#like I know Marcus treated her like a kid
alumi-san · 2 months
Decided to check Nina's Wiki page...
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I'm sorry WHAT?!
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sage-nebula · 19 days
Thinking about how important it is that Wendy is a part of the Pines family. (Because she is, as much as Soos is. It's why she's in the family photos, such as the one representing Ford's happiness at the end of The Book of Bill.)
We don't know too much about Wendy's home / family life. Unfortunately, we don't a single Wendy-focused episode, and we don't get to learn too much about her outside of how she interacts with the main characters. But here is what we do know:
Wendy is the oldest of four siblings, with three little brothers. Wendy herself is 15. We are never given ages for her brothers, but given the photo that she shows Dipper of her younger self in "Double Dipper", I'm guesstimating that the youngest Corduroy brother (Gus) is about 6 in the present day. This is because young!Wendy was wearing braces and also noted to be "freakishly tall" for her age, and Gus was wearing a diaper in the photo (but standing on his own). Braces can take two to three years to be removed, and Wendy doesn't have them in the present day, meaning she was probably around 11 or 12 in the photo. Meanwhile, Gus was in a diaper but able to stand, meaning he was probably a toddler, likely around 2. So in the present day, Wendy is 15, Gus is around 6 (depending on if Wendy was 11 or 12 in the photo), and Marcus and Kevin (the middle brothers) are between 14 and 7.
Wendy's mother died when she was young. Given the age of Gus in the photo, we can estimate that Wendy's mother died when Wendy was, at youngest, 11 or 12 -- so, three or four years pre-canon. (Because any earlier than that and Gus couldn't have been born.)
Wendy's father is Manly Dan, who shouts just about every line of dialogue he has and routinely breaks things, including in his own house, albeit sometimes by accident. He also spends most of his time in a biker bar, though we do know that he does love his children. (e.g. is seen with the boys on both family fishing day and Summerween, is seen taking Wendy out for breakfast in "Dipper vs. Manliness").
Dan is the reason why Wendy has a summer job. As she says in "Gideon Rises", "If I can't work at the Shack, my dad's gonna force me to work at my cousin's logging camp up north." This implies that Wendy has to work somewhere, per a rule of Dan's.
In "Into the Bunker", Wendy has this to say when she comments on how she's excited to be going on an adventure with Dipper and Mabel: "It beats cleaning up after my dad at home." She says this with a frown, in a grousing tone. We're then treated to a clip of Dan breaking apart the cabin as mentioned above.
In "Society of the Blind Eye", before she's about to have her memories erased, Wendy confesses thus: "I'm stressed like 24/7. Have you MET my family?"
Wendy dreams about her mother every night. The glimpse of her dream that we're shown depicts her receiving a comforting hug from her mother.
The conclusions that I draw from the above are thus: prior to her mother's death, Wendy had what amounts to a normal family life in Gravity Falls. The Corduroys were a two parent household, her mother was there to help balance Dan out and raise the kids (Wendy included), and Wendy could, well . . . be a kid. It's possible, even, that some of Dan's more worrying traits (such as spending the majority of his time at a bar) didn't exist when Wendy's mom is alive. It's pure speculation on my part, but it's possible that Dan feels compelled to go to a bar to be aggressive (and drink, even if we don't see it because it's a kid's show) because that's how he processes his grief over his wife's death, away from his children's eyes and ears. He's trying to be a responsible father and not hurt his kids, while at the same time still not handling things in the most healthy way.
But back to Wendy. Once Wendy's mother died, the dynamic in the Corduroy household shifted. Dan was hit by the tidal wave of grief that comes with losing a spouse, as well as the sudden onslaught of being a single father to four children, one of whom was very possibly still in diapers. And if my speculation is correct and that he took to going to the bar to deal with his grief, then who is left to change Gus' diapers and get him potty trained? To operate the stove or oven or microwave to make sure that the boys (who would all be under age 10 at this point) got fed, and to make sure she got fed herself? To, in her own words, "clean up [her] dad's messes" when he was at home to make them by breaking apart the house with his own head?
Wendy was a child herself when her mother died, but she was the oldest child, potentially freshly into middle school while the boys were still in elementary, and the oldest daughter to boot. The girl, expected to know how to do "girl things" like cook and clean. I'm not saying that Dan told her to do these things, but we know from Wendy's personality that she is protective of those who need it (e.g. Dipper and Mabel) and, more importantly, that's her home and her family, and she does love them (she makes this clear in the Weirdmageddon episodes numerous times). She wouldn't let her little brothers starve, wouldn't let her youngest sit in a filthy diaper, would try to pick up the house if her dad and brothers wouldn't. Wendy would step up to do it out of necessity, even if she hated it and felt stressed out about it, especially while also feeling the crushing grief that comes with having lost her mother.
So Wendy, having lost her mother at a young age, probably had to step up into a pseudo-parental role in her own house, trying her best to fill the void that was left by her mother's passing even though she was only a child herself. And this is why she's "stressed, like, 24/7." Because not only are her father and brothers loud and chaotic (especially with Dan raising the boys into miniature versions of him), but because it's her responsibility (spoken or no) to keep the house in as much order as she can. It's little wonder that, outside of the movie that she and Dipper are watching in the beginning of "Into the Bunker", Wendy seems to spend as little time as possible in her own home.
So, how does this fit into it being important for Wendy to be part of the Pines family? Or, worded in a better way, why it's so important that she has the Pines as a second family, and the Mystery Shack as a second home?
As I said above, once Wendy's mother died, her ability to be a child in her own home effectively ended. Again, to make it clear, Wendy doesn't hate her family. In fact, it's the opposite; the Weirdmageddon episodes make it clear that she still loves her father and her brothers very much. But "Society of the Blind Eye" also makes it clear that they stress her out. She has a lot of complicated feelings, something that's understandable given her complicated situation.
But because she has to help keep the house together when she's at home, that means she can only really be a kid (or teenager, as the case may be) when she's outside of it. She has a lot of fun doing this with her friends, but sometimes a teen does need a home to relax in. And for Wendy, that home is the Mystery Shack -- and yes, that includes when she's on the clock.
Now, I know what you may be thinking: it's stated that Stan is a terrible boss, that he barks orders, that he yells -- how is that any different from her father? Well, I'll tell you how: the only time we actually see this is in "Boss Mabel", in which Stan being a boss who yells and barks orders at his employees is a plot point meant to create the conflict for the episode. Otherwise, we never really see Stan being an awful boss, and in particular we never see him being hard on Wendy. In fact, I would argue we see the opposite.
Here are things we know about Wendy's behavior at work, and Stan's response to her behavior at work:
Wendy constantly reads magazines while working the cash register, often right in front of Stan. Stan never tells her to put the magazine away.
Wendy often puts her feet up on the counter. Stan never tells her to take her feet off the counter.
Wendy goes up to the roof "all the time, every day" to the point where she has a chair and cooler up there. ("The Inconveniencing"). We don't know if Stan knows about this or not, but it's hard to believe he wouldn't if Wendy goes up there as much as she says she does.
When Stan told her to hang signs up out in the woods, she said, "I would, but I can't . . . reach . . ." while making no effort to get up to get the sign, and not removing her eyes from the magazine or her feet from the counter. Stan simply said, "I'd fire [. . .] you if I could." i.e. she got away with it 100%. ("Tourist Trapped")
When Stan double checks with Wendy and Soos that they'll wash the bathrooms while he's gone, Wendy says, "absolutely not" with a salute. Stan laughs and then says to stay out of trouble, not caring at all. ("The Inconveniencing")
Wendy was supposed to work the ticket stand all night at the party. She quit about ten minutes in and blatantly joined the party. Stan had to have seen her. He did nothing. ("Double Dipper")
Wendy claims in "Boss Mabel" that Stan doesn't let her have friends at work. In contrast, we see Robbie visit her at work all the time throughout their relationship (e.g. "Fight Fighters", "Boyz Crazy"), and Stan even comments on "is that the guy that's always making googly eyes at Wendy?" but otherwise has no problem with it. So again, it was a conflict invented for "Boss Mabel" that otherwise doesn't exist.
And that is just off the top of my head. The point is, Wendy is perhaps treated the easiest of the staff at the Mystery Shack. She's blatantly lazy and snarky and the most Stan ever does is grouse that he would "fire [her] if he could."
And this is a good thing.
The Mystery Shack, even if when she's on the clock, is clearly a place where Wendy can relax. It's somewhere she feels comfortable, rather than stressed. Yes, she's working -- but she's putting in the barest minimum effort because the stakes are the lowest they could possibly be. Because even though Stan grouses and complains about how little she cares, he won't fire her. He says he can't, but let's be honest, he could. One could argue that he'd be out a cashier, but he already is when the school year starts and Wendy has to go back to school. The Shack doesn't close down then, so it wouldn't close now if he fired Wendy.
But he won't fire her, because he knows that if he did, she'd be sent up north to her cousin's logging camp, a job she would hate and that would add on to the stress she already has from her home life. Stan has been in Gravity Falls for 30 years; he's been there since before Wendy was born. He knew her mother. He remembers when her mother died a few years ago. He probably saw how Dan's personality changed, how Wendy's personality changed from a more carefree little girl to a little girl who had to act more carefree than she actually was because she won't ever dare let anyone know she's anything but tough as nails, kinda like the guy he sees when he looks in the mirror. So he'll grouse at her about her laziness, and she'll complain about how much she hates having to work, but he'll also never hire another cashier even during the school year when the Shack maybe could use the extra help, and she knows that he both has an orthopedic back pillow and where it's kept, and that's as much as either of them will say about it. (Source for the orthopedic back pillow: "Soos and the Real Girl").
Wendy spends time at the Shack that would otherwise be spent at her home. When she decides to leave Tambry's party early, she goes to hang out at the Shack and watch movies with Stan, before the twins or Soos arrive ("Summerween"). She's likewise hanging out with the Pines and Soos watching television despite work clearly being over in the beginning of "Dreamscaperers". Wendy can relax at the Shack, can be in a home environment where she has no responsibilities, where she can simply be a teenager without also having to be a pseudo-parent. She can be a big sister figure to Dipper and Mabel without the added responsibilities of having to make sure they're fed and brought up right. She can be snarky with Stan, and he'll be snarky back, and there are no risks or consequences at all.
It's important that Wendy is a member of the Pines family, because here there are no complications for her. She loves her original family, but things got difficult when her mother died, and they won't ever stop being difficult. But things aren't difficult with the Pines. In a way, being with the Pines is as comfortable as the hugs she gets from her mother in her dreams every night. Being with the Pines feels right. It feels safe.
It's good that Wendy has them. It's important that Wendy has them. And fortunately, she always will.
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archangeldyke-all · 2 months
Omg fucking stupid thing I thought of but like Sevika with a reader who is literally her number one apologist
Oh she got into deep shit? “I saw nothing actually” <— (quite literally was there)
Oh she murdered a man? “I mean.. did we ever take time to consider why she killed them? I mean, they could have looked at her wrong! I mean, I would if I were her too—“
Oh Sevika was being an asshole? “So? And I was backing her up 😇🫶🏼”
this is so me, she'd chop finn's head clean off in front of me and i'd be like 'babe ur so silly! omg u have blood on ur arm!! lemme clean it for u...'
men and minors dni
sevika knows you're loyal to her.
in the five years you've been together, sevika's never once worried about your eyes wandering or you sneaking around on her.
but it's more than that.
you ride or die for sevika.
she realizes this the first time she's home to watch you talk to an enforcer.
sevika and silco's deal with marcus means they get away with most their dealings in the undercity-- but from time to time, to avoid questions, marcus will have to send a rookie down to the undercity to 'investigate.'
usually, the kid will snoop around for half a day, before high-tailing it right back up to piltover.
sometimes-- they actually try to investigate some of the evidence.
and, once or twice a year, one of the rookies will even have big enough balls to try to question sevika herself.
she's on the couch reading when someone knocks on your door. she's on high alert as she watches you open the door, her hackles rising when she sees the uniform standing on your front stoop.
"sorry to bother you so late at night, miss, is this the residence of a 'sevika'?" the enforcer asks.
sevika huffs, rolling her eyes and biting back her annoyed groan. she's in no fucking mood to deal with this. she's about to haul herself off the couch and take over for you, when you speak again.
"who?" you ask.
sevika blinks-- unsure if she heard you correctly.
"s-sevika?" the man tries again.
"sevika? i've never heard of a 'sevika' living in this neighborhood..." you say. sevika realizes what you're up to, and a smile breaks across her face. "do you mean savannah? there's a savannah a few blocks south, she owns a barbershop off third..." you suggest.
the rookie studies you for a second, and you just blink up at him innocently.
sevika has to smack a hand over her mouth when the idiot buys your act, sighing and slumping before turning around to leave your front stoop. "thank you for your time ma'am. sorry again for bothering you so late."
"put your gas mask on, young man, you'll hurt your lungs down here!" you call after him, waving sweetly as you watch him wander down the street.
you grunt and roll your eyes, your sweet smile dropping the moment he turns the corner, before you turn around and walk back inside your home, slamming and locking the door behind you.
sevika tackles you to the ground, kissing you fiercely. you burst into giggles. "what's this for?" you ask.
sevika can't stop laughing against your lips. "you're so amazing." she giggles. you just huff and roll your eyes.
"thought i'd turn you in?" you ask. sevika shakes her head.
"no-- didn't think you'd lie to a cop for me though."
you blink up at her, suddenly serious, and sevika's heart swells. "sevika. i'd do anything for you."
sevika has to hide her flustered face against your shoulder at this.
over the years, she realizes how much you meant the words.
you come home one night and find her panicking, a dead body in your living room blood soaked into her skin and clothes. you just blink, take a deep breath, and snap into action.
sevika watches in a daze as you gently guide her to sit on the couch, kissing her and calming her down as you strip her of her bloody clothes and toss them ontop of the dead man in the middle of your home.
you don't even ask her questions. you just gently guide her to the bathroom, and treat her like she's just got a cold, or something.
"you're so pretty." you whisper as you wash her clean.
you dress her in her jammies and put her to bed.
sevika stays awake, listening to you call ran and silco over, and then listening to the three of you clean up the mess for the rest of the night.
when you crawl into bed beside her at the end of the night, smelling vaguely of fire and gasoline and bleach-- sevika turns onto her side and grabs your hand.
"you okay, my love?" you whisper.
"will you marry me?" sevika asks.
you burst into giggles and agree, kissing sevika sweetly before dragging her onto your chest and scratching her scalp as she falls asleep.
it's not even the serious shit that you back her up on either. it's the dumb, petty shit too.
you can be sitting on her lap during a game of cards; muffling your giggles against her shoulder when sevika cheats by hiding a few of her cards one second, and the next you're swearing on your grandmother's life that sevika's never cheated during a game when one of her opponent's accuses her of hiding cards.
you hear her voice rise a bit when she gets in an argument with a goon, and you're by her side at lightspeed, glaring at whoever dared to question her authority, cracking your knuckles to back up her threats. when the goon stumbles away, nearly crying in fear, sevika turns to you with a guilty look.
"what?" you ask.
"i realized halfway through that i was yelling at the wrong kid... they all wear the same grungy eyeliner-- i can't tell these fuckers apart." she admits.
you burst into giggles and pull her in for a hug, and sevika finds out years later that you ended up tracking down the kid you'd both threatened and buying him dinner to apologize.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @realgreeniebeanie @k3n-dyll
@sevsdollette @ellieslob @xayn-xd @keikuahh @maneskinwh0re
@raphaellearp @iamastar @sevikitty @claude999
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chefkids · 4 months
What do you think of the s3 episode titles and synopsis? (Spoilers from the bear subreddit) because I'm nervous seeing it especially with the episode 9 (which is alluding to carmy apologizing to claire?) And the last episode claire is his forever? Sorry, I'm just panicking.
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I think the first episode will just be about Carmy getting out of the fridge and then jump right into the funeral.
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This will be about them going back to the kitchen, Carmy setting up his non negotiable list and proposing a marriage partnership agreement to Syd.
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This is just going to be their incredible dysfunctional toxic workplace. Everyone is going to be so sick of them.
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Marcus gets his groove back. Maybe Luca comes over this ep? I think Marcus is going to prove to be the only stable and consistent member actually putting out good creative dishes meanwhile Syd and Carmy spiral.
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This actually about me. I'm children. I'm chefkids. I think it's about money, Unc treating everyone like they're stupid kids burning through his pockets. Which they kind of are. I think it's also about the responsibility of having a million people to take care of with the staff. Mom and Dad (Syd and Carmy) are gonna have to step up for their kids. Also about the stars and the odds of getting them with how their reviews have been going.
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I think this is going to be a flashback episode of what happened after Fishes, Mikey telling Carmy he needs to leave and cutting him off for The Beef, and Carmy going to New York and beginning his toxic path.
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By this point Sydney is going to be so sick of Carmy and his rules and the system. She's going to meet the CDC of Ever and start to seriously consider a life outside of The Bear.
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I think by this will be mostly about Nat and her baby, although I do think she would have given birth by this point. But I also think this could be when Fak tries to bring Claire back because he think she can fix him and stop his spiral. I think Richie is going to force Carmy to talk to Claire here.
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This going to be when Carmy realizes how bad he has been fucking up and tries to fix things with Sydney. He knows she is considering leaving and that other people want her. And I think he'll also see his mom again and apologize for not being there when Mikey died and I think Donna will apologize to him for everything she's ever done.
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Sydney is going to have to choose between The Bear and Ever. Carmy will be have to make a final plea for her. I think she will pick him, and I think he will tell her how he feels about her and that he was just trying to do everything for her because he loves her.
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davenweenie · 5 months
Things I would have done if I had created the show ‘Lab Rats’
FTM trans Chase (obvi)
Autistic Leo and Chase
ADHD Adam and Bree
Brought more focus onto why Donald Davenport was a shitty dad, maybe has character development where he realised how bad he actually was.
Douglas would still be evil but his motives would have been slightly different, he’s hiding under the guise of trying to take power over the world when he actually just wants his kids back.
Trans Douglas, hello????
Trans Douglas who used a donor to have Adam, Bree and Chase (makes more sense than him using a random AFAB person tbh)
Explore how the Rats’ bionics actually work, where they actually have their bionics, how they were implanted, if there were any failed subjects etc
Bree would originally be a tomboy who wants to explore her girlhood but has never had the chance to due to being so sheltered and only raised around boys and raised by a man
She slowly started exploring girlhood, Tasha helps by showing her media that heavily features women, they have a shopping trip where Tasha helps her pick out new outfits
Bree slowly transitions into being a more ‘girly’ girl when she discovers how much she actually enjoys doing and wearing what is traditionally considered more feminine
Chase struggling when they all integrate into the real world, he struggles with his masculinity and how the world views him since things were so much easier when it was just him, his two siblings and their pseudo father
Chase’s insane sensory issues, I’d like to believe he walks around constantly wearing a pair of noise cancelling headphones that Leo let him have
They eventually make him some bionic versions which help block out most noises since his super hearing is too strong for normal noise cancelling headphones
He looks a lil silly but they help, so he continues to wear them on days where he’s really struggling
Adam struggling in school, he cannot function well during school, he’s always frustrated in class because he just can’t retain any of the information and he zones out too much to even focus properly
Chase tries to help by tutoring him but Adam can’t focus long enough for it to have an affect
Chase researches ways to help Adam retain information and figures out that playing catch with Adam helps, the action of tossing and catching a ball occupies his hands as well as keeps his brain in gear enough to focus on the information given to him
Leo having meltdowns during the whole Marcus situation. He hates being accused of lying or accused of doing stuff that he didn’t do. He also hates people not believing him so the whole situation overwhelms him and he ends up having a meltdown practically every day.
Exploring how Trent’s bullying has affected Leo and Chase, how they’re terrified to step foot into school some days in fear of what Trent will do that day
Tasha being completely mortified at the way the Rats were raised, demanding that Donald treat them like kids rather than a science experiment
She considers divorcing him at first but she knows she needs to be there for the kids. They eventually work out their relationship and Donald begins to change he treats the Rats, he’s probably only changing because of Tasha though
Big reveal on why Donald is the way he is towards the kids, they’re not his kids and they’re his brother’s who he doesn’t have a good relationship with, he takes it out on the kids because his brother isn’t there to take his anger out on
The Rats being mad at Donald, huge argument scene where they finally stand up for themselves and tell him that having a poor relationship with his brother was no excuse to treat them the way he did, they were just kids who didn’t have any involvement in their sibling rivalry
Donald becomes a cool uncle rather than extremely strict and controlling father. Douglas becomes more like a cool dad than a cool uncle, he’s too irresponsible to have full control of the decision making so him, Donald and Tasha kinda just Co-parent.
Leo gets full bionics, not just in his leg and arm. He has to train as a student at the academy first but later becomes a teacher like Adam, Bree and Chase.
Bree and Chase still go on to be in the EF but it’s only brief while they handle the whole shapeshifter thing before they go back to the academy. Oliver, Skylar and Kaz go with them. They’re still a team that do missions together but they just live at the academy now.
This was very self indulgent, I hope you like it. Thanks for reading and I’ll probably make more of these. This was fun!
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wittlesissyb4by · 6 months
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She led you into the nearest bathroom and laid you down on the tile floor.  She removed your gimp mask and set it near the toilet.  You gasped as you took your first breath of fresh air.
“Sorry honey, the customers were beginning to complain about the smell…” she said as she started changing your diaper.
You didn’t know why she said ‘sorry’, did she think you wanted to be on your knees sucking off a seemingly endless line of guys? 
Her nose shrivelled up as she unfastened your diaper and opened it to expose the messy contents, “Pewwww!” she exclaimed, “They weren’t kidding!”
You ignored her as you thought about your burning cheeks, the taste of cum and dick sweat in your mouth, and the throbbing in your throat.
“Tyrone and Marcus have been treating me nicely” she said with an evil grin while she cleaned up your poo.  She liked to pretend as if you were interested. “I lost count of the number of orgasms i’ve had…”
You tried not to let it affect you, you tried not to think about the two black men that had been pounding the fuck out of your wife upstairs, while you were down in the living room forced to suck the cock of a dozen strangers.
“The good news is…” she continued, while wiping your caged up cock. “That you’ll be making $60 for me tonight! Which means you only need 940 more to get unlocked from chastity for ten whole minutes!!”
You began to sob while she laughed hysterically.  You didn’t even notice how fast she had you cleaned, powdered, and taped in a fresh diaper.
“Alright up and at ‘em!” she said as she handed you back your gimp mask and helped you to your feet. “Those cocks aren’t going to suck themselves! Oh and maybe send the bigger ones upstairs to have a go with me ;)” she giggled as she tapped you on your padded bottom and headed back upstairs.
Found this in the archives. I don't remember making it at all XD
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mollysunder · 1 year
On Silco and Molatovs
I still think about how the creators of Arcane wanted the opening scene to be a young Silco throwing a molotov cocktail during the Day of Ash on the bridge. It's supposed to be implied that Silco's actions were the trigger for why that day escalated to such violence and death. But honestly, all it does is vindicate the success of Silco's leadership in Zaun.
Most of the problems Silco faces in Act 2 & 3 are practically the same challenges Vander faced, but worse. His kid blew up a building and intentionally murdered people while doing it. The operation he had his kid go on got interrupted by a rival gang of young people with the objective literally up in flames. Piltover's putting (economic) pressure on Zaun to find the culprit on the Progress Day attack. Silco also has to put up with upstarts attempting to undermine his leadership position as tensions starts to mount. In spite of all the pressures Silco faced, he was able to manuever around them all a lot better than Vander did.
Let's take Jinx's hexgem heist for the first example. One building robbed and vandalized, another building set on fire and bombed, and six enforcers killed. Yet the only enforcer that was in Zaun for that escapade was Marcus, because Marcus couldn't treat Silco like Grayson treated Vander.
When the kids accidentally blew up the Kiramman building during their heist, no one died, but enforcers were flooded into Zaun, because Grayson saw it in her capacity to do that. Even when Grayson goes to calmly speak with Vander, she's still flanked by aggressive underlings who consistently escalate tensions. Grayson, as the Sheriff Vander trusts, either can't control the enforcers in her charge or is incredibly lax with how they operate, and that's because Grayson had no incentive to be genuinely effective.
Grayson and Vander operated on knowledge where both assumed Piltover's forces had the upperhand on Zaun and could demolish them. No matter how cordial Vander and Grayson were to eachother, Grayson held the cards in that dynamic. There was nothing Vander could do if Grayson just changed her mind about keeping enforcers out of Zaun. Grayson just believed it was for the good of both cities to avoid further bloodshed (that Zaun risked) by delegating responsibility of Zaun to Vander. They manage to work together essentially through Grayson's grace, rather than Vander's own legitimacy as a leader.
Marcus however, must actually attempt restraint because both he and Silco have actual stakes in their relationship. So Marcus enters Zaun ALONE to figure out a solution with it's defacto leader, Marcus is just upset about it the whole time. Frankly that's why I think Jinx intentionally caused as much loud and obvious damage because she KNEW she would get away with it, she still kind of has (she isn't in Stillwater). Jinx has been with Silco for at least seven years, she knows he's got Marcus in bind that's only getting tighter, and knows Silco won't hesitate to throw someone (the Firelights) under the bus for it, unlike Vander.
And even when passage through the bridge is shut down and Zaunites are out in anger protesting, no one dies. Some Zaunite there literally threw a molotov cocktail at the enforcer line and yet violence on the scale of the Day of Ash didn't transpire, because Silco put them, specifically Marcus, in a position where the had to be restraint. In every aspect of Vander's leadership that's about real material gain, Silco has managed to succeed where he failed. Practically every act of aggression at Piltover under Silco's regime never saw the same level of retribution that Vander's did. Sevika chose Silco over Vander because she believed he truly was a more effective leader, and she was right! In the end, she didn't betray Silco because he easily outpaced all the other contenders.
Tldr: Whenever the writers bring up Silco's faults, sometimes it just makes him look better than his counterparts in terms of skill and effectiveness. Silco managed to get Zaun treated like a separate nation faster than Vander could have dreamed.
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I was thinking about my AU’s where the tributes get their medical care after all the fixing and for a while now I’ve had it in my head that most of them don’t know what good medical care actually looks like so I decided to type it out!
So it’s pretty clear the Capitol oppresses the districts and treats them like shit at every opportunity, even if it’s against their own benefits. Treating them better and helping them advance would probably lead to more productivity, better products and far lower chance of a second rebellion but it’s apparently more fun to be an evil scumbag so into the toilet we go. This probably means they don’t let the Districts have any medical care, even if keeping your workers happy is a better decision. Meanwhile, the Capitol has all this fancy medical equipment like defibrillators and oxygen masks and anesthesia and stuff. Now imagine a bunch of terrified, injured kids who do not trust anyone but each other suddenly having all these unfamiliar machines shoved in their face while people in white lab coats prepare to inject them with a needle containing heavens know what kind of weird fluid.
That’s… not gonna go over well
Predictably, the kids all freak out and while their reactions are dimmed due to the several peacekeepers with guns surrounding them, quite a few like Reaper and Coral are still putting up a fight, several others are currently having a panic attack because “Oh no they’re gonna kill us anyway” and everyone is far too tense to be given the anesthetics necessary.
So what’s the solution? Having the mentors sit with their tributes and explain what’s going on because these kids will not believe anybody else. It’s the best option right now, and it would be especially interesting if this is emergency care and thus happening in a public space somewhere so people can see that. They can see the effects of their behavior in real time as literal 12-year-olds know not to take a Capitol citizen’s word for anything.
What makes doing this so interesting to me is the possibility to explore the different levels of effectiveness in this strategy and everyone’s way of handling it. Tributes like Lucy Gray, Jessup, Lamina, and Dill would calm down and listen to what their mentors are saying, possibly asking curious questions about how all of this works in more depth. Teslee and Circ would already know the technical stuff and ask about the more hands-on kinds of treatment, because they know this is gonna happen whether they like it or not so they try to distract themselves from it with curiosity.
Meanwhile, tributes like Bobbin, Reaper, Treech and Brandy are not calmed down in the slightest. Reaper stares Clemensia down with clear distrust and only ends up unhappily letting this happen because of Dill, Bobbin is slowly starting to get angrier and angrier with every snippy comment he throws Juno’s way about all the reasons he dislikes her. Brandy looks one wrong move away from a murder (though in fairness Arachne is only just starting to crack the code on how the tributes are just kids so she wasn’t the best person to be doing this anyway) and Treech is relaxing his muscles but he isn’t calming down at all. It becomes pretty clear with the several nervous glances he’s just scared Vipsania will punish him somehow for not complying, which she could given the peacekeepers around. She has to reassure him she won’t and be far more vulnerable and honest about her inner conflict since meeting him in order to make him (very reluctantly) give her the benefit of the doubt.
Marcus may clearly dislike Sejanus, but he does trust him enough to let the medical stuff happen and Sejanus goes around to help the mentors who are struggling with calming their tributes down. You can pry these two slowly reconciling from my cold dead hands and my ghost will just come to steal it back.
I think it would show the Capitol these kids are all different people, and moreover it would show them that they’re just reacting to the way they’re being treated. They’re fully capable of trusting Capitol citizens, but as Bobbin so helpfully makes them understand: some of them don’t have any reason to. Why trust someone with your life when you couldn’t even trust them to bring you food? When it’s so obvious they just needed you for their own gain or you’ve lost so much to the Capitol already that it just isn’t worth the risk?
Idk I thought it might be fun to explore
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ahlyasimps · 2 years
So I read somewhere that it is possible for the blind gene to be hereditary so imagine y/n and Ominis child being blind but using a familiar to see but not the typical service animal way but they can see the through the animal’s eyes kind of like a warg from game of thrones if you ever seen it 😆
Jobberknoll Frights [O.G.]
Pairing: Dad!Ominis Gaunt x Reader
Summary: Your blind son discovers his ability to see through the eyes of magical creatures and gives you quite a fright.
A/N: I've never watched GoT but I'm going to be treating this like Eivor's ability to see through her raven's eyes in Assassin's Creed Valhalla and hope it's alright 😅 Aka, Eivor herself can't move while in this state but she can control the raven and see through its eyes.
Going in line with my personal Dad!Ominis headcanon, him and reader have two kids: Seraphina and Marcus. + I don't know how well 10 year old kids can speak so just read it all in a baby voice 🫡
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The ability first manifested itself when your child turned 10 years old. Ominis was out taking Seraphina to the park when you suddenly heard a loud thud. Panicked, you raced upstairs only to find Marcus sprawled on the floor unmoving except for the slow rise and fall of his chest. You raced to his side with tears in your eyes trying to figure out what was wrong when you heard incessant tapping on the bedroom window. You were too focused on your unresponsive child but the tapping just become louder and more frequent. A quick glance over to the window revealed a green Jobberknoll with familiar pale eyes. Identical to the ones of your beloved husband and the same ones passed on to the very child you were trying to awaken. Noticing that it had grabbed your attention, the Jopperknoll started trying to wave one of its wings which made it lose balance and almost fall. But the strangely human gesture finally helped clue you in to the situation at hand. "Is that you, Marcus?" The Jobberknoll responded with a squawk and a nod, which only added to your confusion. You've never heard of this ability before but it certainly did seem like your child. Suddenly, the Jobberknoll dipped below the window and you felt movement coming from Marcus. He suddenly shot up from the floor with the largest smile you've ever seen on his little face. "I... I could see!" He said excitedly, "Everything was so bright and there were so many colours!" Marcus felt around him before latching onto you, who was still in shock, "And you're kneeling right here! I could see from the window!" His voice was getting higher the more excited he got. "I could see!" He exclaimed once more in wonder while holding onto you. Naturally, once Ominis and Seraphina came home they were in for quite a surprise when you told them the news. Ominis was ecstatic, thrilled his son could experience something he could not. Seraphina, while happy for her brother, was already leading him to the side and brainstorming all the new pranks they could now pull off with his ability to connect with Jobberknolls. Could he connect with other creatures? Could the he control a Puffskein and start sticking his tongue in everyone's face? The possibilities were endless for the two giddy children.
You and Ominis listened to the excited children with fond smiles on your faces. While you were too far away to catch the specifics of what they were saying, based on Ominis' cheeky laughter you knew it wasn't anything good. You sighed in your head and mentally prepared yourself for the inevitable heart attack you'll get from seeing magical beasts come running up to you with Marcus' eyes.
Later that night while the kids were asleep and you and Ominis were cozily wrapped up in each other's arms, he pouted into your neck and asked "If I hold a Jobberknoll long enough, do you think I could become it the way Marcus did?"
"I don't think that's how it works dear," you mumbled out, already half asleep.
While he also knew it probably wouldn't be possible, this seemed like an innate gift after all, he still deflated at your answer. Feeling this, you turned around so you could face him and cupped his face to bring it closer to yours. "But... I hear Cressida is making progress on a charm for glasses that could let you see. Still under development of course but she owled me earlier saying she had a major breakthrough! While it might not be right away, someday you'll be able to see our children."
Ominis smiled at that, a small smile full of hope.
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itscherrylipsforme · 8 months
Misfits lovebirds: Sejanus Plinth x Capitol!fem!reader
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Summary: The other students from the Academy claimed that you and Sejanus were birds of a feather. And although their intentions while saying that were more teasing than complimenting they were not wrong. The introverted capitol girl and the sweet District two boy, both of them just as opinionated. Two misfits lovebirds. Everyone else sees your couple as fated but you two. But when Sejanus enters the arena, you can help but notice that maybe he is much more than a friend
Warnings: None, but y/n and Sejanus are proud and lovely social weirdos
Requested: yes
Words: 1500
Author's rambles: The anon who left this request is a true genius who likes ranting about Sejanus as much as I do. Sej is just a lover boy who hasn't done anything wrong, I will protect him with my life
Masterlist Characters I write for
Likes and reblogs are appreciated ღ
I do not authorize any of my works to be copied, translated or plagiarized ✗
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Ma was baking something in the oven, if it wasn’t for the lump in your throat, you would be eager to try those sweet treats as soon as they were ready. That was what would do during most of your visits to the Plinth’s house. On a normal day, you and Sejanus would have spent the afternoon in his bedroom doing your papers for the Academy, talking and laughing meanwhile. Then his mother would knock at the door with a plate full of cookies or doughnuts and you two would eat them as you shared plans for the future, ideas, or memories until you had to go back home. But not today.
First point, it wasn’t a quiet afternoon, but a closed late night and Sejanus wasn’t even there. Maybe that was one of the reasons why your stomach had closed up even though Ma had been cooking for almost an hour, and she continued trying to offer you all the pastries that were already on the table. Her efforts were useless, you couldn’t eat and keep walking the kitchen back and forth, and she kept baking goods. Each of you had your ways to deal with stress, I guess.
How had you two got to that point? Everything seemed like a blur since your mother was told to wake up by Gaul. An Academy’s car drove you to the Plinth’s and the only explanation you were given was that Sejanus had put himself in danger by entering the Arena. You had to bite your language not to tell your cruel teacher that maybe no one would ever be in danger if the Arena wasn’t opened, and the games weren’t being taken place. An argument with that depraved creature you were forced to talk Mrs. was the last thing you needed right now. When Gaul went to God-knows-where and you were left alone with Mrs. Plinth (Strabo was on his office making important calls as always) you discovered more about the situation.
Sejanus, your Sej, had entered the Arena by bribing the peacekeepers in order to make a funeral tribute typical from District two to Marcus and protest against the games. Coriolanus Snow was now in charge of convincing him to go back home, an order he had received directly from Gaul herself. Damn, you hated your egocentric and selfish classmate. Never really knew why Sejanus seemed to get along with him, and never brought yourself to ask, but now the fate of your best friend was on his hands. Because Sejanus Plinth was just a friend to you, wasn’t he?
Nothing could be better stored in your memory that the day you met him. Some soft curls covering his forehead, his hair used to be longer back then. Big, deep and brown eyes that looked at everything which a mixture of fear and timidness. They were a little red as he had been crying some time ago. When you saw him sitting on one of the benches in the playground far away from the rest of the kids you immediately discovered two things about Sejanus Plinth. First one, he didn’t belong there. Second one, he didn’t want to belong, either.
He hadn’t exchanged a word with you. Being honest, he didn’t have to, you just knew it from the beginning. If you had to said that you were certain about one thing in this world is that you and Sej were misfits, meant to be around each other. You were sure about it since that day. So going against your usual shyness you asked him whether you could sit by his side, he nodded, the two of you started talking and the rest was a story as they said.
As the years passed, your bond with the “district’s boy” as most people called him only became stronger. If Festus was making fun of you for being too quiet, stuttering or not talking at all, Sejanus came to your aid. Someone keep saying that money could buy him a place in the capitol, but he would never be like them, be careful they would have to face with your sarcasm and anger when you were mad. Clemensia was gossiping about how your awkward-self had messed up social cues again during one of the Academia’s balls, Sejanus got you covered. And everything was like that.
By the time you turned sixteen your beloved classmates came up with other ways to annoy you. Sejanus loves y/n paintings in the bathrooms’ doors, fake love notes in both of your lockers, singing ridiculous cheesy songs when the two of you walked by their side… You would have expected them to be more mature, but that word didn’t seem to be in their vocabulary. Sejanus and you weren’t even mad at the jokes anymore, you laughed about them and keep going with yours day.
Your parents, on the other side, didn’t see them that way. Their daughter being friends with someone from the districts was not got for their social status, they nearly tried to drift you apart and forbid you from talking to him ever again! Luckily for you, a dinner between the Plinth’s and y/l/n’s was all that Strabo Plinth (and his money) needed to convince them that his son was a good influence for you and vice versa. Since that evening, Ma had been hoping for the day she would call you daughter, but you and Sejanus were completely unaware of it.
You stopped in your tracks, the sudden realization of something you hadn’t expected. It had been nearly an hour since you arrived and there you were. Only being able to remember all the things you had gone through with him while waiting for an answer of what had happened to him. If something went wrong, if Snow was too late or the Tributes saw him first… Was that what Sejanus would become to you? Just some messed beautiful turned bitter-sweet memories? No, you couldn’t accept that. He was going to be okay. You needed him to be okay.
A knock on the door, that was all you had to heart to head as fast as you could towards the entrance door. Behind tall, serious and cold Coriolanus it was your Sejanus. Eyes as he had been crying a few minutes ago, some bruises, but same broken and apologetic smile. You rushed into his embrace. Soft, warm, comforting and yet somehow firm, just like him. And with his arms wrapped around you, you allowed yourself to cry in relief. It wasn’t long until you had to move to the side in order to let Ma finally greet his beloved son with the same emotion as you did. Snow just looked around, not really knowing what to say or do.  And even though he was still close to his mother, Sejanus looked at you. A gaze that seemed to weight thousands of emotions he couldn’t put into words and mean “We need to talk”.
Half an hour later you two were on his dorm, Ma was cleaning the kitchen and Coriolanus and Strabo were talking in his office. You had decided to spend the night in, it was too late to go back to your house, and you wouldn’t be able to bring yourself to sleep anyway. Sitting cross-legged on one of his pillows you managed to say, more correctly whisper, the first words of your conversation.
“Please, don’t not something like that ever again”
“I know y/n, I know. But Marcus…” His lips failed to speak, sadness and bottle up sadness made her speech come up as mumbling. The tiredness and the longing for some understanding made him sat by your side in the bed. “He didn’t… He didn’t deserve it. I just wanted to make… to make things right. The games are…” His head leaning in your shoulder, muffling some small and painful cries.
“Sej, it’s okay, I know… I know. I hate them as much as you do” Your hand started playing with his hair, a little trick you had learned a few years ago to help him calm down and never failed “But you could have told me about it. I wouldn’t let you go to the arena on your own if I had known. After all, you are my…” Friend, that was the word that somehow you couldn’t pronounce for the first time in your life, and you knew exactly why “After all I care a lot about you, don’t I?”
“y/n” He whispered in your ear “I know you do, but for once let me take care of you for once in our lives, okay?” One of his hands rested on your neck playing with the edges of your hair “You know, I wasn’t scared of dying in the Arena, the only fear I had back then was losing the opportunity of saying you again” The hand slowly travelled to your cheek “Don’t worry, I am not risking that again” His eyes took a kick and nearly involuntary haze at your lips, and you could notice his pulse becoming faster little by little “Can I…?” And before he finished the sentence, your lips softly landed on his for the first time of many
But for now it was only the two of you holding each other, feeling what you had to keep for yourself too long. Your classmates were right, you were just two misfits lovebirds.
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creedslove · 1 year
I know your headcanons are closed but I can’t stop thinking about Marcus Pike bing obsessed with his wife kids while she is nursing and he every evening very hungrily latch to her tits and drink her milk and cum without touching just from the drinking his wife’s milk.
Thank you for listening to my TEDtalk
Marcus Pike x f!reader
A/N: I love this anon, it's so 🔥
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• so, it's obvious our sweet handsome Marcus Pike has a breeding kink
• one of the happiest moments of his life was when you two were dating and you both decided to stop using condoms because you two trusted each other and were clean
• so he could fill you up with his cum every night and that man went feral for it
• then you two got married and Marcus thought he was the happiest man in the world
• what he didn't know, was that he could be even happier and that happened when you announced you were pregnant
• and he was the best husband and baby daddy in the world: he did anything and everything for you, he treated you with so much love, spoiled you, woke up in the middle of the night to get you whatever food you were craving
• he would also go to all your doctor's appointments unless he really couldn't leave work and he would feel so guilty about it, but he would find a way to make it up to you for that, taking you out to eat, or buying you something nice
• and the body changes you went through, he really appreciated them, always praising and reminding you how gorgeous you were for carrying his child
• he loved your breasts, they were so full and big and so sensitive he loved playing with your nipples
• and he would be so fascinated by your milk; at first he would be too shy about it, he would be alone in his office and instead of focusing on his case report, he would close his eyes and fantasize about wrapping his lips around your nipples and suckle your warm milk
• he wondered what it would taste like, if you'd like the feeling, if he would like the feeling, if he would be embarrassed or if you would think he was weird so he didn't tell you anything about it
• but his cock was rock hard just to imagine himself drinking from you
• so when you two were having sex, he played with your breasts like he often did, you were riding Marcus and some milk began dripping down your nipple
• you were embarrassed at first, but he told you not to worry about it and wiped it with his tongue
• and it was as if something had changed inside of him; he just loved that situation, that connection was so strong and intense he couldn't help but want it again and again
• while still inside of you, he came so hard at the same time his lips were around your nipples
• you also noticed how much he enjoyed it, it had been so intense to him, you couldn't simply pretend you hadn't seen it
• so later, when you two were in bed, you asked him about it, showing your husband Marcus you were alright with it and above all you respected and loved him just the same
• and to make things better, you offered him to try it again whenever he wanted to
• so the next day at work, Marcus was also having a hard time concentrating because he spent the whole day thinking about it
• so just when he got home, he was so impatient he didn't even change clothes
• he sat you on the couch and took you to his lap, kissing you deeply and then going down your neck, your shoulders and your cleavage
• and then he revealed your beautiful gorgeous breasts and massaged them gently his tongue toying with your nipples as your milk came out right into his mouth
• Marcus closed his eyes and let out some muffled moans while you played with his hair
• he was so turned on he ended up coming untouched, panting and looking at you as he had drunk a lot from your milk
• once more he felt a little embarrassed but you assured him it was alright and above all he'd helped you because now your tits weren't so heavy anymore
• you pecked his lips and told him he could have your milk any time he wanted
• and that was why Marcus knew he was the luckiest husband in the world: he had you as his wife 💘
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iliketodrawig · 1 year
All of my rtc headcanons but they get worse and worse
Noel and Ocean secretly adore each other but as if they were brothers. They have a dynamic like "I can laugh at you but anyone who messes with you is dead."
Noel's mother used to watch old movies and that's where the boy's passion for this whole thing was born.
Constance's brother often tried to follow his sister no matter where she went (high school, choir practice, cooking class).
During choir practice, Noel would paint Penny's nails. He started doing it one day when she fell asleep in class and he decided to do it without waking her up. He succeeded and they both liked the result, so they've been doing it ever since.
Ricky wrote comics about the adventures of the Space Age Bachelor Man (he wrote and illustrated it) and his dream was to publish it one day. Penny was the only one he showed them to.
Mischa, Penny and Ricky are the BEST of friends. They usually meet in Ricky's house to watch superhero movies and read comics.
Ocean and Constance have sleepovers where they watch Barbie movies.
Ricky had a huge crush on Penny.
When Ocean was a little girl, she used to lived in the same hippie commune as Penny, so they were very good friends. But when her family left Elysum (shortly before kindergarten) they didn't see each other again until Penny joined the choir, but Ocean felt ashamed of her so she pretended she didn't know her. This hurt Penny a lot because she knew that Ocean remembered her, but she didn't say anything.
When the accident happened, Constance's brother was still a little kid so with the passage of time he forgot his sister's voice and he blames himself for this.
Ocean always felt identified with Matilda due to the lack of affection from her parents.
Constance always offered to let Ocean spend as much time as she needed at her house when she didn't want to deal with her parents, but Ocean stopped doing it because she was jelaous of the Blackwoods since they were the family she always dreamed of.
After the accident, Mischa's adoptive parents felt very guilty for not treating him as he deserved. When they recovered the boy's phone, they discovered Talia's messages and told her what had happened.
She did not believe them but she was left with the doubt and looked for it on the internet. That was how she found out.
Father Marcus told the kids to get on one last ride because they had to go home. They chose the Cyclone. He saw the accident and when he approached to bless the deceased, he fainted when he realized that they were his children. He woke up 7 hours after the accident and the coroner confirmed that it was indeed them.
As Penny lost her memories in the warehouse due to her body never being identified, the other kids also lost all their memories of her. That's why no one remembers her.
Penny wrote in her notebook everything that happened in the warehouse so she doesn't forget it. Months later, one of the girls who bullies her discover the notebook and she burns it. Penny cries but she doesn't cry because her notebook is destroyed, but because she no longer remembers the choir anymore.
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youcouldmakealife · 11 months
LBTE: Jared (106-110)
Quick return to summaries, for: in which two dorks get married.
106 - Jitters
“It’s stressing me out,” Jared says. “Like, obviously I love Bryce, I wouldn’t be marrying him if I didn’t, but like, figuring out how to say it and not like, embarrassing myself in front of everyone? I dunno. It’s hard.”
“You are your father’s son,” his mom says, and Jared can’t even argue that. His dad’s fucking awful at this kind of stuff, so Jared inherited it honestly, he guesses. Like, it’s so really clear his dad thinks his mom’s the shit? Jared’s over being embarrassed by his parents being happy in their relationship. But his dad kind of sucks at the expressing good emotions bit, to the point where him saying something really nice is the kind of thing that sticks with you for a long time because of how rare it is, but at the same time, Jared’s never doubted his dad loves him, and Erin, and his mom.
Jared is SO MUCH his father’s son, in a way he generally refuses to acknowledge, and yes, they’re both straight up awful at expressing their feelings, but no one doubts Jared loves Bryce after any time spent around the two of them. Ditto Don with Susan. (It horrified Jared and Erin as kids, how gross in love their dad was. Marcus Mathesons will be able to relate.)
“You’re not going to be a troll with your grandkids, are you?” Jared says, doubling down on the making her feel old since she can’t make him set the table twice.
“Oh no,” his mom says. “I’ll treat them like gold and spoil them rotten until they doubt every story you tell about me being a troll.”
“Oh god,” she mutters. “I’m my mother.”
“Grandma’s a saint,” Jared says.
“Well,” she says. “At least I know firsthand that the strategy works. Table.”
She is going to do it and it is going to WORK and none of the M&Ms will doubt their grandmas are saints, no matter how much Jared insists only Elaine is actually a saint.
With a week to go Jared realises he totally forgot to ask Arvan for time off, and he only realises when he hears Raf ask Arvan for time off, that time off being, oh, Jared’s wedding.
“Um, me too!” Jared says. “And Chaz. We kind of need to all take that off.”
Raf gives him an utterly disgusted look
Raf will tell this story for YEARS, along with Bryce and Jared meeting. So many unflattering stories about Jared that Raf was forced to witness.
“It’s cool if you’re — you know it’s normal, right? To have — doubts.” “Cool, but I don’t have any,” Jared says. “…do you have cold feet?”
Bryce makes a very dismissive noise.
Please, Bryce has been ready for years at this point.
Him and Julius go over to his parents for his last dinner as like, an unmarried man — weird — and Jared’s half waiting all dinner for his dad to like, grab his shoulder and go ‘if you’ve changed your mind…’ or something, but he doesn’t. Best behaviour. Mom probably threatened him.
Honestly proud of Don for not doing that. (Susan definitely threatened him)
How’s the lake house?”
“It’s huge,” Bryce says. “You’re going to be so annoyed.”
I love that Bryce’s first thought about the place is ‘wow, this is so nice — that’s going to piss Jared off’, and he’s RIGHT.
107 - Preparation
“Nervous?” Julius asks him over breakfast.
“My feet are toasty warm,” Jared says, and after a very confused look from Julius, breakfast is briefly derailed to explain the concept of cold feet and no, Jared doesn’t know why it’s called cold feet, and then they’re looking up the etymology and Julius is making disgusted noises because it’s just based on some dude writing the words and it sticking, no actual clarification as to why
Nope, no proper origin to this idiom either. Enraging. I am Julius in this matter.
His dad insists on driving, saying it’s because Jared will be distracted, but actually because he’s a control freak who can’t handle not driving himself. Jared doesn’t fight it — he doesn’t know the area around the lake house at all, and if they get lost his dad will be unnervingly backseat stressed about it — but the fact that Julius gets dibs on the front seat, because ‘he’s a guest’, in Jared’s car, on Jared’s wedding day?
Jared sulks in the backseat, bags stacked between him and Erin like a barricade.
Shades of the blanket already. The brother Jared never had.
Elaine meets them outside, steering them towards the main house — apparently Bryce is getting ready in the bunk house, and Jared is very tempted to like, cut and run in that direction. It’s dumb. He’ll see him in three hours. He’s still considering it. “Don’t even think about it,” Elaine says cheerfully, apparently wise to Jared.
“I wasn’t going to do anything,” Jared protests.
“Bryce made that exact face when we heard your car pull in,” Elaine says. “Gail and my mom have him covered, and Gordie’s been instructed to stop you at the door by any means necessary.”
Do not mistake Elaine’s kindness for weakness.
“Wait, are there bigger rooms than this?” Jared asks. Because if so, this place is insane: this room’s the size of their living room and dining room combined. Maybe Bryce was right that Jared would be annoyed by how big it is — stupid thing to be annoyed by, considering how many people need to stay over, but there’s big and then there’s obnoxiously big.
It is nice and Jared is annoyed, just as Bryce predicted.
How’re you feeling? Jared texts.
pretty great get to marry the love of my life today, Bryce says
“Yeah, me too,” Erin says. “But it’s a pretty dress, so.”
Cue another twirl.
With a dress that swishy, you gotta twirl -- Erin is only doing what is necessary.
“Honey,” she says. “There’s going to be crying today. You’re probably going to cry today.”
He refuses.
“Bryce has already cried at least three times already,” Elaine says. Oh god. Every time Bryce cries Jared wants to cry. This is going to be a disaster.
Jared often stubbornly believes things despite evidence to the contrary, but I continue to have no idea how he thought he would get through his wedding day without crying.
There are going to be many matching PJs in his life, won’t there? He can’t even bring himself to mind.
It’s gonna get REAL cute with three generations in the same pjs.
“Wait, you gave Erin the rings?” Jared asks. “Why does Erin have our rings?”
“Because I’m maid of honour,” Erin says, with a little eyeroll like ‘duh’. “I’m standing up there with you, so I get the rings.”
“Do not do something to them,” Jared says. “Don’t — pretend you’ve lost them, or drop them, or—”
“I wouldn’t do that,” Erin says, sounding almost hurt.
Jared does not believe her.
“I wouldn’t do that to Bryce,” Erin adds.
Bryce is the brother ERIN never had. Because her brother is much worse than Bryce.
“When have you even tied bow ties?” Jared asks.
“Haven’t since my own wedding, but I looked it up on YouTube just in case you needed the help,” his dad says. “Now quit talking, I’m focusing.”
“Okay,” Jared says, and it looks pretty good after the third time his dad subjects him to a ���wait, fuck, I’m trying again’.
“Don’t tell your mom I fixed your bow tie,” his dad says. “She looked it up on YouTube too, and she even bought one to practice with, she’ll be annoyed with herself.”
This right here encapsulates the Mathesons. A lot of snark and plenty of faults, but these hobgoblins love one another a lot. (Also randomly sneaky about their kindness because can't be obvious about their loving acts, how embarrassing.)
His mom wipes his eyes for him. “I did a really good job on that bow tie,” she says, sounding pleased.
“A great job,” Jared says, and bites down a smile when his dad gives him a thumbs up behind her back.
<3 Mathesons.
108 - Impaired Judgment (and other excuses for falling in love)
I’ve said it before, but this was the original title of the series, shortened for a few reasons (mostly brevity), and it felt right to use it for this part.
“Your dad spent the entire morning of our wedding day convinced I wasn’t going to show up,” his mom says. “You’re doing fine.”
“I didn’t really think that,” his dad mutters. “It was just a possibility.” If Jared was marrying literally anyone else, that’d probably bring the freak out to a new height, except it’s Bryce, so it doesn’t.
Seriously, can you imagine Bryce not following through with it? I can’t. Jared can’t. Dude’s cried with joy three times today in the presence of his mom alone. Nothing could get him to miss this.
Chaz does this goofy salute at him when Jared glances over the crowd of people ready to witness the inevitable mortification, and Jared smiles back weakly.
The person unironically referring to his time at the altar as ‘inevitable mortification’ does not get to call other people goofy.
“I’m not hugging you,” Erin says, when his dad finally lets go.
“Didn’t ask you to,” Jared says, which apparently is the permission Erin needs to hug him.
It’s like he doesn’t know her at all. Of course that’s the permission. Also: every time Erin and Jared hug my grinchy heart grows two sizes.
Jared looks over, sees Elaine and Bryce coming out of the back door of the bunk house, their hair glinting gold in the summer light and Bryce’s tux tailored perfectly, some full on James Bond suave shit going on, and Jared just — he gets to marry him.
We have TWO soppy ass dudes in this relationship, I don’t care what Jared says.
Who would dare pointed cough at him in the middle of his wedding? It’s probably a Matheson. Or Julius. Jared bets it was fucking Julius.
Chaz had a ticklish throat, sorry for LIVING.
Who let Jared open his mouth, holy shit. Someone stop him.
An excellent summary of Jared’s vows and also Jared’s life.
“I was such an angry person when I met you,” Bryce says. “Angry, and unhappy, and not — I didn’t want to be who I was. I didn’t like me. I didn’t like pretty much anyone. But god I liked you. And I wanted you to like me back so bad. And somehow you did, even though I wasn’t someone who even close to deserved you. And my biggest goal since I met you has been to become someone who does. And I don’t think I’m there yet, and I don’t know if I ever will be, but I promise you that’s going to continue to be something I strive towards every single day for the rest of my life.”
Bryce Marcus in his feelings is my number one kryptonite, and it got me good again.
He shakes his head, because he knows Bryce worked on it. Draft after draft, probably, trying to articulate his feelings for Jared, managing to land on the most devastating words possible, because he’s devastating in the best way possible.
Jared inhales, exhales, tries to get his breathing under control. Bryce waits for him to try to put himself together, and if Jared hadn’t been sure he wanted to marry him before this — and obviously he was pretty fucking sure — that would have done it, all by itself.
I’m not crying, you’re crying.
109 - Wedded Bliss
“Have a great season, guys,” she says, and Jared’s all panicky, suddenly, wondering if she’s a fan, which team she’s a fan of, before realising like — maybe she is a fan, maybe she isn’t, no way to know. If he was her, signing a non-disclosure agreement, he’d be immediately looking up the names if he didn’t recognise them, wondering what made an NDA necessary in the first place. And even if she is a fan, she’s not going to snitch; like, she signed a binding contract that would open her up to being sued for everything she’s worth, and also she’d probably lose her marriage licence…thing or whatever.
Besides, no Flames fan would be able to tell an Oiler to have a great season with a straight face.
Jared going through all the possibilities before stating the obvious.
(This reminds me of a fun fact I learned recently: in a map showing most hated teams by state and province, Alberta’s most hated team? The Calgary Flames. Meanwhile the Boston Bruins has all of Eastern Canada and two of three territories, for the largest geographical spread, good work dudes.)
“No one’s going to look at a picture of you standing alone in a tux and say, ‘hey, he must have been getting married to a man who plays for his rival team’,” his mom says dryly, which — fair point.
I mean…
“Bear, come here for a sec? I need a favour,” Elaine says, and Bryce immediately stops mid-conversation with Chaz and Ash and trots over, like the momma’s boy he is. Ridiculous.
Jared blinks when Elaine’s phone goes off. “Much better,” she says. “Thanks, honey.”
“I didn’t —” Bryce says, sounding confused, and Jared shrugs at him.
Elaine knows all the tricks. Jared’s smile went from strained to soppy watching that jog.
But, then, fuck it. He doesn’t need excuses. They’re literally all at his and Bryce’s wedding, who’s going to complain about a little kissing?
“Hey,” Bryce says, wrapping an arm around him when he comes over, mouth surprised against Jared’s when he kisses him, but only for a second before he’s kissing back.
“Okay, no,” Erin says. “Stop.”
Erin. Erin will complain about a little kissing. (They're so happy they get to kiss in front of PEOPLE. While OUTSIDE. Downright giddy.)
Also, Jared is pretty sure at a normal wedding, him and Bryce would get first crack at the food, but nope, he’s got to wait in line like everyone else even though he’s starving. Julius won’t let Jared butt in front of him, all ‘just because you’re married now doesn’t make you special’. Julius is the fucking worst. Jared can’t believe he even invited him.
I’ve said it before, but: truly the friend Jared deserves.
“So Jared’s like ‘I’ve never hated someone more in my life’ and ‘what a stupid flashy car Bryce Marcus has, don’t you hate Bryce too, Raf, I hate him so much that I can’t stop talking about him’ and ‘how dare Bryce Marcus say a single word to me, doesn’t he realise how much I loathe him, that handsome bane of my existence’, and he’s blushing bright red every time Bryce walks within ten feet of us, and—”
IJ(aoe), Act I: a summary.
“You didn’t bring lube?” Bryce says.
“No?” Jared says.
“You forgot lube?” Bryce hisses.
From comedy to tragedy.
Jared has to get up to hit the lights — they played rock-paper-scissors for it and Bryce lost but then he looked so dejected Jared got up anyway
True love right there.
“Thanks for marrying me,” Bryce murmurs.
There are so, so many sarcastic responses on Jared’s tongue. So many. And Jared’s sure that Bryce is expecting one, wouldn’t mind, would probably even laugh. But like. He doesn’t want to say any of them. And if there’s any time he can be like, unselfconsciously sappy, he thinks his wedding night probably qualifies.
“It was my privilege,” Jared says, cheeks heating anyway, because apparently nope, there is no time that he can be unselfconsciously sappy up to and including his wedding night, but the smile on Bryce’s face, small and sweet and almost shy, the way it lingers when Jared kisses him, well, it’s worth any embarrassment Jared feels.
They’re so gross, I love them.
110 - Refuge
And they order Thai from their usual place, but Jared doesn’t know if the orders got swapped or someone was new or not paying attention or what, because his usual order is his usual order, except there’s shrimp instead of chicken in his noodles and he can smell shellfish the second he opens his soup, and Bryce is ridiculous when he calls them back, all ‘how can you not see ‘shellfish allergy’ in the notes’ and ‘do you want to kill him?’, like Jared would actually die and not just be moderately to severely uncomfortable if he ate it, which he hadn’t.
Jared is right on the verge of telling Bryce how ridiculous he is when he remembers his dad’s pre-wedding advice, and he bites his tongue and lets Bryce take care of it, even if Bryce’s version of taking care of it is a total overreaction.
Bryce is PROTECTING HIS MAN. And look at Jared listening to his dad’s advice.
There’s a tiny part of Jared that’s faintly appalled he hasn’t left the house for days, hasn’t put on a shirt in just as long — Bryce has offered to be the one to get dressed every time they order food
Bryce transparently wanting to be the provider. Also not wanting Jared to put any clothes on.
“So hey,” Bryce says. He’s trying to make it sound casual, but it doesn’t, and Jared squints up at him suspiciously.
"I want us to keep wearing our wedding rings,” Bryce says.
Bryce being the initiatior of the first step of many that leads to their eventual outing. (I mean, the wedding would also count, but these rings get scrutinized at the time and then down the line).
“You’re worth like, everything,” Bryce says. “You know that, right?” Jared presses his face tighter against Bryce’s shirt, Bryce’s thumb tracing the heated shell of his ear.
Oh kids.
“So you’re okay with it?” Bryce says.
“If you stop saying nice things to me for like, at least an hour,” Jared says. “Then okay.”
“I’ll do my best,” Bryce says solemnly.
“Okay,” Jared says.
“I love you,” Bryce says.
“Bryce!” Jared says.
“That’s not a nice thing, that’s just like, a fact,” Bryce says. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Jared says, then commences to pull Bryce’s shirt up and stick his head under it, because the only way Jared can maintain the absolute fiction that he’s not blushing is to hide his face.
Jared would protest vociferously, but: he is adorable.
Bryce sacks out early that night, exhausted from his day of lounging around the couch and like, complimenting Jared too much. Jared’s half tempted to poke him awake to just like, not have the honeymoon end yet, but that’s mean. He looks so peaceful, Jared can’t do that to him.
Jared’s a place Bryce can rest, and he takes that role seriously.
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the-monkey-ruler · 9 months
Do you know all of Sun Wukong's children? I understand that King Paramita is Lady Iron Fan's son with Wukong(?). and that Yuebei Xing and her brothers are maybe children of Taiyin xing (the theory). Obviously I understand that they are not like something canon, however, it is interesting to know about them.
I can’t say that I do know every iteration that Wukong has kids but I can try to make a list of what I got at least! There are the non-canon kids of Sun Wukong that I know of at least right now. I'm sure there is more but these are the ones I know from media at the moment.
A Supplement to the Journey to the West (1640) 西遊補 (this is just a dream) Paramita 4 other unnamed sons
Journey to the South (1570) 南遊記 (unnamed partner) Jidu Luohou Yuebei Xing
Later Journey to the West (17th-century) 後西遊記 Sun Luzhen (adopted)
Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes (2000) マーヴル VS. カプコン 2 Sonson
Westward Journey Online II (2002) 大话西游2经典版 Mind Monkey (unintentionally contributed to new Rock Monkey)
High School DxD (2008) ハイスクールD×D Bikou
The Monkey King's Daughter (2009) Meilin Cheng
New Journey to the West: Unexpected Jingxi (2017) 新西游之意外晶喜 Unborn child (with White Bone spirit) (also might not be his)
Adventure in Journey to the West (2018)大闹西游 Sun Wuyuan (disciple, but like it's obvious he adopted)
God of High School (2020) 갓 오브 하이 스쿨 Park Taejin (adopted)
DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration #1 (2021) Sun Marcus (hair clone treated as child)
The Chronicles of the Ranger (2021) 游侠战纪 Hou Mo (stone monkey, hard to say if direct descendant)
Monkey King (2022) 悟·空 Sun Xiaosheng (disciple, might be adopted)
American Born Chinese(2023) Sun Wei-Chen
Honorary mentions:
Monkey King: Hero Is Back (2015) 西遊記之大聖歸來 Jiang Liu'er Anan
My Dad is Monkey King (2021) 我的爸爸是齐天大圣 Li Yiyi (this is more symbolic than real dad)
Lego Monkie Kid (2021) 悟空小侠 Qi Xiaotian / MK (stone monkey, possibly related)
So this is NOT ALL of the children I'm sure but I'm sure as I keep posting media that the list with increase!
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lettingthoughtsflow · 14 days
lab rats 🤝 chappell roan
inspired by @imasimpcentral
this is going off 97% vibes at 3% character analysis (i love chappell but there's def a 60/40 chance that some of these takes are not good interpretations)
femininomenon: tasha and bree fs
"stuck in the suburbs, you're folding his laundry" omg tasha my girl you deserved so much better than the man child billionare
if the boys kept up with playing instruments, bree def would've got them to learn this song
red wine supernova: literally everyone this song is so addicting
after midnight: also addicting and i want to say everyone but donald bc he doesn’t deserve it
I imagine chase playing this to hype himself up when he has plans to go out
coffee: omg adam, bree, and chase without question
"nowhere else is safe, every place leads back to your place" I know it's alluding to the couple ending up together but in the context of lab rats, abc can never get away from davenport and the bionic life. they never even get the chance to consider something
"you'll say that your sorry, I know it's a lie"
"if i didn't love you, it would be fine" omg this post by @texanmarcusdavenport
casual: Bree, Leo, Chase, and Douglas
basically anyone who struggled with relationships in the show tbh
someone would catch douglas singing the song and join him like that scene from friends
super graphic ultra modern girl: bree has this on repeat
adam brings just enough girly pop energy
leo too
one day tasha walks in on the kids dancing to it and joins in
chase walks in and slowly joins in like that scene from abott elementary
tumblr won't let me post another video so i made an extra post for the video
HOT TO GO!: obviously this goes to our two cheerleaders, adam and bree
davenport would be the person who tries to changed the dance routine
tasha would try to add to it or build a routine for the rest of the song bc she likes to be invovled
omg tasha would make them cheer outfits just so they could wear them for these songs
My Kink Is Karma: both davenport brothers tbh (mainly Douglas)
i didn't want to give donald one but if we ever saw him actually process the fact that his brother faked his death just to come back to attack his family and then get a parner and be more evil, this would be his song
douglas listens to this after leaving his partnership with krane
omg wait he would think about giselle too
Picture You: all of the siblings
"do you picture me like I picture you" -> am i the child you wanted? are you the dad I wanted?
are you the dad I deserve?
this is def me just interpreting this one line
Kaleidoscope: tasha, bree, chase, leo, and adam
tasha deserved to be treated better and fully acknowledged
bree, chase, and leo all had those messy coming-of-age relationships
adam doesn't relate to this song in the sense of romantic love bc he didn't have relationships (and i fully support the aroarce!Adam head cannon)
this still applies to the familial love and relationship with davenport
Pink Pony Club: @imasimpcentral put it best here but this is all the siblings
they're literally trapped in mission creek/bionic island
they can never leave the bionic life
they were all trying to prove themselves
leo the most during the bionic island season honestly
Naked In Manhattan: this song is so first relationship so all of the kids
bree basically modeled her life after high school movies after she was allowed out of the lab so this song is like nostalgia for her
adam vibes with the song but again he's aroace in my mind
i feel like chase would blush like crazy when he actually listens to the lyrics
i don't have a clear mindset with leo but i like to think that he vibes with chappell
California: all siblings – adam, bree, chase, and leo OH MY GOD MARCUS
specifically in the bionic rebellion for abc
they were thrown into the world of mentoring and then their top students rebelled
i think by that season they stopped caring about davenport but i feel like a small part of them has a lingering feeling of failure
when it comes to leo i just think about every time he tried to do something alone
"i'd make you proud. to think I almost had it going, but I let you down."
marcus literally did everything douglas asked him to and then came back to essentially complete his mission
and when he came back, he was working to make giselle proud just a bit
Guilty Pleasure: bree and chase
bree ached for normal life the most of all the siblings
she also fell for the bad guy
chase wanted friends so badly he could resonate with this song
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sejjiplinth · 7 months
my sejanus hc list that i’ve had in my notes for years and years
— he definitely loves all animals but he is a cat person all the way!!!!!!
— his closet is sorted by color
— he wore glasses as a child (and occasionally wears them in his older years)
— he likes to sew with his ma
— his favorite season is winter because he likes to wear scarves, but he loves spring too!
— he has a bird feeder hanging from his windowsill
— would absolutely hate horror films, his favorite kind of movie is anything that falls in the romcom genre
— hates white shoes / suits (yes he was miserable in the peacekeeper uniform)
— ma put notes in his lunchbox when he was little and he still has them in a small box on top of his closet
— he’d be a sandbox game lover. animal crossing, stardew valley, anything like that
— he surprisingly has really good endurance, and it’d piss coriolanus off when they’d have to run for their peacekeeper training because he couldn’t keep up
— double knots his shoe laces because he got tripped so much as a kid
— favorite pie is either peach or apple
— probably has a fish tank
— when he’s reading he makes his own bookmarks
— actually knows how to slow dance properly thanks to ma
— he draws on gum wrappers
— is deathly terrified of any kind of flying bug (but would pick up any spider to take it outside and set it free 😭)
— he had a pet duck in district 2
— his favorite flowers are tulips because they continue to grow even once they’ve been cut
— he loves to help ma cook. whether it’s handing her ingredients, or stirring the pot while she steps outside. anything to make her days a little easier
— his favorite color is orchid purple
— he’s a collector!!!! i think he’d collect rocks, stamps, pennies, flowers and leaves, literally anything he can find because he likes to make scrapbooks for them
— can’t sleep unless he’s cold
— owns tons of graphic tees and other colorful attire as an adult because his father only let him wear formal clothing growing up
— definitely gets motion sickness
— cannot drive for shit and should never be trusted behind the wheel
— his love languages are acts of service and gift giving
— his favorite treat of ma’s is her cupcakes, especially the ones she makes for his birthday
— diary / journal ownerrrrr (the fact that he had one in his box in the movie made my heart happy, okay lionsgate you get a point from me…)
— has a piece of jewelry that he’s worn for half of his life, and it’s either a ring or a necklace (maybe both!)
— the marble heart that was in his box in the book was from marcus
— in a present day au, i can always see him being a tutor in high school, maybe even a student teacher in his early 20’s (i think i’ve actually talked about this before on here LMAO) but i don’t think he’d become a full-on teacher in the end, and would diverge his career path to eventually become an EMT
— it takes him years to get through a bottle of cologne
— since he’s canonically good at science, i think he spent a lot of his childhood conducting fun experiments (DEFINITELY the baking soda-and-vinegar volcano)
— his home would be full of the silliest decor. cat cups and colorful paintings, and he has gnomes in his lawn… he gives them names
that’s all i have for now !!!!
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