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fizzigigsimmer · 1 month ago
Steve decides to pick up guitar. It's just something fun to do to fill his hours between work and sleep now that he's graduated. He's not expecting to be good or trying to be a rock star or anything.
So it's kinda annoying actually the way he keeps bumping into Hargrove and Munson everywhere, and they keep getting on his case about it. First it's disbelief, like there are rules against Steve sharing an interest of theirs - which is bullshit, especially from Billy who has as much claim to the instrument as Steve does - and then it's all these pointers he didn't ask for. Music history and albums it's apparently a crime if he doesn't know. Finger placements and tracks he should be trying to learn instead of the popular shit.
They keep inviting themselves over for "rock god" lessons Steve never asked for. He calls them play dates just to annoy them. But it's sorta fun, if Steve is honest and he is learning a lot about the guitar. Before he knows it Steve's garage is pretty much never empty. Eddie brings his band mates for jam sessions, and it's not unusual for him to come home from his shift to find Billy tinkering with his equipment while the music blasts. Steve starts calling him his personal roady, and Billy claims that he's management. Soon as Steve gets good enough he's going to take him on the road and exploit him until they're old, fat, and rich.
There's a little tension at first when Eddie and Billy start running into each other in the garage, but once everyone relaxes and realizes that things really are chill, they fall into a rhythm. A good rhythm. He's surprised at how well they all get on actually, and how much they're able to help each other. Billy Hargrove and Eddie Munson joining his very short list of best friends wasn't on his bingo card, but Steve is very happy it did. It takes him forever to build up the courage to admit to them that he thinks he might be attracted to men and wants to explore that. Although he's literally shaking in his boots, they're supportive and they don't judge him. If anything they get closer, because he never would have guessed they weren't completely straight either; and they both take his 'edu-gay-tion' very seriously. They teach him queer code and show him around the safe clubs they know, and joke about being his gurus.
Neither Billy nor Eddie are really surprised when Steve suggests they form a band after a little too much to drink one night. It makes sense. Eddie's band mates have started to move onto other things and Billy has been itching to hit the road and head west for ages.
For the first time, Steve is really and truly happy, and when he looks towards the future it isn't blank. He can see the three of them, living and working together. They work together.
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strangerthingsbigbang · 8 months ago
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Title: Hidden Treasure
Author: Medusapelagia Artist: Mothellie and Arbed's Ghost Beta: Manu K (main beta reader) and Suo (smut parts) Characters: Billy Hargrove, Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Karen Wheeler, Neil Hargrove, Billy Hargrove's Mother, Robin Buckley, Jim "Chief" Hopper, Murray Bauman, Martin Brenner, Jeff (Stranger Things), Andy (Stranger Things), Jonathan Byers, Will Byers,Bob Newby (Stranger Things), Henry Creel | One | Vecna, Chrissy Cunningham, Jason Carver Relationship(s): Billy Hargrove/Eddie Munson, Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Minor or Background Relationship(s) Robin Buckley/Chrissy Cunningham, Joyce Byers/Jim "Chief" Hopper, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington Warnings: mention of domestic violence, robbery, violence, murders, gun violence, omegas are seen as inferior, knotting, no mpreg, rejection sickness Rating: Explicit Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Verse, Alternate Universe - Pirate, Denial of Feelings, Feelings Realization, Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort Wordcount: 64,283 Summary:
In an omegaverse world, the alpha Billy Hargrove, captain of the pirate ship the Golden Lion, is traveling with his lover and second in command, the beta Eddie Munson, and their crew, raiding every merchant ship they can get their hands on. One day during one of their attacks, they stumble on a pretty beta boy who’s trying to get back to London, paying for his journey with golden jewels. Why is Steve, the pretty boy, so desperate to get to London quickly? Is he running from something? But the more important question is: is he really a beta or not?
Hidden Treasure by Medusapelagia
art masterpost by mothellie
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medusapelagia · 9 months ago
Hidden Treasure - Stranger Things Big Bang 2024
And... it... is... DONE!!!!
63k of omegaverse metal sandwich pirate AU are cooking!!! Now I have to edit it (thanks also to my wonderful betas!) and we'll be ready to post in July.
And to celebrate I'm posting under the cut a NSFW snippet of omegaverse threesome. How does it sound? ;)
“Ok. Ok. You know what? Eddie and I are going to take good care of you. And when you’ll feel better we will decide if you want me to bite you or not.” “Bite. Bite.” Steve begs, but Billy tries his best to remain calm. “Later. Now let us take care of you. Why don’t you lie against Eddie? He will hug you tight and kiss you until you’ll feel your brain go all mushy, will you, not Eddie?” The beta nods eagerly, stripping off his shirt and his jacket and using them to make a sort of nest for Steve. Billy quickly adds his red jacket and his shirt, “Isn’t this better, baby?” Billy asks, “You should strip too. I guess these wet clothes aren’t very comfy.” Steve nods, and the two men help him out of his clothes, letting him lie completely naked on the sad little nest they just made. “I promise you, next time I’ll give you the best nest you have ever had. Fluffy and comforting. Full of trinkets and familiar scents,” Billy says, holding Steve’s chin and looking at him in the eyes, “I’ll give you the fucking world, Steve. I swear.” He kisses the red wound on Steve’s cheek and then he lowers himself between the spread omega’s legs while Eddie sits behind Steve, holding him to his chest. “I want to make him come at least one time before knotting him. Two if I can. Do you think you can keep it in your pants?” Billy asks Eddie, staring at him in the eyes.  “Fuck you, Hargrove. I’m not the alpha that’s a step from becoming feral.” Eddie hisses, but he must admit that he’s surprised by Billy’s self-control.  He never saw him like that, usually when he gets his rut the only thing he can’t think about is filling the first hole he can put his knot in, but today he seems incredibly lucid. Something in their precarious situation must have triggered the need to protect his omega and his hindbrain is doing its best to keep him lucid, ready to act if needed. Billy nods, then he spits in his hand and starts to gently stroke Steve’s cocklette. The boy’s stomach twitches under Billy’s touch while his cocklette starts to pour white beads of precum. “Look how beautiful you are, look how well you’re responding to your alpha.” Eddie praises Steve, looking between the omega’s legs, where Billy is getting comfy, licking his lips like a cat who eats cream, “Our Captain has a devil mouth, and your little cocklette is just a little appetizer for him.” Steve blushes so sweetly, turning his head toward Eddie to avoid looking at Billy.
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oookaline · 1 year ago
harringroverson where every weekend Steve goes on a ride to fuck knows where in the middle of the night with only his bat as company and just parks in the middle of nowhere and lays on the front bit of his car looking at nothing in particular and he keeps dozing off because he's been having insomniac episodes and he swears he can hear Billy's and Eddie's voices sometimes but maybe it's because he's sleep deprived and who cares so he gets back in his car and drives back home only to come back the next weekends just to try and hear them again
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harringrovesuperior · 2 years ago
harringrove fandom
I feel like, in my honest opinion, harringrove hads the best fandom(not st fandom as a whole) the harringrove fandom is like a family for the most part, and in my experience I havnt really seen much toxicity in the harringrove fandom, it’s very welcoming.
We have so many talented artists, talented fanfic writers, etc. the fandom is extremely funny when it comes to harringrove memes, and quotes and stuff, and overall I just feel like, being a part of the harringrove community is amazing. Yes some of the harringrove fandom is toxic, I’m not saying it’s perfect, ik it’s not, but overall it’s a safe place to be in, and the people are fun to be around.
when I go in here, it’s amazing how the harringrove community is still going strong, till this day continuing. I didn’t expect that. I thought it was gonna die off because of s4, but I’m honestly glad it’s still alive. I just love scrolling thorough memes, quotes, incorrect texts, photos, art, and just everything in harringrove. It makes my day better honestly when I see lots of it tbh.
In my personal opinion, harringrove deserves as much love as steddie gets, as much as stancy, stommy, stonathan, and I find the ship getting more and more hate, till this day actually. Which I can see why people don’t ship harringrove and I respect that, but the hate is not needed. I get that people don’t ship it, and they don’t need to, nobody is forcing you to ship it, but do you have to hate on the ship?
honestly I love the ship for its dynamic and tension, it’s like rivals, to friends, to lovers? If that makes sense. I don’t see them dating straight away if it did become canon, I feel like they should be friends, for a while and then become lovers yk? Like not rushing things, and collecting their feelings.
Honestly the ship in general is my favorite, it has my favorite dynamics, and it just as a whole is my favorite by far. I usually don’t ship ships this much, but for harringrove it’s just so different, it’s like I’m obsessed with the ship? But not like crazy. I just love it a lot, and it deserves so much more love and attention honestly.
don’t get me wrong, steddie is cute, I can see why people ship it, but in my opinion, they would just be platonic friends, like Steve and Robin. I don’t personally ship them, I seem them more as friends then lovers, like really chaotic friends. Having a really good friendship. But I 100% respect those who ship steddie, but for me it’s harringrove all the way( no I don’t ship harringroverson/mungrove)
I genuinely love this fandom so much, the harringrove fandom is just so, amazingly talented and funny, it’s amazing to be around those people, it’s nice to know others actually enjoy or love this ship as much as I do.
I just wish more people would respect the shop honestly, or at least respect the characters as a whole. The ship isn’t the worst ship. It’s not the most toxic. It’s valid to ship them, it’s 100% valid.
just kinda sucks when you really love to ship them, but get lots of hate because of shipping them.
But seeing people make a whole community for the ship, actually wanting to make fanfics, drawings/art, memes etc just makes me so happy honestly, the harringrove community deserves better
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giiihoroco · 2 years ago
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Steve and Eddie find it comfortable to sleep holding Billy's tits
another doodle because I'm still not in the mood to make it more elaborate, I hope I can finish the nsfw arts I had started soon
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medusapelagia · 8 months ago
Hidden Treasure - STBB Proj 7 WIP Wednesday - Steve
This is the last promo banner for my @strangerthingsbigbang fic, featuring my pretty boy: Steve Harrington! The next time I'll be talking about this fic it will be officially posted! A huge thanks to my wonderful artists @mothellie and @ghostdeb, and my betas Manu K. and @suometar and see you during posting season!
tagging those who were interested: @katyawriteswhump @lingeringmirth @akichania @v3lv3tf0x @blog4horror
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Under the cut a little snippet TW: storm, injuries, blood
The wood is wet and slippery, but Jeff is old salt, so he climbs down slowly, making sure to find a nice grip before moving a foot or a hand. He holds on to the ropes and his hands hurt from how strong his grip is, but one step at a time he is getting down to the deck, just a few feet and he will not be at the storm’s mercy anymore.  That’s when a big wave rocks the Golden Lion without mercy and he loses his grip and falls on the deck, yelling. Jeff doesn't even have the time to understand that he injured his ankle when another wave comes crashing. He has already shut his eyes, ready to be tossed into Davy Jones' locker, when someone grabs him by his belt and yanks him back.
When Jeff turns, the new boy has a rope around his chest and is holding him with all his strength. “Hold on!” Steve yells, crouching down with the other man against the ship’s rail.
They both curse while the salty water wet them till their bones, but they hold onto each other, shivering with cold and fear, until finally the sky starts to clear and the wind starts to die down. 
Someone behind them is praying, while some crew members are calling the names of their companions out loud, and in the chaos on the ship, Billy keeps yelling orders until the Golden Lion is in the clear and they find a little cove where they can drop anchor and assess the damage to the vessel and the crew. 
The ship has a few damages, they definitely need to search for a closer port to get it repaired, and they lost five members of the crew. The only reason Jeff wasn’t flung in the ocean was Steve's quick thinking, so the lad has finally gained his place in the crew. Their lookout has a sprained ankle and a few bruises but, even if he is not going back to the crowsnest soon, he is fine. Who worries the alpha is the beta man. Everytime they’re close he can smell something coming from him. It’s not exactly a scent, but it makes him uneasy, so he tries to avoid staying closer to the man as much as he can. At least until dinner, when they consume their food in the Captain’s cabin like every night and Steve sits at Billy’s side, waiting for Eddie and their ration. Billy smells the air and detects a stronger smell that he knows too well: blood. 
The alpha grabs the man’s wrist and drags him toward his bed, “Strip.” he orders, and he’s not surprised when the beta starts to protest, but the alpha’s grip is strong. “Don't fuss and strip.” He repeats.
“If you need to fuck someone to cool down the steam, Eddie’s just outside!” Steve snarls back, trying to free himself from the captain’s tight grip.
“You’re hurt. I can smell the blood.” Billy finally admits, “I just want to help you.”
“You are the one who is hurting me!” Steve protests, but for a moment Billy sees a flash of fear in the boy’s eyes so Billy assumes that he is scared that they will leave him on some desert island because he is injured. It won’t be a first, but Billy’s crew is his family and he is not the kind of pirate that would do something like that to one of his crew members.
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medusapelagia · 8 months ago
Thank you!
Ahoy matey!
If I didn’t mess up, this post should be scheduled at the same time as my STBB fic's post on their main blog, so this is the time to thank everyone.
First of all @kallisto-k, who is always a great supporter and who was the first person I pinched my idea of an omegaverse metalsandwich pirate au and who didn't call the mental institute to take me in!
Another thanks to @spaceofentropy who was by my side during this journey.
A huge thanks to @lemonhitsu who kept comforting me when I was 100% sure I wasn't going to have an artist for my fic.
A big thanks to @mothellie that between all the stories chose mine and to @ghostdeb that rescued my fic when things got a bit confused.
Thank you to @acingthecounts (ManuK) who read my entire fic to make sure I didn't mess up too badly and to @suometar who took a closer look to the spicy bits.
A last thank you to the @strangerthingsbigbang's mods who did their best to make sure everyone was having fun.
I started this BB thinking I was the only one that would have enjoyed my fic and I ended up with an amazing team and some old and new friends.
Can you see now why BBs are so addictive?
That said... my fic (Hidden Treasure) is posted and you can find it in the master post on the @strangerthingsbigbang's Tumblr page or on my AO3 page.
I hope you'll enjoy it.
For my part: I had a blast!
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medusapelagia · 8 months ago
Hidden Treasure - STBB Proj 7 WIP Wednesday - Eddie
And... I'm sharing another snippet from my @strangerthingsbigbang fic for this WIP Wednesday! When I decided to write an omegaverse pirate au I was 100% sure no one else would have been interested in such an unusual mix. Guess what? I was wrong! Because two amazing artists (the super talented and incredible @mothellie and @ghostdeb) chose to work on my fic! While we tremble in anticipation, waiting to share the story together with their art, here is the second banner I made to promote my fic, featuring the one and only: Eddie Munson!
tagging those who were interested: @katyawriteswhump @lingeringmirth @akichania @v3lv3tf0x
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A little snippet under the cut! TW: violence, prison
“Come on! It was just a silly game!” the man says, turning his head toward the guards “I wasn’t cheating. Playing dice is a sacred thing, you know that right? Sacred! Like… like something sacred.” he insists, slurring.
Steve stands up abruptly, ready to yell the man’s name but Robin kicks him in the shin and he yelps, “Omegas.” she says shrugging “You know how they are. They see a new man and think he’s their mate. That’s not an alpha. Can’t you see?” she insists, “That’s just… who’s that?” Robin asks the guards who ignore her and throw the drunken young man in another cell.”
“I didn’t cheat!” the drunk man insists, whining when one of the guards kicks him in the stomach, “I swear on your mom!”
The guard immediately comes back, grabbing the man by the collar, “What did you say about my mother, little piece of shit?” he hisses on his face.
“God your breath is… bleah… do you kiss your mother with that mouth? I’m not surprised she was looking for comfort somewhere else. Nice woman, by the way.”
The punch that follows is not unexpected, but Steve yelps in empathy, while Robin holds him tight. The guard spits on the man on the ground who is holding his stomach, groaning loudly, and then he leaves.
“Eddie! Eddie!” Steve calls, freeing himself from Robin’s grip and running toward the side of the cell they have in common.
“Hi there, sweetheart,” he tells him, resting against the prison’s bar still holding his stomach, “You feeling better?”
“How? Why?”
“Shh… tell me about you, baby.” he whispers, “How are you doing?”
“I’m fine.”
“He’s not fucking fine,” Robin roars behind him, “the two of you left an omega to travel alone without his alpha, are you fucking crazy?  And a guard just threatened to kill him if he doesn’t give him some information about your dirty business!”
“What happened?” Eddie asks, noticing at that moment the little trickle of blood still pouring from Steve’s face.
“It’s just a scratch. And I didn’t say a word. I swear”
“I know you didn’t, sugar.” He cradles Steve’s face with his slim long fingers, “I’ll kill him. I’ll open his chest and I’ll rip his heart out!” he growls, staring at the cut on the omega’s face.
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medusapelagia · 8 months ago
Hidden Treasure (NSFW)
I’m so incredibly proud of this fic!
(Here the link)
I got an amazing team working with me and I’m especially satisfied with the end of my story (which fought me a bit)!
And finding such a nice comment was a lovely surprise!
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Thank you so much!!!
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medusapelagia · 9 months ago
ST BB Project n. 7 - Hidden Treasure
Life happens, so my boys and I were adopted by the lovely @ghostdeb!!!
It's already such a pleasure working with her and I can't wait to see what she'll come up with!
In the meantime, while we get ready to sail into our new adventure, a little update of my promo banner!
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medusapelagia · 8 months ago
Hidden Treasure - STBB Proj 7 WIP Wednesday - Billy
After a little bit of confusion I'm super excited to announce that my fic written for the @strangerthingsbigbang now has two super talented artists: @mothellie and @ghostdeb!!! I can't wait to see what they will come up with, and in the meantime I made a few banners while we wait for the official posting date! One for each of the boys. (Yeah... I'm totally NOT obssessed with this fic ok????) And the first one is our alpha: Billy Hargrove!
tagging those who were interested: @katyawriteswhump @lingeringmirth @akichania @v3lv3tf0x
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Under the cut a little snippet! TW: violence, murder, blood
His mother... his mother was trying to get more money... for him... because she knew... she knew that Billy was close to his rut, but Lord Hargrove doesn't know it, or maybe he doesn't care, it doesn't matter, what matters is that Billy is angry and has too many hormones in his body and two things can make an alpha go feral even out of the rut period: extreme lust or extreme anger.
And in Billy's case, it's the latter.
There is a paper cutter on the little desk at Billy’s side, it was a gift the Lord gave her when he was courting his mother: it has beautiful engravings, but what’s more important is that it's really sharp.
It all happens so fast that the young alpha doesn't really remember it: what he knows is that he is standing above Lord Hargrove’s bloodied body, the paper cutter still in his tight grip and his hands covered in hot blood, while someone is scruffing him. 
How dare they! 
He tries to turn, still growling. People are talking. There are too many people, everything is just too loud and confusing and Billy is angry and hurt and he wants to smash something, preferably Lord Hargrove’s head, but there is a voice that is begging him to come back. A voice that he knows and that he loves.
"Ed... Eddie?" He calls, confused, finally trying to focus on the voice until his eyes land on the dark-haired boy who is cupping his face between his hands.
"Hey, yeah, it's me... Eddie... your friend. Do you recognize me?" Eddie asks, brushing his knuckles on Billy's cheek while staring into his eyes before lifting his stare toward the person who is scruffing him "His eyes are back to blue."
"Fucking finally! My arm hurts from how long I have been scruffing this pup!" The man behind Billy complains, and the boy immediately recognizes the voice: Sam Bellamy.
The pirate lets him go, and Billy falls on his knees, hissing in pain.
"Some pain will help you clear your mind, pup." The Pirate Prince says, before turning toward the people that are staring at the scene, then he asks "Someone here is a relative of this man?" He kicks the dead body for good measure in the thick silence. "Good. If anyone asks, Sam Bellamy killed him with his hands and took all his money."
Billy turns so abruptly that his neck cracks: it's not true! He is the one who killed Lord Hargrove! His hands are still red with his blood, but Mrs. Wheeler nods.
"I saw with my very eyes the pirate Sam Bellamy killing Lord Hargrove and stealing all his gold." She declares and all the girls nod in silent agreement.
The pirate looks at the poor body of Billy's mother lying on the bed "What about her?"
"We'll give her a proper burial," the mistress assures him, "but you have to take the boy with you."
"This one?" Bellamy asks, pointing at Billy. "He is trouble."
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medusapelagia · 9 months ago
Wip Weekend
So, the lovely @katyawriteswhump asked for Hidden Treasure and my Harringrove genderband fic :)
Harringrove genderbend is my first sapphic and genderbend fic. It's a college AU, where Billie and Stevie are roommates and they hate each other.
Or do they?
These are you sentences
“As if I care about that. Where’s Tommy?” Stevie asks. “I dumped him.” “You what?” She asks, turning toward her. “Oh, Stevie…” the woman sighs almost with empathy, “Come on. Get in the car. It's fucking freezing and you’re dressed like a…” “Like a slut. Thanks. I know. Jon already told me.” “I was going to say like a princess, but that's not important. Get inside. Please.”
Hidden treasure is an omegaverse pirate au featuring three really hot boys: Billy, Eddie and Steve!
And these are a few sentences
The ship they're looking at is huge. It's a passenger ship so they might blend with other people, but Eddie isn't sure about it. "It's too much, Billy. I would feel better if we chose a smaller one." Billy hums, while Eddie gets closer and whispers in his ear that if things go wrong they can have a  chance of fighting on a small ship, but on a big one like that: they are screwed. "Are you in love with my figurehead? She's a mermaid, I guess she enchanted you with her voice." Someone says, and from the boat’s deck appears an old man with white hair. "It's a beautiful ship," Eddie replies immediately. "Yeah, it is. Do you want to join the crew?" "Not the crew, no. We are not sailors." Steve intervenes, chuckling, "But we were wondering if you would take us on board as passengers."
Ask me more
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medusapelagia · 9 months ago
WIP Wednesday poll
Now that I can finally talk about my STBB fic I can’t wait to share some little snippets!!!
So here is a little poll!
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medusapelagia · 9 months ago
WIP Wednesday - STBB
The poll decided that the majority wanted a snippet of Billy… so here it is my alpha Billy Hargrove, future captain of the Golden Lion!
The pirates are far too many and the Whydah’s crew can’t really fight them, even if a few brave sailors try to fight back. A well-aimed kick and a dagger far too close to their necks make them more pliant. It’s just a pitiful attempt to oppose some resistance, but in a few moments the deck is silent and quiet, and Bellamy, still holding his pistol, asks to speak to the Captain.
At his side, Billy is standing in all his golden glory on the deck: his blonde curls are held back by a red bandana, and the passengers’ stares go to the blood-stained pendant on his chest, his personal mark, that shines brightly on his naked chest. He is holding two of his dueling pistols, threatening everyone on the ship, his long red jacket waving in the wind while he takes a moment to take a good look at the ship.
It's a beauty. It's huge and if what they have heard is true, it has the richest cargo Billy has ever seen in his life.
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giiihoroco · 2 years ago
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Billy Discovers How Hard It Is To Exercise With Needy Boyfriends At Home
I'm a little addicted to drawing them in this simpler way hahaha
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