#I wanted to give them the change to be somewhat put back together to where they can at least function
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luluthespectator · 2 days ago
Rough beginning
I finally finished the continuation of A New Era. It took time but I believe in “quality over quantity”. I’m tagging someone who wanted to see this @jay--o. Hopefully you’ll enjoy it.
After the celebration, when the aliens went back in their respective sectors, The Pillars stepped in the ship. The corridors were large enough to fit all three of them in the same line.
However, Scozar quickly slithered in front of the group, taking its lead while exploring. It didn’t bother the two others. Maena looked around the place, her eyes expertly scanning the ship, giving her all the information she needed.
The corridors were pristine, it had a white immaculate look. The look a ship has right after its construction. She would probably be one of the first pilots to fly it outside of the atmosphere.
The Primavix walked slowly behind them. They kept their hands together but didn’t seem to pay any attention to their surroundings. Perhaps, they were, but with only a sphere for a head, the others couldn’t tell their expression.
The Pillars were all quiet when they entered the pilot’s room. However, The Human started to smile and her expression brightened. She ran over to the pilot’s chair, ignoring the aggressive look Scozar gave her when she passed by him.
She let herself collapse on the chair, laughing to herself. She opened some holographic screens before feeling the ominous presence of a shadow above her. She didn’t need to look up from the holograms to know it was Scozar. She could feel vibrations in her whole body however the translation device on her ear told her exactly what was “said”:
-Who allowed you to do that?
Her brows furrowed. She opened her mouth but no sound came. She thought for a few seconds, looking through a few settings, before answering perplexed:
-Well, I’m going to be the pilot, so I kind of need to understand how the ship operates, to change some settings, just get used to it.
-Don’t you understand where you stand?
This question confused her even more. What did he mean by that? Did he want to know if she knew she was standing on a chair? Or did he want to ask where she stood in a hierarchy point of view?
-Where I stand?
Scozar half-closed his eyes, harbouring some kind of smug expression. He put his sun-themed spear in his other hand, closer to Maena. She could make out the details on it. 
Strange lines were carved in the orange metal holding a black blade. Some of those lines morphed into additional spikes near the already sharp blade. He seemed somewhat proud to brandish it. It reflected in his words.
-I was chosen to be your leader.
-I’ve never heard that. 
Upon hearing it, he glared at Maena. His eyes were almost closed but she could still feel his gaze. What was he feeling? He was either angry or looking down on her. Who was she kidding? Of course he was looking down on her. She continued, less confident than she wanted:
-I thought we were supposed to make decisions together.
-Don’t you know why they made me come here?
She stopped fiddling with the settings for a moment and thought about what she had learned about his species, tapping her nails on the desk.
-Well, from as far as I understand, they put you here to keep some kind of truce going.
-Indeed. Do you see the implication now?
She didn’t like where this was going. 
-The implication? By implication, you mean that if I bruise your ego, you’re going to bring your people to a war?
-Well, if it is easier for you to understand Human, it is indeed what could happen.
She stood up from her chair. Even then, she wasn’t taller than his shoulder. She turned her head towards The Primavix, perhaps they knew how to handle a situation like this.
She didn’t find anything comforting in the black sphere of their head. She saw only a distorted reflection of the room, her and Scozar being strange shapes in the background. She looked back at The Kerox, she needed to find a way to get out of this argument.
He was bluffing was he? Keroxes are known for strategy, it’s not very strategic to go to war for that. They would go down in history as a petty species. She put on her poker face and asked with too much disdain for something meant to be diplomatic.
-Isn’t that selfish?
-Do you want it to become true?
She crossed her arms and stared right in Scozar’s eyes. His pupils were that of a cat during the day. She gauged him. Was he bluffing? It was difficult to tell, the rest of his scaly body didn’t move. She sighed.
For a moment, she was taken aback. She looked back at The Primavix. They just stood there, quiet, unmoving, a statue of a saint of some kind. They would give her no help from as far as she could tell. 
She looks up to the Kerox again. A feeling in her gut warned her that this was only the beginning of his intimidation attempts. She wanted to put a stop to it, but she didn’t know if he was kidding or not. This conversation left a bad taste in her mouth. It was safer to give him a win for the moment.
-So do I continue…or?
-No. We have the rest of the ship to look at.
They walked across the corridors in a tense silence. They ended up in a large room. One side was filled with places to sit down, pillows, carpets, a few tables with chairs and large flat rocks. On the other side, metallic instruments were installed on a counter.
Scozar’s deep growls filled the room. He seemed rather suspicious of what was on the counter, passing his spear in his clawed hand closer to it.
-What are those instruments?
Maena answered without thinking:
Scozar looked at her, eyes half-shut. This time, his indigo feathers on his spine rose up slightly. She wondered if she made a mistake. Just to be sure, she tried to make her expression as neutral as possible. The Kerox asked:
-What is that?
She didn’t understand what kind of problem she dumbly ran into. She turned her head to an unmoving Primavix. Why was she looking for support in them? She decided to repeat:
-Cooking. They’re used for cooking food. We put food in those and then we eat.
-You need all of that just to eat? Pathetic.
It wasn’t the first time she heard that question from an alien. She usually didn’t really mind. But Scozar’s condescending remark got under her skin. She let out under her breath:
-Bet you eat like an animal.
-What did you say?
-That’s what I thought.
Her anger made her make yet another mistake. Deviating the conversation was the best strategy she could think of. She turned towards The Primavix and asked:
-Either way, what do you think? Does it look cosy to you?
-We have yet to settle on an answer, Human.
Scozar interrupted Maena with a more assertive roar:
-I claim the headlands.
Maena looked around looking for places above them. What was even a headland? She had trouble picturing a headland in her head. She imagined something more natural. Her gaze went to the only natural things in the room.
-You mean…the rocks?
-If it is easier for you to understand, yes.
Scozar’s back bent over, his straight posture was gone, like something in his spine had snapped. He was now arched, almost on four legs but not quite yet. He seemed to put all his weight on his sun-themed spear and two bottom legs. This time, a more satisfied and quiet grumble passed through the air.
-Humans do learn fast.
She was about to tell him that it wasn’t out of respect but because she wasn’t interested in sitting on rocks. For the wellbeing of the mission, she decided to keep her mouth shut.
Instead, she used this window of opportunity to ask:
-If it’s okay with everyone, we should check the reactor core. Just to see if it doesn’t have any defects.
At that demand, Scozar got back to his straight posture like nothing happened. His gaze pierced through Maena.
-Are you giving orders?
-There’s a reason I said “If it’s okay with everyone”.
-We will check it last.
She put her hands on her hip and looked Scozar right in the eyes. She sighed, between anger and defeat: 
-Thanks. I really appreciate it.
-You learn fast, but you should change your tone.
She was at two fingers to blurt out a sarcastic “Yes, your majesty.”. But again, she didn’t know how The Kerox would take it. She didn’t want to be stuck on having to say that for the rest of the mission.
She was also desperate to hear The Primavix talk more. She needed to have an idea of how much support she could get from them.
Scozar was adamant on exploring the darker corridors, Maena was definitely not and The Primavix just followed. She pestered at the idea of having places without any type of lights. 
Scozar’s eyes and teeth glowed, this made her even more paranoid. It was not what she wanted to see. At some point, she couldn’t see a thing and decided to retreat to the border between light and utter darkness. Scozar of course had to say something about it.
-I guess humans’ inability to see in the dark is getting in your way. What if I make you come with me either way?
-Then I’ll bump into things.
-I’d love to see it. Especially when you won’t be able to do the same.
That’s when The Primavix stepped between them, they took their time but now they moved. It was enough to get the two to pay attention to them.
-We believe it is unnecessary to bring The Human. Our goal and your goal is exploration. If The Human cannot explore, then it is useless.
Somehow, this made The Kerox think. He pondered, his eyes fixed on Maena. She hated the vision of just two floating eyes and teeth, pointed menacingly towards her. But she kept her expression neutral despite the goosebumps.
She tried to focus on how glad she was to have The Primavix by her side at that moment. She could probably count on them when it truly mattered. The Kerox finally hissed:
-Fine. She can stay there.
She didn’t want to be standing there doing nothing. Could she push her luck though? She could certainly try.
-Since we’re going on separate ways, I could check on the reactor co-
-No. When we’ll come back, you will be at the same spot. Unless, you truly want to come with us?
-Alright. I’ll stay right here. Dang!
She regretted not having taken a flashlight with her. She would have “accidentally” put it in The Kerox’s face. For a lack of better things to do, she sat down, covered herself with her coat like a blanket, and wrote down a few things on her holographic notes.
After an agonisingly long time in the shadows, Scozar and The Primavix came back from the depths of darkness. She heard them before she saw Scozar’s terrifyingly ugly glowing features. There was, of course, the stomping of feet but it was accompanied by a faint ticking sound.
When she saw Scozar’s face rising up at the end of the corridor, she decided it was wiser to keep a flashlight at all times in the future. She got up and focused instead on the strange sound. That’s when Scozar decided to growl:
-You are a very obedient human.
-I got bored out of my mind.
-This doesn’t mean we’ll see the reactor core faster.
-That’s good to know I suppose.
Scozar passed by her, shooting her a smug stare. She crossed her arms and walked behind him. She listened to her surroundings. It seemed like the sound was either coming from the dark corridors or it was drowned by her feet on the metal.
They discovered almost everything in the ship. Scozar was particularly careful to not accidentally step in the reactor room. It was as if he could tell where it was. He also took his sweet sweet time exploring every single corner and spot.
Eventually, Scozar had to step into the last room. When they got in, Maena could already hear the buzzing sound emanating from the reactor core. She got closer, kneeling beside a large immaculate metallic box.
She listened closer to the variations of sounds. It was how she learnt to determine whether a reactor core was powerful or defective. This one made waves of sounds, like some kind of soothing crackling water. It was regular and intense.
She was amazed by the quality of the sound. It meant it had a lot of power and could potentially make them travel space faster and for a longer period of time too. It could perhaps bend space better, perhaps it could even be less painful if something bad happens during one of those “space folding”.
She passed her hand on the smooth metal. It was definitely not human-made. The exterior wasn’t what mattered though. She had no difficulties taking it away, revealing a complex network of blue phosphorescent cables keeping gems together.
She could see three layers of those intricate circuits. She hoped to never have to repair the last layer, she already predicted it would be a pain in whatever didn’t see the light often.
The interior rang with a crystalline sound, reminiscent of a heartbeat. She put the box back on top of it. She tapped it with her index, looking back at the other Pillars. 
-This is one of the best reactors I have ever seen in my life.
At that, The Primavix said nothing and didn’t move. However, Scozar raised his head high, like he was proud. However, he quickly took that opportunity to look at her from up high and growl:
-You better keep it that way.
-Well, it should stay that way on its own. If it breaks down without any provocation then it’s not a good reactor. But I don’t think it’s going to happen any time soon.
She rose on her feet and readjusted her coat on her shoulders. She walked towards the exit. This time, from the corner of her eyes, she noticed Scozar’s cold glare as she passed by him. She acted like she didn’t acknowledge him.
-Either way, I’m done here.
She could tell he was unsatisfied. People like him had a tendency to drive her crazy. The nerves to think he is entitled to everything made her blood boil. She knew it wasn’t diplomatic at all. She knew she was asking for it at that point but before exiting the room, she turned towards The Kerox and taunted:
-See? Did it take that much of your time?
-This is not how you are getting me to cooperate next time. Your strategy is flawed.
He was so right. But she wouldn’t admit it out loud. She didn’t really think about it, she just wanted to match his level of pettiness.
-Well, answer me. Did it take that much time for me to check the reactor core?
-You shouldn’t give me orders. Must I remind you of what I could do?
This would have stopped her but she had gone too far now. She decided it was bluff and kept going.
-Answering a question with another question? Is that all you’re going to do? Or can’t you admit that it didn’t take much of your time?
His indigo feathers on his spine rose to their full length. His stare pierced her, this time, it felt like daggers.
-You were about to get out of my sight, which would have been appreciated. 
He slithered towards her, slowly but surely, menacingly. His powerful muscles rolled under his scales. The bottom of his spears accompanied his motion, the tapping echoed like a clock of doom.
-But you decided to stay and mock me.
Why did she do that? What in the world was she thinking? She was paralysed with a hand on the door frame. She stared at him, not out of bravery, but out of utter terror. She just couldn’t look away as he approached dangerously close.
She was reminded that there were other apex predators amongst the other species of the galaxy, there were other death-worlders. She remembered that the death-worlder standing in front of her fought in a war and lived. In fact, at that moment, she was reminded of her own mortality.
If she wasn’t going to die from the claws of The Kerox she was certainly going to die from a heart attack. Her heart was pounding for its life. Each of its beats effectively beat the inside of her chest. Sweat was dripping from everywhere. 
That’s when The Primavix stepped in front of her, like a saviour. They made a physical barrier between her and Scozar. They actually stood up to The Kerox, they faced him. Their calming voice filled her translator:
-We believe there is no need for aggression. The night was long and our thoughts and yours are divergent and clouded by exhaustion. We and you mustn’t forget that we and you are the new era’s beacon. The failure of this mission would be a shame for everyone.
Maena finally figured out what The Primavix was: they were the voice of reason. She watched in awe as The Kerox stopped in his tracks and pondered like he did before. She let out a sigh of relief. She was suddenly light-headed. She declared on a more casual tone than she thought she could muster:
-Yeah, I agree. I’m going outside for…fresh air.
She promptly left the room and went outside as fast as she could. She was going to die from her own stupidity someday. This whole “New Era” thing was dumb. They were going to kill each other before anything meaningful would be made.
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ssreeder · 1 year ago
Hi pook 😢 ( sorry if u don’t like the nickname) but I’ve been reading your series and I am reading Into the Fire (chapter 8) and I’m just wondering why you made Sokka give in so easily when people tell him to control himself that’s not Zuko. Because I would imagine that he would be more stubborn and more focused on what he wants instead of being caring. Even though he’s a caring and kind person I feel like being in prison would make him more selfish and less understanding of other people if than makes sense 😭
Like it just aggravates me when I see Katara try to idk really baby him and control him a bit (not mentally) it just kind of annoys me. Because even though Sokka loves his Sister I feel like he shouldn’t listen to her for real.
But that’s just me because that’s my opinion coming from someone behind has anger issues/ gets angry easily 🤷‍♀️
I love love love this series btw!!!!
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I added your other ask too so I could respond to both! Hiiii hellooooo I don’t mind nicknames it’s actually nice because then I can keep anons apart haha
as for your comment about sokka I gotta say you’re probably the first person to tell me sokka isn’t angry enough haha. Which is fine because everyone’s allowed to have their own opinions, but my thoughts on LIAB angry sokka is his intelligence is often battling his emotions. I think sokka is smart enough to know he isn’t supposed to be lashing out at people the way he is or clinging to Zuko so tightly to where they both can’t breathe. i also think he is desperate to be back to his “old self” without actually wanting to be his old self. I do think he is fighting his path to healing every step of the way but even with all the time spent in prison he is still SOKKA. He cares for people he loves his family and he knows from watching his parents growing up what a healthy relationship looks like - his codependency to zuko is probably not it. I doubt it will change much, but when people tell him ‘you need to chill’ Sokka is very much like I FUCKING KNOW BUT I HAVE NO CHILL!!! NONE! ZERO CHILL.
but I can’t imagine sokka wanting to hurt anyone who doesn’t deserve it. Or fighting his friends and family to isolate himself anymore than he already is. I have learned that writing a more emotionally triggering fic does stir up emotions in people and causes them to project onto the characters a bit which is fine but everyone processing trauma differently. & sokka is doing it his own way just like zuko is.
Also…. This is a fanfic and I don’t know if people wanna read sokka being a raging asshole for 50k… so some of the realism in healing gets lost to word count because unfortunately I can’t spend years and 1000k helping these boys overcome their trauma so some of it has to be rushed a little for word count / plot purposes haha.
Liiiiiiisten here pooki-anon you come yell at me anytime about liab I’ll be right here to soak up every word! Thanks for the ask I’m glad you’re enjoying the series!!
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sugawhaaa · 4 months ago
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⚝₊ ⊹˚Scented feelings⚝₊ ⊹˚
Warnings:: mentions of SA and harassment, suggestive at the end
Genre:: friends to lovers
Pairing:: gym bro!San x fem!reader
A/N:: I've been cooking this up for a long time so I am PRAYINNN to the gods above this does well 🙏
San was a somewhat new friend but the two of you clicked like magic and nothing was too embarrassing to admit between the two of you. You met at the gym when you first started working out frequently and he gave you some tips. One thing led to another and now you work out together multiple times a week. He's always so encouraging, helpful and understanding.
If you explain to him that you're having kind of a rough day or not feeling well he won't try to push you like he normally does and he will respect the fact you want to keep it chill. All in all he is the best gym bro you could've asked for.
Today you came in a bit earlier than usual and started warming up with your regular stretches and light weight exercise to get your blood moving. As you did that you noticed two guys looking at you quite frequently and occasionally talking to each other. You chose to ignore them and listen to some music until San arrived. It wasn't too long after that you noticed San come in through the door with his bag and massive water bottle in hand. He smiled when he locked eyes with you and came over to you.
“You got here early today,” San smiles as he looks down slightly to meet your height.
“Yeah my schedule was clear and I just felt like coming by early,” you shrug and San nods. The two of you then get to work, following your usual routine. However you noticed the men from earlier were getting bolder and were much less obvious than before. You sigh softly as you go back to lifting some weights and Sans brows furrow. He hadn't noticed the men yet so he decided to ask what had been bothering you.
“You seem…frustrated?” San says as he comes closer to you, talking softer than usual.
“Yeah it's just those guys over there. They've been looking at me since I got here,” you tilt your head over to where the men were standing and talking. Sans brows furrow again as he looks at them.
“Want me to talk to them?” He offers but you shake your head.
“Nah I don't want to make a scene,” you set the weights down again and stretch out your arms above your head. San watches you carefully as you stretch before looking back at the men. He seemed to be more conscious of them than you were.
“I'm gonna go talk to them,” he said as he started to storm over to them. You put your hand over his chest.
“Don't, they're not worth it. Let's just keep going,” you smile at him and he sighs.
“Alright, but if they keep annoying you I'll talk to them. Formally,” he smiles innocently, too innocently. You continued working out and ignored the men and they seemed to stop staring at you…finally. However once you finished your workout San gave you a fist bump and I little sit hug while patting your shoulder. “You did good today,” he smiles, his eyes momentarily invisible, and you headed over to the girls change room. Upon approaching the door you were interrupted by the two guys from earlier. One blocked the door, it wasn't very deliberate but it was obvious, while the other stood more to the side talking to you.
“Could I get your number?” He asked straight up and you blush, not because you felt butterflies in your tummy like he probably thought, but more because you were so confused and embarrassed.
“Oh I uhm,” you shake your head and chuckle awkwardly. “I'm not interested,” you smile, still wanting to he polite because what if they really did have good intentions? It was doubtful but still. When you refused the man's face contorted with anger and what was this other emotion you could see in his eyes? You couldn't put your finger on it before he started getting mad.
“Oh come on just give me a chance baby,” he started getting closer to you and your body froze up. You weren't quite sure what to do in this situation; the man was much bigger and taller than you and you didn't want to cause a scene but you needed to find a way to get out of this situation.
“What's going on here?” San steps up next to you and puts an arm around you, smiling warmly to the man.
“Just friendly conversation, you know what I mean,” the man chuckled and San arched a brow at him, not very amused by his excuse.
“I see, well me and my girlfriend have some plans for the rest of the day so we'll be off then,” San pats your shoulder before kissing the top of your head. You felt your heart skip about a thousand beats.
The way his body pressed against yours, every inch of his muscles pressed against yours, including his arm muscles that were quite literally the size of your head and the kiss was so gentle and…sincere?
“Haha, have a good day you two,” The man chuckles awkwardly and backs up as the two of you turn to leave. San brings his hand down to your hand, interlocking your fingers, as he picks up your bags and leaves the gym. As you walked down the sidewalk you glanced back at the gym then at San.
“You can let go now,” you say as you look up at him, his cap hat shading in his eyes.
“We gotta sell the act or they may make a scene,” he leans down to whisper to you and your heart skips again. He was so close to you, so close to the point you could feel his body heat radiating onto you, and it got you excited. You thought you just thought San was you know a good looking guy, no romantic feelings, you just appreciate his beauty but after that insanity back there? The way he whispered to you made you freeze up to the point your jaw clenched to hold in all the things you were feeling.
San turned the corner, dragging your frozen presence along, and let go of your head. “They're way out of sight now, we're good to go,” he pats your back and you blush softly with a smile.
“Y-Yeah, we're good,”
“I'll take you back to my place so you can shower, in peace this time,” he laughs softly. “But in all seriousness I had to hold myself back from clocking those guys. No woman should have to deal with disrespect as much as they do these days,” he huffs as he crosses his arms, walking steadily with you. “Like God forbid a woman tries to get fit or take a shower,” he sighs while shaking his head, looking like a disappointed father. “Do you deal with that behavior often?”
“Uhm…not overly,” you shrug and he nods.
“If you ever find yourself in danger call me okay? I couldn't think of a better use for these muscles other than to clock a bastard bothering you,” he says as he pretends to box the air. You chuckle softly but nod.
“Thanks San, I'll call you,” a brief moment of silence fell upon the two of you when you realized you weren't sure where you were going, you were just following San's lead. “Where are we headed?” You ask as you trot along beside you.
“My place, so you can shower in peace,” he chuckles and you find yourself blushing. You had been at his house a few times before but showering in someone else's house feels like the next step in a friendship. When you get to his place you take your gym bag to the bathroom and San shows you how to use his shower just in case you didn't know. “This is temperature obviously and on the shower head there are four settings, the further you go to the right the higher the pressure goes and stuff,” he shows you before setting the showerhead back on its little perch. “You good?” He gives you a little thumbs up and you nod.
“Yes, thank you Sannie,” you smile and he blushes softly at the nickname.
“Sannie,” he repeats and laughs softly before leaving the bathroom. You sigh softly and begin to undress but just as you start San comes back in. “Sorry, here's a new towel and you can set your clothes on the counter here,” he hands you the towel and takes the old one off the rail. You thank him as he leaves you alone.
You undress and turn on the shower, making sure it's the right temperature before hopping in. You take your shower relatively quickly but as you water down your body you notice his body wash…he wouldn't mind you borrowing just a little bit right? Maybe? What's the worst he could do? Get mad at you for using it but meh he'll get over it. Unless he thinks you're a weirdo or creep for him. But that's way too far, he probably won't even notice unless he's sniffing you which would make him a creep and without thinking any further you grab the pale blue bottle and squirt a little bit of the soap into your hand, since there were no clothes nearby you had to result to just your hands which is fine, but as soon as you squirted out the soap Sans scent filled the room.
Whenever he'd spot you or help you get into good positions he'd get close enough to you that you could smell him and this is exactly what he smelt like…obviously. But it made your heart flutter. The scent was so indescribable. Coconut mixed with vanilla and maybe a hint of that fresh air smell. Oh, it was so good. You lathered the soap over yourself as you watched the suds bubble up before washing off of your body. Before you could even think you were smelling all of his soaps, like a fucking weirdo. But he'd never know so what's the harm? His shampoo was overwhelmingly strong. It had a very fruity smell, like a deep cherry or strawberry. He wouldn't mind if you borrowed it right? Either way you used just a little bit before getting out and drying yourself off.
The towel was nice and warm and very freshly scented. His laundry detergent was also very pleasantly scented, smelt like fresh air, and filled your head with images of clouds in a blue sky. You finished drying off and threw on your dry clothes before brushing down your damp hair. You put everything back the way you had found it and went to go find San.
You found him out in the living room on his couch and he turned to look at you. "Hey," he smiles as he looks you up and down very quickly. "Have a nice shower?" He asks to distract himself from your body.
"Very nice," you laugh softly before sitting next to him. When you sat down he got a whiff of his bodywash. He was surprised, the shock showing on his face for a split second, but he didn't mention it.
"So...are you gonna stick around or carry on with your schedule?" San asked very light-heartedly, he wouldn't be offended if you wanted to leave.
"I'll stay for a bit but I need to run some errands today," you say as you check your phone and San nods. The two of you hang out for a bit before you continue on with your day. That evening you get home and realize you left your bag at San's place. Your hairbrush, deodorant, pads, chapstick, and much more were in there. You decided to text him about it and he instantly found it in the bathroom.
You• would it be okay if I swing by after dinner to get it?
⛰️• ofc, I'll be here 👍
You• thank you 😭
After texting him you began to cook dinner before, of course, eating it. You then went down to San's apartment again and you couldn't help but feel excited to see him again. Even though it had only been a few hours you always craved to be near him...in a friendly way of course. When you came by he had your bag ready for you by the door and you wanted to ask if you could hang out for a bit but...you couldn't.
"I think everything's in there," San says as he hands it to you. You take the bag and smile, thanking him, but San could see you were thinking about something. "Y/N, you okay? You seem...distracted," he leans against the doorframe and you feel your heart stop at your face heating up.
"W-Well there was a complication with some of the pipes in my apartment and we were told to leave but I haven't found anywhere I can crash for the night," you make up a lie to stay at his place and he looks surprised.
"Oh well you can stay here for as long as you need. It gets lonely here by myself and my cat," he smiles, his dimples showing and you look at him surprised.
"You have a cat?" You chuckle softly and San laughs. He takes you into his apartment again and goes to his bedroom, encouraging you to follow. He then picks up a big long haired white cat.
"This is Muffin," he holds the cat up in his arms and encourages you to pet her. She's extremely fluffy and doesn't seem to mind being pet, she kinda just sits there. San also shows you his spare room. "There's not a lot here, not even a bed, so you might wanna sleep on the couch instead,"
"Thank you so much for letting me stay over," you smile at him, feeling a tinge of guilt but it was buried down by your excitement to spend the night with him. San shrugs.
"No problem, you hungry?" He pushes himself off the doorframe and walks out to the kitchen. You follow after him, Muffin following you as well, to the kitchen.
"Not overly, ate before getting here,"
"Right," San nods but makes you have a snack with him anyway. He sticks on a movie to entertain you but you end up talking to each other the whole time, the movie now out of question. The two of you got to talk on a deeper level than usual, things like relationship struggles and internal battles you've fought growing up. San always looked up at you so sincerely. His eyes were filled with sincerity and interest, he didn't just hear your words he listened to them, a trait many men fail to hinder. But something about his gaze so focused on you made you feel...excited. You felt like you were gonna flutter away at any given moment.
The two of you then go quiet, staring into each other's eyes, San then clears his throat. "Would you like a blanket?" He offers you a blanket and throws one on for himself. You snuggle up into the blankets and are overtaken with his scent again. You go back to watching the movie and then...you feel a sex scene approaching. Your body tenses as the girl on screen seduces the man and you chuckle softly but San remains focused on the show.
Eventually the two characters get down and dirty and you for some reason feel the need to turn away. Just a second ago you had so much to talk about but now...
"What a nice...ceiling you have," you chuckle and San laughs.
"If it's too tense for you we can skip this scene," San tilts his head at you but his words made your mind flicker for a moment. It was different from him saying "we can skip this scene" he said "if it's too tense," you thought of how to respond.
"Why don't we just pause it?" You suggest and San nods with a little shrug before pausing the movie mid-moan. You turned your body to look at him and he did the same, slightly man-spreading as he lifted a leg on the couch and held his arms open on the head of the couch. That's when you noticed the tent in his pants. You were excited at the sight but disappointed in the fact you weren't the cause of his arousal.
"Do you...have a boyfriend?" He asks softly and you look at him shocked. "Or girlfriend," he chuckles, breaking the ice a little. "I don't judge," he confirms and you think for a moment.
"N-No, I'm single," you smile. "But you surely must have someone in your sights," you giggle and San smirks slightly, chuckling under his breath.
"You could say that," he tilts his head up before looking you up and down. "What about pets? Got any furry or scaly friends at home?" He smiles light heartedly.
"I do actually. I have a fish and a cat, kinda ironic isn't it?" You laugh softly and San smirks.
"So where are they staying tonight?"
You freeze at his words.
"W-What do you mean?" You laugh but you knew you weren't getting through to him. Your face starts to turn red as you realized you've been caught lying.
"Well you have to stay here tonight because your apartment is having "complications" right? So, where are your pets?"
"They're at my...they didn't have to..." you try to make an excuse but your mind goes blank as you become flustered. San then leans forward.
"I don't mind you staying the night but if you wanted to spend time with me you could've just asked baby,"
To be continued...
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f1fantasys · 7 months ago
Could you write something about Lando and reader going to diner with another driver of the grid and they’d be teasing each other under the table and later at home they’d get caught doing things? ;D love your writing btw
Thanks for this anon. I changed it slightly to getting caught in the car, not at home! Hope you still enjoy it xx
Teasers In Trouble
Warnings - swearing, smut, minors DNI, p in v, fingers, blowjob
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It was the last race before summer break so it was safe to say everyone in the paddock was buzzing with excitement. Before jumping into the car for FP2, Lando had told you that you'd both be having dinner with Oscar and Lily later, and as fun as that sounded, you honestly wanted a night in with Lando so he could fuck you left right and center. You had been horny for him all day and now you'd have to wait a little while longer til he could take you.
So here you were in your hotel room trying to find something to wear tonight while Lando was in the shower. You normally would have joined him but you decided against it, because why start something you couldn't finish. So you tried to busy yourself and avoid looking at Lando as he emerged from the bathroom wrapped in just his towel.
But of course, you failed. How could you not look when he was stood in front of you - hair messy, eyes looking at you like you're his world - which in his defence, you are - muscles hard and dripping with water, not to mention what you knew was hiding behind his towel.
You didn't realize you were staring until he started speaking.
''Baby are you ok? You've been out of sorts all day'' he questioned you. He really was oblivious to the fact that you were horny because you were never one to hold back - if you wanted him, you'd take him. So he was confused to say the least.
''Peachy'' you said, turning around and going back to what you were doing.
What he didn't miss though, was the way you clenched your thighs together through your incredibly tight leggings you were wearing right now. That made him catch on to what was going on. He smiled to himself and thought, ''game on''
Lando dropped his towel on the spot and walked over to his suitcase, which was next to yours, bending down to take out his clothes.
The sight of his dick springing up and down through the corners of your eyes had your heart skipping a beat as all the air left your lungs.
It's what he did next though that had you literally dripping from your core.
He stood back up and without paying any attention to you, took his cock in his hands and pumped himself a few times before tugging his boxes and jeans on, leaving you somewhat drooling from your mouth.
As much as you wanted to jump him then and there, you busied yourself again, trying to think about anything but his dick.
Finally though, once you were ready and about to walk out the door hand in hand, Lando roughly pushed you against the wall.
''Gonna tell me what you want? Or gonna be a brat?'' he asked.
You cheeks immediately flushed and you couldn't help but lean forward and engulf him in a heated kiss, both your tongues quickly battling for dominance while Lando bit on your lower lip and you moaned into his mouth.
''Needed you all fucking day'' you said through gritted teeth between breaths.
''I know baby. Gonna help you now, yeah?''
You wondered what he was gonna do now, considering your dinner dates were already waiting for you at the restaurant.
But you confusion quickly vanished when Lando held up a pair of vaginal balls.
You gasped. ''Lando!'' and all he did was cheekily smile and lift you dress up to slip his hand in your panties.
''Where did you even get them?'' you whispered, trying to suppress your moans when he ran his fingers through you folds and slipped one in your entrance.
''Don't worry about that. Just let me put them in.''
You bit your lip as he lowered himself to his knees and slowly inserted the balls in your vagina as you pulled on his hair.
''Oh fuck me'' you quivered, the sensations giving you a bit of relief after the day you've had.
''Trust me, I plan to. But for now, these will have to do'' Lando said before standing up and licking his fingers, giving you a peck and pulling you out the door.
You tried to walk as normal as possible, and you tried as hard as you could to keep the blush off your face as you Lando approached Lily and Osc.
Once you were seated at the restaurant you were grateful to be in a booth, so you could squirm without anyone really noticing.
If you were going to get through this dinner though, you needed a bit of alcohol in your system. So you ordered a glass of red wine and hoped for the best.
You tried. You really tried to listen to what Lily was saying and take interest in a conversation but honestly, you were fucking bored and you could think of a thousand different things you could be doing right now.
Lando wasn't helped either. His hand had found your thigh, as usual, but he was itching closer and closer to your cunt. He pushed your dress up a little and let his fingers slip past your panties to dive into the pool of wetness you had going on.
You breath hitched and you could feel a blush creep up on your cheeks as you tried to remember what Lily had asked you until your boyfriend distracted you.
''Y/n are you okay? Lily asked.
''Yeah all good'' you chuckled, trying to keep as neutral as possible. ''Just a bit stuffy in here'' you said, voice quavering slightly.
Lando was being a tease and he knew it. He was so engrossed in a deep conversation with Oscar while he was making a mess of you.
So, naturally, you decided to play him back. Your hand found his knee and inch by inch crept closer to wear his manhood was. As soon as you palmed him through his jeans you felt him get hard, and now he was the one squirming in his seat.
When Lily and Osc were looking at their menu's for what to order for dessert, Lando leaned down to your ear and whispered ''Tease me again and I won't let you cum" before pecking you innocently.
''Fuck you Lan. If you won't let me cum i won't give you the blow job you so deserve for looking so fucking hot today'' you spat back, smirking at him and cupping his cock through his jeans again.
He's eyes darkened when you said that, heat rising to his cheeks.
You knew you both wouldn't last the ride back to the hotel, and just the thought of riding him in the sports car he had rented was doing things to you. Not to mention he slipped two fingers into your cunt, fiddling with the balls, having to suppress your moans so you instead bit the inside of your cheek until you could taste blood.
''I don't think I want anything for dessert. Actually wanna get back to the hotel to talk to Jon about tomorrow. Babe?'' he directed to you?
''Hmm?'' you said, slightly flustered.
''Oh no I'm good. Too full'' you said, trying to sound as decent as possible.
You didn't miss how Lily and Osc shared knowing looks, but you didn't care.
Not 10 minutes later and you and Lando were walking out the restaurant and to the car, before he pulled you into an alley way and kissed you ferociously.
''Fuck y/n, you don't know what you're doing to me tonight. Just remember - you asked for it. So don't sulk when you can't walk into the paddock tomorrow morning'' he said through breaths.
''Lan please, need to feel you, now!'' you moaned into the kiss again.
He dragged you to the car, which was parked in a secluded place for security, before pulling you on his lap and shutting the door.
In no time your dress was being ripped off your body, literally in two pieces.
''Fuck Lan!'' you shrieked, watching as your boobs were exposed to his dark eyes right away since you didn't wear a bra.
He lowered his mouth to your peaked nipples and sucked on them, tugged at them, all while you were a moaning mess, fiddling with his belt to set his aching hard dick free.
When you finally managed too free his constraints, you started grinding on it, moving slickly over him to create the friction you so desperately needed, only it felt better than ever because the balls inside you were sitting just right spots.
In minutes your body was trembling over him, his strong arms having to hold you tight so you don't go out of control.
''Lan oh my fuck. Feels amazing'' you said, moaning out his name.
Lando reached down and toyed with your clit, riding you through your orgasm before he roughly entered two fingers in your cunt and pulled at the balls, creating a feeling like no other.
He pulled the balls out and put one on them in his mouth, sucking at it. You watched as the other dangled down his chin and couldn't help but lean forward and take it into your own mouth, tasting yourself.
That earned you a delicious moan from Lando who was now pumping his aching cock in his hands, running it through your folds and slick juices.
While you both kept the balls in your mouths, you lifted yourself up to let Lando line himself at your entrance before you sank down on him, bottoming out.
The feeling back both of you groaning in each others' face, breathing each others' air in as your held Lando's face in your hands.
You started bouncing on him vigorously, your walls clenching around him almost painfully when he started to kiss you again, tongue slipping into your mouth.
''Y/n, so tight. So fuckin tight. Taking me so well. That's it baby''
You sucked on his tongue hard, stealing a the most delicious moans from him as you continued to fuck him shamelessly.
In no time you felt the familiar warmth start to build up in your lower tummy.
''Lan, I'm close. Gonna cum'' you managed to say.
''Let go for me angel. I've made you wait all day. Spill on my cock. Come on'' he edged you on.
And so you did. You came violently around him, a moaning mess as he latched his mouth back onto your nipples to ride you through your orgasm.
You body went limb in his arms and now Lando had to buck his hips up to fuck into you to chase your own release.
Until a knock on the window literally had you halting your movements in fear of who it was and what they must have heard.
''Fuck'' Lando muttered.
You both looked to the window and saw none other than Oscar standing there.
''Oh fuck me'' Lando squealed again, starting the car to open the window slightly.
''Yeah mate what do you want'' he threw at Oscar, who's eyes flew open when he saw you sitting on Lando's lap. Luckily it was too dark for him to see anything else but he obviously caught on to what was happening.
In the mean time your walls were clenching painfully around Lando and he couldn't help but stifle a few moans.
''Oscar!'' Lando practically yelled.
''Shit. Was leaving and saw your car still parked, wanted to make sure you're good'' he said, still a shocked expression on his face.
''Yeah I'm fucking more than good, so jog on'' Lando threw at him before closing the window and bucking his hips up into you, not caring if Oscar heard your moans through the window.
With no warning you came again, releasing all around Lando which in turn sent him over the edge, milking your walls with his warm cum, groaning your name in your ear.
''Fucking hell'' he said as you continued to ride him through his orgasm, dick softening inside of you.
When he pulled out you reached down to your folds and scooped the mixture of yours and his cum. You pryed his mouth open with your other hand and shoved your fingers into his mouth, moaning when he sucked them dry.
''Not gonna hear the end of this from Osc are we?'' you said, chuckling at him.
''Yeah, probably scarred the boy for life.''
''Poor Lily ain't getting anything tonight'' you laughed.
''You're so fucking incredible'' he cooed.
''I am, and I'm not done with you'' you said, climbing off him into the passenger seat.
You did end up giving him the blowjob you'd been eager to give him all day, and it goes without saying he fucked you twice more back at the hotel.
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writingwisterias · 3 months ago
How would the Leon Eras comfort and act when their S/O is on their time of the month?
Hello Anon!
I've done something similar before when I started writing however I have new thoughts! Of course, it's all about Leon ATM so I would love to! Requests are also still open for anymore Era Leon ideas
Warnings: Fluff, Comfort, Periods, Blood, Cramps...basically just the month reg RE2,RE4R,Infinite Darkness,Damnation, RE6, Death Island
I've tried to keep it as a GN!Reader so if I do slip up please let me know!
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It's the 1990s so the topic is still slightly taboo. Therefore I don't think Leon would know a lot about what to do. Not because he's ignorant or anything just because it's not commonly spoken about.
However, you have been with Leon throughout college so he would have picked up a few things.
He has it written in his little diary, asks you constantly when you predict the next date would be. If it's not regular he would still attempt to keep note just to be helpful
Ask you questions on the different types of products you use and what you use them for.
Would give you space if you need it, or is more than happy to give you cuddles making sure to rub your back or stomach to help soothe the aches.
Has a hot water bottle in his dorm room/bedroom just incase
Large supply of snacks also just in case
Went to go out and buy what you wanted but ended up grabbing a few brands because he was too nervous and forgot
If you warn him about the incoming date he'll surprise you with a packet of your favourite sweets and a small teddy.
He does not freak out about blood, he's have a really shit life he did.
You didn't know about the incoming date and were around his house staying the night when it decided to bless you all with its appearance.
Leon woke up to a wet feeling on his leg from where it was trapped between the two of you.
You had accidentally bled on him.
He didn't freak out, just looked down and put it together. Pulling away from you so he could fix the problem or at least gather the supplies
He turns the shower on letting the water heat up. The fluffiest towel he has warming up on the towel rail.
He comes and wakes you up, his heart softening at your mortifying look.
Reassures you and gathers every item that needs to be washed. He's got experience getting blood out of things so he wouldn't be bothered.
By the time you get out of the shower he's already got the bedding changed, the sofa set up with plenty of snacks and fluffy blankets you insisted he keep at his place.
He's thrown you in one of his shirts and hoodies. Already made a hot water bottle and given you the things you need.
Cuddles you the rest of the night, making sure not to mention what happened to save you from embarrassment or hurting you.
He knows there nothing wrong with it, he's not even bothered in the slightest but periods are a pain and so are the emotions that come with it.
Infinite darkness:
Hear me out, Leon in this era is a giant Snacker. Like I'm talking a whole cupboard dedicated to a wide range. So he's already prepared for that part
Has a small drawer in his bathroom for all your products and actively keeps a check on it to make sure it's topped up
will even make sure your supply at your house is topped up, it's expensive nowadays and he's got the money.
Huge cuddler, like I'm talking he lays in between your legs and on your chest so you wouldn't need a hot water bottle. He runs hot enough to somewhat ease the aches.
Blood doesn't phase him in the slightest so if you do leak, he's got it sorted.
Type of guy to offer his jacket to wrap around your waist in public if he notices
His priority is making sure you are comfortable during it, will get concerned if you seem like you are in too much pain.
Will also try a period simulator and get cocky about it but cries by level 4
It's not that I don't think he would be bothered. I just think he wouldn't really see the big deal.
It happens every month
He would have the basics to help, if you requested something I think he would have it on the fridge or something so he can keep it stocked
Will give you cuddles if you want it
He will try his best to be attentive but also he's going through shit his mind is elsewhere, he's being dragged all over the place so I wouldn't expect a ton of sympathy...after all we've seen the shit he goes through in the film
If however they are really bad one month I think it would snap him into place a little bit and he would pay attention a lot more.
I would go for snack runs for you getting anything that you want
Spoils you in his own way...basically what limited attention he can give you
He's more mature now, so I think he doesn't pay attention to it not because he doesn't care but because he's already prepared.
Like I'm talking dad survival level shit. He might as well manufacture the shit.
I would say this is only because again he doesn't know when he can be home to spoil you so he has an emergency kit. Cute idea.
In it, it would have a shirt or hoodie, snacks, products and heating pads.
If he is there.
You aren't moving a muscle, he's all over you. Pampering you.
I think despite the fact he goes through a lot he's more mature to understand that he's not the only one to go through shit.
This era to be cocky and go "heard sex eases cramps"
Lots of cuddles, will watch anything you put on Tv
You are pampered to the heavens.
I think he would like you having your period but not because he likes you in pain or anything like that.
But it gives him a chance to be helpful and actually do something.
I think he would stop drinking periodically to actually help you out and be there for you.
He doesn't go overboard on supplies, has enough to get you through the month.
Will pick you up snacks and things on the way home from work/bar if he remembers
Probably would bring home a blanket or something as well claiming he thought it looked cosy enough for you.
You probably have like 50 blankets at this point.
Gets upset if the cramps are really bad, I think it would freak him out because he feels helpless.
He's broody but will snap out of it for you.
He's already sad so I think he's a big cuddler but would go the extra mile like being attached to your hip.
He just wants to feel needed and help you out as much as possible or he feels helpless.
Death Island:
The most normal out of all of them.
Like he's not overcrowding going off your exact needs he hopes you would communicate with him.
He would have emergency supplies but if you want a specific one he'll go and get it.
Won't let anyone cook, you are all eating fast food just to make you feel better.
Cuddling all day long...like he can't get enough and won't even let you go and piss.
Insists you don't go to work and then will spend the next hour ranting about how ridiculous it is that women have to work during their time of the month.
Ask Claire for advice if he's unsure about something because he's too shy to ask you. But of course, she'll tell you that he's asked and you find it endearing
Nothing is too big of an ask for him, he'll kiss the ground as you walk. Has no problem doing anything.
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welikeimagines-andfandoms · 9 months ago
LOTR and Hobbit NSFW Headcanons part 3
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- Is more about love making then he is fucking
- but if you’re on top he turns into a panting and moaning mess
- Loves to worship your body
- Wants you to take charge and take care of him
- Praise this man and he will moan and keen like nothing else
- Kneeling before you
- He’s such a good boy!
- Just wants to be good and please his partner
- Hates pain play. Do not do it
- Isn’t opposed to his partner being a bit rough with him but no slapping or choking
- Compliments is his foreplay
- “You did so well at training, sweet boy. I want to reward you for being so strong and brave.”
- Kissing your calves while in missionary
- He doesn’t have to thank you but he likes to
- Missionary and cowgirl are his favourite
- Doesn’t really like doggy
- Unless he’s getting pegged/fucked
- “You’re taking me so well, Faramir.”
- If he’s with a male partner he likes receiving in doggy and having their hands run up and down his spine
- Bending over him to whisper praise in his ear while he gets fucked
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- Like with most hobbits, Bilbo loves eating pussy
- Has a thing for eating out his partner under their dress
- Pulls down the top so your tits are out and then he crawls under the fabric of your dress/skirt
- Loves to eat out his partner in his garden
- Laying on the soft grass while Bilbo goes to town on you under your dress
- Wants his hair pulled so badly that he will grab your hand to put in his hair
- Time with the dwarves didn’t change his softness too much but a little bit of dwarf comes out when you ride him
- He has no time for your “I’m too heavy” nonsense! Get on top now!
- Is honestly pretty lighthearted in the bedroom
- There’s never really an awkward moment he can’t laugh off and bring you back into the mood
- Wants to constantly reassure you how good you’re doing and how good you make him feel
- “You did nothing wrong my love. Doing so well for me.”
- Sweet quiet moans with lots of gasps
- Can be a bit of a perv but in a wholesome way
- Always stares when you bend over and tries to look up your skirt when you reach for things
- Isn’t opposites to penetrative sex but it’s certainly not his favourite
- Likes when his lover plays with him sweetly by the fire
- Wants to take care of his partner and be taken care of in return
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- Dominant 100%
- When she says ‘sit’ on her face she means ‘SIT’ not hover and apologise
- Will grab your hips so you’re probably sitting
- Seeing you all sweaty turns her on
- Post training sexy time
- Sex in the training room when no one’s there
- “You have to be quiet if you want me to taste you. Can’t have someone walking in on us, sweetheart.”
- Likes to feel strong and somewhat masculine in the bedroom so will give you soft nicknames
- How she is in the bedroom depends on her mood
- Rough and dominant after training or battle
- But sweet and soft on those lazy rainy days together where you can take your time with each other
- Likes the thrill of sneaky sex, seeing where she can do it and get away with it
- Stables, training grounds, kitchen, hallways
- She can get so focused on your pleasure she forgets about her own
- Tries to put on a front and act like she doesn’t but she becomes so soft when you make her cum
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- Body worship!
- Will take his time with his partner, worshipping and kissing every inch of them
- Doesn’t mean to overstimulate his partner but they just sound so pretty when they cum over and over again
- Fucking from behind against his desk
- Is down for most of what his partner is down for
- If you’re into dominant play stuff he’s more of a soft dom
- Is the dom who will say “I’m not mad, I’m disappointed”
- Not against a bit of oral cockwarming while he works
- “Good girl/boy. Such a sweet little thing for me.”
- Loves to praise you and focuses all his energy on your pleasure alone
- Will never stop telling you how well you’re doing or how wonderful you sound and feel
- “You take me so well, my darling.”
- Sex is a whole event for him, from foreplay to aftercare
- Honestly sort of hates quickies
- Eye contact is his favourite
- “Look at me, my love. I want to watch as you come undone for me.”
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- Get ready to be thrown around!
- Will hold you down hard to stop you squirming
- Craves making her partner cum so much that she’s almost mean
- Rough in the bedroom but could gently make out with her partner for hours
- Soft and sweet touches with foreplay but rough with sex
- Is the softest, sweetest and most gentle person with aftercare
- Hard eye contact while she’s going down on you
- Likes to watch your reactions
- Playing with you while she watches your face intently
- Your sweet sounds make her smile
- Cheeky and likes to tease you in public
- Wants to grab at any part of you that she can
- Not really a boobs or butt woman, just loves your whole body
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moonstruckme · 1 year ago
whimsical muggle reader who loves taking note of strange occurrences (i swear my shoes weren't here! like luna basically lol) and marauder bf who can't tell her yet about magic but loves doing some tricks for her to find. (you can pick which marauder! i was gonna go remus but i'm biased lol)
Omg I had so much fun with this, thank you for requesting!
Sirius Black x whimsical!reader ♡ 657 words
“You’re such an old woman, Moony,” Sirius says. “Is that a gray hair I see?” 
“Your fault,” Remus replies mildly. 
“We’re not all obligated to go clubbing whenever the fancy strikes you,” James argues on Remus’ behalf. “I’ve got a match tomorrow, and our poor Moony’s head is hurting him. Give us a rest.” 
“No rest!” Sirius cries, standing from the couch as if he’s addressing a weary army rather than two reluctant men. “Rest is for the elderly and geriatric.” He looks at you hopefully. “You want to go out, don’t you darling?” 
“I’m not partial to clubs,” you reply, but your attention is already elsewhere. “Remus, if you have a headache, you should have Sirius make you some of his tea. He made me some when my head hurt last week and it set me right as rain.” You glance at your boyfriend, considering you with peculiar smugness. “And the same happened when I had the hiccups a few days ago. He has a remedy for everything.” 
James cocks an eyebrow. “Does he?” 
You hum in prideful affirmation, but Sirius seems almost sheepish as he sits back down on the couch, tucking you against his side. “I’ve always been good at brewing,” he says to James with a shrug. 
“You should make him your tea,” you urge softly. 
Sirius kisses the side of your head. “Moony’s headaches are a bit tougher than yours, angel,” he says, adding at your troubled look, “but I’ll make him some later if he likes.”
“Hey,” James says brightly, “what if we go to the pub on fifth? It’s usually quiet in there. We’ll just stay an hour or so.” 
You’ve been dating Sirius long enough to know how this goes with his friends—one hour will turn into four before any of them notice—but nod complaisantly at the hum of assent that goes up from the other boys. 
“Let’s go.” Sirius hops back up before anyone can change their minds. He grabs your coat from the hook by the door, holding it out for you. 
“Oh.” Your mood sinks slightly as you remember your coat. “I should probably go get another from my room. I tore that one yesterday, remember?” 
“I fixed it for you.” 
Sirius gives it a shake, signaling for you to take it from him. You do, looking at him in awe. 
“Really, Siri? That’s so nice of you.” You feel along the hem of your jacket in search of the split you’d made the day before. You can’t find it, nor any of the smaller blemishes the garment had acquired after years of wear. “How did you do this?” 
“I sewed it,” he says breezily, shrugging on his own well-loved leather coat. 
You run your fingers over where you could swear the tear had been. “There’s not even a line or anything.” 
Remus shoots him a look you can’t decipher, and Sirius gives you a somewhat thin-lipped smile. “What can I say? I’m magic with a needle and thread. Put your coat on, baby.” 
You realize then that all three boys are already waiting for you at the door. 
“Oh, sorry.” You carefully pull on your newly impeccable jacket, following them outside. “Thank you, Siri.” 
“Anytime,” he vows, hand finding its way into your back pocket as James leads you all to the pub. 
“You’re so good at fixing things,” you murmur, almost to yourself. “My coat, and when you glued my mug back together so well, and when my peperomia came back to life.” 
Sirius chuckles. “It didn’t come back to life, angel.”
“It was dying,” you reason. “I couldn’t get it to stop wilting, but then all of a sudden it perked up.” 
“You must’ve nursed it back to health,” he replies, and his tone is blasé but the smile he shoots you is oddly pleased. He gives your ass a playful squeeze. “Stranger things have happened, sweet thing.” 
Around Sirius, they certainly have.
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am-i-interrupting · 2 months ago
Across the River | Viktor x Jinx’s Older Sibling
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Chapter 7: Something Something Struggling, Something Something Support
Summary: After the explosion and disappearance of Vi, you take your little sister across the river to Piltover. You struggle to keep the two of you afloat but manage to get Jinx to the academy. This is where she procures an internship that changes your lives.
Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up again! And back down.
Jinx was playing a very dangerous game with the screwdriver in her hand. Your heart didn’t falter though. It didn’t stop nor did it race even when the pointed tip got mere inches from her eye.
“Oh,” she grabbed the screwdriver from mid air as she sat up, “did I mention Jayce invited us to a stuffy Piltover party?”
“No,” you said slowly, “when was this?”
“When we went to the Undercity,” she answered. “It’s not for another like three weeks though. He said we didn’t have to come but if we wanted to he’d cover the costs for the night.”
You didn’t like that idea. You didn’t like charity. Rarely ever was it actually that in your experience yet Jayce had been kind thus far. Not that you trusted him entirely but Jinx seemed to. There was also that specific tone in her voice.
“You want to go,” you stated, not asked but stated.
She twirled the screwdriver in her hand. “It’s a scientific Piltover party,” she said. “At least I could learn something if we went but we don’t have to.”
“You can go without me,” you told her.
She laughed, her nervous, uneasy laugh, “Yeah, no, not happening, sis. You’re going with me or I’m not going at all. There’s no way I could survive all of that without you. I told Jayce as much.”
“You can survive it,” you assured. “You’d definitely fit in there better than I ever will.”
“That’s a fat fucking lie,” Jinx said with a snort. “You are sooo much better at social shit than I am. The main reason I haven’t blown up Jayce or Viktor even though I like them is because I don’t take my gun with me when I’m at the lab. That’s the only reason. You think I could do okay with a room full of snobby, arrogant Piltover Pansies? Uh, no. You’re going with me—“ she stuck her finger in your face— “or I’m not going at all.”
The thought irked you. Going into a place where people were flaunting wealth with unspoken etiquette.
When you and Jinx ran up here, there’d been judgement.
It had taken you so long to get a job that was steady. It’d only been within the past two to three years that you’d been able to hold down one for more than a few months at best. All because things were different in the Undercity. You hadn’t known any other way to be than gruff and harsh. Even when you were being kind you’d been scolded for being inappropriate while you’d been here.
The ways of this world were still foreign to you even after more than half a decade. You weren’t sure how to handle things. Not really.
Even more than that, you didn’t want to embarrass Jinx. She was already facing the hardships of being different. People didn’t need even more of a reason to see her as less than. Despite her being better than the lot of them.
“Just think it over,” she said.
She caught the screwdriver mid air as she sat upright. Her feet went beneath her thighs as her legs crossed. She grabbed her homemade bomb and tightened some screws.
You shook your head and continued on making dinner.
You put together the noddles and sauce and shrimp all together in a bowl. You mixed the contents together to get a somewhat even spread throughout the pasta. A piece of bread smothered in garlic and a bit of cheese was placed atop.
You couldn’t even make food look presentable. How were you supposed to make yourself appear that way?
It was on a lunch drop off a couple days later that Viktor followed you out of the door to the lab.
It’d been a suspiciously quiet food drop off. Jayce had been avoiding your eyes but giving you meaningful looks the entire time you were there. You didn’t know what they meant and it was, quite frankly, frustrating.
There was no doubt in your mind that Viktor was going to tell you about the unspoken, quiet elephant in the room. You weren’t sure you were ready for the trunk to let out it’s trumpet but you knew you didn’t have a choice in the matter.
When a cane sounded instead of the door closing, you took that as your cue to brace yourself.
“Jinx has told me she might not go to the convention in a few weeks,” he said. “It’s a very special opportunity.”
“Look, I’m trying to convince her I just—“
“She does not need convincing,” Viktor said. “It’s you.”
You sighed. Your lips sucked into the interior of your mouth in something akin to frustration.
“I have no place at something like this,” you said simply.
Viktor made a noncommittal noise. “Perhaps not,” he settled on saying after a moment, “but she needs you there. You have the opportunity to give her something important.”
You turned to look at him. “How is embarrassing her something important?”
His brows furrowed and his lips pointed downward. “You have the opportunity to give her support.”
You rolled your eyes with a scoff. Your head followed the pull of your neck forward. You began walking away.
“I can only give her so much,” he said. “The people as a whole have forgotten my origins but they have yet to forget hers. Stand by her as someone from the Undercity and I will do the same for you.”
You stopped in your tracks.
“They do nothing but look down on us,” you said. “She’s at least been here long enough in formative years that she knows the way of their world. I don’t know anything. All I will do is show that she isn’t from here.”
A cane sounded against the tiles of the floor. A hand slowly fell on your shoulder. Your body tensed. Only a second of remembering yourself stopped you from slapping it away. Viktor’s face came into your view.
“I’ve been speaking with Jayce about this and he’s extended a hand. He has a friend on the council. She’s expressed willingness to explain the way things are at these events in ways neither one of us could,” he said. “She’s met Jinx several times and sees her potential. Meet with her and then decide?”
Your teeth tugged at your lip. A habit you’d picked up from your little sister.
“I guess it can’t hurt too much,” you settled on saying.
“Thank you.”
You held up your hand. “Don’t.”
Mel Medarda was almost exactly what you expected and everything you didn’t.
She was beautiful, breathtakingly so. She spoke with the slyness of a fox. Her voice curled around words with elegance. Her every movement was done with the grace of a dancer. All these things made her the perfect assassin, ready to strike for a kill.
However, she was also kind. There was a warmth in her hazel green eyes. A true sweetness was in the smile on her lips.
She was vulnerable. She was honest. She was soft but she was still sharp.
Her fingers curled around around a silky green dress. The fabric reflected the light like glass.
“What about this one?” she asked, looking to Jinx. She held the fabric up against her skin. “It goes very nicely with the undertones you have.”
Jinx’s lip curled up. She moved to touch the fabric. Immediately her nose scrunched up and her eyes squeezed shut. She couldn’t hold in the noise of disgust.
“I don’t get how anyone could ever touch that fabric much less wear it,” she said. “That feels like butter, not clothes.”
Mel took the reaction with grace, laughing softly. “So that one is a no.”
A man came out from within the racks of clothing. He held a different dress in his hands. It was a dusty blue with silver floral details but as he came closer it was easier to see that it was velvet. Another material Jinx had learned she was not fond of this evening.
Mel hummed. “I’m afraid not this one. I do believe we’ve managed to further improve upon on what we’re looking for though. No velvets or silks. No pinks or blues. Focus primarily on purples, greens, and neutrals.”
The man nodded and spun around before he walked off.
You were careful as you followed the Medarda to not touch anything. You felt like even just doing that would cause you to ruin it and you did not have the money necessary to get it fixed.
All the information you’d been given over the course of the day swirled around in your mind. You felt like you’d been in a daze, not fully there nor in control. Things had just been happening to you since you met Mel Medarda for what she’d called brunch but you thought of as a late breakfast.
No, it was called brunch. Apparently there was a term for late breakfast.
You’d eaten a sandwich with tea that tasted awful. The sandwich was. . . something. Why there were cucumbers on it? You had no idea. It fucked with the texture in a way certainly.
Either way, during this you’d been given a crash course on all things politically correct. It was a lot.
Now you’d been coaxed into dress shopping with Jinx with Jayce’s money so one could assume that meant you’d agreed to going. You don’t remember doing that so you were kind of confused but okay! You were in it now.
Next time you saw Viktor you were going to curse him out. If Jayce and Mel were friends, then Viktor must have met her. That means he must have known she had a knack for doing these sorts of things. That meant this was all his fault.
“Oooh!” Jinx said with excitement in her voice. “Is there a jacket we could find to go with this?”
“I don’t see why not,” Mel said softly.
The man returned. “What about these?”
His voice was like nails on a chalkboard and dear Janna! You just wanted to smash his head in.
Yeah, Viktor was definitely getting something the next time you saw him.
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lurkingshan · 7 months ago
Knock Knock Boys: The Unexpected Delight of the Summer Season
Who would have thought that this little under appreciated pulp would come in and steal the Thai BL summer season with so many bigger, shinier, more expensive shows on air? Not me! But here we are, and Knock Knock Boys is going down as one of my unexpected favorites of 2024.
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I liked this show from the start, with its premise of four men, each dealing with various Life Situations, coming to live together in a shared home and developing natural friendships and romantic attachments. Each episode begins with a cold open that puts us squarely in the middle of their latest shenanigan and then we jump back to work our way there over the course of the episode. The writing is clever, the directing and editing is zippy and fun, and the whole thing is founded on queer and sex positive themes. I expected it to be a sexy, comedic romp with a sprinkle of mystery as we learned more each week about what these boys were running from.
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And it is that, sometimes. But it is also a surprisingly touching story of queer friendship and finding yourself and your tribe and building courage to live an authentic life with the support of your loved ones. It's a story about making the effort to understand and giving each other space to figure ourselves out. It's a story about the importance of communication and giving others a chance to come through for you. It’s a story about how true friendship and patience and empathy can empower someone to change their life.
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And it's also a touching romance, times two. Latte and Almond were the favorites all the way through for most of us watching, and seeing them go from friends to something more to proper boyfriends was so lovely. What I loved most about their arc together is how gently it advanced; despite Latte starting the show as our resident sexually experienced pansexual, he was also clear that sex and relationships are meaningful to him, and we saw that in how he pursued Almond with utmost patience. Almond was completely inexperienced and fixated on another guy when they met, and Latte was his genuine friend in helping him sort through his feelings and move on from Jumper before he was a prospective love interest. When Almond became more aware of the attraction between them and they began dating, it all felt natural, as did the progression of their physical intimacy. They are precious and their relationship has such a strong foundation that it's easy to believe they'll stay together long term.
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Perhaps most surprising to me is how much I ended up loving the Peak and Thanwa romance, as well. Peak's journey, and the way it ultimately landed, is what sent this show into the stratosphere, and it's where that theme about patience that I mentioned above comes through most strongly. For much of their story, Peak and Thanwa were caught in a frustrating cycle of constantly misunderstanding each other, and it was mostly down to Peak's failure to communicate about his family situation and the way it was restricting him. These two kept missing beats, refusing to talk, and hurting each other because they just couldn't get it together to clear the air, and that can be hard to watch episode to episode. But once we have the full picture, Peak's behavior becomes understandable, both to Thanwa and to us, and we can only join his friends in rooting for him and giving him strength to be brave. And he was, in one of the most satisfying and heartwarming scenes I've seen in bl this year.
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I just can't recommend this show highly enough, and I've kept things somewhat vague above because I hope more of you will watch it now that it's over and available for a binge. This show is not perfect, but it's so heartfelt and you will be rewarded in the end. You can find the show on Gaga and the small but mighty crew of us regular viewers screaming about it every week in the tag. You don't want to miss it!
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serpentface · 21 days ago
How do you go about words and language in your worldbuilding? im curious about your method and also it just feels good to try to pronounce the words you use, I love it
Most of it started back-engineering languages based on character/creature/place names I put together before having any guidelines and just like a vague Vibe of what the language would sound like. Nowadays I have cfull naming languages for the major languages I will be using regularly, maintain glossaries, etc. Most of the words I have to worry about are in Wardi so that's the most detailed of all.
I think a good starting point is to make a decision on what consonant sounds you want to be present in any given language. I Did Not Do this until later but the best way to go if you're serious about it is to learn (or at least reference) the IPA so you have a very clear understanding of which phonemes are in the language rather than just going off letters (which can have multiple different pronunciations within the same language), and use it to make a naming language. (Should note I only have very entry level understanding of the IPA)
this guide for naming languages is pretty good and helps you understand the IPA and what its terms mean
[x] full IPA pronunciation guide
[x] if your first language is a North American English vernacular, this is just a good starting point to learn how the sounds You regularly use are represented in the IPA.
I think this step is really important if you want to have coherent pronunciation rules (and is just good for learning how languages work on the most basic level) but if you just need Words That Look Good On Paper In The Latin Alphabet you can somewhat narrow this down to choosing consonant sounds from This alphabet.
So like from that simplified angle Wardi doesn't have the sounds represented by the english Z V and X, I will not produce a word from that language containing these letters (backed myself into a corner early on by giving SEVERAL characters names with these letters. I was able to write around this very easily by having them be foreign names pronounced differently by native speakers, but stuck with the original spellings. This is an unresolved issue and I should really be spelling the names as 'Faitsa' 'Saitsen' 'Lifya' 'Stawis' for more clarity).
From the more complicated angle, Wardi does not have the /θ/ ('thorn') /ð/ ('thy') /z/ ('zebra') /ʒ/ ('genre') /v/ ('vowel') /æ/ ('atlas') sounds, which I use to inform spelling (so also avoiding 'th', and any 'g's that would intuitively be read as a soft G by an English speaker).
There's also sounds I've established as present here that are not present in/close analogues to sounds in English or directly representable by the Latin alphabet - /r/ (rolled r) /ɾ/ (post alveolar flap r) / t͡s/ (like 'tsetse') ((also I've been having difficulty determining what this sound is in the IPA, but a sort of flapped 'L'), (also dental clicks used as consonants in a rare few words and more frequently as an interjection that adds emphasis to words without changing their core information, and as a filler sound). I can't indicate most of these in spelling with any clarity so it's mostly for my own use.
Romanization in general is kind of tricky and is ultimately semi-arbitrary to begin with (presuming you're constructing a language for a setting in which the Latin alphabet doesn't exist). The best way to do it is a non-vibes based way where you set up rules for what letters represent which sounds. This is an area I've been sloppy with/have rules that aren't readily apparent ('ch' spellings in Wardi can denote either a /k/ ('cog') or 'tʃ' ('cherry') sound depending on surrounding vowels, lone 'c' always has a /k/ sound, with 'ch' used in its place where English speakers would otherwise presume a soft C. This means I shouldn't need to have Any words represented with a letter K whatsoever but a few have slipped through anyway).
I would say like, 25% of the words I've constructed are Entirely just putting Canonically Appropriate vowels and consonants together in a way that look good and stick to established rules. But in doing so once I establish a word and its meaning I'll try to pick out roots that I can use again when constructing words with related concepts.
So for an example where I did this in a ultra simple capacity of just Putting Roots Together:
An/ana- root pertaining to fresh water, clean water
Nae- root pertaining to a narrow pathway, implies carrying/movement
Pel/pele- root pertaining to saltwater, undrinkable water
Nau- root pertaining to something that holds/enfolds, mostly in an abstract/cosmological sense
From this:
Anae: river ('freshwater path')
Pelennau: ocean ('enfolding saltwater' (specifically influenced by cosmology in which the world is functionally an island atop an infinite sea)
Pelenae: estuary ('saltwater path')
These roots don't have to be limitations (the same assemblage of letters can occur in words that wouldn't have any obvious etymological relations to an established root), especially if you aren't setting out to make a fully fleshed out hard conlang, it just helps establish a sense of coherency and connectedness in a given language. (Also if you want your language to be really fleshed out you probably shouldn't Just do the 'mashing roots together' thing, pronunciation of words drifts away from their root components over time).
Anyway yeah that's the general methodology I use. I'm very new and entry level at conlanging so it's pretty simple and sloppy but it serves its purpose well enough.
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bloofinntoona · 2 years ago
Operation Saving Sallow
Word Count: 2.4 k
Themes: fluffy fluff fluff, Sebastian Sallow x f!reader, featuring the lovely friends you made along the HL games
Summary: A girl gave Seb candies laced with love potion. You were rightfully jealous. Your friends were there to help you solve the case.
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A splash of water hit your face, small drops of water dripped down onto the sink, echoing through the empty bathroom. The old cloudy mirror in front you showed the absolute sorry state that you were currently in �� hair tied up in a messy ponytail, lips chapped from the lack of hydration, the ends of your school robe muddy from being dragged through your journey around the highland. You smacked your cheeks a couple times, causing the skin to break into a rose-colored hue. It was a trick you read in a beauty book your mom owned back in London. Biting your lips, you wished it would somewhat create a red tint, hoping it would make your face appear livelier. Two students barged through the door, pulling you away from your thoughts. Shaking your head, you made your way to the Divination class.
You didn’t care about your appearance before, to be quite honest. Often times you ran around the school with gears that you found in a treasure chest somewhere deep in caves. There were nobody to impress anyway, you found prioritizing about your defensive capabilities benefited you more anyways. Things did slowly change when you took an interest to the infamous Sebastian Sallow. You thought of him as friends at first. He was an outgoing person and a notorious flirt, so you didn’t think much about the brunette. However, the constant owls you receive -- noting invitations to explore the forest and mines, Sebastian showing you the Undercroft where no one else other than Ominis knew, and going so far as introducing you to Anne, you couldn’t help but think that there were something quite special between the two of you. “I like when you put your hair up,” he said once during your study period in the library. From that point onward, you took a little bit of time in a morning to tie your hair, either in a ponytail or a bun.
Sitting down on one of the chairs in the Divination Classroom, you stared at the circular glass in front of you. A slew of students shuffled into the classroom, one of them is the popular Ravenclaw student, Emma Ainsley. Emma was probably the most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen in the school, soft long blonde hair naturally swayed behind her, cute button nose, and a pair of beautiful deep-blue eyes. She was holding a boy’s hand, and it was none other than Sebastian. They were giggling about something, the students stared at them, whispering gossips and snickering to each other. You blankly stared at the orb in front of you, wishing that the glass would absorb you in and let you disappear.
“Well, that is not a sight you expect.” Natty took the seat next to you, setting her books down.
“Y/N, you look pale. Are you alright?” said Poppy, also taking her seat on the other side. Natty stared at the Hufflepuff, widening her eyes. Poppy shrugged and offered you a Chocolate Frog. “Do you want one?”
You flashed a weak smile before glancing at Sebastian again, now sitting together next to Emma. Merlin, You were convinced someone switched places with the boy overnight. The first thing that he would do before class started was to greet you, teasing you about missing assignments. You swore you never saw him talk to Emma before. It’s obvious that a boy his age most likely would develop a crush on someone, but you rightfully were taken aback when he confessed his infatuation with the Ravenclaw. Maybe, deep down, you wished you were in her position instead.
You let out a huge sigh, cueing Poppy to give you a tender pat on your back.
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Lunchtime was not particularly appetizing that day. You toyed with the food on your plate, occasionally picking the grilled chicken and popping a bite in your mouth.
“That is it, I will press even if you don’t want to talk about it.” Natty faced you, arms crossed in front of her, “I cannot stand seeing you mope around the entire day.”
“We all know it’s Sebastian, right?” Poppy chimed in, taking a swing of pumpkin juice.
You covered your face with your hands, not wanting to see your friends concerned gaze. You sighed, again. You admitted, “Yes, it is Sebastian. I am at my wit’s end, I have no idea what happened and out of nowhere he is head over heal in love with Emma!” You quickly added, “It’s not like I’m jealous or anything… I just wished he would tell me before making a move on someone. I thought I’m one of his closest friend!”
“Oh, trust me, I’m lost too.” You heard a male voice behind you. Quickly, you whipped your head around to find Ominis looming over. The point of his wand glowing red.
“Ominis!” you exclaimed, “I thought you’d know something about this!” You scootched over, guiding the blonde boy to sit down next to you.
“Honestly, he woke up and all he talks about is Emma this, Emma that. I swear I was this close from pushing him out from the window.” He huffed.
“But that doesn’t make any sense,” Natty’s eyebrows twisted in confusion, “You can’t just love someone out of nowhere.”
The group was startled when they heard footsteps closing in in front of them. It was the man of the hour, Sebastian, with Emma clutching his arm. “Hey, this a good day, isn’t it? Shall we take a walk to Hogsmead later?” He grins. “But Sebbie, you promised that we would go together!” Emma pursued her lips and clinged on him harder. You had to muster your whole strength to not cringe from the scene in front of you, while Ominis visibly gagged from the scene. “Sorry mates, we’ll hang out later, yeah? I need to accompany my dear Em-em.” He cheered as they took a spot at the far side of the room.
“I think I ought to be sick.” You banged your head to the table.
“Count me in too. Just tell me when and I will gladly smack them both with my broom.” Imelda Reyes chimed in. Imelda and Samantha Dale popped in and joined the table. Samantha added, “But I think I know what happened.”
The group hurdled together, lowering their voices.
“Poppy and Ominis, do you remember what we brew during the potion class couple days ago?” Samantha questioned, eyeing her two classmates.
You could sense a lightbulb turned on in Ominis’ mind, “Amortentia!” he shouted, immediately being shushed by Natty, “The love potion! That’s it! I remember I saw chocolate candy wrappings on his bedside table last night.”
“Ohoho, seems like our own so-called Slytherin finest is getting the poisoned!” Imelda cracked out a cheeky snicker.
You let out a relived sigh. By this point, your feelings had beaten your rational thoughts. Yes, you were beyond jealous to see another girl putting her hands all over Sebastian. And yes, you had taken a keen interest in Sebastian Sallow. You’d hate to admit it, but you can feel the whole group knew about it already – judging by the way they immediately shot you coy smiles.
“Now you don’t have to worry again, my friend.” Natty giggled, wrapping her arm around your shoulder, hugging you close.
“W-worry about what?” You blinked, a nervous smile plastered on your face.
“All right now, we’ll deal with this together.” uttered Samantha, “We got your back, Y/N.”
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“Okay team, the rundown of Operation Saving Sebastian as follows,” Imelda proudly proclaimed as Ominis groaned, earning a smack from the girl, “Ominis and I will find the candy wrapper and report it to Professor Sharp. Samantha and Poppy will distract Emma away from Sebastian. Natty and Y/N, you will ask Sebastian for a duel and knock him out.”
“Do we really need to knock him out?” you questioned.
“Well, it does say on my notes that a good night sleep is the best way to significantly reduce the potion’s effects…” Samantha shrugged, followed by the team. You felt bad, it’s like the group collectively agreed that Sebastian’s a bit of a knobhead.
You heard Samantha and Poppy were able to convince Emma that they need to tend the mooncalves after the Magical Beast Class. Poppy did earlier rambled on about how one of thee female mooncalves was pregnant and need extra care.
Both you and Natty found Sebastian sitting in front of the fountain at the Transfiguration courtyard, smiling while looking at the sun. You heard him muttering about how the sky was as bright as Emma’s eyes. “Hey there, Sebastian.” You approached the love-stricken boy, “I’d thought it’s been a while since we went on a duel. Care to indulge me and Natty?”
“Well, I was waiting for Emma, but a duel does sound enticing.” He nodded as he followed the two girls. You mentally facepalmed – even a love potion didn’t stop this boy from his obsession with duelling challenges. Natty also gave you a look, this is the boy you have a crush on?
Lucan, as usual, was elated that Sebastian, Natty, and you were up for a duel. After all, the three students were the top of the club. It didn’t take long until a small crowd of students gathered around the duelling courtyard. You stood next to Natty, as Sebastian took his stance at the opposite side.
“Too scared to face me alone, eh?” He taunted, starting the duel with a basic cast aimed to you. You rolled your eyes and casted Protego and Stupefy followed after. Sebastian dodged the spell before being lifted up by Natty’s Levioso. You casted another rounds of basic casts before he dropped down, immediately casting a Depulso to Natty, pushing her back.
“I wished Emma can see me win!” Sebastian shouted.
That was it, the nail on the coffin. You swore you would take this lightly, “Just knock him out a bit.” You heard Samantha’s voice in your head. Yet, this whole day was frustrating enough for you. Using your ancient magic prowess, you lifted a small box and hurled it to Sebastian, hitting it against his head. The crowd went oooh! as Sebastian was rendered unconscious, comically slamming his body down on the floor, limbs sprawled everywhere.
Lucan immediately rushed to the Slytherin boy, “The winners are Natty and Y/N!” he shouted, “… and somebody should bring Seb to the hospital wing!”
“We’ll do it, Lucan, thank you.” You shuffled closer to the body on the floor, hoisting him on your shoulder. Natty joined you in a jiffy, grabbing Sebastian’s other arm around her shoulders.
“You didn’t need to go that far!” Natty whispered, although you saw her fighting a smile.
“That’s what he get for breaking my heart.” You both laughed as you travelled to the hospital wing.
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You laid down Sebastian on an empty cot, explaining to the nurse that it was a duelling mishap. The nurse shook her head and mumbled about getting us a detention. You couldn’t care less, at least now the plan is almost done.
“Sebbie! What have these two brutes done to you?” You and Natty tensed as you heard Emma burst through the doors, running towards Sebastian, “Oh my dear, I am here for you!”
Emma looked at you. If looks could kill, you’d be dead by now. “Why are you here? Move aside, I’m his girlfriend!”
You stuttered, “W-well, I’m his… friend.” You felt very stupid right now.
Just before Emma could utter other word, you heard several footsteps approaching the cot. Professor Sharp stood over the cot, presenting the candy wrapper to Emma. “Care to explain what this is?” He questioned. Ominis, Imelda, Samantha, and Poppy followed after, curious about how the story unfolded, you’d wager.
“I-it’s, uh.. I-“ Emma jumbled her words, trying to salvage the situation she was in.
“Save it, Ms. Ainsley, I shall see you in detention this evening. I shall also deduct some points from Ravenclaw.” Professor Sharp shook his head, “I’m very disappointed in you.” Emma ran out of the hospital, wailing.
Suddenly, you felt a hand squeezed yours. Sebastian groaned loudly, blinking a few times in confusion. “Why is everyone here?” He looked around, “Why am I in the hospital wing? Did something happen? Ouch!” The boy yelped as he felt a tender spot on his forehead. You shrugged and gave him an apologetic look.
“Mr. Sallow, do you recognize this?” Professor Sharp placed the candy wrapper on Sebastian hands. The brunette inspected it and muttered, “Yes, Emma Ainsley gave some candies. Said she got extra from Hogsmead. I remember they tasted weird though…”
Everybody was silent as Sebastian glanced over the candy, and then to Professor Sharp. “Oh,” the wires in his head were now connected, “was it laced with Amortentia?”
“Ten points for Slytherin.” Professor Sharp said sarcastically, “ I can’t believe I should tell you fifth years to not eat candies from strangers,” he sighed, “although, I suppose getting one unconscious is the best way to minimize the effects, yet I don’t see the need to bruise the person.”
“Sorry…” you squeezed Sebastian’s hand back.
“Well, I shall leave you all to it.” said the Professor as he walked away from the room.
“You owe us!” Imelda laughed -- The group collectively nodded.
“I think the true lovebirds need some time alone, I’d say.” Natty voiced her friends’ thoughts. They giggled, leaving Sebastian and you alone. You flashed a smile to the group, making a mental note to treat them butterbeer sometime in the future.
You grabbed a hot towel next to the cot, pressing it against Sebastian’s forehead. He winced, “Care to explain this?”
“Natty and I bested you on a duel and… I accidentally used my ancient magic, hitting you with a box?” you grinned, “I’m sorry, I was taken over by my emotions.”
“Emotions?” Sebastian smirked, “What do you mean?”
Your face was as red as a tomato at this point, “Nothing, forget about it!” you were about to get up before he held onto your robes.
“You injured me, I think you owe me an explanation still.” He smiled widely, probably enjoyed seeing you flustered like this.
You bit your lower lip, murmuring, “Do you actually have special feelings for Emma?”
Sebastian faked a gasp, “Perhaps I sense a jealousy?” You glared at him, earning a laugh from the boy, “No, I do not have feelings for her.”
You looked away, lips forming a huge smile. The two sat there for a while, hands intertwined. Sebastian’s thumb stroking your fingers. “So..” he broke the silence, “I believe a compensation is in order for bruising my head.”
You sighed as you leaned forward, planting a gentle kiss on the red spot. You guess Sebastian wasn’t expecting it, seeing how red his face became.
Maybe the days ahead wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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lovequartz · 11 months ago
where our fingers meet.
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✵ pairing: town doctor!wonwoo x fiancee!reader
✵ genre: fluff!
✵ warnings: none
✵ word count: 701
✵ crush me in your arms give me a lovelier kiss, lover
✵ notes: yeah i am back with more of this couple <3 i literally cannot stop writing for them
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the week before the wedding is stressful, and not for you but for your mother and sister. you are still trapped in somewhat of a daze, you can’t believe you’re getting married let alone who you’re getting married to. your sweet sweet wonwoo, you’re sure you must’ve dreamed him up for it is madness that a man so perfect exists. in thinking of your wonderful fiance you’re awash with a sense of longing that sits heavy in your chest. 
it’s been a little less than a week since you’ve seen him, due to all the planning madness your mother and sister have swept you up into. not to mention the fact that wonwoo had left town for a stretch to visit his parents and travel back with them so they could attend the ceremony. you wish you could’ve gone with him, to have a bit of privacy between the two of you before you were to become spouses. 
silas has been lovely as he usually is, but you suspect that he’s coming to understand that you won’t always be with him so he has been making sure to take up as much of your attention as he can. which is why he currently lays sprawled across your lap while he doodles on the edges of his math notebook, and the accompanying math textbook sits abandoned across the room near your bed. 
you run your fingers through his hair for a few passes, “i thought you promised your mother that you would have a page done by bedtime?” 
silas hums, you feel it against your thighs where his upper body is positioned, and he puts his pencil down and lays his head against his open notebook, “too sleepy,” he murmurs.
your hand moves from his hair to rub his back gently, it was just about his bedtime so the sleepiness was understandable. you leave him be and when you’re certain he’s asleep is when you tuck him into your futon, making sure the blanket covers him. gathering his things, you stack them neatly into a pile and set them near the door. 
as your nephew sleeps you busy yourself with getting ready for bed yourself, changing your day dress with your sleep gown, and running a comb through your hair. 
a few minutes into brushing you hear a faint knocking at your window, its seems too quiet to be actual knocking but doesn’t quite sound like the branches that sometimes scratch at it. you slowly make your way over, and try to peer out the spaces in the slats. after not really seeing anything, you carefully slide the window open just a crack and the sight you’re met with makes you gasp. 
“wonwoo?” you say in disbelief, staring wide eyed at your fiance that stands just outside. 
he gives you a shy smile, and rubs his hands together nervously, “sorry for the abrupt and unannounced visit.” 
you shake your head, still dizzy with disbelief. “what are you doing here?” 
“i wanted to,” he pauses as if embarrassed by his actions, and you notice how red his ears are, “see you.” 
your face heats up at his admission, and you stare silently at him for a few moments before telling him to stay put. assuring him that you would be right there.
you grab a shawl from your closet and throw it over your shoulders before quietly making your way out of your bedroom and out of the house. your slippers kick up loose rocks as you hurriedly round the corner to where your fiance waits. 
he smiles when he sees you, holding out a hand that you take as soon as you’re close enough. both your fingers weaving together seamlessly. 
“is everything okay?” you ask breathlessly, still a bit worried over this unannounced middle of the night appearance. 
his free hand comes up to cradle your cheek, and you melt as his thumb brushes across your skin. “everything is fine,” he replies, “i fear that a week without you is far too long for me to bear.” 
“wonwoo…” you mumbled, flustered over his words, “you could’ve called.”
he shakes his head with a grin, “and miss this lovely sight before me? never.”
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notes: okay my lovelies thank you as always for reading and there will most likely be more of this couple from me! let me know what you thought <3
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girlactionfigure · 9 months ago
"From the River to the Sea"
In this thread, I’m going to go into some detail about what the phrase “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free” means to many Jewish people. You may not agree, but I hope that it may enlighten those who simply don't understand the almost visceral reaction to it.
2) For the benefit of a number of students at some of America’s most expensive higher education institutions, let’s start by clarifying - the river is the River Jordan, the sea is the Mediterranean.
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3) So what do those chanting it mean? When asked, a bunch of them will say they want a single state in this area in which all people can live together in dignity and equality. Sounds great, right? Who would argue with that? 
4) That claim is somewhat muddied when one particular version of that chant is used in Arabic, as has been heard and seen at various protests - من المية للمية / فلسطين عربية “From water to water, Palestine is Arab”. But let's leave that aside for the moment. 
5) Note that the protesters are not calling for Israel to be *changed* into what they see as a free and equal society. For them this can only be achieved by Israel being *ended* and replaced by Palestine. 
6) Objectively, you can say that the reason for this is that the protestors believe that Israel (and Zionism) is fundamentally incompatible with what they see as equality and freedom for all, which is why for them it has to go in its entirety. But... 
7) But there is a significant degree of ambiguity as to what the end result *actually* means. And it’s that question mark which is why so many Jewish people see this slogan the way they do.
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8) Because Jewish people have lots of different examples of what happens to Jewish communities who are minorities in countries in the MENA region. They get destroyed. I'll give you some examples. 
9) Egypt. 1948 - 75,000 Jews. 2024 - 30 Jews.
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10) Lebanon. 1948 - 9,000 Jews. 2024 - 20 Jews.
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11) Syria. 1948 - 15,000 Jews. 2024 - 4 Jews.
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12) Yemen. 1948 - 55,000 Jews. 2024 - 1 Jew.
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13) Iraq. 1948 - 156,000 Jews. 2024 - 1 Jew.
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14) Iran. 1948 - 150,000 Jews. 2024 - 8,750 Jews (under the strict control of the Iranian regime).
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15) Libya. 1948 - 40,000 Jews. 2024 - No Jews.
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16) Algeria. 1948 - 150,000 Jews. 2024 - 150 Jews,
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17) Tunisia. 1948 - 105,000 Jews. 2024 - 1,500 Jews.
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18) Morocco. 1948 - 270,000 Jews. 2024 - 2,000 Jews.
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19) The anti-Zionist narrative is that this mass Exodus was the fault of the Zionists, who created Israel. No Israel, goes the refrain, and all those communities would still be there.
This ignores a very simple point. 
20) In every single one of these countries, to a greater or lesser extent, Israel’s independence was followed by significant repression of local Jewish populations.
Every one. 
21) Remind me, what’s the way to describe holding members of an ethnic or racial group responsible for what other members of that group may have done elsewhere?
22) By doing so - oppressing the local Jewish population via pogroms, repressive laws, denying Jewish people full citizenship, confiscation of land and property - these MENA countries made a more effective argument for Zionism than Israel ever could have done by itself. 
23) What that said, very clearly, was that Jews as a minority in a MENA country lived there strictly on sufferance. That at any time they could be deprived of everything - including their lives.
This had been clear pre-Zionism too, but the reaction post-'48 put the seal on this.
24) Which brings us back to now. The one-state Palestine being dreamt of is one where, at best, Jews will be allowed to live as a minority. 
25) I put it to you that the experience of more than half of Israel’s Jewish population - descended from those who had to leave MENA countries, means that they *know* what the end result of such a Palestine will be.
A land without Jews. 
26) This, by the way, given most Israeli Jews now are descendants of MENA Jews is also why the “post-colonial” depiction of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as some sort of “white vs brown” battle is so utterly brainless. And that’s before we discuss Israel’s many Ethiopian Jews. 
27) I’ve gone on too long, I know, but just one final point. If the anti-Israel protestors really wanted to assure Jews - all Jews - that there would be a real future for Jews in their hoped for future one-state Palestine - they would be doing their best to engage with Zionists. 
28) They would be saying “Zionism is an ideology built on numerous examples - in MENA and in Europe - that Jews are, in the long term, only safe in their own country. Let us show you that this isn’t necessarily the case. Let’s talk. Find common ground. Try for friendships.” 
29) Instead Zionists are told they are Nazis. The same age-old antisemitic conspiracy theories about Jewish control are applied to “Zionists”. “Zionists” are excluded from the Community of the Good. 
30) Congratulations! 
You’ve just proved every single Jewish Zionist’s point for them - and you’ve helped create new ones. In a very similar way to those MENA countries post 1948. 
*Thread ends* 
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mayearies · 2 years ago
miles morales loves music but he loves you more. genre: fluff
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warnings: rio and me are married (correction: every person with the last name 'morales' is married to me) a/n: dont come at me yes i know his birthday was a week ago but i had this idea and i just 😭 i had to write it plus i didnt give him a proper happy birthday so 😢 pretend i posted this on his actual birthday ALSO RIO CONTENT YAYAAYAYAY
one of maye's personal favorites :D
e1610 miles had been your boyfriend for a while, and today was his special day. you contemplated for a while what your gift would be for him. he was the best you've ever had. of course he deserved the best gift ever. sooner or later, the answer was given to you.
—you politely knocked on the door of the morales household with a box wrapped in wrapping paper and tied with a bow. specifically black and red, cause y'know. rio opened the door and a smile lit up on her face. not like the sarcastic one she had when she first met you.
"hi, hun. you here for miles?"
as you stepped in, the room smelled of vanilla and ink? weird combo, yeah? "mhm, just wanted to swing by and say a quick 'happy birthday' to him."
"oh, that's sweet. he's in his room. ¿quieres un cupcake?" "oh! n-no, gracias."
considering how often you visited miles, you tended to pick up some spanish from his mom, which she gladly taught you. rio treated you like you were a close friend, which made miles happy to say the least. "i see your spanish has improved."
"yeah, thanks ms. morales." "of course! you're special person in my son's life, i owe it to you."
♡ well, you thought that was a little too high of a praise. it felt like the morales' were givers. like if someone were to do something for them which they said was small or no big deal, they would take it to an extent. it's something you would think about time to time. nonetheless, they were grateful of how trusting you were.
you pushed the cracked door of miles' room and found him where he always was—at his desk drawing in his sketchbook with his headphones on, humming along. you wonder how hard you fell for him when you first met.
you tapped his shoulder lightly, disturbing his quote on quote singing, he smiled brightly when he saw you. "hey, love."
he engulfed you into a big hug. his shirt was cozy and he smelled sweet. "baby! you came!"
"of course i did! how could i miss your birthday?" "you missed valentines day-" "hush."
miles clearly eyed the box as you asked him how he was doing. he gave short answers and sometimes ask you to repeat what you said. you sighed with a playful smile, "you wanna know what's in the present, don't you?"
"yes pleaseee."
you two sat on his bed and miles gently untied the bow and ripped the wrapping paper. the look on his face once he saw what was inside was nothing short of surprise. you smiled as he looked over to you with a shocked face. "you're serious?"
"uh huh. happy birthday, spidey."
♡ you went down to the record store and bought roughly around half a hundred worth of albums. of course knowing miles loves music basically to death, you knew all of his favorite artists. tyler the creator, brent faiyaz, pinkpantheress, bryson tiller, sza, to name a few. you had to get him albums for his record player.
miles sighed and changed his tone into somewhat more whiney as he put his head on you lap. "noo, don't do this to me, amor. i can't accept these."
"too bad, accept them." "but i don't even use my record player anymore! i know you are not out here buying me $20 albums on vinyl, ma." "it's fine, i'll make back the money. and let's put that record player to good use, yeah?" "... god, i love you and your persistence. makes you hotter in my opinion." "that's cause i know what you like."
♡ you took him to the rooftop and danced with him until sunset where you just sang songs together. it was the best birthday miles had so far, spending it with his favorite person. that person used to be a stranger.
"happy birthday, my record boy♡"
© mayeluvsu
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shtern-and-art · 3 months ago
#JayvikLived and why it makes the most sense
What if saving you will doom me and the entire world, but I will still do it anyway, in every universe in every timeline, always. What if I do it again and again until I find the one where you can save me back. Because I don't want to do it without you.
In all timelines including the one we saw in the show, Jayce keeps fucking up, making mistakes and wrong calls. Oftentimes because of his fixation on the miracle that happened to him in his childhood. And in all timelines, in all realities Viktor keeps saving him. With that miracle.
Their recursive dream is always collapsing on itself. Viktor saved Jayce because they had the hextech dream already, and in doing so gave Jayce this dream. They are infinite in their paradox. And they managed to walk away from it only when they did it together.
Because their actual dream, the real one, was not the hextech itself, not a cog (in the system that's bringing money for the people in power), but a butterfly. A living thing. The man, not the machine.
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It was never about the tech, two ways of using it, never about two sides of the cog and choosing between one or the other. It was about two wings learning to work together.
See, Jayce got his (somewhat naive) dream of saving the world because he was saved as a child. But Viktor saved him then because their dream was always, from the very start - to help and save each other.
It was the butterfly all along.
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It was there when Jayce opened his eyes in the field. Not an omen of death, but of the human soul, rebirth. Of infinite consequences unraveling into the future.
The way the butterfly was corrupted through focusing on the technology, and the way technology eroded, reshaped itself into what it actually strives to be.
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The way Jayce put hexcore into Viktor, even though it would change him, and derail his life. Even though it would doom Viktor and them both. Because Jayce couldn't do anything else. Because Jayce would love him anyway.
The way Viktor kept coming back to save Jayce when he was a child, kept giving him the crystal. Even though it would change him irrevocably, derail his life forever. Even though it would doom Jayce and them both. Because Viktor couldn't do anything else. Because Viktor loves him anyway.
And in the end we saw that holding on to that love, like a lifeline, through all the mistakes they've made along the way, can save them both from the endless cycle of death and pain.
It was affection that held them together. Held them both from breaking into pieces and losing themselves.
I know people keep saying that it is left ambiguous if Jayce and Viktor died, or became celestial beings together, or teleported into some other time and space. But I think it is explicitly narratively clear that they didn't die in the end.
And maybe, if Jayce left, and Viktor tried to activate the rune on his own they both would've died, yes.
But their whole story is about how they help each other choose life. Literally and figuratively. By giving inspiration, by force, by just asking. It is about the butterfly coming together, and actually flying on its own, without the magic or technology.
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(mookhead_mcspazatron_ @ tiktok)
Viktor saved Jayce on the mountain and gave him his dream. Viktor took Jayce off the ledge, and gave him his dream again.
Jayce took Viktor off the ledge, when he also wanted to go. Comforted him and showed him that he can stay, even if it hurts right now. Jayce literally tore Viktor's death away from him, thrusting the new life and new fate into his hands.
And this cycle kept repeating over and over, because they refused to let each other go, yes.
But in the end Jayce clawed and tore himself to pieces to get into Viktor's soul to once again say "Your life is precious to me, no matter how bad things can get. Please see how valuable it is".
And this time, in this timeline, of all the possible (sometimes, I bet, deadly) purposes their rune was the rune of acceleration. Of, you know. Moving somewhere. Through time and space.
And it wouldn't have work if they didn't activate it together.
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And to do it they had to, symbolically, choose to walk away. Move on. Together.
Not from life, like Jinx tried after her inner-Silco's monologue. She was wrong in thinking her death will stop the disasters she brings, it would've just added to this cycle, keeping her within it instead.
And similarly, Jayce and Viktor choosing to die, and then actually dying to save everyone would've been antithetical to everything we were told beforehand.
(And oh, one day I'll compile all my notes on Jinx-Viktor/timebomb-jayvik parallels I've been clocking since season 1. This season just polished it all into crystal clear shining thread that ties the story's themes together.)
They chose to move on from the pain, the pride, the insecurities, from everything that didn't let them choose life. Everything, that pushed them away from it and towards the ledge.
Viktor was ready to let Jayce walk away, and then throw his own life on the barricades to make up for what he has done. And Jayce said "No. You don't have to do it alone".
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Viktor accepting Jayce's care and love, accepting that Jayce is staying with him, was Viktor accepting that he's worth it. That his life is worth it.
(Choosing to move on from the pain and trauma, that's what got me so strongly in the finale of the season, ugh.)
What they did wasn't a sacrifice, it was proof of life. That's what saved the world. And that's why they could only do it together.
(And with Ekko and Jinx going through the similar journey parallel to them. I'll get to that post, because fr)
Perhaps, they thought they might die. But narratively, thematically, and within their universe's established laws they actually did the opposite.
Because it was never about single individuals breaking the cycle, the wheel, the cog spinning it all. Never about one person stopping it, and saving everyone who needs it, be it through progress, through evolution, through war, or dang capitalism and politics. It was about finding the courage to trust and rely on others, to keep caring about each other. To work together like one, like two wings. To create a community, however small, that will allow you to make choices outside of the pressure the cycle of death and oppression is grinding you under. And how that brings actual meaningful change to the world, the fact that we make it happen together, and care for each other throughout.
It was about the butterfly, in the end.
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Jokes about gay situationship destroying the world and then saving it after are fun and all.
But there is SOMETHING in how it would've been so much simpler for Viktor to let Jayce die on that mountain. To let himself die of his illness later. To let the world be safe from both of them. To spare them both the pain of what will happen in the rest of their lives.
And yet Viktor comes back, and tries again and again to find a timeline where they both survive, and stay human, and don't destroy the world.
Even if it will be almost too late, even if a lot of mistakes still happen.
How about that - from the terminally ill suicidal man the world tried to convince that he's better off dead? (Yes, we're judging Heimerbitch hard in this house)
Anyways. #JayvikLived, love wins, see you all later ✨
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sunlightmurdock · 4 months ago
could I request thunderstorms and pillow forts with BBB!Bradley and cozy? 🥹
A Rainy Day | Boxer!Bradley x Bambi
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spookweek masterlist | fic masterlist
synopsis: after plans are soiled, Bradley thinks of something the two of you can share on a rainy day.
warnings: mentions of terminally ill parents, upsetting childhoods.
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The disappointment on your face is palpable, a deep frown etched into your features as you stare out of the window. Today was one of Bradley’s only days off with the pick-up in clients recently. It had been marked on your calendar as Pumpkin Patch Day for four weeks now.
Lightning flashes, followed by a threatening rumble of thunder somewhere beyond the window.
Bradley scrubs a hand over his jaw and sighs softly.
“Maybe we could do something inside instead?” He offers up weakly, knowing how much effort you had put into planning today, and how excited you had been for it.
You turn your head and look at him over your shoulder. He can tell that you try to look optimistic for him, but there’s no hiding the clear sadness.
“Like what?”
He looks around the apartment. Wracking his brain for ideas, he quickly realises that his upbringing didn’t exactly prime him for this sort of planning.
“Is there anything else you liked to do as a kid? — What do kids do for fun, anyways?” He’s almost talking to himself for the latter part of his question, staring at the carpet. He’s trying. You can appreciate that much.
That had been your whole reasoning for this. There was so much that Bradley hadn’t gotten to do as a kid — his mother had been sick, and the closest thing he had to a father ran a boxing gym that simply wasn’t a suitable environment.
“Oh!” He thinks suddenly. You lift your chin and give him your attention. “You know one thing I really liked to do as a kid?”
This perks a real reaction, enough for the big dog on your lap to lift his head and look quizzically toward your boyfriend, like he’s listening too.
“You know the scene in the movie Hook where Maggie Smith is reading to the little girl and they’re in that fort? — My mom and I used to build stuff like that when she was too sick to go out.”
Your face twists, you frown morphing from disappointment to pity at once — but he doesn’t mind the pity, not from you. He knows you just want more for him. It’s just that all of his stories are so… sad.
“You would build pillow forts together?” You ask quietly, trying to imagine him all small and buried under blankets and pillows, tucked under his mother’s arm.
“All the time.” She was too sick to go out a lot. But, this isn’t one of his sad memories. He finds a smile and pushes himself out of the armchair. “Come on, I’ll show you how.”
His first instruction is to find all the blankets that you can — he knows that you’ve got plenty. By the time you return with arms full, you find that he has somewhat deconstructed your living room.
The couch is pushed way back and the coffee table is now by kitchen island, the couch cushions are on the ground and there’s a lamp right in the middle — with its lampshade discarded.
As you open your mouth to question his changes, he steps over to you and kisses the top of your head, scooping up your mass of blankets. “Perfect, and then we just want to drape them over the lamp — and over the back of the couch, and prop this up over here.”
There’s a method to his madness, clearly, as you watch his little plan start to come together.
Another idea sparks in his head as he’s busy positioning the blankets. “You want to light some candles? — We can play monopoly or something.”
“I don’t play monopoly with cheaters.” Comes out of your mouth more quickly than you had intended, making his head whip towards you. His lips twist upwards, brown eyes narrowing playfully.
“Fine. How about a movie?”
With the candles lit, your small apartment seems abundantly less gray. It’s more shades of orange and amber now with the flickering light and the soft glow of the television.
Bradley’s awkwardly curled within the ‘fort’ with you on his chest and his arms around you. His chin rests atop your head and you can tell that this is one of those times that he really lets himself relax.
It’s not quite as easy for him to fit into the pillow fort as it had been when he was a kid, but it brings back a strange and sweeping sense of nostalgia.
He’s quick to pull you against him, curled up and watching a movie meant for kids, his thumb trailing patterns just under the breach of your t-shirt.
He’ll let you take him to the pumpkin patch someday, and he’ll appreciate your planning and make sure it’s a good day — but there’s nothing that beats this.
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