#like 100% feel free to come in my asks if i fucked up somewhere. this is un-beta'd only because i dont want to like. come at a friend
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defiantinsect · 2 months ago
figured id write something up for the side order au i keep mentioning. general stuff below but if youre curious about anything specific feel free to ask (the same is true for all of my splat stuff)
no smollusk is the biggest change here. i think marina doing this on her own volition is much more interesting to me. give me women doing bad things
not that she thinks shes doing anything bad - she just thinks shes "making up" for all the things shes felt guilty for over the years. this, combined with her basically exploding and breaking down during the early days of the tour after shes suppressed herself for so long (she is 100 percent a bottler change my mind), culminates in the persona marina takes on after she enters the memverse.
the world of order is a place where no one can feel pain, sadness, regret, or...anything. no emotions, no hurt. marina wont be able to ruin any more lives if she just turns inkopolis into a place of stagnation. flawless plan. greyscaling in this au is for those that still feel scared and upset (how could you be upset? this world is so much better than the one you left behind!), and it turns them into either parallel canon-like beings or, arguably worse, jelletons, though the latter is reserved for specific individuals she has in mind (the idols, namely, but the agents as well). she cant watch over this place by herself, so greyscaled people are her mouth and eyes in the areas she cant reach.
ending up in the memverse is like entering a coma in the real world (while its still around. closer to the end in this au, marina initiates the merging of the two). for a while you grow increasingly lethargic, your personality begins to fade, and anhedonia starts consuming your life to the point you dont want to do anything but sleep. the more you sleep, the more youre likely to end up in the memverse until one fateful day or night, you lay down, and never wake up. mass hysteria amongst the public sets in not just in the wake of marinas disappearance, but in the wake of this new sleeping sickness.
another big point in this au is the ambiguity of whether or not the memverse itself is alive and alters your body in subtle ways to "adjust" you better to your new home. also ambiguous as to whether or not the memverse is truly separate from marina herself, and whether or not its her thats ship of theseus'ing your ass
marina has a mental link to eight. she tells pearl, whos a fucking mess, about how shes being listening to her voice and how she wants eight to join her, and its a dark relief for pearl - marinas alive somewhere. neither of them know how to actually reach her, and the stuff marinas saying isnt exactly normal. the sleeping sickness comes for them a lot faster and it takes a long time for them to wake up in the memverse, separated (pearl also ends up in a wheelchair. that wheelchair concept art is too sick to not utilize)
acht. the memverses original purpose of de-zombifying the sanitized is still in effect here, so theyre just a dude who is in a new torment nexus. like everyone else in this au, theyre in the order suit and have an id tag in their one of their ears. marina tempts them constantly with the allure of being re-zombified, though at one point they witness someone being greyscaled into a jelleton and know the horrors that go into the process, and its enough to keep them rejecting her. as the cast shrinks over the course of the au, they become eights lifeline until they give in to a moment of weakness and submit themselves to marinas whims, ironically triggering eights greyscaling in the process as shes the last one standing (no point to being the only sapient being in a world full of beasts)
greyscaling can be self-inflicted to some extent, btw. in these cases marina usually adds "finishing touches" to the individuals final form. stress and angst and trauma feed into desires of escapism, and the memverse listens and fulfills their wishes in the most malicious compliance way possible. their forms as jelletons, if they turn into one, are usually informed by what traumatized them or what made up their identity while normal (i.e. eight ends up being predominantly deep sea metro themed)
last note: agent 4. secondary antagonist in this au. shes one of the very first people to end up here, and marina weaponizes her loneliness + self worth issues to transform her into a formidable, calculating opponent. doesnt attack herself, and instead relies on her army of people-turned-parallel-canons to do the work for her; up until she snaps and becomes a jelleton, she runs the greyscaling operation so marina can focus on other things. seeing eight sends her into a rage (just dont pay any attention to the little part of her that lights up instead), and she only gets angrier when eight just tries to talk it out with her instead of fighting. in her mind, eight cant do anything to redeem herself - her past behavior betrays her words. the cool facade melts away when she proposes a new, specially made body for her (one that she can puppet from afar, leaving eight utterly at her disposal) and eight flatly rejects her. then she goes apeshitt
much more horror/angst oriented than canon side order
ok. i wrote too much again oops
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thetentaclecommander · 7 months ago
Commit to the bit.
Life is too fuckin short. And then we die and rot. You got *this* nonsense story idea? With *those* characters? In *that* fandom? That you want to see meet/befriend/fight/debate/fuck/have tea/x *with each other*?? Then do it. And commit. Full on own your idea, cause this fanfic shit is for fun. Shits and giggles. Nothing more, nothing less. Not even to save a pony or topple a dictatorship*. Don't hold back your commitment to this idea because somebody will get mad or will assume the worst of you (they will anyway; assumptive people don't deserve your time). Or your writing skill isn't 'good' - try! I promise in this journey you will over time find that becomes less of an issue. Hell, I'm not the Bard but I'm way better than I was an eternity ago; it's hard typing with tentacles, ok. Or people just won't like it. Spoiler: nothing is universally liked or loved and that's okay. Write it anyway. Like that movie with the cornfield: 'if you build it they will come.' Your people will show up, it just takes time. You are allowed to say 'That's my story and I wrote it exactly as I wanted it.' No debating**, no it has x and this or that blah blah bad blah - nah. It's your story. Folks can go find something else and complain somewhere else, they know how to work a computer. And for all that is holy don't sanitize, nor compromise your vision- I've seen it out in the wild and it kills me whenever authors cave to the pressure when a thing is seen as awful, <insert silly religious scary wording here> and needs changing by an audience that sees your work as a thing to consume seasoned to their tastes and not to enjoy what is freely given by a fan fandoming it up. You will only feel boxed in and resentful so...don't :) Laugh at them and do it MORE. In fact, stand 100% by your work. Hype up that shit! Where is the hype like you did that! You did this crazy thing in your own free time probably stressed af and yet made this story. You made it from your own brain put into text form for others to enjoy. That is so fuckin' cool. Like legit you basically wrote a book so congrats, you legend. Revel in it. But above all else Commit. To. The. Bit. *you could make a fic out of that 'saving a pony dictatorship' idea I suppose, FiM would love you **now, if you ask for actual advice (and not unsolicited crit), take what works and toss what doesn't but don't get mad at crit you directly asked for!
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Request: If you can, how about some incorrect quotes for Decapre and her M!S/O?
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Decapre: You are the love of my life and I would do anything within reason to make you happy.
You: I would be happy if you ate, stayed hydrated and got a reasonable amount of sleep.
Decapre: I said within reason, You. How about I murder that guy?
You: So murder is “in reason” but proper self care isn't?
Decapre: Well, duh. What kind of question is that?
Decapre: Do you love me?
You: We’re literally married.
Decapre: Yeah, but as friends or—
Decapre, trying to flirt: So, you come around here often?
You, confused: I mean, I live here, so… yeah.
Decapre: I don't know how to tell you this, but... I love you.
You: That's great, Decapre. Especially considering the fact we've been married for 6 years.
Decapre: You, you love me, right?
You: Normally I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere I won’t like.
You: The stars are so beautiful...
Decapre: They're just giant balls of gas.
You: You know what, if you're just going to ruin this, then-
Decapre: And yet none of them are as huge as my love for you.
You: Oh...
Decapre: We should get you to a doctor for a check up immediately. What if it happens again, and there isn’t anyone around to help you? What if it’s congenital? Oh my God! Was it me? Did I hurt you?
You: …You realize any other person that made their partner pass out on bed would simply feel really proud of themselves, right?
Decapre: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.
You: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.
Decapre: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??
You: Is it working?
Decapre: I like your new pants!
You: Thanks, they were 50% off!
Decapre: I’d like them better if they were 100% off. *winks*
You: The store can’t just give away clothes for free.
Decapre: That's… not what I meant.
You: That’s a terrible way to run a business, Decapre.
Decapre: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake.
You: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear.
Decapre: ...
Decapre: You mean ring bearER, right?
You: ...
Decapre: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
You: …
You: He came highly recommended!
Decapre: BY WHO!? ZANGEIF!?
You: …
You: Yes.
You, walking into the kitchen and seeing all their limes peeled: Decapre, I love you but, what the h-e-double FUCK.
Decapre, sipping coffee happily: I love you too :)
You: Decapre and I are no longer friends.
Decapre, drunk and sobbing on the table as the rest of The Dolls watch with deep concern: How do I tell them that I want them to yell at me like they're Gordon Ramsay and I'm a poor little chef who just ruined a crème brûlée?
Decapre: My hands are cold.
You: Here, let me hold them. Decapre: …
Decapre: My lips are cold too.
You: *covers Decapre's mouth with their hand*
Decapre, sweating: You, there’s something I need to ask you-
You: Finally! You’re proposing!
Decapre: How’d you know?
You: Decapre, you’ve dropped the ring five times during dinner.
You: I even picked it up once.
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creeppostss · 2 years ago
Anon with the headcanons request from a minute ago. More specifically what are your dark nsfw headcanons? Any uncommon opinions on EJ? What that eldritch horror peen do.... 😇
..... i am clinically obsessed he has been my comfort character for a decade 🤭
I hope these will be as good as you're hoping!! enjoy anon!
GN mentioned with some references to AFAB/AMAB but they're just hcs so it doesn't really change anything!
NSFW under the cut!!
This isn't necessarily dark, but I feel like EJ would have a HUUUUGE breeding kink. He yearns to see his cum drip from any of your holes, and he'd repeatedly fill you just to watch it all seep out. Pump you full and plug you up, take you out in public somewhere to watch you get embarrassed.
We all know he's got sharp as shit teeth. And he would ABSOLUTELY use them on you. Anywhere you have open skin is free real estate to him, making quick work to bloody up and mark the most tender skin on your body.
To follow up, during sex, he absolutely uses his teeth to latch onto you when he's cumming. He doesn't mind the position, but usually picks one where he can see your face and hear you. Although, he isn't opposed to shoving your face into the pillows while you scream.
BONDAGE. He loves seeing you tied up and helpless, squirming under him like some little worm!!! Bonus points if the restraints leave marks on you, he'd absolutely adore that afterwards.
If you're AFAB, he'd 100 fucking percent DEVOUR you on your period. He'd almost beg to do so, twirling his tongues up into you to taste all your delicious goodness just for him.
If you're AMAB, he'd bite all over your inner thighs, tearing up the skin until it bleeds and he gets to lap up the resulting blood while he's sucking you off.
Because he's half demon, his dick is above average. Me and my friend occasionally dabble with the idea he has a tentacle for a dick, cause like, c'mon. Look at him. Human or tentacle dick, he knows how to use it. Could absolutely split you apart.
He takes pride in watching you choke on his cock, staring at you with such hunger in his eyes and grinning as you're gagging, choking and struggling to breathe. He only pulls your head back when he feels you can't take it anymore.
Tying in with that choking thing, he will wrap his hands around your throat while he's ruthlessly fucking into you and will strangle you until you're on the verge of passing out, and then he'll let go.
I've seen a lot of people headcanon that he goes into heat and I really enjoy that trope. I can imagine him locking himself in his room trying to avoid you but of course you come in and look so good he just can't possibly help but fuck you into his mattress until you're crying out of pleasure.
EJ is the type to try anything once before he says no, wanting to make sure you always feel good. If you tell him about a weird kink or fetish you have I'm sure he'd happily indulge you in that! He's not picky when it comes to you.
He definitely jerks off with your underwear, sniffing them as well. He'd cum in them if you're away, and lay them on your bed as a gift to tell you he was thinking about you.
I like to think that he's a bit of a stalker. ESPECIALLY if you show interest in him. He'd follow you around, stalk social medias if he has access, ask around about you, and find his way into your personal life. Definitely has a journal in his nightstand of information about you, maybe even a few cute polaroids of you sleeping.
He can be somewhat shy or absolutely overbearing depending if he's in heat or not. If he's in heat, he'll practically drag you to his room to carry out his disgusting fantasies. If he isn't, he'll approach it differently, touching you and sending subtle signs until you get it.
This absolutely does NOT carry over to sex. Once he has you under him he's feral. He lets his desires take over, and he will not stop for anything, unless you make it clear you are uncomfortable.
This being said, he's pretty good with aftercare! At first he doesn't really understand the concept but he begins to understand once he's messed with you more. He'll clean you up, snuggle with you afterwards and occasionally bring you something to drink or eat. Typically he tries to stay awake with you until you fall asleep first.
As for uncommon opinions, I feel as if he is more of a recluse. He stays in his room majority of the time unless he has to go on a mission. He leaves his room to talk to you and a few housemates. This doesn't mean he doesn't get along with the housemates, he gets along fairly well with everyone.
That's all I have for now! Thank you anon for the request! This was the request that really caught my eye first and I have a few others I'm working on!! Tips about writing and formatting are appreciated! Love y'all!!
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medusapelagia · 8 months ago
Hidden Treasure - STBB Proj 7 WIP Wednesday - Eddie
And... I'm sharing another snippet from my @strangerthingsbigbang fic for this WIP Wednesday! When I decided to write an omegaverse pirate au I was 100% sure no one else would have been interested in such an unusual mix. Guess what? I was wrong! Because two amazing artists (the super talented and incredible @mothellie and @ghostdeb) chose to work on my fic! While we tremble in anticipation, waiting to share the story together with their art, here is the second banner I made to promote my fic, featuring the one and only: Eddie Munson!
tagging those who were interested: @katyawriteswhump @lingeringmirth @akichania @v3lv3tf0x
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A little snippet under the cut! TW: violence, prison
“Come on! It was just a silly game!” the man says, turning his head toward the guards “I wasn’t cheating. Playing dice is a sacred thing, you know that right? Sacred! Like… like something sacred.” he insists, slurring.
Steve stands up abruptly, ready to yell the man’s name but Robin kicks him in the shin and he yelps, “Omegas.” she says shrugging “You know how they are. They see a new man and think he’s their mate. That’s not an alpha. Can’t you see?” she insists, “That’s just… who’s that?” Robin asks the guards who ignore her and throw the drunken young man in another cell.”
“I didn’t cheat!” the drunk man insists, whining when one of the guards kicks him in the stomach, “I swear on your mom!”
The guard immediately comes back, grabbing the man by the collar, “What did you say about my mother, little piece of shit?” he hisses on his face.
“God your breath is… bleah… do you kiss your mother with that mouth? I’m not surprised she was looking for comfort somewhere else. Nice woman, by the way.”
The punch that follows is not unexpected, but Steve yelps in empathy, while Robin holds him tight. The guard spits on the man on the ground who is holding his stomach, groaning loudly, and then he leaves.
“Eddie! Eddie!” Steve calls, freeing himself from Robin’s grip and running toward the side of the cell they have in common.
“Hi there, sweetheart,” he tells him, resting against the prison’s bar still holding his stomach, “You feeling better?”
“How? Why?”
“Shh… tell me about you, baby.” he whispers, “How are you doing?”
“I’m fine.”
“He’s not fucking fine,” Robin roars behind him, “the two of you left an omega to travel alone without his alpha, are you fucking crazy?  And a guard just threatened to kill him if he doesn’t give him some information about your dirty business!”
“What happened?” Eddie asks, noticing at that moment the little trickle of blood still pouring from Steve’s face.
“It’s just a scratch. And I didn’t say a word. I swear”
“I know you didn’t, sugar.” He cradles Steve’s face with his slim long fingers, “I’ll kill him. I’ll open his chest and I’ll rip his heart out!” he growls, staring at the cut on the omega’s face.
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bennwazzhere · 2 years ago
INCORRECT ZOSAN QUOTES pt 6 I think??? I'm sorry if some are repeated from some of my other incorrect zosan quotes. I'm too lazy to go back and check😭
Zoro: Can I have 2 straws with that milkshake?
Sanji: Aww-
Zoro: With 2 straws, I can drink it double as fast!
Zoro: You are the love of my life and I would do anything within reason to make you happy.
Sanji: I would be happy if you ate, stayed hydrated and got a reasonable amount of sleep.
Zoro: I said within reason, Sanji. How about I murder that guy?
Sanji: So murder is in reason but proper self care isn't?
Zoro: Well, duh. What kind of question is that?
Zoro: WHY?!
Zoro: I’m proud to identify as morosexual. I’m attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. Someone asked me what the Spanish word for "tortilla" was once, and now I dream of kissing them under the moonlight.
Sanji: What kind of animal is the Pink Panther?
Zoro, already taking off their clothes: God, Sanji, you’re so fucking stupid.
Zoro: We both look very handsome tonight.
Sanji: You know, if you'd just said that I looked handsome, I would have said, "So do you."
Zoro: I couldn't take that chance.
Sanji: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.
Zoro: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.
Sanji: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??
Zoro: Is it working?
Zoro: I truly go into housewife mode when I'm someone's soulmate- like, I'll make you pancakes and bacon every morning.
Sanji: This is a lie.
Sanji: I'm literally dating them. This is a lie.
Sanji: I can't take this anymore, someone needs to take me out!
Zoro: In a dating type of way, or an assassination type of way?
Sanji: I don't know, surprise me!
Sanji: This date is boring!
Zoro: This isn't a date. I said I was going to the store.
Sanji: Then why did you invite me?
Zoro: I didnt, I specifically said "don't come with me," then you said, "fuck you Zoro I'll do whatever I want!
Zoro: I owe you one.
Sanji: That’s ok. You can just date me and we’ll call it even.
Sanji: Zoro, you love me, right?
Zoro: Normally I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere I won’t like.
Zoro: Bro, I had a dream we fucked.
Sanji: Bro, relax it was just a dream.
Zoro: Huh, gay, I wouldn’t fuck you.
Sanji: You wouldn’t?
Zoro: I mean, unless you want to-
Zoro: I like your new pants!
Sanji: Thanks, they were 50 off!
Zoro: I’d like them better if they were 100 off. *winks*
Sanji: The store can’t just give away clothes for free.
Zoro: Thats’s… not what I meant.
Sanji: That’s a terrible way to run a business, Zoro.
Zoro: I think I just figured something out. I got to go.
Sanji: Aren't you forgetting something?
Zoro: Uuh...*hesitantly kisses Sanji's forehead before running out.*
Sanji: No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?
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sirlordevil · 8 months ago
Hey, little post for people who know others who are struggling with self-harm. Here's some dos and do nots for supporting them.
DO NOT react to them opening up about it by telling them that if they do it, you'll do it too. Doing this just makes them lose trust in you, and they will likely not open up about it to you ever again. I cannot stress enough how fucked up this is to say to a person.
DO ask them if they're thinking about doing it now and / or are somewhere safe. You need to prioritize their current well-being. Remember, not only is self-harm a coping mechanism, it's an addiction to many. Saying, "Oh my gosh, that's awful, please stop. I really care about you." Isn't going to make them put it down. In fact, in some cases, it might make them want to do it more. It's not because they don't love you or anything its more so a mix of reverse psychology and unceasing self-loathing, numbness, anxiety, etc.
DO NOT wrist check them. This is invading personal boundaries, if not explicitly requested of you to do. Again, this can result in a loss of trust and build-up resentment towards you.
DO ask how they're doing or feeling and let them know they aren't a burden to you. Build an open space they can come to instead of forcing it all out of them.
DO NOT say something along the lines of "Why can't you just quit?" or "Think about how sad your family would be!" or "You should stop hurting yourself. It's bad for you." While the last one is true, statements like these put guilt on the person and not only that but might make them mad because you don't understand what it's like for them.
DO offer them alternatives and discuss with them why they feel the need to self-harm. One of the most well-known alternatives is snapping a rubber band on your wrist. Another one is holding an ice cube against yourself. One method I personally find great is working out a little until you get that ache feeling. Great way to get out internal frustration and physical activity is proven to make you happier.
DO NOT poke fun at them for it by calling them emo or something if the like. Unless they seem 100% okay with it and like actively encourage it because they find it funny, this is just messed up. I have nothing more to say on this except you will become part of the problem.
DO encourage them to have fun and find happiness in things they enjoy. If this person likes a certain show or video game, you'd be surprised by how much good it can do for someone's mental health to just be able to talk about it with someone or have someone who enjoys it as well. Sometimes, really liking something is the first step to liking yourself.
DO NOT talk over them about their own issues. You do not know them better than they know themselves. Shedding light or clarifying something for them is okay, but do not keep saying a certain thing is the root cause when they keep telling you it isn't.
DO be understanding whether they tell you about the root issue(s) or not. If they don't tell you, then don't take it personally. It's hard to open up about, and it's not exactly something a lot of people have the energy to share or the words to describe. Be patient with them and let them take their time.
As a general tip: Always ask if they want advice, a distraction, or want you to listen. It's essential to be on the same page if you really want to provide their needs.
For now, I can't think of any more. Feel free to add to what I have already, and I might add some more later.
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auztim69 · 3 months ago
Can I hear more about your Fea au🥺🥺🥺/nf
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Ok so,,,,, most of this post is just gonna me lore dumping all the world building n lore I've made up over time so yeah,,,,,
Ok first off there r 2 different fea types; natural and reincarnate born. [Using B n Hashley as my examples, this will probably happen again]
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The natural borns r pretty easy 2 explain, they're just feas born via sexual reproduction. The reincarnates r where stuff gets kinda silly tho,,, Basically, reincarnate feas can only be born from feas that have died of old age. Once a fea senses that they are nearing the end of their life, they will seek out a secluded area of nature to die in. Once they find an area that suits them, they will find some place to rest peacefully until they've passed on. Once they're completely dead, their skin and tissue will begin to come together, and from their remains another is born. This is the only way a reincarnate fea can be born. Even 2 reincarnate fea reproducing with each other will not result in another true reincarnate born. That hypothetical offspring would probably have similar phenotypic characteristics, like having brighter, more pastel body coloring, but none of the unique abilities that come with being reincarnate. Speaking of which, the 2 types have different abilities and traits. Natural born feas are more grounded in regular biology, while reincarnates r more supernatural. All feas naturally possess the ability 2 shapeshift, but natural feas have a much easier time doing it because they don't have to exhaust nearly as much energy 2 pull it off effectively. Their overall survival rate is also much higher because of this, since, y'know, the reincarnates r all bright neon colors in the fucking 1800's, it makes the naturals WAY less noticeable by comparison. Natural borns r also physically stronger and larger on average. The reincarnates make up for this by being much harder 2 kill. Feas generally can only be seriously injured via 2 methods; fire and weapons made of fea bones. While the natural born can still die of things like blood loss, reincarnates don't have blood, or most major organs; only being injured in these spots can cause them death.
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They can also control their limbs fully after they've been cut off completely. Granted, there is a limit 2 how far away it can be before it stops working, and if it's 2 far away 4 2 long the limb essentially dies. Also, after a fea dies their face completely disappears. The shadow goes away, but so does their eye and mouth. It's actually common practice 4 ppl who hunt feas 4 sport 2 keep them alive until they can get a picture or detailed sketch of their face; 2 make a later taxidermy more “accurate.” 
Ok so there is a lot of folklore and mystery surrounds the birth of feas as a species. But the main story in fea myth is abt the “Mother Tree.”[this thing]
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The Mother Tree is fabled 2 be the originator of all life on Earth. Basically, she created lil microorganisms n everything was rlly cool n chill, but then after a couple 100 million years life got rlly complex n it got a bit 2 chaotic 4 her so she created the fea 2 keep the ecosystem all balanced n stuff when she couldn't. Fast forward a couple more million years n she dies n her body is petrified into a massive tree somewhere in the world. No one knows where it is, but legends say that whoever may find it gains her knowledge and her power. Or smth idk. 
Ok that's all 4 now, this will probably be updated later at some point maybe,,,,, feel free 2 ask 4 more specific things if u want[tbh I've just kinda been making this whole au up as I go 😭🙏 designs first, lore second type deal sadly 😔]
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patrickispinky · 13 days ago
tagged by the greatest writer I know @whoopsyeahokay
What's the origin of your blog title?
I technically don't have a blog title. It's just Patrick which isn't my real name I just really love spongebob and think Patrick is the realest character out there.
My user name patrickispinky is also because of spongebob. I was originally gonna go with patrickstar but it was already taken and so was patrickispink so I just added a y at the end.
OTP(s) + shipname:
okay I'm ngl I had no clue what opt meant so I had to look it up and Google said it means 'one true paring' Honesty I'm not too big on ships but if I had to pick one I would go with Nick and Charlie from heartstopper. Idk there ship name so like niclie or charlick.
Favorite color:
Right now my favorite color is lilac but I also really love earthy greens.
Song stuck in your head:
A pearl - mitski
Weirdest habit/trait:
Okay this is gonna sound really weird but I have a jar full of sequins that I pulled off of different things. I had a pillow covered in them that I just ripped them off of and put in a jar, same with this stuffed animal I had. I can't explain why I just had the urge one day and did it. Now anytime I have anything with sequins on it I just rip them off.
Reading, writing, crying for no reason, listening to true crime podcasts, and arts and crafts.
If you work, what's your profession?
Right now I work part time at a local coffee shop but I'm in college studying in the medical field to hopefully one day be a nurse.
If you could have any job you wish, what would it be?
If you asked me I would just say a nurse but on a deeper level I'd say an actress and a poet. I love the idea of just being able to play out a character with passion and I've always written poetry to help me in dark times.
Something you're good at:
I thought about this question for longer than i'd like to admit and the only answer I can come up with is working. I'm a hard worker and when I don't have school work or work work I don't feel right.
Something you collect:
Jewelry, books, candles, and sequins apparently.
Something you forget:
I have to have alarms on my phone to remind me to drink water or I'd just live off of coffee and red bull.
What's your love language:
Gift giving and physical affection but only physical affection from certain people. Sometimes when the wrong person touches me it makes my skin crawl for no reason I can't explain it.
Favorite movie/show:
Right now it's School spirits 100% but my comfort shows/movies are criminal minds, the umbrella academy, spongebob, heartstopper, and family guy.
Favorite food:
Boiling hot potato soup and buttery bread.
Favorite animal:
capybaras, they are adorable.
What were you like as a child:
I think I was pretty quiet and shy but when it came to the right people I was fucking weird as shit.
Favorite subject at school:
English literature and art.
Least favorite subject:
Anything math related.
What's your best character trait?
I think I'm pretty fast thinking.
What's your worst character trait?
I don't exactly like people which sounds odd because I'm literally studying to be someone who helps people but sometimes they repulse me.
If you could change any detail of your life right now, what would it be?
I'd choose to live somewhere with free healthcare. Them bitches cut me off 🥲
If you could travel in time, who would you like to meet?
Jeffrey Dahmer, before you say anything I'm just curious. I'd want to have a one on one conversation about why. I've always wondered what could go through a person's head to make them think they can just eat people.
no pressure tag: @gabbyygoo (Honestly that's it I don't have any more mutuals other than whoopsy who's already tagged at the top)
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little-fox-books · 18 days ago
As Piper McLean fictionkin, I find these hilarious
Jason: What's up guys? I'm back.
Piper: What the- you can't be here.
You're dead. I literally saw you die.
Jason: Death is a social construct.
Jason : So what's for dinner?
Piper, staring at the food she just burnt: Regret.
Jason: Okay, truth or dare?
Piper: Truth
Jason: How many hours have you slept this week?
Piper :
Piper : ...Dare
Jason: Go to bed.
Piper: I don't like this game.
Jason: Stop buying plastic skeletons for Halloween! It's terrible for the environment!
Piper: Yeah! Locally sourced, all natural skeletons are much more environmentally friendly!
Jason: Violence isn't the answer.
Piper: You're right.
Jason : *sighs in relief*
Piper: Violence is the question.
Jason: What?
Piper, bolting away: And the answer is yes.
Jason, running after her: NO-
Jason : *Accidentally hits Piper in the
Jason : *Trying to decide between saying 'I'm fucking sorry' and 'Are
you okay'*
Piper : What's wrong with you?!
Jason: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated.
Piper: Killed without hesitation.
Jason: No.
Jason: Would you like something to drink? *He opens the fridge* We have water, milk, juice, spiders, Dr. Pepper- 
Piper : Spiders? 
Jason: Spiders it is then. 
Piper : No, that wasn't- 
* But he was already pouring her a brimming glass of spiders…*
Jason: We should get you to a doctor for a check up immediately. What if it happens again, and there isn’t anyone around to help you? What if it’s congenital? Oh my God! Was it me? Did I hurt you? 
Piper : …You realize any other person that made their partner pass out on bed would simply feel really proud of themselves, right?
Jason: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response. 
Piper : Wow. They sound stupid. 
Jason: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense. 
Piper : Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!” 
Jason: I guess you’re right. Hey Piper , I love you. 
Piper : See! Just say that! 
Jason: Holy fucking shit. 
Piper : If that flies over their head then, sorry Jason, but they're too dumb for you. 
Jason: Piper 
Jason: Hey, wanna take a shower with me? 
Piper : I have a gun in that nightstand beside the bed. If I ever say no to that question, I want you to take it out and shoot me because I’ve obviously gone crazy.
Jason: I like your new pants! 
Piper : Thanks, they were 50% off! 
Jason: I’d like them better if they were 100% off. *winks* 
Piper : The store can’t just give away clothes for free. 
Jason: Thats’s… not what I meant. 
Piper : That’s a terrible way to run a business, Jason.
Piper : I’m proud to identify as morosexual. I’m attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. Someone asked me what the Spanish word for "tortilla" was once, and now I dream of kissing them under the moonlight. 
Jason: What kind of animal is the Pink Panther? 
Piper , already taking off their clothes: Gods, Jason, you’re so fucking stupid.
Piper : Jason, you love me, right? 
Jason: Normally I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere I won’t like.
Piper : My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized. 
Jason: *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to his knees and sob while apologizing profusely* 
Piper : That one. I want that one.
Jason: Hey, I’m getting in the shower. Wanna help me out? 
Piper : ...Have you never taken a shower before?
Jason: Sorry I’m late, I was doing things. 
Piper : Hi, I’m ‘things’.
Piper : I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine. 
Jason: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again. 
Piper : O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns?? 
Jason: Is it working?
Piper : Ugh, crushes are so dumb. 
Jason: I know. Whenever I’m near the person I like I just start acting stupid. 
Piper : But you’re always acting stupid? 
Jason: ... 
Jason: Yeah, don’t think about that too hard.
Jason: Is something burning? 
Piper , leaning seductively on the counter: Just my desire for you. 
Jason: Piper , the toaster is literally on fire.
Piper : Did it hurt when you fell- 
Jason: From heaven? Wow, I didn’t think you were such a flirt- 
Piper : No, I meant when you fell down the stairs. 
Jason: ... 
Piper : You just laid there for 15 minutes.
Jason: I can't take this anymore, someone needs to take me out! 
Piper : In a dating type of way, or an assassination type of way? 
Jason: I don't know, surprise me!
Jason: Piper  and I are no longer dating. 
Piper : Jason, that’s a horrible way of telling people we’re married.
Piper : You look good in that hoodie. 
Jason: You know where else I'd look good? 
Piper , zero hesitation: My bed. 
Jason, at the same time: By your side- wait, what?
Jason: *seductively takes off glasses* 
Jason: Wow... 
Piper : *blushes* Haha... what? 
Jason: You're really fucking blurry.
Jason: Guys where did Piper go?
Annabeth: She got arrested.
Jason: How the hell-
Piper: *bursts in through the window*
The cops are after me, I thought it would be
fun to steal crackers and throw them at
Piper: This is bothering me.
Jason: Well, you are digging up a
Piper: No, not that. That's, uh,
pretty par for the course, actually.
Piper : Wow, Jason, you want to hold my hand before marriage? How awfully lewd of you. 
Jason: We literally slept together yesterday. 
Piper : That's NOTHING compared to the lewdness of holding hands. 
Piper: *Kicks the door down looking panicked*
Jason: What did you do?
Piper: Nobody died.
Piper: *Stubs Her toe* FUCK!
Jason: Mind your language!
Piper: What else am I supposed to say, “Woe is I”???
Piper: You have to accept that swear words are necessary sometimes.
Jason, tending to Piper's wounds: How would you rate your pain?
Piper: Zero stars. Would NOT recommend.
Piper: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you.
Jason: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule.
Piper: Absolutely not.
Piper: I think I'm having a mid-life crisis.
Jason: You're like 15 years old
Piper: I MIGHT DIE AT 30!
Piper: Three words. Say them and I'm yours.
Jason: Three words.
Piper: Where are you going?
Jason: To get ice cream or commit a felony, I’ll decide on the way there
Piper: I slept for almost 12 hours but I might still be tired so lets go for 12 more just incase.
Jason: Piper, that's a coma.
Piper: Sounds festive.
Jason: Ok, maybe playing 'whose family is most dysfunctional' wasn't the best idea we've had. Piper 's been crying in the bathroom for an hour. We can't get her out...
Jason: I've already sent good vibes your way... they're coming. There's nothing you can do to stop them.
Piper: This is the most threatening way I've ever been cheered up.
Piper : Anything, honestly, but nerds especially
Jason, desperately, as Piper bleeds out: YOUR BLOOD TYPE
Piper : Oh! B positive.
Jason: Piper ... Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor?
Piper: Your text told me to satanize the house before you returned.
Jason : I wrote sanitize, Piper.
Jason: You fuckers don't know about my knife stick. It's a knife taped to a stick and it's the ultimate weapon.
Piper, not looking up from their book: Spear.
Jason: Remember when you didn't try to solve all your problems with attempted murder?
Piper: Stop romanticizing the past
Jason: Don't worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve.
Piper: I think you mean cards.
Jason, pulling knives out of their sleeves: No, I do not.
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allayessu · 1 year ago
Some dumb little Kaitou Joker headcanons of him as an s/o since I'm obsessed
- It took him some time to get comfortable with touch since he's not used to physical affection but once he trusts you enough he will latch onto you like a koala
- 100% kisses your hand/knuckles as one of his ultimate forms of love
- He does those cool card tricks to impress you when you're free even if it's just child's play to him
- He likes it when he gets to lie down on your lap. Bonus points if you caress his scar with your thumb
- If you can cook he begs you to cook something for him
- Likes to put his top hat on you because he thinks it's cute
- When y'all started dating he was not the kind of touchy-feely dude at first and he felt bad because he was not comfortable with being vulnerable around you yet until you slowly start to gain his trust and slowly he allows himself to let his guard down around you knowing that he's safe
- That being said, you were internally punching the air in tears when he asked if you'd like to cuddle with him. Tenfold when he wanted to sleep with you
- If you're sleeping together he definitely is the bigger spoon because it makes him feel like he's in control. Would have an arm securely wrapped around you while he plants his face into the top of your head
- ANOTHER side to this is when y'all try to have some romantic sleepy time together y'all just end up waking up with Joker's foot on your stomach and yours near his head
- On nights when he's not stealing something he'd just bring you to the Sky Joker to stargaze
- Sneaks to your place at night when you're about to sleep just so he could pull a Romeo and come up to your window with a flower bouquet in hand
- "Wanna see a magic trick? I can turn the color of your face in an instant!" *Kisses you* "see? your face turned red just like I predicted!"
- Sometimes when he sees you somewhere in public he'd drop an Advance Notice from the sky saying "Right now, I'll steal my No.1 treasure as soon as my target reads this." And he proceeds to literally snatch you from the sky
- Hardcore cartoon show marathons together. Same with video games
- Annoying you is his love language
- He doesn't fall he fucking bodyslams.
- Doesn't look like it but he takes your relationship veeeeeeeery seriously
- When he has no idea where to take you for date nights he just brings you to rooftops of high buildings and watch the city horizon under starry nights. He might even use Balloon Gum to get there while carrying you by the waist
- Kiss his eye scar. He loves it <3
- Would be the type to play fight no I don't take criticism. That being said he tends to do a lot of cute aggression like aggressively squishing your cheeks
- Best bf both boyfriend and best friend you can be sweet and intimate for the first second and the next you're roughhousing with you holding him in a triangle choke
- From what I've seen so far he doesn't exactly... respond to people calling him by Jack??? I mean Shadow and Rose called him Jack a few times and he just lets it slide. But I tend to see him being uncomfortable when being called Jack
- Unless... you're his s/o. And suddenly he loooooves the way your voice sounds when you call him Jack
- Playful bickering idc if you're dating this clown you're BOUND to have some friendly beef
- Y'all would parrot each other like if both of you see somebody you don't like y'all would make the EXACT same disgusted face. After that y'all proceed to gossip the shit out of them
- Overall he's not one to know how to be all romantic but definitely tries his best to properly love you <3
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death-in-a-handbasket · 1 year ago
I joined this account today because I’m sick with no content related to my fucking hyperfixation on my beloved Yukito, so hello! ( And maybe sorry for my bad english ). Thank you for being there for Gaiden fans. I would love to share my headcannons here...
For starters, I would like to say that AYATSUJI IS GOTHIC AND ANARCHIST, because honestly, isn’t growing up being exploited by the government since childhood that your pain will be misinterpreted as just an “arrogant personality.”
And I also love to see him as someone who values ​​art. In addition to having dolls in his basement, there are also paintings that strangely seem to scream through his wounds, a reflection of what is familiarly brutal about this delicate-looking man.
The type of music he listens to ( he rarely listens to music due to sensory overload issues ) has no lyrics OR he oscillates between 3 songs from the album Lullabies to Paralyze by QOTSA ( ‘In My Head’, ‘The Blood Is Love’ and ‘You Got A Killer Scene There, Man...’ ).
His favorite type of literature is Dark Romanticism. I swear, it is no wonder that he collects semi-mythical dolls ( in a sense of to admire and preservation ), when this type of literature reflects the grotesqueness of these creatures and the austurity of human malice.
AHHH hello dearie !! welcome to yukito nerd central aka we hyperfixated on a character that the fandom does not know or give a fuck about 😔‼️ but hey we’re getting an English translation of the light novel so I’m SUPER excited (also no worries about bad english you sound just fine honey :] !!)
I need more fanfics and fanart of this man. gaiden community (referring to the same four people) save me gaiden community save me 🙏
first of all I LOVE the idea that this man is anarchist, like I feel he understands why the government is there and why it needs to do what it does but that doesn’t stop him having an abject dislike for the very organization that basically keeps him on death row and only has him alive because he’s useful, idk man you’re right that’s gotta brew contempt fr, also I like thinking about how he’s gotta specifically hate the police force too because he could practically do the work of an entire unit of officers, I don’t doubt that the police who know about him probably slack off because they know he’ll take up the slack 💀 I mean he has to or he’ll die
ALSO ART LIKER YUKITO. TRUTH. there’s no way a man with such adoration for dolls doesn’t appreciate and pay the artists who make them extremely well, I bet sculptors in his area love him because he’s an excellent patron, also he no doubt vents through the dolls and artwork he makes, all that internal anger and suffering has GOT to go somewhere
as for music, I always imagined he’d like stuff made between the 1910s and 1960s, Otis Redding is always a man that comes to mind when I think of music for him, also you have to know he’s listening to that shit on records, bro does not have Spotify ‼️
ALSO YES DARK ROMANTICISM 🙏 if him and Poe start a book club it’s over for everyone, they are reading about horror and the grotesque every day of the week and discussing it in depth 100%, these are antisocial men of course they’re reading about the terribleness of humanity <3
thank you for visiting my inbox hun !! feel free to send asks anytime, he is truly the husband of all time 🫶
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here is ms paint yukito I made during lecture as a treat :]
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ohsocheesiness · 1 year ago
Played both Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Endings
Both are super good in my opinion for V, Reed, and So Mi. Needed somewhere to post my thoughts.
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My Natural Instinct
I did not trust So Mi at all, bro. Even from the beginning.. the thing with the chimera was suspect. Disappearing like that after I saved myers... idk bro. However, I do empathize with her circumstances. She's stuck somewhere where she's being abused. She's dying and she just wants to be free.
Don't trust Myers, but seemed the type to keep her end of the deal.
I didn't necessarily trust Reed either, but I believed in him. A man of principle who stuck by his team and country even if they did him dirty. I felt like So Mi only fake cared about me, but I felt like Reed truly did care about me and my life. He saw V as another of his comrads to protect. However, I knew it was his government that he'd unfortunately follow till his wheels deteriorated.
Following Reed
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I believed that Reed 100% wanted to help So Mi escape. I told So Mi I only kind of trusted her and that I think Reed wants what's best for her.
Gameplay wise I think it's cool that following the FIA turned into a freaking horror survival game lmfao. I love the secret agent style shit in PL
Anyway, only in this ending do we learn that ROGUE AI are basically attacking her and using her as a fucking link to the physical world through the real net. She mentioned she felt like somebody was over her shoulder her whole time. It was THEM. I wonder what Alt would've had to say about it if I asked her tbh.
In the end though, there was a great moment with So Mi who was at her end. I had a save point and played out both instances if I killed her or if I let Reed take her. I don't really remember what my first instinct was to do... but after knowing both endings it would've been best just to kill her and give her freedom man. However, saving her gives us a bit more to Reed's character.
Reed is freaking depressed bro lmfao. He is the one keeping so mi in chains. He is the one locked in chains. He knows he's just a dog, enslaved to ideals he doesn't think truly matters, but it's all he has. The only thing he can do is lean into it, despite knowing it's flaws. "All that matters is that So Mi is still living." I think that's why Reed never comes suicide despite seeming so empty, he's strong enough to carry everything.. it's his duty even.
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Ofc I accepted the offer to save my life, it made sense to me that they could really help and that Reed would do right by me.
FUCKING HURT ME that Johnny had to get destroyed so abruptly like that. I know he didn't want it. He accepted it though, his true death. Just Rogue and V being his last remnants of life in NC.
If you tell Reed thanks, he says something like "there's nothing to thank me for, V" and leaves, head hung down. Another life Reed took and ruined. Got So Mi on life support, enslaved by Myers, Alex killed, V some kind of wonky life so different than before. Coma for 2 years.
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Also my Panam romance 💔💔💔💔 damnit! Panam is definitely the type to fucking be done with it cause she thinks I broke her heart but dang. Wish somebody would've went through my contacts and gave them the heads up 😐 but I LOVE what happened to Judy after this. She deserved the peace man. She's such a cool homie if you guys are platonic.
Following So Mi
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I tried to play a lot more empathetic with So Mi and her circumstances, instead of just it being mutually beneficial. V was the only one who can understand what was happening to her.
& Since I played this second, I felt guilty asking her to use the black wall to hack shit and kill people while we were escaping from Hansen's spot. It's lowkey best to play this ending as a netrunner. You help So Mi a lot more directly.
So Mi is really just like V, kind of. She just wants to live, so she'll betray and lie to her friends and simply just have to feel bad about it afterwards. For the most part, V won't sell out to a corp, but So Mi kind of sold out her friends. Her character flaw I guess.
This is also the only ending where a diologue option will tell you MR BLUE EYES is the one who contacted her for NUSA info and hooked her up with a deal to get to the moon! This is the only time i remember hearing about him before you do the Sun ending. He definitely a major player in the next game and there's something he's trying to do involving space. Which is why i assume he sends V on a mission to the crystal palace.
Anyway, So Mi eventually reveals that she was lying to me the whole time. She knew it was only a one use kind of deal.... prick. But I told her I would've helped her anyway if she just told me.. which maybe I would've tbh.
I carried her to the rocket thing. Reed was waiting for you. You two are at odds now and he means business. He lowkey tries to butter you up about protecting So Mi, but call him on his bullshit. Then he switches up, he wants to take care in to answer for her crimes. I said I didn't want to have to shoot him. He said "neither do i" 🥹 but yea I popped his ass after he gave me no choice. In a certain regard I was happy he found peace. Killing reed is the best thing to do in this ending 100%
You hook So Mi in the rocket to the moon and talk with Johnny as you two watch her go into space. Real.
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Wait long enough you get a mysterious message to go find a package. The package has evidence that So Mi is alive on the moon. Very cool! She lives in this ending. And she's free. I was actually super happy about that tbh.
Also with this ending, Alex lives. PL tried to give you a relationship with her... in the ending where she dies I was sad about it but got over it. In this ending where she lives you get another chance to chat with her. She calls you up to the bar and basically wants to ask about Reed's last moments and to say goodbye. I really liked Alex's character and appreciated this goodbye.
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A while after this, you get a postcard on your megabuilding apartment door from Morocco. Alex is free too. A very good ending. Now it's up to V to find out how to survive (lol)
Which is better?
You get to see into So Mi's past with the first ending. First hand. You get some conversations with Reed that give him more depth, but So Mi either dies or might as well have died. Reed lives on avoiding his very clear regret, but may have found purpose. If you choose to take the help here V becoming just another face in the crowd... a bit of a shame if you played into the 'become a night city legend' but kind of deep and real considering now he has a new life, but had to go through a lot and lose a lot on the way.
With the second ending, Alex and So Mi live & them and Reed are free from being dogs to the NUSA government. You get your farewells... at least somebody gets a happy ending. With this, you also get your farewell with Johnny in one of the base endings. You can digest the weight of a life and choosing your own way to go. There's some moments in this, the conversations inbetween, in big fights, hand in hand with So Mi that make this worth while. Digesting it all with Johnny means a lot too.
So idk
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fabbyf1 · 2 years ago
💥 How do you feel about criticism?
bruhhhhhhh. This is a heavy one.
First and foremost, I'd like to make it very clear that I don't expect everyone to like my fics, or my writing style, or my sense of humor... or anything about the content I create.
I understand everyone has their preferences and what they look for/want out of a fic.
That being said... criticism on fics, especially in comments or through anon messages, seems a bit unnecessary. Like... you could just, idk, NOT read the fic.
You could hit the back button. You could go somewhere else. You could sit down. You could learn to bake bread. You could look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, "How would I feel if someone said this to me?"
If you're just commenting to be rude, hurtful, or anything that's not 100% kind... you're an asshole. Plain and simple. All you're doing is hurting someone who spent many hours working on something (FOR FREE) when you could just... not be a dick.
I'm also very iffy when it comes to constructive criticism as a whole.
Did the author ask for it? Is your "constructive criticism" necessary? Is the story a WIP? Because if it's completed and published... babe, please just don't bother. (There are exceptions to this rule. I think we all know what they are. If something could be seen as hurtful, problematic, hateful to a group of people... you could gently bring that up to the author. but that's not what we're discussing here, so let's move on.)
If you really feel you have to bring up your "constructive criticism" to the author, I'd suggest you dm them (NOT on anon. If you're criticizing on anon, you're a pussy. Don't be a pussy. The author doesn't get to be anon, you shouldn't get to hate on anon. Say what you want to say with your username attached if you actually think it's 100% necessary the author sees it.)
I don't think criticism of any kind, constructive or just plain douchebaggery, belongs in the public comment section. And that goes for any fic I read, not just mine. I fucking HATE when I come across somebody being a dick in Ao3 comments, and I will usually go full 32yo Angry Mom/Karen Mode and insert myself in their thread like "HELLO, DICKHEAD. I'M KATE. NICE TO MEET YOU. LET ME SAY WHAT THE AUTHOR WON'T."
Now, if the author ASKED for criticism... that is different. (Also fucking brave of them.) If they asked for it, I'd still advise you to 1. make sure it's actually necessary they hear it, and 2. say it fucking nicely.
Tell them everything you loved about their fic. Tell them how it made you feel. Tell them the lines that made you sob or laugh or smile. Then (and only then) VERY NICELY AND GENTLY, offer them your advice. And know that it's 100% not up to the author to acknowledge your criticism and/or respond to it.
Because again, babes, we do this for free.
Also? I'm fucking soft. I cry over literally everything. I put my whole kateussy into my fanfics, and if someone says something rude about them, I will cry actual tears. I'd really rather you just NOT read my fics, you know?
I've been reading and writing fanfics since I was 12 years old (that was 2002, children). I have read hundreds of fanfics I didn't think were great. I've read hundreds of fanfics that sucked. Not ONCE have I ever told the author that. And I never would. It's not my place in the world.
At the end of the day, anon, I think it's important to ask yourself: "Does this person need to hear what I'm about to say?" the answer is usually no. This can apply to so many situations in life.
Please be nice to each other. The world is a shitty, terrible place. Our little safe corner of the world (AO3/Tumblr) doesn't have to be terrible or shitty.
Let's just... be fucking nice to each other, please.
Just my two cents 🙂
Anyway, back to the PWP.................
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northlight14 · 10 months ago
My D&D characters as incorrect quotes
(Darling Trouble edition)
Leucis: I think you're still suffering the effects of your party last night.
Greyson: All I drank was Redbull!
Leucis: How many?
Greyson: Eighteen.
Leucis: I've been dropping him the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response.
Greyson: Wow. He sounds stupid.
Leucis: But he’s not. He’s really smart actually. Just dense.
Greyson: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, don't know... "Hey! love you!"
Leucis: I guess you're right. Hey Greyson, love you.
Greyson: See! Just say that!
Leucis: Holy fucking shit.
Greyson: If that flies over his head then, sorry Leucis, but he’s too dumb for you.
Leucis: Greyson.
Leucis: I'm proud to identify as morosexual. I'm attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. Someone asked me what the Spanish word for "tortilla" was once, and now I dream of kissing him under the moonlight.
Greyson: What kind of animal is the Pink Panther?
Leucis, already taking off their clothes: God, Greyson, you're so fucking stupid.
Leucis: So you like cats?
Greyson: Yeah.
Leucis: *tries to impress him by slowly pushing a glass off the table*
Greyson: Did it hurt when you fell-
Leucis: From heaven? Wow, I didn't think you were such a flirt-
Greyson: No, I meant when you fell down the stairs.
Leucis: ...
Greyson: You just laid there for 15 minutes.
*Greyson comes home absolutely drunk, undresses, and stands in Leucis's bedroom.*
Leucis: darling, are you.. coming to bed?
Greyson: No thank you, I'm sure you're lovely but I have a boyfriend.
Greyson: *Lies on the ground and falls asleep*
Leucis: ...
Leucis: like your new pants!
Greyson: Thanks, they were 50% off!
Leucis: I'd like them better if they were 100% off. *winks*
Greyson: The store can't just give away clothes for free.
Leucis: Thats's... not what I meant.
Greyson: That's a terrible way to run a business, Leucis.
Leucis: There are 20 letters in the alphabet, right?
Greyson: Nope, there's 26.
Leucis: Ah, I must have forgotten U, R, A, Q, T.
Greyson: Aww, that's cute, but you're still missing one.
Leucis: You'll get the D later ;).
Greyson: Look at me straight in the eyes and tell me the truth, Leucis!
Leucis: You can't expect me to look into your eyes and be straight.
Leucis: Greyson, you love me, right?
Greyson: Normally I'd say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere I won't like.
Leucis: You got a date yet Greyson?
Greyson: No...
Leucis: Well you do now! Get your ass up and hold my hand!
Leucis: You look good in that hoodie.
Greyson: You know where else I'd look good?
Leucis, zero hesitation: My bed.
Greyson, at the same time: By your side-wait, what?
Greyson: Sorry I'm late, I was doing things.
Leucis: Hi, I'm 'things'.
Greyson: You have to apologize to them Leucis.
Leucis: Fine! But I must warn you that this might make me a better, nicer person and that is NOT the person you fell in love with!
Greyson: Bro-
Leucis: No, no, hold up, rewind.
Leucis: My tongue was down in your throat just a second ago and now you're calling me bro??
Leucis: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt.
Greyson: Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks I don't want to hear shit.
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holycatboy · 1 year ago
hi! i'm Angel, and I'm a trans man transfag, 23 and pre-op and i on T for like 2 months. i'm queer and gay, so while everyone is welcome i'd like to ask women and femmes to not interact with me in a romantic/flirtatious n sexual way ꒰^. .^꒱₊˚⊹
i'm auDHD and mentally ill with chronic pain (not the worst, just annoying), so i might be awkward and stuff ˶˃ᆺ˂˶
i'm a sub and a bottom, but while I'm a bottom 100% of the time, i switch between sub to brat to power bottom, and even dom on rare occasions ˚₊‧꒰ა 𓂋 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
i'm starting this blog to finally get out of anonymous shadow and interact with my fellow trans gays here, hopefully, and to throw all of my horny insanity somewhere other than my notes app ˶˃ᆺ˂˶
this is a strictly 18+ blog I'll post/reblog a lot of stuff that aren’t safe for minors, so if i see any or an ageless blog they will be blocked
asks and DMs are open and encouraged!!!!!!
bbbbut I'm not always available, I'm neurodivergent, anxious and introverted, so please don't expect me to reply immediately (i won't be replying to rude and hateful shit)
this is a nsft sideblog, so likes, comments, or follows will come from my main blog, you can message me to ask if i follow u!! ʚ₍^.  ̫.^₎₊˚✧
typical DNI, get the fuck away I'm blocking on sight if you're: transphobic, TERF, chaser, homophobic, racist, pedo, zionists, rus supporters, minor, ageless blogs
if you have “men DNI” or variations of it on your blog
detrans, misgendering, ageplay, raceplay, ED n SH blogs please get away, I'm simply uncomfortable with interactions
exclusively lesbian, women centric blogs don't reblog my posts, I'm a gay guy thing, i really don't feel comfortable having my posts presented as anything having to do with lesbians (other than explicit lesbian support posts if they show up)
☁︎。⋆˚₊‧꒰ა kinks ໒꒱ ‧₊˚જ⁀➴
☆ sub/dom
☆ petplay (kitty)
☆ breeding
☆ free use
☆ cockwarming
☆ cnc
☆ kidnapping
☆ bondage
☆ impact play
☆ blood, bruises all the nice stuff
☆ biting/marking
☆ soft choking
☆ intox and drugging
☆ corruption (religious specifically)
☆ monsters
☆ bimbofication
☆ objectification
☆ possessiveness/jealousy
☆ yandere stuff
☆ brat taming
☆ size difference
☆ worship/hierophilia
☆ praise
☆ degradation (but not extremely hard)
☆ overstimulation
☆ probably a million other things that I can’t remember rn
༺♱ hard limits ♱༻
☆ vomit
☆ scat
☆ ageplay
☆ raceplay
☆ weight gain/loss + feederism
☆ misgendering
˚*ੈ✩‧₊other limits˚✦⋆˖⁺‧₊˚
☆ my pronouns are he/him exclusively
☆ don't ask for pictures, especially if we're not mutuals, i'm mostly fine with receiving pictures tho
☆ more comfortable with ppl (preferably mutuals) 20-30 for sexting, if at all
☆ DMs are open, but don't just send "hi" or a pic without anything else
☆ I'm horny a lot, but not all the time, so don't expect anything
☆ comfortable with only princess as a feminine pet name
☆ okay with being called pretty, angel, prince, kitty, kitten, darling, good boy, other sweet names like that
☆ if you talk to me about my body, those are the only words I'm fine with (other than sweet pet names or pet play names, but no childish words): chest, nipples, pussy, boypussy, cunt, clit, tdick
if you show me, that you didn't read it before engaging with me, i will either ignore u or block u
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