#Just all around fucked but so fun to read/write
lostfracturess · 2 days
─── games and matches | ch. 01
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pairing — satoru gojo x suguru's daughter reader
summary — after a night of partying and drinking, you run into none other than satoru gojo — your dad's infuriatingly hot best friend who you haven't seen in years. blame it on the alcohol, but you start flirting with him. and he flirts back. so, can it really be that wrong to want to fuck your dad's best friend? after all, what happens in the kitchen at 3AM stays in the kitchen, right?
word count — 13.2 k (chapter 1/3)
warnings — 18+ ONLY. contains explicit sexual content, age difference, alcohol use, drunk sex, unprotected sex, penetration, fingering, edging, oral (female receiving), hair pulling, underwear in your mouth lol, in need of heavy daddy issues to enjoy this.
author's note — idk what to say about this, was in the mood to write something dumb and fun, so don't dwell too much on the plot and just enjoy the vibes of this story haha. happy reading !! comments and reblogs are love <3
masterlist + ao3 + wattpad
next chapter ->
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"Well well, look who it is."
Suddenly, the light flickered on.
You froze, blinking rapidly as your eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness. Heart racing, you spun around to find Satoru Gojo, your dad's best friend — no, scratch that, your dad's ridiculously hot best friend — leaning casually against the counter, arms crossed over his chest.
You stood there in the doorway, taking in the sight of him. 
It had been years since you'd last seen him. You'd nearly forgotten about him — but not quite. He looked different now. Older. 
"Quite the late night, huh?" he remarked.
His piercing gaze raked over your barely-there party dress, taking in the way the short, black fabric clung to your curves. You could only imagine how you looked — smudged eyeliner, tousled hair, and cheeks flushed.
It was well past three in the morning on a Wednesday, and you'd just stumbled home from a college party, the remnants of cheap tequila still swirling in your bloodstream. 
The last thing you needed was a run-in with Satoru, especially when he looked so damn good in that black shirt that hugged his broad shoulders and a navy overshirt casually rolled up to his elbows. 
Life just wasn't fair sometimes.
"Fuck, Satoru. You scared me," you whisper-hissed, your voice a bit hoarse. "What the hell are you doing here at this hour?”
He raised an eyebrow, a slow, amused smirk spreading across his face. "I could ask you the same question, love. Don't you have classes in a few hours? Or did they start giving out degrees for partying these days?"
You rolled your eyes, slipping out of your heels and sighing in relief as your aching feet met the cool tiles. As you bent to arrange your shoes, your short dress rode up, the hem barely skimming the curve of your thighs.
"What does that concern you?"
"Because you're the daughter of my best friend, of course. Now, be a good girl and tell me where you've been."
You sighed. "I was at a college party, obviously.”
"You drunk?" 
“No," you lied, even as the remnants of tequila still thrummed through your veins, making everything pleasantly hazy around the edges.
Satoru's gaze followed your every move as you walked past him to the sink in the kitchen. The room suddenly felt smaller with his presence, the air thick. You reached for a glass from the cabinet, the hem of your dress riding up even further, a sliver of skin flashing in the dim light.
"That's quite the outfit for a college party," he commented, his gaze lingering on your exposed skin. 
You filled your glass with tap water. "It's a normal dress for a normal party. You're too old to know that. What, did they not have parties back in your day?" 
"I'm not that much older than you." 
"Yeah, like just a good 16 years or what?" you scoffed, taking a sip of water.
In the dim moonlight that spilled through the kitchen windows, you noticed the faint flush high on Satoru's cheekbones, the telltale glassiness in his normally sharp eyes. The subtle scent of bourbon clung to him.
He's drunk too, you realized with surprise.
You lifted your chin. "You're drunk."
"I'm not.”
"Oh really?" you challenged, setting your water glass down on the counter with a soft clink. "Prove it then. How many fingers am I holding up?"
You held up three fingers in front of his face. He squinted at your hand, before he reached out, his fingers warm as they wrapped around your wrist, tugging your hand down gently.
"That's not how you measure how drunk someone is. But I can assure you, I'm perfectly sober.” His gaze shifted down, resting on your chest. “Sober enough to see that dress of yours is way too low cut for a woman your age."
Heat rushed to your cheeks as you suddenly became acutely aware of just how much cleavage you were showing. You tugged at the neckline of your dress, trying to adjust it higher, but the silky fabric simply slipped through your fingers.
"I'm grown up now, if you haven't noticed. And besides, it's not that low.”
"If you say so.” He shrugged out of his navy overshirt. “But just in case, why don't you put this on? Wouldn't want you catching a cold in that scrap of fabric you're calling a dress."
He held out his jacket to you, one eyebrow raised in challenge.
"I'm not cold," you said, but even as the words left your mouth, a shiver ran through you. The kitchen tiles were cool beneath your bare feet, and the thin material of your dress did little to ward off the chill of the night air.
Satoru noticed, of course. 
His smirk widened. "Sure you're not. But humor me, will you?"
You glared at him. Finally, you snatched the jacket from his outstretched hand. "Fine. But only because I don't want to listen to you nag."
You shrugged into the jacket, immediately engulfed by Satoru's scent — a heady mix of expensive cologne, cigarette smoke and something uniquely him. The sleeves fell past your fingertips, and the hem hit your mid-thigh, covering much more of you than your dress did. You had to admit, it felt nice. 
Comforting, almost.
Satoru's gaze softened as he took in the sight of you drowning in his clothes. "There. Much better. Now you look less likely to give some poor teenage boy a heart attack."
"You're ridiculous, you know that?"
He grinned. "Part of my charm, love, can't you remember?”
You rolled your eyes. 
He hasn't changed a bit. Still the same old Satoru, with his quick wit and insufferable smirk. But damn if he didn't look good. 
The years had been kind to him, that's for sure.
You hopped up onto the kitchen counter, the cool marble sending a shiver up your spine as it met your bare thighs. Satoru's jacket rode up as you settled, the soft fabric bunching around your waist, but you were far too focused on the man across from you to care.
Blame it on the alcohol.
You picked up your abandoned glass of water, taking a long, slow sip as you watched him lean back against the opposite counter, his long legs stretched out before him, arms crossed over his broad chest.
In the dim light filtering through the blinds, shadows played across his face, accentuating the sharp angles of his jawline and the subtle curve of his lips. God, he looked even better than you remembered him.
His gaze never left you, his eyes dark pools. His glance made you feel a strange warmth that spread through your body, a heat that had nothing to do with the tequila you'd consumed earlier.
But you pushed it away. 
It was just the alcohol talking, you told yourself. 
It had to be.
"So," you started. "You never did answer my question. What are you doing here at this hour?”
Satoru ran a hand through his tousled hair, the white locks falling back into place effortlessly. Damn him. "Well, your old man and I were out for drinks earlier. Celebrating closing a big case we've been working on."
You raised an eyebrow. "Dad doesn't usually stay out this late."
"No, he doesn't. Man's a total lightweight. Two bourbons in and he was ready to hit the karaoke stage".
You nearly choked on your water at the image. "Tell me you got that on video."
"Oh, you know it," Satoru grinned. "Blackmail material for a lifetime. But someone had to be the adult and get him home before he really made a fool of himself. Dropped him in bed right before you stumbled in, actually."
"My hero," you teased, taking another sip of water. "So, this big case, it was the Johnston trial, right? Dad mentioned it, said it was huge for your firm." You tilted your head, observing him. "You just here for the case, or are you sticking around?"
He shrugged, the movement casual, but you could see the glint of satisfaction in his eyes. "Initially just for the case, but I'll be around for a bit to wrap things up. It was a team effort, though. Everyone put in a lot of long hours."
"Look at you, being all humble. Dad said you led this one. Said you absolutely destroyed the other side in court. Had them in tears, from what I heard."
"Oh, did he now?" His smirk widened, clearly enjoying the praise.
"Mhmm," you hummed, leaning back on your hands, the marble counter cool against your palms. "Seems the press is calling you a legal genius or something, too.”
"Well, they're not wrong, are they? I am pretty damn brilliant."
You huffed out a laugh. "Careful, counselor. Keep winning cases like this and that ego of yours might just burst."
"Ah, but you'd be there to keep me humble, wouldn't you?"
"I don't think anyone could keep you humble, Satoru. Least of all me."
"Oh, I don't know about that." He fixed you with his piercing blue eyes, the intensity making your breath catch in your throat. "I have a feeling you could bring me to my knees without even trying."
You swallowed, your throat suddenly dry.
Damn him and his smooth lines. 
Satoru's eyes were dark, smoldering as they bore into yours. You felt pinned beneath his gaze, your heart pounding in your chest, your skin tingling with a strange sensation. After a moment that felt like an eternity, he broke the silence. 
"So, how's tennis going? I heard you're quite the rising star on campus. Beating all the boys and making them cry, huh?"
You scoffed. "Did you really expect anything less from me?"
"Nah, I always knew you'd be dominating the court someday. You were born to be a champ." 
"Oh, don't tell me you're a fan now," you said with a grin. "Want me to sign something for you before I get too famous and forget all about you?"
"Please, as if you could ever forget about me, love." 
You tilted your chin up, meeting his gaze head-on. "That ego of yours is something else, isn't it? How do you even fit through doorways with a head that big?" 
"Look who's talking. Your ego seems to be doing just fine too." 
His lips curled into a smirk. He fixed you with his gaze, those piercing blue eyes seeming to see right through you, sending shivers down your spine. It was unnerving, his gaze — and undeniably thrilling.
For a moment you thought he was flirting with you. But that couldn't be right. The alcohol must be messing with your perception, making you read into things that weren't there.
Then, he spoke again. "How was the party?"
"Oh. It was...fine, I guess. Pretty lame, actually."
He raised an eyebrow. "Is that so? And here I thought college parties were supposed to be the highlight of your young adult life."
You shrugged, fiddling with the hem of his jacket. "Maybe for some people. But getting drunk off of cheap beer and watching my classmates make fools of themselves isn't really my idea of a good time."
"No?" He tilted his head, a lock of hair falling across his forehead. "Then what is your idea of a good time?"
“I don't know. Something more exciting than a frat party, that's for sure."
"Exciting, huh?”
Satoru's eyes glinted with mischief as he pushed off the counter. He walked over to the liquor cabinet where your father kept his prized collection and rummaged around for a moment before pulling out a bottle of top-shelf vodka.
"Well then," he drawled, grabbing two tumblers from the shelf above. "If the party was such a bust, why don't we make our own fun?"
He returned to you, placing the glasses on the counter beside your hip with a clink that seemed unnaturally loud in the quiet of the kitchen.
"And that's your definition of fun?" you asked. “Having drinks with your best friend's daughter at three in the morning?"
"Ah, but you're not just any daughter, are you?" He uncapped the vodka and poured a generous amount into each glass. "And besides, I'm curious. Those college boys at the party, they don't do it for you?"
He handed you your glass, his gaze never leaving yours. You took it, swirling the clear liquid and watching it catch the light. "Not really. They're all so... immature. All talk and no substance."
"Is that why you don't have a boyfriend? Because no one's managed to capture your interest?"
You emptied your glass in one satisfying gulp, the vodka burning a pleasant trail down your throat. You reached for the bottle, but Satoru was faster, his hand already at the neck, refilling your glass before you could blink.
"I guess," you admitted, watching the crystal tumbler fill with clear liquid. “That, and I've been busy with college, obviously. Dating hasn't exactly been a priority.”
"Mmm, I call bullshit.” He placed the refilled glass in your hand, his fingers brushing against yours for a brief moment. "A woman like you, with your looks? You could have any man you wanted, studies be damned."
Oh god, you thought, your mind racing. 
He's indeed flirting with you. 
And you're flirting back.
Your heart pounded in your chest, a nervous thrill that combined with the warmth of the alcohol was probably a bad thing.
Was this really happening?
Were you actually flirting with Satoru Gojo, the man your dad considered a brother?
But now, in the dim light of the kitchen, he was something else entirely. He looked good. Damn good. The kind of good that made your mind wander to places it definitely shouldn't. 
And the way he was looking at you, the way his gaze kept drifting to your lips, the way he leaned in just a little too close — it was clear he no longer saw you as just his friend's little girl. No, the heat in his eyes told you he very much saw you as a woman now. 
You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself. 
"Maybe I'm just picky."
"Oh, really?" Satoru moved closer, until he stood beside you, his hip brushing against yours, his hands resting tantalizingly close to your thigh. "And what exactly are you looking for?"
You met his gaze boldly, emboldened by the alcohol thrumming through your veins. "I don’t know. Someone older. More experienced. Someone who knows what he's doing."
"Is that so?"
You hummed in response, setting your empty glass aside. "What about you, Satoru? Where's your girlfriend tonight? Or boyfriend, I don't judge."
"No girlfriend. No boyfriend either. I guess you could say I'm married to my work."
You raised an eyebrow, tracing your finger around the rim of your glass. "Really? The great Satoru Gojo, eternally single? I find that hard to believe."
"Believe it, love," he said, setting his own glass down. His eyes, the color of a summer sky, never left yours. "I'm a busy man. Relationships take time and effort, two things I don't have in abundance."
"Sounds lonely.”
Saotru's lips quirked up at the corners. "Oh, believe me I’m far from lonely. Just unburdened by the messy attachments that come with a relationship."
"Ah. So you're a love 'em and leave 'em type, are you?"
"I prefer to think of it as knowing what I want and taking it.” He leaned in closer. You could smell the vodka on his breath, the intoxicating scent of his cologne. "No strings, no complications. Just fun."
“Why does that not surprise me.”
Satoru reached out to tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear. His fingers lingered on your cheek, the touch sending a shiver down your spine. "What can I say, love? I'm a simple man with simple needs."
Heat washed over you at his touch.
Oh god, he was definitely flirting with you.
And even worse, you were shamelessly flirting back. 
But could you really be blamed? It had been years since you'd last seen him, and time had been more than kind to Satoru Gojo. He'd always been handsome, but now, with a few more years of wisdom and experience etched into his features, he was practically irresistible.
And let's be real, you were both a little drunk. 
It was the perfect recipe for a little harmless flirting. Because that's all this was, right? 
Just two adults engaging in a bit of playful banter, a bit of stolen glances and charged tension. It didn't mean anything. It couldn't mean anything.
After all, he was your dad's best friend. 
This was just the alcohol talking, just the thrill of seeing each other after so long. In the morning, you'd both laugh it off, chalk it up to a bit too much vodka and the nostalgia of reunion. 
But even as you told yourself this, you couldn't ignore the way your heart raced at his proximity, the way your skin tingled under his gaze. Blame it on the alcohol, but the truth was, you were enjoying this. 
It was exhilarating.
You scoffed, trying to regain your composure. "Oh, I'm sure your needs are anything but simple, counselor.”
"Mmm, you might be right about that. I've been told I can be quite... demanding."
"Does that line ever work on women?"
He smirked. "I can't complain. It's served me well enough so far."
Oh, he's so confident.
It made you wonder what it would take to throw him off his game.
"Is that so?” You sat up straighter, a coy smile playing about your lips. "In that case, why don't we play a little game? See if that silver tongue of yours is as clever as you think it is."
His eyebrows shot up. “What did you have in mind?"
You shrugged, feigning nonchalance. "Oh, just a classic. Truth or Dare. Unless of course, the great Satoru Gojo is afraid of a little challenge?"
Satoru's eyes narrowed, his smirk sharpening into something more predatory. "Oh, love. You have no idea what you're getting yourself into."
You leaned in closer. "Then why don't you enlighten me, counselor?"
His gaze dropped to your lips, and for a heart-stopping moment, you thought he might kiss you. But then he pulled back, his smirk widening. "Alright. You're on. But don't say I didn't warn you."
"Bring it on. I'm not afraid of you."
"Oh, we'll see about that.” He picked up the vodka bottle, refilling both your glasses with a practiced hand. He handed one to you, clinking his against it. "Ladies first. Truth or Dare?"
You took a sip of your drink, the vodka rushing pleasantly through your veins, making you bolder. "Dare."
He paused, his eyes glinting in the dim light. His gaze roamed over you with deliberate slowness, lingering on the curve of your neck, the swell of your breasts beneath the fabric of his jacket. You could practically feel the heat of his gaze, branding you.
"Take off my jacket."
"That's it? That's your big dare?"
He shrugged. "What can I say? I'm starting you off easy. Wouldn't want to scare you off too soon."
You scoffed, setting your glass down. "Please. It takes more than a little strip tease to scare me."
With deliberate slowness, you hooked your thumbs into the neckline of Satoru's overshirt, your fingers grazing the heated skin of your chest as you pulled the fabric apart. His eyes followed your every move, the blue irises darkening with each new inch of exposed skin.
You shrugged the overshirt off your shoulders, letting it pool around your elbows. The cool air of the kitchen kissed your exposed skin, causing your nipples to harden beneath the thin fabric of your dress.
"Your turn, counselor. Truth or Dare?"
"Dare," he replied without hesitation, taking a long sip of his vodka.
You leaned back on your hands, the cool marble of the countertop a welcome contrast to the warmth spreading through your body. Tilting your head, you made a show of considering your options, drawing out the suspense.
"Take off your shirt."
His eyebrows shot up. "Didn't take you for the forward type, love."
You shrugged one shoulder. "What can I say? I appreciate a good view."
"Is that so? Well then, who am I to deny a woman what she wants?"
With equally deliberate slowness, he reached for the hem of his shirt, his gaze never leaving yours as he began to lift it inch by tantalizing inch. Your breath hitched in your throat as smooth, pale skin was revealed, stretched taut over toned muscles that rippled beneath his touch.
He pulled the shirt over his head, tossing it aside. Your eyes drank him in greedily, tracing the defined ridges of his abdomen, the broad expanse of his chest, the subtle play of light and shadow on his skin.
The waistband of his pants hung low on his hips, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of white curls trailing down from his navel.
God, he was gorgeous. 
All lean, hard muscle and power.
"See something you like?" He asked, a boyish grin spreading across his face.
You dragged your gaze up to his, your pulse pounding in a way that had nothing to do with the vodka. "I'm not blind. You're... easy on the eyes."
"Wow, that might be the nicest thing you've ever said to me."
"Why?" you challenged, tilting your head. "You’re craving my attention, Satoru?"
“That’s a question for a truth, isn’t it? Your turn. Truth or dare?”
“Truth,” you said.
He tilted his head to the side as he considered you. "Did you make out with any guys at that party tonight?"
“Did you fuck him?"
"Quite bold of you to ask your best friend's daughter that question.”
He shrugged, unrepentant. "What? It's a valid question. So, did you?"
You hesitated, biting your lip. "Almost."
You held his gaze, as he watched you over the rim of his glass. "I don't know. One minute we were all over each other, and the next...I just wasn't feeling it anymore. It got boring."
Satoru threw back his head and laughed, a deep, resonant sound that sent a shiver down your spine. "You really are the bane of every university boy's existence, aren't you?"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
He grinned, his eyes dancing with amusement. "It means, love, that you're a goddamn tease. Getting them all hot and bothered, then leaving them high and dry. It's almost cruel."
You scoffed, taking another sip of your drink. "It's not my fault they couldn't keep my interest.”
"Oh, I'm sure," he replied, taking a long, slow sip from his own glass.
You watched as his throat bobbed with each swallow, your eyes tracing the strong column of his neck down to the defined hollow of his collarbone. God, even the way he drank was hot. It was infuriating.
He set his glass down, his tongue darting out to catch a stray drop of vodka on his bottom lip. Your gaze followed the movement, heat curling in your stomach.
"Alright," he drawled. "Your turn. Truth or Dare?"
You lifted your chin, holding his gaze boldly. "Dare."
"Brave choice. I like it."
He leaned back against the counter, arms crossed over his bare chest, the pose showcasing his lean, muscular physique. Your mouth went dry as you took in the sight of his defined biceps flexing with the movement.
"Slip those straps of your dress off your shoulders.”
"Wow, Satoru. Why not just ask me to strip the whole dress off?"
"But where's the fun in that?" he countered, a wicked grin playing about his lips. "Besides, that's a job for me."
You hesitated for a second.
A small voice in the back of your head whispered that you were treading treacherous waters, that letting things go further with Satoru was a bad idea. But the alcohol flowing through your veins and the heat in his gaze silenced your better judgment. 
It was just a bit of harmless fun, right? 
No need to overthink it or make it into something it wasn't.
Slowly, you reached for the straps of your dress, sliding them down your shoulders, one after another. The silky fabric whispered against your skin as it fell, the neckline dipping precariously low, just barely concealing your hardened nipples beneath the lace edge of your bra that peeked out.
Satoru's gaze followed the movement, his eyes darkening as more and more of your skin was revealed. His jaw clenched, his fingers flexing against his biceps as he watched you, the air between you thick with tension.
You leaned forward slightly, your hands gripping the edge of the countertop, the cool marble a stark contrast to your overheated skin. You pressed your arms against your chest, pushing your cleavage together, the dress threatening to slip further with each heaving breath.
"See something you like?" you mirrored his words back to him.
Satoru huffed. He reached for his glass, bringing it to his lips and taking a long, slow sip, his eyes never leaving yours. Then, he moved to stand right before you, placing the glass beside your thighs, each of his hands coming to rest on either side of you, caging you in.
“Truth or dare.”
"Truth," Satoru said, his eyes never leaving yours.
"Getting shy on me now, counselor?”
"Oh, trust me. There's nothing shy about me. But I don't think you can handle me fully stripped."
You scoffed, even as a shiver of anticipation raced down your spine, your skin prickling with goosebumps. "Pretty sure of yourself, aren't you?"
He leaned in closer, his breath fanning across your cheek, warm and intoxicating. "With good reason, love. I've never had a complaint."
Your pulse jumped, heat pooling low in your core, your thighs clenching. This was dangerous territory, toeing the line of no return. If you weren't careful, you'd end up doing something very, very stupid.
Like finding out first-hand if Satoru's claims were true.
You swallowed hard, trying to ignore the way your body reacted to his proximity, the way your nipples tightened and your breathing grew shallow. "I thought we were playing Truth or Dare, not stroking your ego."
"Oh, we are. And I believe it's your turn to ask a question."
You bit your lip. "Why do you have the daughter of your best friend undressed in the middle of the night on a random Wednesday?" 
His lips curved upward, his fingers flexing against the countertop on either side of your hips. "I don't know, maybe because she didn't get what she needed at the party."
"And what do I need?"
Satoru's eyes darkened, his gaze dropping to your parted lips, lingering there for a moment before flicking back up to meet yours. 
"I think you need someone who knows how to appreciate you, love. Someone who can make you feel things those fumbling college boys never could."
"And you think you're that someone, do you?"
"Oh, I know I am. I could make you feel so good, you'd forget your own name."
Shivers ran down your spine as want battled with reason. It would be so easy to give in, to let Satoru have his wicked way with you. But the rational part of your brain knew it was a terrible idea. Still, you couldn't help but lean into him.
"That's a bold claim," you managed, your voice breathier than you would have liked. "But I'm not sure I believe you."
"No? Then how about another dare, since you're feeling so brave?"
Your stomach flipped, nerves and anticipation tangling together. "What did you have in mind?"
His smile was slow, predatory. "I dare you to let me prove it to you."
"Prove what, exactly?"
He leaned in, until his lips were a hair's breadth from yours. "That I can make you feel better than anyone else ever has."
You inhaled shakily, your fingers curling tighter around the countertop edge. "And how do you propose to do that?"
"However you want me to, love. I could use my hands, my mouth, could touch you in places no one else ever has. Make you come so hard, you can do nothing but beg for more."
A shudder ran through you at the promise in his words, your core clenching with need. You could picture it all too clearly — Satoru's hands on your body, his fingers sliding over your skin, wandering lower and lower. His mouth hot and hungry on yours, trailing kisses down your neck, your chest, lower still—
You fought back a moan, trying to maintain some semblance of composure even as your body screamed for his touch. Reaching for your glass, you took a slow, deliberate sip of the vodka, holding his gaze as the liquid burned down your throat.
"Is that so?" you said. "And what makes you think I'd ever beg for you, counselor?"
"Oh, you'll beg. I'll make sure of that. I'll tease you until you're dripping wet and aching for me, until you can't think of anything but how badly you need me inside you. And then, when you're right on the edge, when you're so desperate you can barely breathe,” He leaned in closer, his lips nearly brushing yours, “that's when I'll make you beg."
"You sound pretty confident. But I'm not sure you can back up all that big talk."
Satoru pulled back just enough to meet your gaze, his eyes burning with a fierce, hungry intensity. "Oh, I can back it up, love. And then some."
His hand slid up your thigh, his fingers skimming the sensitive skin just beneath the hem of your dress. "But the question is," he continued, his fingers tracing maddening patterns on your inner thigh, his touch light and teasing, "are you ready for me to prove it to you?"
"One dare?"
"One dare is all I need, love."
You shivered at his promise, heat rising deep in your core, your body aching for his touch. God, the things this man did to you—
But you wouldn’t give in that easily. After all, where was the fun in that?
Emboldened, you let the dress slip a bit lower, revealing more of the lacy edge of your bra. "As tempting as that sounds, counselor, I'm afraid I'm going to have to pass on that particular dare."
"Oh? And why's that?"
You shrugged one shoulder, aiming for nonchalant even as your heart raced in your chest. "Maybe I'm not ready for you to put your money where your mouth is. Maybe I want to savor the anticipation a little longer."
"Is that so? Well then, how about another truth instead? Since you seem so fond of them."
Nerves fluttered in your stomach, but you refused to back down. "Hit me."
Satoru leaned in closer, his lips brushing the shell of your ear as he spoke, his breath hot against your skin. "Have you ever touched yourself while thinking of me?"
You swallowed hard, your mouth suddenly dry, your brain short-circuiting as a wave of heat washed over you. Because the truth was—
He pulled back, his eyes searching yours, a knowing glint in their azure depths. "You have, haven't you? You've laid in bed at night, your hand between your thighs, picturing me doing all sorts of things to you."
You didn't need to confirm it, he could tell by the way you trembled as his lips trailed along the line of your jaw, leaving a trail of sparks in their wake.
"Tell me, what was I doing to you?" He caressed the sensitive skin of your throat with his lips, drawing a gasp from your parted lips. "Was I kissing you? Touching you?"
"Yes," you panted, your fingers curling into his silky hair, holding him against you, all good reason vanishing into thin air.
He hummed against your skin, the vibration sending sparks of need skittering down your spine. "Did you come, love? Muffling those pretty moans in your pillow as you cum with my name falling from your lips?"
Your breath caught in your throat, your thighs clenching at the memory — the way you'd writhed against your sheets, your fingers stroking your slick heat, chasing the release that only thoughts of Satoru could bring you.
"Yes," you whispered. “Every single time."
His eyes darkened, his pupils blown wide, his breathing growing ragged. "Where did you imagine me touching you, love? Show me."
Heart pounding, you reached for his hand, your fingers trembling slightly as they brushed against his warm, calloused skin. Slowly, deliberately, you guided his hand to your neck, your breath hitching as his fingers skimmed over your racing pulse.
"Here," you whispered. "I imagined your lips on my neck, your teeth grazing my skin.”
Satoru's fingers tightened on your throat, a possessive gesture that made your core clench. Leaning in, he brushed his lips over your neck, his touch feather-light, teasing. You shivered as his breath ghosted over your sensitive skin, goosebumps rising in its wake.
"Like this?" His lips traced a path of fire from your jaw to your collarbone, his teeth nipping gently at your skin. "Is this how you imagined it?"
“Yes,” you gasped, your head falling back to give him better access, your fingers tangling in his hair. “Just like that."
His tongue flicked out, tasting you, savoring you, as his lips mapped every inch of your neck, finding all the spots that made you shudder and moan.
"Where else?"
Biting your lip, you guided his hand lower, over the swell of your breasts, your nipples tightening beneath the thin fabric of your dress. "Here," you breathed, arching into his touch. "I pictured your hands cupping my breasts, your fingers teasing my nipples.”
Satoru groaned, his control slipping a notch. 
His hand curved over your breast, molding to your shape, his thumb brushing over your nipple in a maddening caress. "Fuck, you feel perfect.”
He tugged at the neckline of your dress, exposing more of your chest to his gaze. Dipping his head, he pressed hot, open-mouthed kisses to your chest, his tongue darting out to lick over your heated skin.
His lips trailed lower and lower until they hovered just above your nipple, his breath hot and damp against your sensitive skin. And then, he closed his lips around your nipple and sucked, hard, the pleasure so intense it bordered on pain.
You cried out, your back arching into him, your fingers clutching at his bare shoulders, your nails digging into his skin.
He caressed your breasts, licking and sucking and biting until you were writhing and whimpering. His fingers plucked at your other nipple, rolling the sensitive peak between his thumb and forefinger until want coursed through your veins like molten lava.
"Keep going, love. Show me where else you want my hands."
Emboldened by his words, you slid his hand lower still, his lips still on your breasts, over your stomach, your muscles quivering beneath his touch. 
Lower, lower, until his fingers were brushing the hem of your dress, dipping beneath the fabric to skim the sensitive skin of your inner thighs. You shuddered as his fingers crept higher, teasing you, tormenting you with fleeting, feather-light touches.
"Here," you gasped, your thighs parting. "I touched myself here, imagining it was your hand between my legs, your fingers buried deep inside me, filling me, making me come.”
His fingers inched higher, skimming over your damp, lace-covered sex, making your moan softly. He rubbed slow, maddening circles over your cloth clit, the friction delicious but not nearly enough.
"You're so wet," he marveled, his fingers sliding under the edge of your underwear, gliding through your slick folds with a tortuous, leisurely stroke. "So hot and ready for me. Tell me, love, is this all for me? Do you get this worked up just from the thought of my hands on you?"
You whimpered as his fingers parted your folds, running lightly along your slit, barely grazing your aching clit. He was teasing you, exploring you with a maddening, light touch that set your nerves ablaze, making you part your legs wider for him.
"Yes," you gasped, your head thumping back against the cabinets as he circled your entrance with a single finger, dipping in just to the first knuckle before retreating. "Yes, Satoru, all for you. Only for you.”
He groaned at your admission, his forehead dropping to your shoulder as he fought for control. "Fuck, the things you say. You have no idea what you do to me, how badly I want to just bury myself inside you and fill you up so bad.”
But still, he held back, his fingers continuing their lazy, tortuous exploration of your slick heat. He gathered your wetness, spreading it up and over your clit, circling the swollen nub with a slippery, gliding pressure that made your thighs shake and your breath come in shallow pants.
"Satoru," you whimpered, your nails digging into his shoulders, your hips rolling shamelessly against his hand. "Quit your games. I need more, need you inside me."
He chuckled, nipping at the sensitive skin of your neck with his teeth. "Patience, love," he chided, his fingers dipping back down to your entrance, swirling around the rim in mad, spiraling circles. "I want to savor this.”
He punctuated his words by pressing one long, thick finger inside you in one slow, smooth glide. Your back arched, biting your lips to swallow the scream that tore from your throat as your inner muscles clenched around his finger.
"Fuck, you feel incredible." He pumped his finger in and out of your clutching heat, curling it against your front wall. "I can't wait to feel you wrapped around my cock."
He added a second finger, stretching you deliciously, filling you in a way that was maddeningly good but still not enough. He scissored his fingers inside you, stroking your slick walls, teasing your most sensitive spots until you helplessly moaned into his mouth that hovered over yours.
"Look at you," he marveled, his eyes hot and heavy on your face, drinking in every expression of pleasure that flickered across it. "So responsive, so desperate for my touch. I bet I could make you come just like this, couldn't I? Just with my fingers buried inside you, rubbing all the right spots until you soak my hand and scream my name."
"Yes, oh god, yes—more, Satoru. I need more, make me come.”
But instead of giving you what you so desperately craved, Satoru withdrew his fingers from your aching core, leaving you empty and bereft. You whimpered at the loss, your eyes flying open to meet his, a protest ready on your lips.
But the words died in your throat as you took in the wicked, hungry gleam in his gaze, the predatory curve of his lips. "Oh, I'll make you come, love. But where's the fun in doing it with just my fingers?"
Before you could even begin to process his words, he was sinking to his knees before you, his hands gripping your thighs, spreading them wide. Your dress rode up to your waist, exposing your lace-covered sex to his gaze. 
With that, he dipped his head, his breath hot against your aching skin. He pressed soft and wet kisses to your inner thighs, his lips and tongue and teeth teasing you until you were squirming and whimpering above him.
"Satoru, please," you begged, your fingers tangling in his hair, trying to guide his mouth where you needed it most. "Stop teasing. I need your mouth on me. I need you to make me come."
"What, you begging now? I thought you said you didn't beg for anyone."
“Oh shut up and go to work already.”
"So impatient," he murmured, nipping at your inner thigh with his teeth. "But I'm not done savoring you yet." With that, his mouth trailed up your thigh, getting closer and closer to your aching core with every kiss and nip and lick. 
Your breath came in shallow pants, your hips grinding subtly against his face, seeking more contact, more friction.
When he finally reached your core, he didn't dive in like you expected. Instead, he placed a soft, almost reverent kiss to your sex, his lips lingering, savoring the heat and the dampness and the scent of you. 
"Fuck, you're so perfect." 
Then his tongue darted out and licked a broad stripe up your clothed sex.
You moaned, your thighs falling open even wider, offering yourself up to him. "Please, Satoru," you whispered. "Please, stop your stupid teasing and fuck me already. Please, Satoru, please, please—"
For a moment, he didn't respond, and you thought he might continue to torment you. But then he slowly pushed your underwear aside with his finger. 
He placed soft, delicate kisses all over your sex, tracing your slit with the tip of his tongue, circling your entrance, flicking over your clit in feathery strokes that made you melt.
But it wasn't enough. You needed more. You needed him.
You arched into his face, your hands fisted in his hair, holding him against you. "More. Satoru, damn it, more, fuck me with your mouth, please, please.”
"Fuck, I love it when you beg.” With that, he hooked his fingers into the waistband of your underwear, the fabric stretching taut as he began to pull them down. “I think you've earned a little reward."
His eyes never left yours, watching your reactions as he slowly undressed you. You gasped at the sudden exposure, the cool air of the kitchen kissing your heated flesh. He slid your lacy fabric down your legs, taking his time to savor the moment. 
Once they were off, he straightened up again, and leaned into you.
"Open your mouth," he commanded.
You hesitated for a moment, but something in his eyes told you there was no point in refusing. You parted your lips and allowed him to stuff the underwear into your mouth. The taste of your own arousal filled your senses.
"Be quiet for me, will you? We don't want to wake Suguru after all.”
Before you could even begin to think about how wrong this all was, Satoru was between your legs again, burying his face between your thighs and under your dress.
You cried out, muffled by the fabric in your mouth, as he licked a broad, flat stripe up your slit, from your entrance to your clit, the warm, wet rasp of his tongue making you squirm. 
He did it again, and again, setting a slow but steady rhythm, his tongue parting your folds, delving deeper with each pass, until he was fucking into your entrance with his tongue.
Your back arched into him, your thighs clamping around his head, but he held you steady, his hands gripping your hips, keeping you spread open for his mouth. 
"Fuck, you taste even better than I imagined.”
He sealed his lips around your clit, sucking hard, the feeling so intense it bordered on too much. He sucked your clit between his lips, flicking it with the tip of his tongue until you were shaking.
You whimpered around the fabric in your mouth that Satoru stuffed inside you to make sure that no one in the house could hear the sinful things he was doing to you as he worked you mercilessly, his tongue dancing over your clit, flicking and swirling and lashing, driving you higher and higher with every pass.
Satoru seemed to understand your body perfectly, reading your desperation in the arch of your spine, the clench of your thighs around his head, the needy, broken sounds that escaped around the fabric in your mouth.
"You want to come, don't you, love? You need it so badly, need my mouth to push you over the edge. But I'm not sure you've earned it yet. I think you can take a little more teasing, a little more torment. What do you think?"
You shook your head frantically, tears of frustration pricking the corners of your eyes. You couldn't take any more, you were sure of it. If he didn't let you come soon, you would surely lose your goddamn mind.
He pressed a soft, almost mocking kiss to your throbbing clit. "No? You don't think you can handle it? But you've been such a good girl, taken everything I've given you so beautifully. Surely you can hold on just a little longer for me."
You let your head fall back, teeth biting into the fabric, so you would keep quiet and just endure his torture. You would do anything, anything at all, if he would just have mercy on you, if he would just give you the release you so desperately craved.
Satoru seemed to sense your surrender. "That's my girl. Just a little longer, I promise. And then I'll make you feel so good.”
He suited actions to words, his mouth descending on you again, his tongue thrusting and swirling and lashing over your clit, driving you to new heights of pleasure with every skillful stroke.
You could feel your orgasm building, ready to snap at any moment. Your thighs were shaking, your stomach clenching, your breath coming in short, sharp pants.
Without warning, he thrust two fingers into you, the sudden stretch burning. His fingers were thick, stretching you deliciously, and you could feel every ridge and callus on his skin. He began to move, thrusting his fingers in and out, hard and fast.
"Good girl, take me in, take me deep."
And then, with a final, bruising suck on your clit and a deft thrust of his fingers into your clenching heat, you felt your orgasm crashing over you, tearing a ragged, muffled scream from your throat.
You shook and shuddered and sobbed through the aftershocks, your inner muscles clamping down on Satoru's plunging fingers. He worked you through it, his mouth and hand gentling but never stopping, drawing out your pleasure until you felt you might die here and there.
"You really come easily, love. Makes me wonder what the college boys did wrong?”
You wanted to curse at him, but you could only whimper in response, your body feeling like it was made of jelly, your mind blissfully blank.
He pressed a final kiss to your clit before straightening up. Then he removed your underwear from your open mouth, allowing you to breathe properly for the first time, but not long enough for his lips to collide with yours.
And then you realized that you were kissing Satoru Gojo for the very first time in your life.
Because Satoru Gojo managed to make you come before he ever kissed you.
It was a deep, sensual kiss that stole what little breath you'd managed to regain. You could taste yourself on his tongue. Satoru moaned into your mouth, his hips grinding against yours, the hard, hot length of him pressing insistently against your thigh. 
He reached for your hand and guided it downwards, encouraging you to touch him through the fabric of his pants. Even with the barrier of clothing, you could feel the heat of his hard length pulsing beneath your palm. 
He was hard and thick, throbbing beneath your touch, and you couldn't help but wonder what he would feel like, skin against skin.
"Feel what you do to me.” He broke the kiss to trail his lips down the column of your neck. "Feel how hard I am for you, how much I want you, how much I need to be inside you, need to feel you squeezing my cock."
"Then do it already." Your legs fall open in invitation, your hands clutching at his belt, urging him closer. "Fuck me, Satoru."
With trembling fingers, you fumbled with the button and zipper in your haste to remove the barriers between you. His hands joined yours, his eyes locked with yours as you worked together to remove his clothes.
You couldn't help but gasp as his cock sprang free, long and thick and perfect. 
The head was flushed and glistening, evidence of his need for you. Your mouth went dry at the sight, a fresh flood of want coursing through your veins.
"Told you I never had any complaints.”
“Oh shut up.” You reached out to wrap your fingers around his length, marveling at the way he pulsed and throbbed in your grip. He was scorching hot and rock hard, and you couldn't wait to feel him inside you, stretching you, filling you, completing you.
Slowly, teasingly, you began to stroke him from base to tip and back again, your grip firm and sure. 
He let out a low moan, his head falling back and his eyes fluttering closed as he lost himself to the feeling of your touch. His hands gripped your hips almost bruisingly, his fingers digging into your soft skin.
“Is this payback now?”
"Why? Can't handle a little teasing, counselor?"
"You play a dangerous game, love. Because I will not stop until I've fucked you senseless, until I've ruined you for anyone else. You're mine now, and I'm going to make sure you never forget it."
You leaned in closer, your lips just a hairsbreadth from his, your breasts pressing against his heaving chest. "Then prove it. Ruin me for anyone else but you.”
Your hand stroked him faster, harder, your grip tightening around his throbbing length. You could feel him growing even harder in your palm, cum leaking from the tip and slicking your fingers, making the glide even smoother.
Satoru was panting now, his breath coming in harsh gasps as he fought to maintain control. “You sure you’re up to this?”
"I dare you," you breathed against his lips.
Satoru didn't hesitate for even a heartbeat. 
His hands left your hips to fist in your hair, pulling you close. His lips crashed against yours, firm and demanding, a claim and a conquest all in one.
He licked along the seam of your mouth, seeking entrance, and you granted it readily, your lips parting on a sigh of surrender. His tongue swept inside, tangling with yours. He explored every inch of your mouth, mapping the contours, savoring your unique flavor like a man starved.
He kissed you deeply, thoroughly, with a skill that left you weak and dizzy. 
Your hands roamed restlessly over his broad shoulders, his muscular back, before tightening in his hair. Your fingers played in his hair, scratching lightly over the short part at the back of his neck and tugging on the longer locks. 
Satoru seemed to really like it, groaning into your mouth and pulling you even closer. His hips rocked against yours, the thick ridge of his cock pressing insistently into you.
"Satoru, please, take me already, need you inside me."
“Can you keep quiet for me, love?”
“Yes, yes. I can be so quiet, please Satoru.”
“Good, because we’ll have a problem if you can’t.”
Satoru's hands slid down from your hips to grip your thighs, his fingers digging into your soft flesh as he lifted you up from the kitchen counter like you weighed nothing. 
Your legs wrapped around his waist, your arms around his neck as he held you close, never breaking the kiss. He carried you out of the kitchen and into the living room, navigating the familiar space.
This wasn't the first time he'd been here, after all.
When he reached the couch, Satoru threw you onto the plush cushions. Before you could even catch your breath, he was on you again, his big body covering yours, pinning you to the sofa. 
He grasped your hands and forced them over your head, lacing your fingers together as he pinned you down, taking control in a way that had your breath hitch.
He started kissing and licking his way down your neck, finding all your favorite spots, the places that made you shiver and gasp, exploiting them ruthlessly. His free hand slid down your chest, over the curve of your breast, teasing your nipple. 
"Fuck, Satoru. Feels so good,” you gasped, your head falling back as his lips trailed hot kisses down your neck.
"God, why didn't we do this sooner?" Satoru groaned against your skin. "Think of all the nights we could've spent together, all the time we could've spent fucking each other's brains out."
"Because you were busy being a lawyer overseas, and I was stuck in college."
"Trust me, love, I would've made it work, would've moved back here, and have you bent over the desk in my office, not giving a damn who heard. Would've driven to your college every weekend, just to bury myself in you and make you scream."
His words had you throbbing with need. You could practically feel it — the hard wood of his desk against your skin, the scratchy sheets of your dorm bed underneath you as he pounded into you.
Satoru started grinding against you, rubbing his hard cock right where you needed it most. 
"I could've sucked you off under your desk while you worked," you panted. "Wrapped my lips around your dick and swallowed you down until you couldn't think straight."
"Fuck, and I would've eaten you out in return, snuck into your room and buried my face between your thighs until you forgot your own name."
The thought alone had your core clenching desperately around nothing. You needed his skin on yours like yesterday.
Satoru must've read your mind, because suddenly he grasped the hem of your dress and yanked it up and over your head, throwing it somewhere behind the couch. You were left in only your lacy bra, your skin flushed and heated.
"You're fucking stunning.” His eyes raked over your body as if he wanted to devour you whole. Like he couldn't quite believe you were real, that you were here, that you were his. "I'm the luckiest man alive, getting to see you like this, getting to touch you like this."
He released your wrists, but you kept them obediently above your head, gripping the armrest like a lifeline. His hands roamed all over your hips and thighs, knees pushing your legs apart until you were spread wide open for him.
Satoru reached between your bodies, rubbing the tip of his dick against your dripping core. You could feel him sliding through your wetness, teasing your clit with every stroke, making you whimper and squirm with how badly you needed him inside you.
But he didn't push inside. Instead, he just rubbed himself against you, teasing your clit with every pass.
"Satoru, please," you said, trying to arch your hips, to get him to slip inside. But he held you down, his grip on your hip too strong to fight.
"Please what, love? Use your words.”
You swallowed hard, your pride warring with your desperation. But fuck it, you were too desperate to care about your pride right now. "Please fuck me. I need you inside me, need to feel you inside me. Please, please just fuck me already."
He cursed under his breath, his hips pressing against yours, the head of his cock catching on your entrance. But still, he didn't give in. 
"C'mon, you can do better than that."
You bit your lip, trying to hold back the needy sounds that wanted to spill out. "Satoru, I'm fucking begging you here. I need you. Please, I'll do anything, just give me your stupid dick already."
"Fuck, the things you do to me," he gritted out, his control finally snapping. And then, with one hard, deep thrust, he was balls-deep inside you, stretching you out so good it made your eyes roll back.
You bit down hard on your lip to keep from screaming, your back arching off the couch, your nails digging into the armrest. He felt fucking huge like this, so thick and hard and perfect, hitting spots you didn't even know could feel this good.
"You're so tight." His forehead dropped to your shoulder as he tried to keep it together. "So fucking perfect. Like you were made for me." 
"Satoru," you whined breathlessly. "You're so big, fuck, I feel you everywhere."
He let out a strained chuckle. "Can't help it if those college boys you fucked before had pathetically small dicks. Guess you just needed a real man to show you what's what, huh?"
“Oh, shut up.”
Then, without warning, he slammed back in, burying himself to the root in one brutal stroke. He didn't give you a chance to adjust, didn't let you catch your breath. He simply took you, hard and fast and deep, claiming what was his.
He grabbed your legs and threw them over his elbows, spreading you even wider, opening you up completely for him before he pounded into you, his cock hitting deep with every thrust. 
When you opened your mouth to moan or scream or fucking something, he clamped his hand over it, muffling the noise. "Shh. What'd I say? Quiet, love."
You could feel his breath on your face, hot and heavy, as he fucked into you harder and faster. Your muffled cries were barely audible under his palm, making everything feel even more desperate.
You could hear skin slapping on skin, the wet noises of his cock pounding into your soaked core, the smothered gasps and whimpers spilling from your covered mouth. You could feel every inch of him as he moved inside you, the feeling almost too much to take.
Each thrust was harder than the last, his hips slamming into yours so hard it made the couch shake. He was relentless, his pace brutal, as he took you, claimed you, made you his fucking property. 
You could feel your orgasm building, coiling tighter and tighter in your core, ready to snap at any second.
Suddenly, Satoru shifted your positions, his strong hands gripping your hips as he rolled onto his back and brought you with him. You found yourself straddling his waist, your hands splayed across his bare chest for balance.
"Ride me, love. Take what you need."
You rolled your hips in a slow grind, savoring the feeling of him deep inside you. His head fell back against the pillow, quiet moans rumbling in his chest as you took him inch by inch.
Encouraged by his response, you picked up the pace, rising and falling on his hard length, taking him deeper with each downward thrust.
"That's it, love." Satoru's hands tightened on your hips, helping you keep a steady rhythm. "Ride me just like that."
One of his hands left your hip, sliding up your body to cup your breast, his thumb flicking over your nipple. You gasped at the feeling, your back arching, pushing your chest further into his touch.
Satoru's other hand slid behind his head, propping himself up a bit so he could watch you better. "Fuck, you look so hot like this. My perfect girl.”
You braced your hands on his sweat-slicked chest for leverage, your nails digging into his skin. His hips started to rise to meet your downward thrusts, his pelvis grinding against your clit with every pass. 
"Fuck, just like that. You feel so good. So tight and perfect around me. You're gonna make me come so fucking hard.”
"Satoru," you panted, your head falling back, your spine arching as the tension coiled tighter and tighter in your core. "I'm close. I’m so close—"
But just as you were about to come, Satoru suddenly sat up, his arms wrapping around your waist, his chest pressing against yours. The change in position drove him even deeper, making you cry out and your nails raking down his back.
His mouth found your neck, sucking and biting, leaving hickeys you'd definitely have to cover up tomorrow.
"God, you’re doing so good."
You could tell Satoru was right on the edge with you, his groans turning harsh and throaty, his fingers digging bruisingly into your hips, his movements growing erratic and desperate beneath you.
"Fuck, I'm gonna come," he warned, his voice strained and breathless. "You're gonna make me fucking come.”
With that, he flipped you over onto your stomach, his hands gripping your hips as he yanked you up onto your hands and knees. He pushed your legs apart with his knees, settling behind you.
You could feel the hot, hard length of him pressing against you before slowly, inch by torturous inch, Satoru pushed forward, sinking into you until he was buried to the hilt. He started to move then, pulling almost all the way out before slamming back in, setting a punishing pace that had the couch shaking and creaking beneath you.
His hands gripped your hips, holding you steady as he railed you from behind, hitting even deeper than before.
"Satoru," you gasped, your hands fisting in the cushions, your back arching as he pounded against your cervix again and again. "Oh fuck, yes. Just like that. Don't stop."
His hand slid up your spine to fist in your hair, yanking your head back and bending your spine into a deeper arch. You cried out at the sudden stretch, the change in angle making him hit new spots inside you.
Before you could even catch your breath, he pushed your face down into the couch cushions.
"What'd I say? You gotta keep quiet or I'm gonna have to shut you up myself.”
A shiver raced down your spine at his words, his grip on your hair in the back of your head keeping you pinned in place. You could only moan into the plush cushion beneath you, slowly soaking it with your spit as you whimpered and panted with each deep, brutal thrust.
Satoru's thrusts grew harder, faster, more erratic as he chased his release. His hand in your hair tightened, the sting pushing you closer and closer to the edge. 
Satoru suddenly wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you up against his chest, changing the angle yet again.
His thrusts slowed, becoming deep and deliberate. He held you close, one arm around your waist, the other hand splayed across your throat, keeping your head tilted back against his shoulder.
"Tell me, did those frat boys ever make you feel this good?" he panted in your ear, his hips rolling into yours in a slow grind. "Did they ever take the time to fuck you the way you deserve?"
You whimpered, your inner muscles tensing around his thick length as he hit a particularly sensitive spot. "No." Your hands came up to grip his forearm, your nails digging into his skin. "Never like this. They never fucked me half as good as you do."
He hummed, his teeth grazing the side of your neck. "That's a damn shame," he mused, his hips keeping up that slow, deep rhythm that drove you mad. "'Cause you deserve to be fucked right."
As if to prove his point, he thrust into you even deeper. You cried out, your back arching, your nails leaving crescent moons on his arm. His arm tightened around your waist, the other hand reached up. His fingers brushed over your parted lips, feeling the panting breaths escaping you.
"Open up," he commanded.
Obediently, you parted your lips, letting him slip two fingers into your mouth. You swirled your tongue around them, sucking gently, tasting the salt of his skin.
"Fuck, love. Your mouth feels so good.”
You moaned around his fingers as they thrust shallowly in and out of your mouth. His hips picked up speed, slamming into you harder, faster, spurred on by the muffled sounds you were making.
He pushed his fingers deeper, until they brushed the back of your throat. You gagged slightly, your eyes watering, moaning around each thrust.
"Good girl," he praised, his thumb stroking your cheek, "taking my fingers so well, just like you take my cock."
Satoru's hips were pounding into you faster again. His arm around your waist held you steady as he thrust into you, hitting that spot inside you over and over until your eyes rolled back.
Then, his hand slipped between your thighs to find your aching clit. He rubbed the sensitive nub in tight, deliberate circles, the calluses on his fingertips creating the most maddening friction.
Suddenly, Satoru pushed you forward, your face shoving into the couch cushions again. He draped his body over yours, pressing you deeper into the plush fabric, his muscular arm stretching above your head to keep your head down, his hot breath panting against the nape of your neck.
"Gonna come," he gritted out, his hips moving faster, harder. "Fuck, I'm gonna come so fucking hard."
You could only whine in response, the sounds muffled against the cushion your face was pressed into. Above you, Satoru let out a string of curses, his hips stuttering and jerking erratically against your ass as his orgasm hit him. 
He buried himself balls-deep inside you, grinding against your cervix as he pumped you full of his hot, thick cum.
"Fuck, fuck, you feel so fucking good," he babbled, his voice low and tight as he rode out his orgasm. "You take me so fucking good."
He shook and shuddered and cursed as he tried to catch his breath, his sweaty forehead pressed between your shoulder blades. 
Slowly, he straightened up, your hips still raised in the air, and released his grip on your head, allowing you to turn your face to the side and suck in a desperate lungful of air.
But he didn't pull out. Instead, he started thrusting shallowly into your oversensitive core, his softening cock sliding through the sloppy mess he'd made of you. The wet, filthy sounds of it made your face flame, made your core clench weakly around him.
Then, to your shock, he pulled out completely, making you both wince at the sensitivity. But before you could ask what he was doing, you felt his fingers between your legs, spreading your swollen lips apart.
"Fuck, look at that. You’re so perfect. Prettiest cunt I've ever seen."
You whimpered as you felt his cum start to leak out of you, dripping down your thighs and onto the sofa — the family sofa to be exact. But Satoru didn't seem to mind. In fact, he seemed fucking pleased by it.
Then, you felt his tongue on you, lapping at your used sex. 
He groaned as he tasted your combined arousal, the vibrations making you clench and shiver. His tongue dipped inside you, scooping out his own cum before licking a broad stripe up to your clit.
You gasped, your hand flying down to clamp over your mouth, stifling the desperate moan that wanted to escape.
"One more, love. One more for me. I wanna taste you coming on my tongue, wanna feel you come all over my face."
With that, his mouth sealed over your clit, as he started to suck in hard, rhythmic pulls, you knew you were done for. Your exhausted body had no defense against his ruthless onslaught, his tongue pushing you to the brink with embarrassing speed.
Your thighs started to shake, your abs quivering as the tension built and built, your core clenching around his tongue. Desperate moans spilled from your lips, muffled behind your hand as you tried to stay quiet. 
But fuck, it was hard when he was eating you out like a starving man at his last meal.
"That's it, that's my girl," Satoru encouraged between licks and sucks, his stubble rasping against your inner thighs. "Gonna make you feel so good, love. Ruin you for all other fucking men.”
It was too much, too intense, too fucking good. 
With a sharp cry that teetered on a scream, you shattered apart. Satoru fucked you through it with his tongue, drawing out your orgasm until you were boneless and shaking.
Finally, finally, he relented, pressing a few soft kisses to your twitching core before crawling up your body and collapsing next to you on the couch. 
He gathered you close, smiling at your weak grumbles of protest as he manhandled you into the position he wanted — tucked against his chest, your face pressed into his sweat-damp neck.
"You're perfect, you know that? Like you were made just for me."
His hand drifted up and down your back in soothing strokes, his fingers tracing idle patterns on your skin. The gentle touch made you sigh, your body sinking even deeper into his embrace.
For a long moment, you just laid there in comfortable silence, basking in the bone-deep satisfaction of being so thoroughly fucked by the man you at least expected to ever fuck in your life.
"You know, Suguru's gonna kill me when he finds out about this."
You sighed against his throat, your fingers absently tracing the defined ridges of his abs. "Mm, probably. He made you promise to keep your hands off me, after all.”
"Wait, you knew about that?"
"Mhmm, he mentioned it once. To be fair, he was pretty drunk at the time."
Satoru huffed, his hand drifting lower to palm the curve of your ass. "Guess I fucked that one up, huh?" he drawled, not sounding the least bit sorry. 
"In more ways than one." You shifted in his arms, propping yourself up on your elbow to look down at him, your other hand coming up to stroke his stubbled jaw. "But seriously, this can't happen again, you know that right?"
Satoru leaned into your touch, his eyes drifting shut for a moment as he savored the feel of your fingers on his skin. "Yeah, I know. We just got a little carried away, that's all. Blame it on the alcohol."
You grinned, tracing the curve of his lower lip with your thumb. "Mhmm. I mean, don't get me wrong, it was—"
His eyes opened, fixing you with a heated look that sent a shiver down your spine. "Fucking good?"
"Yeah" Your hand slid down to rest on his chest, feeling the steady thump of his heartbeat beneath your palm. “Real fuckking good. But still, we can't do this again."
Satoru's hand continued to run over your ass, his touch sending heat through your body even as you spoke of ending this. "Definitely can't happen again. It would be a mistake."
You nodded, even as you arched into his touch. "A big mistake. Dad would kill us both if he found out."
"He would," Satoru murmured, his other hand sliding up your side, his thumb brushing the underside of your breast. "And I value my life too much to risk it. Even if the temptation is—"
His gaze raked over you, hot and hungry.
"Hard to resist?" you finished for him.
"Impossible to resist," he corrected, his hand cupping your breast now, his thumb grazing over your nipple. "But we have to. This can't be more than a one-time thing."
You bit your lip, stifling a moan at his touch. "Right. One fun night, and then we go back to normal. Like it never happened."
"Exactly." But even as he said it, he was pulling you closer, his hips coming up to meet yours, his length, already hard again, pressing against your core.
You gasped, your eyes fluttering shut. "Satoru—"
"One more time," he breathed, his lips brushing your ear. "One more time, and then we'll stop. We'll be good."
You knew you should say no, should put an end to this before it went any further. But god, the feel of him against you, inside you — it was addictive. You craved it, craved him, like nothing you'd ever known.
"One more time. And then never again."
"Never again," he echoed as he rolled you beneath him. His body covered yours, his mouth claiming your lips in a searing kiss before he buried himself deep inside you once more.
Little did you know, it wouldn't be the last "one more time" of the night. 
Or the morning. 
In fact, you lost count of how many times you and Satoru broke your "never again" promise before the sun finally rose.
Each time you thought you were finished, that you'd finally satisfied the hunger, one touch, one kiss, one whispered word would reignite the flames and you'd find yourself tangled up in him all over again.
Satoru was just that good. And you were just that far gone for him.
Heaven help you both.
── ࣪˖  ࣪ ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ──
Next day you woke up with a serious hangover.
No surprise there.
You stumbled down the stairs, your head pounding and your stomach churning with the aftereffects of last night's alcohol. And, let's be real, the aftereffects of Satoru's very thorough attentions too.
The memories of what you'd done, of how completely he'd wrecked you, made heat rush to your cheeks even as a pleasant soreness throbbed between your legs. God, you could still feel the ghost of his hands on your skin, his mouth on your—
"Well, well, look what the cat dragged in."
Your dad's amused voice snapped you out of your thoughts. You blinked, focusing bleary eyes on where he sat at the kitchen table, a steaming mug of coffee in one hand and the morning paper in the other.
"Morning, Dad," you croaked, wincing at how wrecked your voice sounded.
He raised an eyebrow. "Rough night?"
You flushed, praying he'd think it was just the hangover and not the vivid flashbacks of Satoru pounding you into the couch. "Uh, yeah. Guess I partied a little too hard."
"I'll say." Your dad folded the paper and set it aside, standing up to grab a plate from the counter. "Made you some breakfast. Greasy eggs and bacon, perfect hangover cure. Eat up, then you can go sleep it off before your big tennis match later."
Right. Tennis. 
You'd almost forgotten about the match in the wake of last night's activities. The idea of running around a court in the blazing sun made your head throb even harder.
"Thanks, Dad," you said, mustering up a smile as he set the plate in front of you. "You're the best."
"Mm-hmm. And don't you forget it." Your dad settled back into his chair, sipping his coffee as he watched you dig into your breakfast. "So, you ready for your big match today? Coach says you've got a real shot at taking the title this year."
You swallowed your mouthful of eggs, trying to muster some enthusiasm despite your pounding head and sore thighs. "Yeah, I'm feeling pretty good about it. I mean, assuming I can get through the match without puking on the court."
"If you can party, you can play. No excuses."
"Wow, so inspirational. You should be a motivational speaker."
Your dad snorted. "I'm just here to keep you in line."
You rolled your eyes, but couldn't quite suppress a smile. Your dad could be a real hardass sometimes, but he had a great sense of humor and a surprisingly laid-back attitude when it came to your occasional youthful indiscretions.
Perks of having a young, cool dad, you guessed.
"If I win today, maybe I should make this a pregame ritual," you said dryly, taking another bite of your breakfast. "Tequila shots and a good fu—" you caught yourself just in time, "fun. A fun night before every match."
"Good luck getting that one past your coach." Your dad shook his head, laughing. Then his gaze sharpened, his brow furrowing slightly as he leaned forward to get a better look at you.
"Hey, what's that on your neck? Looks like a bruise or something. Did you get hurt last night?"
Your hand flew to your throat, your fingers pressing against the tender spots you knew were littered with Satoru's marks. Shit, you'd completely forgotten about the hickies in your hungover daze. You probably still smelled like sex and Satoru's cologne too, since you hadn't had a chance to shower yet.
Satoru was probably going to be insufferably smug about marking you up like this.
"Oh, uh, it's nothing. I must've just... bumped into something. You know how clumsy I get when I'm drunk."
Your dad's frown deepened, his eyes narrowing as he studied your neck more intently. For a heart-stopping moment, you thought he might call you on your obvious lie, might put two and two together and realize just what — or who — had left those marks on your skin.
But then he just shrugged, leaning back in his chair and taking another sip of his coffee. "Huh. Well, be more careful next time, yeah? Don't want you getting hurt."
You let out a subtle sigh of relief, your hand dropping from your neck. "Yeah, of course. I'll be more careful, promise."
"Good." Your dad nodded, seeming satisfied with your answer. "Oh, by the way, I invited Satoru to come watch your match today. Figured he could use a break from all those long hours at the office."
You choked on your bacon, your eyes going wide as you sputtered and coughed. "You��you what?"
"Invited Satoru. To your match," your dad repeated, like it was the most normal thing in the world. "He's always been so supportive of your tennis career, you know? Thought it'd be cool for him to see you play in such a big match.”
Cool. Right. 
More like hell, considering the man had spent half the night with his head between your thighs and the other half fucking your brains out.
The thought of facing him now, in broad daylight, with your father right there beside him — it made your stomach churn even harder than the hangover did.
"Oh. That's... great," you managed to croak out, your smile so strained it probably looked more like a grimace. "Thanks, Dad. That was really... thoughtful of you."
"Wasn't it?" He grinned, looking pleased with himself. "I knew you'd be happy to have another friendly face in the crowd, cheering you on."
Friendly face. 
Jesus Christ. 
If your dad had any idea just how friendly Satoru's face had gotten with certain parts of your anatomy last night—
You shuddered, trying to shove aside the vivid flashbacks that kept flooding your mind. Now was so not the time to be thinking about Satoru's tongue or his long fingers or his huge, perfect cock—
Fuck. You were so screwed. In every sense of the word.
How the hell were you supposed to focus on your match, on winning the title, when all you could think about was Satoru's hands on your skin, his breath in your ear, his body moving over and in and around yours?
How were you supposed to look him in the eye, knowing what you'd done, what you'd let him do, how completely you'd surrendered to him in every possible way?
And how were you supposed to do it all with your dad right there, oblivious to the secret brewing between his daughter and his best friend?
You didn't know. You had no fucking clue. 
All you knew was that this match, this day, this whole goddamn situation was shaping up to be one of the most awkward, uncomfortable, excruciatingly tense experiences of your life.
And considering you once drunkenly hit on your TA in front of your whole class, that was really saying something.
But what choice did you have? 
You couldn't exactly tell your dad that Satoru couldn't come, that having him there would be way too distracting. Not without raising all sorts of questions.
You were just going to have to suck it up and act like last night never happened, like it hadn't changed every fucking thing between you and Satoru.
Easy, right?
God, you were so fucked.
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next chapter ->
author's note: hii friends !! hope u enjoyed this silly little first chapter of my new series & it didn't come across as creepy, and if it did, just ignore it. it wasn't meant that way, of course.
anywayy, it will have three chapters in total and will be mostly smut, not gonna lie, but i really had fun writing it bc it's just pure tension, teasing and stupid conversations that i love to write haha. and also a ridiculously older satoru and a bold reader ?? i think that's my thing to write haha.
anyway, thank you all so much for reading !! reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated and i hope this fic brings a smile to your face (or preferably other emotions) whenever you read it. stay awesome, friends, and have a fabulous day !! <33
pls comment on the series masterlist to get tagged in future chapters, this way it's easier for me to keep track! :)
🏷️ @alwaysfreakingout @gojoluvs @bbyxxm @myahfig4 @nanamis-baker
@reagan707 @corrupted-jp3g @starmapz @chilichopsticks @ri-sa20
@starlostwish @dra-ahsticlove @dollcest @uziwork @sxnkuna
@rideofthevalkyriess @alygator77 @moonlightlexie @snwvie @httparchives
@madaqueue @dabisdolly @s3r-en-d1p-ity @4y3sh4 @hachixko
@enaalespenai @sukunaspillow @browrm @fluttershyfangs @yoghurtbrand
@gojoful @levin4nami @lovebittenbyevans @sad-darksoul @tbzzluvr
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© lostfracturess. do not repost, translate, or modify my work.
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ditch-lily · 2 days
Devil's minion fic rec list!
these are just a few recs I was putting together for some friends. this list isn't exhaustive, it's just what I've clicked on and enjoyed so far. the tag is updating at lightning speed right now (bless you all) so there is absolutely a bunch of amazing fics I haven't read yet!
btw these are majority show canon. I haven't read the books. also I made categories that made sense to me, if they don't make sense to you don't worry about it just ignore them lol
Post season 2
Dubai penthouse immediately after (turning daniel)
hold me like water (christ, hold me like a knife) by sahwen (6.7k) the vulnerability of armand in this one is so intriguing. I really loved it
in the detail(s) by infinitevariety (6.7k) a favorite line so far ‘armand curled up like a dying spider’. that's exactly him right after louis leaves
The Beginning Is the End Is the Beginning by trinityofone (1.9k) daniel gets turned, but with an added power
Post turning daniel
two truths and a liar by andrealyn (9.9k) daniel goes on a book press tour and armand turns up
what's it called when a young guy pays old men for their company by chaosandteo (1.3k) daniel's daughters find out he's a homewrecker 
Couch Surfers' Honor by tihsho (1.3k) two things in my head: 1. armand curled around daniel like a creature 2. the way daniel stops drinking to bitch at armand I'm shrieking 
During s2 (alternate canons)
how memory makes monsters into myth by blueskiddoo (5.9k)  alice is armand theory, wip but I'm BIG EYES over it. I love the set up so far
the spiral is unspooling by reedroad (60k) wip but pretty hefty already (60k!). the devils minion chapter incorporated into the past of the show, with daniel uncovering his memories of armand. very good read with lush world building. my fav thing in this is how daniel is written, and his daughters popping up in the fic. 
Past hijinks (post s2 canon)
you're sharp alright by LuckyDiceKirby (4.4k) mid 2000's daniel gets picked up by a weirdo at a bar :) it's a pattern
Post season 1 (before s2 came out)
outcast of all this night by gaypiratedivorce (37k) long and fun, armand follows daniel back to new york and stalks him while he writes this book. "Please don't tell me Louis dumped you and now you're fucking with my work to get back at him."
icarus' life has only just begun by andrealyn (15.9k) daniel gets de-aged (on purpose by armand) he wants to live a life with him from the beginning again 
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depresssant · 2 days
first gojo smut ig 🙈.
after years of reading to learn the process, i have finally cultivated a recipe to write smut. let's just hope it's good 😭
btw this was not proofread so forgive any mistakes pls and reblogs r much appreciated
title : you regretted ever indulging in him that night
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gojo, the typical all-mighty jock, loved and lusted by nearly everyone. he's a typical frat guy and a complete mythic bitch. 
you don't even know why you indulged in him that night.
one of your friends, the only decent frat guy you've ever met, dragged you to his party with the promise that you'd have fun. of course, you only went to make him happy, but perhaps that was the biggest mistake of your life.
loud, trashy music, equally trashy food, trashy environment⏤you still don't know why people enjoy that type of stuff. you fled to a room upstairs to get a break from all of the chaos. that was where he had entered your life.
gojo crashed into the room airily, but you could tell he wasn't drunk as he sat down next to you. his bright, blue eyes freaked you out like they did with everyone else. that was the thing. as hot and handsome as he was, he was terrible when it came to people skills.
was that an effect of growing up filthy rich?
the two of you had a surprisingly rather good conversation despite your strong distaste for him, but then... the music changed. one thing led to another, and he was under you all whiny and needy with pearly tears lining those enchanting eyes. it was like morphine being injected into your veins with the way you had begun to lose yourself hearing every moan that escaped those beautiful lips.
your hand, sending ghosting touches over his cock⏤all pretty and pink just for you⏤was like becoming an addict, because now you know why his exes were all fucking insane. and shit, you figured you would become an insane fucking bitch too at how he had you seeing stars.
it was almost as if he was made perfectly for you.
you and just you.
of course, those were just drunk-off-sex thoughts.
only a week later, you realized the error of your ways.
sighing, you had rubbed the bridge of your nose and narrowed your eyes at the white-haired man in irritation. "what the fuck is this?" 
he wasn't the perfect little angel from last week. your little moment with him had erased whatever hate you held for him, but then, you were reminded of why you hated him so much. he was a rich brat that got whatever the hell he wanted. he did whatever he wanted without worrying about the consequences.
just like then.
gojo gave you a shit-eating grin⏤one you wanted to punch the shit out of, but you kept your cool as he explained the predicament you had landed in. "i did a little digging, and turns out you're on probation. three strikes, and you're headed to the slammer."
"get to the fucking point."
"i also know you like to get into fights a lot.'
that's when he dangled his phone around. you realized what he was implying. had he taken a video of you during one of your tussles to... threaten you? hah. what a crazy asshole.
"what do you want?" your tone was defensive, ready for whatever crazy idea he had got prepared.
gojo's grin dropped before it was replaced with a small smile. it wasn't wholesome. it was threatening. then, he gave you an answer that wasn't half bad as you expected.
but here you are now.
"please, please, please! m'sorry! m'sorry!"
your hand falters at the rise of brattiness in his voice. your eyes narrow, and you squeeze painfully so. it only elicits another moan that has you forgetting why you're angry to begin with. cooing at the pathetic look on his face, you laugh and kiss his lips as he had requested.
gojo's thrusting into your hand again once you return back kneading your hand into his weeping cock as a form of punishment. even then, the slutty whore still finds a way to get off on it. you laugh again as he cries from frustration because who would've known the gojo satoru was a crier in bed? he looks up at you in desperation. those blue eyes have you in a trance⏤like a sailor and a siren. no matter how much you try to resist his enchanting song, you find yourself falling, falling, falling.
you want to drown if it means by him.
"you want it, pretty baby?" your sultry whisper in his ear has you shivering more than him.
gojo's instantly nodding, needy thrusts into your hand have him arching his back with how fast you glide your hand over his cock while it cried for more and more attention. he isn't quite the talker in bed, but with how he silent he is, you know he's tipping over the edge.
it makes you greedy.
it makes you want to stop just as he's about to crash down. you want to keep him suspended there as his eyes rolled back as pants and your name being repeated stay on his tongue, but, you'll indulge in him.
with one final swipe across his tip, he cries out, he whines, he pants out your name like its a prayer, and he grips the sheets so tightly his knuckles turn pale. hot, white, ropes streak your hand while gojo shakes, coming down from his high.
a condescending smirk adorns your face, but you lean down to kiss his lips. gojo's arms push you into him as if he's trying to become one with you.
he had used your jail probation and a video of you fighting as a means to force you into a relationship, however, damn the fucking video. you were already insane for this crazy asshole.
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pimosworld · 18 hours
Secret Springs Resort
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Pairing-Joel Miller x f!plus size reader
CW-18+, MDNI, Angst,hurt/comfort, mentions of body insecurity, mentions of food insecurity, mentions of smut, Joel being so supportive, reader hiding her feelings at first but we always end with fluffiness. Dream vacation Joel vibes.
A/N- I decided to go with a different direction for this weeks theme at the Resort for the Secret springs challenge by our mayor @secretelephanttattoo. I love this idea, it was so fun to write despite the angst, it’s just in my nature to make you feel a little.
[Series Masterlist][Joel Miller Masterlist]
Not beta read
If you thought he didn’t notice the first night then you had seriously underestimated the man that was Joel Miller. 
  The man that had turned your world upside down the moment he stepped foot into your kitchen that he would soon remodel. The kitchen that you got to enjoy for just shy of a year after it was completed before selling your home and moving in with him. The newly remodeled kitchen being the major selling point. The smug look on his face when you got well over the asking price. The look that you so often indulged in wiping off his face when you had him writhing beneath you. This burly, breadth of a man that made you believe in love again. 
  He most certainly noticed on the first night of your vacation. The one you had both worked so hard for. 
  Secret Springs Resort
  An all inclusive beach resort vacation that he had meticulously planned down to the minute. Even the daily naps were planned because he knew how you could get bratty when you were tired. 
  It pained him the way you picked at your food and shuffled it around the plate as if he wouldn’t notice. 
  The way you squint your eyes in fake pleasure to signal that you enjoyed the bite. 
  The look he so often noticed at home during a meal or out to dinner but he so foolishly thought you would be care free while in this oceanic oasis.  
  The second night. 
  When you blamed the sun burn and your headache as to why you couldn’t eat much more than a few bites. The way your eyes watered when he moaned eating his steak and you stared longingly at the buttery garlic noodles that you wanted to dive headfirst into.  
  You said you were too full for dessert and yet Joel knew you better than that. A small sliver of hope when he let you feed him some ice cream, but his hopes quickly squashed when you had one bite and pushed it away. 
  The third day was your day to relax. No excursions planned and the weather far too hot to lay on the beach. Joel opted to lay among the sheets with you for most of the morning. His head resting between your plush thighs as you played with his thick curls. 
  The way it always started out so innocent and yet he could have you falling apart beneath him in minutes. 
  It’s the most relaxed he’s seen you this entire trip, and even if he dies for lack of oxygen he’ll never come up for air if it means seeing you like this. 
  It’s why he opts to spend the entire day taking full advantage of the luxury suite. Finding different ways to bend you over every surface of this room…the balcony, the couch, the bathroom sink. The shower steams until the mirror fogs over. Fucking and laughing until he thinks he may have pulled a muscle. The way you call him an old man in jest because he knows he could outlast you any day. 
  It’s why as he watches you sleep, your soft curves peeking out beneath the rumpled covers as the sun sets over the water he decides you’ll just complete the day inside. A quick call to room service and the woman on the other line doesn’t balk when he nearly orders everything on the menu. All your favorites so there’s no room for argument. In the safety of your private room, away from prying eyes so he can finally put a stop to whatever is holding you back. 
  It’s the smell that first wakes you first. In the quiet comfort of the sheets you get the hint of the savory aroma of fresh baked pizza and garlic bread. Your stomach growling and heart warming at the familiar smells that fill the air. You blink sleepily as your gaze falls on Joel, shirtless with his jeans hung low on his hips as he bustles around the room. Plates and silverware clinking as he sets up a small table on the balcony. 
  He turns with a gentle smile as he hears you rustling in the sheets. “Hey there, sleepyhead. I hope you’re hungry.”  
  Your eyes widen slightly at the sight of the spread. A large pizza with all your favorite toppings. One half with pineapple because Joel thought it was blasphemy. A steaming bowl of pasta with Parmesan cheese and marinara sauce. Golden slices of garlic bread arranged neatly on the side. 
  Your throat constricts with the unexpected sensation of gratitude and anxiety. 
  “You…you didn’t have to do all this.” You murmur, feeling a rush of vulnerability. 
  Joel strides over to you on the bed, draping the silky resort robe around your shoulders. “I know.” He says softly as he places a kiss on your forehead. “But I wanted to darlin’. Ya deserve to enjoy all your favorites without feeling self conscious.” 
  Tears well up in your eyes as you look up at him. Overwhelmed by his thoughtfulness, at the way he surprised you everyday. “Thank you.” You whisper, with a slight tremble. “It means a lot to me.” 
  He didn’t expect you to bend so easily, yet he’s relieved all the same. A sense of pride blooming in his chest as you sit together on the balcony sharing bites of pizza and stories about your past. Things you want for your future, some things he’s heard and some things he’ll pocket for later. 
  He can tell as the meal goes on and you relax that you want to say it. To tell him why you’re this way, but he already knows it’s him. The reason he had to break down so many walls. The man whose name is rarely mentioned in your home because anytime it is Joel wants to find a way to make him a missing person. 
  When he looks at you like you’ve hung the moon and the stars as he twirls the pasta on the plate and holds it out for you, like an olive branch to open up. 
  You start tentatively to explain your past insecurities. How your ex made you feel ashamed for enjoying food. How he always made sure you knew to eat less than him. 
  “I always felt like I had to justify why I ate.” You say quietly as you sip your water. “But you…you make me feel comfortable just being myself.” 
  Joel reached across the table to take your hand, placing a kiss to your palm. “You don’t ever have to justify anything with me baby.” He says earnestly. “I want you to be happy and feel good about yourself. You should cuz you’re fuckin perfect.” 
  You smiled gratefully as he wiped a stray tear from your cheek. You knew with Joel beside you, you could let go of old hurts and embrace moments like this. Where kindness, understanding and a simple meal could say so much more than words could express. 
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated
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luvvsessed · 1 day
Star Bound [M]
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A series of oneshots in a fun space au.
-> Mingi has a new toy, and he intends to play with it however he wants. [masterlist]
Mingi x F!Reader [1st POV], Mingi x Yeosang
4,747 words
Genre: space pirate au, smut, romance, oneshot, mdni
warnings under the cur
note: enjoy this one :) it was definitely fun to write when I did it, though as I said in the woosan one, i had to edit a few things to make it all make sense lol have fun reading, feel free to leave a comment, an ask and more importantly, to reblog :) 💕
disclaimer: this is a work of fiction and in no way an attempt to be a true depiction of anyone. It's just fun!
content: explicit content, smut, threesome (somewhat), m/m content, oral (m, f), use of sex toys, slight??? voyeurism?, light bondage, blind fold, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex [no!!], pet names, dirty talk, a small violent encounter,
I stood by as the airlock doors opened slowly, light from outside pouring in and practically blinding me. We landed on Planet Floris a while ago, situating ourselves just outside of Flor City.
"Remember, stick together," Hongjoong directed as he and Seonghwa got ready to leave first. "After we've finished, you've earned some down time, but don't be reckless. We may be among our own, and that is the issue."
We all nodded at his order, Hongjoong and Seonghwa soon disembarking right after. Soon, Mingi, Yeosang and myself, along with Wooyoung and San left the ship, leaving Yunho and Jongho behind to handle selling and trading, as well as watching the ship.
It wasn't a far walk into Flor City, and soon we found ourselves immersed in a bustling square with shops abound. Seedy people left and right, eyeing each other down while handling their own business.
"Okay, see you guys later," San told me, Mingi and Yeosang. "Be careful."
Wooyoung sent us a flirty wink before being pulled off by San. I waved to them, before turning to the two men I was with. "So... where to?"
“To the markets first, we have a few things we have to get,” Mingi answered, walking on with Yeosang and I following him. “Get you a few things too.”
"Okay...," I nodded. "But... I don't have any money..."
Wordlessly, Yeosang dug in his pockets, grabbing my hand to push some money cards against my palm. His fingers lingered and I blushed.
"Take it," Yeosang demanded lightly, closing my fingers around the cards. "It's all of our money, so that means it's yours too."
"And with that..." Mingi started with a grin, coming up between us and throwing his arms over our shoulders. "Yeosang and I have a special store to take you to afterwards..."
"What's so special about it?"
"You'll see~"
Like a gentleman, Yeosang's hands were full of bags by the end of our shopping trip, an easy smile on his face as the bags hung by his sides.
"I can carry some f- okay, I'll shut up," I quickly turned away from his fierce glare, the intensity of it sending shivers down my spine. Jeeze, I just wanted to help. But Yeosang will have nothing of it as he and I followed Mingi to our last location... whatever it was.
It was pretty crowded, everyone bustling around, but we managed to keep together with no issue... until someone roughly bumped into Yeosang, making him drop the bags.
“Hey!” Yeosang shouted and the man just scowled at him fiercely.
“Watch where you're going,” he sneered, shoving Yeosang back. The ever calm Yeosang growled and he shoved the man roughly in return, sending him flying back before falling to the ground with a hard thud.
"Yeosang!" I gasped in shock, in awe of his show of raw strength.
"What the fuck?!" Mingi exclaimed, eyes burning with anger. The man ran away with his tail between his legs. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Yeosang huffed before he took a few deep breaths. He calmed down and grabbed the fallen bags. “I'm fine.”
Mingi frowned, obviously upset by what had transpired. He looked at me, grabbing my hand. “You?”
I sighed. “I'm fine... I'm just surprised... I've never seen Yeosang so angry before.”
Mingi chuckled softly, Yeosang blushing a bit. “If you wanna keep it that way, just don't pick a fight with him.”
Yeosang just sighed in exasperation. “Don't make it sound like I'm ready to fly off the handle. I'm not you.”
Mingi made an offended noise. “Rude!”
I giggled, earning unhappy looks and scoffs from the men accompanying me. Mingi rolled his eyes and started walking again, Yeosang and I following close behind.
Soon enough, we stopped outside of a small, inconspicuous shop. It honestly didn't look like much, and I looked at Mingi and Yeosang questionably. “What is this?”
“You'll see,” Yeosang answered, walking towards the door. Mingi just winked at me.
“Trust me... you'll love it.”
We stepped inside, greeting the owner who offered to hold our bags for us. The storefront looked a bit plain, but Yeosang immediately walked through a set of curtains, with Mingi and I following right after.
My face erupted into flames and my jaw fell to the floor as I looked around. "Oh... oh my fucking God."
It was a sex shop.
And Yeosang was already looking at stuff.
"What about this?" he asked casually, holding up a pink ball gag. He looked at me expectantly and Mingi nudged me.
"Um, I don't like ball gags," I admitted meekly and Yeosang just shrugged and put it away.
"I'll make you gag on something else then."
The implication made me choke and Mingi laughed, grabbing my hand to pull me deeper into the store. "Let's find some things you'll like then."
I felt dizzy, looking over various sex toys with the guys making my brain turn into mush. Yeosang whispered something to Mingi, and he grinned in response before nodding. Yeosang quickly stuffed something into his shopping basket before I could see it.
"What's that?" I asked and Yeosang just smiled at me.
"A surprise."
"How about this?" Mingi asked, showing me a thicc purple dildo. "Got some nice ribbing on there..."
"Y-yeah, it looks nice..." I mumbled, looking away all flustered. Mingi glanced at me, a secretive smile growing on his face. "Is that all?"
"We only got handcuffs and a blindfold in here besides the dildo," Mingi answered with a huff, looking around still before he spotted something. "Oh, now this..." Mingi grabbed the item and put it in the basket, moving out of the way when I tried to look.
"Ugh, you suck!" I huffed. "Let me see!"
Mingi booped my nose. "No."
I stuck my tongue out at him, following the guys through the store more, helping them pick out some more things before they finally went up to the cash register to check out. Mingi paid for the items, and I looked at him in confusion when he started to unwrap the dildo from its package.
"Can we use the back room?" he asked the clerk.
"As long as you clean up after yourselves."
"Mingi..." I said warily, gasping when he grabbed my hand. "Where are we going?"
"We're gonna test this baby out," Mingi answered, holding the toy in his other hand. Yeosang followed behind us. "It's the only way to know we got our money's worth."
"C-can't we test it out on the ship?!" I asked as Mingi pushed me in a small room in the back, it had just a couch and a large TV, which showed a video of a girl getting completely railed by a guy twice her size. My mouth fell open as I couldn't take my eyes away. Immediately, I was enthralled, feeling that deep tinge of arousal in my belly.
"Do you like to watch?" Yeosang asked softly, pressing up behind me as he whispered in my ear. "You like to see everything, right? I'm the same way..."
I shivered deeply, barely registering Mingi sitting on the couch as the woman's moans echoed in the speakers in the room. Yeosang took my hand and walked me over to the couch.
"Watching is all you'll do today, Yeosang," Mingi told the other and Yeosang nodded his head obediently. Immediately, I could tell what their dynamic was. "Now angel, get undressed."
Mingi was now looking at me and I gaped at him. "H-here? I..." I bit my lip, feeling flustered with my heart pounding, watching Yeosang get to his knees on the floor between Mingi's legs. He wanted to test the toy on me, so... what could hurt?
Biting my lip, I took my clothes off, hands shaking a bit as I dropped my shirt to the floor. The men hissed when they took in my naked form, their eyes hungry as they drank me in.
"God," Yeosang groaned, licking his lips. "Mingi, look at her."
"Fuck, I can't wait to fuck you," Mingi groaned, biting his lip. "Get over here and sit on my lap. Face Yeosang."
Nodding, I did as told, carefully sitting on Mingi's lap. Mingi wrapped his arms around me, pulling me back against his chest, letting me get comfortable. Then he spread my legs, using his own legs to keep them open and leaving me exposed. My cheeks were flushed, unable to look away from the expression that Yeosang had on his face as he stared at my pussy.
Before he could even lean in, Mingi tsked, making Yeosang freeze. "I said you're only watching." The tone in his voice made me shiver deeply, Yeosang biting his lip as he nodded.
"Good boy."
Mingi's hands started to roam my body, squeezing my breasts, playing with my nipples enough to have me breathing heavily. I could feel Yeosang's heated stare on me, the way he followed Mingi's every movement as he moved a hand down between my legs.
"You're wet already," Mingi whispered deeply, his voice just sinful as he started to play with my pussy, rubbing on my clit a few times before pressing his fingers in deeper. "You love to act so demure, but in reality, you love to get fucked, huh?"
Whimpering, I nodded my head. "Y-yes..."
"What was that?" His fingers easily slipped into me.
"Good girl," Mingi cooed, scissoring his fingers inside me while biting my ear lobe. "Damn, angel... you feel so fucking good... so wet..." Mingi thrust his fingers a few times, moving his thumb to press against my clit. I twitched, my head falling back against his shoulder as I moaned loudly. "That's it, angel. It feels good, huh? You like my fingers curling inside you?"
I nodded desperately, eyes opening and finding Yeosang focused on what's going on between my legs. His mouth was open slightly, his cheeks flushed.
"She's so pretty," he whispered softly and I groaned again. "You should put the dildo in her now. I wanna see her pussy stretched out around it."
God. Good God.
"Hmmm, you're right," Mingi agreed, pulling his fingers out, and I watched in awe as he held them out towards Yeosang. The man grabbed Mingi's wrist, taking his fingers into his mouth with a moan. "How's she taste?"
Yeosang groaned again, sucking on Mingi's fingers like he was sucking dick until they were clean. He pulled away. "Like a five star meal."
"Shit..." Mingi grunted, reaching beside him on the couch for the dildo. I gulped when he held it out in front of me, watching with hooded eyes as again, he reached for Yeosang. "Would you do the honors?"
Yeosang licked his lips. "With pleasure."
And I watched as he grabbed the dildo, his eyes finding me and freezing me in place as he started to blow it, sinking it deep into his mouth as he moaned. My legs shook, Yeosang getting the toy nice and wet before he handed it back to Mingi, who was so hard, I could feel him press up against me.
"Now..." Mingi said into my ear, shifting us just a bit to get us even more comfortable. "You ready?"
"Yeah," I answered breathlessly. Mingi grabbed the toy, positioning the tip against my entrance before slowly pushing it inside. I hissed, my eyes screwing shut at the stretch. "Just push it in."
He did so with a swift push, and the toy was fully inside of me. I cried out, head thrown back as I breathed heavily. "Shit, shit.... oh my God," I moaned, legs shaking while Mingi chuckled softly.
"I know you got this, angel. Look at you, so pretty when your cunt is full," Mingi whispered, kissing along my jaw. "And look at Yeosang. I know he's imagining finally being able to fuck you himself. He may look pretty, but Yeosang can fuck like a God. I know he'll make you cry, angel. But not before I do."
I whimpered, my gaze fuzzy. "Mingi... please..."
"Yeah, Mingi," Yeosang whispered breathlessly. "Fuck her with it already."
"Gosh, so impatient," Mingi shook his head, grabbing the base of the toy and slowly pulling it out of me. I panted, Mingi leaving in just the tip before he pushed it back in. He started out slowly, watching Yeosang move to the side so he could watch the purple toy push in and out of me. He licked his lips.
"How's that?" Mingi asked and I could only shake my head. "Hmm, good baby." Mingi picked up the pace, lewd noises filling up the room along with my cries as well as the sex noises from the TV. Mingi's free hand toyed and played with my nipples while he pressed hot kisses along the side of my face, breathing a bit heavily himself as he continued to fuck me with the toy.
"Hnng, Mingi..." I gasped softly, the pleasure from the toy coursing through my veins. I clenched the couch cushions, moaning again as I turned my head. I faced Mingi and he just kissed me hotly, moaning into my mouth as he pushed his tongue inside.
He moved his second hand down, fingers pressing to my clit and I quickly held onto his arms as I broke from the kiss with a moan. "Oh God, Mingi," I gasped, him thrusting into me with the toy and also rubbing on my clit making me go insane. Then there was Yeosang's every present stare, his tongue now sticking out like a love sick dog.
"I'm gonna cum," I breathed out, nails digging into Mingi's arms. "Mingi, please, please make me cum."
"Yeah? Angel, you're gonna cum all over my lap?" Mingi asked, keeping up with his movement between my legs, his fingers circling my clit as he fucked me deep with rhe dildo. "Come on then, baby. Let go..."
One more thrust, and my vision goes white as I cum, my orgasm hitting me hard as I go rigid in Mingi's lap. I let out a strangled sob, my body going absolutely limp against Mingi's, eyes rolling to the back of my head.
"God, you're so pretty..." Yeosang whispered softly, watching my chest heave up and down with each deep breath I took.
"You did so good, angel," Mingi whispered before he kissed my ear. He pulled the dildo out of me, putting it aside before he lifted me from his lap to sit me on the couch. "Yeosang, are you okay?"
"Yes, Mingi," Yeosang breathed out. "I hurt, though..."
"Oh? Let me help you..."
I was a bit dazed out for a while, in a deep, post nut bliss that had me dozing off for only a moment. When I came back to, I found Yeosang sitting on the couch, his pants down and Mingi on his knees with Yeosang's dick in his mouth.
"Fuuuck, Mingi," Yeosang moaned deeply with his fingers curled in his hair. "Feels good... don't stop..."
Mingi just kept blowing him, pulling back up and leaving just Yeosang's tip in his mouth. Mingi maintained eye contact with him as he sucked and sucked, using his tongue to lick him up and down a few more times before taking Yeosang whole again.
"Shit! Fuck! I'm cumming!" Yeosang gasped out before he threw his head back, letting out a deep, guttural moan as he came. "God... dammit!"
Mingi chuckled softly as he sat back on his heels, licking his lips while helping Yeosang get his pants back on. "You taste so good today, baby..."
Yeosang could only hum, blissful look on his face. He turned towards me though, gently brushing my cheek. "Are you ready to head back to the ship?"
I nodded my head slowly. "Yeah..."
"You want to watch us?" Mingi asked Yeosang as he gathered my clothes, handing them to me to put on.
Yeosang shook his head. "I want to take a nap."
Mingi let out a loud laugh, grabbing some cleaning spray and paper towels from beside the TV. "That's fair. Now get off the couch so I can clean it."
Yeosang and I stood up. "Mingi, are you okay? I can go down on you if you want." I said and he smirked at me while wiping down the couch.
"I'm fine, baby. I can wait. The only way I'm cumming, is inside your cunt."
Cheeks flushed, I turned away. "Oh."
Mingi snickered again behind his hand.
My vision was dark, the silk of the blind fold cool and soft against my skin. My wrists were handcuffed to each post of the bed, my ankles soon following a similar fate as Mingi used some more silk to tie them down to the other posts. I shifted my body a bit, truly finding myself vulnerable and at the mercy of the man running his fingers along my cheek.
"Comfortable?" Mingi asked lowly, gently touching my lips with the tips of his fingers.
I nodded, swallowing thickly. "Y-Yeah..."
"Remember to say the safeword if it gets too much for you."
"Yeah, I'll remember."
Mingi moved and I strained to hear where he was going. With my vision gone, I was a bit disoriented, way more aware of my surroundings as I tried to gain my bearings. He shuffled with something and I felt a few small thumps on the bed before hearing what sounded like rustling clothing.
Then the bed dipped, and there's a body on top of mine, soft pillowy lips ghosting along my skin. I took in a quick breath, already trying to wrap my arms around him and whining when I couldn't.
Mingi chuckled, his voice deep and husky as he kissed my neck. "You're mine to play with, angel. You should just relax."
"How can I relax when I don't know what you're doing?" I asked breathlessly.
"Isn't that the fun of it?" Mingi replied, his body suddenly not on mine. I whimpered.
"Fun for who?"
"Me, of course."
I liked my lips nervously, stilling when I heard a small click, followed by a low hum. I tensed up, jolting when he pressed the vibrating object on my lower belly. I sucked in a breath, feeling his intense stare on my face as he slowly moved it down. He pressed the vibrator to my clit, and he laughed when I jolted again, gasping sharply.
"That's it," Mingi hummed, and I felt him lean over me to start pressing kisses on my chest. He kissed and sucked on my tits while keeping the vibrator pressed on my clit, and all I could do was lie there and take it, breathing heavily as I already felt an orgasm starting to build.
"Mingi..." I gasped his name softly. "I'm close..."
"Already?" Mingi asked, using his tongue to flick on my hard nipples. "We just started."
"I..." I started, gasping when Mingi increased the power on the vibrator. That was enough to have me snap, a loud cry leaving my lips as my orgasm ripped through me. "Kiss me please."
Mingi's lips quickly found mine, kissing me hotly as I came around nothing. Soon, the oversensitivity started to hit, and Mingi still kept the vibrator on my clit.
"Mingi... it's too much," I whined, my legs jolting from the intense feeling.
"Nah, you can take it," he replied, now rubbing my clit with small circles. "Give me another one, and I'll use my tongue next."
"B-But..." I gasped out, feeling another orgasm slowly build. Mingi turned up the power even more, and I threw my head back as I came again, my body staining against my binds.
"But nothing," Mingi said firmly. "I'm going to play with my new toy however I see fit." His lips then pressed to mine again. "If you want to stop, just say the safeword."
I whimpered again, pulling my lips in a thin line as I shook my head. I couldn't see his reaction or his movements, only hear the click of him turning the vibrator off and putting it somewhere.
"That's a good girl. Just stay pretty for me, okay?"
I licked my lips and nodded, and I felt Mingi press kisses along my soft belly, his hands squeezing my flesh tenderly as he moved his way down. He kissed on my thighs, his lingering touches and teases leaving my body on fire. I let out a shuddering breath when Mingi finally pressed a kiss directly on my clit, chuckling softly before putting his mouth on me again.
Slow, languid strokes from his tongue was enough to have me completely check out, seeing as it was futile to try and maintain a grasp on reality. My body went lax and Mingi laughed, his deep voice raspy as he spoke.
He ate me out like a man savoring his last feast, groaning against me as he pushed his tongue inside before swiping it up to my clit, where he sucked it hard into his mouth. I cried out in pleasure, my fists clenched as I had nothing to hold on to. The feeling of being trapped and bound just increased my arousal, making me moan again.
"God, you taste so fucking good," Mingi groaned deeply, the slurping noises so lewd as he continued to feast. "And you make such pretty noises, angel. Like a symphony."
I really couldn't reply to that, panting heavily when Mingi pressed two fingers against my entrance. Then, he paused for a moment.
"Have you been fucked in the ass before?"
I squeaked before shaking my head frantically. "N-No, I never-- I don't think I'll like it...I don't know-"
"Shh, it's okay," Mingi pressed a kiss to my inner thigh, slowly pushing his fingers into me. I gasped, moaning when he started pumping them into me. "We can try that another time, if you want."
I only nodded, earning a small laugh before Mingi sucked my clit into his mouth again as he continued to finger me. His free hand moved up to massage one of my breasts, pinching my nipple rather hard. I hissed from the pain mixing with the pleasure, his tongue and fingers working me towards the brink of insanity.
"I'm gonna cum again," I gasped, Mingi curling his fingers to press against my g-spot without even saying a word. He repeatedly stroked that spot, and soon enough, I'm cumming for the fourth time today. Tears leaked from my eyes, immediately absorbed by the blindfold as I sobbed from the intense pleasure coursing through me.
"That's it, keep going, angel," Mingi moaned deeply, still fucking his fingers into me to prolong my orgasm. "Can't wait to fuck you now, holy shit..."
"Untie my ankles, please," I heaved out, still completely dazed, but I needed him inside me, struck with the need. "Fuck me, please Mingi? I want you..."
"I want you too, angel. So damn bad." I heard him shift before he started to untie my ankles from their restraints. "My pretty toy, waiting so patiently and asking so prettily. How do you want it, huh? Want it nice and slow? Or-"
"No. I want to be fucked. Please, Mingi, don't make me wait any longer." I was not above begging, and as I felt him hovering over me, I wrapped my legs around Mingi's waist, pulling him close. "I need your big cock splitting me open."
In response, Mingi just let out a light sigh, and his blunt tip soon pressed to my pussy. "How could I deny anything you ask for?" he asked softly, before he finally pushed himself in with a single, deep stroke.
I cried out, tossing my head back as Mingi didn't wait before he started to fuck me. The way he filled me up made me see stars, the way his hips rolled into mine with each thrust bringing me closer and closer to my doom.
His lips found mine with a deep kiss, his body right on mine. I moaned into the kiss, his body weight a welcome feeling.
"You feel so good," I whispered softly against Mingi's lip. "So good... please don't stop."
"Never," Mingi whispered back. "Shit, angel... gonna make you cum so hard."
His body lifted from mine, and I almost yelled out in protest, until I felt Mingi grab my hips tightly, and my voice lodged in my throat as he started to piston into me. Skin slapping against skin, my cries echoing in the room along with Mingi's own groans and curses.
"My pretty toy, getting fucked so good," Mingi moaned breathlessly. "Look at you... tied down for me to use. Do you like being my pretty fuck toy, huh?"
"Did you like being fucked by Wooyoung and San, huh? Who's next- fuck! -Seonghwa? He fucks so good, you wouldn't believe it. He is the Captain's favorite for a reason."
"Mmmnn, Mingi! Please!"
"Or maybe Yunho? He fucked me last night, and God, he's so good in bed."
"Oh! Oh, what if we all fuck you at the same time, huh? You'd like that, angel? Having us claim you?"
I was panting by then, Mingi's words and the way he fucked me turning my brain into mush. I just laid there and took it all, mouth open with drool dripping down.
"Shit... I'm gonna cum," Mingi whispered harshly before he pressed his thumb to my clit. "C'mon, angel. Cum for me too..."
I whimpered, Mingi rubbing rough circles on my clit as he fucked me within an inch of my life. Before long, I suddenly break under him, my body tensing up as I cum again, this one more intense than the others. So much so, all I could do was cry as Mingi soon came to his own orgasm, cursing loudly as he came deep inside of me.
"Fuck... oh fuck..."
Mingi pulled out of me and I could hear him breathing heavily above me. There was a moment of silence, us just trying to catch our breaths. Then, I felt him get off the bed, still silent as I heard him walk away.
"... Mingi?" I asked, my voice small. I didn't get an answer, and for some reason I couldn't comprehend, I started to panic, more tears burning in my eyes. "Mingi, where did you go?" The panic was clear in my voice, and my lips trembled.
"Oh no, wait wait," Mingi suddenly reappeared, climbing onto the bed to cup my face gently. "I'm sorry, angel, please don't cry. I just went to the bathroom to get a rag." He pressed a soft kiss to my lips. "I'm sorry, I should have said something."
Lips still quivering, I nodded. "I got scared..."
"I know, angel, I'm sorry. I'm going to free your arms now..." Mingi was gentle as he uncuffed my wrists, pressing soft, sweet kisses on my skin as he did so. He helped me sit up, rubbing my back as he kissed my shoulder. "Do you want me to take off the blindfold? I turned out the lights in the room already." When I nodded, he took off the blindfold and I blinked a few times as I looked around the darkened bedroom. The only light source was the dim lamp that was on his night stand.
Mingi gently pushed my glasses onto my face, and since I was already used to the darkness, I could immediately see Mingi's cute, smiling face. He was shirtless, only wearing a pair of sweatpants. I leaned in, pressing my forehead against his as I smiled shyly.
He chuckled. "Hi, cutie. Are you okay?" He gently ran his hands up and down my arms, looking over my body. "Do you want me to clean you up?" I nodded and he took a moment to do so before we both laid back on the bed. Mingi held me to him, keeping his arms tight around me as he pressed his face to my neck.
"I'm glad you had fun," Mingi whispered, kissing my cheek. “You... did have fun, right?”
I couldn't help but laugh at the uncertainty in his voice, kissing the tip of his nose sweetly. Mingi blushed and I grinned. “I had lots of fun.”
Mingi hummed in satisfaction, laying his head down again before he smirked. “Good... ‘cause if not, I'd have to bring out even more toys.”
I shivered in delight, resting my head on his chest. “And that just sounds like a good time.”
“Trust me... it is.”
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jackwhiteprophetic · 2 days
okayokayokay you asked for asks so i'm asking (i'm hoping these aren't things you've already answered, and for like a dissertation back because i love reading all your thoughts)
i think s7 really suffered from inconsistent writing (and a plot that wasn't cohesive at all, esp because it's an ensemble cast) do you think s8 will do better? i'm really hoping it does.
i miss shenanigans. like s7 definitely had some but i think the season was so short and a little all over the place, i feel like we deserve some hijinks (esp because of gerrard being back)
if you had like an ideal disaster arc that led to buddie getting together (i'm thinking shooting 2.0) what would it be?
also i love carlo's song
I LOVE ALL OF THIS AND THANK YOU SO MUCH. Unrelated but I'm currently feeling SO pissed off because I tried to long onto my childhood email account for nostalgia fun and THEY DELETED ALL MY OLD EMAILS.
I love to hear that people like to hear me talk, especially about 9-1-1, so THANK YOU ALSO!!! I really love your questions, and never worry about if I've answered them before because I will always answer again AND I actually have no memory of anything I say ever, so I will probably think it's a new thing every time.
Yesss so I think with S7 the writing was rushed and the filming was rushed due to strikes and stuff, and the new network, like it was all fresh and new and chaotic. They knew the things they had to hit (cruise ship, Madney wedding) and they hit those well. But in between it didn't flow very well, because they shifted things around. I think the issue started with the Bachelor (not party) crossover in 704. They had to swap over different storylines to make room, they ended up deleting an entire scene they had films and that we had stills for (which I think was someone up high somewhere which COULD HAVE BEEN A VERTIGO REFERENCE???). So yeah. Things went downhill a bit because while individual storylines were interesting, people were kept fairly separate and there weren't even really any team scenes where they all discussed things (because they weren't sure which order they'd do, they can't have Buck and Eddie slightly annoyed at each other in the background of a Hen and Chim scene bc they might swap the storylines between episodes the week before the episode airs).
And to make up for the lack of fluidity, they had the medal ceremony. Which just didn't really hit, maybe because we'd seen so many stills that we didn't get scenes of, and because yeah, it wasn't very fluid so bigger scenes felt kind of off? It must be so fucking hard for the actors to be making decisions for scenes when they don't know which order it's going to have been in.
I also think they slowed down after they found out about season 8, and they've already started writing, and I think the fact they have more time to film and more actual episodes will mean it's more fluid.
I do find it so interesting though how the fact that they only had 10 episodes and essentially still tried to fit 18 episodes of plot into that, tied with them knowing there may be new viewers and having to reintroduce characters and dynamics, they reduced relationships right down to what they are prioritising that the viewers see. So we have Bathena and Bobby grappling with his past, so the audience knows Bobby's past, and we have Hen and Chim and how their families are linked and their own family dynamics, we have Maddie's past and the Madney and Henren families, and we have Buck and Eddie, so massively and messily interlinked this season.
We barely saw Buck with Maddie, HIS OWN SISTER, this season, and their only scene just the two of them was not really about Maddie at all, it was about Buck and his life and also his relationship with Eddie. So yeah, they really really focused on highlighting the key dynamics they wanted us to see this season. Which is very interesting. I just wish they had done it more fluidly, but oh well.
But yeah, they never had time for filler episodes this season, the episodes where little happened (one could argue 705, 707, 709ish) weren't really filler episodes, they were more episodes that were having to tie up loose ends from the last and establish the next episode. If that makes sense? I also think they just decided this season that they didn't really have much time for firefighting? Which idk, it's disappointing, but yeah, they actually did not have much time and people remember the personal things more????
ANYWAY I AM SO HOPEFUL FOR NEXT SEASON AND I HOPE THIS MAKES SENSE? but also I really enjoyed writing it anyway!!! FEEL FREE TO SEND ME ASKS ALWAYS!!! THEY BRING ME MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF JOY!!!! And yes Carlos song is fucking incredible I am so excited I am going back to the place I first heard it next week!!!!!
Have a beautiful day if possible, and I love you all and I think you are doing amazing!!!!!! REMEMBER TO EAT AND DRINK AND SLEEP AND SUCH!! and also do something fun, like if you have nice food then just eat it, you don't have to justify it to yourself I'm literally telling you to! Trust your instincts especially if they're positive ones!!!!!!!!!!! I'm just rambling now, my phone is on 5% we shall see how long it lasts!!
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 days
I actually think that THE funniest time travel concept, like, ever, acrually, would be team Taka + Orochimaru and maybe Mitsuki going from either boruto or directly before boruto into almost anywhere in Naruto Shippuden
Specifically them at the weird impass they have where they're all just apparently cool with Orochimaru now, and Orochimaru is living the good life as a stay at home mom (slash still mad scientist but with slightly less corpses involved)
No matter where you drop them into naruto shippuden it's just really, really fucking funny
Like you have this sliding scale for how visibly insane Orochimaru is at any given moment in canon vs just him peacefully living out the stay at home mom dream w this team of people that, at wome points in time, he was ACTIVLEY TORTURING !!! But they're just?? Cool now???? And Orochimaru isn't even explicitly in charge and will sometimes deffer to them (Sasuke specifically) ?????????
Make it funnier and make them a proper functional family dynamic of some kind, no one knows how they got there (it's probably largley in part bc of Mitsuki)
If Mitsuki is there play into him being just a collective kid / little brother for them it'll be fun
Honestly I really like Mitsuki (I've been more tempted to watch/read boruto than actual naruto JUST for him actually, I love snake characters) and I've seen a couple time travel fics for him floating around but I always wish there were more. He's so funny !!! And the concept of him not only being Orochimaru's recognized son but also regarding Orochimaru as a good parent, is fucking insane to literally ANYONE at ANY point in time of naruto canon !!! I want to see people do more w that !!!!
The only thing holding me back at this point is I know very little ab the specifics of team Taka outside of the handful of good them-centered fics I've been able to find. So I don't think I could enjoyably write them while feeling confident in their characterization
Oh also give Karin a scene where she gives half of Konoha a fucking heart attack by being a loud red haired Uzumaki woman with chakra chains (*Kushina parallel noises*)
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what would you say you mean by fucked-up relationships? /genq
Toxic relationships, abusive relationships, hand in unlovable hand type stuff, etc. Not necessarily romantic, either. Just general stuff that would be terrible in real life, is very interesting to me for whatever reason. I’ve got a whole alt Ao3 account for darker stuff I write.
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whaliiwatching · 1 year
hobie in a croptop that says ‘thot crime’
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and proud of it too
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atanxdoesstuff · 3 months
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nejisasu doodle! a universe where the hyuuga's slavery bs doesn't get ignored and Neji and Sasuke are better off for it (and also they're married)
#digital art#naruto fanart#artists on tumblr#hyuuga neji#uchiha sasuke#doodle#nejisasu#sasuneji#i personally have hit them with the aspec and qpr beam#but it can be read as romantic lol#sasuke is totally a huge ass brat in a happier world#but like in an adorable and funny way#i really wanted to draw sth digitally so i just went through my sketchbook and drew a scene i liked#also i experimented with brushes a bit because normally i start with a flat ass no texture colour layer#and i think csp did not like that because when i first exported the file it was like 21 fucking MB#like normally my pngs end up around 5 MB#and the canvas was the same size#i figure since there was no real continuous plane of colour more information has to be saved? anyway i scaled the png down by like 50 perce#this is inspired by an au of mine in fact the sketch i adapted was for that au but i decided fuck it#vanilla characers (-ish) it is#yall i cant fucking believe how the hyuuga side branch is treated in the series#and how sasuke is treated!! kakashi fr acts like hes a spoiled brat when his entire family was murdered and he was fucking tortured#and has been alone since he was like 7#yeah he is a bit of an ass but spoiled??#also kakashi fr saying in the prelims that the hyuuga are konoha's best clan like excuse me what dojutsu do u have in ur eyesocket??#its wild ive been reading naruto parallel to writing my fanfic for the first time and its certaintly... something#also the sandaime going like each person in the village is my preicous person uhuh each person except all of the uchiha apparently#and except the hyuuga side branch. and all the people sent on traumatising missions#and all the people he lets danzo kidnap and brainwash#and naruto who he let grow up all alone. and all the people he sends to die fighting for a perpetual cycle of violence :D fun stuff!
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I'm very excited for more content of your lights out au, I'm so eager to see just how good you can get at writing/creating angst!
oh babey. thats where i Shine.
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genuine question but is there any fandom where a character is well written by the majority. im thinking about fandom culture and the spread of frustration when people dont write characters well but. honestly in all the fandoms ive been in there's only like, a Select number of authors who i trust to write Well, let alone write Well AND In Character. character analysis and writing and getting inside characters' heads are all separate skills (all of which are trained by roleplaying fyi can CONFIRM playing pretend with your friends is good for you). there's been more than once where I've disagreed with an interpretation that others agreed with, and then I turned out wrong. or i turned out right. like it doesnt matter WHO is right it just matters that differences in character analysis exist, so even if you DO write well AND write in character, your in character is still going to be someone else's out of character
there's this sort of. vibe. that to play in the sandbox you Need to be able to make a castle, and if you can't make a castle then you shouldn't bother, and it completely dismisses the idea that youre in that sandbox to PLAY in the first place. there's this Weight of disappointing someone if you can't build something that they like, but that forgets that you aren't there to build them a castle. like, be KIND. if you disagree with someone then please make an effort to do so kindly. i dont give a shit about fandom discourse but there is a reason kids get removed from sandboxes if they keep throwing sand in people's eyes. but if they don't like your misshapen sand pile, then youre not obligated to change it. even if you yourself end up hating that same sand pile later- youre not building a legacy. youre playing. and sometimes the result of that play is out of character drivel. theres a reason there are so many authors and so few who i like to consistently read and thats because everyone is Fucking Around in their hobby space. hash tag brag or whatever but i can build castles. ive built several that im v proud of. ive also dug holes in the sand for fun and then tripped on them when trying to get up. I often dug a hole and then got up and fucking- whoops, its a castle now, and i didn't realize i'd made something to be proud of until after the fact. the whole time while creating shit i was Convinced it was bullshit that didn't make sense. and then other times i was Convinced it was bullshit and then i was Right and i can look back and go. huh. ew. but it doesn't matter what the end result was, because i had fun playing in the sandbox
this wasn't meant to turn into a ramble but i have Feelings about bad art and art that's badly perceived and how public perception can screw with your head and how making art youre proud of is fucking. it's so difficult!!! it's hard!! it's really fun, which is why i try to make it, but i promise you it is Okay to not tryhard creativity. even if you CAN, it's okay not to do it all the time. or ever, even. fuck around find out have fun etc
#NOT a discourse post i am musing out loud#there's discourse goign around the dash rn or i wouldnt mention it#but the past few weeks ive seen a lot of “DONT fucking mischaracterize my guy my fuckign god”#which is one of the most frustrating pet peeve there is#but i think a lot too about little baby me#fresh on her writing journey#and how discouraged i would be if someone pointed out the mistakes id made#i made a Lot of fuckups#and i also think about this one fic where one of the characters was INCREDIBLY out of character#me today would not be able to stomach reading it#but baby me was so ENCHANTED#and it introduced to me the concept that you dont always know the reason someone does something#and it made me read even more#and because of that i eventually found Expert Skill level fics#which introduced me to MANY little tricks and fidgets ive tried to implement#there were so so many reviews on that fic that called it shit or complained about the bad characterization#but a decade later i still think about it#there were several very corny mine/craft horror fics i read#which back in the day would be called cringe#and those were what inspired me to write my first horror fic and now im Enchanted by the whole genre#theres a lot of stuff i dont like to read but i like that other people are enjoying themselves#i dont know how to be succinct i hope my point is coming across well#this ties into my thing where fiction is for you first others later#here are my credentials: bb/h fan since before the elections (hi i was the guy who noticed his lack of armour post elections)#and a cross-fandom comment trend of people going 'woa i can see this happening in canon'#im not talking out my ass i genuinely think its more important to have fun than to write accurate characterization#which. is a more 'duh' and clarifying thing than everything else ive written#but ah well c'est la vie#also also just realized this could be interpreted like that- NOT an attack on people who complain about mischaracterization either lmao#i do that too w friends. this is to reassure people who put pressure on themselves to create things Well all the time
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bunnihearted · 7 days
#i hope no one reads this bc my avpd is crazy rn and i cant be affectionate#BUT...#i know there are some good ppl in the world#many ppl on tumblr (and twitter) has been very kind to me#i know not everyone are bad ppl#im just stuck in this bpd mood where only ONE thing is true#and i constantly feel so hurt and trampled on and disrespected#and i feel like i cannot trust anyone#so my brain hones in on that i feel unsafe w everyone#but okkkk listen i know i know some ppl are very nice to me#and i appreciate that more than i can ever have words for#so.. like yeah i've gotten some asks but i cant reply bc i cant be social directly#but no i dont hate everyone on here or think every single person is awful#like when ppl are nice to me no i dont think theyre horrible#but with my trauma brain... and my past experiences#i get very sensitive sometimes and i feel like everyobe are lying to me and making fun of me#and everyone is in on a joke abt me that im unaware of#and i feel like if i lay myself bare i'll only be taken advantage of and humiliated#i just feel right now very weak and like all my skin's off#and im walking around like a huge wound and if someone even breathes on me it hurts so much#so im sorry for being mean and saying so many rude things rn im just kinda falling apart#but i still have capacity to recognize that ppl are nice to me on here ok i just dont know what ro#what to do with it*** bc im not used to that#im used to ppl bullying me or being mean and i hate that but i just cry and hurt myself and i know what to do#when someone's nice to me i feel like the world is upside down and the sky is like green and the water is red i dont get it#anyway.. yeah i hope no one reads this and when i ramble and write a lot the chance of less ppl reading gets higher#anyway... i just wanted to write this and get it out into the universe#bc i sometimes do things to isolate myself even further bc i've never had community or support or comfort or friendships so lowkey i dont#even want to nurture things that can lead to that bc idk what to do with that. how to not fuck it up.#anyway... idk what im saying or thinking even
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waywardsalt · 1 year
im actually going to tear into totk’s dragon’s tears/ memories rn bc i remember feeling distinctly unsatisfied with them when i got all of them so im just going to write some general bullet points about them, about what i dislike or maybe what i do actually like about them, leaving out both master sword scenes and the mummydorf one because i’m here to talk about the stuff in the past not that
- off the bat (i play this game in english btw so all of this is based on the english text and translation i am aware some stuff is slightly different in other languages) im not really a fan of how the descriptions of all of the tears is just a literal description of what happens?? i think my issue with it is that some of the text is a little bit too in depth, as in it just tells you literally everything about the scene. this might be nitpick-y but i personally dont like it
- what’s up with zelda saying ‘but that must mean...!’ at the end of the scene. is it suggesting that she’s made the realization that rauru and sonia are the first king and queen of hyrule? because they literally tell her that like ten seconds before. i guess it’s suggesting she’s realizing she’s in the past but... idk the texts says ‘she’s left startled by a suspicion that she’s heard those names before’ yeah theyre the first king and queen of hyrule?? they tell her that. they tell her their names and that they are the first leaders of hyrule is she just now connecting the dots that she’s in the past? that’s what the next cutscene implies. but all of the surrounding dialogue and the description don’t suggest that that’s what she’s realizing i feel like this was kind of muddled in the translation
- why did sonia elbow rauru he was just standing weird he didnt say anything this isnt a nitpick im just confused. is it because he’s not being very empathetic towards what zelda’s going through? she elbows him and then she goes and talks to zelda why even elbow rauru. ordinarily you elbow someone like that if you mean for them to go do something why elbow someone if you’re going to do the thing you want anyways
- why doesnt zelda offer to help with the purah pad or anything like that. what happened to her sheikah tech fascination from botw. not even as someone actually familiar with the technology who could give mineru some points as to how it works
- what are sonia and zelda doing behind rauru when he shoots that insane fucking beam at the mulduga swarm they’re clearly doing something with their stones but like... are they amplifying rauru’s power somehow?? what do time powers have to do with the beam of light i dont- what were they doing please the text description only mentions him using his powers so are sonia and zelda just... supporting his powers? idk man
- dragon tear #5 is a whole can of worms with its worse-than-oot reenactment of that one scene from oot. why the focus on sonia and her tear btw. i mean yeah she dies to motivate rauru and zelda but like. why not aim for the new girl who probably doesn’t know how to use it as much and is probably more likely to be separate from the king who can shot insane lasers. im really not a fan of this scene for how strongly the game sides with rauru and zelda being passive and judgemental but ganondorf is literally the best part of it there’s a lot of character in just how he picks up his sword and stands up to leave
- putting memories 6 and 7 together just because of how there was just. no fucking care put into the idea of zelda learning to use her time powers. memory 6 zelda talks about wanting to use her time powers and sonia gives her tips on how she could use it and visualize the use of it and then in memory 7 she can just use it perfectly with great control and timing. why even bother talking about her nothing yet understanding how to use it when the very next scene she just uses it like it’s nothing. how much time has passed we get nothing to show us zelda trying to practice this power just. nope. she’s good she can use it perfectly. also more awkward dialogue sonia saying ‘what a picture zelda paints of him’ as she is. looking directly at zelda. change the line to like, ‘what a picture you paint of him’ she is literally looking right at zelda so why would she say it like that
- generally i feel like memory six should have been before 4 and 5 (4 being where she uses some power to... support??? rauru and it being before memory 5 so that there isnt this weird break in between the memories concerning ganondorf.) memory 6 does not have anything to do with memory 4 or 5 so just put it earlier so there isnt a weird shift in focus between the two big ganondorf scenes
- good god they introduce the idea of sonia and zelda being aware of ganondorf using a fake zelda but theres literally nothing about it having been a problem or them having experience or like. anything. they just TELL you that they know and suggest that it’s been like. a thing for a bit??? also obligatory ganondorf’s face model rigging is fucked comment he’s still the best part
- the pacing of these memories is just weird in general, memories 7 and 8 being separate but the same scene is strange when other memories are long as fuck but cover one event each, plus theres clearly barely any passage of time between memories 7 and 8 it almost feels like they were split up to fill space or just because otherwise it’d be... too long? man idk
- ‘queen sonia needs you!’ girl she is DEAD good fucking luck doing anything to help her
- ganondorf’s horse and its armor both look sick as fuck i really wish you got to see more of it outside the memory it appears in
- everything about the original sages honestly sucks. they aren’t characters they’re just walking macguffins. they have no names and are not relevant or mentioned or make any appearance until they are needed by the story. why does the zora sage talk about getting word about the attacked gerudo village in this scene when like. they’ve all met up and have clearly. been together for a bit. when she gives them the news it’s clearly the first they’ve heard of it... but... why would she wait until this moments to give this info unless for the benefit of the player watching the scene. why does the ZORA sage have this news and not... the gerudo sage?? what’s with the masks. they’re all made of zonaite or whatever sure theyre gifts from rauru but like. i hate that it kind of denotes them being subservient and lower than him and the zonai. honestly i really hate this scene in general mostly because of the uncomfortable showing of how rauru absolutely holds power over them and despite them being leaders as well they are expected to be wholly blindly loyal to him. rauru only gives them these stones when he needs their aid and they swear loyalty too him soon after but you also see that sonia and mineru have stones, too, so they’re clearly withholding these things despite it being kind of reasonable for him to give each race their own secret stone as further proof of their pact? there is so much shit to be said about the imperialistic themes or whatever in this fucking story and i really hate it
- i do kinda like how the next scene shows you that the one rock in the corner of that first hidden room in the forgotten temple is sonia’s grave
- zelda’s phrasing and description of how she and link found ganondorf is weird to me ‘he’s still alive’ ‘he lives on’ girl that was a mummy. he was not moving until you got there. he’s undead at best as far as you know. this is def a nitpick but eh. also the reliance on link is a... bit odd when zelda does not actually know that link is safe until she gets the master sword. its fine but still. also her shell-shocked expression after rauru talks about her being in the past for a reason is a bit... it doesn’t fit her emotion it’s kind of similar to the expression she had when sonia was killed
- the memory about the imprisoning war starts with practically the whole story up until now being repeated back to you by mineru with a decent amount of bias on mineru’s part and while it’s fine because of some of the extra stuff you learn but it does a lot more telling rather than showing when it comes to the actual imprisoning war and... idk the whole thing about their ‘fight’ kind of falls flat when you don’t actually see any fighting you just see that the sages have gotten their asses beat. i think it would have been a little interesting if in the god-awful repetitive sage-awakening scenes they had actually showed you the og sages fighting ganondorf instead of just. slow-mo freeze-frames for whatever. once again ganondorf if the best part of the scene
- the rest of the memories are fine idc
i get the feeling that the japanese-to-english translation was either all-around rough or somehow rushed, because some of the phrases in the game as well as some of the dialogue is really awkward and... could have been better. i don’t know how it works but it feels like a lot of it was very literal, direct translation and no one at noa thought that it ought to be tweaked just a little bit
these memories also do a fuck-ton of telling rather than showing and it really is like they don’t really trust you to connect the dots, and some of it does come off like they either didn’t want to make more memories or ran out of time or something. i felt like the memory of ganondorf just summoning his monsters and riding on his cool horse could have been a bit longer to actually show us the forces of hyrule fighting him and having a hard time with it
a lot of the character animations doesn’t have a whole lot of personality to them, ganondorf is the character who had the most distinct and interesting movements. rauru and sonia had their... singular movement (rauru putting a hand to his chin and sonia taking zelda’s hands) and zelda was kind of just... standing around and reacting to stuff, and neither mineru nor any of the other sages had any really interesting animations asides from mineru’s coughing fit in memory 16 (plus her reclining chair that was a nice touch). very few of their movements really express anything about the characters besides some really baseline values or traits.
the ordering of some memories is kind of odd, the excessive flashbacks in memory 17 are a bit much, the telling rather than showing, the sometimes awkward dialogue, a lot of the scenes are characters just... talking at each other, you don’t actually see very much of hyrule in the past or any characters beyond the main four, and it really did nothing to actually get me to care about these characters at all.
tldr i dont like totk’s dragon tears
#i didnt want to revisit this game but the memories in totk bother me. once im done with this tho i can go read my new volumes of berserk#salty talks#loz#legend of zelda#totk#literally the narrative of this game dragged the rest of the game through mud for me so im going to complain abt it more#any time i wanted to rewatch a part of a scene i have to sit through a few minutes of bullshit just to get to the point.#these things are so long and barely anything happens in them#half of these cutscenes are just characters standing around and talking theres so little actual character to most of the character movements#ganondorf has the most emotive and distinct movements in all of these scenes#they have the most personality and you get the most variety. with rauru and sonia its just. shes gentle n motherly hes uhhhh arrogant king#honest to god. i miss linebeck. i miss the way he was animated and the sheer amount of personality they gave him in every cutscene#fuck man i miss botw's memories. despite them being shorter (i'm pretty sure) i feel like there was more essence to them. more character#listen. i understand that gamedev is hard and so is writing and animating but like. this game is seventy fucking dollars.#despite him being so disappointingly one-note. ganondorf was the most interesting fucking character in these memories#finding the dragon's tears was fun but actually watching them was lame af#hey remember those posts i made about ph's cutscenes? maybe its the autism but i feel like i couldnt write those paragraphs abt totk#ig just. ph is my special interest and i have a negative bias against totk. if you think im dead wrong about this stuff go ahead.#i dont blame anyone for taking my words with a grain of salt. come to your own conclusions. if oyu like totk's memories cool!#anyways im done bye im gonna read berserk. which actually has a nuanced story and world and characters and a multi-faceted villain#totk spoilers#bitching abt totk
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vehxmence · 4 days
i think something that deserves to be pointed out, especially in this era of "yOu mUsT cOnDoNe tHiS bEhAvIoR" when it comes to fictional fucking characters, is the use of an unreliable narrator. I don't know if it's the desire to declare someone else "problematic" to gain some moral high ground or just a reading comprehension issue or both, but I've seen it happen both with my own muses and others', to varying degrees of offense of readers. Just because my character is having an internal monologue, or icly "justifying" their behavior, does not mean those thoughts are those of me, the writer.
Sure, we might agree on some things, like how pineapple does go on pizza and that you're an inconsiderate douche if you drive slow in the passing lane, but discernment of mun from muse is incredibly important. And then you have the occasional people who self-insert to use their muses as a cover to talk to people in ways they don't dare to directly, which further muddies the water, and I'm terribly sorry if that's been your experience (I've run into it myself, which is actually a very small part of why I prefer not to interact with self-inserts anymore!), but you cannot assume everyone is doing that because 1. that's exhausting for you, 2. you're most certainly passing up perfectly good opportunities for interaction, and 3. the vast majority of people, even on ye olde blue hellsite, really are not out to intentionally be dicks and upset people, despite the prevalence of terminally online stupidity.
Now, normally an unreliable narrator is a first-person thing, but it can absolutely be done in the third-person manner of most rp styles, though it might be a little subtler and vary by the writer's narration style. For example, in a post, I might write about Hawker thinking about her philosophy that the best defense is a good offense, and how [insert enemy group here] might just need their leader made an example of in a manner that would probably constitute a war crime or at the very least something wildly outside the bounds of accepted international justice. This isn't in dialogue, it's in the narrative and meant to illustrate a character's thoughts. It starts to show up when you're "showing, not telling" and getting beyond the immediate and obvious action a character is doing.
It's also not me, the writer, telling you that that is what I personally believe. I'm not doing that. It would be different if I made an ooc post or talked ooc in the tags and said "I think x group should be [war crime]d" or "I think it is okay to chop someone's hands off and FedEx them to their friends if they piss you off" (yes, Hawk did this). This is just the severest example I can think of, but does that...kind of make sense?
There are different ways a narrator can be unreliable, too -- maturity, substance influence, etc -- in my example, Hawker has a lot of unaddressed trauma and anger and lives in an abnormal and unhealthy environment where she is always "on" and in fight or flight (usually fight) mode. She has been powerless her entire life and has just come into serious power -- she is in a place of turning the tables on "the enemy" now and is, predictably, savoring this "justice" -- so she views everything through that lens. That absolutely skews her judgment and makes her paranoid, sadistic, and more likely to justify violence or unwarranted cruelty. We could psychoanalyze my leading lady bioterrorist hunter all day but that's not the important part of this post.
TL;DR, I guess, before you ever get mad or offended by someone's ic post, ask yourself if it sounds more in or out of character. If you can't tell, that's either a comprehension issue on your end or a poor division on theirs or maybe both. It doesn't hurt to ask for clarification, but as I said before...they are probably not really a fucked up person in real life and if you are looking for reasons to demonize other dorks playing pretend on the internet, it's probably you that needs the tune-up.
#zulu time // ooc#under the cut because LONG#i was talking to someone earlier about the fedex hands incident and how it makes me giggle how everyone thinks it is funny#and it spawned this big old brain dump. but here you go i think this is important beyond just 'mind the line between ic/ooc'#yes it goes along with that but i've SEEN this happen where people take a character's inner thoughts/The Narrative as the mun's#re: fedex hands people think that one's funny or 'yeah that's just hawk' because girl power etc (it was over a man touching her)#but if i changed the context and had her just do it to someone as a threat it might not be received the same#and this is ABSOLUTELY IC -- consider the world hawk is operating in. she's competing for space and resources#against warlords and violent extremists and oh by the way her ACTUAL enemy - agents of bioterror/corrupt organizations#she is simply speaking the language of the world she has found herself in and that doesn't make it morally right nor am i saying it is#there's a big difference in me writing a narrative in which hawk is thinking 'all these handsy pricks deserve mutilation'#and me actually overtly oocly saying 'men should have their hands chopped off for being annoying'#but reading comprehension at even this superficial level is just SO fucking low and/or people view being Offended as power here#like no dude most people are NOT out to try and upset you sorry to burst your bubble but don't project your terminally online feelings#on people and make them out to be Attacking You Specifically you aren't that special#but on the positive side this can be a REALLY fun way to explore shit about your characters if you execute it well#i'm still getting better at it because if you've been around here for five minutes you know how i love to play the Villain Parallel with he#i'm trying to take it a step further and pull the frog-in-the-boiling-pot thing re: acceptability of hawk's behavior just because#she is on the 'right team' and i WANT it to make people's muses uncomfortable when they finally realize what they are (potentially)#dealing or even becoming friends with. i also like challenging the notion of heroes who are Always Honorable All The Time#and that war/conflict are clear-cut and obvious and/or that there is anything glamorous and fun about them#but i digress. i have lots of thoughts tonight and it's not about anything i NEED to be doing lmao
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ssreeder · 5 months
Hi pook 😢 ( sorry if u don’t like the nickname) but I’ve been reading your series and I am reading Into the Fire (chapter 8) and I’m just wondering why you made Sokka give in so easily when people tell him to control himself that’s not Zuko. Because I would imagine that he would be more stubborn and more focused on what he wants instead of being caring. Even though he’s a caring and kind person I feel like being in prison would make him more selfish and less understanding of other people if than makes sense 😭
Like it just aggravates me when I see Katara try to idk really baby him and control him a bit (not mentally) it just kind of annoys me. Because even though Sokka loves his Sister I feel like he shouldn’t listen to her for real.
But that’s just me because that’s my opinion coming from someone behind has anger issues/ gets angry easily 🤷‍♀️
I love love love this series btw!!!!
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I added your other ask too so I could respond to both! Hiiii hellooooo I don’t mind nicknames it’s actually nice because then I can keep anons apart haha
as for your comment about sokka I gotta say you’re probably the first person to tell me sokka isn’t angry enough haha. Which is fine because everyone’s allowed to have their own opinions, but my thoughts on LIAB angry sokka is his intelligence is often battling his emotions. I think sokka is smart enough to know he isn’t supposed to be lashing out at people the way he is or clinging to Zuko so tightly to where they both can’t breathe. i also think he is desperate to be back to his “old self” without actually wanting to be his old self. I do think he is fighting his path to healing every step of the way but even with all the time spent in prison he is still SOKKA. He cares for people he loves his family and he knows from watching his parents growing up what a healthy relationship looks like - his codependency to zuko is probably not it. I doubt it will change much, but when people tell him ‘you need to chill’ Sokka is very much like I FUCKING KNOW BUT I HAVE NO CHILL!!! NONE! ZERO CHILL.
but I can’t imagine sokka wanting to hurt anyone who doesn’t deserve it. Or fighting his friends and family to isolate himself anymore than he already is. I have learned that writing a more emotionally triggering fic does stir up emotions in people and causes them to project onto the characters a bit which is fine but everyone processing trauma differently. & sokka is doing it his own way just like zuko is.
Also…. This is a fanfic and I don’t know if people wanna read sokka being a raging asshole for 50k… so some of the realism in healing gets lost to word count because unfortunately I can’t spend years and 1000k helping these boys overcome their trauma so some of it has to be rushed a little for word count / plot purposes haha.
Liiiiiiisten here pooki-anon you come yell at me anytime about liab I’ll be right here to soak up every word! Thanks for the ask I’m glad you’re enjoying the series!!
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