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Alcanzamos otro record 🏆 historico en Kwai: 200.0K views gracias a todos @santenchan-the-youtuber @santenchan-blog
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whatismyreality · 2 years
i desperately need sleep but apparently it doesn't exist in my vocabulary so i just lay there in my oh so (un)comfortable bed while i suffer the inevitable also known as crippling anxiety & depression
man i love life !
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sangbadsarabela · 1 year
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stuckinapril · 5 months
megan thee stallion is the perfect example of unbothered energy. nicki has repeatedly vagueposted about her, gone on unhinged rants about her, gone so far as to mention her dead mother (such a classless low blow), threatened her on live, and has now released the tackiest diss track in history. and what has megan done? literally nothing. she straight up ignored her, aside from that one ig story where she posted herself laughing (which was perfect btw). she is the epitome of “i will not dignify that w a response.” i love it.
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rajeshraj1 · 1 year
Latest bihar news
Bihar News: Latest Updates on the State of Affairs in Bihar Bihar is a state in eastern India that has been in the Bihar news a lot lately. Here you will find the latest updates on the state of affairs in Bihar.
1. What's new in Bihar? The state of Bihar is seeing a lot of development and change recently. There are new businesses and industries opening up, and the state is becoming a more popular destination for investment. The infrastructure is also being improved, with new roads and bridges being built. The people of Bihar are benefiting from all of this development, as they are now able to find better jobs and enjoy a higher standard of living.
2. Political developments in Bihar In the year 2015, there were a number of political developments in the state of Bihar. One of the most notable was the election of Nitish Kumar as the Chief Minister of the state. Kumar had previously served as the Chief Minister from 2005 to 2013, but he had then stepped down after his party, the Janata Dal (United), joined the National Democratic Alliance. In the election in 2015, Kumar's party won a majority of seats in the state legislature, and he was subsequently sworn in as Chief Minister.
Another major development in 2015 was the formation of a new political party in the state, the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD). The RJD was formed by Lalu Prasad Yadav, who had previously been a member of the Janata Dal (United). Yadav had been expelled from the Janata Dal (United) in 2013, after he was convicted of corruption. The RJD went on to win a majority of seats in the state legislature in the election in 2015.
 Finally, in 2015 there was a change in leadership of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in the state. Sushil Kumar Modi, who had been the Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar since 2005, replaced Nitish Kumar as the leader of the BJP in the state.
3. Economic conditions in Bihar Bihar is one of the poorest states in India, with a high level of poverty and unemployment. The state has a weak infrastructure, and a lack of industry and investment has led to low levels of economic development. The government has made efforts to attract investment, but the results have been mixed. The economic conditions in Bihar are improving, but there is still a lot of work to be done.
4. Social conditions in Bihar Bihar is one of the poorest states in India, with a significant proportion of the population living in poverty. This poverty is exacerbated by the state's poor social conditions, which include a lack of education and health care, and widespread corruption. The state government has made some efforts to improve social conditions in Bihar, but these have been insufficient. As a result, the quality of life for most people in Bihar is very poor.
5. Culture and heritage of Bihar The culture and heritage of Bihar are some of the most unique in all of India. The state is known for its colorful festivals, intricate traditional dances, and delicious cuisine. There is a rich history behind the culture of Bihar, and it is evident in the many ancient temples and monuments that dot the landscape.
One of the most notable aspects of Bihar's culture is its music. The traditional Bhojpuri music is a distinctive genre that is beloved by people all over the state. Bhojpuri songs are often filled with joy and happiness, and they are always a joy to listen to. The food of Bihar is also famous throughout India. The state is known for its delicious curries, flatbreads, and sweets. Every dish is packed with flavor, and there is something to please everyone's taste buds.
Bihar is a fascinating state with a rich culture and heritage that is worth exploring. If you are interested in learning more about this unique part of India, be sure to visit Bihar and experience it firsthand. Bihar is a fascinating place with a rich history and culture. I hope that the latest updates on the state of affairs in Bihar will help to improve the living conditions of the people in the state.
If you are looking Political News in Bihar click here: http://rajeshraj.in/
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endlesslytired · 21 days
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more from the post looooop:
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satorisoup · 2 months
oh my goodness… im going crazy >//<
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age-of-moonknight · 3 months
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“Soldier,” Vengeance of the Moon Knight (Vol. 2/2024), #3.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Penciler and Inker: Alessandro Cappuccio; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
#Marvel#Marvel comics#Marvel 616#Vengeance of the Moon Knight#Vengeance of the Moon Knight 2024#Vengeance of the Moon Knight vol. 3#latest release#Moon Knight#Soldier#that opening page is breath-taking (and perhaps in a literal sense for that dude getting whaled on)#/almost/ succeeded in distracting me from Soldier’s raging survivor’s guilt#but…oof#what really gets me about this issue (and I guess Soldier’s character in general) is how adamant he is about his willingness to die#and yet he continues to live#he didn’t get blown up in his introductory issue he got turned into a vampire and now he’s seemingly outlived Marc#it seems to be asking the question «yeah sure you’ll die for me but will you keep on living to continue my mission?»#which already gets me in the gut but also seems particularly impactful when it’s coming from Marc#considering how much he consistently felt like a dead man walking haunted by his past and alive only to somehow atone for that past#and I very much look forward to coming back to this issue if it’s ever revealed if this new Moon Knight is really Marc come back wrong#because Soldier spends so much of this issue insisting that the Moon Knight he would die for is dead#and it would make that first page wonderfully/terribly ironic#just the concept of the man you feel you should have died for still living but twisted into something unrecognizably despicable#maybe to the point where the man he was is functionally dead#that would be wild
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Bit annoyed at my online art mentor for critiquing me like I'm trying to get into the industry like no my dude
I just want to make cool stuff that means things
that makes people feel things
yes I paid all this money just to learn how to do that better
I told you this on the first day
and stop critiquing my blatantly unpolished shading practice THAT i TOLD YOU was rough on purpose when there is litERALLY A POLISHED ONE ON THE SAME STINKING PAGE JUST ABOVE IT THAT i ACTUALLY DID PUT EFFOR T INTO POLISHING
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jay-wasreblogging · 6 months
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Alcanzamos otro record historico en Kwai 222.4K views gracias a todos ustedes @santenchan-the-youtuber @santenchan-blog
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dummerjan · 3 months
DDT is coming to Germany! In just 5 days and I found out 10 minutes ago. I already have theatre tickets for that day but who cares. I would sell one of my kindeys to see them.
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247liveculture · 10 months
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August 28, 2020, we lost an angel! 🕊️
RIP Chadwick Boseman!
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ciboriaadastra · 11 months
Having a thought about how the amount of wealth Bruce comes into and then amasses for himself changed over the decades of Batman media, and the reason he's beeen scaled up to be so impossibly wealthy is probably because cities and companies in DC lore are analogs to real life places and companies.
Wayne Enterprises probably reflects how homogenous American multinational corporations are now, where a single company can make and distribute almost all consumer goods because it has bought out/merged hundreds of smaller companies + purchased everything it needed from the ground up so it does not depend on many others besides itself.
Just something that crossed my mind when I was looking up what WE actually does and the Fandom (bleh) wiki listed so many branches. Wayne Shipping? Wayne Foods? Like...is this Amazon and Bruce is now Bezos? Wayne Entertainment? He's also Disney? Wayne Electronics? This is Apple? Wayne Aerospace? Boeing??? Bruce is trying to be in control of and monitor every single means of production and every production line fr
Feel like that should influence how people view Wayne Enterprises and Bruce himself. Steadily creeping in and taking root in every industry. People get curious about a new construction project in the city, but once it's revealed to be a Wayne Tower it's filling people with dread. Though, it was a long time coming...everything you order online comes in a box with a W on the tape delivered to your address in a black as night truck with a giant W emblazoned on the side. The meds in your cabinet were produced under Wayne Pharmaceuticals. The cable and streaming services were recently bought by Wayne Entertainment. The Wayne Foundation started offering scholarships at the major college campuses. Your phone is Wayne tech. Your car was built with Wayne Steel. Soon the hospitals will be all Wayne Medical, your insurance company bought out. The local newspapers and stations will be bought up. The libraries. The clinics. The orphanages. The schools. The grocery store. You're never going to scrub that b ig soulless W out of your head. The way the logo looks like the head of a pitchfork, ready to stab and capture the intended prey.
Thinking about how Wayne Medical seems so innocuous in what it does except for the bit on how Bruce has access to every person in Gotham's medical records, because he can access the Wayne Medical databases and use that information to track suspects. And the thing is WE does not just exist in Gotham, it's a multinational corporation with bases in major cities not just in the U.S. but around the world. This man has millions of people's medical records easily accessible to him which feels both extremely unethical and extremely illegal. Not that civilians can prove he can and does access those records though.
#thinking about how bruce as a billionaire should be just as scary as the batman#maybe that's why the playboy persona came about...to distract from how terrifying it is to just see WE to swoop in and devour your city#sucking it of all that built it and made it the way it is and turning it into a living asset#You need scandals and tacky tabloid gossip to cover up the things the common people don't like#yeah sure it can be an act to the throw off *other elites* so they don't think he'll ever catch onto them or something#but if everyone is talking on the dc comics equivalent of twitter + insta + fb about Bruce's latest drunken or flirtatious stint#they're not talking about how the new investment Wayne Foods is going to monopolize the agriculture industry#buying hundreds of farms in the Midwest and so much livestock#If everyone's talking about Bruce's latest sweethearts and broken hearts#they're not talking about what patents and copyrights WE holds and how WE can ruin your life if you try to challenge or defy its claims#I just like thinking about the whole 'is Batman secretly a vampire' but with Bruce also being suspected for how WE conducts business#also thinking about corporate horror in the vein of people pointing out how sinister Amazon's logo is being an arrow resembling a thin smile#it made sense when the word amazon was there bc the arrow was pointing from A to the z...implying they had everything you can name#but now it's just a creepy ass thin smile on the side of those delivery vans#Wayne Enterprises but they reduced it from 'Wayne' on everything to just a W and then they made the W look so bulky and pronged#for lack of better description...also I think every Wayne Tower should carry the gothic aesthetics over regardless of where it's built#I think it should also be obnoxiously and carefully painted black so it also catches your eye from being the odd one out in a sea of beige#Bruce definitely has the money to make his presence as intimidating and goth as possible...tells the criminals who is gonna be boss now#ciboria rambles#bruce wayne
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sharptoothed-gaze · 3 months
Hello everybody, Sharp is back in the building!!
I know that the amount of people that care is probably very limited, but I just wanted to let y’all know that I’ve returned from my, thankfully, relatively short break. As a result, I now have a lot more of my life in order, which is good news.
So yeah, I’m glad to be back and I especially want to give a big thank you to everyone who wished me well on my last post. A good community has been built in the fandom space, and I’m forever grateful for y’all <3
(Also I’ve been gone for a bit over a week, which is a million years in qsmp time! If you have any updates on what’s been going on with the server I’d appreciate them. Both silly and discourse related are welcome while I surf through everyone’s blogs. You can send me asks or comment on this post and I’ll read it. Thanks!)
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dreamings-free · 4 months
The 23,500 Co-op Live venue in Manchester is set to open in April
By Liberty Dunworth | 23rd February 2024
Bosses of two of the largest indoor UK arenas have come to blows, with one accusing the other of trying to block its launch date for competitive reasons.
The conflict is between the AO Arena in Manchester (operated by ASM Global) and the upcoming 23,500 seat venue Co-op Live, which is set to open in the city this April.
In a licensing meeting for the latter, ASM Global had objected over “public safety” reasons and accused the application for a licence being “simply unlawful”.
Initially, ASM stated they had no issue with the new venue opening until midnight, however, issues arose at the prospect of the space being allowed to open until 2am at the weekend. In written submissions to Manchester City Council’s licensing committee, the operator of AO Arena said it only wanted to promote licensing objectives to “safeguard public safety and the prevention of public nuisance”.
Elsewhere, opposition towards the venue having its licence granted has come from 32 residents, two councillors, the council’s public health team, and the Music Venue Trust (MVT).
For the latter, this comes as Co-op Live had “declined” to sign up for a £1-per-ticket levy which funds the MVT’s “pipeline investment fund” for grassroots venues. During the hearing, Mark Donnelly suggested that the MVT’s objection was out of spite due to the refusal to opt-in for the levy, however, MVT’s Niall Forde said this suggestion was “inflammatory” and “entirely false” (via BBC).
The MVT has instead taken issue with the venue’s “ancillary spaces” being allowed to stay open later into the night, because of the impact it will have on neighbouring residents and smaller businesses.
The licensing hearing continues.
News of the MVT’s issue with the arena opening comes in light of it sharing a report, showing the “disaster” that struck the UK’s grassroots music venues in 2023.
Last year, the MVT delivered their first annual report at the Houses Of Parliament – warning grassroots gig spaces in the UK were “going over a cliff” without urgent government action and investment from new large arenas.
-> full article here on NME.com
a reporter from Manchester Evening News has also been live tweeting from the licensing meetings; twitter threads from Feb 21st and Feb 22nd
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