#Riley Morlind
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simmingnate · 5 months ago
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Introducing contestant number one…
by @bunbeeplays
Keen baker Lena has lived most of her life in the shadow of her famous cousin, but now she's ready to forge her own path, and fully explore her own Zest for life!
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Introducing contestant number two…
by @itsOBiGem
Aging out of the modelling world, Ebele has decided it's time to find true love! Going against her parents' wishes, she's looking for a guy who can make her laugh, rather than make her rich.
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Introducing contestant number three…
by @ginovasims
Farm-girl Penelope has a fulfilling teaching career, but all those kids have made her want a family of her own. Pen admits she's never been in love before - could Johnny break the spell?
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Introducing contestant number four…
by @MogSimmer
Romance-obsessed Haven has been researching this role for a long time, watching almost every dating show in existence! She also writes romance novels - but will Johnny be her happy ending?
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Introducing contestant number five…
by @edawghizzle
Aubrey is serious about her activism work, SO serious in fact, that her friends had to force her to apply for the competition! Will Johnny remind her of the importance of love?
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Introducing contestant number six…
by @tedsies
Bottle-blonde Kitty has a lifelong fascination with the Landgraab matriarch, and leapt at the chance to potentially join the famous family. Hopefully Johnny won't mind her Nancy-esque look!
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Introducing contestant number seven…
by @nek0rina
They don't come much more wholesome than this! A green-thumbed nature lover whose whole life has been spent on her family farm, Lydia's now hoping to sow the seeds of love in Johnny's field.
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Introducing contestant number eight…
by @surely-sims
Wannabe-vet Riley lost her glasses on the way to the auditions, and suddenly became much prettier and also partially blind… but this gullible girl-next-door is still looking for love!
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Introducing contestant number nine…
by @iloooon_sims
Foodie Margo knows how to whip up a good meal, and how to whip her hair in the club! She's a 50/50 mix of family and fun, plus some clumsiness… will she trip and fall for Johnny?
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Introducing contestant number ten…
by @tiptoesims
Erratic toaster-lover Meghan may have more than 99 issues, and not having a man is one of them! Hence she's here to win Johnny's heart with her vast collection of hats and enigmatic charm!
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Introducing contestant number eleven…
by @SimmerBrooklyn
Dahlia is used to getting what she wants, when she wants - and that includes Johnny! This anti-girl's-girl is sure to ruffle some feathers… but will Johnny and her be lovebirds?
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Introducing contestant number twelve…
by @SimGirl_T
Aliyah hopes this will be a fun experience before she starts her law career, but perhaps she's more serious about Johnny than she lets on… after all, she's brought along a denim bra!
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Introducing contestant number thirteen…
by @loonaserena
Mía's not sure what to do since graduating from university, but this easygoing gal is open to exploring all sorts of paths - will Johnny want to join her on her next big adventure?
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Introducing contestant fourteen…
by @ice-creamforbreakfast
After refusing to take part in a 100-baby challenge, genius Tits decided to take control and find a guy to fulfil her many needs. Is Johnny the man to keep her love tank full?
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Introducing contestant fifteen…
by @whimsyalien
Prince Charming was taking too long to find romance novel fan Liz, so she decided to take her fairytale fate into her own hands and find him herself! Will her happily ever after be with Johnny?
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shoobysims · 4 months ago
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Cotton: So what's up? You aren't carting around a lost sock, right? I mean we were totally safe. Riley: What? No, silly. I just wanted to see if you were up for a repeat performance later. (Riley Morlind in search of one lost sock and legacy admission)
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fallin4fiction · 5 months ago
Please Spare Me: An SBL Gen 6 Short
As soon as Noel aged into a YA, the Watcher set in motion her plan to hook him up with Johnny Wants a Wife former contestant, Riley Morlind. And yes, the Watcher did squeal like a fan girl when she saw how adorable the two were.
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Deciding to get two things done at once, she set Riley and Noel on a double date with Raquel and Echo. ( Raquel confessed her love to Adrian after they first woohooed and he wasn’t happy about that so the Watcher took that as a sign it wasn’t meant to be)
Even though Noel was into Riley, Riley wasn’t really attracted to him, so sadly they decided to just be friends. However, Raquel and Echo were shooting off sparks.
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It was a whirlwind romance.
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They just hooked up in the bathroom, when this popped up.
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Raquel: How dare you propose to me knowing you had a baby on the way? And on top of that, this Maddison is considered your soulmate?!
Echo: athe baby is a surprise to me as much as it is to you—“
Raquel: Still, you had a soulmate, yet you were going to marry me? I don’t want to be second best or a step-mother. We’re through.
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And out of all people, Raquel’s previous hook up shows up in the bathroomof the Skye Lounge of all places.
Adrian: Hey, Raquel funny running into you here.
Raquel: Oh my Watcher, Adrian. I just broke up with my fiance. Let me tell you about it. I need comforting. That’s him over there, but don’t worry about it…
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Rhiannon: Wow. I thought you were a loner.
Raquel: Me too. I didn’t expect Neighborhood Stories to throw me that sort of drama. I’m just a spare!
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(Note: Echo Castillo is a sim by @cowplant-snacks and Riley Morlind is by @surely-sims and appeared in @simmingnate Johnny Wants a Wife
Adrian Quinn is by @glovely1simmer )
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simmingnate · 5 months ago
Thanks for watching the first episode of #JohnnyWantsAWife!
Aliyah, Haven and Lydia will be missed - but there are still plenty more fascinating ladies for Johnny to choose from! Until next time… 💘
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simmingnate · 5 months ago
Thank you for watching Johnny Wants A Wife! I can't fully articulate how much it means to me that you all took part and enjoyed it, but I promise you it means something close to 'the world'.
Now let's relive those best bits!
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simmingnate · 5 months ago
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"I have made my decision… the person I am sending home, despite my wild and confusing attraction to them… is Kitty. I wish I could say I was sorry, but you did this to yourself. I wish you… mostly the best."
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"Oof! I did not like that! Being so close to going home? Being summoned to the beach? No thank you! Never again! I've learned my lesson - no more gossiping! Unless it's really, super-duper important!"
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"HA! Seeing Pussy be sent home was DELICIOUS! Just call me Tits Thee Eliminator! I can take them all on, any of them! One look at me and Johnny is putty in my cleavage. Tits is here for a good time, AND a long time! Get used to this face! …which is up here, by the way."
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"GONE! FINISHED! MY ONE CHANCE AT JOINING THE LANDGRAAB FAMILY! Not only have I lost a lover… I've also lost a son."
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"Well I know one Kitty who didn't get the cream! Another broken heart here at the Johnny Wants a Wife mansion, as we say au-revoir to Kitty and thank @tedsies for gracing us with this truly crazy cat lady!
We’ll see you next time on #JWAW! This is Matt Rimony, signing off!”
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simmingnate · 5 months ago
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Through her tears, Tits tries to tell Johnny how she's feeling, but he doesn't understand a word she says, so sits down beside her and asks her again.
Tits explains she's feeling isolated in the competition, and Johnny offers some reassurance - he'll always be here for her!
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"I'm terrible when people get emotional - especially when it's someone like Tits. She was really… undulating! What else was I supposed to say? I just wanted her to stop crying and leave so I could get Ebele back in there with me!”
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Upon hearing Johnny's reassuring words, Tits quickly snaps out of her funk and thanks Johnny for his help.
In fact, she has a very special 'thank you' gift in mind… and she delivers it with gusto!
Yes, we have our second #JWAW snog! 💋
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"How does it feel to have the fist kiss on Johnny Wants a Wife? Darling, as if there was ever any doubt I'd be the first! He's a pretty good kisser for a comedian, nice to know those lips can do more than just tell awful jokes.”
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"Look - a good kiss is a good kiss, and that was a good kiss! Tits is a character, but there is some intense chemistry between us. Not that Ebele and I don't have a strong connection, that was also a good kiss. But oh boy, do I feel like a real lucky fella tonight!”
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If you thought that kiss was the final shock of the night - you'd be wrong!
Dahlia seems to have had one too many Champs Les Sims Distillery™️ drinks, and had a bit of an accident, horrifying the other contestants.
"Wait, what do you mean you're not editing that out??”
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Dahlia adds insult to injury, and urine to shoes, and stomps all over her mess, just as Johnny reenters. Yeesh! As they say, comedy is all about timing, and Dahlia's was piss-poor.
Tune in to #JohnnyWantsAWife (maybe) tomorrow for another tense elimination!
Ciao, lovers! 😘
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simmingnate · 5 months ago
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And finally, another question from @Macy_Skyz …
"What romantic gesture do you want?"
Liz: Oh, nothing would mean more to me than if someone wrote be a beautiful poem. Writing is such a personal act, the sharing of thoughts and words… oh, I'd jut melt!
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"Well aside from the obvious things a guy can do that show he's decent, committed, and mature… you can never go wrong with a nice bit of jewellery! As I said, I don't like the term 'best friend', but diamonds and I sure do get along great."
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"Nothing is more romantic to me than loyalty. Knowing someone is there for you 100% is the best feeling in the world! I know Johnny would be able to give me that. And really, that's all I'd ever need from him."
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"A right good WooHooing! Are you kidding me?! That's the ONLY answer! Any of these girls saying anything different are LYING to you - and to themselves! Get me a guy who knows what to do with his hands, and that's ALL the 'romantic gesturing' this gal needs!"
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simmingnate · 5 months ago
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It’s time to wrap this up!
We are back on the Beach of Destiny, with me, Matt Rimony, for the next #JWAW elimination!
Let’s speak to Johnny and find out how he’s feeling about today’s chaotic comedy caper…
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“Well, Johnny, that was quite an eventful evening!”
“It sure was, Matt. There were some great jokes, some lame jokes, some violence… and some kisses! I’m just glad I got the kisses this time, rather than the violence.”
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“Come on, make you ol’ friend Matt happy and tell me… who are your bottom three ladies tonight?”
“It was another tough one, Matt, but I have decided my bottom three tonight are… Kitty, Meghan, and Dahlia.”
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simmingnate · 5 months ago
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Our next question comes from @ginovasims …
"What can Johnny offer YOU?"
Aubrey: "I'm guilty of taking things a little too seriously, and I think Johnny could bring some levity into my life. I need to laugh more! I want to live life with more abandon! Well, not too much…"
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"Aside from all the obvious things - happiness, love, partnership, support, a family, a sense of self worth… if we double-barrelled our names, it would be really cute! The Lemon-Zests! I can imagine the Christmas cards addressed to us already…"
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"I'm hoping Johnny can offer me some stability. Mental stability, that is… I've been told I'm lacking in that area!"
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Next up is a question from @ice-creamforbreakfast, just for Liz!
"Do you sleep with one eye open since ratting out Tits?"
"I… I don't think she knows it was me… does she? Should I be worried? I didn't think I had to be worried… oh no… oh no… ohnoohnoohno…"
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simmingnate · 5 months ago
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“This has been a difficult decision to make, but I’ve come to a conclusion. After a lot of thought, I have decided, the person I’m sending home today is…”
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“I know it’s going to be me! I know soiling myself is the biggest crime, worse than violence and rudeness and meanness, so I’ll save you the trouble! Because this is all nonsense - and you, Johnny Zest, you are a pathetic little man who doesn’t even know what he wants!”
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“Think about it, Johnny - think about the women you’ve sent home, and compare them to the ones you have left (not you, Meghan) - ones that fight and talk trash, and even slap YOU! And you’re happy with yourself? You’re pleased with your decisions so far? REALLY?”
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“This show is supposedly Johnny Wants a WIFE - not Johnny Wants a Half-Rate Handjob Behind A Dumpster!”
“Dahlia, wait, I…”
“Put a sock in it, Zesty. I’m outta here! Good luck with finding that ‘wife’ you speak of!”
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And with that, Dahlia storms off the Beach of Destiny - eliminating herself from the competition! Now that’s a first!
Johnny, Meghan and Kitty look on in shock… nobody saw this coming! Not even me, your host, Matt Rimony!
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“I’ve had enough of all this BLEEP! Johnny wants to keep Kitty and Tits around while getting rid of people like Aliyah, Haven, Margo and ME?? He’s not the man for me - and I am CERTAINLY not the woman for him!”
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“Did aliens take over Dahlia’s body?? Because all of that looked very familiar to me… anyway, I’m just glad I get to stay in this realm for a while longer!”
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“Well this Kitty sure got the cream! Some extra time with Johnny on the beach, being privy to a dramatic pop culture reality TV moment, AND not being eliminated? I’m going to bed VERY happy tonight.”
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“Well, I was going to send Meghan home, but that makes me think - was Dahlia right? Have I been prioritising the wrong things? I need to get serious, because I do want true love, not just another crazy sexy fling. Have I been going about this all wrong?”
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“What a night of twists and turns! Another broken heart here at the Johnny Wants a Wife mansion, but I’m not sure it’s Dahlia’s! Goodbye, Dahlia, and thank you @SimmerBrooklyn for creating this iconic diva!
We’ll see you next time on #JWAW! This is Matt Rimony, signing off!”
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simmingnate · 5 months ago
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"That was not good. In any way. She should never do any of that ever again. I hope Johnny isn't too upset by what she said - I'm sure there wasn't any truth in any of it! Johnny seems very… well-formed…?”
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"DAMN! This bitch is totes crazy! I thought she was just a bitch, but she's a CERTIFIED CRAZY BITCH! Now we know why her boobs are so big - they're full of CRAZY!”
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"That was a humiliating experience for me, and I imagine all of the women, including Tits. By the way - what she said wasn't true! None of it! Women usually fancy me LESS after they see me perform… and as for the ahem size thing… he’s used to applause, not laughter."
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While Tits grabs another refreshing Champs Les Sims Distillery™️ drink, Dahlia takes to the stage…
"Firstly I'd like to give a big thank you to our friend Tits. Yes, I bought a couple of watermelons at the market earlier, and she's been carrying them around for me all night!"
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"Now THAT's comedy!"
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"I didn't care for Dahlia's so-called 'jokes'. There's nothing funny about being needlessly mean."
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simmingnate · 5 months ago
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Ebele joined Aubrey in the flirtathon with Johnny (as was their plan), and he was beyond pleased with himself as a result.
"I gotta say, I feel like QUITE the Don Lothario right now! And I'm talking Pleasantview-era Don!"
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But what goes up… must droop down!
Kitty had had enough of Johnny flirting unashamedly with Aubrey and Ebele - especially after their tender moment earlier. She storms up to the amorous trio and shows Johnny JUST what she thinks of all this malarkey!
Pow! Right in the kisser!
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"Johnny thinks he can callously parade his other women in front of me like this? No, sir! Kitty's no fool - I understand the game, but he needs to know that I will not be treated this way. Not now, and certainly not in our future as mother and so- I mean… husband and wife."
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The rest of the contestants looked on in shock, as they witnessed their first physical altercation of the season 🥳
“I didn't know whether I should call the police or an ambulance! They probably heard that slap back home in Henford!"
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"I'm just relieved I'm not the first to be physically assaulted - it was looking pretty likely earlier today!"
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"OK guys - be honest with me - is it wrong that I was kinda into being slapped by Kitty? Oooh, I've been a baaaad wittle boy…”
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simmingnate · 5 months ago
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Kitty found Johnny recovering from singeing a couple of his chest hairs, and knew this was her moment.
She told him how much she loved watching him perform, and how brave and talented he is! A comedian and a dancer? His mother must be proud 😉
Johnny loved all this fuss 💕
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They share a hug as the sun sets, and Johnny tells Kitty how much her words mean to him.
"Maybe Kitty's resemblance to my mother is what really made her compliments feel good, but she's also really hot, so I continue to be very confused, if very much attracted to her."
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Kitty also enjoys their hug, and has victory on her mind.
"Oh, I've got this boy wrapped around mama's little finger! I can practically taste the trophy! And it tastes like MONEY! …and also kind of salty.”
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As Johnny and Kitty separate from their embrace, Ebele walks past at just the right moment to set off alarm bells.
"Kitty? Really? Oh, Johnny… I can't say I'm surprised, but I can say I'm disappointed. Are you basic after all?"
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simmingnate · 5 months ago
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"I knew exactly what Liz was about to tell Johnny, and I was happy she was doing it! I was proud of her! We were all disturbed by what had happened… it just wouldn't be right for Johnny to go on without knowing the truth!"
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“I really hope I'm doing the right thing by telling Johnny about what was said… this probably won't come back to haunt me further down the line… right?"
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Liz spills the beans!
"After the elimination last night, a few of us were talking, and Letitia said she thinks you're only doing this for the fame, not true love, but that she didn't mind, because she's only here for fame too!'
Johnny was shocked! But was it true…?
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"I'm not surprised Johnny found it so easy to send all three of those girls home - he's here for fame, not love! And honestly? So am I."
"We have to tell Johnny what she said! She has no right to be here when the rest of us are truly looking for love!"
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"What Liz told me really made me sad. Well, it did once I realised who Letitia was. I felt such a strong connection last night between me and Tits - was I wrong about her? Was I wrong to do this whole show? I've been misled by curvy women in the past… I needed time to think."
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simmingnate · 5 months ago
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✨ Some hours later… ✨
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Johnny: Hello, Wife! We did it! We're really married!
Penelope: I know! I can't believe it! I'm so happy, and it was the perfect day… but I have to admit, I'm not really sure what to do now…
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Johnny: Well, we have the whole mansion to ourselves for the rest of the night, and I've still got the grass skirt Matt lent me… how about we get started on that big family we both want?
Penelope: Sounds like a perfect plan… as long as you're the one wearing the skirt.
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And they lived happilee ever after!
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