lighter. His lips quirk up a little. “Or that I live here on this floor in this unit?”
He’s silent for a moment before he answers you. “I watched you for two days.”
Your jaw drops, eyes looking at him incredulously and he has the audacity to look slightly embarassed as he adjusts his position. “So you.. y-you stalked me?”
“Just needed to make sure you live alone.”
“And how would you know that I’d help you?” Perhaps it is out of habit, but you prefer to make your patients talk when you’re treating them, so that they forget the pain and at the same time gain their trust.
“Because I’ll kill you if you don’t?” He tilts his head slightly, like he’s stating the most obvious reason.
You swallow. You’re done stitching him up. But for a strange reason you’re intrigued by this man and don’t want him to leave at once.
It’s weird because you know he’s dangerous.
And remember what they say.. curiosity always killed the cat.
Swallowing, you stutter, “I’m- I’m done.”
He looks down and studies his stitched abdomen. His body is glistening while his hair slightly wet from his sweat. It’s unfair how a dangerous guy like him can look so beautiful.
“You did a pretty good job.” He stands and takes a step towards you. His height towering above you now that he’s standing straight. He’s a good head taller than you, you think.
You gulp thickly when he continues to step closer, heart hammering against your ribs. His head dips down a little, lips almost brushing your temple. “Thank you.” He murmurs and a shiver runs down your spine. His hands reach up and your heart almost burst in anticipation but all he did is run his delicate fingers down a strand of your hair softly.
Then he turns around.
“Wait what’s your name?” You ask. He stops in his track but doesn’t fully turns his body to face you, only his face looking down to his right.
“You don’t want to know.” For the hundrendth time.
“Wait-” you call again before he could reach the door. “I- I’ll give you a new shirt.” You say quickly and heads towards your bedroom. Hunting for a hoodie in a split second, you almost half run to the living room only to find him already gone.
When you wake the next morning, you sit on your bed for a good minute, wondering whether last night was real or if it’s just a dream. It doesn’t seem real at all. You could scarcely sleep last night.
Thinking you would be late if you procrastinate any longer, you get up and get ready for work.
It’s just a dream, you tell yourself.
But when you pass by the clinic a block away from your apartment, there’s a police car outside and somehow your guts tell you it wasn’t a dream.
Your heartbeat quickens and you find yourself flooring the pedal, arriving at the hospital with erratic breathing.
Who is he?
What is he?
How did he find you?
Why you?
And those questions keep floating in your mind over and over again. You had trouble focusing, you keep zoning out, even the regular coffee from the vending machine can’t pull yourself together.
“Are you okay?”
You look up from the canned coffee on your hand. It’s Han, your colleague.
“You’ve been staring at your coffee for the past 10
minutes now.”
You blink at him several moments. Huh? “What?”
He laughs. Then he holds your shoulders at arms length. “Oh God, you really look like a zombie now.”
“I know I look horrible. I was on call for three days straight.”
“No wonder.” He looks at his watch. “Well, why don’t you go for lunch? It’s almost 12 anyway. I’ll cover for you.”
“You will? Thanks Han. You’re really a life savior.”
“I know. I’m awesome like that.” He left you with a wink.
You’re just on your way to your desk when Nin, your junior and her friend rush out the door but stops as soon as they see you.
“Omg sunbae! Congratulations!” Nin says.
You give them a puzzled stare. You’re really not in the mood to entertain any joke right now.
“Ey~ you’re trying to keep your dating life a secret right? It’s okay. We’ll hold it till we die.” And with that, they set off while giggling, leaving you puzzled as ever.
But as soon as you push the door and heads to your table, you understand why.
On your table, there’s a huge bouquet of flowers.
You stand frozen, unable to process anything too fast.
And then step by step you walk towards it.
Nothing. No card, no nothing.
But somehow your instinct tells you the only person in your mind that could send the flowers to you.
It’s been two weeks since you received the flowers. Two weeks since you last saw him.
And you haven’t been yourself that it’s getting more and more ridiculous as it goes by.
You take hospital supplies just in case you need to treat someone at home. You constantly watch over your shoulder and even got a habit of sitting in the deli across your apartment just to get a glimpse of him.
But he just won’t be out in the daylight.
You sigh as you stand near the traffic light, waiting to cross the road. Perhaps that was really the first and the last time you’d see him.
When you reach home that night, you shower quickly and heads to bed earlier than usual.
It’s midnight, you think, but couldn’t be sure of the time, when you wake suddenly feeling alarmed. But you can’t see nothing in the pitch black darkness so you turn to switch on the bedside lamp.
And you couldn’t be ready with what comes into your view. It’s him, sitting on the edge of your bed. But it’s an automated reaction, even though you’ve been waiting to see him again, a scream makes it way through your lung. And within a millisecond, his hand clasps your mouth, his body above yours, trapping you effectively.
You stop screaming immediately, but his hand is still above yours and for a moment, the both of you only stares at each other, some inexplicable tension turning your heartbeat erratic.
He drops his hand once he’s seen you calmed down. And then you finally took notice of blood, contrasting against his white shirt. You sit up almost immediately, hand reaching for his stomach so sudden that he hisses.
“Did your wound reopen?” You ask quickly.
He nods. You then sigh as you look at him.
And in his mind, perhaps for the first time ever, someone looks genuinely concerned about him.
You lift yourself up from the bed. “Please sit. I’ll fetch the medical kit.” You rush to the kitchen where you left the kit, filled with gauzes and alcohol supply you took from the hospital. When you return, you see him leaning against the bed’s headboard, his eyes closed. The image of him sitting on your bed is making your heart beats rapidly. Swallowing, you try hard to compose yourself.
He senses your presence and his eye reopens.
“I’m assuming that I can’t switch on other lamp except for this one too.” You say as you sit yourself on the edge of your bed beside him.
“Sorry.” He mumbles.
You pause for a moment, not expecting the word out of his mouth. Inhaling deeply, you start unbuttoning his shirt from below. Is it weird that you’ve done this a thousand times during emergency but your hand is currently trembling?
“I don’t think your wound reopens seconds ago. It’s been what, two days?” You glare at him.
“Three.” He answers quietly and you shoot him a murderous look.
“You’re lucky it didn’t get infected.” You scold as you clean his wound and restitch him.
He raises an eyebrow when you start wrapping him with multiple layers of gauze. “Did you steal from the clinic too?”
The question catches you off guard but you recover quickly. “Shut up.” You say and you heard him chuckle.
And you almost fell in love.
You clear your throat as you make your finishing touch. “You need to rest. And your wound has to be clean. I need to change its dressing everyday. Or everytime you got it dirty.” You nag.
He doesn’t say anything but when you look up, you realise he’s very close. His face merely inches before you.
Now that you’re more clear headed and awake from your sleep, you realize you’re only in your night silk gown and the fact that it’s almost see-through makes it a thousand times worse.
He leans even closer.
The tension is so palpable it’s almost overwhelming.
And then his hands come up to your chin and it goes further and further down, your eyes almost fluttering close as his hand roam dangerously close to your cleavage.
For a brief moment, you swear his face inches even closer, your nose almost touching and only the sounds of your uneven breathing can be heard.
“You know I’m dangerous right?” He says suddenly.
Your eyes shoot open instantly and finds him staring straight at you.
You swallow before slowly nodding.
“So if you’re smart, you’ll stay away from me.” And with that, he immediately gets up but then he staggers a little and you’re on your feet in a flash.
Your hand quickly catches him, but the aftermath is immediate as the man has his hand around your neck as he pushes you to the nearest well.
A reflex, you note. A mistake, you admit.
But you don’t think about it. You think about how hot his skin is and how pale he looks.
When he realises his own action, he visibly lets his grip loose. Your hand slowly comes up to touch his forehead, very, very carefully.
“You have a fever.”
He drops his hand. Staring at you for a few seconds, as if he’s having a war in his head, he finally says, “I’ll borrow your couch just for tonight.” And with that, he exits your room.
Even after an hour has passed, you’re still tossing on your bed because you can’t sleep because the guy that you’ve been waiting to see again, the guy you knew nothing about, not even his name, is outside your bedroom, sleeping in your living room.
After a mental war for 10 minutes, you decide to check up on him. Before that, you fetch an extra blanket for him.
When you see him lying on your couch, one hand across his forehead, you suddenly feel like you want to be the one who erases the cause of him frowning in his sleep. Slowly, you lay the blanket over him.
Just for a moment, you think, you will watch him sleep.
And when you couldn’t stop staring at the features on his face, his delicate eyes, his sharp nose, his beautiful lips, you realize you’re in trouble because you’ve developed a crush on him.
A man you don’t even know where he came from. But a man you know is fully dangerous and can kill you anytime.
Yet the fact that he seeks for you for aid gives you a little assurance that he trusts you. And he could’ve easily kill you while in your sleep, but he didn’t.
He doesn’t look so dangerous when he’s asleep like this.
And the fact that this could really be the last time for you to see him is making you panic. You need to remember something about him.
That’s when you notice a tattoo on his hand. It’s like two doors or something. You frown, never encountering such tattoo before. You try to ingrain it into your mind.
With a heavy heart, you drag your feet to your own bedroom, spending another hour tossing before you could finally fall asleep. When you wake the next morning, he’s already gone.
His eyes. His nose. His lips. His skin. His fingers. It flashes in your mind constantly.
He’s above you. One hand on your waist, one hand cupping your chin. His stare is piercing as he leans forward, his lips merely inches from yours when the image is suddenly pulled away and your eyes shoot open.
Your heart pounds and you struggle to calm your erratic breath. The dream felt so real and vivid.. Your fingers trace your lips. It’s almost like you could feel him kissing you.
Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath. It’s three days straight that you’ve dreamt about him. And your heart is unsettled by how much you’re affected by him. You just couldn’t get him out of your mind, consciously or unconsciously.
And that’s how you find yourself in a club at one of the sketchiest area in the city. It’s an infamous area where lots of.. unspoken things go down. You gulp, suddenly thinking that it’s not a very good idea to come alone.
You scan around the club but there’s just nothing. No sight of him at all. Just people harmlessly dancing. Feeling frustrated, you order several shots for yourself, downing it all in one shot.
After what seems like an eternity, you head to the bathroom to pee and refresh yourself to be in a much more sober state. Then you head out the back of the club to clear your mind, taking some fresh air. The cold autumn wind breeze makes you shudder. You suddenly regret your choice of attire. Beneath the jacket on your shoulder, is a short dress that stops mid thigh and your bare legs are freezing right now.
Mindlessly, you walk around and takes unprecedented routes. As you turn one corner, you look up and realize you’ve walked into a dark alley where you can’t help noticing several prostitutes standing on street, several men doing questionable deals. You could walk away from this place, but something in your gut tells you that it can lead you straight to the mysterious guy you’ve encountered.
That’s how you find yourself walking further into the alley, stopping by several times to ask anyone if they know the person with the tattoo you saw. You’ve already drawn the rough sketch of the mysterious man ‘s tattoo at home. And you went around asking if anyone has seen it.
Suddenly, as you were passing another dark corner, you feel something hard pressed on the back of your hip. It takes a moment for you to realize that it’s a gun.
“Be quiet and just walk.” The guy pressed the gun slightly, making you gasp.
Not knowing what to do, you do as he says and walk towards wherever he’s taking you. It wasn’t long until he stops and directed you to enter a high end restaurant which looks a bit out of place at this area. The guy holding you at gun point pushes you forward until you entered another room inside the restaurant. From there, you ascend the staircase and finally you’re led into a room that looks like an office.
There’s several suited men standing in front of a desk and when you’re pushed forward a bit more, you see the man behind the desk. Is it weird that you’re feeling disappointed it’s not the mysterious man you saw instead of feeling alarmed that you’ve walked into a very dangerous place?
The guy holding you to a gun pushes you forward and you almost stumbled upon if one of the men didn’t grab hold of you. He’s tall, you think. Super tall. And when you look up at him, he winks and flashes a dimpled smile.
Gorgeous. That’s the word that you’d use to describe him ten years from now when you recall this memory from your grave, because you’re pretty sure you’ll meet your Creator soon.
“To what do we owe the business here?” The man behind the desk speaks up in a very low voice. Your eyes turns to find him. Is it ridiculous that he’s equally gorgeous? What are these men? Supermodels? Male strippers?
“She’s been snooping around our street, boss. Asking for this tattoo.” The guy behind you hands the little sketch you made.
“Ah,” the dimpled guy smirks.
The guy behind the desk only narrows his eyes at the sketch. “You guys can leave now.” He says.
“Oh come on, Taehyung. We’d like to know how she met him too.” The dimpled guy says.
“Later, Namjoon hyung.”
A shorter one rolls his eyes. “Pretty sure he’s trying to protect his bestfriend, again.”
“I agree, Yoongi hyung. Taehyung-ah, remember Jin hyung don’t like outsiders. You better warn your bestfriend not to cause anymore trouble.” The one in between Namjoon and Yoongi says.
“Yes, yes Hoseok hyung. I just need to question her a little, that’s it.” Taehyung rolls his eyes.
And towards you, Namjoon says, “We’ll see you around soon,” he lets of go of your hands, not before he flashes another dimpled smile.
As soon as everyone left, the guy named Taehyung walks towards you. “So, would you like to tell me why you’re searching for someone with this tattoo?”
You gulp, because his face is too near. “I.. I have something to tell him.”
“Hmm, is that so?” He straightens and takes another small step towards you, forcing you to back away. “What if I tell you.. that I have the same tattoo as well?” He then pulls on his sleeve, revealing the exact same tattoo that you’ve been searching for.
Without thinking, you grip his hand, pulling it towards you for you to see more clearly. “Is he- is he here?”
Your question takes Taehyung a little by surprise. He smiles down at you, as if he’s intrigued by you.
But when you look up, his smile disappear and suddenly, he snatches your hand, holding it up as he backs you away a few steps until you’re backed against a wall. You gasp when your back hit the wall. He leans down, way, way too close. His face literally inches from you.
“I’m not gonna answer your question just yet..” he whispers, or is it just his super low tone speaking?
You swallow.
“Let’s talk about.. how you’re at our territory and the consequence of that.”
“What are you gonna do to me?” Your voice literally a whisper now.
“Unfortunately.. your fate is not mine to decide.” His face backs away a few inches. Then a finger comes up to your head and then slowly, it runs down over your cheek. “Such a shame.”
And then right at that moment, the door bursts open.
And you can’t believe your eyes.
Because it’s him.
It’s him that’s standing on the doorway, staring piercingly when he sees you and Taehyung.
“Ah, Jimin..” Taehyung says but makes no effort to let go of your hands.
Jimin.. that’s his name.
He doesn’t say a word as he steps towards you and snatches your hand away from Taehyung, gripping it a tad too tightly it almost hurts.
“Fuck away, Kim Taehyung.” He growls as he drags you out of the room, towards the hallway and into another... office area, you note.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” He glares at you.
You swallow before answering. “I wanted to see you.”
“I told you if you’re smart, you’ll stay away from me.” He growls.
You take a step towards him. “Well maybe I’m not that smart.”
He clenches his jaw as you take another step towards him, closing the proximity.
“I.. I want you, Jimin.”
You watch his eyes turn dark. “Is that so?” He moves forward, backing you in three exact steps and your behind is against the edge of table.
“I can’t get you out of my mind too.” He whispers and then suddenly, his lips are on yours.
You can’t describe the feelings as his lips are pressed so hard against yours. Finally. This is finally happening after the countless time you fantasize about him, imagining him in every way.
“How long have you been thinking about me?” He whispers against the intense kisses.
His one hand is on the back of your neck, holding you close while his other hand roams all over your body, like he can’t get enough of touching you everywhere.
“Ever since I met you-” you’re breathless. His kiss and his tongue expertly draws all sorts of air inside you.
You let out a gasp when he rips your blouse open.
And you know you’re in for a very very long night.
“Tell me what do you imagine when you think about me.” His mouth is on your breasts. Your bra torn off you.
You moan out loud, “Oh God-”
“Tell me,” he demands, making you squeak as he hitches your skirt up.
“T-this-” you choke out, arousement rising as he continues to suck.
“Hmm, I think about you too.” He leans back in to suck on your neck.
Fingers quickly finding buttons of his shirt, deftly unbuttoning each of it. His coat had long been discarded, his tie loosened and off of him in a matter of seconds, landing somewhere on the floor.
Your body arches as he continues to leave open mouth kisses on your neck, shoulder and breasts. “What do you think about?” You ask.
“I think about your god motherfucking tits, how I’m never gonna stop sucking them,” he says before putting three fingers into his mouth and then without warning, rips your underwear off and slides his fingers into your pussy, “your perfect little dripping cunt,” he thrusts inside without mercy, “and how I’m gonna fuck you every single position known till your voice is gone from screaming my name.” He finishes as he withdraws his fingers.
You swallow.
“Then don’t wait,” you whisper.
He clenches his jaw. “Fuck. You’re such a tease, you know that? You don’t know how close I was to ripping your little nightdress the last time we met.. it barely covered anything you might’ve just slept naked. Tell me.. did you put that on for me..?”
You gulp. “Maybe...” you say quietly.
He curses and his eyes widen in lust. Within seconds his pants are off him as well as his boxers and your eyes widen looking at him in full glory. He rips your dress away and you’re completely bare now from top to bottom.
He spits on his hand and pumps his cock a few times before entering you, making your body jolt from the intrusion.
You think you’re in euphoria right now, feeling him inside you is complete bliss. You’re almost crying in pain trying to adjust to his girth and length.
“You want it, take it all-” he grits, eyes almost lolling to the back from his own pleasure but he’s still pushing in, till he hit right to the hilt.
“Oh god-” you moan when he starts bottoming out and pushing back in full.
You prop your elbow on the table as his hands grips your waist, keeping you in place and for a moment, only the sounds of skin lapping and labored breathing fills the room.
“Fuck fuck ugh-” he says as he continues his thrust.
His hands reach forward towards your breast as he cups them roughly. He continues thrusting and you feel the edge of your orgasm nearing. And then suddenly, he slips out and you’re almost enraged. He smirked at your expression.
“Greedy little thing aren’t you?” With one motion he pulls you by the hips and then flips you so you’re bending over the table. Your heart leapt in excitement, over Jimin taking you in this position. He doesn’t keep you waiting for long. He spits on his fingers before he runs his fingers over your slit few times and enters you again.
He fills you so deeply and entirely your eyes almost watering, your stomach clenching. And when he begins his thrust, you’re almost torn apart.
“Yes yes yes- Jimin-”
“You like being taken this way huh?”
“Yes,” you choked out.
He leans down and takes a handful of your hair and you’re forced to chin up. His other hand grips your waist even tighter before he slams back in roughly.
You could feel the orgasm creeping in. “Oh God Jimin-”
“Fuck me too-“ He continued his thrust as the pressure builds inside you until it finally explodes. When he shows no sign of stopping, you ride out your orgasm, just taking pleasure in the way he smoothly slides in and out of you as he chases his own orgasm and you could feel his grip tightening.
“Cum inside, I’m on the pill.” You say and without warning, his warm seeds spill inside you. His pace slows down but he doesn’t pull himself out yet. You hear his harsh breathing, his hand coming up to stroke your hair several times and then went down to trace every corner of your body.
“You look so gorgeous from behind like this. Every corner of yours is sexy.”
He flips you again so you’re facing him and he takes in your spent expression before leaning back in for a more slow but passionate kiss. Your hands roam down to find his cock intending of milking him out completely but to your surprise, he’s still hard.
He pulls your hand away and says, “Let me clean you up.” He licks your lower lip before pushing your body up a little. Your heartbeat picks up its pace again as he spreads your legs and then dives in to lick your pussy that’s dripping with his cum.
Your fingers card his hair, feeling the knot tightening in your stomach once again. “Oh God Jimin- I can’t-”
He smirks like it’s a challenge and the next thing he does had your eyes lolling to he back. He tortured you with his tongue for a few more minutes, tongue swirling deeply, pulling back just to see your response.
But before he could do anything else, you push yourself off the table then takes your step towards him, backing him towards the leather sofa behind him.
He watches you with dark eyes as you lean towards him, lightly swiping your tongue over his lips, hands on his thigh.
“My turn,” you whisper before leaning back down and takes him in your mouth earning a plethora of curses from him.
“God, look at you, you take me so well.” He grabs a handful of your hair, guiding your head as you bob up and down.
His head rolls to the back, sweat beading on his forehead and he’s on the verge of cumming when he says, “Stop babe, come up. Ride me.”
And you don’t think twice before raising yourself and sink down on him. You both let out a moan from the pleasure as you ride him out.
“You are fucking sexy,” he groans.
You increase your pace and soon he has both his hands on each side of your ass, holding them firmly, giving you support.
He leans forward and licks and sucks on your breast as his fingers dig into your ass while yours into his shoulder.
“Fuck! Fuck-” he chants before you both reach climax for the second time.
Your eyes shut, you’re totally spent as you slouched on his shoulder and him on yours.
Once both your breathing calmed down, he says, “That was insane. You’re insane.”
“You ruined my dress.”
“Hm.” He hums against your shoulder. “I’ll buy you another one.”
You pull back then, eyes finding his. “I want you, Park Jimin. I can’t stop thinking about you ever since I met you for the first time.”
He locks his gaze on you. “And when was that?”
Your brows furrowed. Is that a trick question? “When you held me hostage in my own apartment?”
He chuckles. But then his expression serious again. “What if I told you that wasn’t the first time you saw me?”
You frown even deeper. “What are you talking about?”
The corner of his lips quirk a little. “A year ago. In the alley. You saved me when I was bleeding from knife wound.”
Your eyes widen. You only remember bits and pieces of that incident. “I don’t recall any of this.” To be exact, you don’t remember him.
“It was dark. My hair was long enough to cover my face. You couldn’t see me, but I could see you.”
You close your mouth as it’s been wide open since he dropped the news. You need a few moments to process this mindblowing fact. You couldn’t think, especially when you’re naked and had just finished a heated fucking session.
Then you take a deep breath and looks at him straight in the eye. “Well, nice to meet you Park Jimin. I’m-”
“Y/N.” He cuts you off.
“How did you-”
“You’re not the only one who couldn’t stop thinking about us when we first met.”
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serendipityjxmn · 4 years ago
Hewo author nim~! It's been awhile since no one has sent any asks to you so I took the honour to be the first to send u an ask in a very long while đŸ€­
I hope you're doing well, eating well, staying healthy and happy ;)
I don't know how long it's has been but I'm unknowingly starting to miss u đŸ„ș
I hope you're doing good 💜💜
It’s been physically and mentally exhausting for me this last month but thank you so much for checking up on me. It means the world. I hope you’re eating well too! Please stay safe always 💜
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serendipityjxmn · 4 years ago
Oooo đŸ€­I really don't have any words to say you know, once again, A BEAUTIFUL STORY ENDED 😭😭 tbh, Istg I don't regret following you and reading ur stories đŸ„ș and plus, I can already imagine jimin and yn having kids! Like, I can imagine...
Yn peacefully painting a picture of her, jimin and their kids' picture on a canvas and then theres jimin running behind their son and daughter to feed them food and being all chaotic 😂😂 gawd that would be such a beautiful yet cute and funny scenario XD.
I'm eagerly waiting for your next story if u have any planned! I'm sure it's gonna be a masterpiece too! :D
Nawww thank you to you for showering my story with much undeserved love đŸ„ș I enjoyed your asks a lot and sometimes it just feels like a very long journey hahaha. Thank you so much for your support and I’ll work hard for better story in the future! 💜
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serendipityjxmn · 4 years ago
Btw, idk if anyone has mentioned this to you but Jimin nowadays has been wearing a half moon pendant necklace lately. It’s from a brand called Hanna. And I immediately remember your first fic, Kim Hana! đŸ„șđŸ‘‰đŸŒđŸ‘ˆđŸŒđŸ’œ it’s a cute coincidence!
 would like to apologize for letting dusts into your ask đŸ€§ but nawww thank you so much this made my day! 💜
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serendipityjxmn · 4 years ago
Mr. President
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Bonus : Part I
Words Count: 2.2k
TW: None
Link to Masterlist
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Your brows furrow. Your schedule is quite free today so you thought you’ll head out for lunch with Irene. While waiting for her lunchtime, you hung around Jimin’s office while he works. You had been reading about prenups for the past hour because you’ve never really had a knowledge on it. And this is all because you came across the article made by a reporter when you and Jimin had just married making remarks about prenups.
And Jimin never brings up the topic at all. It somehow made you wary to bring it up to him.
“What are you reading looking so serious?” Jimin’s voice made you jump. You quickly turned the iPad screen off before he could see what you’ve been searching for.
“Nothing.” You say quickly then gets up. You tiptoe and pecks him on the cheek. “I’m off for lunch. See you later!”
You skip off quickly before be could say anything, leaving him with puzzled expression.
It feels weird. And slightly suffocating during the ride with Jimin on your way back home. He feels distant. And you have no idea what you did wrong. Let alone how to fix this.
“Jimin.” You call out to him. He doesn’t look at you, his eyes glued on the iPad in front of him, the business news page filling the screen.
When he still doesn’t answer, you sigh as you reach for his hands. He only looks through the corner of his eyes. Your finger play with his wedding ring.
“Jimin..” you call him again. “I have something to talk to you about.”
He still doesn’t answer and you miss the way his jaw clenches.
“I want to ask about-”
“Prenup?” He cut you off.
You freeze. He pulls back his hand, not giving you a chance to hold him.
“H-how did you know?”
“If you want to talk about it, drop it. I don’t want to hear about it.” He says firmly.
“But it’s to protect you.”
He scoffs. “What can you protect me from? If you’re going to leave me, you might as well kill me and keep all the money to yourself.”
What? Where did that come from? “Leave you? Why would you think that?”
“Well what else am I supposed to think if you come to me and wants to talk about prenup, something that will only happen if we’re divorced?” You flinch when you hear his raised voice. You glance at the driver’s seat, now feeling slightly embarassed that Taeseok is listening to the argument.
“Why do you see it that way?”
“Well I don’t know, maybe because I don’t have any other way to see it?” His tone sarcastic.
You sigh. Why is he being so stubborn?
You’re about to open your mouth again but he glares at you and your lips are automatically sealed.
“Drop it.” He says. And every desire of you to fight him is lost.
You stare at him in defeat. Before this you don’t even know about prenup and he won’t even mention about it to you. You don’t even know why. It won’t harm the both of you so what’s the problem with signing off some papers? And it’s not like you didn’t sign some contract when you first met him.
God, he’s still the same stubborn man when you first met him.
“The boys are coming over for dinner.” He suddenly says.
Oh. “They are?”
He remains silent and you give up trying to gauge his mood. This is definitely not a good time to fight again about prenups.
As soon as you reach home, you quickly shower and put on a light makeup before heading to kitchen to prepare dinner. You’ve no idea what they like and there’re six more mouths to eat so everything in the kitchen it is.
“Hello sister in law!” Hoseok greets loudly as soon as you see them and all six of them come rushing into the house.
You greet each one of them and immediately invite them over for dinner together. They’re all just super loud, you think.
“And I met her parents early today.” Taehyung says, when the topic of his girlfriend came about.
That earned several oohhss from the boys. “Oohh Taehyung, are we gonna be dressing up for the big event soon?” Namjoon teases.
“Oh yeah, time to pick out some Louis Vuitton then.” Hoseok raises his double eyebrow twice as he grins.
Jin scoffs. “Even the Louis Vuitton can’t bring out the handsomeness, if you don’t have a face like me.”
Safe to say, he earns a plethora of curses from around the table and you just sit there, genuinely entertained.
“And it’s totally like Haikyuu! I’m telling you- I swear by it-” Jungkook who comes to sit beside you on the sofa says enthusiastically. Everyone was scattered at the lounge area after dinner. Taehyung and Jimin nowhere to be seen. Namjoon’s reading a book while Yoongi sits beside him, earphones in his ear as he doze off.
You raise an eyebrow at Jungkook.
“What? I watch anime, so what!” He laughs.
“Hey! No judgement here! I wasn’t judging you.” You roll your eyes at him and he snickers at you. It feels very comfortable around Jungkook. He has a very warm and bright personality and makes too many jokes your stomach almost hurt from laughing. The two of you had been talking since after dinner and the topics were endless from art to work to mafia to anime.
It kind of feels nice to have someone of same age to talk to.
“What’s wrong with Jimin hyung today?” He asks.
You swallow and looks around. Jimin isn’t around. You briefly contemplate whether you should talk about this with Jungkook.
Collecting yourself, you finally confess to him. “I.. mentioned about prenups to him.”
“Let me guess, he won’t do it?”
You nod slowly.
Jungkook just hums and nods, as if he’s trying to assess the situation.
You sigh. “I just don’t get it. It’s to protect him. And suddenly he says I’m thinking of leaving him. I mean-”
Suddenly, Jungkook bursts out laughing.
You stare at him. “You’re laughing?”
He bites his lip, trying to suppress his laughter. “I understand you. But I also understand him.”
“You understand him? How??”
He smiles gently at you. “You have to understand that in our world, there’s nothing free. When people does something, it’s almost always because they want something back. And the more you experience that, it kind of screw with the way you see yourself. To be more precise, your self worth. Because we’re surrounded by people who only wants something from us. So we tend to think the worse of ourself. Strip ourself from all that we are now - fame, money, power and who’ll be left?”
So that’s where his thoughts of you leaving him are coming from.. You gulp. Never really expecting this all too mature pep talk from Jungkook who now seems like a hundred years older than you.
“Hyung.. grows up with barely any woman around him. The one that he meets.. you know. Not really a good example.”
Uhhuh. Clara Kim comes flashing in your brain.
“And then there’s you, completely innocent, kind and just sincerely in love with him. I think he just doesn’t know how to deal with that. He’s changed a lot since he met you.”
Does he? He kinda does actually, but there’s always gonna be some part that remains with him - his aloofness, stubbornness and all sorts of level headed.
“Talk to him. I’m not saying that you should force the idea to him. But you should try to understand him too. Try to find that middle ground. I’m sure he’ll listen to you. He really loves you, you know.”
You raise one eyebrow at him.
“What?” He smiles sheepishly.
“I mean, I didn’t know you have an old grandpa living inside your body.” You laugh.
“Shut it.” Jungkook says and jokingly put you into a headlock.
But your whole body freezes.
It’s not because you don’t like Jungkook, but you’ve always been jumpy about ‘extra’ skinships with guys perhaps due to your traumatical experiences since childhood. And so far now, only Jimin was able to break that wall that his touch is now a calming mechanism for you.
You know Jungkook meant well but your reaction is instant and can’t be helped.
Through the corner of your eye, you see Hoseok freezing at the both of you too. And then like a magnet, your eyes find Jimin and he’s staring at the both of you. You literally have no idea when he came in. It only takes a split second for Jungkook to retreat his hands.
Suddenly Namjoon stands. “It’s late. I think we all should leave now.” He says, like he’s been watching everything happening silently.
Hoseok quickly jumps up. “Yeah, I’m starting to get sleepy too. We’ll drop by again another time!”
And everyone is suddenly on their feet including you.
“Sorry.” Jungkook whispers on the way out.
You just nod and smile at him. It’s not even his fault.
Jimin already heads upstairs when you turn around. You sigh. Picking up his coat on the sofa, you head upstairs too. When you enter the room, you hear the sound of water running in the bathroom.
Taking a deep breath, you make a decision. Stripping yourself naked, you reach for the bathrobe and cover yourself before entering the bathroom cautiously.
Jimin is in the tub, head tilted and eyes closed. Sensing your presence, he opens his eyes.
“Can I join?” You ask. His eyes continue to stare at you without a word. You don’t wait for his answer. Instead, you slowly shrug the bathrobe off, letting it fall down to your feet.
Jimin may be silent, but you know better when he inhales deeply, his eyes watching you like a hawk.
Slowly, you enter the tub, sitting across him.
“If you’re here to talk about prenups again, can it.”
“I’m not.”
He raises one eyebrow. “You’re not?”
“If you don’t want to do it, it’s fine.” You let the water run all over your arm.
He hums. “Well that’s.. unexpected.”
You smile. “I talked to Jungkook about it.”
“Huh. Guess he won’t lose his hand then.”
You stare at him. “You’re... joking right?”
He narrows his eyes. “He should know his boundaries.”
You can’t believe it. “You know he meant well right?”
He only grunts in response and you take it as the message had been delivered.
When he doesn’t answer, you sigh. “Jimin.. you know, before I met you, I never thought about my future. Because I never thought I would live past twenty, let alone have a future. And I lived like I was in a dark corner, I don’t have anyone around me. I never thought I could love someone, or be loved so much.” He looks at you and you hold his gaze steady.
“You helped me break through a lot of walls and I thank you so much for that. But you have to trust me. I am a person of my own and you have to let me make decisions for myself. A relationship is built out of love, but commitments are trust.”
He doesn’t say anything for a moment until he cards his fingers through his hair. “Fine. I’m.. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to not listen to you.”
You push yourself up and then slowly, you sit yourself on Jimin’s lap, your face inches above him. “It’s okay.. we’re both still learning, right?” You smile.
He looks at you softly and then closes the distance to plant a kiss on your lips.
“Do you really think that I’m telling you about prenups because I want to leave you eventually?”
He sighs then shakes his head. “No.. I’m- I’m sorry.. it’s just.. I didn’t know what else to think. I’m sorry, I know you meant well. I lack a lot.. and sometimes it just feels surreal to have you in my life. You’re still with me when nothing else stays.. and I really can’t live without you now.. and the mere thought of it just-”
You take his lips then, your hands going around his neck. “Sshh. No prenups. Okay?” You peck the corner of his mouth.
He looks at you then. “I thought you already agreed to it?”
“I know. But now I’m happier with my decision.”
He chuckles. Then his face inches closer to you. Eyes dropping to your lips, your heart beat picks up quickly. And when his tongue slowly swipes your lips, a moan involuntarily escapes your mouth, because you could feel his erection right underneath you.
“You know..” he starts as his tongue nips at your neck, “we’ve never done it in a bath tub..”
“Jimin- no we’re not doing it in a bathtub.” You say, getting alarmed, eyes wide open.
He smirks and doesn’t say anything. But then when his sinful tongue swirls over your breast, you’re at his mercy.
And the rest is history.
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A/N: Wow I just realized I’m not around so much when I don’t post chapters. And I left dusts on the asks you guys sent me đŸ„Č I’m really sorry about that but life had really caught me so much for a whole month, I barely have time for myself. I know it sounds like a typical author excuse haha but well, behind every writer there’s still a fragile human like me đŸ€Ł my mom fell sick and she was bed ridden for a whole three weeks plus and only recently seems a lot better so I finally have little me time. I’m not asking for sympathy or anything like that, I’m just putting it out here so that when I come back here sometime in the future I would remember the backstory behind the lack of my updates haha.
So sorry for the overdue chapter. I’ve written it quite sometime ago but yeah, I really don’t have the time to turn my laptop on and post it. But here it is! A bit of a boring chapter maybe haha but just to give you guys an insight of marriage, like actual marriage with your protective obsessive mafia husband ;) till next bonus (maybe) then! 💜
Posted on 210717 9:00PM
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serendipityjxmn · 4 years ago
One of my favourite story has ended noooo. 😭đŸ„ș You’ve done it! You’ve written this story amazingly. With all the twists and turns, you kept us excited, reacted, never-ending guesses on what’s going to happen next every chapter. From the frustrations of their relationship up till they had found love, we all felt that and it’s very important for a storyteller, a writer to have that connection with the readers. And you, Author have achieved that. Thank you for this wonderful piece! We are so lucky to have you constantly update us twice, weekly amidst your busy schedule. So grateful for all the efforts and for sharing your talent to us. We will wait patiently till your next story comes!
You deserve all the appreciation of your works đŸ„ș I’m so happy I get to read other’s loving your work. You brought us joy and for that, thank you so much Author đŸ„ș💜
And hello? Bonus epilogues??? With an ‘s’????? How are we so luckyy đŸ„ș I have a question though đŸ‘‰đŸŒđŸ‘ˆđŸŒ are the epilogues gonna have some (kiddos pls close your eyes and ears) smut scenes?đŸ„șđŸ‘‰đŸŒđŸ‘ˆđŸŒđŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚
HIHIHIHI I keep on smiling sheepishly as I read this 😂 thank you sooooo much for the amazing support you gave me. It’s been a tough but wonderful journey as I wrote this story. Fun fact, I completed the draft of this fic like a year ago 2020 (like drafting the basic plot and main twist or storyline) and only come up with ending in mind this year haha. The process probably started somewhere in 2019 which means that this is a 2 year journey for me 😳 hahaha.
I’m super glad that I can finally share it with people and receive sooo many kind words đŸ„ș thank you so much for your amazing feedbacks all the time. It’s been a truly great strength for me. Perhaps I’ll add the bonus chapters according to what you wish for hewhewhew we’ll see okay ;) hahaha
Thank you so much once again! I hope you’ll stay safe wherever you are, take care! 💜
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serendipityjxmn · 4 years ago
Gawddddd!!!! AUTHOR NIM I CANT EVEN DESCRIBE WHAT IM FEELING RN!! I was literally a smiling mess at the epilogue I'm so in love with your writing 😭 gawd I can already imagine jimin and y/n having kids and living the life of "the most happiest family ever" I'm so happy 😭💜💜💜
Ps: don't worry I skipped chapter 28 :P XD
Hahahahaha you can read just the ending part of chapter 28 but it’s fine if you skip it all the way too đŸ€Ł Thank you soooo much for being on this journey with me till the end! Now I gotta find time to edit the chapter you wrote me hehehe ;)
0 notes
serendipityjxmn · 4 years ago
What if y/n goes on a special 2 weeks to 1 month trip for like a painting course or something. How would Jimin survive with him being this cute with her just being away for couple of hours? đŸ„ș my heart đŸ„ș #yesimrereading
Definition of whipped for rereading đŸ€Ł thank you so much I love you đŸ„ș💜
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serendipityjxmn · 4 years ago
Gawd author nim... I realy dont have words your writing is just so âœšđŸ”„ I mean I can't even describe it.. u never fail to impress me/ us, your readers. Author-nim, you nice, keep going!đŸ’œâœšđŸ”„
0 notes
serendipityjxmn · 4 years ago
The new update was đŸ„”. I WAS ALMOST SCREAMING but you ended it with a cliffhanger *drops on the floor dramatically*
Will we ever get to know why Jimin resisted y/n? Because this man has some explaining to do. đŸ§đŸ»â€â™€ïž
And we’re almost at the end? Noooo đŸ„ș😭😭😭😭😭 a bittersweet feeling 😭
yes yes you can read the answer now đŸ€Ł
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serendipityjxmn · 4 years ago
Mr. President
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Chapter 29 Epilogue
TW: None
Words Count: 1.9k
Link to Masterlist
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And so the two of you held a wedding event again at one of the most exclusive hotel in Seoul, with Jimin giving you only a month to prepare.
“We’re getting married next week.” Jimin said casually, literally 3 days after your passionate lovemaking session and him declaring he wants to remarry you.
You choked on your food, coughing several times. Jimin frowned and quickly poured a glass of water for you.
“Are you kidding me??” You say as soon as you’ve calmed down.
His brows furrowed even more, clearly not understanding where his fault at.
“How are we supposed to invite everyone if the wedding’s in a week?! There’s so much things to do!” You burst.
He rolls his eyes. “I assure you, Mrs. Park that everything will be ready next week. You just have to pick a white dress and walk the aisle with me.”
You stare at him, exasperated. “That’s the point! Do you know how long it takes to pick a dress?”
Jimin continues with his food. “Then just call a designer to design one that you like.”
“That’s not the point!”
He puts down his fork and spoon then. For a moment, you think he’s gonna snap. “Then what do you want me to do?”
“Give me.. three months?” You put on the best puppy eye.
“Not gonna happen.”
You pout. “Two months?”
He stares at you then sighs. “A month and that’s it.”
And the conversation is terminated.
Jimin practically invited everyone he knew especially all of the staff at his company (you made sure of that part) while the other six guys became best man and woman of the night.
Yes, you read that right.
And how it came about will always be a fond memory to remember. It all happened when the two of you invited the guys over for dinner to inform them about the wedding: reheld. And they were all very happy about the news, congratulating us immediately when suddenly, someone brought up the topic of walking you down the aisle, Hoseok perhaps being the most considerate person he is.
And everyone on the table was silent.
Even you couldn’t speak up. Because it’s a fact that you have no one. No parents and the only sibling you have.. you smile bitterly.
“How about we become your maid of honor?” Jungkook suddenly spoke up. “Or more like.. best man of honor and we’ll all walk you down the aisle?”
Jungkook’s eyes were round as he waited for answers but no one gave an immediate response. Namjoon was the first to speak up.
He had his hand behind his neck, head tilting, unsure. “Umm- I don’t know Jungkook- it’s a kind of a sacred thing.. to.. you know, walk someone down the aisle.. it’s usually done by the family member..”
“But we are her family now! We can walk her if we want to.” Jungkook says.
“Only if you’re okay with it-” Hoseok says quickly.
You glance at Jimin for a fleeting second, his expression only telling you the decision is yours. You smile at Jungkook who’s sitting on your right. “You guys are my family now. Of course I’d love to.” And they all broke into a smile and you can’t help grinning too, especially when Namjoon flashes a huge dimpled smile as he nods reassuringly at you.
And that’s how the six of them walked you down the aisle, Jungkook having the honor to hold you by the arms, being the first to jump on the role back during dinner with them. And it must’ve looked so odd, having six guys becoming your man of honor but when you see Jimin standing at the altar, smiling down at you, all of your focus zeroed on him.
Nothing else matters.
Not even the way all girls in the hall dropped their jaw when the six guys walked the runway in suits and tuxs with their hair all styled. Or the way Jungkook looks so proud as he hands your hand to Jimin, or the way the guys exchange knowing smiles with your husband, like there’s some inside jokes the audience wouldn’t know a thing about. You could only smirk thinking no one would ever know just how dangerous they are behind those sweet smiles.
Just like the first time when you married Jimin, everything went by really quickly you could barely process everything. Even now, you could barely hold his gaze still as he utters his wedding vow, looking straight at you in the eye. Or the way his eyes lit up when you say, “I do.” Or when he takes your breath away, literally, when his lips met yours in a passionate kiss.
And when all the formalities are done, wine glass clinked, toasts made, there comes the even more crucial part, you being dragged everywhere and being introduced to everyone by your husband.
“If it isn’t the beautiful bride.” Someone says and suddenly your body is separated from Jimin perhaps for the first time since he kissed you at the altar, as he’d been holding you by the waist all the time since then. The person pulled you into a hug, taking you by surprise.
“Alright, that’s enough hogging my wife.” Jimin pulls you back towards him and you could finally see it was Jaehyun.
“Hogging?” Jaehyun laughed. “The two of you look really great together.” He suddenly says.
You look at Jimin to see him rolling his eyes before pulling you even tighter against him, his chin resting above your head. You raise one eyebrow at Jaehyun.
“Hey, don’t look at me like that. Maybe I didn’t really mean it back then.. but now I do. You guys really do look good together.”
“Yeah you did kind of.. confused me back then.” You say.
He chuckles. “Well, I was just trying to let your husband know what a lucky bastard he is. Glad he knows before it’s too late.” He winks at you.
You almost fight a shudder. Jimin snorts, much to Jaehyun’s amusement.
“Alright, we have some other guest to meet.” Jimin says.
“Thank you for coming, Jaehyun.”
He replies with a kind smile.
You look up as soon as Jimin pulls you away, only to see him staring right back at you. He leans down.
"What I'd do to drag you into that dressing room and fucks you against the dressing table." He whispers.
You look at him in mortification and smacks his arms. This isn't the time to be thinking such things! You glared at him as he tried to hold his laughter.
You thought it’s gonna be perfect this time.
It was perfect at first, really.
Except later, some crazy girl broke into the event, claiming she is Jimin’s girlfriend. You described Jimin’s expression at that time as ‘if looks could kill’. And you, just standing puzzled as security dragged the girl out thinking when could Jimin possibly cheat because he is literally with you day and night, 24/7. Poor the security all got fired.
And then Jungkook got drunk a little too early and accidentally stepped on your gown, almost tearing the edge before Hoseok and Namjoon could pull him back, all hell breaking loose when the waiter lost balance and champagnes pop into the air with grandiose musical orchestra playing in the background, someone asking the two of you to quickly have a baby, at which point Jimin is so done with everything, he only has his fingers pressed to his temples. And not to mention Taehyung falling for a girl he met during the whole chaos.
Oh well, what’s a wedding without some family drama. Though you gotta say, your wedding picture is definitely not the same like other people. Not to mention the fact that Jimin did steal you away from your own wedding for a ‘quick heat session’ in the dressing room against the dressing table.
You finally came to quit as Jimin’s secretary and begins working as an art illustrator, slowly building your own profile and trying step by step until your husband decides to dump a super expensive art studio located at one of the most exclusive building in Seoul on your head. And this is literally just two weeks after your ‘renewed wedding’. When you confronted him asking why, he simply said because it’s near his office. Almost every other day, he would stop by to have lunch with you or.. distract you in a thousand different ways while you’re working.
He also remains true to his word about stepping out of the mafia world, only working on paperwork and official documents until he’s completely out of the business. The others seem to have followed his footsteps as well and everyone is now more focused to reorganise the company they set up together to no longer work for underground business. They had also increased their philanthropy works, supporting more and more organization with good cause including foundation to help abused child, which you also join in donating.
You smile as you look at each of the beautiful smile plastered on their face during that one charity event with the orphans, especially with your husband who seems especially good around kids.
After enduring hardship for a huge part of your life, you wonder if you could be this happy. It wasn’t easy, even when you first met your husband, it hadn’t been smooth sailing since the start. You shake your head a little, although lips smiling fondly thinking how it all started with a marriage contract and now here you are.
And your smile couldn’t help turning into a grin when another fond memory comes into your mind. It’s the day you almost faint when you saw a huge portrait of you hanging on the hallway of the house.
“Jimin, are you kidding me??” You burst out, jaw dropping simply at the size of it and just by how outrageous it is.
“What? No I am not kidding. My wife is beautiful and I appreciate beautiful arts.” He winks at you.
You threw a scandalous look at him. “Jimin? That is?? Gross? I don’t think I can stand walking around the house if it has a portrait of me hanging on the wall.”
“Okay. I’ll just put it in my office room then.” He replies quickly.
You gave him an are-you-serious look. And few days later Jaehyun comes to visit and he just stand still in front of the portrait, staring. Then he turns towards Jimin who’s staring fondly at the portrait. “Jimin-ah, do you not need your eyes anymore?”
And that’s just one of the few of your husband being obsessive of you.
“Y/N!” He calls you.
When you turn to see him holding hands with a kid, you suddenly had this overwhelming feeling of how much you love him. Your husband who had provided a shelter for you when you had nothing, who puts so much effort to make up for all the times he wasted with you, who supports you so much while you’re chasing your dream, your husband who’s still so protective with you and your safety, your husband who never fails to kiss the crown of your head each time before you sleep, your saviour, your protector, your lover - your husband, Park Jimin, the Mr. President.
You don’t think you’ll ever love someone as much as you love him. Your world starts and ends with him. Because you only start living when you met him and he’s your happy ending. And the mere thought causes tears to threaten which you're quick to blink it away. This is not the time to be sad.
Because you’re happy. You’re finally happy. And it’s enough.
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A/N: AAAAAA CANT BELIEVE ITS ENDED!!!!!! First of all I’m sorry I didn’t release the chapter yesterday, I am super busy this weekend so I didn’t have time to finish the two chapters in time. I am really really sorry đŸ„ș but it’s out now đŸ€Ł
@lunabanan @saturnpjimin @softforpj @noooodlllleeee @chubsjmin @drunkzseok
I have infinite amount of love for these people. the names I frequently see ever since I started this fic đŸ€Ł the og readers hahaha. I’m sorry if I missed anyone tho đŸ„ș just wanna say thank you so so so much for giving this fic a chance you guys are amazing đŸ„ș💜
Also I wanna sincerely say thank you to every single one of you who has read this story till the end. I apologise for anything lacking and I'll definitely come back with better works! Much love to each one of you who has liked, reblogged this story and left me soooooooo much kind words in my inbox sometimes I literally cried reading it, it's such a huge motivation for me to do the thing I like.
Lastly, I'm doing this purely out of my passion for writing and love towards the boys, but if you happen to like my story and is looking for ways to support me, you can buy me a coffee here! <3 Thank you soooooo much! You guys are amazing <3
Posted on 210608 9:07PM
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serendipityjxmn · 4 years ago
Mr. President
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Chapter 28
TW: And it’s all smut for yall (I really sincerely wrote this I hope you guys don't think it's just another explicit content on the net lolol but fr tho i hope you guys can really get into all the details <3) oh p/s if you just wanna skip the smut part, you can skip until almost the end part đŸ€Ł
Words Count: 3.5k
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You let out a giggle as soon as he utters those words, echoing your own wishes back at the bar earlier today.
Once he reaches the bedroom, he places you on the bed gently and hovers above you as he leans back in to kiss you, a smile on his lips.
You’re quite convinced that your heart is beating at an abnormal rate right now.
Excited, you return his kiss eagerly and feels his smile against your kiss. You can’t help but smile too, you think you’re addicted to kissing him now. His hands reaches for your blouse and your heart hammers when he slowly unbuttons them one by one.
You let out a moan when his fingers graze your breasts, your body arching automatically. Deepening the kiss, your hands reach his lower back and you pull his hips closer to you, making his hard erection grazes your own clothed core.
There’s a low rumble coming from his chest that escapes his lips from the contact and he bites down your lower lip with a little more force, making you groan. He pulls back to glare at you.
“You really drive me crazy.” He says and then his hands tug the collar of his shirt as he pulls it swiftly through his head, saving both of you the trouble of unbuttoning them.
You gulp in awe as his upper body comes fully into view, never really coming into term just how beautiful his body is, sculpted to perfection without a single flaw. His skin is fair, his abs toned perfectly as ever, and the deeply etched v line almost making you unable to tear your eyes away. He’s just so gorgeous.
He notices the lustful look in your eyes and it’s like something shifted between the two of you. He takes in the sight of you and curses under his breath.
“You’re so sexy,” he murmurs as he leans back in, takes your lips once again but this time more intensely and you blush crazily. He kisses you hungrily like he’s never tasted you before, his tongue exploring your mouth fervently. You’re out of breath really quickly and he continues to suck and pull on your lips, bruising them and you feel it getting swollen from his ministrations but you don’t mind them one bit.
He pulls back but doesn’t break the kiss, instead his hands reach forward to your blouse and tears it off you completely.
Once he discards the shirt, he pulls back to look at you in just your bra and licks his lips. “You’re fucking gorgeous.” He cusses before leaning back in to swiftly pull your bra down, exposing your breasts. Your left breast has his mouth’s attention as he sucks and licks around your nipple while his hand cups the other one, fondling it sensually, making your body arch automatically as pleasure spreads through your body like wildfire.
You feel another gush of arousal when he lightly bites down on your nipple, making your feet curl against the satin bedsheet underneath you.
He briefly comes up to kiss you again, saliva coating his swollen lips while both his hands gropes your breast harshly, like he’s never going to get enough of them. You briefly prop yourself up and Jimin’s hands are quick to discard your red lace bra off you.
If you’d known Jimin would make love to you tonight you’d probably wear a lingerie set even more expensive and even sexier than this but you couldn’t bring yourself to think about it anymore. Not when his lips are trailing hotly down your body, tracing open mouth and wet kisses from your jaw to your shoulder, and then proceeds to kitten lick between the valley of your breasts, down to your stomach.
You squirm under his touch when his hands reach the waistband of your skirt, shimmying it down slightly. “Hold still baby.. or I’ll punish you if you don’t.”
You swallow but tries hard to remain still as his fingers find the zip of your pencil skirt and swiftly unzips your skirt down to the hem of it. All that is left is for you to lift your hips a little and the flimsy material is discarded off you.
Jimin lets out a groan when he sees your wet underwear. You’re literally soaked down there.
“God damn it, you’re so wet already-” he says, voice raspy.
“Jimin- ah!” You whimper when he runs his fingers up and down your clothed core.
“I could just slip right into you right now.. would you like that baby? My dirty wife.. you’ve been asking for it so much..” he says as he starts palming your heated core, putting more pressure against your sensitive skin.
“Lift your ass baby-” he says and you willingly oblige his order. He swiftly pulls your underwear off you and you’re now completely naked, bare of anything against his scrutiny.
“God fuck you’re so fucking beautiful,” he grunts and then he dives down and places his head right between your thigh.
You don’t think you’ll ever get tired of seeing your husband’s beautiful face between your thigh.
Leaning even closer to your core, you let out a moan when he places an experimental lick on your pussy lips.
His hands hold each side of your waist firmly as he leans back in to run his tongue over your pussy once again, making you quiver.
“I love how you’re so responsive to me-” he says and then without warning his tongue delves in and your whole body arches from the sensation.
His tongue swirls in and continues to explore your inside, and you chant his name when he finds your G-spot.
He’s fervent in attacking you with his sinful tongue, and your body starts to shake as the pleasure starts to become unbearable. Your eyes almost lolls to the back when he pulls away from your pussy, licking all the way up to your sternum.
“Jimin!” You gasp when he suddenly pushes a finger inside you. Hitting you as deep as he can, as liquid continues to pour out of you and he hums appreciatively. You bite down lower lip when he adds in another finger, thrusting slowly at first before mercilessly pushing in and out.
“You like that baby?” He whispers, voice low and raspy.
Your hands grip his shoulders tightly. “Jimin- it’s too much-” you say when he starts adding another finger.
He tsks at you. “I need to stretch you out baby or you won’t be able to take me in.”
Your eyes widen and then you gulp at his words. You’ve never blown him or even seen him in full glory before, but you know enough that he’s big. He continues his thrusts inside you and the pressure starts building in, the coil in your stomach threatening to snap.
And when your fingernails start scraping his shoulder, Jimin increases his pace.
“Jimin- Jimin- I’m close-” you chant his name.
And he keeps working his fingers until your whole body tensed, fingers gripping the bedsheets beneath you tightly, your vision blinding as the coil in your stomach finally snaps. Your whole body quivers from the overwhelming sensation.
Your husband watches you in amusement as you ride through your high, his fingers that are wet with your slick running over your thigh up and down daintly. It takes a while before your breathing finally evens out, your body calming down.
He moves and hovers above you while his fingers reach up to your lips. Returning his darkened gaze, you part your mouth and takes his wet fingers into it and swirling your tongue over it, licking it clean. His jaw clenches as he watches you, lust clouding his eyes even more if that’s even possible. The image of your sinful mouth taking his fingers deeply is making another rush of blood runs down to his hard rock cock. He could only groan when he pictures your mouth taking his cock fully.
You look straight at him, returning his intense gaze. “There’s something I want to do.” You say, eyes glinting with determination.
You don’t give him any time to response before you push him off the bed gently by the shoulder.
He continues to stare at you as he stands by the bed and you crawl over the bed until you’re sitting on the edge. Slowly, you position yourself till you’re kneeling on the edge of the bed. His crotch inches away from your face making you blush.
You have a brief fight or flight moment with your face being this close to his hard on but you really want to give this to your husband.
So you look up at him as your slowly run your hands up and down over his clothed erection. His jaw clenches tightly as he swallows thickly.
You swiftly unzips his pants, leaving him in only his CK boxer, looking so sinfully. You swallow as he steps out of the material pooling at his feet. He is huge, making you wonder briefly if they could all fit in all your holes.
All of a sudden you have no idea what to do. Do you hold it with your hand first? Or takes it all in your mouth?
Looking up, you see him staring back down at you, jaw rigid. “Are you going to make me wait?”
You shake your head vigorously and leans in to close the proximity before putting him all the way into your mouth, for as deep your mouth can take.
“Fuck!” He hisses. “Baby, slow down-” he gasps, fingers tangling into your hair in an attempt to exert some control.
You pull out slowly as you stare up at him, feeling slightly sorry. This time, you give kitten licks all over while your hand comes up to stroke his length, never forgetting the balls as well.
He inhales a sharp intake of breath when you let saliva drips past your lips onto his shaft, lubricating it. Your tongue running up and down as your husband stares at you with eyes blown wide. When it’s wet enough, you waste no time swallowing him whole again and a string of curse words escape his lips, making your shoulders raise in confidence.
You watch as his thigh muscles flex while his cock seems to grow larger in size as you take it to a rhythm, bobbing your head up and down while your hand helps with areas your mouth couldn’t reach.
“Fuck- shit baby, you’re so good at this-” he says, breathing labored.
You continue to swallow him whole, testing your limit, your cheeks hollowing to suck him deeper. Another plethora of curse falls from his lips, his fingers carding your hair with more force which only sparks your determination to pleasure him. You increase the pace and his head tips back, eyes almost lolling back.
“Baby-” he calls in between heavy breath, “Let go, I don’t wanna cum in your mouth.”
You can’t deny the slight disappointment, you’re determined to make him come undone. Some other day then, you think as you slowly withdraw your mouth, torturously and finally releases his head with a pop.
He swallows before returning his composure. “Go lie back down.” He orders.
Heart thumping, you crawl back up the bed eagerly and he follows you after. You let out a gasp when he suddenly spreads your legs apart widely. He puts his hand in his mouth then runs it a few times over your slick before guiding his cock over your entrance. You moan as you feel the thrill of sensation when he runs it up and down, lubricating its tip.
And then, eyes looking straight at you, he thrusts in slowly and you both curse, your fingers unconsciously gripping his shoulders hard. He gives you a few moments to adjust before he increases his pace. He starts thrusting faster, your hands move to hold his arms as he snaps mercilessly.
Your head tilts back as you feel the pressure building and a moan escapes your lips when his hand reaches forward to cup your breast.
“You feel so good, God- so fucking good-” he pants as he pushes himself right to the hilt inside you. His cock hitting the cervix that you could feel it in your stomach.
He continues like that for quite a moment, slowing down at times but hitting it even deeper, making you shudder at the pleasure before snapping hard again, making you both out of breath.
You really compliment his stamina and you’d give it all to bask in the infinite pleasure but you feel your tights walls start to clench and Jimin must’ve felt it as his eyes shut, almost on the verge of cumming from the sheer pleasure.
“Oh God Jimin, Jimin-”
“Not yet baby, you’re not cumming yet-” he says as he slows his pace, rolling his hips against you. And then he bottoms out of you completely and your walls involuntarily clenched from the emptiness.
“Come on. On all fours baby.” He commands. Sweats beaded on his forehead and several of his bangs sticks on his forehead that he flips away immediately. Perhaps you’re too busy staring at him and he finds you too slow that he swiftly flips you, making you gasp.
He lifts your ass in the air and your heart pounds, excited from the way he’s about to take you in. Your legs part, your body arches, ready to serve him.
He hums appreciatively at the way you’re prostrating in front of him, ass in all glory just waiting for him to pound.
And he didn’t make you wait for long as he lines his cock to your pussy and begins thrusting.
He then leans in and hugs your body, hands across your breasts as his thrusts slows down. His lips nips at your neck while his laboured breathing against your ear. You moan loudly because you just love it when he thrusts slowly but it hits so deep to the hilt in you.
And then suddenly, he takes his breath, straightens his body, places his hands on each side of your waist before he starts to thrust so rough that at one point your face is buried against the pillow.
“You look so fucking beautiful like this-” he starts picking up his pace again, his hip snapping hard against you, thrusting so rough that at one point your face is smashed into bed.
For a moment, only loud moans, harsh breathing and the sound of skins lapping can be heard within the four walls as Jimin continues to fuck you into oblivion that night.
You could feel the pressure building rapidly in your stomach. “Oh God Jimin I’m- please-” you beg as your fingers grip the bedsheet beneath and crumpling it into a fist, trying to withstand the overwhelming pain and pleasure.
He slows down again then as be bends down, his fingers coming up above yours as he let your fingers relax while he kisses your ear.
He pulls out entirely for what feels like the hundredth time that night and flips you over gently. You could already feel your sore behind as it comes in contact with the bed.
Jimin doesn’t waste time dipping down to kiss you again, taking your mouth deeply as he lowers himself too and his still hard standing erection poking at your entrance.
When he lifts his head, you watch him insert his own fingers into his mouth, salivating it completely and thrusting it into your pussy without warning, making you gasp.
He kisses you again, muffling your moan as his cock enters you again, filling you up completely. He hovers above you and he picks up his pace, fucking you in missionary.
The pressure in your stomach builds within no time and your hands reach behind his shoulders, nails digging into his shoulder. He takes your lips again, both your moans muffled into the intense kiss. You wrap your legs around his waist, drawing him closer.
It doesn’t take long until the both of you are nearing its peak. He thrusts you faster as louder moans fills the room.
“Fuck-” he curses.
“Jimin I’m close-” your fingernails dig his skin even deeply, body arching.
“Me too fuck-”
And the both of you climaxed right then and there. You cry out his name as he chants I love you to you. And then for a moment only harshed breathing is heard as the two of you rides out the ebbing pleasure.
His forehead touches yours, his gaze loving. “You okay baby?”
You nod. And then you break into a smile. “I love you.”
He smiles too. “And I love you.”
And you couldn’t help the grin that forms against your lips.
The both of you takes time basking in the afterglow from intense lovemaking, just slowly waiting for breathing to slow down and heartbeats calming.
“God, I swear I love you so much. How could I be so blind before?” His fingers come up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, his gaze fond.
“You’re an idiot.” You chuckle. “I don’t know why and would never understand the reason you waited for so long. You really made me worried.. and thinks of all sorts of things..”
He chuckle and his index finger lightly taps your forehead. “I don’t know what’s going on in your head but if you think I didn’t touch you because I don’t want you, you are dead wrong.”
“Then why-”
He takes a breath. “Remember when we’re at the hospital? I asked the doctor about... sex.” He pauses and gauges your reaction. No doubt your cheeks are flushing red. “And he told me it’s a few months before you’re good to go. And I swear I would stick to it because I don’t want to harm you in any way. And this.. you had me breaking my own rules. Plus, I.. I’m afraid you’re still traumatised from being touched. You know..”
You fall silent at this. And suddenly the memory of almost being raped comes flashing in your mind. You don’t realize your body flinching as you remember it.
Suddenly, Jimin leans in to kiss your forehead tenderly and all the bad memories wiped away instantly. “And then one day you’re just.. so determined to have sex with me oh god-” he laughs, shoulders shaking.
You hit his arms. “You’re so cruel. I swear I thought you were a priest.”
He chuckles and then he stops smiling as he stares deeply at you. “Do you know how hard it was to control myself?” He says, fingers running over your skin daintly, making goosebumps rise. “If only you know how hard I get just by seeing in your nightwear.. God damn it.”
You giggle. “It’s your own fault.”
He lightly taps your nose, a grin on his lips.
“You really were holding yourself back before though.”
“Why, I take that as you’re satisfied with tonight’s service, maam?” He teases, making you roll your eyes with your cheeks flushing red.
You run you fingers slowly across his cheek and then thumbs his lips. “I think I’m addicted to your touch now.. And I used to be innocent, not knowing anything about the world. You’ve turned me insatiable, Mr. Park...” you narrow your eyes naughtily.
He smirks. “Oh I am the monster..” his face inches closer towards yours and then he playfully licks the tip of your nose. You body trembles from laughter.
“I think we have to mend our contract now.” You say softly once you’ve calmed down.
“I’ve already burned it.” He says nonchalantly.
What? Your eyes went wide. “Does it mean I’m not gonna get my 5 million?”
“Your 5 million?” He laughs. And when he finally stops, he lightly pecks the corner of your mouth. “Everything that is mine is now yours.”
And your heart skips a beat. Not because you’re ecstatic about his money but when all of a sudden billions of money and assets are being dumped on you, it’s an automated reaction.
“Unconditionally.” He adds, with a wink and you just can’t help but smile. “Y/N?”
“Let’s get married again.”
“All of a sudden? Why? The one we did is invalid?” You fake a gasp. “No! Don’t tell me we’ve been living in sin!”
He taps your head softly. “You idiot. Of course it is... I just.. this time I wanna tell everyone.. bring everyone.”
“Everyone. So that everyone knows you’re my wife.”
You don’t say anything immediately and he just gazes at you all the time.
“Okay.” You say after a while.
“Okay.” He repeats.
“I love you.”
“And I love you too.” He says as he buries his head into your neck.
“I’m serious though about the 5 million.”
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Link to Chapter 29 Epilogue
Posted on 210608 9:00PM
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serendipityjxmn · 4 years ago
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serendipityjxmn · 4 years ago
Also, please don’t feel bad to post shorter lengths. It’s totally ok. I understand and will always respect any author’s decisions to such đŸ„ș you did well đŸ„ș✹ (frustrated with these two but yes this chapter was đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„)
Thank you so much for understanding đŸ„ș it’s a little bit hectic these 2-3 days for me as well as the upcoming few days. I’m really worried I wouldn’t be able to update in time but I’m trying super hard so I hope everything goes well hehe 💜
0 notes
serendipityjxmn · 4 years ago
Mr. President
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Chapter 27
TW: Brief smut ;)
Words Count: 2.9k
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It’s almost the end of the year and winter has come with full coldness. But you don’t feel so cold and alone like most winter your whole life. You have someone that gives you warmth now. Your heart swelling at the thought of your husband.
You smile as you give yourself some makeover on your dressing table. It’s the night of the company dinner, and you’re invited to join other staffs. It took some time to persuade your husband but eventually, he gives in.
“Do you really have to go?” He stood beside you when you’re sitting in front of your dressing table, putting on some nightcream before you head to sleep a few nights ago.
“I’ve never had any company dinner before.. and I really want to experience it once..”
“Hmm.. how about dinner with me instead? It’s still a company dinner since I’m your boss.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “That doesn’t count. I have dinner with you every night.”
He pouted. And he looked so adorable so you stood and pecked the corner of his lips before you move to the bed. He followed after you.
“Why don’t you come to the gathering?”
He scoffed. “No employee ever wants the boss to be at a company dinner.”
So that’s how you end up going to the gathering without your husband. He did send you off and told you he’ll pick you up as well.
“So.. Chris and I had been talking.. and.. we’ve decided to get married next month.” Irene says, eyes sparkling.
“Oh my God!” Your hand clasp your mouth. “Oh my God congratulations!” You pull her into a tight hug as she grins.
“Thank you, Mrs. President!” She teases and you smack her arms. She’s never called you that before, only once perhaps and you told her off immediately. “Share me a tip or two later.” She winks.
Your cheeks redden. “I don’t have anything to share..”
“Oh come on! That is obviously such a lie!”
You roll your eyes. “Okay, we need a drink to celebrate this. Come on!”
She rolls hers as well but continues to pour drinks for the two of you, clinking your glass before downing it one shot.
“Ooh, way to go girl!”
And the night goes for a long time, that right after the dinner, there’s a karaoke session, which you find yourself too timid to try. To be honest, you just want to experience the environment and sees what people do at gatherings. You’ve never had the opportunity before. But you’re content enough observing and watching people’s antics. And then not to mention, the drinking session that goes on for two, three, four rounds. You think they’re endless. But you do enjoy the night so far. You think you’ve had your fill of laughter for a week now.
You’re not sure how many glasses you’ve downed now, but you know it’s a lot. You’ve consumed more alcohol tonight than your twenty three years of life combined. You’re starting to get tipsy (definitely not drunk) when you’re starting to feel a little too hot.
“God, it’s hot.” You mutter.
You’re wearing a button down pastel pink blouse matched with a cream pencil skirt. You unbutton your blouse a little.
“Unnie, you’re married right?” Mina, the maknae in the office asks. Both of you and several others are sitting on the table, too tired to join the group singing and dancing and just settle on watching them by the table.
You nod.
Chaerin who’s sitting beside Mina nods enthusiastically. “I heard your husband is really rich. What does he do?”
You bite your lips, contemplating whether to tell them your husband is the CEO of the company they’re working at. They’re fairly new interns, having entered the company sometime early this month. You don’t particularly hide the fact that you’re the CEO’s wife, but you don’t necessarily flaunt it either so it’s pretty common for newbies not to know it.
“He’s a.. CEO.” You settle on saying and Mina’s eyes go round.
“You’re so lucky to have a rich husband! I have no idea why you still wanna work.” She pouts. “If it’s me I would’ve just stayed at home, doing anything I want at home.”
“Me too, me too. Or perhaps go shopping all day.” Chaerin chirps in.
You could only smile hearing them. You don’t think you have it in you to just sit at home and spend all of Jimin’s money although your husband would probably like the idea very much.
“It’s okay. You’ll find one too.” You nod encouragingly at Mina.
She scoffs. “Where am I gonna find one? The most handsome CEO I’ve ever met is our CEO. Shame that he’s married.”
You become alert as your husband suddenly becomes the topic of conversation.
“Agreed. Us single ladies could only drool over him. I wonder how Mr. President and his wife’s sex life be like.” Chaerin smiles wickedly, raising her eyebrow twice.
Why would these people be curious about that?? You look at them in horror but they’re too busy imagining to notice your expression.
“Must be nice.. I mean, Mr. Park is so handsome, and his body is to be drooled over. I’d probably have sex with him everyday if I was married to him.” Mina says.
You snort. As if. It’s almost a year of marriage with Jimin and you’re practically still a virgin.
“It’s so gross to drool over someone’s husband but he’s so hot- ugh.” Chaerin says.
Mina nods in agreement. It’s no surprise to hear people crushing on your husband. You’ve heard people gushing over him so much you’re almost used to it. But you never thought they’d be this vocal. Is this considered some kind of harassment towards your husband? Where and how do you lodge a complain?
Chaerin shakes her head and suddenly puts a hand on Mina’s shoulder. “It’s okay Mina. You can still seduce him.”
W-what? You choke on your drink, almost spluttering.
Chaerin laughs, seeing your expression. “What? You don’t think he’ll stay faithful forever to his wife? No matter how loyal he is.. with a little bit of seduction, he wouldn’t say no if a woman comes and offer herself to him. Like, one look from him and women would fall to their feet to serve him.”
“I- I don’t think- I mean- his wife-” you start to say but she cuts you off.
“Ey~ what do you think a year of marriage can do to a wife? Once they stop dressing up for their husband, it’s all over.”
Is it really? Is that the reason why your husband won’t touch you? You’ve been longing for Jimin’s touch and the fact that he just won’t do it makes you think of all sorts of things. You’re almost on the verge of crying.
So you reach for more alcohol, pouring few drinks for yourself, downing them all in one shot.
“Oh God, Mr. Park.” Someone whispers, you’re not sure if it’s Mina or Chaerin.
You look up then. Your eyes find him easily although your vision is slightly unfocused. You smile as he takes his step towards you when he spots you.
You tilt your head. “Oh, it’s my husband.”
You could almost see from the corner of your eyes, Mina and Chaerin’s priceless expression.
He narrows his eyes at you once he reaches you. All staffs stand to greet him and he gestures for them to sit immediately.
“It’s okay, just go ahead and continue. I’m just here to pick up my wife.” He smiles politely and nods. You think Mina’s jaw dropped while Chaerin’s hand clasped her mouth. He looks down at you. “Mrs. Park? You ready to go home?”
You pout and shake your head. “Why don’t you come and join me drink?”
He stares at you for a few moment. Then he pulls your arm and you’re vaguely aware of everyone staring at the both of you. You let him lead you to to the bar counter as he asks for empty water.
You prop one hand on the bar and grins at your husband. He looks wonderful as always, in his working attire. He still has his suit jacket on, making him look a hundred times more handsome.
His eyebrow lifts.
“You’re drunk.” He states.
You shake your head. “No no no. I’m not.. I just had two.. three.. four? Or five glasses..” you say through a slur. And then you hiccup. “Oops.”
He shakes his head, although a fond smile is tugging at his lips. He then calls for the bartender again as he orders a drink for himself. Your empty glass of water is served and he pushes the glass towards you and gestures you to drink.
You pout. “No.” You shake your head.
He narrows his eyes at you. Jaw slightly clenching.
You suddenly straighten yourself and looks at him seriously. “You.” You point your finger at him, taking him by surprise. “You said you loved me.”
He frowns. Perhaps wondering where you’re going with this. “I do.”
It’s your turn to narrow your eyes at him. “Then why?!” You say, voice slightly raised.
“Why what?” He frowns.
“Why won’t you touch me?!” You ask, tone getting higher, and his brows furrow deeper.
He leans forward slightly, and then he raises his hand, tenderly running it across your cheek.
You huff at him harshly. Hands crossing against your chest. “You know that’s not what I meant!”
You’re starting to get more vocal about your annoyance. The alcohol helping you to spill everything that’s been frustrating you.
And when he doesn’t reply, you continue your outburst. “I meant sex! Why won’t you fuck me until I see the stars and into oblivion? Why are you holding out?!” You say, tones raising higher, drawing several attentions from other employees that you no longer care about. You just need some explanation from your husband.
Jimin seems partially surprised and amused by your outburst. He purses his lips a little and eyes around and everyone else hastily turns their gaze away from the two of you.
“Baby, you’re drunk.” He says calmly.
You glare at him. “I’m not.” You say and lean forward, hands coming up to grip his collar and pull him into a kiss. You kiss him hungrily, hands fisting his collar tighter as your mouth moves frantically over his. Your breath uneven in a matter of seconds. You force yourself to pull away when you remember you’re still at the bar. “See? I’m not drunk.”
You don’t really intend for the kiss to come off as intense as that in the short span of time. Perhaps a little, because you’re trying to tell him what you’ve been wanting from him for so long. But you think the kiss is innocent enough, or at least that’s what your alcohol induced mind tells you.
But Jimin’s eyes tell you otherwise. The way you kissed him had made him hard. And you’re quick to notice the dark glint in his eyes.
He narrows his eyes for a fleeting second. “Let’s go. I’m taking you home.” He pulls you and you giggle as you willingly comply.
He stops for a while to let people know that the two of you are leaving and most people bid him goodbye. You glance at him from the corner of your eyes. He looks down at you at the same time.
“You drive me crazy sometimes.” He mutters under his breath.
Your breath hitches, together with another hiccup. “I like driving you crazy.”
He stares at you and then lets out a huge breath, like he’s trying to stop himself from doing something reckless. Like, pushing you against the wall just outside the bar and kissing you senseless.
He opens the car door for you before he slides in at the back of the car beside you, pulling you flush against his chest during the whole car ride.
His embrace is so warm against the freezing weather outside and your eyes unconsciously flutter close as you let out a moan, leaning completely against Jimin.
The last thing you feel is his kiss on the top of your head and his hand that runs soothingly up and down your arm before you fall asleep during the car ride.
You’re awake only when you hear his voice beside your ear.
“Baby? Wake up, we’re home.” He says.
Your eyes flutter open and your vision slowly recurs. He wraps you in your coat swiftly and then he’s out of the car, hands holding out to you and you take them gratefully, feet a little wobbly.
As soon as he closes the door behind you, he lifts you like a bride, making you gasp. He laughs as he carries you across the house. He makes his way to the kitchen and finally settles you on a countertop. He lets go of you and turns to the sink to fill a glass with water before going back to you and hands you the drink.
Having napped on your way home, you’re in a more sober state now. So you wordlessly drink the glass of water Jimin hands you and it really sobers and wakes you up all the same time.
You bite down your lip as he looks at you, standing in front of you. “Jimin?”
You could literally feel the flush of heat creeping into your cheeks before you even utter the words. His hand comes up to touch your upper thigh mindlessly, a soothing gesture rather than a sensual one.
You take a deep breath and stares into his eyes determinedly. “I want to do it with you.”
His breath catches but he’s quick to recompose himself. He swears he just finds you so adorable but then he decides to tease you. “Do what?”
You stare at him in mortification. Does he really wants you to say it aloud? You hesitate for a moment before giving in. “I.. I want to.. make love with you.” You say, cheeks turning fifty shades of red as you look down.
His lips turn to grin in an ear splitting grin. Then he just smiles fondly at you. “Y/N, you’re drunk. I don’t want our first time to be while you’re drunk.” He shakes his head.
You quickly straighten yourself. “I’m not. Really! I’m sober now.. please... Jimin?”
He continues to stare at you.
“I.. I just don’t understand.. I.. I mean.. we’ve been married for a year now.. and then I was talking to Mina and Chaerin just now.. and they say you could easily no longer be interested in your wife anymore a year and more into a marriage.. and we’re.. you.. I mean.. you won’t touch me and-” you’re just ranting by now.
He stares into your eyes all the while you’re ranting and finally decides to cut you off by pressing his lips firmly against yours. When he pull away, he lightly flicks your head and you pout in response.
“I don’t know what kind of things did Mina or Chaerin brainwashed your head with, but it’s not for the reason you’re thinking about.”
He nods. And then his face leans closer towards yours before your lips meet again in a gentle lip lock. For a moment, you think this is gonna be another episode of him kissing you after rejecting your request and then pulling away before things start to get heated.
But it’s not.
He deepens his kiss, lips tracing your mouth in a steady pace, not too rushed but not too slow either. And when his tongue starts demanding entrance, you gladly grant it.
It isn’t long until the soft, gentle kisses starts to escalate and grow heated. He kisses you passionately and you return it with the same intensity. His hand reach behind your neck as he holds it firmly to tilt your head slightly, guiding you towards the angle he desires.
You let out a slight moan when he lightly suckles on your bottom lip. Your hand cards his hair, bringing him even closer.
You slowly spread your legs as you pull him flush against your heated body, your skirt hitching up to accomodate him between your thighs. He groans when he feels your chest pressed against his, making a rush of arousal pour through you.
You could feel the slick gushing out of you, pooling at the bundle of nerves between your thigh where it’s so close to your husband’s erection.
He runs his tongue over your bottom lip and lightly bites it for one last time before he drawls.
Your breath uneven and Jimin’s breathing is labored too. He growls when he takes in your look, eyes briefly looking down at your figure as he notices your exposed chest.
“Come on.” He says as he pushes himself off of you. He then swiftly lifts you off the counter and you quickly wrap your legs around his firm waist. He stares at you as he carries you across the large house.
“Where are you taking me?”
His lips quirk but doesn’t answer, only a mischievous look on his face.
“To our bedroom?” You dare to ask.
He tries to stifle his smile. “Yes.”
Your heart races. “To bed?”
“To.. sleep?”
He chuckles. “No baby. To fuck you until you see the stars and into oblivion.”
And your heart couldn’t beat any faster when he says that.
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A/N: Can't believe we're almost at the end of the journey now. I hope you guys stay till the end, even if you know what's coming >;D Also, the upcoming final chapter would be divided into two parts, because first part would contain explicit content hahaha so to make it easier for little kids, you can actually skip it directly to the second part :D
Link to Chapter 28
Posted on 210604 9:00PM
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serendipityjxmn · 4 years ago
Author nim.. uhm I'm mean I'm really happy to write this bonus chapter but.. I don't want it to be public... Cuz I'm not that confident.. u know I'm not a fanfic writer that's why so I just want u to see it.. how can I do that?
OUH. Ohhh umm I’m not quite sure if there’s a tumblr feature that allows you to share your post only for certain people. Or you can post somewhere and send me the link? đŸ„ș
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