#going full rotisserie brain mode
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lavenoon · 2 years ago
Hi, Luce!
This is in response to the most memorable scene that you sent me a while ago: I've been rereading it and keeping it treasured in my inbox, but I still just have to say how much I love your rotisserie chicken thoughts and that it includes both a future problem moment in CS and the final fight in Deep Dreams, I just have the biggest heart eyes and I'm kissing your sweet little forehead *mwah*
Alright, love you, take care, babe ♥
(also no need to answer publicly if you don't feel like it!)
Me with CS always:
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With that Henry Emily tease you gave in that recent ask they've just started back up full throttle, I am SO hyped for the finale I swear - who's gonna be the one revealing the photo, F.E.I.'s involvement still needs to be revealed to Y/N, how did Emily even befriend that demon, and was that ever a real friendship - is Springtrap in the children's book not just running from the protector of children, or did the other demons maybe also not take kindly to someone who killed the human who was genuinely trying to understand them? It's 7AM and the thoughts sure rotate!
And, well, we know that Deep Dreams has gotten some renewed attention too <3 So many details I forgot, and now I stopped being shy and can comment along as I wish I had done the first time I read it!
You take care too, get some good sleep soon, and stretch those writing mittens!
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soulsilvers · 1 year ago
Hey there! I was wondering after seeing the Neo Champion Kantrio event and wanting to see things be done differently, how would you have changed the story?
well i gotta rotate these things like rotisserie chicken in my mind due to brain fog so this is brief but.. mostly just that greens long journey of always learning to be better at last comes to fruition and he wins instead, which prompts red and leaf both to rethink their mentoring.
red figures hes in the wrong for again being too "i totally got this you guys" and not listening to leaf and green (isnt he supposed to think of them as equals??? GOD). green loves red enough to also straight up tell it to him like it is: his methods are cool when dealing with team rocket, but he cant keep on just going full beast mode on little kids and think it works for everyone.
leaf needs to be flawed too! the three are only around 15 in pokemas after all. ive talked about how in pokemas leaf occasionally sounds like shes trying to remind people that shes just as good as red. seems she subtly harbors… something? some kind of feeling of being overshadowed? towards red, so she smiles through it all and kinda tries everything to make herself likable. maybe her problem is that she becomes too positive-only and good-vibes-only as a teacher. but more detail on how this dialogue plays out needs more thinking from me. that's the draft in my head at least.
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moodymisty · 1 year ago
hhhhhh sorry to jump in your ask box again but I am just still so hung up on Angron. just the image of him knelt down clenching his fists to channel the rage at the unfairness of it all while lil reader gently touches his face and kisses him😩 the small little kindness he feels he doesn't deserve and wished he'd never experienced cuz he knows it's just going to be taken away by the nails. it's all rotating in my head like a rotisserie chicken lol. I'm conflicted on how I want their story to end. on one hand gut wrenching tragedy can be as satisfying as it is painful. and on the other I just want the poor dude to be happy and know peace. like nails removed and maybe he suffers from like chronic migraines or memory issues or something as a side effect but the rage is gone and he feels more human than he ever has before. just ugh you've made me feel things and I needed to word vomit them out somewhere lol. unrelated aside, found the Darksiders games bundled for cheap so I got that now XD
Hell yeah word vomit away never apologize! I'm glad my silly Angron fic gives you feelings. The ask box is always open for unhinged ramblings. Angron deserves a few moments of happiness before he goes full demon mode <3 He's one of the primarchs that got fucked over hardest by circumstances (Konrad and Mortarion also, hmm i wonder if there's a theme here) So it's fun to pick his lil' brain apart. Poor guy's spent his entire life in a gladiator pit, he's literally never known anything but pain and horror. I want to give him a smooch.
I did see a Nails removed AU/Loyalist Angron AU in a style that I really liked, and I'm honestly considering it to. Part of me really wants to write that, but also I really like the tragedy of him being doomed to forget his little historitor no matter what happens. I dunno, maybe I'll do a poll and see what people want more? Everyone pls feel free to voice your opinions XD
Also hell yeah welcome to the Darksiders camp! Personal tip, play/watch Darksiders Genesis last, there's a bunch of cute references in it to the other games so I think it's best enjoyed when you can pick up on them despite it technically being a prequel. But that's not required at all, do the path you enjoy most. The games are underrated gems and and there's a ton to enjoy in them. I hope you enjoy the series!! (also read the book if you want!! It's great too)
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redemptioninchaos · 5 years ago
𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
full name.   Colette Sayaka Lin nicknames.    The Philadelphia/Philly Witch (canon timeline) gender.  female height.   5′7″ age.   24 zodiac.  Pfft, next spoken languages. English
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
hair.  Golden brown fur all over, no humanlike hair eyes.  Pure black pupils, jet-black irises. To the naked eye, it seems as if she has all-black eyes. Glow orange when she’s going beast mode. skin.  As i said, she has golden brown fur all over her. Very soft to the touch,  body type.  Slightly toned muscles on arms and legs, rectangle body shape voice.  Mezzo-soprano, casual, and friendly, often belying her murderous tendencies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Uo11bSMUbc dominant hand.  Right hand for her blade, left hand for her spells posture.  Regularly leaning on a wall or table or to one side, even in combat sometimes. scars.  One almost-faded scar on the bottom of her right forearm, one above her belly button tattoos.  None birthmarks.  None
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
place of birth. Phildaelphia, Pennsylvania hometown.  See above parents. Minato and Margot Lin
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
occupation.  Supernatural assassin current residence.  Rotterdam, Holland (canon verse) close friends.  Matthew Wise (boyfriend, canon verse) Augustus and Annette Hughes (friends, canon verse) relationship status.  Taken (canon verse); multiverse and multiship though financial status.  Fairly comfortable (easily in the hundreds of thousands) driver’s license.  Yes criminal record.  I don’t have to explain, do I?
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
orientation.  Straight  preferred emotional role.   submissive | dominant | switch preferred sexual role.   submissive | dominant | switch libido.  Many times she is sexually oblivious to those who like her and haven’t told her. You could literally show up to her place naked and she’d be like, “Oh, hey.” On the other hand, her libido can get...fiery with the right person. turn on’s.  Worshiping her as the fire goddess she is, fitness in her partner turn off’s.  Vegetarianism  love language.  Quality time, gifts, testing one’s mettle in battle relationship tendencies.  When out exploring, she’ll look for things that remind her of her partner and present them to him. She’ll also do spontaneous things to keep the spice alive in her relationship.
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
character’s theme song.  “Unstoppable” by Afrojack hobbies to pass time.   City and dungeon exploration, “magic” tricks, and making the finest rotisserie/barbecue chicken in the continent mental illnesses.   none physical illnesses.     none. left or right brained.  Right brained, definitely fears.  Losing control and letting Other Self destroy everything    self confidence level.  As high as it can be vulnerabilities.  Physical: magical spells; mental/emotional: threatening those she sees as family sins.   Murder, maiming, things of that nature virtues.   Loyalty, hospitality
Tagged by @ceruleanscarred Tagging: @newnerdgeneration @discipulusmaleficus @infinitcnexus (any character you choose)
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tsgnorthwestarkansas · 6 years ago
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Event planner + designer Bartus Taylor, owner of Buzz Event Planning & Design, talks “a day in the life” with Nikki Spurlock, local blog writer for The Scout Guide Northwest Arkansas.
What’s All the BUZZ: 24 Hours with Bartus Taylor
As I approach the double doors of Buzz Event Planning & Design (21 West Mountain Street, Suite 120, Fayetteville, AR), I hear the beep of a car alarm and turn around to see Bartus Taylor, founder and owner of the biz. Wearing a long caftan, sunglasses, fabulous fringed sandals and a larger than life smile, we hug like old friends. As Bartus unlocks the door to his office he flips the lights on to an event planning haven. Mouth open, eyes wide, I am mesmerized by the layers of fancy that I see…and smell, for that matter. Flowers, statues, columns, greenery, glassware and stringed lights everywhere. Bartus says with a swipe of his arm, “Let’s get outta here! It is a mess!” Apparently, a late weekend event made their typical “clean up” impossible, although I thought I was in a party wonderland! 
So, from Bartus’ office/studio we head back out the door. I was positive we would hit it off, but little did I know how I would walk away from our time together truly inspired by Bartus, his dedication to his business and clients, and his positive outlook on life.
We walk to a nearby local coffee shop and find a spot nestled off to the side. What better way to find out about someone than a fun and invasive round of rapid fire questioning? […which proved to not be rapid at all for the mere fact that between Bartus and myself, there is no lack of conversation.] Without hesitation, Bartus was ready:
Hidden Talent: In his gorgeous African accent, “There is nothing hidden in here! What do I have to hide? If I can’t be myself then I just can’t be at all!” Bartus references his childhood in Africa and then move into the United States at 18. “I’ve been through too much to be ashamed of anything!” His confidence is palpable and moving.  
Biggest Fear: “Letting people down,” which is ironic considering Bartus’ level of assurance. His face melts from this giant smile [eyes and all] to this defeated almost childlike disposition. We dive a little deeper into this topic. This fear is more relevant today in context to his work at Buzz. “I created this business from nothing! I owe it to myself and those that got me where I am today to be the very best I can be.” Event planning changes as quickly as the day. The styles, the cultures, the political influences all effect the way clients place their decisions. For Bartus, he has to stay ahead of these persuasions to ensure he gives the best service possible.
[I am so captivated by this conversation. We are literally finishing each other’s sentences and then laughing hysterically, which I can imagine is the comfort Bartus finds with his clients.]
Fave Day of the Week: “Every day is my favorite. Waking up and knowing that I’m alive is enough for the day. Sometimes when I’m being a brat…giggle…and complaining I realize, it’s really not that bad!” He giggles again.
First Celeb Crush: “What’s his name? ...he’s not a really popular actor…kind of under the radar” …he agrees to let me know the second his name pops into his head. Seven hours later I receive a text…Josh Lucas! Ahhhhh…yep, I get it!
What’s for Dinner Tonight?: “Probably Popeyes”…we laugh! He’s all “I LOVE me some Popeye’s chicken!”
Favorite Word: “Gratitude. I'm just grateful for the people that support me and surround me. My clients, mentors — anyone that has ever trusted and believed in me — I have all the gratitude for them." 
Least Favorite Word: “Curated” with a way dramatic eye roll, literally throwing his head back, he explains how the word is so overused these days, with “experience” being his second least favorite…especially when used together. “oh please [his hand shews it away],” he says. …and I was right there with him.
Guilty Pleasure: With really no guilt at all…” Netflix!” Yes!!! And before I could get the words out…what’s the most binge worthy series? And with both hands on his face he laughs and loudly whispers “Sex in the City!” He giggles in this high pitch tone that makes everyone look and smile. It’s contagious. I giggle. We start the hysterical laughing and he says through his laughter, “right?!” My cheeks are sore and I have tears. Good tears.
When Bartus speaks he lingers on every word, as if each is as significant as the next. He often closes his eyes to find the best way to appropriately communicate his thoughts. His smooth voice accentuates his passion for life. I ask him, “if your hands were tied down, would you be able to talk?” He says YES…because the movement of his whole body and facial gestures would take over. With this we delve into what 24 hours of Bartus Taylor looks like.
24 Hours With Bartus Taylor
4:30 a.m.: Wake up! “I head to a quiet place to set structure to my day.” Bartus looks over his schedule, posts on social media, and plans his execution for the day.  I’m getting the feeling that serenity is a must for this businessman who hits the ground running the second he steps out the door.
Around 6:30 a.m.: Laundry time is imperative. “I iron my sheets every day. I love to have ironed sheets that are crisp and fit perfectly on the bed.” Wait. What? I ask, “you iron your bed sheets?!” I can’t even get the words out and he’s already shaking his head up and down as if to say “absolutely!” Order is of utmost importance, as a career in event planning doesn’t always lend to predictability or outcome.
These 4 hours from when Bartus wakes up until he leaves his home to head to the office set the tone for his day. Solitude and self-reflection are essential. Bartus says, “I dress how I feel that day. If I feel like wearing hot pink pants, then I wear hot pink pants.” He admits to going through a black and gray phase for a while, but decided that adding color to his wardrobe made him express more accurately how he is feeling. We then get off on a tangent about his over the top obsession with shoes and fabulous shoe collection. “Shoes are everything!” He admits to at least 150 shoes in his closet. I can picture the perfectly aligned rows of shoes, all colors and styles.
8:30 a.m.: Bartus leaves the house to head to his business of 15 years, Buzz Event Planning & Design. This is his last moment alone before he shifts into full Buzz mode!
9:00 a.m.: After about a 30-minute drive from his home in Springdale to his office that sits right on the Fayetteville square, Bartus meets his coworkers, Brandi and Alyssa, who he lovingly refers to (with a giant grin) as his “team” and “family.” With a pot of coffee brewing, they have their morning ritual “kitchen table time,” where they discuss what’s going on in their own lives, what’s on the agenda for the day and the week, what clients they will be serving and what their specific needs and wants may be, what appointments they have for the afternoon, and everything else that puts them on the same page as one another. Bartus speaks so highly of these ladies. “They can learn from me but it’s more important that they know how much I learn from them. I always want to know their thoughts and opinions before a decision is made.”
Around 11:00 a.m.: The Buzz team concludes their “kitchen talk” and spend about an hour scheduling appointment with clients and confirming their afternoon for that day.
Noon – 1:00 p.m.: Away for lunch
After lunch until 5:00 p.m.: This is the time where Bartus meets with clients.”Your job is to give people what they don’t know they want.” I had to repeat this out loud a few times to fully understand. There is an element of mind reading that Bartus has to achieve to fully understand what his client wants. “Many times, they know what they want, but they don’t know how to [he pauses…waves his hands in front of him] …they don’t know how to let me know.” There’s a whole process of listening and offering ideas back and forth until Bartus’ clients are completely satisfied. He won’t settle for less than perfection. Ever.
5:00 p.m.: Hungry from a long day, Bartus leaves the office and stops at either Popeye’s Chicken, Penguin Ed’s barbecue, or the Fresh Market for a rotisserie chicken take-out dinner. I laugh. He laughs. “People are always surprised when they hear I eat at Popeye’s!” He shrugs his shoulders and giggles…loud… “I don’t know why,” with his hands in the air as if to surrender to the judgement.
6:00ish – 11:00ish p.m.: Home. Eat. Tennis. “I have a court in the back yard, so I love to go out and play tennis by myself.” This is the time for Bartus to relax. After getting a little physical activity in, it’s time to chill out in front of the TV, listen to music, decompress the brain…until he succumbs to the sleep gods.
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Bartus enjoys the vibrancy and community spirit represented by the Experience Fayetteville art mural during his walk from his office located on the Fayetteville Downtown Square to his favorite local coffee spot Arsaga’s Church & Center. Art mural by local artist Olivia Trimble. 
Bartus Taylor might be one of the most passionate individuals I’ve ever met. His joy is infectious, and his generosity is undoubted. He’s funny. He’s adorable. He loves big. Bartus speaks with intent. During our time together no less than five people come up to say hello to him and give a quick hug. He introduces me to each one and expresses right there how they have influenced his life. It’s clear why he’s so good at what he does. With tears in his eyes, Bartus quotes his grandmother, “You have to stand for something, or you will fall for anything.” I pictured him extending his arm and dropping the mic…and shouting “BAM!”
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The Scout Guide Northwest Arkansas blog writer, Nikki Spurlock (left), and Bartus Taylor enjoying a selfie moment on the Fayetteville Downtown Square & Gardens.
Plan your wedding of a lifetime or unforgettable special event by connecting with Bartus Taylor of Buzz Event Planning & Design (21 West Mountain Street, Suite 120, Fayetteville, AR) at (479) 287-4131 or email Bartus at [email protected].
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About Nikki Spurlock, local blog writer for The Scout Guide Northwest Arkansas: Born and raised in Dallas, TX, Nikki’s creative expression began from the time she could hold a paint brush. "When I was 10 years old, my mom had my bathroom painted white and allowed me to hand paint the entire room as if I were standing in an aquarium." There were no parameters to Nikki's imagination. Extending the artistic thread through her adulthood, Nikki painted, created, sculpted, and eventually took to writing as a form of expression. Her bold and colorful paintings mimic that of her writing style. “When blogging I love to use humor and brutal honesty to relay a message. I typically just say the things everyone else is thinking! Nikki currently resides in Cave Springs, AR. “Blogging for The Scout Guide has allowed me to extend my writing roots out into our local NWA community that I naturally love to brag on!”
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