#like i didn't think about it much as a teen but that theory relies on stan letting his son think he died which is horrible enough on his own
irregularbillcipher · 9 months
honestly the main reason i fell off the grandpa train, other than the "being more closely related by blood wouldn't and shouldn't change the bond the twins have with stan" is the same issue i (and hirsch) have with the "what if stan was actually soos' biological dad!!!" theory, because both theories rely on this idea that stan knowingly and willingly abandoned his sons in some way, while still maintaining some sort of relationship with them under false presences, which is just such a horribly scummy thing to do and completely against some of stan's best traits, which are his devotion and love for his family
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yannaryartside · 3 months
Carmy will have to decide between two types of love
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I keep thinking about why Carmy (possibly) deciding between Claire and Syd is taking so much time on the overall plot of the series. We have used a entire season of him falling for Claire, and my theory is that in this season the Syd vs Claire is gonna be toe to toe, and then in the final season he goes for Syd.
Now, if that happens this way, I have been analysing it from a writers perspectives, how this love stories create Carmen ultimate character arc. I am gonna propose to you two narratives and why I would go for the later. Character analysis ahead.
The Claire option
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Walk with me here. If you ship Claire and Carmy and believe the trailers, you could say this whole thing is about Carmy learning to accept love and good things. That is why the last season ended with him rejecting the relationship out of trauma just to realize that Claire loved him. This season could be about him healing to a point where he learns he deserves love, apologizing to Claire, and getting back together. And you know what, that does make sense, writing this show as an exercise for learning to heal childhood wounds. It is clean and makes sense. Then in s4 his new self can make all the good decisions, have a couple of kids, bum you have an arc.
But the background noise, or the clues floating around, to call it something, doesn't make sense. Here insert all the Sydcarmy clues the fandom has talked about.
The show is trying to tell us that Claire is the love Carmy wants because he is trapped in his wounded self mentality.
As I said in this post, Claire's behavior looked extremely naive but manipulative sometimes. Her relationship with his family and the trauma surrounding it. How everybody seems more enthusiastic than him about the relationship at times.
The reason: the wound.
Claire is uncomplicated love, love with no expectations or boundaries, with only space for his needs, never hers. That is the kind of love a child expects from a parent. My theory is that Carmen, being with Claire, wanted to experience that kind of love, the one he didn't get from Donna. with a touch of his teen self fantasies and sex included.
And that also makes sense. Everybody that has been abused, particularly in childhood, will tell you that picking a partner without relying on your wounded self is very difficult.
A little bit of TMI on healing from abuse when you look for a romantic partner: One of the reasons I got into therapy is because I was terrified to end up marrying a man as abusive as my dad was with my mom and me. I had a problematic episode with one of my exboyfriends that made me realize I was repeating specific patterns, even when consciously, I thought I was picking men who didn't act like my father. It is something difficult precisely because you are not aware of it. It is all happening subconsciously.
So maybe that is why the writers want to give Carmen the chance to choose a partner as a healed person (Syd) and not as a wounded person desperate for love (Claire)
You cannot choose a romantic partner looking for the love of a parent, because parent to child love is the only type of unconditional love that can exist. Some therapist will tell you that the only way to cure that lack is with self love and forgiveness, but that is besides the point of this post.
Romantic relationships cannot be unconditional, it is a partnership. There needs to be expectations of grow, sacrifices and compromises, the two people need to get their needs met. You may heal together, but you partner may trigger your wounds sometimes, the same as your other relationships.
Syd definitely forces Carmy to evolve, while Claire enables him and keeps him in his past self.
Now here is where I think the twist of the series will come.
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Remember when I said that Carmys core wound is ther he felt he was not good enough for Donna to love him? Because he could not be like Michael? This is the post
Syd is Carmy’s anchor and his peace. She is also characterized as someone who helps people to grow, who gives grace and sincerity when mistakes are made. She is the actually healthy woman/parent he never experienced.
Carmen has not healed his core wound. The lie he believes that he has to go the extra mile to earn people's love. The way he became the best chef in the world, dreaming of just getting a “good job” from his older brother.
But because his wounded self doesn't feel like he can be enough for somebody he actually wants (Syd), he felt for a woman that didn't asked anything of him (Claire).
That (never giving but always receiving) dynamic is what allowed Carmy to accept the relationship in the first place.
Thinking of all this made me realize that not only has Syd been the only person Carmy had chosen for himself (as other posts have brilliantly pointed out), but Syd is literally the only person who can make a relationship with him work. She had seen the worst of him (Donna) and had the capacity to make him think of himself beyound all that, hence the peace that she brings him “you are the best cdc” as in “you are great, you are good, a good partner, a good leader, you are my friend” you are not just the bear (your wounded self). He smiles because the person that he wants can see this even if he doesn't dare to belive it yet.
So I don't know how they could make Carmy realize all of this. I also could be wrong and the meaning of all of this could be something completly different. I also don't know of this opinion is controversial. Let me know what you think. Thank you for reading.
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sethcertified · 2 years
「 SCREAM FOR YOU ! 」 . . . 📁 06
scream : billy loomis, stu macher
wrd count : 4.2k
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⊹˚.⋆ synopsis . . . [name] goes to school after his big night with the boys
⊹˚.⋆ starring . . . billy loomis, stu macher, & male reader
I could hear the hustle and bustle from downstairs as I lay motionless on my bed. The last thing I wanted to do was go to school. Not when two massive problems were looming over me named Billy Loomis and Stu Macher.
My brain refused to think about anything other than last night's incidents, and it was paralyzing me. The taste of Billy's lips on mine invaded not only my mouth but also my mind. Even the feeling of Stu kissing my forehead still burned into my skin.
I slammed my face into my pillow. At least before Billy kissed me I only had one murderer on my mind! Like that was any better though. God, [Name], liking one murderer is not a good thing!
Standing up from my mess of a bed I headed downstairs. Hopefully, breakfast would clear my mind, but my optimism was low. Downstairs I would just find more reasons to think of Billy and Stu. Example A is Sidney Prescott, and example B is Tatum Riley; My dear beloved sister and her best friend.
As I started at the foot of the staircase I imagined myself falling, getting a major head concussion, and then slipping into a coma for the rest of my murder-riddled life. However, as I walked down step after step my dream became less plausible.
Downstairs was just like how I imagined; loud and chaotic. Mama was cooking breakfast, Dewey was filling his plate, Sidney eating quietly at the table, and Tatum was sitting beside her. The news was on, and I subconsciously tuned in to what it was saying. As expected, it was about Sidney being attacked last night. I gave her a quick look of pity before piling some toast onto my plate.
I waved to Dewey as Mama walked over to the table, watching the television with the rest of the girls. I nudged Dewey to go turn off the TV, not wanting Sidney to be disturbed by the news. There wasn't a thing I hated more than the news and its goons like Gale Weathers.
I followed behind Dewey, sitting down to eat my quick breakfast. My heart ached at the sight of Sidney. Not only was her boyfriend a murderer, but she had framed the wrong guy, and was constantly taunted for it by the media. Not to mention, I made out with her boyfriend a couple of hours prior.
"It's never going to stop, is it?"
The sound of Sidney's tone made me feel even worse. It was the sound of utter hopelessness. I scoured at my breakfast. She was an innocent teen girl. She never deserved any of this.
"Billy was released."
I peeked my head back up to Dewey. I already knew Billy had been released due to our 'activities' last night, but I was curious as to how everyone would take it. I turned to Dewey, "So he didn't make the calls?"
"No. His cellular bill was clean."
Was he using a disposable phone? Most killers tend to do... It was a smart move, no doubt. I made an internal note to put down a disposable phone on my bulletin board later. I would have to see if that theory was true though.
I bit my nails as I pondered over where Billy might have bought the item. I would have to go to the locations, of course. The store would keep track of the purchase if he paid with a card, but if he paid with cash, I would have to rely on a witness. Billy was smart and presumably experienced, so I had little to no doubt that he paid with cash. That would make things harder... Much harder.
"We're checkin' every cellular account in the county. Any calls made to you or Casey Becker are being cross-referenced."
A shot of panic ran down my spine. What if Stu was the one who called? I couldn't imagine Stu locked behind bars despite him being a murderer... I felt a turmoil I didn't expect to wash over me. Maybe I didn't want Billy and Stu to get caught. No! [Name], what are you thinking? It's only right that he is locked away from society to protect our citizens... But he isn't just a murderer! He's Stu. My Stu.
My hand began to shake at the realization. What was wrong with me? They were going to kill Sidney and probably more people along the way. People I knew and cared about. Hell, they're planning to kill me! I can't let my emotions get in the way. I just need to clear my mind, that's all.
As Dewey drove us to school, I yearned to go back home. It would be impossible to ignore Stu and Billy here. I slouched into my seat as Dewey pulled over. I lingered a little while longer in the car as everyone else piled out.
I watched Sidney with curious eyes. If school was a nightmare for me, it was hell for her. I guess, Dewey got the memo too as I heard him speak to her, "Don't worry, Sid. It's school. You'll be safe here."
Yeah, right. Both murders were constantly around her here. She was safer back at home, but I couldn't tell anyone that. For now, the only danger she was aware of was the hoard of reporters itching to exploit her trauma.
I was proven correct by a swarm of news reporters running up to Sidney, "How does it feel to almost be brutally butchered?" Dewey pushed the mic away as Sidney squirmed through the crowd. I climbed out of the car following her as Dewey stayed back with the news reporter lady. I could still hear her squawking at Sidney as I followed behind her, "How does it feel?"
I resisted the urge to go over there and punch the news reporter. There was nothing more I hated than those lousy reporters; always profiting off trauma and tragedy. Speaking of lousy reporters... I watched as Sidney moved across the school yard heading toward the one and only Gale Weathers. I had to see this.
I stalked after her, keeping myself hidden from her sight. As we neared Gale's van, I flattened my body to the side of the car. It was the perfect position for snooping in on their conversation.
"Stop right there."
I tried to peer out, and see if I could catch of glimpse of the two girls. All I managed was Sidney's side profile as she spoke to Gale, "I'm not here to fight. I just need to talk."
"Kenny, camera, now!"
I rolled my eyes at Gale's words. Can't even have a conversation without her sticking that big hunk of garbage into your face.
"Off the record. No cameras."
"Forget it."
"Please? You owe me."
"I owe you shit."
"You owe my mother!"
I felt myself resisting the urge to sock Gale in the face. She was absolutely intolerable! She was greedy and inconsiderate and self-absorbed which was everything she needed to be a news reporter. No wonder, she was such a good one. She had everything it took.
I spaced out from their conversation as I remembered how she had treated Sidney last year after the publication of her novel. Gale had lured everyone into going against Sidney's word... Oh, who am I kidding? I believe Gale's theory too, but in my defense, I actually know who killed Sid's mom.
Gale was smart, and that could be useful to my investigation, but her methods were totally obtuse. She was so selfish she couldn't even see the damage she did to Sidney by that publication even though she was right. My observations were proven right by Gale interrupting my thoughts, "You got what you wanted! Cotton Weary is in jail. They're going to gas him. A book isn't gonna change that."
The atmosphere was heavy. Sidney was silent, and I observed her state of disbelief. Her mouth was slightly agape, and her eyes held a look of bewilderment.
"Do you still think he's innocent?"
"Your testimony put him away. It doesn't matter what I think."
What bullshit!
"During the trial, you did all those stories about me. You called me a liar."
Gale nodded her head, "I think you falsely identified him, yes."
"Have you talked to Cotton?" Sidney's tone was assertive, and her body language screamed certain. Gale; however, returned to attitude, "Many times."
"And has his story changed?"
"Not one word. He admits to having sex with your mother, but that's all."
"H-he's lying. She would never have touched him. He raped her, and then-" Sidney tried to collect herself as the terrible memories flooded her senses, "He butchered her. Her blood was all over his coat."
"He was drunk that night. He left his coat at your house after your mother seduced him."
"I saw him leaving wearing it."
"No, you saw someone leave wearing that coat. The same someone who planted it in Cotton's car, framing him."
My jaw clenched at her words. No doubt she was right about it. Her story made sense. Perfect sense. I had to know more. I had to buy that God-forsaken book. Sidney would hate me if she ever figured out I believed Gale over her, which I don't blame her for, but Gale was useful in my investigation. I had to take the opportunity that was being handed to me.
Maybe I could take that opportunity even further? I hated Gale, but I also hated Billy at first, and now I'm kissing him. No! I gave my arm a harsh pinch. I kissed Billy once, and I am definitely not going to kiss him in the future!
I shook the image of Billy away as I turned my attention back to the conversation at hand. Sidney had left, but I still wanted to hear what Gale had to say.
"Jesus Christ! An innocent man on death row, a killer still on the loose. Kenny, tell me I'm dreaming!"
"Do you wanna go live?"
"No, no. Not so fast. We don't have anything concrete."
"This is huge. You can't just sit on it."
"I know! That's why we need proof. If I'm right about this I could save a man's life."
Her resistance perplexed me. Was she having a change of heart? She finally changed her ways of greed and ego to actually helping victims..? Maybe she wasn't as bad as I thought...
"Do you know what that could do for my book sales!"
So much for wishful thinking. I have the back of the van a frustrated shove before striding off to class. The ego of that woman!
I weaved between people as I hurried my way into the school building. The halls were crowded as I flew by the passerby looking for my locker. All of the lockers were identical with their boring, light brown paint, but mine tended to be surrounded by a group of certain teens, so I had no trouble finding it.
Stu and Tatum were attached at the hip as usual which fueled a small spark of jealousy in the pit of my chest. Sidney held a pensive look as she rummaged through her locker. I put my hand on her shoulder as I faced her towards me, "You good? You seem off."
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. You haven't seen Billy around, have you? Is he really pissed?"
"You mean after you branded him the Candyman? No, his heart's broken."
My head snapped in Stu's direction at lightning speed at the mention of the Candyman. His eyes met mine, and our eyes spoke a million words for us before Tatum hit him in the chest. He knew about Billy and me. Of course, he did. I just yearned to know what he thought. What he would do now knowing Billy and I's relationship was different than what he had previously thought?
The sound of screams harshly tugged my gaze away from Stu as a student clad in a ghost costume flew down the hall. Sidney ran into my shoulder, and I caught her as Stu giggled in the background. I tried my best to focus on Sidney's distress, but I couldn't tear my eyes away from Stu. A smile stretched across my face at the sound of his chuckles.
However, I dropped the smile as Sidney turned to me for comfort, "Why are they doing this?" I just patted her on the arm as Stu continued gigging like a child getting a newly wrapped present, "Are you kidding me? Look at this place. It's like Christmas!"
Sidney began to stalk off, and I followed her movements calling out for her, "Sid! Sid, slow down! Please?" She ignored my calls, and I just pursued her faster. My head turned to give Stu and Tatum one last peek. Stu was staring at Sidney and me as Tatum called out to Sidney to come back. I mouthed to her a quick, "I got this!" before turning back to face Sidney's back.
My movements came to a stop as Sidney stepped on the tip of my toes with a loud, "Shit!" I fell back against the edge of the wall, scraping against my shoulder blades. I cursed at the pain as I looked up to see Billy hovering near Sidney. Sidney pushed away from him as she gave me a quick glimpse.
Billy noticed her look back and too made eye contact with me. I felt my eyes soften at the connection with his, but his remained hard and cold. So that was how he wanted to act. What a dick! I glared holes into his perfectly sculpted face as he talked to the distraught girl in front of me, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You still think it's me."
"No. No, I-I don't. It's just-"
It is you!
"Somebody was there."
Yeah! Billy!
"Billy, someone tried to kill me."
Yes, Sid, someone did try to kill you. Billy!
"I know, I know. The cops said I scared him away. It wasn't me, Sid."
I mouthed bullshit to Billy who gave me a quick glare in return.
"I know. He called me again last night at Tatum's house."
He also made out with me last night at Tatum's house, Sid.
"You see? Couldn't have been me. I was in jail. Remember?"
I mouthed another 'bullshit' to Billy who had ceased his efforts to pay attention to me. I started to fake make out with my hand which caused Billy to clench his fists against the stairs post.
He turned back to Sidney as she danced her fingers near his, "I'm so... sorry. Please understand."
"Understand what? That I have a girlfriend who would rather accuse me it being a psychopathic killer than touch me."
My mind froze as I tried to process his words. The image of Sidney and Billy together doing such things made me want to gag. The very lips I had kissed last night on her body, trailing dangerously low. The feeling of his rough, course hands tearing layer after layer of clothing off. It made me sick to my stomach.
I could feel eyes burning into the back of my skull, but I could've cared less for Billy and his intense glare at the moment. The images flashing in my head of the two had paralyzed my brain. All I could think about was them together. Touching and feelings each other while making obscene noises.
My shoulder was suddenly pulled back, and I let out a small groan of pain. I turned to see who had gripped my shoulder so intensely, and it was none other than Billy. I shrugged his hand off, "What do you want? Did Sid leave you?"
"Yeah, she's pissed." Billy ran his fingers through his mop of brunette hair, "Let's just forget about Sid, okay? I want to talk."
"About what? Last night? Billy..."
Billy held my hands in his as he scoped to see no one was around us, "Did it mean something to you?"
My eyes widen like saucers. I scoured my brain for what to say, but my shock had delayed my response. I could see Billy getting antsy.
I swallowed hard, "Yes? I mean, fuck, of course it did! I... don't consider what we did a mistake last night, if that's what you mean."
A rare smiled appeared on Billy's face, "Good. That's really good."
I felt heat rise to my face at Billy's words. I had never seen Billy so... relaxed. So happy.
A silence had filled between us, but was interrupted by me wincing in pain. My shoulder was definitely bruised from hitting the wall at the force Sidney had thrown me into it.
"You good?"
"I think my shoulder is bruised or something. Sidney threw me into the wall." I cursed under my breath.
Billy moved to inspect the back of my shoulder as I took some deep breathes to try and calm down my pain riddled body.
"It's not bleeding, but you should go to the nurse."
"Well, it gives me an excuse to skip class," I shrugged.
Billy just gave me a tart look before escorting me to the nurse. I wasn't sure what to say to him. After all, our recent conversations have been not so normal, but who am I kidding? Ever since letting Stu and Billy join in my investigation my life has been anything but normal.
"So... Have you seen the new 'Hellraiser' movie?"
"It's awful." Billy grumbled.
"I haven't seen it yet, so that's good," I awkwardly nodded. Billy just nodded with me before we turned away from each other, and continued walking down the hallway.
We reached the door to the nurse's office, and I turned to Billy ready to say bye to him, "I'll see you later? I gotta go make sure Sidney didn't get me too bad. She's actually pretty strong, you know? Well, you should know since you attacked her last night. That was a dumb thing to say. Sorry."
Billy cupped his hand around my mouth, "Can you say that any louder? And I didn't attack Sid. Stu did." He looked up to the ceiling as he ran his fingers through his hair again, "Look, we'll talk about it later. Meet me at the video store. Go find Stu, he'll take you there."
I nodded and let out a muffled 'yes,' but my mind had already set out a mission to get some information for my investigation. With Billy out of the way I might be able to get some answers about this whole murder thing. Real answers. Billy took his hand off my face, and knocked on the nurse's door. I shuffled my feet awkwardly as we waited for her to open the door. The door flew open, and Billy rushed me inside the office. He stood beside me as I began to explain my condition to her. Quickly, she began shooing Billy off.
Billy moved in before he left, whispering in my ear, "Don't bother asking Stu for answers, he won't tell you." He gave me a final smirk as I felt my mouth fall slightly agape which didn't emit any type of reaction from him. Billy kept eye contact with me as he waltzed out the door. My thoughts remained on what he could want with Stu and me at the video store instead of the frantic nurse patching my worse-for-wear injury. Sidney had, indeed, gotten me good.
My leg bounced against the cool, white tiles eyeing the clock down. The anticipation was killing me. The nurse had put on the bandage around my shoulder, and it was an uncomfortable fit, but I made do with it. She handed me my discarded shirt as she handed me a sucker, "Now young man, you must be more careful."
I flew her a cheeky grin, "I'll be more careful next time. Promise." I shot her a quick thanks as I entered the empty hall. Class was soon to be over, so I just sat against the wall and fiddled with my shoelaces. I doubted I would've paid much attention anyways with my concentration being on Stu and Billy.
My fiddling came to a stop as the bell rang; ending the day. The days had been cut short since Casey's attack which I didn't mind. I walked out into the open to see news reporters once again surrounding the school. My eyes jumped from reporter to reporter as I tried to figure out what happened. My questions were answered by Principal Humphrey over the telecom, "I need your attention now, kids. Due to the recent events that have occurred, effective immediately, all classes are suspended until further notice."
Cheers drowned my hearing. School being over was cool, and if it wasn't for the circumstances I would've been cheering with the other students, but the announcement didn't make it easy for me to relax. In all honesty, it made me on edge. What did Stu and/or Billy do this time?
As I walked out of the school, I caught sight of Tatum and Sidney and rushed toward them. Hopefully, they would have a clue about what had happened to draw such a reaction from the principal. I took to Tatum's side and was greeted by a polite wave from Sidney. Tatum turned to me, "Have you seen Stu?"
"No? Is he why classes are suspended?" I tried to lace the panic in my voice with concern. Tatum slapped my shoulder, "No! When did you get so dumb! Why would Stu have anything to do with it?"
Cause he's a murderer..?
I masked my slip-up as quick as I could, "You never know with Stu. He could've pantsed the principal or something. You never know!"
Tatum just mumbled a small 'weirdo' under her breath. I blew out a small exhale of relief. It was a dumb and frankly bad excuse, but it worked. I just needed to find out what he or Billy had done.
Speaking of Stu, he jumped in between the three of us. He was ecstatic. My mood lightened at his presence, but I was well aware he had something to do with the suspension despite Tatum's claims.
He wrapped his arms around Tatum's and I's shoulder, "Cizzcool cause scizzool is izzout. I don't know what you did, Sidney, but on behalf of the student body, we all say thank you." Stu moved to wrap his arms around Tatum's waist as he yelled out. Other students yelled 'thank you' and 'hell yeah' at Stu's exclamation. Tatum hit him with a defensive 'Drop it, Stu.' and I connected the dots. Sidney Prescott had been attacked once more.
The action didn't turn Stu's mood around whatsoever with his celebratory excitement as he picked up Tatum like a ragdoll, "I say, impromptu party tonight, my house. Celebrate this little siesta. What do you say?"
"Are you serious?" Sidney grumbled.
Stu smacked Tatum's ass which made me uncomfortable for more than reasons than one. Stu was way better at acting like a boyfriend than Billy to the girls. I guess, that was good for them, but it was hell for me. I kicked the rubble at my feet in jealousy as Stu babbled on about the party.
He had dropped Tatum back to earth to my relief as she tried to persuade Sidney to come along. Tatum wasn't one for missing out on parties. Sidney turned to me, "Are you gonna come?"
"Probably not. Parties aren't my thing, you know? I prefer a freshly popped bag of popcorn and a movie in the privacy of my bedroom."
"You are such a loser." Tatum drawled at me. I gave her the finger. Stu, Sidney, and Tatum were all now looking at me, awaiting my response. I glanced towards Stu who was practically begging me with his eyes. With a sigh, I raised my hands up in defeat, "I'll go."
Stu wrapped his arms around me as he begun swinging my body with shouts of glee. Sidney and Tatum just rolled their eyes at his antics, and I prayed they didn't see the smitten look on my face. It was rather hard to contain my feelings with being so close to Stu.
Stu still had his arm around me as we continued walking. Tatum was still going at it with Sid who was stealing sneaky glances in my direction. I guess I was somewhat of a safe space for her after our police station interaction. I gave her a reassuring smile, trying my best to discretely give her some support.
I diverted my gaze to see Stu and Tatum being grossly, touchy. My fists clenched as I bit my lip. That was not a sight I wanted to see. I tried to focus on Sid and not Stu. He was kissing all over Tatum's neck while staring at me from his peripherals. It was as if he was taunting me because of Billy and I's make-out session last night. I gave the man a small kick to the back of the shin with a smirk. He jumped back, and I let out a snide chuckle. That's how he wanted to play the game, after all.
I turned back to Sidney as she finally indulged in coming to the party with an, "Okay, whatever." The two blondes celebrated her agreement, but an uneasy feeling had overcome me. I couldn't make out what the feeling exactly was, but I knew one thing for sure.
This party was bad news.
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✎ notes . . . yes, this is a repost. tumblr deleted my old acc >:( ⟡      .        ⛪      ◦      ✺ 05 ⇿ 07
©️ sethcertified 2023
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seaweedwolf · 1 year
Chalice of the gods preview thoughts
I read the preview and omg I'm in love? The call back to the first opener, I've discussed and thought about it before and honestly I wanted it to be like the senior student quote or like I didn't want to apply for college?
The school is so interesting? And it obviously has the point percy is going into the future and leaving being a kid behind?
Percy counselor! She's so cool and i love how she and Poseidon were like hmm who tells him the bad news? But she is in his corner and it's great?
Alao hello community college mention? Is that more Greek/Roman or a mix for any godly connected mortal? I need answers! Is it set in greendale?
Poseidon finally made his appearance properly!! I love the fact we got to see him arguing and defending percy future? Obviously, it wasn't the best, but percy could have had 25 quests? Or not have been eligible? And just his unpredictability is still there?
Also damn the poseidon is Paul theory is just coming isn't?
The fact this is solely percy problem is so funny but tragic? Hades/Pluto children were born before the oath so they wouldn't have anything against them, thalia and Jason is his children and he's absolutely biased towards them?
But I can't help but think this is zeus revenge for percy turning down godhood? You want a future, you're going to have to rely on the gods, face more challenges? Also, he's probably holding a grudge because he corrupted jason to the point he argued with zeus at the end of BOO?
Also just kinda laugh at the thought, it is the styx punishment for him being born? Thalia was cursed to get killed by monsters, a short game, here we'll play the long game and screw his future up?
I also think the cup is a trap... my theory is that he stole the cup from Ganymede for the minor god attention? As we know, they had an affair? But hearing the fact percy is looking for the cup, if he drinks from it and become immortal, he's going to get offended percy turned him down but became a immortal anyway? He's going to punish him horribly? Prometheus kinda punishment?
Honestly, there's not much to say about percabeth, my otp once and forever, but I love seeing them hang out and just enjoy each other company? And seeing her with Paul and Sally?
Also, grover!! I love this trio? And it is so fitting he's here to help percy get to college?
I do just love the theme thay everything is connecting,the school, harking back to the idea of immortality? Percy had his last summer before his senior year.
This is so important and honestly so character driven? And I love stories like this, it's a long epilogue this series? Trials of Apollo he said was the capstone, but this is truly it?
The lart thing, I love the idea. we are also seeing a more older demigod version for quests, etc? Of course, there is a request system? I love you can say a reward, this is showing the difference? As teens/kids, it was getting yourself trained, proving your worth, but for adults, they can have the experience and skills to do the less meaningful tasks? They're also more cynical and knowing the gods? It also brings the chance for money or something if they're struggling with job loss for example?
Also it is a great image, percy believing apollo was here, to ask him for a quest? Especially if it was all done?
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rabidrodent · 7 months
you ever get the feeling that like, nothing really exists anymore?
like ever since the mid-2010s, we've just been floating in a catatonic state. a cultural void. things continue to fade and go out of style, per usual, and yet nothing new is there to take their place.
like ever since trump was elected, culture itself was put on pause and never really turned back on. not to imply that he's solely at fault, that's silly. but there was an absolute vibe shift that happened overnight. did you feel it? that feeling that everything that culturally worked before suddenly didn't work anymore?
i think a lot of it has to do with the huge corporate consolidation we've seen the past decade. there's no money in anything anymore. there's no money in art, in journalism, in music, in tv, in animation, in comics, in social media in general. all creative avenues are in the dirt, siphoned off by a select few. anything and everything is in a complete rut.
you ever flip through cable/satellite tv nowadays? it's an absolute desert. dozens of channels just airing a single show for hours on end. all that money was moved into streaming, which worked for a little while, but now it's all fragmented, and again, no money for anything.
entire genres of movies thrown away in favor of chasing the next monotone billion dollar worldwide blockbuster.
the tech world, one that once brought wonder for the new possibilities of the future, now in a rut of hyping predatory, cynical, half-baked ideas that only serve to undermine the fabric of society. all to sponge up some short-term hype money before it all crashes and burns, then it's onto the next big dumb scam.
social media in general feels dead. twitter, once a titan, now a destroyed husk. numerous alternatives sprouted to take its place, none grabbed much a foothold. the site will just slowly rot away, leaving nothing but a massive void in its place. dead internet theory run amok.
where are the new artistic movements and aesthetics? the big new music acts? the shows that everyone talks about? like... memes in general...? remember when people used to joke about a singular thing for longer than a few days?
maybe that's just the death of the monoculture. everything we live, fragmented into dust, smoothed into a gray paste.
or maybe i'm just old and passionless and not paying attention anymore. i never wanted to be a "kids these days" guy, but maybe that's just an inevitability. but you hear distressed stories from teachers about how kids and teens are basically functionally illiterate nowadays, and you wonder... no, this actually is different, right? this isn't just the unstoppable trudge of time casting away old forms of thinking, but there's actually a foundational underlying problem here that's negatively affecting the world at large?
maybe it's me, maybe it's the world. i just feel that all these established cultural pillars we'd come to rely on for years, decades, centuries, have withered away, with nothing new to take their place. a world of rubble and melancholy. you can kick some rocks around and build a sand castle, but nobody's around to notice or care.
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chaos0pikachu · 2 years
please talk about the bl actors you find absolute shit I love controversial opinions
LMAO puta out here tryin to get me cancelled, rejected, cast out, exiled
sure why not, putting this under a cut b/c no one likes seeing bad opinions on ppl they like so enter at your own risk etc etc:
tbh there's not a ton of them b/c I haven't watched as many shows as other folks. Like, watching shows is difficult tbh especially Thai ones which are like an hour long each episode and have a lot of filler I just can't find it in my soul to do it okay. BUT out of the shows I have watched I've been left pretty unimpressed by:
Ohm from Until We Meet Again: I know he's really well liked, but I'm sorry my dude can't act. Flat. I probably have the most firm opinion on him and I just find myself so thoroughly unimpressed. I think what doesn't help is that Fluke is a good actor.
And I don't just mean the crying, like Fluke, Gun, and First are all good criers right? It's a fandom joke at this point but like, that ability isn't what makes them good actors. You can see their experience on screen, in how they embody the characters they play, the subtle changes in their physicality, how they line read, the way they interact with their costars.
I've said before but I find Pharm to be a pretty boring character, but Fluke gives him enough charm on screen that I don't outright dislike him. Meanwhile Dean is just boring. He's BORING. And Ohm doesn't have the skills to make him not boring. Stoic characters are actually really difficult to play, I actually really liked the performance of Wang Yibo in The Untamed b/c without the use of animation LWJ is a difficult character to play b/c he's so internal and stoic outwardly. But Yibo gives him some humanity with his line reads and his eyes (the lantern scene comes to mind) and I don't even LIKE that show.
Ohm just doesn't have the skills to make the standard stoic romantic hero work, he's to flat, he relies to much on his innate physicality to carry the performance. All that said I haven't watched one of his recent shows so maybe he got better idk!
Bright from 2Gether: Idk if this is popular or not and I didn't even like 2Gether but talk about another dude who can't act woof. Bright reminds me of the mixed actors Netflix always casts in their teen romcom sequels that are hotter than the basic white dude love interest but never win b/c why would they? Anyways he can't act, I liked the other dude Win way more. He had great comedic timing and even when Bright was required to act like happy or joyful it came off as ~Acting~
Off from Theory of Love/Not Me: So lemme say that I don't think Off is a bad actor not like Bright and Ohm flat lmao I just think Gun out acts him at like every corner. I think Off lacks charisma but that's so subjective so I don't talk about it much b/c I know ppl love him/OffGun but like, I don't see it much. Idk OffGun is nice, they're nice! But they're just nice. They're chemistry doesn't wow me or blow me away or anything there's something I find really restrained about them? Like they've been working together for so long they feel more like really good friends than that passionate I want and love you type romance. I will say tho I think Off picks some good projects so good for him
Earth/Mix: FML this one's gonna get me okay so like I don't think either Earth or Mix are bad actors but I think they're a bit idk overhyped? I found 1000 Stars mind numbingly boring - except for Mix's char I loved the char but found the performance a bit lackluster - and they're the least interesting part of Moonlight Chicken for me. They remind me of OffGun where they're such good friends and they've only really worked with each other mainly (I know Earth's worked with other screen partners) that I think it's developed some bad acting habits and they're to comfortable. They don't give me that passionate I want and love you type romance. Which for 1000 Stars, totally fine it wasn't that type of show but I really felt that missing bit in Moonlight Chicken.
Mix was trying hard to give bedroom eyes (and I do think he succeeded!) but tbh I didn't feel the sexual tension between them, I didn't feel the "this is a bad idea but I want you to much to care" vibe. I honestly think Earth was a miscast anyway b/c the char is supposed to be almost 40 and he's fucking 28 irl it's as unbelievable as Jennifer Lawrence at 20-something playing a 40-something in American Hustle.
Earth also plays mostly stoic characters and I think they often come off as boring. I think he's actually pretty funny? His comedic timing is pretty good but he doesn't get to play fun characters! He doesn't have enough experience to give weight to these old characters they keep casting him as.
I think you can really see the difference in the scenes with First and Mix actually. Mix was better but you could see First was leading those scenes. What's truly frustrating is I think Mix could grow as an actor if he wasn't always paired up with Earth. One of the reasons I think First, Gun, and Fluke are so good is b/c of their experience. They act against other people, they take out there projects at times, being locked in a "pairing/ship" just hurts an actors development imo it's limiting and I selfishly hate it
It also doesn't help that Thai BL usually only has shallow secondary relationships between the main chars and supporting characters. Like, one of my gripes with 1000 Stars is all the supporting cast are severely under developed to the point they really are just avatars for "kind village people" they're more of an ideal than actual characters yes even the doctor who was just the standard "best friend who helps the mains hook up".
not to harp on Kinnporsche but one of the best things about the show is the time it takes to make characters interact with other chars outside of their romances. Pete's friendships with Arm, Tankhun, and Pol feel genuine. The mean girls club of Big and Ken feels real (you know those coworkers, you've HAD those coworkers), Porsche and Chay's relationship feels REAL and sincere and valued, Porsche's relationship with Tankhun is funny yes, but contrasted with how Tankhun acts around Kinn and Korn. Kim's isolation adds to his storyline. Kinn's relationship with his brothers is paralleled with Porsche and Chay's. Vegas relationship with Kinn, Gun, Porsche, Pete even Tawan are all so VASTLY different it's amazing to see.
What also helps is seeing what actors bring out what. Like, Bible is a good example, the energy he has with Apo is different than what he had with Build. Like obviously Vegas "love" for Porsche was fake while it was real for Pete but making that distinction clear in your performance matters. And isn't as easy as folks would think.
ok I'm beat that's all for now folks lol
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initiumseries · 2 years
What did you think of teen wolfs villains?
Keep in mind I only watching until like...s4 or 5? The thing with Teen Wolf is like...so much of the problem isn't the idea, but the execution? So I liked most of the villains, or at least had no problem with them, in theory. But their execution was usually so deeply stupid and undercut that it was just like...WHO is WRITING this?
Except for, the Alpha Pack
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Like, nevermind that the entire concept of alpha wolves has been debunked as nonsense because the study took place on wolves help in captivity, but just even following the original train of thought, HOW is there a PACK of alphas?! There's an ENTIRE storyline about Scott not fitting in to Derek's pathetic pack because he was his own "alpha" of his own pathetic pack. Which...so then how is there a pack of alphas?!? There would need to be an alpha of this alpha pack...like...then the others aren't alphas, and if they WERE, that means they left their packs to be alphas in a pack? WHAT?
Jackson as the kanima and Alison's grandfather as his master
I actually liked this idea.
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They had no idea who the kanima was, and I liked that they didn't reveal it to the audience either. Then finally finding out it was Jackson, but not knowing who was controlling him, only to find out it was Alison's creepy grandpa was fun. But again the execution was dumb as hell. There's NO WAY that Alison's mother and grandfather could just...take over and infiltrate a school system. Neither has school experience, so it's not even like she could submit a resume to be a supply, much less him actually becoming principal? What the fuck? Then Jackson dying, not dying, dying, not dying. Is this amateur hour? You just undercut ALL the intensity of the reveal! Jfc.
Uhh...this guy
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I found a lot of the thing with Lydia to be tired and over the top tbh. Like, her constantly crying and screaming in places, her waking up in places. Sure it was stylized and moody, but it was purely aesthetic and not particularly practical or useful in driving the plot forward so it just felt like a waste of time to watch. Again, I liked the idea of them figuring out it was him all the time, but for me to actively CARE about this, his inclusion needed to happen much earlier for me. Like if we saw more of Derek actually going to visit him often, relying on him as a sounding board, and showing a more tender side of derek while visiting him, then his reveal would've been like OH. Daaaamn. Instead it was kinda like...lol okay I'll roll with this. But then he QUICKLY wears out his welcome because who cares.
Wasn't Stiles evil for a min? I remember that, and being like...happy to see his range, but also bummed because the show became an IMMEDIATE downer without him carrying the humour on his back.
I honestly don't remember the rest because at some point I just said...this is ridiculous and checked out.
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