#let the cryptid sleep
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karmaxxx130 · 2 months ago
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for @mimikyu-oli, because i love his idea soo much!!!
"They then decided to give Michael his own freezer with a comfy mattress, blankets and pillows in it."
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puppetmaster13u · 11 months ago
Hear me out: Demon Batfam but Bruce gets them as babies because people won't stop trying to sacrifice their children and he is So Tired
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And it is semi-early Batman Bruce too.
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leonsleftbicep · 7 months ago
i need them…
(i stole it from tik tok but i had to screen record and i really just wanted the close up of III’s hand on II’s mouth)
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lifemod17 · 28 days ago
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📸: gbollardphoto | instagram
Leeds || 05/02/2022
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aquareegia · 1 year ago
for my own sanity i will be pretending that this is sweat drops falling and not tears 😭 (source)
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ri-afan · 11 months ago
Okay, keeping with ghosts fighting to socialise and teach, we have Halfas Danny and Jason! Except they don’t know shit.
Or maybe Danny knows what’s up, but Danny might also have forgotten?
I want Danny running from Red Hood (“because it’s Red Hood! Crime Lord of Crime Alley! I may be dead, but I still like my head where it’s at!”), Red Hood giving chase because he thinks this guy feels shady in his area, popping up everywhere, and if he’s got nothing to hide then why’s he running? (“I swear to god, Dick, he was right there! Where the fu—?”)
Inadvertently, this teaches Red Hood to use more instinctual ghost stuff for haunting, like pulling in your aura and invisibility.
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arrow-jsy · 1 year ago
Types of people - aesthetics at war in my head
Storm chaser - radios, old jeep, windswpt hair, Twister, Contact, muddy grey, escapism, farm land, college sweatshirts
Vampire hunter - reds, sleepless nights, spinters, blood, mirrors, Buffy, mansions, old money, boots, leather
Cryptid hunter - greens, blacks, notebooks, old cameras, X-files, Gravity Falls, railroads, mud, woods, bottles, ripped jeans, flannels, stargazing,
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itslonewolfbois · 4 months ago
If I were a small, water breathing creature, I’d want to live in a Mangrove Swamp
Something about those tangled roots feels so cozy and welcoming
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milimeters-morales · 2 years ago
ACAU Miles is so small that everyone in a nearby radius automatically gives up their coats if they see him and there’s a slight breeze. Peter leaves him hidden in the rafters of a room in the HQ and when he comes back Miles somehow has 10 different coats (all of which Peter tries to rip to shreds)
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lavenoon · 2 years ago
Hi, Luce!
This is in response to the most memorable scene that you sent me a while ago: I've been rereading it and keeping it treasured in my inbox, but I still just have to say how much I love your rotisserie chicken thoughts and that it includes both a future problem moment in CS and the final fight in Deep Dreams, I just have the biggest heart eyes and I'm kissing your sweet little forehead *mwah*
Alright, love you, take care, babe ♥
(also no need to answer publicly if you don't feel like it!)
Me with CS always:
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With that Henry Emily tease you gave in that recent ask they've just started back up full throttle, I am SO hyped for the finale I swear - who's gonna be the one revealing the photo, F.E.I.'s involvement still needs to be revealed to Y/N, how did Emily even befriend that demon, and was that ever a real friendship - is Springtrap in the children's book not just running from the protector of children, or did the other demons maybe also not take kindly to someone who killed the human who was genuinely trying to understand them? It's 7AM and the thoughts sure rotate!
And, well, we know that Deep Dreams has gotten some renewed attention too <3 So many details I forgot, and now I stopped being shy and can comment along as I wish I had done the first time I read it!
You take care too, get some good sleep soon, and stretch those writing mittens!
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inga-don-studio · 1 year ago
Gonna take a short social media hiatus this week (or at least try to jfjfjfj), so as long as I actually stick to that, I’ll see y’all in a few days! 🧡🎃
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leonsleftbicep · 10 months ago
sooo im working on chapter three but i genuinely think im going to rewrite it because its been sitting for to long and doesn’t feel right any more.
lm going to try and salvage it a bit but i dont feel its good right now. might also be the fact that i am only thinking about the “tattoo chapter” that i teased in the last chapter.
so we will see what i brew up
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disillusionedjudge · 8 months ago
((I said I was gonna be on but then I crashed hard ahah - sorry y'all!
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illmetbymoonlight · 2 years ago
Love early mornings listening to birds run across the roof...
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enkays-den · 2 months ago
Enkay Watches the Imp and Skizz Podcast #127 (featuring @joehills)
First of all, if you are not watching Joe Hills on either youtube or twitch, DO IT!!!! He's streaming pretty much every day and the conversations are always so interesting and he has the best little windows into the workings of Hermitcraft. Folks will pop by and have super interesting conversations with him! He's one of my favorite hermits and I think his unique way of experiencing minecraft, life, and hermitcraft is something that deserves more eyes on it, because I know people are sleeping on him.
First off, THIS is how you show up to the Imp and Skizz Podcast! Classy, on brand, and unique!
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I love Impulse's little nest of pillows, he's so cozy nestled in there, holding his mandated amount of water like a security blanket
I love that the reason they wanted Joe on was to talk about the coup SPOILERS: they never even touch on it
joe's dad being a logician makes so much sense tbh
"a creationist universe where god wants you dead and i play minecraft like a greek hero idiot" is such an amazing way to talk about super hostile maps
Joe having his wedding taking place during the recess of a vehicular manslaughter trial feels so strange and yet so Joe
"YOU'VE GOTTA BE JOE KING" okay he mentioned on stream that there was a joke that maybe two people would get and I will proudly claim to be one of the two.
"fighting to become an artist" is so validating to Skizz's journey so far. It's gonna be his year anniversary of being a hermit soon and im gonna get emotional about his path this last year
Joe WOULD put on the Scottish Parliament sessions as background noise, love that
"I don't trust any platform with my art. I'm the one that makes the art and the audience is the one that appreciates my art" "I need to be as platform/brand agnostic as possible" "next time Amazon does something terrible to the unions" 👏👏👏
talking about his streams like a bar and like,,,,, he's so smart about the role of creators and fandom and i just appreciate joe so much
it's funny that they're shocked about the relationships can be formed within fandoms when like,,,,, that's how they met tango
((also if we talk regularly and read this i love you guys <3))
skizz, the worst chat reader ever i love you
i need hermitcraft standup. please. custom texture snowballs as tomatoes or flowers to throw
thinking about a younger skizz using a tape recorder to record his 'genius ideas' and quotes he likes and annoying the crap out of his friends
I'm glad that we got to hear Joe's JFK impression
COURT CASE TALK!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Bdubs will only let Doc win if it's funnier for doc to win, because that's how guilty doc was"
Joe quoting Sun Tsu and then going on the stand and said "Your Honor, Your Highness, my client is a baby" in an asymetric star trek dress, that's the Joe Hills Difference
"DELICIOUS" skizz i love how schadenfreude you are
"FIVE DIAMONDS PER F TIER BOOK???" impulse my favorite wet cat
"I'll make one sale every two months" and also implying that the shopping district has property taxes
the delivery on "two. some people say four" was SLICK
"tumblr defines sexyman to mean 'most bizarre, cryptid, creepy thing' " not wrong there.
"well scar is obviously going to win the sexyman competition"
"once i found out that it's for weird, cryptid energy, I knew "oh nevermind I'm gonna win this"
joe hills is my favorite weird guy and he deserved to win
cleo as our nonbinary icon placing third place in the tumblr sexyman poll
All in all, fantastic podcast, and not long enough imo. I hope Joe gets to be there in person one day like he originally envisioned, and there's just an untapped well of information that could go into future podcasts
Reminder that you should subscribe and follow Joe!
BONUS, edited by me, please credit if you use it, I HIGHLY ENCOURAGE you to use it (original screencap under cut):
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rainrot4me · 4 months ago
Jeff the Killer General Headcannons
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Summary: Basic, SFW, and NSFW head-cannons. My personal thoughts, feelings, and opinions about Jeff as a character.
TW: NSFW below the cut, minors dni! Above the cut is sfw!
Words: 2.6k
A/N: NSFW is reader with female anatomy.
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- Big isolation guy. He enjoys pestering people or hanging out, but when it comes to personal things like missions or killing sprees, he prefers to be alone. His head’s already loud enough that he doesn’t need to add to it when he’s trying to focus.
- Blunt. Like to the point it’s a drag to even talk to him sometimes. He doesn’t really give a shit about anyone or anything besides himself, so why would he need to hide what he actually wants to say?
- Dangerously short temper. It barely takes one nasty remark or even a hint that you have ill intent towards him before the killer is on your ass. Would rather beat the shit out of you than take the time to reconcile.
- A STARER. Has absolutely no remorse when just boring his eyes into someone, eyes wide and horrifying. He loves to watch every expression as he’s ending someone’s life, every bit of anger or fear, but especially the blank stare in their eyes afterward. You catch his glance all the time, and instead of looking away politely like a normal person would, he just smiles as he glares even harder.
- Loves story based video games that Ben shows him. Life is Strange, Night in the Woods, and What Remains of Edith Finch. Has to play them all in their entirety before he can do anything else, so he’ll be glued to the couch for days.
- Has a difficult time with names, so he comes up with nicknames or terms to make it easier. “Twitch” - Toby, “Sockets” - Jack, or “Glitch” - Ben. Don’t worry, he’ll give you one, too.
- A laugher. When he’s in pain, when he’s sad, when he’s happy, that man is laughing. Choked out dry heaving chuckles or tipsy short airheaded giggles, it doesn’t matter, he will be laughing.
- Terrible sleep paralysis and nightmares keep him up during the night, the most sleep this man will ever get is a little over 3 hours. It really doesn’t help his mood, either.
- The scars on his cheeks used to bleed and get infected so bad he could barely shut his mouth due to the swelling. He would numb it down with pain killers and anything he could find, but it wasn’t until Slender tried to make him into a proxy that they eventually sealed and scarred over, creating wide gashes (weird cryptid powers).
- Thinks about his brother every waking moment. He feels so much pent up regret and sadness concerning Liu, but refuses to search for him or even shed a tear. This sends him into mental breakdown episodes, and sadly, the only relief is just to create more carnage.
- Actually really hates violence unless he’s the one delivering it. Doesn’t like violent movies or music because they romanticize everything he hates about himself. Any media he enjoys is either really bland or really toned down, stuff that won’t trigger him.
- Cuts his own hair, and yes, he’s horrible at it.
- Messed up his appearance to make himself ‘beautiful’, but just ended up so disgusted and ashamed of himself in the long run. When his mental fog gets bad, he’ll just stand in front of the mirror and stare at himself, letting every negative thought wash over. Outside, he’ll brandish it like a weapon, something to get victims to submit. But on the inside, it’s just a nasty reminder.
- Showers only when it gets to the uncomfortable point. He doesn’t have the time or energy or wash himself every day, but when it gets to the point he feels the blood and grime subconsciously, he’ll get over it. Even if he does wash himself, half the time actually in the shower is just letting the water run over him and staring at the tile wall.
- Gets all of his money and random trinkets from victims. Proceeds to spend all that money almost immediately after on a pack of Blue Moons. No orange slice, either.
- Messy, disgusting room. Has no healthy habits of keeping him or his space tidy, so it’s always near disastrous.
- Even though the media and lots of outlets perceive him as this insane maniac killer, those were all big stories from his teenage years. Even though he doesn’t feel like he’s matured, he’s definitely found a happy medium away from spree after spree of slaughter. He still itches to take down a whole neighborhood, but he’s found his ways to cope.
- Very good at hand-to-hand combat. He wields a knife if things get a little rough, but prefers to use his hands to do the dirty work. Makes it feel more personal to him.
- Late-night kitchen demon. You’ll find him rummaging the fridge or making a bowl of cereal in the complete darkness, but he’ll swear up and down it wasn’t him.
- Annoying, painfully so. Hell wrack EJ’s ear off or pester Toby about little things, but he can’t help but get giddy when he sees he’s ticked them off just enough.
- Really agile. Had a thinner build, but muscle definition and tension really adds to the aesthetic. Really defined v-line and hips bones, as well as carved out shoulders and collarbones. Looks like a beefier skeleton, but hot.
- Lip piercings. Snake bites. They’re not healed and they’re not pretty, but he thinks they look badass.
- Scars and jagged pieces of flesh everywhere on his body. They’re either from mission aftermaths, rough targets, or his own doing, but they’re all gnarly and barely healed half of the time. They hurt terribly, but he’s constantly cracked out on painkillers that he doesn’t even care anymore.
- Enjoys the shoegaze music genre. Aldn, Wisp, Elita, Deftones, and surprisingly, The Cardigans and The Cranberries. They remind him of his childhood.
Dating Him/SFW:
- “Baby” “Babe” “Cunt”
- Big words of affirmation guy. He’ll act disgusted and shove you off, rolling his eyes about your sweet words- but in reality, he’s gushing so hard he can’t stand it. Reassurance makes him feel more loved than anything.
- The fastest ‘enemies or lovers’ troupe you’ll ever experience. It’ll only take one face-to-face argument before you both get too close and he’s pulling you in for a rough make out. He’s bad with emotions, what makes you think he wouldn't be bad at reading love/hate signals too.
- HATES to show any sign of weakness or adoration. If you’re laying with him or holding his hand, as soon as someone enters the room he’s shoving you off. It’s not that he doesn’t love you, it’s a deep-rooted fear that someone will use you against him.
- If he’s spent the night in your bed, he will always be gone by the time you’ve woken up. Out of fear of vulnerability, he will only fall asleep after you and wake up before you, otherwise he just won’t stay with you at all.
- He’s like dealing with a little kid. Yes, he’s been through heaps of mental anguish and trauma, but he’s gone through all of that without a hand to hold. In some sad way, he sees something motherly and comforting in you which drives him to latch on and become dependent. It's weird, but so is he.
- Jealousy problems. Big time.
- “He touched you. So I cut his arm off. What is so hard to understand here?”
- Needs to be bossed around. He can and will rot in his bed all day unless you tell him to get up and do something.
- Absolutely melts when you kiss him unprovoked. When he doesn’t force you or tease you into one, but when you decide to kiss his face or hands on your own terms. It’s his favorite thing.
- In his manic brain, he wants something calm, someone who can settle him out. You offer him stability and a chance to unwind and that’s really all he needs.
- As a nervous response, he’ll intentionally push you away if he knows you like him. He holds a lot of regret, so he doesn’t want to drag you along with the rest of his baggage. Will say and do things he knows will hurt your feelings so you leave on your own.
- “And what made you think I’d want you? Because we kissed? Hah! How cute.” Meanwhile, he’s in his room pining himself to shreds.
- Watches you sleep constantly. Doesn’t matter where you are or how far, he will trek through your window or into your bed to watch you snore quietly against your pillow. He likes the vulnerability of it and acting as your ‘protector’, like you have no choice but to rely on him in this state.
- You are the last person Jeff wants to break down in front of, but when it eventually happens, and you’re there with open arms- the killer can barely breathe from how full his heart feels. The feeling of just being able to sob and bury into your shoulder while you rub his back is incomparable.
- Possessive AND protective to a fault. Wants everyone to know you’re his, but at the same time, really enjoys when you flaunt yourself so he can stare down the wandering eyes and really show them who they’d be messing with. Either way, eats it up when you feel good about yourself and safe in him.
- Nasty, terribly toxic relationship. You both bounce off of each other and are constantly arguing, but you both get over it because you’ve grown codependent. There’s nothing ‘casual’ about the two of you, you’re either fuck buddies or desperately clawing at each other for survival. Jeff is an obsessive guy, he either wants everything to do with you or he’ll hide away and tear himself apart over you.
- Jewelry is such a yes for him. If you’re wearing thick earrings or chunky necklaces that brighten your face, he eats it up. He’s such a sucker for silver.
- Does not ask for kisses, he takes them.
- “C’mon baby, I can’t help it. You’re just so fun to mess with.”
- Since he doesn’t sleep much, likes to lay on his back while your head rests on his chest/shoulder. He’ll tangle his fingers through your hair or brush your cheek with his thumb while he stares at you or the ceiling. Even when he has doubts about you loving him, your body always subconsciously shifts towards him while you’re snoozing, and it makes him feel just a little better.
- Fake punches/hits you when he’s bored. Will hold his hands up and box at your face but never making contact, just enough to have you side-eye him. He thinks it’s funny.
- Shoulder kisses.
Dating Him/NSFW:
- Can and will touch you inappropriately no matter the circumstances. His rough hands groping your ass or shoving between your thighs to give flirty little touches in front of everyone, his shit-eating grin when you get embarrassed.
- “Stop glaring, sweet cheeks. I know you want me.”
- Will fight to his dying day that he’s a top, but as soon as you even give him a glint of dominance or snap at him, he’s folding so fast. Dominant person, submissive lover.
- Killing machine on the field, pathetic ass bottom in bed. It takes forever to get to that point, but once he’s mentally checked out and half-drooling on the mattress, he’s so pliable and lightheaded he’ll take it with ease. You have to really work for it, but Jeff trusts you/wants it bad enough subconsciously that he’ll force himself to go into a subspace.
- All-time favorite position is laying you out on your back, one leg up on his shoulder while the other is being held down at your side. It really opens you up and gives the nastiest, most lewd noises that have him pussydrunk. Bonus points for reaching a hand in to choke you.
- “And to think you were beggin’ me to stop while your pussy is soaked. I mean, look at you, babe. You’re suckin’ me in somethin’ awful.”
- CHOKING. Either you or him, he gets off on it so bad. Choking you is so satisfying, he loves the resistance and struggle as you gasp for air, face flushed and eyes rolling with his fist around your throat. Meanwhile, if you’re choking him, his body nearly convulses from the pleasure. He loves the lightheadedness and pressure of it, hoarse chuckles as both of your hands grip around his neck and just squeeze. He thinks he could cum just from being strangled.
- “What’s wrong, baby? Lil’ too much? Ah- You’ll get over it, just open up f’me.”
- Hair pulling, strangling, biting, smacking—really anything that’ll cause pain.
- Standing side-by-side in the mirror, his body is littered with nasty cuts and scars while yours is littered with pretty bite marks and hickeys. He loves it.
- Eating you out is so tiring, but it’s all worth it to look up and see your heavy, glassed-over eyes beaming down at him, lips parted as you’re gasping.
- Hard, quick thrusts that have you gasping and yelping. His hips snap against yours rhythmically until you throw your head back, then he leans in close and shifts his knees closer to really speed up. He never has a set pace, but prefers always adjusting to whatever has you making the most noise.
- “C’mon… Louder- Hah- I’m not stoppin’ till you’re cryin’ for it.”
- A bitch fight every time you two get together. Bickering with the other about ‘who can last longer’ or ‘going until you beg for it’ and it irritates the shit out of both of you. Gets you both riled up that you’re more fighting than fucking, but by the end, you’re both dead exhausted and reduced to panting messed laid out on top of each other.
- Refuses to pull out. He can’t get you pregnant, Slender made sure of that (God help if this heathen was allowed to procreate), so it’s either in your cunt, ass, or mouth, nowhere else. Even if he’s jerking himself off, he’ll wait to cum until he can get to you and finish himself out.
- Stands over you and stares hard enough until you’re reduced to your knees, words never even leaving his lips before you’re unbuckling his belt and shifting his jeans down. He’s fought you enough, sometimes you like to just be good for him.
- Pulling him in by his belt >>>>>>>>>
- Eating you out or sucking you off so much that drool leaks from his scars, eyes so hazed and soft as he hums and moans against you.
- “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
- Fucked you with the handle of his knife because you read something about it in a book and wanted to see if it actually felt good. He was weirded out at first, but when he watched you jerking your hips and mumbling for him to fuck you, he’s never fucked his cock in faster while rubbing the blunt of the handle against your drooling clit. Same thing with running the blade against your skin. It just elicits some reaction out of you that he can’t understand, but it turns him on terribly.
- Has a big thing for cop x prisoner roleplay actually.
- “What? Officer, how am I supposed to finger you with these handcuffs, hm? I guess you’ll just have to let me go, yeah? Or do you not want it as bad as your pussy leads me to believe?”
- Really loves fingering you while he’s buried in your ass. Curling his fingers up to make you arch your back just a little more, having your head spinning from the overstimulation… yeah.
- A 2-3 round champion. He’ll never be able to just cum once and be satisfied, regardless if you’re ready to stop or not, he’s forcing his cock back into wherever it was or in a completely different hole and riding himself out to his next orgasm. If he’s not shaking and on the verge of passing out after sex, it wasn’t good enough for him.
- “Jeff, stop! We could get caught!” “Or you could just shut up and take your panties off. You’re soaked, there’s no point in fighting me when I’m already this hard… C’mon, baby, give me your hand or something…”
Thanks for reading!
Comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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