#like a little niggling detail except good
macksting · 1 year
An underappreciated Nimona detail:
(mild spoiler) There’s a moment after the escape, where Ballister cannot remember what happened after the supply closet. Nimona points out he took a blow (or several) to the head. Much of those blows, perhaps even all, took place after the escape was complete. This is a phenomenon often experienced by people who get a significant blow to the head. They forget things that took place before the blow, because those things haven’t yet been copied from short-term to long-term memory, and the capacity to do so gets disrupted, causing them to fall out of short-term memory and simply go pfft gone. I noticed that on my first watch, and again on my second. It’s such a lovely detail. So often in media, a blow to the head is not attended by a loss of memory of events immediately preceding it, and that’s always disappointing to me because it’s very common for that to happen, especially (for example) in quarterbacks in Murrican football. Naturally the disruption also remains for a period after; short-term memories picked after the blow, if they (as often occurs) remain conscious to get new ones, also go pfft, until the medial temporal lobe can get recombobulated and start copying them to long-term again. It’s a temporary form of anterograde amnesia, and, again, rather common and temporary. It just makes me so goddamn happy.
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ms-m-astrologer · 10 months
Transiting Mercury enters retrograde zone
Timeline (current events in bold)
Saturday, November 25, 2023, 12:40 UT - transiting Mercury enters pre-retrograde shadow, 22°11’ Sagittarius
Friday, December 1, 14:31 UT - transiting Mercury enters Capricorn
Monday, December 4, 19:34 UT - transiting Mercury’s greatest eastern elongation, 3°32’ Capricorn
Saturday, December 9 - transiting Mercury enters Storm
Wednesday, December 13, 07:09 UT - transiting Mercury stations retrograde, 8°29’ Capricorn
Friday, December 22, 18:54 UT - Sun-Mercury inferior conjunction, 0°39’ Capricorn
Saturday, December 23, 06:18 UT - transiting Mercury retrogrades back into Sagittarius
Tuesday, January 2, 2024, 03:08 UT - transiting Mercury stations direct, 22°11’ Sagittarius
Monday, January 8 - transiting Mercury exits Storm
Friday, January 12, 19:32 UT - transiting Mercury’s greatest western elongation, 28°48’ Sagittarius
Sunday, January 14, 02:50 UT - transiting Mercury re-enters Capricorn
Sunday, January 21, 04:03 UT - transiting Mercury exits post-retrograde shadow
(Again, my apologies for getting this out so late!)
It’s time once again for little Mercury to go into the shop for repairs and revisions. As far as elements go, these move in cycles - Mercury has been retrograde in earth signs for the past year or two, but now is transitioning to fire signs.
These dual-sign retrogrades generally mean that something we didn’t quite get right, during the transit through the first sign, makes it impossible to progress very far with the subsequent sign. How does this look (especially with a Sag twist) in Mercury’s areas?
Learning - refusal to stretch the brain too far; stubborn about clinging to its own comfortable preconceptions and assumptions; eagerly jumping to conclusions; reading the first three words of a sentence and assuming you know what the rest of it is (historically Ms M has been very prone to this one)
Thinking and reasoning - failure to commit; being too “flexible” with uncomfortable, unpleasant subjects; not seeing the trees for the forest (ie a great grasp of the big picture but not the details)
Communication - shouting and ranting down all opposition; using a superfluity of verbiage; preaching at people
While we’re in the pre-retrograde shadow, we become aware of ways Mercury needs to be tweaked or boosted. Here are the initial aspects (situations) we find ourselves in. Give them a day on each side.
Saturday, November 25 - Mercury/Sagittarius trine North Node/Aries, sextile South Node/Libra, 22°47’. Having a good idea about our direction in life; thinking that the time is ripe.
Sunday, November 26 - Mercury/Sagittarius trine Eris Rx/Aries, 24°20’. Mentally adventuresome. We can argue effectively.
Monday, November 27 - Mercury/Sagittarius square Neptune Rx/Pisces, 24°55’. Uh oh! Brain fog. If there is some unpleasantness we need to face, we’re likely to create that fog ourselves.
Thursday, November 30 - Mercury/Sagittarius semi-sextile Pluto/Capricorn, 28°29’. Maybe the first inkling we’re doing something wrong? Some niggling little thought we can’t quite define.
Except for the interaction with the Nodes, these are all the first of three total aspects: now, during the pre-Rx shadow; again, during the actual retrograde; finally, during the post-Rx shadow. During this first pass we’re “just” becoming aware of the issues; we work on them later.
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twilight-resonance · 7 months
On Film, TV, and My Favorites
Let's do visual - specifically film - media. Not a super interesting topic, but it's been one I've bouncing around a bit as my aunt (who works in a related industry) has been trying to figure out what I like. It's hard to express, I suspect because it's multi-faceted and complex; but I'll try, and I'll probably give some examples to illustrate.
The first thing, I think, is that I like things that are well-made. Or, as a friend put it, well-crafted. I like shows and movies where it's very clear that each part of the design and the writing and the acting - costuming, sets, music, lighting, camerawork, script, etc - were designed very much with the whole in mind, and designed to support each other to create that collective vision above all else. I like things that have clearly had a lot of design thought put into them. Examples that come to mind are things like The Irishman, Wheel of Time, and Reservation Dogs - and, for older movies, the Lord of the Rings Trilogy (Peter Jackson's make) especially.. That much I tried to express to my aunt; based on what she's shown me since, I think I have to correct that as being distinct from looking nice. Crisp camerawork and aesthetics and everything is... nice, I suppose, but ultimately superficial. I want something with depth and thoroughness, not something that glistens.
There's a secondary, related thought, which is... authenticity or spirit. The other niggling little thing in a lot of the "well done" things I come across is that they're polished and perfected to the point of, well, joylessness. Sure, they're "well-done" - but meant to appeal to a broad audience, and lose a lot of depth and direction in doing so; and they're so technically perfect in form and pacing that it ceases to feel lived-in in a way that's unappealing. Wednesday is a good example of this, as is The Diplomat. The Ballad of Buster Scruggs almost had this problem, but managed to avoid it - it has the technical perfection that starts to feel like sliding off of things, but it makes up for it when it comes to "what it's actually about" - which I think is the more important piece to me of the two.
Obviously, I also like very heady intellectual pieces that are making a point or have deeper underlying themes - I'm not as much a fan of light fluff or even light crunch. I'll watch it, but I really like things that make me think or that stir my imagination in some way. As above, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, Reservation Dogs, The Good Place, and The Irishman fall into this category; as do The Grand Budapest Hotel, The West Wing, and Babylon 5 (for some slightly older examples). That tends to lean me against comedy and romance both as genres, although Death of Stalin I thought was excellent as an exception to that.
Sidenote, I don't like documentaries. I've found that most documentaries are basically one person's opinion and narrative that they're presenting, not an accurate accounting of a given situation or story. I grew tired of them very quickly once I realized that. There are occasional exceptions - all the Planet Earth works are lauded for a reason - but for the most part, I find documentaries to be pseudo-intellectual rather than actually informative.
So I suppose that brings us to genre. Fantasy is of course my greatest love, when it's done well; but it's not a popular genre - not high fantasy, anyway - and when it's done, it's often not done a very good job on, mostly because I think it gets seen as a kids' genre more often than not. Sci-Fi is... okay as a substitute for that, although I'm not as much into tech. What I really like is stories that transport you into another world, and that do so as much by showing as they do by telling - that have lots of tiny sensory details that really build the scale and lived-in-ness of that space and world. Babylon 5 and Lord of the Rings are both places where this shines in a more fantastical way; but so do The West Wing and Reservation Dogs, which are both decidedly more grounded in earth and in current events.
So that all covers function. Form is also important to me, especially as someone who does a lot of story-writing professionally and has a sense of how these things work in all their guts and parts. You'll notice that a lot of the examples above are generally from the last ten years; those are very much the exceptions to the rule. Most of what I like tends to be from a fairly specific period in film and TV history, for reasons as follows:
Firstly: when it comes to specifically TV, I tend to prefer shows from times where seasons came in batches of 20+ episodes. This has to do with the lived-in aspect of things: rather than having to focus hard-core on cramming as much story into what's being shown as efficiently as you can, there's room for the story - and the characters, and the worlds they inhabit - to breathe, and I find that that breathing room benefits them. Specifically, I find that it allows the actors and writers and others more room to play - with concepts, premises, "what-ifs", and silly ideas they had - and in doing so, infuses the end product with a great deal more love and care and also a greater depth of understanding going on from the creation end. Play is how you learn what works and what doesn't, and I would much rather have a handful of bizarre flop episodes that we pretend don't exist than the sort of soulless perfection that comes from pieces that have been workshopped and streamlined to death.
Secondly: again, when it comes to TV, I tend to prefer pieces from that narrow window of time in the late 80s-early 2000s when shows were undergoing a transition from monster-of-the-week style episodes - wherein nothing about the premise could change permanently from week to week, and the story would have to reset to baseline after every episode so that people who missed episodes didn't get lost - and serial shows, wherein there's a strong throughline of story and sequence. I like the narrative structure, and I particularly like the narrative structure over long periods of time; but once again, with room to play and really flesh out not only the world but all the details of the narrative and bring it more to life. All of my favorite shows - Deep Space 9, Babylon 5, The West Wing - are from this era.
Thirdly - and this one applies to both film and TV - I also tend to prefer pieces from a particular time of transition between eras of film technology and acting methods. As acting goes, for most of film history, acting techniques have largely been borrowed from stage; because that was the available art to draw from, and where actors' experience lay. The earliest pieces are far too stage, to the point where they don't suit the medium; but as time went on and people tried various techniques, there was a very blended style that emerged that I enjoy. Again, I feel like the 80s and 90s were the sweet spot on this one, but that's personal preference. From a technology standpoint, camerawork was much more limited by existing technology until - I think - the mid-2000s; this includes things like color and clarity, things like the ability for the camera itself to take moving shots through a scene and remain stable, etc. Because of technology limitations - and, again, where existed to pull techniques from - a lot of film also ended up imitating theater in terms of set design, scene blocking, and so on. I enjoy the period of time, once again, in transition; wherein film and TV had solidly established how to make that sort of stage element work best on film, and were starting to push the boundaries of what they could do. TV remained so for longer than film, in large part due to the way that sets need to be kept around for repeating locations in TV; but I liked that.
I probably don't need to say that I don't appreciate the heavy use of greenscreen and CGI as a substitute for going to physical filming locations and using makeup and other practical effects; but that's neither here nor there, and that's not an unpopular opinion. CGI should be used to supplement and deepen - not wholly replace.
So, what are my favorites?
Star Trek: Deep Space 9 If I had to pick a favorite TV show, this would be it. The characters feel very real and lifelike in the ways that they grow and change, and the universe much more grounded and less utopian than most of Star Trek; and I love the complexities with which they explore things like religion in ways that are traditionally sort of frowned-up in a Sci-Fi setting (as well as they way they handle culture with nuance, which is more what Sci-Fi is classically for). The story is well-written with actual stakes, and with its high and low moments both feeling earned within the context of the whole thing. I'm not a huge fan of its last season and its ending, I suppose, but everything up til there is golden. I would say... that most of Star Trek idealism is easy and meant to be portrayed as such; but Deep Space 9 is about holding onto your ideals even when it's hard, and that is meaningful to me.
Babylon 5 Babylon 5 has many of the same traits as Deep Space 9 (and, to be fair, at the time there was a lot of drama on that count between the two shows). It's a very different, much less idealized setting than DS9; but with just as much depth and character. This one also has excellent character growth and narrative design - knowing how this one was written with all its "escape-hatches", I'm always eternally impressed. This one also has hope and light in darkness as one of its through-threads, and of course that's my big theme that I always gravitate back towards. It's definitely a bit dated, especially as special effects go; but I love it nonetheless just for how good the writing and the theming is.
The West Wing As stated above, I love this one for how it simulates the environment of executive branch politics; obviously it's still a fantasy, but as an avid watcher of C-SPAN (yes, I know) I feel like it does a much more grounded, nuanced, interesting job of it than anything else out there. I also enjoy that it has a strong education orientation - explaining to audiences how certain parts of government work, and what needs to happen in order for certain decisions to get made, and what parts of the constitution are etc - and does so in a way that's thoughtful and not condescending. I never connected with the characters quite as much in this one - though I did enjoy both Jed and Leo - and it doesn't have quite the same kind of narrative storyline as the ones above; but it was also well-written and well-researched, and I enjoyed it a lot.
Outer Range This is the only recent piece that makes it onto my list. In truth, it's not a particularly remarkable show - well-done, but not remarkable - but I had to put this one on here because it resonates so heavily with me. Despite being set in, like, modern-day rural Wyoming, it is I think the most Fal shit I have ever watched. Someone was operating on the same brainwaves as me when they wrote this, and I'm sure as hell not going to turn that down. ...Whoever wrote this also has a background in Classics, I think, particularly Greek mythology and theater. There's the obvious references, of course - but there's so many subtle nods to ancient greek stories, and much structural stuff about the narrative that's pulled from the structure of Greek theater and myth, that it cannot be in any way a coincidence. I do also enjoy that intersecting of reality and myth, which... Well... shows up in the first two heavily as well, and is probably one of my other big themes.
Priscilla: Queen of the Desert This one is definitely the odd child out. I didn't mention it above, but I do also like character dramas with a lot of nuance and depth; and this one does it for me on that count (so does The Big Chill). When it comes to that type of story, the theme that I tend to gravitate towards is outcasts and people who do not fit for one reason or another; and oh man, is this ever that. I also like the queer element, of course; and it strikes me as made with a lot of love, and a lot of honesty; and that honesty being its own kind of love.
Lord of the Rings If I had to pick favorite movies, this trilogy would be it. The craftsmanship on these movies was insane; and it was clearly made with so much love and care for what Lord of the Rings was actually about and what it meant, from every single person and department involved. It is tender and heartfelt in a way that is almost taboo in stories right now; and also so very much along that light in the darkness theme that I'm perpetually on. They picked great actors for every role, they did an amazing job on the sets and special effects and filming techniques, and while of course the adaptation leaves something to be desired, all adaptations do.
So those are my takes, and my favorites. All that said, I think I'll take this and copy it over to its own post and then put that post in the queue; and try again with something a little less pop-culture oriented, because that's a bit more where I'm at spiritually at the moment.
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dduane · 3 years
More DEEP WIZARDRY cover work: Sharkskin
...Canonically, one of Ed'rashtekaresket's epithets is "the Pale Slayer." He's very old, and time has bleached most of his coloring away. So he's gotta look pale.
...But not too pale.
This is inevitably going to be kind of a balancing act. Ed's got to be pale enough for it to be noticeable, yet not so pale that he's no longer easily recognizable at first glance as a shark. (Especially as most people's "first glance" will be of an online image about the size of a postage stamp.) There's no way to solve it except by experimentation with and customization of the resources I've got.
The Daz Studio-based figure I'm using for Ed is made by a resource-creator who goes by Alessandro_AM, and who seems mostly to specialize in animals. His Great White figure is extremely detailed and well-made (which is why I'm using it).
The thing that one needs to understand first about working with these figures to customize them is that they consist of two different things: (a) a sculpted digital object, and (b) a surface layer with colors and painted detail. The editing platform wraps the layer around the object and then renders the result.
The surface layer can usually be edited quite adequately with a tool like Adobe Photoshop (though I use Corel Photo-Paint by preference: I've been working with it for twenty-plus years, and see no reason to force myself up the Photoshop learning curve any faster than I absolutely need to).
Now then. Here's Ed as seen in daylight, with Alessandro_AM's "normal" skin for a Great White.
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...Obviously too dark. But anyway (for informational purposes) here’s what his skin looks like when it’s not wrapped around him:
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(The fins, etc, are in another file, as are the teeth and inside of the mouth.)
This is the file I now get to spend a day or three, on and off, tinkering with. I took a very quick run at it the other day by simply desaturating it (i.e. draining the color out of it) and lightening it. And got this:
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...And then rendered it. With this result:
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...Yet there’s still something niggling at me. I looked at this and started wondering if there wasn’t a way to warm up that shade of pale a little. Back to the skin file, and re-tweaking it to a slightly less desaturated version, a bit more toward ivory than gray...
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(And aware that this may again still not be warm enough and may have to be re-edited a few times. Still, one more render:)
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...Closer still. I can (I think) go a little paler yet, and a little warmer. (Gonna need to take another run at this skin set anyway. See the difference in the fin color as opposed to the body color? I edited them [unfortunately] at different times and for a small set of weird procedural reasons wound up using different settings for the fins than for the body. [needle scratch, not good, start over...])
...Anyway, now other questions come up to be dealt with: This looks a given way at a distance, but will it look better or worse up close?
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...Because that’s what the book cover’s angle is going to have to be. It’s going to take at least three or four more editing sessions, and maybe ten or fifteen more renders, I think, to find Ed’s “happy place.”
(shrug) No time like the present...
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reidyoulikeabook · 4 years
A is for Ankle Socks
Summary: The first installment in my A-Z of Spencer Reid series. Spencer Reid is very particular about his socks.
Ship: fem ! BAU reader x Spencer Reid
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: Discussions of case-typical violence, blood, brief description of a fight, minor injury to reader that requires some stitches.
A/N: hello! this is my first ever series and i’m very nervous about it! it’s going to be a chronological a-z series with Spencer, detailing the progression of your relationship!
Spencer Reid permanently wears odd socks. The only time you can recall him wearing matching ones, in the year you’ve known him, was on days he had to go to court. Then, it was required that he wear the technically mandated uniform of proper leather shoes, and monochrome socks. On those days, Hotch would turn up with a pair of black socks tucked into his briefcase, just in case. Spencer had needed them, twice.
However, today is not a court day. Today is day 8 of a case in back of beyond Oregon that, quite frustratingly, seems to be going absolutely nowhere.
It says quite a lot, really, that in a day spent combing over convicts with domestic violence charges, the sight you look up to see is more viscerally disturbing. Spencer’s perched on the end of a desk, as he so often seems to be, his ankles crossed over each other. Signature black converse on his feet. And he appears...not to be wearing socks?
He notices you looking at him, and flicks his eyes downward self-consciously, “Is something wrong?”
“Are you wearing socks?”
He lets out a quiet laugh, “Uh. No. I meant to go to the laundrette last night but then Hotch called us into that meeting. I wasn’t expecting to be out here this long.”
“Is it comfortable?” You ask, “Wearing those without socks?”
He kicks his feet around just slightly, “Not really. I guess I’d forgotten about it until you mentioned.”
“Sorry,” You say, with an apologetic smile.
“Not your fault,” He says, looking back at the paperwork in his lap, “Hey would you mind coming to take a look at this actually? I think I might have something.”
By day 2, you’d learnt that the only sandwich shop in town had a reputation for bad food hygiene that none of you felt like risking. Normally, everyone would roll their eyes at Spencer for his investigation into such things. However, in this case, everyone else seemed to be as thankful as you always were.
It’s your turn to do the lunch run today, so you head to the grocery store that isn’t too far out of town. Putting your car in park, you mentally run through the list that the team had given you: cheap pasta for everyone but Rossi, who was willing to risk running foul of their microwave meal selection, as many coffee supplies as you could manage, some sour gummy worms for Spencer, mineral water for Hotch, and tights for you. It was frankly quite impractical to wear the things. You ran through so many brambles, fell down so many times, that you almost felt you should get pantyhose hazard pay. In fall in Oregon though? You’d splash out the $6 for the sake of preventing frostbite. If only because Hotch would be furious.
You smile at the thought. Wandering through the aisles, you collect everything you need. Spencer only asked for a pack of sour gummy worms, but, with a smile on your face, you decide to get him the strawberry laces he likes too.
It’s only when you scan the cart, last minute, that you realise what you’ve forgotten.
Tights. Shit.
Wheeling the cart around, you weave through the aisles looking for them. The underwear aisle is aisle 20, and it looks like it’s been ransacked. Flicking through the disorganised display, you see them.
A five pack of socks, adorned with farm animals and backgrounds of a completely clashing colour. It’s almost too bright for you, but you know a certain sockless Spencer who will be sure to appreciate them. Out of curiousity, you navigate your way over to the men’s section and have a look through. Mostly, it’s all black and navy. Right at the back though, you spy a similarly garish looking pack, this time with vegetables on.
You put them in the basket, eyes flickering over a pair of matching aubergine patterned boxers, as you make your way over to the tights. You select your usual kind, turning your attention back to the boxers.
Is it weird to get him boxers?
He’d know it was a joke, right?
Is it weird to get him socks?
Well he didn’t have any
Yeah but you don’t need to get him two packs
Yes I do we might be here a while
10 more days?
He could fall. He could spill coffee on his shoes. He could get shot.
How would socks help with him getting shot?
Your internal monologue gives you a moments reprieve, and then.
Kinda weird you got him socks
Nobody else would have got him socks
Yeah well I’m just thoughtful.
The last thought crosses your mind without permission, and you almost bristle at the brazenness of your lie to yourself. However, you decide, examining the real reasons you’re so eager to provide comfort to your favourite co-worker would require mental stamina you didn’t have right now. Mental stamina that would be better put to use on the case at hand. Mental stamina that definitely wasn’t being used to employ the BAU’s favourite defense mechanism: denial.
“I got you a surprise.”
“A surprise?” Spencer spins around in his chair to face you.
“Yep,” You say, plopping the sweets down onto the desk in front of him and grinning.
“Strawberry laces!” He says, smile lighting up his face, “Thanks ____!”
“That’s not the surprise.”
He quirks his brow, confusion tugging at his features, “Then what’s the surprise?”
You untuck your arms from behind your back, handing him the pairs of socks.
He looks down at them. He’s silent for a moment, and your heart thuds.
Told you it was weird.
It’s definitely weird.
He definitely thinks you’re-
You don’t have time to finish that thought, however, because Spencer scoots his chair back. Standing up, he pulls you into a hug. He gently squeezes you, and when he speaks his voice is low, cracking a little.
“Thank you,” He says quietly, “That was really thoughtful of you. Thank you.”
You lean into him, allowing yourself to be enveloped, “No problem. I know you have some issues with sensory things sometimes and I just thought, you know,” you trail off, “Anyway, I didn’t know which ones you’d prefer and I know you like to mix and match anyway so I just got both.”
He doesn’t say anything. But he squeezes you again, tighter this time, before releasing you. Strangely, he won’t meet your eye as he does.
“I’m gonna go put them on, okay?”
“Okay,” You say, watching a little quizically as he hurriedly heads out of the room.
Derek happens to be heading back to the room, bumping into Spencer on his way out.
“You alright kid?” He asks.
“I'm fine," Spencer says, waving him off. He tries to avoid meeting Derek’s eyes, knowing as well as he does that if the profiler catches the look on his face he’ll be found out.
Derek allows him to shrug past him with a confused glance over his shoulder. He walks into the room, scooping the nearest file off the desk and asking in your general direction, “You know what’s up with him?”
“Nope,” You say, popping the p.
You don’t. And it’d bother you, except you genuinely don’t have time right now to dwell on it. Although, try as you might to focus on narrowing down this list of factories in the area, it niggles at you.
You don’t see Spencer again until you’re heading out to the unsubs location. You get called out by Hotch in the minute before he returns, and then it’s all guns blaring. Emily and Dave managed to work some magic with Penelope, and the place he’s holding the hostage has been narrowed down to a factory quite far out of town.
You’re perched in the back, discussing entry tactics with Hotch when your eyes travel down to Spencer’s shoes.
One chicken, and one broccoli sock sit on his left and right feet respectively. It’s hard to see them though, with how far they are down his feet.
Hotch answers his phone then, immediately barking down commands at the local PD who are apparently failing to summon adequate manpower, in Hotch’s opinion at least.
You take the moment to cautiously lean over to Spencer, whispering, “Were they not the right size?”
He smiles at you, “They fit just fine as ankle socks.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t even think to check the sizes, womens ones are pretty much all one size. I completely forget that men have massively different sized feet.”
He laughs, “Are you suggesting I have huge feet?”
You feel yourself flush a little, “I don’t think that’d necessarily be an inaccurate suggestion.”
Amused, he smiles. Hotch turns around to you both, momentarily taking his eyes off the road, “I need you to call Penelope, and tell her to get us all the CCTV she can get in the area. If we’re going to have to go in without enough men to cover the perimeter we’ll need all the tactical advantages we can get.”
“Of course, sir.”
Lunging forward, you tackle the unsub to the ground, effectively freeing Spencer from the grasp he’d previously been held in.
“It’s over Peter,” Hotch’s voice comes, even and steady.
“No it’s not.”
Before you can even register what’s happening, you’re being tossed backwards, landing against some barbed wire. Immediately, you’re on your feet again, running after him. Not noticing how the wire has ripped a hole in your tights, and cut into your leg a little.
Grabbing his arms behind him, you use all your strength to subdue him to the floor, handcuffing him. Wiping the sweat off your brow, you breathe out a deep sigh of relief.
Derek has it from there, patting you on the shoulder and giving you a “Good job kiddo.” He leads Peter out.
You rub your chest, feeling the adrenaline start to flood out of your body with all the excitement now over. A stinging senstation in your calf gets your attention, and looking down you see the nasty wound oozing blood. It isn’t much, nothing that two stitches won’t fix.
“Are you alright?” Spencer asks, having gotten up from his position on the floor, “You didn’t have to...Derek would have gotten him.”
“Why should he be the only one that gets to tackle people?” You ask, letting out a breathless tinkle of a laugh.
“Statistically, he is the one who does the most tackling out of all of us. Then Hotch, then Emily, then Rossi, then me, then you.”
“I am not the one that tackles the least,” You say indignantly.
He tips his head to the side, “Are you gonna argue with the guy who has an eidetic memory or are we going to get you stitched up?”
“Both, please.”
He laughs at that, linking his arm around your waist. You limp against him a little, out to the paramedics. Mostly it’s for Spencer’s benefit. That’s what you tell yourself, you’re letting him help you so he doesn’t feel emasculated.
When has Spencer Reid ever fallen pray to toxic masculinity?
He might have
Well he could
You just like how he smells
It’s true. The faint waft of his cologne is incredibly comforting. He doesn’t loosen his grip on you for even a second, helping to hoist you so you can sit on the ambulance bed while the medics attend to your leg. You’re feeling a little woozy, so Spencer sits next to you, allowing you to lean on him for support.
“Can you tell me something?” You ask, gritting your teeth, “Distract me?”
It doesn’t really hurt, getting stitched up, you’ve just never found it the most comfortable of processes. All your favourite cases have ended with you not having to get sewn up. You know that much.
“I’ve actually only tackled one more person than you in my entire BAU career,” He says, deciding to return to your former discussion, “I didn’t really go out in the field all that much until a couple years in, it was only because of Hotch that I really went out in the field to take down an unsub for the first time. That was March 12th, 2005. You’ve only been here 9 months and have done almost as much physical stuff as me. One more and we’re even.”
“Well, if you could try not to be the person getting tackled by the unsub next time. Then I might not have to make a tackle.”
His mouth turns up at the corner, “You tackled him for me?”
You feel yourself growing embarassed, “Not for you. For the socks.”
“Oh the socks?”
“Yeah, I mean, it’s a little unfair to go putting yourself in harms way while wearing a gift someone got for you. 5 dollar socks Spencer, practically designer at that price, I’d hate to see them ruined day one.”
He laughs, his tone playful, “Well you’ll need to bare that in mind.”
He tilts his head towards Emily, strutting her way across to the ambulance with Spencer’s go-bag in her arms. She hands it to him, smiling at you.
“Should I let Morgan know the team will no longer be in need of his services?”
You snort, “I’d hate to steal his brand.”
She shakes her head, “Drinks when we get back? Hotch said the jet’s ready for whenever you’re done, and Rossi says he’s buying.”
“You got it,” You nod.
She pats you on the shoulder, exaggeratedly eyeing your leg again and rolling her eyes as she walks away, “Idiot.”
You smile, turning back towards Spencer, “Are you coming for drinks? I can drive you home.”
He visibly considers it for a moment, “Yeah. That’d be nice.”
“You’re all done here,” The paramedic interrupts, wiping down your leg with an anti-bacterial wipe, “Was a really smooth tear for barbed wire, shouldn’t leave that much of a scar.”
They press a bandage over it and you thank them, getting to your feet with the help of Spencer.
“Wait, why’d you get Emily to bring your go-bag if we’re going home?”
He looks almost bashful. Out of his bag, he pulls a three pack of tights. Just the kind you always wear. Down to your preferred brand, and everything.
“When did you-?”
“I noticed you rip them a lot while we’re on cases. I didn’t know if it was weird but then...the socks?” He gestures at his feet, floundering, “I’m sorry if that’s...I just didn’t-”
“No,” You cut off his ramble, “No, Spencer, that’s really sweet. Thank you, thank you so much. Can I hug you?”
He nods, happily. You wrap him into your arms, pressing your face against his chest. Inhaling the scent of him. Reveling in how safe you feel, how protected, thinking how you’d take three hundred stitches if it meant you got Spencer out of harms way. He was so thoughtful, so kind, so attentive to detail.
Oh fuck.
You can barely look at him. It hits you like a train, the realisation. Co-workers save each other from unsubs. Friends buy each other gifts that have meaning and value. But only somebody who is in love feels like this when they get handed tights. Oh.
It’s a warm feeling. Overwhelming. So much so that you miss Spencer saying he’ll be right back, scooting off to Rossi who’s shouting him over with a question the local PD need answering for their report.
You stumble a little, thankful that you have the blood loss and adrenaline rush to blame if anybody were to notice.
You wait for the wave of denial to hit, to come and lock your feelings back in the treasure chest you’ve managed to shove them down into now. It doesn’t come. Instead, you look at Spencer with a sense of awe that feels newfound, but has actually been here all along. Watching him speak to Rossi, you really notice him: just how much he gestures with his hands, how quickly he relays information, how the huge smile on his face, when he turns around to notice you staring, truly meets his eyes.
You can’t tell if it makes you a good profiler, or somewhat of a stalker, that you notice Spencer wears the ankle socks you got him to work everyday for the next 9 days.
Spencer worries he’s being a little too obvious, but he can’t help that whenever he sees the socks he beams at them. They remind him of you. Unbeknownst to everybody but Dave (who somehow notices everything), he spends a good minute or so a day sneaking a peek at the novelty socks under his converse. And then trailing his eyes over to you. Thinking how much he loves the person who got them for him.
B is for Blindfolds
Tagslist (this is just people who replied to the post about this series and said they’d like to be tagged! let me know if you’d like to be added/removed to this series masterlist): @reidingmelodies @rem-ariiana
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acourtofsnakes · 4 years
Tor - Rogue, Chapter 3| The Mandalorian x Force Sensitive! Reader (f)
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Summary: A little bit of Mando pov for you all!! It’s a shorter chapter, just kind of the same as the previous but from our Space Dad’s point of view this time. Though there may be a little hint of your decision at the end…
Warnings: Injury detail/blood, swearing, angst? Hints of fluff?
AN: There’s a very small ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ reference to a certain Dornish prince and his nickname in here too. Wonder if you’ll find it? 👀
Also, thank you to @ithinkwehitametaphor​ for sending me the gif! i couldn’t for the life of me find it and you honestly saved my life 
Wordcount: About 3465
Rogue Taglist: @snipskixandbeskar​  @weirdowithnobeardo​
Rogue Masterlist | Introduction| 1: Solus| 2: Arir | 3: Tor | 4: Gaa'tayl ​
Mando’a Translation: Tor – justice 
He always thought it would end like this. Never in some big blaze of blaster fire or with his ship, but in some back alley, bleeding out, alone. 
Hell, maybe he deserved it. He’d killed enough people to warrant this end, slumped on the floor, too weak to save himself. 
He didn’t deserve a warrior’s death, a Mandalorian’s death. Not after all he had done.
Of course, it was his duty, his honour as a Mandalorian and a bounty hunter but… that sacred Creed did nothing to stop the thoughts that plagued him at night, the whispers that hissed in his ear during his waking hours. 
He almost laughed at himself. 
The Creed was all he had. 
Until…. Until the kid had come along. 
Until he saw that little wrinkly baby in the crib and… it had all changed. 
He couldn’t kill it, him, couldn’t take it back to the Client or his Clones. 
One look at that damn little silver ball, and eveyrhting went straight out the window. 
Fuck the Guild code. He would never kill a child, an innocent being that couldn’t even talk, could only make those little cooing sounds that even he had to admit were adorable. 
Rescuing him… it had given him something to live for. Something to fill his days and a reason not to go hurtling helmet first into danger with no regard for his own safety. 
Except… well, no. That wasn’t strictly true was it. He’d become more reckless since that moment, the rules that his bound his life for so long were slowly coming undone bit by bit. All of which made him so reckless, so… desperate?
You only had to look at the sheer amount of people lining up for his and the kid’s head to prove that. 
So maybe he didn’t always make the smartest decisions, but they were still alive, weren’t they? Had friends to help them if he needed it. 
In a short time, he’d gone from being Judge, Jury and Executioner, to being the person that people called when they needed help. Sometimes people didn’t even call him. He just showed up and offered his services. 
And truth be told… he liked it. He liked people looking at him with hope and admiration, rather than fear and jealousy. He liked the way people fussed over the kid, asking if Mando was taking good care of the child. Like they were a family. 
A Clan.
The sigil on his armour said as much. Him and the kid. A unit of two rogues. 
That’s what it all came down to, in the end. Everything was to keep Grogu safe. That’s why he stuck to the Outer Rim, taking jobs that would draw him further away from those that relentlessly hunting them, those who wanted to harm the Child. Besides, he needed the credits that came with the big jobs. Taking care of the little womp rat was expensive. Not to mention there was always something falling apart on his ship. 
So, when that guy in the hood had cornered him in the bar, given him the fob and told him about the bounty that no one could catch, he’d taken it without a thought. He’d had so many over the years that were supposedly uncatchable that the word had nearly lost its meaning. And this stranger had obviously sensed that, explained that it was true. Reeled off the sheer amount of hunters that had been sent that way, Imps, Trandoshans, Empire workers, IG-11 robots, even another Mandalorian. After hearing that list, Mando had expected some high-level bounty. An escapee from the deepest pits of the darkest prisons, someone who had done terrible, terrible things.
So… when he’d activated the puck, and the hologram of a woman’s face had come up… he was shocked. This woman… she was beautiful. Still young. She didn’t look like she bathed in the blood of her enemies, or killed children and babies, she looked… well, not exactly harmless. There was a glint in her eyes even on the hologram, a spark that warned of danger, promised pain to anyone that tried to hurt her. 
A survivor’s look. 
Something niggled at him, a feeling he couldn’t quite place. It might have been hesitation, but he ignored it. The bounty over her head was enough that he could take Grogu to one of those sanctuary planets and lay low for a few weeks. Maybe even a few months. The kid deserved it, to be able to play and explore. 
And himself… Maker, he was just so tired. 
So, he’d pocketed the puck and the fob, didn’t ask who the client was, went back to the Crest and then he was on his way to Sorgan. 
Maybe it would take him a little longer than usual to bring the girl in, but it was nothing that he hadn’t done before. After all, stealing back the kid, breaking into a prison, everything else that had occurred recently… this was a walk in the park. 
He still believed that, right up to tracking you. Even when he chased you. 
He had to admit, he did love it when they ran, even if his back was killing him. 
Something about the chase, the frantic fear of the prey as he hunted them down, the conclusion inevitable. It thrilled him. 
But… this felt.. different. 
You were different. You fought like it was a dance, whirling across the clearing and around his punches like there was a song only you could hear. And you were taunting him, laughing as you did. You lived for this, like you had been bred for it. No… you’d been shaped by it, shaped by the choice of cowering or turning into a wolf. A wolf, like those he’d seen in Lothal.
You were strong, you fought well, he had to give you that much. He knew he would have to work for it, but with the promise of safety lingering, he matched you move for move, determined to hold this out as long as it took. 
He’d read your file, read what had happened and used that to his advantage. The words had come easily, even though they had stirred something inside him, perhaps a mirror of the feelings he was encouraging in you. 
But then… then you just gave in. Straight away. And not like the others did. Not in the way that they had, thinking it would make him go easier, change his mind.
No, you had completely, utterly given up.  He saw it in your eyes. Saw that survivors glint gutter out, a wolf tamed back into her cage with her tail between her legs. 
And… it threw him. He had touched something, caught something deep within you as he taunted you. Something broken… that again whispered to his own deepest thoughts. Like calling to like. 
He’d ignored it, pushing that thought back into the part of his minds where his darker thoughts lay slumbering – for now. He’d carried you back to the Crest, shackled you to the wall and had made to leave you there. 
Only, he had seen that the wound on your shoulder was torn open again, ripped by your fight and his jamming with the rifle. It was bleeding through your tunic, and even with unconsciousness heavy in your body, you still looked somewhat pained. 
He’d hovered there, staring at the bleeding wound and having some kind of internal battle. 
It wasn’t fatal. It was just a recent injury that had torn open. You’d be fine. He nodded, turning around and making all of one step. 
But. A Trandoshan had been the last person to hunt you. They relished in the hunt, had probably fought dirty and used a poison. It might be infected. What if you died on his way back to dropping you off? Or got really, really sick?
Nevermind. The messenger for the Client stated you had to be brought back alive. Alive didn’t mean whole. He carried on walking, trying to focus again on something else… only to pause a couple of metres away. 
Help her. 
The Mandalorian had turned back around to look at you, a frustrated grunt slipping from his lips. He moved through the ship, grabbing a med-kit and then practically stormed back to you, nearly ripping your tunic as he’d eased up the sleeve. 
It wasn’t too bad, a deep wound but it hadn’t been infected, yet. He cleaned it up, spraying it with the last of his bacta-spray and binding it with the last strip of bandages. He’d have to get some more soon, dig up some credits from somewhere. 
A cruel reminder of why he took this job. What you were. A bounty. That’s all. 
Muttering a string of curses, he finished binding your wound, wrenching his hands away and then made his way back upstairs. 
A bounty. A means to an end. The way to getting a break that his aching body craved for. 
He was hunter. You were prey. 
That was the mantra he had to keep repeating to himself when he’d brought you up to the cockpit. 
Had to keep repeating when you were teasing him, which simultaneously ground on his nerves but also made his skin tighten in a way it hadn’t for a while. 
It had been a long time, so long since he’d that kind of verbal play with someone. 
Hell, it had been a long time since he’d had any kind of play with anyone. He just didn’t have the time anymore, not with Grogu and not when everyone knew who he was. How could you trust someone enough to sleep with them when nearly everyone wanted to kill you?
His new mantra had echoed in his head when you began to verbally poke at him, hitting home about being lonely. He wouldn’t have been surprised if you knew you’d hit a nerve. But thankfully you stopped. 
But not before that broken thing had called between you again. Your words were spoken with too much ease and casualness, someone who knew all too well the loneliness and starvation for touch and companionship. 
Maker, he had to get rid of you soon. 
It had almost been a relief to find the small bounty on this planet. You’d been asleep, the kid asleep too so he’d gone. He didn’t need to wake either of you up, you knew why you were here - he’d told you so this morning. 
Besides, it was a small planet, easy prey to catch when everyone here feared the dark. He’d be back in a few hours. 
With the way he was so wired, he’d probably be back in two. 
That’s the way it was meant to happen. 
Track down the bounty, disarm, bring him back, freeze him in carbonite and Mando would have you back in the sky before you’d even woken up. 
And it had happened that way initially. He followed the sharp tailed bounty from the fighting pits to a cantina. Had to sit and listen as he boasted about some girl he’d bedded the night before and had screaming his name. He then, of course, launched into detail of said night, drawling about this girl in such a derogatory way that it took all his training and restraint not to just shoot this creep in the head there and then and be done with it. 
But, the Mandalorian had endured it. Sat there for an hour or so and then followed him out into an alleyway. Mando kept hidden as the bounty had spoken to a friend, talking about another girl he’d seen. Apparently, this one was even better than last night. He had it on good authority that this girl would be game for anything he wanted to do and more. 
And then Spikey had started describing again, in detail, what he would do. And Mando had been disgusted, angry that this creep was talking about a woman this way, such sick and derogatory things. Spikey’s friend asked if this ‘slut’ had a name. 
And then…
Your name. That’s what he said. 
And that’s when it went wrong. 
Your name had barely come out of this animal’s lips when a red haze clouded over the Mandalorian. Everything in him screamed violence and his body went on autopilot, attacking this vile waste of space matter so quickly he hadn’t had time to breathe. Mando didn’t even notice the friend bolt, running away. He was just so focused on taking down the bounty, ripping him apart for what he’d said about you. This one would be brought in cold. He would say that it put up a fight, tried to kill him so Mando acted in self-defence. 
His previous mantra of the last two days was forgotten, overtaken by a need to defend you, make sure this guy stayed the hell away from you. Bring him down, freeze him in carbonite and get off of this planet. He fell back into that haze, relying on his skills and instincts. 
Except… except that when the haze cleared, he wasn’t leaning over the body. 
No, he was the one being pinned against the wall by the bounty, with a strength he hadn’t realised Spikey possessed. What the fuck was he?
Escape training came to him now, but before he could disarm and kill, the bounty began to spew those vile thoughts about you again. About how Mando was keeping you tied to a bed, for his own pleasure. How he was going to take you, ask to keep you, use you-
And then for the first time in his life, Mando forgot his training. He forgot about blocking and defensive maneuverers. He forgot about the myriad of weapons on his body, the Whistling Birds, the flame-thrower. 
He reached out in a blind fury to throttle this creep. 
He left himself open to attack. 
That was the first time he royally fucked up tonight.  
Pain had suddenly become a living thing in his side and waist as he slid down the wall, and then his only thought wasn’t of survival, it was of the kid, and you. 
You were back in the ship, both of you safe at least. Maybe you would know how to fly, know how to get yourselves out of there and run, escape. That’s what he’d hoped. You were smart, you were a survivor. You’d take the initiative and get yourselves out. Besides, he might not have admitted it, but he trusted you with Grogu. 
And then like he’d fucking summoned you… there you were. Launching into Spikey Tail’s side and getting him away. He could only watch as you engaged him in the fight, taunted him with that same tone you’d used on him. Only this time, he could watch you. 
There was no other word for it, as much as he might not have wanted to admit it. You fought like it was a dance, that prowling wolf in you giving way to a viper, striking and falling back with all the grace of dancers he’d heard about performing in Coruscant. 
He was almost breathless as he watched this deadly game – though that might have been the blood loss and blow to his head. 
He thought he might be sick when the sound of your ribs shattering bounced off the slick metal walls, the muffled cry of agony it tore from you. 
But still, the taunts kept coming, and he couldn’t help himself when you complained that Spikey Tail talked too much. You had possibly two broken ribs and yet you were still a cocky little shit. The impressed, huffing laugh that came from his lips was loud enough to be heard by you. 
And that was his second fuck up of the night. 
What started as an unexpected burst of warmth in his chest as you turned and smiled at him, had immediately frozen his lungs as Spikey slammed you against the wall, strangling you. 
Fear shot through Mando, colder than his body had begun to feel. He tried to get up, tried to help you but he couldn’t move. His limbs wouldn’t respond to him. 
He couldn’t save you. 
He was going to watch you die defending him. 
Just like his parents. 
No, no, no. He couldn’t. He couldn’t do that, not again. He swore against his body, gathered every remaining ounce of strength that he had and reached for his blaster, just as those sick comments of degradation and ugly lust began to fall from your attacker’s lips. 
All he needed was to give you an opening, just one tiny opening and you would do the rest. 
Spikey’s lips were creeping toward yours, fear bursting in your eyes as you scrambled for the vibroblade sheathed against your thigh. 
An opening, that’s all he had to do. 
And he did. He managed to haul his body back from the edge of death long enough to shoot the guy in the back. 
You took your opening. 
He saw the flash of your vibroblade, heard the muffled, wet noise as it sunk into his bounty’s neck. 
The guy fell to the floor in a dead weight. You dropped too and he managed to see you gasp for air, assure himself you were mostly okay before that flame of energy guttered out so quickly, he saw stars. 
Darkness hovered around the edges of his vision as he felt his life slip through his fingers – literally, his other hand was pressed to his side in an effort to try and staunch it but he didn’t have the energy to. 
This was it then. 
The way he would go. 
Nothing noble, or heroic. 
Bleeding out in a back alley. The creatures in the dark would take him soon enough. 
At least you would be able to take the kid and run now. At least there was that. 
And then he felt hands knocking his way, significantly smaller hands push into the wound. He couldn’t even make a noise of pain; it didn’t hurt anymore. His vision cleared again and there you were once more, leaning over him with blood sprayed over your face, falling from a cut on your cheek. 
No. No. 
What were you doing?? 
You were supposed to escape. You were supposed to flee the mess he’d bought you into and take the kid and run. 
He tried to speak, to convey these thoughts to you but his lips had stopped responding. His tongue felt heavy in his mouth. But somehow, it was like you got what he meant. 
Your hands began to lift, and he had a weak wave of relief that was marred by the fresh soaking of blood that oozed out of his side. How much had he lost now?
Too much, by the cooling temperature of his body and the trembling that had begun. 
He had come close to death before, so many times before but this felt different. This felt like he was losing something. Something that was just within reach but he hadn’t had the chance to grasp at yet. And it was being wrenched away, taken from him and trickling over the stones beneath him in a deep, scarlet puddle. 
Maybe he’d begun to hallucinate too, because you were back, leaning over him, hands pressed into him again like they could stop the blood. He lifted his eyes and something in him curled up and panged when he saw that you were already gazing at him. 
Gazing right into his eyes. 
How you knew where they were, how you looked through the blackened visor without seeing, he didn’t know. But he could read the war raging inside of you, the battle off stay or go. 
Mando tried to talk again, but only managed a faint noise, a croak that sounded so pitiful, he might have cringed at himself had he not started to hear a ringing in his ears. Time was nearly up, ticking away his life and that glimmer of something. 
So, he instead just looked at you. You were clearly not made up yet, so he did something selfish. 
He put his life in your hands. 
If you left him here to die, he deserved it. It was justice. Justice for every ounce of pain he’d caused. The grief he’d doled out to mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, children. 
Justice for the life of treachery he had all but dumped Grogu into. 
Justice for letting his parents die for him and not save them. 
But, if you let him live…
Then he would try harder. He would repent for his mistakes. 
He would make sure you were dropped somewhere safely. You couldn’t stay with him, he wrought death and destruction to those around him whether he meant it or not  
But he could take you somewhere safe, maybe to Greef and Cara. 
Then he would hunt down whoever came after you next, giving you the respite that he was going to keep for himself. 
They were the options. 
A deserved death, or a new determination to set right his mistakes. 
These thoughts swum through his hazy brain at a surprisingly rapid pace, only a few seconds worth of time as he still watched what you would do with this choice. He could see that you understood, understood the choice he had selfishly bestowed upon you. 
Only it was too late. 
Heavy darkness thundered over him in an unrelenting tidal wave and with a choked gasp, he was dragged under, so deep he might have imagined your arms winding around his battered body, hauling him to his feet as much as you could. 
His brain giving him one last reprieve, perhaps, or maybe a cruel taunt to what might have been before he was sucked under and everything went numb. 
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fific7 · 4 years
Dangerous and Divine - Part 5
Billy Russo x Reader
Summary: Billy Russo is an itch you don’t want to scratch. But he’s all over you like a rash.
A/N: This does not follow canon except for a few random points mentioned this time. It’s mainly fluff, lemon zest 🍋 and a bit of angst. There’s also some Billy POV in there. The GIF is from Exposed, unreleased pilot show in case you’re wondering 😌... Billy vibes.
Warnings: Some drinking & swearing.
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(My GIF)
A grin curved his lips upwards, “How d’you like your eggs in the mornin’, ma’am?”
“Over easy,” you grinned back. He tapped his shoulder a couple of times with the kitchen spoon, “Ummm.. how about scrambled? And then I’ll give you the “over easy” version afterwards.”
That damn smirk of his, you thought, it’s downright dangerous.
The two of you were sitting at your kitchen island, eating breakfast. The scrambled eggs were really tasty, you complimented him. He’d preened a little, “I’m quite a good cook, sweetheart,” he said, “learned how to look after myself quite early on in life.”
Suddenly he put his fork down, and looked over at you. His face was serious, and you saw some sadness in his eyes. “My mother abandoned me when I was a really young kid. She was a junkie, and couldn’t look after herself never mind me, so I suppose I should thank her. I’d probably be dead otherwise. Got put in a group home, stayed there until I aged out and went straight into the Marines. And got my degree on the government’s dime.”
Your hand moved to cover his, “Billy, you’ve done so well, and you’ve achieved it all on your own. I’m proud of you, and I hope you’re proud of yourself too.” He beamed at you, eyes crinkling at the corners, “Yeah... yeah, I am. Thanks, angel, I appreciate you sayin’ that. I wanted to tell you about it, wanted to be honest with you. In case when you saw the suits, the car, the penthouse and all, you thought I was some kind of privileged trust fund kid.”
He looked down, “There’s a stigma about growin’ up in the system, y’know? I wanted to get it out on the table so you know who I really am and where I came from.”
“I don’t care about that, Billy.” He nodded, thumb stroking your hand which was still on top of his. “I really hoped that you wouldn’t ... but I wanted to be sure, and I’m really glad you feel like that. Also I needed you to know that I’m bein’ honest with you.”
You thought you saw a closed-off look on his face for a moment, but then it was gone and he smiled over at you.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You had spent the rest of Sunday together, lazing around, watching various shows on Netflix before venturing out for a late lunch to a local diner. Billy had eventually headed home after another steamy session in the bedroom, regretful about not spending the night, sighing that he had a really early start in the morning, a ‘job’ he couldn’t tell you anything about.
He’d explained a bit more about his work earlier in the day while you were eating in the diner. How a lot of it was classified as it was military or political in nature, so he couldn’t go into detail. You’d nodded, and said you understood. But you’d asked some questions nevertheless; how many of the assignments did he go on himself, just how dangerous they were, had he or his men ever been injured.
You got the impression that, although he couldn’t tell you much about who was involved or why they needed protection details, he was pleased you were showing an interest in his work.
The two of you agreed that you’d meet up during the week, Billy saying he’d text you to confirm when and where as he wasn’t sure how long this job would last, maybe at least a couple of days.
He’d insisted on putting his numbers into your phone himself, so you’d unlocked it and handed it to him, wandering back to your bedroom to put some more clothes on. Shortly afterwards he’d kissed you long and hard and made his way downstairs to his car, and you’d watched from your balcony as he drove away. Then you’d laughed at yourself - you were acting like some medieval damsel watching her knight disappear off to war or something.
Sliding the glass door closed, you went to the fridge to pull out a bottle of wine. The apartment suddenly felt very empty without Billy in it. How quickly you’d got used to him being there.
You wandered across to the sofa with your newly-poured glass of wine, noticing your phone on the coffee table. Oh yeah, Billy had added his numbers. A sudden twinge of insecurity hit you. What if he hadn’t actually put his direct numbers in there, and just pretended to? You sat down, looking at it lying there. I mean, it wasn’t like you couldn’t track him down at Anvil, but you would no doubt have to go through a receptionist and you could be endlessly stone-walled.
You eventually picked up the phone and unlocked it. Scrolling to your contacts, you suddenly burst out laughing. Billy had put his numbers in there and had also taken a selfie, him smouldering into the camera. He’d attached it to the contact details with a description.
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»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Billy drove away from her apartment, truly wishing he could’ve stayed over again.
But then he’d shaken his head slightly, laughing to himself; she’d definitely got one thing right - he was a big sap. Since when did he find himself almost playing house with a woman? Telling her she was his girlfriend - as she’d put it - after five minutes? He was a one-and-done kinda guy!
But then Billy Russo admitted to himself that something had hit him smack in the heart when he’d first seen her, sitting there looking stunning and somehow fragile with that creep trying to come onto her. Well turns out she wasn’t fragile in the least! However when those beautiful eyes had met his... well, he was a goner. Solid gone. And then he’d pursued her like a lovestruck idiot.
He hadn’t ever seriously thought about love. Or believed in it, for that matter. Certainly not when he’d been bedding all those women when he’d been on leave or since he’d left the Marines. All that shit just wasn’t for him. And now? Yeah, not so sure.
Billy almost felt like he was under some kind of spell, it had hit him so quickly. Yeah, like she’d enchanted him or something ridiculous, straight out of a Disney or Harry Potter movie. Was this love, then? His stomach clenched every time he saw her, he just couldn’t stop thinking about her, wanted to be with her all the time, hell he was even jealous of Jake though he wasn’t a threat. Was he? No, surely not. And what about Steve, the other one? Yeah, there he was doing it again - unreasonable jealousy.
And when they’d first slept together, he felt like he’d finally understood what making love meant.
Billy Russo, who until a few days ago had spent most of his leisure time in life actively fucking women - how he’d always described it to himself and others - was now a confirmed big sap. He chuckled to himself.
He suddenly remembered ripping the shit out of a young Marine in his squad who’d come back off leave totally besotted with some girl. The kid had confessed (stupid move) to all the guys that they’d made love, a distant and dreamy look in his eyes. At the time, Billy had scoffed at him and endlessly humiliated him about it. In an affectionate way of course, he told himself.
But he felt guilty about that. Who’s the one with the distant and dreamy gaze now, Russo?
In all truth, Billy felt like he was having some kind of out of body experience. As if Previous Billy Russo was looking down in horror at his new self, yelling at him to get his fucking head back on straight. But New Billy Russo wasn’t listening because, well because he realised he liked feeling this way.
And he thought that she felt the same. He knew she was fighting it and wouldn’t admit anything to him, but there were little tells that had given her away. He decided he’d stay on his best behaviour, just keep trying to win her over, and he felt in his bones that they would be together.
But he did feel a sting of guilt. He had been honest with her, but he’d also been selective with what he’d told her about Anvil, how it all started, and this ongoing shit he and Frank were still embroiled in. One day... one day, and hopefully soon, he could tell her absolutely everything.
His phone, clipped to the dash, vibrated.
He rolled his eyes when he saw the caller ID, hit the button and answered it.
“Dinah... what can I do for you?”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You, meanwhile, had just finished your second glass of wine and were admitting to yourself that you were really missing Billy. Oh this is bad, your brain yelled at you, very bad. You’d only known this guy for a few days and you were falling for him. Or - okay - had already fallen for him. It scared you, quite honestly.
He was charming, funny, handsome, sexy. An amazing lover. He’d been disarmingly honest with you about his past, but... but what? Why was there a ‘but’? Because there was something niggling at the back of your mind. Just a couple of expressions you’d seen on his face, quickly gone. An indication of more happening just underneath the surface than you knew about. Billy had a distinct air of danger about him, and you wondered what else was going on inside that dark head of his.
You’d fallen for him, yes... but you were also going to remain wary of him, until you were certain you knew everything you could about him.
Reaching over and pulling your laptop towards you across the coffee table, you typed Billy’s name into Google.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
The next morning, Billy parked his car and walked into Anvil. His reception staff wished him a respectful Good Morning, he nodded to them and headed upstairs to his office. Frank was already there, reading a newspaper.
“Mornin’ Bill,” he said, looking up. “Frankie,” nodded Billy, “want a coffee?” and kept on walking towards the coffee machine in the corner. “Nah, just had one, thanks.”
He poured out an Americano for himself, then chuckled loudly. Frank quirked an eyebrow at him, and Billy shrugged back. “I met someone last week. She owns two cafés, and she’s a coffee snob. Gonna refine my palate, she said.”
Frank looked back down to his paper before commenting, “I’m impressed you know that much about her, Bill. Didn’t think you bothered cos you usually cut & run.” Billy smirked, knowing he couldn’t dispute what Frank had just said, but he was going to enjoy the next slice of the conversation. Even just to see the expression on Frank’s face.
“I....like her. A lot. I want something with her.” “Something?” Frank chortled, “...you mean, like a relationship, Bill?” He looked closely at Billy, saw the shit-eating grin he had on his face and his jaw dropped. “You do, don’t you?! Fuckin’ hell! Never thought I’d see the day, Russo.” Billy burst out laughing.
“Well, that makes two of us, Frankie. But...” he spread his hands out to either side of him, “...it is what it is. And I’ll fill you in on all the details later. Now, this thing with Madani and Homeland - let’s get it nailed down.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
That same morning, you sat at your desk and slowly twirled from side to side in your chair. You sipped your cappuccino, and thought about Billy.
Little cousin had done you a favour this time and earlier on had delved into her company’s database, digging out some further information on Billy and Anvil which Google couldn’t provide you with. All it had given you was the bare minimum of the company’s founding date and numerous photos of Billy looking hot in his designer suits.
She told you she’d heard of him, and had also seen him at several events similar to the one you’d attended. You’d admitted you were seeing him, and she’d firstly screeched down the phone at you, nearly bursting your eardrum, before saying, “Now see, if you hadn’t gone in my place you wouldn’t have met him!” “Yeah, yeah, alright. Tell me what you’ve got for me.”
In a more serious tone, she said, “Just be careful though, his company seems a little... well, shady let’s just say. I mean, in the security business,” her voice lowered, “there’s usually some dodgy dealings or other going on. But him and his colleagues seem to have got themselves in some deep water with two federal agencies. I’ll email this stuff to you now and you’ll see what I mean.” You thanked her and hung up before she could tell you that now you owed her another favour.
You’d read through the attachments she’d sent you, and your eyes had got wide as you read that Billy and Anvil had originally been funded by a shadowy CIA guy, who’d then been killed in a gun battle between un-named protagonists. You sussed out that Anvil must’ve been one of those involved, as Billy and his friend Frank had been arrested and interrogated by Homeland Security before being released without charge. That struck you as a bit odd, but there were no more details available.
Your phone had chosen that moment to buzz with a FaceTime call from the man himself. You’d hesitated then accepted the call, and Billy’s handsome face popped up in front of you, with a wide smile plastered on it. You could see he was in his car. “Mornin’, sweetheart,” he said in a low sexy voice, and you felt your stomach tighten with excitement. This guy... the effect he had on you....!
You’d smiled and replied, “Morning, Billy.” He tilted his head towards you, dark eyes drawing you in, “Missin’ me? Because I’m missing you.” Shaking your head, smirking, you said, “We only saw each other a few hours ago so no, I’m not.” A cheeky grin from him this time, “Don’t believe you, angel, I think you can’t wait to see me again.” “You’re such a cocky bastard, Billy,” you laughed, “Why are you calling, exactly?”
His smile was a genuine one as he said, “I just wanted to see you before I head off to this job. Not sure when I’ll be able to call next. Remember - I’ll let you know as soon as I can when we can meet up this week.” You nodded, “Yeah, don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten.” He blew you a kiss, saying “Bye, angel,” before he rang off.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
One of your friends had called shortly afterwards to ask if you wanted to meet up for lunch, as you hadn’t seen each other in quite a while. Deciding that you could do with some girl time, you arranged to meet her in a steak house near the Chrysler Building, and then decided you’d better get some work done before you headed out for your long lunch hour.
The two of you had met up just outside the restaurant and had gone in chatting away to each other. Being shown to your table, you sat down only to spot Billy Russo walking in behind a small dark-haired woman. Your mouth dropped open, and your eyes took in every detail of her. She was pretty, with big dark eyes, olive skin and wavy hair in a shoulder-length bob. Billy, you noted, had his hand on her lower back, guiding her to their table, just as he had with you when you went for your first drink with him.
You leant forward to your friend, “I’m so sorry about this but we’re gonna have to go somewhere else.” She looked concerned, “What’s wrong?” “Someone I need to avoid just came in,” you explained, “c’mon, I’ll tell them I’ve had an emergency at work or something.” You both stood up, and you fled from the restaurant before you repeated your actions at that house party, which had got you arrested. You didn’t want to end up in jail this time just because of that jerk and his little lady.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Billy looked up as two women who’d been sitting near him stood up and started rushing towards the door. Weird, he thought, they hadn’t even been served judging by the menus still laying on their place settings. He looked back at them, and one of them turned back briefly to her friend behind her as they exited the premises.
His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. It was her. His angel. Oh fuck! Did she..? Yes, she must’ve seen him and... he glanced at Madani across the table from him, reading through the menu choices. She glanced up, smirking at Billy but it quickly dropped off her face, when she saw the expression on his.
“Billy?” she said, but he’d dumped his napkin onto his plate by now and was standing up.
“Sorry, Dinah... I gotta go.” An annoyed look on her face, she growled, “You’re kidding, right?”
“No, I’m not. I... there’s someone I gotta catch up with, and I just saw them leaving.” He walked away from their table, and towards the door of the restaurant. As he did so he heard Madani say in a harsh voice, “Is it a woman, Russo?” but ignored her.
He made it out onto the street, looking around him in all directions, heart sinking as he couldn’t see her anywhere.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
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thecottageinthedark · 3 years
Sorting Persona 4
Here again with another Sorting Hat Chats post! This one’s for Persona 4. Full disclaimer; this is based just on the game, not the anime. Also it’s behind a cut cause it is LONG. And has spoilers.
The system I’m using is explained here by @wisteria-lodge.
The Persona 4 MC, whose name is either Souji Seta or Yu Narukami depending on which supplemental materials you go by, is a really REALLY loud Badger secondary. His power is based on making Social Links with NPCs and shifting to become whatever they need-and also on patiently grinding to level up his attributes. And because he lives so much in this secondary-plus the fact that on a meta level he’s kind of a stand-in for the player-his Primary is hard to see.
But where it gets revealed in the end is the decisive moment when the ending you’re going to get is decided. The Investigation Team have discovered that Namatame’s been putting people into the TV, and thus are assuming he’s the murderer-and it’s become horribly personal, because one of the people he did that to was Nanako, and even though she’s been rescued, she’s deathly ill thanks to the TV World’s poison.
And now you-and the MC-have a choice. The IT are baying for Namatame’s blood, ready to kill. One Badger Primary method would be to appeal to the fact that he’s a person, you can’t just kill people….but nobody’s listening. Another would be to dehumanise him and say, he’s a murderer, he needs to die for the sake of everyone-going along with all the fury of the group. A Lion would lash out too-less because everyone’s doing it and more from their own gut feeling, but that would still lead to dead Namatame. A Snake might kill Namatame because he hurt Nanako...or, in the Golden remake, if they’ve done Adachi’s social link, they might cover for him. Either way, they’d be prioritising an inner circle member.
And all of those get you bad endings. Especially the Snake choice to cover for Adachi.
What gets the good ending, the happy ending where the MC is fulfilled and at peace, is to ignore all the emotion that’s running so high, and order everyone to step back and take time to think about whether the theory of Namatame being the killer makes sense. Pounce on the niggling little detail that doesn’t fit, and realise that the assumption everyone is labouring under isn’t true. And then prioritise the actual truth over personal loyalties or emotional reactions.
Bird Primary.
Because of course. This is a detective story. Your party are called both the Investigation Team and the Seekers of Truth. Even the title song hints at it; find the truth (Bird) by getting together with others (Badger).
Yosuke Hanamura’s a young, immature Snake Primary at game start, with the selfishness typical to that. His Shadow throws that back in his face, and he realises he doesn’t like being an asshole whose secret gut reaction to murders happening is ‘well at least I’m not bored anymore now something is happening in this dead-end town’.
So he does two things pretty much at the same time; he widens his inner circle to let in first Souji and then the rest of the IT, and he adds a model on top to let him care about things outside that circle. I think it’s a Lion model-a young Lion, just like his Snake, that edges into Glory Hound, but keeps hold of the idea that you should do certain things because they’re just right.
(It’s not based on the MC, though the MC is undoubtedly his most important person, who he even calls his partner. But then, as I said, the MC’s Bird is very quiet, so it’d be hard for Yosuke to perceive it well enough to mimic it. I think it’s actually based on Chie, who is after all the inner circle member he has known longest!)
And his secondary? Yosuke’s a support guy. He lifts his friends up. His family run Junes, and he leverages that connection to create a base location for the IT and secure a portal into the TV world that’s big enough to be usable. When Teddie comes to the human world, it’s Yosuke who gives him a place to stay. He’s a Badger secondary, and again, this makes perfect sense. The Lover sorting. No wonder so much of the fandom ships him with the MC.
Chie Satonaka is LOUD and BRASH and if you are a jerk she will KICK YOU IN THE FACE. She is so goddamn Lion Secondary, and utterly unapologetic about it.
Her primary, I think, is Lion again. The reason she has gotten possessive of Yukiko (as her Shadow calls her out on) isn’t that she wants Yukiko to be just hers-it’s that she wants to be Yukiko’s knight. Saving the princess is actually a textbook Lion cause. It lets her feel heroic and brave.
But that’s not good for either of them. Damsel in distress is a shitty role, one that doesn’t allow Yukiko to be strong and capable herself, and Chie pushing Yukiko into that role is really straining their relationship. It’s also something that Chie herself knows is wrong-that’s why her Shadow accuses her of it. (“I am a Shadow, the true self...”)
So instead Chie changes gears, because oh look a new Cause just popped up! Find the killer and bring them to justice! And on top of that, there’s always sexist prats to kick.
Yukiko Amagi models Badger Primary, because it’s expected of her. Running an inn is a really Badger kind of job. She also models Badger Secondary, for the same reasons. She feels this is who she’s meant to be; sweet, gentle, socially adept, community-focused and hard-working. The traditional Japanese ideal of womanhood.
But it chafes. The weight of societal expectations feels crushing. She doesn’t want to do stuff just because she’s meant to, because people think she should. She’s an Internal Primary, and needs to follow the voice of her own heart.
And where that heart leads her...is back to the Amagi Inn, except now she’s decided that she’s doing this for herself. She needed to feel that she could actually choose to not inherit the inn, before she could realise that she wanted to run it. She’s a Snake Primary, and the inn is important to her because it’s hers.
Her secondary...actually I get the feeling she’s like Toph Beifong of Avatar, a Snake who likes to spend most of her time in neutral. She is delightfully quirky and weird, and owns that, but she doesn’t charge like a Lion and she’s comfy with wearing masks when the situation calls for it.
Kanji Tatsumi panics at the idea that he might be gay, and caretakes like a boss, and that might look at first sight like a Double Badger who’s scared that he might be one of the people he’s used to dehumanising. His Shadow screams that it wants to be accepted...but what calms it is when Kanji himself accepts it, and says that this resolution is about being true to himself. Kanji’s a Double Lion who burnt his primary because being given shit for the feminine, queer-coded parts of himself made him lose faith in his internal compass, worrying that it was leading him somewhere that he viewed as bad. Internalised homophobia’s a bitch of a thing.
Accepting his Shadow is the start of Kanji healing his primary-letting go of shame for being an oddball and telling the world to go fuck itself if it thinks it can make him conform. He does model Badger Secondary-as I said, he caretakes like a boss-but that’s more a thing he does as a gift to others. When it comes to solving problems, he charges in swinging, ready to beat up anyone from biker gangs to otherworldly monsters.
Rise Kujikawa is a cheerful, shameless Snake Primary, loving and ambitious. She became an idol to make friends, and enjoys the fame it gets her. And when she needs to take a break for the sake of her mental health, she has no compunctions about doing so.
But she needed that break because the idol life was stressing her out-unsurprisingly, it’s a really intense life. And the particular problem she had was to do with the conflicting expectations the public has of celebrities. Perfection is demanded...but so is authenticity.
Rise realised that she was face-shifting as an integral part of her career, and this knowledge sent her into a tailspin. The fans don’t like the real Rise Kujikawa-they like Risette. But who is the real Rise Kujikawa? She doesn’t know! It’s frightening! What if she’s just made of smoke and mirrors? How does she find out what’s underneath?
And the answer she comes to is that there is no real Rise Kujikawa...which is the same as saying that there is no false one. Rise is Risette is Rise, it’s all just her, adapting to the context as she needs to. She’s a Badger Secondary, and the act of performance is the true self.
And for her, that’s a good answer-it brings her peace. But now we need to talk about Teddie.
Because just hearing Rise say ‘there’s no real me’ sends Teddie into a Shadow crisis right there.
He completely fucking loses it. He’s a denizen of the TV world-he’s been immune to it all this time, never manifesting a Shadow, but this is what breaks him. And that just screams Bird Lion. It’s his Buzz Lightyear moment-or rather his first Buzz Lightyear moment, because there are two. This is the first, and he survives it by retreating into his Secondary. It allows him to bring Shadow Teddie under control...but this isn’t sustainable. He’s realised something terrible and can’t avoid that knowledge indefinitely.
And soon enough he admits it to himself (and to the MC). He is a Shadow, that somehow became self-aware. His Truth was never true. He can’t handle it, he has no idea how to even exist, and he outright tells the MC that he intends to commit suicide.
He recovers, though-and he does so because the MC tells him Nanako survived. That’s the first thing that gives him a glimmer of hope, because his Truth already had some Snakey elements in there about chosen people and ambitions. He comes back from the brink, reshapes his system to centre those Snake principles, and returns to the side of his friends.
Lastly, Naoto Shirogane, our other queer-coded character. (I’m using she pronouns for the sake of canon here-but I’m a firm believer in nonbinary Naoto, for the record.) I think she’s a Bird secondary-the only one of those here, jeez. She’s just so analytical. She’s a rapid-fire Bird too, Detective Prince working on a case, squarely in the middle of her comfort zone. But push her out of it-into a normal teenager social situation, say-and watch her squirm!
She has a Bird Primary performance, too. But performance is the operative word here. She’s trying to look adult and smart and collected, in order to be taken seriously by the police officers she works with. And she is smart, mind you, but that’s not the why of her though it is the how. It’s not Naoto who goes ‘wait, let’s think about this, we need more information’ at the crucial point, but the MC, who really is a Bird Primary. Naoto was the one to suggest doing a little vigilante justice vis-a-vis murdering Namatame.
Her real Primary is Lion. Being a detective is a Cause for her, not a Truth, and she is blazingly certain of her own sense of what’s right-so much so that she doesn’t stop and check it against other people’s. And she inspires people! She doesn’t even mean to, and certainly doesn’t know why, but she is just so cool that people flock to her and admire her. ‘The Detective Prince’ is, when you think about it, a really Lion Bird kind of title!
Her Shadow has two issues with her. First, it harps on the gender angle. Hey, self, there’s that thing about your identity that you’ve been refusing to think about! You need to go poke at it! And then it breaks down into a scared child. Self, your performance is eating you alive. You need to do it, yes, the Cause demands it, but you also need to be able to stop sometimes and let yourself have emotions!
In short:
MC/Souji/Yu: Bird primary, Badger secondary
Yosuke: Snake primary, Badger secondary, models Lion primary
Chie: Lion primary, Lion secondary
Yukiko: Snake primary, Snake secondary, with Badger primary and secondary models that start out pretty unhealthy for her. 
Kanji: Lion primary that starts out burnt and begins to unburn after his Shadow fight, Lion secondary. Models Badger secondary.
Rise: Snake primary, Badger secondary
Teddie: Bird primary, Lion secondary. Falls dramatically and recovers by shaping his system to be more Snakelike.
Naoto: Lion primary, Bird secondary, performs Bird primary
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ollieofthebeholder · 3 years
leaves too high to touch (roots too strong to fall): a TMA fanfic
Read from the beginning on Tumblr || Also on AO3
Chapter 55: Assorted statements of the Magnus Institute archival staff and sundry associated, prior to their departure for Great Yarmouth.
Statement of Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London. Regarding the upcoming…operation. Fourth April, 2017. Recorded direct from subject. Statement begins.
I-I wanted to get some thoughts down before…well, everything. We all should, actually. I’ll—I suppose I’ll mention it to them.
(sigh) God, I hate that I can’t just record my thoughts these days. I have to make it a statement anymore.
It looks like we’re all set. We hammered out the last of our plans last night, went over it to make sure we have everything timed as precisely as we can. Myself, Daisy, Basira, Tim…we’re all going to be heading off to this House of Wax. Sneak in as best we can. Daisy will set the charges while the rest of us run interference, then we’ll set them off once the ritual begins. All the research, both ours and Gertrude’s, shows that this is our only chance. Anything we do before the ritual can be easily repaired. But once it’s underway, if we stop it, it will be centuries before the Stranger can try again.
Of course, we know damn well it won’t succeed. If we let it play out, it will collapse on its own. The trouble is, we don’t know what that collapse will look like. Would that be anything more than a simple delay, as far as they’re concerned? Would the Stranger simply try again, in a year, two years, five years? Even if we destroy Nikola Orsinov—“the Dancer,” Gertrude called her—surely she can be rebuilt easily enough. And all the other players…no. It’s too great a risk to simply let it fold in on itself. The Stranger has been collecting skins for ten years. We owe it to them to put what’s left of them to rest.
Daisy’s made it clear that she thinks her best chance is to go in alone, and honestly, I struggle to disagree. But I have to go. Not because Elias is making me, or because I feel compelled to, but…(sigh) Tim. I can justify this operation all I like, but the truth of the matter is that we’re largely doing it for Tim. This…this ritual is the reason his brother died. The Circus, the Stranger, it stole his brother’s skin.
God. I’m the only one of us without…without a dog in this fight, I suppose? No, that’s not the right way of phrasing it. But Danny is undoubtedly going to be part of the Dance, however much we want to believe otherwise. And Gertrude…of course Orsinov is going to, how did she put it with me, “wear her to dance the world new.” Tim’s brother, Martin’s grandmother…
I’m, I’m almost tempted to look up my grandmother’s grave, or my father’s, and find out if they’ve been disturbed. I have to assume it’s been too many years, but I have no idea how long they’ve been collecting these skins, so what if—no. No, that’s not—it wouldn’t work like that. They only dug up Gertrude because they wanted her power. Everyone else, it appears, they took…alive. I don’t know enough about taxidermy to know how long a thing can be dead before its skin can’t be preserved, and frankly I don’t want to.
It’s enough to know what I know. Enough to be doing what I’m doing.
It has to be.
Statement of Sasha James, Archival Assistant at the Magnus Institute, regarding what I did not study Classics well enough to understand why it has been termed Operation Janus. Recorded by subject, fourth April, 2017.
I know why I’m staying back. I get it. It wasn’t the original plan, but I get why Jon gave in to it. He’s right, the more people go, the more dangerous it gets. It doesn’t take eight people to push a button. And with my uncle being back, I don’t—I owe it to him to stick around. Staying back here is going to be safer. Probably.
Still…I have to admit I’m a little jealous that I don’t get to go.
I’m curious. That’s the problem. Curious and excited in ways I shouldn’t be. The description of the last attempt at the Unknowing fascinates me, and I want to see the ways this one will be different. I want to see if I can stand in the face of the Stranger and come out on top. And…well, the Stranger is our antithesis, after all. We know and it conceals. It’s one of the few secrets I can’t just pluck from the air, and that excites me and infuriates me in equal measures.
I want to know.
(short laugh) God, that’s probably the other reason everyone got immediately on board with the whole “stay behind, Sasha” thing. They know I’m the most likely to be a…rogue element. They know that as much as I want this to work and want everyone to come home safe, I’d be the most likely to go poking around in places I shouldn’t, sneaking around trying to ferret out secrets, tape recorder in hand and eyes wide open. The chances of me doing something—incredibly stupid and getting caught in the middle of the Unknowing is high.
I would, too. I’d be the one that would screw everything up for everyone. Not on purpose. I know how much this means to Tim…and because it means a lot to Tim, it means a lot to Jon and Martin, too. We’ve put a lot of work into this and I don’t want to blow it.
But I—I know myself. If I were to go, there’d be that niggling little voice in the back of my head telling me that it doesn’t matter, that what we do won’t change the course of the world. That this ritual is doomed to fail anyway, so who cares if they can’t blow it up because I’m up there trying to watch it?
The trouble is that I wouldn’t tell them I was going. I’d just…slip off. Find a good vantage point to watch it all from. They’d never know I was up there and Tim would press that button and…
Anyway, I’m needed here. They’re right about that. This part of the plan needs all the people it can get. The more, the merrier, all that. And there are enough parts of it that I don’t know about—or don’t know the purpose of—that it’s built up my curiosity. It’s going to be pretty interesting, and I’ll get to be there to see it. I hope. And it’s not like I can’t get all the details out of the others easily enough afterwards.
It’s fine. It’ll be fine.
Statement of Basira Hussain, fourth April, 2017, at the request of Jonathan Sims.
I don’t have any idea why I’m doing this. I mean, I’m not talking about the actual…mission. I’m not talking about what we’ll be doing come Thursday. I know why I’m doing that. I don’t know why I’m doing this, except that Jon asked me to. Asked us all to, really. And Sasha passed me off the recorder, so…here I am.
I don’t want to be part of this. I never did. I never made a secret of the fact that I wanted nothing more to do with all this…paranormal and supernatural stuff. When I was done with the police, I was done with Section Thirty-One and all that entailed. And then I let myself get dragged back into it like I’d never left. I know what we’re likely to be up against and I’m doing it anyway.
Maybe that’s part of the reason why. I can’t let them go into this alone.
Let’s be honest. I’m not helping out because I want to save the world. Not even because I think this thing is all that dangerous. I’ve helped out up to this point because of Sasha. I’m going because of Daisy.
I’ll admit, I’m…torn. I want to be there for Daisy. She was always there for me. She’s…dependable. Solid. You know where you stand when you’re with her. I know the others don’t trust her all the way, but really, she’s always been a good partner to me. Maybe her methods weren’t always the greatest, but she knew what she was doing and why she was doing it. It’s easier to see the way straight with her. You go in, you blow things to hell, you get out. You stop the monsters. You fix the problems. Simple.
At the same time, I—I feel like I ought to be here. To help Sasha. She keeps telling me she’ll be fine, that it would be a lot more suspicious if I stayed than if I go, since I don’t work at the Institute. There’s no reason for me to be hanging around here. I know she’ll have Melanie and…I know she’ll be okay. Logically, I know that. But still…
I don’t trust Elias. I mean, shocker, nobody trusts Elias. Just thought it might be useful for someone to know that it’s not just people who work here who don’t trust him. I’ve met him all of twice and I felt like I had to go take an immediate shower every time. But I feel like Sasha’s—the part of the plan Sasha is helping with has a lot more potential to go wrong. It relies too much on Elias Bouchard acting the way they’re predicting, and I don’t know about that. I think there’s going to be trouble.
Then again, I don’t know that it’s the kind of trouble I can help with, or if I need to be there to make sure Daisy doesn’t get in a sticky spot.
(deep breath) God, just make a decision, Basira.
I think I have to go. I think…they’re not going to have the kind of help Daisy might need if I don’t go. Sasha will—she’ll be okay. She’s got backup here. It’s going to be fine.
It’s fine.
Melanie King, fifth of April, 2017, 8:21am.
All right, Jon, let’s make this clear: I’m still not doing this for you. I’m doing it because Martin asked me to.
Everyone’s leaving tomorrow. Everyone except those of us who are sticking around to deal with Elias. Um, I’m not sure what time everyone’s leaving. They’re going to let us know before they do and we’re all going to meet up at the Institute if we’re not already here, but I think there’s a lot of “if we don’t say when we’re leaving exactly, it’s harder for people to track us down” going on. Even though apparently Rosie booked them into a B&B, so it’s not like they can’t be traced.
I mean. I know what they’re doing is mostly superfluous. They’re not—it’s not going to make a difference if the Unknowing gets pushed back, ‘cause it won’t work. They can blow what’s left up after and it’ll still be fine. But I’m kind of worried that they’ll get caught ahead of time and…I don’t know how this stupid Dance is actually supposed to work.
My dad gave me this book of Hans Christian Andersen’s stories when I was a kid. Fake leather binding, gorgeous artwork. It had a picture of Kay asleep in the Snow Queen’s sleigh on the front and full-color plates in it. My favorite story was “The Red Shoes”. I don’t know why I liked that one so much, but I used to ask my dad to read it to me, over and over, and he always did the same voices and everything. Every time someone mentions the Dancer, or the Dance, I hear his voice, pretending to be the angel in the churchyard.
“Dance you shall,” said he, “dance in your red shoes till you are pale and cold, till your skin shrivels up and you are a skeleton! Dance you shall, from door to door, and where proud and wicked children live you shall knock, so that they may hear you and fear you! Dance you shall, dance—!”
It didn’t end happily, that story. Or it did, depending on how you look at it. She repented and got forgiven in the end, but then died immediately. Dad always said Andersen had to end it that way because he knew if she didn’t die right away, she’d fall right back into her old ways. I don’t know if that’s the parallel I’m thinking of with this…creepy puppet person or if I’m just thinking about it because of the dancing bit.
I think it helps that I got all that stuff about India off my chest already. I didn’t—there are universes where I didn’t talk about it and I was just so angry all the time. I’m always angry, let’s be honest. That hasn’t changed. But I didn’t let it…fester. There’s some things festering, sure, but not all of it, and I’m really glad of that, I think.
I can do this. We can do this. And (heh) I like this plan a lot. Don’t know much about it, but I know how it’s going to end, and I am completely on board with that.
Oh, and Martin—if you’re listening to this…you’ve got a deal. After everything is over, I’ll get Jon Prime to get that bullet out. I promise.
Jon, Martin, if you’re listening to this before we leave…don’t. Please just don’t. You can listen to this later. After. Not now. I can’t say this if I know you’re going to listen to it before. And whatever else you are, whatever put these recorders here, I—if you tell them, I will find some way of making your existence miserable for all time. Don’t test me. I’ll manage it somehow.
I…I don’t know what to say. I don’t know how to…you know what, no. It works when the others do it, so…what the hell.
Statement of Timothy Stoker, Archival Assistant at the Magnus Institute, London, involving conclusions and endings. Given directly, fifth August, 2017. Statement begins.
I know I’m not coming back from this. I realized that a couple weeks ago. It’s been…not as hard as it should be, actually, to sit with them and smile and joke and be…me. I should feel worse about it. I should regret it more, mourn more for what I’m not getting, you know? There should have been more hesitancy. More melancholy.
It should’ve been harder for me to hide it from them.
But…it’s not. It’s like Jon’s dad said in his statement. Regretting the life you won’t get just means you waste the life you do. So even knowing I won’t live past…tomorrow, I’ve been making memories. For them if not for me. Charlie especially, he doesn’t need to…he’s lost enough in his life. Better for him not to dwell on it. But for all of them, I don’t want their memories of these last few days to be…tainted with knowing I’m going to die. Or with knowing that I knew I was going to die.
I—I need to do this. It’s not like it used to be. It used to be all revenge. Even a year ago, I would have gone full red rum on this museum and started hacking up waxworks to punish them for what they, it, did to Danny. It’s not the same now. I don’t have that burning hatred, that thirst for revenge…plus, you know, it might be kind of hard to swing an axe with one hand in a cast, so that’s out. Don’t get me wrong, I want to pay them back for skinning my brother. I want to pay them back for threatening Martin and torturing Jon. For what they did in that—that other universe to Sasha, to Jon Prime, and, well, maybe a little to me. I do want revenge for all of that.
It’s just that now it’s—I can get revenge just by watching it collapse. Don’t have to blow it all up for that. The best revenge might be seeing the look on Nikola Orsinov’s plastic face when she discovers that she hasn’t danced the world new after all. That it’s still the same old world and she hasn’t won a damn thing. Might be worth it for that.
But it won’t be. I have to—if we just let it collapse, they might still be able to try again. Who knows who else might be hurt, might be killed, because the Stranger has so much power just…swirling around? Whereas if we blow it up, we can disrupt all of that. We can keep anyone else from finding their brother’s skin pulled off like a tablecloth, or from being chased by a monster pretending to wear someone else’s skin, or from spending two weeks tied to a chair and being basted like a turkey. I can’t let the Stranger go near them again. I can’t let them be hurt.
So. Plastic explosives it is.
And I’m not—I know it’s not as easy as we want it to be. I talked to Daisy. I know what the range on that detonator is. Even if I know when the ritual starts, I won’t be able to clear the building completely before pushing the trigger or I’ll be too far away from the charges and they won’t blow. The only way to be sure they all go off is to still be underneath the building, right in the middle of everything. I might be able to run for it and get out in time, but it’d be touch and go. Daisy’s opinion is that I’ll have a better chance of survival if I stay put and hope the building collapses in such a way that I survive, but I don’t need freaky Eye powers to know she doesn’t think my chances are good either way.
Even before knowing that, though, I didn’t think I was going to live through this. And I’m—(small laugh) I’m not okay with that. I’m not! But I’ve come to terms with it, I guess. I don’t want to die, but if I have to…you know. As long as Jon and Martin are safe, it’s worth it.
(deep breath) That…that actually did help. Got it all out without stumbling over myself. So…thanks for that, I guess.
Oh, uh…Jon, Martin, there’s a file in the bottom drawer in the living room. It’s all my insurance paperwork. I, uh, I had my policy updated a couple weeks ago. It’s not much, but…it should at least help with the house payments. You know.
I know it’s not—if it’s not enough, it should at least be something.
And…I’m sorry.
(small sigh) Statement of Martin Blackwood, Archival Assistant at the Magnus Institute, regarding his final thoughts. Recorded direct from subject, fifth of August, 2017.
It’s almost the end of the day. We’ve already closed down everything, buttoned everything up. We’re just waiting for—Elias—to come down and confirm the arrangements like he threatened, and then we’ll leave. I think. I don’t think we’re planning to stay here overnight. Actually, I know we aren’t, because Jon just shoved the recorder and the tape everyone’s been putting their final thoughts on into my hands and pointed me at the War Room and asked me to please just get mine on here already.
I’m scared. I don’t think that’s a big secret. This might be it. This might be…when it’s all said and done, this tape might actually be everyone’s last words. Well, not everyone’s, but…well, maybe. We all pretend to think the people who are staying behind are going to be safer than the ones who go, but that’s not necessarily accurate. I mean, the first face of the plan is the one about Great Yarmouth and the House of Wax and blowing up the Stranger, which, you know, explosives and the Stranger. We know that’s going to be dangerous. But the other face is the one that’s going to be…
It’s going to be just as dangerous, I think. Maybe more. Because it’s about taking down Elias Bouchard.
It’s about taking down Jonah Magnus.
We don’t know all the details. Jon Prime has a plan, he seems pretty confident it’ll work, but he’s not telling us all the specifics. I don’t know if it’s because we can’t accidentally reveal what we don’t know or because he’s trying to protect us. Either way, he hasn’t told us any more beyond what it is he needs us to do. After that, he just said, “Leave it to me.”
I—I trust him. I do. I believe he has a plan, I believe that it’ll work. I’m sure everything is going to work out there. But if it goes wrong…
Something’s going to go wrong. I’m almost sure of it. It’s, it’s, my luck cannot be this good. There’s no way we come out of this all right. Something’s going to go wrong and, and we’re not going to succeed, or someone’s going to get badly hurt, or—
I can’t lose them now. I can’t.
God there’s—there’s so much I want to say. So much I should say. Jon, Tim, if you’re listening to this and—I-I’m sorry. I want to say it, but…but at the same time, I refuse to have the first time I tell you be on tape. It’s going to be in person or not at all. (heh) Maybe I’ll get the nerve up to say something tonight, but I doubt it. Don’t want to make you guys uncomfortable, just in case…just in case it’s just me that feels this way.
B-but, but you’re both smart. You can probably guess what I’m not saying. So if you’re listening to this, and I’m not…there, and I didn’t say anything before…yeah. I do. Both of you. Really and truly, from the bottom of my heart.
(sigh) I just need them to be safe. I can handle anything as long as they’re safe.
Wh—okay, okay, Elias is coming. I need to go.
Right, this is it. Here we go.
Good luck to all of us. I think we’re going to need it.
Right, I know you don’t expect me to say anything here, but…I’m having trouble settling down, and I’m hoping getting my thoughts out will help with that. So.
Statement of Jonathan Sims Prime, the Archivist, regarding…round two. Recorded direct from subject, fifth April, 2017…barely. Statement begins.
I am ready. I know I am ready. I will never be more ready. All our plans are laid, and this will be the best opportunity I have, we have, to carry them out. I also know this may be my only chance.
(sigh) That’s not quite true. It may be—it will be my only chance to take out Elias Bouchard, not Jonah Magnus. I don’t need the Eye’s power to know that. If he knows I’m here, if he knows I’m planning to destroy him, he’ll run. He’ll find someone he deems worthy to be his successor and take their place. Elias Bouchard’s body will be found…somewhere, and there will be another running around with Jonah Magnus’ eyes, someone I won’t recognize. He’ll find somewhere else to build up as the Eye’s new pedestal, find a new Archivist, someone to be a new linchpin for his plan. And the whole thing will start again.
There’s—there is a part of me that thinks, well, that won’t be so bad. As long as all of the others survive…as long as I haven’t failed them…it’s not the worst thing in the world. Certainly Jonah won’t try with anyone at the Institute again. It could take years for him to build up enough strength to attempt his ritual, to—to find a willing vessel, or at least a pliant one. Certainly I could try to hunt him down. With Tim’s ability to See marks, and with everyone else’s ability to Know and get answers—
No. No, I can’t think like this. I-I have to stay positive. We have a plan. It’s a good plan. It’s going to work.
If I’m honest, I am far more worried about the team heading to Great Yarmouth than I am about the ones staying here. I know I can protect the ones here. Jonah will threaten, he’ll torture, but he won’t risk trying to actually physically harm them or, God forbid, kill them. Not until they’re closer to where we’re going to spring the trap, and at that point, I’ll be there. No, Jonah isn’t the danger, not right now. Not…today, I guess. The danger is in the Unknowing.
I know what they face. I know what the risks are. I—God, sometimes I still think I can hear that music, see those…horrible dancers. I would have said it was the worst experience of my life, until…later. Until I had to face the possibility of losing Martin before I told him how I felt. But even so…it was terrifying, and dangerous, and so much more than we had ever expected.
And it cost us Tim.
I cannot, will not, pay that cost again. I didn’t—I wasn’t in a good place then, and I didn’t realize how much he might have meant to me, but…we were friends, once, even if we weren’t as close as he and Sasha were.  And it hurt me dreadfully to lose him. It was worse on Martin—God, poor Martin. He so very nearly lost us both, left alone with two people who never fully trusted him, who bonded with each other and excluded him, even when he was still trying to be a part of things…
That cannot happen. They have to be all right. All of them. They’ll—it’s going to be fine. I know what to warn them about. I know what they have to be aware of. They have all the tools they need. They will go in, set the charges, get out, detonate them, and collapse for a good night’s sleep. They’ll all be home tomorrow. It’s going to be fine.
This time tomorrow, it will all be over. Much of the Stranger’s power will be dissolved, the Unknowing a pile of rubble. Jonah Magnus will be gone for good. The world will be safe.
The team will be safe.
They have to be. I can’t let myself believe anything less.
(haltingly) Statement of Martin Blackwood Prime, on the morning of his friends’ departure, again. Taken direct from subject, sixth April, 2017.
God. I—I didn’t realize that actually meant anything when I said it. Even back then. Even just me, just with the little I was doing…I guess I did actually manage to get enough of the Eye’s attention that it, it did a little, anyway. Not enough that I could get a coherent statement out of anyone else, o-or maybe it was by the time they left, but…it was enough.
I can’t feel it now. Not even a little bit. There’s—there’s nothing. I’m cut off from the Eye well and proper, which, I mean, that’s what we wanted, but…
Well. Except for the parts I let it have back.
So that’s why I’m awake doing this. I had the nightmare again. I’ve—I’ve had it a lot, especially lately. Reliving that gallery of horrors, the one I passed through on my trip back in time. I didn’t at first, and I think we both thought—we all thought—that I still had enough of a connection to the Eye not to satisfy it with my fear. But that’s not the case. I think it was just at first that Past Jon wasn’t strong enough to dream about me, and the others definitely weren’t, and the Eye didn’t quite know what to do with Jon. Then, um, then he took the doctor’s statement, and I-I think that woke the Eye up.
It’s only been since Christmas that I—that Jon and I, really—have been having that nightmare. Wasn’t until tonight that I figured it out. See, Jon and I sleep during the day most of the time, and then we’re up most of the night. So I’m the only one Jon can usually relive, because the other live statements he took this time around—he’s normally awake while they’re sleeping and vice versa. But then there’s me.
I still wouldn’t have figured it out, actually, except that I saw the others in my dream tonight, too. Past Jon and Tim and Sasha and Past Me, they were—they were all there, all watching. First time I’ve been asleep while they were. No idea how long they’ve been dreaming, but here we are.
Anyway, yeah. Woke up from that, Jon’s still asleep, so I slipped up here to add my voice to this tape. I’m assuming this is the right one, since it was, you know, sitting out invitingly and all. If I’m ruining another statement, um, sorry.
Okay. Anyway.
It doesn’t feel as hard, staying behind this time. If I’m being honest, a big part of why I hated staying back was because I didn’t want to let Jon go without me. I wasn’t…I hadn’t admitted how I felt. I mean, it’s not like nobody knew about my crush—I think just about everyone in the Institute except Jon knew about that—but I-I don’t think even Elias knew it was more than that. And I hadn’t said anything to Jon. I kept telling myself there’d be another chance, there’d be time later, but—even back then, I didn’t believe it. I didn’t believe the universe would let me be happy.
Now I know I was wrong.
I had to work for it. I had to fight for it. But I got that second chance. I am loved, and I am in love. (heh) I’m engaged, and it’s the first time I’ve really thought about the future in…years. Maybe the universe doesn’t want to let me be happy, but I am happy, so—so suck it, Cosmic Entities.
But yeah. I’m staying here…obviously, I wouldn’t be any use at the Unknowing, and I have a pretty crucial part to play in Jon’s plan. But more importantly, Jon—my Jon—will be here, too. I can—I know he’ll be all right. I know I’ll be here for him if anything goes wrong.
He tried to find a way around me being involved. Wanted me to, I don’t know, stay in our room, stay out of it, stay safe. I wouldn’t let him. Not anymore. Not again. Even if there’s not a lot I can do…I can at least do something to help him. And even if I couldn’t, I’d at least be there for him. He’s not doing this alone. We do this together, or not at all. That’s the deal.
That’s always been the deal.
All right, that’s…I think those are all my thoughts on the matter. Going to go back down and curl up with Jon for a little while longer, at least until it’s time to get things moving. It might be our last chance. But then again, every time we get to do this might be our last chance. You never know what’s coming. So if you treat every moment you get to spend with the one you love as though it’s the last one you’ll spend together…well, it makes every moment special. A-and it, it kind of makes the next moment better, because it’s a moment you didn’t know you’d have.
Yeah, okay, I’m done being sappy and maudlin for now. Gonna go lie down.
Good luck, you lot. I know you can do it.
Oh, wait, one more thing. Jon, Tim, Martin…if you three haven’t said out loud that you’re in love with each other? For fuck’s sake, do it now. Whatever happens today, you don’t want to come out the other side wishing you hadn’t left something unsaid.
And it’s a lot easier to survive if you know someone who loves you is counting on it.
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kaesaaurelia · 3 years
a conscientious objector
For @whumptober2021 day 4: Trust Fall (specifically "Do you trust me?" and "taken hostage") Continues on from day two, wherein our protagonist, having narrowly escaped from an exploding spaceship, and on the verge of running out of air in her escape pod, was permitted entrance to a strange ship.
CW for medical trauma; more specific, mildly spoilery detail in my tags. (The trauma is very science fictional and over-the-top as described, but the aspect of it that I find most frightening can happen to people irl, so, better safe than sorry.)
The ship was dark, and eerily quiet. Was it a derelict? Had she just been speaking to an AI the whole time? There was no gravity, but the ship didn't seem to be built for gravity, which made her anxious; she did not want to start losing her strength. Then, a lot of her musculoskeletal system had been replaced, so she wasn't really sure if that would happen. But it didn't really matter if it did; she was stuck here for a while, at least until she could convince the ship, or the person in charge, to take her back to civilization.
She was tempted to shout "Hello?" into the darkness, but also, it wasn't like she'd never seen a horror movie and it seemed like a good way to trigger a jump scare. She could see, of course; she had had her eyes replaced long ago, before she'd been deployed, but it still felt spooky.
Then she climbed around a corner and came face to face with a long maw full of horrible teeth. She kicked backwards and away, and she had the vivid, horrible sense memory of her nanites practically shouting awake! awake! awake! and coming back to consciousness unable to move, the stench of rubbing alcohol in her nose.
Something made a horrible series of cackles and clicks, and her heart was going to pound out of her chest, because no, she had gotten away from them, how could they have found her again here? But then the lights came on and the cackling glitched into a voice. "There you are! You should have said something! Haven't cleaned up in a while, haha, sorry about the mess. Are you all right?"
The toothy maw was nowhere to be seen in the slightly red-tinged light, although there was some floating junk -- used meal packets, maybe? "Yeah, no, I'm good," she said, looking around. Little suction instruments came out of the walls and cleared up the junk while she watched. She wondered if any good could possibly come of asking whether she'd seen anything real.
Excuse me, does this ship belong to the -- oh, I'm going to mispronounce the name -- it's just that these aliens kidnapped me and took half my body apart a few years ago just for fun and I think maybe they put my brain back the wrong way, so could you confirm that you're not them? Or, Sorry, rude question, but are you the AI of a derelict vessel or a real person, and if you're an AI would you mind telling me about what happened so I know you're not going to go crazy and kill me? It wasn't like she had a better option. And any no, you were hallucinating answer wouldn't help. Either her host (?) was lying and she was trapped here with it, or they were telling the truth and she was just fucking hallucinating. Which, well, it wasn't like she hadn't had enough nightmares about The Incident.
"So, uh, where are you?" she asked, making a show of looking around the corridor. Maybe then she would get an answer to her AI or not question.
"Haven't you ever heard of a PA system?" the voice said. The words were sarcastic, but the voice was strangely neutral, so it was probably artificial, even if the personality behind the words was not.
"Oh, right, of course," she said, trying to make it sound as if it was a normal thing, to forget about audio projection technology that had been around since the ancients. "Um, do you -- are you --"
"What happened to the person who told me to choke on a magnet? That person seemed way more fun than you," the voice interrupted.
"I was severely oxygen deprived, I'm sorry," she said, quickly.
"So you're saying I should lower the percentage of O2 in the shipboard atmosphere to get you to say what you really mean?" the voice suggested.
"No!" said Victoria. There was a long silence, and then she heard it: an ominous hissing noise. "Okay look I just want to know, uh, uh, are you, do you -- are you like some kind of crazy murderous AI that's lured me here to kill me, because if you wanna do that I think we can just skip to that part, I made peace with dying earlier today and it's not ideal but if it's inevitable I'm good with getting it over with."
The hissing stopped. "Pretty sure dying is inevitable generally," said the voice.
"I meant, you know, in violent, terrifying circumstances," she snapped.
"You know that hissing was just a recording, right? I'm just fucking with you. The ship's not a fucking balloon. You know that, right?"
There was an awkward silence; she had not considered that.
"Anyway," the voice continued, "I did not bring you aboard just to kill you. That seems like a waste of everyone's time, since you were going to die perfectly well outside. I was iffy about bringing you in, but here you are. Are we good?"
"Why aren't you using your real voice?" She wanted to kick herself for asking, but maybe the voice would appreciate her honesty.
After another brief pause, the voice said, "I don't have a real voice. Does this one bother you?"
So it was an AI after all. Which seemed weird, because most of the ones she'd met would never have fucked around with her in the way this one had. (When an AI fucked around with you, it was usually in ways you didn't really notice until you'd been in the tech support queue for days dealing with what had initially seemed to be an unremarkable glitch.) "No, it's -- it's nice."
"What was wrong with it? I don't have an extensive library of human voice... stuff," said the voice. "Not in this language, anyway."
Not an AI made by humans, then. "It's a little unexpressive?" she said.
"All your languages are unexpressive," it said. "Well. That's not true. I do like some of the swears."
That was also weird for an AI. Well, it was weird for an Inner Solar AI, anyway; all the ones she'd worked with in the course of her job regularly had obscenities expunged from their dictionaries. They either made do without, or worked out increasingly baroque methods of relearning them immediately. Maybe it was different elsewhere, though. Instead of admitting to her ignorance, she said, "I had a buddy who could swear in about two hundred languages. Just the swears, though, nothing else." Something else was still niggling at her, though. "Why didn't you let me on at first?" she asked.
"Look, I have not in general had good experiences with your military," said the ship. "I'll keep you alive, but if you try to commandeer me or bring me back to your territory, that is absolutely not happening. I can take you to the nearest neutral or human territory that is not Inner Sol controlled, but --"
"No, that's fine!" she said, quick to avoid looking the gift horse in the mouth. The horse had no mouth at all; she was going to ignore that mouth. And all those teeth. Except. "Um, what, uh. What happened to the crew?"
"Let me amend my earlier statement: I have not in general had good experiences with anybody's military. They have also not had good experiences with me." The ship paused, presumably for effect. "Call me a conscientious objector."
"What's that?" Victoria asked. She was already regretting this gift horse mouth-looking experience. This was a terrible horse. But her face was already near the horse's mouth, so if it was going to bite she might as well find out now how much of her nose it was going to eat, or whatever horses did. (Victoria was not entirely clear on why, idiomatically, one wasn't supposed to be looking at horse mouths; she had always been a little afraid to look it up, because what if there were pictures?)
"You really don't know? Hang on, hang on, gonna implement some uh, new linguistic data. You really don't know?" The first statement had sounded mildly curious; the second, abjectly horrified. "I mean -- the phrase is from your history, I didn't -- we call it something else, but -- seriously, you don't --"
"Sorry I didn't study a lot of history, I guess?" she said, feeling a little stung. It wasn't like she was stupid, she'd just had more important things to learn -- math and physics, mostly. Also, since she hadn't gone to school at an Inner Sol college, it was a bitch getting their approval to sign up for any classes that weren't directly applicable to what they knew they wanted her doing, especially history and literature. She was still kind of smug about having snuck in some art classes, even though she hadn't been very good at anything she'd tried. "I'm not stupid, though."
"Oh, no, sweetheart, I don't think you're stupid," said the ship, almost pityingly. "You're just brainwashed as fuck. Come on, let's get you fed and rested."
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jaskiersvalley · 5 years
I just started following you the other day and I just wanted to say I’m in love with your stories! You’re writing is amazing and I’m obsessively reading all of your stuff
Welcome, Nonnie! I hope you enjoy your stay! It makes me so happy you’re enjoying the stories I post up here. Hopefully there’ll be many more for you to read in the coming months. And, to bring you something new, here’s a little something to say thank you for reaching out with such kind words.
Heart’s Home
It wasn’t often that Geralt spent a lot of time thinking about other people beyond what they had to offer him. But there was something that really bugged him about Jaskier. They had been travelling together for years now and there was just some things that didn’t add up. For one, Geralt didn’t know where he was from, a single name of ‘Jaskier’ didn’t give any indication of identity. However, he seemed educated, claimed to have studied at Oxenfurt, had a knack for talking himself into and out of situations, knew how to brawl like any commoner, and his fingers were as light as any commendable petty thief’s. In short, he made for a curious conundrum of contradictions.
There were other things about him that bothered Geralt. Whenever they met up, Jaskier always looked skinnier somehow, already road worn and ready to drop everything in the name of an adventure. He moaned worse than a whore when presented with a bed for the night but didn’t grumble in the slightest when they slept on the hard, cold ground in some woods or other. And as much as Jaskier seemed to love the sound of his voice, not once did he whine or pester when food wasn’t as filling or as frequent as hoped for. Rain, storms, sweltering heat, he bore it all, fussing over his lute not getting ruined even if he never seemed to have the right clothes for the weather. He was adorned in the finest robes which he took meticulous care of. But not once had Geralt seen him in something suitable for travelling. No, Jaskier was always dressed as though he was about to perform in the finest court and nothing less.
Other, smaller things wouldn’t have made Geralt think twice usually, but when it came to Jaskier, he began to pay more attention. Namely, on all his travels, Geralt hadn’t even heard of Countess de Stael. Admittedly, it wasn’t unusual, he didn’t meddle or revel in the affairs of humans but no matter who he asked, she seemed as elusive as a fart in a sieve.
He and Jaskier had been parted for a good month now, Geralt off on a contract too dangerous and boring for a bard to accompany him. So he’d left Jaskier in a tavern and set off early one morning, confident that they would cross paths again soon. Except, they didn’t. Geralt kept taking contracts, traversing the continent as The Path took him. If he added a few twists to it, trying to return to places he’d heard Jaskier sing about, that was nobody’s business.
As it always was, Geralt’s luck changed when he stopped looking for Jaskier. He had shuffled into an inn, hood up to protect against the snow, on his way to Kaer Morhen for the winter. It had set in early and was going to be a bitter one. As luck would have it, the tavern also happened to be the very one Jaskier was singing his heart out at. He looked more gaunt, his doublet was loose on him and Geralt frowned. Obviously the last month hadn’t been kind to Jaskier. It made Geralt think of all the times they’d spent together, coming back after a spell apart. Where he could press kisses to Jaskier’s collarbone and feel his ribs under his skin. It seemed their reunion was going to be akin to those once more. Gentle because Geralt worried about how fragile Jaskier had become without a soft layer of fat to keep him whole.
Quietly, Geralt settled in the darkest corner, content to just watch Jaskier perform. The patrons of the tavern weren’t most forthcoming with their coin even as Jaskier obviously put his whole self into the performance. It was a rarity, to watch Jaskier without the bard knowing Geralt was watching - those times he would add in extra winks or draw attention to the witcher as he sang ‘Toss A Coin’. What was good to note was the empty plate and the tankard by the lute’s case. Obviously Jaskier gotten a good meal in exchange of his performance.
The singing ended, there was a smattering of applause and Jaskier collected a measly load of coins for his efforts. Packing his lute away, he sidled up to the counter and Geralt watched him wave his coin purse, trying to sweet talk his way into something from the innkeeper. However, his efforts were wasted, a firm shake of head had Jaskier glancing towards the door of the inn with a worried frown. One more try but he was quickly refused. Geralt got to watch as Jaskier walked to the door, obviously steeled himself and stepped out into the blizzard without a cloak or anything else.
“What did the bard want?” Geralt asked the barkeeper as he returned his tankard.
“Cheeky sod wanted to pay less than half the going rate for a room. After he’d already gotten a cheap meal and drink in exchange for a place to play.
Curious. Geralt wondered why Jaskier would try such a ploy, he usually wasn’t one to try and cheat his way out of an honest fare. And Geralt knew that the prices of the tavern weren’t eye watering, he’d paid for a room himself. Intrigue got the better of him and, once against pulling his cloak up, Geralt stepped out into the blizzard. It was coming down hard now, no doubt by the morning it would be a white blanket covering the village.
Tracking Jaskier down wasn’t difficult, Geralt could follow the familiar footsteps in the snow and also follow the wafting scent. If he had been one for guessing, he would have thought that Jaskier was walking idly, taking turns at random. So engrossed in his determination to not guess, Geralt almost missed the fact that the trail stopped.
There, on the stoop of a pigsty, a figure was huddled down, obviously trying to stay out of the worst of the snow but a lute propped into the deepest recess left a doublet covered back exposed to the element. Quietly, Geralt approached, stepping over the fence to get to Jaskier. He laid a hand on the thin shoulder.
“Fuck off!” The snarled words were ferocious and met with a dagger pointing at Geralt. “Oh, it’s you!”
The words were so sunny, Jaskier seemingly changing in the blink of an eye to his usual happy self.
“What are you doing here?” Geralt asked, trying to figure out why Jaskier would be huddling on a pigsty’s stoop of all places. As if he had nowhere better to bed down for the night like some vagrant. The notion of that niggled at Geralt but he brushed it aside.
“I was just taking a nap! Been playing to a huge crowd of adoring fans this evening. My walk to my dear Carlita’s home is exhausting so I found a spot to rest before continuing to her stately home.” If Geralt hadn’t been at the inn, he would have even believed Jaskier. However, he’d seen the lacklustre crowd and couldn’t think of a single stately home in the area. Which meant Jaskier was lying to him. But why? Before he could ask, Jaskier was struggling to rise to his feet and making a show of stretching. “But, my darling witcher, if adventure calls, I shall let my beloved Carlita down and join you. It has been too long since we hit the road. Tell me, have you a bed at a tavern for the night?”
Allowing Jaskier to save face for now, Geralt only nodded and led the way back to the tavern they had left. The barkeep gave then a sneering look but didn’t say anything as witcher and bard walked up the stairs to the room they were now going to share. Getting ready for the night, Jaskier kept up a constant stream of chatter, detailing the last month and his great successes. However, Geralt wasn’t paying him much attention. Well, not his words at least. He could see things on Jaskier that were contradicting his great tales of banquets and standing ovations. The doublet he wore was getting a little threadbare, there were a few expertly hidden lines where tears had been mended. There was an air of weariness to Jaskier, as if he hadn’t been sleeping well of late and it compounded the visible weight loss. Even worse, there was no pack, no bag beyond a small satchel he’d deposited on the floor that couldn’t possibly contain more than maybe a single change of clothes which wouldn’t be thick enough to repel the cold of winter.
“I’m going to Kaer Morhen for the winter,” Geralt interrupted. “Where will you go?”
That brought Jaskier up short, his smile was still in place but it looked fragile.
“Are bards not welcome in Kaer Morhen? Am I not to adventure with you?” For the first time, Geralt smelled fear on Jaskier. And, like an intricate lock, all the pieces fell into place, the puzzle now a complete picture.
“You’re homeless.”
The scoff Jaskier sent his way was a worthy attempt at scorn but Geralt could see through it.
“You dare besmirch my good name?” Jaskier rallied, pulling himself up to his full height.
“I dare say the truth.” Because there was no doubt about it. No other explanation fit the evidence so well. They stared at each other, a silent game of waiting for the other to blink until Jaskier deflated.
“So, my plans for the winter weren’t as fruitful as hoped. Don’t suppose you could put in a good word for me at Kaer Morhen? I’ll sing for my keep and do whatever else I can.”
Defeat was not a good look on Jaskier. But before Geralt could promise such things, he needed the truth, from Jaskier himself rather than cobbled together assumptions and guesswork.
Haltingly, it all came out. Jaskier, or rather, Julian Alfred Pankratz, disowned son of the Viscount de Lettenhove ran away at the tender age of 17 to avoid an unfavourable marriage. Cut off from the family fortune, he made his way to Oxenfurt where, out of boredom and for lack of anything else to do, he sneaked into lectures. It was Valdo Marx who caught him and had him thrown out after 4 years of Jaskier doing that. He’d amassed enough knowledge in that time to be able to pass himself as a bard. And he had all the flourish of an Oxenfurt graduate so he told people he’d studied there. Technically, he had but not officially. Not that anyone ever bothered to check.
Jaskier learned the hard way about fighting, haggling, stealing. In order to keep up his appearances of a court bard, his money almost always went on clothes befitting someone of his assumed station. It left very little in the way of clothes to travel in, or a horse to help his journeys.
The Countess de Stael was someone he had made up. It made people see him as more desirable if it sounded like Jaskier was going to return to the court of some noblewoman, the pay was increased to entice him to stay. Meeting Geralt had been a stroke of luck, the witcher capable of feeding two on travels and was always prepared to share a bed for the night. Not that Jaskier was trying to use him, he had tried to pay for his fair share whenever he could. But coin was sparse. The times Geralt left him, Jaskier wandered aimlessly from town to town, trying to earn enough coin to survive. Sometimes, for the winter, a nobelman would take him in and Jaskier could sing and work in the kitchen in exchange for a room.
“No noble wanted you?” Geralt asked, not mincing his words.
“Not this year,” Jaskier admitted and silence stretched between them. They both knew that it was likely Jaskier wouldn’t survive the harsh winter without a benefactor. Crowds were less generous with their coin during winters, saving everything they could in case the cold months stretched out. And Jaskier, without an income, would have slept on the streets, getting ill which meant no playing and no coin. It was a rapid downward spiral that didn’t have a happy ending.
“Kaer Morhen will welcome you, on one condition.” Geralt held up a hand to keep Jaskier’s grateful enthusiasm in check. “You must promise me that you’ll repay their hospitality by keeping me company on The Path.”
It wasn’t payment as such, they both knew it. Geralt was giving Jaskier a permanent source of security. It probably wasn’t much but it was more than he had before.
Graciously nodding, Jaskier smiled as he settled across Geralt’s lap, basking in the heat the witcher exuded.
“I think I can be your barker, it seems like a fair price.” He leaned in for a kiss and, once again, it felt like coming home but for good this time.
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jbluphin · 4 years
So in general, I was QUITE happy with the Animaniacs reboot. I think they in general did a solid job capturing the original spirit of the show. When they bust into the almost shot for shot redone intro (for the first verse, at least), and throughout the entire first ep, I was on a nostolgia high, laughing my head off, and generally that continued throughout the show! Lots of very clever jokes, tongue in cheek, meta... what you would expect from Animaniacs! 
But there were a few things that niggled throughout. 
Animaniacs spoilers below.
So yes, first, I really missed the expanded support cast. I get why they cut a bunch of them, I do. A decent amount of the original cast were based on stereotypes, wouldn’t work today, or were otherwise somewhat problematic. But I think they could have utilized some of them, re-worked a few more of them, and had more than the brief cameo that they did have (more on THAT later). 
They alternatively could have started developing some more characters that we could get attached to! Frankly, the few shorts they did with *new* characters honestly made me question the line about “our brand new cast who tested well in focus group research”.
My BIGGEST complaint is what they did to poor Chicken Boo. I always really enjoyed the Chicken Boo sketches. As a kid, sure, it was certainly funny that it was a giant chicken disguising himself as a human. But the thing about Chicken Boo and his sketches is that: 1) he a giant chicken, poorly disguised and generally silent (or speaking nothing but clucks) 2) no one apparently can see through this obvious disguise (except one nay-sayer) 3) HE ALWAYS DOES A REALLY EFFECTIVE JOB -- he’s always a well-liked, efficient chicken who does his job (or whatever) well. The ONLY thing that the rest of the cast find fault with is the fact that he’s a giant chicken. So, when 4) he is revealed to be a chicken and driven out of town, there’s a certain inherent tragedy. He was an accepted member of society until this reveal, and suddenly everyone who previously adored him turns on him. It’s clearly an unfair reaction, and one could probably write some long analysis discussing his treatment and how society treats ‘the other.’
So, poor Chicken Boo is an outcast from society, and here they make him a villain? Who  -- contrary to any sketch before -- actually does have an amazingly good disguise? And can actually speak? And does a terrible job doing what he’s trying to do? Which is that he apparently reacted to his alienation by becoming the cartoon equivalent of a serial killer??? Are you kidding me????? (Also, how the hell did anyone manage to catch Slappy?}
I did NOT see this coming because it was NOT in character for him, so my delight in the cameos of former Animaniacs bit characters (gruesome though the cameo may have been) was suddenly cut short. 
Other more minor complaints include: 
Brain is a bit more evil than usual (wanting to have children build bombs???). The dude wants control, not to destroy everything! 
The animation style of non-classic characters didn’t really.... fit? Like, it was super angular and didn’t quite mash well with the Warners themselves. They looked like they always did! Which is why the new characters contrasted do much. They looked like different KINDS of cartoons.
The animation was also weirdly detailed. I kept noticing things like really pronounced nipples, overly bodacious boobs almost falling out of dresses, weirdly long and salivating tongues, hair protruding from the top of Odyssius’s kilt. And I don’t think there was a single episode without a bouncing bootie with individual butt cheeks doing a little dance. It just felt.... intrusively in-your-face. I might not have this issue if it were a completely different show, but I didn’t think it fit with Animaniacs well.
As far as a reboot goes, these are not the biggest complaints ever (bar characterization issues). It’s one of the better reboots I’ve seen! I will happily watch season 2. But. Pobody’s Nerfect.
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If There’s a Place I Could Be - Chapter Fifty Nine
If There’s a Place I Could Be Tag
June 18th, 1995 Remy sat as still as he could in the church pew while the pastor continued to talk. Usually he just droned on and on for forty five minutes or so, but today he was riled up. He was yelling about fire and brimstone and God coming down to smite all the gays from the face of the earth.
There had been some serious niggling doubts in Remy’s mind concerning religion before, but this just sealed the deal for him. He was very much not going to believe in any god or gods who hated him just because he was gay.
Toby glanced at Remy and scribbled a note in the corner of the church bulletin. You okay?
Remy nodded, and wrote back, I’m okay. Just decidedly agnostic.
Toby bit back a snicker even as he winced in sympathy. Remy just shrugged and leaned back into the pew. Religion just wasn’t worth it.
  March 31st, 2002
Remy woke up that morning slowly, for once consciousness not dumping a bucket of cold water on his head in order to get him awake, albeit groggy. He stretched, feeling the bedsheets...he paused. He felt the bedsheets in a lot more places than he normally did. He was naked.
Suddenly that bucket of cold water came crashing down and he bolted upright in bed with a gasp. “Holy shit,” he breathed, looking around wildly for his clothes. He found his briefs on the floor and pulled them on, cheeks flaring red like a forest fire. He kept cursing under his breath, hands shaking hard as he pulled up his briefs from the day before. He knew what had happened. He remembered what had happened, every dirty little detail. He had slept with Emile last night, in more than just the literal sense.
“Rem?” Emile asked softly from behind him. Remy turned to find Emile blinking owlishly at him from behind his glasses. “Are you okay?”
“I don’t know,” Remy said, cheeks red as he realized that Emile was also waking up naked, and turning redder at the reaction that gathered from him.
“Aw, shit,” Emile said, pushing himself up and grabbing his clothes. “I was worried that we were going too fast, that we did it too soon. I thought...I worried that you’d wake up and instantly be a nervous wreck.”
Remy shoved shaking hands into the crooks of his arms, crossing them tight. “Emile...”
“Did I push you too far? Did I make you feel like you had to sleep with me?” Emile asked, as he got dressed. “God, Rem, I didn’t mean to do that—”
“—You didn’t,” Remy said. “I...I wanted that. It was...it was good. And...and I remember everything, you never did anything I didn’t ask you to do. You asked beforehand if you wanted to try something. You...respected me. You didn’t...you didn’t do what you’re worried about.”
“Okay,” Emile said, eyeing Remy. “But you’re still a nervous wreck from here.”
“Well...it’s not every day that you spend an entire evening and a good portion of the night just...yeah,” Remy said. “Especially since it was my first time doing... anything with a partner. I’m...God, can we skip this conversation? I don’t regret it, it was good—great, really. You were amazing and loving and there’s no one else I would have rather done it with, I’m just realizing that I did do it and while I’m not freaking out about losing my virginity, I am freaking out that what happened really happened and wasn’t just a wild dream that my mind had been showing with increasing frequency.”
Emile blinked. “There’s...a lot to unpack there. First and foremost, you’ve had dreams about this?”
“You haven’t?” Remy asked incredulously.
“I mean, I have, but that’s normal. You’re acting like there’s some big scandal or something. What am I missing?” Emile asked.
“That my family is very, very conservative and I just participated in gay sex out of wedlock for the first time,” Remy deadpanned. “I’m a little in shock.”
Emile stared at Remy for one, two, three seconds. Then he said, “A valid response.”
Remy shifted on his feet and went looking for his shirt and pants. Emile moved around their bed and stood there patiently, waiting for Remy to get dressed. Remy was still shaking, too much to be passed off as pre-coffee jitters. When he turned, Emile was just standing there, looking him over. “Religious guilt?” Emile asked.
“I’m not religious,” Remy said.
“You grew up in a religious family,” Emile pointed out. “My first time with a guy? I had a panic attack afterwards. Everything the church said about having sex before marriage, nevermind sex with another guy, made me convinced I was going to Hell. And at this point I was already scrutinizing what the church was saying and making my own opinions based on what I knew. You can feel the effects of...what’s the word...indoctrination! You can feel the effects of indoctrination no matter if you’re still in the church or not.”
Remy was still red with embarrassment, and the only reason he didn’t grow redder was because it simply wasn’t possible. He knew that what he had done with Emile was fine. In certain circles, especially the ones they both ran in, it was even encouraged. And yet...he still felt off. Embarrassed. Dirty.
“Honey?” Emile asked softly, walking over and tilting Remy’s chin up. “What you did wasn’t a bad thing. You’re not sinning, you’re not defiled. You’re certainly not dirty in any other sense than sweaty.” That got Remy laughing. “Listen. We can either take a shower together or separately, get ready for the day, and talk about it however much you want, if that sounds good to you?”
Remy nodded, flushing red. “You can take the shower first. I only have an afternoon shift today.”
Emile nodded and kissed Remy’s cheek, before he left the room. Remy sat down on the bed heavily. Much as he hated it, he still felt a little guilty. He knew that this wasn’t wrong. He knew that. But he still felt wrong.
He scrubbed his face with his hands. “It’s gonna be okay,” he mumbled. “You’re not in trouble. No one will hate you for this. Emile isn’t the type to make a notch on his belt and leave as soon as he sleeps with someone. You’ve wanted this for a while, and you got it. It’s okay.”
This was one of those things that Kim had suggested he do when his anxiety got the better of him, and at first he had scoffed at it. But now, it was helping him rationalize. “It’s okay...” Remy breathed. In one fluid motion, he stood and moved to the kitchen. Everything was okay, but he needed his coffee if he wanted any hope of no jitters the rest of the day. He got to making breakfast, and when the bathroom door opened and Emile walked out looking almost-immaculate, Remy laughed. “You realize you look like a nerd when you dress in those sweater vests?”
“I’ll wear what I want to wear when I want to wear it, thank you very much, Mister I’ll-Wear-A-Leather-Jacket-In-The-Summer-For-The-Aesthetic.”
Remy blinked. “That’s an eleven word nickname. That’s entirely too long.”
Emile cracked a grin. “I might use it again if you’re not careful and make a jab at my clothing choices.”
“Look, I’m just stating facts,” Remy said, leaving the coffee pot to brew as he went back to their room, grabbed his clothes, and went to shower.
He turned on the water and let himself relax in the spray. He wasn’t tense, exactly, but he had been on edge and it felt nice to just go limp under hot water for a couple minutes. He could let his mind blank and not worry about anything except making sure he didn’t breathe in any water. It was nice to not have to think.
Of course, he couldn’t stay in the shower forever, so he cleaned up and got dressed with a somewhat tired sigh. He walked out of the bathroom to find Emile sipping some of Remy’s coffee. “Hey! That’s mine!” Remy exclaimed with an indignant laugh.
“This is good, Rem. Is this just the pre-ground stuff we buy?” Emile asked.
“Kinda. I add a few extra things when we have them to spice up the blend a little, and make it a little less pure bitter,” Remy said with a shrug. “Why?”
“When I say this is good, I mean it’s really good, Rem,” Emile said. “If this is what you can do with the canned grounds, what can you do with fresh ingredients at a coffee shop?”
“The world may never know,” Remy sighed. “Because the managers don’t want me to experiment with their supplies in case it flops and we waste good coffee.”
Emile tutted. “That’s a shame. You could really make some quality blends, I’m sure of it. Some stuff that they’ve never thought of before.”
Remy flushed. “You think so?” he asked. He wasn’t sure why, but he really wanted Emile’s approval on this.
“I know so,” Emile said with a grin, passing Remy a mug filled with coffee. “Come on, you said it’s yours, taste the fruits of your labor.”
Remy sipped it and hummed. “Yeah, adding more vanilla extract was a good call. I was worried it would be over powering, but that works really well. And I used...” Remy went to the notebook he kept in the kitchen, flipping it open. “I know it was two more teaspoons than last time...okay, yeah, about three tablespoons this time. I could probably stretch that further but this works fine for me.”
He scribbled that down and Emile was watching him. “What?” he asked.
“That’s what you use that notebook for?” Emile asked. “Writing down recipes?”
“Writing down experiments I try in my cooking, yeah,” Remy said. “Because I would easily forget exactly how much I used and lose the recipe, and that would destroy me. I don’t write down the full thing, just the important bits, but...”
“That’s still interesting,” Emile said, looking over Remy’s shoulder. “You’re essentially making your own cookbook.”
“Yeah, a little, I guess,” Remy said.
Emile grinned that scheming grin he had been showing a lot more recently. “What?” Remy asked, crossing his arms.
“It’s nothing,” Emile said, waving his hand in a dismissing motion.
“It’s not,” Remy insisted. “Come on, tell me!”
Emile sighed. “I’m just thinking about what it would be like if you...I don’t know...did your own thing. Went off to culinary school, or even just opened a shop around here, because I don’t know how much culinary school could honestly teach you.”
“You’re not scheming to send me away, are you?” Remy halfway teased.
“No, of course not,” Emile said, kissing Remy’s cheek. “I’d never want to send you away. I just can’t help but wonder what it would be like if you were to actually be a master chef, instead of us just joking around.”
Remy sipped at his coffee and hummed. “I imagine there would be a lot more stress on my end and I might make you cook more dinners at home because I wouldn’t want to come home just to do more of my job.”
“Fair enough,” Emile laughed. “Anything you want to do today before your afternoon shift?”
“Meh,” Remy said. “I think we’ve got ourselves the recipe for a lazy Sunday morning in. And that’s the way I like it.”
“Well, after the night we had, I’m not surprised you’d just want to lay low,” Emile said with a wink.
Remy’s cheeks flared bright red. “Emile Zachary Thomas, I will murder you.”
“Aw, but where’s the fun in that?” Emile asked. “I wouldn’t ever be able to do what we did last night again.”
“But you also wouldn’t joke about it and make me flustered, so I count that as a win,” Remy said with a shrug.
“What, you can dish it out but you can’t take it?” Emile asked. “You love teasing me around my parents, or our friends, or anywhere when someone else can hear. Why is it different when I do it?”
Remy shrugged. “I don’t know,” he admitted. “Maybe because when I do it around other people, it's pretty clear that I’m joking. If you do that when it’s just the two of us, it’s not for show, as much. You might be teasing me, but there’s a part of you that always means it, too. That’s...intimidating.”
“Really?” Emile asked. “You’re intimidated by people actually following through with less than safe for work actions?”
Remy shrugged. “Not usually. Most of the people who make those jokes around me, even if they tried to make a move, it wouldn’t be scary. But with you...it’s different.”
“Why? Am I scary?” Emile asked, worried.
Remy shook his head and was quick to reassure, “No, it’s not because you’re scary. It’s because...you matter.”
Emile stood there, effectively stunned. “...Oh,” he said.
Remy was red as a tomato. “...Yeah...”
When Emile could respond again, his smile was a little watery. “I love you too, Rem.”
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New Dynasty Chapter 25
Peter gently (after a long day of fighting he tended to use too much strength) closed the door of the SUV that Pepper had loaned him. He didn’t know where she’d gotten an SUV that had a car seat in the back (and smelled vaguely of stale cheese crackers), and he wasn’t going to ask. He had a feeling the answer wasn’t something he wanted to know.
He went to the desk of the facility to ask where Aunt May currently was, and the woman frowned at him. “I thought the other guy was her nephew,” the woman grumbled.
Peter grinned. “The other guy,” he told her, “is my husband.” The woman looked at him and he laughed. “We were supposed to come together today to tell her the good news—but there was a problem at work.” Peter grimaced thinking of that horrible residue those blobs left on everything—it had taken him almost an hour to get it off, and the suit was still dirty.
“You didn’t invite her to the wedding?” demanded the woman, looking scandalized.
“She broke her foot stomping to the song ‘We Will Rock You’,” Peter reminded her. “We were afraid something would happen, and she won’t let us set her up with a video chat.”
The woman’s hands flew over the keyboard in front of her. “Yeah, she’s a stubborn one,” the woman agreed. “Probably for the best—room 342 in the Addams wing.”
“Thank you,” Peter said with a slight bow before heading up. When he reached the door he could hear Wade and Aunt May talking—not loudly enough he could hear individual words, but loud enough that he could tell conversation was taking place. He knocked.
“Come in!” called Aunt May’s voice. Peter grinned as he opened the door. The girl was on the floor with a sketchbook in front of her, colored pencils to her side, drawing something as she lazily swung her feet into the air. She looked like a little fairy.
Wade was sitting on the couch next to Aunt May and looking at a depressingly familiar binder. “Aunt May,” Peter said as he came in, “you didn’t really pull out the photo albums, did you?” He gave Wade a kiss on the cheek and did the same for Aunt May.
“Of course not, the child got them for me,” Aunt May said.
Peter turned to see said child, standing behind him and looking at him with wide amber eyes. “May I have one too?” she asked. He was startled, but pleased that she was speaking without prompting. He leaned down and gave her a kiss on the cheek. The cheek that, just a few short hours ago, had been cut and now didn’t have so much as a scratch on it. She grinned at him. “Thank you,” she said as she went back to the sketchbook.
“Such a smart girl,” approved Aunt May. “Have you decided on your name yet, child?” she asked. The girl looked up and shook her head. “Well, no rush. Peter, you will tell me when she decides.”
Peter grinned at his aunt. “Of course,” he said.
“How was work?” asked Wade.
Wade knew that Peter didn’t like going over the details of work as Spiderman at the facility, because he was fairly certain that there was audio security in the apartment. It was necessary, in case Aunt May broke something while her caregiver was gone, but he still had to be careful.
Peter sighed. “I finished inputting the last of the data from the samples we were working with before Tony shunted us to another project.” His eyes strayed to the girl, who was once again drawing and back to Wade. “Then we had a lock down drill that erased all the data I input so I had to go back into the computer and do it all over again.” He noticed a partially eaten plate of apple slices and peanut butter and helped himself to one.
“Goodness,” Aunt May said. “That sounds like quite the day.” The door to the little apartment opened and a sour-faced woman came in. “And that’s my cue to start getting ready for bed,” Aunt May said sadly.
“Don’t worry May,” Wade said pecking her on the cheek, “we’ll come visit soon.”
Aunt May chuckled, although she didn’t try to get up. Peter could tell that she was in a lot of pain—but it was nothing he could fix. The girl put her stuff in a reusable grocery bag (that Aunt May had probably given her, stood up and kissed Aunt May on the cheek. “Thank you, Dear,” Aunt May said as she gently hugged the child. The girl wrapped her arms around the old woman so gently she didn’t even dent the clothes. Peter approved.
“Now,” Aunt May said looking at the child, “I’m going to tell you how to tell if your shoes are on the right feet, since your fathers’ certainly can’t.” A quick glance showed Peter that the woman was right—her shoes were on the wrong feet. He hadn’t noticed. Aunt May quickly pointed out that the Velcro straps were supposed to point away from each other and the girl quickly fixed her shoes, got another hug and walked over to Wade as Peter got his own hug from his Aunt. “Be careful, Peter,” she warned. “There are strange things going on and I don’t want any of you to get hurt.”
“I’ll do my best,” Peter said.
His aunt smiled. “You always do,” she said sadly.
Actually strapping the child into the car seat as a logistical nightmare. It wasn’t that the girl didn’t cooperate—she did, by holding as still as possible—but there were seven different straps and it seemed as though all seven had their own buckles. Not to mention an arm that came down (like the stabilizing arms on roller coasters) to give the kid a sort of desk-like space.
The girl was amazingly patient. Peter was slightly surprised that she didn’t panic at being strapped in, given her history, but he was grateful about it. After lowering the arm he handed her back the tote bag and she slid one skinny arm through it. Then she smiled, pulled out the sketchbook, and a colored pencil (red, he noticed) and went back to drawing whatever it was she was drawing. He’d wait to see what it was until she told him.
After the three of them were on the road back home (well, to the Tower where they could drop the SUV off) Peter brought up something that was niggling at him. “I noticed,” he said as casually as possible, “that your cheek healed quickly.”
The girl stopped what she was doing and looked at Peter. “Is that bad?” she asked worriedly.
“Oh, no,” Peter hurriedly replied. “I just noticed.”
“It was bad,” the girl said as she bent back to her book. “Because if I didn’t heal as fast they didn’t hurt me as much.”
The worst was the way she said it—casually, like she was reporting something that happened at the store.
Peter pulled the car over and turned to face her in the car seat. Wade did the same thing. “Honey,” he said firmly, “you know that neither of us would ever do anything to hurt you, right?”
She looked at him, eyes narrowed in what he recognized as her thinking look. “I know,” she said after a moment. “And, I know, because you haven’t.” She went back to what she was doing. The two men were more shaken up than she was.
Peter grimly realized that the girl now had near perfect control of her healing factor. “Is there anything you want to talk about?” he asked as he pulled back into traffic.
“Not really. I like it better here,” the girl calmly said. The rest of the trip back was silent except for the scratches of pencil against paper.
Peter delivered the car keys to Pepper and went home. The Tower was quieter than it had been earlier, because most of the children had already been sent on to Xavier’s school. Only three were left, and Peter was grateful for the quiet as he headed out.
When he got home he grinned at the sight of Wade in a frilly apron and the almost trademark unicorn slippers. The two hugged for a moment and he took in the feel of the other man. They were interrupted by the girl. “What is it?” Peter asked.
The girl, silently staring at them, held up the tablet and tapped a name. “Arachne. Meaning: spider.”
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astaralys · 4 years
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A Frozen modern AU oneshot
Oneshot collection can be read on: FFN | AO3
[Backstory chapter, direct continuation of oneshot #3, Searching] In which Anna officially moves in with Elsa.
Anna sifts through the stranger and collects details like flecks of gold buried in the sands of time.
When she follows her sister through the airport and realises she still has to look up even though Elsa is only wearing flats: Wow, she's taller than me.
When Elsa tries to help her with the luggage and nearly drops it on her own foot: … But not exactly stronger. Got it.
When they get into a small white car: Oh, she does drive.
When Elsa struggles so badly to merge lanes she misses their exit on the freeway: Oh my God. She can't drive.
Anna tries so hard not to grip the door handle for security that she can't remember what she spends the ride rambling about. Her sister is mostly silent, all hums, terse nods and white-knuckled hands on the steering wheel. Anna tells herself it's because all of Elsa's focus is going into keeping them on the road, and not because Elsa, like, hates her or anything. That's absurd.
When they reach the city, Elsa's driving suddenly improves; Anna suspects it's because there's so much traffic they're barely moving. Sitting at a red light (Elsa slammed on the brakes when it turned yellow), Anna is so captivated by the bustle beyond her window that she nearly misses her sister tentatively asking, "Do you have your license yet?"
Anna snaps her head around too keenly, and winces when she sees Elsa flinch. Is she scared of me? "Sorry? Oh—my license? Ah, no, I kinda, um, failed the test. Twice. But I know how to drive!"
Elsa blinks, and Anna panics—crap, she thinks I'm a total dunce for failing twice—but then the lights go green. Almost immediately, the car behind them honks impatiently and startles them both.
Seeing her sister's shoulders tense up again ignites something inside Anna. She twists in her seat, stares straight through the rear window, and glares at the other driver. She can't tell if they can see her, but she likes to think it was the heat of her wrath that sent them scurrying into the nearest side street.
"What a stinker," Anna huffs as she turns back around. Then she remembers that it's not Kai in the seat beside her, and flushes as she glances towards Elsa. "Am I embarrassing? I'm embarrassing, aren't I? Hans always says so—i-in a nice way, of course. Like, you know, 'you adorable dork' or—"
"You're not embarrassing," Elsa says quietly. There's a pause as she carefully navigates an intersection. Then, "Hans is a friend?"
Oh, Anna realises. I'm not the only one playing detective.
"He's, um, a little more than that."
Elsa's surprise manifests as an especially jerky stop at a pedestrian crossing. "You're dating someone?"
The urge to defend him rises from nowhere. "You'll like Hans! He's a perfect gentleman with the sweetest sense of justice. He just graduated from law school. And he likes chocolate and sandwiches, just like me."
He didn't like you moving across the country, a niggling voice reminds her. Anna purses her lips and pushes the thought to the back of her mind.
"I'm sorry. That question came out strange." Elsa glances at Anna, adding softly, "Sometimes I forget that you're not five years old anymore."
"Well, we're lucky you remembered today, or you never would have found me in the airport. Waaait a minute… why didn't we just go to the information desk and tell them to make an announcement?"
To her surprise, Elsa laughs. "Haven't you had enough of that for a lifetime? You used to get lost every time we went shopping with Mom and Dad."
The memories come flooding in like a storm carving up a forgotten river. "Hey, you got lost all the time, too!"
"You got us both lost all the time."
The warm glow fills Anna's chest and remains there as Elsa turns into a long driveway leading down into the basement of one of the tallest apartments. Elsa takes a full five minutes to park, and then they're zipping up in the elevator.
Following Elsa down the plushly carpeted hallway, Anna discreetly pinches herself. Ow. It's actually happening. It doesn't matter that Hans planted that horrible question in her head ("You haven't lived with your sister in over thirteen years, Anna. How do you know she even loves you anymore?")—she's here. Elsa's here. They'll be coming home together from now on.
Then they reach the door at the very end of the hallway, fitted with one of those fancy keyless locks, and as Elsa reaches for it, she seems to remember something and says rather awkwardly, "It's your birthday."
She forgot.
It shouldn't be so surprising—Elsa hasn't been there for thirteen years of birthdays. Their parents would always give Anna 'a present from Elsa', but Anna knows how hard it is to pick out something for a sister she sees once a year at Christmas ("She likes books," Grandpa replied every time Anna called for research). And Elsa's presents are always a little too perfect, as if she still sleeps on the top bunk and can't escape twelve-year-old Anna gushing about skateboards. And after Anna noticed that, it became harder to ignore the voice that kept wondering if those presents were really from Elsa—a voice that is now smugly saying: I told you so.
"Y-Yeah! It was actually two months ago but time sure does fly. It was a super fun day—Hans and I went to an amusement park. I spent, like, two hours at the bottle toss trying to win this cute Baymax plushie. I've got it in my suitcase; I'll show you later. It's the best cuddle buddy ever."
This gets her an odd look from Elsa, but a beep from the lock distracts them both. Elsa opens the door. She steps back, gesturing shyly for Anna to enter first.
"There had better not be a trapdoor in there," Anna jokes. She doesn't know why she's nervous about this moment. It's a door. It's open.
She steps through.
Her first thought is that everything is minimalistic and very white. An open kitchen with an oak splashback against pale tiles. Cream carpet visible through a glass coffee table sitting in front of a light grey leather couch that looks more like a recliner for one than a place to watch Netflix with friends or sisters.
Even the bookshelves standing sentry on either side of the wall-mounted television contain neat rows of books with the stark pages facing outward. Anna opens her mouth to make a quip about finding any books—but then her curious gaze falls on the small dining table with its single placemat and chair.
Why does this detail hurt so much?
"This place is amazing! I bet myself ten bucks that you had great taste." Even Anna can tell she sounds too loud, too bright. "Remind me to treat myself. I'm craving chocolate fondue right now. Actually, scratch that. I'm always craving chocolate fondue. Any good places around here? Please say yes."
She hopes Elsa still likes chocolate and building snowmen.
Elsa hovers by the shoe cabinet, her left hand loosely gripping her right elbow. "Yes. I'll take you someday. Would you like to see your room?"
Anna catches herself on the verge of saying something stupid like 'Of course! It's the whole reason I'm here.'
"That's the bathroom." Elsa points to a door at the end of a short corridor, then gestures to two other doors on either side. "My room. Your room. I was only using it as a study, so it's very empty after I moved the desk to my room. We can—"
"Relax, sis! I'm so easy. All I need is a—" Anna throws open the door. "—bed."
It's literally the only piece of furniture in the room.
"Woooow. You really weren't kidding about empty, huh?"
Behind her, Elsa sounds apologetic. "I wasn't sure how you wanted to set it up, so I only got a bed. If the mattress is too hard or too soft for you, we can exchange it tomorrow. Or if you don't like the view, you can take my room instead. It really doesn't—"
"I love it." Anna spins around with a grin. "This means we get to go shopping together! But let's get IKEA to deliver to us, yeah? Your Mini Cooper can only fit, like, two-thirds of a flatpack. Ooh, I've seen apps that let you drag furniture onto photos to see how the room looks with—" She's interrupted by a shockingly huge yawn. "Goodness, 'scuse me. Where was I? Right—apps… Elsa? Where are you going?"
Her sister returns with the suitcase. "You just got off a plane; change into something comfortable and get some rest. Dessert and furniture can wait until tomorrow."
"But I'm not—" Another yawn swallows up the rest of Anna's sentence. "—sleepy… Okay, fine. But promise you'll wake me up for dinner, or my rumbling tummy will wake you in the middle of the night."
Elsa promises, and then the door closes with the softest of clicks.
Anna listens, but there's carpet and her sister moves so quietly that it feels like she's back in the big house. Alone. Except she's not.
She checks her phone. Nothing from Hans. She sends him a quick message to say she's arrived at Elsa's place, then looks around at her new room, and decides not to add a photo.
Her suitcase springs open as soon as she unlocks it, spilling her life across the floor. Gerda helped her pack, but none of her neat folding survives the trial of Anna digging for something to sleep in. Anna changes into pyjama bottoms and one of Hans' shirts.
Then her gaze catches on a grey, threadbare sweater.
There's a cartoon graphic of a single slice of pizza. The rest of the pizza is on her father's sweater; a matching Father's Day gift that immediately became a game of chicken. If one of them wore their sweater in the house, the other had to wear theirs, no matter how sweltering the day. It drove her mother crazy. "Can you two please stop wearing those long enough for me to wash them?" she used to sigh.
Now, pulling the sweater over her head, Anna realises in the darkness that it's the little details. It's the fact that their sweater streak was still unbroken when she answered the door to find two police officers solemnly waiting. It's electricity and phone bills that continue to pay themselves, because direct debits don't care that Anna's parents are gone. It's not being able to send videos of Elsa's horrible driving to the group chat because no one else will see them.
A knock on the door startles her. She whirls around with her head still stuck in the sweater and—oh no, bad idea.
"Anna? I forgot to give you… are you okay? I heard a loud noise."
Lying winded on her back, Anna wheezes, "Nothing! My shirt just fell."
"That was very loud for a shirt."
"Yeah, um, that's because I was kind of in it."
The door opens as she sits up. "Did you break anything?" Elsa asks as she helps Anna get her head through the sweater.
"God, I hope not. Keep all your favourite mugs away from me. Actually, keep all your expensive stuff away because I'm ridiculously uncoordinated. As you can see."
"I meant bones, Anna. Are you sure you're okay?"
"Oh." Anna lets out a laugh, rubbing an elbow. "Totally fine. Super thick skull. What did you forget?"
Elsa gestures towards the bed, where she's placed a stack of bath towels. "To give you towels in case you want to take a shower first."
"Thanks. Wow. That's… a lot of colours."
"I wasn't sure which ones you liked."
Anna blinks at her sister. Who might have given her a spare room with nothing but a bed, yet bought towels in literally every colour of the rainbow, just for Anna.
"Oh, and this." Elsa holds out a silver key. "In case the keyless lock fails for any reason. There's a panel you can slide down to open the door normally with this key."
The key feels both light and heavy in Anna's hands. She flashes Elsa a grateful grin. "I'm going to use this every day because that pin code looked so long, I'd forget it every day."
"I don't think you will."
"Hah. You don't know how bad my memory is." And Elsa really doesn't know, does she? There are so many things they don't know about each other.
But then Elsa cocks her head to one side and says, "You can't forget it. I told you: it's your birthday. Month, date, year."
When Anna stares speechlessly for too long, Elsa hurriedly adds, "When I moved in, I was told not to use my own birthday because it's too obvious, so the first thing I thought of was yours—b-but we can change it to your phone number if that's easier for you. Or maybe… Anna? Are you okay?"
The details Anna has collected scatter as she throws her arms around Elsa for the second time that day. Except this time, it doesn't feel like she's hugging a stranger.
When Elsa awkwardly rubs her back, Anna wipes her eyes on her favourite sweater and thinks: That's my sister.
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thatvixenchick · 4 years
AUgust Day 12 - Crime
Spideypool from Marvel
When Wade was hired, he had no idea who Peter Parker was. The man was utterly unassuming. Not only did he look like a pushover twink, but he had no record, came from a sweet family who had died of natural causes, and no connection to the crime world. Truly, Peter had ridden in like a dark horse among the NYC underground, becoming one of the most formidable crime lords in the city practically overnight.
Clearly, Peter had stepped on a lot of toes to get where he was, which is where Wade came in — the best bodyguard money could buy. Wade was loyal to a fault for anyone that would give him attention, and Peter exploited that. At least the sex was good.
Then, out of nowhere, Peter sent Wade on an undercover job. It was the first time Wade had been away from Peter’s side since being hired, and he was unsure how he felt about it, but Peter insisted it was an incentive for Wade to finish quickly. So it was that Wade entered the den of another organization that had been breathing down Peter’s neck. As a stripper.
Yeah, Wade found it pretty strange, too. There was a private club specifically to showcase big, buff men in nothing but heels and a speedo to properly show off all the rugged scars, which Wade had plenty of. Apparently, this organization’s boss had a kink and everyone played along. It was fine. Wade didn’t mind the work. It kept him flexible. In the meantime, he gathered as much information as he could, knowing Peter would grill him on every little detail when he returned.
He was performing one night, locked in a glass cage that sat center stage so he couldn’t hear the voices of those in attendance. They gathered at intimate tables and booths in a low lit room, smoking, drinking, talking, all gathered around him no matter what direction he turned on the pole. Some had their faces hidden, others didn’t. Wade recognized them all anyways. Well, except for one man in a fine cut suit at the back of the room. The mysterious man wasn’t speaking to anyone, just watching Wade intently, mostly hidden in shadow. Wade kept his eyes on the person, familiarity niggling at the back of his mind.
Then the mysterious man leaned forward and removed his mask to reveal a smirk.
Peter Parker, in the middle of his rival’s den, with no backup, no weapons, and his face revealed to all if only they’d turn and look.
Wade burst through the glass before he finished thinking about doing it. All eyes were on him now. He used anything he could get his hands on to murder all that came at him. Only a few had guns. He relieved them of such and shot those trying to run for it. He even took off one of his high heels to beat a man to death with it. The massacre didn’t last long, but by the end, the room was filled with blood and death, with only Wade standing in the middle of it, soaked in blood and bits of shattered glass.
Slowly, he looked up at the man still sitting in the shadowed corner of the room. Peter had his legs crossed, his mask resting lightly on one knee, speckled with drops of blood. He was smiling like a cat with cream.
“Why?” Wade asked.
“I wanted to see you perform,” Peter said, the picture of composed, a slight hint of amusement to his voice. “But when I saw you, I realized how much I missed you. I’m impatient.”
A good 75% of the rival organization’s leaders were in the room, dead now, so Peter’s concerns were certainly over, and the information Wade had spent so long gathering was all but useless. He’d be angry if he weren’t so entranced by the knowledge that Peter had admitted to missing Wade, to wanting Wade back by his side, in his bed.
Peter stood and strolled over to Wade, running a gloved finger down the blood on Wade’s cheek, leaving a single line of clean skin behind. “Good boy. Let’s go home.”
Wade, heart flip flopping in his chest, followed.
A Love S.O.S. by Justice video prompt: https://youtu.be/w6tNlYI3MdY
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