#also since we’re here
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ash-and-starlight · 2 years ago
The world needs more Yue and Zuko friendship, I squeal just thinking abt the parallels. They deserve a life changing field trip together and if u have abt ideas I’m all ears 👀
Hiii anon this ask fermented in my inbox and in my brain for so long,, so take this??? Post canon yue lives/no war au arts?? Anyway aside from the Parallels and their political position & their duty before hoes grindset I think they could learn a lot from each other. With zuko learning the gift of patience & diplomacy from yue & Yue learning that allowing yourself to feel anger and speaking up can actually be Good.
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anyway hypothetical life changing trip outcome: zuko takes an intro gender studies class and yue says fuck
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(oh and also must not forget the crush on sokka)
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whimsyprinx · 2 years ago
i do wish that people wouldn’t reach out only because I’m upset and they felt obligated to do so, similarly I wish people wouldn’t ignore or avoid me because “you seemed like you were in a bad place and I thought you needed space” especially without saying so, you’re not obligated to speak to me (see first point) but like being avoided makes me feel worse especially when I’m not even told about it, what I want is to feel genuinely wanted and not to be spoken to out of pity or ignored for similar reason.
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meteortrails · 1 year ago
luffy had to meet zoro and nami first. they’re the fundamental foundation he needed to build a crew - once he has them, the rest must follow. zoro comes first, bc whatever souls are made of his and luffy’s are the same, and luffy needed someone to watch his back. someone who understood him, someone unwaveringly devoted who he doesn’t need to worry about protecting. and of course nami comes next, to cover their blind spots and turn their goals into tangible reality and keep them on course. she’s the pragmatism and the compass they needed to really get going, the other side of luffy’s coin. do you see it yet?? everyone on the crew is just as vitally important to luffy’s success, but zoro and nami were always going to be first. I’m shaking you by the shoulders they Had To Be First
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sexygayvampire · 11 days ago
i’ve only been into dragon age for like. checks calendar. two and a half months. and the amount that my opinion on veilguard has changed after playing the other games is crazy
#the dialogue is sooooo baaaad it’s SO bad. i think of the bellara recruitment mission first mostly bc it’s so early but#‘we’re looking for an ancient elven artifact!’ cool what is it. ‘this building… no… it can’t be here!’ why. ‘if that’s here… that means…’#GIRL WHAT DOES IT MEAN. ‘the artifact… it can’t be here!’ YOU JUST SAID IT HAS TO BE. ‘it must be that artifact!’ WHAT IS THE ARTIFACT.#‘it’s an archive spirit!’ WHAT DOES IT DO. ‘you’ll see!’ girl if it’s so important that means you know what it does. why won’t you tell me#it feels like i’m watching an episode of naruto where they spend half the episode explaining things you already know like you’re 8 years old#but a​lso at the same time they explain literally fucking nothing#and that is media made for children. this is allegedly a game for adults. with sex in it. apparently#obviously i’m paraphrasing that scene but. there’s a complete lack of specificity in a way that doesn’t feel intriguing it just feels like#they didn’t care. ‘elven artifact’ ‘red lyrium relic’ ‘blood magic ritual’ ‘antaam and venatori bad’ can you explain any of it to me please#almost no codex entries from scholarly sources actually examining any of these things. i’m so curious about the veil jumpers’ work#but no dice there. just ‘ancient elven ruins.’ i found the logs of venatori notes in the western approach and hissing wastes in inquisition#fascinating. reading about their practices and motivations was really interesting. in veilguard? where you are in minrathous? nothing#<- also that about the veil jumpers is based on memory but i don’t remember much from the codex being particularly interesting. i’ll look at#it again though i might be wrong. but anyway#like 80% of the game is a macguffin#and if i get into the shadow dragons and how literally nothing about them makes any sense#i need to play further into v’s run. i don’t really want to. but it’s for research#i should put ash and fel on the backburner for now since v is my research run. but they’re both past the dragons. and v isn’t#ragghfgfhghhgffggghHgGGHFGDHHGH#eliasposts#veilguard critical#but really only in the tags lol
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deadpoolsmom · 6 months ago
it's obviously for exposition reasons but CP9 showing up in Water 7 and IMMEDIATELY unveiling themselves and fully explaining who they are and how their organization works is so funny
Lucci spent 5 years pretending he could only communicate through pigeon ventriloquism, and as soon as he stops he doesn’t shut up. Just immediately yapping about being secret government agents, the structure of their covert organization (that's not supposed to exist), and world government's secret plans for mass destruction. Starting to think Hattori was actually a safeguard so they could make it that long undercover
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becauseth3internet · 6 months ago
If I posted some of my poetry stuff on this blog would any of y’all actually read it??? 🫣🫣🫣
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the-bi-space-ace · 6 months ago
There’s been some discussion recently about the subplot of bullying in The Bad Batch and I had some thoughts so I decided to write them out to discuss them.
I wanted to bring up some things that maybe can put together this disconnect we seem to see between the show The Bad Batch and the show The Clone Wars and maybe explains a bit about this whole bullied versus bully concept.
To me The Clone Wars paints a very different picture than The Bad Batch in a way that only serves to make the lines blurry and make the viewer think (perhaps not their intention but I think maybe they fell into this more on accident). The Clone Wars batch rolls in with a reputation that’s already not too great. Jesse even says it: it’s not that they win. It’s how they win. The batch is known for dangerous stunts that put other people at risk. They don’t always think through their decisions outside of themselves. Then we get this scene of them walking off of the ship and they are very arrogant. They show off, they talk big, they don’t exactly give off ‘approachable’.
We get into the mission and Jesse, in particular, is not a fan but it isn’t very aggressive yet. Crosshair is being confrontational - staring Jesse down, making snippy comments, and being an overall ass (I love Crosshair, don’t get me wrong, I’m just talking about what I observe in this introduction). I think it’s because he senses Jesse’s dislike of them and wants to poke at it.
We’re not off to a good start.
Where I think the batch fails in this episode is letting Crosshair insult Rex and further goad Jesse. Crosshair shouldn’t have said half the stuff he did and Jesse (and later, Rex) are justified in hitting back at him.
They’re soldiers. They’re going to get in each other’s faces if someone starts talking shit.
When Jesse scolds Crosshair - I think Kix is somewhere standing in the background but not directly involved- Wrecker steps in and turns things violent.
It’s not a moment I’m most proud of them. It’s actually one of the moments I’m least proud of them. Crosshair and Kix get into it when Crosshair shoves him for trying to help Jesse and Rex is attempting to get Wrecker to let Jesse go. This escalated quickly and I’m not sure I can say that this was justified. It seems like a big jump to me (but maybe someone disagrees, feel free to, I’d like to know someone else’s thoughts).
In this episode we’re really led down one path that says the batch and other clones don’t get along and from this limited perspective in this episode it seems like the batch are instigators. They roll in, avoid consequences for themselves, and roll out without giving anyone else a second thought.
The Bad Batch tv show paints an entirely different picture and it is definitely to make them more likable and relatable to a young audience. Every kids show has the character that’s an underdog, it’s who we want to root for. It makes the people in The Bad Batch’s age range connect with them more and I can’t exactly blame them for writing it this way - although after seeing the batch in the clone wars it does make me sigh a bit, I won’t lie.
I was bullied as a child. Quite severely, actually, so I find myself justifying the disconnect with a few things. Perhaps the batch puts up a front so they push other clones away before it can happen to them. I’ve done this. I put on a really abrasive attitude to keep people away when I was in high school and I regret it. However, I got over myself as I got older and worked through my own issues rather than blaming other people. Because you have to. It’s not alright to continue to hurt other people because you were hurt and I remind myself of that every single day. It’s the only way to move forward. I never have to forgive people who have hurt me but I can’t start using it as an excuse.
I mention this only to say that maybe their behavior in The Clone Wars was a mask built from past hurt and that could make sense to me. You build up walls when you’ve been hurt and you create behaviors based on experience. However, I still don’t think their behavior should be excused. I still think they escalated that situation far before anyone else did. In the same way I think Jesse made a lot of snap judgements about the batch and just kept finding ways to reinforce that judgement based on what he’d heard about them prior. And this snap judgment isn’t the best way to go about working with new people. It’s not an excuse, just an explanation.
I even think the batch’s behavior in episode 1 of their own show kind of contradicts some of their behavior in TCW. Particularly Crosshair. Crosshair doesn’t engage in the cafeteria until he absolutely has to while in TCW he is the primary instigator. We can try to explain this by saying it’s because his chip activated and his personality shifted. I just think it’s something worth pointing out.
I’d also like to add that of course the batch are the primary instigators in The Clone Wars because the clones we knew and loved in that show are technically the heroes of the episode. Of course they’re portrayed in a better light. It’s the same as the batch in episode one of their own show. Of course they’re portrayed as the ‘good guys’. It’s their show. To me it’s less of a character moment and more of a way to get the viewers of the show to root for somebody, whoever they want us to root for in the moment. The Bad Batch is told from their perspective so they are going to be the underdogs while The Clone Wars brings the batch in as outsiders to the group and gives them a more aggressive interaction to further our already beloved character’s narratives.
This was a very long way to say, I’ve always been kinda meh about the whole ‘the batch is bullied’ subplot and I tend to avoid writing it in my own fics because I think there is inconsistency with the writing between the clone wars and the bad batch and this can possibly be boiled down to a few things like different writers on the creative teams, an uncertain future, and wanting to paint certain characters in certain lights because of the show they are on. Rather than actually being a truly defining character arc it is a tool, as most writing is, it’s just not a tool I particularly care for in this story. And while I do think there are inconsistencies I can piece together some things to explain it if I really want to. I don’t think one side is right and one side is wrong. I think there are a million explanations for hurt on both sides and we decide it for ourselves because neither show truly made it clear enough for me to draw any lines in the sand. (And if you’ve been reading my stories at all you know I love a good grey area so I probably wouldn’t draw lines at all.)
I always try to be fair to everyone when I write stuff like this so I hope I’ve covered all of my points well enough. There are plenty of things to say about this topic and it has been talked about a few times recently in other posts that you can read. Tagging 1 by @laughhardrunfastbekindsblog and 2 by @gars-technician because these two posts inspired me to write this.
I’d definitely encourage open discussion here if anyone wants to chime in 😊 while I know we might all have different opinions I’m certainly willing to hear them as long as everyone is respectful.
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synonymroll648 · 8 months ago
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rip fitz you would’ve loved it if i actually colored your hair pink like intended (i’ll probably do a colored version of this later. zoom for details)
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jeanmoreaue · 9 months ago
I agree!! *an incoherent rant incoming* Jean imo def moved on from Kevin (in a romantic way; i think he’s not moved on from the whole ‘Kevin left me’ thing ofc but I think he obviously knows and accepts that he and Kevin won’t ever happen lol). And that scene with Renee was obviously a closure/farewell and they’ve moved on to being friends now (also imo while i like their dynamic i feel like they’d never work bc of the whole victim saviour complex, that’d be really uncomfortable and hard to overcome). Jeremy seems like he’s able to handle Jean’s crazy baggage without placating him too much or pushing him too hard. He definitely needs to work on his own shit first (i feel like the way he went all in on helping Jean is kind of giving ‘I am avoiding my problems by getting too involved in others’ problems’) but I think Jean will be the perfect person to help him with that! As you said he’s super perceptive and honestly very empathetic even if he doesn’t show it in the most obvious way. Jeremy would probably really appreciate Jean’s brutally honest approach lol. They’re lowkey perfect for each other ☹️ TSC2 can’t come soon enough
hardcore agree on every single point you made!! i feel exactly the same about Jean and Renee, as much as their dynamic is sweet, i think it would be really difficult to overcome Jean feeling indebted to her (whereas Jean and Jeremy are both growing together) + ya i think Jean has very complicated feelings toward Kevin but i don’t think he’s actively yearning over Kevin anymore
and exactlyy i definitely imagine Jean quietly picking up on whatever Jeremy’s going through and expressing concern only for Jeremy to try and pull a “my problems aren’t that bad and therefore don’t matter” which i don’t see Jean accepting. especially since Jean has an ‘older brother who cares more about other people’s well-being more than his own well-being’ vibe (underneath his slightly prickly attitude lol) i think Jeremy and Jean are really good for each other, Kevin subconsciously knew what he was doing by having Jean transfer to USC 🤨
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mumblesplash · 1 year ago
the fact that doctors can just Recommend Weight Loss with no instructions beyond ‘eat healthier/less’ is actually insane to me, i lost weight on purpose ONCE and it took me like 6 years to recover a semi-normal relationship with food and hunger
#uhh#disordered eating cw#just in case#mumbling#like jfc i know i’m not the first to say it and my experience is relatively SO tame#but it STILL fucked with my head for YEARS#and most people don’t go nearly that long between weight loss attempts at all for basically their whole lives!!!!!#and we’re so blasé about it like yeah just eat less to lose weight#and so few people talk about the really weird shit that phase of my life taught me even though they seem like pretty universal things#like when you lose weight deliberately by denying yourself food you get COLD#you get cold and you get in your head and you get sad it’s like being less alive#the times i’ve lost weight/recomped on accident (by doing smth that makes me move more‚ getting better sleep etc)#it’s been WARM#burn hotter move freer feel happier#and also the way hunger feels when you’ve been denying yourself food for an extended time is NOT the same as baseline hunger#it’s actually kind of wild that we use the same word to describe both feelings like that shit is NOT the same#that shit is not ‘being really hungry’ it’s a fuckin. blood curse or some shit you feel straight up unhinged#and i should disclaim here i am not talking large amounts of weight#i’ve fluctuated over i think a 20lb range max since reaching close to my adult height and that’s a guesstimate#but even in my relatively unremarkable little experiences here the way deliberate weight loss fucked with my brain is absurd to me#i’m fine now have been for years but seriously thinking back on it the fact that this is routine medical advice. unreal
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wasabi-gumdrop · 8 months ago
Is this the same "saabi" on AO3 who dropped that god-gorgeous fic of Laios being painted and then the painter laid his eyes on Kabru and was like HOLY SHIT THIS MY MUSE! And then Laios was like... no wait, I need Kabru. He can't run off into the sunset with that painter. I'll have to double his pay. And then Laios compared him to a Couatl egg? Because that shit is LIT! Like. Your writing is amazing and you captured the sweetness of everything that is THEM and there is an aura of intrigue in the plot to boot that's so captivating and I love you.
... If this is not the same "saabi" I'm so sorry for this message. But also I highly recommend this story "empyrean, from the summit" which can be read here at:
yes it’s me 🥹
omg thank you this is so sweet 😭 i’m glad you liked the fic. and hopefully i can update soon, most of chp 2 is already written
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a little preview 😚
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seventh-district · 2 days ago
babe wake up a new Venti-coded song just droppped
“I’m as sober as a drunk.
I’m as high as rock bottom.
Free as a man with his hands handcuffed to the bar.”
#we’re gonna ignore the fact that this song released in 2020 okay. it’s new(ish) to Me and i want an excuse to post about Venti#venti#genshin impact#venti genshin impact#genshin impact venti#venti gi#music stuff#Seven’s Blorbo Songs#Spotify#we’re also gonna ignore that the majority of the song is relationship/breakup focused#the three lines i quoted up there are so Venticore to me that the rest is inconsequential#but if ur deranged enough like me then im sure there’s a way to interpret the other lyrics to be about Nameless Bard#if ur in the mood for some Extra angst y’know#actually the more i think about it. that’s actually a very fitting way to interpret the other lines!#like. instead of trying to drown the memory of some ex he’s drinking to cope with the loss of his best friend :)))#or if u wanna interpret them as having been something more than friends then this works too. i like to think wisp Venti had a crush on N.B.#OR given that lots of ppl headcanon Venti and Zhongli to be exes you could Also interpret it as being about him! many options here actually#maniacal laughter#i love angst so much#anyways. go listen or read the lyrics and tell me if i’m wrong but. this is Venticore to me#like not to play into the done-to-death Alcoholic Venti trope but. while that’s not Everything he is it’s still part of him#and i think there’s something to the whole concept of the God of Freedom being chained down by addiction. y’know?#anyways *adds yet another self-indulgent country song to my Venti playlist*#there’s a reason it’s been sitting at 13 followers for like. two years. (bc i won’t stop adding my niche songs that make sense to no one)#but then again that’s 90% of my playlists anyway lmao#i’ve had Venti on the brain a lot lately since i started writing a new oneshot that has once again turned into a full-blown songfic#and given that it feels like something is trying to claw its way out of my uterus rn and i actually have a free evening to rest#methinks i’ll curl up in bed and finish writing that fic so i can finally share it with the world#and it will probably flop as hard as my last Venti fic did but that’s okay bc i do this out of love for Venti and nothing can stop me 😤#anyway that fic isn’t directly related to This song but i do explore Alcoholism Themes in the fic bc of course i do
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kyoshialone · 2 months ago
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tyyy beloved @ash-and-starlight for the tag here r some books im excited to read next year !!!
tagging (v optionally) @wakingstone @jumping-jackalope @legofbicuriosity @lesbianboyfriend 👉🏻👈🏻👀
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leclercsbf · 1 year ago
Here I am! Anyway I’ll have to rewatch the hug from another angle as well, but from that angle it kinda looks like Carlos is going for Charles’ waist at first and then his hands settle elsewhere. Afterwards the way he’s looking down with his head slightly tilted while he’s approaching Charles and then the moment he looks up at him, the look in his eyes… It makes me want to lie down and never get up again because those are the eyes of someone who is IN LOVE and this is a hill I’m willing to die on……. And then the prolonged handshake and the way he completely leans and rests his head on Charles’ shoulder like he never wants to let him go so yeah YEAH,,,,, I need someone to come sedate me because they make me go insane
i’ve watched it from this angle, from this angle, and from this angle that i ripped directly off of my own subscription:
so i can confirm that carlos did, in fact, go for charles’ waist first. he even touched it just the slightest bit. charles, on the other hand, put his hand on carlos’ shoulder—and then there’s this awkward sort of pause where they look at each other and probably remember that “hey, we’re not the only ones here, and it’s not like we can kiss with our helmets on” so they go for the classic supposedly-no-homo-but-it’s-charlos-so-it-still-ended-up-homo handshake and brief hug combination. isn’t it so interesting how men seem to think that a no homo handshake would somehow lead to a less homo hug? either way, we learned something very vital here: carlos prefers to pull charles in by the waist and charles prefers to pull carlos in by the shoulders. if you need to be sedated, anon, so do i.
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3584-tropical-fish · 20 days ago
9, 10, 27 for the oc ask game!! (once again it’s so bonkers awesome that you have a whole ass radio show)
Hi Sonia!! :D
9. What is one quality they have in common?
They both have short tempers, and in the face of dealing with something that frightens them their first instinct is to snap at each other, and honestly it’s a miracle they’ve stayed friends this long. But I think Because they both resort to the same course of action in difficult situations, it means theyre more likely to forgive each other afterwards, because they understand why they’re each like that
10. What is one major difference between them?
I’ve talked A Lot with my friend about the way that power and agency play a role into their arcs, and I think it’s one of the main differences between them, and shapes how they go about handling their respective Horrors. Because Nick has a lot of power to influence things, but he does not have the agency with which to wield it, because at the end of the day he’s a vessel for it. Mallory, meanwhile, has the agency to act on the world, but she does not have the power with which to make any change, she can only observe
27. How far would they go for each other? Would they risk their own lives for each other?
Oh absolutely. Despite their tendency to argue with each other and not see eye to eye, they would definitely do drastic things for each other, and that includes risking their own lives
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sinnbaddie · 11 months ago
Fugaku wasn’t the best father, but no one will ever convince me that Minato of all people is a better father than him
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