#lbr mostly throwing up
sweetbottletops · 7 months
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You guys. The long awaited Tokyo Character Street Green Manga spotting. I have watched *cough* number of shakey-cam tourist videos of that underground maze for this moment. I am finally free.
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singsofecho · 8 months
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You, slightly inebriated, wandered away from the hunting party fire, and you're fairly certain those unnatural eyes in that pretty face don't belong to anyone you know.
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moonshynecybin · 8 months
Who initiated the Rosquez first time and where? Also is it a one time thing for a while until they just pine forever and vale gives into Marc’s puppy dog eyes.
ive answered about their first time here, where i do think marc just shoots his shot post-podium tbh... but upon review of the material for a specific date i would throw my dart at my beautiful girlfriend laguna seca 2013 bc she is bananassssssss <3 and they flirt literally the entire weekend. its also sexy for narrative!! like the corkscrew maneuver is such a signal of how similar they are, how much marc idolizes vale, the passing of the torch from one legend to another, etc. like if they fucked for the first time there and then later after sepang vale says THAT WAS ACTUALLY WHEN I STARTED HATING HIM? i mean GOD. and only marc would know that vale is like. not only saying that as a repudiation of him as successor to the throne, but also as a deeply personal reference to their breakup. like. insane.
imo they are fucking pretty consistently from their first time in 2013 until sometime in late 2015 but never as like. a defined relationship. like mostly contained to race weekends nasty insane disrespectful (and frequently goofy lbr) sex in each other's motorhomes but well. i dont think my man vale is entirely letting himself conceptualize in his whole brain that he is in love with marc. like crucially. he is repressing that so hard lol. so yeah it remains amorphous and undefined amd kind of fucked up and lazy and hot but they both want it so bad. like during this period if vale thinks about marc theoretically fucking anyone else he feels like he cant breathe and has NO idea why. fucks off to the club in order not to think about it. texts marc a dumb joke feels weird about it gets blasted with uccio. rinse. repeat.
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Hey everyone! Hope y'all had fun for CR's 9th anniversary yesterday 💕 Today we have five fics with divergent canons! Some diverged before campaign events and some in how the post-campaign played out. As always, you can find them below the cut and if you check any of them out, I encourage you to leave kudoes and comments to spread the rarepair love 💕
I dream of you amid the flowers by glittergarbage (66,967 words, Explicit) Pairing: Mollymauk Tealeaf/Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast (Shadowidomauk) Warnings: Mentions of drug use by minors typical of Volstrucker experimentation
Molly comes back after Cognouza instead of Kingsley. Old feelings stir, new feelings are born, and polyam fluff between Caleb, Essek, and Molly ensues.
Reccer Says: A classic SWM fic, to me. It's all so sweet and lovely and I adore the way Essek and Molly's relationship develops. Essek apologizing to Caleb for developing feelings for Molly so fast compared to how long his feelings for Caleb took to develop is just. Imprinted on my brain. And there's so many good moments like that! Also the side of Trent intrigue that comes into play a bit later in the fic is a very fun addition, imo :3
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your touch's so sweet (throw me in the water) by quinn_of_aebradore (1,872 words, Teen) Pairing: Fjord/Caleb Widogast (Widofjord) Warnings: None
Champion of Uk'otoa Fjord and Scourger Bren meet to hook up every so often. Fjord knows it's nothing real, nothing that could go anywhere, but when Bren teleports to his ship in the middle of the night he catches himself tempted to pretend anyway.
Reccer Says: A surprising amount of yearning for an evil-AU oneshot, and it's delicious. Fjord knows Bren is a Volstrucker and he still can't resist Bren's obvious moves to manipulate information out of him. Also, it's hot. That should probably go without saying but just in case.
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the stranger who was your self by Demenior (60,045 words, Mature) Pairing: Fjord/Eadwulf Grieve/Jester Lavorre Warnings: None
Running away from the fallout of the end of the Volstrucker program (and maybe something Else), Eadwulf joins Fjord's crew, swearing fealty by rather dramatically kneeling before him on the dock and making Fjord very alarmed! He becomes the captain's bodyguard (and by extension, Jester's) and explorations of loyalty and power and, eventually sexy and fraught power dynamics ensue.
Reccer Says: Mostly alternates POV between Fjord and Eadwulf, but also some (very good!) Jester POV. Slow-burn between Eadwulf (aka the Captain's Hound) and the happy couple, plus Fjorester PDA that they think they're being subtle about (they are not). Also featuring Orly not being paid enough for this, despite being paid quite well. Came for the Eadwulf/Fjord power dynamics, stayed for the character studies and also for the crew (and for the power dynamics lbr). Now a series, there's also a threesome one-shot and Orly POV fic, with another installment apparently on the way!
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Three Wizards by yesthisisnarumi (1,329 words, Mature) Pairing: Yussa Errenis/Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast (Shadowidoyussa) Warnings: None
Caleb has a thing for elven wizards. Elven wizards have a thing for him. Bickering, kissing, and more ensue.
Reccer Says: There is Never enough of these three in the world and this is such a fun take on them. Caleb constantly observing the contrasts between Essek and Yussa is delicious, the jealousy (that only makes them wanna make out more) is delicious, it's all just *chef's kiss* so fuckin good.
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ebb and flow, love's sweet metronome by wytch-lyghts (12,972 words, Explicit) Pairing: Fjord/Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast (Shadowidofjord) Warnings: Recreational drug use, sex while intoxicated
On-the-run, evil AU Shadowgast pays a visit to their ally and sometimes-lover, Plank King Fjord. Unsurprisingly, they fuck about it.
Reccer Says: It's so hot. Like, insanely hot. Most of the action is between Widofjord and Shadowgast, but there's still moments of Shadowfjord and they're Very Good too. These three make Such a fun triad, especially in an evil AU. The dynamics, the push-and-pull, yes, the sex, all of it is so good. My Ao3 history says I've revisited it like ten times and I nearly got sucked into it for another read while writing this recc lmao
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Thank you for joining us this week’s recc list! All the love to everyone who submitted a fic 💕 All enclosed recommendations were submitted by the community via our submissions form, which you can find here. All fic information is as it was provided by the reccer, so it may not be accurate to the author’s intent or the precise contents of the fic itself. Please assume good intent from all parties 💕
Submissions for next week’s list are already open! We’ll be featuring Keyleth Rarepairs. If you have any you’d like to highlight, you can send them in here. The week after that, the theme is Polyamorous Ships and the weeks after that we’re taking recommendations for Enemies to Lovers and Miscommunication fic! Submissions for all of these themes are currently open.
If you want more rarepair fic, check out @cr-summer-wildflowers and their event collections on ao3! If you want some friendship after all this romance, take a look at @critter-genfic-events and their recc lists! And if you’re interested in everyone’s favorite wizards, you can’t go wrong with the lists at @aeor-is-for-reccing !
Thanks all and have a lovely day/night/timezone! 💕
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loadednachosao3 · 7 months
Any tips for someone who wants to get better at creative writing?
hoo boy there are a ton I could give! let's see if I can't think of some that might help!
first, read! read, read, read! read things you like, that engage you and make you feel something, and then read writing advice to figure out how to translate what you felt and what you liked into writing that makes someone else feel just as good (or sad, or angry, or whatever, LOL). Stephen King's book On Writing is a solid place to start -- learn from the people who have made writing their lifeblood! go to the library's 800s section and find all the writing tips books you can get your hands on! I STILL read those 19 years into writing!
don't try to edit while you write (small edits are fine so you don't forget them, but don't overdo it). remember: first draft, worst draft! the important part is getting the backbone of the scene down. once that's there, you can mix and match and scramble it up and change words and delete shit and do all sorts of things! I actually enjoy the editing process, since it makes everything come together. don't think "oh, this is so bad, I have to edit so much, I suck." try to frame it as, "damn, look how much writing I did! this is an awesome base to polish up! it's gonna be so rad once I correct these mistakes!"
on that note: there WILL be mistakes. you'll miss plot holes, forget shit, write stuff that doesn't make sense, whatever. beta readers are great for this, since a fresh set of eyes will be able to catch things you didn't. or do what I do: throw caution to the wind, post it, and if someone catches a mistake, say "oops!" and find a way to fix it, retcon it, or ignore it. either 1: you're writing fanfiction or something similar, so it really doesn't matter that much if you fuck up, or 2: you're aiming to be published, and an editor will help spot and fix those things for you anyway. don't let making mistakes discourage you, we all make them!
if you have tropes/character types/plotlines you like, don't let anyone stop you from writing them again and again. you know how many stories Stephen King writes about a writer from Maine with interpersonal issues who goes through supernatural shit? and look where he is! what you WANT to write will always be better than what you THINK people want to read! readers can sense passion. use that to hook them!
it is 100% okay to use your writing to work through things, on that note. encouraged, as a matter of fact! lots of great writers have underlying themes in most/all of their works. depression. substance abuse. daddy issues. optimism. pessimism. worldviews. whatever! doesn't have to be bad, but if it IS bad, writing is a phenomenal way to channel those feelings! don't let any shitty weirdo ever tell you anything else. projecting your emotions onto fictional characters is a very highly recommended therapeutic technique, so use it! (lbr, even if you don't do it consciously, you WILL do it subconsciously. sorry about that)
mmmmmblock out the haters! that is, don't let people tear you down and make you feel like you shouldn't write anymore! no matter your skill level, if you have something to say, something you want to see play out, make it happen. everyone else can suck a duck
figure out a plotting style that works for you. for some, it's a rigid outline with every conversation accounted for. for others, it's a looser one, some ideas and scribbled notes of general directions with the rest to be filled in as you go. for others still (this is mostly my style), you just start writing and see where it takes you. very chaotic, but very fun! I also like to have vivid daydreams sometimes and then just write them down. whether I do that or learn where the scene is going as my fingers are on the keys depends on the day. no method is better or worse, so do what feels right!
jot down inspiration in a notepad or on your phone or whatever's around as it comes to you. could be as simple as "this exchange I heard caught my attention" or "that gravestone has a badass surname I'd love to use for a character," or as complex as "I want to explore the themes of grief and trauma that that other book did, but with my own twist on it." a word. a color. a feeling. keep a list of everything that makes you want to write, and use it later!
if you really hate your first draft, scrap it! if you hate your second, scrap it! if you hate your third... you can always start fresh!!! don't sit around thinking, "aw beans, I couldn't get it right on the first try, I must not be a real writer." not every idea's gonna be a winner, not every scene is gonna work out! you gotta keep on keeping on, though! don't give up even if you hate it!!!
uhhhh that's all I can think of rn... the rest would be more stylistic/grammatical/nitpicky tips, which I CAN give, but maybe in a different post? let me know if you guys would ever like an insight into how I edit my stories with tips like that in mind, and maybe I'll make a lil guide!
but in general, yeah, those are my big, sweeping tips! hope they helped at least a little!
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sigurdjarlson · 13 days
Ooooh!! Pls tell us how they are dropping the ball in TWW. I’d like some tea ☕️
So like I do like some aspects of TWW but imo Khadgar’s fakeout death and Dalaran falling was done quite poorly
Like if you’re gonna kick the expansion off with what we at the time assumed was a major character death you could have at least…had more than 2 characters care about it
I think that’s what bothers me the most? Alleria and Anduin express genuine grief. Mostly Alleria though. Jaina does for a few seconds. And then no one else in the game like ever mentions it.
No members of the council of six, no Medivh, no citizens of Dalaran who may have liked him, nothing.
Turalyon doesn’t say one word about it :(
It just doesn’t work because his death has 0 impact on anyone except Alleria. No one even MENTIONS it except her and Anduin
We have Alleria’s vengeance arc that personally I think could have been much more impactful
For a successful fakeout death you gotta make it impactful, emotional, etc.
And you do that by showing the grief it causes other characters and the effects it has on their actions or what the absence of that character does in general
They do this with literally only Alleria which imo probably doesn’t work for some people either
Like lbr most players haven’t read Beyond the Dark Portal. Their friendship in the game exists mainly in some flavor text and what they try to throw in there in the beginning of the expansion. A little bit in Legion (which was years ago)
They do nothing to make new players attached to Khadgar before killing him (they’re probably like who is that Lmao) or even just refresh the bond some current players who aren’t obsessed with him like me have with him
There’s some very sweet text between him and the player character in the beginning quests (“I’m glad to have you by my side.” I’ll give them that)
For god’s sake Dalaran falling doesn’t seem to do much of anything. Think of Teldrassil (regardless of the shit writing that led to it) how they have you desperately try to save civilians and ultimately be overwhelmed by the smoke.
They show how significant of a loss this is in various ways, show the refugees, suffering, etc
You get a few stragglers from Dalaran who express very mild grief about it imo. Most of it is “it’s a shame we lost so much knowledge” which is very valid Dalaran was full of it but like…where’s the emotional impact bruh
Then of course they give us Khadgar back
On one hand I’m happy he’s not dead. The cinematic was very sweet.
On the other…what was the point except to make Alleria make some impulsive grief fueled decisions?
Literally what was the point of any of that when no one cared and it did not impact much of anything significantly alskdkslf
Personally I think they should have drawn it out longer, really let the loss sink in..but to do that they’d have to actually acknowledge he died lmao
I still don’t like how he got one shot by Xal either. This man can hold his own with Gul’dan and various other powerful characters.
You could have let it be a fight that she just ends up winning but have him actually get to fight. He deserves that.
Idk I just think it was all written very poorly and mainly for shock value. It didn’t do justice to the character but I suppose I should just be happy they let him live
Idk this expansion in general doesn’t really make you feel like anything happened. it leaves you in a lot of ways going “what was the point…of any of that.” By the end of it?
Xal is fun in a way but she’s also very..one dimensional. Some people find that refreshing to be fair. Just someone straight up evil for evil’s sake. I think it’s a bit lazy that she doesn’t have much of a motivation except that.
And they try SO hard to make her the Uber powerful threat and she’s ~so cunning~ but to do it they nerf other characters and make them make dumb decisions and that’s also lazy :|
Like don’t get me wrong there’s some strong aspects to the expansion. (Especially in side quests. We got some real good side quests this expansion but the main quest itself is lacking in some serious ways particularly in regards to how it started)
Mostly I just don’t like that no one cares Khadgar dies. It drives me nuts lmao.
Literally being Medivh’s ass in. That could have been painful. The character he has the closest bond with.
Legion era writing I miss you…
They wanted a Varian’s death situation (except surprise he’s alive) but it didn’t work because none of them put any effort into having other characters react to it except Alleria ._. They rushed it and just kinda dropped the ball.
We got some good stuff. I like the Earthen, Neurbians and Kobolds. I like the Magni stuff with him, Dagran and Moira
I really like Faerin and some other new characters too.
It’s just..I have more examples of them dropping the ball but my brain isn’t working lmao. Mostly I’m mad at how they handled Khadgar and Dalaran which was supposed to kick off the expansion
Also why Thrall in the loading screen (which implies he’s gonna be a big character this expansion) with Alleria and Anduin when he literally doesn’t show up until the end and does absolutely nothing but bring the horde fleet
I guess we should be thankful they kept Metzen on a leash there. It could have been all Thrall all the time but I just think it’s kinda funny like they just threw him in there for no reason (Metzen probably)
I also do hope there are consequences for Anduin bailing on his kingdom. I love him. I totally get it but you can’t tell me his people aren’t gonna lose complete faith in him after he runs off AGAIN Like that.
I don’t mean he should be punished for having completely reasonable reactions to trauma just that..decisions do have consequences especially in regards to running a Kingdom
He’s gonna need to work to regain their faith in him or at least he should have to but idk if Blizz will do that. Like this should severely weaken his people’s faith in him as a leader.
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wawamouse · 18 days
( @heffer-wen I was going to write a reply but got lazy about breaking up this word vomit into parts, so… new post!)
(Also… yeah, ace is probably what I was thinking last night (lmao… “business minded” 🤣) I think I do see him as some shade of asexual when it comes down to it)
More thoughts on Torquemada (aka Here’s How We Could Have Had It All)
I feel like I recall seeing some interview at one point where Fontana admitted that he didn’t have much of Oz thought out beyond s1 and a bit of s2, and for sure the later seasons get wacky but there’s still Something there with most of the little bits that end up in the show, imo. It’s mostly the execution that leaves something to be desired, like Fontana and the other writers (I'm not sure to what degree who writes what) didn't really have time to think out the story beats of the seasons or else didn't have time to come up with something better/do some editing. I said a while back (idr where/what post tho), but I think if Alonzo had been brought in earlier, a lot of the same s6 plotlines could have still been achieved while giving us more time to know him and make his appearance worthwhile. Like, first couple episodes after he’s introduced could’ve just been those in-betweener scenes where we see him settling into Oz and putting out feelers:
Interacting with the other Gays (more screen time for them at last??) and getting the lowdown on Oz; I have my other headcanon (based on the crowd scenes) that the Gays sometimes help the Latinos move tits, so maybe…
This would bring him toe to toe with Morales or at least have a chance to with him briefly while the former is on his way out; maybe Torquemada wants to bring his own expertise to the game and tries to talk business to Morales, who’s got other things on his mind and blows Alonzo off, or else puts Alonzo to task with finding out what’s going on with Redding, etc. I think Alonzo could handle himself here, as Redding is no threat at this point, but maybe the real question is whether or not he wants to try to conform and fit in under Morales’ control, which I think the answer would be no, meaning...
Seeing Alonzo ultimately decide to forge his own path to the top and take his sweet deal with Destiny to the Italians
Miguel’s + the other Latinos’ storylines could’ve been largely unchanged meanwhile. Obviously some shit from s6 would have to be sacrificed to accommodate expanding Torquemada's storyline but lbr, s6 had a lot of going-nowhere plotlines as well as storylines that couldve afforded to be much shorter, so there’s honestly plenty of fat to choose from when it comes to what to cut. And introducing Alonzo like this would’ve helped bring the Italians more into play in s6 (could've simultaneously explored a little bit of the post-Schibetta world of the Italians, or at least shown more fall out), as well as the gays. Canonically Alonzo comes in episode 7, and what I’m thinking is basically to bring him in on episode 3 or 4 (right after Said dies) (get rid of the ridiculous Idzik shit). With the 1 hour episodes, that would be plenty of time to start showing his rise to power. He could occasionally cross paths with other characters and get on their radar while creating small moments to plant the payoff of the canon e7 & e8.
I just feel like the pieces would fall into place in a much more satisfying way if we saw earlier on how Torquemada was quietly moving things in his own direction and being either underestimated or ignored due to characters being wrapped up in their own stories. He’d have been there the ~whole times~ and the show could’ve ended with his move to the top feeling more earned, with a little bit more of his potential as a kingpin explored and hinted at with the season finale. Again, it would also have been a good opportunity to explore the Gays in Oz and see how they fit in. Like I mentioned in my tags of the other post, I do think Torquemada would throw some of them under the bus/not care what happens to them once he gets his lmao.
(A s7/new post-canon tale of a subsequent downfall for Alonzo might concern itself mostly with hubris; burnt bridges and capricious impulses might leave no one in his corner if he did lose his footing and start to stumble… I think also him being queer and not just a ~fucker of men~ like Adebisi would motivate his enemies to unite to take him down more so than if he were anybody else.)
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direwombat · 6 months
12, 21, 22, 49, and 58 for Syb and Jacob?
and thank you again for indulging me twice ;w; <3 <3 <3 also sorry i got. so tired last night so...trying to finish these up tonight (ask game here)
12. Do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over?
lmaoooo they have more during their early-relationship/still-kinda-enemies phase where they're regularly butting heads. figuratively and literally. and...well...they smooth things over in the way you might expect. the argument gets physical. jacob starts posturing and trying to intimidate her, syb starts throwing punches, someone gets pinned to the wall or the ground and...well...usually it ends in angry sex...or syb storming off pissed as hell.
they do outgrow this and by the time syb is part of the cult, they're mostly in agreement on things. they'll still argue, but they're more level headed about it and will actually use their words to communicate when they disagree. but it takes them a while to get there lmao.
21. Who would get into a fight to defend the other’s honor? Who tends to the other’s wounds?
syb is fully and well aware that jacob has. no honor. for her to defend. she knows that she isn't gonna win that fight lmao. and while jacob knows that syb is fully capable of defending her own honor, he would be the one more likely to do it. and. i mean. the wound tending is mutual. or at least it is to an extent. in the cases where jacob's pride is more injured than he is physically, syb will just laugh and toss him a bag of frozen peas for the actual bruises. but when there are actual injuries involved that really do need proper cleaning and stitches, then she'll patch him up. and he'll just as readily return her the favor. calling each other "fuckin' idiot" the entire time, of course
22. What reminds each of their partner?
these are by no means exhaustive lists but...
things that remind jacob of syb: rabbits, the smell of stale cigarettes, bomber jackets and ripped jeans, the thrill (and satisfaction) of a good, challenging hunt, the sting of getting decked in the face, the sound of someone humming while cooking
things that remind syb of jacob: wolves, only you by the platters, the thrill of being hunted, campfire and gun oil, the feeling of bruises forming in the shape of hand prints, the writings of marcus aurelius
49. Does either of them have a hard time being away from the other?
i mean...yes and no.
there does reach a point where they don't particularly enjoy being away from each other, but they also acknowledge the necessity of it. they were on opposing sides at first. that makes spending time together difficult. and even after syb joins the cult, she has her own duties as the judge that take her away from him. they trust each other's capabilities, and while it's a cold comfort, at least it's there. besides...they talk on the radio a lot when they're separated like that.
but when both of them are forced into different bunkers and neither knows whether the other is alive during the bunker years...well they didn't do too great. the seven years they spent separated was rough on the both of them, and when they're reunited in new dawn, they NEVER let the other leave their sight.
58. Who’s more likely to hold a grudge after an argument?
dsaflkajsdf syb. she tends to stew in her anger. especially when she's convinced she's right. she doesn't let go of things very easily. and lbr even if jacob does hold a grudge, he's also (unrightfully) confident in his abilities to. um. change her mind.
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beingfacetious · 9 months
so this year I ~challenged myself to post a gifset once a week, because making gifsets is something I enjoy very much and can always improve in but literally cannot do for money or lbr meaningful validation and I am historically bad at doing things that fit those categories!
I ended up posting 54 gifsets in 2023, one a week plus a few extras lol. A few stats behind the cut just for fun!
Most popular overall: "I'm so glad I met you" with 1,738 as of this morning. Objectively correct. The nicest-looking gifs I maybe made all year and an all-time scene. Made it my pinned post recently.
Least popular overall: A Community set of Jeff making a Dane Cook joke, coming in at a grand total of 39 notes. This was actually a remake of a set I made YEARS ago because I think it's a great joke lmao. A set doomed imo by the youths on my lawn not knowing who Dane Cook is and also tbf Jeff as the only featured study group character.
Honorable mention to the Rangers World Series set I made, but I'm actually floored and delighted that it got 43 notes. There are dozens of us!!
Gifsets made per fandom:
Community: 14 (!)
Doctor Who: 10
Elementary, Mythic Quest, Ted Lasso: 5
Succession: 3
Last of Us, Leverage, Severance, Shrinking: 2
Always Sunny, The Bear, MLB (haha), Scrubs: 1
I'm a little insulted for Elementary tbh! Otherwise this pretty much tracks.
By average number of notes and not counting the one-offs:
Least popular fandom: Mythic Quest with an average of 130 notes across 5 posts. I don't care. I'll win you all over.
Most popular fandom: Leverage with an average of 837 notes across 2 posts, both of which were Hardison/Parker, so...
Most popular fandom not inflated by Hardison/Parker: Doctor Who by a mile with an average of 775 notes per post. Feels good. Feels right. We're back baybee
Interesting split of 18 shippy sets and 36 non-shippy. Including "outliers," shippy sets averaged 621 notes compared to an average of 332 for gen sets. Throwing out the two lowest note-getting posts from each set, the averages jump to 680 and 350. Also not a surprise; fandom loves a ship lol.
Number of sets (avg. notes) per ship, not including one-offs:
Ted/Rebecca: 2 (333) (womp womp)
Jeff/Britta: 3 (267)
Hardison/Parker: 2 (836)
Ten/Rose: 2 (619)
Nine/Rose: 6 (890)
Doctor/Rose: 8 (823)
It shows that I trailed off my RTD1 rewatch mid-s2 lol. (Which seems blasphemous!! but it was never the right time to handle the satan pit episodes, you get it) Doctor/Rose supremacy obviously but also justice for Jeff/Britta, the greatest relationship ever known
Some one-off fandom set thoughts:
The Dr. Cox set was a mostly-for-me fave. The Always Sunny set happened because I thought the Aaron Paul/Bryan Cranston episode was one of the funniest the show has had in years; that episode was also what finally pushed me into watching Breaking Bad this year, which I mostly really enjoyed lol.
The set I made from the finale of The Bear s2 ended up the sixth most popular set of the year with 1k+ notes and it's probably the set I most notice on my activity page every week. It does look really nice but also, I see you, Syd/Richie fandom, and I hear your siren song. Maybe in 2024...
So OK! Hey! I set a meaningless fun goal and accomplished it!! I'm not setting another specific gif goal for 2024 so will probably be a lot more sporadic. Or not! Who knows!
OK pals, thanks for indulging me, happy new year <3
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 2 years
Your Love
Word Count: 2879
Fandom: Open Heart (Visual Novels)
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Characters/Pairings: Bryce Lahela x M!MC (Jensen Valentine), Sienna Trinh, Jackie Varma, Elijah Greene, & Aurora Emery
Summary: What a typical night of adventuring looks for Jensen and Bryce, featuring the roomies and their lovely input
A/N: so ngl i never really intended on posting this fic. (it wasnt even a fic lbr.) its one of the many that i keep in a big doc filled with plenty of other half-finished ideas, but this one got to the point where i thought i might as well post it since its finished anyway. its a lot longer than i thought, too, but i hope you enjoy it! theres not much plot but if you wanted a little look into jensen and bryce from bryces pov this is it!!
Bryce opened the apartment door then quickly closed it behind himself, tossing off his shoes and hanging his jacket up among the tens of others on the many hooks in the foyer.
“Hey Bryce!” Sienna greeted from somewhere in the living room. He returned the formality, slipping his keys into the pocket of his joggers with his phone in the other.
“Do you want these?” Jackie asked before he could get one step into the kitchen, a mostly-empty tray of nachos in her hand. “I feel bad throwing them away.”
“Sure,” he answered with a smile, Jackie setting them down on the counter next to the bowl of salsa. “Where’s Jensen?” he asked, covering his half-full mouth with the back of his hand.
“Shower,” Aurora answered from where she was putting away a few clean dishes. He immediately perked up, Jackie giving him a disgusted sort of look from the fridge.
“He got in like ten minutes ago, you’re too late anyway.”
Bryce let out a sigh. “Damn, why you gotta get my hopes up like that?”
Jackie looked so utterly done with him that he couldn’t help but laugh, Aurora shaking her head but smiling anyway.
This little routine was one of his favorites. By now, the roomies had more than accepted how often he would be staying over, no matter how hard he tried not to bother them. They had started integrating him in most of their plans, too. In all honesty, he and Jensen didn’t stay together anywhere near as often as most couples, Jensen staying at his place and vice versa once a week each, but with the roomies acclimating to the routine, he felt welcome to stay more. 
“Jackie, I swear to god, if you leave hair on my shelf one more time I’m going to replace your shampoo with Nair,” Jensen said, his easygoing tone directly contrasting the threat as he entered from the hall. Bryce was more than happy to give him an up-and-down glance, wet curls pushed back from his face, t-shirt hugging in all the right places, and boxers perfectly accentuating his thighs (that Bryce was sure he was focusing on more in the gym). 
Jackie gave him a guilty smile. “It was an accident?”
Entirely unamused, Jensen shook his head before walking over to him. He pressed a light kiss to his shoulder from where he was leaning over the counter, scooting around him to rummage through the fridge. He stopped on a case of edible cookie dough, taking it out and popping the top off before unceremoniously shoving a piece in his mouth. Aurora reached around him to grab some, Jensen instinctually pulling it away.
“Nuh-uh, get your own,” he said, muffled around the cookie dough in his mouth. He easily held it over her head, practically lunging away as she tried to jump and grab it.
“That’s not even fair! You can’t use my height against me!”
Jensen scoffed, laughing out a, “More like ‘lack of.’”
They fought over it for a minute before Aurora jabbed him in the side, grabbing the whole container as he quickly moved to cover the spot.
“Ow!” he said pointedly at her, only getting a smirk in response.
“That was fair game,” Jackie said from next to Bryce, taking a sip of her water with a casual shrug. Bryce nodded in agreement. Aurora wasn’t even that short, but Jensen being over six foot put him far above the other roomies.
Jensen easily accepted the defeat with a sigh, grabbing a second case of it from the fridge and breaking the seal. He stopped across from Bryce and leaned over the counter in a similar fashion, setting the cookie dough on the counter between them with a look.
“Wow, I get some after that little display?” he teased quietly, leaning in a little closer. “You must like me an awful lot.”
Jensen let out a wry hum, practiced expression perfectly hiding the joke in his words. “Oh, no, definitely not.” He continued in a conspiratorial whisper, looking across the kitchen without a glance in Bryce’s direction, “This one actually has egg; I’m just plotting to give you salmonella, then, when you’re too sick to function, I’ll steal all your money and belongings.”
He finally tilted his head with a look, flat expression going strong. Bryce tried to keep up the act, clenching his teeth in a poor attempt at subduing his smile.
“How very evil of you,” he whispered back as the corners of his lips already started upturning.
“I know, right?” Jensen replied with a casual tone that matched like they had been gossiping about the most normal of things.
Bryce smiled at him even as he glanced the other way, a bout of shouting between Sienna and Elijah over whatever video game they had been playing. He effortlessly admired the gentle grin on Jensen’s lips, freckles and other blemishes adorning his skin and sharp profile. Bryce didn’t know what it was, but tonight he could see more of the green in Jensen’s eyes than normal, usually sitting at a comfortable brown color but the kitchen light casting a clean white glow over them.
Jackie let out a feignedly-disgusted scoff as she leaned over and grabbed a piece of cookie dough. “Bryce, stop looking so in love, you’re ruining my dessert.”
Jensen quickly looked back at that, letting out a short laugh at his expense. Bryce would make a fool of himself a hundred times over if that's what it took to hear it—that melodic little chuckle that probably could’ve had him weak in the knees with the right context.
“Mmh, you know what would go great with this?” Jackie asked, entirely interrupting his train of thought.
“Ice cream?” Aurora offered from somewhere behind him in the living room.
“Yes! Exactly.” Jackie took a moment to think about it before her gaze locked on Jensen. “Jensennnnn,” she said, trying to hide a grin, “It’s women’s history month; you should be nice and go get us ice cream.”
He replied with something between a whine and a sigh. “Why can’t you make Bryce do it? He’s dressed!”
“Uh, I’m in pajamas?” he countered.
“And?” Jensen asked, “I’m not even wearing pants.”
The two of them gave Jackie a look, the three of their gazes exchanging before they turned toward the living room, the three of them yelling, “Elijah!”
“No!” he answered immediately, Jackie rolling her eyes before looking back at the two of them with a pleading expression.
Jensen shook his head with an eye roll before pushing himself up from the counter. “Yeah, I’m going.”
Bryce knew he would be going with so they could take his car, an unspoken sort of rule when you don’t want your boyfriend catching a cold in thirty degree weather. He slipped his shoes on and grabbed their coats while Jensen changed into something at least publicly appropriate.
Jensen threw on a casual pair of vans when he made it to the doorway, blue plaid pajama pant bottoms and a hoodie now covering the rest of him. Bryce tried to hand him his coat but he gave him a look.
“It’s like thirty-six.”
Bryce sighed. “Yes, Jensen, most people consider that cold.”
“I’m just going from here to the car, I’ll be perfectly fine.”
Before Bryce could protest, Jensen opened the door and slipped out, leaving Bryce to hang the coat up and follow him with a shake of his head.
They had a quick discussion of where would be the closest, deciding on one of the small, corner grocery stores not too far. Jensen took the keys from him when they got to the parking lot. Bryce was fine to drive in the snow, but, to be fair, Jensen was better at it. And, he was more than happy to be using the least amount of brain power possible with the late hour and after a 14-hour shift. 
Jensen probably spent more time finding music to listen to than it would’ve taken to get there, so he very patiently waited in the passenger seat, only letting out the occasional loud sigh until he got the hint. He finally landed on something he liked, or at least tolerated, and quickly pulled out of the parking lot. It only took him until after the first turn to interlace his free hand with Bryce’s, pulling it across the center console and into his lap. He mindlessly drew circles across his thumb and down to his palm on the way there.
Jensen parked on the street just outside the door before the two of them got out, meeting up at the front of the car to walk in together. Or at least that’s what Bryce planned, Jensen giving him a shoulder-check on the way and clearly trying to push him into the snow bank along the curb.
“You’re not funny,” Bryce said with an unamused glance while Jensen gave him a bright smile.
“I am, actually,” he said as they started toward the door.
Bryce gave him an exaggeratedly incredulous hum. “Really? I think I would’ve noticed by now.” Jensen just rolled his eyes with a smile, heading straight for the frozen aisle without bothering to grab a basket. He does it every time, and, until the unlikely day he remembers to, Bryce will be right behind him with one.
By the time he met up with him again, Jensen was already elbow deep in the one of the freezers, collecting an armful of pints in his free hand. As usual, he selected one at least two behind from the first, one of his many workarounds to avoid the chance of the germs from someone who had picked it up and put it back. It was always interesting to him—how Jensen chose one of the few professions where he’s guaranteed to be in contact with at least one sick person a day, but it was something about control. He had very vaguely explained here and there, and knowing how to cure those diseases was exactly the assurance he needed.
“Can you get me a mint one, please?”
“No,” Jensen answered easily, and Bryce noticed that he already had it in his arm. Jensen precariously attempted to set another on the pile in his arm, noticing the look Bryce was giving him before relenting and dumping them into the basket. He quickly organized them to evenly disperse the weight before taking off down another aisle.
“What are you getting now?” Bryce asked with a grin on his face. The best he could do was follow Jensen and hope he didn’t get them into anything they weren’t supposed to.
“We’re browsing,” he offered, leaning towards him for a moment before continuing forward to the snacks, a little more bounce in his step than normal. There was never a time where Jensen had a song stuck in his head and Bryce couldn’t tell; after so long, he could pick up on the timed paces he’d take, occasionally mouthing a lyric here and there. He was never obvious enough that other people could tell, but it was easy to see all the little cues when Bryce already knew them.
Jensen seemed more than fine to lead them through the store, giving Bryce plenty of time to take a few pictures of him practically capering through the aisles. He happily posed for a few of them, too.
He threw a few more things in by the time they made it to the check-out, Bryce helpfully setting everything out to be scanned while Jensen easily conversed with the cashier. It only took them a moment to finish up before heading back out again.
Even though it was pitch black, Boston was never quite dark. The city lights reflected off the cloudy night, leaving the scene plenty bright enough for them to see as they tossed the few bags in the back. 
“Bryce,” Jensen asked over the car, getting him to look up before asking, “Insomnia Cookies?”
Bryce let out an excited little gasp. “Yes.”
Jensen smiled before they got in the car. He finally bothered to just connect his phone and pick one of his many playlists, clearly looking for something specific before they left. Bryce recognized the song from the many times Jensen had played it, “still feel.” by half•alive loudly thumping through the speakers. 
Bryce couldn’t quite remember the first time Jensen was comfortable enough to sing around him but God he was glad it happened. He did remember the first time Jensen mentioned he was in a band, though, passing it off like nothing and simultaneously failing to mention that he could’ve scored a considerably recognizable record deal from it. If Bryce would’ve known Jensen could sing like he was right now, he wouldn’t have even questioned in the beginning.
The amount of money Bryce would pay to see Jensen on stage was a whole other deal he probably shouldn’t get into or imagine. Instead, he was happy to watch with adoration in his stare as Jensen gave him a little concert right then and there.
They made a quick stop inside the nearest Insomnia Cookies, each getting an impressive array before starting back towards Jensen’s apartment.
Jensen parked when they made it back to the apartment, but, instead of taking the key out of the ignition, he turned down the radio.
“You know,” he started, unwrapping one of the cookies in his hand, “if we take these inside, they’re going to ask to share.”
A grin slowly grew across Bryce’s face. “...So you’re saying you want to sit here and eat them?”
Jensen gave him an exaggeratedly innocent smile before biting into the cookie in his hand. Bryce let out a laugh and a shake of his head, easily relenting and grabbing one of the other cookies on his lap. Both of them were perfectly content not saying anything, Jensen happily keeping himself occupied between eating and a few little dances here and there.
Jensen pulled out his phone for a few stupidly-posed selfies, only taking a couple before he quickly dropped his phone and leaned over to Bryce. Without elaboration, he swiped his tongue over his thumb, seamlessly reaching up and focusedly wiping off a bit of chocolate on Bryce’s lip.
Bryce honestly hadn't noticed that they hadn’t kissed all night until that moment, the thought making its way to the forefront of his mind as Jensen stalled before giving him an apologetic look. He quickly moved his thumb away as if Bryce minded. He knew it was another germs thing, but he almost laughed at it—because he definitely hasn’t had Jensen’s lips all over him before. 
Before he got too far, Bryce smiled. He grabbed Jensen’s wrist, pausing for barely a second then pulling Jensen’s lips into his across the center console. Jensen easily melted into him, hands coming up to the sides of his face to guide him this way and that, kisses quickly getting distracted and trailing down to his neck.
Jensen pulled away for a breath with a look Bryce had seen plenty of times before. He absolutely noticed the quick glance Jensen sent towards the back seat, a sigh falling from his lips with a half-eye-roll.
“Ice creams gonna melt,” he offered, words a little less eloquent and enunciated than normal (which Bryce was more than happy to take credit for).
“Mhm, I guess we’ll have to take it inside,” Bryce said, already smirking. “Think you keep your hands off me for that long?”
Instead of the unamused expression he expected, Jensen gave him an up-and-down glance followed by a tilt of his head and a shrug. Bryce laughed airily, shaking his head and definitely not feeling a wave of heat rise to his cheeks. The directness, if you could call it that, was out of left field for Jensen, totally catching him off guard.
Jensen turned the car off and quickly got out, leaving Bryce to stumble for a minute before following suit. He noticed, of course, having a perfectly great time watching him over the roof of the car as he quickly piled on the bags to his arm and let Jensen lock it before they walked inside.
“You’re enjoying this too much.” Bryce finally broke the silence on the elevator.
“Are you kidding? You never fucking get flustered!” he said with a satisfied smile. “I’m counting this as a win.”
“Mhm, I’m sure you are.” They gave each other a smile, Bryce shaking his head.
“Don’t act like you’re annoyed with me,” Jensen countered casually, grinning as he continued. “You love me and you know it.”
Bryce sighed. “Yeah, I suppose.”
“You suppose?” Bryce could see the mock-offense on his face and couldn’t help but let out a short laugh. “Would you like a reminder of why it’s more than ‘suppose?’”
Bryce laughed again, habitually stepping closer. He tried again to reply with “I suppose,” but Jensen cut him off halfway through, pulling him in for a short, sweet kiss as the elevator dinged open.
He was smiling when they pulled apart, Jensen pressing one more peck to his lips before linking their hands and walking them down the hall and back into the apartment for the rest of the night.
Tags (feel free to ask to be removed, ik its been a while since ive tagged for (or posted) a fic): @choicesficwriterscreations @cariantha @ofmischiefandmedicine @jerzwriter
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heathtalbot · 9 months
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( EMILIO SAKRAYA, 21, CISGENDER MALE, HE/HIM ) Is that HEATH TALBOT? A SENIOR originally from SAN JOSE, CA, they decided to come to Ogden College to study COMMUNICATIONS. They're THE MALINGERER on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer's disappearance.
FULL NAME: Heath James Talbot
NICKNAMES: None, he's just Heath
AGE & BIRTHDAY: 21 & March 24, 2002
ZODIAC: ☼ Aries ☾ Leo ↑ Pisces + full chart
+ TRAITS: Intrepid, Optimistic, Honest, Sociable
- TRAITS: Temperamental, Obtuse, Unreliable, Domineering
MAJOR: Communications
EXTRACURRICULARS: Member of SAE, Golf, Powerlifting Team, Rock Climbing Team
THREE SKILLS: excellent at picking out apology gifts, can successfully parallel park anywhere, weirdly good at walking on his hands
LINKS: Pinterest / Playlist / Tasks
Heath couldn't say exactly when or where he met Greer, all the finnicky details lost to the chaotic blur that had been rush week, but when he woke up with her contact info in his phone one morning, it definitely felt like it was meant to be. Both freshmen, both rich and pretty -- what more motivation did they need? C'mon, it would've been weirder if they weren't friends! Just like the rest of the Ogden masses, Heath was dragged into Greer Morrison's gravitational pull, and he went willingly. They started linking up on the regular, meeting up at parties or catching each other on down days around campus, building a strong friendship that he's never once thought to second-guess.
Everyone has known a Heath. The no-show with a great excuse. The guy that never fails to charm his way into the group project with the smartest student. A person who's probably never seriously been told 'no' even once in their life. And it's not luck, either; it's privilege. Heath can rest on his laurels all thanks to the Talbot family name and the achievements of those around him. The third son, he's never felt the pressure of expectation. His mother babies him while simple participation trophies earn him congratulations from his father, allowing him every easy win that he chooses to take. And if he ever faces a roadblock? Heath's positive that there's a way around it. A check to write, a phone call to make, red tape to ignore. Everyone else has always pulled the strings for him, anyway, so why should he start worrying now? Life's a breeze when you don't have to seriously think about anything!
heath was an unexpected baby, the product of a long-term (and still on-going) affair of his mother's. his parents privately maintain a pseudo-open relationship while publicly playing house for the sake of each of their careers. needless to say, family dinners have a tendency to get Weird
his dad is a venture capitalist, very much in the same vein as gavin belson of silicon valley -- he's long since lost touch with his coder roots and mostly just throws his money around to keep his name relevant in tech circles.
heath interns frequently at the companies his dad owns, true nepo baby shit 🥰 but lbr all he does is go on coffee runs and clocks in for 4 hour work weeks
he's currently majoring in communications bc he legit googled "easiest college majors" and it was near the top of the list
started out trying to major in engineering??? who let him do that?? freshman year was rough 😔
anyway yeah, heath's..... not that smart. and to make matters worse, he's sensitive about it!! gets mean when he's confused or frustrated, esp when he feels like he's being teased and not in on the joke. he's got a short fuse after a lifetime of his older brothers picking on him. he'd rather be perceived as rude than dumb
big time gym bro (obviously) and v competitive -- tends to favor solo sports bc at least when he loses it's no one's fault but his own
has a terrible habit of making big promises and not keeping them
he was soooooooo obsessed w/ uncut gems when it came out, i just FEEL it
julia fox = dream woman
brings a certain "haha.. okay" energy to the function
both of his older brothers previously attended ogden (5+ years ago, i'm still iffy on exact ages) and pledged SAE. naturally, heath had to do the same <3
ngl he's very easily swayed by public opinion. critical thinking?? we don't know her!
lowkey has a childhood dream to one day climb mount everest. pls don't try to explain to him how it negatively impacts the environment, he doesn't wanna hear it and won't understand (or care rip)
probably pre-games while listening to drake lmfao
people who have been saddled with him for group projects, study groups, etc.
heath doesn't do drugs (he's a keg stand champ tho), so someone to smoke him out for the first time! fs would be a hilar thread
with ogden being full of bad daddies, i'd love for him to have this energy with someone xx
..... also this
anyone he fucked around with over the summer!! i'd luv to hc some juicy goss for him from the break
someone who always calls him keith lmfaooo
maaaaaaaybe his baby sister?? she'd be going into her sophomore year and i have many family hc's to discuss, so <3
an ex who made him paranoid abt astrology stuff sjdjsdkn
someone that he's using and/or leading on
flip the script - someone who's using and/or leading him on!
literally anything else ur heart desires 💖 this will be heath's fourth year at ogden, so we have plenty of wiggle room to plot some crash-and-burn relationships, seething rivalries, situationships, etc. -- i'm down for it all!!
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darkangel0410 · 1 year
Ooooh for Cali OT3 (for those not lurking in our chats, that's Trevor/Turcs/Jamie): 🌈 🍭 🐀 👉
For McEichel: ⭐️ 🌙 ✈️ 🔥 👉
For OT3 (Jack/Quinn/Chuckie Mac): 🐇 🕸 🥀
For Heguin (im in mourning): 🐬 🌹😒🍁
(People wish they could get a peek at the insanity that's our chats, lbr 😂😂😂)
under a cut because this got super long, lmao
Cali ot3:
🌈 - What were their first impressions of each other? 
I think Trevor and Alex's first impression of Jamie was along the lines of 'wow, he's cute but boring' because lbr we all know Jamie was the quietest guy on that Canadian WJC team. Jamie's impression of Trevor was definitely 'arrogant asshole' because - well, we've all seen/heard the quote, right? I think his first one of Alex was a little softer, probably more 'he's cute, but with Zegras, ugh' type of thing. Trevor and Alex's first impressions of each other so long ago, but it was probably 'W O W HE'S HOT'
🍭  -What are their nicknames for each other? 
Alex is usually 'sweetheart' or 'baby' because I think they're softer with him than they are with each other (it's the dimples, shhhh). Trevor's usually 'babe', unless Jamie's in a mean mood and trying to get him wound up (horny), then it's 'princess'(derogatory). Jamie's 'Jamison', 'babe', 'stud' or, when he's being mean, 'sir'.
If we're talking a bottom Jamie verse 😈😈 then it's flipped a little, Jamie gets called 'slut' (derogatory and sexy), 'baby girl' (affectionate when he's being good). Jamie calls them mostly by their names in bed, and then 'babe' (Trevor) and 'sweetheart' (Alex) outside of it
🐀 - Who steals the covers? 
Trevor, 100% - Alex sleeps in the middle so he always gets some, too, but Jamie gets left without any - which is why he has an extra blanket stashed by the bed in case it's cold out
👉 - Who is better at giving directions?
Oh, all three of them suck at it - they're so, so bad that no one bothers asking them anymore and just use gps
⭐️ - Who is a morning person? 
Oh, Jack for sure - he gets up early to run/workout, depending on the day. Connor's usually up by 8 in the off-season, but Jack's up at 5:30am no matter what time of year it is
🌙 - Who is a night person? 
Connor, probably - they'll both stay up if there's friends over, they're out, etc etc, but Jack's usually out by 11pm if there's no extenuating circumstances (hockey games)
✈️ - How do they celebrate anniversaries? 
Their anniversary is at the very tail end of the season (June 26) so I think they have a small thing at home, just them and their families, then go somewhere in July for a week, maybe to Cancun, Greece - anywhere that's warm and sunny and there's a beach nearby.
🔥 - Who realized they were interested in who first? 
Connor for sure - he fell in love with Jack the first time they played each other at U16s and Jack knocked him on his ass (by the time they finally got together, Dylan and Mitch were both ready to throw a party, they were so tired of hearing about it) - and he also made the first move on Jack draft night.
He had to play the long game because it took Jack a little bit to admit that he loved Connor, too (feelings make him grumpy!!!)
👉 - Who is better at giving directions?
It depends where they're at!!! In the States, Jack is, and in Canada Connor is
🐇 - Who wants to cuddle the other longer in the morning? 
Jack and Quinn definitely get more chances to cuddle together, especially in the off-season, but they double-team Charlie and make him stay and cuddle them when he's there
🕸 - What does one do that scares the other?
Watching horror movies, for sure - Jack gets scared SO easily that sometimes Quinn will tell him he thinks he heard something just Jack will crawl in his lap
Charlie tried to scare them one (1) time, and he just thought it'd be funny to sneak into the lakehouse and tap Jack on the shoulder when he didn't know Charlie was there yet, and Jack screamed loud enough to bring Quinn running downstairs buck ass naked and soaking wet from the shower with a baseball bat, and Jack punched him in the nose before he realized who it was
So, you know, they all agreed to never do that again 😂😂😂
🥀 - Do they both get jealous?
Hmm, I don't think, like, it's jealous jealous - not in the sense that one of them's going to cheat, or that one of them love the other more, but I do think Quinn gets sad sometimes that Jack and Charlie get to see each other so much during the season
🐬 - Who made the first move? 
They both got tipsy and kissed each other the night before the draft and then refused to talk about for a decade until they got drunk and kissed again at Worlds, then Tyler was like 'want to fuck' and they just sort of fell together after that
🌹 - Who initiated the first kiss? 
Oppps, see the last answer lol
😒 - Do they get jealous easily?
Hmmm, I think by the time they get together - mid 20s - they're both more secure in themselves and each other, so not really
🍁 - How was their first kiss?
Sloppy mostly! They were tipsy and seventeen and just not really sure what they were doing
Thanks for the ask, babe!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ (otp asks)
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inprometheanfire · 2 years
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@ofimaginarybeings​​​ sent: ‘ship !’  - cesco & selma
send ‘ship !’ for the following
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who throws things in a fight ? : Cesco. He’s the smaller person here. who goes to their parent’s house for a weekend when things get bad ? : Cesco. He’ll stay with his uncle until he’s ready to go back.  who wants to have children ? who doesn’t ?  : Both want children. Selma already has a son in their main verse, but I’m sure she wouldn’t mind one with him. who is more adverse to physical contact ? : Neither.  Selma’s quite affectionate. As much as Cesco pretends, he likes it (and returns it because he’s weak). who hates/dislikes their neighbors the most ? :  Cesco finds them annoying. Selma couldn’t care less. who hates/dislikes their significant other’s family ? : Selma probably dislikes his uncle because Jacopo interferes in literally aspect of Cesco’s life so... who is most likely to leave when things get rough ? : Cesco. He has a tendency to walk away from every complicated situation. who thinks their partner turned out a different person than they thought ? : Selma, I’m sure. Cesco puts up this facade of strength when he’s completely different on the inside. who is more likely to cheat ? : Neither. Cesco’s loyal to those he loves and wouldn’t purposely set out to hurt them. Key phrase here: the ones he loves. who is the more experienced ( sexually or otherwise ) ? : Cesco. Experience scale is a 5 out of 10. who hates/dislikes their significant other’s friends ? : I think that they each dislike the other’s friends to some extent... though “dislike” is kind of a strong word.  who wants to go to social gatherings the most ? : Cesco because he genuinely likes going to them, though he doesn’t force Selma to go. In fact, if she doesn’t want to go then he’ll just stay home with her. who is most likely to be dishonest ? : Cesco, 100% who is more emotionally closed off ? how does this affect their partner ? : Cesco. Sometimes. It’s mostly because he doesn’t want to get too close out of fear that what they have isn’t real. who is the dessert person ? : Selma, though I’m sure his love for dessert rivals her own. who is more conservative ? : Neither, really. Cesco does try to keep up appearances but very loosely. who hates/dislikes oral sex ? : Neither, especially not Cesco lbr here
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starlingisms · 1 year
❤ + julia and percy!
@meowtrash 💞 damn really throwing these two at me rude you know i'm obsessed with them these nasty freaks
Affectionate;  Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind | Cuddling | Hand kiss | PDA | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers | Affectionate texts (more like 'u up' texts) | Caressing | Stroke hair (more like hair pulling lol) | No displays of affection (know that none of these bolded ones are done "affectionately")
Sex;  Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites | Oral | Morning sex | Drunk sex | Public sex | Backseat of car | BDSM | No sex (we already know they would do anything and everything under the sun these two damn)
Dates; Picnic | Cinema | Restaurant | Sports game | Hike | Coffee | Museum | Club | Bar | Beach | No dates 
Would my character…
Marry them? Yes | No (mostly because these two are not really the marrying type lbr)  Have sex on the first date? Yes (no date necessary really tbh) | No Confess their attraction first? Yes | No  Have children/adopt? Yes | No (also not the type)  Die for your character? Yes | No  Cheat on your character? Yes | No (if exclusive. otherwise it isn't cheating)  Lie to them? Yes | No  Cuddle after sex? Yes | No 
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ayyponine · 2 years
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i know it’s almost 20 yrs after the fact but. they were so wrong fr this
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meltwonu · 3 years
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〚 💜 𝕕𝕠𝕦𝕓𝕝𝕖 𝕕𝕚𝕡 💜 〛| [CHAPTER 11]
this chapter pairing; sex-shop-owner!yoongi x (fem)reader x jun
genre&warnings; mostly crack lbr, i rly wanted this friendship to be real after that one clip of them hugging, corny p0rn setup, blowjobs, bukkake, handjobs, handcuffs, dirty talk, (working retail is a warning lmfao kdjkjd ☠️)! HELLO MY LOVES 😭💕 I’m so sorry this went up a few days late, I was goin’ thru it, as I usually do lmao dkfhdk ☠️ I would like to go thru it a little less but in fairness everything is still a little fresh, if you’ve been keeping up with my personal work drama lol 😞😮‍💨 but ANYWAY I wanted a funny chapter with this one so ENJOY heheh good timing for some stress relief if u kno what i mean~ ❤️‍🔥 Let’s have a good week, everyone! Enjoy ch 11! I love u! 💕
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - ?
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“I… Can’t say I understand.”
Yoongi’s voice is muffled with the cigarette between his lips and the annoyed groan coming from Jun’s mouth only makes you sigh a little deeper.
“Jun, I really don’t think—”
“But you sold us this damn thing! You should know how to take it off!!”
The metal clinks from your left wrist that’s currently still attached to Jun’s own right wrist - cheeks warm as Yoongi looks the two of you over from behind the cash register.
“And you think I know everything about everything in this shop?”
“Shouldn’t you? Isn’t that why you work here? Shouldn’t you know your own products?”
Yoongi laughs and takes a drag of his cigarette before he taps it on the edge of his ashtray. “We sell 67 types of dildos here, kid. I’m not getting paid enough to know all of their features. Sorry to break it to you. I don’t make these with my own hands - I wouldn’t be working in this hole in the wall sex shop if I did.” He runs a hand through his blonde hair as he sighs, “And we have 32 different types of handcuffs so why didn’t you just call the number on the back of the box if you lost the spare keys? Did you try to pick the lock at all before you decide to come down here to yell at me?”
Jun unknowingly tugs you along when he starts to saunter up closer to the cash register as an amused smile etches itself onto Yoongi’s face.
“Of course I did! They said they’d be able to mail me a key in 3 to 5 business days! I picked the lock for 45 minutes before we came here!” Jun stomps his foot childishly as Yoongi chuckles, “Don’t you have a spare key or something?”
“You can buy another pair of handcuffs and hope that the key is the same.”
“Why you-–”
“Jun! C’mon, let’s just go home. I don’t think he can help…” You mumble, more to yourself than the heated Jun that won’t stop meeting Yoongi’s amused eyes.
“I want a refund.”
“No can do, buddy~”
“Why not!?”
Yoongi leans over until his face is only centimetres from Jun’s own – the breath knocked out of the younger male as he gasps.
“Says right here, ‘All toys purchased from SOPE SHOP are final sale. No refunds or exchanges.’ I can’t do anything just because you decided to play with the handcuffs and ended up throwing away the keys with the box. Sounds like user error to me~”
You bite your lip when Yoongi smirks beyond Jun and at you; eyes immediately downcast in mild embarrassment when you hear his cocky laughter.
“You inexperienced couples are so cute~ Always buying toys and never knowing how to use any of them.” Yoongi leans back, fingers reaching for his phone as he starts to type, “My coworker is good with picking locks. I’ll text him but I can’t guarantee he can get here fast so don’t get your hopes up.”
“Fine, thanks…” Pouting, Jun turns to you as your shy eyes meet his own.
So much for a quiet Friday, you tell yourself.
“Hey, I’m sorry, okay? I shouldn’t have been fucking around with the handcuffs like that. This is… Real shitty.” Jun laughs to try to lighten the mood and you can only smile back and drown out the sound of Yoongi answering a phone call as you hold Jun’s handcuffed hand with your own.
“Well… At least we can say we experienced something like this, huh, Jun? Let’s just not... experience it again.”
The two of you share a laugh before it’s cut short by Yoongi clearing his throat.
“Well, you’re in luck. My coworker can be here in 45 minutes. He’s… preoccupied so it’s going to take a bit of time.”
“Okay, thank you. I–I really appreciate it. And, um, sorry for yelling, I was just… Frustrated.”
“I could tell.”
Yoongi grins, ready to light another cigarette before it’s Jun’s turn to interject.
“Um, should–should we pay you? I mean for all the trouble… I know I said I didn’t want to buy another pair of handcuffs but I figured we can pay for—”
“Hey, have you ever watched those videos where they can’t pay the cashier with money so they fuck them instead? It’s always those cheesy 80’s pornos, y’know?”
Your cheeks burn as your grip on Jun’s hand tightens - unable to deny the way your body warms up the more Yoongi stares between you and Jun.
“Uh, I mean, I–I’ve–I’ve watched a few l-like that…” You mumble quietly.
“You have!?”
“Great, so let’s figure something out before our time’s up~”
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Jun was hesitant.
Up until you quietly eased onto your knees on the floor of the shop and he realized how alluring you looked with your shy eyes and lips parted in quiet moans.
“Y-you sure about this?” He asks quietly, “I–I could just—”
“You’re already hard too, Jun… I can see the way your cock is h-hard through your jeans...”
He blushes; cheeks crimson as he pouts once more. “Sorry, the second you said you saw videos like that, I just–I couldn’t help but think about how much I–I wanted to see you bent over the counter while I used those toys on you…”
You feel yourself clenching around emptiness as you peer up at him - pupils blown wide at the way his lustful stare matches your own.
“The door’s locked so nobody can come in~ Wouldn’t want to give them a free show, y’know? Those are only on Tuesdays.”
“Only on Tuesdays—”
“Anyway,” Yoongi smirks, stopping on your right side as Jun stands to your left. “Can’t do much with that handcuffed arm of yours but… Guess a ‘lil blowjob and handjob will suffice? You’re pretty cute on your knees, y’know~”
Gulping, you thank him quietly before both males are undoing the button and zipper of their jeans - slow hands pushing the material down as their cocks curve up to their abdomen.
Admittedly, you and Jun had experimented with others before so it wasn’t completely new to the two of you having company - just never in a public space like this was.
“I’ll take cumming on your face as payment enough. And we’ll have to get cleaned up before Hobi gets here so I guess it’s a quickie, eh? No worries though, you look skilled.”
“Um, t-thanks?”
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Your head feels fuzzy - only the thought of Yoongi’s cock filling your mouth and Jun’s cock thrusting into your closed fist making your brows furrow and pussy crave to be filled.
“God-damn her mouth is so good...” Yoongi groans, “Fuck, if we only had more time.”
“Ngh, s-shit, you’re lucky you’re getting this much - don’t push it.” Jin grits out; too focused on the way your grip only tightens around his length. “Fuck, what are we doing…?” Mumbling, his hazy eyes peer down to your handcuffed hand jerking him off as his own hand lays limp next to yours.
Yoongi laughs, loud and boisterously as his hips thrust towards your face - chasing his pleasure when your cheeks hollow around his length.
“You got pretty hard for someone who seemed like they wanted to tear my head off a few minutes ago. Quick how that changed, huh?”
“S—shut up, I was thinking about my girlfriend…”
You moan around Yoongi’s cock, eyes crossing when the head of it taps the back of your throat.
He was longer than Jun but Jun’s cock was thicker - the thought of both of them making your toes curl when you start to imagine both of them taking their turns fucking you.
“Ah, when’s y-your coworker supposed to—to come in?”
“15 minutes.”
“Fuck, okay.”
You let out a muffled whine as you start to bob your head and match the pace of Yoongi’s hips while simultaneously snapping your wrist quicker around Jun as both males groan and start to feel their orgasms washing over their bodies.
You wanted to cum too - and hopefully before Yoongi’s coworker came.
“Let’s cum on her face.” Yoongi groans, “I wanna see her all prettied up and dirty for us.”
The sound of groans and soft curses are all you can hear besides the ringing in your ears and it’s only when they both pull away from you that you let out a gasp and catch your breath.
“Keep your mouth open, doll~”
Whimpering, you do as you’re told as Yoongi wraps a firm hand around his own cock and Jun’s once limp hand is now the one wrapped around his cock instead of your own - both of them working themselves up as they step just a little bit closer.
“Say ‘ah’, baby~”
Your eyes close by instinct and not a second later are rivulets of cum painting your mouth and cheeks - warm and sticky as both males cum at the same time.
“Fuuuuuuuck, it really looks like a porno...” Mumbling, Jun works himself through his high as he watches you sit pretty on your knees in front of him. 
Your panties are beyond soaked at this point - sticking to you like a second skin as you squirm uncomfortably between the two males. 
“Aww, she’s so cute~ Hey, can I snap a pic before we get her all cleaned up?”
Yoongi rolls his eyes and huffs before he’s wiping his sticky hands on his jeans. “Fine, whatever. Let’s get cleaned up before Hobi gets here.” 
“Who said I wasn’t already here? You guys are so fuckin’ disgusting for doing this in the middle of the store.” 
The embarrassment settles in, but the urge to cum is much stronger as you wipe the cum from your eyelids. 
“P-please... Let me c-cum too... I—I can’t...”
“You heard her, let’s all give her a hand, hmm? What do you think, Hobi?”
“I think I deserve a little payment~ I’m in! Move over!”
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