Holy Han Renegade
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Gen Xer, INFJ, Orthodox Christian. Listen, I'm just here to research about fictional characters, and maybe write. I'm on AO3: natascha_ronin
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knights-of-seven-light · 4 years ago
Roses Are Red, Let The Past Die…
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Happy Valentine’s Day Darlings!
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knights-of-seven-light · 5 years ago
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This world’s a treasure,  but it’s been telling us to leave for a while now.
INTERSTELLAR — 2014, dir. Christopher Nolan
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knights-of-seven-light · 5 years ago
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The Martian (2015) dir. Ridley Scott “So, yeah. I blew myself up.”
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knights-of-seven-light · 5 years ago
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knights-of-seven-light · 5 years ago
Making Rey the "anti-Padme."
The absolute disrespect.
Padme sweetie, I'm so sorry.
You do not deserve this level of disrespect from Disney Lucas Film.
You are a bamf queen and deserve the Galaxy.
Sheev Palpatine and the Jedi Order are the ones responsible for the destruction of your family.
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knights-of-seven-light · 5 years ago
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Part V :)
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knights-of-seven-light · 5 years ago
Yes! And even when Ben tells Snoke Rey is strong in the force in TFA, he does it in a way that draws attention; he's posturing. It's a common behavior from abused and manipulated children. They control the manipulation and learn to hide information and compartmentalize. He hid Rey, most specifically his love and admiration for her, to protect her and the potential of their relationship. Snoke only saw Ben's passion and anger towards her, which he misread as hatred.
I just realized in TLJ, Snoke had assumed Ben’s equal in the light was Luke, but if there’s one thing I know, Ben was always fixated on Rey before he even met her.
Rey felt Ben’s fall to the dark through the bond way before the events of TFA, which means Ben had to have felt Rey’s light at some point.
I think it’s highly possible Ben knew his equal in the light was a girl—Rey—who he could feel through the force.
TFA can support this. Before Ben even meets Rey, any mention of “the girl” gets his immediate attention. When it’s revealed a girl helped the droid escape, he loses it.
“What girl?”
When a stormtrooper informs Ben that the droid headed west with a girl, that’s when his attention is finally caught. He turns around so quickly at the sheer mention of her that it implies he never really cared about the droid in the first place.
He was always looking for her.
Ben knew Rey was the girl he was connected to because he could feel it. He felt it before he knew who she was.
So what makes this interesting is how could Snoke have mistakenly thought Luke was Ben’s equal?
Maybe Ben actually tricked Snoke into believing it was Luke instead of Rey.
What I’m saying is that Ben might have always been protecting Rey in this way.
When he mentions the girl to Snoke in TFA, it could be very possible that Ben knows this is his other half, but he leaves that information out. Instead, he explains she’s strong in the force, but untrained. He insists he can get the map from her and that’s it, but he knows there’s something else going on. He just doesn’t tell Snoke about it.
In fact, when Ben and Rey fight at the end of TFA, Ben offers to be her teacher. He doesn’t tell her Snoke can teach her—this is about Ben knowing who Rey is and knowing what they can be together.
The plan was always Ben and Rey. Snoke was never part of it.
This is confirmed even more in TLJ with the fact that Ben doesn’t even tell Snoke he can now physically see Rey from wherever she is across the galaxy. Ben never tells Snoke this crucial information, and Snoke continues to think that Ben’s equal in the light is Luke.
Not only that, but we’re literally shown an example of Ben MISLEADING WHAT SNOKE BELIEVES TO BE TRUE—and when he does this, it is literally to protect Rey.
Snoke, again, wrongly assumes Ben will kill Rey—his true enemy—when he attempts to read Ben’s intentions.
This means up until the throne room, Snoke had no idea Rey was Ben’s equal, which means he could’ve never known about the force bond until he saw them both together. Snoke’s whole “it was I who bridged your minds” claim was a total lie, and you can see it in Ben and Rey’s reaction—they knew there was no way Snoke could’ve created it.
And yet, somehow Ben still convinces Snoke—after he learns of their bond—that Rey is still his enemy.
Ben still manages to pull this off.
“You wonder why I keep a rabid cur in such a place of power? A cur’s weakness, properly manipulated, can be a sharp tool.”
Snoke was the rabid cur the whole time. His weakness was Ben, who kept Snoke in power long enough to manipulate him—to make him believe Luke was Ben’s equal and Rey was Ben’s enemy when none of that was true.
Ben took his manipulation from Snoke and completely turned it around—all so he could keep Rey safe from him and rule the galaxy with her in the end. Their bond and Ben’s love for her was the one thing he had that he made sure Snoke couldn’t take.
“I gave everything I had to you. To the dark side.”
—Except his feelings for Rey.
Ben cared about her so much that he found a way to defeat Snoke at his own game.
Snoke was fooled.
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knights-of-seven-light · 5 years ago
Is it even a fanfiction if she doesn’t let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding
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knights-of-seven-light · 5 years ago
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imagine your OTP…
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knights-of-seven-light · 5 years ago
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A gift for @skywailer I hope you enjoy it! 
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knights-of-seven-light · 5 years ago
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“A brief sigh of helplessness escaped from Ben’s lips when he pulled Rey against him and settled her in his lap. Tears gathered behind his eyes when he realized the Force no longer lives in that body. He called her: “Rey … Rey …” But as an answer, just the silence in his heart. Now he wept under the weight of his overwhelming guilt. It had all happened because of him.”
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knights-of-seven-light · 5 years ago
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He lets out a deep, shuddering breath and then looks her in the eyes when he asks her, “Are you a vampire?”
Rey stares at him blankly, blinking at him as if deeply puzzled by his words, and then proceeds to look at him as if he’d just uttered the most nonsensical sentence he could ever come up with on such a short notice.
He feels like an idiot – what kind of deranged lunatic asks his girlfriend if she’s a vampire?
Then, just as he’s about to tell her to ignore all of it, she speaks. “You’re realizing it now?”
– or: It takes Ben five months to realize that his girlfriend is a vampire, but he’s surprisingly okay with it.
(read it on ao3) (ko-fi if you want)
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knights-of-seven-light · 5 years ago
[Someone I follow posted this this morning, but the tumblr app did that really fun thing where after I watched the vid it refreshed my dash and the post disappeared into the void. And of course I couldn't remember who blogged it -_- so here it is again]
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knights-of-seven-light · 5 years ago
Liking z/utara and seeing one of them use “Kyle Ron” as an insult
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knights-of-seven-light · 5 years ago
"So what are your hobbies?"
" I—uhm, I like to read"
"oh that's cool! What are reading right now?"
*flashbacks to the numerous tabs of ao3 fanfics on your phone*
"Uhm....... it's complicated."
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knights-of-seven-light · 5 years ago
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Rey's hair is dynamite.
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knights-of-seven-light · 5 years ago
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Lunchtime. Long rehearsal with Imogen Stubbs as Lucy, in the scene where Edward comes in and finds her with Elinor. There are eighteen setups. It will take two days. […] Very difficult scene and all a little tired but good concentration nonetheless. Four people in a room, each with entirely different motives and reactions to the same situation… - Emma Thompson (Sense and Sensibility Diaries)
SENSE AND SENSIBILITY (1995, Dir. Ang Lee)  
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