#legit went full charm
winterswake · 8 days
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CHARLIE VICKERS The Rings of Power "Halls of Stone"
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canonsinthehead · 2 months
Yuji/Sukuna/Choso Familiy & Sibling Dynamics Headcanons.
(this is old but imma post it anyway)
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First, let’s address their birth order. So Choso is born first (obviously) followed by Sukuna and then Yuji. Ironically, they do possess many of the stereotypical personality traits we associate with your birth order:
First Born Choso (Second Parent/Older Sibling Curse): a severe case of “neglected older sibling syndrome”, overachiever/perfectionist/hyper independent, parental figure, difficulty expressing emotions properly, responsible. 25-26 yo.
(Cursed) Black Sheep Middle Child Sukuna: “unloved” child, when I mean black sheep I mean in a VERY bad way, isolated by age since Yuji is too young and Choso too old, independent, Rebellious as fuck, lone wolf, overall red flag, 19-21 yo.
Favorite Maknae/Golden Child Yuji: Obvious favorite child (by parents and siblings), charming, outgoing, creative, social butterfly, often needs reassurance, 15-16yo.
They used to be 5 siblings but the other 2 passed away (Kechizu and Eso), leaving only these 3. Their parents' history is a bit unknown and complicated since they are a reunified family.
Yuji and Sukuna’s dad raised them during their diaper years but that’s all before he passed away. As for their mom, she vanished without a trace, so they don’t remember much of her. Since she was their father’s second wife it didn’t affect as much either. This other mother who birthed Chosos and their two other brothers is also mysterious since they as well don’t know a lot about her either.
They all most of their care under Yuji/Sukuna’s grandad care but the old man couldn’t wait for them to reach the age right age to get out of his house especially Sukuna with all the trouble he caused. Meanwhile Choso was abroad working as a model, but then grandad passed away, he came back to take full responsibility of his only brothers left meanwhile Sukuna who just got released from prison/juvi went his own way.
First Born Second Parent Choso
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As I mentioned before Choso has always been the most responsible type, but it is not completely true. When he left the household first, he went on a self-discovery quest. He tried different avenues for his life and made a decent of money as a legit model. Away from his family's eyes and under different stress, he got involved in various types of hard drugs that scarred his eyes permanently.
Grandad’s death motivated him to get clean and get his act together to take of Yuji. The passing of his brothers pained him the most and their grandfather’s death made him feel like he was abandoning Yuji by being away and leaving him alone for his selfish ambitions. He now works 2 jobs, one in data entry and another in graphic design.
He will not mention while being overseas, how he got mixed up with a weird crowd and witnessed darks things. Aside from a satanic cult and people with supernatural abilities, a man named Kenjaku seriously claimed to be Yuji’s mom. What?
Choso spoils Yuji to the fullest. He appreciates how Yuji genuinely looks up to him and respects his quirky/edgy personality and looks. Sukuna will never admit it, but he is envious of their close relationship/bond to the point of being a full-blown hater. Since their toddler days, he did all he could to destroy it while hating being associated with his two brothers.
Cursed Black Sheep Middle Child Sukuna
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Well well… it seems like he always was like this vindictive evil ass kid. Since his younger years, he contrasted Yuji’s bubbly and sweet personality with his cruel and harsh tendencies.
Going from hurting kids in pre-school and middle school to beating up twice his height and weight in high school and beyond, he seemed like a typical hyperactive mean little kid, but it evolved into something sinister.
His room is a constant mess. Smells of weed, piles of clothes, and IS THAT A REAL SWORD AND A KNIFE COLLECTION ON THE WALL?!? He hides handguns and military grade snipers under his bed.
As I said, he got tattoos OVERNIGHT, many suspected he joined a gang around the age of 15 yo, the same period when he was hopping from one problematic situation to another. Getting kicked out of high school many times to end up in an alternative school (which he ran away from btw). In reality, he was a gang leader and already made a name for himself with few bodies under his belt.
At 17 yo, he was sent to juvie/prison, during that time nobody knew where he was and what he was doing. Cutting ties with him was not difficult, it almost felt like a relief since he has been exponentially wilding out since Choso left.
“I’m not gonna babysit you, bye.” He told Yuji, Before he vanished without a trace, leaving his younger brother alone behind. It's not like Yuji couldn’t survive without him (not going to happen with Choso constantly sending money from abroad). Their landlord exploited the teenager’s situation and kicked Yuji out of their apartment. Luckily Nanami was there to help….
Sukuna is the type to:
Blast his music with 1000% volume in his trap car windows wide open.
He tried to do a drive-by on Yuji and Megumi
Sneak out of his bedroom by the window
Matter of fact, many people will try to beat up Yuji thinking it’s him. Luckily Megumi is with him and the boy can defend himself
After moving into Nanami’s house, Yuji can live a normal life for a while. but 2-3 years later Sukuna shows up unannounced as if he hasn’t been missing for all this time saying “Yeah, I was in jail.”. nobody can verify this information.
He is by definition the male counterpart of baddies/city girls/bad girls of the world. And attracts them. He would sleep with them. According to rumors and a lot of “He Said, She said” saying he ate some of past his girlfriend’s kids. But always keep in mind he cares NOTHING about ANY women.
You can catch him at your local Travis Scott concert casually engaging in devil worship. Meanwhile Yuji in content forcing Nobara and Megumi to go see Megan Thee Stallion. Luckily Gojo and Todo are fans as well.
Sukuna is somewhere in the rough parts of town in a busted basement apartment with some white haired girl.
How is this man still breathing or standing when you can only see him eat Mcdonalds and Taco Bell.
Nanami raised his voice against him after he tried to sneak up on his wife during the night (You look delicious, come here!). This added to the months of Nanami being on high alert 24/7. He had to add locks to all bedrooms’ doors fearing he would attempt to kill everyone during the “ungodly hours of the night”
Sukuna listens to drill/Trap Rap. The hardcore type (anything adjacent to Baby Khia)
(NSFW) This guy has an unhealthy obsession with Megumi Fushiguro (it’s about to get devious…) he goes on and stalks the boy and pulls on him like;
 “Why don’t you join my gang my sweet little Fushiguro?” “We would make a perfect duo together, forget about my goofy ass brother” “I jerk off thinking about you” “Let me lick your feet”
Yuji got beat up bad the first and only time he asked why does Sukuna wears long pointy acrylic nails.
Sukuna is a proud cop hater; he’ll eat them for lunch.
He also commits armed robbery/home invasion without a mask and STILL not getting caught.
Favorite Maknae Golden Child Yuji
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he is the type seriously ate glue as a kid
Was and still is a hardcore otaku especially when it comes to music and dances. His anime impressions are legendary.
Yuji has a weird habit of being extra touchy with the adults he is attached to, especially with hugs and burying his head in their chest. (mainly with Nanami & Choso). Nanami WARNED him not to do it with his wife or he will have to kill him. Himself.
His room is full of posters.
Will eat ANYTHING.
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teetlezhere · 10 months
Like promised, I've retraced my steps and the post here is a full guide on how to download and play TMNT homecoming for Android device.
Here below I've compiled a series of steps and useful links in case you might need to play the game:
(Edit: The guide's updated now:)
Step 0: First things first...
First thing first, you'll need an Android device to download and play this game.
UPDATE! - The game now also works on Bluestack!
Second thing you'll need (unless you know chinese) is a picture Translator app.
I've used translation apps that take pictures of the screen and translate it to english and followed the instructions to set up my username and password.
Step 1: Downloading the APK
Unless you live in China, or you can get the game legit in some way I don't know, APK downloading sites might help. However, be careful, for some may be scam sites. Use a VPN to help block unwanted visitors.
I've used this site here to download the APK for the game and seems pretty legit (based on bitdefender, the apk is safe) compared to others I've tried. While the picture is from the beta version in 2022, the update is the most recent from 2023.
If you have another apk downloading site you'd prefer to try download the apk from, try looking up for TMNT Homecoming (it will not show as Rise or ROTTMNT despite being the same characters)...
Or if that fails too, try searching for 忍者龟: 归来 apk if you can't find it in english.
STEP 2: Installation
Once you download the game, install it on your device. Phone might ask for permission due to being considered an unknown APK from an outside source.
STEP 3: Username and Password
If everything has gone smoothly, then it's time for the username and password.
A window will show with MUZHI written on it. Here, you must write your username (top) and your password (bottom). -ps: ignore the writing below. It was my bad 😅-
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You shouldn't have any issues with this step as it accepts western keyboard characters.
Just remember to write the ID and PW down somewhere so you won't forget them. Or take a snapshot of it before proceeding.
UPDATE! - It seems there are issues with the western keyboards and won't accept them anymore. So, if this step doesn't work, click the button that says: Quick Registration (the button in red) and proceed to step 4!
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A new window opens
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It requires that you put a name (top) and ID number (below) in order to play the game.
To bypass this, this helped me:
You can pick any of the codes shown (I used the very first one and it worked like a charm).
Let's use this for example: As you can see, there is a series on numbers first, and chinese characters at the end.
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Careful with this step as the name goes on the top bar, and should be only chinese characters.
Like this: 刘剑丽
The ID is only numbers, and they go in the bar below.
Like this: 220283198306236235
It must be like this:
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STEP 5: Selecting A Game Name
If you've reached this point, and if you're able to play the game at long last, then CONGRATS! You've made it! But it's not over just quite yet.
The game, eventually, requires that you add a GAME NAME. It can be anything you want it to be, but MIND YOU! THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!
IT WILL NOT ACCEPT Western Keyboard characters. Only chinese characters!
This is, however, much, much easier to bypass than step 4. Here, you have 2 options:
Option 1: If you want your very own original game name to play, you can go to google translate and simply write down and translate it to chinese.
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Just copy the chinese characters and paste them in the bar. Then proceed.
Option 2: If you don't care about what name you use to play, just generate a complete random name by pressing the dice button right next to the name bar. The game will insta-generate a completely random name for you to use.
STEP 6: Have fun!
If you followed each step of the way without too much hassle and managed to get through the apocalypse that is bypassing this, then CONGRATS! YOU'VE FINALLY MADE IT!
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I'm so, so proud of you! Now you're free to play this Rise of the tmnt game as much as you want! Keep your translator close just in case, and have plenty of fun with the features this game offers.
If you're looking to send me a friend request, You'll find me as Ninja of Liberation (or 解放忍者 ).
In case there’s issues, DM me and I’ll see to try help and update the guide.
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reorientation · 10 months
femme transmasc here. i went to a gay club the saturday before halloween wearing a tight short black dress, no bra or binder, and the top part of the dress has a cutout that my breasts sometimes fall out of (so i wore black heart pasties over my nipples). a straight guy immediately sniffed me out (legit within five minutes) and made a connection with me, he charmed me and flirted with me and it felt so good. he admitted he was straight but "with exceptions" and when i made sure to tell him i was trans he smiled so big and said that didnt change anything for him.
i was seriously soaking my lace thong and kept giggling and looking at his lap needing his cock, its insane how quickly he had me under his spell. every sexual comment he made had me closer to pulling my breasts out and showing him how good of a girl i would be for him. we were sitting so close wrapped up in each other all evening and the intimacy was electric.
we didnt go anywhere to fuck (so many red flags even other than the fact that he was straight, i dont think the straightness would have been a dealbreaker but some other comments were concerning safety-wise) but i wanted him to take me with every fiber of my being. i wanted my breasts to fall out accidentally and to have him laugh at me and grope them. i wanted to be a woman for him and feel him empty himself inside of me. to tell him my real name and listen to him moan it as he knocked me up. fuck i think im getting really close to giving in and accepting my womanhood. i dont think i can deny myself this raw pleasure for much longer. what should i do?
It hardly feels like you need my advice - if that straight stranger had been just a bit smarter about not scaring you off, you would have done your best to make him a daddy.
I truly enjoyed hearing this, though. You went to a gay club, but tarted yourself up to put firm emphasis on your breasts and your femininity - repelling anyone there who would have wanted to fuck you as a "man", while advertising yourself to any man who came there looking for an easy girl to fuck. When one found you, you instantly got giggly and wet and ready to have his babies.
It's stories like this that show me there's something special about "transmascs": there's a real sense in which you're better girls than normal girls, you know? Getting a normal girl in the sack usually takes effort, and they tend to be wary about fucking strangers or taking it unprotected. Femininity is a background condition of their sexuality.
But if you pump a girl full of testosterone and lies about how she's "really a man", and pay her a little attention, and let her think that it's a sexy taboo thing to be called her real name... Suddenly just the fact of her biology turns her on, and you have a little whore who's ready to get knocked up within an hour of meeting you.
So to answer your question, Anon: no, you won't be able to deny yourself much longer, and you know what you should do. You lost the protection of normal womanhood when you decided to be a "femme transmasc" instead. All that's left for you now is to be a good girl.
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hazzybat · 8 months
Can you explain why you chose each monster/power to go with each band member? For example why Kris is a vampire etc?
Yeah sure!
Bojan- the other option for him was a siren (cause duh singing voice being enchanting) with a full mermaid tail but I just didn't want to deal with those logistics and it felt like it restricted him.
I went with incubus cause it gave a good reason for lots of smut and cause of the Demoni scream which i adore. Also let's be real Bojan is just kinda slutty and seductive on stage so cranking that up all the way made sense.
Having bojan be the frontman who obviously likes attention to then expand on that to have him literally feed on and need attention and love to live is just icing on top.
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Kris- the man looks like a vampire. His cheekbones can cut glass. Legit that was the main reason. He just photographs very elegantly and seems older than he actually is which I feel fits with a vampire. I imagine a quite old school, charming vampire with a hint of marceline from adventure time. He has a variety of powers partially to make up for him physically only having pointy teeth and a bite mark on his neck.
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Nace- his stompy dance he does one stage and the fact he wears blazers a lot with very big/thick boots. I also liked the idea of him being really strong but in a human way, and being literally made to be helpful (oooh backstory) Also if I was a monster I would be a Frankenstein monster so I had to make one of them that. Soft spot in my heart.
The idea of Nace wanting to fit in to the band and do it so well it was like he was made to fit the role to go alongside him literally being a made man rather than born is also a fun parallel.
(Tell me you don't see it)
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Jan - he's a really hairy guy and his big fur coats look amazing on him so naturally he had to have the hairiest monster. Along with that I feel he's kinda monotone but once you understand him he's actually really expressive which I then used by having his tail express his emotions. And the angst of a wolf transformation was just too good to not play with.
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Jure- i had the most trouble with Jure. I tried to think of maybe a sphinx to play into the whole cat thing. There's also some fanart out there which depicts him as a mummy which I also really liked but then didn't want to deal with the whole ancient Egypt mummy in Slovenia kinda deal because as you might have guessed I like everyone to have logical backstories.
A show i really like is BBC's Ghosts so I thought about how a poltergeist actually works well. They can be cheeky and chaotic and it just ended up suiting him really, really well. Along with that the idea of him being seen less (him being stuck abd the back of the stage and being translucent) was a fun theme i could explore. Maybe he wants to be seen more than he is.
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Bonus two i haven't introduced yet!
Martin: he's a vampire. Yes it's also cause he's tall and elegant with good bone structure and wanted there to be at least one double up to make the world feel more real.
Jere: he's a pixie! Cause he's very cheeky and mischievous and cause of that one show somone gave him fairy wings.
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rottenbrainstuff · 5 months
BG3 playthrough - House of Hope
Man I’m getting legit sad I’m getting so close to being done.
Unpopular (?) opinion - I have read people explaining up and down and back and forth about how pressed they are that Haarlep says Raphael is bad in bed, how Haarlep is unreliable because he hates Raphael, how he’s an incubus so his standards must be very high, how Raphael is probably purposefully doing this or that because Haarlep is a spy keeping an eye on him for daddy so of course he’s not going to appear vulnerable in any way, even how sad and conflicted Raphael must be, being a cambian…
Honestly - I have zero trouble taking Haarlep at his literal word. 100%. Raphael’s house is literally full of paintings and statues of himself. He wrote an entire book that’s nothing but descriptions of different scenarios of him being crowned with the crown of Karsus. His diary entries are absolutely insufferable. He is the textbook definition of hubris and vanity. I have zero problem believing Haarlep literally. And I say all this affectionately, by the way: Raphael is one of my favourite characters in the entire game. But it’s kind of like how everyone wants to soften out all the rough edges on Astarion - I like him like this. I think it’s hilarious that he’s so vain. His hubris is so funny. His opinion of himself is so high and his confidence in his victory is so complete, but his personal incubus is sitting here lounging in his bed absolutely roasting his ass to complete strangers with very little prompting. I think he’s a great devil character and I don’t want to make up excuses for his behaviour in order to humanize him. I definitely do love complicated antagonists who have more to them than it first appears, but honestly I just do not get that vibe from him. And I love him for it.
Haarlep was so funny btw. I just love it when actors are having fun. That must have been so funny to come in and voice the character, like, ok so for today, you’re doing the same voice as before, except make it slutty and bitchy this time. It makes sense I guess that Haarlep can change into a female form if you want, of course he can, and I think it’s funny that even when Raphael wants to shake things up a bit, it’s still with a version of himself, but myeh, that whole thing felt to me like a “hey don’t worry if you’re icked out, we have a girl option too that we can totally switch to if you want.” Maybe I’ve just read too many forum arguments about how there’s too many gay people in this game and people are crying to have a toggle to turn it off, and it makes me hostile to anything that smacks of trying to soothe people’s hurt heterosexuality. (because like, theoretically there could be lesbians who object to the scene as well?) Oh well. Still funny in the end. I was going to go through with just sleeping with Haarlep to avoid a fight, because that’s the direction my tav generally likes to go, but then Astarion got very concerned and made me feel bad, so I changed my mind.
Well this whole area was fun. I loved Raphael’s house. I loved all the details. I loved the debtors, the tacky ostentatious bullshit in every corner, I loved the rotten banquet. Is that its natural state and he charmed it to look fresh when I arrived? (disgusting, I love it) Or has he just been so pissy about whatever went wrong with the skeleton folks at the table that he’s never bothered to have it cleared and has left it there in a temper tantrum as a lesson? (ridiculous, I also love it) I love how absolutely, singularly obsessed Raphael is with my party. I know it’s because we are the means by which he thinks he is going to get that crown, but it also feels personal and weird and uncomfortable. I love that my contract has this place of honour in his archive. It’s almost touching, if it wasn’t my fucking soul. I love how absolutely self-assured Raphael is, how confident he is that his plan is going to work, how the possibility of a failure or a trick, like, he doesn’t even have the capacity to consider that a possibility. It SO GODAMNED FUNNY to kick his ego-inflated ass when he was SO FUCKING SURE that he would win. Raphael you are such an insufferable idiot. I love him. I’m so glad the VA won a Bafta.
The Raphael fight is tricky, but honestly, half of the trick is that before you even get there, you have to fight your way to the foyer past the most annoying enemies. I guess Hope’s divine intervention which can restore your spells and HP helps to balance that out though.
It was surprising to see I was able to get Yurgir to side with me in the fight - I had assumed he’d be SO fucking pissed after I tricked him in the Shar gauntlet. Now I have an additional ally in the big brain fight! …except he really wasn’t all that helpful in the Raphael fight, not at all. He’d go invisible, pop out of invisibility, knife someone for maybe 7 HP, then pop invisible again. I guess every little bit helps but…? Come on dude. At least stay visible so you can soak some hits.
Apparently it’s possible to make Korilla survive the fight? I was… NOT able to do that. You get some extra dialogue if you do, but the fight is hard enough to win even without trying to manage a hostile NPC who is usually the first one Yurgir targets. Sorry Hope, sorry Korilla. How come you can cast Otto’s Irresistible Dance on Raphael, and it will incapacitate him, but it won’t make him actually boogie? I was so excited to see him dance, and then he didn’t, he just stands there.
It doesn’t even need to be said - Raphael’s fight song is of course amazing, chef’s kiss, perfection.
Anyway, bard vs bard fight, very fun, when you kill him Raphael crumples dramatically to the ground, I love the big boss fights in this game.
Coming back, I got a stupid lecture from the Emperor about how naughty naughty I was being. Sure asshole, lecture me about trust, that’s really rich coming from the guy who didn’t trust ME with anything, and I had to pry the truth out, unwillingly, in stages. I can’t fucking wait to doublecross that guy.
If you attack Helsik, Raphael’s boss song also plays? That was… a little bit strange! I wanted to see what was in her basement, but the fight with all the gilded imps and Minotaurs and whatnot was such a pain I didn’t bother. Apparently you can access the basement through Dammon’s basement anyways, if you really want to see it, so. I DID make sure to pickpocket those gauntlets back off her cause I want them.
Mannnn. I’m almost done the game. WTF. All I have left to do is go give Mol her contract, talk to Voss in the undercity and piss off the Emperor, get my poop in a group and… that’s it. I’m off to fight the brain. I’ve been playing this playthrough for six months, and I’m almost done.
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blizzardsuplex · 1 year
10. three favourite Halloween/spooky songs
Fun facts: Halloween (in the spooky sense) isn't a really big thing here and (despite what you might think Izzy @heartsinablender) I am a total coward when it comes to scary stuff. I still have some unsettling music to share though (all hip-hop LOL):
Kids See Ghosts by KIDS SEE GHOSTS -> I love love love the beat on this one: so quiet, so calm, so sinister. The wood block sound is addictive, the hook is awesome, and it legit put me in a trance whenever I listen to it (especially that spoken word parr at the end!) "Civilization without society; power and wealth with nobility; stability without stasis; places and spaces..."
Kodokushi by Aesop Rock -> this one doesn't SOUND spooky (though that desert sun-filtered guitar riff to open the song is killer), the lyrics very much put it in the spooky category for me. I've listened to this one enough that Aes' famously esoteric lyrics actually make sense to me on this one! "One hundred hands, one million eyes, two bleeding gums, I will survive: that last line's rose-colored only for a limited time—it all shifts when you militarize."
A Cat's Demise by Lausse the Cat -> I love Lausse the Cat (like at one point I could badly rap this entire 22 min project) and I wish he would come back from that farm in France or wherever he went :( Anyway, I highly recommend that you listen to the entire LP: The Girl, the Cat, and the Tree. Beautiful spooky lofi hip-hop audal picture book. This one is the "scariest" sounding out of all the tracks though. P.S. this project is British af. "I had the heart to mend; it felt dark, and I can't pretend to be full of some youthful charm and vigor when I can't feel a thing."
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heathtalbot · 9 months
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( EMILIO SAKRAYA, 21, CISGENDER MALE, HE/HIM ) Is that HEATH TALBOT? A SENIOR originally from SAN JOSE, CA, they decided to come to Ogden College to study COMMUNICATIONS. They're THE MALINGERER on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer's disappearance.
FULL NAME: Heath James Talbot
NICKNAMES: None, he's just Heath
AGE & BIRTHDAY: 21 & March 24, 2002
ZODIAC: ☼ Aries ☾ Leo ↑ Pisces + full chart
+ TRAITS: Intrepid, Optimistic, Honest, Sociable
- TRAITS: Temperamental, Obtuse, Unreliable, Domineering
MAJOR: Communications
EXTRACURRICULARS: Member of SAE, Golf, Powerlifting Team, Rock Climbing Team
THREE SKILLS: excellent at picking out apology gifts, can successfully parallel park anywhere, weirdly good at walking on his hands
LINKS: Pinterest / Playlist / Tasks
Heath couldn't say exactly when or where he met Greer, all the finnicky details lost to the chaotic blur that had been rush week, but when he woke up with her contact info in his phone one morning, it definitely felt like it was meant to be. Both freshmen, both rich and pretty -- what more motivation did they need? C'mon, it would've been weirder if they weren't friends! Just like the rest of the Ogden masses, Heath was dragged into Greer Morrison's gravitational pull, and he went willingly. They started linking up on the regular, meeting up at parties or catching each other on down days around campus, building a strong friendship that he's never once thought to second-guess.
Everyone has known a Heath. The no-show with a great excuse. The guy that never fails to charm his way into the group project with the smartest student. A person who's probably never seriously been told 'no' even once in their life. And it's not luck, either; it's privilege. Heath can rest on his laurels all thanks to the Talbot family name and the achievements of those around him. The third son, he's never felt the pressure of expectation. His mother babies him while simple participation trophies earn him congratulations from his father, allowing him every easy win that he chooses to take. And if he ever faces a roadblock? Heath's positive that there's a way around it. A check to write, a phone call to make, red tape to ignore. Everyone else has always pulled the strings for him, anyway, so why should he start worrying now? Life's a breeze when you don't have to seriously think about anything!
heath was an unexpected baby, the product of a long-term (and still on-going) affair of his mother's. his parents privately maintain a pseudo-open relationship while publicly playing house for the sake of each of their careers. needless to say, family dinners have a tendency to get Weird
his dad is a venture capitalist, very much in the same vein as gavin belson of silicon valley -- he's long since lost touch with his coder roots and mostly just throws his money around to keep his name relevant in tech circles.
heath interns frequently at the companies his dad owns, true nepo baby shit 🥰 but lbr all he does is go on coffee runs and clocks in for 4 hour work weeks
he's currently majoring in communications bc he legit googled "easiest college majors" and it was near the top of the list
started out trying to major in engineering??? who let him do that?? freshman year was rough 😔
anyway yeah, heath's..... not that smart. and to make matters worse, he's sensitive about it!! gets mean when he's confused or frustrated, esp when he feels like he's being teased and not in on the joke. he's got a short fuse after a lifetime of his older brothers picking on him. he'd rather be perceived as rude than dumb
big time gym bro (obviously) and v competitive -- tends to favor solo sports bc at least when he loses it's no one's fault but his own
has a terrible habit of making big promises and not keeping them
he was soooooooo obsessed w/ uncut gems when it came out, i just FEEL it
julia fox = dream woman
brings a certain "haha.. okay" energy to the function
both of his older brothers previously attended ogden (5+ years ago, i'm still iffy on exact ages) and pledged SAE. naturally, heath had to do the same <3
ngl he's very easily swayed by public opinion. critical thinking?? we don't know her!
lowkey has a childhood dream to one day climb mount everest. pls don't try to explain to him how it negatively impacts the environment, he doesn't wanna hear it and won't understand (or care rip)
probably pre-games while listening to drake lmfao
people who have been saddled with him for group projects, study groups, etc.
heath doesn't do drugs (he's a keg stand champ tho), so someone to smoke him out for the first time! fs would be a hilar thread
with ogden being full of bad daddies, i'd love for him to have this energy with someone xx
..... also this
anyone he fucked around with over the summer!! i'd luv to hc some juicy goss for him from the break
someone who always calls him keith lmfaooo
maaaaaaaybe his baby sister?? she'd be going into her sophomore year and i have many family hc's to discuss, so <3
an ex who made him paranoid abt astrology stuff sjdjsdkn
someone that he's using and/or leading on
flip the script - someone who's using and/or leading him on!
literally anything else ur heart desires 💖 this will be heath's fourth year at ogden, so we have plenty of wiggle room to plot some crash-and-burn relationships, seething rivalries, situationships, etc. -- i'm down for it all!!
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cantquitu · 2 years
I sussed out your feelings about mp too and it was definitely because you didn't post anything about it, I was like hmm, oh no she didn't like it :(, hahah. So I'm guessing it was the same for the other anon. I'd still be interested to hear what you did think about it. Also, do you think it's possible for us to discuss harry's acting without it turning in to a whole thing? Because I think it's a mix of good, great, and not so good, and it'd be fun to talk about it! I have some thoughts about what his strengths and weaknesses are but I don't know if anyone feels the same...
After I watched My Policeman I was full of ranty questions about script and directorial choices, and also it was 1am and also I was in a FOUL mood due to other reasons, so I didn't want to start complaining about it on here (and yesterday was super busy)
But yes, Harry's acting! I think it's a mixture of good, occasionally really good, not so great. I felt that My Policeman was a far more challenging role for him than DWD and it showed.
I think Harry has genuine acting talent, he has natural instinct, but in My Policeman his lack of experience and training is clearly evident. I think his acting in Don't Worry Darling was unfairly maligned by some and lauded by some, but if you look at the scope of legit reviews the overall consensus was that he was fine and delivered on the assignment and his natural charm- essential to his character- came through.
That was my takeaway from Don't Worry Darling too. I've seen it 2 or 3 times now and I think he was a really good fit for the role. The chemistry between Jack and Alice is palpable, his easy charm and humour is evident, his discomfort and desperation in later scenes comes through clearly.
Where it's clear he's just "fine" as opposed to really good is in the intense, angry scenes with Florence Pugh where she's so masterful and he's...acting. I genuinely felt he held his own and was fine, but those scenes would have been elevated if Florence had an actor to match her intensity rather than just giving her a platform to shine. However I'd say that about a lot of actors when in a scene with Florence Pugh.
In My Policeman, honestly it's hard to separate Harry's acting from so many of the things I disliked about the film. But there were certain scenes where I felt he was really good and showed an instinct and commitment that's promising and exciting, and where his rawness came across as natural and vulnerable rather than inexperienced. Like the drunk scene with Patrick, and the intimate scenes in general. David Dawson is so damn good and felt like a generous actor, he took Harry with him. Honestly their scenes were the only times I felt the film came alive.
Elsewhere....oh god, the damn accent! It was so clearly hampering Harry's delivery and it wasn't even successful, so it was lose/lose overall. As soon as I saw the clip in the trailer where Tom shouts at Patrick about marriage at the table, I thought "uh oh". It seems like Harry's attempt at a southern English accent started and ended with "enunciate the 't's". And even that was inconsistent. It so obviously ruined his flow and often made his delivery stilted and awkward.
Overall I felt like it was an overly-ambitious role for Harry at this stage and it got the better of him. BUT I so admire that he went after it and gave it his all. I'm sure it scared the shit out of him to take it on....and good! It should! 🙂 I bet he's learned a huge amount from it and hope the critical response doesn't put him off continuing to challenge and scare himself, and to learn and grow as an actor.
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mitchvnderson · 1 year
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Hey, look! It’s MITCH ANDERSON at PIZZAGEDDON. Did you know they WORKS there as a PIZZA DELIVERY PERSON? I guess they’re from NEW YORK CITY and have been in town for TEN YEARS, living in PIZZAGEDDON. I also heard they’re a little INSECURE, but also very GOOFY which definitely makes sense.
TRIGGERS: Divorce, marijuana use, health issues
Full Name: Mitchell Ryan Anderson
Nickname(s): Mitch
Age: 23
Birthdate: May 5th
Aesthetics: Cold pizza, tie dyed shirts, dusty acoustic guitars, worn out converse, poorly rolled blunts
Zodiac: Taurus.
Sexuality: Straight
Occupation: Pizza Delivery Boy
Height: 6'2
Weight: 170
Build: Lanky
BIO ;  
Mitch is the youngest of 3 siblings and grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth. His parents were both very well off and successful music producers.
Mitch was kinda the odd man out in his family. He wasn't the most attractive of his siblings, nor was he the most popular. His brother was an all star athlete and class president. His older sister, Anna, was the the prom queen and cheer captain.
When Mitch was 12 his whole world changed. His parents ended up divorcing so his father could start a new life with his new boyfriend. His mother got full custody of him and his sister who were still under age and moved back to her home town of East Haven.
Mitch's family was easily one of the most wealthy in East haven, which put a target on him in school. Because not only was he rich, he was awkward, had braces, horrible acne, and new his freshman year of high school.
Mitch would have despised his entire high school experience if it wasn't for one girl in particular, Rhiannon Spring. From the moment he laid eyes on her, Mitch fell head over heals for her. though it took him forever to muster up the courage to ask her out on a date. But the two clicked, and it wasn't long before he said I love you. Eventually, Rhi said it back.
The two were an odd couple. Clearly from different worlds and social circles. But their love was strong. Unfortunately Mitch's mother drove a wedge between the two and they broke up. Mitch's world was shattered once again. When Rhi broke his heart his whole world came crashing down, not only did he loose his girlfriend, he lost his best friend.
As much as it seemed that Mitch had a charmed life, it was lonely. His father and older brother weren't a part of his life. His sister was always out god knows where doing god knows what, and his mother, well more often then not she was away on business.
Mitch is back from college. Having both simultaneously flunked/dropped out, Mitch's mother is furious with him.
The college Mitch attended was Boston College. He was a Business administration and management but was struggling because he hated it, but his mother didn't care and support him wanting to change majors so now he's cut off.
Now Mitch is working as a pizza delivery boy, putting tons of miles on his fancy sports car he really can't afford anymore and living off free pizza
Though he went away for college, Mitch never really left East Haven aside from college. He would come back for breaks and moved back home when school was out.
Mitch was premature and has a weak heart though he's never had any problems from it yet
Mitch has only had 3 girlfriends. Rhi was his first girlfriend, first kiss, first everything.
He's legit a stereotypical "teen" boy even if he's not a teen anymore. Does nothing but play video games, smoke weed, and eat junk food. But he's really got a heart of gold.
Mitch's family, mainly his brother and grandparents put this idea of what a "man" should be in his head and he struggles with that sometimes
This is the first job he's had aside from doing landscaping in the summer for his grandparents when he was a teen
Family ;
Abigail Anderson: Estranged Mother Michael Anderson: Estranged Father Noah Anderson: Estranged Older Brother Angela Anderson: Older Sister Andon Anderson: Nephew
Wanted connections ;
Best friend: Co workers: Old classmates: Enemies: Acquaintances/friends of his mother/family: Ex Girlfriends (1/3): @rhixspring
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petalpierrot · 1 year
Big Eidys (and Rahadin) session last week 👀
The party got a few crucial items on their short time traveling, so they went back to chill with the dusk elves.
When they arrived at the camp Eidys received 2 letters. One from Baron Vargas and the other from Lady Wachter. Lady Wachter invited her to stay in Vallaki and The Baron asked her to aid him in a matter.
Eidys (being a noble moon-elf from Evermeet) was a bit suspicious of their motives at first but ultimately went to Vallaki
Since The Baron lived closer she took a trip there first and bumped into Rahadin.
Rahadin was glad to see her and told her he was also on his way to the Baron's house, only he was there to collect taxes.
As they are talking Eidys spots a chain around his neck (as in he is wearing the ring she gave him 😭 I was normal and okay about this, naturally)
Rahadin tells her that because his tax collecting might put The Baron in a bad mood she should speak with him first, but Eidys insists his work is far more important than her courtesy visit.
Their exchange was really like "Oh, I could charm the crusty old Baron." "Yes, Lady Eidys. I believe you could." (She for real called him crusty)
Rahadin then asks if he could escort her to the Baron's but doesn't insist on it. Eidys takes him up on his offer without hesitation.
They both arrive at the Baron's and are let in and led to the "den" area, where they have a few moments to chat.
then this happens:
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Legit made my heart so full.
She asks him how things are at the castle, making small conversation. Rahadin notifies her that things are "As well as they can be" and in hushed tones tells her that he is taking care of Escher, which made Eidys happy (Escher helped her escape and Strahd found out, and Esher was imprisoned in the crypts. Eidys felt very guilty about that when she found out from Rahadin.)
after that exchange, The Baron arrives. The Baron is a bit surprised that Eidys arrived "alone" without *his* escort (In the letter he detailed that if she were to accept his invitation she should seek out Captain Izek Strazni. Eidys was feeling a bit naughty so she didn't do that.)
Eidys tells him that she brought her own Escort (Referring to Rahadin) but that that didn't matter right now, and he should deal with his more important appointment (the tax thing)
Eidys proceeds to watch Rahadin roast the shit out of The Baron.
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After Rahadin leaves Eidys asks what the baron needs of her, to which she is asked to investigate the disappearances of some of his servants and strange sparks being seen. She, as a wizard (Bladesinger) is intrigued by this request and agrees to investigate.
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chooseruin · 2 years
Wolf 359: D&D Edition
Almost a decade behind the rest of the internet, I have discovered Wolf 359. I have also been watching a shit-ton of D&D build videos. The end result was probably inevitable. (This is definitely more of an overall Vibe Translation; to actually replicate anyone's canon bullshit I'm pretty sure you'd want something like SW5E or Starfinder. Except Eiffel. Eiffel is the only full-class character on this list and that class just works regardless. Life is wild.)
Eiffel: straight spirits bard. Seriously. As written this one is all about the gothic vibes, but if you wanted to be an inexplicably lovable nerd who talks to aliens through the radio and buffs the party somewhat unpredictably by means of bewildering pop culture references, that is legit a cosmetic reflavoring only. When he casts Calm Emotions it defuses the situation by making everyone really annoyed with him instead.
Hera: warforged aberrant mind sorcerer/tempest cleric. She of all people would really benefit from using a different system, but if you were in a hurry, I'm pretty sure you could fake it by 1. ruling that the station counted as both heavy armor for her core processors and an enormous spellcasting focus; 2. adapting the panic attack mechanic from Fantasy High.
Minkowski: lightfoot halfling champion fighter/order cleric. This is not solely a short joke; I also think Minkowski deserves the ability to reroll ones. (In a setting with more melee combat, I'd probably go cavalier over champion, that being kind of the ultimate mom-arm fighter subclass, but they don't necessarily get to do a lot with ranged attacks. I passed on devotion pally for much the same reason.)
Hilbert: alchemist artificer/divination wizard. The wizard levels are there in large part because Portent is the save-killer and Hera is actually going to end up with a halfway decent Wisdom modifier and advantage on charm saves. Also because extra spell slots.
Lovelace: hexblood gloomstalker ranger/celestial warlock. After some deliberation I went hexblood because the surveillance potential of Eerie Token is such a nice fit for her early-arc paranoia. Also, you don't have to tell me how MAD this build is; I know. On the other hand, she is probably a few levels ahead of some other characters, and does your martial attack stat need to be perfect when you can get Archery and Improved Pact Weapon?
Kepler: mastermind rogue/battlemaster fighter. The quintessential controlling SOB power build, not much to add. He and Lovelace both have the Inspiring Leader feat, which is absolutely hilarious to everyone involved except for them.
Jacobi: artillerist artificer/war magic wizard. Yes, I did just make Jacobi an INT-based 0.75 caster. What about it?
Maxwell: ... genuinely I am pretty sure the only way to get any of the right flavor for this is with the completely dead archivist artificer UA. (They did recycle some bits and pieces of that one for the scribes wizard, but that ended up being more or less of a specialized blaster, which isn't quite quite.) Plus a divination wizard dip, same reason as Hilbert.
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4ragon · 2 years
Eh fuck it, since we don't know how long Twitter is going to last, I'm going to start randomly posting my thoughts on random ass video games here. Here's all the shit I've been playing a bunch recently.
Portal Reloaded: I legit don't know if this is an official Portal dlc or just a mod, but it's free, and it's so much fun. Do you like Portal? Do you want Portal Hard Mode (TM TM TM)? Get this funky little game. It's not quite as funny as the OG, but man are the puzzles Tough.
Divinity Original Sin II: Have I played Divinity 1? No. But I am having a ton of fun with this thing. I was not expecting to enjoy myself so much, especially considering my hatred of games with the fucking hotbars, or whatever that little UI thing is at the bottom. At the very least, it's turn based and not real time so I don't find it nearly as obnoxious. I've also been A) doing Multiplayer, and B) using a mod so that I can take all 6 of the named characters with me, which unfortunately does have the tradeoff of making the game a little too easy at times. Also, since you're not suppose to be able to have all of the characters in one playthrough certain characters just straight up will not speak to each other? Which is kind of disappointing. Come on, guys, it's a 60 hour game at minimum, it doesn't have the kind of replayability you think it does.
Professor Layton and the Last Spector: Oh, so THAT'S why plvsaa is like that. I was not expecting to adore these characters as much as I thought I would, but they are just so much fun. I haven't technically been playing, since I'm watching my friend's playthough on twitch, but the puzzle difficulty range is so wild to me. Anything from "What color is the umbrella" to "do some fucking AP Geometry fucko," which I feel like I'd find a bit frustrating, though I guess the worst of it is optional.
Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask (Not Finished): Can't give my final opinions here, but at minimum, the 3D graphics are a huge downgrade. I hate when visual novels decide to switch to 3D graphics. It's never going to be as charming as the sprites! Story-wise, I'm still deeply invested, and theorizing to hell and back is so much fun now that I'm getting into the swing of How Layton Games Do.
Zero Escape 999: Guys. This game drove me absolutely bonkers. I'll love any murder mystery visual novel put in front of me of course, but something about this game... Admittedly, it took me a few hours to get invested. I found the amount of talking a bit exhausting, especially when SO MUCH of it was dedicated to things like "Let's walk through this whole room trying doors, talk about it, and then start trying new doors." Like I don't need to know the logistics of "we're locked in a boat." I don't need to know where everyone is at all times. But once I went through one full playthrough, and could skip a lot of those boring logistical issues, I got SO into trying to figure out what was really happening. They really did give us the exact right amount of information to start figuring out what the Actual Plot was.
Zero Escape Virtue's Last Reward (Not Finished): I'm enjoying myself so much, but somehow, everything kind of feels like a downgrade? The 3D graphics (especially the lip flaps) suck ass, and there's so much stuff that feels like it's pulled from Danganronpa. Guys, I liked Danganronpa. I liked Zero Escape because it WASN'T Danganronpa. I don't know, I've hit my first real ending, so I'm hoping that it's just still waiting to impress me, but the main conflict just feels less personal this time around.
Dragon Age: Origins: I love playing watching my roommate play this game and then letting me make all of the narrative decisions. I just. I hate the gameplay, but the story is fun as heck. There are some weird writing choices, clearly, but the characters are fun to talk to and that's all that matters. It doesn't give me as strong found family vibes as other RPGs, but I still love them anyway.
Disco Elysium: You all know my thoughts on Disco Elysium. I love you Kim. Mostly, I'm just wondering what the fate of a potential sequel is going to be. I both want it and don't, but at the end of the day, if the original creators aren't able to wrest control from that game studio, I just worry the heart isn't going to be in the next one.
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bandmafia · 2 years
magical band kids
Imagine like, wizarding band kids. Maybe they’re from America, maybe from Canada or Britain.  And they are batshit insane. Like, close to clinically insane. More insane then your average band kid.  At the end of the year the seniors have to do a field show in the air. On brooms, of course. They can do stunts that pro Quidditch players could only dream of, all without using their hands. All of them are experts at charms because to Hell are they carrying their tubas for that long in the air, and also to hell are they going to let that disgusting spit stain stay on the floor.  All of the Freshmen go through their first day with terror. Either they make it out alive or they legit run out screaming.  Tired Drum majors drug everyone to go the fuck to sleep on the bus back.  Drum majors: “BAND TO THE READY!” Several people get magically slapped awake. The whistles actually carry some (illegal) magic in them to make sure everyone automatically does what they’re supposed to. Also, you can hear that thing in your head when it’s blown.  Someone invented a spell for a tuner. Wands were banned shortly thereafter.  Colorguard kids always put spells on their flags and rifles so that if anyone touches them, they get stabbed in the hand and/or air shot. And so they don’t go flying if the wind is too strong.  Sometimes the Quidditch or Quodpot school team will go out for a practice only to see that the field is occupied by a bunch of zombie band seniors diving at the ground while holding a tuba, while an irritated Drum Major screams at them, and just turn around and leave.  All of them have the power to march in a line for hours on end while their drum major throws awakening potions at themselves, then at them, and then at the band director. Last time the band director got a full 8 hours of sleep someone invented a tuning spell. Last time the Drum major went to sleep someone’s flag spell went wrong and some poor Freshman almost got murdered. Last time anyone got a full 8 hours of sleep they missed a show. 
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Title: Melt With You
Author: Jennifer Dugan
Genre: YA Fiction | Romance | Road Trip | LGBTQ+
Content Warnings: 
Overall Rating: 6.2/10
Personal Opinion: No more books where characters know the solution and do not act on it. Please. Especially if the solution is: talk. That aside, I did find parts of this book to be charming. And if you’re into messy WLW love stories where the girls have through-the-roof romantic/sexual tension then this is definitely the book for you. I may not be the biggest fan but maybe you will. Art is subjective.
Couple Classification: Fallon X Chloe = Nerd X Prep
Do I Own This Book? No.
Spoilers Below For My Likes & Dislikes:
- My favorite aspect of this book? Jami and Prisha. They are such good best friends for always being there for Fallon every time Fallon needed them. The support they give her while also being honest with her is respectful. I also love how well—Jami especially—can read Fallon. Unlike how badly Fallon and Chloe can read each other.
- The conversational tone of Fallon’s narration was certainly charming at times. It provided some levity and comedy during the more tense moments which I really appreciated. 
- I love how much Fallon and Chloe care about their moms. They saw Maggie and Carmen stressing out about the deal and they knew they had to do all they could for their moms. It was so sweet.
- The ice cream truck is so cute. I love the flavor names and it actually makes me want ice cream. But seriously, the concept is adorable and I think it’s a unique and compelling device to use to have Fallon and Chloe together in the same space.
- Esther and Layla are so cute and such a good couple. They did everything they could to help Fallon and Chloe when their truck got vandalized and they were so cute together. I also just love seeing elder queer couples thriving. As they should be!
- Fallon and Chloe can’t read each other for shit. And you’re telling me they’ve been besties since birth? No way. They had to have been deliberately acting blind because there was no way. Since it was from Fallon’s POV, I am inclined to hate her more. Especially because she had said that she hated when characters don’t talk things out in a story. Not only that but Jami and Prisha both advised her multiple times to tell Chloe the full truth and Fallon just straight up refused. It was so frustrating because the solutions were right there! Fallon knew it and yet she didn’t act on it! For fuck’s sake woman.
- Chloe isn’t much better. She knows Fallon so well that she can finish her sentences and she knows when Fallon is directing her “mind movies.” But she can’t tell that Fallon is in love with her? Jesus Christ woman, just confess your own feelings instead of jumping to conclusions!
- And then the moms went and lied to their daughters. I hate that. Because I’ve fucking been there. My parents lied to me and my brother about something once to get us to do something and it ended up being one of the most traumatic experiences in our lives. Legit, the moms are so fucking lucky that their lie ended up working out for Fallon and Chloe because otherwise, they’d be spending a lot of time in therapy for this.
- Fallon couldn’t even try to be civil toward Chloe. That’s what I hate most. She was deliberately acting like a child. And she’s the rational responsible one???
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theirmadness · 4 months
allow me to Cry about clara and 12th's relationship for a moment.
clara LOVED 11, right???? she absolutely loved him. she adored her funny little boy. yeah, the doctor plays around calling himself her bf. they flirt. it's like... when you have a crush on someone when you're a teenager. she loved him, but it was different. then........ then she BEGGED the timelords to give him More. more time. not more time with her, bc clara oswald is not that selfish, but more time with the universe, bc the universe NEEDs him. the universe needs the doctor.
and she got 12. and 12.......... 12 is the opposite of 11, and he's this grumpy old man. this is the doctor looking like The Doctor for the first time in a while. i feel like 12 is the doctor being like. I'm Tired. I thot I was Dying. for GOOD. i just don't have it in me any more. and then he gets a whole new set of regenerations bc THERE CLARA OSWALD GOES AGAIN, BEING THE IMPOSSIBLE FUCKING GIRL AND SAVING HIS LIFE. ALL OVER AGAIN. the doctor saves everyone but how often do people save the doctor? like. FOR REAL, SAVE THE DOCTOR. the way that clara did???? what she did trumps bad wolf in so many ways and that alone was such a sacrifice from rose.
what clara felt with 12 was like this soul connection. this old man who's not charming and needs social cues from her was literally MADE for her. she feels more connected to him than she ever has. and this is beyond the physical stuff which like..... their sexual chemistry in every fucking episode was absolutely insane. it's CRAZY how so little people touch on this and i fully believe it's bc of ageism bc peter capaldi isn't yk, matt smith or david tenant. but bro, mummy on the orient express was legit so sexually charged i thot i was watching a romantic comedy lol. and that was just their energy.
11 was this schoolboy with a crush but 12 was her life partner. she anticipated his needs and he Saw her. "when do i ever not see you?" the episode where she aged and she's so frail and yet all he says is: "i just see you, clara." AND HE JUST SEES HER AS HE KNOWS HER. YOUNG AND FULL OF LIFE AND UTTERLY PERFECT IN HIS EYES. nd i don't think the doctor has, had, or will ever love someone the way that he loved clara. i don't think he will ever go to the lengths that he went to save her. the devotion 12 had for clara was something unique to their relationship and their dynamic and i don't think the doctor would ever allow himself that again bc he KNOWS the lengths that he will go for if he truly gives himself to love the way he did with clara. they were never overtly romantic the way doctor is with the few romantic interests he has had, but their relationship went so much deeper than that. the doctor LITERALLY PUNCHED HIS WAY THROUGH FUCKING TIME TO GET HER BACK. this man, this man who sacrificed so much, for so long to save the universe, who made the ultimate sacrifice to end a war, was ready to throw it all away for THIS ONE HUMAN WOMAN. his love for her made him reckless, made him dangerous, and it made him........... the most human he has ever been and GOD THE WAY THAT FUCKING TERRIFIED HIM.
but the way that it meant the world to clara because she spent her entire time with 11 thinking she'd just be a ghost in the end to him. just another story. but then in comes 12 and he proves his undying, unwavering love and devotion to her and she's absolutely made her peace with the fact she's Dead. She's dying. and she's okay with it because every moment she has lived with him has been worth it and????????? oh my god i'm fucking crying these two are too much i can't. i'm just gonna sit in MY CORNER AND FUCKING SOB.
clara oswald loves EVERY version of the doctor there has been, and she can say that because she's one of the few people that has actually met in some way ALL of them, and she will love every version of him there will be but my god the 12th doctor is It for her.
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