#like idk how else to make that clearer to you
tcmmykinard · 7 months
OH FANTASTIC so not only am i being stalked by alice (in wich case if you are constantly watching my blog and i have you blocked then you are indeed stalking me either by you yourself or via you friends) but ALSO her fucking friends. they're checking in on me lol SO FUN FOR ME.
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if you're watching my blog and are either alice or her friends, here's a message: GO FUCK YOURSELF. leave me the fuck alone.
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poisonousquinzel · 2 months
Eugh, as a fan of Batwheels who can read aka the person who asked about Batwheels Harley, I would also like to point out that that blog doesn't even use the correct shipping name for a majourity of their ship names, and it doesn't make sense that they would ask such a J- hating blog about their opinion and then insult you when you gave your opinion??
As a Batwheels fan, my apologies, Harley is the greatest and has never done anything wrong your honor.
THEY WHAT SKFNFNNXNFNDMDKSKSL omg that's so funny genuinely thank you for letting me know this made me laugh sm,,, I glanced at the ship names but it was just like looking at ship names from other fandoms where it's just hollow names and no meaning for me sksks
And you're so right she's never done anything wrong batman contacted me himself to correct the misinformation your honor !!
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if 👏 you 👏 follow 👏 anyone 👏 on 👏 my 👏 dni 👏 list 👏 do 👏 NOT 👏 FOLLOW 👏 ME 👏
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whimsyprinx · 2 years
i do wish that people wouldn’t reach out only because I’m upset and they felt obligated to do so, similarly I wish people wouldn’t ignore or avoid me because “you seemed like you were in a bad place and I thought you needed space” especially without saying so, you’re not obligated to speak to me (see first point) but like being avoided makes me feel worse especially when I’m not even told about it, what I want is to feel genuinely wanted and not to be spoken to out of pity or ignored for similar reason.
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moonstruckme · 1 year
Ok James but him and his slytherin girlfriend seem to come out of nowhere and the boys are supportive but are more mad at James for not telling them? Idk I loved your other fic SO MUCH
Thanks for requesting <3
part 1
cw: mention of injury, no details or anything though
James Potter x Slytherin!reader ♡ 1.5k words
You hesitate outside the doorway to the infirmary at the raised voices coming from inside. 
You don’t need to be here, strictly speaking. James told you his injury wasn’t bad, and he has his friends to help him if he needs it, but…you can’t settle yourself down. You hadn’t liked the way he’d limped off the field, nor the tiny grimace on his face when Sirius had wrapped a bracing arm under his shoulders. It would be just like James to downplay how hurt he is to make you feel better, and the longer the game had gone on without him the more your guts twisted themselves into knots over the idea that he was in pain. 
You’d seethed at yourself and your stupid soft heart all the way to the infirmary, where now you’re frozen just outside like a coward. Something inside you is coiled tight with tension at the idea of going to see James Potter, on purpose and in public, even though that’s dumb because now everyone at Hogwarts knows about the two of you anyway. Your sappy display on the quidditch pitch made sure of that. But now that you have official and widely-known claim to the girlfriend title, you have just as much right to see him as anyone else. You shove your anxiety back into your stomach where it belongs and open the door. 
As soon as you’re inside, the voices become clearer. “—like this isn’t a big deal. The Prophet’s going to be all over the two of you by tomorrow, and we had to find out with every other fucking bloke at the school!”
“Pads, you don’t think I would have told you if I could?” James sounds exhausted, and something mutinous throbs in your heart. It’s followed quickly by the more familiar twinge of irritation at the use of those moronic nicknames they all have. “She made me promise not to tell anyone, including the both of you.” 
They’re talking about you. Of course they’re talking about you. What else could possibly be more important after James has fallen a good twenty feet off his broom than his dating life? This is why you hadn’t wanted to tell people. Hogwarts wears away at private lives like dementors at souls, and the rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin is too strong for your relationship with James to have any hope of remaining untainted once the gossip mill got ahold of it. 
Your instincts are screaming at you to turn around and leave before they catch sight of you, but you force yourself to keep walking. If you start letting what people think about you and James affect you now, you’ll never be able to get past it. 
Remus is the first to spot you, going still as if you’ve come to hex him, but James’ face splits into a lopsided grin that has the knots in your gut loosening very slightly. 
“Especially you,” you say to Sirius as you brush past him, perching by James' pillow and weaving your fingers into his curls. There’s a wrap around his middle. It’s very hard to appear calm and blasé when you feel like you’re going to rupture something if he doesn't promise you he’s okay right this instant. “You’d have had all of Gryffindor talking about us within an hour.” 
Sirius bristles but visibly shoves his temper aside, his voice matching your coolness as he says, “If I’d told anyone, Y/L/N, it would have been to inquire about whether anyone’s noticed you gathering ingredients for amortentia recently. James doesn’t keep things from us. Artificial infatuation is the only explanation for why he’d tolerate you and your secrets.” 
“Oi,” James says, but you pat his head placatingly. You can fight your own battles. 
“That how you got this one?” you jut your chin towards Remus, who’s looking somewhat entertained as he watches the two of you spar. “If I’m ever in need of the recipe, Black, you’ll be the first person I come to, but I don’t need to resort to such measures myself.” 
Sirius glowers at you, and James sets his hand on your shoulder just as Remus wraps a pacifying arm around his boyfriend. “Alright, I think that’s enough,” the taller boy says in his usual calm manner, and though Sirius is still tensed for a fight, he allows himself to be drawn into Remus’ side.
James nods in agreement. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you guys, really. I thought I’d get a chance to before everyone found out, but…” He turns up his palms helplessly. “Things didn’t go as planned.” 
“We’ll get over it,” Remus says, Sirius quietly fuming beside him. “Won’t we, love?”
Sirius looks up at Remus' face, which is clearly a mistake, because he softens like butter in the sun. “Yeah, yeah, just gimme a bit,” he grumbles halfheartedly. “Anything to keep our Prongsie happy, right?”
James beams, so clearly relieved at the settlement of the conflict that you feel a bit guilty for participating in it. He kisses you on the cheek, chuckling against your skin. “You stink.” 
“Some of us stuck around to play the whole game,” you reply.
“Ouch,” James says, but he’s grinning. “Couldn’t really help that, could I?”
You give him a look to let him know you haven’t forgotten how his negligence had gotten him hurt. “Debatable.” 
You hear Remus chuckle but don’t take your eyes off James’ face, inspecting it for signs of the pain you suspect he’s hiding. “How bad is it really?” you ask, softening your voice even though there’s no chance of his friends not hearing you. 
James worries his lip, big brown eyes looking into yours guiltily. “Pomphrey says I broke three ribs and bruised my tailbone pretty badly. Minor concussion, too, but nothing serious.” 
Sounds serious enough to you. You ghost a hand over the back of his head as if you’ll be able to find and fix his hurt. He leans into your palm though, so it’s not for nothing. “I’m sorry I walked away out there,” you all but whisper. “I should have stayed with you.” 
James eyebrows pinch together. “Hey, sweetheart, it’s okay,” he promises just as softly. He knows what it costs you to talk like this in front of people, like you’re turning yourself inside out for them to judge and stab at as they please, but James has no such reservations. He dots a kiss, feather-light, at the top of your cheekbone, wrapping an arm around you protectively. “Thanks for coming, I mean it.” 
You clear your throat. “Yeah, and in my fucking quidditch gear,” you say in your normal voice, attempting to banish the heavy mood. As if your heart isn’t still beating, hummingbird-fast and fragile, in your throat. “We both need to change and shower, and then you should rest. Did Pomphrey say you could leave?”
James nods, still looking at you like you’ve cracked open in his hands (he might be right; it feels like you have, and it wouldn’t even be the first time today). He rubs your upper arm affectionately, but his voice is easygoing when he says, “Yup, I’m good to go.” 
Sirius steps forward, as though to remind the two of you that he is, in fact, also present. “Great. We’ll walk you back to the room.” 
You turn to him, not quite ready for your time with James to be up and aching for the opportunity to dote on him in private. “That’s okay, I can take him.” 
Sirius’ eyes narrow. “You can’t even get into our dorms.” 
“Please, like Gryffindor’s riddles are so perplexing.” 
“I don’t need an escort,” James interjects. He pushes himself up with a grimace. 
You halt him with your hands on his shoulders and Remus says, “Don’t be stupid, Prongs, you can barely walk.” 
“I’ve got him,” you say firmly. Sirius stares you down, but you don’t flinch from his stony gaze. You know he doesn’t trust you. You don’t think he’d willingly trust any Slytherin. Since you’ve been at Hogwarts, the talk in your house has always been that Sirius Black shuns his family because they’re all Slytherins. Although James assures you there’s more to the story than that, it’s still obvious to anyone that he considers his friends his true family. He won’t entrust just anyone with James’ safety. But maybe that’s one thing you can agree upon. 
He must see something of this in your face, because after a minute Sirius relents, rolling his eyes. “Fine,” he says. “I wanted to stop by the kitchens anyway.”
James is looking between the two of you curiously, aware that something has transpired but not quite sure what. 
You don’t give Sirius a chance to change his mind. “Alright,” you say, gripping James' forearms and helping him to stand. “Let’s go, pretty boy.” 
James drapes his arm across your shoulders gamely, and the two of you start out the door. “I don’t think that’s the insult you think it is.”
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starwingedwolf · 9 days
idk if its just me, but i dont like the current state of the younger therian + otherkin + alterhuman community. I dislike it so much that I refuse to interact with it outside of two very specific spaces. Everywhere else just strays so far away from what it actually is.
It's all about quads, masks/gear, past lives and souls, when 3 out of 4 of the things i just listed dont have anything to actually do with therianthropy.
I'm a therian and otherkin, I don't do/have majority of these things. Literally the only thing I have from that list above is gear. There is so much misinformation in the community, and I hate it. It feels like my IDENTITY is just a fun little thing to do in spare time.
Being otherhearted is having a connection or relating with an animal/creature.
Being a therian is identifying as an animal based off of nonhuman behaviors/experiences.
Being an otherkin is identifying as a mythical creature, with usually human or above sentience.
Being fictionkin, objectkin, plantkin, etc, is all about identifying AS something.
It's not about quads, masks and past lives. It shouldn't be about that, it shouldn't be the main focus in the community. We should be focusing on eachothers experiences with alterhumanity, what we all go through.
Alterhumanity isn't all sunshine and rainbows and quads and masks and all happy. It can be about being outcasted because youre different, being forced to be something youre not. It's not about quads and gear and past lives.
Also, past lives have nothing to do with therianthropy or similar, they can be a reason to identify as something, but just having a past life by itself doesnt make you a therian or similar. You don't need to have a soul either. It doesn't even have to be spiritual. You just need to identify based off of involuntary nonhuman behaviors/experiences. If it's not spiritual, it doesn't have to be related to trauma.
I don't like constantly seeing quads and gear, I want to hear about your nonhuman experience. How does your alterhumanity impact you in your day to day life? What animal behaviors do you have? Stuff like that.
If you want to scream at me "no!! therianthropy is all about connection and past life, identifying as an animal is mental illness!!!", please don't. Saying this because I've been told this so many times on other platforms. If you have this belief that therianthropy is about past lives or connections and would like to talk with me about this, pls be respectful.
Sorry for the rant, something on a discord server set me off lol. I hope this was interesting to read ig. Pro tip, do research on therianthropy n stuff outside of social media, do research on it on google. Social media therianthropy is filled with so much misinfo its actually horrible. Have a nice day, might delete this later when its morning and my head is clearer. (It's 2:27am)
Edit: I have edited this post to remove nonphysically identifying. I do not think we should encourage delusions, as they could be harmful to the nonhuman or others, but that doesn't mean their identity isn't valid in the community. Physically identifying should be treated respectfully, everyone should be treated that way.
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chimkin-samich · 9 months
My take on character behavior and a glimpse of how the romancing part would work on sassy Sun
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....it's really more like a rant.
But anyway.
The reason he's not passive aggressive with (oc/yn) is because they complied from the very first moment, treated him nicely and with respect, which is something so foreign to him .
He is nice to the kids not only because he's programmed to do so, but because they are the ones that hold his purpose and life, we could say, in their tiny palms.
He's nice but anxious to the kids because he needs them to like him , he needs to keep the parents complaint only from the parents and not from the kids as well.
He can't go all out with them.
Theyre tiny
They're fragile
And they hold a power over him that he despises, and avoids it with anyone else.
That said, it's not like he dislikes the kids he has to watch over , he has fun entertaining them most often than not but see, he knows that with kids there's a much clearer chance, a 50 percent chance they like him, or not.
A clarity adults don't have till last minute.
Parents and staff members stray far away from him and as often as possible , if not too busy being rude and disrespectful to him , or offering a forced smile before booking it in the other direction that simple and genuine "please"and "thank you" make his rude demeanor falter.
He's used to being treated like trash, so he had only been getting sassier in response as a form of protest.
We see in help wanted that as mad as he gets , he truly gets aggravated when we make it clear he has no power over us.
He should be worrying about the test and instead he's warning you to stop it , over and over, and that sells it for me cuz someone with badly concealed anger issues doesn't warn you more than ONCE if you're lucky.
This is clearly an insecurity display.
And we note it on moon.
If you piss him off he won't think twice to jump at your face.
Sun on the other hand , has that as a last resort only, and he's continuously pretending he has control over the situation.
Rant over.
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dragonridernoobie · 3 months
Glad to see a undertale au author still up and running.
Thoughts on writing a feral underfell bitty sans (possibly abandoned, escaped from a bad place, neglected? Who knows) the reader finds injured and patches them up + befriends them?
Some bitty fics include feral bitties travelling together, like a horror or classic sans with a fell.
Basically, go nuts, no strict requests. Interpret it how ever you like :)
Hope you like this request, idk just enjoying the fandom.
Enjoy the rest of your day/night ^-^
I am so happy to do this! It reminded me of a picture I found on Pinterest that I wanted to adopted fell san bitty. Here is the picture. Also, I'm gonna do it with fell and horror since they where abandon for there looks and attitude.
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To anyone else reading this: You will adopt him, and if you don't, I will find out where you live and kill you. Then I'm gonna bring you're ass back from hell and make you write a sorry letter to a fictional character.
Enjoy <3
FellSansBitty X Reader X HorrorSansBitty
It was just a normal day in Ebbot city. All you wanted to do was get a coffee and some treats but mother nature decided that you where gonna deal with nature and threw the biggest Strom the city has seen.
You where currently running down the street, you're jacket over you're head to stop getting wet.
While on you're way back home, you ran by a alley you passed a million times. Though, this time was different. You heard crying. You stopped and tried to listen over the heavey thunder and rain but you couldn't.
When you got closer, you where able to hear it clearer. When a loud thundering boom made it's present, you heard a whimper. When you followed the noise, you came across a wet, broken down box. On the front it said "bitty for sale." There were numbers also scratched out.
25$, 15$, 5$, and free. You looked inside and you saw a bitty. Bittys where interduced to human kind when monsters arrived above ground.
Humans took them quickly and made more of them. They are now used for therapy, friends, pets, and teatchers for the disabled.
Though there were times when bittys did stuff they were not meant to do. Like bitting, talking back, and actually running away from their owners. People called then "broken bittys."
When that stuff happened, people would take them and dust them or put them down in human words. You did not believe in that way since it was wrong, and living things should have free will.
So when you opened the soggy broken box open, you came face to face with the bitty. It looked up at you, scared but also hissed at you in fear.
You used your best smoothing voice to calm into bitty and reach your hand out. Showing it that it can get on your hand if it wants.
When another loud thundering boom was heard, it quickly grabbed you're hand and you slowly raised it up.
Now that it was in your hand, you quickly brought it underneth your jacket and got a closer look at it
It looked like....
It looked like a little cherry. It had a big furry black and yellow jacket and shorts.
It had red eyelights.
It looked at you while you stood up and quickly ran to you're house.
Once you reached you're house, you where quick to grab a towel and help the bitty dry off.
It grumble and snapped at you, saying it can do it it's delf
Once it was dru, you interduce youreself. "Hi, my name is (Y/N). What's you're name?"
"....sans...but I like being called red...."
You nod and ask him if he wants food.
You make him some grilled cheese and give it to him.
He complains that the grilled cheese was too cheesy, but he was lying that he hated it since he was eating it faster, then he could chew it.
You had to tell him a few times to slow down.
While he eats, you asked him why he was in that box.
Red stopped eating and looked at the ground.
"No one wants a mean looking bitty..."
Obviously you don't like that so you pet his head and say to him. "I don't think you look mean looking. I think you look tough."
Red looks at you surpised. He looked at you like you were joking, but how you were petting him, you wernt joking.
He blushes and pushes you're hand away.
"I ain't cute."
You chuckle and nod. "Of corse you're not."
"I said I ain't fuckin cute! Now stop fucking petting me!"
You guys are gonna have a instresting relationship.
Pretend that's you're hand.
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When you got a better look at the bitty in you're hand, it looked hurt.
It had a hole in its head, torn up clothes, and seemed to be shaking from the cold.
You held it aginst youreself and ran home.
Once home, you quickly grabbed a towl and help it dry it off, being mindful of its hole in the head.
Once dry, you asked him for a name.
"......sans......but people call me horror."
You nod and ask if he wants some grilled cheese.
His eyes seem to shine at the sound of food and quickly nods.
You make some and give it to him.
You watch him devour the grilled cheese in seconds.
You had to tell him to slow down.
Once he was done eating, you asked the hardest question.
"Why where you in that box?"
Horror stopped eating the crumbs and looked down
"No one wants a broken looking bitty."
You're hurt by his words but after a bit, you take 2 fingers and pet his good side of his skull.
He immediately looked at you surpised but smile and purred.
You just got a skeloton cat bitty.
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yunholuvrr · 1 year
closed doors pt.1
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summary: poor yunho just can't resist himself, not when you sound like that.
pairing: yeosang x fem!reader, yunho x fem!reader
word count: 2k
warnings: this is just pure smut, yunho is a perv, voyeurism, cheating, unprotected sex, switch!yunho, idk what else to say i blacked out and wrote this in one sitting
part 2
Neither of you heard him walk in. As far as Yeosang was concerned, Yunho would be at work for 3 more hours, and for those 3 hours you were all his. He had some pent up tension that he'd rather take out on you when no one else could hear you scream his name.
Yunho couldn't hear you two either, at least not at first. He set his bags down as usual and made his way to the kitchen for a drink. Only in the silence of scanning the half empty fridge did he start to hear you. Your whining and moaning and unmistakable "Sangie please!" echoing through the apartment. Fuck.
He tries to pick up a soda and tune it out. He could go straight to his room and put on his headset and sink into a round of Valorant. He could forget all about how you were getting fucked senseless just a room over. Right?
"You can take it, right? You're doing so good for me baby," Yeosang grunts, loud enough for Yunho to hear as he shuffles to his room. You can only sigh some string of explicatives and Yunho wonders what he could've possibly been doing to you now. Did he switch positions? Is he using toys on you? Is he just so big that you go stupid? Is he bigger than Yunho? Could you take Yunho, too? Fuck.
He doesn't know how it happens, if you asked him he'd swear up and down that he'd never do such a thing, but within seconds he has his ear pressed to Yeosang's door. The sound of skin hitting skin is much clearer now, and his pace is brutal. Yunho palms the growing bulge in his pants, closing his eyes to try and imagine you more clearly. He probably has you folded in half, ankles on his shoulders and hands gripping the sheets for dear life as he ruins you.
"Sangie please .... I'm so close please," you mumble over and over, orgasm so close you can practically touch it. Yunho's eyes roll back behind his lids, one hand making its way under his pants. He tries to match his strokes to Yeosang's, but the way he's pounding into is nearly inhuman, only turning Yunho on more.
"Do you want to come, love?" A faint click and light buzz gets tossed into the mix. So he does have toys. You cry out even louder and Yunho can't help the small moan that leaves his lips. He instantly clasps his free hand over his mouth, shocked at himself. He barely moans when he's hooking up with someone, but you... you just sound so good getting fucked by his roommate. You sound like you were made to be filled up.
Yunho almost, almost, reaches his own orgasm, lost in his thoughts of you whining under him, pinned down by his hands as he fucks into you endlessly. But the persistent slapping stops, and when he refocuses he hears shuffling right behind the door.
"Let me get you a damp towel, stay there," Yeosang hums before sliding out to the hallway. A lone coke bottle is laying next to his door frame, you must've left it out there before he pulled you inside. He pads into the bathroom and starts running warm water, and that's when Yunho finally lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He had never moved so fast, hand scratching against his zipper as it flew from below his waistband, body silently and expertly slinking into his own room before freezing in place. His muscles relax at the sound of running water and he quietly sinks into his bed.
His dick is still painfully hard, and the adrenaline of almost being caught is only making him hornier. Shouldn't he feel ashamed? But the shame turns him on, too. No matter how much he tries to talk himself out of it, he can't help it. He runs his slender fingers along his member, desperately trying to build up to the pace his ears got accustomed to earlier. Your voice echoes through his head.
He doesn't know how long you've been standing there. Hell, he doesn't even know how long he's been touching himself, slowly coming closer and closer to the edge at the thought of you. You noticed Yunho's bags as you hugged your boyfriend goodbye. He had just gone to get some food, but you welcomed the short break to compose yourself. But when did Yunho get home? Did he know you were there? Might as well say hi, you thought.
Nothing prepared you for the sight in front of you now. He made the mistake of leaving his door a crack open, just enough for you to see him splayed out on his bed. Head tilted back into his pillows, right hand making quick work of his dick, which had to be the biggest you've seen in your life. His face is tinted a cute shade of pink, heart shaped lips parted in pleasure. He genuinely looks gorgeous so close to coming. Your body moved before your mind did.
"Yunho?" Lightly pushing the door open wider, you finally got his attention. He froze, his doe eyes staring at you for a second before shutting in embarrassment.
"Sorry, I was, um," he starts, but you cut him off.
"When did you get home?" He opens his eyes again, staring at you in confusion now. "Early enough to hear us, I suppose?"
You swear his fingers twitch around his dick, "I really didn't mean to intrude on you two..."
"Ah, so that's why you're jerking off by yourself instead?" You take a step closer, fully in his room now. You've been in here a few times, usually to play a game or two with both of them. The air was undeniably different than then though, dripping with unspoken need.
Yunho's beyond confused, but he makes no effort to move as he watches you slowly step closer. You would've left if you didn't want him, right? You wouldn't be so shamelessly staring at his dick if you didn't want him. Right?
"Were you thinking about me this whole time?" You gingerly sit on the edge of his mattress. Everything about this was so wrong, especially when Yeosang could come back at any second. But your brain was clouded by the sight of Yunho touching himself, eager to do the same.
"What are you doing?" His voice wavers, eyes following you. God, he looked so precious like this, scared and exposed but turned on all at the same time.
"You," he shudders at your instant response and you lean over him. There's a moment of hesitation, an acknowledgement from you both of how wrong this is. But neither of you could control yourselves.
He crosses the line first, reaching up and pulling you on top of him into a kiss. It wasn't romantic or thoughtful in the slightest, just spit and tongue and lust moving together. His other hand clinged to your hip, urging you to straddle him. You obliged, biting his lip before leaning back. You couldn't help but roll your hips on top of him, and his grip on you tightened.
"Fuck y/n," he groans, silently begging you to do it again. His cheeks are flushed bright red with shame now, eyes screwed shut in pleasure. He's so fucking pretty under you, you can't help but tease.
"How long have you wanted me like this?" You grind again. The thin sleep shorts you threw on are the only thing separating his aching dick from your heat, and wetness is already starting to seep through. He doesn't respond, only panting and bucking up into you frantically.
"Why'd you stop," he whines, breathless, as you still completely.
"You didn't answer me. How long have you wanted to fuck me, love?" You burn holes into his sweet doe eyes that look back at you, searching for some friction again. "Was today the first time you thought of it?"
"No," he whispers, even more ashamed.
"Then when?" You rest your weight back fully on top of him, only giving enough relief to make him answer.
"Since you started dating him, fuck," he bucks up again and you let him. You wonder how many time's he's listened to you get fucked senseless in the next room over. He's vocal now, groaning at the feeling of precum and your slick covering his dick. When he makes eye contact with you, his shameful sweet appearance has been replaced by something almost animalistic. You give in, knowing Yeosang could be back at any minute, and you need him just as much.
"You're much bigger than him, you know," you coo, sliding your soaked shorts to the side and lining yourself up, "but you don't know how to pleasure me like he does. Not yet, anyway."
"Please," he sighs at the sight, "you can do whatever you want to me. Please just do it already."
You only mumble a small "needy" as you lower yourself onto him, taking him fully. It's quick and it burns and you feel the slightest sense of guilt at being filled up by someone who isn't your boyfriend, but it's all worth it for the choked moans that escape Yunho's mouth. If you thought he was pretty earlier, he's fucking beautiful now. Eyes closed, brows furrowed in pleasure, a few strands of hair stuck to his forehead in sweat, lips swollen and parted as he takes in shaky breaths. God, he's perfect.
It doesn't take long for you to start moving in tandem, rolling and bouncing like your life depends on it. One of his hands traces up your side to rest on your boob, squeezing harshly every so often. Before you know it, he plants his feet firmly behind you and pulls you down, setting his own pace. He wraps both arms around your torso and pounds into you relentlessly, nothing but the sound of skin slapping filling the room.
"Is this how he fucks you, hm?" He growls into your ear and you choke out a cry because yes, this is exactly how Yeosang was fucking you not even an hour before. And it felt so good, so so good, but this feels so much better. Yunho fills you up in no way you've ever felt before, and his frame is so big you couldn't escape if you tried.
He pulls your hair down, forcing you into the crook of his neck. All you can feel is him moving beneath you, grunting into your ear as he finally gets what he so badly wanted. And then he stills.
"Why'd you stop baby?" You look up, ears ringing from the sudden silence. But when you meet his gaze, he's staring at the door. Your stomach drops.
"It's not what it..." Yunho chokes out, frozen in place.
"I knew you liked him babe," Yeosang calmly walks into the room, cap covering his eyes, takeout bag still in hand, "but you could've just asked me. I would've said yes."
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sovksluv · 8 months
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no one but you.
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𖤐 . pairing - book!Clarisse La Rue x gn!Hades!reader
𖤐 . request - hullo hullo! i hope this isnt a bother but i was wondering if you can write a hc of childofhades!reader being claimed like similar to episode one and how percy got claimed during capture the flags? lots of hugs im so disappeinted that their aren't a lot child of hades fies. hades is honestly my fav greek god and character from the show
𖤐 . content includes - fighting, blood, daggers, lowk mean clarisse, idk what else
𖤐 . word count - 1,208
𖤐 . taglist - @perseus-jackass
𖤐 . a/n - this wasn’t meant to be clarisse x reader but it kinda just morphed into it, not complaining tho 🤷‍♀️
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you don’t particularly enjoy the weekly capture the flag games, but since Annabeth has led and won the past two, it would be wrong not to aid in the blue team's success.
her first game had ended with a surprise when camp half-blood’s newest camper, Percy Jackson, had been claimed by Poseidon.
now, you were stealthily moving through the woods, peeking around trees with your dagger held tight in your hand. your job is to find and disarm Clarisse, or at least distract her while, Percy and Annabeth made their way to the red team’s flag.
your head shot to the direction of a twig snapping, tightening your grip on your dagger, you ducked behind a tree and scanned your surrounding area.
“i know you're there,” you heard a far, raspy voice call, not even attempting a whisper.
you sucked in a sharp breath and slowly turned your head to the direction of the voice. you heard the crunch of leaves under their feet as they got closer. you had a feeling you knew who it was, but you were still unsure.
“oh, come on, no need to quiet yourself. I know you search these woods for me,” the voice hinted, but at this point you had already recognized it. it was Clarisse.
it became clearer now that she was closer, which pushed you to quietly sigh out loud and stand up from the tree, emerging from behind it. there stood Clarisse La Rue, she had her spear stabbed into the ground with one hand and helmet cradled in the other. but what drew most of your attention was the smirk planted on her face.
“hey there, Sparks,” she teased, her smirk increasing at the raise of your eyebrow.
you loosened the grip on your dagger, noticing you’d been gripping it even harder than before. 
“don’t call me that,” you replied, inching closer to her, holding up your dagger.
“don’t be such a grump, Sparks,” she taunted, throwing her helmet to the side, wielding her spear. “what are you doing here all alone? looking for me?” she smirked and moved closer towards you as well. the two of you began circling around each other, weapons in hand.
you held eye contact with her hypnotizing eyes, ignoring her questions. her smirk widened and her head slightly turned. “i'll take that as a yes.” she stopped walking and stood up straight, lowering her spear once again.
you hesitantly copied her movements, although still slightly weary. you sighed, squinting your eyes at her as if you were trying to read her like a book. “well, why are you just standing there? i thought you loved fighting people.” 
She slowly licked her lips and stepped closer. the sunlight between the trees shined right on her face, making her eyes glow with a warm, unfamiliar delicacy. “i was gonna go easy on ya’ sparks, wouldn't wanna hurt you too much.”
you scoffed and boldly decided to strike first. you took quick steps towards her, swiping your dagger at her with each one. She skillfully dodged each swipe, taking steps back from you as she did it. she grinned at your failed attempts to strike her. 
“come on, Sparks, you can do better than that. come on. come at me.” you let out a huff and went at her again. she countered all your moves with her spear this time, using the dull end to knock at your dagger. 
you moved with sloppy determination, while she countered everything you had smoothly and flawlessly. “don’t go all soft on me, Sparks. i know you can do better.
“i told you to stop…” swipe “calling…” swipe “me…” swipe “that!”
Clarisse had her back pinned against a tree, with your dagger pressed tightly against her neck. she was breathless, looking at you with both surprise and pride on her face. 
she let out a breathless laugh. “look at you, Sparks. i knew you could do it.” she held strong eye contact with you, refusing to be the one to break it first.
your grip on your dagger faltered, and you swallowed harshly.
Clarisse took your surprise to shove you off of her with her spear. she began her own attempts at striking you. this time you skillfully countered her attacks. 
your dueling constantly sent the both of you backing up from the other. Clarisse’s hits seemed to soften as yours became even more determined.
“wouldn't we be better on the same team?” you ignored her taunts, but you were unable to ignore the way the fire inside you raged brighter and hotter. her taunting was fueling the constant burning.
few cuts littered your skin, some also visible on her. Clarisse was becoming sloppy, her spear faltering and her feet tripping over small tree roots and rocks.
Clarisse continued, noticing the fire lighting up behind your eyes. “but we can’t, can we? because you’re just a pathetic little unclaimed child.” her words felt like an indescribable searing traveling through your bloodstream.
suddenly, Clarisse was flat on the ground, her hair splayed out and her spear lying far away from her with your legs pinning her to the ground. a scream rang through her ears and the woods, and she felt a stinging on her neck.
though she felt the blood and felt the pain, she couldn’t tear her wide eyes from the bright, burning symbol of Hades floating above your head. the fire from your eyes matched the fire above you as you heaved, still unaware that your father had made an entrance.
“Hades…” she whispered. it was barely audible but you heard it. 
you drew your dagger away from her, not missing the way blood had seeped from her biggest wound. no one had been able to draw blood from Clarisse. ever. 
“what?” you whispered. your breath fanned her face. she still hadn’t looked at you, eyes still trained on the scorching fire above. your eyes followed hers, widening as you finally realized what she was looking at.
“oh.” you softly spoke. you carefully got off of her and stood up, hesitantly offering your hand for her to grab. she pulled herself up, a new smirk planted on her lips.
“finally understand all that fury you’ve got, Sparks.” she laughed and retrieved both her spear and her helmet. she ignored the aching cut on her neck, not wanting you to have any more glory than you already got.
 “yeah… i guess so.” you breathlessly chuckled, watching the symbol above you disappear as the two of you heard the final conch sound. 
slight panic washed over Clarisse’s face, now suddenly realizing that you had successfully distracted her for the majority of the game. “what? worried you lost again?” you taunted her, a mocking smirk on your face.
she scoffed and playfully shoved you. “whatever. just go.” she tried to sound serious but the small smile on her face showed otherwise.
a smile like hers was mirrored onto your face as the two of you slowly made your way back to the other campers. Clarisse would never admit to the warmth she felt when being near you, or the smile on her face.
but seriously, she would never let another soul see her like this. no one but you.
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© sovksluv 2024 , please do not repost or translate my work !
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bimbo-baggins17 · 3 months
Cabin Confessions: Scott Barringer
CW: MDNI! Angst with a fluffy ending!!
A/N: My first time writing for Scott!! Idk how I feel about this so hopefully it’s good. And omg it’s my first time not writing smut 😱 My classes start in a couple days so I wanted to put something else out in case I get swamped. As always, feedback is appreciated! Requests are open!
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“Are you sure we should be in here, Scott? Someone’s gonna notice.”
Scott huffs and rolls his eyes, “If you’d stop looking out the window and quit worrying, nothing’ll happen.” He says pulling you back from the window.
He had passed you a note earlier telling you to meet him in one of the empty cabins. You were confused to say the least. He’s been an ass to you since you came to Mount Horizon, whether it was dirty looks, insults under his breath as you walked past or indirect comments in group. You weren’t sure what you ever did to offend him but everyone else seemed to just accept. Thats just Scott apparently.
Both of you stand there in an awkward silence with him shifting back and forth on his feet, seeming nervous. You weren’t sure what to say and since he was the one who asked you here, you figured it should be him to speak first.
Scott sighs and drags a hand down his face as he looks away from you finally breaking the silence after what felt like minutes, “Look I know I’m an asshole to you, alright?”
The way he said it so casually was enough to annoy you, but you were taken aback. Was that his way of apologizing? “Is that why you asked me here?” You ask.
He shrugs his shoulders sheepishly, “Kinda, yeah.”
“Well it really wasn’t that profound of a statement. You coulda easily just told me without doing all of this.”
He blinks at you for a second before he rolls his eyes. Of course it wouldn’t be that easy with you. “God you’re so annoying.” He mumbles.
Your eyebrows pinch together at the words, “Are you serious? You just apologized for being an ass and you turn around and act like an ass towards me again.”
He shakes his head, “I never apologized. I only admitted to knowing I was an ass.”
You let out a scoff, “Oh I’m glad you’re at least a self aware asshole. That makes it sooo much better, forgive me.”
“See? You act like you’re so innocent and perfect but really you’re just judgmental and think you’re better than everyone else.”
You recoil at the words, “Seriously? You’ve been judging me since the second I got here!”
Scott scoffs and rolls his eyes, “Oh please I know I’ve been an ass but it hasn’t been since you first got here.”
“Yes it has been Scott, I think I’d know that. You’ve made it pretty clear since day one that you don’t like me, and I don’t even know what I did to make you feel that way!”
The boy sighs and runs a hand through his hair, “Ok but I-“
“And I don’t even understand why you hate me so much. I’ve been nothing but nice to you, I’ve even covered for you to Peter!” You cut him off, continuing on your ramble.
His eyebrows raise and the scowl softens. He didn’t know THAT and now he feels like an even bigger ass. He was never good with his feelings and now that’s even clearer than before. “Okay..well..I didn’t know you did that.”
You bark out a laugh and he instantly recoils, “Yeah that was kinda the point.” You shake your head and fold your arms across your chest. “Are we done here? I am at least, so I’m gonna leave.” Turning towards the door to leave you mumble under your breath again, “This was a complete waste of time.”
Scott’s face drops. This went so differently than what he had anticipated. Without thinking he reaches out and grabs ahold of your arm to stop you.
You jerk your arm out of his hold and whip around to glare at him. “Don’t, Scott. Just don’t. I don’t wanna hear whatever excuse you have lined up-“
“Can you just shut up for two seconds and listen to me please? Jesus Christ.” He groans.
“I have been, and again I reiterate that you’ve said nothing profound.”
“No that’s not all I was gonna say just…ughhh..” He realizes he just needs to spit it out, “I like you okay? God.” The worlds tumble out and he feels nauseated and like he shouldn’t have done any of this. Should have just let things stay the same.
Another blanket of silence covers the both of you. It makes his skin crawl. He can’t read your face to tell what you’re possibly thinking.
You stand there, practically glued to the spot, stunned. Did you hear him correctly. “Uh what? You..?”
Scott swallows thickly but then nods his head, shoving his hands into his jean pockets. “Yeah.”
You take another moment before scoffing and turning around, rolling your eyes. “Good one.”
Seriously? You don’t believe him?? “God you’re impossible.” He mumbles under his breath.
He doesn’t even let you take a step towards the door before he’s grabbing onto you again and spinning you around to face him.
“What’re you-“ Before you can get the rest of the words out of your mouth, he cuts them off by crashing his lips onto your’s, his hands cupping your face on either side. “Mmph!” It takes your brain a second to fully process and catch up to what’s happening. Once it does though you tentatively return the kiss.
A kiss with Scott was exactly how you thought it would be. It wasn’t sweet or gentle. It was demanding like he was but still tender. But for him, he was on cloud 9. Your lips were as soft as he imagined countless times. And the way you tasted? He’d savor it forever.
When he pulls back, his eyes move over your face, taking in every minute detail, the way your cheeks were flushed, your plump lips that he let his thumb brush over, your pupils were wide as you looked up at him. He could tell you were still trying to make sense of everything that just happened between you two.
“Do you believe me now?” He rasps out, his eyes locking on yours as he tucks a piece of hair behind your ear.
You swallow and nod your head gently. You were surprised still and confused over how fast and sudden this all happened but you believed him. “..yeah.”
“Good,” He responded quietly with a single nod of his head, “We should make this a regular thing.”
“The arguing?” You ask sarcastically.
He huffs dryly and rolls his eyes, “No smartass. This.” He presses another kiss to your lips, this one shorter than the last.
When he pulls back you, you smile up at him. “I think I’d be willing to do that more.” You muse.
He smirks at you and shakes his head. “God, you’re difficult.” But there’s no malice behind his words this time.
“Mm but I’m obviously doing something right if it got your attention like this.” You retort.
He hated that you were right. Scott chuckles and then lets out a long exhale. “Yeah yeah. Just don’t let it go to your head.”
“Too late.” You grin up at him.
He opens his mouth for a rebuttal but the cabin door swinging open stops him from saying anything. Both of your heads swivel over towards it. Peter stands there, arms folded.
And that’s how you both end up on kitchen duty.
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angel-kyo · 7 months
Pay it no mind
Part XVI (kinda? Idk. Explanation in the note.)
In which reader confesses their feelings to Gojo, but it seems these are not returned (maybe?).
Warnings: reader is on the receiving end of rejection (kinda), and the fact that I'm obsessed with unrequited love is a warning itself. I would say reader is ooc in this one, or it might feel like that. I don't know. There are also mentions of a difficult family situation (awful father, deceased mother, etc.)... Oh, and this almost makes me look anti-Gojo (I'm not, though).
Previous: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII, Part VIII, Part IX, Part X, Part XI, Part XII, Part XIII, Part IV, Part XV
“Aomori?” you repeated in disbelief. Isn’t that like…?”
Haruki leaned forward on his elbows on the table and placed his head in his hands in frustration. You watched his fingers bury themselves in his brown curls and tug them.
“It’s about a ten-hour bus ride or four hours in the train...” he said without looking at you. His eyes were on the table, and you could only see the top of his head. “That if I’m lucky… Which I am not, obviously,” he grumbled and lifted his head to look at you.
You two were at the coffee shop where he worked, or rather, used to work. He had submitted his resignation the day before.
“That’s far.” You were not sure of what else to say. The notice of his departure was coming in too sudden. Only a few days ago you had been talking about maybe meeting up on New Year’s Eve, and now he was leaving? “For… For how long?”
Ikeda looked outside and shrugged. “He’s transferring me there so I guess he means at least until the end of high school, and then…” he frowned. In fact, he was not sure of what would happen after that. “I’m sure that jerk will come up with something else.”
Haruki looked back at you and, realizing what he had said, quickly apologized for speaking like that in front of you.
“I’m sorry. I just can’t believe he did this behind my back. I knew he could not stand seeing me, but I never thought he would plan something like this and ambush me any other Tuesday.”
He sighed, and you looked at him with sympathy. It was the most distressed you had ever seen him, and the most upset too.
Haruki, who always looked happy and unbothered when he was with you, had only ever appeared uncomfortable, and sometimes even angered, when he spoke about his father. At first, you had believed they just did not get along, but it was more than that; Haruki had told you once that his father seemed to resent him since his mother left.
“I’ve never blamed her,” he told you one day while you waited for his train, “she was sick and he was never at home, but when he was, he was horrible to her.”
He had then showed you her picture. A beautiful woman with long brown hair and bright eyes a few shades clearer than her locks, smiling and hugging an eight-year-old Haruki; he had definitely gotten the looks from her, and it was evident she had loved him dearly.
Due to her illness, Haruki’s mother had passed away just a couple years after leaving her husband, before she was able to fulfill her promise to his son to come back for him. Hence, Haruki had ended up stuck with a resentful father who was almost never at home, but when he was, he was as horrible to his son as he had been to the mother he resembled. And now, he was sending him to live with his uncle in a distant prefecture to attend a new school.
He had given Haruki little less than a week to, and the boy quoted, “wrap up any business in Tokyo.”
Apparently, that included you, who did your best to comfort him, even if there was not much you could say or do.
“I will miss you,” Ikeda said after you assured him it would be alright and that two or three years would sure fly by, and then he would not need to listen to what his father or his uncle said. It seemed his mood had improved a little at that.
“I will miss you too,” you told him, still wrapping your head around the idea of not seeing him anymore.
If only you could see curses, maybe there would be another way out for you, maybe we could have more time.
You pushed that thought away. That was selfish thinking, was it not? Of course, you would not want Haruki to live in gore and pain as a sorcerer. There had to be better, more peaceful options for him somewhere.
“I like you a lot.” His words pulled you out of your head, and when your eyes focused on him, you noticed his face was flushed, but he was looking right at you. “I think I could have loved you. Not that I don’t now,” he smiled softly, “but in the way I wanted to love you.”
There was a tinge of sadness in his voice, but your heart was beating faster as he spoke. Did that mean you wanted to love him too?
“I…” you started, but he shook his head and smiled.
“It’s fine. I thought we had more time, so I did not tell you sooner, but now, I just realized I wanted to let you know in person.”
Haruki had not planned to confess that day. He was only going to tell you he was leaving and ask you to stay in touch but realizing that it might be the last time he was going to see you in, perhaps, a long time, he felt he needed to tell you. He had wanted to tell you since the first time you had accepted going out with him that summer, but he then thought it was better not to rush and just let your friendship take its course.
At the end of the day, people should honor their feelings.
That he believed whole-heartedly. That is why Gojo’s attitude had annoyed him, acting as a jealous boyfriend around you if he was nearby but still claiming to be just your friend. If he wanted more, he should admit it instead of doing whatever he thought he was doing that day he accompanied him to the station.
“Haruki, I like you too,” you said sincerely.
But do you like me as I like you? the boy wondered.
He would not ask you that as he would not ask for more at this point. What could he ask, that you waited for him? He was not that arrogant to believe you had to do it nor that idealistic to make promises he knew time could swallow. Knowing that you had cared about him was enough.
He gave you a closed-eye smile. “I’m so glad.”
But saying it had not changed anything. You and Haruki had agreed to staying in touch and he had hugged you tightly before letting you go.
Maybe he knew we would drift apart.
You had kept texting and calling each other after that. Once he was with his uncle, he had given you his address, so you could exchange letters; he even sent you a few postcards with some pretty views around his new city. For a little while, you thought you could remain friends and just live on it, but his absence became increasingly painful, and when you both got busy with school again, and he was barely replying to your messages and his letters felt distant, the realization that maybe you had truly loved and lost was devastating.
It happened slowly but not painlessly. There was just never a good time for a quick call anymore, the messages were fewer and shorter, and you probably did not reply to the last one because there was nothing to say, and finally, the letters. Oh, the letters... Once funny and vibrant as your friend had been, they became nothing but curt and disappointing. It was hard to believe that two people who once had so much to talk about could barely bring themselves to write more than a few lines for each other.
I guess people can enter your life seamlessly, but they can hardly leave like that.
Your friends comforted you to their best, and Satoru made it his mission to ensure you would not feel lonely doing the things you liked anymore. Despite your protests, he attached himself to your hip as he had done it when you were kids, even on the days when you did not want to leave your room.
And when, months after Haruki’s departure, you sat down in front of the training fields, tired of waiting for a letter that would not come, Satoru held your hand firmly as you accepted your loss and stayed by your side unfaltering, the same way you would do for him when Suguru left you all later down the road.
That was how, as the seasons changed, you quietly let go of your friend who had been a child of the spring himself.
Note: I almost did not want to include this part? I mean, I felt like the other guy needed some explaining, and as much as I enjoyed it, I would say this is almost a filler, so I'm sorry of it's bad. Anyways, if the next part is not the last one, it will sure bring us quite closer. I've not forgotten where I left Satoru, promise!
Thank you for reading!
Next: Part XVII
@mavs-stuff @witchbybirth @crookedlyaddictedone-blog @tqd4455 @maybe-a-bi-witch @mo0nforme @maliakealoha @zacatecanaaaa @blushhpeachh @astriarose @missesgojosatoru @ba-ks @sukunasleftkneecap @songbirdlully @cole-silas @heijihattorisgf @chokesonspit @hersheyzzz @smolbeanzzz @luciledreamz @avidreadee123 @moonmalice @ratscandaler @sadmonke @allie-jay @username23345 @spin-garden @ashehateaccount @kayzens @blehtotheblehtothebleh @stellasloth @bloopsstuff
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ivoryand-gold · 3 months
Epic The Musical Reaction: Thunder Saga ⛈️⚡️⛈️⚡️⛈️⚡️
SO many thoughts and feelings after the Troy & Cyclops Sagas (Jorge’s Version) and THUNDER SAGA. this is a LONG one, but i’ve put what i can put into words, so here my initial 24 hour-post release reaction! Spoilers galore ahead!
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the ensemble is *chef’s kiss*
i love how gentle Jay’s voice is when he’s singing “penelope” and “telemachus”
the battle clashing is so good!!
overall Luke’s voice is a little softer and feels less thunderous than og so i wonder if that was to contrast thunder bringer? not a complaint just an interesting choice!
don’t love the change to “i don’t think you’re ready” but the rest of zeus’ part is gorgeous
he sounds like a kid pleading, making thunder bringer even sadder when he does it again later 😭😭😭
instrumental has a chokehold on me and Jay’s vocals are so smooth
“the view” drop is a lovely choice
😭😭😭 “who’s fighting for his life” 😭😭😭
od’s first “im just a man” being so soft and now in comparison to eurylochus’ version is devastating
i like how Jay’s voice starts soft and builds power as he’s shaking the guilt of the infant in order to lead his men again
Armando is just so solid. truly the most consistent and solid vocals, which is perfect for the purpose his character serves in the first act of the story
i love every once in a while Jorge makes a surprising pronunciation choice that just tickles me
there were a few specific lines i was worried would lose their magic but “you and i’ll go ahead” still sounds perfect
again, ensemble is eatinggg
Steven stuck out so much to me for some reason. more so when i listened on my tv, but still a bit on my phone as well. the mixing on him feels a little off compared to everyone else to my ear, which is odd compared to the bell-like perfect clarity the stolen version has. this isn’t a diss to Steven, he has a beautiful voice and is the perfect polites which may be why this production difference sticks out more than any one else’s. idk maybe i’m tripping but it feels like he lost some of the innocence in his voice as a result 🥺
i wonder if the lotus eaters sound a little deeper to distinguish them from the winions
i love the “nom nom nom,” “scary cave,” and “that way” 😂😂😂
Teagan is so solid it’s unreal, athena songs can’t help but be bops and aside from the “villain god songs” are my favs
thought it was “you lied to me,” not “enlighten me” until yesterday 😅
ik after the ts master’s heist that re-recorded masters have to be distinguishable for legal reasons, but it’s so interesting what and how choices were made here, such as polyphemus’ voice change
“watch out” and the mixing leading into Survive is perfection
the fighting is excellent
the harmonizing is stunning
the deaths are even more brutal 😭😭
ik he squished polites but polyphemus is so pitiful and they are in his house, you could never make me hate him in this version 🥺 (in hades 2 yeah fuck that guy lolol)
eurylochus screaming is very good
Jay’s vocals are DELICIOUS!! this song might be the biggest improvement for him.
the crew sounds more reverential and mournful while od grows in anger throughout which i like how that builds into the name reveal
GAH od’s no and athena’s no are both more terrifying now that they exchanged energy
background vocals during the build to his name reveal seem much more pronounced, which is interesting but i love it
“hey cyclops” really feels like the culmination of all the anger in this songs and then we get hit with the new “odysseus”
platonic breakup song of my dreams 😩😩😩
oooh that growl on “waste” is everything
her disappointment is a little sadder in this one
nailed it, kept the magic, i have nothing but love for this song
Jorge’s vocals are so much clearer throughout and his acting is so much more nuanced! I didn’t have any criticism for the original version before, but having them to compare now makes me really appreciate his growth and depth of understanding of the character arc Ody’s on in the new ones.
the mixing is so smooth and I LOVE the new vocals for the ensemble
such a glow up on the cover art!!!
every song was either an improvement or just as good, but i need more time with open arms to decipher my full feelings on that one
i’m really glad Jorge did this.
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i didn’t consider Jorge had lied about the sirens not being included until the end, so at first i thought it was a dream or something, but realized the heavy production meant some god/monster fuckery + the repeated trying to get him in the water + use of Penelope’s voice it became apparent to me just in time for the turn.
this song is so cute and ridiculous
the tonal dissonance was jarring but then on additional passes it’s so perfect to express how out of place what’s happening is. it’s confusing because it’s wrong
Anna’s delivery of “of course” and “oh no” are so playful, i love that he found an creative way to include more penelope
shy my ass lolol that was around when it clicked
also since they’re sirens, this is what he wants to hear most which is sad to think about if this is how he desires their marriage to be when he returns 😓. no matter of love or support can fix all the pain and guilt he’ll carry the rest of his life, but that hope is all he has
i love that “my real wife knows” is gonna probably mirror penelope saying something like “my real husband would know” in the ithaca saga
the layering of voices in the chorus
12 years or so is SO funny
i’d be scared so shitless
“nah you wouldn’t have spared me” and “let them drown” delivery
the crew’s turn from “we” to “he” then od singing “kill them all” before the following 3 songs is UNHINGED
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i was most excited for this song going in and was NOT disappointed!
scylla vocals in the backdrop to eurylochus’ confession feels reminiscent of puppeteer after his attempted confession with circe layered over. this time odysseus makes a different choice 😭
not much to say > i’ve got a secret > i opened the windbag > *silence* > light up 6 torches no words just ????????
DROWN - CHOKE - BLEED is so crunchy i want to mix it into my granola
the monstrous scylla belting is EVERYTHING and left me wanting so much more, so i guess i just have to repeat this song forever (but if Jay wants to release a Scylla extended cut i would be the #1 supporter)
“we are the same you and i” after his transformation into the monster is the stuff music is made for
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luck runs out reprisal with the strings is gonna be the end of me
“crazy and mad”
he said gaslight me PLSSSS
eurylochus losing his mind with the loss of his faith in od will leave me in shambles for the foreseeable future
“I CANT” 😬😬😬
electric guitar is guitarringggg
there is no price he won’t pay- the moment of clarity for the crew
yeah od why did you think they’d still trust you lol
im still not over the fact that burr and hamilton switching it up at the end is what sealed their fates and i imagine the same will remain true of ody and eury repeating that devastating irony
i wasn’t sure who would win the duel or if they’d keep the cows in, so as soon as i heard that cow i was like it’s over they’re so cooked they can’t conceive of how bad this is gonna be. helios don’t play about those cows (even though i’m inclined to think Jorge is switching it to be apollo for the sake of simplicity for epic which would also explain why apollo’s part of god games is still unknown even though his part is first)
wind god/sun god is so special to me
eurylochus isn’t himself anymore, odysseus was his hope
“please don’t tell me you’re about to do what i think you’ll do”
“ODY-“ brb screaming crying throwing up
“im just a man” 😭
he didn’t even get to enjoy a final meal, they died for nothing and it’s so damn sad
the acting in this may be the best in the entire musical
“captain?” 🥺😭 his hunger is so great and his spirit is so broken
“WHO DO YOU THINK HE’LL SEND???” is so desperate and well delivered
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the thunder and chanting and electric guitar and percussion and LUKE’S VOICE and-
the lyrical implications are so appropriately horrible but the beat is seductive and his voice is so powerful and it slides and shoots like lightning strikes or thunder rumbling might- culminating into a banger that captures the king of the gods’ essence perfectly. he is divine judgment and i would say that he abuses that but he doesn’t even see it that way. you implicitly can’t refuse his power, you never had the option and it’s terrifying and so damn zeus.
i truly have no notes that aren’t appreciation and awe. i won’t declare so definitively out of awareness that recency bias is in play, but this may best ruthlessness as my favorite.
odysseus will hate rain and the ocean for the rest of his life, they mean one of the big 3 is coming to fuck up his whole life 😅😅😅
“tell me” and “enlighten me” have me so giddy, he’s enjoying himself so much lol
so many GORGEOUS line deliveries in this whole song. this entire song is GORGEOUS line deliveries. one of my favs is how “choose” and “you or your crew” is said like a gentle interlude for the showier singing but is the most devastating part. the climax is in the quiet for this song
“please don’t make me do this” callback is lethal. odysseus never would’ve made another choice but the way they respectively play out and how he feels about them are brutal.
“let me take the suffering from you” he’s drawing from the siren’s version of penelope to convince himself he can live with the guilt. he uses her as an excuse time and time again to do the worst things, so much so that that’s how he sees her now. he’s desperate for her to be that because how else can he face himself? the one time he looked inward he saw a monster, no wonder he always has to look to/for her.
“i have to see her”
“but we’ll die”
“i know”
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they sound like scared children and i’m NOT OKAY. eurylochus gave everything for 12 years and odysseus told him he would do ANYTHING to save eury specifically when he risked his life for the pig-ified crew and not only was that not true, he ultimately chose to let him and 35 other men die in a final betrayal after withering his hope, faith, and mind. odysseus is devastated and racked with guilt but it was never a choice. he merely sees himself more honestly now, not the hero he saw in the mirror at the start of the journey, or even back on aeaea.
ik it’s the chorus but also it’s just like zeus to make it about himself again as he decimates these men. his all-powerful divine judgement is his right and stands as his thesis, as ruthlessness for mercy of self does for poseidon.
it sounds like a lullaby at the end like it does in THATI and Just a Man. innocence has died for the final time, there’s nothing good in him left to sacrifice. all he has is the hope that what’s left can still be loved and accepted by penelope because his love of self is gone. yet all that remains is selfishness. he’s calcified into himself, and this makes me hungry to re-read his character study in Circe by Madeline Miller because they do the same thing: Epic reveals this truth through his own perception of himself while Circe does it through the memories of those who loved him and most desperately wanted to the lies he believed about himself to be true.
i will NEVER hate eurylochus. he was top 3 before, but after this saga he is definitively my favorite character. were there devastating consequences to his actions? i mean yeah but also odysseus expected unconditional faith after making the original decision that put them in danger in the first place. his grief and/or pride (depending on how you interpret epic’s depiction of od) and ignoring eury/athena is what put them all in poseidon’s sights. he was clever, yes, but what did that ultimately amount to? it makes all the sense in the world that eurylochus lost faith in his cleverness when he saw the consequences and then just when od earned back his trust, he sacrificed 6 of their men without even trying to be clever. it’s all tragic and if you’re withholding criticism for od but can’t hold nuance for eury then we are having very different experiences, idk what to tell you lol.
danger motifffff
i hope the crew haunts od’s ass so we can hear them again, but either way what an expertly executed ending for those characters and that chapter of odysseus’ life. brava.
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this may be the best saga. again- recency bias- but it’s certainly going to be one of the best when all is said and done. THANK YOU JAY. THANK YOU ARMANDO. THANK YOU ANNA. THANK YOU LUKE. THANK YOU KJ.
so far my ranking is reverse track order
i hope we get the wisdom saga sooner than later because i’m greedy for good art lol but i’d wait however long Jay needs for another saga as well executed as this one
10/10 acting, 10/10 singing, 10/10 production. so much heart, skill, and talent has been put into this project and i’m really happy to be on this journey of appreciating and analyzing it with y’all in real time ☺️
i’m most looking forward to calypso and penelope as characters, but god games, get in the water, and hold them down as songs in each of the remaining sagas. (also my boy hephaestus)
if you made it this far, holy shit thank you. if you have money to spare please sponsor a family on Operation Olive Branch, also stream songs with proceeds being raised for liberation (such as Revolutin’ by Amira Unplugged), and Free Palestine, Congo, Sudan, Tigray, West Papúa, Haití, Hawaii, Armenia, Uyghur, and Turtle Island til it’s backwards! None of us are free until we’re all free.
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 4 months
Okay I was too tired last night for coherent thought but I’m now here with some assorted bullet points after watching dr who e6: Rogue
Overall I really enjoyed this episode! I thought the pacing was good, it was typical Doctor Who style and very enjoyable, I liked that we got time with both Ruby and the Doctor separately as well as together, I have a couple of thoughts but I just really want to say that overall I loved this episode
Theory based on the theory (I’m sorry I don’t know who first said it I’ve seen it a lot) that Devil’s Chord was moved: This was supposed to episode 2 - Flashback to Ruby’s mum when she ‘died’ that we didn’t get when died in Boom, one of her pieces of evidence that it was her was ‘we met space babies’ but no reference to other adventures, it would make the timing match up (she can’t remember whether it’s June or July back home), the stakes are less visibly high, other than Susan Twist there was no real reference to the overarching story arc (no snow, no One Who Waits, no pantheon references, etc) as is common with early episodes, we had more focus on the Doctor himself than we’ve really had so far and we actually got to understand, I felt at least, more about him as a character which again would usually be set up earlier on idk
Do you understand how relieved (and excited) I was when they started actually acknowledging Susan Twist, and of the same vein as I was when I saw the teaser for next week??? Absolutely buzzing, and also I was starting to think I was going mad looking for connections that didn’t exist so whooo
I thought Rogue was a really good character, I thought they were definitely trying to set something up for him to the Captain Jack archetype character (if that makes sense? I hope I’ve worded that right) and although I saw it coming for him to sacrifice himself for Ruby I don’t think that’s going to be the last of him - even if we see him at a different part of his timeline instead of his future. That could also be really interesting if the partner he lost was in fact in a romantic relationship with him and we have to see the Doctor contend with that, I can’t remember whether they stated the nature of their relationship or not but I don’t think they did so that could leave some options open to explore. I did feel that the Doctor and Rogue were a little bit rushed but overall really liked the set up of the relationship, I only found it slightly jarring when 13 was so broken up over the impossibility of letting herself fall in love with Yaz but I also think that different incarnations tend to approach their relationships differently so for me it wasn’t so much an issue as just a noticeable thing I guess
Speaking of noticeable things, IT WAS MODERN MUSIC??? I heard Bad Guy by Billie Eilish and Poker Face by Lady Gaga but there may have been others I didn’t recognise/pick up on. This was very very very suspicious to me, and other than a few episodes I haven’t watched Bridgerton but isn’t that what they do in Bridgerton??? Classical instrumentals of modern music??? Very suspicious
Also, the shapeshifters (chuldrur? Sorry I can’t remember it exactly) referred to themselves as cosplaying and that really caught me out I thought it was odd
I didn’t feel like the the rules of the trap were quite well established enough in that it wasn’t very clear to me how Rogue could so easily throw Ruby out of the trap when she couldn’t move; I assume it was because the capacity remained at 6 but idk I just felt like we could have had a clearer understanding of how it worked for the purpose of that set up
Ruby’s pretence was interesting, it made me think of Clara in Deep Breath a little bit but because of the perspective the stakes felt quite different. I did think it was weird that everyone else stopped cosplaying for the wedding and she was just there looking like herself because it made her stick out and also if the wedding is their finale to the game why wouldn’t they want to be in character?
ALSO it once again all links back to story whenever we are with Ruby and I think that’s fascinating, especially as a character who has died and been brought back, ‘died’, or had her history changed and rewritten in almost every episode so far
On that point -> Dungeons and Dragons!! Effectively what the shapeshifters felt they were doing as their game, and such an interesting link when there are so many questions left unanswered about Rogue ooo I’m excited
Okay I may be back with more but I think that’s all for now, very excited for next week’s episode, thanks for reading my ramblings I hope they were at least vaguely interesting <3
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pain-is-too-tired · 10 days
Spoilers for The Magnus Protocol Season 1 finale
Sam no 😭
Sam did not deserve that. Oh my gods. Idk if Alice is gonna get told the full thing but If so she's 100% not gonna forgive Ceila if she does.
I try not to over compare them to the Tma gang cause they're they own character
But Alice not forgiving Ciela would be a actually clearer minded/reasonable reason of not forgiving someone than most of the "we don't forgive you Jon for stuff mostly out of your control or even partly our fault-" that tma had and I'd be so down for that
Like, tma kinda over did it with characters putting all the blame on Jon. Like it made sense in tiny bits, they couldn't really do anything against Elias or the eye and Jon took the brunt of that. But it became annoying after awhile especially in s5. Tim was the only one that at least had a big reason to hate Jon, stalking and all that. And they wrote him really making it clear the reasons for his hatred and distrust.
So- if Alive goes a similar route, with even more reason to hate Ciela if she finds out what Ciela wanted to do, I'm so down for that as long as it isn't annoying.
Also, speaking of that. Oh my gods. This made me realize... did she switch to Tmp universe before or right at the world going back to normal? Like, we don't knew how she got to tmp universe. But I do wonder, maybe some people got sucked in with the fears? The specifics of that I'm not sure of, but it's kinda interesting. Assuming she IS from tma universe which I'm pretty sure she is. She says there's nothing to go back to, might be because she doesn't know things were reset.
Also. The Archivst... what was that? Why did it want it? It said "finally it's mine". Why did it want the tear? And. If it ends up back in tma universe... jeez.
Like, lot of people talk about the choice of how to end the eyepoclpse/fears in tma. The job vs everyone else thing. But if the fears could just..come back through? Just like that? Literally all that "let's just make it other universe's problem" was for nought. Obviously killing everyone was wild, and probably the Archivst/fears here are their own thing(probably very likely.) But,as mentioned by Ceila, something being displaced makes things unbalanced.
Does that apply to the fears? Is that also why it became a center piece for shops/other fears to be pulled to? Because it was trying to bring equallibruim to the universes?
Like...did they fuck up the other universes more then just giving them the fears? Did they cause an cosmic unbalanced they could come back to haunt them???
Also back to the Archivst. I saw some mention Jon(which unlikely,they seem to have a more feminine voice iirc) and another mention Tma Gertrude which I can see. Either way they do say an Archivst and it could be anyone. We know it seems be like the Archivsts in season 5 they came across. At least I think.
Anyway. Gods help Teddy and Colin. Part of me feels like they might be more part of the cast next season. That's gonna be something.
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slytherinsomniari · 1 year
A Breaking Point Like No Other| Aesop Sharp x F! Reader
Pairing: Aesop Sharp x F! Reader
Summary: In your last semester at Hogwarts, an encounter with your Potions Professor in the restricted section gets heated, prompting an invitation from the man himself for a whole lot more.
Word Count: 3187
Themes: Smut, teasing, fingering, orgasm denial, cock warming, student/teacher
A/N: Okay, so I made a headcanon where Sharp secretly took a potion that would temporarily relieve the pain in his leg, making it easier for him to have sex in this fic. Idk how else he would without feeling pain in that leg lol I kind of feel like the sex scene is too short but I honestly don’t know what else to write and didn’t want to write too much and make the fic feel cluttered. 
Potions was your favorite class, but it wasn’t because you loved making potions, though that part was both relaxing and stress-inducing. No, you loved potions class because your favorite professor taught it–Professor Sharp. His gruff attitude had scared many off but he did have quite a few admirers despite this. You were one of these many admirers and had long fantasized about him. You couldn’t do anything of course, but you were in your last semester so you did toy with the thought of confessing before you left Hogwarts and never saw him again.
You went to your last class of the day–Defence Against the Dark Arts–and spent a challenging time learning Bombarda Maxima and how to cast it properly without blowing up everything around you. It was difficult but you got the hang of it at last and nearly perfected it when class was dismissed. As you headed out, you made your way towards the library. Thankfully, Madame Scribner had allowed you access to the restricted section as you had proven to her that you liked to research the things found in hidden books for pure knowledge, not for practice or for nefarious purposes. The idea of learning something new and strange excited you, making you walk a bit more excitedly towards the section.
You walk further and further into the section, walking down some stairs and through a few gates until you find a narrow hallway filled with books and begin to walk down it when you see a silhouette becoming clearer and clearer as you approach. The silhouette takes form and materializes as a familiar face. You didn’t expect to bump into Professor Sharp in the restricted section but there he was. Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t hide. Making sure you didn’t look startled or off put, you continued walking and stopped near him, calling out to him, “I didn’t expect to see you here Professor.”
He turns towards you with a look of surprise, clearly not expecting you to be there either. 
“Ah, Miss Y/N.  I assume you’re not here to revise for your N.E.W.T.s?”
“Um, no sir. But I am revising alongside this! I just like to research subjects that interest me outside of the curriculum” You say, trying to recover from your blunder. 
“Hmm, good. I admire your constant pursuit of knowledge, but try not to put aside your studies in favor of your extracurriculars.”
“Y-yes sir!”
Chuckling, he changes the topic. “I noticed you have been spending more time with the Sallow boy. I do hope his disregard for the rules doesn’t influence you too much. Can’t have you ruining your reputation and failing before graduation.” 
You perk up. You hadn’t expected him to continue the conversation, let alone talk to you. Even more, he was being friendly with you–and that was saying something, as the two of you had never really talked that much in class. He had gone over to your cauldron to check on how your potion was going, but he did that to everyone else. He would also give you words of praise, words that would bring a blush to your cheeks, but again he did, occasionally, give others praise. Him being friendly now outside of class was, quite frankly, only making you more hopeful for a mutual affection for one another–though there was still some doubt in that regard.
“I won’t let that happen. Sebastian is a good friend and we haven’t done anything wrong.” A fib at best, you tried to stand up for your friend. He’d been there for you and you for him, and despite the two of you getting into trouble because of his ideas, you were fiercely loyal to him.
“While I certainly trust your judgment, I don’t quite trust his. Just make sure you don’t get into too much trouble.”
“I will, professor.” Sensing the lack of things to talk about, you ended the conversation and attempted to find a book that piqued your interest, kneeling down to look at the bottom shelf. There was a peaceful silence for a time but it was disrupted when you heard a sigh. Turning slightly, you see Professor Sharp with a curious expression on his face. He appeared to be conflicted about something but you couldn’t tell what. You turned back and continued to look for a book, pulling your hair out of the way and putting it all on one side, leaving your neck exposed. He inhales, and chuckling softly, mutters underneath his breath. 
“You really are going to be my downfall, aren’t you?”
Frowning, you turn to him and say, “Did you say something sir?”
He looks at you for a moment, questioning what he’s about to do. With eyes full of a hunger you could not see, he chooses his path. 
“Are you really here to research, Y/N, or are you here for something else?”
Not waiting for you to respond, he continues, “It appears to me you may have some…ulterior motive in coming here. I tend to come here to spend my time researching and never see you here and yet here you are now. Am I to understand that it is simply a coincidence? That you are simply choosing a book over what you’re really here for? No, I believe you came here with one goal in mind.”
Committing himself to this line of questioning, he approaches you confidently and swiftly. He slams his arm against the shelf, trapping you there against his body. You could feel the heat radiating from him, causing your skin to prickle in arousal. He tilts your chin up with one hand, speaking in a hushed but seductive tone, “I believe you have set yourself in my path, knowing full well your affect on me. Your constant teasing in class only to play the meek school girl when we are alone is enough to drive me mad. Now I find you here, alone, open and ready for me. How much longer are you going to tempt me?”
“Sir…” You softly mutter, hands on his chest, clutching his shirt in your trembling fists. Your legs were weak, craving his touch and to be dominated by him. He moves his hand from your chin to your waist, holding you to him and increasing the pressure on you, forcing you to feel how erect he was. You really had nowhere to escape now, your professor made sure of that. You could only breathe heavily, showing him how ready you truly were for him. 
The arm that was holding you to him went lower, making you gasp as his hand stopped on your ass and squeezed. You turned your eyes towards his and it seemed like time stopped. It was only a few moments but in that time, you had lifted your head to his and he had lowered his to yours, and the two of you had locked lips. He placed his hands on your face, deepening the already passionate kiss. It felt like fireworks inside you as you realized what was happening. You were finally kissing the man you had had a crush on for so long, and he had wanted to do the same for a long time.
He lifted you by the waist and you jumped, wrapping your legs and arms around him and continuing the kiss. You ran your fingers through his hair as he moved with the force of the motion. His back hit a shelf on the opposite side of the hall and he slid down, forcing you to sit on his lap. Your underwear was wet from all of what happened and Sharp could feel it through his clothes. His member poked through his pants and you could feel it pressing up against your entrance. You moaned lightly, slowly grinding against it and drawing a pained grunt from him as he tried to resist tearing off your clothes. You were so close to being ravished by him but even you knew this was not where you would want that to happen. There were too many ways for you to get caught, even in an abandoned area of the restricted section.
Blinking, you took in the situation once more. His hands gripped your waist and you were on his lap, clothing ruffled and arms around his neck. In the silence a gate was heard opening in the distance and soon after another opened, though it was much closer. At the sound of someone quickly approaching, the two of you shot up, trying to fix your appearances before they saw you in a compromising position. Your face was flushed and you were shaking a little, but besides that, you looked fine. 
The person turned a corner, entering a different section of the library and missing you entirely. Breathing a sigh of relief, you started to get ready to leave but were stopped by him. Before he left, Professor Sharp came up to you and put his mouth to your ear, speaking quietly, “Meet me in my room in the faculty tower at midnight. Don’t be late.”
And with that, he left, leaving you incredibly giddy and lustful, deep in thought for what was going to happen that night. You left quickly, not wanting to attract attention to yourself for staying down there for too long and went to your dorm to pass the time.
Later that night, you quickly made your way to Sharp’s room, making sure you were not detected by any of the prefects or lingering adults. You quietly knocked on his door and he let you in. He was still in his work uniform but he had taken off his coat, blazer, and vest, leaving him in a white button up and loosened tie. Blushing, you turn to look at the room instead, noticing how huge it was. It was so much bigger than the dormitory and it felt quite cozy and relaxed. While you were distracted, Sharp was muttering something outside the room and entered after a moment, closing the door behind him.
After observing you, he turns to you and declares, “You don’t have to worry about the sound. I have placed a silencio charm on the outside of this room–no one will be able to hear you.”
You shudder at his words, ready for the fun to begin. He steps forward until he is right in front of you and grabs a lock of your hair, twirling it around in his fingers.
“From now on, when we are alone you are to call me either sir or Aesop. Understood?”
You meekly nodded your head, becoming mute in your longing for him. After receiving the response he desired, he took off his tie and his shirt but left his pants on. You could see his muscled body entirely and greatly wanted to grab onto him and feel him all over. Turning his attention to you, he begins to undress you. He takes off your skirt, taking the underwear down with it and begins to loosen your tie. Once loosened, he pulls you to him, placing teasingly quick kisses on your lips as he both pulled and pushed you. Once you got too close to giving in he would pull away, making you beg for more. Eventually, he gets rid of the tie and unbuttons your shirt, throwing it aside and exposing your breasts. His gaze pierces your soul, letting you feel how badly he wanted to ravish you. Instead, he swiftly picks you up and walks over to his bed, promptly throwing you on it.
Sharp gets on the bed and removes your socks, spreading your legs open for him. He takes one leg and kisses it, leaving a trail starting from your ankle. He gets to your inner thigh and bites down, sucking on it and causing you to whimper. His facial hair tickled against your sensitive skin, amplifying the effect he was having on you. He did the same to the other leg and by the end of it, your body was shaking and pulsing from desire. It pulsed so loud you thought he would be able to hear it–to hear your need, but he didn’t need to hear it. He saw all too clearly what exactly you were feeling.
“You have been a very difficult girl today. It appears I have to discipline you for enticing your professor.” With that, he jams three fingers into you without warning, making you cry out. Your body is ill-prepared and clenches tightly around his fingers as he drives them in and out. From time to time he would move them around, teasing you and enjoying watching your body cling to him. Once you become used to the sensation, you grind your body against his fingers, chasing the pleasure they gave.
 He takes as much pleasure from this act as you do, but he doesn’t allow himself or you to finish that quickly. Just as your body starts to tense up and prepare for release, he pulls his fingers out, denying your orgasm. You quiver as your body tries to recover from his careless teasing. The orgasm may have left you, but in return it made your body all the more sensitive. Your primal instincts were driven to the extreme and they took over you completely.
“P-please,” you weakly got out, “Fuck me.”
Your chest heaved with the effort, making you feel like putty in his hands. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite hear you. What is it that you want?”
Glancing up at him, you see him staring straight at you, challenging you to tell him what exactly you wanted him to do to you. What he was going to do to you. Not being able to take it anymore, you cried out, “Please Aesop, fuck me!”
Sharp’s eyes darkened with hunger and a smile formed on his lips. He got off of the bed and removed his pants, revealing his long and hard member. Your eyes widened and you felt another pulse run through your body. You longed for him, longed for him to be inside you and make you his. Watching his every move, you saw him approach you and get on the bed. He moved to be on top of you, ensuring that his member was primed at your entrance. The anticipation drove you mad, making you wrap your arms around him to keep him close to you. He gave you a quick kiss before remarking, “And now, since you’ve been so good, I think it is time for your reward.”
He enters you and you groan at the impact. He is just as relentless as he was with his fingers as he pounds into you. You cling tight to him, leaning your head back and moaning loud for him. Grinding your body into his, you attempt to follow his tempo while he places wet, heavy kisses on your neck.  Stopping on a spot on your neck, he bites down and sucks, making a dark marking on it. Feeling him tongue the mark and kiss it, you softly whimper before deciding to do the same. 
You move your mouth to his chest, kissing it slowly upwards until you come to his neck and bite down. You suck lazily and mark him with the same marking he placed on you. He grunts, placing his hand on your head and pulling you back to face him. Your breasts bounce against his chest, stimulating you both as he thrusts harder into you, forcing lewd moans out of your mouth. His arousal increases as he watches you so completely taken over by lust. Your eyes are glazed and your face is flushed, your breath coming out in quick heavy spurts. You gasp, feeling your body tense up and your vagina pulse wildly, indicating the arrival of your climax.
“Aesop, I’m about to–” You barely get out when you cum, releasing the tension in your body and letting the viscous fluid pour out from you onto your legs and onto his dick. Your body deflates while your highly ravaged pussy sticks to his penis, submitting itself to him and his desires. Still not finished, Sharp continued to use you until he was satisfied with his work.
Leaning down, he kisses you roughly, relishing in the sweet moans you make against his mouth as he continues to plow into you. All you can do right now is hold onto him as you let him use you until he’s spent. Each movement triggers your already sensitive body, making you grind into him more to chase the remaining high. He leans more into you and growls, his own orgasm fastly approaching and releases into you, coating you with his cum. He gives a few more thrusts into you, forcing his cum further in you and preventing its escape. Shaking, he gets off of you, his member dripping with your fluids, and lies on his side. You turn towards him and snuggle up to him, his arm holding you to him.
With your lips now swollen and your body spent, you put your head on his chest, eyes lidded with exhaustion. Sharp grabs your waist, pulling you into his dick where it lay at your entrance. It appeared that while he was indeed tired, he still had some libido left over. Not even being able to think of another round, your body shook against his touch, displaying some of your own leftover desire despite the exhaustion.
After recovering his breath, he huskily says, “I hope you didn’t think you got away this lightly, Miss Y/N. Tomorrow you will be serving detention with me in my classroom. Or rather, you will be serving it with me for the foreseeable future.”
Feeling a slight pulse in your weakened body, you grinded into him and let him enter you once more. Your body welcomed this familiar feeling and hugged his penis, lightly encasing it in you. He groaned in approval, forcing himself more into you as he grinded with you before the two of you settled down.
“Well, if detention is going to be as fun as this, I’ll gladly serve it every day, sir.”
“I think you need a harsher punishment then. I will not be this lenient with you from now on. You will have to take whatever punishment I give you without complaint.”
“I shall look forward to it then. I wonder how many ways you will have me. On your desk, on your chair, in your–”
He cuts you off, nipping at your lips. “Say anymore and I will have you again–with or without your permission.”
Lowering one hand, he places it on your clit and runs his fingers lightly on it before removing them, giving you a reminder of what he is capable of. You shudder in delight, feeling excitement creep in as you look forward to the next day. Satisfied, he turns the lights off with a single nonverbal spell and rests his head on your head, letting the two of you fall asleep with lustful hopes for the future.
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