#lavender terra
musical-dreamcasts · 2 years
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Chess - Bonnie Gordon (she/her) as Florence Vassy, requested by anon
Birthday: March 27, 1986 (age 36)
Birth Place: Lafayette, Louisiana
Theatre credits include: Starfleet Officer (Star Trek: The Experience), Lavender Terra (Teaching a Robot to Love), Helena (A Midsummer Night’s Dream), Luisa (The Fantasticks), Ms. Finchball (Pazzazz)
(Pictured on the right is Cassidy Janson, who played the role in the 2018 West End revival production)
Credits: Both unknown
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weathermanpolls · 9 months
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howlingday · 1 year
Setting - People scream as they flee downtown Vale. A war machine is on a rampage, destroying cars and smashing building walls. Inside, a madman cackles in his revelry as police are powerless to stop him.
Lisa: We are live here in downtown Vale, where the recently escaped convict and gang leader, Roman Torchwick is causing as of yet untold collateral damage, with an unknown number of civilians injured. Police are caught in a devastating warzone as they battle the criminal, who is inside what is confirmed to be a Paladin-class mechanized exoskelton. As the carnage continues, everyone's minds are focused on the singular question;
Lisa: Where is the Red Hero?!
Roman: AHAHAHAHAHA! Hello, people of Vale! Roman Torchwick is back, and bigger than ever! With that Little Red nuisance gone, I OWN this city, and not a damn one of you can stop me!
Terra: What should we do?
Saphron: What can we do? Our car has been destroyed, and we were lucky to be alive when the police showed up.
Terra: I know you don't like her, but... I really wish Red Streak would be here.
Saphron: (Sighs) I hate to say it, but I wish she was here, too.
Adrian: (Looks up at his cowering moms, Crawls through barricade holding a red cape)
Terra: Adrian? ADRIAN!
Saphron: NO! COME BACK!
Officer: Ma'am, you need to remain calm and stay behind the barricade!
Saphron: But that's my son out there!
Roman: Huh? Well, well, well! Look who it is! It's Little Red herself! And I guess she lost weight, huh? HAHAHAHAHA!
Terra: (Sobbing) THAT'S MY SON!
Saphron: (Sobbing) THAT'S MY BABY!
Adrian: (Ties on red cape, Glares at Roman)
Roman: Well, aren't you brave? Are you going to fight me yourself, Little Man? (Steps forward)
Adrian: (Puts up his fists)
Chief: (Feels something on his shoulder, Plucks off a rose petal)
Roman: (Stops, Scowls)
???: Hey... Red Hero...
Adrian: (Turns around, Pulls off hood)
Ruby: (Smiles)
Adrian: I knew you'd come back.
Ruby: (Chuckles) Sorry for the wait, and, uh, thanks for stepping in for me. You're very brave. (Crouches down) But right now, your moms need you to keep them safe okay? Just like your uncle would. Don't worry about Torchwick. I got him.
Adrian: (Nods, Runs back to his moms)
Crowd: (Cheers)
Ruby: Uh, excuse me, but could I borrow your megaphone?
Chief: Yeah, sure. Here.
Ruby: Thanks. (Clicks megaphone)
Roman: Oh, you're actually going to fight me now, Little Red?
Roman: YES!
Ruby: WELL, I'D HATE TO DISAPPOINT YOU, TORCHIE! (Hands back megaphone, Sighs) Just another beautiful day in the greatest city in Remnant.
Roman: (Charges forward with Paladin, Launching all weapons at once)
Ruby: (Weaves around zooming projectiles, Smiling)
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Marriage is a whole other story.
Not only does Lavender have far too progressive ideals for most men, not only is she difficult to court, not only does she have 16-year-old family baggage, not only does she have issues with her anger, not only is she a smoker, not only does she swing first in a fight...
But she’s also a lesbian. Not exactly an ideal situation for a position typically meant to be subservient to a king.
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roseyturtles · 1 year
humans are in this world but a lot of them are lame conquerors. especially the four noble houses which have an iron grip on the continent's economy. which everyone including queen Lavender Betelgeuse hates
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cattasticks · 9 months
Mediterranean Pool - Pool
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Example of a huge tuscan backyard custom-shaped lap hot tub design
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what would you say you mean by fucked-up relationships? /genq
Toxic relationships, abusive relationships, hand in unlovable hand type stuff, etc. Not necessarily romantic, either. Just general stuff that would be terrible in real life, is very interesting to me for whatever reason. I’ve got a whole alt Ao3 account for darker stuff I write.
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solbaby7 · 6 months
Testing the Waters
pairing: rhysand x reader
[ 1 ] [ 2 ]
part 3 to the shy!reader massage mini-series
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warnings: sexual content, minors DNI, massages, some swearing, probably typos
summary: Weeks of rubbing up on a certain High Lord is bound to build some tension.
“Need you to do something for me, bunny.”
There’s a feeling in your stomach at the pet name, bare toes digging further into the throw blanket and it’s instinctual the way your body rises to meet him, your book long forgotten. Rhysand doesn’t resist when you come ease his jacket from his shoulders and throw it over the couch. “Anything.”
His hands run over the back of his neck, head slowly rolling and the tension in his body is unmistakable. He doesn’t even bother asking you to go grab your oils or salts; Rhysand’s hand waves and it’s all laid out on the table before you. His clothes disappear with a lazy blink and the way the High Lord’s body drapes across the couch in your room was utterly boyish, boxers tight around his thighs. “Please? I always get the best sleep after these.”
You hum in acknowledgement, grateful for his face pushed into the pillows to hide the blush that blooms at the sight of his body. It never got tiresome; the rippling muscles that contracted whenever he adjusted or the gravelly tone that set in when you finally got your hands on him. It begins as a fleeting touch, fingers just barely grazing the smooth skin between his shoulder blades and his body goes still. “Try to focus on your breathing,” It feels weird as you say it, giving the most powerful male in all of the Courts a demand but Rhysand is quick to comply. “Gonna try something a little different this time.”
You’re not even facing him and you can feel the smirk that pulls on full lips. “Is that so? Maybe I should lie on my back instead.”
“You know, Cass said the same thing when I did this for him last night.” Rhys goes quiet a moment, violet irises tracking your every move like hunters did their prey, taking in the gentle tease of the pale purple hem of your nightgown against your thighs, the cute tapping of your toes against the terra cotta rug as you pulled out a black box filled to the brim with smooth rocks that were warm to the touch.
“And did you take him up on his offer?”
There’s a shake in your voice when you answer, skin blooming with heat at the nature of the conversation but you busy your hands with the little glass jars of oil, its contents significantly depleted. “That’d be highly inappropriate. He’s my friend.”
Rhysand relaxes instantly, clearly pleased with your response but his eyes still watch you as you prepare. Dainty fingers dip into a tiny little jar and you’re swift in the way you swipe it under his nose, the soothing scent of lavender filling his nostrils each time he breathed and he couldn’t deny the way it aided in his relaxation. “You’ve never thought about it?”
“Rhys,” It comes out so quietly you barely hear it yourself, skin going warm and you’re quick to sit on the back of his thighs before he can see the affect his words have on you. “You don’t usually ask me questions like this.”
“I’ve had a long week, bunny. Reports and responsibilities; things you don’t have to worry your pretty head about.” You try to focus on the crackle of the fire instead of the casual compliment falling off the deep rumble of his low voice, throat bobbing when he lets out a little chuckle. “Indulge me.”
Heated oils drips on his spine, a deep sigh releasing when you finally put your hands on him. Slow, smooth motions; easing the stress away from the broad stretch of his shoulders to the muscular taper of his waist. “Was that an order, High Lord?”
It takes a second for you to work up the nerve to answer and you’re grateful he doesn’t push; taking the time to ease into the feeling of your palms gliding over golden skin. “Yes, I’ve thought about it,” You finally confess, thumbs pressing firm circles near the spot where his wings would sit.
A groan pulls from deep inside the High Lords throat and you can’t tell if it’s from your fingers or the shy admission but you don’t ask; too fearful of the feeling beginning to form between your thighs and you’re quick to readjust your positioning, rising to your knees to avoid any more contact than necessary. He was too handsome—smelled too good and felt like heaven beneath your fingers that you didn’t trust yourself not to grind down on the thick thighs beneath you if he’d asked a thing more.
Mother above seems to laugh at you, winking from above when the Lord of Night leans into your touch, one eye prying open to look at you. “Tell me what you think about. Tell me who.”
“My Lord, I really think—“
“Come on, bunny. I’m just Rhys when we’re like this; just tell me.”
You swallow thickly, hands stuttering to a stop on his back. “You promise not to laugh at me?”
“I’d never.” The seriousness in his words is all you need to nod a little to yourself, one hand bracing at his waist to lean over and grab the warm rocks he’d summoned. They’re smooth to the touch; retaining their heat and once they touch his skin, he finds them to be far more soothing than initially anticipated. “Cross my heart.”
Your bottom lip is caught between your teeth, debating on if you were actually brave enough to do as he’d asked—not commanded. It felt like such trust; an opportunity to make him proud and you didn’t want to disappoint no matter how jittery it made you. “Sometimes, when I’m doing this,” You feel him adjust beneath you, head turning to the side and even though his eyes are closed you can still see that gentle furrow of concentration, waiting in anticipation. “—I think about letting my hands wander places I know they aren’t supposed to.”
He sucks in a sharp breath when your fingertip barely grazes under the waistband of his underwear and he’s acutely aware of the tremble of your knees on either side of his hips. He doesn’t want to say anything, violet eyes clamped shut as his mind wandered to just that, your soft hands coated in sweet oils wrapped around his cock, those shy eyes fluttering with wonder at the way he’d crumble to pieces for you.
A High Lord, completely at your mercy.
Rhys swallows thickly, voice so hoarse it’s impossible to miss the affects your words have on him and a confidence brews in your belly, words more sure when you proceed. “I think about what would happen the next time one of you jokingly asks me to strip down for my turn and I actually do it.” A smile works its way on your mouth when you see the way the High Lords brows crease, imagination running wild behind those lids.
“You think about doing that with all of us?”
The gentle scrape of rocks against one another as you trail them up and down the sides of his spine, the oil slick and the warmth working out deep knots from the countless hours being hunched over his desk with a whiskey in hand and brain overloaded with information Rhys was no longer processing. “At the same time?”
The noise he lets out is positively sinful and you’re suddenly aware of his breathing beginning to quicken. “You can’t say things like that.”
“Forgive me, I didn’t understand.” But you did now, understood the underlying question behind his inquiry. “I sometimes think about it with Cass on nights he’s trained especially hard because he gets really vocal and sometimes those sounds are really hard to get out of my head.” Rhys hums in strained understanding, body relaxing but his hips keep shifting every now and then, fingers clamped tight around his biceps as he encourages you to continue. “Sometimes, I think about it with Az because when I’m doing an especially good job, he gets so relaxed that his shadows forget to obey and they start playing around in my clothes.”
Rhysand grunts but you take it as your hands doing good work, not the fact that he didn’t blame the slinking shadows; nearly subject to doing the task himself if you’d kept up.
“But you, High Lord,” It comes out breathless, hands stilling as if you couldn’t focus on touching and talking at the same time. “I think of you the most.” He physically shivers at the confession, fingers gripping so hard at his arms he’s sure he’s left marks but he tries to relax, forces himself to breathe and listen to the pure filth of such desires that hummed deep within your brain.
If only he could just slip past and look for himself—
“Especially that night with you in the tub,” You whimper, the noise sending filthy shocks of pleasure straight to his cock. The rocks clamber to the floor, his body twisting before you can comprehend his hands suddenly on your waist, violet eyes half lidded and so lust blown they’re nearly black. You can see the print of his arousal through the thin fabric of his underwear and you’re certain he’s clocked the way your tongue slides over your bottom lip. “Rhys.”
“Keep going, bunny.” His voice is wrecked, tone so low and commanding you don’t resist when strong hands ease you down on the thick bulge. He gives you time to deny it, to pull away and scramble off but it never happens.
“You’re just helping, right? Helping your High Lord and this,” You follow his gaze to where both of you touch, the hardness of him pressed between your legs, the embarrassing wet patch that he’s surely felt seep through thin cotton. “I really fucking need this.”
The delicious drag of his hands guiding your hips over the rigid length of him, gaze eating up the way your lips part and your hands slip against his abdomen. "What about me in the tub, bunny? Tell me."
You don't understand how he expects such things from you when you can barely keep control over your body with such intense pleasure coursing through it. The friction of cock and cloth against your sensitive clit is enough to have your toes curling at the pressure, fingers digging perfect marks into your hips as you scramble through the brain fog long enough to remember how to form words and string together sentences. "Fuck," The slur doesn't even sound like you, eyes clamping shut and it takes great effort to remember what had been asked of you. "I've thought about it every night since; picturing what you looked like beneath all those bubbles."
"Was hard as a fucking rock the second you stomped to the door." He feels you clench around nothing, head falling back as you submitted to the pleasure and he genuinely has to hold back from finishing the second your hand slides up your own frame to grab at your breast. "Mother above."
He doesn't even have to guide your movements anymore, hips grinding into him with such hunger it makes the room darken; a deep, rumbling power filling the space and Rhysand actually moans when you don't shrink away from it. "Rhys, I'm—"
"Just a little more for me, yeah?" You catch yourself nodding along with him even when you don't believe you'll be able to fulfill his command. The burn in your stomach was near unbearable, mind stuck in a frenzy when warm hands bunch up the thin hem of your nightgown just enough to show off the wet drag of cloth on cloth. "So fuckin' pretty."
So eager to please, eyes glossy and half-lidded when you peer down at him, hands running over the defined muscles of his abdomen as your hips take on a pace that had the High Lord sucking breath through his teeth. "Thought about being the reason you made those noises. Wanted to use my hands," Your fingers drag over the strong planes of his chest, nails scratching just enough to leave a hint of a trail and your words carry a sultry drawl to them. "—my mouth too."
He's seconds away from release, skin on fire and hands eager in their exploration of your body over the silky material of your clothes. He trials up the length of your belly, fingers smoothening over the hard nipples poking through. The room smells of arousal, male musk and feminine desire twisting about the air so thick there'd be no way denying what had taken place if anyone had decided to walk in.
None of it matters though.
Not when you lean over, hands bracing on his chest and press a whisper of a kiss to his bottom lip.
The bruising grip on your hips leave only to pull your mouth back to his own, both of swallowing the others moans in and you can feel his cock twitch against you the moment your own release shudders through you. He doesn’t stop kissing you through it, hips slowing to a stop and you have to pull away simply to catch your breath before you pass out. “It’s your turn,” You huff out and you’re quick to smooth out the curious furrow of his brow. “To tell me what you’d been thinking about all those times?”
A feline smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth. “I’d rather just show you.”
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superiorsturgeon · 1 year
*phone ringing*
Saphron: *picks up* Hello?
Weiss: *trying to conceal her nervousness* Hello, Mrs Terra-Cotta-Arc, this is Weiss Schnee. We met a few months ago at your home in Argus?
Saphron: Oh, you’re one of Jaune’s friends aren’t you? I hope everything is okay with Jaune and the rest of you!
Weiss: Y-yes, Jaune is doing very well! Except for a small incident a few weeks ago that landed him and his partner in the nurse’s office, everything is okay!
Saphron: Well, that’s good to hear, but…if Jaune is okay, then what’s this call all about?
Weiss: *swallows* W-well…you see…! I’ve met a friend of a friend…actually more of an acquaintance to a friend? And she and I started spending time together…but maybe more like…what was it Nora said…together-together? A-and it turns out she’s actually a Faunus! B-but my family has treated them so poorly in the past, and-and! I feel that I should put the extra effort-
Saphron: Okay! Okay, calm down! It’s obvious you want to make this girl feel special, so here’s what I recommend…!
Weiss: 😳
Weiss: *frantically taking notes*
Lisa Lavender: Late breaking news! Has SDC heiress Weiss Schnee committed a hate crime against a Chameleon faunus by literally banging her brains out? More at eleven!
Weiss: *turns off tv*
Weiss: How dare they broadcast our private lives on the evening news?! Is nothing sacred? 😤
Ilia: *naked from the waist down, babbling incoherently with pink hair/skin* Ah…buh…! Luv you…white…? …tongue…?
Weiss: *gathers Ilia’s head to her lap and gently pets her head while changing the channel* Of course, dear! I love you too.
Blake: *hiding in the shadows, on the phone with Saphron, and completely in awe* …that’s right, she literally tounged her brains out!
Saphron: Impressive! Tell her I’m proud of her!
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aliasrocket · 1 year
How do you imagine having a first date with Rocket would go? Poor guy would probably be so nervous cause it would be his first real date ever.
OOO I’m usually not good at fluff but this would be a good warm up so why not?? Thanks for this request this is so cute <3
(Side note for those of you who read ‘last (friday) night’, you can take this as a sequel that happens like a year after multiple ‘accidental’ nights and they finally sort out their feelings.)
(This was supposed to be a drabble but it would appear I got carried away. I might post this to ao3 if I’m in the mood HAHAH RIP)
taglist : @caesarhamato22 @cosmic-lavender @shybabylovestmnt-blog (send me an ask if you wanna be on my taglist! Do specify what kind of content you’d like tonbe tagged for <33) or
masterlist! :> / request stuff :D
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“Buy me dinner first, captain.”
It was supposed to be stupid joke. That’s the thing. Even Rocket laughed at the time. You laughed at the time.
So that perfectly explained why he’s grounded in dark blue lighting, the low light outside giving his room a taste of the windy evening while he adjusted the tie around his neck.
“Dinner,” he murmured, lips barely parting. “Yeah, right.”
He grabbed the knob to his door and it flew open and shut right after he slipped past it.
He was immediately greeted by the chilly Knowhere air, proving his effort of putting on a suit jacket useful. He typically didn’t like putting on a coat so early in the night, but judging from the people fading by the street, it was probably going to be a colder night.
Your door.
His feet stood planted on the ground, shoulder width apart after he’d slipped his hands into his pockets.
Hello, door.
Was that enough?
Of course not.
But talking to the door is a lot easier than knocking on it, Rocket found, with the way his hand shivered at the very thought of leaving its snug pocket.
His hand rose from its bed anyway, stopping right before the plastic surface in a fist.
Well, he was being dramatic. It was really more of a knock.
He knocked two more times, and his hand quickly retreats back into his now warm pocket.
One second, two then three when a cool air brushed past him and a light touched his fur.
“Oh! Look at you, all dolled up.”
You had your head tilted and your back arched as both your hands tended to an earring on your right ear. Rocket wandered further down, observing the shine on your exposed shoulders, the spaghetti strings holding your dress up and how it so generously cherished your curves in its hold.
Rocket licked his lips. Cold air can turn your lips dry, he reminded himself.
“What can I say? You’re a doll.” He shrugged. “Ready?”
He almost had the instinct of holding one hand down but that would mean taking the other out of his pocket. They were dampening his pants from the humidity on his palms.
“Yeah!” You beamed with a cherry-chapstick smile, a white glimmer gilding across your lip as you closed the door behind you. “Where are we going?”
Rocket chuffed to himself, a smile curling his lips. “I think I’d better show you than tell you.”
“C’mon, I know all the great restaurants around here. It won’t take long for me to guess.”
You both descended down the last flight of stairs before making contact with the ground—your apartment hadn’t been as high up as many of the other civilians in Knowhere.
“First of all, we’re not goin’ to any restaurant. Second of all, it so, definitely would take you a millennia to guess.”
“Mm, and why’s that?”
Rocket wasn’t sure if it had been on purpose, but he could have sworn he heard that line from a 50’s show on Terra. That’s what they would call it, anyway, and they were usually of really poor quality and the film would be black and white. When he looked up, your lip was still the light’s favorite, gracing it with a little white dot as if Rocket hadn’t already given it all the attention it deserved.
“Because I’m not taking you anywhere you’ve been before,” Rocket replied.
It didn’t take long before you both reached the desired destination.
“Why are we at a parking lot?”
“You wound me, princess,” Rocket lamented theatrically, holding his hands to his chest. He snickered at his own gesture after you laughed at it too. “Don’t you know I wouldn’t take you to just any parking lot?”
“What kind of parking lot is this then?” You held a hand to your hip, and Rocket stole a quick glance before quickly looking away. Needless to say, it highlighted your hips a lot more than he would have liked for his own well-being.
“You’ll see.”
You both walk a little further in to find a large ship, and it probably occupied the entire parking lot from its sheer size alone.
“Woah,” your lips hung parted as your head swung left and right to get the whole view of the vehicle. “Your ship?”
“The guardians’, but basically, yes,” Rocket’s brows furrowed with a smug grin. “It’s called the Bowie.”
“Bowie—as in David Bowie? The Terran singer?��
“Yeah.” Rocket nodded. “You know him?”
“I mean, duh. I lived on Terra, once upon a time,” you smiled.
Rocket smiled too.
You seemed to notice.
“Wanna check it out?”
“You’re asking me if I wanna check out a ship named the Bowie? We’re going!” You laughed and began to run, forcing Rocket to chase after you.
Rocket gave you a conservative tour of the ship, but you didn’t seem to mind when he managed to swiftly get you across to the cockpit of the ship where the real magic was.
“Is—is that takeout?”
“Yeap. Terran delights. You seem very in touch with your roots so I started there.”
You rush towards the brown bags, peering inside to see the blue holographic container given in most takeouts orders to keep food warm. Rocket walks over to the pilot seat and you open the container.
“Fuck, chicken, I’ve missed this,” you sighed, inhaling the delicious aroma now filling the air.
The handles in Rocket’s seat was now infected by his damp hands. He clenched his jaw, wiping his palms on his pants harshly before pulling up a holographic control panel.
“Rocket,” you said cautiously. “Rocket what are you doing—”
“Getting a better view for our table.”
And that, he did, when the entire parking lot floor began to oscillate and the walls unfolded rigidly to reveal a familiar lens that seemed to unscrew.
“What—wait that’s—”
“Do me a favor?”
“What—we’re going to space?”
“Yeah. Strap on, put the food on your lap and do not let go of the bag.”
“Rocket, are you sure about this?”
“It’s completely safe. And I’m a pilot, remember?” Rocket’s chair pivoted to face you.
You stared out at the windshield, back slouching as you said nothing. Your eyes had perfectly reflected the stars and the skies that strewn the canvas of space.
Though, Rocket wasn’t quite sure if it was a reflection of the stars or something your eyes already behold.
You look up at him.
“What’s wrong?”
You blinked, and your gaze was no longer on him. Your head was still tilted up but your eyes had wandered somewhere else.
“It’s … been a while. That’s all.”
“We don’t have to go,” Rocket said, softer than he would have thought, or liked. It made his voice … light. Something he didn’t consider himself to be.
“No!” You exclaimed, and then cleared your throat. “I-I mean, um, no, sorry—this is amazing. I want to go. I’m just … nervous. That’s all.”
“Don’t worry,” Rocket consoled, his voice becoming something of a velvet texture when it rolled past his tongue. “It’s nothing but gorgeous out there. You’ll fit right in.”
You covered your mouth.
Rocket grinned. It was stupid, sure, but he saw the way your cheeks rose and knew he didn’t have to worry.
And with that, you settled into the seat a few feet away from Rocket’s own, placing the brown bag on your lap and holding onto the rim.
You gave him a nod, and Rocket snickered as your head was sent back onto the head rest at take off, pressing before you found the strength to resist the pushing force.
Rocket was quick to settle the ship in space, the view partially including the ancestral head Knowhere was stowed away in. The rest of it had been space and everything else it’s always been; an endless, black vacuum lucky enough to end up with stars as freckles.
Except, this view had been different—somehow, there were some purple and blue hues bleeding into the black scene like paint being dipped in murky water.
“Holy shit.”
It was as quiet as a breath one would let out in an exhale, but somehow, Rocket heard it all the same.
“Holy shit is right,” he chimed in.
“Rocket … where is this …?”
“We’re near a planet and this one in particular gives off a plasma that’s highly reactive to its own natural hydrocarbons, so it takes the purple color of the planet’s surface and it drifts past the planet’s atmosphere and—”
You got off your seat and quickly set down the food on the floor between the two pilot seats.
“Oh! Sorry, continue—”
“No, you’re right, I should shut up,” Rocket agreed with a smile before getting off his seat and crossing his legs on the floor.
Rocket frowned as soon as you were occupied with the food. The thing is, he can’t really remember the last time he’s rambled like that to someone else. It wasn’t like he expected you to understand him and the only other person he’d ever rambled about science to is …
You set aside the brown bag, allowing Rocket a better view of you. You place down his own food container before opening yours again.
You took one of the pieces of chicken in your hand, your head lowered but your eyes on Rocket’s own.
“And it never drifts far because of the planet’s gravity, right?”
Rocket’s ear twitched and he perked up at your words. He felt the end of his tail jerk in every so often and he tried his best to keep it directly behind him.
“How’d you know?” He asked, grabbing a utensil and scooping up his own food.
“We go to school on Terra. Ever heard of it?” You joked.
“For some reason, I don’t buy it—not the school thing but the ‘they teach us in school’ thing,” Rocket said in a pitchy voice, stuffing his mouth with food and chewing.
( you weren’t surprised. If you were being completely honest, you wanted nothing less than to impress and knowing that Rocket was a pilot, you’d done all the research you could about space and took in anything that was comprehendible for you. School was nothing but a nightmare. It’s one of the reasons you left earth. But rocket didn’t need to know that. )
“Rocket, chew your food, c’mon,” you said with a smile.
You titter at his state, and rightfully so; he had taken a huge bite, and he was lucky you didn’t have a mirror on you or else his cybernetically engineered rib cage might combust.
“But for the record, it …”
Rocket exhaled through his nose.
The purples floating in space had somehow also gotten on your form and smudged itself on your cheek. You weren’t facing space, and it was at this moment that Rocket knew,
you had your own solar system, orbiting in your very eyes.
“It means a lot to me.”
You smiled.
Rocket wondered if the rose tint had always been in your cheeks or if it always emerged whenever you did something pretty.
Certain images of you began flooding his mind, images he’d seen before; the way you bite your lip, how it parted when he tugged your hair or did something to make you elicit those lovely sounds he relished hearing.
“The food is amazing,” you complimented right after swallowing your first bite. “Thank you, I really, really missed this.”
“It’s not my cooking, but no problem,” Rocket replied.
Both of you look out at the windshield, taking the view in once more and making sure it seeps into the little gaps of fur and skin.
“I know this date’s only just started but …”
Rocket turned back to you, another bite of food ready on his spoon.
“This might be the best day of my life.”
Rocket froze.
Soon enough, the spoon ended up in his mouth, withdrawing as soon as his teeth scraped the food off for him to chew.
“Well that’s a little depressing,” he smiled.
It turned into a hearty guffaw at your frown, your own mouth too stuffed with chicken for you to reply so soon.
“How is this day being the best of my life depressing?” You managed to make out right after swallowing your food.
“It’s a first date with take out fried food and we’ve barely just begun—”
“Well I’m sorry for finding your well-thought out date to be one of the best things I’ve ever experienced!”
Rocket paused for the second time that night.
“You mean that?”
Your eyebrows raised. “Of course, I mean that. I wouldn’t go out on a date with someone I didn’t like, I’ve spent way too much time on Terra doing that.”
“Well, then … what else is up on that list?”
Rocket’s eyes were practically tied to your body. He’d been looking at the stars for half the night, but each sentence you spoke somehow made you lean forward a little more and due to the nature of your dress, you sat with your legs glued together but folded by the side.
All of which gave Rocket a very distracting view.
He couldn’t just steal a glance like before, no—because your dress stopped right above your cleavage and with you leaning forward, it was an angle that was all too hard to simply steal.
“What else was on your list of ‘the best things you’ve experienced’?”
Rocket looked away, finally.
But it might have been too late.
You snorted.
“That’s real cliché, Rocket,” you remarked.
“Hey, I’m sorry! I’m only a man—a man who’s happened to have the luxury of having sex with you and now I think I kinda want more,” Rocket confessed frankly.
“Tell you what,” you began, setting your chicken bone down on your food container. “Thirty minutes,” you paused, gesturing towards the food. “Wait for this to settle. Then I’ll suck your dick on that chair.”
“Fuck,” Rocket exhaled. “You’re so goddamn hot when you do that.”
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thank you so much for reading!! <3
// tip jar. commissions.
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a-star-aquarium · 2 months
Astarium The Magician
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Astarium Odeliah Lonn
Asta - commonly referred to this by everyone, and was a nickname Asra gave them
Little leaf, given by Muriel but asra also calls them this at time
Gem, of course, by Lucio as a way of annoying them (they consider it degrading because their lack of wealth in life, they call him 'Puella defututa' which roughly translates to "worn-out whore" in latin)
Sweets, by Portia (They call her ginger snaps in return because they claim she tastes like them)
Star by Nadia 
Dove by Julian (They claim their more akin to a pigeon or an owl, but Julian thought dove fit better with his crow like description)
All of these can be used by anyone but its just what the main 6 refers to them as
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Birthday: December 17th
Height: 5′8
Age: 23-26 (they have no specific age)
Gender : Nonbinary (they/them/it/its)
Sexuality: Queer
Astrology: Sun Sagittarius, Rising Leo, Moon Cancer
Patron Arcana: The fool
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UPRIGHT: Beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit
REVERSED: Holding back, recklessness, risk-taking
Family-Relationships-Friendships :
Asra Alnazer  - Best friend, Lover in Asra’s route, They also own the shop together
Marium, They/she - Deceased, Asta’s mother figure, and bio mom
Larik, He/They- Deceased, Asta’s bio dad
Terra, she/her  - Asta’s aunt, (previously mentioned to be known by atlas)
Zadem, He/Him - Living though he is missing, Asta’s Father Figure
Familiar: Gylfie a Barn owl
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Favorite Food: Pumpkin Bread {their unoriginal and they know it, but its delicious}
Favorite Drink: Chamomile Tea
Favorite Flower or Plant: Lavender and Rosemary (also cause they love using the seasoning rosemary)
Their magic is prized on their astrological understanding, it’s an odd form of light, not exactly like fire, but more like the essence that makes stars twinkle and shine.
They play the Harp, the only reason you won’t see them do so is their magic begins to spiral when they do so. 
can sew and make clothing 
Was a bit of a scholar, so they know a lot and will info dump. Specifically, they know various languages, like latin and gaelic
Background/Other Info:
grew up primarily loved by their bio parents, up until the age of 11, where their bio father dies, and Zadem comes in to take care of Marium, who later dies of an illness cause seemingly caused by their depression (or at least, that’s what their doctor says)
Asta, due to the recent deaths of their parents, runs away to Vesuvia. But they stay in contact with Zadem, through letters
Meets asra at the age of 13, and the story goes on the canonical route
Fun fact: They're family is very mixed, but their father's side is very Irish!----And yes, they absolutely gained the accent
Character HCs & History:
Astarium, also known as Asta, grew up in prakra; they primarily lived directly next to star lakes. Their parents primarily worked with astrology and water magic, but Asta gained a talent for combining the two. When exhausted, their face lights up like little stars, however, despite its beautiful effect, when touched they can give burns.  Asta grew up loved by their parents, when sick, Asta gained a special way of healing them, but, when the diseases had caught up to their ‘father’, Larik, their healing power was not enough, and they lost them the next year. Asta’s mother, despite being strong winded and determined when faced with Larik’s illness, Marium gains ill when he passes, not being able to handle it. Zadem, previously just a friend, immediately rushes to take care of Marium and Asta. Asta, just being an 11 year old child, can’t mentally cope and runs away due to the fear of abandonment, worrying both Zadem and their mother will die. Asta, meets asra at 15 and primarily stays with him until the canon events of the game, but unlike the canon events, asta doesn’t die from the plague for a while and runs back to prakra to attempt to find Zadem. They die over a year later, right about the time Lucio dies himself. Asra, being mistaken and thinking asta was dead, revives them right after they die, causing them to not only remember most of the events, but hate him for his primary relationship with julian that occurs. But this hatred generally fuels down considering in canon they get with either Julian or Asra. Though, while remembering the events of being left for dead, asta still can’t function properly and needs help remembering basic things, (talking, walking, writing, etc.) Asta, about 4 years (the year right after they take back the fool’s body against lucio) Asta gets in a major fight with Asra revealing they knew exactly what Julian and him had done and now they wish they would’ve stayed in their grave. Unlike the canonical MC, Asta hated being revived, they feel empty like they’re missing a part of themself and they don’t know how to properly be themselves anymore. Asta travels back to Zadith as an attempt to find a home ground. They commonly can be found stealing basic food and they have a bad habit of running into pirates.
Bad habit of biting their tongue when their upset, it’s made them bleed before and they never stop themself in time
Little picky with food, they feel bad so they won’t say so but you might find the food in the garbage later
Expresses most their feelings with magic, their not necessarily, good at using words, so they feel better showing it with their magic
Can heal and create shields from their magic, in canon during asra’s route they do learn how to make weapons with it
When angry, they have a tendency to lose control a bit, hope you can dodge cause they will throw stars at yours ass
They’ve never grown to know the full extent of their magic, while still be young, they don’t completely know how they work
Has a LOT of enemies,when they were younger, they stole A LOT, harbering the stuff so they could pay for food.
They’re quite sneaky.
Sometimes makes deals with pirates to get rides, no matter if it puts them in danger
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Style preference / Clothing: 
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Tattoos they'd likely have:
One key one that's lore accurate is the anatomical heart they have with the words "till death do us part" underneath their chest. Even though Astarium gains Asra's heart in return for life once again, its not of their own doing or consent, therefore the ink that might've bound their relationship seems to have sufficed; Death had parted them, and for Astarium, that was permanent. {unless they get with them later on depending on the storyline, but still, point made}
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Asta is shipped with all the Main 6, and other of the side characters, such as Selasi (love bread man), Nahara, nafizah, and nazali
Considering they are queer, they are open to any pairing, not limited by age gaps either, they don't have a problem with dating someone older. (yes, please I beg of you, if you would like to ship them with a character of yours---arcana universe or not---please just ask)
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Others Art of Astarium:
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Both are them with @sad-arcana-au's Vee <3
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Any other info for Astarium should remain under the tag #astariumthemagician, and always, feel free to send an ask about them at anytime!
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[ID: A banner with the title "Alloaro Character Showdown" in the alloaro flag colors. The background is a splotchy lavender. End ID]
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[ID: A graphic with Sister Carpenter on one side and Benrey on the other. They are separated by a diagonal yellow line with the word "VS" over it. End ID]
Thank you @terra-toma for the Sister Carpenter art!
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butterflyscribbles · 11 months
I love Terra so much, she and Don can have my entire heart!
Do you have any more info/lore/art about her
EEE thank you! It makes me so happy to see people like her!💜
I have some fun facts for Terra fans:
- Her puppy dog eyes may fool you…but she’s a bit of a rebel too. Classic “overprotective parent” and “curious kid who just wants to be a part of things” dynamic. While transferred to her smaller shell, she’ll sometimes stow away into April’s backpack, Leo’s hip pouch, etc. to get included on missions…though as long as Don isn’t around, Uncle Leo and Auntie April usually keep her secret…Uncle Raph and Uncle Mike are another story lol. They’re snitches.
- Her favorite movie is Finding Nemo. She really wants to go to the ocean someday (dw she’s waterproof).
- She helps Don in his garden all the time. She chases out all the pesky bugs that will cause damage to his plants. Lavender is her favorite and Donnie planted a whole patch for her to lay in.
- She’s got the same abilities that Donnie’s goggles have installed in her eyes. When she uses it, her eyes turn blue and red like his goggles.
- After one of her later software updates, Donnie notices she started making this high pitched whirring sound when she goes into sleep mode while charging. He frets and runs a million tests, scared that she’s over heating or buffering……..only to learn she’s just snoring.
- Don’t tell her dad….but she likes Mikey’s music taste better than his.
- She loves scritches just like Shelldon did. She may not be able to feel it in the same way but it’s all about being cuddled and pampered that she loves<3<3<3
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Lavender never wanted to be queen.
She’s a simple girl with simple tastes. She likes going out into the wilds and picking berries, she likes hunting with bows and arrows, she likes sitting in her study and reading, she likes making potato soup and sleeping until noon and tending her herb garden and wrestling with her medic and her mage, both of which are older friends and like brothers to her. All the glitz and glamor that comes with being a queen is hollow to her. All the jewels and pretty dresses in the world just look like funeral dressing after a lifetime of knowing there’s a target on your back for who you were born to.
But without someone to take her place she’s trapped in a lifetime of servitude and paranoia. She’s been studying democratic theories all her life and wants to implement them. But that would mean the end of both monarchy AND oligarchy, and the four noble houses...well, even the smallest slight against them could send the country into financial chaos.
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roseyturtles · 1 year
so really it's the humans that are weirdos for being lame conquerors. everyone else is kinda just chillin. Queen Lavender wants to chill too but she can't if the lame conquerer nobility takes all her power
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theocannibalistic · 10 months
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Aaaand NPC gala fits part 2!
ID: five digital drawings of original characters, described top to bottom and left to right. 1. Bluebell, a lanky firbolg woman with freckled pale blue furry skin, cow hooves and a cow tail, fluffy ears, brown eyes and long dark red hair in a braid crown at her hairline. She is wearing a cream gown embroidered with pink, lavender and white flowers and pale green vines. The dress has a plunging neckline that shows a white patch of fur on her chest. She also has pale green vine earrings and bracelets and flowers in her hair that match the dress. 2. Agnazar, an older elven person with black hair pulled into a bun with two long white strands that hang past her ears and end in lightning shapes. She is wearing big star earrings, purple goggles pushed up to her forehead, black boots and gloves, and an indigo coat with white buttons and trimming. She is holding a dark brown cane with a purple orb grip in her right hand. 3. Moxie, a broad tiefling orc with freckled seafoam green skin that blushes purple, asymmetrical upright horns, a long tail with a curly blond tip, brown eyes and fluffy pale blond hair shaved light brown at the sides of his head. He is wearing red dragon earrings, gold bracelets and gold rings on his horns, a red cape in the shape of dragon wings, a layered terra-cotta scale skirt, a purple tabard with a black dragon embroidered on it and dark teal leggings and brown boots. 4. Juniper, a wood elf woman with tan freckled skin that blushes green, dark forest green hair with braids and wrapped sections and brown eyes. She is wearing a green gown with three-quarters sleeves, a square neckline split at the center and bright green and blue botanical pattern on the skirt and sleeve hems. She also has a gold crown with five blunt spikes decorated with circular gems and a necklace with multi-colored beads and a stone pendant. 5. Sirocco, a young summer eladrin girl with a warm skintone, frilled pointed ears, orange yellow and red eyes reminiscent of targets and long pale blond hair with straight-across bangs. She is wearing a red gown with puff sleeves, a curlicue pattern and white gem at the heart-shaped neckline, full skirts and a pink tabard with white and yellow accents.
Player Characters NPCs Part 1 NPCs Part 2 (you are here)
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