#like 90% of the time they be so unprepared LOL
ink--theory · 3 months
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playing with friends
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lynaferns · 1 year
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
ngl, this took me off guard. I rebloged that OC questions post 2 weeks ago and I thought nobody was going to send any questions so I was unprepared.
I'm taking the opurtunity to draw 2 of my oldest OCs (from high school), I even color it. (Sorry for all the people who are here for DCA art but also not sorry)
I had to think about the first question, non of my recent OCs would be considered troublemakers, then these two came to mind.
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Alex can be a very polite boy but short tempered so you can assume that he's always getting into fights and causing trouble because of this.
April is very energetic and very skilled but is always touching stuff or poking her nose where she shouldn't.
So they both are always dragging each other into trouble.
For the second question, 90% of my OC has trauma lol, so I'm going to talk a little more about Alex and April.
They both lost their parents by the same guy at different times. When April was very little, her home village was razed by an evil organization who were taking the people and children with them to experiment and/or recruit them. She lost her family but was saved by her uncle and he's been keeping her safe and away since then.
Years later something similar happened to Alex. He was with his parents attending a doctors apointment when suddenly the facility was being razed by this evil organization. They had a ship lifting the entire building but something failed and everything fell to the ground causing several deaths, Alex's parents included. He lost his legs in the incident and then busted his hearing due to and explosion.
Alex was found later in very bad conditions by Aprils uncle and they rescue him. The uncle gave him new mechanical legs and get him hearing aids.
Now Alex and April are like sinblings and they both want to kick the ass of the asshole whos been causing trouble to the world.
Also the lineart of the drawing because I like how it turned out
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I'd like to give them a proper redesign. Someday.
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todorroki · 4 months
Love Sea ep 1 thoughts
a little ramble/unorganized post of thoughts on ep 1 of love sea. so i watched the first ep twice, since the first time i was partially live tweeting some of my reactions and missed a few things. i enjoyed it!! quite a bit too, mostly bc i love fortpeat and i'll gobble up absolutely anything they're in. as with mame stories, in order to enjoy them to the fullest, my brain is off, my fujin glasses are on.
first off: gorgeous shots, even more gorgeous setting. i Love bright colors, and this island is really giving just that. like... NATURE!! so much green from the trees and the underwater shots are so good as well. i'm gonna be a little sad when they return to the city. not sure what episode this will land on but my guess is around ep 4? if they keep the pacing as it is right now.
this was a solid first episode. we get introduced to the main cast, their jobs, and a bit of their personality. and the end of the episode gives a glimpse of tongrak's trauma and a preview of the looming problem that should come to light as the series progresses. i'm honestly Very curious how they're going to handle the main conflict, if they're going to take anything out or change it. i am open to what changes they May do since i've already seen a (in my opinion) good change they made for the last scene on the boat.
in the novel, tongrak actually slaps mut when he tries to wipe his tears. yes, full on bitch slap to the face. which, honestly, when i read that part, i looked up from my phone and was like "ok...but why....." so i'm glad they took it out. i'm not mad about having a slap scene in general, but it seemed like a weird reaction (to me), even with the knowledge of WHY rak behaves the way he does. no spoilers, but i had that ????? reaction more than once throughout the novel so hopefully they're able to better translate book scenes to screen. i'll keep my expectations measured regardless.
i'm also wondering if they're going to have conner show up since we have his voice. not gonna lie, i was 90% expecting them to have silence on the other side when talking to conner on the phone. sorry for not believing in u mame lol.. and speaking of PHONE CALLS, idk if i'm traumatized from LITA but i audibly Cheered when i heard proper phone call audio effects. can u tell my expectations for the audio direction were in the ground lmao. and i'm still holding my breath bc LITA had proper call audio in the first ep but dropped it later. praying for consistency over here.
putting my fears aside, PEAT'S STYLING IN THIS SERIES!!! he looks sooo good. and fort in that wetsuit ho my god... so many good visuals here. also i know i read the novel, but i was still completely unprepared for the tongrak attempted seduction scene... i knew it would happen but i wasn't ready to see it with my eyeballs!!! that was WAY more skin than i expected. earlier this week, peat was saying we'd get to see his thighs in ep 1. SIR, we saw much more than that!!! got me screaming at 10am. fortpeat are doing so well here. fort is in his element completely with mahasamut, and peat does vulnerability so so well. i'm excited to see them in more emotional scenes.
now for extra scattered thoughts below ↓
i'm just glad for the brighter setting to see peat's eyes in the light. BEAUTIFUL
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2. love sand in the corner of mook's desk and test love on the floor! i enjoy the mame universe easter eggs.
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3. the live laugh love-esque font made me laugh sorry
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5. tongrak is stronger than me. if someone started reading my wip i'd shut my screen so fast
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anyways i'm VERY excited to see more fortpeat in action. i wrote this post to keep track of my own thoughts, but if you found this and happened to read it, thank you for your time!!
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poorbrokemess · 8 days
Been having a couple rough days. Things failing every chance they can. Which of course makes one grumpy.
(I've been pulled to get a Lion stuffed animal for a while. But. As the name says. Broke. I've been drinking tea. Which, I didn't like. I've upped my spell work. I've been pulled to do knot magic. I've been putting anointed braids in my hair [I veil 90 percent of the time] I just got some second hand stuff I put up on the wall. Ect. I got my walking stick[staff] there is more but is sleep time and tired)
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Then! I found out I got gifts on the way
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Then proceeded to go to *coughs* a few stores.
Started to smell a very pleasant smell. On and off. Looked and sniffed all the things. While also feeling a, wild? Female presence.
After being haunted by Encanto, Lions, so, many, lions. Like unnatural amount of lions. I see a shirt.
With a leopard on it saying *circa* 1904 or something.
I actually said it out loud, loudly 😅
I actually didn't know anything about her prior to this day other than her name frome the book. I own but haven't read yet 😅
So lots of research has happened.(way more needs done I think)
And a bunch of other stuff
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I'm broke.
So, wand credit goes to a stick from my favorite yard tree. An old pocket knife i found. Circes' flame (temporary candle, it's dead now burnt entirely), and nail polish ☠️
That tiny candle put out such a big flame I had to go out of the bedroom because my partner is sleeping.
Figured I'd do an offering.
But, I didn't plan ahead. This was not my choosing Unprepared.
Grabs bag of raisins
*still looking*
Finds 2 tiny doughnuts left.
Okay deal.
Then the cat stole one.
Dougnut, raisin, and tea 🥰😅
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This one, if it is in fact Circe (I've done no divination to check), she's kinda rough handed compared to others I've felt.
Yet, it's not rough on purpose. More like when a giant accidently breaks a chair they've sat on 🤣
At least the serious head pressure left after I set up a spot and a candle even if temporary lol
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bookshop · 2 years
in a previous life i would have tweeted this to a handful of fellow columbo fans but lol needs must
i absolutely love love love columbo, i've seen all of the original series multiple times through, and i only recently realized that tubi has all of the extra specials from the 80s and 90s, so i've been steadily making my way through them, and i just got to one of the later ones tonight that unexpectedly features robert culp — robert culp!!!! — as a guest star, and i was completely unprepared for it and i let out this delighted fangirl gasp, ahaha, it's absolutely like finding an extra bit of candy in the bag when you thought you'd eaten them all! COME TO ME ROBERT CULP, YOU SCRUMPTIOUS, SCRUMPTIOUS COLUMBO CAMEO CANDY!!!!!
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single-malt-scotch · 10 months
ok so i am home from my vacation and i have only had time to watch bdubs' SL pov and hlf of cleo's rn. regardless wanted to ramble my thoughts on this session and fair warning it isnt gonna be super positive (the short: didnt really like it) so yeah.
reminder though i absolutely Love these people. i love how they play and theyre great and im watching first and foremost bc i like seeing them have fun. my issues lie in the series' mechanics, how it plays, the technical function, management etc.
the thing about watching one pov is i feel like it can also spell out other issues but i will get to that later
obviously the big thing. the "infection" task. listen.... the concept of a boogeyman infection by itself is cool! i like that! but.... not here?????? out of all series.
there is no regen, and this fact is conflicting to me because i feel like the boogey should be struggling against those theyre trying to infect, and minecraft's regen would be that struggle, like it has been for every past boogey chasing their targets.
you have to kill everyone not red? not red???? so like 90% of the server? insane.
this was an EASY TASK........... this pisses me more on what this season's rules have been implied to be. suddenly, they arent really making sense. i will go into this deeper.
this just doesnt seem like the right place to plant this task. it is hugely impactful and feels like it is happening for no reason. if they were going on like 10+ episodes and grian was formally like "well, secret keeper wants this wrapped up so lets see what task hes gonna give all of us!" and then boom, this is it. then cool. make up a proper excuse like wrapping up the season.
it was too much of a shocker, unprepared for, and with how intense it is by needing to kill everyone left it feeling very unfair to the people i was watching. Bdubs had just died previously and now lost all his hearts in one session because of the force of another task. as did many others. if there was to even be any slight alteration to more "fairness" it could have been "the one you killed is now boogey. hand them the book and make them kill someone by themself. you are no longer infected. you cannot kill the person who killed you." or something idk. every part of the server going after one person is way too much.
regarding rules and whatnot, i was already kind of annoyed by this previous session too. there are two tasks now that have me going "how tf is this "easy"?" Bdubs' task of chicken causing damage-- an amount that had to go as high as anyone could stand it-- seems way too harsh as an easy task. there were a few tasks where health could be lost, but none of it was deliberate "lose as much as possible". losing the same amount of health as another player (like grian and joel) is not the same as telling the player they basically need to lose as much as possible compared to someone else in order to win the challenge. grian and etho's hard tasks took a lot of damage (to others mostly lol) but it was a destructive hard task. bdubs' with the dragon was as well.
but gem's task especially... i mean, holy crap. that is a red life's task, or a hard task at most! even if i liked the whole thing i think id still be on the page of saying that is not an "easy" task. a red life getting this task would have been interesting too because it would put a ton of risk on them to survive and get it done. and sure, theyd get some allies in the infected but theyd still be a target in the fights. that would have been tense for them!
cancelling out all of the others' tasks when they were infected made sense but it totally changed the direction of people's videos. it forced them to be different to everyone. suddenly the first quarter or half of the video is just void and pointless. when the tasks basically direct their entire motive and how they act towards everyone, forcing them into big choices they cannot change, i think its bad. social tasks that pass off as kind normal are funny (etho's weeping angel, get scar to talk abt star wars, compliment ppl when they take damage etc), or outward and confusing but not character controlling ones (kill the dragon, connect your base to others, etc). ones that direct a player so strongly shouldnt ruin their interactions with everyone else either (playing tag-- took up a lot of time but players were "neutral" to everyone and carried on as normal).
some people were saying this task could be to speed up the series. im not really sure abt that. regardless i am sure they thought this would just be an interesting thing to do and thats why they did it. (i have seen martyn on here sometimes talking vaguely abt tasks being random and whatnot and no offense to him but it doesnt sound like at all he does have all the information to knowing this. i mean, why would he? hes a player. the admins are doing things he has no clue about. hes not even firmly stating anything. hes just saying what he knows, which i dont think is at all everything the admins are doing in front of them). i have seen this series play with many balance issues through its lifetime and i think this season esp shows a lot of that again. grian stated around one season how theres no play testing really. the admins might run some stuff i guess but theyre not testing much. and thats very obvious when limlife had that issue of deaths not showing in chat (and hey look, it happened again!) or boogey kills in LL and LimLife (along with normal kills in Lim) not being detected by means that were not direct (mechanically this just happens, you cant fix it. but they did not prepare to deal with this at all and it was chaotic to watch in Limlife and caused a lot of confusion on who got time).
i have repeating some of these things about SL already so i dont want to drone on again. i have been kinda neutral to SL because many eps were fine, i didnt love every task (personally didnt like etho getting so many "out of character" ones, like please give this man a break he is so socially awkward its hard to watch). but this session and last session have me not enjoying the task concept.
from the start i just wished this season was about not being able to regen hearts and thats it. i need something simple, dude. its getting convoluted. and its obvious with the amount of hall monitoring and the amount of talk the cc have in these videos telling hall monitors to stop, to explain successes or failures, etc etc. they should have to do that. limlife already had some ppl getting picky about who got time or not but this is even more subjective and confusing!! im sure theyre still having fun and i like seeing them having fun here but as a viewer im just seeing a concept that has too much going on, stuff that doesnt have a simple yes or no answer sometimes and i dont think thats good for a series like this, one that started out so incredibly simple and straight forward.
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butch-reidentified · 2 years
I wish it was that warm here in ohio lol. -3 degrees with a feels Iike of -27 for the past two days. Today it warmed up to 10° with a feels like of -5 and people felt safe traveling. We should've had another month before we dropped under 20.
Lol I knew a northerner was gonna say something along these lines sooner or later. That sounds like ass fr, and I get it - I've spent plenty of time up north, but that's not really the problem. The thing is, you live in Ohio. You know it will get cold sometimes. You typically get some warning of its cruel onset in the form of "autumn." You already own sweaters and coats and long-sleeve shirts and pants. We're normally unable to even check the mailbox without soaking an entire outfit in sweat, even in December.
I don't think many of us have heat in our homes, pretty much none of us have a fireplace, our plants (and crops) die en masse because they're tropical flora, the iguanas crawl onto the roads and highway because it's warmer on the pavement, and then they cause damage to half the population's vehicles. Infrastructure-wise, we have no preparation for freezing weather. It can also harm or even kill warm-weather critters like manatees 😞
It's really shocking to the body when it's literally real-feel 90°F one day and then 26°F the next. Especially with chronic pain & illness. And it's so wildly humid here, and now it's suddenly bone dry overnight and my lips are cracking. But the truly annoying part about this for us humans is that it happened over Christmas weekend when everything is closed, so we can't even go buy a coat (not to mention warm outerwear is very hard to find here in the first place). Our best option is to find every blanket in the house, cuddle if we have someone to cuddle with, drink hot tea, and wait it out. It's just not a fun thing to be utterly unprepared for and taken by surprise 😕
Honestly the fuckin iguanas dying is the only real upside here
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kurgy · 2 years
I love the way mental health services work here lol its like
oh, you want to restart therapy? well you missed your last 3 appointments so if you want to see a therapist you are required to attend a month of one of our themed group therapies that do not apply to you or your situation and if you do not turn in the work handed out from those groups you will have to restart your month of group therapy before we allow you to see your therapist again. Oh, you missed your appointments because you were trapped in an unsafe and abusive environment where taking your zoom therapy meetings was not safe for you? your landlord literally tried to hurt you and kill your pets? and we knew that? you are busy finding housing and working through a medical crisis that takes up 90% of your time? well :)
well yes, you have adhd and ocd, but medicating you for those doesn't sound as fun as just sitting still and focusing, right? just do that. dermatillomania? your fingers are self mutilated? just don't do that anymore :) besides you said you can take 2 minutes to brush your teeth without getting distracted so your adhd can't be that bad. yes we are aware that while you work you also watch TV while listening to music while reading and watching 2 separate YouTube videos at once. that's fine
BTW we're taking you off your anti-depressant cold turkey. yeah the one that keeps you alive and causes severe withdrawal when stopped unprepared. don't ask why we are doing this. we will not tell you. die
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eggsyondaside24 · 5 days
Rietta Morrow (Hunger Games OC)
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34 years old
Rietta Morrow is A BITCH… Sort of. She can be charming, kind, and selfless, and often presents herself as such, but most of the time it’s all an act to make people like her. At her worst, she’s a judgemental, controlling, two-faced suck-up, ruthless with achieving her goals and getting on top of society… or at least as close to the top as she can get as a resident of one of the most irrelevant districts in the entire country lol. Rietta is Toby’s mom, and she’s a darn shitty one at that. She has her “loving mom” moments, but 90% of the time she’s being overly controlling with his behavior, pick on him for shit like breathing too loud, and would generally make his life miserable. But despite how uncaring and shitty she can be, she’s paradoxically a huge people-pleaser (at least to those she looks up to) and constantly chases after their approval.
Rietta’s nastiness stems from a lot of insecurity and unhappiness with how her life turned out. It all stems from her wonderful childhood, in which she was a perfectly normal… Capitolite. I'm still on the fence whether or not Rietta was part of the aristocracy or an aspiring agronomist or agent (or smth idk), the bottom line is that she was literally not from District 9. IK THAT SOUNDS INSANE BUT BARE WITH ME PLS. Because of the culture in the Capitol and her crappy family situation, she saw comfort in the “simpler” life in District 9, which she would visit every summer. When she was 17, she fell in love with a serf boy, and one thing lead to another and suddenly she was pregnant with her situationship’s kid (aka Toby yaay). Her hella classist parents were pretty mad and wanted her to abort, but atp she was so sick of their crap she refused, which got her ass disowned and sent to live in District 9, marrying her bf in the process.
Reality finally smacked Rietta in the face, realizing District 9 isn’t cute cottagecore heaven, natives in 9 can be just as judgemental and strict as people in the Capitol, and her husband was woefully unprepared. Her relationship with him fell apart, and it ended with adultery and him going off to get milk. All her life she’s been taking L after L, but that was the last straw for her, and she decided to stop being mrs. nice guy and become… the villain 🥶how does she do that? Oh, she just does a little bit of… manipulation, extortion, blackmail, treating people as disposable, and oh emotionally abusing her own child to the point of suicide. Yk, typical badass, strong, independent, girlboss, villaness :3 
So, where is Rietta now during the Hunger Games? Well, she hasn’t completely abandoned Toby since his win could mean her ticket back into the Capitol (or smth adjacent to it). Also his death could basically mean her decision to keep Toby was a complete waste of time. She hypes him up for the Capitol audience, raises money for sponsors, all that fun stuff. So now, all she can do is wait and hope Toby will win.
Other OCs Toby MorrowAnaiya WinnowBriar South
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butterscotchblues · 4 months
i may have girlbossed a little too close to the sun this weekend.
first of all, i've been out every night since thursday? truly only family (including chosen) could make me do a triple night out, my god.
thursday i went to dinner and a play with my parents. which was a real sweet time. took them to my favorite halal cafe up the street from me and then went to see 'the wash' at synchronicity theater. my mom knows the playwright and i believe this was her first major production, if i'm not mistaken. her mom and mine have been friends since we were in elementary school so we've kinda grown up adjacent to one another? anyway, it was really good and i'm both proud and inspired. i keep thinking about what it took for her to get her script onto a stage and wow. being a creator is unlike anything.
that night was quaint and slow, 8/10. -2 cause i started my period and i was unprepared like fuck. i had on cream pants too, wtf was i thinking? but everything worked out. pants still intact. i'm too grown for that type of miscalculation lmao.
earlier in the week pro called me and said that she wanted to take coco to the strip club since she was going to be proposing on saturday. i agreed because, sure. when she called on friday though, we thought maybe bowling would be more coco's speed. coco loves bowling lol. so i thought that's what we had agreed on. i pull up to pro's and i'm there for like two hours before coco, her brother, and nia pop up. turns out.. we hitting the booty club. my god.
being sober in the booty club is wild as fuck. a first for me. it turned out to be a good time though, can't lie. i hadn't been since like 2018 when i used to perform at onyx on mondays. we all sat at the bar, settled in, they all pregamed before and resumed drinking once we got there. me? water on the fucking rocks. i didn't plan on doing anything forreal, i just came to support coco and be with the homies. i took out $100 and didn't even plan to spend it all. we on a budget round these parts baby.
but then i saw this one dancer LOL.
she was on the stage wearing this black fishnet bodysuit. she had a white satin bow in her head fastening a long black ponytail. she was wearing two pearl strand necklaces too. idk but the pearls really set it off for me. she looked like an amalgamation of all the brownskinned 90's sitcom actresses. i kept my eye on her for a while til coco caught on and called her over to me for a dance. this nigga lol. the dance was good. awkward because i didn't count on having a strangers bare ass in my lap when i was at work earlier that day, plus i was sober so i was just very aware of it all lol. but she was bad so i threw the money. when in rome, y'know. at one point she had her legs on my shoulders and i'm just staring into her pussy. like do i ask her name? hahaha.
when she was done, i felt bad that she had to pick up all the ones i threw so i bent down and started helping her. she thanked me and i thanked her for the dance.
the night pretty much went like that. i got a dance, coco got a few, nia and pro too. hookah and wings were bought. drinks for them. water for me.
around 2am, i'm thinking we're all on the same wave of winding down and calling an uber but no. that's when coco's other bff rolls in. and she is LIT. it's like she put a battery pack in everyones back lol cause niggas went BACK to the atm and did it all over again. we didn't leave til 4. when i tell you it took everything in me to stay awake omg. it felt like purgatory. there's only so much ass and titties i need to see before i simply don't give a fuck anymore, man.
the music was loud. the smoke was thick and cloudy. i got wing sauce on my seafoam sneakers. we stood outside for like half an hour waiting on an uber.
but coco had a good time and that's what matters. not my old cranky sober ass lmao.
i woke up with the craziest headache man. and i still got it a whole day and a half later. and i ain't even DO NUN. sober hangovers are so dumb lol. i heard em mentioned in podcasts and was like "no way" but yea... definitely a thing.
saturday was the suprise engagement. we all got to the claremont early. the decorations were so cute. we mingled and baked in the sun while we awaited the fiance-to-be to arrive.
it all went down so beautifully. i cried as soon as she turned that corner lol.
i can't believe my friend is engaged. like i can because she's been talking about it forever but i still CAN'T believe the quiet lil 19yo i met on church street in decatur all those years ago is now ready and willing to tie the knot.
emotionalllllll. i'm so happy for her.
the night ended with everybody drunk and annoying lol so i dipped. at one point i was holding two drinks in my hand and even though i knew i wasn't going to drink them... i feel like i shouldn't be putting myself in those types of predicaments regardless. like, it just felt unnecessary and it started making me anxious.
anyway, now my sleep schedule is all fucked up. getting older is a trip lol. i'm good on socializing and staying out all night for a good minute tbh.
but aside from that, so thankful for my friends. so thankful.
if you're reading this, hey!
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pepprs · 2 years
“going” “on” “a” “walk” “with” “redacted” “today” 🫣
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randombubblegum · 2 years
What she said exactly was a different time zone, not specific UK. Also maybe this is all new to her? She isn't an influencer or in the music business or entertainment at all and just misses him or w/e.
ok i rly think she at least indicated it was the uk and/or europe but im not watching it again so itll be up in the air -_- but she was describing the uk timezone….. also its not THAT new to her, she talked about being invited to halseys parties and meeting harry styles as well as befriending a big musician from the 90s that she grew up on so she has SOME connection to the music industry. her ex was also a musician but like a total dud one ig. i have to assume she met awsten thru those connections…. and she has a decent following on twitch/used to be on twitter soooo she may not be an “influencer” but she kinda exists in the same realm. i agree shes probably unprepared for the intensity of attention and snooping shes gonna get dating awsten tho, esp bc they havent been that careful with it and its just… not a secret lol
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luvlyrv · 4 years
Just Vacation Girlfriends (Seulgi x Fem!Reader)
Genre: Fake dating, fluff
Summary: You and Seulgi enter a precarious fake dating situation, hijinks ensue. Except the hijinks aren't light-hearted, but rather deeply personal and intimate experiences. What are you and Seulgi really?
Word Count: 2k
A/N: Hi, it has literally been 5 months since I last wrote lol, I'm sorry. It's not like I hate writing it's just that there were other things I could and had to do. I apologize for taking so long to upload again, especially for the amount of feedback I got for my first post! 68 followers and 90 notes! I know it may seem like rookie numbers to some but I really want to thank you all. I'm having my winter break now so I should be able to post a lot during this short period. If I'm lucky I may be able to semi-consistently post during the school year as well ;). Sorry if there are any grammar mistakes/wtf moments I'm writing at 3AM and have slept for two hours total for the past 40 hrs, cut me some slack please.
Date: 12/24/20
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The chops of your knife against the cutting board were interrupted by your phone ringing. You stop making dinner as you look over your shoulder to your phone a couple inches away on the counter. Your eyebrow perked up as you read the caller ID, it was Seulgi. Of course, you immediately set your knife down to talk to her.
"Hey Seul, what's up?"
"Hi..." Seulgi began to yawn. "I just wanted to hear your voice today."
You can't help but to let out a small smile as you felt your face getting warmer. Luckily Seulgi wasn't actually there to tease you about it.
"Ah, well, here's my voice. Is it relaxing enough, your majesty?"
You can hear a faint and muffled sound of laughter from Seulgi before you hear her tired voice through the speaker again.
"Hm, well I guess that'll do. I'm actually calling to make sure you wanna come with us on vacation again."
"Of course I do, I've been going with you guys for years. I'll make sure it works with my schedule."
"Yeah, I know that and I'll send you the dates, it's just that..." Seulgi let out a long sigh, "there's some other things you need to know."
"And that would be?"
"Pretend to be my girlfriend."
"Please, Y/N. It'll just be for a week. I know it's a lot to ask but I need it."
You're speechless for a bit and deliberate on what to say next. Not wanting to worry your friend with your silence you ended up just saying, "Yeah, uh okay, I can work with that... why though?"
"You know how dating is like. Not a lot of time, not a lot of privacy. My parents understand this but they're still worried you know? They worry about how my future will be like if I'm spending basically over a decade just working. Something about it takes time to find the right man, settling, babies, blah blah blah. If you pretend to date me that'll ease their worries and I won't even have to worry about a scandal since it isn't real and only my parents would know anyways. Besides... we're close enough where we can pull this off convincingly, right?"
You take a second to think. It was a strange situation to be in, but as far as you knew you would only have to pretend for the week you would spend with her family. Her family wouldn't be seeing either of you after then, and maybe you could also fake breakup if things get sticky. With Seulgi's last statement... it was true that you've been really close with her and her entire family since you were both little. All it would take would be amping up the friendly touches and banter.
"Yeah, we are. Alright. I guess we should iron out the details about our fake relationship later though. You kind of sound like shit. Rest up if you can."
"Talk to you soon, Y/N."
With that, Seulgi ended the call and you were left with dinner still unprepared and a lot on your mind.
* *
The plan was to go to the airport and fly out to the island with Seulgi, where you could rehearse your story until you would meet up with the rest of her family and go about the vacation as normal. Except for the not so minor detail of you having to be Seulgi's girlfriend.
Seulgi sits by the window as you sit next to her. You try to get comfortable, but you really can't. There's a churning mixture of nervousness in your stomach. Even though it was all pretend, it was hard to imagine yourself trying to make it look real. Although you and Seulgi both felt like it would be easy to pull it off convincingly... there was something you couldn't quite place tugging at your heart-strings.
Your thoughts are interrupted as you hear her sweet voice.
"When did we start dating?"
"Uhm, ah, I know this! It was... er-"
"July 7th."
Seulgi begins to look at you. Her eyes are filled with both a pleading look and a disappointed look. She starts quizzing all the little, and very fake, details of your relationship. You answer them correctly for the most part and Seulgi's mood seemed to improve knowing you weren't completely hopeless. You're starting to get into the swing of things when all of a sudden Seulgi asks something completely unexpected.
"And what's our favorite position in bed?"
You felt your face immediately heat up as your eyes opened wide in shock.
"I- I mean, uh, what?"
"K-kidding of course." Seulgi says this with a smile, yet she seems to shake a little. Maybe she was also surprised with her sudden crude sense of humor. She begins to reach down and grab a small book from her bag. "I think we'll be good for now, just relax until we get there."
You just nod your head in response and slip in your earbuds.
* *
Although it wasn't like you have never spent a vacation with Seulgi, things felt weird.
First was the way her family treated you, especially her parents. The both of you walked into the beach house hand in hand. Her parents were completely unbothered. Later that day when eating dinner, Seulgi decided it was time to announce your relationship. As the conversation at the dinner table seemed to finally be dying down, she set down her fork and began to talk.
"Guys, listen up, I've been holding onto this news for some time now, but I really wanted to do it when everyone could see each other. What I've been wanting to say is... " It seemed to you, that maybe just for a little moment, Seulgi was trying to steel her nerves.
"Y/N and I are dating."
Silence. The two of you were met with utter silence. It wasn't the type of condemning and judging silence, but rather one of indifference. Everyone seemed completely unbothered with this news. The silence was thankfully quickly broken by Seulgi's mom.
"Well, I'm glad you guys have finally sorted your feelings. I'm sure you're both very happy now." Her mom said it with a small but warm smile. Everyone else seemed to nod in agreement. You couldn't help but to ask, "No big congratulations? What about the fact that we're both girls? "
Seulgi's brother laughed a little before talking.
"I mean... sorry. We can act a bit more excited if that's what you want. It really is something to be celebratory about... it's just that you don't usually clap for a fish when it swims, right? You know what I mean? It's just all a bit... expected and natural. As for the 'we're both girls' I don't care, and everyone else probably doesn't either."
To say the least, that was not the reaction that you and Seulgi expected. After dinner the two of you were stuck trying to think about what it all meant. You guys were also both stuck with the fact that you'd share one room and one bed for the rest of the week.
Again, it wasn't like you haven't done things like share a bed with Seulgi before. It was just that the relationship business was getting stuck in your head. Everything normal suddenly felt dangerous. Things like even looking in Seulgi's way felt like it took caution. That night, it was decided that there would be a pillow barrier between the two of you.
By the third night the pillows were all on the floor as the you hung onto each other for warmth, finding comfort in the contours of the other's body.
Things like this kept on happening. You would set up arbitrary rules to feel normal again and destroy them all within a blink of an eye. You just kept on acting on things without intending to.
For example, the other day Seulgi woke up early to cook breakfast. You couldn't help but to feel the absence of her body and warmth and followed her out to the kitchen soon after. Even though you were in a half-asleep state your feet found their way behind Seulgi and your arms snaked around her waist.
You burrowed your face into the crook of her neck. Taking in that familiar and oh-so-comforting scent that is Kang Seulgi. Since when did her scent make you feel at home? Since when did you feel so at ease with her? You had a sneaking suspicion that it has been this way for a very, very long time.
These thoughts didn't matter though, as your body began to move with hers to the soft music she had playing from her phone. She didn't try to resist your touch at all. Instead, it seemed that she melted under your touch, with you seeing her shoulders dropping and feeling her backing in further to your embrace. Before you knew it the serene moment ended when Seulgi finally finished cooking breakfast.
You would frequently hold hands whenever the family was around, yet even though you could spend your free time wherever with whoever, you were attached to Seulgi's hip and she to yours. You two would always end up doing something together, or perhaps you would do nothing, and instead just enjoyed the fact that the other was there while quietly still holding hands.
Holding her hand quickly became your best comfort. Her soft and warm hands seemed to fit perfectly with yours, fitting together just the way you'd want them to. Something about her hands electrified you every time.
The once seemingly distinct line between platonic feelings and romantic feelings began to get blurrier and blurrier with each passing second. This doubt and confusion culminated when going on one of the last outings planned for the vacation.
Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, during the outing a spontaneous couple's event was hosted. Your mouth began to dry up as the host looked at you and Seulgi, urging each other to kiss.
As far as everyone else knew, you've been dating for a decent amount of time now. Enough of an amount of time for them to assume you had kissed already. You looked into Seulgi's eyes in distress. You could feel the host boring his eyes into you. You could feel practically everyone's eyes staring in anticipation.
Seulgi drew her body closer and that was when you knew your fate was sealed.
* *
A couple hours later and you're back at the house now. Laying in the bed you've shared for the past few nights you finally look at her. She looks back at you with waiting eyes. Slowly you reach your hand up from under the blankets and softly laid it on her soft cheek. She responds by placing hers on top of yours.
Staring at the deep brown of her eyes, you take it all in. You feel heat radiating from her body. You watch her body rise and fall with a mix of a calm yet eager breath. The close proximity that the two of you share is something that was typical, yet so different in the moment. With bated breath you finally say the unspoken words. The words that should've been said long ago. The air and sound barely passes through your lips.
"I love you."
The two of you close in, giving the lightest kiss in the world. There was barely any pressure but you could feel her lips touching yours. Even though you've kissed already, this one meant so much more. Even if this was such a small and innocent kiss, it was the shyness of it all, the realization that it means something that made your heartbeat race.
Putting your foreheads together, Seulgi said with a quiet voice.
"It's been like this since forever, hasn't it?"
"Yeah. Let's keep it that way."
In the back of your head you wonder, was this to please her parents or was this to please her?
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initiumseries · 4 years
Hey! I love your thoughts on bad tv and I’d love to hear a series wrap up on CAOS if you want to make a post about it. If not no worries and thanks for posting your thoughts on the show over the last year. Loved them and love your blog too!
Thank you!! Sure I can totally do a series wrap up, pretty much right now, in response to this ask. 
So, if I had to distill my issues with this series into a few bullet points it would be: 
-plot -world building/continuity -characters
CAOS struggles with plot, and I think the biggest reason why, is they just seemed to completely lose track of what the hell they were doing lol. Season 1, ends up being the tightest season because the plot was simple: Sabrina’s dark baptism and her leaving her mortal life behind to become one with witchkind. They beat us to death with the Satan stuff, and they cram as much corny imagery as possible in, even if it doesn’t really make sense. 
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why are they having class in a hallway? Do witches not use technology? Why is that blackboard so small? Why isn’t this just a normal classroom setting?
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Sabrina’s Season 1 character arc is also clear: she decides, fuck the rules, she’s going to straddle both worlds and everyone’s just gonna have to accept it. It’s not good, but it’s clear. S2, 3, 4 get completely lost in all this other weird stuff. Sabrina is actually not her father’s daughter, but Satan’s, and that plotline goes absolutely nowhere when Sabrina conveniently doubles herself (and experiences 0 consequences for it) and rules hell while also staying in Greendale as herself (seriously, it’s not like satan was dying or anything, he was perfectly fine. For what reason did Sabrina need to become Queen? There’s no answer or explanation for that, she just...did. Ok :/).  Father Blackwood goes apeshit and pulls a Jonestown, for no real reason, CAOS starts leaning heavily into this white feminism stuff (for godsake, the coven kills a DEMON, with the fucking pain of childbirth?! Are you SERIOUS??) Then, s3, it’s about losing their powers because Satan is childish and petty, and a new group of spellcasters are out to kill the witches, and Prudence and Ambrose hunting Blackwood. S4, the eldritch terrors, which honestly, make so little sense, I couldn’t even be bothered. Each season, CAOs falls deeper into the trap of trying to up the ante, make the danger BIGGER, WILDER, more insurmountable, while being completely unprepared to stay consistent with their characters/motivations and undercutting their own BIG ideas with stupid, nonsensical solutions (let me trap this all powerful eldritch terror by taking it to a party, proposing and luring it into a magicked dollhouse...wtf?). 
What I hate most about these writers for Riverdale and CAOS is that they just don’t feel beholden to being consistent in their worldbuilding and continuity. I don’t find anything cool about kids living in houses with old tvs and rotary phones, but then having a cell phones or wearing modern clothes. Historical anachronisms like that should serve a purpose. 
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It COULD be interesting if the conceit is that Zelda and Hilda are OLD, so they take comfort in old things like that, but then that should be specific to the Spellman house, and it should be weird. People should take note of it when they’re there, Sabrina should be conscious of it because she grew up in a time where TVs didn’t look like they were stuck in the 50s. But instead, it’s just...a stupid mess of aesthetic anachronisms for no reason other than they can do it and I just find that to be lazier than utilizing those details in an interesting way. 
In season 1, we get a relatively clear idea that the witches have a certain way of life, that bleeds into season 2. It’s still very sloppy; the anti-pope, using satan where we’d use “god”, introducing the feast and other dangerous parts of being a witch, and essentially just doing the opposite of christianity (except for the racism/sexism ofc. That would require too much thinking I guess). But by season 3, essentially the witches’ way of life have been completely turned upside down. And we never...unpack that. There’s no mourning for literal millennia of supposed tradition, there’s no real floundering or struggling. There are apparently no other adults AT ALL in this magical world outside of Blackwood, Zelda and Hilda, so there’s no real way to get a sense of the REALITY of losing their way of life for these witches, or this world. Is it even a world? Or just a handful of people? Lol. What it means to have to choose a new god to pray to, and is there an divisiveness over who? In Harry Potter, the kids’ parents are tangentially involved when they start pulling their kids out of Hogwarts. Do any of these kids’ parents pull them out of the school when they start praying to Lilith and then Hecate? Do any of the boys have issues with moving from a male god to a female one? Where did all these kids come from if they didn’t have parents and families? Is this witch world just...the school? Why? It would have been interesting watching the witches struggle and scramble to regain their powers while also being hunted by this new, threatening group whose magic seems to be much older, much darker. But instead, they just pivot, and have a fucking picnic before the full moon. 
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There’s nothing interesting about characters just constantly pivoting around obstacles without having any real emotional reaction, any real struggles. Obstacles like losing their powers, should be an actual obstacle. They should struggle, there should be emotional weight, and consequences. Instead, Sabrina continues to break rules to suit her agenda, put her friends and family and risk and everyone just...rolls with it. No one is angry at Sabrina for the loss of their powers? Her choice to not become Queen of hell is why they lost their powers right? No one has feelings about that? Sabrina isn’t ostracized? We never see the way these choices, or the overarching plot obstacles impact the characters emotionally. Instead, they’re doing this stuff:
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Which is completely ridiculous to me. It all just...HAPPENS. Which is this entire series. Stuff happens, and the characters just, do stuff in reaction to it. Harvey, Theo and Roz are ostensibly human, living human lives. They end up getting pulled into Sabrina’s world, and no one has any strong feelings about that? Harvey’s brother is killed, Roz is turned to stone and Theo talks to his dead great aunt and none of them are haunted by any of that? No? They just decide to create a faux scooby club to fight demons?  Ok. And that cheerleading things is over as quickly as we see it. Stuff like this is insanely frustrating to watch because it makes the show a nonsensical slog to sit through. There’s nothing interesting or engaging to latch onto because they just hammer through it all and make up stupid solutions to get themselves out of the impossible stakes they threw the characters in in the first place. They introduce ideas and discard them just as quickly. An ex:angels show up, start killing people, Sabrina channels satan and kills them, and then that’s the last of those guys. Metatron (jfc even the name is stupid) shows up and is killed just as quickly.  Why bother introducing them then? Why bother do any of the things you’re currently doing in this show if you have no intention of seeing it through? 
No one on this show gels, at all.  I don’t believe Theo/Roz/Harvey/Sabrina have been friends for ages. I don’t believe Sabrina and Nick are “end game” (why the hell do we keep saying this riverdale? It’s stupid and senseless). I don’t believe any of these relationships at all. Part of this is because the cast have no chemistry with each other:
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they do not look like a friend group or couples at all, these are a bunch of people paired together.
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But also because they weren’t consistent at all. 
Father Blackwood went from a witch/warlock purist, to a raging sexist, to a cult leader who killed his followers, to a raging maniac bent on hitler-esque destruction in 4 seasons...for nothing. It served no purpose. He didn’t even DO anything. He was nice to the Eldritch Terrors, and became immortal...for nothing. He killed the coven, for nothing. He killed his wife in childbirth, for nothing. Zelda stole the baby, for nothing. None of that amounted to anything worth while in the entire series. So what was the point?  Zelda marrying Faustus also made no sense and only happened to show JUST how sexist he was! But why? WHY? We don’t receive explanations for character behaviour, and when we do, it still makes no sense. 
Sabrina breaks all these rules and experiences ZERO consequences. At all times, and it makes her a terrible main character. Everyone else abides by the rules but she doesn’t and doesn’t have to pay for that? Why? She straddles both worlds instead of committing to one, and that was the closest we got to seeing consequences for her. Everyone rushes in to help Sabrina break rules instead of holding her accountable for feeling above them. Sabrina creates 2 versions of herself, and they sloppily tie in that all the realms are converging in on each other because of what she did. Except she and Sabrina Morningstar had been hanging out...ostensibly for days/weeks/months (who knows? Not this show!) before we saw any potential issues, and then we end up finding out that this is about the next eldritch terror, not about Sabrina existing as a double in 1 universe. People get upset for a second and then move on to help her. So why have rules in this world at all if it means nothing to break them? 
Nick goes through literal hell, and immediately cheats on Sabrina because of how a man made of clay looked at her. That’s laughable to me. It makes no narrative sense. Their relationship doesn’t even make sense.
Roz and Harvey spend 90% of their time almost fucking. It’s bizarre. Their getting together was random and every single scene with them alone in it is like a precursor to fucking and I don’t get why. This show does not grasp how to build up relationships. Also do these kids not have parents? Theo and Harvey stay having constant sleepovers with their respective partners, in their parents’ houses? Really? At seventeen? Lol k. 
I feel like, if CAOS were better thought out, it could have actually been interesting. But it was just a smorgasbord of stuff happening, and characters doing stuff, and none of that following in any real narrative way. Storytelling has structure for a reason, and a show with a good story structure usually yields an enjoyable watching experience. CAOS is a pretty strong example of how throwing that out and relying so heavily on aesthetics and still taking the show so seriously it’s not even fun terrible, gets you nowhere. Ultimately I’m glad it’s over.
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delusionland · 3 years
How did they first meet?
here is my personal hc. tim told cass about a girl. he didn’t tell her anything about the girl, just that she was woefully unprepared to be a crimefighter... but also she was kinda cute, in a totally naive way (90s tim was kind of an asshole, never forget). cass couldn’t quite understand what he was saying while he showed her the batfile on her---the picture of the spoiler, etc. but she got his general tone and body language. cass then sought steph out. for nights. nights looking for the spoiler. when she found her---she tackled her, immediately engaged her in a fight. she went so, so easy on her. she just wanted to see what a cute girl was. and steph... was definitely a cute girl. at the time, cass couldn’t talk, couldn’t communicate with her. but she left her a gift. a nice knife that she had throw at her head---deliberately missing it, that was... especially ornate, and seemed shiny and valuable, and most of all purple to match her costume. pretty purple girls like pretty purple things, right?
What was their first impression of each other?
steph probably did not think well of cass, at first. after that first outing---the batfamily got involved. cass was to help steph with her fighting. steph was to help cass with her speech. without the mask on---steph could see how much cass enjoyed her company. it was hard not to realize she had a sense of humor about everything. the laughter she had exhibited on a still-baby-at-the-time spoiler screaming her head off about what she thought was some kind of demon-ninja batgirl was... genuine, and not malicious in the slightest. she seemed to want to be friends, and every time steph frowned at her, or was a sore loser, cass simply smiled and laughed harder, finding everything steph did perfectly amusing. as they got to know each other---cass got better at talking, and steph got better at fighting, and they kind of, met somewhere on the outer edges of the middle for a while. there was always something standing between them--though. a resentment, not between them, but a misunderstanding. that cass belonged to bruce and the bat. and steph belonged to tim.
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
i feel like conner kent at the very least shipped it. alfred really thought there was a spark between them, and during their brief frenemy stage---alfred made sure steph knew cass genuinely cared for her. bruce did NOT want them to get together at all, though. neither did tim, for obvious reasons.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
cass. it was love the first time steph managed to punch herin the face. did she win? no. but she GOT her. and through that tenacity, cass realized that her friend was so much more than a silly, pretty girl. she was a fighter. she was a champion. and more than anything, she was brave, and determined, and they had practiced a thousand times for just this moment. and afterwards, steph was just so proud of her overall failure instead of being herr typical loser.... cass couldnt help but know steph was always going to be the love of her life.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
they both did! didn’t want to ruin the friendship!
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
cass would get a curious look, steph wouldn’t believe you!
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
they would be a lot worse, a lot lonelier. steph never would’ve become batgirl, that’s for sure, and cass would’ve learned to speak---but in a way entirely removed from her own personality and love of herself & life.
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
it was a mutual thing in ocean city, maryland. they were in a photo booth, sitting in eachother’s laps, leg over leg, they did a silly face, and then another silly face, and then their faces were so close---and then SMOOCH CITY, and they WOULD NOT LEAVE THE BOOTH lol.
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
they considered ocean city their first date. but they’re not really the ‘dating’ types. they both LOVE to fight. they both LOVE to crime fight. they both LOVE spending time together doing NOTHING. if anything, the first time cass had to go to a gala with her was the first time they realized---ugh, do we REALLY have to be WAYNES? do we really have to have REAL LIVES? why can’t we stay in our cuddle - asskicking bubble forever?
What was their first kiss like?
it was the most natural possible thing, and it was something they had both almost had so many times before that it was like drowning in sensation after you had subsisted off of gerbil-cage drips of water for years. they couldn’t stop! they were consumed with want, and they only stopped when they started to get a little TOO frisky and somebody moved the curtain of the booth because they wanted to get their own picture taken and they were like ‘fuck! okay lets get french fries!’ lol
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
steph is cass’s first gf, and vice versa.
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
cass is 5′7″ JUST tall enough to be taller than her gf >: )
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
cass will kill the puzzler or whatever the fuck his name is. he sucks. steph’s mom loves her tho :’ ) and well. the less said about bruce and steph the better, but like. your whole blog is proof of how much the rest of the batfam loves steph!
Who takes the lead in social situations?
they both are the ‘HAHA! THE ECONOMY!’ gif tbh.
Who gets jealous easier?
cass. steph is special cargo, the first girl / person she ever loved romantically, the first friend she ever had. however, cass has made it very publically known she wants threesomes with other hotties of multiple genders.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
Who said “I love you” first?
steph, and she agonized over it, only for cass to say it so easily in a way cass didn’t think it would ever be easy for her to say. like steph is some magical fairy tale princess that lifts the curse on cass to never be able to express love the way love is supposed to be expressed. steph just makes things easy. she makes everything easy.
What are their primary love languages?
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
they both do they’re TERRIBLE.
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
batgirl and the black bat are forced on seperate patrols bc they do this so much and they HATE it and SNEAK OUT and kiss ANYWAY!
Who initiates kisses?
Who’s the big and little spoon?
cass is big spoon!
What are their favorite things to do together?
they really like watching wrestling and kung fu movies together i think. steph also likes girly movies, but cass gets bored after a while and just starts wrestling with her over the popcorn and then wrestling leads to hankypanky. most of all they love fighting and dancing AND PLAYING PRANKS on the bat boys.
Who’s better at comforting the other?
cass is.
Who’s more protective?
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
physical affection.
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
jenny - studio killers
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
they both call each other batgirl affectionately, cass also learns new words to say girlfriend and sweetie all the time and uses those.
Who remembers the little things?
If they get married, who proposes?
they COMPETE to see who will do it first. they use the batcave to make sure the other isnt going to look for rings. and when they find the other one shopping for rings. its fucking GO-TIME BITCH. you’re not going to propose to me, i’m going to propose to you! when they pop out the boxes at the exact same time, cass steals the ring from steph’s hands and holds it up over her head and throws hers at steph’s head like ‘YOU HAVE TO MARRY ME FIRST. NO TAKEBACKSIES.’
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
it’s a big wedding. cass loves, loves people. it’s a whos-who, especially since cass is gonna be batman and she has all the justice league contacts now. cass turns a bit into a bridezila, but like, as a joke, mostly, and she calms down when steph is like ‘i thought we could be more intimate...’ lol
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
they adopt some bratty street kids that are tangentially related to joker / black mask / puzzler / lady shiva as a fuck you. they love their kids so much.
Do they have any pets?
so many cats. a million cats.
Who’s the stricter parent?
Who worries the most?
Who kills the bugs in the house?
How do they celebrate holidays?
they go to concerts!!!! big loud concerts where they can mosh!!!
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
cass! no school! just cuddles!
Who’s the better cook?
steph. cass doesn’t know how to, and also refuses to, fry an egg.
Who likes to dance?
cass most of all!
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waspalisades · 4 years
im gonna make a list of things kids at my job have done/said that made me rly happy
kids will just pat u on the head or play w ur fingers or hug u w/o worrying abt it and it makes me happy bc it means they see me as a safe person
any time a kid has given me a drawing!! i love them and i always keep them i take every chance to gas up a kid's drawing
when kids just tell u random facts?? i love it bc that is also how i talk to ppl lol
on that note when kids realize ur into the same show/game as them and u can have a real convo abt it (have vibed w so many 5th grade boys over shounen anime lol)
5th graders are the meanest elementary schoolers but also the funniest. heard a kid say "more like rockin around the CRINGYNESS" and i cracked up so hard i was completely unprepared for it
3rd and 4th is super fun bc i think ur brain at that age is MAXIMUM sponge u can process so much new info and learning is rly exciting. i explained a math problem to a handful of kids all working on it together and one of them said "you just blew my mind!!" to me and i was like :)
same class as above we were doing a solve the room worksheet and these boys all moved around together and they explained to me that they had this hierarchy set up: one kid was president, one was vp, one was manager of secret service, and the other 2 were secret service, w a whole system of who could tell who what to do at the drop of a hat. i was obsessed w this lil west wing larping game and they were clearly having a lot of fun w it (and it seemed like the lowest on the totem pole were the ones who had the idea which is adorable and sweet)
one day was the scoliosis check for 5th grade and this girl was SUPER nervous (did NOT want to have her shirt off/bend over in front of an adult, which is totally fair) and her friends all rushed to hug her and tell her it was gonna be ok and reassure her she would be fine and it was just nice to see them all being kind to her and not teasing her for it
90% sure i had a lil bb trans girl in one of my classes and in my conservative ass town seeing her at school being herself and her classmates/teachers all supporting her was so so good. she was also objectively the coolest ever like she asked me my birth month bc she was into birth stones and she was SMART and led this game at recess where everyone was escaping from the sinking titanic and drawing lifeboat outlines w chalk...would have KILLED to be friends w her in 3rd grade
i had to send a couple kids off together bc one of them lost his card for boys and girls club and they came back still not having found it BUT THE GIRL I SENT HIM WITH HAD IT THE WHOLE TIME and whipped it out like surpriseeee i found it its all cool lol. she just wanted to pull a harmless prank and it worked!
the quiet kid doing notebook paper anime drawings w mathematical precision and all his friends hyping him up to me and going like "show her that other one u did!"
the kid who before i said one word looked at me and asked "sorry if this is rude, but do u have a tiktok?" ngdsmtsngsng
the hour where the class was just coloring so i decided to join them and sat next to a girl who shared her crayons and pencils w me. it was just rly nice to be included
when i was reading matilda to a class while they were working/playing this math computer game and i saw a few kids stop and look over at me bc they were getting invested in the story and we ended up reading like 50 pages bc they wanted me to keep going :')
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