#like i dont consider myself a woman but im a lesbian
Happy pride to my fellow butches that don't know how to describe their gender any other way than butch
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jerma85 · 1 year
Can you explain how you're a "gay man" with a girlfriend..?
no ❤
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medicasino · 2 years
ive just accepted im just never going to fit cleanly into any label or community ever
#blaire.txt#vent incoming sorry ik this is probably really annoying#and im also sorry if this comes off insensitive or ''i have it SO hard'' i dont mean to be like that#but just. no matter how my identity rolls out i always feel like an imposter in some way#when i ided as a lesbian i already knew i was nonbinary and despite my yearning to experience it; i never knew and will never experience#being a lesbian and a binary woman. and ofc when i ided as a nonbinary lesbian was during that whole bullshit ''nonbinary people cant be#lesbians'' debate that resurfaced so that didnt fucking help#but im not a lesbian im bi so that was easy i guess. or easier#not being binary or very knowledgeable on queer history (tbh i want to change this im not proud of that) and having not participated in#many pride events and queer spaces irl (due to uh. yunno. Covid lol)#has like really made me feel like an imposter that just doesnt fit in anywhere#and now coming to terms with me being transmasc and having a strong attraction towards men and nonbinary folks has really uh. shaken things#up#and not fully in a good way bc its left me scrambling to put together the pieces#its left me in sooooooooooooo much distress i feel like so sick over it#its. not fun. esp bc im still pre-op so very girlish in appearance and voice eugh#and on top of that im also still nonbinary and do feel more neutral/androgynous some days and also consider myself gnc bc i like feminine#clothes and stuff so like. AUGH! and im also fucking 5'1-2 so no matter if i bind or get top surgery or etc i dont think ill ever pass as#not a girl so . pain!#and even saying all that makes me feel guilty bc its like. is that just internalized misogyny? am i misogynistic for feeling this way? and#IK IN MY RATIONAL MIND THATS BULLSHIT AND THIS IS *ONLY* ABT ME NOT OTHER TRANSMASCS AND NBLMS/MLMS TO BE CLEAR#im just an anxious mess with ocd and anxiety in general that just loooooooooooves latching onto bullshit like this to prove im predatory or#weird. also other ocd themes dont fucking help?#idk ill shut up now i need to be on a call but just like. its painful bc i dont feel like i fit into any queer communities lol#this also applies to disability stuff but im NOT cracking that can of worms open today sorry#ok gopdbye for now . responses are ok btw but also no pressure im kinda just emptying my head lol#vent#rant#ask to tag
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erythristicbones · 1 year
amazing how pride month has just started and ive still somehow had to unfollow 3 people rbing the most insanely biphobic shit w/o caring
#tbf they were people i dont really even remember following in the first place#like they crawled out of the woodwork just for this month to be awful#anyways friendly reminder that my gf is bi and i do not put up w that shit at all#like fucking hell i feel like i see this every goddamn june#even just the amount of ppl irl who Steph has explicitly stated she is bi to SEVERAL TIMES#who exclusively refer to her as a lesbian bc she's dating me and has been for 8yrs#which is also super shitty considering im not a fucking woman#ppl will respect my pronouns but very clearly see me as Woman Lite and refuse to take criticism on that#vent#personal#sorry i just. i see this every year#and i know its probs that irl we only know so many queer ppl#so it feels like everyone we know is performitively accepting#in our eight years of dating i havent heard a single person other than myself call steph bi#even when its among friends. even when she's told them over and over#and even when i bring up 1000 times that I AM GENDERFLUID. i am not female!!!!#im so tired of other queer ppl thinking that theyre allowed to use whatever fucking labels they want for us#even when we have told them exactly what we are and what we are comfortable with#I'll probs delete this later#bc i hate having negative shit/vents on my blog#im just so tired man#if someone tells you a label...use it#a bi person is still bi even if you think theyre something else#a lesbian is still a lesbian even if you think theyre something else#a trans person is the gender they say they are EVEN IF they dont fit your standards of that gender#literally what is so hard about seeing someone else tell you exactly what to call them and then calling them what they said to#for the love of god JUST RESPECT PPL#its not fucking hard
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hulahoopsoupgroup · 11 months
yes, the line between male and female is blurry. but have you considered that the cis/trans binary is also kind of blurry sometimes?
some think that if youre not a man, that automatically makes you a woman
some people think that if youre not cis, youre automatically trans/enby/anything that falls under that umbrella
what if im not either? am i just invalid because of that? because i cant fit myself into all these boxes? do i need to find a label just for the sake of explaining my gender to people?
i just say that im lesbian to anyone who asks, but even behind that, there are discrepencies, exceptions. i dont tell most people im aromantic because they most likely wouldnt understand.
do i just have to do that with my gender too, even though no label is fully accurate?
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genderqueerdykes · 8 months
so im transmasculine nonbinary and identify a lot with masculinity and butchness, im also over a year on T. i dont consider myself a woman at all, but i find that my attraction to women feels FAR more like being a lesbian than being straight. at the same time, i prefer not to label my sexuality because lesbian isnt a term i want to use, but i did use it when i was younger. is it weird that i still want to date queer women who ID as lesbians sometimes? it makes me feel predatory when im attracted to lesbians, like those cis guys who think they can "fix them," but its really not my intention to be gross.
nope that's not weird!
i really need to stress the amount of nonbinary & transmasculine people who feel this way, it's really not uncommon or weird! i know this website is heavily populated by terves but this is such a common part of the butch & lesbian experience that it's totally normal and SHOULD be accepted! it's okay if you want to use the term lesbian for yourself, and it's okay that you want to date people who identify as lesbians! there's nothing here stopping you from doing so!
again the overlap between transmasculine and lesbian identities is so strong, not every single transmasc person is a butch lesbian and not every single butch lesbian is transmasculine or a trans man, but the overlap is so high that it's totally normal for this to happen and it's a beautiful thing to embrace! you're not being predatory, you're just expressing the fact that your attraction is sapphic- sapphicism and lesbianism are not locked or tied to genders. nonbinary people especially may do whatever they please, but even male identifying people can in fact have these identities! nothing wrong with that!
hope that helps! good luck in figuring yourself out! it sounds like you know what you're about! go ahead and use what feels comfortable, you're not hurting anyone, especially if you inform wheover you'd like to date about how you identify up front- if they choose to date you, you're not being predatory, that is an agreed upon relationship! it's not predatory to want to date people you're attracted to. take care of yourself!
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st5lker · 1 year
one thing i dont see talked about very often is the casual transmisogyny specific to nonbinary transfems especially those of us who have any kind of masculine presentation/pronouns. like as a bigender person i consider myself both a trans woman and a gay man at the same time in different parts and everyone just kind of sees that and goes "oh so youre not an actual trans woman so being transmisogynistic doesnt matter". and believe me i dont consider myself having it "worse" like im far safer irl than most binary post-transition transfems since i present masculinely irl and I constantly recognize that but when it comes to casual transmisogyny people are transmisogynistic in a very insidious way when youre nonbinary.
like people who would normally be really careful about checking themselves for transmisogyny just throw everything out the window when they realize youre nonbinary. you tell them you consider yourself a woman and a man at the same time, or anything in between, or have any kind of attachment to masculinity, and they immediately mentally categorize you as a man. it doesnt matter how you present, what you say, whether it's online or offline---if you're amab and don't fit the bill of being "woman enough" people online will go "thats a man" end of sentence.
the most painful part is that it comes from everybody. it comes from the cis lesbians that called that amab nonbinary person on tiktok a rapist for saying they liked when bi women primarily attracted to women were into them. it comes from the "femboy" obsessed tme transmascs and nbs who don't take your concerns about their transmisogyny seriously. and rarely, but most hurtfully, it comes from other trans women. anyone else remember when lesbianchemicalplant endlessly harassed a trans girl on here for daring to call her attraction to men gay? I do. I do because I saw it at a vulnerable time in my development and it made me repress myself for years because I thought being gay for men and a trans women were the most mutually exclusive things in the world and daring to say you can connect to both of those will get you labeled a Fake Transfem that's doing it for clout. i STILL get a feeling in the back of my mind that whenever i mention being a transfem after talking abt being a gay man people will be like "dont be ridiculous you're not REALLY transfem".
this of course comes from the fact that trans women are held to an impossibly high standards of femininity. you have to be a Capital W Woman to be taken seriously. meaning, of course, that you have to have long hair and thin shoulders and wear dresses and be skinny and short and attractive and usually white (unless they have a fetish for black women, then you can be black IF you hit the rest of those criteria). no matter what you can't be anything CLOSE to a man. make sure you take hrt and get The Surgery too and throw in some breast implants while you're at it.
if you're not rejecting every single part of you that could at all be associated with masculinity you're not even trying, you're just a man, you're just like all other men, and they don't have to care what you say about how you're treated. that type of transmisogyny is so deeply ingrained in literally everyone and its so depressing. it comes back to haunt ALL transfems but the way nonbinary transfems are treated is a perfect example of it.
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cowboyjen68 · 10 months
hi cowboyjen! im a lesbian in my 20s and i need some advice -- i really would like to use the butch label for myself but i hesitate because i worry others dont see me as "butch enough," so what makes a butch, butch?
Butch is something I came into because of my shared experiences with other butches. I see it as partly how I am percieved but also how I see myself in the world. It plays a part in how I relate to to other women and how women relate to me.
Not everyone who wears masculine clothing is butch (ask the women farmers around rural Iowa who are straight LOL) and being butch does entail a certian about of experiences that are common. Butches can't shake off how they are seen by others with clothing or hair styles. The energy is contast and often confuses others into being unsure if we are a man or woman upon first or even second glances.
Butch enough is not really something I put too much stock in. Butches come in all sizes, abilities and have varied jobs and interests.
The most common shared butch stories are being called Sir when someone does a quick take. Being told we "should have been a boy" or "why do you want to look like a man". We look (and feel) obviously awkward in women's dress clothing. I and all my butch friends have several stories of being ushered from or told we are in the wrong bathroom. EVEN when I had a pony tail. We get told by straight women they "wish we were men" or we "must be better than men because we understand women but are still.. you know.. manly".
Aesthetically we tend to prefer men's (read utilitarian) and short hair (again read utilitarian) but this can vary. It is a bit of a generalization. Comfortable clothing is chosen over just pleasing to look at. Let me be clear, there is NOTHING wrong with dressing in things other consider "uncomfortable) because you want to be attractive to any give group of people. Don't yuck other's yum. We all have the right to our tastes but I am speaking from a butch perspective.
Find older butches who resemble you. SIze, body shape etc and talk with them. Butch certianly does not fit everyone but in general those women who feel "butch" speaks to them is probably more accurate about themselves than others can be.
It is perfecty fine to try Butch on for size, just don't get a bit old tattoo or change all your social media right away. GIve yourself some time to decide, Yeah for me or Nah not for me.
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scourgefrontiers · 8 months
yall ready for a gender journey post..
so yall could probably guess i grew up a cis girl. i didnt start questioning my gender until high school after i broke up with my first boyfriend which kind of freed me up to explore my identity as my own person for the first time. around age like 16 was when i first started identifying as trans, and at the time that meant a binary trans guy
after a couple years of getting comfortable exploring my gender i decided hey maybe im actually not a binary trans guy but instead nonbinary. still transmasc and guy leaning but not quite all the way anymore. this became a trend for the next loooong while, getting closer to the androgynous part of the spectrum as time went on
then in recent years (maybe about 5 years ago ish) i started to lean more towards femininity. this is significant for me because growing up i was always opposed to it--i hated wearing dresses, i hated putting on makeup, anything "girly" appalled me and i didnt know why. i ended up thinking its because i WASNT a girl, and thats why i was so uncomfortable with everything to do with being a girl. i rejected it so hard because it just wasnt me.
after living with eden for a while i got even more comfortable exploring the feminine part of myself. i started wearing dresses and skirts and actually ENJOYED it; i started painting my nails and wearing earrings again; i even grew my hair out to my shoulderblades (yeah thats where its at now LOL). ive even started using she/her alongside they/them. and im actually enjoying these things??? it feels like after all these years im finally able to reclaim them because i feel like im finally able to be comfortable with my gender--how my gender feels to ME, not to everyone else.
that was the problem when i was growing up--i was trapped in everyone else's perception of my gender and what it "should" be. i was trapped into a box that was made by everyone else's idea of what i SHOULD look like, what i SHOULD wear, what i SHOULD act like, etc. and it took me until age 26 to fully realize that my gender is what i want it to be, not what everyone else wants.
i dont have to be a guy to want facial hair and a flat chest and a low voice. loving pink and dresses and cute things and makeup and jewelry doesnt inherently mean im a girl. pronouns, features, clothes, even names dont inherently mean youre one gender or another. your gender is defined by you and only you and nobody should be able to put you into a box and define your gender for you.
..having said all this, im starting to explore my gender further, and im slowly coming to the POSSIBLE conclusion that i might come back around to being cis (albeit gnc). nothing would really change about me except the label tbh. if i do end up coming to that conclusion i will be very bummed about leaving the trans community, but i wont feel any less attached to it, as ive spent literally half my life as part of it. i understand what its like to be trans and to love myself as my most authentic self, and thats why im considering this possiblity!
identifying as a lesbian kind of pushed me in this direction as well--i cant remember the last time i felt truly comfortable and happy with a label regarding my orientation.. like ya damn. maybe i am a girl who likes girls LOL. it just feels right and natural for me personally??? its crazy. i love women. if youre a woman i love you no matter the flavor. i love my wife more than all of you though sorry <3
but god please dont take this as me being like "oh trans people just need to get comfortable with their gender and theyll realize theyre cis" that is a bullshit take and i am not saying that. this is strictly my own experience and journey! i am 100% not speaking for every trans person and you shouldnt either.
but ya. dan cis era???? we'll see. no official statement just yet but i just wanted to let yall know where im at in my ~gender journey~. until i confirm anything please still view me as a nonbinary girlthing! <3
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grimeclown · 11 months
I dont know if this is here or there but I agree. I used to be 100% lesbian- hated and feared men, was men repulsed, the whole nine yards. I only loved women, until I actually started meeting and getting to know trans women (didn't have any in my town growing up so it is what it is). As I started to love trans women, I began to really question sexuality and gender. If I could accept a woman who still had some smudges of man on her body left, then why couldn't I love a man? I realized my whole identity of "lesbian" was in part a misandrist AND misogynistic view, as in my head "men" and "women" was more than just body parts now. It was personality, it was vibes. Which is admittedly fucked up to think as it's inherently opposed to the reality of being trans. I guess long story short despite being in denial I eventually fell in love with and got engaged to a man. I still consider myself a lesbian, Im still not really attracted to other men, but its hard to justify or wrap my head around. How can a lesbian exist? How can a gay man exist? Binary identities like that seem so bioessentialist. Not that they should be gotten rid of because they have a purpose, but what even really is a man or a woman in this society?
It's all messy. It's all anything. Women aren't men but also they're the same and it doesn't matter and it does deeply. That meme thats like "faggots be bisexual af these days" is true. Its all just Words that we use to define ourselves by the clothes we wear and roles we seek to take on in the society we live in. There will always be people that chafe in them, no matter how universal you attempt to make them. These are words that are important now because of the societal framework we exist within currently, but they don't need to be important for everyone and they don't need to stay important.
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tuxedokit · 2 months
Tell me everything about Della Duck 👀
ok SO!!!! heres the tuxsys / luna infodumps about della duck post!!! this is my interpretation, uhhh yeah lets go
shes donald ducks twin sister, and mother of huey, dewey and louie duck. she is described as persustent, headstrong, bold... she would never let people tell her she couldnt do ghings just cause shes a girl. shes a pilot as well
shes not present in her sons lives, at least up until their canon ages of roughly 10 years old. in the older canons, it is simply left there, however eventually in one comic it was expanded upon and revealed that she is on the moon! i believe in this continuity she has no idea 10 years have passed, and is shown in one to only believe herself to have been away for 15 minutes. truly tragic, considering no one has the heart to tell her.
in ducktales 2017, thats where my expertise shines cause my autism show, she haunts the narrative for the entire 1st season, and is presumed to be dead. at the end of the season, it is revealed that her disappearance caused a major rift in scrooge and donalds relationship, with them going no contact from before the boys hatch up until the shows pilot. also, like before, shes on the moon. idk why im talking so formally.
the second season we finally get to meet della and she fucking rules. she reminds me of my mom personality wise, which computes to me as that is a woman who never got an adhd or autism diagnosis and very likely needed one. shes silly, shes brave, shes impulsive, shes reckless. she learned her uncle was making her a surprise rocket ship and stole it for a joyride before it was done. roughly a week before her kids hatched. i have thoughts about that, but thats for later or maybe another ask.
ANYWAY. evidently, stealing an unfinished rocket ship is a Bad Idea; it gets swept up in a cosmis storm and she crashes on the moon. her leg is pinned under some debris of her ship, and she is forced to amputate it. keep in mind she is Completely Alone. then she spends the next ten years, still alone, slowly trying to find a way home to her kids. she has a picture of her, scrooge, donald and the eggs taped up the the wall and she drew what she thinks her kids might look like on the back of it. she went from building SOS signs to trying to rebuild the ship herself (teaching herself ROCKET SCIENCE in the process)
shes in rhe final stretch and then she meets moon aliens who have been here the whole time and also have a thriving society and all the materials she would need to rebuild her ship. because of course theyve been right there the whole time. sure. ten years of solitude and theres been guys here the whole time. at least one of them is a hot butch like twice her height?
the moonlanders help her rebuild her ship and she finally gets to go home and see her family. donald is sent away until the finale because they dont want me to be happy /j fr tho the twins reunion was underwhelming but its wtv i can cope
the reunion of della and scrooge is magnificent though!! along with her meeting her kids <333 they spend a few scattered episodes briefly exploring how she missed so much of their lives and ultimately doesnt know how to be a mom, but theyre a family and theyll work to figure it out. they make like... 2 brief nods to how she spent a decade alone on the moon, but judging by the appearances of younger della in flashback stories, it seems as if shes nearly completely unaffected (i call bullshit but wtv. ill write it myself)
uhhh yeah! theres a LOT of details i didnt touch on this is just a brief synopsis
ALSO!!!! i think shes an aromantic lesbian AND shes my wife bc wheeeee
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i dont want to feed into the accusation that a lot of bisexual women are „faking“ their same-sex attraction but i have made some personal observations i would like to share.
as a bisexual woman myself it is not my intention to question other bisexual women‘s sexuality, this is more about the general culture surrounding female bisexuality.
while many bisexual women point to heteronormativity and the way bigger dating pool on the other side as a reason they are exclusively dating men (which definitely does play a huge role), i have noticed some patterns that might point to different reasons.
for example, i know a few self-identified bisexual women who only ever talk about women being attractive, but no talk of the desire to sexually engage with or even date women, while they very much talk about dick and sexual desires and feelings towards men.
i think that there are some self-identified bisexual women who are not faking it, but think they‘re bisexual because they find women attractive, even though they have no desire to actually have sex with women.
this might be because: being bisexual as a woman is often considered a „quirk“ due to the fetishisation of lesbian relationships, so admitting it harbours no risk when dating men, but may even add some „spiciness“. im not saying that these women do it consciously, and i dont want to say that everything women do is for male attention, it‘s just one possible explanation.
also, internalised misogyny could be a factor: treating attractive women as sex objects is so normalised that even women who respect other women might get caught up in that, subconsciously. they equate attractiveness to fuckability, assuming that finding a woman attractive means they are sexually attracted to them, even thought they might not actually be.
to end this on a more positive note, i also know a lot of bisexual women who actually do and want to have sex with and date other women. i just think that there is a culture around female bisexuality which facilitates what i described here.
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erythristicbones · 2 years
having weird gender/sexuality feelings once again
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genderstarbucks · 9 months
" Usually I ignore hate like this but this is so fucking funny to me
Nowhere in my bio does it say I'm a woman you dumbass LMFAO, it says I'm female, which is different than a woman
Saying I'm just gay and trans does not explain the entirety of my experience, I can use whatever fucking labels I want to describe myself whether you like it or not you wet sock
"That's not real it's made up", yeah all words are you fucking idiot
The fact that you would stone people based on an identity that literally doesn't affect your tiny brain at all says a lot about you
YOU'RE the one who's disrespecting the trans people who have died to transphobia by caring so much about the fact that this is how I experience my transness
I think they'd be proud of the fact that me and so many others are reclaiming slurs that have been used against us
Have you ever even heard of cistrans people? Probably not considering your brain implodes at the thought of male lesbians
Also where the fuck are the "fetishes" in my bio you're speaking of? Those are just my dating preferences fuckface, what? Are you mad that you don't fit those preferences? You're just mad you can't be with me because I'm so great
You are actually so fucking stupid it's funny, you think I actually care about your opinion?
Mspec gays, lesbians and straights will and have always existed, no matter what your tiny brain thinks
Lesboys and turigirls still exist too you idiot
Oh boo hoo a butch lesbian is calling themselves a lesboy, and you're getting offended over that? That's really fucking pathetic
Gay and trans people died for my and other weird queer people's rights, and the rights for us to identify however we want
R you rlly gonna support xenogenders but not other niche queer identities? Stupid ass
Nobody ever said all lesbians like men or that lesbians have to like men, lesbians only like men if they're attracted to men while also calling themselves a lesbian you dumbass
Irl literally nobody cares if you identify as an mspec gay or lesboy, it's people like you who keep pulling this stupid discourse back up WHEN LITERALLY NOBODY CARES
It's not affecting you assfuck
I'm pro stoning people who are like you, specifically with big boulders "
" Have you ever even heard of cistrans people? Probably not considering your brain implodes at the thought of male lesbians " neither of those exist take your meds,
"R you rlly gonna support xenogenders but not other niche queer identities? Stupid ass" yeah lol :3
" Nobody ever said all lesbians like men or that lesbians have to like men, lesbians only like men if they're attracted to men while also calling themselves a lesbian you dumbass" so theyre not lesbian got it ^_^
" It's not affecting you assfuck " have you ever thought about maybe the ideology that lesbians can like men is literally what gets most of them raped
anyway all the swearing from ur post makes me giggle bc youre actually so mad, maybe ask mommy to change your diaper or something
" Also where the fuck are the "fetishes" in my bio you're speaking of? Those are just my dating preferences fuckface, what? Are you mad that you don't fit those preferences? You're just mad you can't be with me because I'm so great " im actually so happy i dont fit those bc i dont date 500lbs people LMAOO maybe try listening to other people than your divorced mom who got beaten by all her past partners who says "youre so beautiful" because all shes doing is lying to you, it would b better for you to know now that ur double chin aint doing any good for you. you just gotta know youre really below average before someone tells you and you end up killing yourself over it
" Saying I'm just gay and trans does not explain the entirety of my experience, I can use whatever fucking labels I want to describe myself whether you like it or not you wet sock " how about you use the labels the term "delusional, obese, and extremely ugly"
I literally do not care
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burning-sol · 2 years
Currently circulating critical discussion of JRWI:
(all times are in AEDT) (i apologise in advance if there any errors in summation, quotation or image descriptions)
Captain Lizzie (Riptide)
@ / notferinweII on Twitter Feb 1st 8:07AM READ HERE
as a black lesbian this stinksss
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“people will tell me, the creator of the character, that im wrong” the same guy who “never meant to imply Lizzie was POC” the same guy who compared her skin tone to kylie jenner AND rihanna (rihanna who is a black woman herself) , said she was a pale white pirate woman but also
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has olive skin but also has tanned skin but also grew up pale blonde hair that darkened in the sun throughout her time on the black rose pirate ship . a very long and insightful thread about the lack of poc characters in jrwi was posted in JUNE with the singular black npc
being announced on november 13 2022 for episode EIGHTY SEVEN of riptide . on the same day , you wrote a post about wanting us the viewers feel comfortable , REPRESENTED , and respected . lizzie’s skin colour absolutely changes her character because she could be strong WOC rep .
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now lesbian lizzie has been a very strong headcanon throughout the community for a very long time (i’m going to ignore pistolwhip’s influence for a second this is just about lizzie) due to the extreme lack of lesbian or even sapphic rep in jrwi as an entire podcast .
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you yourself stated you want all to feel represented in your campaign . and yet whenever you’re asked about lizzie’s sexuality you brush it off and say “it doesn’t matter” maybe to You but it very much matters to lesbian jrwitwt who are often left grasping at crumbs and battling
intense lesbiphobia (not lesbophobia 😉🥂) from the community in general . a canonical lesbian would be big for lesbian fans !! we love and adore lizzie as a character and we would love to see really ANYTHING about her canonized but it’s always silence .
now back to pistolwhip . i can understand the resistance to making them canon as it could take away from the action of the story (im really trying to see the other side here i’m trying) however the way you constantly dismiss the ship
but still milking fans for fan service… what happened to "u guys dont want pistolwhip" when lizzie called jay sunshine. or when lizzie winked at jay and told her to "be safe"? the way you constantly insists that "you guys dont want this to happen" while simultaneously egging
fans on is tiring for all involved TLDR : canonize lizzie’s skin tone and stick to it . if she’s white , say it. the lack of canonization while being upset fans “take the character and say i’m wrong” is a weird thing to get angry about considering little about lizzie is canon
@willotstreet Feb 4th 3:57AM READ HERE
Quoted in full:
representation that is left up to interpretation is not representation. you are asking the viewer to imagine the representation is there, without actually committing to including it yourself. be better.
@jayferins Feb 4th 11:20AM READ HERE
An anon asks about what Grizzly had said about a disabled character in PD, also adding in their own notes about Drey's disability. To summise their notes: it's surprising Drey is the only disabled character in Riptide; his diability is primarily a punchline for jokes; Drey is treated as being unfit to fight due to his disability, which can easily be remedied in fantasy through use of mobility aids that can also be altered to make for cool magical weapons. I myself would like to note that Chip has a prosthetic finger, which makes this choice even more strange.
To summise the response: meeting a former villain who's now a wheelchair user, the characters ask what happened; Dakota (played by Grizzly) reacted extremely poorly and said to their face they, "deserved it," and that, "you had it coming, karmas a bitch," in reference to being disabled; being disabled is not a punishment or a sin, it's just something that occurs, and this mindset is a bad one to have; Grizzly defended the decision to play the character this way when he recieved criticism about it.
@jayferins Feb 4th 5:21AM READ HERE
An anon comments, to summise: the amount of jokes made about schizophrenia and the psychotic comments aren't it; the way they treated Vyncent's character with the Greats wasn't that great; the jokes are treated like nothing which is frustrating knowing the amount of harm perpetuated stigmas cause.
@colestyle Feb 4th 5:30AM READ HERE
To summise: there's good moments with the plurality in PD but others that aren't to point of op skipping them; Dakota (played by Grizzly) made jokes that were especially bad; despite the plot relevance it's still irking, and it's upsetting how it just goes away by the end of S1.
@herethereverywhere Feb 4th 5:52 AM READ HERE
To summise: op watched PD aware of Vyncent being plural and anticipating it, only to be upset by stereotypes of people with dissociative disorders being reinforced, and psychotic disorders being casually demonized; expectations weren't high but still not met; op reasonably states, "i cant say that i trust this show with these topics going forward unless the boys demonstrate an sensitivity that i have thus far not been privy to".
General Comments
@swordswaltz Feb 4th 2:28AM READ HERE
Insight that I feel should be quoted in full based on my own agreement and consensus amongst other users too:
i might have missed something but i'm just so unsurprised by jrwi's (mainly grizz's) lack of response to the lizzie thing. charlie and bizly have both made apologies for things that i think were considerate and they actually changed, but i feel like grizz and condi just kind of don't learn. grizzly's conveniently timed deleting of his questions page just adds to the feeling like, to him, it's not about actually growing and more about avoiding "being cancelled" i could be wrong (i hope i'm wrong) but past actions and words are usually indicative of future actions and words. i've had this small, growing frustration with jrwi the past maybe four months which sucks because i love this show. i do. i just want them to Improve. i feel like there's a lot of talk of improving and not a lot of progress.
I have already gotten worn out so sorry I haven't included more, but if you have any other comments or relevant posts feel free to add on.
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meangirlsautism · 4 months
i was going to write something abt "monosexual privilege" (esp within th equeer community) bc i saw something stupid on the previous post. but ill just shut up. just know that im getting real sick of some of you people. #love and light
actually no im gonna say something
speaking abt lesbians in particular here, since im obv one, but. we've had to literally validate and prove our lack of attraction to men to EVERYONE. both inside AND outside the queer community. of course, hating men inherently is bad blah blah. but theres a difference between straight up hating them and not being attracted to them. learn it. everyone assumes we hat eall men bc we're not attracted to them, of course theres overlap and such, but equating ALL LESBIANS to DESPISING men is just😭😭😭 GET A LIFE. YOURE A LOSER
and like.. yes there CAN be privilege if youre a lesbian, esp if you;re white, cis, etc. but have we forgotten that like..... its still real shitty being a woman in society....... esp in a non usa area................. not to say you should be going out hating men w/ no good reason but... dont you think we earned it . as a treat (for legal reasons this is mainly a joke) (i dont even consider myself to be a cis girl)
but basically what im saying is. grouping hetero and homosexuals together is just.... do you not hear yourself. this is why we're like no longer a community . bc o fpetty shit like this. lesbians and gay men dont have privilege over you just bc they're onl yattracted to one gender SHUT UP
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