#like a mutt
rocketrouquine · 4 months
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Well, actually the next question is for Armand …
Sir, do you dye your eyebrow ?
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nahoyasboyfriend · 11 months
Just made a playlist specifically for scream. I need to be sedated
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mischievousdog · 9 months
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Heir of Fenrir
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0800-p1llowhump3r · 26 days
giggling and kicking my feet at the thought of getting my puppycunt slapped til I'm swollen and shaking and desperately begging you to let me cum while you laugh at how cute I am and just slap me harder til I cry... please
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umblrspectrum · 3 days
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part 4 of a lot funnier in my head than on paper
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queerava · 7 months
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faolrougelunedrawings · 10 months
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I don’t know, I guess Mizu beeing constantly called a dog without any actual dog in the show did some weird stuff in my brain.
And my Okami and GDW teenager self kept yelling « cool ancient japan dogs with fucking swords » et voila.
And I want to do MORE. I’m cringe but I’m free. (Join me in my stupid dogs AU plz)
ÉDIT: the picture quality is very poor, have the dogs by themself too:
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everchased · 9 months
so, Astarion and Finch. which one of them watches the other fight and thinks "that's so hot"?
finch finds astarion's skill and deftness with a blade VERY sexy admirable but i think the person who has that immediate "HOT" moment is astarion himself.
there is probably something immediately attractive to astarion "technically not a murderhobo but only because he dresses nice" ancunin about seeing a man who (for the most part) tries to favor persuasion decide that a situation is bad enough to call for killing someone
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and swiftly, effectively, and mercilessly
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following through with that decision.
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smokbeast · 5 months
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Papyrus sketches from my book the other day!
I like to think papyrus is serious and can become angry when he wants to be, but he’s such a nice and genuine sweet character he wouldn’t want to show that to the character or others.
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grzybjek · 1 month
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A collage I made for one of the characters from my newest story. His name is Kundel by the way hes an absolute manfail and a menace
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NGL I have STRONG opinions about digital releases omitting the letters to the editor section of older comics. I feel like the letters are a part of comic history and should be aggressively preserved.
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ceilidho · 4 months
forced throuple chap 3 sneak peek
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fungalpieceofextras · 3 months
Things I wish I saw more of in living weapon whumpees: a non-comprehensive list from being around actual Marines and army people
They can and will sleep anywhere... except an actual bed. The moment you give them access to an actual bed with a mattress and sheets, their immediate instinct is to make it up in barracks style, not sleep in it. The moment they're expected to sit and wait and/or have no expectations of them, they lean back and enter a light doze.
Caffeine addiction. Usually through pills, sometimes through special caffeinated gum. This pairs with the weird sleeping habits.
When they ARE guaranteed eight hours of rest, at least two of them are spent maintaining equipment/ their uniform if permitted. When they wake, they're up and ready for whatever comes next in under five minutes. This includes making up the bed.
If it's not the bare minimum to keep them functional and armed, they don't have it. This is going to be especially true for LWW's who were raised in the lifestyle and/or brainwashed after abduction from civilian life. Watches, jewellery, spare clothes, even non-obtrusive things to occupy them outside of training like books or a phone are not things they have without stealing or being given a gift by someone around them.
Paired with above, they have no preferences for what they do get. If someone above them fucks up and gives them too-small or too-large clothes, they just make it work and take the punishment they don't deserve at inspection time. If the only toilet is a bucket on the floor, they use it without complaint.
Their language when speaking freely is something the fuck else, like for real the shit that comes out of their pieholes is unbelievable! A "fuck" every other word!
They only speak when spoken to, and when they do, it's in what I like to call a Sir Sandwich: "Sir, [response goes here], Sir", usually in a very flat and (if appropriate) loud tone. "Sir" can be considered gender-neutral in this case and is meant to denote someone in authority, not a masculine someone specifically.
Buzzed hair on men, pixie or chin-length bob on women, though if your LWW is the only woman in a mostly masc environment, buzzing her hair can be a deliberate tactic by her captors/superiors to dehumanize her.
Food aggression. They inhale their food, they never eat anything that takes time or effort to prepare OR to consume (salad, omelette, pancakes/waffles, steak, etc.) and if the situation calls for it they can and will eat with their hands no matter how nasty their hands are. Permission to sit down for more than ten minutes and actually TASTE what they eat should be alien to them during recovery/leave if they get it.
Hazing. Sorry, but if your LWW is in a group with other soldiers or LWs, they're going to experience some kind of unpleasant/humiliating/dangerous initiation ritual, ESPECIALLY if the team is going someplace dangerous or going to be together for long stretches of time. Stealing clothes while your whumpee is in the shower, mocking them for things they can't control/weren't aware were 'weird', anything and everything that would get them screamed at or punished by the commanding figure on an individual basis. (For my NSFWhump peeps, yes this can include SA or harassment and often does, especially for women and effette/less masculine/nerdy men.)
Exercise as punishment. This can be extra labour, a pointless task they can later be yelled at for not stopping by curfew after not being told to stop at a given time, or even just the classic "drop and give me twenty!". Hitting or otherwise physically abusing a trainee is a federal offense, but for a LWW it depends... are you leaving a mark? Can they still perform as intended?
Just. The irl army is already pretty horrible and I don't see anyone making use of that.
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mickeym4ndy · 7 months
Post-canon headcanon that the first time Ian has to go for a long weekend away without Mickey (brothers trip or something) he’s anxious to get home because Mickey’s been a bit ~~weird~~ on the phone while Ian’s been away, ending the phone calls too quickly and stuff.
And then he gets home to his husband sitting too still on the couch and Ian’s like “what did u do this weekend” “……nothing…” and Ian knows immediately something’s up and just when he’s about to ask more he hears barking from another room. And mickeys just like 😳
And then all of a sudden Ian’s being jumped on by a giant excited ball of fur and he’s just like “… oh what did u do”
And mickeys just like “she was sleeping under the tracks Ian I couldn’t just leave her there it’s cold and she was hungry look at her she clearly hasn’t been eating properly! And u should’ve seen the shelter nearby it was miserable she would’ve hated it there!”
And Ian knows that right now is not a good time because they’re expanding the business and there’s so much going on and they’re already so busy… but he takes one look at his husbands pleading face and knows that this dog is not going anywhere
And at first Ian’s like fine but ur taking care of her and she sleeps in a crate “but Ian-” “she’s not sleeping in the bed Mickey”
BUT then he becomes the epitome of ‘dad and the dog he didn’t want’ and he insists on buying her the expensive name brand food because “she doesn’t like the other stuff mick it upsets her stomach” and the expensive dog shampoo bc “she’s more comfortable when we use this stuff mick” even tho mickeys like she was sleeping on the streets and eating trash when I found her but ok
Then Mickey gets home late one night after helping Sandy with something to find his husband already in bed and Mickeys side of the bed is taken up by some familiar fur. Mickey laughs as he gets ready for bed “she’s not sleeping in the bed Mickey” he mocks
“shut up. get in here” Ian mumbles sleepily and Mickey just laughs as he slots himself into bed between his husband and the dog
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mossspond · 1 year
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Sea dog(s)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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wave-nine · 8 months
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when you turn around expecting a bracken but it's just your eyesore of a teammate
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