#lgbt historian
llyfrenfys · 7 months
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Y llyfr heddiw yw 'A Practical Guide to Searching LGBTQIA Historical Records' gan Norena Shopland, a gyhoeddwyd yn 2021.
Mae'r llyfr hwn yn wych iawn ar gyfer ymchwilio i hanes LHDTC+. Mae'r hwn yn llawlyfr defnyddiol i unrhyw ymchwilydd a fy hoff lyfr wrth ymchwilio hanes LHDTC+. Mae pob adran yn dangos enghreifftiau mewn archifau papurau newydd, llyfrgelloedd, amgueddfeydd ac yn y blaen. Os ydych chi'n ansicr sut i chwilio am ddogfennau hanesyddol LHDTC+, mae'r llyfr hwn yn dangos sut i ddefnyddio gorchmynion Boolean i chwilio archifau ar-lein ac yn dangos sut i ddefnyddio fethodau eraill i ffeindio unrhyw ddogfennau hanesyddol LHDTC+. Un o fy hoff lyfrau ymchwil!
Ydych chi wedi darllen y llyfr hwn?
Today's book is 'A Practical Guide to Searching LGBTQIA Historical Records' by Norena Shopland, published in 2021.
This book is very great for researching LGBTQ+ history. This is a useful handbook for any researcher and a favourite book of mine when researching LGBTQ+ history. Each section showcases examples found in newspaper archives, libraries, museums and so on. If you are unsure how to search for LGBTQ+ historical documents, this book shows how to use Boolean commands to search online archives and shows you how to use other methods to find any LGBTQ+ historical documents. One of my favourite research books!
Have you read this book?
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gayest-historian · 2 months
Creating the Transgender Flag
So today I'll be talking about the history and creation of the trans flag! This will probably be a shorter post but still equally as important of course
The transgender flag was originally created by Monica Helms, a trans woman from America, in 1999. She got the idea from Micheal Page who had created the bisexual flag a year earlier. Helms describes the meaning of each stripe in the flag as:
"The stripes at the top and bottom are light blue, the traditional color for baby boys. The stripes next to them are pink, the traditional color for baby girls. The stripe in the middle is white, for those who are intersex, transitioning or consider themselves having a neutral or undefined gender."
- Monica Helms
The original flag (pictured below) was later donated to the Smithsonian National Museum of American History in 2014 by Helms.
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Later on, in 2019, Helms published a book in which she expresses shock that her flag design has been adopted so wholeheartedly by the trans community. I'd like to end off this post with that quote.
The speed with which the flag’s usage spread never fails to surprise me, and every time I see it, or a photo of it, flying above a historic town hall or building I am filled with pride.
- Monica Helms
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marzipanandminutiae · 10 months
brought to you by "The Myth of Lesbian Impunity: Capital Laws from 1270 to 1791" by Louis Crompton
when you first start studying queer history: sapphic acts have basically never been criminalized in any western society! so queer women have always had it easier than queer men!
when you delve even the slightest bit deeper: why do we still believe this
(OP cannot control who does and does not reblog this post, but she firmly believes that trans women are women)
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gyudons · 2 years
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friends supporting friends (screen actors guild awards, golden globes, oscars)
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memingursa · 10 months
Rewatching the vid and thinking about it There is something so colossally pathetic about Internet Historian fans on twitter trying to paint Hbomberguy’s video on James Somerton and plagiarism/queer erasure all about Internet Historian like.
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starrrysapphic · 9 months
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some thoughts i had on my second watch of todd in the shadows' video on somerton
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mrslectermoriarty · 4 months
I NEED 10 MORE SYNONYMS FOR FRIENDS OR BEST FRIENDS! But in a “Historians will say they’re best friends” way!!
So far I have:
Close Friends
Good Pals
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yourdailyqueer · 3 months
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Bojan Aleksov
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Ethnicity: White - Serbian
Occupation: Activist, historian, professor, veteran
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glitterfamsquad · 10 months
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Matching couple shirts
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gsusultimate · 10 months
Honestly, gotta thank hbomberguy for doing the research that the casual consumers of these videos (me) cannot/will not do.
Don't feel bad for falling for these people's plagiarism.
It could've happened to anyone. Not all of us are journalists.
I am gonna check out the original sources for the videos I really liked from these creators tho.
P.d, IF YOU STEAL OR IF YOU BORROWWW (live and learn), YOU WILL NEVER FIND YOUR WAAAAAYYYYYYY [Live and Learn, Crush 40, Sonic Adventure 2]
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gayest-historian · 2 months
Unfinished Painting
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The artwork titled 'Unfinished Painting' (pictured above) was created by Keith Haring in 1989. The purpose of the piece is to reflect the lives cut short by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. It represents the lost potential of those who died from the disease and the lack of care for it.
This disease disproportionately affects queer men like Haring. Due to this it wasn't taken seriously enough by governments, particularly in America. Keith Haring himself later died due to complications related to HIV/AIDS in 1990, just a year after he created the painting.
I find this painting and it's background extremely compelling. There is a whole generation of queer people, particularly AMAB, who are gone because of the negligence of governments and healthcare systems. They could have done so much but their lives were cut short in a cruel act of erasure.
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marzipanandminutiae · 24 days
Museum Exhibit I'd Like To Curate:
"Never Married; Best Friends- Erasure, Discovery, and the Work of Queer Historians"
(shocker: we're not all straight/cis and we're not all out to erase queer history at every turn. never have been. of course, that doesn't mean queer historians have never been complicit in erasure, for safety reasons or personal bias against another letter of the acronym or what have you. I'd love to explore that- and our contributions to the queer history field -in greater depth)
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lvcky7 · 2 years
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lucy dacus, august 10th 2022 at the agora theatre in columbus, ohio for the here and there festival.
photo credit: me
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hildegardladyofbones · 5 months
Yes, aeoace people that don't fit the stereotype do exist. I'm just not one of them. Instead for thinking about romance or sex I think about academic research or sth. Analysis is sex for me.
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nitrosplicer · 8 months
so weird to me that there persists this meme of academics as being gleeful censors of queer and lgbt history (a la “haha and historians will say they are roommates”) when you actually pick up contemporary histories and they’re all like “yeah this woman wrote love letters to those she called her friends but knowing the context of coded language these people were probably her lovers” - very obvious to me that a lot of thought about history was shaped by a surface reading of perhaps one textbook during high school and never again!
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I don't blame people for not knowing, IH did a lot of rebranding after all, but IH is definitely at least right-leaning. Alt-lite, if you will, where he doesn't say too much blatantly alt right stuff Tucker Carlson style (put a pin to this) but if you know the dogwhistles, you'll realize that he's just better at hiding his political tendencies. A cryptofascist, if you will. I knew because a) well, look at his fans and b) I was a fan since his very beginning, when he just released the Dashcon video and also back when I unfortunately was right-leaning anti-SJW. And boy looking back there were a lot of dogwhistles I was familiar with.
Take a look at the bikelock video (still up to this day!) where even outside of the blatant 1488 reference it's clear he's not fond of antifas. Or the HWNDU video where it's just /pol/ wankery and lots of clips of people being very antisemitic being shown uncritically. The most blatant proof of him being alt-lite is the deleted Seize video that hbomb mentioned. He admitted he watched Tucker Carlson (!!!), he put a clearly anti-semitic username on display and even said it, and he did racist caricature of Japanese people. Clearly too much bigotry for an alt-lite so he deleted it.
Again, these aren't blatant alt-right declaration like say, Sargon of Akkad or Stefan Molyneux (yeah remember that piece of shit). But put the pieces scattered across his videos together and you have someone very fond of right-leaning ideology. But with enough plausible deniability so when people brought it up he'll have an army of defenders saying stuff like "duuuhhhhh 14/88 is just a number triggered much" or "these r 5 years ago he changed!!!!!!1!". Lol if he truly changed he would've denounce his fans' antisemitism but he didn't do anything.
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