JScholar Open Access Publishers
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JScholar, an open access publisher of scientific journals provides free access to research articles without any barrier to scientific community.
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jscholar-openaccess · 11 years ago
Dental caries remains a common disease among school-aged children and is thought to be increasing worldwide, especially in developing countries. The Oral Health Country/Area Profile Project reported that the Decayed, Missing and Filled Teeth (DMFT) index, a standard indicator of oral health, increased steadily from 1.15 in 2004 to 1.19 in 2011 in 12-year-old children living in African countries [1]. In contrast, a systematic review of information published from 1967 to 1997 concluded that the DMFT index among 11–13-year-old in Sub-Saharan Africa had not increased significantly during this earlier time period [2,3]. However, assessing long-term trends in the incidence of dental caries is difficult due to the lack of nationwide survey data in most African countries. Several studies have examined oral health status among schoolchildren in Kenya, but they have mainly been conducted in urban areas and cross sectional in nature. Accordingly, neither the current oral health status nor changes over time is adequately documented in rural Kenyan schoolchildren. For full-text of the article please visit: http://www.jscholaronline.org/full-text/JDOH/201/Oral-Health-Status-among-12-Year-Old-Children-in-a-Rural-Kenyan-Community.php
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jscholar-openaccess · 11 years ago
For full-text of the article please visit: http://www.jscholaronline.org/full-text/JCVM/301/Pulmonary-hypertension-in-the-RASopathies.php The RASopathies are a class of developmental disorders caused by a genetic mutation in the Ras signaling pathway and associated mitogen-activated protein kinases that control the cell cycle, differentiation and senescence. These diseases encompass a diverse set of clinical syndromes including neurofibromatosis type 1 and Noonan syndrome. Although the pathophysiological manifestations of these conditions are diverse, they share some common phenotypic features. The prevalence of pulmonary hypertension in the RASopathies is not well established as compared to cardiac and neurocognitive impairments. This paper reviews the cases of pulmonary hypertension in these member syndromes. Due to the aggressive and often fatal nature of pulmonary hypertension, a diagnosis of a RASopathy should also include screening for pulmonary hypertension.
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jscholar-openaccess · 11 years ago
This research used ammonium carbonate and calcium acetate in the preparation of various calcium carbonate polymorphs for biomimetic composite applications. Biominerals were synthesized at temperatures ranging from 25 to 80 °C to investigate the effect of synthesis temperature on the abundance of vaterite, aragonite, and calcite, delineating regions that are favorable for the formation of these different calcium carbonate polymorphs. In particular, it was observed that lower temperatures of 25-30 °C were favorable for vaterite formation with increasing crystallite size at the higher temperature. Calcite was the preferred polymorph formed at temperatures of approximately 50 °C. Although a trace of aragonite was observed at 70 °C, it was not observed at the highest temperature investigated (80 °C). The absence of aragonite formation at elevated temperatures may be a function of the lower pH (~8.4) in the ammonium carbonate/calcium acetate system compared to ~9.9 for the sodium carbonate/calcium acetate system that promotes the formation of vaterite over aragonite. These results are important when developing biomimetic materials incorporating calcium carbonate with different polymorphs and crystal sizes.
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jscholar-openaccess · 11 years ago
The conversion of lignocellulosic biomass into fuels and chemicals has been rigorously investigated as a response to the depletion of petroleum resources, increasing demand for in oil and secure access to energy
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jscholar-openaccess · 11 years ago
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1 jcrto 101 a putative role of organic anion transporting polypeptides (oatps) in cell survival of h Transporter proteins classified into the solute carrier (SLC) superfamily are essential for import of nutrients for cell survival in organisms. In the last two decades, compelling evidence has accumulated that SLC transporters interact with clinically important anticancer agents and contribute to their pharmacokinetics, particularly the biopharmaceutical processes of absorption, elimination and distribution. Furthermore, many SLC transporters have been shown to be differentially upregulated in cancer cells, and this may represent an adaptive response to altered nutritional requirements. Thus, it is likely to utilize them as carrier for efficient drug delivery as well as pharmacological target to shut off the nutrients essential for cell growth of malignant tumors. This short review will introduce organic anion transporting polypeptides which recognize endo- and exogenous organic anionic compounds and recent findings about their upregulation in cancer cells. Besides, OATP-mediated trans
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jscholar-openaccess · 11 years ago
Optimal adherence to HAART amongst women living with HIV/AIDS (WLHIV) accounts for more than half of all new infections worldwide. This is particularly crucial for the success of HIV/AIDS treatment programs. In Nigeria, adherence amongst women has remained largely unexplored. This study aims to determine the prevalence and determinants of adherence to HAART amongst HIV positive non-pregnant women receiving treatment in a tertiary health facility in Cross River State, Nigeria.
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jscholar-openaccess · 11 years ago
Ever since Gordon Moore fore told about the future of the integrated circuit (IC) back in 1965 [1], Moore’s law was not only an accurate forecast of the achievements that microelectronics community has made, but also was a yardstick of the appropriate level of the commercial development in microelectronics for the past five decades. Such an amazing pace of the IC technology development was possible essentially because of simple two-dimensional (2D) structure of the metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) field effect transistor (FET) invented by Hofstein and Heiman [2]. Putting more transistors in the same chip was possible simply by decreasing 2D feature size of the IC. The never-ending quest for ever and ever smaller feature size (another word, ever and ever increasing numbers of the transistors) in IC is stunning and gate insulation layer thickness today is only a few layers of oxide and the minimum feature size of the IC is sub-20 nm. While keeping this march becomes more challenging, there is no doubt that this amazing “more Moore” march will continue at least for a couple of more decades thanks to numerous innovations in materials, production technologies and a paradigm shift in design like FinFET [3]. However, “more Moore” by feature size reduction can only go so far and year after year we are getting one step closer to the physical limit.
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jscholar-openaccess · 11 years ago
Smart materials have already been used and are now an intrinsic part of our society. For instance, piezoelectric materials produce a voltage when stressed and are essential parts of telecommunication devices; shape memory alloys alter their shape under the influence of the ambient temperature and are used in aircraft and automotive industries; electrochromic materials change their colour under the effect of a small voltage and find applications in smart windows
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jscholar-openaccess · 11 years ago
There are several open challenges that our society has to address in the near future: produce sufficient amounts of clean energy from renewable sources, design new technologies that enable a sustainable economic growth, address some relevant environmental issues like quality of air and water or waste recycling, improve our standard of life via more accurate diagnostic tools and new medical treatments, just to mention a few. Most of these challenges deal with the design, synthesis, characterization and industrial production of new smart materials. Smart materials are defined as materials with properties engineered to change in a controlled and desired way. This can be obtained by applying a specific external stimulus like a temperature change, an external voltage, a force, a magnetic field, a change in pH, or a change in concentration of chemical species. Nanoscience and nanotechnology today offer an incredible potential for the conceptual design and the practical realization of radically new smart materials that can help solve some of the aforementioned global challenges.
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jscholar-openaccess · 11 years ago
Ecthyma gangrenosum (EG) is a cutaneous lesion classically associated with potentially fatal pseudomonal septicemia in immunocompromised patients. Other bacterial and fungal pathogens have also been implicated in EG. Although EG typically occurs in neutropenic or immunocompromised patients, it can occasionally affect previously healthy children. The cutaneous findings are characteristic with small indurated papulovesicles progressing rapidly to necrotic ulcers with surrounding erythema and a central black eschar. While lesions can occur at any site, most are commonly found over the buttocks, perineum, limbs, and axillae. We describe three cases of EG in pediatric patients with a broad spectrum of clinical and histopathologic features, who responded to appropriate antibiotic treatment forPseudomonas bacteremia. For patients with possible EG, it is very important to establish the diagnosis early so that appropriate systemic antibiotic therapy can be initiated to reduce morbidity and potential mortality.
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jscholar-openaccess · 11 years ago
HIV/AIDS is currently the leading cause of death for African American women ages 25-34. As heterosexual behavior is the major mode of HIV transmission among this population, it is important to further understand the factors which may influence risky sexual behaviors and promote HIV testing behaviors
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jscholar-openaccess · 11 years ago
Journal of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine (JCVM) is an international open access, scholarly peer-reviewed journal publishing high quality articles in all areas of cardiology and vascular related fields. JCVM released its second issue
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jscholar-openaccess · 11 years ago
Issue Released from the Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutic Oncology, JScholar Publishers
We are glad to share our recently released issue from the Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutic Oncology.
The following are the titles of the articles:
·         Multiple Functional Motifs Are Required for the Tumor Suppressor Activity of a Constitutively-Active ErbB4 Mutant
·         A Putative Role of Organic Anion Transporting Polypeptides (OATPs) In Cell Survival of Hormone-Dependent Breast and Prostate Cancers
·         (DE) -Ubiquitination in The TGF-ß Pathway
·         Exploring New Strategies to Monitor Autophagy and Related Cell Death Pathways Using Raman Spectroscopy
  We are now inviting submissions for the second issue of the journal. If anyone interested, kindly send us your article to [email protected]. Alternatively you can submit online at http://www.jscholaronline.org/submit-manuscript.php
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jscholar-openaccess · 11 years ago
All volumes and Issues of Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutic Oncology
Inaugural Issue of the Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutic Oncology has been released.
We are now inviting submissions for the second issue of the journal. 
Please contact editorial office at [email protected]
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jscholar-openaccess · 12 years ago
Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutic Oncology (JCRTO) is an international open access, scholarly peer-reviewed journal from JScholar Publishers, publishing high quality articles in all areas of cancer related fields, especially current research, new concepts, novel methods, new therapeutic agents, and approaches for early detection and prevention of cancer and reporting new methods on basic and advanced clinical aspects of cancer research and therapy.
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jscholar-openaccess · 12 years ago
Journal of Dentistry & Oral Health (JDOH) from Jscholar is an online open access journal from JScholar Publishers, which focuses on areas related to dental problems, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of mouth and jaw deformities, pathoses, and injuries, and detecting other medical conditions from teeth / mouth health. JDOH aims to publish novel and high quality research papers and to provide current research topics on disorders of the oral cavity and its diagnosis.
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jscholar-openaccess · 12 years ago
Journal of Clinical and Anatomic Pathology (JCAP) from JScholar is an online open access journal from JScholar Publishers, which publishes articles on quarterly basis. It aims to publish the concurrent research trends in clinical and anatomic pathology. JCAP is dedicated to the publication of pathology research works and accepts suitable articles pertaining to the pathology and its allied divisions. 
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