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- I - Le Bateleur - The Magician -
I'll start with the project I'm (still working on), it's a project I've been wanting to do for a long while and I decided to use Inktober for it. This is my take on the Tarot deck. The first week was spent on planning and figuring out how I could approach this with little research and still keep some symbolism of the original Marseille deck. We'll see how it goes.
The Fool's journey starts by meeting the Magician. He represents Skillfulness, Dedication, Communication, but also Overestimation and Failure. This card will give you courage and confidence in any conversation. (If you're like me, it's specially useful during phone calls).
I find it fortunate that the journey starts with this one, because it was after recently speaking to so many amazing artists that I decided to pick up a project and work on it from beginning to end, no matter what my brain decides to opine on. So this project is also my journey, that's why I didn't start by illustrating the Fool, I don't know who I'll be once the journey's over.
(Also, please keep in mind this is my interpretation based on a bit of research and how I see each card. There are infinite ways to interpret them all and it's always interesting learning about what a card says to different people.)
#sacruna#inktober#inktober 2019#day 1#art#inkdrawing#illustration#blackwork#black and white#tarot#marseille tarot#tarot deck#tarot card#occult#mystic#lebateleur#bateleur#the magician#magician#ink
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#tarotdeck #tarot #tarotcard #lemat #thefool #themagiciantarot #themagiciantarotcard #themagiciantarotcardmeaning #lebateleur The magician tarot card meaning https://www.instagram.com/p/B73q2Wcnk0V/?igshid=1gfcwqwd70fep
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I. La maga
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#Darkwitch #tarot #vector #design #illustrator #wizard #lebateleur #graphicdesigner #yaniquini #magician #arcane #colour #jodorowsky #divination #spiritual #spell #astral (en En Mi Casa) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqD8LNvlKaV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=negr5uf0d9cr
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I really did not know what to do, let everything be spontaneous and this came out! I hope you like it a lot ♡♡♡♡ - #inktober2018 #ink #inktober #day4 #draw #tarot #themagician #dermagier #ilbagatto #lebateleur #elmago (en Ucasal - Universidad Católica de Salta) https://www.instagram.com/p/BojaFj5nKQ_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12ngovibn1d94
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Chi conosce la pratica di OniroTarologia sa che gli Arcani Maggiori vengono selezionati in base alla loro simbologia per descrivere la dinamica di un sogno. Tuttavia, quando il sogno è particolarmente sfuggente in qualche elemento (come nel caso dei sogni personali), può essere utile ricorrere ad una stesa "tradizionale" per cogliere/approfondire aspetti particolari, utilizzando anche gli Arcani Minori. Grazie alla sincronicità, è sempre sorprendente trovare punti di contatto tra sogno e mondo della veglia (@clara_tarot ne sa qualcosa 😅). In questo esempio ho chiesto ai miei Tarocchi: "perché nel sogno mio nipote ha fatto quella azione in quel capanno"? Ho ricondotto all'istante me in veste di Bagatto e mio nipote alla Forza; questo perché in un altro sogno, con contesto similare e con protagonista sempre mio nipote, avevo ricondotto la situazione alla Forza degli Arcani Maggiori. #onirotarologia #interpretazionedeisogni #carlgustavjung #tarologia #tarocchi #tarot #sincronicità #arcanimaggiori #arcaniminori #lebateleur #dailytarot #tarotanddreams https://www.instagram.com/p/CRqqCifH0Co/?utm_medium=tumblr
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A Meditation on Health Here we see Le Fou (The Fool) and Le Bateleur (The Conjuror). The Fool strides off into the distance, not really knowing where he's heading and with no plan. Judging by the creature preparing to pounce on him from behind, he is somewhat at risk. Looking on, The Conjuror knows what he has to do. He has his tools laid out in front of him and thanks to him searching for information, he knows how to use them. Many of us have not been thinking much about our health recently. We've been sitting around, not going out for exercise, and this is not good for our physical or mental health. Now is the time to make a plan. Do a little research. Find out what appropriate health measures we can practically take. For many of us, a single-pronged approach won't work, because we easily get bored and give up. Keep it interesting, stimulating and healthy! #tarot #tarotreading #tarotreadersofinstagram #health #LeFou #LeBateleur #TheFool #TheConjuror #TarotdeMarseille #diet #exercise #PhysicalHealth #MentalHealth #GoodHabits (at Edison, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDFH7WOjaaD/?igshid=1vv2brnreeim3
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Tarot Tarado. Arcano 01. El vago. La personificación del hastío, el creador aburrido de la vida y saturado de comodidades y ocio. Ni el dinero le motiva. #tarottarado #tarot #vago #lebateleur #elmago #cartoonanimation #cartoon #animation #drinking #alcoholicos #money
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EL #TAROT LLAVE⚡️ . Me inquieta mi vínculo con el Tarot hoy... ¡hemos vivido tantas cosas! ¡Y hoy ocupa un lugar tan misterioso! Mi querido amigo Fabio @lafaviamilano me ofreció una lectura para revisarlo. . Me preocupaba pensar que encargándome de tantas cosas (sobre todo de #Lisa, mi hija) me esté alejando del corazón de mi herramienta. Siempre está ahí, claro, mi vida pasa a través de él, pero hace rato no me siento a desmenuzarlo, olerlo, conectarme con él como en los viejos tiempos. . Reflexiono ahora a partir de la lectura que hoy recibí sobre su poder mutable: a veces se vive externamente, como cuando FE comenzó, y ahora, lo vivo más internamente, desde otro lugar. . El tarot es tan maravilloso que muta y se transforma: Una vez fue una llave para cambiar de vida, otras un pasaje de avión, tanbién ha sido una habitación de hotel. El Tarot también se transformó en amigos, maestros y alumnos, aprendizajes, libros, proyectos. . La respuesta del Tarot de hoy fue algo así como: "Estoy, pero distinto. Te guío, sublimado. El camino está y allá vamos, juntos" . Que hermoso tener quién cada tanto te lea un Tarotito (como dice nuestra querida maestra #mariannecosta) y te de un pequeño milagro - respuesta en tu vida. ¿Vos, tenés ese amigo que te salva? ¿Sabías que si no, para eso estamos en FE? ❤️ . @ladalia FE 🌈 #marseille #lemat #lebateleur #elmago
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tarot de Marseille,
I. Le Bateleur
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In the course of my Tarot studies this week I learned a new word-Prestidigitation. A prestidigitator is defined as: "One who performs slight-of-hand tricks; a conjurer." J-M David uses it as a synonym for Le Bateleur/The Magician. Etymologically speaking, it comes from the Italian "presto" (quick) and Latin "digitus" (finger) It immediately reminded me of the character Little Finger from Game of Thrones. Such a perfect way to describe his personality! It's beautiful to see the ways in which literature and Tarot can weave together so seamlessly, and deepen our understanding of its counterpart. #readingthemarseilletarot #jmdavid #themagician #lebateleur #viscontisforza #petersonnoblet #flornoy #gameofhopedodal #robledododal #pierremadenie #cbdtarot #zebrowskinoblet #noblettarot #dodaltarot #tarotdemarseille #marseilletarot #marchofthepipsmarcheson #tarotstudies #gameofthrones #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarot #threeleggedtable
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Le bateleur // El mago Iniciativa, creatividad, dinamismo, posibilidad y comienzo 💫 . #tarot #tarotcards #tarotdemarseille #camillevannier #carte #carta #cards #lebateleur #elmago #illustration #ilustracion #coloredpencil #drawing
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Le Bateleur
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