#leonard mccoy headcanon
hi! I'm fairly new to you blog but it's become one of my favourite 😂 I adore your writing. I was wondering if I could request a headcanon of being married to Leonard Mccoy and your life on the Enterprise? Thanks!
oh my gosh thank you so much!
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I love Leonard so so much so I am a bit biased, but this man, he was meant to be a Husband
Yes he is a grump all the god damn time, but this man melts when he is around his s/o
When he's had a stressful day, he knows that he can come to you and just the sight of you will make his stress melt away
Leonard is very good at compartmentalizing, it's part of what makes him such a good doctor, he knows what needs to come first, but there are times when he finds himself craving the sight of you, getting to hold you in his arms
So he'll make an excuse, even if it's just for a few minutes, to leave Med Bay and find you
He'll pull you into a quiet corner, just holding you in his arms, burying his face in your neck, and it's enough to keep the both of you going until the next moment you can steal
The crew quarters on the Enterprise aren't the greatest, but to Leonard, yours are the greatest sight in all the galaxies
Leonard has taken you on every single piece of furniture in your quarters (perhaps even in Med Bay) but that's not what makes your home his favorite place
You are in every part of the home - even if you're not there
Pictures of your wedding, trips together, are scattered on all the tables and a few on the walls
You brought your bedding from home, because Starfleet regulation just wasn't soft enough (and fuck if you aren't right about those damn expensive sheets)
And even when you're not there, he knows it won't be long before you are, and that thought alone can keep him going for hours
The two of you have become the unofficial go to for relationship advice
You represent the ideal couple, because you make all the craziness aboard the Enterprise work for your relationship
Countless times, Jim has shown up, either in Med Bay, dragging you along behind him, or at your quarters, so he can tell the two of you about his latest relationship and get your opinions
The two of you make it a priority to schedule date nights - it's the only way that your relationship can survive
These can be a romantic dinner back at your quarters where Leonard makes your favorite meal and the two of you end up in the bedroom for the rest of the night
Or they can be in his office in Med Bay, laughing and kissing over patient files he can't bring himself to look at, because he's got you in his arms, and last for only about an hour
The point is, the two of you make time for each other
And even when you can't, Leonard finds ways to show you he loves you
He'll make sure to leave little notes for you to stumble upon while you work, he'll send you flowers when he's on a planet because it made him smile, just like you do
Whenever the two of you have to work together, you try to keep it as professional as possible, but sometimes Leonard just can't
"As beautiful as she is, she's completely wrong," he'll say when you're in a discussion with the crew, and he won't even notice until he sees the smiles on their faces
My wife this, my wife that, my wife, my wife, my wife
You are his rock, but he is yours, too
Leonard can read your emotions with just a glance over at you (maybe it's because he's such a good doctor, but most likely it's just because he knows you that well)
He knows what to do to make you feel safe and comforted and listened to, when he knows that you need it
Leonard is also skilled at taking care of you in other aspects
The steady, steady hands of the good doctor have never once let you down
Leonard's voice gets a deeper twang when he's aroused (or when he's sleepy)
So when you're fucking, all his babys and darlings and honeys come out and that alone can finish you off
He is your best friend
You can tell him anything - bad day, fight you had with a friend, when you're sick - and he'll take it all in stride, knowing that letting you vent is usually most important
When you're done though he will take some action
For instance, you've got a headache? He'll prescribe you some medicine. Slept funny on your back? He knows just the perfect herbal remedy and a massage that will straighten you out
The two of you laugh more together than you do with anyone else
Jim swears he has never seen Leonard smile so much as when he does when he's with you
Some nights you'll stay up late, lying in each other's arms, just talking about what your future will look like, when you'll settle down, where, whether children are in your future
He is supportive of all your dreams and vows that whatever you want, he will get for you
Leonard says "i love you" like he breathes
First thing he does when he wakes up, last thing he says at night, when you pass down the walls of the Enterprise, when he's talking about you and you're not even there, it's just a reflex for him
Leonard is just the sturdiest man you could ever know - he's there to support you, there to take care of you, there to love you, there for anything you might need him for
He's such a good husband that it makes you want to be a better spouse, too
Of course you fight like all couples do, and they can get heated because Leonard is stubborn, but you always end up resolving things
Leonard knows he can be stubborn, so he usually comes to you after he's cooled down and apologizes for what he said
You tell him you don't care, it was a petty fight, and you love him
His favorite words in the world
The entire crew is sick of your PDA (there have been meetings) but Leonard doesn't care, he will kiss you whenever and wherever he wants
He'll pull you into a passionate kiss and not care that the crew all lets out a collective groan, because he is with you, and there is nothing else in the world that makes him happier
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dustykneed · 8 months
the rough childhood trio with their childhood pets. (each of these gets a couple sentences of variably cryptic context-- all up for interpretation, of course. in my head these are all bittersweet ^^)
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i-chaya wasn't supposed to be at school, technically, but amanda had a talk with the teachers, and they concluded that it was logical to allow i-chaya to continue to accompany spock to school, when his performance showed such marked improvement when she was around.
sometimes, during intervals between lessons, which were always timed precisely for optimal development of social skills, spock would sit cross-legged in a corner of the schoolyard, and i-chaya would sink down onto the red sand beside him and nudge at his cheek with her damp nose, and spock would reach up into her coarse, thick coat and press his forehead into the safety of her fur until the stinging remarks of the other children would melt and fall away in the harsh vulcan sun.
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"he's up there in the stars, jamie. whenever you feel like you're on your own, just look up at the night sky and count the stars. he would've been so proud of you."
james tiberius kirk read, once, that pigs were unable to look up at the sky. from then on, he made sure to prop all of the pigs on the farm up every so often, so that they could look at the stars with him. for his birthday, his mother knit him two matching sweaters with stars on the chest-- one for him, and the other for wilbur (the grandpiglet of the sow she tripped over a decade ago).
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bones was raised, essentially, by the large, calico barncat who lived on the mccoys' farm. she had not been named, and she wouldn't let anyone else touch her-- only bones.
when he was a baby, she curled up beside him in his crib with her tail around his ankle to stop him from crawling out and hurting himself.
when he got older, on difficult days, she would grab him by the sock and drag him to the old rocking chair in the attic and curl up on his lap and bite at his fingers until he could bring himself to pet her, and then she would purr and purr as he stroked through her warm, soft fur and rocked himself better in the big rocking chair. if anyone tried to drag bones away, she would hiss and yowl and bat vehemently at the intruding hands until he could be left alone.
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mariusslonelysoul · 2 months
do you think that leonard mccoy, born and raised in the american south, who before starfleet was a -damn good- country doctor, who is a man of medicine, of science, but who still keeps certain age old traditions and convictions, who despite being in space and around all sorts of new technologies and unknown aliens never forgets his humanity, and indeed keeps his captain and crew grounded, sometimes perhaps exceedingly so, who would never use god or human religion as an excuse or a reason but still he was raised in it, and either because of respect, fondness, wariness or tradition he holds some beliefs still
do you think that leonard, when he realises he could maybe, just maybe save jim, feels the slightest bit of struggle from within him, because how dare he, a simple man, try to bring somebody from the death, who gave him the right to even consider it. but he ignores that voice in his head, barely even hears the words in the first place, his hands -the steadiest hands in the galaxy- never shake as he does it, because this was jim, jim who is just as messed up as him but covers it with charm that isn't even fake, jim who smiles too wide and too sharp to cover his incredible heart, jim who has carved his place with bloody fingernails deep into leonard's very soul. jim, who leonard manages to save, to bring back, miraculously perhaps, but the words feels wrong, tainted
do you think that leonard, once jim is breathing again if unconscious, finally takes a moment to breathe too, looking at jim, and is suddenly invaded by nausea, because how dare he cheat death, who is he, who gave him the right to play with nature like that, and a voice, almost familiar, garbled as if it were many voices he once knew put together, screams at him from deep inside his mind, threatening to twist his body and mind like he twisted life and death, damning him. and yet as quick as it came, leonard shuts it, because he doesn't care, he may have traded his life, his sould, made a deal with the devil when he used science to cheat death, but jim is back, jim is alive, alive, alive
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you guys just dont even. understand Him. hes NOT super overly sweet and affectionate with his partner(s), although he does love them very much. he reluctantly accepts a kiss on the cheek from jim, melodramatically rolling his eyes and kicking him out of the sickbay. but he looks back at jim as he walks away, a soft smile on his face and an added pep in his step for the rest of his shift.
he grumbles about "ridiculous vulcan voodoo" and makes a face as spock offers him an ozh'esta. but when their fingers touch, spock can feel the overwhelming affection underneath his icy exterior; his armor protecting him from getting hurt again.
the armor isn't going to fall off the moment he falls in love. it may not ever fall off; not all the way, at least. spock and jim aren't there to "fix" him, they're there to love him as he is. he doesn't have to outwardly express his love to show that he loves. he loves and cares deeply, all he ever wants is for everyone around him to be safe and to feel better.
in this essay about leonard mccoy, i will be-
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darkness-and-books · 7 months
How the TOS crew reacts to being stuck in the turbo lift with you
requested by anon: “how would the tos crew react to getting stuck in the turbolift with reader?”
He only briefly looks up when he realises that the turbo lift has stopped.
Has no reaction whatsoever and goes back to doing whatever work on his PADD because he figures somebody has to notice it’s out of order fairly quickly
He just goes about his business until he hears you hyperventilating
He already knows why you’re panicking.
Spock does his best to comfort you by telling you that there’s only one turbo lift and therefore someone will have to fix it soon.
He’ll 100% tell you all about the history of elevators and how the turbo lift is so much safer 🤓
If you’re still worried after that he’ll let you hold his hand until someone finally fixes the turbo lift.
Leonard ‘Bones’ McCoy
Internally, he also freaks out a little bit
Bones somehow keeps his composure despite being trapped very close to you
He’s entirely in his own head about it until he realises that he can hear you freaking out even more than him
His inner country boy breaks out a little and pulls you close to him
Absolutely kisses your hands and maybe even your cheek to make you giggle a bit
He’ll remind you that you guys have been through way worse than a stopped turbo lift.
Jim Kirk
“Huh” his exact words after realising you’ve stopped.
Honestly, he really really trusts his crew so he won’t be worried at all
But the moment he hears your breathing pick up he’ll start cracking jokes
“Actually this works out perfectly, I was on my way to a meeting”
Pulls you into a big bear hug and tells you how he’d much rather be here with you
if you’re still panicking he’ll say something like “do I have to order you to calm down”
Keeps telling jokes until you laugh
and when you do laugh, he’s pretty sure his heart jumps out of his chest.
Nyota Uhura
Absolute girl boss about it
Would 100% wait it out if it weren’t for the fact that she could see you panicking
But you’re panicking and she can’t bare to see you with anything but a smile on your face
She pulls out her comm and calls down to engineering (why did no one else think to do this? 🧐)
Once she’s done that all she can really do is wait
She won’t even wait or hesitate, she’ll pull you to the floor and sit with you
10/10 would recommend getting stuck in the turbo lift with Nyota, she will cuddle until someone fixes the lift
“Oh my”
His mind seriously blanks
But he kicks into gear when he remembers you’re here too
He pulls out a deck of cards and asks if you like magic 🪄
(I dunno why I just think Sulu can do card tricks and stuff 🤷‍♀️)
Card tricks quickly devolves into an intense game of war
Its unexpected for sure, but it works
It takes him a moment to notice
But when he hears your breathing he looks up and realises that you’ve stopped
You’re lucky to be stuck in the turbo lift with the head of engineering
He gives you a quick wink 😉 and smirks when you blush
He’d turn around, open up a panel that you didn’t even know existed, and fix it
Bam, problem solved
If you’re really shaken up by it though he’ll probably take you for a drink after or make you tea if you don’t drink
I hope you like it, anon. I’m super sorry if this isn’t what you had in mind, feel free to re-request it with more specific parameters if this isn’t what you meant.
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fely-v · 9 months
I just love headcannon for the fact that McCoy's friends are worried about his thinness and irregular schedule. While he is trying to make up an adequate number of shifts for the entire crew, he apparently considers himself immune to these rules
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It's been a while since I've been here. I'm coming back with a sketch that has been gathering dust in my sketchbook for some time
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bibones · 4 months
Here, have some unedited, stream-of-consciousness ideas about transmasc Triumvirate for Pride Month 🏳️‍⚧️
McCoy came out the youngest - when he was around 7 or 8, and started HRT young enough that top surgery wasn't necessary for him, any chest growth was negligible. Apart from keeping up with his hormonal implants, being trans hasn't much affected him; his family are modern, 23rd Century people goddamnit, they ain't gonna throw a fuss at their tween naming himself Leonard if that's what makes him happy.
He never bothered with bottom surgery, and he donated his eggs when he and Jocelyn went through IVF. Jocelyn carried Joanna, but McCoy wouldn't have been fully opposed to being a seahorse dad if it was more convenient for them at the time - needless to say, he's still relieved when it's not something he needed to go through to be a father.
All the same, he is very reticent of sharing the fact that he's transgender. It don't matter one bit to nobody but those who share his bed, thank you very much.
Kirk came out as a teenager, sometime around the age of 16. Overcoming the trauma of Kodos and Tarsus IV was something he had to make some sort of peace with first before he realised the discomfort he felt in his body and the perception of himself by other people wasn't any sort of lingering dysmorphia related to childhood food insecurity. He has what some would consider the stereotypical tomboy-to-butch-to-FtM pipeline. He's always been charming with the ladies, and gaining confidence in his identity as a trans man just made him all the more magnetic.
He had top surgery prior to joining Starfleet, and bottom surgery prior to his first posting on a starship.
He's more open and causal about his transition than McCoy is; if other people happen to bring it up, he'll proudly talk your ear off about his gender journey, but he wouldn't disclose at the drop of a hat, either.
Spock came out the latest of the trio. He was an adult, he was already in Starfleet Academy, and it took him a few years after realising his gender identity to start any sort of medical transition. He's on HRT, but hasn't had top surgery or bottom surgery.
Being transgender isn't stigmatised on Vulcan, however Spock was more reluctant to explore his experience with gender incongruity than he would otherwise have been due to being half-Vulcan - either because of internalised shame at deviating from the norm and having these feelings, or as a result of prior medical trauma from being closely studied and monitored as the first human-Vulcan hybrid.
McCoy gives him the what-for the first time he realised Spock binds unsafely during away missions ("And no, sir, it is not 'logical' to purposefully put yourself at risk because you happen to have more durable bones than a human! You still have lungs that gotta breathe, man!")
He is, however unexpected, the most candid of his status as a transgender man.
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bonesfucker3000 · 24 days
Bones would most definitely listen and be a big fan of Dolly Parton and no one can convince me otherwise-
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pop-squeak · 25 days
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star trek modern au featuring maps nerd chekov
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He’s mildly allergic to bees. Not enough to be dangerous, but enough that he keeps a hypo spray for it in his pocket any time he’s on shore leave on earth. Jim finds this supremely annoying, since he himself will swell up into a big puddle of allergic reaction when he comes within twenty feet of a bee
He used to do drag in his twenties as an escape from the pressures of Academy studies. His drag name was Miss Mal Practice and he would wear so much glitter that both he and Jim would find it in their sheets for weeks. When he graduated he gave it up, but near the end of the first 5 year mission, Uhura and Spock team up to try and get him to teach them a few things. After that, Enterprise Drag Nights become a monthly phenomenon.
Both he and Scotty are asexual, though to different levels. Bones is super sex neutral and indifferent, he’s experimented his fair share but sexual attraction has never exactly made sense to him from personal experience.
He was an incredibly lonely child, whose family was always busy and had barely any time for him. He has three older siblings who’d gone off to college by the time he was around eight, and he spent a whole lot of time hanging out in the dry barns with the calico cats on their property, doing homework or lighting shit on fire for fun.
When he dies, he wants to be cremated. This is in part because he has a strange connection to fire, and in part because he’s absolutely terrified of tightly enclosed spaces. To be buried in a coffin? His worst nightmare.
Generally he’s pretty ambivalent towards sugary things, but any Italian dessert is his Achilles heel. He coerced Scotty into tinkering with one of the replicators until it got the recipes for crostoli, tiramisu, cannoli, amaretti and panatone just right, and they have weekly dinner dates with plenty of alcohol.
Bones is FTM and uses he/him and they/them pronouns. He knew he was a guy from really early on and started taking HRT around age eleven. He never needed top surgery, but got bottom surgery around age twenty-five. He’s the most trans cis man you can imagine, and while he doesn’t flaunt that part of him, he’s more than happy to discuss it to those who are genuinely curious for a juxtaposition to their own gender journey.
He has that innate urge to fight in him, not just verbally but physically. It caused him to get into a lot of trouble in school, before he got his act together and reigned in that part of him (later, he learned he’d started masking a lot). Jim’s friendship is incredibly beneficial to him because they’re both touchy people with a lot of pent up energy. Many a night on the Enterprise is spent getting into heated conversations on Jim’s bed and ending up tussling on the floor. Sometimes Spock watches, but it’s rare that he joins in. The play fights are a tension reliever, and help a lot with anger management.
There’s definitely been a couple times he’s gotten his nose broken, most of them courtesy of his own brash stupidity.
He gets a lot of intrusive thoughts.
He’s a firm advocate that pineapple on pizza is satan’s invention and anyone who enjoys it can fuck right off. Jim loves pineapple on pizza: both Bones and Spock have nearly disowned him for this at least twice.
On shore leave, he wears the most garish Hawaiian print shirts in every colour of the rainbow, and flaunts them with all the pride of a world-renown catwalk model.
He and Scotty are in a devoted queerplatonic relationship. He’s really touch starved and Scotty loves touching people, so a lot of the time they end up cuddling or doing each others hair.
His favourite drink is brandy, but he won’t say no to a glass of iced lemon tea. Don’t tell anybody though, he has a reputation to uphold, for fuck’s sake.
He always ends up sobbing when he listens to opera, because it reminds him of Jocelyn and those memories are painful.
He’s always had food issues, from when he was a teenager. They’re a lot better these days, but when things get stressful he finds it hard to maintain good eating habits. It’s always made him feel bad, because he knows Jim goes through the same thing - but Jim actually has a reason: he was on Tarsus IV. It takes him a long time to open up about it, however.
Surprise parties are on his Top Ten Things I Hate Most list
Yes, he actually keeps a Top Ten Things I Hate list on his PADD, and some of its highlights include: ‘Jim’s infuriating lovey-dovey glances at Spock’, ‘styrofoam’, ‘almost getting killed’, and ‘Spock in general’.
His favourite flavour of ice cream is blueberry
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acastleintheclouds · 12 days
I find it funny that Bones, who hadn't even learned the Vulcan salute in TOS, then turned out to know all about the Kolinahr in Star Trek The Motion Picture. Now I have this headcanon that, after they returned from their 5-year mission, he kept reading all he could find about Vulcan, because this was a safe way for him to remain connected with Spock without having to admit, even to himself, how much he actually missed Spock.
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martianbugsbunny · 6 days
while I'm running the DS9 oops!alltrans poll, let's hit another Star Trek show!
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dustykneed · 9 months
one of my favourite mcspirk getting together tropes is jim and spock noticing something off about bones and being forced to beat it out of him with a stick (metaphorically) before bones opens up and they finally get together. like go you emotionally constipated space nerds i believe in you !!! you can do it!!
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semi-accidental prompt fill for @mcspirkevents' mcspirk bingo prompt "getting together for the first time" (⁠ ⁠/⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠♪⁠♪
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batnardomcfly · 1 month
Head cannon that Bones actually does have anger problems and the entire ship knows about it. They’ll avoid sickbay like the plague if he’s pissed off about something. An ensign once caught him rip a medical tricorder IN HALF using his bare hands.
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demisexuals? perchance? is this real? this is my offering to the demisexual community. and then i also offer this man. i will not explain further. Thanks
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darkness-and-books · 6 months
TOS headcanon reacting to finding your nest in their quarters
Ostaran!reader (I mean the implication of nesting is kinda fem, but no pronouns or real description used for reader, so take it as you will)
Losing his mind
Like OMG, You put your nest in his room?!?!
Loves it so much
can’t believe you feel comfortable enough to put one so near his bed
tries so friggin hard not to even breathe in its direction
if you invite him to snuggle in it he will die
if you let him, he’ll start collecting you more blankets and pillows and things
like you’ll come to your new nest and find a new pile of materials near by
Honoured, but a little put off by the fact that you made it right in the doorway
Still won’t move and avoids stepping in it like the plague
will ask very kindly if you might move it to a more convenient location
would even help you to move your nest if you allow it, otherwise he’ll just read his book and let you do your thing.
the internal mushy feelings are real though
like won’t let anything happen to your nest at all
if you invite him to snuggle in your nest he will await your explicit instructions so as not to mess it up
Might start brining you little pieces for your nest that you express any interest in
Okie dokie
Doesn’t mess with it, but won’t bring it up unless you do first
it if you wait too long to bring it up he’ll look at you over the edge of the bed with a raised eyebrow as you snuggle into your nest
“Did you wanna join me?” He just shakes his head, “not what I meant,”
his words do not however match the action that is instantly plopping into the nest with you
he won’t go super out of his way to bring you more material, but he does think your nest looks a little sparse so if he sees something he thinks you’ll like he’ll get it for you.
he also definitely leaves little snacks next to your nest for you.
seriously, you accumulate a whole stash
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