#lena’s friend watches the 100
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Watching Her
Kara stares at the blank screen in front of her. She’s been sitting at her dining room table for what feels like days. She needs to be writing her article, but it seems her brain has other plans. Instead, she’s trying to string together the words that have plagued her mind for months. Well, plaguing her for years really, if she’s being honest.
Plus, lately there’s this urgent need to explain to her raven haired goddess of a best friend how much she means to the hero. Every time Kara thinks she can speak it aloud, the words get stuck in her throat. So, she thought she’d write them instead. Apparently that’s not working either since she’s been staring at her screen for Rao knows how long. No article and no words for Lena. She’s come up short either way. Since the genius woman left for Newfoundland a few days ago, the blonde hasn’t been able to think of much else.
Just Lena. Always Lena.
Her time in the Phantom Zone was wrought with the fear of never seeing those mesmerizing bi-colored eyes or touching soft porcelain skin again. Their relationship has weathered storms most married couples haven’t faced. A sentiment that forces her thoughts down a path she’s skillfully avoided for years. Kara knows they reconciled and have swapped both apologies and forgiveness, but she’s still not sure where they stand. What they are. Friends? Yes, but there’s always been more. Unfortunately, dealing with the madness surrounding Lex and Nyxly hasn’t given them much time to sort through things. To truly talk.
There are countless things Kara wants to say. While in the Phantom Zone, she relived almost every moment of her relationship with Lena. The worst of things played out before her on most occasions, but the visions also allowed her subconscious to say things she’s always been too cowardly to say. As much as being there sucked, it also gave her insight into how much is still unsaid between them. Insight into where her true home lies. Who is her perfect partner at game night.
It’s Lena. It has always been Lena.
She shakes her head with a sigh. The cursor on her screen mocks her. This is what happens every time she tries to put words on the page. Her thoughts instantly drift to Lena and all the words she’s choked back or refused to speak. Then a smile drifts across her lips, thoughts of how close she came to kissing the raven haired goddess. Right there in the middle of the tower when she first greeted Lena. If it hadn’t been for Alex and everyone else in the room, she might have.
No, she’s sure she would have.
“Rao, stop it Kara!” She mutters to herself, slapping her forehead to punctuate her point. “You have an article to write. Even if it is a fluff piece for Andrea.”
Rolling her eyes at the thought of her boss, she straightens her spine, stretches her arms in front of her, shakes them out, and settles back in to write.
A few hours later, Kara realizes she’s been writing a stream of consciousness. Her once blank document is filled with words. It’s great that she was able to get so many words on the page, but it’s absolutely, 100% not related to the article she needs to write for her deadline. A deadline two days from now.
Every single word is related to Lena.
Kara drops her chin to her chest, blowing out a breath of frustration before sitting back in her chair and dragging her hands down her face. “Okay, I guess I should read through this mess of thoughts. Maybe it will give me something for Lena.”
As her eyes rove over the page, drinking in the words she has written, Kara feels her body grow warm. Before her, on the laptop screen, sits the words she’s been looking for. The combination of things she’s longed to share with her best friend for the better part of six years. Sure, she’s going to have to edit some things and polish it up. However, she’s confident she finally has the words she wants to share.
Lena comes back early. Kara isn’t sure why, but her raven haired friend doesn’t seem open to talking about it. She can tell something is on Lena’s mind though. The woman’s behavior certainly derails Kara’s plan to give Lena the journal/letter she wrote.
Just another delay. Such is the life they live. The life of a hero.
They make plans to hangout together. Kara invites Lena to her loft to catch up and eat pie. Because…pie!
The blonde watches her, drinking in her profile. Strong, sharp jawline. Soft, pouty lips. Perfectly manicured brows, vibrant porcelain skin, and shiny ebony locks cascading down her back, a few strands hanging over her shoulder and resting on her collarbone. Lena is without a doubt the most beautiful person Kara has ever seen, across any and all planets she’s been on. This woman captivates her, steals her breath, and owns her heart.
She must get lost in her observation because the next thing she feels is a soft hand on her forearm breaking her from her trance.
“Kara?” Lena practically whispers, squeezing the hero’s forearm. “Darling, are you okay?”
She clears her throat, her embarrassment no doubt on display across her cheeks, spreading onto her ears. “Umm, yeah. F-Fine.”
Lena cocks her head to the side, patented eyebrow raise in place. “Want to try again? I know you didn’t catch what I said because you undoubtedly would have responded.” She releases the blonde’s forearm before shifting to face her. “Now, tell me what’s going on in that beautiful brain of yours.”
A long, shaky sigh makes its way out of Kara’s mouth. She is unquestionably not going to admit what currently has her distracted. Which means she needs to come up with something that is close to the truth, but doesn’t force her to admit her feelings. Not yet.
“I just, well, I missed you.” She reaches up to adjust glasses that aren’t there before diverting her hand to tuck a stray hair behind her ear. “There’s so much we have to catch up on and it’s a little surreal that you’re here. With me. Right now.” She trails off, the fading blush from a few minutes ago rushing back across her impervious skin.
A full, gorgeous, dimpled smile spreads across Lena’s face. It’s the smile that Kara used to see all the time during their countless lunch dates and game nights. It makes her heart stutter in her chest, a sight more beautiful than Rao’s dawn on Krypton.
“I missed you, too. We do have a lot to catch up on.” Lena winks at her before sitting her half-eaten pie on the coffee table. “Do you want me to finish what I was saying or are you ready to tell me what’s got you so distracted?”
“Y-You go ahead and finish what you were saying. We can talk about my scattered brain later.” She gives her most endearing grin, hoping it will persuade her best friend to continue.
It works. They exchange stories for the next couple of hours. Lena shares what she learned about her mother and how apparently she comes from a long line of powerful sorceresses. Kara shares the crazy things they fought and dealt with in her absence along with the plan to get rid of Lex and Nyxly for good. Another night of completely skirting her inner dialogue.
And so it goes for several weeks afterward. They spend their time working to get rid of the worst Luthor and his psychotic fifth-dimensional girlfriend. In the aftermath of William’s death, losing Lillian, and Alex and Kelly’s wedding, Lena seems to come to terms with her magical abilities and gain confidence in her new identity as the last Luthor standing.
The good Luthor.
While Alex and Kelly are on their honeymoon, Kara and Lena finally have the conversation both of them have been putting off.
The two of them are curled up on opposite ends of Kara’s couch, each holding a cup of their preferred tea. They exchange shy, knowing smiles for several seconds before Lena breaks the comfortable silence.
“You know, I used to think the biggest monsters I had to fear were Lex and Lillian.” Lena softly says, running her finger along the edge of her rapidly cooling mug. “Over the past year and especially these last few months, I’ve learned we make our own monsters. We make our own monsters, then fear them for what they show us about ourselves.”
A plethora of emotions swirl in the verdant eyes that look up and connect with concerned, but affectionate blue ones. They revel in brief silence, drinking in the intimacy and vulnerability of their shared space. Two battered souls that completely understand one another in ways no one else can.
Lena takes a deep breath, sits her now cold mug on the coffee table, and pats the cushion next to her hoping Kara will slide closer. She watches as Kara places her own mug down and shuffles across the couch, planting herself close enough that Lena’s knee sits against the side of her thigh. A delicate, pale hand rests on top of a warm tan one.
Kara turns her hand to lace their fingers together, gently squeezing Lena’s in a show of comfort. “I get that, at least I think I do. We’ve both been through so much in our lives, so much trauma.” The hero sucks in a ragged breath, all the things she’s lost flashing through her mind. “We both have wounds that will never show on our bodies. Wounds that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds. But, as painful as they are, they’ve built us into who we are.”
A soft huff and a chuckle of incredulity sound beside her causing blue eyes to shift from their hands to Lena’s half-amused, half-saddened expression. “You’re not wrong, but I wish there was a better, less painful path to get here.” She rolls her eyes at the situation. “I guess part of my point in saying this about Lex and Lillian is that loving and yearning for love can be blinding. Sometimes, I think, we don’t really see how toxic someone is until we finally breathe fresher air.”
Lena lifts her free hand to gently rub soft patterns into the skin on Kara’s hand still clasped in hers. “When I was in Newfoundland, it reminded me that who I am and where I came from are only small pieces of who I want to be. Being in the fresh air, away from the Luthor name gave me a new perspective. It helped me realize some things.”
A wistful smile spreads across her face as she pauses her ministrations on Kara’s skin. “There is a home no one can take from you, a home that will last. I think who you are, who you surround yourself with, and what you believe in is your real home. For me, that home is you, Kara.” She takes a shaky breath and makes eye contact with the blonde, hoping to convey how truly sincere she is. The raw truth in her statement.
Kara’s breath catches, her eyes glisten with tears. Lena hasn’t actually said the words she longs to hear, but it carries the same meaning. She does her best to collect her emotions and prevent the epic ramble she can sense coming. There is a journal/letter or whatever you want to call it she needs to share with Lena. So. She needs to get herself together.
Which is hard when Lena looks so stunning. The happiness and confidence that exudes from her without Lex and Lillian looming over her, it makes her more alluring than ever. Kara’s mind constantly drifts to thoughts of ebony locks and viridian eyes.
Rao, Lena has never looked so beautiful. She’s a goddess amongst mere mortals…
She shakes her head and forces herself back to reality.
“You know, I spent a lot of time thinking about things too. While you were in Newfoundland, I mean. Well, and while I was in the Phantom Zone. Lots of time to think there.” She shakes her head, the urge to ramble growing stronger and she wants to do this right. Blowing out a breath and pulling another in, she tries to calm herself before trying again. “I’ve given a lot of thought to having a home and what it really means to me. I always see the same thing, Lena. Your face, your smile. It’s always you. I, umm, I wrote something about it while you were gone.”
Releasing their connected hands proves more difficult than she anticipated, but she manages. She pulls the folded paper from her pocket where it has been since she finished it. Her hope was the right moment would present itself and she could either let Lena read it or read it to her. Now the moment is here and she’s more nervous than her Pulitzer ceremony.
Clearing her throat, she pauses before locking eyes with her best friend and lightly shrugs. “I guess I’m not sure if you want to just read it or if you want me to read it to you. I mean, I’ll do either. Just as long as you know what it says and…” A nervous chuckle escapes and she shifts herself on the couch, turning her body toward her best friend. “What would you prefer? I’m going to be nervous and jittery regardless.”
Lena tilts her head and lifts her hand to her chin feigning thought. “Well, if you are giving me the choice, I am going to choose having you read it to me.” She pats the Kryptonian on the thigh before leaning her elbow onto the backrest of the couch, propping her head in her hand. “If I can listen to your words and hear your thoughts through your voice, I am going to choose that option every time, Kara.”
They laugh and settle into place as Kara unfolds the paper. She knows this is going to change things, she just doesn’t know how much. With one last look at the woman that holds her heart, she begins to read.
Watching her. It’s something I catch myself doing quite frequently. It’s not that I mean to or I do it on purpose. It just happens. She’s always captivated me. Her wit. Her brilliance. Her grace. Not to mention her eyes. Her smile. Her armor piercing eyebrow raise. There are so many things about her that reel me in.
From the first moment our eyes met, the first time my eyes connected with the deep pools of sea green, I knew she was special. Someone important. And that is the moment my world shifted.
Watching her is distracting. She moves with a sense of surety and power unlike any I’ve seen. Her intelligence is a super power very few possess, she wields it with both caution and tenacity. The desire to help others is so innate to her soul, even the sinister Luthors couldn’t break her drive to do good.
From the first time she helped save the city, I knew she was a hero. A woman worthy of respect and honor, no matter the name she was born under. That was the moment I knew we could take on the world together.
Watching her is awe inspiring. She is so willing to give, to help others, to share her inventions and love of science for the betterment of society, for the greater good of the world. She strives to help others, sometimes even at the detriment of herself.
From the moment she put herself on the line for the safety of others, I knew she was worthy of more than what so many hurl at her. Worthy of love, trust, and respect, leagues beyond what the world has given her.
Watching her is life changing. Life has so many twists and turns, nothing is guaranteed or promised. But when I see her, when I watch her teach her goddaughter new things, when I watch her toss her head back in unrestrained laughter, even when I watch tears drift down her pale cheeks…watching her is life changing.
From the moment I first held her in my arms, I knew my life was forever changed. The gift of her smile is priceless, the gift of her trust is sacred, but the gift of her love is divine.
Watching her has forever changed my life, finding her is how I found my home. --------------------------
Kara finishes reading, but is hesitant to look up. She’s not sure how Lena is going to react and doesn’t want to see rejection reflected back at her. It isn’t until she hears a soft sniffle that her head bolts up and her eyes find teary, sparkling green ones.
Her eyes widen and she reaches out to wipe the tears away. “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry.” The blonde grabs the box of tissues from the coffee table and hands one to Lena. “Are you okay? Do you need me to leave? I can…”
Her rambling words are halted by a soft finger pressing against her lips. She keeps her eyes on the woman the finger belongs to. The mossy pools she’s gotten lost in countless times search her oceanic ones, apparently finding what she needs.
Lena slowly removes her finger, gently lifting both hands to rest on Kara’s cheeks. She presses their foreheads together and sighs. “I guess two lost little girls finally found their home.”
Neither of them know who leaned in first. In the end, it really doesn’t matter. Not when the result is their lips pressing together and a home to call their own.
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Supergirl Radio is discussing some of the recent episodes of My Adventures with Superman, and they're kind of musing about the implications of Brainiac being able to wipe/alter Kara's memories.
Which means I am 100% besotted with the idea of this Kara meeting a version of Lena. Not sure which version, but one who'd be able to commiserate with the manipulation and unraveling of their familial reality and having to recondition themselves to the real world, in all its painful glory.
So clearly a world where Lena is a Luthor. Lex is pretty young in My Adventures with Superman, which would imply that Lena would be younger, but I want her to be of an age with Kara, so maybe Lena and Lex are twins in this universe? Equally brilliant but polar opposite personalities.
Lex wants more and more of the spotlight, which ultimately makes him unreliable, to the point that Lena kind of becomes the dependable one by default? Who seemingly gets all of their father's approval, which pisses Lex off to no end, but she's still left walking a razor's edge?
All Lena wants is to do good and belong. Which, funnily, is what Kara aches for too. Maybe they meet in the park one day, choosing the same bench to be miserable and dour on as they watch the rest of the world be happy and playful.
Maybe Kara asks Lena a question about the meaning of life on Earth, which startles Lena but it shakes them both out of their misery long enough to notice-- oh no, she's hot.
And then they become friends, and Kara introduces Lena to Clark, who's thrilled Kara has found a new friend on Earth, but no one knows she's Lex's sister. When she's eventually outed (how, idk), they're automatically suspicious, despite the fact that Lena has given no indication she shares her brother's beliefs.
It breaks her heart, and Kara can't stand to see her sad, so she seeks Lena out so Lena can explain how all her life she's been compared to and associated with Lex. As though the minute she refuses to be part of the Lena and Lex duo, she just ceases to exist. How maybe early on she adored her brother and took his word as gospel, until she started to think for herself-- and completely lost her brother as a result.
And in losing her brother she lost herself, and ever since she's been trying to put herself back together, into a complete person who can exist without Lex. But for all her hard work, the moment her identity as his twin is revealed it all unravels again. But she doesn't blame them, not really. She'd probably think the same, in their shoes--
Until Kara wraps her up in a big hug and simply clings to her, until a surprised Lena finally relaxes into the embrace and returns it. Kara trusts her, no matter what Clark or his friends say. For the first time, she has the choice to believe in who and what she wants.
She chooses Lena.
#my adventures with superman spoilers#my adventures with superman au#supercorp#bc of course its supercorp#what did you expect?#gimme more lena!#in all the universes!!!
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Introducing contestant number one…
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Keen baker Lena has lived most of her life in the shadow of her famous cousin, but now she's ready to forge her own path, and fully explore her own Zest for life!

Introducing contestant number two…
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Aging out of the modelling world, Ebele has decided it's time to find true love! Going against her parents' wishes, she's looking for a guy who can make her laugh, rather than make her rich.

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Farm-girl Penelope has a fulfilling teaching career, but all those kids have made her want a family of her own. Pen admits she's never been in love before - could Johnny break the spell?

Introducing contestant number four…
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Romance-obsessed Haven has been researching this role for a long time, watching almost every dating show in existence! She also writes romance novels - but will Johnny be her happy ending?

Introducing contestant number five…
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Aubrey is serious about her activism work, SO serious in fact, that her friends had to force her to apply for the competition! Will Johnny remind her of the importance of love?

Introducing contestant number six…
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Bottle-blonde Kitty has a lifelong fascination with the Landgraab matriarch, and leapt at the chance to potentially join the famous family. Hopefully Johnny won't mind her Nancy-esque look!

Introducing contestant number seven…
by @nek0rina
They don't come much more wholesome than this! A green-thumbed nature lover whose whole life has been spent on her family farm, Lydia's now hoping to sow the seeds of love in Johnny's field.

Introducing contestant number eight…
by @surely-sims
Wannabe-vet Riley lost her glasses on the way to the auditions, and suddenly became much prettier and also partially blind… but this gullible girl-next-door is still looking for love!

Introducing contestant number nine…
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Foodie Margo knows how to whip up a good meal, and how to whip her hair in the club! She's a 50/50 mix of family and fun, plus some clumsiness… will she trip and fall for Johnny?

Introducing contestant number ten…
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Erratic toaster-lover Meghan may have more than 99 issues, and not having a man is one of them! Hence she's here to win Johnny's heart with her vast collection of hats and enigmatic charm!

Introducing contestant number eleven…
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Introducing contestant number twelve…
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Introducing contestant number thirteen…
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Mía's not sure what to do since graduating from university, but this easygoing gal is open to exploring all sorts of paths - will Johnny want to join her on her next big adventure?

Introducing contestant fourteen…
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After refusing to take part in a 100-baby challenge, genius Tits decided to take control and find a guy to fulfil her many needs. Is Johnny the man to keep her love tank full?

Introducing contestant fifteen…
by @whimsyalien
Prince Charming was taking too long to find romance novel fan Liz, so she decided to take her fairytale fate into her own hands and find him herself! Will her happily ever after be with Johnny?
#Johnny Wants a Wife#JWAW#Johnny Zest#JWAW Episode 0#Lena Lemon#Ebele Udo#Penelope Hart#Haven Edge#Aubrey Richards#Kitty Spice#Lydia Garden#Riley Morlind#Margo Alvarez#Meghan Moon#Dahlia Hyde#Aliyah Carina#Mía Palak#Letitia 'Tits' McGhee#Liz Song
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TMagP Live Reaction Ep 30
Finale Spoilers!!!!
Ahhhhh I am so scared. samalicelia my loves please live. also the episode title is worrying me
train time train time
sam open your damn messages alice is the designated "would survive a horror podcast" friend
celias just like me fr I'm the designated painkiller friend
... that is a worrying cough
celia being wonderfully vague and suspicious as always I love you girl
ohhh just wait til the last season sam that's when the apocalypse gets you
"we're safe here" jon watching them from the next carriage like 👀
call him a bitch alice it's okay he's earned it
ah yes, ticket prices, the real horror
oh no colin what did you do
are there people in the computer colin
welp he's probably dead
oooooh gwen meets the consequences of her actions this is gonna go brilliantly
lena also being suspicious and vague I love you too girlie
honestly iconic of her. you go lena ily
ah yes, the laugh of someone who should be in charge of a government office
celia don't act like you don't know what you're looking for
the way she said that makes it sound like they did think it was there
oh I'm sure it has its ways to get round transportation
"call it a hunch" girl you are not subtle
honestly ever since getting braces that's what I think dentists are like these days, there's no way they don't have ulterior motives
woohoo footsteps
celia "knows what genre she's in" ripley
"that's one hell of a reflex!" scottish voice acting I love you so much. also who's this guy I love him already
oooooh scottish guy what do you know
I love him so much he's so real
LMAO I would also give up client confidentiality for 50 quid
*one normal night* begins playing
oooooh scottish guy who are youuuuu
is this a statement I hear?
oh god it's being pulled from him
hmmmm I wonder who this boss is
mmm lovely
oooh is it like a siren shop
oooh people mannequins love that
oh god he has a daughter
woooo the boss is dead good
job so bad that it haunts your worst nightmares
I'm so sorry I have no idea what you're saying my guy I'll need to consult the transcripts for this one
okay sam at that point you need to call her back you can't hide from consequences forever
girlboss and malewife
ooooh what do you seeeeee
yeah what does that mean????
ah yes, they finally have the argument
tell himmmmm tell him celia
oh yeah she doesn't know that the eyepocalypse is over does she. she probably thinks she's gonna go ba k to another fear domain. I don't blame her tbh
is she gonna send him to the tma universe. IS SHE GONNA SEND HIM TO THE TMA UNIVERSE
welp. samcelia was cute while it lasted folks
... I am taking that "get away from her" as a final samcelia crumb
...uh oh that's not good
ooh alice is gonna be pissed
oh hey scottish rock guy how's it going
ah hi gwen. it's good to see all the girlboss villain arcs starting
everyone wishing gwen luck really bodes well for her /s
boy everyone's dealing with consequences now
I am not ready for the break between seasons I need more already
hey at least no ones confirmed dead. also I support celia 100% I still love her and I will continue to be a samalicelia truther despite recent events
#the magnus protocol#tmagp#celia ripley#samama khalid#alice dyer#gwen bouchard#lena kelley#colin becher#tmagp spoilers
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DT17 Anniversary Posting
So I've heard around the cafeteria that there's a theme for today centered around people's favorite episodes. Well, I don't have [a] favorite episode. But I can narrow it down to 1 per season, so let's go with that.
(P.S. if you were tagged in this post it's because I gave you cool people a shoutout at the end.)
S1: The Last Crash of the Sunchaser!
When I first watched this show, this episode was the one where I realized things were serious. This wasn't just a funny duck show. It's definitely still funny and a duck show, but it's so much more than that.
On Disney+, this episode comes right after Lena is possessed by Magica, so my mind was 100% on that heading in. Instead, we got the resolution to Dewey's arc and the mystery of Della Duck... or so we thought!
Sure, we found out Della's fate, but that was almost secondary to the family drama, especially between Dewey and Scrooge. It's very intense, and even when we get the answers we're looking for, the questions all change.
I don't need to explain why this episode is good. It just is. The fact that I picked this episode, and not a Lena-centric one, shows how good it is.
S2: A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill!
Alright fine. One Lena episode.
After Lena was brought back in "Friendship Hates Magic!", the question was, where do we go from here? I think they handled it very well, integrating her back into the kids' friend group while still letting the effects of Magica's abuse linger on.
I really enjoy the idea of characters' dreams showing their deepest fears and desires. The kind of stuff they would otherwise stash away when they're awake. This episode took that concept and sprinted with it.
I still think we ought to have had more sleepover episodes with all of the kiddos. When everybody is fighting for screen time in Season 3, this episode shows how you can balance several characters at once, even if Lena was the one getting the majority of the attention. The "Swanstantine" episode is another good example of this.
I mean, come on. We got Webby dressing herself up as Scrooge McDuck as soon as she realized she could do whatever she wanted. It was foreshadowed from the beginning!
S3: Astro B.O.Y.D.!



I've talked about this one before. It's one of my favorite pieces of autism rep. Boyd's journey in this episode really resonated, as well as his relationship with Huey.
In my opinion, the best part about it is how Huey relates to Boyd. Specifically not because he's a robot, but how Huey sees him as just a kid, just like him. The robot part is more of a neat quirk than anything. He's wired differently, literally, but they deserve a chance to be themselves.
And I appreciate how "Astro-B.O.Y.D!" gives Boyd a purpose as a character. I thought the bit in the Doofus episode where the villains try to pull the same con as Louie was fun, but Boyd didn't feel like much of a character, or at least no more of one than Sharkbomb was.
So "Astro-B.O.Y.D!" takes a character that very well could have had a one-off bit role, and made him something special. Made him somebody that a viewer can relate to, just as Huey did in the episode. Even just for 22 minutes, Boyd felt special. I felt special. I felt seen.
So yeah, that's my three. The fact that I can sit here and ramble about a half-decade old show that ended before I found it, is really cool. I'm so glad to have the chance to hang out with everybody here, whether we're discussing the best show in the history of time or doing literally anything else.
Shoutout to the people rallying the troops for today's anniversary... @secret-tester @justaboot @alexcanine @boingodigitalart @yeyeducks @cookieruby @the-richest-duck ... and to everyone else who's participated not just today but any day. We wouldn't be a community without the fine folks in it.
#ducktales#ducktales 2017#ducktalesanniversary2023#the last crash of the sunchaser!#a nightmare on killmotor hill!#astro b.o.y.d.!#dewey duck#lena sabrewing#boyd gearloose#dt cafeteria table posting
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Good morning (or good evening in your case I guess)! 🤭
Because you asked me about the theme songs: If you had to choose one for each of your OCs what would it be?
Goooood Morning! Or evening for you by now I think 🤔🥰 This’ll be easier for some than others B’3 (links will all be to YouTube videos hopefully!) thank you for the question this was a real thinker x3
So Levraut actually has a song we recently heard and went HOLY SHIT ITS LEV’S THEMESONG! Which would be [Creator, by Lena Raine] it has the mysterious suspense of the music box at the start, and then shifts into the cadence of something I associate with the Sea, which is something that sounds like Accordion ahaha (and then it further intensified with electric guitar, which isn’t usually in his soundscape, but it’s So Good)
[cut because… length again LOL]
For Tuesday I’d have to say my first choice is [Hello World, by Louie Zong] as far as songs that make me immediately associate with Tuesday lololol. The other song I have is [Waltz No. 2, Robot, by Hikaru Shirosu] it has, to me, the cadence of going shopping in a small market, but you’re still very ‘young’ in a sense, and small obstacles can feel like big obstacles 🫢 it’s also Piano, which is one of the instruments associated with Keathan! Who has a very heavy influence on Tuesday’s soundscape :3
For Chuusday…. Picking just one is rly hard… hm… it’s not on EITHER of her playlists I think, but [Home Beyond The Horizon by I think Masoyashi Soken and Daiki Ishikawa] Which is a song played on a crunchy, tinny radio. She’s not patriotic, but it was too large a part of her life for it to not have had some major impacts on her, lol. For a less/more serious song (???) I’d say [Hardware Store by Weird Al Yankovic]. It’s got. The vibe. LMAO.
Tangy is also hard to pin down, but I think [Fell In Love With A Girl, by White Stripes] does a pretty good job of suiting both the vibe and at least a Lil Bit the lyrics [because the first three lines remind me of Minfilia and Tangy :/ not that I ship them explicit romantic 100% of the time, but it coulda been. It coulda.]
🎤Fell in love with a girl
I fell in love once and almost completely
She's in love with the world🎵
Otherwise my other offering is When You Look At Her and it’s just playing [Cat Cafe by Tsundere Twintails] in her whole expression.
There’s not a particular song I can think of for Mochiie yet- I’ve been fighting that gorilla for a month or so now and I’m not much closer to victory yet, lmfao. However I do offer the song from [this post] because it reminds me Thavnair, so the real answer is I have a lot of music in Urdu I need to listen to and figure out his vibe LOL. I found the song in particular after scouring the notes though! Which is ->[Mehndi Laga Ke Rhakna, sung by Lata Mangeshkar and Udit Narayan] (I also need to figure out the influence the Azim Steppe had on him 🫢)
Ishi’li is… tricky. Cos I’m also still working on their playlist BDJDNFJDJFSK and the one song I’ve heard recently that made me think of him so so hard isn’t in the soundscape I’d set for them :T but. It’s rly Ishi.
[Like or Like Like by Miniature Tigers]
🎤I watched you get undressed
I must have turned bright red
'Cause I couldn't stand to face you
'Cause I liked what I saw
And maybe we should just be friends
Tell me how you feel about me
Do you like or like, like me?
Tell me what you really feel
Do you like me? Just say you do🎵
Swydghem actually has songs because I listened to a playlist on basically endless loop while writing so even though it’s Baldurs Gate [Down By The River composed by Borislav Slavov] always makes me think of her LOL… Solkmyna gets slightly more associated with [How The Tide Rushes In by Anne Dudley] Jojoha doesn’t have a particular soundscape yet because it overlaps with Levraut regularly😅 (at least in terms of; the Dreadnaughts, which is one of the bands I listen to for him lmao.)
Colette is my monster hunter/Ffxiv cross oc and while I haven’t really given her a whole lotta thought I think [I Want It All by Arctic Monkeys] could definitely fit her vibe, lol. She’s someone else on my to-do for music thoughts, just a little further down the line from Ishi and Mochi uvu;
Bonus!!! If you were wondering [Love Like You from Steven Universe] makes me think of Tuesday/Haurchefant. :’)
I hope you enjoy the music 🫶 lord knows there’s a bunch of it SHFJRJFEKCKSKXKA hopefully the color/bolding isn’t obnoxious, it makes it easier for my eyes to not glaze over if there’s variation lmao
#ask game#WHEW !!! only took me all morning but I think I managed to come up with satisfactory answers :’3#ffxiv Levraut#ffxiv Mochi#ffxiv Tuesday#ffxiv Chuu#ffxiv Tangy#ffxiv Colette#ffxiv Swydghem#ffxiv Jojoha#ffxiv Solkmyna#ffxiv Ishi#music recs#tangy was/is super hard bc the music with lyrics is all actually picked off Vibe#with a mild disregard to the lyrics. except for IDK IF I’M A BOY#by blue foster. cos. gestures. gender song. it’ll also end up on Ishi’s playlist probs if I can make space in the scape for it
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Any headcanons for Emily alone?
She is a bit taller than Lena and maybe a year older
She's a photographer
She has an older sister who has kids and watches after then from time to time
Em loves to sleep long
People think she's helpless but she's always 100% down to throw hands if she thinks its appropriate
She's more of a cat person
She loves watching reality/trash TV like talent shows or these wedding shows and stuff like that
She was more one of the quiet kids in school, sticking with her friends. They weren't nerds but not the 'popular' kids either
She made the DnD, sorry, Questwatch campaign to keep the heroes busy and distract them a bit
I like the headcanon that she is Moira's niece, just because it leads to funny situations
So I think she's either Irish or scottish
She's definetly the stricter parent to hers and Lena's kids but they ofc love her very much
Sorry there aren't much, I think I said it before but I usually have headcanons more for AUs and on the go but have these!
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[MEI] Winston...?
[MEI] Uh...
[WINSTON] What's on your mind, Mei?
[MEI] Do, do we have enough people for this mission?
[WINSTON] As long as we stick together, We'll be fine.
If you're going to show, Now would be a good time...
[TRACER] Attention! This your captain speaking, we are on final approach to Paris!
[WINSTON] That's our cue!
[TRACER] You may now power on your electronic devices. Weather is mostly cloudy with a 100% chance of--
Null sector invasion!
Winston, clear us a spot to land! We'll be right behind you!
[WINSTON] You'd better be!
[MEI] Why is Null Sector attacking now?
[WINSTON] I don't know, Mei, but the people down there need help.
And right now... we're all they've got.
[WINSTON] Bonjour, officer, we're here to help!
[OMNIC OFFICER] C'etait un singe?
Good work Mei!
[MEI] Thanks!
[TRACER] Watch your back!
[WINSTON] Get the civilians to the ship!
[MEI] You got it!
[MEI] What was that?
[WINSTON] Uh... Take cover!
Mei, stay with me! Winston!
[MEI] *groans*
[TRACER] She needs help, We can't stay here!
[WINSTON] Tracer... Get everyone out of here, I'll hold the line!
[MEI] But you said to stick together...
[WINSTON] Don't worry, I'll be right behind behind you!
[TRACER] You'd better be!
[WINSTON] Genji!
[TRACER] *Gasps*
[REINHARDT] Hammer down!
[TRACER] Yes! The cavalry's here!
[ECHO] Hello Winston!
[MERCY] Let's get you back in the fight.
[Mei] Ooh!
[BRIGITTE] Interlocking shields!
[MERCY] How are we going to stop this thing?
[WINSTON] Mei, your backpack!
[MEI] Huh?
*Gasps* That could work! Tracer--
Pulse bomb!
[TRACER] Here you go!
[BRIGITTE] *Grunts*
[REINHARDT] This is getting hard!
[MEI] Ready!
[WINSTON] Go long!
[TRACER] Right!
[WINSTON] *grunts*
[TRACER] Got it!
[GENJI] Ryūjin no ken o kurae!
[LITTLE GIRL] Hee-hee-ha-ha!
[REINHARDT] Victory is ours, my friends!
[BRIGITTE] Hi, Lena!
[TRACER] Brigitte!? Oh my Gosh, you've grown!
[REINHARDT] Ha ha ha!
[TRACER] Oh, everyone! This is Mei!
[MEI] Hi, everyone!
[REINHARDT] 'Ice' to meet you! Ha ha ha!
[TRACER] Ha ha!
[OFFICER] Monsieur! Does this mean... Overwatch is back?
[MEI] Winston...?
[MEI] Uh...
[WINSTON] What's on your mind, Mei?
[MEI] Do, do we have enough people for this mission?
[WINSTON] As long as we stick together, We'll be fine.
If you're going to show, Now would be a good time...
[TRACER] Attention! This your captain speaking, we are on final approach to Paris!
[WINSTON] That's our cue!
[TRACER] You may now power on your electronic devices. Weather is mostly cloudy with a 100% chance of--
Null sector invasion!
Winston, clear us a spot to land! We'll be right behind you!
[WINSTON] You'd better be!
[MEI] Why is Null Sector attacking now?
[WINSTON] I don't know, Mei, but the people down there need help.
And right now... we're all they've got.
[WINSTON] Bonjour, officer, we're here to help!
[OMNIC OFFICER] C'etait un singe?
Good work Mei!
[MEI] Thanks!
[TRACER] Watch your back!
[WINSTON] Get the civilians to the ship!
[MEI] You got it!
[MEI] What was that?
[WINSTON] Uh... Take cover!
Mei, stay with me! Winston!
[MEI] *groans*
[TRACER] She needs help, We can't stay here!
[WINSTON] Tracer... Get everyone out of here, I'll hold the line!
[MEI] But you said to stick together...
[WINSTON] Don't worry, I'll be right behind behind you!
[TRACER] You'd better be!
[WINSTON] Genji!
[TRACER] *Gasps*
[REINHARDT] Hammer down!
[TRACER] Yes! The cavalry's here!
[ECHO] Hello Winston!
[MERCY] Let's get you back in the fight.
[Mei] Ooh!
[BRIGITTE] Interlocking shields!
[MERCY] How are we going to stop this thing?
[WINSTON] Mei, your backpack!
[MEI] Huh?
*Gasps* That could work! Tracer--
Pulse bomb!
[TRACER] Here you go!
[BRIGITTE] *Grunts*
[REINHARDT] This is getting hard!
[MEI] Ready!
[WINSTON] Go long!
[TRACER] Right!
[WINSTON] *grunts*
[TRACER] Got it!
[GENJI] Ryūjin no ken o kurae!
[LITTLE GIRL] Hee-hee-ha-ha!
[REINHARDT] Victory is ours, my friends!
[BRIGITTE] Hi, Lena!
[TRACER] Brigitte!? Oh my Gosh, you've grown!
[REINHARDT] Ha ha ha!
[TRACER] Oh, everyone! This is Mei!
[MEI] Hi, everyone!
[REINHARDT] 'Ice' to meet you! Ha ha ha!
[TRACER] Ha ha!
[OFFICER] Monsieur! Does this mean... Overwatch is back?
fool count: 6
the worst part of really long asks is when they don't even have that many fools in them. other than the senders themselves, of course.
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Tag Game
Tagged by @casualkoalatea ! Hello friend! :D Thanks for the tag!
Three ships: Oh my, my big three throughout the years have been Clarke/Lexa (The 100), Korra/Asami (Legend of Korra, and of course, Kara/Lena (Supergirl) my beloved!
First ship ever: Cara/Kahlan (Legend of the Seeker) an OLD ASS TV show. (It's not my fault that 90% of the homoeroticism on the screens of my youth are played out by blonde/brunette women okay). Once someone from church gave me a birthday card with the main dude from that TV show on it, like Ma'am you are missing the point.
Last song: Can't take my eyes off of you (Frankie Valli)
Last movie: The Lighthouse (2019). I've been on an A24 kick lately. They're So Good and I did not have the media literacy to understand most of them when I watched them the first time, so it's been an absolute treat revisiting them!
Currently reading: The ends of the world (Peter Brannen). It's about the 5 (6?) mass extinction events the planet has experienced! It's beautifully written and it puts so much of the natural world into tangible perspective. I 100% recommend. It's hopeful and beautiful and it connects the entire history of the land and those who once walked it to our present day.
Currently playing: Minecraft (Always)
Currently watching: Critical Role (but less watching than listening as I do art stuff)
Currently consuming: Nothing, I just woke up, good morning all :)
Currently Craving: Mmmm. A good tonkatsu Ramen + bubble tea!
People I'd like to know better (but don't have to participate): @fazedlight @kitch3nw3nch @ostropest @fionnemrys @damodredl if you'd like to play along!
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Best fics I read in January
This is a little late, but here is a rec list of all the best fics I read in January in order of reading. There are 13 in total.
room 615 (clarke/lexa, the 100) by steadywomp
Clarke Griffin is not nearly as enthusiastic as her friends to start the new semester. Maybe, it's because she's a transfer, new school already tainted by the bad experiences of the last one. Maybe it's because her mom hasn't called, or because her ex won't stop calling. No matter what it is, it's all made worse when she finds out that her room is directly across from the RA. An RA who she can't stop thinking about.
i am always amazed when i find clexa fic i haven't read or even had on my radar. this was just so incredibly good. the vibes are perfect. the characters are perfect. the story is good. all around incredible.
once more (from the top) (oliver/felicity, arrow) by writewithurheart
In the aftermath of his fight with Ras Al Ghul, Oliver finds himself somewhere unexpected: his hospital room when he first came back from the Island. With a second chance to right the mistakes he’s made since coming back to Starling City, what will Oliver do to save the people he’s loved and lost? Will he be able to change his past or will be he forced to watch history repeat itself?
I LOVE TIME TRAVEL FIX ITS. And this is no exception. It's really good. As a great twist near the end. And this is just brilliant.
give up trying to save us (charlie & tori, charlie/nick, heartstopper/solitaire) by maycollins
"There’s this moment in the car when everyone goes quiet, like it’s barely sunrise, but the day’s already been too long, and we just don’t have the energy to say anything else. I can’t stop looking back at Victoria in the rearview mirror, squished in the middle seat of Nick’s little Fiat. I remind myself. She is here. She is alright." Starting from the end of Solitaire, an exploration of Charlie and Tori's relationship and a journey to healing.
this is such a good depiction of mental illness and how healing isn't linear. it's just fucking beautiful and worth the read.
there is a place i call my home (nate/jenny, gossip girl, a series) by lizwas
au from 5x21 onward, but takes place years in the future. Jenny comes from London to spend a summer in the Hamptons, and reconnects with her old friend Nate.
i'm always going to be weak for jenny & nate and this series is just perfect. it makes so much sense. both for jenny and for nate. and it's just beautiful. full circle. perfect. bonus for background dair and no chuck what so ever.
listen closely and the stars will sing (lena/kara, supergirl) by celaenos
Lena casts her mind around for the last time she felt this unmoored, this off-balance, by a woman, and can't come up with anything. Kara Danvers is unlike anybody that Lena has ever met; the sweetest, bubbliest person Lena’s yet to come across, and simultaneously one of the saddest, who is probably lying to everyone that she meets. It’s an impossible contradiction to wrap your head around, and Lena should probably stop hiding in this bathroom and trying. (Or, Kara and Lena get parent-trapped into a relationship by a goofy little alien.)
so i haven't met a celaenos fic i don't love but this one takes the cake. it's the ultimate s2 au fic, and honestly myka is so fucking adorable.
to hold moonlight in your hand (dany/sansa, game of thrones) by eggandcheese
“Surely you didn’t expect to come all this way for just a kiss,” Sansa dared to propose. Dany’s brow quirked and her lips parted in a tentative smile. “I am not foolish enough to ever expect anything from you, Lady Sansa,” Dany averred. She shifted forward, holding her gaze and toying with the coppery ends of Sansa’s hair. She grazed her knuckles along Sansa’s chin, uttering softly, “But I certainly hoped for more.” -- The quiet moments history will never know of Sansa and Daenerys finding love in each other, had she gone to Dragonstone in Jon's stead. Mixes book and show canon, up to Jon leaving for Dragonstone after which I attempt to fix everything.
just read it. honestly. you won't regret it. happy endings all around. the dany on the throne we deserved.
the third option (peter-centric, tony & peter, mcu) by uncertainly_principle
Homecoming AU. Ben and May divorced before Peter’s parents died, so when Ben is murdered Peter goes into foster care. It takes just a tiny taste of superpowers for Peter to decide he doesn’t want to put up with his horrible foster father anymore—the streets are infinitely more appealing. All he wants is to be Spider-Man anyway. So he leaves. Simple. Simple, that is, until Iron Man needs Spider-Man’s help. Peter isn’t about to turn down an opportunity to fight alongside Tony Freaking Stark, but he also isn’t going to let his hero know that his recruit is a fifteen-year-old homeless dropout. So they strike a deal. Peter will help Tony. In return, the mask stays on. And that’s when things get complicated.
this fic will change your life. it's hard and messy. and it will hurt you. but it will be worth it. the story is so good. the characters are so great.
the victors of district twelve (lucy&peeta&katniss, peeta/katniss, the hunger games) by dustyattic
What if Lucy Gray survived that night in the woods with Snow? What if she made it up north, found those people rumored to be surviving without the Capitol, and realized District Thirteen wasn't quite as obliterated as she'd been taught? And what if, sixty-five years later and after watching a certain Mockingjay end Snow's reign, she came back to District Twelve? This is the story of Katniss and Peeta meeting Lucy Gray Baird, and learning her story-- the story that Snow so desperately tried to erase.
i'm fucking obsessed with the idea of lucy living and meeting everlark, and this is one of the best i've read so far. it's hard and rough. and super painful at times. but it's so good.
after all the smashes (pacey/joey, dawson's creek) by misspermascowl
A look at what (could have/should have) happened after Pacey carried Drunk!Joey up the stairs.
this is the best characterization of both joey and pacey i have ever read. it's worth it just for that.
i've been afraid of changing ('cause i've built my life around you) (nico/karolina, runaways) by somniatoressinespe
“You know you've always wanted to give my mom a coronary,” Nico pitches with a conspiring tone, hand cupping her mouth and a spark in her eyes Karolina likes a bit too much. “I don’t know about that. Your mom kind of adores me.” “I know!” Nico throws her hands in the air with such flair Karolina is half expecting her to break out in a song, “It'd be weird, if you weren’t so damn likeable. Whatever, give your mom a coronary, then.” “That I can get behind.” “Good. Date me.” She chokes on her coffee, barely avoiding a full on spit take by sheer strength of will alone. “What?” she chokes out when she feels like her lungs have gone back to reside in her ribcage instead of wandering around her oesophagus. Nico ignores Karolina's struggle for air with nonchalance and takes her hand in hers kneeling on the kitchen's crumb covered tiled floor. “Karolina Dean, will you date me to piss off our families?" or "karolina ends up dating her best friend, what could go wrong?"
fake dating gallore! it's so good. also we stan comics!background karolina in his one. the characterization is spot on. the vibes feel right. it's non!powers, non!murderous parents au, and it just works so brilliantly. gert is also spot on the whole time.
the rose of jericho (ianto-centric, jack/ianto, torchwood) by kaydeefalls
Post-CoE. When Martha Jones encounters a dark UNIT cover-up in the wake of the 456, it's up to Gwen's new Torchwood team to bring the truth to light -- and save Ianto.
THE PERFECT FIX IT. It's so good. The new Torchwood team in this is great. The case build up is fantastic. MARTHA JONES OUR SAVIOUR. Just all around fantastic fic.
blackbird (veronica/logan, veronica mars) by alilamba
LoVe, Ballet AU. Veronica moves across country for her senior year of high school, because apparently her life wasn't challenging enough already. At least when she fails she'll be wearing a tutu.
I don't read much AU for LoVe because it's their history that makes them so interesting to me, but this fic just worked for me in every way. the way canon gets incorperated into this whole new world is flawless. the characters still feel like logan and veronica even in this different universe. it's all round just smashing.
running back home to you (elphaba/galina, wicked) by mayverix
It was wishful thinking. It had to be the truth. Glinda may not know much but she knew performance, and the more she thought about it the better it fit. Elphaba’s death didn’t make sense. Glinda had seen it with her own eyes and had stupidly believed that was proof it had happened. Elphaba’s melting shadow had been wearing the hat. Glinda wasn’t sure of the scientification of melting, but surely either all or none of her clothes should have melted. Surely Elphaba herself shouldn’t have melted. Fiyero’s body was missing, and Elphaba’s hat was in her hands. Glinda stared at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were bloodshot, and she realized she must have been crying. She looked crazy. It didn’t matter. Elphaba was alive.
run and read this. just do it. won't regret it. will fix all your problems.
0 notes
100 of 2025
When someone sneezes, do you say “Bless you,” or “God Bless you?”
I say gezondheid. It literally means "health" in my language and we always say this.
Do you ever look at someone cute, and automatically make a move?
No. My mind doesn't work like that. The last cute person I saw (yes this train guy) makes me feel incredibly shy, and I think he is either, by nature.
How many times have you been to Wal-Mart/K-Mart in the past week?
None. We don't have these shops in Europe.
What are two things you are excited to do in the near future?
Go for a national strike in two weeks, and shorter term, getting paid.
Have you ever seen the movie A Walk to Remember? Cliche’ or worth watching?
No, never. I don't watch movies anyway.
Do you ever put condoms in old people’s buggies at the store?
What? It's childish. I have a sense of humour of a 12 years old boy, but not to this extent.
Name one reason you go to a pharmacy regularly for?
My daily medication.
What radio station could you not resist turning it to in the vehicle?
I don't listen to the radio, I listen to my Spotify playlists.
Do you live in a house, apartment, or another type of arrangement?
A terraced house.
Do you wear sweaters in the winter or hoodies, more often?
I wear only hoodies.
Are you kind of a loner? Do you like being alone?
I am, but I am not. If that makes sense. I love to be among people, but also I need some "me time".
Are you one of those people who like to spell out numbers?
Sometimes. My husband's last name is literally a number, so it has to be spelled out lol.
Is there an animal in the room with you right now? What kind?
Yes, Susie came to me. She's headbutting my hand and purring.
Did you or do you still have a Furby? Was/is it annoying?
I've never had a Furby.
What's one event your town has that you don’t like to participate in?
Any of these lol. These I would love to participate in are always paid.
Are any of your siblings married? What are their spouse’s names?
No, my sister isn't married and it looks like she won't be for a long time.
Do you hate nosy people who ask too many personal questions?
I do indeed. Especially when they are strangers. I'm not obliged to tell the story of my life to a random person.
Name one lyric from the song you’re listening to/the last one you listened?
"Recall the day, remember the place Betraying a girl is easy or so I thought Untamed you keep me hanging on Bewitched the love I feel for Lena
Girl since you whispered your name It just keeps hanging in my brain I tried to ignore it for too many years All those times it echoed in my head"
Do you have a fax machine? Do you ever use it anyways?
I don't, but I wish I had. I love faxes.
Does your kitchen table have placemats? If so, what colors are on them?
No, t doesn't. It doesn't even have a table.
Do you know how to sew? What's your favorite thing to sew?
I know how to repair clothes in basic way and that's it.
Have you ever owned a turtle? Did it ever bite you when you owned it?
I've never had a turtle, and none of my friends has one.
Does your father have any creepy or scary friends you don't like?
No, he doesn't. He has one friend whom I actually like.
Who was the last person (if anyone) you said Happy Birthday to?
Karen, I think.
Do you have Photoshop? If so, how often a day do you use it?
I don't have Photoshop, but I have GIMP. I prefer GIMP anyway.
What color are the walls in the room you’re in right now?
Light beige.
Has your school ever had a lockdown? If so, for what reason exactly?
Not that I remember.
Do you enjoy it when your school has drills? (ex/fire or tornado drill?)
I'm not in school.
Do you watch any shows that you know your parents wouldn’t approve of?
Probably, but I'm in my mid-30s, so they cannot forbid me.
Do you have any siblings who still believe in Santa, and are over age ten?
No, my only sister is gonna be 30 this year and she doesn't believe in such things.
What color were the last pair of headphones/earphones you bought?
Red. I bought new Beats EP in red, the old ones are blue.
Do people call you a big mouth sometimes? Or more than sometimes?
No, but my husband is one, definitely.
Has anyone ever stolen your survey questions before, if you make surveys?
I don't make surveys.
Leggings with denim shorts; yes or no?:
I don't care, you do you.
Do you like to burn candles?:
I don't mind. I like to watch the wax melt.
Are Yankee Candles really all that?:
I've never heard of them.
Do you think any bands/artists are trashy?:
I don't care. If I don't like it, then I just don't listen ton it. The band Kiss is my exception, they are bunch of assholes.
Have you ever started typing something and then someone spoke and you ended up typing what they said?
Ha yeah lol. My brain is weirdly wired anyway, I can't focus properly.
What type of white-out do you use: bottled liquid, tape or pen?
Tape. It's easy and it doesn't stink.
What would you put on your perfect sub?
What is sub?
Do you have anything that’s limited edition?
No, but my husband has some gaming merch that is limited edition.
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I sit on my brand new bed and dream about ways to kill myself something I know I’ll never do or at least in this moment in time I know I won’t . Right now I have a body that works which I am so lucky for but being grateful is for optimists and I am nothing of the sort . I have this endless need to be needed

I sit in my school full of spoiled kids from Brooklyn who haven’t experienced a thing in their life ( at least I think so ) they are mostly incredibly boring and far too optimistic for my liking. I love to hate, it brings me joy unimaginable to piss someone off for reasons that truly don’t matter. It is a joy that cannot be replicated and to watch their reaction of squirming and delusions is like a reality show where you only get the best parts. My brain is turning into rot . I say these things to anyone and feel like I should be locked up in a cave I’m crazy I think or at least that’s what these kids tell me I become it for them something like an art piece too real that I can’t detect it. I’m only like that around people I feel no need to impress because they’ve already made up their mind about me .
People have always hated me but never for anything real always for something such as becoming this cartoon character that I feel I must become . I hate silence there’s something about dead air full of teenagers who think they’re better than you that makes me want to give them something they don’t want : a problem . I’m crazy , I admit to it most of the time but I don’t think anyone understands the scope. I got sent away for it and the scary thing is I think it made me worse . I had normal depression but I was so dumb . In mental hospital is where I learned the fastest way to kill yourself is to cut yourself. Hot dog style not hamburger. I saw kids getting taken away and kids beaten the shit out of them by full grown adults .
I’m a problem my existence is something I want to understand but never I will. I sat in my bed last night watching alien workshop skate videos listening to drumless rappers who are able to put their pain to art . Sometimes I feel I only put my pain into pain. I feel stupid I so desperately need human connection to feel the warmth that I think everyone feels. I fall in love with people seconds and years after meeting them and fantasize but often give up knowing that love is something that feels impossible at the moment. They say life will get better and I think that’s true for a lot of my people but not for me the circuits in my brain don’t work unless my 100 dollars of medication are on I vision a gun shooting me directly in mouth and I swallow the bullet and scream for help but there’s nothing I can do I love life I hate it . PLEASE KILL ME . xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
kathy acker used to write and masturbate I often think about the inclinations of masturbation like the men these days are doing we are all always rotting so is are brain . Jack skelly follows me on instagram and lives on my bookshelf I had to cut the lines out of my college essay about being too high and reading his book in Tompkins square park . I become normal under the influence almost as if it has the reverse effects no one should ever let me ramble but they do and I love them for it . I often think how stupid my problems are and I think that is the most helpfull thing I can do . I think about the kids getting their lives ripped apart in Palestine at the moment and they are still able to smile at least a fake one and I am not. I’m so prententious
#ariana grande #diva #photo shoot
I want to die I’m reading a book and I enjoy it. it’s written by Lena Dunham’s best friend does that make me not cool does that make me one of the bushwick fagotts who think their all that and move here from Ohio . I imagine myself in 30 years living in my car somewhere in the middle of nowhere smoking packs of cigarettes with all my money spent on odd vhs tapes and records and Ephrema that no one else seems to care about I hate New York and what’s its becoming I sat and listened to navy blue looking at clips of New York from when I was a kid and crying it wasn’t as good as it feels I was just a kid I still am I got kicked of my statistics class for not talking yet everyone always wants that to happen i never shut up I envision my self slamming my head into a door and blood trickling down until I drop I used to be scared of these thoughts but I’m not anymore they are almost like a sadistic lullaby , that at some point this will all stop

I’m scared pls don’t admit me back into belluve it’s not fun drugs are funny till they’re not and it’s all fun and games till you get fat and everyone’s skinny I want eating disorder that makes me skinny is that bad to say everyone’s too pc and I hate it not because I’m someone who wants to go on rants about people who don’t deserve it but It leaves no room for emotions the emotions you won’t say I remember watching the videos of the people falling out of the building during 9/11 in the sixth grade I think it plays on a loop in my head PLEASE KILL ME. Ok bye bye pls don’t read this even though I’ll post for the world to see “goodbye horses im crying over you”- q Lazzarus everything fades I hope I do too plz don’t help me I’m feeling better now the meds are kicking in thank god for scientists kill the politicians and to all goodnight . My crush is Stevie buscemi and Ronald McDonald is my savior I love you Lindsay Lohan but that’s a story for another day FUCK YOU. And the credits role
from my substack pls read
#candy darling#ethel cain#harmony korine#music#brittany murphy#hari nef#john waters#nick zedd#contemporary art#chloe sevigny#hi#crazy#dennis cooper#i hate life#stop#substack#writing#poetry
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20 Netflix Series To Watch Right Now in 2023
1. The Baby-Sitters Club (2020) Release Year: 2020 IMDb Rating: 100% Genre: Family, Drama Star Cast: Sophie Grace, Malia Baker, Momona Tamada, Shay Rudolph Director: - Description: A group of friends launch a babysitting business. Fun Fact: The series is based on the popular book series by Ann M. Martin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vivBx21jYC0 2. The Dragon Prince (2018) Release Year: 2018 IMDb Rating: 100% Genre: Animation, Adventure Star Cast: Jack De Sena, Paula Burrows, Sasha Zoey Rojen Director: - Description: In the magical land of Xadia, magic comes from six primal sources. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWEtCsi3Eo8 3. The Queen's Gambit (2020) Release Year: 2020 IMDb Rating: 100% Genre: Drama Star Cast: Anya Taylor-Joy, Chloe Pirrie, Bill Camp Director: Scott Frank Description: Orphaned at a young age, Beth Harmon discovers her prodigious talent for chess. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ruX2V5NvGc 4. Master of None (2015) Release Year: 2015 IMDb Rating: 100% Genre: Comedy, Drama Star Cast: Aziz Ansari, Eric Wareheim, Lena Waithe Director: - Description: Follows the personal and professional life of Dev, a 30-year-old actor in New York. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwnEXjrsIKc 5. The Haunting of Hill House (2018) Release Year: 2018 IMDb Rating: 100% Genre: Drama, Horror Star Cast: Michiel Huisman, Carla Gugino, Henry Thomas Director: Mike Flanagan Description: Flashing between past and present, a fractured family confronts haunting memories. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eqxXqJDmcY 6. Castlevania (2017) Release Year: 2017 IMDb Rating: 100% Genre: Animation, Action Star Cast: Richard Armitage, James Callis, Alejandra Reynoso Director: - Description: A vampire hunter fights to save a city from an army of otherworldly creatures. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3jNb7IdJHQ 7. The Umbrella Academy (2019) Release Year: 2019 IMDb Rating: 100% Genre: Action, Adventure Star Cast: Elliot Page, Tom Hopper, David Castañeda Director: - Description: A dysfunctional family of adopted superpowered siblings investigates the death of their father. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DAmWHxeoKw 8. The Witcher (2019) Release Year: 2019 IMDb Rating: 100% Genre: Action, Adventure Star Cast: Henry Cavill, Freya Allan, Anya Chalotra Director: - Description: Geralt of Rivia, a solitary monster hunter, struggles to find his place in a world where people often prove more wicked than beasts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndl1W4ltcmg 9. Cobra Kai (2018) Release Year: 2018 IMDb Rating: 100% Genre: Action, Comedy Star Cast: William Zabka, Ralph Macchio, Courtney Henggeler Director: - Description: Decades after their 1984 All Valley Karate Tournament bout, a middle-aged Daniel LaRusso and Johnny Lawrence find themselves martial-arts rivals again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCwwxNbtK6Y 10. BoJack Horseman (2014) Release Year: 2014 IMDb Rating: 100% Genre: Animation, Comedy Star Cast: Will Arnett, Amy Sedaris, Alison Brie Director: - Description: BoJack Horseman was the star of the hit television show "Horsin' Around" in the '90s, but now he's washed up, living in Hollywood, complaining about everything, and wearing colorful sweaters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1eJMig5Ik4 11. The Crown (2016) Release Year: 2016 IMDb Rating: 100% Genre: Biography, Drama Star Cast: Olivia Colman, Helena Bonham Carter, Tobias Menzies Director: - Description: Follows the political rivalries and romance of Queen Elizabeth II's reign and the events that shaped the second half of the 20th century. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWtnJjn6ng0 12. Dark (2017) Release Year: 2017 IMDb Rating: 100% Genre: Crime, Drama Star Cast: Karoline Eichhorn, Louis Hofmann, Jördis Triebel Director: - Description: A family saga with a supernatural twist, set in a German town. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrwycJ08PSA&t=2s 13. Black Mirror (2011) Release Year: 2011 IMDb Rating: 100% Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi Star Cast: Daniel Lapaine, Hannah John-Kamen, Michaela Coel Director: - Description: An anthology series exploring a twisted, high-tech multiverse where humanity's greatest innovations and darkest instincts collide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0XOApF5nLU 14. Stranger Things (2016) Release Year: 2016 IMDb Rating: 100% Genre: Drama, Fantasy Star Cast: Millie Bobby Brown, Finn Wolfhard, Winona Ryder Director: - Description: When a young boy disappears, his mother, a police chief, and his friends must confront terrifying supernatural forces in order to get him back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9EkMc79ZSU 15. Unorthodox (2020) Release Year: 2020 IMDb Rating: 100% Genre: Drama Star Cast: Shira Haas, Amit Rahav, Jeff Wilbusch Director: - Description: Story of a young ultra-Orthodox Jewish woman who flees her arranged marriage and religious community to start a new life abroad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nixgq1d5J7g 16. Mindhunter (2017) Release Year: 2017 IMDb Rating: 100% Genre: Crime, Drama Star Cast: Jonathan Groff, Holt McCallany, Anna Torv Director: - Description: In the late 1970s two FBI agents expand criminal science by delving into the psychology of murder and getting uneasily close to all-too-real monsters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHJO6VR6TYY 17. Daredevil (2015) Release Year: 2015 IMDb Rating: 100% Genre: Action, Crime Star Cast: Charlie Cox, Vincent D'Onofrio, Deborah Ann Woll Director: - Description: A blind lawyer by day, vigilante by night. Matt Murdock fights the crime of New York as Daredevil. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAy6NJ_D5vU 18. Friends (1994) Release Year: 1994 IMDb Rating: 100% Genre: Comedy, Romance Star Cast: Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow Director: - Description: Follows the personal and professional lives of six twenty to thirty-something friends living in Manhattan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTpmw0Ac6Zs 19. Narcos (2015) Release Year: 2015 IMDb Rating: 100% Genre: Biography, Crime Star Cast: Pedro Pascal, Wagner Moura, Boyd Holbrook Director: - Description: A chronicled look at the criminal exploits of Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar, as well as the many other drug kingpins who plagued the country through the years. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xl8zdCY-abw 20. Making a Murderer (2015) Release Year: 2015 IMDb Rating: 100% Genre: Documentary, Crime Star Cast: - Director: - Description: Filmed over a 10-year period, Making a Murderer is an unprecedented real-life thriller about a DNA exoneree who, while in the midst of exposing corruption in local law enforcement, finds himself the prime suspect in a grisly new crime. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxgbdYaR_KQ I hope you find these TV series interesting! Also checkout: Read the full article
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Nuriel had taken out a little notebook to write down notes as Lena was responding. "So her father's name is Iscan..." If Lena peeked in Nuriel's notebook she would read: Iscan, the remove-every-variable-man - would rather ensure 100% safety than risk stuff.
At the mention of tea, Tahirah's eyes brightened softly. "That would be lovely! I'd be happy to have some tea with you~" A little giggle left her.
"I'll come along with Tahirah." Nuriel stated, a chuckle leaving. Arlyn would probably join them a bit later after getting Fiore settled into his guest room. "To a parlor room we go!"
"wait wait." Luciano looked around. "Where's Starling? she said she was gonna meet us at the castle...?"
"Yeah, she left before the rest of you came back." Nuriel shrugged. "Said something about anticipating our Luxendarc friends' arrival..."
"Ah, I see. Nevermind. I'm going to get some sleep in a guest room..."
"Niiight." Nuriel waved at Luciano and watched the others go before he and Tahirah looked toward Lena.
"Looks like it'll just be the few of us at tea...but seriously, we need to bash some baddies together before you leave because it'll be fun."
"Nuriel also made a board full of notes and pins about what we know so far if that would be helpful." Tahirah added, smiling brightly.
[ Lena Patches Up Sukumara ]
#stxrrbright#muse: Tahirah Zakiyaa#muse: Nuriel Flame#muse: Luciano Kay#Enchanted Aria (Main verse)#you are so very welcome!#tahirah: yes please~! :D#tahirah loves teatime XD#cue nuriel whipping out a conspiracy theory board with notes and pins XD
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My friend just started watching t100 and these are his responses so far 😂
ok Clarke is really hot I think I’m in love
I don’t get what the weird boss lady is trying to do?? (Diana)
‘It won’t survive me’ BEST LINE EVER
attempted murder is a crime
#lena’s friend watches the 100#jasper jordan#bellamy blake#clarke griffin#john murphy#raven reyes#finn collins#day trip
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shadows in the night
battinson!bruce wayne x f!reader
chapter seven
summary: more than a year after the events of middle of the night, y/n and Bruce are happily engaged and working to lower the amount of crime in Gotham. However, a new killer calling himself the Riddler has other plans for their happiness…set during the events of the movie, mostly canonical, some changes made to fit the story
a/n: Oof I tried uploading this every night I was on vacation and the wifi never got it together! But I’m home now and posting! Yay! tbh I’m not 100% happy with this chapter but oh well
This chapter is NSFW. 18+.
If you’d like to support me further and get a teaser (or the whole next chapter), here’s the information and link to my ko-fi!
Series Masterlist
word count: 3036
It was time to go face Bruce.
Bruce’s POV
The moment Selina started pulling out the contact lens, Bruce saw her.
She was framed almost artistically in the doorway behind Selina. Her hair was different, her makeup heavier, and her outfit–he almost growled at the sight of her outfit. Her old work uniform. He’d know it anywhere. He’d know her anywhere.
What was she doing there? Why hadn’t she told him? How had she found Selina?
“No!” Bruce said to Selina as she pulled out the lens, saying she couldn’t do this anymore. “What’s she doing there–No!”
The connection cut out before he could get more answers.
Bruce paced away from his setup in the abandoned building. He cursed, kicked an old, broken chair over, then punched the wall for good measure. His armored gloves bit into the rotting sheetrock.
Lena. The name came to him in a sudden burst of clarity. That was how she’d gotten in. Lena still worked there, despite y/n’s best efforts to change that.
Bruce grit his teeth so hard he was afraid something would snap.
Y/n was always butting in, endangering herself, always trying to help and almost causing him to go into cardiac arrest. Didn’t she see that?
He couldn’t help it. His thoughts turned darker. She’d been shot at and beaten and drugged and forced to watch her friend murdered in front of her. He’d almost killed her. And it all started and ended at that fucking club. Every single terrible thing she’d been through last year had been because of the fucking Iceberg Lounge.
His breath heaved out of him in harsh pants. Was he panicking, or was he angry? Both, probably. He couldn’t quite tell the difference.
With slightly trembling hands, he tugged his phone from his belt and sent a hurried text to her. Go home. She had to get out of there. The longer she stayed, the more danger she would be in, the more likely it would be that someone recognized her.
The response was almost immediate. OK. Talk later. Which meant talk at home. Bruce smashed his fist into the crumbling drywall again. His breath fogged out of him in the cold autumn air. He punched the wall again.
He knew he shouldn’t be so angry. But what if the Penguin had recognized her? Because the Penguin had been there. He’d been right there, along with his boss, Carmine Falcone, who’d taken a more hands-on role at the club since everything that had happened the year before. And Falcone–Falcone had mob ties. Falcone probably was the mob.
Every worst-case scenario flew through his mind at once as he packed up his gear.
First Selina, now this. Bruce couldn’t catch a break.
He needed to calm down before he got home. He didn’t want to shout at her, didn’t want to hurt her, but she needed to understand the risks. Needed to understand what it did to him for her to be in any amount of danger. She could protect herself–he’d made extra sure of that in the past year–but not from everything.
He was angry, too, because he knew what going back would do to her.
Why? was the only question.
Why wouldn’t she tell him? Why wouldn’t she try to find another way? A way that protected her from the memories going back would drudge up? A way to protect herself?
And most importantly, why would she lie? Why wouldn’t she tell him what she was doing?
When she suited up, disguised and as bulletproof as possible, it terrified him. But at least she warned him. It was always only when he needed help. When she was coming to his rescue.
He’d considered before that maybe she wore the suit and went out more than he thought. But why would she lie? Why lie to him, when he was running around dressed as a bat? It didn’t make sense for her to lie, so he assumed she wasn’t. And he slept all the more soundly knowing that she wasn’t lying to him.
But this…this was different. She’d barely been in a disguise, and she certainly wasn’t bulletproof.
And it scared the hell out of him.
This kind of stuff was his job, not hers. He had to make her understand. He had to keep her safe.
Reader’s POV
Y/n didn’t bother doing anything other than sitting in the Batcave waiting for Bruce. She’d taken her wig off, but not her makeup or uniform. She tried to mentally prepare her arguments, but they kept getting swept up in her own fear and worry and, yes, a little bit of anger.
Why was he the only one who could risk himself? Didn’t he see how dangerous it was with some fucking psycho leaving cards for him at crime scenes? Didn’t he know what it did to her for him to be in danger? If she could help, even slightly, she was going to. He wasn’t going to be able to stop her.
Besides–he had to know what it did to her, knowing another girl was missing. She couldn’t just sit by and let all of that start happening again, not when she might be able to do something about it.
Bruce had texted her that he was meeting Gordon first, so she curled in her chair with a blanket to wait. She really needed to get some heaters installed. It was freezing.
She didn’t bother watching his meeting with Gordon–she could catch up later. She was too tired.
And yet she couldn’t sleep.
Going to the Iceberg Lounge again had taken something from her. It had cost her something, but she wasn’t quite sure yet what.
Every time she closed her eyes, she saw snapshots of everything she had been through. The men touching her. Maxwell. Being beaten. Being drugged. Marie. Marie, Marie, Marie.
And those thoughts all led to the same place–Bruce, bleeding out in the passenger seat of the Batmobile.
Bruce, a single tear slipping beneath the mask as his blade bit into her abdomen.
Bruce, thinking he had killed her.
Maxwell’s blood pouring out of his stomach, coating her hands. The light leaving his eyes.
It was after sunrise, according to her phone, when the sound of Bruce’s motorcycle echoed up and down the tunnels.
He hadn’t bothered to put on a disguise. He was still in the full suit as he parked the bike and swung his leg over the side in one swift movement. Every line of him was tense and alert despite the hour, despite the fact that he’d been out all night.
When he spoke, his voice was a snarl. “What were you–”
“Please let me explain first,” she interrupted before he could say anything more.
He froze. Then jerked a short nod. He yanked the cowl off and let it thunk to the ground. He clenched and unclenched his fists.
She peered up at him from her spot in the chair.
“I want to help you,” she said firmly. “You can’t be the only one risking so much, night after night. And–when you told me that girl disappeared, I–” She swallowed, hard. “It made me–”
“You don’t have to explain that to me,” Bruce said. His voice was rough. Deep. He was exhausted. “I know what it did to you.”
She nodded and bit her lip. “I didn’t know you were sending Selina in there to spy for you,” she continued. She knotted the blanket nervously in her hands. “I know I should have talked to you first, but you’d said you were following a lead, and Lena said she’d help me…and I wanted to help. I had a way in and knew I could use it. I wanted to help. I’m going to help. This psycho is targeting you, and if I can in any way keep him from hurting you or–” She choked on the word. Or killing you next.
Bruce leaned down and pressed his forehead to hers. His gloved hands rested on her shoulders. “You almost gave me a heart attack,” he murmured. His eyes closed and he inhaled, breathing her in. “Do you know what it does to me when you put yourself in danger?”
“Probably the same thing it does to me when you put yourself in danger,” she snapped.
He made a noise in the back of his throat. “It’s not the same.” He pulled away from her.
“Of course it’s the same!” she shot back. “But worse. You go out every single night and put yourself in danger. I have to deal with that every night, Bruce. And this wasn’t even that bad!”
“Did you even stop and think what could have happened if you’d been caught?” Bruce ran his hands through his hair, making it stick up in every direction. “You could have been–”
“Through nothing worse than what I’ve been through before,” she said, voice flat. She crossed her arms. “You don’t–don’t get to dictate what I do and don’t do.”
Bruce knocked a frustrated fist against the table. “That is not what I’m doing.”
“Then why does it feel like it?” The anger rose within her, the emotions of the night writhing within her, twisting her in knots. She swallowed the salty taste of tears.
Bruce half-growled. His mouth opened and closed. Finally, he said, “I’m just trying to keep you safe.”
“That’s what I’m doing with you. I’m trying to help you. I shouldn’t need your permission to–”
“I don’t need help,” he interrupted sharply. He wasn’t looking at her but was instead staring at the screen. “I just–”
“Just want to keep me out of things.”
“Stop putting words in my mouth!” His voice rose slightly as he whirled to face her. “Of course I want to keep you out of things. I want you safe. You have been beaten and shot at because of me. I almost killed you. I don’t want another repeat of last year.” His breaths heaved out of him, blue eyes blazing with anger and anguish both, his clenched fists shaking.
All at once, she deflated. “I don’t want you to almost die,” she said softly. “Or actually die. I’m just trying to help.”
Bruce inhaled shakily through his nose. “I know,” he said. “I’m sorry. I know.”
“I’m sorry too. I should have told you.” She reached out a hand to him. A peace offering. He took it and pulled her closer. “I’m sorry,” she repeated as she pressed her face into his neck. She inhaled the scent of him. Sweat and smoke and something wholly Bruce. “It’s just–there’s a lot of emotions being brought back up. I want–I want to help find that girl.”
“I know,” he murmured into her hair. “Me too. I really should stop arguing with you. It’s pointless.” When she leaned back, his expression was slightly lighter, teasing.
She grinned. “Smart man.”
“Just–please, please tell me next time. I can’t bear if–” He closed his eyes and let out a heavy breath.
“If anything like last year was repeated?” she said.
Bruce opened his eyes. The brilliant blue was marred with pain. “Exactly,” he said.
His hands brushed against her back as he pulled her back into him. The pieces of his armor dug into her, but she didn’t care. “I hate that this guy keeps targeting you,” she said in a small voice. “I just–I have a bad feeling.”
“Me too,” Bruce said after a moment.
She kissed the underside of his jaw. “If it helps, I don’t ever plan on going back to the club if I can help it. God, it was terrible.”
Bruce hummed. “That’s why I didn’t involve you,” he said softly. “I thought sending a stranger, sending Selina, would be…easier. I would keep you from there forever if I could.”
She kissed his jaw again, then pushed up on her toes to kiss his lips. “It was…hard…seeing it again. You were…probably right not to ask me.”
“It was hard seeing you there,” Bruce said. He pulled back a little and studied her face. Then his gaze dipped lower. “Seeing you…dressed like this again.”
Y/n decided to do what she did best.
She would provide a distraction. From their argument. From their memories. From all of it.
“It’s hard, huh?” she said with a teasing smile. “Guess we better make better memories for this outfit.” She pressed herself against Bruce and made quick work of his upper armor.
“What are you–” he started to say. His breath hitched as she tucked her fingers into the armored pants.
“You like seeing me dressed like this, don’t you?” she murmured, because sure enough, he was already hard. His eyes fluttered closed.
“Of course I do,” Bruce finally admitted. He opened his eyes and quickly tugged off his gloves. He’d taken to wrapping his hands like a boxer to keep from breaking his knuckles–something that had happened twice in a row before he’d made a change. Then the wrappings were gone too, almost as quickly as the gloves.
She couldn’t help but gasp as his bare hands found her skin. He lifted her easily until she sat on the table. He stood between her legs and stared down at her with darkened eyes. “I used to imagine–” he said as he leaned down to kiss the space beneath her ear. “–all the ways to take this damn uniform off of you.”
Y/n hooked her legs around his. Closer. She needed him closer. He moved his hips against her, the hard length of him grinding exactly where she wanted him. She bit back a moan.
“Why don’t you show me?” she challenged as she palmed him through his pants.
Bruce kissed her deeply. One of his hands brushed over her chest and down her ribs while the other gripped her thigh. His fingers were hot as he trailed them up her bare leg. Higher.
“Looks like I’m not the only one whose imagination is running wild,” he said with a smirk as his fingers found the wetness between her legs. She moaned and pulled him closer with her legs.
“Bruce,” she said, because that was all she could manage as he slipped a finger into her without even removing her short skirt. She fumbled with his pants while he fingered her slowly and kissed up the side of her neck. “Please,” she said. She moaned again as a second finger joined the first.
She pulled the armored pants down just enough to get her hands on him. He groaned against the pulse in her neck.
“Fuck me, Bruce Wayne,” she murmured. He didn’t need to be told twice. The hand that had just been exploring her removed her underwear quickly. He didn’t even bother removing anything else, on either of them. She leaned back on her hands, legs wrapped around his waist, as he pushed into her eagerly. They both moaned.
“You drive me crazy,” Bruce said as he captured her lips in a kiss. Something behind y/n crashed to the ground but neither of them cared. Bruce’s hips bucked against hers, one of his hands holding her hip while the other gently held her neck. His pace was unrelenting. The tips of his fingers dug into her hip and his teeth nipped at her neck.
Pressure was coiling tight in y/n’s stomach, building and building until she clenched around Bruce and shuddered out his name. He kissed her again, movements becoming less rhythmic, more frantic. She pushed her hands under his shirt to feel his bare skin. He was almost feverishly warm, her hands sticking to his chest and back as she clutched him tighter.
The hand at her neck moved to her clit, and she was coming again within a minute. Bruce said her name as he came, too, hips jerking to a halt.
They were both breathing heavily. They were tangled together, the work table behind them a wreck.
Bruce gave her a lopsided smile.
“I should get you riled up more often,” she said as a shiver rocked through her. Bruce untangled their limbs. Her feet hit the ground with a thump. She felt boneless for a split second before the blood rushed back into her legs.
“I’m not sure I could take it,” he teased as he tucked himself back into his pants. He kissed her temple. “But I can’t say I would mind.”
They straightened their clothes and headed for the elevator together.
“I love you,” she said as the doors slid closed.
“I love you.” Bruce kissed her temple again.
“Can you give me what you know about Annika’s disappearance later?” she asked.
“The mayor’s funeral is this afternoon.”
Her eyes snapped to Bruce. “You’re going?”
He shifted slightly from foot to foot as the elevator doors opened to the basement. “Yes. Serial killers like to follow reactions to their crimes. And I think it’s all connected–Annika, the club, the Riddler’s victims.”
She frowned. “I’m coming too.” Bruce opened his mouth. “Come on, what’s the worst that could happen?”
Bruce sighed. “Fine.”
“But we are getting a few hours of sleep first. I’ll tie you down if I have to,” she threatened. A yawn punctuated her point.
He sighed again. “Yes, ma’am.” His lips lifted, though, and he led her to bed.
“Remember what you said about arguing with me. Pointless, remember?”
He glanced sideways at her. “You’re a menace.”
“I try, now let’s go to bed before we have to make a public appearance.”
Bruce made a face. She kissed the frown away. “Shower first,” he said. “Then bed.”
“Shower, then bed,” she agreed. She still wasn’t wearing underwear. She really, really hoped Alfred didn’t find the pair discarded somewhere downstairs. But she was too tired to go back downstairs to find them.
For a few hours at least, she wanted to pretend they weren’t going to a funeral. That they weren’t hunting a killer who was targeting the Batman. For a few hours, y/n wanted to sleep next to her fiance and pretend that Gotham was a safe city.
But deep down, she knew it was wishful thinking.
Gotham would always be dangerous, and Batman would always be in danger.
Next Chapter
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