#like an angry deity
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absentmoon · 2 years ago
ok its 11 i can talk about this because it doesn't count (because its 11)
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mightierthanthecanon · 3 months ago
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It is over. You could never stand against me alone. And you are alone now, truly. You have lost! Everyone! Everything! It is over!
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potatobugz · 6 months ago
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Lucky is he, Who lives unaware
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sarafangirlart · 4 months ago
A review of Hera by Jennifer Saint
So ummm, lot to unpack here, I know a lot of y’all requested this so here it is!
I like Hera’s motivation for why she married Zeus, it actually makes more sense than her marrying him out of shame, it’s more in character for her to do it to take him down.
I like that Hera’s emotions and feelings while she’s pregnant reflect into how her children grow up.
I like how she’s sympathetic towards Asteria but then grew angry and bitter over the years and didn’t extend that same sympathy towards her sister Leto.
The scene with Asteria and the aftermath really made my skin crawl.
I like how it’s left in doubt whether Echo was really helping Zeus.
The final few chapters just… wow genuinely thought provoking idk if I can sum up my thoughts in one review.
Seeing Hera justify her horrible actions to herself was interesting
The author is clearly an Ares x Aphrodite shipper and I respect that… to an extent.
Hera’s relationship with monsters was so cool and interesting.
I hate that we just skip past the Titanomachy
Ironically I find Zeus and Hera’s relationship super underdeveloped, I wish we knew more about their relationship during and before the Titanomachy, show that she deeply loved and trusted him like a sister, but I just… don’t really get any of that so Zeus’s betrayal doesn’t feel as upsetting as it could’ve been.
I didn’t really find Zeus’s characterization that interesting, he’s just a prick and that’s it, tho I appreciate that he still has a slight fatherly side.
I really don’t care for adaptations that make Hera hate Zeus, I find it more interesting if she started off loving him only for that love to weaken as his abuse and infidelity kept going.
The pacing is all over the place, first half was fine but after that it was way too rushed, the Gigantomachy is only one chapter long and the Argus myth is only 2/3 pages long, the Trojan War was rushed over too.
I do not like how Hephaestus is characterized, when it’s shown that the book was using the “Hephaestus frees Hera in exchange for Aphrodite” thing I had to put the book down for a while, at one point point it’s even said that he helped the Greeks bc he hated Aeneas which just… no (even the Aeneid disproves this) he likely helped the Greeks bc Hera and Athena asked him to, much like they did with Ares.
I do not understand why more of Hera’s relationships with women aren’t explored, why tf was Thetis only mentioned towards the end of the book? Why don’t they have any meaningful relationship or even speak to each other?
Why is Iris so boring I know she was a blank slate in the Iliad but c’mon this book adapts the Heracles/Lyssa myth why not go further and make Iris a little gremlin?
I don’t like how bare bones her relationship with her daughters is, I know there is very little in the source material but c’mon there’s so much more you can do here.
Clymene was kinda boring, she’s just kinda there doesn’t really do much and I was so disappointed (maybe bc my version of her is a lot more angry and vengeful? Idk).
Hestia was kinda bland, she’s only there to comfort Hera and only starts becoming interesting towards the end, at which point she leaves the narrative.
Overall I give this a 2.75/5
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hermes-helpol · 7 months ago
Sitting outside during a storm, watching, listening; enjoying the rain and the lightning and the thunder and thinking of Lord Zeus.
Thinking about his stories; what I know and how much I know I'm oblivious to. Wondering what I can learn from him. Reminding myself to research him later.
Thanking him for the storm. For every drop, every flash; every rumble.
Thunderstorms are something we have always adored both collectively with my system and together with our family/mother. But this one was truly magical because I got to experience it with Lord Zeus in mind.
I love religion 💜.
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The Artemis Research Centre
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The Artemis Centre was founded by Dr. Carla Ionescu, PhD in Ancient History from York University. She offers many different workshops about ancient Mediterranean goddess: some are free standalone classes, and some are series of eight classes for $300 USD. The series also include workbooks, out of class readings, and other assignments. Dr. Ionescu also offers pilgrimages in the spring to Greece, each year focusing on a different god.
I've only been to one of their workshops, but I had such a good time. They opened with a guided meditation then moved into a lecture portion with group discussions. It was so lovely to see other witches and pagans, even if it was over zoom, and see how strong the community is. I learned so much from them and the experiences they shared.
However, this is a women only space. They let me, a masc nonbinary person, sit in on one lecture then Dr. Ionescu privately messaged me to ask that I don't come back as it could make other participants feel uncomfortable. I told her that I wasn't a man like she assumed but I wasn't a woman so I would respect the rules of the group and not come back. She responded and said that my response made her re-analyze her opinions on gender, who she allows into her space, and made her want to change it to be more inclusive. Hopefully, she has put this into effect but I don't know because I haven't been back.
Their site: The Artemis Research Centre
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swan2swan · 11 months ago
Brain accidentally tripped over a broom and stumbled into a big box that said "DO NOT OPEN", and now there's "Barrissoka is Star Wars Narusasu" everywhere, help me put it back in the box.
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its-fjori · 11 months ago
........... 🐠 🐠
......🐟 🐟
🐠 Grimtusk 🐠
.....🐟 Fishing Daily 🐟
.............🐠 🐠
Summoning the Grimtusk Fishing Hole so I can get Taivan tomorrow
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krystxellyn · 1 year ago
People interpret others saying that Lucifer can be masculine or feminine as “Lucifer can show up as a woman” which isn’t impossible as basically any deity can change their gender or their shape entirely because they are not physical, and I’m sure ppl have had that experience with him, but for me when he’s on the fem end of the spectrum he’s either bodiless and just like. Really light energy (like a Christmas light? The ones that look like they have sugar on them) -OR- one time he showed up like The Fallen Angel painting by Cabanel except he had lash extensions and body glitter all over
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Lord satan how does he appear to you ?
He has a few forms He likes to use. He mostly appears like this
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Although he occasionally appears as Molag Bal or Mehrunes Dagon from the Elder Scrolls series
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In my experience Infernals appear in ways that would make them recognizeable and they approve of the appearance. Lord Satan rarely appears in a form similar to Mehrunes Dagon and has only done so once. He seems to more strongly prefer the first one
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seraxfemme · 10 months ago
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love-is-all-and-nothing · 1 year ago
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red-dyed-sarumane · 9 months ago
this dosent need to be answered seriously but what are keppi's thoughts on material possessions. actually. does he judge people for anything does he just accept the person for all their harmless desires
u know he may live in a lake but hes somewhat of a magpie type of person as in he likes to collect things he thinks are neat. a lot of the rocks at the bottom of his lake are his personal collection of ones he thought were cool. overall tho people are more important to him than objects & he does get a little irritated when people start to prioritize an item more than other things in their life. like he gets it but it doesnt sit right with him. in terms of collections tho hes pretty neutral like "oh u like stamps thats neat!" & not really put too much thought into it. he thinks its just something people do naturally.
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timmydraker · 3 months ago
Tim calls a family meeting and everyone is assuming he’s got a big case he needs help with, which is alarming for someone who refuses to admit that some cases are beyond him.
So, everyone shows up at the cave only to be ordered upstairs by Alfred. For those who only showed up to make fun of Tim for needing help, this is confusing because case work ain’t allowed upstairs.
All do them figure out quickly that this means it’s not to do with Gotham or Ref Robin, but the man behind the mask.
Bruce and Dick were there first and because Damian is always with one of them, so is he.
Steph picks up Barbara and Cass, with Duke already at home and Jason showing up at the same time as Kate and Lucius.
When they all get into the lounge room used for when people are over, just two doors down from the actual family room, they all find themselves chatting casually as they stave off their own worries or confusion. Some of them try find out if anyone knows what’s going on, but when Alfred and Barbara reveal they have no idea, they give up and make a few guesses but no more.
When Tim finally comes in after Alfred received him, he looks tired.
It’s not usual for Tim to get distracted with work and not sleep for a while, but he will conk out for hours when he decides to and wake up alright.
The bags under his eyes, the redness within them, and the way he looks close to tucking himself into a ball…
Bruce is immediately leaning forward, opening his mouth to make sure his son is okay but Tim just raised a hand to silence him. “Just… just let me speak, okay? I need to do it now or I’m not going to be able to.”
Everyone gives him a nod or look of understanding, making him twitch a smile before inhaling deeply and psyching himself up.
“I have cancer.”
Nobody speaks as Tim exhales shakily.
Everyone is staring wide eyed at the young man before them, who just reached the legal drinking age, and trying to asses his physical form for an understanding of what he just said. They’re all trying to gain X-ray vision to see exactly what is hurting him all while trying to convince themselves they heard him wrong.
Tim closes his eyes and speaks automatically, leaning into facts like he always does when he’s freaking out, “I noticed I was getting by more tired and fatigued around last year. My doctor said I have a low white cell count but he wasn’t alarmed as it was still in the normal range. But a few months ago I started to note that bruises were taking far too long to heal and I was getting a lot of pain around my joints and bones.”
He inhaled again, shakier than before at the same time that Alfred sits himself down with a hand over his mouth.
“It’s stage 2 and because of my lack of a spleen it’s going to be a harder process for treatment but fortunately I own a medical company so there’s that at least.” He makes a sort of joking smile that falters immediately, falling into a pulled back frown that comes with someone whose about to sob as he adds, “But it’s also aggressive so I-I don’t know how-how to-fuck-“
Dick and Cass are immediately moving off the couches they are on and catch him as he finally crumbles into himself.
Bruce is next to follow, the stoic man openly crying for the first time in years.
Jason and Damian are in shock, both frozen in place as dread takes over their minds.
Steph is looking out the window, as if staring at some kind of his or deity and demanding an expiration as to why they have to hurt her loved ones so badly. She’s crying, but it’s silent which is all the more harrowing.
Lucius places a hand on Alfred’s shoulder to comfort the elder even as he himself itches to go comfort the young boy who helped him run the company when he was at his worst.
Kate leaves the room to go call Bette, needing her mentor because this is just something she can’t handle.
Duke is sobbing into his hands as he leans into Barbara’s lap. Barbara who is clinging to him like a lifeline as she feels her world shift once again, feeling so angry and confused at how one of them could be threatened like this. Of all the ways they could go out, was it really going to be cancer?
It was a harrowing experience for all of them to remember that they were human in more than just their flesh being able to bleed and be wounded, but for it to grow sick. For it to age and attack itself.
They were human at the end of the day and Tim…
In Metropolis, Clark Kent rushed into the bathroom at his work to throw up as he heard a conversation miles away.
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chickensoupleg · 2 years ago
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I had an idea based off of this (It has nothing to do with said idea the context is the Sims 4)
So Neil gets married to his first wife, all is well, she gets pregnant. What he doesn't know is she's some deity of some form or another and was either in a selkie skin situation where she can't return home because Neil has something of hers or knew that she can't legally just run away with child without Neil getting the law involved and put herself in danger. How a mortal man would put a being too powerful for him to even dare lay a hand on (He does anyways) in danger who knows, but whatever it is, she's not budging for a good couple of years.
Anyways, so at some point she does actually leave, abandoning her son to the dogs despite the possibility that she could have tried to bring him too, but simply could not. It could be a time thing, where her point of freedom was short and grabbing Billy without alerting Neil was too risky, a mortality thing where Billy being part of Neil's blood too made him impossible to bring where she was going, or just simply she did not want to.
Regardless, now Billy's stuck with Neil, time passes, joy of joy they end up in Hawkins.
Billy remembers his mom, definitely. Probably idolised her as many children do, especially when said parent tried protecting you from your other parent and gave you happy memories. Very likely he had no idea that his mom wasn't just a mortal woman.
Very likely – before the Mindflayer got its grubby slimy little tentacles in Billy – it didn't know either. Why would it. So, after it DOES get its nasty little whippersnappers into Billy it just... goes horrendously wrong.
Turns out adding the Upside Down to Godly Blood is a horrible combination and should not be done under any circumstance.
It becomes a horrible rendition of slowly distorting Billy's body so badly he might as well just been Mindflayer 2.0 but with exactly one (1) soul suffering in agonizing pain and misery.
It doesn't stop his mind from going between completing the Duty forced upon him and trying to figure out why everything in his bones hurt.
-Nobody gets melted, hooray!
-The original Mindflayer + Henry now have to fight this Holy Blood with the mind control, and turns out a small child is much easier to control than WHATEVER THIS IS.
-The pain of summer being legal and a thing is likely not as severe but still very uncomfortable because someone on this brain council likes it cold.
-Billy does not get his memory of him as a kid on the beach with his seven foot wave shown to him by a girl he doesn't really know but was about to feed to a massive monster in the mall and therefore remembers what feeling safe was like.
-Max still gets trauma regarding said brother, just in a different ice cream flavour.
-He doesn't understand what is going on and he's never gonna get his answers because it's too late for him.
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matcha-flavored-cake · 4 months ago
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. . . 💬 when leona finally got some time to spend with his little herbivore, he couldn't miss the opportunity to pounce.
— pairing: leona kingscholar x you
— warnings: breeding king, reader has a pussy, dirty talk, beastman cock, sex, exhibitionism, mentions of pregnancy (nothing major), leona being a meanie, dumbification? kinda, overstim, denied orgasm
A/N: wrote that one with my pussy ngl
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For someone so lazy, Leona got quite the energy when it comes to you.
“Fuck” he hushed on your ear. Hips moving and cock drilling your cunt as you pathetically blabbered, pleading to whoever pitiful deity the sevens knows for what. It never ceased to amuse him how much you got lost when he hammered inside of you. ”Fucking missed that greedy cunt” Leona whispers while he bottomed out, draggin his cock agonizingly slow all the way inside you, caressing a handfull of your butt, a small gesture of tenderness while his barbs scratched your gummy walls. All the stress after so many Magical Shift practices now buried deep in his mind while he pounded on you. Leona let a low grunt when felt how good and snuggly fit he was inside of you, looking at your precious juices that coated that all over his tan skin, girthy cock streching your poor cunt wide.
Leona took a little peek again and had to hold himself to not cum, his cock twitched at the pretty sight of your pussy holding him in like a vice. ”Oh, look at you” he coos “someone missed me that much?” he punctuated his words with a deeper thrust making your choke on your own spit and muffle your moan on his hand. The smell of your arousal tickled his nose, his mind full of you. The arrogant lion put a hand in between your legs to rub your clit, being mean enough to grab a hold of your mound and let a cauculated slap that made you tighteen around his dick, letting a low noise between a hum and a moan, a cocky smirk adorning his lips.
Your hands rasping at the trunk of one of the trees on the botanical garden, legs parting just for him, his pretty little herbivore. Every sharp and deep thrust making that knot inside of your loins tighten so much to the point it would snap anytime soon, tears prickled your eyes at the overstimulation, but you loved, how couldn't you?
”Ah, ah, we don’t noises coming out do we? So be quiet. Unless you want to get that mouth working.” he mutter rocking his hips harder this time. You should be ashamed of how sloppy you were, really. If anyone was closer they probably would’ve heard the slick sounds of your dripping pussy by now.
”Gonna get a bit mean now love, be prepared” He muttered and kissed your hair, holding your arms for leverage as he started to piston his hips again, the sound of his hips slapping against your asscheks was music to his ears, he almost felt bad for not recording it. Anytime now the bell would ring and your little time together would be over, so he had to be fast. Leona bottomed out again letting you take a breath and started to fuck you harder and faster, one hand travelling to your midsection to steady you while other grabbed your chin towards his direction, kissing your to muffle down the desperate and boderline pornographic sounds that leave your mouth.
He part the kiss and hisses out, eyes closed and his hips dont fucking stop, and he swear he can almost taste your release in the air when he lick his lips, the knot on your tummy is about to snap, your abdomen twitch, your toes curl, and it feel so, so good and its almost there… just a little bit more and—
Leona get his cock out and grunt, breaking your orgasm and you look behind almost growling while he hold he base of his beastman cock, angry tip swollen and letting globs os precum falling on the ground.
”Leona what the fu—?” You rasp and he grab your face interrupting you and kissing your sloppy. His tongue making your legs tremble as he part the kiss and grab a hold of your thighs lifting you up, his face is some tones reddish, his pupils blown and his fangs rasps dangerously on your neck as he inhales your scent, aligning his cock on your entrance again.
”I’m gonna put a cub on you pretty cunt.”
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