#like I wish this shit happened while I was there I’d have a raise and title like damn
aizenat · 4 months
This girl who they were trying to promote over me at my last job got fired/quit today lol. Long story short she acted like a banshee after me and my ex-boss ended up quitting within a week of each other.
That department is now a bunch of new ppl with little to no knowledge, no real leadership, and trainees. Lol.
The only thing I’m mad about is she managed to go out on her own terms. She doesn’t deserve it. Her husband apparently got a new job/position so I’m sure they can afford to live (barely; but working class Trump supporting whites don’t care about that) on just his income. She also called out Friday and yesterday, and after calling out yesterday apparently had no pto left. Sis was planning to quit. She went home on Thursday after being caught being shitty to their new trainee (who is Black but she was straight bullying the girl to the point she asked to go back to being an operator; my mother believed this girl was racist especially with how she treated me and while I wouldn’t have made that accusation, it is interesting that she’s apparently being mean to her Black trainee when I’ve heard her train white ppl without driving them out of the department), and called out Friday. She was purposely trying to use up her time.
I’m sure after talking to our old boss (who quit to be a stay at home mom; her checks mostly went to daycare anyway, so after she and her man came into some money through inheritance, they decided to just use that for savings and investments while living off his chick and not having to pay for daycare) and her husband, they decided that if she was reprimanded she could just quit. And so when she finally went in and the manager pulled her in to tell her she was on probation, she apparently tossed her badge at them and was like “I’ll save you the trouble” and basically quit.
Which honestly from what I heard the manager wanted to fire her last week but couldn’t because hr told her she couldn’t lol. So her quitting really is great because she now can’t sue the company and that department is free from her. And apparently the department was super light and peppy with homegirl gone.
Girl lost her bag and now she’ll be even more alone and isolated with those kids who are driving her so crazy she’s had to start therapy to deal with and she thinks she’s won but she lost a job paying more than she’d get anywhere else without a degree that’s she’s had for over 20 years. Like girl when your man becomes overbearing or you wish you had somewhere to go where your kids aren’t there, good luck. Since they’re literal card carrying/dues paying NRA members, I just hope I don’t hear anything crazy happening at their house. Cuz her and her gleefully racist beau are the types…
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katszumi · 4 months
silence immersed the room as the door clicked shut behind you. the ticking clock a reminder of how little time you have.
“you’re such an asshole, you know that?” you spewed to the male in front of you, your features displaying a look of anger.
katsuki rolled his eyes. “well, it’s not like i get called a ray of fuckin’ sunshine. what else did you honestly expect?” he crossed his arms over his chest, taking a seat atop of the long metal table.
“not much, yet you still seem to subceed my expectations.”
“subceed? seriously?” katsuki paused to let a scoff escape his lips. “you’re upset because i’m actually selling this story? the only one, might i add. this was your shitty grand idea!”
unknowingly, you took a step forward.
“the idea was to make it known we disliked each other. not for you to publicly shame and insult me!”
you, katsuki and a few other heroes were invited to attend a press conference. while the original topic was to discuss about the mission you all completed the day before, the topic began to stray away and focus on the relationship between you and katsuki.
japan knows of the hatred you and katsuki shared between each other, that was no unknown fact. the media described you two as fiery rivals considering both of your quirks contained fuel.
you two despised each other. or at least that’s the lie you fooled everyone with.
you were unsure when katsuki started to look appealing to the eye, how attractive he was when he was drowned in sweat, how you began to long for the small but noticeable glances he sent you in public. you couldn’t tell when it happened. but before you knew it, a small pool of desire that had katsuki’s name printed on it began to fill every minute of the day.
“which is no different than what we used to do. you want them to believe it? then don’t take my shit. suck it up and be a bigger asshole than i already am.” he was right. you know he was right. but it was so difficult to pretend as if you hated him.
even if you called him a bitch, or a cunt, maybe even call him out for having a small dick—which you know is far from the truth—that still wouldn’t deny the peace you felt whenever you were with katsuki. how the world seemed to stop still on its axis. how there were no rain, wind or time. just pure bliss.
out of everyone, it just had to be him? his captivating, intense ruby irises. his brash, abrasive demeanor. only his words that could seem to sway you. the man the world deemed you to abhor.
instead of admitting the truth, you twist his words. “well, i’m pleased to know it’s so easy for you to do.”
“jesus fuck, y/n.” now, katsuki rose from his position, never once breaking eye contact with you. “you think this is easy for me? you think i like getting up there and lying through my teeth? doing this is the one of the hardest things i’ve ever done.”
he walks closer and even closer to you, minimizing the distance you established for good reasons. this is how it always happens; one of you forgets about the space you two have to maintain until words don’t seem to work anymore. instead, your lips weave together, forming a new way to communicate.
but you don’t move. you don’t want to.
“is it? all those insults feels like it comes pretty smooth to you.”
katsuki pauses as he takes a second to analyze you. his eyes scan your body then leading right up to your face.
“because those are the words i wish i could mean. every time, it burns me to say those things about you when i’d rather be up there claiming every single part about you.” he lowered to a whisper, but his voice maintained a fervent tone.
his hand raises, slow and steady. he cups your cheek, gently swiping his thumb across your cheek. instinctively, you lean into his palm, your eyes softening as you gaze into his eyes.
“you think i enjoy this?” you watch his jaw tighten, his hand dropping to your hip. “think i like watching you talk with those eager men? it takes everything in me to not beat them shitless for daring to come across you. do you know how hard it is to fight the urge to pull you in and show them that you’re not available?”
too captivated by his words, you didn’t notice how katsuki lowered his head. you could feel the heat of his body from how he gave you no room to breathe. he placed his lips on your soft skin, slowly kissing the side of your neck.
no. resist him. your mind was screaming. this couldn’t go on forever. at some point, you guys had to stop.
“what will make them back off? if i mark you up? think they’ll understand then?” he proposed the question, but to you, it seemed more like he was asking for permission.
you didn’t know what effect katsuki placed on you to have you like this. but in this moment, you didn’t care about the rumors, the consequences, your image. it was all pushed back in the back of your head. so, you slightly tilted your head upwards, giving him more leeway to continue.
katsuki gripped your hips. not too strong to leave a mark but strong enough to squeeze a small moan out of you.
“don’t you fuckin’ understand, y/n?” he leans away to look in your eye.
“what?” you meekly responded.
“i go insane when it comes to you. i’m not the kind of guy that drools over any woman’s attention. but, you… fuck.” he stops himself, from what you can only assume was to control himself with whatever he was about to say. “not being able to have you only makes me crave you more.”
you stay quiet.
“you know how many times i’ve tried to resist you?”
“how many?” finally, you spoke.
“too many fuckin’ times. i’m done fighting it, y/n.”
confusion struck your face. “what do you mean?”
“be mine. forget the press, forget our pr managers. be with me.” katsuki brings you closer with the hand placed on your hip, the action drawing you to one conclusion.
he leans in and interlocks his lips with yours. immediately, you drown in the feeling of his soft but chapped lips that you couldn’t seem to push away. somehow, you find the strength to pull back from him.
“not here. not in pub-”
“yes here.”
with his tone, you could mistake him to be aggressive in this moment. but over the months, you managed to be able to read his eyes from the forbidden glances he’s sent your way; how he really felt through the way he wore his eyes.
katsuki’s eyebrows were slightly furrowed, his soft ruby eyes shifted from your lips to your e/c irises.
there was a look behind his eyes. there were more watchful, more tender than usual. almost as if he was pleading with his eyes. like he was begging.
so, how could you say no to him in this state? him being so vulnerable with you?
but that was always the problem.
you could never say no to katsuki bakugou, no matter what.
your arms wrap around his neck, drawing him in with your eyes. he inclined his head and laid his lips on your mouth. the silence that did wrap the room ten minutes ago was replaced with the noise of sloppy kisses, your mouths powering over each other.
you can feel your heart rate increase from the action, even more noticeably so when he entangles a fist in the back of your shirt. he needs you closer, maybe within his skin if possible.
following his action, you guide your fingers through his ash blonde strands, sending a shiver down his spine. he nibbles on the bottom of your lip, pulling it just slightly.
“we really shouldn’t be doing this.” your murmur, yet his ears catches it. “this would be the hottest topic for the media.”
a snicker parted his lips. “we just can’t be caught. but the day you stop being scared, i’m ready.” his words vague and simple, yet still holding so much promise.
“i hate you.”
and you did. you hated that he was too enticing. too irresistible.
“thought it was hard for you to say things you don’t mean?” he referred from earlier. of course, that was just like him. the same him you mistakenly fell for.
“just shut up.” was all you replied with before leaning back in to connect his lips with yours, choosing to help him with your statement.
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this was supposed to be like a forbidden love trope but i think i just revealed how thirsty i am😔
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It's a Match! || 141 x reader
[ Chapter 8 ] || [ Chapter 10 ]
Pairing: Ghost x gn!Reader || 141 x gn!Reader Words: 1.2K~ Summary: While overcoming recent heartbreak, you decide to join Tinder in search of a rebound. Your friends advise to just Swipe Right indiscriminately... What happens when 4 soldiers from the same squad match with you? a/n: i think Ghost always steals Soap's hygiene products bc he cannot be arsed to buy some for himself.
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Chapter 9: Drinks?
The moment the helo touched down, the soldiers descended, each of them parting ways as they went about their regular business, returning their gear to the armory, debriefing, showering, eating…
Almost a whole hour after their arrival, Simon threw himself down onto his bed, his skin dewy from the shower, his hair combed to the front and dripping over his face.
He popped open the top drawer of his nightstand and fished out his phone and charger. He set the charger up and turned on the phone as it charged up.
Simon didn’t often use his iPhone. Sometimes he forgot he even had it. The only times he did was to check Soap’s and Gaz’s insta/snap stories (because he liked being up to date on what they were doing) and when they were all on leave and had parted ways, so he could check the groupchat. 
Once the phone turned on, he immediately beelined for Tinder and opened the app. The app lagged a bit at first but, open loading up, he saw it.
99+ likes, 99+ messages.
The big majority of them were girls, too young for him, thirsting for him, even with his face being hidden. He always knew he could attract people, so it didn’t exactly surprise him.
Rolling his eyes, he flicked his finger over the screen until he found your chat and clicked on it.
Simon: I’m back and in one piece. Simon: I think you need to wish me luck more often.
He didn’t expect you to answer him immediately, even if it was only 6 P.M. on a Tuesday and you’d likely be at home and free, considering the job you listed on your profile.
However, the Read notification popped up under his text almost immediately and your dm came right after without the app even announcing you were typing.
you: omg i was literally JUST checking to see if you had said anything you: welcome back!
The text made a smirk take over his scarred lips before he bit the bottom one and typed out a reply.
Simon: Have you been waiting to hear from me for 3 weeks? you: noooo Simon: That’s frankly adorable. Simon: Didn’t think I’d have gotten in your head that strongly. you: oh piss off simon. you: ur not that great. Simon: You’re still texting me. you: sooo???? Simon: So, I can’t be that terrible. Simon: Got your attention, didn’t I? you: oh piss off you: ur so cocky and for what Simon: Not cocky. Just sure of myself. you: no Simon. No? you: no 😤 Simon: Okay then. Simon: Suddenly not sure of myself because you deemed it so. Simon: I’m very insecure now. Simon: Is that better? you: stop being such a bloody smartass 🙄🙄🙄 Simon: You’re breaking my heart, sweetheart. Simon: I can’t take this. Simon: Going to go hug my pillow and cry some more. you: oh no you: i’m making the giant cry? 😱 Simon: Is that a dig at my height? you: YES Simon: My God, I’m going to cry even more. Simon: I’m being bullied. you: good!!! 😤 Simon: I’m making you pay for my therapy. you: pay for it yourself!!!! 🙄 Simon: How about I pay for dinner for the two of us one of these days instead?
You didn’t answer immediately after that. You always did that whenever he flirted with you and spoke about taking you out.
Simon had a shit-eating grin on his face, imagining that you were all annoyed at him behind the screen. He was right in guessing you were shy about going out, he assumed.
you: no. you: but you can buy me a drink tonight.
His jaw dropped and his eyebrows raised just a bit.
Simon: It’s a Tuesday night, are you sure? Simon: You know going out for drinks on a Tuesday is usually a sign of alcoholism? you: ur backing out now? you: wheres all that bravado of yours? Simon: Oh no, sweetheart. I’m not backing out, I’m asking if you’re sure. you: if i wasnt i wouldnt have invited you. Simon: Fair enough. Simon: Where? you: the same pub i met up with john at maybe? Simon: Rog. Simon: 30 minutes. you: i need longer to get ready. Simon: That’s fine. I’ll still be there in 30. you: are you going to be wearing the mask? Simon: 🤷‍♂️ you: SIMON you: YOU CAN’T BE PULLING OUT THE EMOJIS LIKE THIS you: YOU STARTLE ME EVERY TIME. Simon: Good. Simon: See you soon.
Setting the phone down on the mattress, Simon got up from bed and took off his towel, tossing it over the back of his desk chair before opening the top drawer of his tall dresser, grabbing a pair of black boxer briefs and putting them on.
Then, he rummaged through the other drawers looking for his one ‘going out shirt’™️ (which was actually a black long-sleeve compression shirt) which he put on along with a pair of dark jeans. It was a simple outfit. 
Then he slipped on some black boots. He threw on a leather jacket over that and tucked a black neck gaiter into the neckline of the t-shirt, hiking it up to cover his mouth and nose.
Barely a minute later, he was making his way into Soap’s room and across the small space that separated him from the bathroom. 
“Going somewhere, L.T.?” Soap probed from his spot at his desk, eyebrows raised and his eyes locked on the older man’s with intrigue. He rarely saw Ghost in civvies and even more rarely did he see him without a hoodie.
Unlike Ghost, Soap had made his officer’s quarters into his own living space, having brought in a gaming computer and chair, a small beanbag, and had plenty of knick-knacks around.
“Going out.” Ghost said simply as he grabbed Soap’s hair gel and squirted a glob of it into his hand before lathering them and using them to run through his blond locks which were exposed without the hoodie or signature balaclava.
“Out? On a date?” Soap asked Ghost as he quickly jogged up to the bathroom door, watching as Ghost fiddled with his hair.
“No. Just drinks.” Ghost replied as he tugged a bit as his hair to make it stand up straight. 
“Is this someone you found on Tinder…?” Soap probed as he leaned his shoulder on the bathroom door, a boyish grin on his lips.
Ghost looked over at Soap out of the corner of his eye as he finished fiddling with his hair and rinsed his hands under ice cold water in the sink.
Soap took Ghost’s silence as an affirmative response. “Pro’lly a shag too, hm?” He joked, earning him another glance out of the corner of his eye. “Bloody hell, L.T. tell me all about it later, yea?” He laughed.
“Fuck no.” Ghost added as he grabbed one of Soap’s cologne bottles and raised it up for a sniff before scowling at the scent and setting it down again.
“Aw, c’mon L.T.!” He pleaded. 
“Get your own date, MacTavish.” Then, he just made his way right out the door, forcing Soap to move out of the way, looking a bit like a wounded puppy. 
“I’m not getting anything interesting on there!” Soap lamented with a sigh.
“No? Well, I’m sorry for you, then, Johnny.” Ghost quipped as he opened the door again and stepped out into the hall, leaving Soap behind.
taglist: @daisychainsinknots , @bunnysdaydreams , @iite-cool , @lahniu , @pagesfalling , @tapioca-milktea1978 , @live-love-be-unique , @thelaisydazy , @littleghosthunter , @bossva , @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago , @chamomiletealeaf , @ghosts-hoe , @kariiiel , @ltbarnes , @irregulardongyoung , @spacelia , @hayleybarnesx , @infpt-zylith , @xxshadowbabexx , @frescoisnotinthemilitary , @leeeenistop , @lucienbarkbark , @zombie-freak , @wittleespur
@severenswife , @enarien, @agoodmoviekiss , @l0lziez , @whos-fran , @greatstormcat , @openup-yourmind , @neoarchipelago , @sodavrr , @cutiecusp , @lilliumrorum , @c-nstantine , @kneelforloki , @comeonatmebruh , @codsunshine , @waiting-so-long , @captainquake42 , @gazspookiebear , @mynameismisty , @reap3erslov3 , @reaper-chan666 , @poohkie90 , @kitwithnokat , @stick-the-dumbass , @mothsdrabbles , @justanerd1 , @thesinsoflust , @thriving-n-jiving , @blckbrrybasket
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loving-barnes · 7 months
A/N: Chapter six is here! And it took me quite some time. This one is shorter. Hope you like this one.
Pairing: Logan Howlett x mutant female reader
Warning: none
Summary: Things are slowly turning around. Or are they?
Please, do not read if you are under 18. This story is suitable for mature audience.
Words: 3100+
Important note: Again, Logan is a tall MF, because they fucked up in the movies. Also, Hugh Jackman!Wolverine. This is set in AU.
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Logan woke her up at six in the morning. They came to an agreement to start the training early before classes. He laughed at her when she opened the door and had dark circles under her eyes and messy hair. Fortunately, she was dressed in sports clothes and ready to train. 
Y/N was surprised to see him in black gym shorts and that damn white tank top. At least he didn’t wear jeans. Fuck, his ass looked fantastic in them. Still, his big, veiny arms were on full display. At least something to look at, she thought. She needed to practise self-control. Otherwise, she’d drool all over him.
It took her a few minutes to wake up and get into training mode. First, Logan made her run through the footpaths around the compound. He stayed close, setting the pace for them. That was just the warm-up. Afterwards, he took them to the Danger room. 
Y/N was drinking water while her eyes travelled around Logan, who walked around like a lion in a cage. He was thinking about the next part of the training. She used the opportunity to eye him. Damn, that man was hot. Even with that hairstyle, it made him charming.
“We should focus on your mutation,” he announced. “You need to be able to control it as you wish. The more control you have, the more you can do as you please.” 
She put down the water bottle. “I’ve noticed a thing,” she approached the man. Her hands rested on her hiplines. “I’ve been thinking about it the whole night.” 
Logan crossed his big, muscular arms across his chest. Then he raised a brow. “Shoot.”
“I think it behaves differently every time I use it. It all depends on the situation,” Y/N explained. “When we were in Salem, and they shot at me, the bullets were absorbed into the shield. Then, I ran towards them, and it threw them away once they made contact with the forcefield. It would absorb or hurt them more if it behaved the same. Instead, it served as a barrier.” 
He tilted his head and scratched his beard. “Interesting,” he said. “Someone else would be able to explain why this keeps happening. As the Professor said, your mutation is primarily defensive, and-” 
“I can use it as an offence if needed,” she added. “I know, I heard.”
“Exactly like it happened a few days ago. Your emotions got the best of you, and the forcefield flew right out of ya,” Logan continued. “I think you need to experiment with it. You know, try a bunch of shit to figure it all out.” 
Y/N laughed at that. “Aw, you are a great teacher,” she teased. “I have never received such specific instructions. Try a bunch of shit and figure it all out.” 
While she kept chuckling at that, Logan’s claws emerged from his skin, and he threw a punch. He would have gotten her face, but Y/N dodged it by a few centimetres. Her heart skipped a beat, and her soul escaped her body. “What the fuck?” she yelled. “Why the fuck did you do that?”
“What? You dodged it,” he smirked. He threw another punch, and she quickly blocked it. “Better,” he commented. 
“You could’ve killed me, you ass,” she spat. 
“Stop crying, princess,” said Logan with a smirk plastered over his face. “You need to expect the unexpected. Plus, I’d never hurt ya.” 
Princess? That was new, she thought. “What if I hurt you? Have you thought about that?”
“I wouldn’t stress over it. I can heal, remember?” 
Y/N didn’t wait and kicked him in the gut hard. He stumbled back and gasped from pain. He managed to stay on his feet. “Expect the unexpected,” she said to him with a big smile. 
“Will I correctly ask if I ask that you’ve learnt to fight when you were with that Mars guy?” he rubbed his belly.
She stretched while he kept his distance. “Yes. I’m not saying he made me the best fighter or anything. We had to know how to fight and escape. I know what I’m doing, but compared to you, I am a novice,” she said. 
“You are far from that,” Logan said. “Now, come on. Less talking, more fighting. You wanted me to train you and not chit-chat.” 
“Aw, come on, you like chatting with me,” she teased again. 
“Shut up and fight.” 
Left hook, right hook and then Y/N was down on the floor. She cursed and frowned at the man above her. She was panting, mad that he managed to get her down that quickly. Y/N rolled over her shoulder and went for his legs. She tried to trip him but wasn’t successful. She attempted to kick him in the knee and failed. Damn, Logan was agile. He predicted her moves. 
“Come on, Y/N, hit me finally!” 
As he hauled off at her, Y/N’s hand shot forward, and she made a forcefield. Logan collided with it and flew through the air until he hit the ground farther away. Y/N’s eyes almost fell out of her sockets. She covered her mouth and nose with both hands, gasping. “Oh my god!” 
She didn’t expect him to fly through the seven seas and more. Hell, she didn’t want to use the forcefield in the first place. He attacked, and she protected herself. It was instinct. Y/N ran to him and fell to her knees. Her eyes filled with horror. 
Logan was grunting on the floor. His white tank top was burnt in many places. The smell of burning flesh caught her nose. She found a few burns on his skin that healed before her eyes. “I’m so sorry! Logan, I’m sorry. I didn’t…” She was panicking.
Slowly, he sat up and looked down at his destroyed piece of clothing. “Shit,” he mumbled. “That hurt.” 
“I didn’t mean to hurt you,” her mouth ran miles. “I wanted to use the shield to make you fly, yes. However, not to burn you alive. What the fuck was that? I am so sorry, Logan.” 
His hand pressed against her mouth to shut her up. “Breathe, princess. I’m fine.” He wrinkled his eyebrows when he smelled the burnt clothing. He grabbed the fabric with his other hand and ripped it off him. 
Holy shit, she thought. She would have said it out loud if it wasn’t for Logan’s hand over her mouth. For the first time ever, she got the perfect and close view of his toned, muscular chest. It was covered in hair that travelled down to his stomach and even further. It was hot. She couldn’t believe how much she liked it. He was a definition of a man. The way his chest rose and fell from breathing, she had to clench her thighs. 
The door to the Danger room opened. Storm ran inside. “Have you seen-” she stopped talking when she found Logan and Y/N on the floor. He kept holding her mouth while being shirtless. They turned their heads to the woman. “Y/N,” she added. “I was looking for you this whole morning. As I can see, you are preoccupied.” 
Logan let go of her mouth. “We’ve been training since six,” she said.
“I need to talk to you,” said Storm when she approached them. “Since when do you train without a shirt?” she teased the man. 
“Since someone burnt it with her mutation,” he glared at Y/N, who gave him a big, embarrassing smile. “Y/N, at least buy me a drink before you want to see me shirtless.” 
Her mouth opened wide as if she was offended by that. She couldn’t give a reply. Logan put two fingers under her chin and helped her close it. “You’re a douche,” said Y/N. “It was an accident,” she turned to Storm. 
“If you are done, can I talk to you?” Storm asked. Her voice was soft and friendly. 
Logan stood up. He helped Y/N on her feet. “We’re done. I have a class in half an hour, and I need to shower.” He noticed how the woman by his side kept ogling him. He smirked. “I’ll see ya later, Y/N.” 
Both women watched him leave the Danger room. Storm raised a brow and smirked. “You have a thing for him, don’t you?” 
Y/N’s eyes goggled. “It’s nice to look at him,” she commented. “Anyway, what do you need?” 
“I need to talk to you about everything that happened a few days ago.” 
Y/N inhaled through her nose. “Can I quickly shower? We can meet in fifteen minutes at the basketball court. Then, we can talk.” 
“That sounds okay,” Storm nodded. “I’ll see you there in fifteen.” 
. . .
Storm and Y/N walked over the school grounds, enjoying the autumn breeze. The weather was warm, even though it was October and Halloween was knocking on the door. Storm wanted to know Y/N’s story. She needed to understand what had happened before she would jump to any conclusions. That’s why they spent the last hour walking around, talking about Y/N’s life. 
“I don’t get why Scott needed to paint you as the bad guy when all of us struggled when we were teens,” Storm shook her head in disbelief. “All stories are different. You happened to have a tragic one. It wasn’t your fault.” 
“But I still did it,” Y/N sighed. “I managed to kill my sister with the ability to protect. How ironic is that?” she shook her head. “I can’t change the past. My little sister is dead. My parents hate me. If they knew I was alive, they would want me dead.” 
“So, what happened after?” 
“I ended up in an insane asylum where I stayed for a few years before I escaped,” said Y/N. “Those years are a blur. With the heavy medication and shit, I don’t remember much.” They slowly moved back to the school. “You know, I wanted to leave yesterday,” she admitted. 
Y/N shrugged. “I thought you’d hate me for what I did. I hurt you all. I thought you wouldn’t want that kind of a person here, with the kids,” she explained. 
“What made you stay then?” Storm was curious. She had an idea in her mind. That idea was inside the school, teaching history. 
“A chance of being a better person,” Y/N said. “I have the opportunity to do something good. I can learn more about mutation and be there for those who require help. I want to prove to you and myself that I am not a monster.”
“Is that all?” Storm had to ask with a teasing smile. 
“Let’s not go there,” Y/N chuckled. 
“Logan is a nice guy. Grumpy but with a good heart,” said Storm. “You two clicked, you know? When I think about it, it would be a great love story. He’s literally your knight in shining armour.” 
“Y/N!” they heard a voice shouting. Both women turned to see JJ running towards them. Saved by the kid, she thought. Y/N’s eyes sparkled with excitement. She spread her arms, and the boy ran into them. They hugged tightly. “I haven’t seen you in days,” said the boy. 
“I’m sorry,” she whispered.
“They told me you were hurt,” he said. “Are you okay?” 
She gave him a smile and patted his head. “Of course I am. I needed some time to rest. How do you like it here?” 
“This place is awesome,” he said excitedly. “I share a room with two other boys. They seem nice. Oh, hey Storm,” the boy acknowledged the other woman standing by them. “They teach us how to work with our mutation. It’s so much fun!” 
“Oh, it makes me so happy that you like this place,” Y/N looked into the boy’s face. 
“I have to go, but I’ll see you later. Bye Y/N, bye Storm!” the boy waved to them and ran inside the building. He probably had another class to attend. 
“He’s a unique young man and a good student,” Storm said when the boy was gone. “Was your past also a reason you wanted to save the boy?” 
“Yes,” she whispered. 
Together, they went back inside the mansion. When they stepped into the main hallway, Y/N turned around on her heel. “Hey, didn’t I make Scott fly out of that window?” she pointed at the undamaged window. “How is it fixed already?”
“With all the mutations around, things can get fixed fast here,” said Storm with a gentle laugh. “Listen, I have a wild idea,” her eyes brightened. “Half an hour from here, there’s a bar. It’s owned by a mutant. We should all grab a drink tonight.” 
“There is a bar?” Y/N was surprised to hear that. “I’d love a beer. It’s been years since I had one.” 
The school bell rang. Silent halls turned into noisy ones. Another class was over. The students left the classrooms.
“Great. All we need is to find a babysitter and-”
Office, now. 
Y/N frowned and looked around. She heard the Professor in her head. “Did you hear that?”
Storm nodded. “Come, something’s going on.” 
They moved fast into Charles’s office. Rogue, Bobby and Kitty were quickly behind them. After entering the office, Jean, Scott, and Kurt were already there, with another man Y/N never met before. He had mid-long silver hair and a smug smile on his face. The last ones to enter were Logan and Colossus. 
“You must be the new girl,” the man pointed at Y/N, his eyes travelling over her body. After a blink, he stood in front of her. “I’m Peter,” he shook her hand. 
“Y/N,” she said, startled. “Wow, you are fast.” 
Logan approached Y/N, standing right behind her. She smelled like a coconut shampoo. It was nice. What he didn’t like were Peter’s eyes on her. Logan glared at him. “Hey, Speedy,” he greeted his friend. “Long time no see.” 
Peter moved back to the chair he was sitting on. It was faster than a snap of the fingers. “Had some business to do. Same old, same old.” 
Scott turned his head to look at Y/N. Because no one could see his eyes, they didn’t know what emotion was behind them. He wrapped an arm around Jean’s waist and faced the Professor again. 
“Why are we here, Professor?” Kitty asked softly. “Did something happen?” 
“I’m afraid I don’t have good news,” Charles started to talk. “Hank and Remy went to Washington to attend a conference. It was about Human and Mutant affairs. I’m afraid some new threads want to stop the cooperation between humans and mutants.” 
“Here we go again,” Bobby mumbled, shaking his head.
“And with Trask Industries trying to come up with a way to suppress us, I’m afraid we are on thin ice,” Charles continued. “I’ll send Scott and Jean to join Hank and Remy. We need more reasonable voices to help with the cause.” 
“Professor, this will never stop,” Rogue commented. “They tried before. Here we are again, facing the same issue over again.”
“We can only hope for the best, for now,” said the Professor. “We need to act now before Magneto and his Brotherhood will step in. And we all know what happens when they get into it.” 
“We need to be prepared for anything,” Jean said. “If the politics decide to break the treaty pact, we will be endangered again, and there will be war. No one wants that.” 
Y/N shook her head. Even though there was a treaty, humans would experiment on mutants. They would capture them and abuse them like they did her. They needed lab rats to figure out how the X gene worked. 
How am I still alive?
When the meeting had ended, everyone, except for Jean and Scott, gathered outside the office. “How about Stan’s tonight?” Storm suggested. “I need a drink more than ever after hearing that,” she pointed at the office door behind her. 
“I’m out,” Colossus said. “I don’t think I am welcomed there for a while. Last time, I accidentally destroyed two tables.”
“Because you wanted to arm-wrestle after drinking the whole bottle of vodka,” Logan glared at his friend. “I warned you. You didn’t listen, Piotr.”
Y/N bit her lower lip to keep her from laughing. Obviously, they were notoriously well-known at the bar. Her eyes met Logan’s for a brief moment. 
“So, you’ll be the babysitter then?” Storm gave him pleading eyes. 
“Sure,” he agreed. “You all have a good time. If anything happens, I’ll give someone a call.” 
“Great,” Strom clapped excitedly. “How about we meet at the entrance gate at seven in the evening?” she suggested. 
As they all started to disperse, Y/N turned around and looked at the Professor’s door. She had an idea inside her head. It was stupid, but she wanted to ask about it. 
“Are you coming?” she heard Logan’s voice. 
“Uh,” she turned her head to look at him. “I need to talk to the Professor. I’ll see you later.” 
With a single nod, Logan left her alone. Y/N knew Jean and Scott were still inside, but she wanted to speak to Charles alone. Y/N approached the door and knocked on it. Once she was allowed to enter, she did. 
Scott and Jean were already on their way out. Jean gave her a polite smile while Scott ignored her. Y/N had to roll her eyes. His behaviour was childish. 
“How can I help you, Y/N?” Charles asked. He moved behind his table. “Your mind is closed, so I wonder what you want.”
“I was thinking,” she approached the table and then seated in an armchair. “Do you need an extra teacher?” 
“What do you have in mind exactly?” 
“Uh,” she fiddled with her fingers. “English and literature, perhaps? You took me in, and I would like to repay you somehow. I was the best in class. Before my life turned upside down, I used to apply to writing competitions. I know a lot about literature. I love it.”
Charles smiled. “Anything else?” 
“Uh,” she thought back, thinking about the hobbies she had as a child. “I attended guitar lessons, so I guess music? I might remember something.” 
The man chuckled. “You can teach English and literature. It would help me with some of the classes, to be honest. I teach physics, mutant ethics and even literature. Another teacher for this would be great.” 
“And it’s okay that I don’t have a proper school?” 
“No one does. Hank, Jean and I are the only educated here,” he said gently. “Any help would be appreciated. I will look at the schedules with Storm, and I believe you can start from Monday.” 
“Really?” Y/N’s eyes sparkled. She was getting excited. 
“I have no reason to lie to you.” 
“Thank you, Professor,” she smiled at him. “This means a lot. I’m glad I’ll be able to help you. I’ll let you be. You must have a ton of work to do.” 
When she left his office, she felt more relief in her chest. At least she would be able to repay them somehow. A smile appeared on her face. Things slowly started to turn for the better.
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eunbitchh · 10 months
take a ride with me
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*18+ MDNI*
word count: 2k
pairing: non!idol au, biker!ningning x fem!reader (she/her pronouns used, referred to as a girl)
warnings: fingering, clit slapping (like once), degradation, praise, orgasm denial, temp play? (cold ass rings, it’s cold outside ig), mild exhibitionism? (there’s nobody there but yall are fucking outside lol)
based off of a lyric from this song;
1 am gas station snack runs have become a pretty regular routine for you, the reason being so you’d hopefully get the chance to see the hot biker girl you’d seen the first time you went. you always did, she’d always pull into the parking lot when you were finishing checking out, diverting your attention from the cashier asking if you needed a receipt or not while you instead decided to check out something- someone- much more intriguing. there she was, as per usual. black denim clad legs and a leather jacket that made your head reel, removing her helmet with effortless grace that let her now helmet disheveled hair cascade over her shoulders.
the sound of the cashier clearing their throat snapped you out of your shameless staring.
“do you need a receipt or not?” the bored voice asked you dryly
“uh- no. thanks” you respond a little embarassed at having been so lost in your head while you stared at the girl outside. you grabbed your things and made your way to the door to leave, the cool night air immediately brushing over you skin causing you to shiver. you were starting to walk past the girl to go back in the direction of your house when you heard an unfamiliar voice speak to you.
“so when are you actually going to talk to me instead of ogling me from afar like a creep and i pretend i don’t notice?”
“w-what?” you asked, stuttering in disbelief now turning to look at the source of the voice- it was her. of course it was. could your luck get any worse?
she crossed her arms over her chest and looked at you with a raised eyebrow. amusement? written all over her face. “you heard me” she said simply, a small smirk ok her lips now.
“i- i’m sorry for staring at you and making you uncomfortable.” you responded, white hot shame flowing through your veins while you apologized to her and turned around again to walk back home, but a hand wrapping around your wrist stopped your motions.
“i never said i was uncomfortable, you know. it’s not everyday when it’s a girl checking you out instead of some creepy old man” she was laughing a bit when she said that, amusement not made clear upon seeing your embarrassed response to her presence and her questioning.
“how about we start over, i’m ning yizhuo. you are?” she held her hand out for you to shake, you did after a moments hesitation. her skin was soft.
“y/n y/l/n.” you spoke shyly when you met her intimidating gaze.
“y/n, huh? well, how would you like to take a ride with me?” she asked reaching to pull a spare helmet from her bag and holding it out to you expectantly.
this couldn’t be happening right now
“i’d love to!” you answered all too quickly taking the helmet from her hands, holding it to close to your frame.
“great, hop on.” her tone was so husky and sultry, the invite hanging in the air while she got back onto her bike, legs straddling both sides of it while her feet were planted to the cement. oh how you wished you could be a bike right now. you blink back your thoughts and carefully get on behind her, trying not to touch her at all. she smelled so good, like strawberries.
a silence hung in the air for a few moments while you both slipped on your helmets.
“you better put your arms around me unless you wanna wipeout in the road” she warned you, you hesitated again before doing as she said feeling your face grow hot under your helmet. she drove out of the parking lot at a reasonable speed, you felt okay with the loose grip you had around her waist.. until she unexpectedly sped up, causing you to yelp in surprise and the grip your arms had on her became a lot tighter. she definitely did that on purpose.
something about riding with her was so exhilarating, the speed made it feel as though the world was dissipating into the background of the night before your very eyes. you felt a lot more comfortable the longer you rode, and the extreme tight grip you had on her loosened up a bit. you lost track of how long you were going for until she pulled into a seemingly abandoned lot and came to a stop. you both got off the bike and removed your helmets.
“where are we?” you asked her.
“my favorite spot, you can see the stars so clearly here. i’ve always wanted to bring someone to see it with me, and i’m very glad it got to be someone as pretty as you.” she said with a whisper of a smirk playing at her lips.
you could feel it was weird how you were just silently gawking at her, but who could blame you? that disheveled hair and ever so slightly smug face drove you insane.
“you still with me?” she asked playfully, pointing out your lack of response to her comment
“uh- yeah. yeah- im still here” you struggled out, trying to snap yourself out of the trance you were in staring at her.
the skin of her hand making contact with your cheek sent shockwaves through your body, the contrast of the softness and the rough callouses that littered them was a sensation you knew you could get addicted to.
“you’re always staring at me like i don’t know exactly what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours” her voice was smooth and sultry while she spoke ever so quietly to you, despite the absence of people present.
“..what do you mean?” you whispered back, despite knowing damn well exactly what she was referring to.
“oh don’t act clueless on me now, i’ve felt you eyefucking me every time i was at the gas station, or even when we were riding, and even now. if you want me all you need to do is say it” she challenged, leaning closer and closer to you with each word.
“i.. i want you.” you whispered.
she swiftly pinned you up against her motorcycle and laughed lightly at that.
“good girl.. see? that wasn’t so hard.” she spoke lowly, face merely centimetres away from yours, her eyes scanned your face like a predator watches its prey, before finally connecting your lips together.
your bones felt as if they melted from her touch, unable to stand on your own when she lifted you up a bit so you were now sat on her bike while you kissed at a feverish pace. her hands gently tracing the skin just under the hem of your shirt, brushing lightly against your waist. the feeling of the cool rings that adorned her fingers on your skin sent your head reeling.
“can i take this off?” she asked, lightly tugging at the hem of your shirt, you nodded, unable to respond as you felt her lift your top off.
“god, so pretty” she mumbled to herself, placing a soft kiss to the swell of your breasts. soft pleasured sighs falling from between your lips at the feeling of her gentle touch on your skin as you felt her lips move lower, taking a nipple into her mouth and sucking lightly, pinching the other between her fingers. your back arched into her touch, sighs now turning into moans. the way you fell apart from the simplest of touches fueling her ego evidently.
“mm such a good girl for me, wanna ruin you” she spoke lowly, peering up at you through hooded eyes. you could do nothing but moan in response to her, while her hands made quick work of roughly tugging your pants off. the cold air on your skin in contrast of the heat she was causing in your body made you feel like you were losing your mind.
“wanna eat this pretty pussy.. gonna let me?” she asked while placing gentle kisses and bites along your inner thighs, marking you up just for her.
“please-“ you whined, trying to buck your hips closer to her mouth which made her laugh breathlessly.
“so needy..” she mumbled, kissing your pussy over your panties before moving them to the side and out of her way. she hummed, satisfied at the wetness of you, the way your juices glistened faintly in the moonlight. all because of her. her fingers spread your lips apart while she licked a long stripe along your dripping hole, fighting back a smirk at the sound of your loud moan and how your body instinctively tried to move away from her but having no where to go. she hummed contentedly into your pussy, satisfied with how you tasted.
her lips wrapped around your clit, sucking it harshly. you felt almost embarrassed by how wet you were for her, dripping all over the leather seat of her bike making quite a mess for her. 1 of her hands laid on your thigh to hold you down and spread your legs apart for her while she buried her head between your thighs, the cool metal of her rings digging into your flesh. she lapped you up like you were the only food source left on earth, drinking in any drop of essence you gave her while she gingerly slipped a finger inside of your needy hole, instead of having it clenching around nothing it now clenched onto her finger.
“fuck, look at you sucking me right in” she groaned, releasing your clit from her mouth causing you to whine at the loss of contact. “is my pretty girl gonna cum on my fingers?” she asked in that cocky, teasing voice you were becoming obsessed with.
“please- wanna cum-“ you whined desperately, trying to convince her to fuck you with her fingers at a faster pace. you only whined in dissatisfaction when you felt her finger slide out of you while she laid a harsh slap to your clit that made you scream.
“not yet, not until i tell you that you can cum. understand?” she asked sternly.
“yes- i understand.. just please- please fuck me” you moaned like a needy bitch. to be fair, you were.
“good girl” she returned her finger back to its place, adding another in while she fucked your hole roughly, eyes glued to how your pussy would suck them in more and more with each thrust she made. she toyed around with the pacing a bit, knowing how close you were teetering over the edge of your orgasm. you were desperate for it, bucking your hips in attempt to make her make you cum, but she made it obvious that she was the 1 in control here, denying you of your orgasm over and over again. she kissed your clit and peered up at you again.
“you wanna cum?” she asked you, and you nodded desperately in response.
“no. beg. use your words. do you want to cum?” she asked you sternly
“yes! please yes i want to cum- please let me cum!” you pleaded with her desperately, and that smug smirk broke out across her face at your desperate pleas.
“cum for me, cum all over my fingers” she whispered, before sucking harshly on your clit again, and you did just that, cumming so hard you swore you were seeing stars.. but not those that were in the sky. she helped you ride out that orgasm as long as she could, before finally coming to a stop and carefully slipping her fingers out of your dripping hole, happily sucking the cum off of them with no hesitation.
“you okay?” she asked coming up from between your thighs to look at your face close up, cradling it gently in her hands as she assessed your current state.
“yeah.. i’m okay” you said, breathing heavily when you finally felt yourself coming back to reality, her thumbs gently brushing over the skin on your cheeks
“did so good for me, looked so pretty cumming on my hand” she praised you while gently comforting you, grabbing a clean old tee from her bag to wipe your skin and the seat clean of your cum, laying a gentle kiss to your lips.
“you should ride with me more often” she suggested, sending you a more playful smile.
“yeah.. i should” you said, imagining something like this happening again if you did.
not edited, if there’s any spelling mistakes etc lmk!
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monzamash · 1 year
Would love to see no. 13 with Daniel
holy shit those prompts are spicy
sheeeeesh, got carried away again with this one and combined it with another suggestion that was sent in because it felt too hot not to use 🔥
daniel ricciardo x you (femreader) | 900 words 18+ minors dni
prompts used — "how many times can i make you cum?" & "i’m not going to stop until you’re dripping with my cum"
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It was his birthday, after all. Thirty years on the planet, making the lives of the people he loved better each and every day while appeasing the masses with his sunny disposition. It wasn’t a huge party by his calculation, under a hundred guests of his nearest and dearest, all vying for the opportunity to wish their gorgeous Daniel a happy birthday. But there was really only one gift he was chomping at the bit to unwrap.
“This dress is my favourite,” Daniel whispered into your ear as his large hand slid across your abdomen, pinning you to his chest.
You hummed in response, cocking your head to the side with an appreciative smile, “Well I did wear it for you, birthday boy. You having fun?”
Daniel turned you in his grasp and wrapped you up in a tight hug, his pearly white smile sparkling under the pretty party lights above. There was something in his honey brown eyes when they connected with yours; a deviant glimmer that you knew all too well.
“I am but–” He paused, pressing a barely there kiss to your pouting lips, “I’d rather be home alone with you.”
Your eyebrow quirked with intrigue, “Oh yeah?” You weren’t surprised but that didn’t mean you couldn’t have a little fun with him while you had his undivided attention for the first time tonight.
“What could you possibly be doing alone with me, huh?”
It was a loaded question and Daniel took very little time to answer it, “You wouldn’t be wearing this dress for starters,” He whispered, fingertips trailing down the tight silk clinging to your skin – dark eyes scanning every inch of your body.
“Or whatever’s underneath it…”
The sly smirk across your lips spread as you toyed with the loose curls on the back of his thick neck, “Presumptuous of you to think that I’m wearing anything underneath…”
Daniel couldn’t control the low growl bubbling deep within as he tilted his head back, nor did he want to – his throat tightened as he imagined peeling off the thin material obstructing him from the one thing he really wanted right now. He was insatiable in your presence, greedy to see if you were telling the truth, hoping to god you were, and your words weren’t helping him – you were killing him.
“You can’t say that shit to me, sweetheart,” He snarled, tugging you even tighter against his warm body while his lips brushed down your exposed neck, "Not here."
Daniel’s mouth was heavenly and selfishly, you let yourself enjoy it for a brief moment before inching away – you were in public after all.
“Give me a list of things you want to do to me and I promise I’ll make them happen when we get home, baby. Please,” You begged with a whimper, wanting to hear all of the naughty thoughts racing through his brain; right here, right now.
Your name slipped through Daniel’s gritted with a whine as he dipped his head into the crook of your neck, swaying you both to the music so your closeness didn’t raise any alarms. His lips brushed along the shell of your ear, voice deep and low as he scolded you; ‘you are so bad, you know that?’ and of course you did. It’s how you caught his attention in the first place.
“But because you’re begging me I guess we can workshop together,” He sighed, happily giving in to your mischievous request.
“The first thing I wanna do is taste that sweet, sweet pussy and make you come all over my tongue – fucking love it when you ride my face, baby. And maybe we can see how many times I can make you come like that, huh? You’d like that, yeah?”
It was a rhetorical question but you nodded anyway, chin resting on Daniel’s shoulder as he whispered into your ear, “Thought so," and pressed a butterfly kiss to the top of your exposed shoulder.
“I’m always so fucking hard after watching you come undone like that, screaming my name so I reckon after that we just get down to it; maybe I'll fuck you from behind 'cause I know how much you love having me pound into ya, head buried in the sheets while I’m playing with your ass and overstimulating your precious little cunt too. Can’t forget about her, ey?”
A breathy moan slipped from your lips when Daniel’s tongue slid across the soft spot behind your ear. His booted foot nudged your feet apart and instinctually, your separated them as his tensed thigh nestling in-between your clenched ones. The contact wasn’t enough to ease the taut knot in the pit of your stomach but it was something to clutch onto as he moved you slowly from side to side, a low chuckle reverberating against your chest.
“You asked for it, baby; I’m just telling ya what I have in mind.”
“Keep going…” You whispered weakly, “Are you gonna let me come again like that?”
Daniel scoffed, “Course I will, honey. You’ll be seeing stars by the time I’m finished with ya,” He sweetly cooed as he guided your circling your hips into his, creating that friction between your thighs you so desperately needed.
“And I promise you that I will fuck you until you’re dripping with my cum because you take it so well, baby. And I know how much that turns you on, filled to the fucking brim while I fuck it deep inside you. God, I'm bloody hard just thinkin’ about it,” He shakily exhaled into your hair, dick stiff and twitching in his trousers against your thigh.
“You need to take me home right now.”
Daniel didn't need to be told twice.
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the ol' smut muscle has been nicely warmed up after this one 🔥 — thoughts? feelings? let me know! askbox masterlist if you want to read more x
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in1-nutshell · 4 months
For the Ratchet and Drift adoption battle.  
The Lost light ends up on earth for some reason.  And trouble appears, Buddy’s birthparents.  Coming out of the woodwork demanding to see their child.  Now, depending on how long Buddy has been in the system, the state may have already relinquished their parental rights, but it does bring up another problem, by cybertron standards, Buddy is legally Drifts and Ratchets, Earth standards, less so.
This is just the start of an idea.  Maybe it's angst and the parents are a piece of shit who want the child who they abandoned back for some really selfish reason.  Maybe the parents truly do want some relationship with their child and poor buddy is just stuck in between the family that loves them and the family who they spent their life wishing loved them.
Maybe I just want the lost light to turn this custody battle into a fucking kangaro court.  They show up in their holoforms and Rodimus starts to boo whenever the birth parents try to say something.  He’s kicked out and the court goes into recess as they try and figure out how to hold him in contempt of court.  Luckily a good part of the remaining crew have assembled to always have someone audibly cough whenever birth parents try to speak.  Nevermind the fact that none of them even really need to breathe, holoform or no holoform.  And Ultra Magnus is acting as their attorney.  That's all I got.
The bio parents were done for the moment Magnus took on the case.
Hope you enjoy!
Human Buddy (Dratchet's kid) meeting their bio parents again
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Slight angst, Human reader
The ship had docked again on Earth for a mandatory, in-person, meeting that Buddy needed to go as liaison of the Lost Light.
It was something simple check in that honestly could have been done online but there wasn’t any harm in some sightseeing. Many of the bots on the ship hadn’t been on Earth or hadn’t been there in a while and wanted to look around.
Buddy stayed with Drift and Ratchet.
Before they headed back to the ship, Buddy wanted to show their bot parents one of their favorite parks they used to go to feed the pigeons.
Ratchet napped in the parking lot, while Drift activated his holoform to go after Buddy.
After a bit Drift started heading back to his alt mode with Buddy trailing behind after forgetting their water bottle at the bench.
Buddy walking back to Drift alt mode.
“Hey kiddo!”
“Buddy turns around and freezes as their face collides with someone’s chest.
A familiar chest.
They push themselves off the person as another person comes up too.
“Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?”--Buddy
“That’s what I’d like to know.”--Drift
Buddy looks behind them to see Drift’s holoform marching up to Buddy.
He gently places his hand on their shoulder and looks at the two humans.
“A who might you be?”--Drift
“I’m their father.”--Dad
“And I’m their mother.”--Mom
Drift raises his eyebrows.
“Buddy are they…”--Drift
“My biological parents? Yes, and I thought I’d never see you again after you put me in the system.”--Buddy
Neither of the parents get the little hint of venom in their voice.
“Well, we’re here now! And its time to take you home—”--Mom
“Take them home?”--Drift
“Take me home?”--Buddy
“That’s right Pal—”--Dad
“My name is Buddy.”--Buddy
“Whatever, we’re going home now, so if you’d just come here.”--Dad
The ‘Dad’ tries to grab Buddy’s wrist, but Drift pushes Buddy back.
The ‘Dad’ narrows his eyes at Drift.
“Are we going to have a problem here?”--Dad
Drift narrows his eyes as well.
“I think we are.”--Drift
Buddy’s eyes widen.
“Listen everyone, HE is legally my main guardian. Has been with my other guardian for a while now.”--Buddy
The ‘Mom’ huffs.
“Well until WE see the paperwork, if its not justified by the court here then its null and void for us. Now get over here and—”--Mom
“And what’s happening here?”--Ratchet
Buddy smiled at Ratchet’s holoform coming overlooking more annoyed than usual.
“These are Buddy’s biological parents.”--Drift
Ratchet’s eyes narrow and stands by Buddy’s side.
“The parents that put you in the system?”—Ratchet
The ‘Mom’ starts getting more annoyed.
“That’s in the past and we’ve already settled a court order to get Pal—”--Mom
“Buddy.”—Buddy, Drift and Ratchet
“—Back to us.”--Mom
Ratchet turns to Buddy.
“Wait in the ambulance.”--Ratchet
“Kid, trust me. We need to have a chat with your ‘parents’.”--Ratchet
Buddy looks at them all before walking to Ratchet’s alt mode.
Buddy wordlessly goes to the ambulance while the muffled yelling was heard outside.
They just strap themselves in the back and hug themselves tightly.
Everything went so fast…
They felt their seatbelt tighten.
It’s a heavy quiet on the drive back to the ship.
When they transformed Ratchet passed them to Drift who just holds them to his chassis.
A crew meeting was called.
“So, Buddy’s bio parents want them back because, and I quote ‘We want to embrace them once again!’. Am I missing something?”--Rodimus
“That’s about it.”--Drift
Half of the bots laugh.
“Good luck with that! Buddy’s legally Dratchet’s kid!”--Whirl
“Whirl we’ve talked about the name—”--Cyclonus
“Yeah! They’re Dratchet’s kid!”--Tailgate
“…Why do I even bother with you?”--Cyclonus
“But they did bring up a point, Earth courts and legal system don’t see Buddy as their kid. Meaning to them, Buddy’s still in the system. And if they play their cards right…”--Megatron
Drift and Ratchet stiffen at the thought.
The crew starts talking amongst themselves but all feel angry at this revelation.
“We can’t let that happen!”--Nautica
“That’s why we’re going to court to fight for Buddy’s case. Ultra Magnus has agreed to represent Buddy—”--Megatron
“Those Fleshy’s are so screwed!”--Whirl
Time to take this to court.
Buddy is put into a different home while the case gets settled.
Meaning no contact with anyone.
There had been attempts by the bots to go and see Buddy, but they complied hearing that any visit could jeopardize their position in custody.
Thank goodness Magnus was there to help with the court case and legal things.
Also to help mediate the humans and the bots ‘immature’ actions.
So many of the bots in their holoforms were making obnoxious noises (cough* Rodimus and Whirl*cough).
There were more breaks because of this.
No one of the bots are happy to see the parents when come to the stand, fuming when the pair put on an act.
Even going as far as stating that Drift and Ratchet were unfit parents, not being the same species.
Something strange happens the day when Buddy is supposed to take the stand.
Everyone is asked to come back the next day for the final verdict.
All the bots are confused and worried.
Ratchet and Drift are especially worried about what happened.
Today would have been the first time the pair or anyone would have seen Buddy, and all of a sudden, the day they are supposed to take the stand no one is allowed to see them?
Something is wrong and they can feel it.
The pair find solace in each other while riding high on anxiety.
What if the court decided they truly weren’t fit to raise their human kid?
Would Buddy have to leave the Lost Light for good?
There were too many questions going through their processors right now.
The next day Magnus is updated on what happened yesterday.
The next day the bots and bio parents come in.
Buddy is sitting behind a desk far from everyone else in the room with a guard by their side.
“Ultra Magnus and the crew of the Lost Light, in the case of the legality of the adoption document of Buddy, the jury recognizes that Drift and Ratchet are the legal guardians and will be formally recognized in the system here on Earth.”--Judge
All the bots are floored and cheer hearing the news.
Ratchet and Drift smile the happiest of the bunch.
“Excuse me? What makes these aliens even fit to raise a human child, our child Pal—”--Mom
“Their name is Buddy, Fleshy.”—Whirl and most of the bots
Magnus clears his throat getting everyone’s attention.
“To begin with, you two are charged with attempted kidnapping and aggravated assault of a minor.”—Magnus
The bots behind him eyes go wide.
The parents themselves go pale.
The police start cuffing the bio parents as they squawk in shock.
“What is the meaning of this!? Unhand us!”--Mom
“You have no right—”--Dad
“IF I may!”--Magnus
Magnus ‘clears his throat and intently stares at the parents with hatred in his holoforms eyes.
“You attempted and succeeded in breaking and entering the home where Buddy had been staying and attempted to take them to an unknown location against their will. They fought the both of you off sustaining injuries to both hands and you two fled the scene on foot back to your respected household to pretend that this ‘incident’ never happened the next day.”--Magnus
The bots behind him have a mixture of shock and anger on their faces.
Drift is glaring at the parents wanting nothing more than to punch them square in the jaw.
Ratchet is trying to look over at Buddy for any injury he could spot from where he was sitting.
Magnus looks at Buddy.
“Buddy, if you may show your hands.”--Magnus
Buddy reveals thick bandages on both arms and hands.
“I do believe that is enough evidence. The biological parents are set to a new court date to address these charges. The court once again recognizes Drift and Ratchet as Buddy’s legal guardians, court dismissed.”--Judge
With the swing of the gabble the parents are escorted out screaming and kicking, while Buddy is escorted to a different door.
Once the bots are outside, they can see Buddy running to them with arms wide open.
Drift and Ratchet open their arms as Buddy crashes right into them crying and wrapping their arms around them.
Drift is crying and ratchet is on the borderline of doing so too.
Ratchet carefully looks at Buddy’s wrapped hands.
“Those two good for nothings just wanted to get me back to get my income.”--Buddy
“We can add more charges to their case.”—Magnus
“We can jump them!”—Whirl
Buddy chuckles a bit.
“I think the grapefruit sized marks are enough for now.”--Buddy
Buddy pulls out a wrench from their pocket.
“Learned how to throw from the best.”—Buddy
Ratchet hugs them again as Drift joins in a second later.
The bots all head back to the Lost Light.
Ratchet and Drift never letting go of Buddy for an instant.
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this world was never meant for a fire like yours (part 2/3)
Daemon Targaryen x nurse!reader / f!reader
word count: 7k - part one - unalloyed - part three.one - - masterlist
After a fatal injury on the battefield, Daemon wakes up in a foreign land - our world (where GoT / HoTD does not exist). He meets the reader, a nurse who tends to him and helps him navigate everything. They grow close, and slowly, but unequivocally, fall in love.
themes/warnings: smut (18+!), angst, slow burn, jealous!daemon, cursing
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January 2023
You try to listen to Tom’s excited voice, as he relays a story about one of his friends. Honestly, you can’t help it, but you’re tuning it out. He’s nice and sweet and all, sure, but he can’t truly hold your attention. In the back of your mind, one notable reason stands out. One white-blonde, foul-mouthed, enigmatic man who barged into your life seemingly out of nowhere. One Prince Daemon, to be precise.
As the two of you climb up stairs to your hallway, you look forward to simply being home. Which only means, this is probably the last date you’ll go on with him. Granted, it’s only been the second one.
As you stop in front of your door, you scramble in your mind for the best thing to say. How to let him down gently. His warm, golden-retriever-like nature only makes things worse. You really don’t want to hurt him, but hell, you might have to.
“Listen,” you turn to him, apologetic expression ready, but at the same time he speaks.
“I need to tell you something,” he says, drowning out your voice.
“Oh, okay, go ahead,” you become hopeful that he will tell you that he only wishes to be friends, and nothing more. That while the dates have been fun, the two of you are not compatible in a romantic way.
Instead, he takes your hand, leans closer, and whispers, “I really, really like you.”
Oh, shit. You stare at him, anticipation taking root in your bones, and not in a good way.
“And, I guess I just want to let you know that. I’ve really been enjoying your company,” he goes on.
Well, why do I have to be so enticing? You mentally roll your eyes, wishing that the floor would just swallow you whole.
“That’s really sweet of you to say,” you start, carefully weighing your words.
“Yes, well, one more thing,” he smiles slyly.
“One more?” You croak. What more could he possibly have under his sleeve? After whatever this is, I will finally collect myself and not be a sissy and let him down and…
Your thoughts are surely halted by what he does next.
He leans forward, inch by excruciating inch, and everything feels like it’s happening in slow motion. Oh no.
Just when you are about to decide whether to flee, or to say something in protest, your front door opens. Revealing your knight in tainted armour.
“There you are. I was beginning to worry that you would be missing our supper.” Daemon’s voice is clear and commanding, and you suspect that he knows just what he interrupted.
“Oh, uhm, we just got back and I -” you start to say, but Tom interrupts.
“Yeah, could you give us just a second, man?” Tom says, putting a hand up to Daemon. Knowing Daemon, albeit only for a period of a few months, he does not like to be told off. Bad idea, Tom.
“Whatever for?” Daemon smirks, “Judging by the lady’s expression, I’d say this date has reached quite a timely end. She should come inside her home now, and you should leave.”
“Shit, I don’t think you can just say that, man. Who are you even, to her?” Tom’s face scrunches in frustration. This is clearly not the perfect end to your date that he was hoping for. But, you just might prefer this to the contrary. Tom was hoping for his confession to be well-received and matched, then he would kiss you, and you may be compelled to pull him into your apartment for a much desired escalation. Granted, he hoped that ‘the blonde weirdo’ would not be there.
But, as it turns out, he is.
Daemon seems unfazed, clearly not threatened by the man before him. He raises an arm to lean against the doorway, dominating the space. “I can say whatever I want. And if you mean that I am more than just her friend, then you are correct.”
“Really? She didn’t mention anything.” Tom’s resolve seems to weaken.
You think of intervening, before it gets too far. Although, you admit to yourself that you find some amusement in what’s in front of you – Daemon is blunt with his words and actions, most of the time, his particular brand of cunning underlying everything he does. But why here, why now? Why for you?
You’ve learned to look out for his shameless one-liners, and you welcomed them, even. But Tom certainly is not familiar with Daemon in that way, and he could not have anticipated what he says next, “She was probably just too nice to step on your feelings, boy. Being the soft, pathetic sod that you are.”
“What the hell.” Tom squares up his stance, his fist bunching up at his sides. But, compared to Daemon, he doesn’t seem menacing at all.
You step in between them, hands raised, prepared to push them apart. “Alright, stop it, you two.”
“Is he telling the truth?” Tom says, looking directly at you.
The truth about Daemon?  You think that you should reject the notion of Daemon being more than your friend. He is just a friend, after all, just a visitor. Isn’t he?  
“No!... well, it’s complicated.”
“Oh, please. Feel free to step on my feelings, y/n.” Tom counters.
“Look, Tom. Please excuse Daemon. He’s being unreasonably rude right now.” You shoot daggers with your eyes at Daemon, but he continues to stare Tom down.
Tom starts to back away. He tried to meet Daemon’s eyes, to assert some form of dominance, some claim over you, but that did not last long. Daemon understandably is too much for this laid-back, 20-something, nice guy. “Whatever this is. Whatever the two of you have got going here, I don’t want any part of it.”
“Just wait…”
“Why? Tell me, do you even like me? Or do you like him?” He finally says. The last straw.
“I...” You know you do. You’ve grown to like Daemon, deeply, but you don’t think that now is the time to reveal that. In a dim hallway after a failed date with another man.
Daemon thankfully intervenes again, with mirth in his tone. “Time to get inside, my love.”
“That’s what I thought.” Tom backs off a final time, and hurriedly enters his apartment, not before sarcastically saying, “Have a nice night, y/n”
You stare at his door, your mind racing at the events that just happened. Daemon and Tom squaring up over you? You felt as if you were in a tv show, the hapless lead actress who strings along two admirers.
You whirl around to face the culprit. The smirking, smug man blocking your doorway. “What the fuck, Daemon?” You manage to pull off a disappointed face for a few seconds, but you can’t help but crack a smile back at him.
The whole situation seems silly all of a sudden, and all the tension gets released from you. Daemon’s effect on you, as much as you’d be shy to admit it.
“Well?” he asks, “Aren’t you going to come inside, darling?”
“Oh, fuck off, prince.”
- - - - - - - - - -
“What was that all about?” You ask Daemon, after just taking a bite of your pizza, the words muffled through your lips.
The two of you sit side by side on your old couch, a large box of pizza nestled in between. Daemon has his feet propped up on the low coffee table, next to your laptop which plays a 50s western movie. The movie had been chosen by Daemon himself, who has developed an affinity for classics rather than the modern, generic blockbuster fare.
After the whole Tom debacle, you had slumped down on your bed, exhausted from the day. You inadvertently fell into a nap, and were awoken by Daemon some time later, proudly presenting the pizza that he had delivered.
“It seems that neither of us can muster up the effort to make supper ourselves, so I had this made, from your favourite place, of course.” He smiled above you, your still sleep-heavy gaze making the light surround him like a halo. Oh, the irony.
The day was forgotten. The needless drama, the hallway spectacle, gone. But well, now, you can’t help but ask.
“What was what all about?” He asks, as if he doesn’t know what you speak of. Of course he does. His gaze is lazily trained on your laptop screen. The movie had his full attention in the beginning. But then his mind wandered off to you. How your fingers brushed across his when picking up your food. Your bare legs tucked beneath you, covered in nothing but pajama shorts. The little bits of information you would share with him about classic filmmaking. Your initial moan, followed by a gleeful snort, upon tasting the pizza.
She acts so very unbecoming of a lady, and would not belong if she had been raised in Westerosi nobility. You are different. Nevertheless, Daemon liked everything that you did. He didn’t mind. He enjoyed it much more, even.
And he showed this to you. He’s never been one to be shy about his admiration. He made sure you noticed his lingering stares, his gentle hands guiding you when needed, his constant compliments and playful words. But, he knew all that isn’t enough. He’s aware of your reluctance about the whole thing. About him.
The dragon in him would have staked his claim by now. He would have taken you, as he so badly wants to. But Daemon was lost. He tried not to show it, as he wanted to maintain a sense of calm. To prove that he was still in control. To hide the fact that he was an intruder in this world, who yearned for home more than anything. He didn’t want to worry you. He didn’t want you to find him weak.
This was not his world, and the only thing anchoring him here is you.
“Why were you so rude to Tom? What did the guy ever do to you? Also, what do you mean by you being more than just my friend?” You ask one question after another, but Daemon can give a single answer for all of them.
“Because, you little minx,” he pauses, taking a swig of his beer, another one of his favourite modern things, “we are more than simply friends, aren’t we?”
You turn to look at him, your eyes meeting the sharp curve of his jaw. You shamelessly watch as his lips wrap around the opening of his beer bottle. Damn Daemon for having the ability to make anything look sensual. For the past few weeks, it felt as if the both of you have not tried to hide the fact that you wanted each other. It’s always been there, in the electricity in the air between you, in every skipped heartbeat. Still, it felt good to actually hear the words of affection coming from him.
You had gone on another date with Tom purely for the sake of distraction. The ‘will they, won’t they’ dynamic with Daemon was getting a bit too much.
“Mhmm,” you hum in agreement, “What are we then? Platonically compatible roommates?” You push him on, wishing he would just make his side clear, once and for all.
“How can we be roommates if I’m yet to be allowed the privilege of sleeping in your room?”
He got you there. Daemon still kept his place on your couch. You weren’t sure how to bring up the matter at this point, without it seeming like you were trying to get with him.
One thing is certain. It is only a matter of time before the frustration boils over, and one you will quite literally pounce on the other. But that’s all to come. For now…
“Would you like to?”
“You’re going to have to be a bit more specific, darling. There are plenty of things that I would like to do with you.”
You felt the blood rush from your cheeks, so you attempted to stifle your glee with an eye roll, unsuccessfully. “Would you like to sleep in my bedroom? I should’ve asked sooner, I suppose, since I don’t think this couch is all too comfy to sleep on.”
“Comfy?” Daemon raises an eyebrow, before realizing, “Oh. Comfortable. Well, it’s not so bad. Quite lonely, though.”
He smirks, something clearly on his mind, “Yes, I would like to sleep with you.”
“What?” Your head snapped to the side, seeing him amused by what he just said.
“I said, yes, I would like to sleep in your bedroom with you. Thanks for offering.”
Your heart races, having heard him the first time. “Good.” Why not beat him at his own game? “You know, I wouldn’t be opposed to your first suggestion, either.”
- - - - - - - - - -
Daemon stares at the ceiling, lying comfortably on your bed. You’re already asleep on your side, facing him. He watched you gradually fall asleep, as you discussed many things, including his new job at the auto shop, 50s cinema, weird news headlines. He had asked about social media, and after giving him a lengthy exposition on what it offers, he had sneered in disdain and determined that he was never to go near the thing.
Of course. You smiled at that, at his casual bravado, before adding, “That’s too bad. If you were on any social media, the ladies would have loved you. Men, too. Daemon Targaryen, that one mysterious, brooding, too-cool-for-anything guy on Instagram. I’d wager that you’ve got enough charisma to be an actor, you know.”
He had shared about his new post as a mechanic, and proposed that you visit him there the next day, after your day shift at the hospital.
“I’m glad it’s been going well, Daemon.” You smiled at him, through a stifled yawn.
“Yes, I’ve been learning the ropes, as they say in this world.” He smiled back at you, before adding his usual snarky comment, “The mechanical part of it is interesting enough. Some of the patrons of the establishment can be downright cunts, though.”
“Daemon!” You feigned surprise, smirking at his tone. He had blurted it out so shamelessly, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“What? I’m merely being truthful, my love. You should have seen this lady who came in the other day. She was complaining about this apparently defective car battery that I installed for her. It was in perfect condition until she must have fucked it up, being the bleating dolt that she is. I nearly chucked that damn battery at her head.”
You snorted at the picture he presented, “Sounds like a piece of work.”
“I think her name was Karen, as the owner of the auto shop called her.”
“Do you mean that he called her a Karen?”
“That’s what I said.”
You always found it funny how oblivious he can be about some references, “I think that has more to do with her disposition, than with her actual name, Daemon.”
“Whatever do you mean?” he asked, and so you launched into yet another exposition, this time on the Karen trend, something you never thought you would ever be doing, addressed to a man you have grown to desire.
With your lips gently parted, and a lock of your hair falling in front of your face, Daemon takes the time to admire you openly. His hand reaches out and moves your hair to the side, then he allows his fingertips to drift across your cheekbone, then down to your lips. You stir a little, your nose scrunching at whatever dream you may be having. Daemon fondly smiles. She’s beautiful, truly. So what am I waiting for? Why haven’t I made her mine?
He wonders if it will happen again, when he falls deep into slumber. For several instances now, he swears he’s been hearing voices calling out to him in his dreams. Familiar voices. Viserys. Rhaenyra. Mysaria, even. It could all just be a result of his yearning for home, but they sound so real. Like they’re actually behind some impenetrable wall, calling for him. Seemingly there, but gone when he opens his eyes in the morning. He hasn’t told this to you, because… well, how would it sound? He wants to believe his family has found a way to reach out to him in this world, and not that his mind is slowly driving him to madness.
I wish I could be a better man. I wish I could be the one that you deserve. But he knows he isn’t. He’s not ordinary. Not the sort of man that would be ideal to build a home and a family with, in your world and in his. Especially in your world.
Where he came from, he was able to build his entire image on his ferocity. His fearlessness. The name given to him, the Rogue Prince, means to command respect just as much as it commands awe and fear. Daemon was a Targaryen through and through. A dragon who knows exactly what he is and what he is capable of. The acts he has committed in his world, would be more than enough to guarantee a lifetime of imprisonment in your world. Or at the very least, permanent admission to a maximum security psychiatric hospital. He remembers the night when he and his gold cloaks cleansed King’s Landing of its criminals and its brutes. He remembers taking pleasure in disembowelling the Crab Feeder, limb from limb, and dragging his remains through the mud in victory. He remembers much and more. And he’s certain he would do it all again, as much as he would like to be… better… for you.
He knows who he is, and he knows that this world cannot contain him. Pretend as he might, this world cannot stifle his fire. He can try to blend in, to subdue himself for a while, but how long can that last? He fears the day when a switch flips inside him, and he might take it out on you. And he can’t lose you. You’re the only light that he has in his world, and without you, Daemon would inevitably fall into the darkness.
- - - - - - - - - -
“Daemon.” He hears a familiar voice. He doesn’t know when he fell asleep, but he must be. The voice is coming from Viserys, urgency ringing true in his tone, “Daemon. Brother, we will find you, this I promise.”
“Daemon,” another voice rises out of the shadows, softer, sweeter.
“Rhaenyra,” he attempts to whisper back, “Rhaenyra.”
“Stay strong, uncle.” Daemon feels like an apparition, floating on air, seeing the hazy shapes of his family. “Kesā māzigon arlī naejot īlva,” You will return to us, Rhaenyra determinedly says. But how, my dear niece? How can I return to you?
“Daemon.” Another voice, stronger this time, echoing through the chambers of his dream. Clearer, as if it were right beside him. “Daemon, wake up.”
Your voice, “Daemon, you’re only dreaming. Wake up.”
For a brief moment, Daemon is torn between staying in the limbo of his unconscious, tethered to the connection with his family, and letting go, and waking up to you.
To you.
Daemon feels the pull toward a direction. He feels himself choosing what he truly desires, in that moment. He isn’t sure what’s happening, he doesn’t know what’s to come.
There’s only you.
You shake him again, with a bit more force this time. Daemon has been mumbling in his sleep, his head whipping from one side to the other, his fists bunching up at the sheets.
A nightmare, perhaps? Although, he keeps whispering a name. A feminine-sounding name, one that you’re not quite familiar with. One that doesn’t sound too common in your world. Rhaenyra.
“Daemon, wake up.” You try again.
His eyes flutter open. Any other name disappears from his lips, and he only says yours, “Y/n. It’s you.”
“It’s me,” you smile at the innocence in his tone, “You were dreaming, I think.”
“Hmm, I was.” He runs a hand over his face. “Good morning, love.”
“Morning. Bad dream?”
“Not entirely.” He sits up, and takes your hand absentmindedly, “I am happy to wake up to you, though.”
“I am, too.” You squeeze his hand in return. A question hangs on your lips, and you say it out loud, “Daemon, who’s Rhaenyra?”
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
March 2023
You hear his grunts from underneath the vehicle, clearly frustrated with whichever part he’s been asked to repair. Only his dark-wash blue jeans are visible, his body lying flat on the under car roller.
It had taken Daemon a while to acknowledge the existence of jeans, as with many other modern things, and you thanked all of the angels that he had, because they look so damn good on him. You stand in the auto shop that he works at, on one of your usual visits, not having a shift at the hospital that day. Bobby, the owner, was a brawny, snow-haired man who seemed intimidating at first sight, but that image is immediately broken once he lets out one of his warm, hearty laughs. He had easily taken a liking to both you and Daemon, and he kindly told you that you were always welcome, when you apologized for loitering.
“Oh, feel free to come visit your boyfriend, anytime, darlin,” Bobby had said, “He’s actually one of my best workers here, which is amazing really, since he knew nearly nothing about cars when he first came ‘round.”
Your cheeks reddened, not exactly averse to what he assumed, “Well, thanks for taking him in, sir. And, no, we aren’t-“
“Hello there, love,” Daemon had come in from the other room, and that was the end of it. The occasion to correct the ‘boyfriend’ assumption was gone, not that you bothered to bring it up again, anyway.
You knew that the Daemon being your boyfriend - Daemon being anyone intimate, more than a flatmate, more than a friend – was a notion that made you feel all warm inside. Truth be told, it was a thought that you’ve been entertaining for a long time. Perhaps even mere days after you first found him outside your building.
Recently, your desire has intensified, to say the least. But in your defence, Daemon himself has acted in a way that encouraged your yearning. He’s been holding you for long moments, his gaze running down your body when you weren’t meant to notice, his words flirtatious at times. Passionate, even.
Like when he once whispered, “You possess a light that can put even dragonfire to shame,” causing shivers to run down your spine.
Oh, you were so gone. He could make you his, if he only said the word. But he hasn’t. Why?
You vaguely hear his voice, breaking your thoughts.
“Sorry?” you peer down.
“I said, please hand me the wrench, love.”
“Oh,” you look at the tray, several similar-looking tools before you.
“Which one?”
“The one with the blue bit at the end,” you hear laughter in his voice, and he rolls out partially, hand outstretched. Well, here’s something from this world about which he now has more expertise than you. Sheepishly smiling, you give him what he asked for, and watch him disappear underneath the car again.
A minute later, he exclaims, satisfied, “That should do the trick.”
He gets up from under the car, cracking his neck and rolling out his shoulders, loosening himself up hours of work. And in that moment, as with many other moments, you get to appreciate the view of him.
Deep V-necked, black shirt nearly moulded to his torso, his striking white-blond hair now cut short, and unsurprisingly, the faint smattering of grease marks on his face only serve to make him even more tempting. My little grease monkey, you try to compose yourself when he catches you looking.
“See something you like?” There he goes again, and you’re sure that he’s got more than a clue about your wanting of him, and he enjoys it.
“Maybe,” you hold his gaze, and moving to stand in front of him, you take a towel and carefully wipe the stains off his face.
His gaze on you is gentle, yet enthralling, persistent as you tend to him. Daemon naturally has cunning dancing behind his eyes, but for you, now, it only has tenderness. He looks at you with care, as if he’s not just relishing in the attention he’s given, but also revelling in the sight of you.
“All better,” you sigh, and force yourself to look away, sensing that his co-workers have started throwing curious glances in your direction.
He notices your unease, and although unaffected by the attention himself, he’s quick to offer some comfort.
“It’s been a long day,” he says, hand gently resting on your back, “Let’s go home.”
Home. Yours and Daemon’s. For how much longer, you did not know. And it worried you.
- - - - - - - - -
“What do you want to have for dinner?” You say, as you take off your coat, shaking off the cold from outside.
“How about we go on one of those things? You know, a… date?” He’s already sitting comfortably on the couch, one leg resting atop the other. “I know I should have asked you sooner, and I apologize. It’s just… you know the source of my hesitation. But I no longer will be a cockless coward, and have you, if you’d let me.”
“Daemon,” you bite your lip at  his statement, blood rushing to your cheeks, “it’s okay. We don’t have to go on an official date. As long as we know where we stand, and, I guess I like us. I like what we have. It can progress naturally as we’d like it to, and that’s just fine with me.”
“My love,” he stands, and pulls you in close by the waist. His closeness intoxicates you. Even though you’ve been experiencing it for months, it never fails to steal the breath from your lungs. You look up at him, as he continues, “you deserve to be courted properly, like a lady, like a princess, more like. From what I’ve seen of the courtship rituals in your world, a romantic date seems to be the way to do it right. Tell me what you want, and you shall have it.”
Oh, fucking finally. You can’t help the smile that springs on your face, and Daemon revels at the sight. “You know what I want, Daemon?”
“Tell me.”
“Come closer, and I’ll whisper it to you,” you say cheekily, a plan brewing in your mind.
Daemon catches on quite easily, and he leans forward, ready to claim what you’re offering. So you meet him in the middle, and press your lips to his.
It feels even better than you imagined, and you’ve let it run through your mind a lot. How he would feel against you, like a searing flame that consumes your space, enveloping you in his warmth. Dangerous, but you like it this way. Only him, this way.
His tongue snakes past your lips, and you fail to stifle a moan. He pushes you back against the wall, and you pull him even closer, wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders.
“Mmm, Daemon,” you manage, “fuck.”
He smirks against your lips, “Why, I would love to, darling. Would our date be spent in the bedroom?”
“Uh huh, well, you said something about a romantic date? Why don’t we do that first?”
“Gods, you’re a temptation waiting to be fucking plucked, you know that, darling?”
“I think the word on the street for that sort of thing is a tease, my prince, but you say it so much better.”
“Well, you’re a… tease, then.” He kisses you again, biting your bottom lip towards the end.
“How about we go out, pick up some food and a decent bottle of wine, then come back with the goods and watch movies to our hearts’ delight?”
“Don’t we always do that regardless, my love?” he smirks, head adorably tilting to one side. He takes your hand and presses his lips to the back of it. My chivalrous prince.
“Yeah, but now it’s a ‘date’ date. You can plan the next one, complete with your noble steed and gleaming sword…Dark Sister, wasn’t it?” He nods, eyes softening at your remembrance, “and I can put on a frilly princess frock or something…” He laughs at that. “Then we can right off into the sunset, and be on our way to find your dragon Caraxes, and fly off into the stars.”
“Quite a vision, but you know you don’t need a fucking frock, my love. You’re perfect just the way you are.” His hand flies to your ass, squeezing firmly, and you nearly jump up in surprise, “Besides, these jeans flaunt your backside in ways that a skirt never can.”
“Daemon!” An empty plea. You melt into his arms anyway.
You feel his lips pressing to the crown of your head, causing you to fondly whisper his name once more. The strong planes of his chest are firm against your hands. You dig your fingers in, “Mmm, you know what? The date can wait.”
“Say that again?”
You don’t repeat it. You just pull him down to your lips again, kissing him passionately. He opens his mouth fully to you, and your back arches in response, tasting all of him, before finally adding, “Shall we begin?”
- - - - - - - - -
He practically throws you on the bed, looming over you, his presence all at once so disarming. His face, practically carved out of marble, lowers down to press itself onto yours. Forehead against forehead, nose bumping yours, your lips melding into one.
You moan in unison, his hands groping your hips and then your thighs.
“Fucking… jeans off. As flattering as they may be.” He growls lowly.
“You as well.” You scramble to unbutton your jeans, then inch them slowly down your legs, kicking them off ceremoniously. They fly across the room, followed by Daemon’s. You giggle, and Daemon mewls, “Oh, that sound. You can bring me back to life all over again, with just your voice.”
You take his face in your hands, practically purring softly, “Fate might be a fickle thing, but at least it gave me you.”
He is kneeling between your legs on the bed, and you lean back, watching as he takes off his sweater. Eyes glued onto yours, he proceeds to rid you of your cardigan, before rolling your tank top above your head. He finally takes off his boxers, one that you picked together at the shop down the street, one interesting afternoon. His erection springs free, his cock firm and partially streaked blue-violet with veins, fucking thick as you expected. You bite your lips at the sight, and he notices, raising his light eyebrow proudly.
For the first time, you are completely bared to him. From your shoulders, to your toes. He admires the smooth expanse of your skin, allowing his fingers to drift lightly on you, silently wandering.
“Gevie,” he whispers.
“High Valyrian?” you ask, recognizing the intonation.
He affirms with a hum, “Beautiful. You are beautiful.”
“Mmm, Gevie?” you trace the lines of his stomach, “You are… gevie, too.”
He moves closer, enunciating clearly, “Iksā gevie.”
“Iksā… gevie,” you repeat slowly.
“Perfect,” he smiles affectionately, “We shall get you speaking High Valyrian in no time, my darling.”
“Face?” you ask, your hand directed by the words, tracing his cheekbone.
“Laehurlion.” He smirks openly, watching you absorb the words.
“Laehurlion,” you repeat, tone snagging at the end, but you carry on, “Eyes?”
“Laesi. Mmm… heart?”
His eyes soften, “Prūmia. Prūmia, ñuha jorrāelagon.”
“Prumia. And… well?” you hand lowers and lowers, until it reaches his erect shaft, the question hanging in the air.
“Cock? A leap from heart, I might say, though they might go hand in hand,” he leers, and leans down, causing the head of his cock to press against your opening, “Orvorta.”
“Orvorta.” You struggle to repeat the word this time, head leaning back at the feeling.
“Iksis bona sȳz?” He presses on, “We shall go slow, ñuha jorrāelagon. Cherish every second.”
You find yourself nodding in response, even though you don’t catch on to some words in High Valyrian. You watch as Daemon strokes himself, his eyes darkening in lust and pleasure. At the same time, he stares you down, and slowly pushes one long finger into your wet cunt. This thumb pads at your clit in gentle, circular motions. You take action, wrapping your hand around his cock, taking the place of his.
He pushes another finger inside you, increasing the pace. In and out of your warmth, juices making their way out, gleaming droplets of pale white. Your wrist  begins to ache, as it rapidly pleasures him, fingers sliding up and down, over and over, but you continue. Daemon unravels in front of you, at the feeling of your palm on his cock, and your wetness slick on his two digits.
You moan loudly, as the pressure builds up below, threatening to push you over the edge. The feeling of him suddenly disappears from inside you, and he pushes your back roughly down on the mattress, causing your hand to release his cock.
“Daemon,” you breathe out. He says nothing in return, merely priming himself at entry, digging his fingernails into your thighs. My dragon has awakened.
“Daemon,” you say again, not expecting a response. Simply preparing yourself for his hunger. Stating your lover’s name as if in prayer.
 “Hmm,” he hums, sinister and dark, “Hmm.” The air is taut around you, the hairs on your body rising in excitement. Then, he enters you. Stretching you wide, his cock twitching as he drives his hips forward.
“Fuck,” he lets out, once he is fully sheathed, “Oh, gods.”
You moan, feeling all of him. All of him. All…
“Shit.” You press your hands onto his chest, weakly, but he gets the message.
“What is it?” he asks faintly.
“Condom. You need to put on a condom. Bottom drawer.” The words awkwardly stumble out of you, but you know it’s necessary.
“A what, my love?”
“Just…” you sit up halfway, pulling your hips back, until he is released from your cunt.
It only takes about a minute to explain to him what a condom is, and to pry one onto his thick cock, but it feels too damn long all the same.
“Satisfied?” he questions, smirk still resting on his face, “Though if it were up to me, you’d be filled to the brim with my seed. I wouldn’t relent until your pussy would be raw and dripping from it.”
Fuck. The cheeky bastard. “Get on with it, then.” You feign impatience, waving a hand dramatically, biting your lip up at him.
He rams back into you, wasting no time. He falls forward, pressing his forehead to yours. His breath is warm on your face, causing a sheen of sweat to emerge.
His hips begin rutting quicker, harder. He hand squeezes your breast, the other cradling your head, keeping it from hitting the headboard. My Daemon. Relentless, chaotic, yet caring all the same.
“Fuck me,” you pant, “yeah, fuck me, Daemon.”
“Yes, my love.” He pounds into you hard, “I claim you. You’re mine. All mine.”
You’re certain you haven’t been fucked this good. You’re even more certain that you haven’t been made love to in this way. His fire consuming all of you, each thrust leaving a lasting impression. Your soreness will be an interesting thing to even attempt to manage after. The faint red lines you’re scratching onto his back may need tending to as well. You mark each other. Physically, and with all else.
Your cunt throbs from being stretched, and fucked hard. He shows no signs of stopping, the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of you enough to drive you insane. The sound of his balls slapping against your ass so lewd, so goddamn scandalous. Daemon’s. Having him not only so close, but within you. Daemon.
“Let go, my sweet one,�� he breathes into your ear, “Release it all for me. Only me.”
“Faster, I’m getting there,” you moan.
He complies. His hips jackrabbiting wildly, a blur of motion, leaving you mewling and pleasantly aching on the sheets.
He comes first, rutting into you, groaning in ecstasy. It doesn’t take long for you to follow, that damn sensation unravelling all at once from your pelvis, your juices leaking onto Daemon’s cock.
“Seven hells, my love. That just might be the best fuck I’ve ever had.” He runs a hand through his hair, slowly pulling out of you. He takes a long, exhausted breath and lays down beside you.
“Very eloquently put, Daemon.” You bite back, a grin plastered on your face, still on a high from what just might be the best fuck you’ve ever had, as he says.
You let your eyes close for a while, allowing your imagination to play around with what you’ve just experienced, colourful scenarios forming in your mind. You vaguely hear Daemon’s voice pulling you out of your little daydream.
“What’s that?” you turn to him.
“I said, you’re the most beautiful part of this entire fucking world.”
He adds something, a mere whisper, as if he’s drifting off to some other dimension, “… of my entire fucking world.” Your heart stops at that. You’re not sure if you were meant to hear it, but it feels amazing, all the same.
“Thank you,” you whisper, sincerely. You move onto your side, and let your fingers stroke his cheekbone in adoration, “Daemon? Do you still hear them? Viserys? Rhaenyra?”
“Mhmm,” he only hums in affirmative, after a while. He had revealed them to you recently, their stories, how important they truly are to him. How he hears them almost every night, calling out to him. Like a dream, but it feels much more significant. A call seemingly from the void. Only it doesn’t feel like a void. It feels like a direct tether to his own world.
You try to fight it, but a pang of sadness hits you every time he mentions his desire to return to his world. Because in the end, it would mean having to leave you.
You’re not aware of it, but a thought has been dancing in Daemon’s head. Only a possibility to entertain, at first. However it has grown into something stronger, more resolute. Turning fully fledged tonight. No longer a suggestion, but an unsaid promise he makes to you.
It doesn’t matter where he is. Whichever city, kingdom, world. The one thing that matters is being with you. Wherever you are, there he’ll be. You’re no longer just an anchor in this world, but a solidified anchor for his life in its entirety. His fire may not be meant for this world, but it has always been meant for you. And that’s more than enough.
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June 2023
You push your door open, laughing at some snide remark that Daemon said, as he keeps a hand on your back. You’ve grown to love his dark sense of humour, knowing that although it can be deemed biting or harsh, it stems mainly from astute observation. Daemon simply voices out what other people are probably thinking, but are too afraid to say. You appreciate this routine that the both of you have fallen into. And you wish it lasts. You would make it last, if it was in your power.
Looking back at Daemon, expecting him to follow suit behind you, you notice the sudden change in his expression. His body freezes in the doorway.
Before you could ask what the matter was, you hear a voice coming from your apartment. One that has never graced your ears before.
“Brother,” you finally look at the intruder, and the first thing that catches your eye is the shade of his hair. The same striking blend of golden and silver, even though he seemed frailer, devoid of shadow throughout its length.
You notice that Daemon doesn’t push you behind him, which means that he recognizes this man. Of course. They are, at first glance, the same. Brother? This must be…
“Viserys,” Daemon finally speaks, confirming your thoughts.
“Quite the peculiar realm you’ve landed yourself in, my brother,” The man stands from your couch, drawing closer to you and Daemon, “and quite the woman you have there.”
“Is it really you?” Daemon whispers, and you swear you heard his voice break.
“It is,” Viserys holds his arms out in front of him.
Daemon steps forward, and you can’t help but think that this small motion has drawn him farther away from you. His focus is on his brother, and understandably so, but your heart aches at what lies before you.
I’m going to lose him.
Viserys pulls him close with one arm, and Daemon relaxes into his embrace. He’s home. Well, nearly.
“I’m afraid we don’t have much time, brother. We must leave before the incantation is broken.”
“Incantation?” Daemon asks, and you wonder the same thing.
“We must go.” Viserys beseeches, urgency clear in his voice.
Daemon seems to collect his thoughts, springing into action, “Alright, well, I’m taking her with me,” he takes your hand, “You are coming with me, aren’t you, my love?”
You think of your world, of what you will leave behind. But, you also think, he need not ask. You would follow him anywhere.
“Yes,” you find yourself nodding, “Yes, of course I-“
“I’m afraid that’s not possible, Daemon.”
Daemon’s head raises in a flash, “What do you mean, brother?” his menacing tone resurfacing.
“The incantation only accounts for you, and only you can return with me,” Viserys seems apologetic, but it doesn’t bring you comfort. Not at all.
“There must be a way,” you feel Daemon start to shake before you, in equal parts desperation and anger.
“We must go,” Viserys pleads again, and you want to say, No, please don’t take him away, but your voice fails you, and you stand there, unravelling within.
I have to say something. Damn it, say something.
“My love?” Daemon says, perhaps for the last time.
“You have to go home.”
Daemon / General HotD taglist: @omgsuperstarg @moonmaiden1996 @ayamenimthiriel @sebastian025 @iilsenewman @padfootsvixen @teapartydreams @mercurial-wallflower @vainillasmil157 @eonnyx @ponyboys-sunsets @schniiipsell @isa-beenme @daemonslittlebitch @wasabi-mommy @naelys-the-asterr @dreaming-for-an-escape @my-dark-prince @random-human02 @thelastcitysposts @avalyaaaa @angel6776 @huntycola @sanguinalia @just-a-harmless-patato @outundertheocean
Seven hells, I did not post this as soon as I promised! Uni got in the way 🤷‍♀️
This one did not contain nursing references cause I got a bit carried away with just their dynamic, but nurse!reader will be making a comeback in the 3rd and last part (especially since Daemon will be gone {???} then) 🙊
I've got more time now, so I'll be working on some Aemond and Daemon requests that yous have already sent. As well as part 4 for the Heart on Fire series.
Also, a huge thank you because this blog has reached 1.7k followers and 25k likes in total. That is absolutely insane, seeing as it's only been three months since I began posting! These stories are all for you guys to enjoy, so thanks a million. I wish you all sweet dreams of Daemon or Aemond (or both) tonight! 🖤🖤🖤
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anemptypuddingcup · 11 months
I’ve got you now!
Stalker to Yandere!Eustass Kid x Female Reader.
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‼️Contains: !!DARK CONTENT AHEAD!! I mean really- Non-con. Forced impregnation. Mind breaking (somewhat). Y’all there’s stabbing in this. ModernAU! Eustass is obsessed with Reader. Eustass just being straight up creepy. Eustass somewhat has a blood fetish. Law is also in here- and damn near dies bc of Eustass. Gets straight into the story. A lot of time-skipping. Multiple events happening. Kinda messy? But overall a wild story. Sit back and relax, this shit is long. The ending is…I’ll let you decide tbh. I couldn’t capture Eustass enough in here (in my opinion) so I’ll let you decide.
Excuse the errors, I’m halfway sleep.
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The first time he had saw you he fell head over heels. Heart pounding, sweaty palms, all of the signs for love at first sight.
The first time he had saw you, you needed help with your car, so you went to his shop to ask for his help. You heard that he was one of the best mechanics that could help in the city, so you went with an eager smile on your face.
You had showed up to speak to him about your car and as a mechanic he was happy to help you with the issue. Though after that, part of him really wished that your car would’ve broken down or have another issue so that you could come back to his shop. He was a great mechanic after all, so of course you didn’t come back once he had fixed your car up.
Eustass wished to see you again to remember your face and your body, your sweet personality and voice was the only thing he could remember fully about you. He curses himself for forgetting, forgetting such a beautiful angel that he may not see again in his life.
Surprise for both you and him when he spotted you out at the grocery store, looking for the sweetest and ripest fruit you could find. He happened to be browsing through the section of vegetables when he hear your pretty voice mumbling across from himself. His eyes widens and he quickly turns over and see your pretty face looking at strawberries.
He couldn’t control himself and rushed up to you, calling out to you and trying to gain your attention, which he did. You looked even prettier than the first time he’d seen you. Even with a normal cotton shirt and blue jeans, you were stunning in the outfit regardless. He doubted you looked bad in anything.
“Hey! I ain’t think I’d see a familiar face here!” With a smile on his face he greeted you and you gave him that sweet smile in return. “Eustass! Oh goodness, it’s so nice to see you again! I can’t thank you enough for fixing my car sweetie!” You smile, thanking him once again for fixing your car. Eustass heart begins to pound out of his chest so bad that it hurt. Fuck you were beautiful. He couldn’t help but to stare at you blankly in awe.
Though it didn’t matter to him, a beautiful woman like you deserves his attention. “Eustass? Everything okay?” You call out to him and give him a look of worry, making him snap back into his mind. “Yeah yeah, sorry ‘bout that. It’s no problem though, I’m happy I fixed your car for you! I’m sure it would’ve broke down if you didn’t bring it over sooner-“
Eustass freezes and immediately facepalms. “Fuck- why did I say that-“ He thought to himself. You giggle at his little reaction. “Yeah I’m sure it would’ve too! That’s why I’m so happy you fixed it for me. Like I said I really can’t thank you enough, you’re a wonderful mechanic~” You hum, looking back around for some fruit while speaking to him. Eustass blushes at the remark.
“So what’re you shoppin’ for here?” He asked you. You smiled, happy that he was showing some interest in your shopping. “Well, I’m looking around for some fruit for my homemade fruit pops tonight. I kinda ran out yesterday so had to come buy some more today.” You say, sharing one of your interests with him. Eustass raises his brow in interest. “That’s pretty fuckin’ cool, you make your own healthy snacks huh?” He asks you. You nodded before blushing out of embarrassment.
“Yeah…Have to find some way to be healthy you know? I like fruit so it’s not much of an issue for me to find something sweet without it being unhealthy.” You admit to him.
The sound of your phone ringing startles both you an Eustass and you quickly pull your phone out of your back pocket and answer it.
“Hello? Hey baby!-”
Eustass frowns at those words, realizing that you had a partner and that you aren’t a single woman. Who could it be? Who was the lucky man or woman to get with you? Whoever it was Eustass was already expressing a deep hatred for them. You quickly hang up the phone before giggling to Eustass, apologizing for the abrupt interruption of your conversation.
He’s quick to shrug it off to you, but deep down he was already set out for whoever this person was taking his sweet princess from him. After continuing conversation, Eustass offered his phone number to you in hopes to actually get somewhere with you. You happily took it and you waved before going your separate way down the grocery store.
He did follow you to see you a couple more times in the store before you had fully left, and he had also left at the same time. He knew what he was doing- He didn’t know how to control it. He wanted to see just who this lucky partner of yours was.
So he followed you home, but he made sure to make it seem rather…normal.
To make sure you wouldn’t suspect anything.
He went down a couple of roads and noticed that they began to look a bit familiar. Why was it the same paths that…no. No way. It couldn’t have been who he thought it was. It would have to be a fucking coincidence for it to be him.
He was in for a shitty surprise when he found out that your lover was in fact his ex-best friend, Trafalgar D. Water Law.
Just the thought of him made his blood boil, and the fact that he was dating you of all people pissed him off even more. Why did it have to be him of all people?
Over the course of a month, Eustass had started calling you after you had saved his number. You admittedly enjoyed his conversations and his talks with you, which grew both of your relationship rapidly. He did daily check-ups on you, asked questions about how your day was or just genuinely wanted to talk to you about how shitty his day was.
It was so enjoyable to have such a best friend like him, but Law seemed to think otherwise. Law knew how dangerous Eustass was, he found it surprising that he had gotten your number to begin with. After finding that out, Law had to warn you about the man you were talking to.
That sweet and knuckle-headed mechanic was an actual monster. A wolf in sheep’s clothing.
“Oi. Who’re you on the phone with?” Law asked, finding your giggles to be slightly disturbing but not too much for him to handle. “I’m talking to my friend Eustass sweetie, am I disturbing you?” You asked, turning over to Law. Law freezes up at your words and quickly sits up from his chair. You tilt your head and quirk a brow to him, going silent before Eustass calls out to you.
“________ hang up the phone.”
“Hm?- Why?-“
“Hang up the phone baby, I’m serious!”
You gave Eustass a quick apology before hanging up, the sound of Law raising his voice startling you. Law stands up from his seat and walks over to you, pulling out a chair from the dining table before sitting beside you. “I’m sorry? Did you say you were speaking to Eustass? As in Eustass Kid?” Law asks you, giving you a serious you. You nodded reluctantly, causing Law to sigh heavily before pressing a hand to his mouth out of slight worry.
“Listen to me…Eustass…is not who he seems to be.” Law explains, pressing his hands to your shoulders. “How would you know that baby?” You asked him, giving him a look of worry. “He was my best friend in college. He was…but not anymore. We’ve separated.” Law explains to you. He begins to tell you about Eustass and who he really was. All of the details and words Law used to describe him made a chill run down your spine.
The more you listened, the more you grew paranoid and shocked about the information.
And that’s when you began to grow distant to protect both you and Law.
A few weeks after, Eustass began to notice you distancing yourself from him. You declined his calls and left his messages on read which made him feel upset but not only upset, he knew that Law had told you the truth about him. Which is exactly what made this task more harder for him.
He wanted to get his hands on you but he just couldn’t. Not when Law was getting in his way.
So instead, that’s when he finally decided to start stalking you.
He stalked you when you left your house for work, went anywhere else or when you were just home in general. He would watch you through the window of your shared bedroom with a wide and aroused smile on his face.
He would even watch you and Law have sex at times.
Watching you crumble beneath Law was like absolute heaven for him. As much as he hated Law, the only thing he could admire him for was fucking you like a slut. Your moans would echo throughout his mind but what he really loved hearing were your whimpers.
Even if they weren’t from pain, he imagined that they were. The thought of hearing your screams and cries while Eustass cut open or beat you senseless had made something go off within’ himself.
This feeling was stronger than it had ever been with anyone before.
He wanted you.
He needed you.
And most of all…
He wanted to bleed and breed you to his heart’s content.
He wanted to see you in your own mess of blood or in his blood.
Either didn’t matter to him.
You could stab and slice him open and all he would do is moan out in pleasure.
This is what he wanted, and this is what he had to have.
Eustass had trailed down the sidewalk as his hands began shaking with anticipation. It was pitch-black outside and Eustass had just gotten off work and was now walking home. He was eager to finally get home so he could get some rest just to repeat the day, but there was just one thing he needed to take care of beforehand.
He took the same path, the path that he always made sure to go down after work. “I wonder if she’s home this time…Probably not. She wasn’t home yesterday when I walked to her house.” A thought to himself was cut short as he saw light shining through the curtains of your home. Excitement filled his heart as he began to speed walk down the sidewalk and into your yard.
He peeks in through that same window that showed your bedroom. You were that cute little nightgown, watching a horror movie on Netflix while eating some popcorn on the bed. He made sure to get a good view of you, watching your every movement. He felt himself growing hotter with each passing moment, and with his body growing hotter he began to grow hard from watching you.
He begins to breathe heavily and he slowly begins to palm his erection through his jeans.
Eustass jolts and pulls away from your window, the sound of Law calling his name nearly giving him a heart attack. What the hell was Law doing here? Why was he even standing here before him by your window. “Trafalgar-” He says sternly, his brows furrowing with annoyance at how Law had just nearly caught him masturbating to you. Law had his arms crossed and he stared at Eustass deep in his ruby eyes before pressing his back against wall of your home.
“What’re you even doing out here?” Eustass asked, quirking a brow to him. Law looks up at him with a frown. “I should be asking you that, what’re you doing in my yard?” Law asked, a bit of anger leaking from his voice. Eustass chuckled before walking closer to Law, a wide smile across his face. “Why does it matter to you? I’m just here.” Eustass says, looking down at Law. “Why’re you stalking my woman?” Law asks, clenching his fists as he started up into Eustass’ eyes.
Eustass smiles, a bit surprised that Law had just now noticed Eustass’ stalking. “Because I can. She’s real easy on the eyes.” He says, a nonchalant tone leaking through his words. Law huffs. “How about you get your ass out of my yard and leave my girl alone?” Law demands, pointing back to the street where Eustass walked.
“What’re you gonna do if I don’t?” Eustass asks in a playful tone. “I’ll fucking kill you. That’s what I’ll fucking do.” Law threatens, clenching his teeth tight out of anger. Eustass laughs at Law’s empty threat before slamming his hands on either side of him. Law doesn’t flinch as Eustass moves his face in closer to Law’s.
“I’d like to see you try, you’re nothin’ but small fry to me.” Eustass snickered to Law, pressing a finger to his forehead. Law shoves his hand away from his head, his glare growing darker with each word that spilled from Eustass’ mouth “Your girl isn’t going to be yours soon after all-”
“Don’t you fucking dare. I swear to god if you lay a hand on her-”
“Oh I’ll lay more than just a hand on her Trafalgar.”
“Get the fuck out of my yard.”
Eustass snickers once again before pulling away from Law, giving one last glance to the window before turning back to Law. “Just watch Trafalgar, my words are fucking sincere.” Eustass spits, walking backwards before turning around and walking out of the yard.
Law stood there for a moment as he watched Eustass walk until he was out of his distance. The weakness kicks into Law’s legs and he slowly slides down the wall, his breathe heavy as he sat there with panic in his eyes. Law sighs heavily to himself, the worry and anxiety finally kicking at his gut. He had to do something and he had to make sure that he prevent Eustass from putting his hands on you.
Eustass has you both in for a mean surprise.
Even though you both weren’t expecting it, you should’ve.
Eustass slowly walks into your yard once again, a sly smirk across his face as he noticed that the lights were off inside of your bedroom. What a wonderful time for you to be sleeping.
He slowly creeps beside the staircase to your front porch and hides, waiting patiently for Law the come home.
It had been around fifteen minutes when Law had finally arrive home. He had pulled up slowly in the driveway and got out of his car, a yawn leaving him as he was ready to just take a shower and go to bed. Law slowly walked up the stairs of the porch and steps up to the door, groaning as he digs around for his keys.
After pulling out his keys, he slowly unlocks the door, opening it before sighing and walking into the house. He was rather tired for the night and his eyes were slightly fluttering from the sleepiness brewing in his body. Eustass slowly and quietly sneaks in through the door and behind Law, and Law freezes as he hears footsteps behind him.
Law quickly turns around and his eyes widens as he felt a sharp pain deep with his stomach. His body freezes for a moment and he gasps out as he felt Eustass shove the knife deeper into his stomach.
That’s when Law had realized…that he had just been stabbed by Eustass.
Eustass quickly covers Law’s mouth and he screams into his palm, thrashing around he struggled to push Eustass’ large body off of him.
Eustass twists the knife in his stomach which causes Law’s eyes to widen more and to scream out louder through Eustass’ palm.
Blood begins to coat Eustass’ palm and Eustass smiles widely in excitement, a heavy and aroused gasp leaving him as he felt the warm blood trail down his arm and through the long sleeve of his shirt. Law grips Eustass’ shirt tightly out of pain and Eustass lets go of the knife, leaving it inside of Law’s stomach. He lets go of Law and Law falls down to the ground, breathing heavily as tears begin to brew within his eyes.
He rolls over as he lets out heavy and pained gasps, his eyes slowly glancing over to Eustass while Eustass stared down at Law with pure arousal and insanity in his eyes. “That face of yours is making my dick hard Law. Didn’t think you of all people would get me aroused.” Eustass snickered, standing over Law. Law turns over to the direction of your shared bedroom and desperately yells out to you.
“________-YA!- AH!“
A kick to his stomach causes Law to yell out even more, his cries growing more intense as he grips his stomach out of pain. Eustass smiles before walking away from Law, looking around for you while Law continues to scream out to Eustass.
“DON’T YOU FUCKING DO IT! DON’T TOUCH HER EUSTASS!” Law yells out, his body trembling against the carpet as he struggles to move. Eustass just smiles as he continues to walk around the house, looking for your bedroom.
Law bangs his fist onto the ground, a few tears spilling from his eyes as he begins to wail out. “________-YA!” He curses himself he fucking curses himself. If only he was a little more fucking cautious.
You shoot up from your bed as you hear Law’s screams and your body begins to shudder as you hear how shaky his voice was. Sirens began to go off in your head and you quickly began to panic, shooting up out of your bed and rushing over to your bedroom door.
Law was hurt.
Law was hurt!
Fuck! Law was fucking hurt!
But what could you do? You didn’t know where the intruder was and you didn’t even know where Law was. How can you help Law if you’re sitting here panicking.
You take a few deep breathes before listening out, pressing your ear close to the door. You couldn’t hear the intruder’s footsteps, which made you conclude that he was already deep in the house an walking along the carpet. “Oiiii~ ________!~ Where are youuuu?~”
Your eyes widens and your body freeze as you heard the voice of Eustass. That alone made the panic spread throughout your entire body. You could feel your headache growing from fear as you sat there trembling while Eustass search for you. You didn’t dare to open the door as you hear Eustass opening doors throughout the house, each door growing closer and closer to your bedroom.
Your eyes quickly trace across the room, trying to think of a route out of the room. Then your eyes finally land on the window. You quickly get up without thinking, reaching over the bed and close to the window and lift it up. Thankfully there was no screen, so it was in easy escape.
The sound of your bedroom door opened causes you to freeze, your body growing cold as you realized that your time was now up to escape. You couldn’t move and you stayed there on the bed frozen.
A large pair of hands grabs your hips and pulls you away from the window, his tone cold and dark as he moves in and whispers into your ear.
“I found you baby.”
You slowly turn around and see Eustass, smiling wide while he pulls your body back away from the window and onto the bed. You begin to whimper out and hot tears immediately began to run down your face as you realized your life was over. With Law in the front room nearly dead, there wasn’t any other thing you could do but fight back.
But how…How can you fight back when you already know it’s over. With the fear of your life coming to an end, you couldn’t do anything. And that’s what hurt the most.
“Aw, don’t cry, I haven’t even done anything yet.” He chuckles, his hand immediately tearing your panties off of you. You gasped and sniveled as you shuddered beneath Eustass, the fear just making you tremble and cry beneath him. He snickers as he looks at your tear-soaked face, the arousal growing more rapidly deep inside of him as his body begins to shake.
“Fuck, your face. Keep making that fucking face. I want you to make that face while I fuck you so hard.” Eustass demands, his hand gripping both of your wrists. “N-NO! NO PLEASE!-“ You yell out, flailing around as you struggled beneath him. Eustass wastes no time pulling his cock, your eyes widening as the landed on Eustass’ thick length. You quickly scoot back from the sight of it but Eustass pulls you closer, pressing his hot length against your cunt.
“Your boyfriend’s cock isn’t nearly as big as mine is it?”
“T-That- That can’t fit inside of me!” You whine out, continuously scooting as your fear began to sink deeper within your body. “Don’t worry, I promise I’ll go in nice and slow for you since you can’t fit all of it inside of your pussy so quickly.” Eustass says to you softly, a maniacal grin plastered across his face.
He spreads your legs open and drools out onto your pussy, the warmth of his saliva making your shudder against him. You whimpered out as you felt him slide his thick mushroom tip against your entrance, your heart pounding out of your chest out of fear. You felt your headache growing worse from the fear, but you really couldn’t do anything.
As bad as it was, the only thing viable to do was to beg Eustass not to do this to you. “Please…Please Eustass…” You whimper out, your body shuddering as you turned away from him. Eustass could only sit there and smile as he watched you cry, seeing you snivel beneath him…he couldn’t help but to feel so aroused from it. He spreads your thighs open a bit more and you close your eyes tightly.
“Aww, you don’t wanna watch?” Eustass teased.
You didn’t want to watch.
You didn’t want to see.
You just wanted him to be quick with it.
He slowly stuffs his cock inside of you, a pained whimper leaving your lips while a sigh of ecstasy leaves Eustass. He grips your hips tight as he begins to thrust into you, heavy gasps leaving him as your pussy was nice and snug around his length. You sigh out and grip the sheets beneath your body, his cock going deep inside of you and hitting all the right places.
You begin to curse to yourself as you began to the feel pleasure, biting your lip tight to prevent any noise from leaving past your lips. Eustass could see that you were starting to enjoy it, giving you a toothy grin while he climbs up farther into the bed. “Look at you. You’re enjoying it aren’t you? You like how good my dick reaches all of those spots deep in your pussy?”
Your face contorts from his words of truth and you whimper out as your toes begins to curl. Eustass begins to increase the speed of his thrusts and you gasp out, arching your back as he thrusted into your g-spot. “Don’t be shy, you can make some noise, can’t you?” A hard shove against your cervix makes you cry out in pleasure and slight pain, and tears began to spill down your face once again.
This wasn’t right, Law’s in the other room on the floor bleeding to death. You didn’t want him to hear how good Eustass was making you feel alongside the fact that Eustass is raping you. Your mind didn’t want this, but your body craved it. You cursed your body for enjoying such and indecent act. Eustass was raping you…so how could you enjoy it?
It wasn’t his fault his cock was so big.
“N-No~ I-I won’t~ I-I don’t want this!” You moan out, your legs wrapping around his hips tightly. “Yes you do! You don’t have to act like you don’t just because your boyfriend’s in there dyin’ on the ground~” Eustass laughs, his thrusts growing more harsher while your pussy took him in with neediness. You whine and breathe out heavily as he pounds into your cunt, pressing smooches against your soft skin while you whimper out in pleasure and inner mental pain.
“Ah! A-Ah!~ E-Eustass! P-Please!~” You cry out, struggling to fight back as your moans spill out of you. Eustass chuckles as he stares into your eyes, noticing the pleasure seeping within while he fucked you with love. “Hm? Please what? You want me to fuck you harder!? Hm?”
“N-No! NO- MMGH!~“ A hard shove into your cunt makes you moan out loudly and throw your head back, your eyes rolling up while your pussy begins to tighten around his length. “Yeah! That’s it! Scream my fucking name! You love my cock don’t you ________!?” Eustass asked you, his hands cupping your tear-soaked face. “N-No!~ F-Fuck! Nooo~” You weep, beginning to hyperventilate as your mind begins to break.
You had to fight back but you’re struggling to keep yourself composed with Eustass fucking you. With his large cock, your mind couldn’t help but to melt from the pleasure. It felt so good…It felt so fucking good inside of your pussy. Rubbing against your gummy walls and close to pushing deep past your cervix.
How could you keep composure with this monster inside of you?
Eustass begins to rut into you a bit faster as he begins to feel himself growing closer to climax, you wrap your legs tight around his hips and your arms wrap tight around his body. Your grip his shirt tightly, close to tearing the fabric as you held on to him for dear life. “Fuck~ F-Fuckkk~” You gasp out angelically as you begin to slowly shut your eyes. “Yeah that’s it, break on my cock. Break on my fucking cock baby.” Eustass urged you, his hands sliding up to your sides and causing you to mewl out.
You internally apologized to Law.
“N-No~” You whimper out, the tears spilling out once again as you felt disgusted of yourself for enjoying this. Eustass wipes your tears away with his thumb and presses a kiss to your lips, a giggle leaving him as he relishes in your cute and broken little face. “Cmon sweetheart, I feel your pussy tightening around my dick…Just say you like it already~” He whispers to you, his hand cupping your chin.
Your whimpers began to grow louder as you felt your orgasm growing close, your legs twitching while you felt your pussy pulsating around Eustass’ length. You grip Eustass’ forearm and moan out, a few curses spilling out of your lips. “Eustass! F-Fuck Eustass!~” You moan out, pulling him closer to you. “Yeah, fuck yeah! Keep moaning my name!~” Eustass groans out, biting his lip as he pulls you farther onto his cock.
You gasp and moan out and you begin to wiggle beneath him as you grew so close to your orgasm. “I-I’m coming! F-Fuck no I’m coming!~” You gasp out, you eyes widening as you breathe heavily. “Come on then! Fucking cum! Cum on my dick baby!~ Scream as loud as you can so Law can hear it!” Eustass yells, giving you a wide grin as he fucks hard into your g-spot.
“Fuckfuckfuck! FUCK I’M CUMMING N-NO!~” You scream out and arch your back as you finally gush out on Eustass’ cock, your juices spilling out whilst you whine and cry out in unwanted pleasure. Eustass huffs heavily and grips your thighs, fucking you as hard as he can to finally reach his orgasm. “Ohhh fuck you looked so fucking hot!~ Fuck you looked so hot squirting on me like that!” Eustass groans with pleasure, his voice growing louder as he grew close to his orgasm.
You struggle beneath Eustass and whine out as you tried to pull away. “No! NO- NOT INSIDE EUSTASS!-“ You yell out to him, pushing your hands against his chest as you desperately trying to push him off. Eustass moves your arms out of the way and pins you against the mattress, huffing and groaning like a dog in heat while you felt his cock twitching. “Shit! Oh I’m cumming inside~ I’m cumming inside of this pretty pussy babe~” Eustass sighs out, his eyes brewing with ecstasy as his thrusts grew harder.
“NO- PLEASE NO E-EUSTASS NO~” You begged, huffing heavily as you turn your head away from him. Eustass grips your chin, forcing you to look at him as he finally reaches his peak. “Look at me- Fucking look at me while I pump my fucking seed deep inside of you~” Eustass says, his tone suddenly dark as he stares into your eyes. You cried out and wiggle your legs, denying him and not wanting him to shoot his seed inside.
“Mmh- Fuck- Fuck yes! FUCK-“
You scream and cry out as he cums inside of you, his cock shooting thick ropes of cum deep inside of your pussy and filling you up to the brim. You whine and cry out, gripping the sheet below you in anger as you felt his seed spilling out of you. You wept in despair and defeat, your heart pumping heavily while you felt his warmth filling your womb.
“Ooh~ You like how it felt?~ You love that warm cum deep inside of you?~” Eustass asked, teasing you and laughing in your face at your despair. You grit your teeth at him but your face softens up in sadness, and tears continue to pour out as you cry out. Eustass chuckles and finally pulls out of you, his cum spilling out of your cunt and onto the carpet below.
You turn over and curl up into a ball, still weeping as you realize that you’re carrying his seed deep inside. Eustass smiles before pulling up his jeans, giving you a wide smile before pressing a smooch to your head. “I’ll come back for you…and I’ll make sure that nothing…will get in my way.” Eustass whispers to you as he slowly begins to climb out of the window.
He finally leaves…and he leaves to there in your own puddle of defeat. You cried…cried as if you had just lost something in your life…which you did…your dignity…your self respect…your self confidence and maybe more.
You shoot up as you hear Law call out to you, the sound of his pained groans finally echoing into the room and your eyes land on Law standing in the doorway. You stared down in horror as you noticed Law’s blood soaked bandages wrapped around his stomach. “T-Traffy…” You whimper out his name as you continue to cry once again, a heavy gasp leaving you as you reached out to him.
Law hugs you tightly and sighs heavily, hearing him sniveling as he felt ashamed for what had happened to you. “I’m…I’m so sorry…” He says, his voice broken as he grips your gown tight. Your eyes widens and your face scrunched up again as the tears spilled uncontrollably from your eyes. “No no baby it’s not your fault…it’s not..” You whine out, peppering kisses all over his face to comfort him.
Both you and him were broken. Hurting immensely in different ways.
“I…If only…I stayed away from him…If only I hadn’t taken his number…” You snivel, looking back on the idiotic decisions you made. Law presses a smooch to your temple and sighs out, feeling how your body trembled against his.
“It’s okay…It’s not your fault.” He whispers to you, his hand playing with your pretty strands before he lies down onto the mattress. He pulls you down and closer to him, pressing a kiss to your lips before sighing out weakly. You continued to cry but Law wipes your tears away and shushes you, pressing your head up against his chest.
“Shh…It’s okay. We’re both…going to be okay…________-Ya…” He whisper to you softly, a yawn leaving him. “Traffy…” You whimper out, holding his body tight yet gentle as you lay your head against him. “Relax ________-Ya. We’ll get him…just not now.” Law says sleepily to you.
You pout to him before sighing and relaxing your body against him.
With the window open, you both lie there defeated and injured. Accepting your defeats you rested in each others arms, happy to at least still have each other in the process.
“It’s going to be okay…We’re both going to be…okay.”
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wordsarelife · 2 years
could you write anthony lockwood x reader? he‘s a tease and annoying the reader and she get’s frustrated about his behaviour and starts to ignore him so he tries to make up by making her breakfast every morning.
i got inspired by the scene where lockwood cuts the toast for lucy. It’s literally so sweet.
—king of my heart
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pairing: anthony lockwood x fem!reader
summary: there was always this flirty banter between them, without anything ever happening. one day the reader grows tired of it and leaves lockwood to make a choice
warnings: sexual themes, mentions of sex but no smut or anything
note: everyone is grown up, it’s more an AU after the events of the first season
also: please request more!! i’m so thrilled to write!!!
“shit, you look hot” Anthony muttered, when he saw you standing in the doorway. you grew flustered at the compliment and send him a lopsided grin.
“stop looking at me like that or we have to go back home” he teased before he walked up to you and placed a lingering kiss on her your cheek, intensely looking into your eyes before he left you standing alone
the longest you remember your relationship with the agency head had always been like that. you met at training and you were the first person he thought of when starting the agency.
of course you were on board from the very start.
nothing ever actually happened between you two, but Anthony liked to say those things to you, getting you flustered. after some time you started returning the favor, but you actually meant the things you said, you couldn’t say that for him surely. the first time you had done it, you were sure Anthony was at the verge of passing out
“fuck” he had muttered upon your sight “you don’t know half of the things i’d like to do to you”
you had walked up next to him, until he was feeling your breath on the side of his head, standing on your tiptoes to whisper in his ear. “don’t be shy, baby” then you did as he always did and placed a lingering kiss onto his cheek.
the teasing and flirting was a red string throughout your whole relationship. it didn’t stop after George came along and also not after Lucy joined.
Lucy had often questioned George on the thing you and Anthony had going on. George would always just shrug his shoulders and explain that it was always like that. it didn’t take long for Lucy to grow used to your unusual banter.
it’s not that you didn’t like the things Anthony was saying to you, it actually made the butterflies in your stomach get active even more, but never did something actually happen, not more than a chaste kiss to the cheek.
after some time you grew frustrated. you put so much work in the supposedly relationship with Anthony, you had never pursued anything or anyone else for that matter. at the same time Anthony didn’t seem to grasp onto the concept that you wanted him to do these things to you, that you didn’t want himself from holding back to kiss you.
these mixed signals annoyed you to no end, so one day you finally snapped.
“hey sexy” Anthony leaned in your doorframe watching as you were reading on your bed
“not now, Lockwood” you muttered
the boy raised his eyebrows at the name. you never called him that, you never even called him Anthony. since you guys had met, you had always ever called him tony, or baby, which he found much more endearing and told you to use more often. so it actually became his new nickname
“what?” he asked confused “no baby?”
you rolled your eyes but ignored what he was saying, so he stepped into the room
“i wish i could take off your shirt-“
he stopped when he met your glaring eyes. he thought he was in for scolding, but you just stood up, walking closer
“do it, then” you said
and his breath hitched in his throat. he was used to you entertaining his teasing, but you had never looked so serious while doing so
“w-what?” he exclaimed
“take off my shirt” you stepped even closer, until you were able to grab onto his hands and bring them to the hem of your shirt, like you were instructing him what to do.
you slowly raised up his hands, that were now gripping onto your shirt, and helped him pull it off your body. this action left you standing in a black bra.
Anthony’s eyes went down to your chest, breathing slowly.
“what is-“ he was still not quite himself, the teasing had always stopped at the verge of undressing each other- well not this time
“what are you gonna do?” you asked slowly “are you gonna take off your shirt? are you gonna sleep with me? or are you about to leave, proving your words to be empty”
“i don’t-“ he muttered, still trying to grasp onto what was happening
“that’s what i thought” you nodded, grabbing your shirt from his hands and pulling it over your head. it was only than that he noticed how dressed up you were.
your make up was perfect and your hair had been curled and styled. he watched as you walked back to your bed, grabbing your bag and pulling out red lipstick, that you put on at the varsity across from him.
“what are you doing?” he asked as his eyes found yours in the mirror
“i’m going out”
“what? why?”
“look” you said stepping next to him “i’m just tired. i’m going to sleep with someone tonight and honestly, i don’t care if it’s you or quill kipps of all people”
his eyes grew big as you left him standing speechless in your room. he only realized what had just happened when he heard the front door close. he rushed down the steps, but as he reached the door he could only watch you drive away in a cab.
“what’s going on?” asked George stepping next to Lockwood
“y/n just left”
“she left? without us? how is she gonna manage-“
“not for a case, George” Lockwood interrupted bitterly
“for- for a date?” George asked slowly, noticing the dark look that had plastered itself onto the other boys features
“fuck” Lockwood growled before he send a kick towards the rapier holder, sending it flying onto the ground
George stepped back to make room for the fuming boy, that was now retracing back to his room. in the mean time, George was joined by Lucy who had sat in the kitchen and was alarmed by the sudden noise.
“what’s going on?” she asked confused
“oh” George muttered, trying to keep in a laugh “y/n left for a date”
“he’s finally getting it?”
“seems like it”
George and Lucy had noticed how you both were utterly in love with each other. while you weren’t holding back on showing it, Lockwood didn’t even seem to realize.
they watched as Lockwood came rushing down the stairs, now wearing his coat. Lucy grabbed onto his arm to hold him back.
“where are you going?” she asked
“to find y/n”
“i don’t think you should” Lucy muttered “i think she gave you a fair chance, and as it seems you made your decision, now leave her be”
Lucy, who had quickly grown to be y/n’s best friend, knew everything about the latter girls feeling. she would often find her friend crying and begging for a reason why Lockwood never seemed to actually like her. she knew that she couldn’t handle the relationship the two were having anymore, but she also knew that y/n just couldn’t give up Anthony that fast, that’s why she didn’t, that’s why she let him make the choice.
“she’s going to sleep with bloody Kipps!” he protested
“what?” muttered George
“i know” said Lucy softly
“you know?” both boys asked. well, George was confused while Lockwood was angry
“and you didn’t talk her out of it?” he bellowed
“no? why would i? y/n’s a grown up, Kipps is a grown up. he’s handsome and funny and-“
“can i stop you right there?” Lockwood muttered while looking like he was about to stab Lucy “you send her out to have sex with- with someone-”
“with someone?” Lucy asked, before she finished the sentence her self “with someone that isn’t you?”
“yes, god-damnit!” Lockwood screamed
“you had your chance, Lockwood” Lucy exclaimed without any sympathy for the boy. she had watched y/n cry too often because of him to still be sympathetic. “and you blew it, end of story. if you don’t want her, than there are lots of others who do. don’t blame this on her, because you’re the one that never did anything about what was going on between you guys”
she grabbed George’s arm and Lockwood watched his friends retreat down to the kitchen. he took of his coat, sighing, tears in his eyes, because Lucy was right. it really was his fault after all
it wasn’t until the early morning that you made your way back into portland row.
you had kept your window open, which was on the side of the house, so you could climb in easily on top of the garbage bins.
you landed onto your bed, but it was only than that you noticed it being occupied by a body. “ow” said body exclaimed when you landed on top of him.
him as in Anthony Lockwood.
“Lockwood?” you whispered, stepping in front of the bed and watching as the boy got up slowly from the mattress.
“holy hell, y/n!” Lockwood spoke “where have you been all night?”
“oh no” you said while taking off your shoes “you’re not getting to yell at me now”
“i’m not— goddamnit!” he muttered, letting his head sink into his hands “i made you breakfast” he pointed at the tray he had brought.
“the tea must be cold by now” you noticed and he nodded
“listen” Lockwood stepped closer to you “i’m actually here, because i wanted to tell you how sorry i am about yesterday” he paused “i- i was an asshole and honestly there’s no real excuse for that, because it took me until yesterday to realize how real this between us was— is!”
“Lockwood” you said but he just shook his head
“i know that you left me a chance and i blew it— totally blew it, and i understand if you’d rather go out and sleep with Kipps for the rest of your life, but—“
you broke of his rambling by shaking your head “i didn’t sleep with Kipps” Lockwood let out a relieved breath “believe me, i was close to it, but then i just couldn’t”
he nodded, glad for your honesty, before he grabbed your hands
“i don’t want to prove my words to be empty ever again” he said “i want to sleep with you, but that’s not it, i want to be with you, all the time, every day. without pointless flirting, i mean, i do want to flirt with you, but for real”
you had to laugh at his rambling and nodded “ditto, baby”
“this part can stay as it is” he smiled upon recognizing the familiar name he had missed so much in the last few hours
“of course” you nodded
“can i take you shirt off, now?” he asked, slowly letting his hands wander to the hem of it.
“obviously” you laughed, before he took it off and pulled you closer to connect your lips in a passionate kiss
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glowinthedarkmouse · 2 years
soft and warm mornings w/ azriel
(a/n: hi!! this is my first fanfic like ever so feedback is highly appreciated!! i hope you enjoy :))
The morning sun crashed through the windows much, much sooner than it should have. Before she could open her eyes and scowl at the open curtains, and silently curse her mate, darkness washed over her face. She was confused, before feeling the warmth of the Shadowsinger against her back. She softly smiled to herself and rolled over to look at the beauty of the Illyrian male holding her. He slowly opened his eyes, looking at her with pure love and adoration for his mate. 
“Did you forget to close the curtains again, love?” 
He nuzzled his face into her hair, softly saying something she couldn’t quite understand.
“Did you?”
“...maybe?” he said sleepily.
“Be thankful the baby isn’t making me sick this morning or I’d be upset with you,” she murmured while moving closer to him.
It still felt like a dream to her, being mates with Azriel, carrying his babe, wearing his ring and being his. His wife. His mate. It was her he always came home to, and her arms he fell into after a particularly hard mission. After falling pregnant, he refused to go on missions that would require him to stay for more than one night. He wanted to be close to her should anything happen, and made sure Rhysand kept protective barriers around her. He increased the security at the House of Wind, just to keep her and the babe safe. He wouldn’t know what to do with himself if anything happened to either of them. 
“Get out of your own head, love. I can feel it through the bond. Nothing is going to happen,” she said softly against his neck, sending a shiver up his back. He just held her closer to him, not wanting these precious moments to go to waste. Mother knows they would be scarce and hard to come by once the babe was born. 
“How did you sleep, darling?” he said into her hair.
“Would’ve been better if you remembered to close the curtains last night,” she said, muffled from being so close to the shadowsinger. Before she could finish her sentence, the curtains whooshed shut, bathing the room in darkness.
“Is that better?”
“Much better. Now hold me and let me sleep” she hummed. 
“As you wish, love.”
She tried to get comfy again, when the babe decided it was a great time to absolutely kick the shit out of her belly, reminding both of them that, yes, the babe was still here.
“Mother save us, he’s already strong,” she murmured.
“He?” he asked, “I thought we were waiting until you gave birth to know the sex?”
“We are, just mothers' intuition.” 
“If you say so, darling.”
“I do say so, now let me up, I have to pee. Your child kicked me right in the bladder,” she said, trying to move away from him. He let out a loud sigh before releasing her, not wanting an accident.
He watched her as she got up and walked, no, waddled to the bathroom, long hair flowing down her naked back. He knew it would only be a month or so before she gave birth. He couldn’t wait to hold the sweet babe, teach them to talk, walk, but mainly, he couldn’t wait to teach the babe how to fly. He also worried for her during the birth. He hated to see his mate in pain and couldn’t imagine what he would do if he lost her. He couldn’t imagine raising the babe alone, without his mate by his side. Before he could get too deep in his own thoughts, she came out of the bathroom, waddling back to bed and laying down next to him, firmly planting her head on his chest. 
“I’m going back to sleep. I like not being nauseous, and the best way to achieve that is to be asleep,” she whispered to him, not caring if he heard her or not. “I also hope you don’t have a mission today, because I’m not letting you go.” 
“I did have one, but I’ll have Rhys send someone else.”
“Good.” She let out a soft yawn as he wrapped his arms around her, humming softly. 
“I love you, darling.”
“I love you too.”
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valewritessss · 1 month
Growing up as an only child people would always like talking to me and say I’m nice and generous then when they found out that I’m an only child they’d tell me “oh so you’re spoiled and don’t know how to share?”. And it was always so frustrating because why would I be spoiled? Yes both of my parents attention was only on me but they raised me right? And I’ve met people that are spoiled and not brats, like spoiled brat and spoiled are two different things.
And I love sharing and always have bc I never had anyone to share with so I like letting other people use my stuff. One of my friends that I did so many things for all of middle school (I gave her homework answers, pencils, erasers, bandaids, some of my lunch, gum, etc) told me that I don’t know how to share because I’m an only child. We’re not friends anymore because at one point she started rushing me to do my work so she could copy and she would not let me concentrate and she wouldn’t copy my shit while I was doing it and then she’d get mad at me because she was failing. But anyway, I was a little mad because you KNOW me, but you’re just gonna say that because why, exactly? It was like people were always telling me what I should be like and telling me that I don’t understand any childhood experiences.
And then I get told I must not know how to compromise just because I’m an only child? Like what? I will do anything to please you so what the hell are you talking about.
And people go on rants saying that parents need to start having more than two children because they hate only children. I’ve seen this so many times and it makes me a little sad because my parents tried, okay? Generalizing is not cool. They’ll hate only children just because they had a bad experience with someone that happened to be an only child. And then I’ll make friends with someone and when they find out I’m an only child they’ll tell me they never would’ve guessed because they hate only children. Thanks, I guess?
“You must not have a very good family bond” uhh why? My cousins are the closest thing I ever had as siblings growing up and I genuinely don’t understand when they would say this because it doesn’t mean I can’t bond with people my age.
“You probably get everything you want” i was told this just because I bought a new notebook when my old one ran out of pages. Again, what is the thought process here because it’s not like I can ask for anything and get it just because I’m the only kid my parents have.
I would say I’m lonely and want a sister and people would get straight up mad at me. “No you don’t you’re lucky” and you think there aren’t things I want that you have too? I literally feel so alone 24/7 but I guess I’m not allowed to feel that because at least I get privacy.
They also always assume I’m rich. I am very much not rich and I did have friends that lived in bigger houses and it made me so insecure about mine. Idk what it is about assuming only children are rich. I wish being an only child came with that bc then I’d never complain again. But unfortunately it doesn’t work like that.
Anyways. This was a random rant. I just remembered that I would get so frustrated because I would literally cry from the fact that I didn’t have a best friend or someone like a sibling to talk to, and then I’d be told my feelings weren’t valid. I know this is such a non issue, but just sharing I guess.
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autumnmobile12 · 11 months
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Richter’s character…I feel like they tried to do another version of Trevor.  And that’s the problem.  If I wanted to see Trevor, I’d go back and I'd watch the original, so I wish Nocturne had given us more differentiation between the two characters.
However, the big reason why Trevor’s snarky personality doesn’t work on Richter is the circumstances of their upbringings: Richter lost his mother at nine but seems to have lived an otherwise peaceful life barring the frequent monster hunts.  He lived in a stable home and was looked after by Tera for years and seems to have a good relationship with Maria.  In contrast, Trevor lost his entire family at twelve and lived as a drifter for years afterward without that kind of security.
So Trevor earned his cynicism.  On Richter, that same cynicism just comes off as mean-spirited and unnecessary bravado.  He’s an annoying teenager. “And you just happened to stumble upon it one day while you were out picking flowers?” - That line isn’t funny.  Like, really dude?  You’re going to talk like that to the woman who raised you?  That was an asshole thing to say.
So it was a little vindicating when Olrox appeared at the end of Episode 4 and Richter freaked out and showed that he's a shit-talker. (Remember Trevor's 'killing you was the point, living was a luxury' line?)  I'm hoping this is the starting point of his character growth, but so far, Richter is the sort of protagonist I really dislike. I don't hate him, but I'm also not going to continue Nocturne for him. I'll be sticking around to see where Alucard, Annette, Olrox, and Mizrak go.
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popquizhot-shot · 1 year
Haven't I -3
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I'm so astonished that people are liking this series! Thank you so much for your support<;3 Part 1; Part 2
a/n: canon divergence, few flashbacks, we're finally getting some interaction. Tommy has officially named you mitch, even though that's not your name.
“They’ve what?”
“Left, Tommy, They’ve fucking disappeared, what are you, deaf?” Joel's voice is hoarse.
“What’s going on here?” Maria storms up to them.
Joel had dragged Tommy out from the main hall where the movie was playing into the freezing snow outside.
“Amy and Ellie are gone.” Tommy informs her and she blanches.
“What? It’s cold and dark out, and the only people out there and raiders and infected!”
“Fuck.” Tommy looks up, “Goddamit Joel.”
The two men are too busy arguing amongst themselves that they don’t notice Maria, who is normally tough as nails, is frozen with her hands on her swelling belly. Her eyes are glassy.
It’s only when you call out her name that they turn and see that she’s swaying dangerously. Tommy’s at her side in a flash and holds her waist gently, “Baby, what happened? Talk to me?”
Maria doesn’t answer, only looking at your masked form and reaching for you. Joel watches from the sidelines, “Help them… Mitch.” Her eyes flit to your furrowed eyebrows that subtly raise in realisation. You nod seriously as if she’s telling you her dying wishes.
“Help..what, Maria?” you look between the three of them.
“Amy and the girl left.” Tommy tells you.
“God.” you grit your teeth.
“Tommy we’re going to have to-” Joel begins but Maria’s knees buckle and you move to hold her steady against Tommy’s chest. He looks at Joel and shakes his head.
You begin to steer her towards the hall, looking over your shoulder to gaze at Joel, who has no choice but to follow.
Once you’re all  seated and Tommy satisfied that she’s alright, he says, “Joel, I’m not leaving. Mitch will take you. She’s travelled that way before.”
“Tommy-” both you and Joel argue in unison but a glare from him shuts you up.
“No.” he shakes his head, “I am not arguing with any of you. I’m sorry, Joel. But you’re going to have to go without me.”
You can feel the air thinning around you with each passing moment, you don’t want to look at Joel.
“Mitch, talk Joel through the route. I told all of them the general direction, so you’ll be able to catch up to them. I don’t doubt that they’re running around in circles. Joel, listen to her. She’s capable.”
Joel only spares you a passing glance. 
“We’ll leave in the morning.” you say, “After I kick the asses of the guards on duty.”
Joel whips his head towards you and stands up, “Absolutely not, we leave now.”
You stand as well and walk up to him so that you’re face to face, “Eat, shit. We leave in the morning.” you turn to leave but he takes ahold of your hand and pulls you back to him , seething. In the midst of this, your mask slips off.
His eyes narrow, “You.”
For a moment, you’re frozen. Memories of dancing with him in the kitchen cloud your mind. His sly wink that he'd give you before kissing you softly. How you’d then slowly sway in his embrace as the song played in the silence.
You realise he’s saying something when spittle flies from his seething mouth and your eyes harden. You rip your hand out from his, “You do as I say if you want to find your precious family alive, Joel.”
Maria has the cheek to look fascinated at the little spat while Tommy just rubs his face in exasperation
“If they’re hurt in any way, I swear I will kill you.” His eyes bore into your own and you clench your jaw.
In a moment of absolute insanity, your eyes choose to roam his face before raising an eyebrow, “I’d like to see you try.”
He cannot believe that at this moment in time, all he’s able to think about is that this woman’s eyes are familiar. He knows he’s seen her before but even then.
They’re the same shade, the same shape. They harden the same way hers did. And for a second all he can do is stare.  
Her harsh voice brings him back to reality. Amy and Ellie, missing. 
She’s staring at him with absolute hate, and her mouth is twisted into what looks like a frown. His fists  are clenched  at his sides and he points at her, a harsh threat leaving his mouth. Even as some part of him that he believes to be dead is telling him to stop.
“I’d like to see you try.” she warns.
He can see the same madness in here that Amy has. It’s caged behind a wall of stone, and he can sense that the walls are starting to crack. So he steps away and looking into those eyes again, he nods, “We leave first thing tomorrow.”
Tommy tells you to rest for a few hours, and that he’ll arrange for the supplies for the both of you. Sleep doesn’t come easily, and you’re ashamed to admit that you almost enjoyed his gaze on you. The way his eyes bore into your own. His eyes, that you missed everyday. The flecks of gold that you searched for in others. Even if his gaze was laced with anger, at least he was looking at you.
With a groan, you flop onto your stomach and bury your face in the pillow.
This was a disaster.
This was a stupid decision. Amy pushes a branch to the side so Ellie can pass through easily. We’re better than this.
“Ellie, I think we should go back!” 
The teenager doesn’t grace her with an answer, she only keeps walking.
It was a hasty decision, one fuelled by emotion and irrationality. She had been angry, and so was Ellie. Justifiably so; to have someone they trusted, the man who meant so much to the both of them, who she thought understood her more than anyone else, ditch them so easily, it felt like betrayal. And he knew how she felt about betrayal.
So they pressed on. With the map she smuggled and the guns they’d managed to steal from the guards posted at the gate. She felt little remorse for knocking them out.
There was no turning back.
Morning came fast. It was cold and sunny and would have made the perfect day, but the glaring absence of two people was like a gaping hole that only added to the abundance of craters imprinted on his heart. 
The snow crunches under his heavy boots and the mundanity of the action leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. Once upon a time, it wasn’t so mundane to have snow crunch under his boots, it meant that his wife and daughter were running in the snow and that she was savouring the sounds of nature. 
He can see Tommy and Mitch waiting by the stables. Tommy’s holding her shoulders and she seems to be nodding at whatever he’s saying. His eyes meet Tommy’s over her shoulder and nods in greeting. Mitch sees Tommy look past her and turns, her mask up.
Once he’s reached, she moves to get a saddle pad and hands it to him, “Get your horse ready.” 
Their horses are in opposite stables and he can see her croon over a beautiful black mare as he adjusts his reins. The horse knickers softly and she feeds it a few sugar cubes. 
“Nice horse.” he says and she looks at him,
You pat the horse's neck, “Thank you, Leila and I have travelled that route quite a few times.”
A memory flashes in his mind, one he buried long ago.
“Babe, if I had a horse, I’d name her Leila.” his wife tells him as they watch a movie with Sarah.
“You watch a movie about horses and suddenly you want one.” Joel chuckles.
Sarah pipes in, “But look at Rain and Spirit, they’re so cute! Mom, let's get a horse!”
“I want one too!” Tommy shouts from the kitchen.
“Buy one yourself!” Joel answers.
He can see her staring so he takes a deep breath and pats his horse, “You named her?”
She looks at him with raised eyebrows for a moment, “Yes. Let’s go.” She talks under breath and leads Leila out to Tommy and Maria are waiting.
He hugs Tommy, and shakes Maria’s hand. His sister’s hand.
Mitch cups Maria’s face and hugs her as tight as she can, and pats Tommy’s shoulder.
The gates creak open and they leave. All is silent, save for the sound of horses hooves crunching wet snow.
She breaks the silence, “The university is a three day journey from Jackson. With luck, we’ll be able to catch up with them by tonight.”
He just nods at her. And he can see the annoyance spark in her eyes.
After a few moments he brings himself to speak, “Hey.” 
She hums in response. And he gulps.
“Thank you.” To that, she looks at him, and her eyes subtly soften. It’s easy to miss but he can see it clear as day.
All she does is nod.
The silence is deafening. She can almost hear her own heartbeat and she whips around to cover Ellie’s mouth when the familiar sound of clicking fills the air.
Killing infected should be easy here, Tommy himself said so, and they said infected were scarce. But either she’s blind or Tommy was talking bullshit. Because there’s two fucking clickers five meters from where they’re standing.
She takes a step back and steps on wet snow. Shit.
The clickers screech louder and start moving towards the sound.
She raises her gun and she shoots one of them in its oversized brain. Its blood paints the snow red and it falls. The other pounces at them and they duck. She pushes Ellie to the side and shoots again. It’s hit in the stomach, and now it’s more pissed than injured.
Suddenly, shots are fired from somewhere and it falls dead. She can see a few people to her right, and she aims the gun at them. Ellie points her gun towards them as well.
The man who’s leading the party, raises his hand in surrender, “Easy. We don’t want to hurt you.”
“Who are you?” Ellie snarls.
The man looks between the both of them, “I’m David. We can help you.”
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dsireland86 · 10 months
There is Beauty in the Pain: Chapter 3 Pt.2
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"Cause your love is fire warm I'll be the calm babe, before the storm You got me fallin' in love, in this bad dream" -bad dream- Nerve
TAGS: @lma1986 @nyxthedestroyerofworlds @missduffsblog
Early on in life, I came to terms with knowing all people have a darkness about them. A darkness so deep that it usually took someone or something to help them fight it because fighting it alone always ended in failure. But I was never meant to be that for anyone, instead I was the one always needing that someone or something and I found myself alone a lot because of it. The family we’d created during the whole set up and process of the band had become the only "real" family I'd ever known. Losing so much as a kid and having a lot of instability didn't make a great start to adulthood, but somehow, maybe because of God even though he and I had a lot of issues with each other, I managed to get by and succeed better than I'd dreamed when I was younger.
I wish I could say the same about Sophie. She was broken. So much of life had been cruel to her and to see her the way she was now  shattered what little hope I still had in humanity. It wasn't fair for people like her to go through the fucked up shit they were forced to and that’s why I had so many issues with God. If he cared, then why did he allow so much suffering?
The silence that fell over the bar after Folio posed his question. "Were you raped," was so deep that if it weren’t for the pitiful sounds coming from Sophie I would have said it was deafening. While Alex held her, quietly telling her things were going to be okay and that she was safe, I started to wonder if he was right or not. Was she safe? Folio didn’t hesitate to help. I watched how he interacted with Sophie, loving cupping her face and raising it to look at her, gently drying her tears with his thumbs. Her shoulders relaxed as he spoke softly to her and whatever he said made her smile appear. He seemed to make her feel at ease; safe. I was floored by it all.  It was a side of Nick that, in all the years I’d known him, never seen before, and I could tell by the looks on everyone else’s faces I wasn’t the only one surprised.  
"Sophie wasn't raped; I'd know if she was," Alex assured Folio. “What do you mean you’d know? Has this kind of thing happened to her before?” His voice raised a little higher than he meant for it to, but if abuse was a common occurrence in Sophie’s life, then why hadn’t it been stopped? Neither one of them answered Folio so I took their silence as a yes and apparently he did too. He scoffed, taking his hat off and running his hand through his hair, his frustration very evident. 
“So, this Perry, he’s your ex, right?”
“Yes, he very much is now,” Sophie’s nasally voice laughed nervously. “At one time we were together; happy,,” her voice tailed off. "They were together for about three years before he left for Germany. His job sent him there, right Soph?” Her head bobbed up and down. “Yeah, that was a little over a year ago. During that whole time, how many times do you think he contacted her?” Alex posed an odd question. What did it matter? “A handful,” I answered, shrugging my shoulders. He shook his head. “None.” My mouth fell open in shock. “What? What do you mean none?” “I mean none. Didn’t call her, didn’t text her; nothing.” 
“So let me get this straight. You were in a relationship with this guy for over three years, and then one day he decides to just leave you or dump you to go to Germany and never speak to you again?” He looked at Sophie and Alex, expecting his understanding, and mine as well, to be correct. “Yeah,” Alex huffed, leaning against the bar counter. “Unfuckingbelievable. Why didn’t you call the police? Have his ass thrown in jail?”
“Because, Perry has certain guys on the police force that he's bought. He's kind of a powerful guy. No matter what he does; cheat, abuse, steal, do something illegal, he’ll always get away with it.” Alex’s face twisted into a disgusted look. It was clear he’d tried many times to help Sophie find a way out of it all, but it never made a difference.
“Yeah, I made the mistake of calling them the first time he hit me.” Sophie scoffed. “He was so angry at me; threatened me in all kinds of ways. It was the first time I questioned myself why the hell I was staying him. But by the next morning, he acted like nothing ever happened, but I was still really afraid of him. Out of the fear and love, or what I thought was love, I had for him, I stayed.” After giving Sophie’s hand a quick squeeze, Folio came and stood beside me, dragging a hand down his face. 
"You good, man?" I asked, placing my hand on his shoulder. Nick closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them giving me a heavy look. He shook his head before walking away. Something was seriously up with him and I told myself I would find out later, but at that moment, Sophie needed my attention.
Sophie sat down, letting Alex clean up her wounds with the stuff he had brought over earlier. Matt, Jolly, Nick, and I gave them some space, but I continued keeping an eye on them. "This is going to hurt like hell, but I've got to do it," I heard Alex tell Sophie. Sophie sucked in a tight breath and grimaced when he applied the cleaner to the deep gash on her cheekbone and the small ones around her mouth and on her cheeks as well. Her red, puffy eyes stared into mine, silently calling out for me to come to her, so I did. Kneeling in front of her I saw all the damage that had been done to her for the first time. It was rough. A dark bruise was forming around her left eye with colors of deep purple and blue covering the entire right cheekbone where Alex was cleaning. Welts from long fingers lightly covered her pale cheeks, the redness of them serving as a stark reminder of just how cruel humans could be to each other. It made me sick to my stomach, thinking about Sophie being in such a horrific situation and how scared she must have been. A strange urge to protect her washed over me, making me feel a little possessive about her. 
 "Soph, do you think you can tell us what happened," Alex asked, wiping the dried blood in one spot and then moving on to another one. Sophie’s eyes were heavy with exhaustion, and I worried for her. She needed rest before she would pass out from the overwhelmingness of the last few hours. Her hand reached down for mine, and I gave it to her, sighing when I felt the warmth of her small one slip into mine, locking her fingers around mine. She was trembling. I was sure her body was still in so much shock. 
“I left the concert as soon as I could to try and avoid the huge crowd. Thought that if I slipped out, I wouldn’t be stuck in a room packed with so many people who were drunk or at least nearly there.” Well, there was the explanation I wanted. I immediately felt like a fucking asshole for thinking and feeling all the things I did. She sucked in another breath as Alex moved on to the last cut, cleaning it just like the others ”When I got to my front door, I noticed it was unlocked and instead of calling you like I should've done, I decided to be the stupid head that I was and go in. I did have nine-one-one on speed dial, though.” She glanced at Alex who, by this time, was scowling at her, scolding her choice. Sophie shrugged her shoulders and continued. Folio returned from wherever he had retreated to, sitting down next to Jolly with another beer in his hand. His face was still grave.
“After a few moments of waiting, I assumed all was good until Perry came walking out of my bedroom.” “What the fuck was he in there for,” Alex snapped. He sat the bottle of peroxide on the counter and folded his arms over his chest. “I don’t know, and I’m not sure I want to. I’ll probably have to burn my bedsheets when I get back.” I chuckled, knowing what Sophie was implying. “Anyway, things were okay for a bit, but it didn’t take long for him to get all aggressive and controlling. He would calm down and put on this stupid endearing act that made me think for a second that maybe he was being honest, but then moments later he was right back to hurting me and I just hated myself more each time.” 
My forehead creased. The motherfucker sounded like a literal psychopath that got pleasure out of hurting her. He was a danger to her and deserved to be locked up. “I don’t know what went through his mind, Alex. I mean, one minute he was apologizing and really thought we were getting back together, and the next, he was just cruel. couldn’t understand why I was refusing to start over with him.” Taking a moment to wipe her face, Sophie licked her lips and continued. “There was a moment between us, in my kitchen, where I actually thought maybe he was serious about his apology; he was so convincing. But then he shoved me, pushed me so hard against the wall that pictures fell and broke, and that’s when shit went downhill.” I laid my hand on her cheek, cradling the side of her face, grinning when I felt her press in on my hand. “I didn’t think I was going to make it out alive, Noah," she quietly confessed, bringing her hands up to wrap them around my arm. Her words almost made my heart stop. A hard pain hit my chest, making it seriously feel as if my heart was breaking. “But you did, Sophie,” I reassured her with a small smile. “You did, and you’re safe now; I promise.” She took a deep breath, wincing as she did, and nodding a little before closing her eyes and taking another one. “Alex. I can't… I don't want to…," but she couldn't finish her sentence without choking back her tears, trying to be brave. I moved, letting Alex take my place to console his friend, and went back over to the table where my friends were. “This is some fucked up shit, Noah,” Matt stated. I nodded, rubbing the back of my neck. Folio sat quietly, jiggling his leg, staring down into nothing. “Hey,” nugging his shoe with the tip of mine.” He acknowledged, but didn’t look up. “What’s wrong with you? Are you okay?”Jolly asked, leaning in closer. “It’s nothing,” Folio sniffed. “I just a, I just don’t like seeing women get hurt like this; that’s all.” Jolly seemed to buy his excuse, but I didn’t.
No longer knowing what to say, think, or even fucking do, I dropped myself down in the chair next to Jolly, suddenly very exhausted myself. It was evident I didn’t need to get involved any deeper in the situation, and choosing to drag everyone in the room into it wasn’t a good idea either. But between Folio’s behavior and the unsettling feelings I had, it seemed that choosing to back out now was a little too late. Sophie stood up to stretch a little, wincing again. A slight cry escaped her mouth. “You alright,” I asked, concerned. She threw me a quick nod. 
“Alex, I need tylenol or something. Can I get some with some water, please?” "Absolutely. I'll be right back." He smiled, walking away. Sophie turned her back to me and leaned against the counter of the bar. I walked over, taking a spot next to her. Neither one of us said anything at first. “I liked the way you flirted at the concert. It was cute.” Sophie said, breaking the silence between us. She turned and looked at me. “You have an incredible smile, Noah.”
Her confession made my insides want to explode, and I showed her that smile just because of the way she was making me feel. “Yours is just as infectious,” I admitted with my heart racing. We both went quiet again. “You know, whatever you felt back there, I’m pretty sure I might have felt it too.” Both of us looked at each other, eyes locking together. “When you came down during that last song and touched my face, it was like my whole entire world exploded. And when you came back out after the show was over and reached for me, I felt like I was the luckiest girl in the world.”
Sophie was such a simple, warm-hearted girl, and everything about her was beautiful. Being around her was like lying in the grass on a summer day or by a roaring fire when the snow was piled high outside. It made me feel peaceful. I couldn't understand why anyone would want to hurt her. She made liking her, and quite possibly loving her, easy. Even though my body responded to her in a sexual way, my mind was attached to her for other reasons too, and now that she was under my skin, getting her out was going to be difficult.
“You made me feel so special, Noah. Thank you.” She reached over and laid her hand on my chest, and out of impulse, I placed mine over it. The twinkle in her eyes made a lump form in my throat. The butterfly feeling in my chest wasn’t helping either. And fuck… the sound of my name falling from her lips made my cock so hard and twitch that I had to clench my legs together to control it. “Here Sophie, I brought you, oh,” Alex paused as he came up to us from the other side of the counter. I cleared my throat and stepped away, giving Sophie some space. Alex’s eyes bounced from me to Sophie, whose head was lowered. Alex grinned, handing Sophie the medicine and water, and I couldn't keep myself from staring at her, mesmerized by all that she was. Why was I suddenly afraid of leaving her? What was it that made the dreaded feeling sink to the pit of my stomach and scare me. And then it hit me. It showed when Alex said something that made her chuckle, and that genuine smile spread over her lips. It was that smile. The first time I saw it, I knew I wanted to see it for the rest of my life. 
The atmosphere relaxed a little, and I went back over to the table, striking up a conversation with Nicholas. My eyes may have been on Nick, but my attention was completely on Sophie. The longer she was awake, the more she looked like she would faint. Sitting my drink down, I began to make my way over to her as she stood up and her eyes met with mine. Trying to keep her balance, Sophie put her arms out beside her but couldn’t hold herself up any longer. Rushing over, I threw my arms out under her, catching her body as it fell into me, almost knocking me over.
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of cats and crushes
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day 4: human au, secrets
includes: satan & asmo
wc: .7k | rated t | m.list
a/n: for @ombrotherlylove2023!!
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Satan drops his bags on the couch with a sigh. His lectures today were really exhausting.
But, at least he got to see MC, his campus crush. And even got to lend them a pencil when they forgot theirs. 
Wishing he could grow a pair, Satan grimaces, then flops down onto the couch next to his things. It’s only a moment before Asmo pokes his head in, a slight glare crossing his features. 
“Could you try to keep it down? I’m trying to film a TikTok and all your huffing and puffing is getting picked up.” He squints. “Wait, why are you huffing and puffing? Did something happen?” 
“No,” Satan says quickly, defensively. Asmo’s brows raise. “Nothing happened. And that’s the problem,” he mutters. 
Asmo tilts his head, walking into the room and sitting on the couch's armrest, a move that’d only work for him. Crossing his arms, he waits for Satan to speak. 
Satan sighs again. 
“Oh, come on,” Asmo says, rolling his eyes. “Spit it out.” 
Satan squints. Can he really trust Asmo with something like this? While Satan’s not inexperienced, Asmo’s on a whole other level, something that’s a little bit humbling. Plus, it’s embarrassing to talk to your younger sibling about stuff like this!
Asmo’s face softens, and he pokes Satan in the side. “You can tell me. I’ll keep it a secret, okay? And this one time I guess I won’t make fun of you.” 
“Oh, thanks,” Satan replies sarcastically. “You’re really making me want to spill my heart.” 
Satan curses. Asmo’s too damn nosy and intuitive for his own good. “Fine. I…have a crush.”
Asmo gasps theatrically, and Satan scowls. Unfortunately, he’s one hundred percent serious. “A crush?” he echoes, eyes wide. “On who? Do I know them? Do they like you? Tell. Me. Everything.” 
“You know them,” Satan mutters, a bit embarrassed. “It’s MC, you know, the one who comes into the cat cafe a lot?” 
Asmo grins. “That MC? You mean, the one who always tips you like five dollars? The MC that you always put extra effort into the latte art for?” 
“Yes, that MC,” Satan responds. “But I’m pretty sure they don’t even know I exist.” 
“That’s so not true,” Asmo says quickly, eyes sparkling with excitement. “It makes sense now!” 
“What does?” 
“Well,” Asmo begins, putting his hand on Satan’s arm, “I hear from my friend Solomon, who’s friends with Simeon, who’s friends with MC, that MC’s got a wicked cat allergy but keeps aggravating it. Apparently, they won’t say why but I think I have an inkling…” 
“That really like cats?” Satan asks, and Asmo slaps him lightly. 
“No! I mean, it’s not the cats they like if you get my drift.”
Satan blushes. “Oh. Oh my god.”
“You can’t say anything,” Satan says. “I’m serious. Nothing to Lucifer or anyone, and nothing to Solomon, since he’s obviously a gossip.” 
“Duh,” Asmo rolls his eyes, “I already told you I would keep it a secret. I’ll take it to my grave,” he swears solemnly, and Satan scoffs. 
“You better. And no harebrained matchmaking schemes either, okay? You can be seriously annoying with stuff like that.” 
“I can’t believe my own brother would say something so hurtful,” Asmo sniffs. “How could you?” 
Satan levels him with a look and Asmo drops the act quickly. 
“Fine, fine. But honestly, I wasn’t planning on it. It seems to me like my amazing and awesome skills aren’t needed in this case.”
“You’re annoying.” 
“Awww, I love you too, dear brother,” Asmo says, patting him on the shoulder. “Now, come help me with my TikTok.” 
“No, no way,” Satan argues. “You know I don’t do any of that social media shit.” 
“Oh, come on,” Asmo whines, standing and tugging on his arm. “I’m keeping your secret, aren’t I?” 
“So now you’re blackmailing me?” 
“I’d never do something like that.” Asmo gives his arm another tug, tone faux-innocent. 
“Right,” Satan says drily. “Look, I’m not helping and that’s final. Unless you want people to learn about the time I had to bring you pants because your skinny jeans ripped.” 
“You promised you’d never tell a soul!” Asmo accuses, and Satan cocks his head. 
“Yeah, funny how that works.” 
“Ugh, fine, I get your point,” Asmo groans. “Whatever. Just be quiet so I can film, then. And,” he adds after a moment of deliberation, “good luck with MC.”
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, ro claim as your own
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