#liberty humane society
lastcatghost · 9 months
I think about this quote often
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philosophybits · 9 months
I am truly free only when all human beings, men and women, are equally free. The freedom of other men, far from negating or limiting my freedom, is, on the contrary, its necessary premise and confirmation.
Mikhail Bakunin, "Man, Society, and Freedom"
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void-thegod · 1 year
you'd think being safe, healthy, and free are things anyone could rally around.
unfortunately there are people who dont want others to experience those.
regardless of their reasons - whether based in religion, ideologies of hate, personal feelings, or ignorance - these peoples' opinions shouldnt be made into laws that oppress others.
anyone who uses force to take anothers safety, health, or freedom should be dealt with in a way that makes sense.
my existence and right to my own safety, health, and freedom are NOT fundamentally a threat. period.
xenophobia, racism, sexism, and queerphobia - this fear, ignorance and/or hate of diversity - are traits of nazis.
we cant condone these ideologies.
we cant let humanity backslide.
we have already learned these lessons as a species. it is time to act like it.
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im-getting-help · 3 months
i can't find the motivation to keep going guys!! i think i lost it a while ago but i didn't notice lol i think it probably slipped that time i lost my wallet? idk
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philosophybitmaps · 1 year
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processofliving · 6 months
What is our purpose in life.
What is our purpose in life?
Growing up I’ve been surrounded by people who seem to know their purpose. Whether that be in the job they want to do when they’re a bit older and what steps to take to get there, the ideology they want to disperse, or a certain lifestyle they want to adhere to. It always worried me. I’ve never felt this sense of purpose other people seem to possess. And in this day and age, where people tend to share their purpose of life in one way or another online, it is hard to feel accepted when you’ve got anything but that. You feel like you need a purpose to be accepted in society.
I’ve always felt ashamed to answer that I really don’t have a clue when asked about what I want to be when I’m older. There are so many interesting and fun things one can do in this world that committing to just one almost seems moronic. Yet when you answer that you’re not sure, people look at you as if you’re the moronic one. They think of you as that person who hasn’t got their life figured out yet. They say things like: “Don’t worry, you’ll figure it out eventually”, or just a simple: “Oh, okay”, and give you that half-smile where they pretend to reassure you that you’ll figure it out while secretly they’re judging you for not having your whole life planned out. And you’re left feeling like you don’t belong. So, next time someone asks, you pretend like you do know (kind of, at least). Just to fit in.
While having a sense of purpose must be great, it almost seems like a competition. We should all travel before we’re thirty years old and we should get a well-paying job in a field that we have always dreamed of and we should have a social life on the side but also make time to go to the gym and we should all settle down with a significant other, preferably also before the age of thirty. And then when you’re past the age of thirty you should have an outstanding resume containing all the things you have already done and know exactly which direction to go in for the remainder of your adult life. And as you get older, let’s say fifty, you should know exactly who you are, be committed to a job in a field you’ve been in for the past twenty years and be settled down with a partner and preferably some kids. And, most of all, we should all grow up to be happy. Finding ultimate happiness is completely unattainable, but that is for another time.
It’s wild though, isn’t it. How we as people project our expectations on others. I have never met anyone who was exactly like someone else. And with each day and week and month and year and life stage we change, and then change again and again, all the way up until we die. Yet most of us place the same expectations on everyone.
My humble guess would be that maybe our purpose in life should be to be ourselves, whether that means getting married or staying single, working in the same field for the next forty years or switching jobs every couple of months, or committing to one hobby or trying out every hobby there is over the duration of just two weeks. 
Maybe our purpose, ultimately, is to be the person you feel most comfortable with on that particular day. Who are you living for anyway? This is your time to be selfish.
Perhaps our purpose in life is to just be ourselves in the way that we appreciate ourselves to be. With or without purpose. Because purpose doesn’t define you. But being yourself does.
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kavehater · 5 months
Just saw the most majestic kaveh cosplay and I looked into the comments and saw the foulest comment I’ve ever seen and it barely made sense cause of typos I click the ops profile AND OP IS SIXTEEN 😧
#THE COMMENTER SAID THAT ABOUT A SIXTEEN YR OKD WAT THE HECK#dora daily#but genuinely tho that kaveh looked like he came from the heavens#like Allah blessed him like he blessed prophet Youssef#I kid you not like guys listen#that kaveh was the prettiest human being I’ve had the liberty of witnessing 😔#actually backtracking onto prophet Youssef I often was intrigued by him cause how did those ladies get so distracted by a man they cut#their hands accidentally cause they were so distracted#because I can’t really tell physical attractiveness so I’m often very perplexed by this concept of someone being so attractive they’re like#causing you to start tweaking#I only know the standards of conventional attractiveness in a very cohesive logical analysing manner 😭#and therefore I get nervous when I’m next to conventionally attractive people cause it feels like they have status ?? IDK LOL#but the only time I’d really say someone is beautiful is if I also know their personality too like oh you’re “aesthetically pleasing” kinda#but look at that your personality is gorgeous that makes you so handsome / pretty#it makes me confused why so many men pick women they can’t stand just cause they’re pretty cause#like#wdym you picked he cause she’s pretty what else is her prettiness gonna really make you happy for life what if she’s annoying what if your#personalities don’t vibe what is her prettiness gonna do for you then#personally if there was a pretty guy but his personality is ugly I would literally see him as an ugly person#it’s just interesting seeing how others perceive things truthfully#ANYWAYS#I got distracted hi again back on topic#I wish I can look as majestic as that cosplayer cosplaying kaveh#and I rlly wanna see what prophet Youssef looks like just for experimental purposes like#what does society deem attractive that sort of thing
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bestrevolver · 6 months
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Man was Born for Love and Revolution - Magda's Song (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1436208973-man-was-born-for-love-and-revolution-magda%27s-song?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=bestrevolver Man was not born to merely exist, but to live a life filled with love and revolution. Love is the driving force behind all human interactions and relationships. It is what brings us together, connects us, and creates a sense of belonging. Without love, life would be meaningless and empty. But love alone is not enough. Man was also born for revolution. Revolution is the act of bringing about change, of challenging the status quo, of standing up for what is right and just. It is the catalyst for progress and growth, and is essential for the advancement of society. Together, love and revolution form a powerful combination that can transform the world. Love fuels our passion for change, and revolution gives us the tools to make it happen. When we love ourselves and others, we become empowered to fight for what we believe in, to stand up for our values, and to create a better future. As human beings, we have a responsibility to use our love and revolutionary spirit to make a positive impact on the world. Whether it's through activism, volunteering, or simply spreading kindness and compassion, we can all contribute to creating a more just and loving society. So let us embrace our innate capacity for love and revolution, and use it to create a world that is truly worth living in. For man was not born for mediocrity, but for greatness.
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shamballalin · 6 months
What Does ANTIFA Mean? Why Should We Care?
This is what the United States really looks like, United Humanity, not only white Americans. “ANTIFA” is a philosophy, not a group of people. It means “Anti Fascist.” What does is mean to be a Fascist? Fascism means: a form of extreme-right authoritarianism ultra nationalism characterized by dictatorial power forceable suppression of opposition strong regimentation of society and the…
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redbuddi · 3 months
I think we as a society need to be reminded how good the original Powerpuff Girls was. Here's some of my favorite things about it:
the fight scenes had a level of punchiness and impact that was rare for cartoons of the nineties, and fight scenes that were way better than what one would expect from a comedy
The character writing is so good that a large portion of the show's most iconic episodes consist of just showing how the girls' personalities react to different scenarios, for example in one episode the girls take turns recapping a fight that had just happened, and the tone and art style of the flashback changes depending on whose telling the story
One of the recurring extras is a talking dog that goes about it's day like a normal human
Each girl has mostly the same powers with one special ability that sets them apart. Blossom has ice breath. Bubbles can speak to squirrels and is also fluent in Spanish. Buttercup can curl her tongue.
while the majority of the show is lighthearted comedy sometimes it'll just decide to be nightmareworld for an episode and i think thats pretty cool
The show utilizes a blend of classic upa linework and sixties art deco shapism to create a visual style that is utterly timeless. If the majority of the show wasn't cell animated you would not be able to guess when it came out
The main villain's speaking patterns were directly inspired by The Super Dictionary. AKA, the same book that brought us this:
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You can tell.
In the season one finale, the girls fight a giant monster using a mech suit. During the fight, there is a sequence that is literally just 20 uninterrupted seconds of an absurd amount of missiles coming out of every possible orifice of the robot. And then they miss.
There was an anime adaptation made in the 2000's and its actually pretty good, like it does take a lot of creative liberties but its clear that the people making it understood the spirit of the original show and were just adapting it to reflect japanese pop culture in the same way the og show reflected american pop culture.
The show had an insanely kickass soundtrack consisting of early techno so clean it's kind of shocking that it was made in the late nineties and not the early 2010's pre-dubstep era
satan is there and he serves cunt
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humanrightsday · 10 months
Join the Commemoration of the UDHR 75th anniversary at UNHQ in New York.
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UNHQ New York Commemoration
12 December
Members of the Third Committee of the General Assembly will recommit to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by signing copies of the Declaration. 
15 December
Awards ceremony in the UN General Assembly Hall for the winners of the 2023 United Nations Human Rights Prize. 
16 December
Concert at Carnegie Hall, featuring the world premiere of Everyone, Everywhere by composer Daron Hagan, which weaves passages from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with the words of human rights luminaries Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Eleanor Roosevelt, and others. Hagen’s cantata is paired with Ralph Vaughan-Williams’s impassioned Dona Nobis Pacem in an evening of music that brings the world we seek into view. Introduction by High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk. Watch music director Mark Shapiro’s interview with Volker Türk on Everyone, Everywhere.
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lastcatghost · 10 months
They've convinced the majority of people that money is "real" and the most important aspect of existence
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philosophybits · 1 year
A natural society, in the midst of which every man is born and outside of which he could never become a rational and free being, becomes humanized only in the measure that all men comprising it become, individually and collectively, free to an ever greater extent.
Mikhail Bakunin, "Man, Society, and Freedom"
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hostageofeurope · 2 years
Pleading With Japan Embassy for Urgent Humanitarian Relief and Mediation.
Look how it turned out!
Please Donate now and Share. Everyone's help counts and any amount can help.
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Thank you for your solidarity and support.
🙏 🆘 💔
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reportwire · 2 years
Nobel Peace Prize awarded to activists from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine
Nobel Peace Prize awarded to activists from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine
OSLO, Norway (AP) — This year’s Nobel Peace Prize is going to jailed Belarus rights activist Ales Bialiatski, the Russian group Memorial and the Ukrainian organization Center for Civil Liberties, the award’s judges said Friday. Berit Reiss-Andersen, chair of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, said the judges wanted to honor ”three outstanding champions of human rights, democracy and peaceful…
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wilwheaton · 9 months
Here is what will be lost if Trump returns to power: every step of progress that has ever been made towards a just society, including the expansion of civil rights and human rights to all people. Additionally, what will be lost is every possibility of perfecting the Union and any hope of ever reaching the peaceful valley of justice foreseen by Martin Luther King in his prophetic vision at the edge of his patriotic martyrdom. The Trump movement is a threat to world peace and global security. It is a threat to the existence of NATO and the alliance of freedom that has been maintained under American leadership since 1945. The MAGA movement calls itself the “America First” movement, which is a perfectly apt metaphor for them to embrace. Where the original America First extremists were Hitler’s useful idiots, these America First-ers are those of Vladimir Putin. Each group disdains the US constitution and is easily manipulated by the siren song of their leader’s madness and lies. Their patriotism is hollow and cancerous. They are the scourge of Americanism because they disdain it and will destabilize the world until it starts burning again. America First was a threat in the 1930s, and it is a threat today. This threat must be effectively opposed on a constant basis with absolute ferocity and an indefatigable fighting spirit. Americans who love liberty and decency can’t give an inch to those who want to experiment with fascism and dictatorship. Make no mistake, Donald Trump is a domestic enemy and he is on the march. He is winning. He is coming. Donald Trump is the threat to democracy. President Biden is NOT.
The threat is Trump. PERIOD.
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