#last time i took few days off they were literally waking me up with calls... so this time i put my phone on silent
yohankang · 1 year
i'm so anxious abt tomorrow i feel nauseous
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enwoso · 2 months
CHANGED — arsenal wfc x lionesses!reader
now i swear someone requested this but i literally can’t find the request in my inbox at all and i’m actually starting to think ive gone crazy and that i dreamt this request but anyways part two for hyper cause if i dreamt the request or not i loved it for what i can remember of it🙃
read hyper here
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it had been a few weeks since your chat with leah, and slowly your behaviour had started to change and not for the worse. but for the better!
it took a few more scoldings from leah and kim for doing  silly things like, putting food colouring in pelovas shampoo or folding over all the pages in emily's book she was reading or when kept interrupting steph when she was filming a thirty second clip for the media team it ending up taking the australian thirty minutes to film the video instead of a minute.
but after one to many sit downs with leah and kim something clicked in your head and your mischievous acts slowly stopped.
so much so that in the first few days when you hadn't pulled a joke on anyone, the arsenal girls were wondering if you were sick or if something drastic had happened.
the girls feeling on edge about not having to check over their stuff or checking over door handles incase you had gotten to them before they had.
“y/n are you sure your not sick, there’s no way you’ve just turned down kyra’s attempt to cause havoc again!”
“i’m a changed women stephy! that’s the old me!”
and while you were technically a changed women it was all because of that big goal you had looming over your head. that you wanted to reach.
getting to the euro 2025.
yeah you still pulled a small harmless joke like scaring alessia whenever she came around a corner but that was just banter plus her face every time you did it was priceless.
plus leah said you were allowed to have some fun!
"you've had a good session today y/n" kim complimented you as she sat down next to you in the changing room you busy taking off your boots, kim felt a lot more relaxed the past few weeks not having to look over her shoulder every time she took a step in the training ground.
"thanks kim" you smiled at the captain, "let's hope you have another masterclass this weekend ey?" she nudged you as a small laugh came from you as kim was bringing up your two goals you got last weekend in the league.
"i hope so" you shrugged, your mind wasn't really on the weekend as much as it should you were more concerned about if you were going to get the phone call tomorrow or not, which would determine where your family were having their summer holiday.
"you thinking about the getting the call up?" kim asked quietly knowing your head was clearly somewhere else due to your lack of chattiness, normally your teammates would have a hard time getting you to stop talking.
you hummed as you nodded, kim bumping her shoulder into yours. "you'll get the call up, there's been a massive improvement in you over the last few weeks y/n"
you looked up to kim, seeing a genuine look on her face, "i mean it, and not only on the pitch but off the pitch too!"
"gosh your full of compliments today kimmy! did you finally wake up on the right side of the bed" you joked as you watched kim roll her eyes a small scoff coming from her.
"anddd she back! there's the y/n i know!"
it was the next day and it was safe to say you hardly slept spending too long up thinking about what you would do if you didn't get the call up, all those extra sessions, all those days spent trying to change your behaviour would have been for nothing.
but also thinking about what you would do if you did get the call up, how happy you would be and how proud your family would be of you.
walking into the colony you were tired, you were dragging your feet as your walked. your body feeling tired and you hadn't even done anything today yet.
grabbing your usual breakfast and slouching down on a chair on the closest table. "heard anything yet?" you looked up to see leah raising her eyebrows at you. shaking your head you began to eat praying it would wake you up a little.
"the list doesn't get posted until 12 so—" you hummed along with whatever leah was saying before you along with the other who were sat on your table fell into your usual small talk.
"y/n! your phones ringing!" alessia tapped you on the shoulder, your eyes snapping to the phone screen an unknown number on the screen.
"well answer it then!" leah said quickly as you scrambled to answer. standing up and walking over to the stand in the hallway where you'd be able to hear whoever was calling better.
leah, along with beth, kim, lia and alessia were all looking trying to decipher what you were saying and what the scenario was.
"do you think she's got the call up?" beth whispered as leah was trying so hard to lip read what you were saying but was really having no luck as she hadn't a clue what you were saying.
"surely, she'd be a great addition to the squad for the euros" alessia pointed out as beth hummed, along with lia and kim nodding along.
"oh she'll be gutted if she doesn't get it" lia sighed as kim give a knowing look. while she was silently praying for you hoping that you would as she dread to think about your reaction if you didn't get it.
"will you shut up i'm trying to listen!" leah huffed as she scowl at the group before going back to try her lip reading again it feeling as though you'd been standing in that hallway on the phone for the last hour when in reality it had been probably less than ten minutes.
"how is she able to hear when there's a wall there-" alessia whispered in beth's direction as beth shrugged waving off what leah had just said.
"right act normal she coming back-" leah spoke fast turning her body back around to the position she was sat in when you left trying to make out that she hadn't just been intensely staring at the conversation you were having on the phone.
"oh no she doesn't look very happy-" lia whispered, you walking in a small frown on your face. as your shoulders were hanging low as you sighed sitting down in your original seat.
"oh- y/n i'm so sor—"
"I'M GOING TO THE EUROS BABY!" you cheered, your face changing in a split second from a frown to a big cheesy grin as the canteen when quiet for a minute as they all processed what you'd said.
the girls all jumped up hugging you and congratulating you as they told you how proud they were of you.
“what did sarina say?” beth asked as the celebrations calmed down and everyone had sat back down.
“she just said she’d seen how well i’ve been playing and she thinks i could be good option for a game changer at the euros” you said with the same smile, it not leaving your face and probably wouldn’t be for a long time.
leah sat listening to you as you recalled the phone call over to them, as she sat like a proud mother. "yes kiddo! switzerland won't know what has hit them!"
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🍆 So you can feel me even when I’m not there… 🍆
✎ Pairing: Chan x fem!reader
✎ Genre: Sad smut
✎ Summary: Chan’s on tour, but he’s found a way to be attentive even when he’s overseas.
✎ CW: Phone sex, FaceTime sex, dirty talk, sex toy use, swears, praise kink, daddy kink, general sadness
✎ Word count: 3,604
✎ Song recs: “Baby I’m Yours” - Arctic Monkeys & “Even When I’m Not With You” - Pierce the Veil
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Two days.
It had only been two days since you saw him last, when he dragged himself out of bed at 3 in the morning to head to the airport.
He’d made you come four times before bed that night — once for each day he’d be gone — and held you tight while you slept. He even kissed you goodbye four times before leaving in the morning. But it wasn’t enough; nothing could ever be enough.
Even on his busiest days, you could at least look forward to him crawling into bed at night. He’d slide in behind you, pulling you into his chest as he drifts off, or maybe lightly pressing his hips into yours to see if you’d be down for a quickie. Sometimes you’d both be so tired he’d just slip his cock into you and gently roll his hips until he found release or simply fell asleep.
But the nights he was gone were almost unbearable. You’d wake up just before dawn to a dark room and an empty bed, immediately filled with fear that something happened to stop him from coming home to you. Then it hits you that he’s not supposed to come home, and somehow that’s even worse.
Two nights in a row waking up with that feeling has you losing it. The ache in your chest and your cunt only grows, and there’s nothing a weighted blanket or vibrator could do about either sensation. You need him.
Hey, baby
Malaysia is only an hour behind, but he’s probably sleeping after the early morning trip. He’ll reply later.
You try to go about your morning routine as best you can, but you can’t take your mind off his absence. Coffee, oatmeal, an empty seat at your table for two. Movie, blanket, a cold cushion on the loveseat. His scent is fading from the sweatshirt you haven’t taken off since the morning he left.
He needs his rest, but you need to hear his voice, see his words. Anything from him at this point.
Luckily, he answers quickly this time.
Yeah love ?
I miss you…
I miss you too sweetheart
No I mean I…
I MISS you
I see hahahaha
:( don’t laugh
A voice message comes next.
“Naur, I’m sorry baby,” his silky voice pours out of the speaker. “Didn’t mean to make fun. You’re just cute… and predictable. Hehehehe.”
It takes a few listens to comprehend what he’s actually saying to you. The sound of his words and his laugh and his breath are exactly what you needed. And you’re sure he knows that, because he sends another text before you can compose yourself enough to reply.
Doing ok over there?
As best as I can… thank you
I wanna hear you too ㅠㅠㅠ
“Hiiii. I love youuuu. I miss yooouuuu,” you coo into the mic and send it off.
Hey… what are you doing now?
Watching a movie
Ok if I call… ?
Of course :)
The Arctic Monkeys’ rendition of “Baby I’m Yours” plays and his goofy smile pops up on your screen. You almost always spend a few seconds distractedly staring at this photo you took before answering his calls.
“Hi, honey.”
Your voice is soft and sweet, matching the expression on your boyfriend’s face. One hand is pressed between the hotel pillow and his messy hair, and his sleepy, cinnamon eyes look right into the camera.
“Just woke up, thinking about yooouuuuu…” he croons, dragging out the last word just as you did in your voice note. “What are you watching?”
“I don’t know, I just clicked on whatever Netflix suggested,” you reply. “Just trying to distract myself.”
“Is it good at least?” he asks, still gazing at you in complete adoration.
“It’s fine, I don’t care,” you insist, more interested in listening to the beautiful boy on your phone talk about literally anything. “How about you? Tell me about the tour.”
“Ahhh,” he starts, shifting his glance offscreen. “First show went well, another today.”
His eyes are pointed just under the camera now, and a tiny smile spreads across his lips.
“It’s beautiful here,” he says. “I keep thinking about experiencing all of this with you, though. We’ll have to come back.”
“Yeah, sure,” you answer dazedly. Hearing him say romantic shit with those lips… looking at you with those eyes… it’s mystifying.
When you started dating, his excitement would turn to concern when you zoned out like this, but now he knows better, and his smile only widens.
“I love you,” he says softly and stifles a giggle. “But hey, I gotta go. They need us for some press thing soon.”
You can’t hide the frown that pulls at the corners of your mouth.
“I know, I know,” he consoles. “I’ll be free later, and I’ll text you, yeah?”
“Ok, have a good day, talk to you later,” you answer weakly.
“Hey, 힘내. I’ll make it worth it,” he winks.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Love you.”
“Love you too, sweetheart.”
He blows a kiss and then he’s gone, leaving you to stare at your sad reflection on the black screen.
The minutes, then the hours pass. True crime episodes, supernatural thrillers, nothing can hold your attention. You’re drowning in thoughts of him, and every tiny chime from your phone sends your heart rate to the moon. It’s never him, but it doesn’t stop you from hoping.
A characteristically slow episode of this week’s hottest dating show has you half asleep, and you almost miss the alert you’ve been waiting for. Luckily, it’s followed by his ringtone a minute later.
“Hiiii??” you answer groggily.
“Hey, baby, enjoy your nap?”
Chan’s voice is barely louder than a whisper, and you decide a low grunt is enough to answer his question.
“Hehehe, I can’t talk but wanted to make sure you were up. Check your texts. Byyyeeee!”
He’s gone again, and you muster enough strength to navigate to your messages just in time to see the original text before a new one pops up.
Still filming, but I miss you too much
Get any deliveries today?
Not that I know of but let me check
You pad to the door, feeling the cool wood on your feet for the first time in hours. A quick peek into the hallway outside of the apartment reveals a medium-sized, plain cardboard box.
You bring it back to the couch — today’s haven — and drape the blanket back over you before placing the box in your lap and checking your phone.
Come baaccckkkk
There’s a box… what did you do
Did you open it?
The tape breaks easily, and inside is a note stamped with three small hearts sitting atop delicately folded tissue paper. Underneath, you find some lingerie, a mask, and two boxes varying in size.
Inside the first is a small suction toy, and the second contains a silicone dildo packaged with another note.
So you can feel me even when I’m not there…
A closer inspection reveals ridges and curves that seem almost familiar. You close your fingers around the base and slowly drag your hand toward the tip, feeling the same veins press against your fingers. How did he…
Is this…
It was supposed to ship before I left I’m sorry it’s late
How the fuck did you do this
Will you try it out for me later?
I want to know how close it is to the real thing and you know it best
Chan oh my god
I’ll call in an hour when I’m back in my room ok…?
See you soon!!!
Of course he’d do something like this without warning you, but the timing couldn’t be better. What better to fill the hole left by his absence than, well, him.
A quick shower and trash run later, you settle in on the couch right as your phone rings for the third time today.
“Hey, sexy,” he hums. “Do you like your gifts?”
“Waited for you to try them out, but they do seem promising,” you tease, angling your phone down just enough to get some cleavage in frame. One corner of his mouth pulls back in a smirk, putting that dimple on full display.
“Cute… I’ve wanted to see you in that for weeks. But I do have a question, a proposition I guess…”
“Yeah? What would that be?”
“Can you prop up your phone so I can see you, and put the blindfold on?”
Hot, but also…
“So… I can’t see you then?”
“I want it to feel like I’m there, like I’m the one touching you, making you feel good,” he says as a light blush spreads across his cheeks. “I read somewhere this helps.”
“Oh, well, ok, yeah. You’ll keep talking though?”
“Of course, baby. I’ll talk you through it all.”
“Ok, hold on.”
You make quick work of leaning your phone against one of the many glasses on the coffee table, ensuring the whole couch is in clear view before stepping back and slowly sitting down. The suction toy rests on the cushion to your left, and the dildo on the right.
“Perfect, ok, now put the dildo on the floor,” Chan says. “There’s suction on the bottom, you can just stick it to the wood.”
You secure his cock on the ground between the couch and the table, and everything in you screams to just sit on it now and never take it out ever again. But he has other plans, so you’ll save that fantasy for later and sit back on the couch.
“Blindfold time, sweetheart.”
A deep breath in, and you slide the silk down over your eyes and place your hands on your knees, awaiting further instruction.
“All good?” Chan asks, excitement and concern laced together in his voice. “You can hear me ok?”
“Mhm, yeah. Ready when you are.”
Another giggle fills the space, and it’s clear he was right. In the dark, it’s easier to pretend he isn’t hundreds of miles away. Like he’s here, standing above you.
“I love that you got all dressed up for me,” he says, slow and low. “Can I see your pretty panties, too?”
Hands still on your knees, you gradually spread your legs until your calves hit the couch.
“That’s perfect, baby. They look so good on you, on your skin. I wish I could touch your skin,” he rambles a bit, then pauses before continuing. “Can you describe it for me?”
“My skin?”
“Yeah, touch yourself. Tell me how it feels.”
You place your fingertips just under your chin, lightly dragging them along your neck, down to your chest.
“It’s…. soft, smooth. I put that lotion you like on after my shower.”
“You did? Where else did you put it?”
“On my chest, my stomach, my thighs…” you respond, running your fingers down your body as you go.
“And your inner thighs? There, too?”
“Of course.”
He lets out a shuddering breath as your hand travels down to your legs, moving out to your knee via the top of your thigh and heading back on the soft, sensitive skin on your inner thigh. Fingertips stop just between thigh and crotch.
“What about between your legs? Can you tell me how it feels there?”
You slide a finger under the fabric, gliding across the freshly shaved skin with help from the slickness of your arousal. You make a point to bend your finger so your knuckle presses outward, making it clear exactly where you’re touching yourself — for the yearning viewer’s sake.
“It’s wet, silky… delicate.”
“Silky, huh? And how do you feel when you touch yourself there?”
“Good,” you reply a little too quickly, revealing the truth behind the calm, composed roles you’d both been playing. You’re sure he’s chuckling at you right now. If only you could see his face…
“How does that compare to when I touch you there?”
Thoughts immediately snap to him, his fingers, doing what you’re doing. Emulating his typical movements in the dark has you almost, almost convinced it is him. Him teasing you, tormenting you before unexpectedly dipping a finger or two inside. Asking how badly you want him, want his big cock…
“Baby, tell me what you’re feeling.”
“You,” you admit. “I feel… you.”
“Yeah?” he chirps, a hint of pride in his voice. “What am I doing? What do you want me to do?”
“Fuck me.”
“I don’t know if you’re ready for me yet. Gotta stretch you out first, play with your clit a little. Can you grab that toy for me?”
You reach for the suction toy on your left, hovering just over it until he confirms that’s what he wants.
“Yeah, use that for me. On your clit. It should feel like my mouth...”
You raise your hips to slide the thong down, giving yourself a better chance to use this correctly. Pointer and middle fingers spread your folds as you try your best to aim in the darkness.
The suction feels… strange. Interesting? You reposition it a few times and it’s nice, but not like oral, though. And you must look frustrated, because…
“Wow, it is really like I’m there…” Chan muses.
“Huh? How?”
“It’s just… taking you a bit… to find…” he giggles.
“Oh, shut up, you’re so… oh…”
Yep, there it is. The silicone circle surrounds the sensitive nub and pulls inward. It’s just like lips… and tongue… and Chan… relentlessly sucking and pulling with his face buried between your thighs and his hands gripping your hips and your fingers lodged in his hair…
It’s so good but it’s so much. Your head is spinning and your heart is racing and your toes curl down into the wood trying to ground yourself in any way you can. Your free hand alternates between squeezing the life out of the couch cushion and running along your skin — down your thighs, up your chest, through your hair. Nails dragging and leaving marks like you would on him, on his chest, on his back…
“Baby, come for me.”
His voice breaks through the haze like lightning cracking down from the sky, sending electric tingles through your veins. A strained cry escapes your throat as you do exactly what he said, what he ordered.
The high is short but intense, and you’re shaking well past the end. You let the toy fall to the couch and lean back, enjoying the aftershocks.
“You look so beautiful like that,” he hums.
“Mhhhmmm,” you sigh. “Hope you enjoyed the show.”
“We’re not done yet, sweetheart,” Chan whispers, but it’s louder now. Like his mouth is right next to the mic. “I want you to ride me.”
You maneuver down to the floor and feel for the rigid silicone. You position your knees on either side and slightly in front of the dildo, then lower your ass down toward your feet until the tip brushes against your folds.
“Want daddy to spread you open? Split your walls around my cock?”
“Please,” you beg, reaching down to play with your swollen clit while rolling your hips forward and back, just rubbing the head against you.
“Spit in your hand and rub it on me.”
You do as you’re told again, coating the dildo in your saliva. It’s amazing how much it feels like him.
“Put me in… just a little.”
You angle the head into you. It’s just as big as him, and just as much of a shock when the tip disappears inside your body. You have inches to go, but you’re already starting to feel whole again.
“How does it feel?”
“Amazing, it’s so real. It feels like you.”
“It is me, baby. You feel so good, too. Can you pull your hair for me?”
The thought of it makes you moan, and the tug on the back of your scalp only increases the volume. You inch down slowly, giving yourself time to adjust to his size and appreciate every single vein and curve as it forces your walls apart. He stretches you out so well…
“Take me all the way. Now.”
A pained groan sounds out as you force yourself down to the floor, burying Chan’s cock in you down to his balls. The sound of them slapping against your soaked pussy makes both of you moan.
“Fuck yourself on my cock.”
You carefully raise and lower your hips, still not fully acclimated to his size. Each lift-up is bittersweet relief, and each push-down is delicious torment. You go faster and faster each time, urged on by his groans.
“Take off your bra. I wanna see your tits bounce for me.”
Fingers undo the clasp and you slide the garment over your shoulders and down your arms, still rolling your hips up and down, angling him into every inch of flesh inside you.
“Play with your nipple… wet your fingers and pinch it like I do. I want to hear you whine.”
This time, You use the wetness from your pussy to dampen your fingers before running one hard nipple between finger and thumb. His moans encourage you to reach down to gather more, but this time, you slide three fingers into your mouth and close your lips. You drag them out slowly, knowing it will drive him wild.
“Wanna taste me, baby?” you ask.
“More than anything in the world. What is it like?”
“Hmmmm,” you muse, taking time to wrap your tongue around each individual finger in the lewdest way possible. “Sweet… and salty.”
“Mmm, I want to lick you clean,” he confesses, “eat you for every single meal. I wanna live between your thighs.”
You fuck yourself faster now, bouncing up and down on his dick. He fills you up perfectly and completely, like he was made to your exact specifications. And this was made to his.
“Feels so good… so big…” you exhale, placing one hand behind you to steady yourself and using the other to twist and tweak your nipple.
“Yeah… and you feel so tight, you take my cock so well. Can you roll your body how I like?”
Shoulders back first, you wind your torso forward and back, taking extra care to roll your hips on his cock. Back and forth, back and forth. His name on your lips.
“That’s it, just like that. Good girl.”
Skin slaps from both ends of the call, and your shaky exhales happen almost in perfect unison. He must be close, and so are you.
“Ch… choke yourself. Squeeze that pretty neck.”
Fingers leave your tit to grip your neck and force your head back, just like he does when he leans in, hot breath on your skin, sucking hickeys into any flesh not hidden by his long fingers. Biting your ear, pulling down at the lobe and letting it snap back as you grind into his lap. Fucking yourself on his big cock at your own pace, tits bouncing in his face. He’ll catch a nipple between teeth if he can, biting down hard and letting go quickly. Just kissing and sucking and nipping at your skin like an animal… like a…
“Oh fuck!” you cry out, washed over by a wave of unstoppable pleasure. “I’m… Chan… I’m…”
“That’s it, come for me, come on me,” he hisses.
His cock relentlessly slams into you throughout your orgasm, so rhythmically you forget it’s not really him fucking you to pieces in his lap.
“Oh god… oh fuck, you… oh fuck…” he moans, finishing right after you in typical him fashion.
Vision blurs until you come back down, slowing your vertical pace until you’re sitting on him, motionless. He’s quiet now, too, undoubtedly recovering from his own orgasm.
“You are, that was…” he starts then trails off, opting to focus on breathing instead.
The tinny sound of his voice is almost a surprise. You practically forgot he wasn’t there. Forgot he wasn’t lying in ruins in the dark next to you.
You pull the blindfold off and toss it to the floor. He’s in a similar position as you, sitting at the foot of the bed looking wiped as hell.
“So… what’s the verdict?” Chan asks between deep breaths and sighs.
“It’s great. Not as good as the real thing, but close,” you decide.
“You look so amazing using it. Watching it slide in and out of you… god. It felt like a dream.”
Your eyes meet — as much as they can over FaceTime. You’re captivated by the image of him: shirtless, cock taut against his toned stomach, half hidden by the elastic waistband of his shorts. Eyeshadow is smeared around his wide, caramel eyes while a soft smile plays at his lips.
“I love you,” he says softly, breaking the silence.
“I love you,” you echo.
A few more seconds of quiet admiration, then he makes the face. The one he breaks out just before delivering bad news.
“Hey, I gotta get ready to head to the venue,” he says, glancing down at his watch. “I’m already a little late, oops.”
“That’s ok, thank you for… everything. Really,” you reply, still too far up in the clouds to be sad about yet another goodbye.
“I love you, I’ll text you after the show, yeah?”
“Perfect. Oh, and just so you know, I will be sleeping with this inside me tonight.”
His sullen expression fades into that famous smile, and it’s aimed at you.
“Oh, I’m sure you will,” he says with a chuckle and a wink. “Now I just need a replica of you…”
“We’ll make one when you get home.”
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 3 months
so.. rockstar ex gf reader x 90s! dave at an award show, coincidentally with the same seating arrangement and their bands nominated in the same category, one of them won and took the other to the bathroom to brag abt the award, iykwim. tytyty ilysm hbvsauiowduh🙏
Warnings: Smut, angst, semipublic sex, if you think I missed anything let me know otherwise enjoy!
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All around you were people whispering about your current situation. Someone somewhere decided to sit your band next to Megadeth, your ex's band.
You sat across from him, trying to keep things civil with space but Dave kept staring at you, just waiting for something to happen, even going as far as to toss a few peas at you 'accidentally'.
Still, you tried to ignore him. Your bands were nominated for the same award and you were confident that, if you didn't win, you'd surpass Megadeth.
Your relationship had been no secret and your distaste for each other was well known, clearly whoever put you here knew what they were doing. Everyone was talking about it, any time you walked past someone your name was the last thing out of their mouth, their gaze always led to you.
Part of you hated it more than anything, it felt high schoolish, the whole of it. You were an adult, the people around you were supposed to be adults, how did it lead to this?
The reason was people speculating about the end of your relationship. You had been so happy together for almost two years, people were expecting a wedding, but then it was over and a fire reared its head in the wake.
You wish you knew what to tell people other than to respect your privacy.
Really, Dave came home in a better mood than usual, it was strange but welcomed. He got you your favourite flowers, snacks, the works and he was clinging to you, showering you with words of affection up until you were laying in bed.
You were curled up at his side, head on his chest and trying to fall asleep when your world came crumbling around you.
"I don't think I can love you anymore." He said with virtually no emotion, pain, sadness. Nothing.
The night ended with things being thrown, more tears than you thought you had in you and your throat hurt with how much you were screaming. All you wanted was answers but he just wouldn't give you any.
You packed your things the next day while he slept somewhere else, where you didn't know and didn't care. You were gone by the time he got back and neither of you contacted the other afterwards. Dave started his own band to get back at Metallica and you were determined to do the same, to add salt to the wound.
Until now, neither of you had a reason to see each other and you were more than happy with that, he'd given you everything and for what?
You sat back at your table right when they were about to announce who won the award. You leaned your head in your hand, swirling your drink in its glass as you waited for a name to be called.
You didn't even care anymore, you were tired of the gossip, of the rumors that you cheated on him, that this and this happened, that it was all just a publicity stunt because yes, of course, you and your love for a man who couldn't be bothered to do the same was entirely up for debate how could you be so fucking stupid?
"I know we've all been waiting for this one, the once happy couple sure is cheery, huh?" You glanced up to the announcer, the big screens showing your table.
You looked miserable. You felt even worse. Everyone around you did their best to be presentable but you were ready to flip off the camera crew.
You noticed another unhappy face at the table, Dave. He would still glance at you occasionally but he was glaring daggers at your bandmates beside you, wondering how they could be so oblivious to your sunken mood.
"Anyone know what happened?" The announcer asked, a big smile on his face. A few small laughs sounded throughout the place as tears welled in your eyes.
You wanted to run and hide but you knew you couldn't while they called out your award. So you sat there silently, waiting to hear if all your efforts were worthless. "Well, guess it's time to rip the band-aid off and let the wound bleed." How thoughtful, you thought. "And the winner is!" A soundtrack of a drumroll played even though their are more than enough capable drummers here, something you'd always wondered about. "Megadeth!"
Your ears were ringing. All the cheering, the men at your table standing and excitedly reaching for one another at the award. It felt as though you were being stabbed by everyone's eyes.
You felt a hand on your back. "Are you okay?" Your bandmates voice was muffled like it was behind a wall of foam. You nodded and excused yourself, keeping your head held high as more tears formed in your eyes, just trying to make it to the bathroom.
There was no one else there and you just stared at yourself in the mirror taking deep breaths until you calmed down but the tears just rolled down your cheeks.
The door opened, you expected to look over and see your bandmate but it was Dave. He had a concerned look on his face, those stupid glasses you wanted to rip off of his stupid face and crush them. He'd just go buy another pair but you wanted to.
"Are you okay?" He asked. You carefully wiped your eyes, trying not to ruin your makeup and further.
"Why do you care?" You muttered, keeping your voice low, not trusting it to stay stable.
"Because I care about you." You scoffed at that.
"Oh, yeah, sure you do, you cared so much about me yet you couldn't even be bothered to love me." He stared at you a moment before taking a step closer to you.
"I never said I didn't love you." You opened your mouth to protest but his arms were around you and he spoke up again before you could get anything out. "I said I didn't think I could love you anymore."
You rolled your eyes at him before wiping them again. "What a fucking difference that made." He sighed and leaned down, resting his chin on your shoulder just as he used to, the sight tugging at your heart.
"I love you. I loved you then, I love you now, I never stopped loving you and I never will." More tears came to your eyes and you couldn't blink them away.
"Shut up." You said through gritted teeth.
"I didn't want to, alright?" His voice was deep and soft in your ear, honey dipped silk wrapping around your mind. "My manager made me, said it would be good to get the band out there."
"You chose to break up with me... for fame?" You mustered, not wanting it to be true.
"If I didn't they would have dropped us from the label."
"So you didn't choose me?"
"You're not getting it-"
"I get it perfectly!" You yelled, spinning around and pushing him off of you. "You were already a big band, it would've been stupid to drop you and even if they did someone would've been dying to pick you up." He stared at you, taking in your words knowing you were right. "You didn't love me."
"You can't say that." He said, gaze falling to the ground.
"You treated me like Metallica!" Tears dripped from your jaw to the tiled floor as you glared at him. His eyes shot open. "You were done and you dropped me for what? Publicity?" He didn't say anything.
A long moment passed, neither of you saying anything.
Dave took a step closer to you, then another until he was inches from you. He wrapped his arms around you and closed the gap, his lips crashing against yours.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him deeper into the kiss. You'd missed him for so long, so many sleepless nights with your hand between your thighs, a random man you'd close your eyes and pretend was Dave but it was never the same.
He pushed you back until you hit the counter. He lifted you onto it and stood between your legs, quickly undoing his pants and letting his half hard cock hit your already wet panties. You let out a slight gasp into the kiss and Dave groaned as he stroked himself.
He didn't bother taking them off of you and just pushed them aside as he pushed into you. He pulled away from the kiss, letting your see just how his eyes closed, how his mouth opened and soft breaths left him.
"Fuck, I missed this." He groaned. His eyes opened and he brought his focus back to you, your eyes as they swirled with lust and hatred, both directed at him. "You are so beautiful, you know that?" You bit your lip, looking down his clothed body until you landed on where the both of you connected.
He took your chin in his fingers and tilted your head up to look at him. "Do you know that?" You nodded. "Tell me."
"I know." You muttered.
"You know what?"
You inhaled deeply. "I know I'm beautiful." He gave a nod of approval.
"And this award means nothing, you know that too, don't you?"
"Yes, I know." He gave another nod.
"You know I love you, right?" You paused. He stared at you expectantly, eyes flickering all over your face, admiring your features. "You'll know when we're done." He kissed your forehead and pulled his hips back before snapping them into yours.
Your eyes shut tight and your lips parted in a moan, you'd waited far too long to feel him like this again, how he stretched you out and dragged against your gummy walls. More moans ripped from you as he set a fast pace, Dave's hands roaming your body and lips kissing up and down your neck, leaving small marks.
His hand came down and he rubbed your clit with his thumb, giving it some well needed attention after months of only you noticing it. Fuck, you loved the way he made you feel, all light headed and your body hot with desire.
A familiar knot formed in your gut, burning a passionate fire that resonated throughout your body. Your voice echoed off the walls while Dave's grunts and groans were save specially for your ears. You weren't concerned with someone walking in on you, let them see, let them hear how good he made you feel and see the love in his eyes as he stared at you in awe.
"Hah- Fuck, Dave, m'close." You mumbled, leaning back on your hands and letting him do the work, it's the least he could do and he was more than happy to do it.
He didn't say anything and kept his pace, his thumb still pleasuring you perfectly. Your chest was rising and falling, breathing laboured and your head rolling back as you felt the strings slipping and finally snapping, loud moans leaving you of cursing and repeated 'Dave' over and over.
He let you ride out your high on him but pulled out and got himself situated again. "Why-why'd you stop..?" You asked, breathing heavy and your eyes lidded.
"Well, I figured if I was gonna show you I love you I didn't need to worry about myself, right?" He said simply as he helped you dust yourself off, so to speak, and off the counter. "I can worry about that later, can't I?" He asked, wrapping his arms around you once more.
You thought about it for a moment as you made your way to the door, Dave still clinging to you. He held you tighter, not letting you leave. "You know I love you, don't you?"
You bit your lip, remembering everything that happened before the breakup. "I know you love me." You said, thinking about how abruptly it all ended.
"And?" He asked.
You looked back at him over your shoulder. "And?"
"Verdicts still out?" You crossed your arms over your chest.
"It'll take more than a fuck in some bathroom for me to consider that." You mumbled and left the bathroom, Dave still following close behind.
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its-time-to-write · 11 months
how about a Jamie x reader fic when they go away to Amsterdam they sit together on bus and they wake up cuddling and then there’s an issue w hotel booking and there’s a one bed trope and they end up waking up cuddled together and then they admit feelings and reader goes to game with a tartt jersey on <3
I’ve been thinking about this forever, and I’m terribly sorry it took so long!! I do enjoy being an adult, but I’m at a point in life where I don’t have much free time and if I do, I use it to sleep😂
I really miss the days when Ted Lasso was still airing and the x reader tags had new content every day. I feel like that one meme of Thanos when he’s like “Fine. I’ll do it myself.” Shoutout to all y’all who are still here and reading my stuff! Love you!!
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smile at me
It’s straight-up fucked. It really, really is. But also maybe it’s good, as Keeley pointed out, because not having a boyfriend anymore means you can focus on yourself?
Or something. 
Of course he had to break up with you right before leaving for Amsterdam. Hell, he broke up with you because you were leaving for Amsterdam. 
“I don’t want you going to another country with a bunch of other guys,” he had said. “It’s them or me.”
“It’s literally my job,” you told him. 
Apparently, that didn’t matter. 
But what-fucking-ever, you’re at Keeley’s waiting for a car to take you to the airport, and she’s promised to make sure you don’t think about your stupid ex even once. 
It’s times like these you wish Ted were still here with a spot-on pun and some dad-type advice. All you ever get from Beard is a weird anecdote and a vaguely threatening look. 
Keeley chatters on for the entirety of the ride to the airport, through customs, and all the way to the lounge. 
“You’re gonna get loads of great content for the socials, babe. Candids, action shots, behind-the-scenes. Friendlies are fucking amazing!”
Last time Richmond were in Amsterdam, they had lost horribly. They’re hoping to make up for it this time around. 
The plane is full of Greyhounds, both footballers and coaches alike, with Rebecca at the very front. Keeley plops done in the seat next to her as Dani waves at you from the middle. 
“I saved you a seat!” he calls. You smile as Sam takes your bag to put it in the overhead. “Thanks, Dani. You excited?”
Dani grins. “I think this time I am ready to see a whole field of tulips!”
You laugh as the lads roll their eyes. Jamie leans across the aisle toward you and says, “Oi, what’s the twat doing while you’re away?” 
You press your lips into a thin line. “Not a clue.”
He raises an eyebrow and says, “You break up with him?”
“He broke up with me.”
Jamie twists his face into a scoff. “And you wonder why I call him the fucking twat. Prick. Bet it was so he could finally fuck his coworker.”
You shrug. Jamie’s never liked your boyfriend. It’s not like you were together long, only a few months. And sure, he was a little bit of a twat, but sue you. You had a special place in your heart for pricks with a heart of gold, only he didn’t even have a heart at all. 
“You should date someone better,” Jamie continues. 
You glare at him and retort, “Oh yeah, because it’s just that easy. You got some one in mind?”
Jamie gives you his most angelic look and says, “What about me?” which makes half the plane dissolve into laughter, yourself included. 
“Cheers, Jamie,” you say as you wipe your eyes. “I needed that.”
A strange look crosses his face, but it’s quickly replaced by his usual cocky expression. “Anytime, love,” he replies as you turn to start a conversation with Dani. 
As much as you’d like that, Jamie would never date you. His joke stings a little but you brush it off. Maybe you’ll find another twat in Amsterdam to distract yourself from the fact that you’re half in love with Jamie Tartt.
“I’m sorry, we don’t have a booking under you name,” the hotel concierge says.
You tap your nails to your wrist. “Are you positive? I’m with AFC Richmond, they should’ve had one.”
The concierge taps on his computer for a moment before shaking his head. “No, I’m afraid we don’t have anything. And all of our rooms are booked this weekend. Might I recommend the hotel down the road?”
Damn it. There’s no way this is happening. Everyone else has gotten to their rooms without a hitch and here you are, alone in the lobby as you pull out your phone to call Keeley. There’s no way this is fucking happening. 
“Everything alright?” asks a voice behind you, and you jump. 
“They don’t have a room for me, and they’re fully booked,” you explain. 
Jamie looks at the concierge, who shrugs apologetically, then back to you. He asks, “Why don’t you share with me?” and you frown. 
“I thought you were rooming with Declan,” you say. 
Jamie lifts a shoulder. “Yeah, but he switched with Richard because O’Brien fucking snores and he don’t give a shit.”
You say, “So you’re with Richard, then,” and he shakes his head. 
“Nah, Richard’s with Jan.”
“I thought Dani was with Jan,” you say. These fucking footballers. What’s the point in having set rooms if they’re just going to switch it all up.
“Dani is with Jan,” Jamie says patiently, as if this all the most obvious thing in the world. “But Dani’s a cuddler, so he’s probably going to fucking end up with, I don’t know, Isaac or someone. Which means I get a room all to meself.”
“Right,” you say slowly. “Alright, I can do that. As long as you don’t mind.”
Jamie winks. “Sharing a room with a pretty girl for four days? Ain’t a problem, love.”
You laugh and follow him to the elevator.
It feels a bit like playing with fire, agreeing to room with Jamie. Especially since you’re freshly single and definitely open to a rebound. But there will be two beds and a lot of space and anyway, you’ll be busy with the match and social media, respectively. 
Except as soon as you walk through the door, you realize there’s a tiny little hitch.
“There’s one bed,” you blurt out, so surprised you’re unable to filter your words. Jamie blushes a little bit as he says, “Yeah, um, Cockburn and I hate sleeping alone, so we asked for one. He grew up sharing a bed with his brothers and I just fucking hate being alone. I can sleep on the couch if you want.”
“No,” you say firmly, “you need good rest. It’s not a problem.”
It’s not a problem. 
Or at least it wouldn’t have been if Isaac had been a shittier captain. 
But as it is he’s great, so he’s got the whole team going out to dinner at a pre-determined location complete with a dress code of no t-shirts and apparently you count as part of the team, so you have to go too. You’re in your massive bathroom trying to curl your disgusting travel hair when Jamie walks in wearing one of those white hotel bathrobes.
He asks, “You mind if I’m in here?” so you shake your head, struck temporarily mute by his bare clavicle. Fucking hell, you feel like a repressed Victorian woman. 
Jamie says, “Mint,” and goes about his alarmingly detailed skincare routine. You’re pretty sure you’re done with your hair so you crane your neck in an attempt to check the back. 
“Missed a spot,” Jamie says. “Want me to get it for you?”
You shoot him a dubious look but hand him the curler. He runs a hand through your hair, picking up the offending strand and it’s all you can do not to shiver. 
“Mum taught me,” he explains and you nod ever so slightly, not wanting him to accidentally burn your neck. Jamie says, “All good,” and runs his whole hand through your hair this time, making the curls bounce. 
You choke out, “Thanks,” and hurriedly put away your things, desperate to leave before Jamie can pick up on the fact that you can barely handle being in the same room as him, and that you have great concerns about what the night will bring. 
“You look fucking hot,” is the first thing Rebecca says when you meet her in the lobby. Keeley looks mildly offended that Rebecca took the words out of her mouth, but she just laughs and taps your arm. 
“Gonna break a few hearts tonight, yeah?” she grins.
You’re not sure about that, especially since dinner turns out to be a very domestic affair. It’s loud, sure, but it’s definitely toned down since it’s a pre-match celebration instead of a post-match one. You’re with Sam, Keeley, and Roy with Jamie far, far away. You push all thoughts of him from your brain only for memories of your ex to surface. You frown. 
“The fuck’s wrong with you?” Roy says and for a moment, you think he’s talking to you. But he’s actually talking to Jamie who has moved from his place across the restaurant to right behind your chair. 
“Fuck off grandad,” Jamie says good-naturedly. “Wanted to tell this one that some of the lads are going out dancing after this. Not too late,” he hastily adds at Roy’s burning scowl, “just for two hours and we’re only allowed one drink.”
You’re pretty sure that’s a bit more liberal than Roy likes, but he nods his head slightly so he must be in a good mood.
“So, you coming?” Jamie asks and before you can reply Sam and Keeley chorus, “Yes she is.”
You give Keeley a Look before turning back to Jamie. “Guess I am,” you reply.
The smile Jamie gives you does more to make your head spin than any amount of alcohol you’ve had in your lifetime.
Jamie has taken it upon himself to wipe that frown off your face. He might have been watching you over dinner and that might have been why he chose that exact moment to invite you out, but he’ll never fucking admit it to anyone except Sam. And Keeley. And maybe Cockburn when it was the off-season and they were a little tipsy. (But not drunk, never drunk.) 
So yeah, sue him if he’s spinning you around on the crowded dance floor just because it makes you laugh. It’s not his fault that he’s been wildly in love with you since the day Higgins hired you. It’s not his fault that you’re easy to be around and have the most beautiful smile he’s seen in his life. 
And fuck, it certainly isn’t his fault you can’t see in yourself what others do. Why you settled for a piece of shit like your ex, he’ll never know. But he’ll be damned if he doesn’t do his best to show you how special you are. He knows you’ll never feel the same about him, but maybe he can help you level up your standards. Maybe if you’re with someone good, it’ll hurt less that it’s not him. 
So he lets you hold his hand for the entirety of the two hours that the team is out and doesn’t say a word when you don’t let go in the cab back to the hotel. 
You’ve gotten that closed-off look in your eyes again, the one that means you’re thinking about your ex, so Jamie knocks his shoulder into yours and asks why he can’t have the password to the team’s Instagram account, which is a sure fire way to get you to lecture him on irresponsibility and aesthetics and the best way to get your eyes to come back to life.
Honestly, it’s easier to fall asleep than you might have expected. It’s a big bed and you’re fucking tired. 
You just didn’t expect to wake up in the middle of the night crying, but it’s always fucking like this when you go through a breakup. You go to sleep fine and wake up sad, so you do your best not to wake up Jamie except you’ve both ended up entangled in each other’s arms, so he can feel you shaking. 
“Hey,” Jamie says in a soft voice, “You’re okay, love.”
You half expect him to push you away once he realizes you’re so close, but he only pulls you closer and presses a kiss to your forehead. Maybe it’s because you’re both half-asleep, but it feels like the most natural thing in the world. 
You sigh and settle into him, drifting off in a matter of moments. 
You wake up to a pair of blue eyes watching you. 
“How you feeling?” Jamie asks, voice gravelly with sleep. 
You just blink at him. It’s hard to form coherent sentences within the first ten seconds of waking up, and even harder with the memory of Jamie’s arms around you last night. 
Wait. Not just the memory. The present reality because neither of you have moved. 
Jamie misinterprets your silence and begins to extricate his arms.
“Sorry,” he says, “I’m not to trying to like, cross and fucking boundary or something. Should’ve left you alone.”
You’re still not awake enough to talk so you grab him to stop him from moving away. He gives you a questioning look so you say, “I wouldn’t have agreed to share a bed if I thought you were a creep.”
Jamie grins. “So like, if Jan had offered to share a room you’d’ve said no.”
You wrinkle your nose as you say, “Jan’s not a creep.”
“He’s the fucking worst,” Jamie grumbles, “And anyway, can we not talk about Jan fucking Maas this early in the morning?”
“Sure,” you say, “let’s talk about something else.”
Despite your comment, you both lapse into silence. You’re enraptured by Jamie’s blue eyes. You’ve never been able to study them this close before, and you want to take this opportunity to memorize every fleck of green. 
Jamie seems to have a similar thought, except his gaze flicks to your lips. 
“I have morning breath,” you tell him and he says, “Real men don’t give a shit, babe,” before leaning forward.
It’s softer than you’d expected, sweeter. 
It’s also strange to think that you’re making out with Jamie in bed, and that he’s the one who initiated it.
The thought is so absurd that you giggle, mid-kiss. Jamie breaks away and says, “Oi, there’s no way that was a shit kiss.”
“No,” you say between giggles, “it’s just weird that we’re doing this. Like, how are we supposed to look each other in the eye after?”
Jamie moves so he can look at you better, and you roll from your side to your back. “What do you mean?” he asks.
“Oh come on, we share a room and a bed, we kiss because I have all these sad feelings and you’re feeling a lot of emotions about the match, and then we have to work together after. It’s silly.”
Jamie cocks his head. “That’s what you think is happening?”
“Yes?” you say. None of this is going how it’s supposed to. “What do you think is happening?”
“I like you,” he says, and there is absolutely no mistaking his meaning. 
“Oh,” you reply in a small voice. “Since when?”
“Since before you started dating the twat. When Higgins introduced ya to the team.”
“That’s a fucking long time ago!” you exclaim. “Were you ever going to tell me?”
Jamie rubs his face. “Yeah, ‘cept you showed up to work tellin’ everyone how you started dating the twat. And I ain’t a home wrecker.”
You groan. “Fuuuck. I literally only dated him to try to get over you.”
Jamie shoots up. “What?!”
“Yeah,” you say, “I’ve been like a little bit in love with you ever since you winked at me during that first promo I did.”
Jamie blows out a breath. “Okay. Think that’s enough talking. C’mere. We’re making out proper, like, then we’re going to breakfast.”
You grin as you climb onto his lap. 
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janeyseymour · 6 months
Ooh prompts! Okay okay okay
How about Melissa finds a roommate who is not Jacob. And she's cute and nice but Melissa just keeps to herself because she's Melissa. Until one day, Mel is trying to read but can't focus for whatever reason (bad day, just in a mood, whatever) so her roomie reads out loud to her
And They Were Roommates
i gotchu.
WC: ~2.8k
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Moving is always stressful. But moving in with a gorgeous, fiery haired woman who could kick your ass in an instant and you’re pretty sure could be part of the mob? You quite literally think that you’re in over your head.
But her ad seemed good enough, her career of being a teacher wasn’t a front, and as of right now this is your only option unless you want your rent to be out of your budget or your commute to be double what it is now. So, you spend the weekend moving your things into Melissa Schemmenti’s townhouse.
She doesn’t offer to help you- you just flash your smile at her as she hands you the key that she had made for you before she’s off. Honestly, your new roommate and landlord really isn’t even around for most of the weekend. The woman stays out for most of the weekend, claiming that she has errands to run or friends to hang out with. That’s fine by you because at least then you know you won’t be in her way, and she won’t be there to glare at you while you do your best to unpack everything.
The redhead only comes in at night once you’ve given up on unpacking for the day and you’re preparing to head to bed, just filling up your water bottle before you head to your room for the night.
“Hey,” you smile at her softly.
The woman, who was still trying to relook the door, jumps at your voice. She turns sharply, fist curled into a ball and ready to fight. Once she realizes that it’s just you, she lowers her hand and uncurls it. Then she catches the way you look…
You’re simply dressed in your night shorts and a tee-shirt, hair thrown up carelessly with your blue light glasses sitting on your face, and you have no makeup on. It’s a drastic change from the way that you came in, even just to move all of your stuff. You had come in clad in a sweet, floral jumpsuit with your hair beautifully framing your face, not one hair out of place, and just the lightest amount of makeup on to highlight all of your best features. Both ways, you took her breath away, not that she would ever admit that.
“Hello?” you say again, confused as to why she’s staring at you.
She blinks a few times. “Sorry, sorry. You startled me. I didn’t think you would still be up.”
“I won’t be for long,” you chuckle quietly and raise your water bottle. “Just came down to fill up for the night. Goodnight, Melissa. I hope you had a good night.”
“Y- yeah,” the redhead says, although it’s clear to you that she still isn’t really all there. Maybe she just had a bit too much to drink, you think to yourself (she was stone cold sober). “Have a good night, Y/N.”
You brush past her in order to make your way up the steps, and the teacher can’t help but watch you as you go. You were… wow. Again, she blinks a few times, wondering why you’re making her practically short circuit. She knew you were cute when the two of you first met, but there’s something about seeing you in your natural state that has her entranced. 
The next day, you wake up and continue to unpack. She hears you shuffling around up in your room while she’s getting ready to head out herself. 
The knock on your new bedroom door startles you.
“Come in!” you call once you’ve collected yourself. The door swings open gently to reveal your new roommate looking absolutely stunning.
“Hey. Just letting you know that I won’t be around much today. Heading to church and then I have a bunch of errands that I have to run,” Melissa tells you as she avoids eye contact- she doesn’t want to get caught staring at you again like she did last night.
You nod and smile at her. “Have a nice day, Melissa.”
“You too,” is all she gets out before closing your door again.
By some grace of God, you’re able to finish unpacking your things by mid-afternoon. Exhausted, but knowing that you still have to go grocery shopping and pick up a few little odds and ends, so you drag yourself out to the store.
While you’re perusing the aisles, you just so happen to run into your roommate. Quite literally- actually. She accidentally hits you with her shopping cart in the hip. You squeal out in surprise rather than pain, and when you look up to see who did it you’re met with the softest green eyes you’ve seen out of the woman.
“Y/N!” she says quickly. “I’m so sorry, hun.”
You laugh with a wave of the hand. “All good, Melissa. All good. Just startled me.”
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you promise her, extending a hand out and touching her forearm gently. You would be lying if you said neither of you felt the little jolt of electricity between the two of you at the contact.
Her eyes immediately go down to avoid your own. “Alright, well… I’ll see you later.” And she’s off.
As you continue to shop down the aisles you can’t help but wonder why your roommate is acting the way she is. In her emails, and even the first time you met her to interview for her extra room, Melissa Schemmenti gave off that she was a tough woman- someone who didn’t put up with any sort of shit. But now that you’ve seen her over the past few days, you’ve only caught her acting like a deer in the headlights or like a flustered schoolgirl.
Melissa, as she continues to waltz up and down the aisles at the Giant, she too wonders why you have her acting like an absolute idiot anytime she sees you. You’re cute and you’re sweet, but so are a lot of other women that she’s encountered. Deciding that she can’t get wrapped up and hypnotized by you and your sweet, soft eyes and voice, she vows to herself that she’ll just keep to herself while you live with her. She can surely do that for the next year that your lease is, right?
And she does- she does a nice job at keeping her distance, really only running into you in the morning and occasionally at night when you’re filling up your water bottle and heading to bed. 
You won’t deny that this roommate situation is odd, but you don’t press. You technically live here, yes, but you feel like a guest. Melissa’s name is on the lease, and you pay her the rent directly.
But even then, when the two of you don’t directly interact a lot, you both learn a lot about each other.
You’ve learned that Melissa always does her grocery shopping on Saturdays at 2, she goes to church every Sunday, she loves her students more than you thought was possible. She prefers coffee in the morning and tea in the evening, occasionally with a glass of wine. You’ve noticed that she is very particular about how food is made, and she always cleans up her materials as she cooks- and that she only ever cooks what could feed a family of twelve. Despite that, she never asks if you want any leftovers, and you don’t press for them even though the smell is near heavenly. The redhead likes to curl up on the couch after a particularly hard day with a good book, a glass of (always red) wine, and what seems to be her emotional support Eagles sweatshirt- her cat-eyed glasses either on her face or on the tip of her nose are a staple. She’s usually in bed by 10 or 11, and she’s never a morning person.
Melissa, on the other hand, has learned that you’re just as enchanting as she thought you to be. You never fail to give her a smile and a soft hello as you make your way in or out, despite the fact that you may be exhausted or frustrated. She’s learned that you aren’t particular about where your food comes, but that you are particular in how it sits in the fridge- she never touches your things. The woman has come to learn that you have a ukulele and a guitar up in your bedroom, and she can occasionally hear you strumming it softly. She’s come to find that your singing voice is just as soft and as soothing as your speaking voice, a bit of a folky twang to it, and it often takes the place of a calming lullaby for her. She’s found that you are a bit of a writer, having found little scribbles of lyrics or chord progressions on sticky notes that you throw on the fridge in the morning to retrieve later once you’ve taken on the day and are ready to relax. It’s charming, and it gives her insight as to who you really are.
Although the two of you live very separate lives living in this one space, you’ve both found yourselves falling for each other. Both of you can only hope that you are falling in love with the real person and not some image that you’ve made up in your mind.
It’s about two months into living with the redhead that when you come home she isn’t stationed in her kitchen and cooking a meal for twelve. Instead, she’s sitting on the couch with her feet propped up on the coffee table. Her book is open in her lap, and yet her eyes aren’t trained on it.
“Hey,” you smile warmly at the woman that you live with.
She just grunts in your direction.
You just give her a knowing look as you head into the kitchen to start your own meal. “You aren’t cooking yourself dinner?” you call gently. Your voice floats through the house and she hears you.
“Shit day,” she sighs. “Don’t feel like cooking.”
“Do you want me to cook something?”
“I was just gonna order a cheesesteak,” she says shortly.
You head back into the living room and bite the bullet. It’s been two months of you living here, and to be quite frank, you’re not very happy with the fact that all of your conversations with your roommate are as short as they are. You genuinely want to talk with Melissa and make some sort of connection, although now that you’re standing here you aren’t sure if today was the best day to pick.
“That sounds nice,” you say as you rock back and forth on your feet. “I can pick them up if you want so you can relax?”
That gets her to look at you. “What?”
“I said a cheesesteak sounds nice,” you repeat. “And I can pick them up so you can relax. Just tell me your order and where you want them from.”
“I- wow.” She looks you up and down before rattling off her order and where she wants it from.
“That’s where I like to get mine,” you grin. “Perfect. I’ll be back in half an hour.”
You place the order, and when you head out for the order, she’s still sitting there looking absolutely lost with her book in her lap. “Try to relax,” you tell her gently before closing the door behind you.
When you return, she’s still sitting there, although now she’s at least trying to read her book. You set her order down in front of her and take out your own. Then you head into the kitchen, pour yourself a glass of wine, and pour your roommate some as well.
“Mind if I join you?” you ask as you settle on the couch next to her, but still keeping a fair distance between the two of you.
She nods with a shy smile, although she still doesn’t look to you. You end up pulling a novel out of your purse and open it.
You read a few pages as you eat your dinner and sip your wine before you notice that Melissa is still just staring ahead- actually, she’s kind of watching you.
“You okay?” you furrow a brow. “Did I mess your order up? I’m sorry.”
She shakes her head. “No. Not at all. I just… You’re stunning.”
You blush and tuck a hair behind your ear. “No I’m not.”
“You are though,” she says softly. “You… come bringing dinner, you know exactly what kind of wine I was in the mood for, and then you just sit there and read as if you’ve not just made my day so much better.”
“I just figured you could use the pick-me-up,” you shrug. “You look like you had a tough day.”
“I did,” she sighs. “Those kids today really gave me a run for my money, and all I wanted to do was come home and read my book, but I can’t find it in myself to focus.”
“What’re you reading?” you ask her.
“The Girl On The Train,” she tells you as she shows you the cover.
You smile a bright smile. “That’s one of my favorites. I’d be happy to read it with you.”
“Really?” she asks quietly.
You outstretch your hand to take the book. She hands it to you with a raised brow, and her jaw drops just slightly as your soft voice starts to read aloud. She’s able to fully relax as she eats her cheesesteak, listening to your warm and light voice as it reads about some of the darkest tragedies in life.
When she’s finished eating, she holds up a silent hand, asking you to pause your reading. She cleans both of your areas up before she’s plucking both of your glasses up and taking them to the kitchen. She returns a few minutes later with full glasses and sits significantly closer to you.
“Can you keep reading?” She asks you gently once she’s pulled a blanket over the two of you.
You just smile as you nod. You begin to read aloud again. It’s a nice little bubble that the two of you are in, and you can’t help but let your eyes go soft as you look at her. 
It’s a bit before her head falls to your shoulder, and you can’t help the small little chuckle that bubbles up out of you. The redhead is asleep, so you close her book a few pages before where you had paused and relax back against the couch cushions. The television is playing music softly, so you stretch just slightly to pick up your own novel and crack it open.
You stay there in your place for about forty minutes before your roommate wakes with a small jolt.
“Hey,” you whisper, trying to keep your tone soft and warm. You crane your neck just slightly to look at her, and her cheeks are just about as red as her hair.
“Sorry,” Melissa mumbles as she lifts her head from your shoulder.
You chuckle and shrug. “I didn’t mind. It was nice, actually spending time with my rooommate- even if she was asleep for about forty minutes.”
The teacher smiles softly. “It was really nice. Thank you for reading to me so I could enjoy the story.”
“Of course,” you reply gently. “I love that book, and most of the books you have on the shelves, so I’m always happy to read with you.”
So, the two of you often find yourself curled up on the couch together after enjoying a meal together. Sometimes she cooks, sometimes you cook, and sometimes the two of you go out and grab food. But you almost always end up on that couch with her head on your shoulder as she falls asleep to your soft and soothing voice. Sometimes you’re reading to her, other times you’re sitting there strumming a stringed instrument or writing while she watches her reality television shows. It’s a nice little routine that the two of you have found yourselves in, and it’s been a hell of a lot nicer actually talking to your roommate and getting along as opposed to the coexisting that you had done for the first few months of living with her.
And then one night, it all changes. As you’re reading to her, you can feel her head fall to your shoulder. With a knowing smile, you turn your head to glance down at her, expecting her eyes to be closed. But they aren’t. Those sparkling emerald eyes are looking up at you with such a fondness, and almost in slow motion does she lean up to kiss you.
TAGS: @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @sapphicxrat @a-queen-and-her-throne @sunsol-22 @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson
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This isn’t a bodega
based off this prompt
Tim stared at the glowing boy that had just entered the cave. the boy seemed unreal, with pale skin, white hair, and a vacant expression. they glowed with a faint white light and were floating a few inches off the ground. the blinked a few times looking around the cave as though they were lost.
“are you guys seeing this?” Tim asked, making eye contact with the boy. his eyes were glowing a familiar Lazarus green. Tim would normally take that as a sign that they were here as a threat except the being was raising it’s eyebrows and looking confused as hell.
“hmm?” Dick hummed, not looking up from his spot at the bat computer.
“the glowing dead kid,” Tim clarified.
Dick yawned, “i think you need some sleep, Timmy.” he still hadn’t looked up.
Tim frowned. he was tired. he didn’t think he was hallucination tired yet though, that usually hit around the three day mark. Tim was solidly at two and a half. but no one else seemed to be acknowledging the being so Tim did the only logical thing.
he approached the boy to get more information. normally that would be considered dumb and reckless, but hey, it wasn’t like he was alone. if the being started attacking him, the others would at least notice that.
“are you real?” was the first thing he asked the glowing boy. it seemed best to rule that out first.
the boy blinked a few times. “i think so. i mean probably.”
Tim nodded, more to himself than as an answer.
the boy gazed at Tim, “this isn’t a bodega.”
Tim nodded again, this time in agreement. he was right about the boy seeming lost.
they stared at each other for what most would consider an awkward amount of Tim.
“can you point me to the nearest source of coffee?” the boy asked.
coffee, mmmm...
Tim took a moment to process the rest of the sentence. “oh, uh... Alfred cuts me off after midnight now.” he pouted. he wasn’t allowed to drink the coffee that was upstairs.
“okay.” the boy said.
the stood silently again. Tim thought some more.
“there’s a gas station on the edge of the city limits that’s not far. probably only 7 miles or so.”
the boy lit up. literally, his glow brightened. “can you show me?”
“oh yeah, for sure, the coffee is crap but it’ll do the job. can I come? I need to get my bike.”
“Dude, of course you can come, i have no idea where you’re talking about and I somehow ended up underground. I need you, bro.” the boy said reaching out a gloved hand. Tim noticed that he was wearing a hazmat suit for some reason. he didn’t recognize the company logo on the front. “and don’t worry about the bike, I can just fly us there.”
oh so he was a superhero. that made sense and probably explained why he was glowing and floating and could access the cave despite the security.
Tim took the heroes hand, smiling happily. he was gonna get him some coffee
Dick went to bed, under the impression the Tim had already went up. Bruce, who had a meeting in the morning, had already headed to bed and left his kids to finish the case files for the night. Damian had gone to bed the moment they returned from patrol because he had school in the morning.
it would be many hours before anyone noticed Tim wasn’t in his bed or at his job. Bruce and Damian went off to where they needed in the morning. Alfred had knocked lightly on Tim’s door but decided to let the boy sleep in. dick had slept in and spent the morning lazing around the manor because he had another day before he had to return to Bludhaven.
it was around noon when Alfred decided to properly wake Tim up and found his bed empty. he asked dick if he’d seen him. dick answered in the negative. he called Tam at Wayne Enterprise and received a negative answer. he texted and called Tim’s cell phone and received no answer, only later finding the phone in the batcave charging on an outlet. Alfred was starting to feel concerned so he contacted Barbara.
it turned out the last anyone had seen Tim had been last night when dick told him to go to bed. Barbara checked the batcave camera’s and found something quite bizarre. a spot of static appeared on the cameras from multiple angles. it was like the static was in reality rather than a glitching of the screens. 
Tim stared at it. Dick didn’t notice it. Tim walked up to it. Tim seemed to talk to the static for a long moment. Tim touched the static, Tim's form became static. the static disappeared soon after. all this happened unnoticed behind Dick’s back.
Barbara set out a red alert and started searching her cameras for any other instances of static since Tim had gone missing at 1:34am. it had been almost 12 hours.
the trip to the gas station had been uneventful by Tim's standards. they flew over, entered the shop portion and ordered coffee. the worker barely blinked at the glowing boy, and he was well used to seeing Tim at ant hour. the hero paid for both their drinks and Tim held and sipped at his paper cup.
ahhh, this was shit. but it was warm and caffeinated and that had to be enough for now.
slowly some of his finer brain functions came back to him and he found himself staring at the glowing boy and realizing he had no idea who the guy was or even if he was registered with the league. he’d bought Tim coffee so he doubted the boy was evil, but hallucinations didn’t generally buy him coffee so this might well be a person he was interacting with.
“what’s your name?” he asked belatedly
the boy sipped his own coffee. “Danny.” he said as though he too were confused at how they had both wound up there but was too content to drink shitty gas station coffee to act overly concerned. “you?”
Tim glanced down at his clothes to see if he was still wearing his costume. he wasn’t he was wearing bike shorts and a large pink t-shirt that said “snexy (snail sexy)” in bold letterers. his guess was that it used to belong to either Dick or Steph. it was his now. “Tim,” he finally answered.
Danny nodded. “so want me drop you off back home?”
Tim tilted his head, turning his cup in his hand. he wasn’t allowed to have the coffee at home. “i have time,” he decided.
Danny nodded again. “is there a place to get better coffee at this time of night?” he asked, clearly knowing that the shitty gas station coffee wouldn’t sustain him for long. Tim of course agreed.
“there’s a 24 hour internet cafe on grotto st.”
Danny held out his hand. “lets go”
Tim and Danny ended up playing doom in the internet cafe for 4 hours. Danny it turned out was really good at it and knew a lot of cheat codes Tim didn’t. Tim tried not to take that personally. it was still surprisingly fun and normal and no one has tried to kill them in the 5 hours they’d been out. Tim wondered if Danny was shielding them from harm or something. maybe he was just lucky? Tim didn't want to jinx it.
finally they wound down, the workers were changing shift and that was usually a good indicator that it was time to leave. Tim stretched and Danny stretched further. he reminded Tim of Dick a bit, it was like his bones were made of rubber or something.
“now what?” Danny asked and Tim checked his watch. he was definitely hitting the territory of sleep deprivation where he’d start hallucinating and he doubted Danny would be much help given he also was clearly just as sleep deprived as time. they’d both been chugging espresso while playing doom. Tim felt wired but also tired.
never let it be said that he didn’t recognize his own limitations. “guess we should probably head to bed. you live near here?”
“me? live?” the boy chuckled raising his eyebrows. then his smile dropped. “i have no idea where here is.”
“okay, that’s chill. i’m too tired to think of a solution yet, so how about we just crash at one of my safe houses and i’ll call you a cab when we wake up and figure out where you’re from.”
the boy made a face, possibly because Tim said safe house instead of apartments. but shrugged anyway. “sounds good to me.”
the nearest safe house was one of Jason's but Tim doubted he’d be using it or mind overly much if Tim slept there. Jason was one of the biggest worriers about Tim's sleep schedule so he’d probably appreciate the fact that Tim was sleeping.
Danny crashed on the couch and Tim watched as two rings of light spread from his middle out and turned him into a normal looking teenager in ratty clothes. it was honestly better than a hazmat suit. he even stopped glowing and floating. so Tim mentally shrugged and put it in the superpower column of what he knew about Danny and went to the bed to sleep.
it was several hours later, but not long enough that someone burst into the apartment. Danny being closer to the door rolled blearily to his feet and raised his fists to fight whatever ghost had decided to interrupt his nap. Tim wasn’t far behind, bursting out of the bedroom holding a long lamp as a makeshift staff.
“what the fuck, Tim!” Jason yelled and Tim needed a moment to process that it was his brother who burst in.
“oh, hi, Jason,” Tim put the lamp down but Danny didn’t leave his fighting stance. he looked slightly more confused and relaxed when no one immediately attacked him.
“don’t hi me, where the fuck have you been? who the fuck is that orphan wannabe? what’s going on?”
Tim, still half asleep, shrugged. “that’s Danny.”
Danny was staring at Jason with squinted eyes. “you smell bad.”
“excuse you?” Jason hissed eyes flashing green.
understanding dawned on Danny's face, an expression Tim had found to be rare in the hours he’d known Danny.
Danny stepped out of his fighting stance and went to stand directly in front of Jason. “any recent portal accidents, my guy?”
“what?” Jason asked, only to be cut off by Danny shoving his hand into his chest. there was no blood or gore or anything. Danny just cleanly passed through Jason like he was made of mist.
“what are you doing!?” Jason gasped alarmed as Danny seemed so rotate his hand like he was spinning yarn around it. time was also getting alarmed and picked his lamp back up. before he could hit Danny over the head with it though, Danny finished what ever he was doing and pulled his hand out of Jason’s chest. Jason was seemingly uninjured.
around Danny's hand was what looked like red glowing goo. the slime ran down his fingers and smelled rank even from this distance.
“all done,” Danny said sleepily and reached into a back pocket with his clean hand to pull out a thermos. he clicked a button and suctioned the red goo off his hand with a flash of light.
“what the hell...” Jason whispered, putting a hand to his chest. he no longer felt the hazy green pit rage that had haunted him for the last three years.instead there was just a feeling of warmth. like a hot bath, like steam at the center of his being. “what did you do to me?”
Danny yawned. “cleaned your plasm. you smell less like fruit loop now.”
that clarified nothing.
“what are you?” tim asked, now somewhat awake enough to ask the questions he didn’t last night.
“halfa” Danny shrugged. “so is this guy, though he’s a lot weaker. needs to drink him some non-contaminated ectoplasm. will probably help stabilize his core.”
“what...?” Jason said. he was still whispering, clearly going into some sort of shock.
Tim inwardly shrugged. he needed coffee before he could start a proper interrogation. “hey Jay you have any coffee?”
Jason gave him an incredulous look, but Danny hummed in agreement and started checking cabinets
“i should probably head back to my hotel before my sister freaks out,” Danny said finding the beans and giving a small cheer. Tim cheered with him and helped Danny set up the pot. Jason was still standing in the doorway, hand against his chest and staring into space like he was haunted by something. “i had fun though. it’s been a while since I've had such a normal outing.”
Tim thought for a moment about everything they did and the weirdness that was Danny. finally he hummed in agreement. it was one of his more normal outings. “wanna exchange numbers?”
“sure,” Danny said. “we should do this again sometime.” Danny glanced at Jason. “and i guess you should call me if you guys have any questions about him. being a halfa isn’t easy, especially when you’re figuring it out alone.”
“halfa...” Jason repeated in a distant voice.
the coffee finished brewing and Tim poured them both a mug. Danny took a deep sip, cradling the cup in his hands and just enjoying the aroma and moment. he wrote his number on a napkin on the counter and then smiled brightly at Tim. this time he wasn’t literally glowing, but it was no less bright.
“see ya, Tim” he said transforming in a flash of light and flying through the wall. he took the coffee mug with him.
Tim blinked several times sipping his coffee and finally waking up enough to realize that that was not at all a normal encounter and he probably should have asked a lot more questions and what the hell did that kid do to Jason? Tim looked at the number on the napkin and hoped it was real because he definitely had questions.
maybe if he was lucky this would all be a hallucination after all.
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chasedbyatlantic · 8 months
puppy love, joel miller
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summary: IN WHICH — when joel is upset, you do anything and everything in your power to cheer him up. this means showing him your new guitar skills, while singing one of his favourite songs to him.
warnings: post outbreak!joel, jackson!joel, implied relationship, gender!neutral reader, sub!joel, lovey dovey joel and reader, ellie being a little shit once again, swearing, literally all fluff because i can, brief mention of death/killing (very very brief! shows up like two times), bad descs of guitar playing since i haven't played in like 10 years LOL, lmk if i missed anything!
wordcount: 2.3k
a/n: my second fic!!!!! i sort of love this one?? also tysm for the love on my first! looking for moots too! hmu if you wanna <3 make sure to reblog, like, and comment on this plz and thank u! if u have any requests for a fic lmk (dms r open for it!) more to come soon xoxo
God only knew what time it was. You had an infuriating day at work, training all new people on how to successfully patrol Jackson's surrounding areas, and how to not- well, die. This was always your least favourite time of year, to say the least. All the "fresh meat" had been selected to be potential patrolers, and they had to go through extensive training to make sure they were one hundred percent qualified and committed to the role.
Both you and Joel were practically put into this role by Maria (Joel's sister-in-law), not by force, but more of a "you would be doing the entire Jackson community a whole favour if you did this" sort of thing - guilt, most would say. Maria had even tried to get Ellie to help train people, but Joel almost killed Maria by his glare when she brought it up to the two of you.
Even though you hated this role in the community, you think Joel liked it. He had a bit too much fun getting to put kids in check, and humble them big time. At least it was only for a few months, you had kept reminding yourself. The few months were from early June until late September, though - the hottest months of the year. The before dawn wake up calls, and after dusk ends would only last for another month, since it was sometime in the middle of August right now.
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After getting home extremely late, around an hour or two ago, you had already taken a shower and changed into more comfortable clothes before you went and sat on your back porch. Even though you didn't want to be outside anymore than you had to right now, Ellie had one of her friends over and wanted privacy. You love the kid, so you gave her the privacy (not much privacy, only hanging out in the living room of your home).
You were able to tell Joel was finished with his shower when you heard high-pitched and muffled screams coming from inside the house behind you. Just as you went to turn your head around to see what exactly the commotion he was causing inside was, the familiar figure of Joel Miller left the glass door, with the door slamming shut behind him. "Everything alright in there, cowboy?" You hummed to him as the nickname rolled off your tongue, scooching over on the step you were seated on to give the man some room to sit.
"Fucking Christ," He started as he took a seat next to you, "they were paintin' their nails, or somethin'. Said I wasn't allowed anywhere near 'em in that room, or they'd be off with me." Joel had grunted once he was completely lowered on this step, his bones weren't as good as they used to he would say.
This earned a snort from you, "No way- Ellie's paintin' her nails? Your girl's really growin' up, Joel." You couldn't believe she was doing this, to be honest. Ellie had stated to both you and Joel that she was not girly whatsoever, and would rather turn into a clicker than wear a dress or do her makeup. After you had said this to Joel, he looked to be upset. He didn't want Ellie growing up, his girl growing up. "Joking, joking."
He took his eyes off of you, and moved them forward. "Nah, you're right," Joel had sighed, "she won't need me soon. Soon she'll-" He had trailed off, quiet now. Fuck- why did you bring this up, you had thought to yourself. You could only place your hand on Joel's thigh. "She'll always need you, Joel. Shit, she'd be death without ya'. Lighten up a bit baby, she ain't going anywhere."
Joel knew it was true, he was just having a really emotional moment right now, it was most likely from being up since five in the morning. "Dunno 'bout that." He had only muttered, placing his hand over yours. You tsked, putting some pressure on his thigh as you got up in an awkward fashion. "Where are ya'-"
"I have an idea, hold on." You had cut him off, making your way back inside. You were engulfed by the sounds of laughter as soon as you stepped foot through the patio door. You were silent about it, not wanting to bother Ellie or her friend. You had silently moved to the house's spare room, where the three of you put anything and everything. You had grabbed what you were looking for almost instantly (it had a distinct shape) and made your way back outside.
Joel turned his head once you had stepped outside again, his eyes moving down to what you had in hand, then gaining eye contact. "Is that my-" he couldn't even finish his sentence. You grinned as you pulled the lawn chair over, placing the case on the floor and unlatching the sides. You had picked up the piece of polished wood and string and placed the curved part on top of your knee.
"Okay so," You had started as Joel turned around to give you his full attention. He looked handsome like this- more than handsome, actually. The way the dull light from inside of your home highlighted his face almost perfectly- ugh, you couldn't get enough of it. "From all of the, sort of, free time I have had in the last few months, I decided to sort of, really badly, learn a few songs?" It came out more of a question than it did a statement, and Joel took notice of this with only a laugh in return.
"Anything ya' play'll be gorgeous, baby." Joel could only look at you in complete awe; if he didn't love you one hundred percent before, he sure as fuck did now. Instead of sitting down, Joel stood up and was now leaning against the wooden beam behind him. He towered over you, only inches away- this got you on even more of an edge.
"Okay, please don't kill me if I don't get the chords right- I don't think I read the notes properly." You awkwardly chuckle as you avoid eye contact with Joel at the current second. Joel knows a guitar from the inside-out, but even if you messed up, he would not care at all. You took the time to learn his favourite instrument, and this only put him in an ecstatic mood.
"Pick a number one through three." You told him as you move your left hand up the neck, and your right arm drooped over the body. "Three." He replied almost too fast, he was just so eager to hear you play.
You brought your fingers through the strings before you started, making sure it was in tune. You glance up towards Joel, "It's in tune, right?" You ask him. A chuckle escapes his lips as he nods, "Don't worry baby, it is."
You (unfortunately) tore your eyes apart from Joel's as you focus on both your left and right hands now. Multitasking was hard for you before this, so you struggled a bit to play. You inhale slowly, placing your fingers on the top three strings on the fingerboard. You strum from both left and right, meeting to the middle string as the first chord.
"And they called it puppy love," your voice was quiet and sounded more hoarse than relaxed, which you mentally slapped yourself for. Before hounding yourself about it even more, you had to focus on changing the chords another four times as you repeated the strumming rhythm.
"Oh, I guess they'll never know," There wasn't any moving, or talking, or breathing (from the sound of it) from Joel. He was just- mesmerized, mesmerized by what you had been doing with your fingers, with your voice, with everything. If the world hadn't gone to shit, you most definitely would've had a big breakout as an up-and-coming music star, he had thought to himself.
"How a young heart, how it really feels, and why I love him so," You had changed the lyrics, and Joel noticed - you changed "her" to "him". Honestly, Joel only noticed because it was you singing it (and he loved you deeply), and that whenever he would spend time with his grandfather when he was little, this song was played a million times. Had he ever told you about his love for this song, or was it just a coincidence?
"And they called it puppy love," You repeated yourself, emotion starting to seep through your voice. "Just because we're seventeen," If you weren't so lost in your train of thought, of remembering where to put your fingers for the next chord, and the correct strumming pattern, and the lyrics, you would've noticed Ellie and her friend silently sneak out onto the porch.
"Tell them all, it isn't fair. To take away my only dream," You had paused strumming for a single second, it sounded like a dramatic pause in Joel's eyes. You had just completely lost your breath from a combination of singing and nerves. After the (painfully long, you thought) second was over, you started once again.
"I cry each night, my tears for you. My tears are all in vain," The chord pattern you had going changed for the last time, and your strums started to sound quiet, your voice dying out while all of this happened. Joel took notice of this, standing up completely now (from leaning against the wooden beam behind). The two girls behind you were still so silent, almost just as mesmerized with you as Joel was.
"Oh, I'll hope and pray, that maybe someday," You inhale as your thumb starts to brush down from the highest string to the lowest string, "You'll be back in my arms once again." A loud exhale falls through your mouth, followed by the two girls bursting out with clapping and compliments. This does nothing short than scaring the absolute fuck out of you, causing the guitar to slip out of your grip.
Luckily, with Joel being completely focused on you, he had came to the rescue and snatched the guitar before it had fell on the ground. You shoot him an apologetic look before turning around to the two girls, he just looks at you with understanding eyes. "You guys almost made me drop the fuckin' thing- how long were you there for?" You question them, eyeing between the two. Their clapping hands were now silent and playing with their thumbs, almost nervous from you.
"Ya' know what, it doesn't matter. Inside- go, it's bedtime." You had scolded the two, as if you were their mother. Ellie's friend had opened her mouth to say something, but was cut off by Ellie gripping her hand and yanking her back inside. You start to turn back to face Joel, after snapping. "Fuck, we can never have a minute of fuckin' sile-".
He cut you off by smashing his lips into yours. He was acting as if though he was touch deprived, if he hadn't seen you for years. You two just move in sync for what feels like forever (not that you're complaining, though), before you pull away.
Before you have the chance to say anything, Joel brings you to your feet and sets the guitar down on your previous seat, embracing you in a tight hug. You can feel his rough facial hair on the exposed parts of your neck as he exhales, you definitely don't mind. "I needed that more than anythin', darlin'." He admits to you.
"Anythin' for my favourite person." You remind him, bringing your hand to the back of his head. It was true, you would do anything for this man. You would steal for him, kill for him, anything he wanted.
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The sun was threatening to peak through the moonlit skies, you knew you two had to be up and about soon enough, but that didn't stop you. You were laying in bed together, tangled between each other's arms. The covers were kicked off your shared bed, and a small breeze cruising the room every so often from the open windows.
"I think it's true." You had broken the comfortable silence that filled the room. Joel didn't move from his position (half of his body on you), just hummed with his eyes staying shut. "What is, baby?"
"The song- fuck, I don't want to sound cheesy or nothin'." You admit, before continuing, "You just, ya' know, I love you's all." You send a small squeeze through Joel's hand, that vibrates his entire body. This results in him dropping your hand and lifting it to wrap around your chest. "Nothin' cheesy 'bout that." His voice was even more hoarse than when you had lost your fears of singing in front of someone, in front of Joel. You now went silent, just loving his embrace.
"Darlin'?" He now broke the silence after a minute or two, eyes still shut and not moving whatsoever. You gave a hum in response, just like he did earlier. "Ya' said to pick a number between three before ya' played earlier, were the other options real?" This was your favourite, vulnerable Joel.
"It was, and before you ask-" you pause, bringing your hand to the back of his head, just like earlier. You ran your fingers through his restless curls. "-I'll play the rest for ya'. Promise." Joel had obviously liked this answer, as he responded with a sloppy kiss to your collarbone.
You would learn every lyric in the world, every chord in the world, every strum in the world, just for Joel to be happy. You didn't want anything more in this world than for him to be happy. If he was happy, so were you.
puppy love, paul anka
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reidbae · 1 year
DAY 11: Wind Me Down — degradation w/sub!spencer reid
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KINKTOBER 2023: masterlist
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summary: You've been feeling stressed out at work as you and your team battle tirelessly to solve a case. When you get back to your hotel room after a long day on the job, you turn to Spencer to help you unwind.
pairing: sub!s2!spencer reid x dom!fem!reader
warnings/mentions: vaginal sex, unprotected piv sex (y'all know what i'm going to say.), praise, degradation (obv), use of my love before smut and miss during, reader calls spencer "baby," "honey," and "angel," hair pulling, choking
wc: 1.6k
a/n: SORRY this was so cut off, i literally am falling asleep as i'm writing this LMFAO but i hope y'all enjoy my half-awake writing anyways <3
tags: @nalycandy @prettyboydrspencerreid @mega-kittyglitter-1
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You were walking into the hotel room that you and Spencer were sharing for your ongoing case, shutting the door annoyedly behind you.
You and the team had been on a case in New York for the last two weeks now, and it was safe to say that you were already sick of it. Sick of the lack of progress, sick of the officers you were working with, sick of the pressure that was coming down on you and your team. Sick of it all.
It was 2 A.M., and you had just gotten back to the room after a date with the case, being the last one to leave. You tried to open the door as to not wake your boyfriend, who you assumed to be asleep, shutting it with little noise.
But it didn't matter, because a face met yours the second you walked into the room.
Spencer was sitting on one of the beds in the room, a book in his lap. His glasses sat on his face flawlessly as he looked up at you with a smile. "Hey, you," he said.
"Hey," you said in a bit of a confused tone, looking him up and down. You set your work bag down and crossed your arms as you asked, "What are you still doing up?"
"I can't sleep without you," he told you with a shrug, like the phrase was common knowledge. "So I just chose to read until you got back."
You smiled at him and shook your head, walking over to him. "And how many books did you get through?" you asked.
"Two. And a half, I guess, if you count this one," Spencer smiled, holding the book up for you to see. Spencer then moved it away from him, opening his arms up for you. "Come here. You look tired."
You quickly fell into his arms as he pulled you into his lap, your legs on either side of him. Spencer ran his fingers through your hair with one hand, rubbing your back with the other.
"You need to stop working so hard, my love. You're going to burn yourself out," Spencer said in a bit of a worried voice. You sighed, burying your face into his shoulder.
"I know, it's just—" you began. But Spencer cut you off.
"You want to solve this case. I know. I do, too," he said, taking the words out of your mouth. "But you need to think about yourself, too. Just—Promise me you'll take a break at some point."
You nodded. As much as you didn't like to admit it, he wasn't wrong.
"I will. I promise," you said.
Spencer pulled back to smile at you, placing a soft kiss on the tip of your nose. "Good," he grinned as he went on with rubbing your back. "Do you want to rest now? Or do you want to stay up for a bit?"
"Actually..." you said, trailing off with a smile across your face. Your hands went down to the hem of Spencer's joggers, tugging them before you even had time to think it through. "I had a little something in mind."
Spencer's face went pink immediately as he took note of what you were getting at, and he looked up at you. "O- Oh, really? And what would that be?" he asked, already knowing what the answer was going to be.
"You know how stressed I've been," you said lowly, beginning to press a few kisses to Spencer's neck, causing him to whine out above you. "I was thinking you could help me with that. Relieve me a little, you know?"
"Y- Yeah, I know," the genius stuttered out, pulling you closer to his body by your hips. "If that's what you want, then that's what we'll do."
"There's my good boy," you cooed with a smirk across your face. You didn't hold back from leaning in, crashing your lips onto Spencer's. His answer came in the form of his tongue, which quickly moved into your mouth.
You didn't waste time, pulling the white tee Spencer was wearing up and over his head. You ran your hands over his chest before attaching your lips to his again, moaning at the way his tongue felt as it moved with yours.
Sometimes, it was better to take things slow. Others, going fast just made it better.
And this was one of those times.
Spencer helped you to unbutton your work slacks, then pulled his joggers, and boxers, down and out of the way. The view you were met with was one of his long cock, that seemed to already be aching for you.
You smirked down at him, taking his dick into your hands as you shook your head. Spencer let out a small whine at the feeling, squirming a little under you.
"Already this hard, huh? It's been, what, five minutes?" you teased him, chuckling at the messy view of the man under you.
"I- I'm sorry," he said in a voice that was nearly begging you not to tease him about it. "You just have that effect on me, miss."
"Oh, believe me, I know, baby," you cooed, moving your hand up and down on him slowly. Spencer's eyes closed as you did. "I know how much of a slut you are for me. Aren't you?"
Spencer gave you a nod without looking back at you, holding back a groan as he said, "Y- Yes, miss, I am."
You moved up to your knees for a second to pull your slacks down fully before moving the tip of his dick to your cunt. You couldn't help but moan out at the feeling, your need being easily on display for Spencer as he saw how wet you already were.
"Y/N, what are you, fuck, what are you doing?" he asked in a confused voice, as several seconds had passed with him not yet being inside of you.
"Watch your language, honey," you said, pulling his hair a bit as a means of bringing him close to you. Spencer let out a small whimper, but didn't say another word. "I wanna hear you beg, baby, like the slut you are. Tell me how much you want me to fuck you."
Spencer's whines only grew more broken at your mean tone, but he was quick to comply, squeezing your hips as he said, "Please, miss. Please let me inside of you. I- I've been so good."
"Oh, have you, angel?" you teased him a little more, moving your hand down to cup his chin. You dragged him even closer. "I'm going to need more than that."
All the while, the head of his cock was still on your cunt, and as you moved his dick around even more, Spencer let out an annoyed sigh. "I just—Please, miss. I want to feel you so bad. I- I've been craving you all day."
"And what else?" you asked.
"I want to be your toy. I- I know you like that," Spencer whined. "Please, just—Don't leave me like this. I can't handle it," he huffed.
Feeling bad for the poor boy, you kissed his cheek, before whispering, "You won't have to, my good boy. That's just what I wanted to hear."
You lowered yourself onto his cock, letting out a low mewl at the feeling. God, was he big. Spencer's hands were on your hips again as you rode him, the both of your moans filling the room.
"You like that, huh?" you asked. You moved your hand up to settle on Spencer's neck, squeezing down. Spencer's glasses fogged up with his need as you did so, nodding eagerly.
"Yes, ma'am," he said. "Please, harder," he whispered.
You obliged him, squeezing down harder on his neck; Not enough to harm him, but enough so that he would surely feel it. Spencer's face was all the approval you needed to keep going.
"Look at how needy you are. How much of a slut you're being," you degraded him in a rough tone of voice, shaking your head. If there was any place to get out the anger you had built up over the last two weeks, this was the one.
You grabbed Spencer's face to turn it towards a mirror that laid above the dresser in the room. The view was pornographic, you on top of Spencer as you rode him, his lips wide open as a series of moans fell from it. "You see that, baby?"
Spencer shyly gave you a nod, looking down. "Y- Yes, I see it, miss."
"Yeah? And what do you look like?" you asked.
"A- A whore, miss," Spencer admitted, his cheeks flaring up in a blush at his own words. He turned his head away to look at you, gazing up at you with needy eyes. "B- But I'm your whore, miss."
You pressed kisses to his neck, your look one of approval. "Fuck, yeah, you are," you moaned.
Your high danced dangerously close a short while later, and Spencer, picking up on this, lowered a hand down to rub your clit to help you along. You buried your face into his neck, leaving hickeys on him wherever you could.
"Fuck, baby," you moaned out. "That feels so good. Keep going, just like that," you were saying without even thinking about it, your brain far too clouded with desire.
The room smelled like sex as you both came at the same time, Spencer filling you with him cum like he'd done so many times before. You lay limp on his shoulder as you came down from your peak, eyes closed.
"God, I love you," you told him breathlessly, wrapping your arms around his neck. Spencer chuckled at your words, settling his hands onto your waist.
"I love you, too, Y/N."
reblogs are very much appreciated <3
please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
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yjhariani · 2 years
hii, i've an idea. can you write something about the 141 team trying to fast for one day bc reader is also fasting and they're curious abt how it feels etc. thank you in advance :)
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“I was thinking maybe we all try,” Soap said.
“Try what?” Ghost asked.
“Fasting,” Soap answered.
“Never once I thought such an idea would come out of you, Soap,” you chuckled.
“It’s not a bad idea either,” Ghost commented.
“I’m an amazing friend, how could you say that?” Soap protested. “Are we doing this or not?”
“Fuck yeah, I’m in,” Gaz nodded.
“When are we gonna do it?” Soap asked.
“Tomorrow sounds good,” Ghost said.
“Excuse me, tomorrow is cleaning day, my guys,” you pointed out.
“So, what? If you can do it, then, I can do it,” Ghost stated.
“Yeah, why not?” Soap supported. “You’re doing fine, we’ll do better than fine.”
“I already said I’m in,” Gaz shrugged.
“Fine,” you nodded. “I’ll wake you up for suhoor and you’ll eat and drink before dawn. After that you practise chastity, you can’t eat, drink, or smoke until dusk.”
There was a pause where everyone was looking at Ghost.
“I can survive without smoking,” Ghost said. “Been trying to quit anyway.”
“You said that like twelve times already in the span of one year,” you said.
“Still trying,” Ghost said.
Soon the time came. It was not that hard getting them out of the bed. However, getting them to wake up took a little bit more time and a lot of food.
The mess was not as full as how it would have been for breakfast, but still more people than it would have been any other month. Mostly, the people here were the ones who participated in Ramadan with their friends who were challenged to fast or simply curious to know what it felt like, maybe as a sign of respect to their friend.
It all went quite well, but after all it was only the beginning of the day.
Dawn came a few minutes after everyone was done eating and drinking. Everyone was oddly in a good mood. Maybe you were in a better mood than most of them because yesterday you did this all by yourself.
Then, fast forward to about hours later, it was about midday, and you were mopping the barrack floor with Ghost’ help. Gaz was asleep in the most uncomfortable position. Soap was nowhere to be seen, but Price did tell him to wash one of the cars.
“Hey, LT,” you called.
“Shut up,” Ghost said, more harshly than he intended.
“Okay,” you said as you turned around, hiding a smile—knowing that Ghost would be snapping at everyone soon if you kept pushing to talk to him.
Sometime later, you walked outside and found König holding up a hose downwards to Soap who was sitting underneath it, face up, eyes closed.
“Is he okay?” you mouthed at König.
König gave you a light shrug for an answer.
“Soap, are you okay?” you asked.
Soap opened his eyes and saw you.
“I’m,” Soap said, but he got water poured into his mouth and he moved his head off the water to talk to you, “I’m fucking thirsty.”
“Dude, you don’t have to force yourself. That’s literally part of the religion. I mean, that’s referring to sick people, pregnant and breastfeeding people, and elderly, but, really, you don’t have to force yourself,” you said.
“No,” Soap whined.
“Well, a lot of kids fast only up to midday,” you brought up.
“Why, because I’m a big baby?” Soap questioned.
You looked at König who slightly tilted his head in amusement.
“I’m just gonna leave you to it,” you decided.
About three hours before dusk, everyone was miserable. However, at least the cleaning was done. 
Everyone sort of had their own way of killing time. They had way less energy than usual, but still kept themselves busy.
Around the last hour of fasting, everyone was a little more spiritful again. They were excited about iftar and a lot of the conversation you were having was food related.
The four of you ordered a lot of food and plated everything in the common area of the barrack. There were warm drinks, cold drinks, savoury snacks, sweet snacks, portions of meals, but seemed to be lacking some water that no one realised would be necessary.
Hours came down to minutes before dusk. Everyone was sitting around the small coffee table where you put the food on. You put your phone on the table as well, waiting for it to announce the time to break your fast.
Your phone soon blared out as a sign that it was time to break your fast. Right away, the four men around you went to take their drinks and food and chugged everything in. However, they took a pause when they noticed that you only had one cup of warm beverage in your hands and you silently prayed before taking a sip. They slowed down then.
Regardless, after drinking a little bit of liquid and eating barely a few finger foods, everyone just sort of sat there and looked at each other.
“We’re never gonna be able to finish all these, are we?” Ghost questioned.
“Not even half,” you chuckled.
“This morning, I pissed seven times in the span of an hour because I drank three jugs of water,” Soap said, “and I’m still fuckin’ thirsty at noon.”
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silent-sanctum · 3 months
Hi~ can I be 🍓anon? If you’re doing the emoji anon thing. Well, I just wanted to know if you’d write something with soulmate AU. I’m literally the most basic b ever and a sucker for soulmate AU. 🙈 something with jotaro being your soulmate is so cute to me…You can come up with any premise you want!
Hello 🍓 anon! I'm really sorry I took so long to put this out. I had a lot going on irl 😭 But here it is, over 9k worth of content about destiny and meeting each other through that.
Now, I'm gonna be honest, I am not too fond of the trope but I do dig it from time to time. So, I hope what I wrote meets your expectations! Hope you enjoy! ♡
A Wonderful World - Jotaro x Reader
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word count: 9k
Everything was a blur. You couldn’t feel anything as your body felt weightless and cold.
But you could make out the rush of water fly by you and you could’ve sworn the skies went awry, never stopping as day turned to dusk to night to dawn and back in a blink of an eye.
You couldn’t move an inch and in circumstances like this, you knew this moment of clarity would be the last breath you’d experience.
Around you were bodies lying on the raging waters. A few of them were unfamiliar to you but you considered them allies, companions who aided you in getting this far into the chaos, and next to you was…
Your eyes swelled with tears.
Next to you was your husband motionless, forever resting as he left this world before you, a bleeding gash that split the right side of his face serving as a reminder of what caused his death.
‘I failed you.’
Whatever energy you had left in you was spent through your hand wading through the water, all to reach him one last time. Your surroundings started to dim and your body rotted with time, but that didn’t matter now. What mattered now was spending your last seconds by his side.
With your hand holding his, you closed your eyes and sent a prayer to the heavens- that maybe in another universe… in another timeline where this much pain and suffering didn’t exist… you prayed desperately that if it was written in fate, you could meet him there and fall in love all over again.
As you took your last breath, the last name you hoped carried on to the next life was-
You gasp, eyes now wide awake.
Your vision cleared and it took you a couple blinks for you to reorient with your surroundings. It was early morning and here you lay on your bed, the curtains drawn and the digital clock beside you just turning 7:31 with its bright red font.
Then there was that familiar ache that made you grasp your heart and spill a tear upon waking. “That dream again… It’s always that stupid dream,” you mumbled as you swiped the wetness off your eyes. You couldn’t for the life of you know why that one was so consistent amidst the many other random variants in your head.
And why the name couldn’t come to mind in every instance.
Before you, a ghostly apparition hovered out to face you with a fabric loosened to lay on your shoulders. You smiled as you grasped the translucent rose gold silk. “It’s fine. I’m fine Sanctuary. Just the usual.”
The entity tilted its head and only after the cloth lightly caressed your cheek with affection did it disappear back into you.
In perfect timing, your phone rang and on the screen flashed “Manager”. Swiping to accept, you placed the device by your ear. “Yes manager-nim?”
“Well if it isn’t my favorite leading star. I do hope you remember that you’re scheduled for a shoot at Toushiki Beach today.”
You sigh, rolling your eyes with a smirk at the singsong voice of the caller. “Yeah yeah, I know. 10:30 in the morning, right?”
“Ding ding ding. And if you don’t want your co-star complaining our ears off, you better be ready when I ring that doorbell.”
“Don’t worry,” you threw your legs off to the side and stood, heading to the bathroom. “I’ve always been on time. No matter how late I wake or whatnot. If anything, it’s him that’s always late.”
On the other side of the call, your manager groaned less at you and more at his situation. “And yet we’re also pulled into his mess.”
“Well, this isn’t my first rodeo. If the director starts yelling at us again, I’ll make sure to remind him who’s truly at fault here,” you said. “Besides, no one would be at fault but his if he even considers changing one of the industry’s highest-paid actors mid-shoot.”
“You better keep your word Y/N.”
“I will.”
Life as a celebrity was nothing too challenging, considering you’ve been raised to shine for the masses. Stardom started as a singer when your parents encouraged you to use your voice to entice the public. But as that career took off, you were offered to star in a film as an artist cameo once you’ve hit 18.
Then it all snowballed down the line. Many producers found your visuals and acting skills top-notch and wanted you to lead their shows and movies.
Here you were 10 years later- an A-list actress paid handsomely to feature in media that award-winning directors directed.
And to make it all better, well for you at least, you had someone to accompany you. A ghostly entity you named “Silent Sanctuary” was linked to you and you didn’t know why it did or how no one else did, but you came to accept that she was a part of you- a being who wished to be your invisible “guardian angel” willingly.
Your thoughts were shoved aside as the vehicle stopped and your actual bodyguard opened the door for you. Immediately, a frazzled-looking man in a padded jacket holding a clipboard came running to you. “Y/N! Oh, thank god you were here before your co-star did!”
“What did I say?” You said, stepping outside onto the concrete pavement. The breeze from the nearby sea brushed your hair on your arrival. “I told you I’m always on time.”
“Yeah that’s great and all but we still have to report to the director,” he said as he led you across the solid path ahead, walking past the rocky formations jutting out from the sandy ground and down on the stone staircase leading to the beach.
Ahead of you was the production crew setting up the necessary equipment needed for filming, and among them was a loud-mouthed man yelling at somebody to fix the sound system with his megaphone. Yeah, just another day of filming.
Soon your co-star arrived, late as you’d expect, already stomping into the scene whining about how cold it was or how annoying traffic was. But that didn’t matter as you sucked yourself into the role you were given ahead of time.
The movie’s concept revolved around the idea of soulmates. Its story involved the tale of two lovers who were always met at the short end of the stick, constantly losing each other time and time again, and your character’s job was to find a way to make sure that in this universe, you’d reach for your love and never let fate separate them again.
You weren’t fond of these films mainly because you thought the idea of “finding your fated partner” sounded too childish or fantastical to your liking, and initially, you were about to reject the offer. But somehow, as you read the script for the first time, you found yourself… touched. Your heart ached not at the thought of “meeting your soulmate for the first time” but at the idea of “finding your lover again in a better world”.
For a second, your mind thought back to the dream you kept having- of rushing water, fallen bodies, and the deceased man you held hands with.
And here you were now- playing the lead role for this “red string of fate-esque” movie with one of the worst partners you’d imagine. Do this for the output. For the results. For the story to be told to the crowd.
So, you did your part well; the moment the director cued the cameras to start rolling, you did your best to portray a struggling person arguing with her estranged lover about a key issue in the film. It took several cuts and a couple of re-shoots before the director was contented with the scene and called for an hour-long break. Lunch.
You invited your manager to eat out at a nearby restaurant selling ramen but he politely declined saying he had to answer some phone calls regarding brand deals you were supposed to be in.
You went ahead, a single bodyguard in tow on the way to the supposed popular place. When you got there, its reputation met your expectations- the place was filled to the brim, teeming with customers wanting a taste of the chef’s tasty ramen. With security waiting outside, you entered the place with your mask and hat on and fell in line.
Once your order was taken and a blinking pager was given, you turned to look for a spot where you could wait. But then, a pull caught your attention and you looked over to see Sanctuary hovering about, fixating on something with a fabric tugging your wrist.
“Hey,” you whispered. “What’s wrong?”
The entity ignored your words and continued tugging, wanting you to go somewhere. Confused, you directed your gaze to where your companion faced- the stairs leading to the upper floors. “Oh, you found a seat for me?” No response. Only her incessant pulling. “Alright, I’m going.”
You went upstairs, brushing past the passing crowd on the way. You were met with more people enjoying their meals and zero empty tables. “Sanctuary, I thought there were-” You didn’t get to complete your sentence when the ghost kept tugging at your wrist, its head directed to the stairs going up.
“The rooftop?” As far as you could tell, the rooftop section of the place was reserved for those who booked a spot ahead of time, and even as famous as you are, you haven’t made any reservations so you didn’t get to head upstairs. “Sanctuary, I didn’t plan to eat here. I’m not supposed to go there!”
But your supposed loyal entity remained stubborn as she fully manifested out of you and hovered to the 3rd floor of the restaurant with speed. “Hey!” You sword you’ve never had her disobey you ever throughout the time you had her, but this was a first and it flustered you to this extent. “Come back here!”
You continued up the final flight of stairs and swung open the door leading outside. Fortunately, the place was mostly empty considering the restaurant just opened.
On the other hand, your relief at the lack of people was replaced with embarrassment as you spotted Silent Sanctuary wrapped around a lone, unsuspecting man sitting by one of the tables beside the glass fence.
The person didn’t pick up her presence much like the others, only confused as dictated by the cocked head, furrowed brows, and rigid posture he had due to the binds your ghost companion had on him.
Play it cool. Excuse yourself. You cleared your throat, bringing his attention away from the book in his hand to you. As he stared at you, you stood still, caught off guard at his attractiveness: Slicked-up raven hair, bold jawline, and stunning aquamarine eyes. Was he an actor? You peeked at the built figure beneath his black turtleneck and white coat. Or a model perhaps?
“Yes?” Shit, his voice is deep too.
“Ah hello,” you bowed in courtesy and he did the same with a bob of his head. You steadily approached him, eyeing Sanctuary to let go and get back inside. “I was just looking for a place to eat. The place is crowded down here.”
“There are empty tables beside you,” he said, gruffly.
“Well yeah, but those are reserved so I can’t eat there.”
The stranger cocked his brow and crossed his arms. “You’ve made no reservations and yet you’re here?”
You subtly glared at your invisible companion still hovering close to the man. That seemed to do the trick as the entity reluctantly let go and disappeared. You kept up a calm front and answered, “Listen, I’m on a time crunch right now so I can’t wait for a table downstairs. This place also doesn’t offer take-outs so I figured maybe I could…”
“Share a table?”
“Yeah!… That…” Which was a lie. You did find a table on the first floor and were about to beeline straight to it, but Sanctuary had to intervene at the worst time possible. “And look what we have here; an empty seat in front of you unless you have someone coming-”
“I’m here by myself.”
Unintentionally, you let out a quick “ah” with a clap and nod. “So… can I-”
“No,” The man continued to stare at you, unimpressed. “Not until you clarify how tight your current schedule exactly is. You can return another time when it’s less busy.”
Your mind was running circles trying to come up with excuse after excuse; one that wasn’t entirely false so it alleviated your guilty conscience. But your patience was running thin as your break gradually shortened. “I can’t come back some other time because I have somewhere else to be after today,” you gritted out. “This restaurant’s only available in this part of Tokyo so I want to try their ramen before I leave.”
“You didn’t tell me the details of your current schedule. What if you’re lying?”
You clicked your tongue, pulled down your mask, and took your hat off, revealing yourself to him. “See those groups of people with filming equipment over there?” You pointed to the beach to which he did look over. “I’m part of their team and they’re about to call my ass any minute now.”
For a second, the stranger blinked at you with what you thought was recognition, but then-
“You man the cameras?”
“C-Camera-” At this point, you scoffed with your hands on your hips, tonguing the inside of your cheek as you looked to the sky wishing for more patience. “You really can’t lend a poor bystander a free seat because of some kind of stubborn skepticism?”
“You barged in here and interrupted my peace first.”
“Come on, just this once?” You glanced at the empty bowl on his table. “You’re done with yours so might as well, right?”
“What if I still say no?” He said. “You rude nag.”
You simply stared at him with disbelief and from some gut instinct, you blurted out an audible “asshole” before you realized what you said. You cupped your mouth, stunned, but the stranger didn’t seem insulted by the exchange.
Instead, he was… amused? Surprised?
Just then, your pager beeped wildly from inside your pocket. “Crap, what should I-”
“Alright,” you turned to the man with wide eyes. “You can have that seat.”
A big wave of relief swept across your panicking mind and with a quick word of gratitude, you hurried downstairs to fetch your steaming bowl of ramen.
Jotaro didn’t know what to make of his encounter with this… stranger.
It happened so suddenly- one moment he was minding his own business, invested in the detective novel he had in his hand, the next his body felt constricted as if he was bound by invisible ropes, and next a random masked lady barges through the door, appearing frazzled.
Then in the next minute, you’re here trying to persuade him to share a table due to the packed situation of the restaurant.
He should’ve been annoyed. That’s how it’s always been with people who seemed entitled to have everything to themselves or those who crossed his boundaries, but he couldn’t find it in him to be irritated at you. Skeptical sure, but pissed? Not exactly.
Admittedly, Jotaro had no problem sharing the table with you. He was done with his meal and you provided reasonable excuses in a polite manner- A busy worker who wanted a taste of a local delicacy before leaving.
He would’ve gotten up right then and there, but for some reason, he wanted to tease you- rile you up a bit until those polite mannerisms slipped up. What the hell? Why would I do that? Despite his logical reasoning, he continued to reject your approaches and you began to seethe, growing frustrated.
He huffed. Why am I feeling… nostalgic?
And when you removed both your mask and hat, Jotaro paused as he took one good look at you. Wait… you’re- Why do I feel like I’ve seen you before?
It wasn’t from any media he had watched or a published article he’d read. It was somewhere else and it made his chest throb out of the blue. Where?
Then in a fit of understandable anger, you remarked him being an asshole and a hard sense of Deja vu struck him as an image sparked in his head- a school’s rooftop, him in his black school uniform, and a female student saying that same word as she was about to head inside.
“Mind your own business, bitch.”
“Insults won’t get you anywhere, asshole.”
This was supposed to be during his high school years, but as far as he knew, he didn’t go to the rooftop once or talk to another student like in his visions. He smoked outside the school building and ignored any squealing fans that came his way. Jotaro was about to comment on it, but your pager blared and caused you to panic. Looks like the game’s over.
“Alright. You can have the spare seat.” And at your wide-eyed expression and a quick word of gratitude, he had to resist himself from smiling even by a little bit. This isn’t how he’s supposed to behave; tease a stranger and then smile endearingly at them because of a thank you?
But he couldn’t overstay now, not when you’re supposed to be back here any moment now with a huge bowl of ramen, and so he stood, heading to the exit.
On the way, you arrived with your order. He tipped his hat at you and you bowed at him one more time.
And again, Jotaro stopped in his tracks at the feel of his wrist being tugged. Looking down at it, nothing was holding him back. He heard you mutter something and suddenly, the tightness that held him loosened.
He subtly glanced over his shoulder to see you already settled on the seat despite his dirty dishes still on the table. He thought nothing of it other than being content at watching you enjoy lunch and went on with his day.
A server walked up the stairs and Jotaro stopped him before he could enter. “Don’t mind the lady eating at my table. Just take the bowl and clean what needs to be cleaned.”
“B-But sir customers aren’t allowed to,” One firm glare from his eyes cut off whatever the poor guy was about to say. “Noted sir.”
It’s been a week since that day and so far, the progress of the shoot has been great.
If you dismissed the number of times you had to ignore the urge to smack your co-star every time he whined about every minor inconvenience, today was productive. Not only were you able to execute your solo scene on your first try, but all the scenes that came with other actors went by smoother than before.
The director wrapped the emotional beach scenes and called it a day. If you recall correctly, the next batch of scenes will take place in some sort of facility since the upcoming scene will feature your character, a scientist specializing in quantum physics, meeting her lover while in the middle of work wanting to patch things up.
However, in the middle of your mini-success, you couldn’t help but think about what Silent Sanctuary did; about why she decided to disobey you and embrace a seemingly random man in the middle of reading his book.
But then your thoughts would further spiral into thinking of the man in the white coat. Why did he look familiar? And… You clutched your chest as you stared at the ceiling. Why do I feel like crying when I think about him again? You shook your head and leaned over to switch off the lamp. Whatever. It’s probably nothing. Just focus on your work.
It took a while for the crew to search for a place to shoot the said scenes. Eventually, they got in contact with one cooperative executive of a research institute within the capital and got their permission to film on their grounds, as long as they didn’t enter prohibited areas and disturb the people doing their jobs.
There were still a couple of paperwork that needed to be done so you were given a bit of time to spend while you waited. You told your manager you wanted to check out a nearby aquarium and what reason could he have to deny you a simple request?
You didn’t know why you wanted to visit an aquarium of all places. Because you liked the ocean but couldn’t see the cute fishes in them? Or was it because of something else like the instinctual tug in your chest?
Your manager didn’t see any problem with your request and brought you to the Sumida Aquarium near the Skytree. He informed you that he’d come back for you in a while and you thanked him for the ride. With that, you went on inside.
After receiving your ticket inside, you fixed the mask you had on and proceeded down the dimmed hallways, sight-seeing the many aquatic life swimming about the area in their glowing tanks with awe. It was fortunate that there were fewer people than you would’ve expected, but you weren’t complaining.
If anything, you were relieved you didn’t have to worry about racking attention from onlooking eyes.
You continued down the dimly lit path underneath the overarching tank that teemed with passing fishes of different sizes and types until you reached what you could assume was the main hall where the aquarium’s biggest tank could be located. “Woah~”
A wide smile grew as you watched a baby whale shark swim by. You stepped closer and placed your hand on the cool surface of the glass, admiring the sheer size of the aquatic creature living its life in this enclosure.
“You’re here again.”
“Hm?” You hummed as you turned to your side, only to widen your eyes as not only did you notice Sanctuary’s fabric stretched out to wrap a random person's wrist, but onto the wrist of the same man in the white coat. “Oh, it’s you! How did I not notice you?”
“Not sure myself. I just felt my wrist get bound out of nowhere and I made an assumption,” he said as he stared at you. “Turns out I was right.”
You cursed under your breath and willed your companion back inside before she could further embarrass you. “By the way,” you started. “I’m sorry for yelling at you at that ramen restaurant. It was entirely rude of me.”
He scoffed. “You just realized?”
“I didn’t know what came over me,” you said. “I don’t know if it was hunger, being tired, or… something else. But I mean it when I say I’m sorry.”
He looked you over and back again at the tank. “Okay then. Apology accepted.”
You beamed. “Really?”
“Do you expect me to make jokes about that?”
“Well no, that was a rhetorical question,” I huffed, crossing my arms. “Gosh, you can be quite the skeptic sometimes.”
“And that’s bad?” You could pick up the smirk from the way he replied.
You couldn’t help but smile in return. “Sometimes.”
For a moment, you and the stranger remained silent and opted to watch the sea life going about their day in the large aquarium before them, sharing the implied mutual agreement to watch them swim by in peace.
Until another large creature came from behind the rock formations and another word of awe slipped past your lips. “Look at that big boy! I didn’t know sting rays were this huge.”
“That’s a female manta ray,” you turn to look at the man who spoke after you. “You could tell because she has no stinger on her tail. It’s female because they’re larger than males as seen as another manta ray swims along her. He has a shorter wingspan and if you observe closely, the smaller ray has those flaps in the pelvic area called claspers, while the bigger manta doesn’t. It’s a way for him to deliver sperm for reproduction.”
You gape at the sudden information he dropped due to your lack of knowledge about rays. “You know your stuff.”
“I’m supposed to. It’s my job,” he diverted his attention back to you. “Marine biologist.”
A drawn-out “oh” was how you responded, and because you wanted to take the chance while he was there, you asked. “If you say so, then say some facts about…” You hummed as you thought about what to ask, and in some part of your brain, you decided on the first and the next. “Clownfishes.”
The man cocked his head and answered with ease. “They’re hermaphrodites. They grow as males but can turn into females when necessary.”
“There’s a species called Turritopsis dohrnii, or the immortal jellyfish. They can avoid growing old by being able to reverse their biological clock back into a younger stage.”
At that, the stranger paused and ruminated over what to say and for a second you thought he’d end up with a blank, but he replied shortly after. “They consume food by extending their stomach out of their mouths and over the digestible parts of their prey like mussels or clams.”
You smiled at the unique knowledge he gave you. “Impressive. Should I contact you every time I spot a funky-looking fish then?”
You were worried for a second thinking he would downplay your lighthearted ask, but a pit in your heart bloomed as the corners of his lips turned up into a small smile. “I doubt I’d pick up. I’m a busy man.”
“You don’t look busy.”
The stranger glanced at you. “On most days.”
At that, you couldn’t help but let out a soft giggle. You didn’t know why but it felt right, more so when the other person huffed with his subtle smile still plastered on his face. “Say,” you started. “Do you want some coffee? My treat. Take it as an additional compensation for the ramen drama.”
The man in the white coat tilted his head, thinking, and answered with a curt “Sure.”
Jotaro enjoyed this more than he should.
The second his wrist was in a light grip, he knew you were nearby. You arrived, apologized, and thanked him for accepting it. That should be the end of the conversation, but as he watched your eyes glitter in awe at the passing manta ray, he couldn’t help but remark facts about the creature.
Right then, a wave of Deja vu sparked a faint memory in his head just as it did when you first met him; one that presented the interior of a dimmed submarine, a single circular window, and the same student at the rooftop sitting by it.
“It’s a giant manta ray. For a 20-foot-long fish, they have large brains that are developed similarly to bottlenose dolphins and primates… It’s either swimming around the window because it saw itself or it saw you and is curious about you.”
The vision disappeared a second after it played out in his head and the tug in his chest would start to bother him yet again. It wasn’t a bad thing though. If anything, he’d like to share more information if you wanted. And like cascading water, his mind would continue playing out his voice answering with information about the same animals you said, and he’d vocalize them to you.
Clownfish? They’re hermaphrodites. They grow as males but can turn into females when necessary.
Jellyfish? There’s a species called Turritopsis dohrnii, or the immortal jellyfish, and they can evade old age by reversing their biological clock back into its baby polyp stage. It does so by reabsorbing its tentacles and coming to rest as a blob of undifferentiated cells somewhere on the seafloor.
But as you asked about starfish, his mind would answer differently than he would have. “I actually don’t know much about them yet. But I plan to in the future.” And it confused him for a moment because coincidentally, he was in the process of writing a thesis about starfishes like he planned to when he was still in high school.
And god, when you smiled with total admiration for his expertise, butterflies started to flutter inside and he couldn’t hold back the joy he reciprocated upon seeing you this way. This felt… right.
It would be no surprise that when you offered to buy him coffee to further patch up the scene you caused, Jotaro accepted it almost immediately.
Hence here they were in a neighboring cafe with two glasses of caffeinated drinks and plated sandwiches ready to consume on the table. “Oh gosh, we’ve been talking for this long and we still don’t know each other’s names.” You took a sip of your latte and continued. “I’m Y/N L/N. If you’re an avid media watcher, then you might recognize me.”
He tipped his hat. “Kujo Jotaro and no, I don’t have enough spare time to indulge in films.” But you’re familiar regardless and I’m unsure why.
“Not even an hour or two for yourself?” You asked. “You must have at least switched on the TV at least once and seen a movie that interested you.”
He hummed. “If it bothers you that much, then fine. I do watch documentaries and true crime investigations from time to time.”
“There you go,” you said but in the next second, you pondered out loud. “Did I ever star in crime films? I think… maybe? Or was that more of a romance?”
“Star in them?”
You nodded after you took a bite of your food. “I’m an actress hence why I pointed to the filming crew last time, and why I got insulted when you said I merely manned the camera.”
“Oh,” Jotaro said, a hint of warmth now present in his cheeks as he thought back to that moment. “I… misunderstood then. I apologize.”
“You don’t have to. I did more wrong anyways,” you chuckled. “But you don’t mind me asking what crime films you might’ve watched, do you? I’m curious.”
“Well, let’s see…”
And it went on and on from there. For the ever-focused and present Jotaro to get lost in his conversation was a feat on your part. What started from a simple question about what titles he watched spiraled into threads of other similar topics that all piqued his interest.
What he liked more than the thoughtful exchange between two acquaintances was watching you talk with so much passion. There was always something endearing in the way you would go in-depth without being conscious of the other person. Not only did it ease whatever tension he had about needing to talk back, but also gave him relief knowing when it was his turn to share, you won’t mind it one bit.
But the day has to end sometime and you needed to return and prepare, while he had to resume doing his job. You and he walked side-by-side to the entrance and outside the establishment was another person, waiting by the van. “Guess I’ll be taking my leave now.”
Jotaro nodded. Just then, the tightness around his wrist returned and he gazed back at you. “Hey…”
You opened your mouth, the words nearly leaving you, but you shook your head and dismissed it. “Never mind. It’s nothing important.” Jotaro doubted that but he won’t force you to tell him if you didn’t want to.
He watched you walk ahead, greeting what he assumed was your manager. The person patted you as he slid the door open for you to enter, but before you did, you waved at Jotaro one last time. He removed one hand from his pocket to raise a goodbye gesture back.
The sky dimmed as his watch hit 6:00 and your van drove off into the distance.
He couldn’t help but hope he’d cross paths with you again.
A week passed.
The team arrived on the institute’s grounds miraculously on time, prepping everything until the scene was good to go. You got your make-up and outfit done, just some faint skin makeover to give off a more haggard look combined with your formal fit and lab coat, and met up with the male lead and director on the set.
“Alright, for this scene, I need you to follow after Y/N down these halls up to the part where you both end up in the open area here. I want to hear the desperation in your voice as you do so, got it?” Your co-star waved it off and gave a cocky thumbs-up. “Y/N, I need you to portray stressed out, pissed, but also with a hint of yearning when you try to get him off your tail.”
You nodded. Two out of the three emotions were of no problem when dealing with the guy you worked with.
As you got into place, you dismissed the watching eyes of the passing researchers and focused on the task at hand. Being the center of attention wasn’t anything new. I got this.
“And action!”
You moved at a brisk pace, filing through the many papers on your clipboard as you tried to ignore the pleas of the other lead. Behind the two of them, the cameras followed the duo through the hallways, walking past the background people without breaking away from the actors.
At the ending point, his character grabbed your arm and you react violently, yelling at him that your character needed to be left alone, only to proceed to talk about doing all of these jobs for him and the possibility of a future with them in it.
“Cut!” Immediately, you sighed and stepped out of character. “Y/N, you’re doing phenomenal with the frustrated rage you were letting out, but we need a bit more of the sad, longing aspect to your dialogue. Get emotional and tear up for effect. Or else, the audience might think you’re purely pissed at the guy for disturbing your job.”
You responded with a simple “got it”, however, as you re-took the scene again and again, you couldn’t find it in yourself to get emotional when the man you are responding to wanted to make you roast the living shit out of him. It was unprofessional but with the way he acted ever since the start of the project, you wanted to rip his eyes out and call it quits.
“Y/N,” the director said. “I know you’re co-star is making this hard for all of us, but if we want this scene to be over, you need to express better and give me that release the movie needs.”
You held back a groan and answered an honest “I’ll do my best.”
“Take 5! And action!”
At the click of the clapperboard, you re-did your steps down the halls with your clipboard in hand. “Ayumi, please hear me out! You don’t have to do this!” Cried Isamu but it all fell on deaf ears as you continued to ignore him.
“Why are you ignoring me?”
“How often do I have to tell you to leave me alone?!” You yell back, eyes still focused on the papers. “I need to finish this and you’re not helping!”
“Then let me at least try! Please, we need to talk!”
“There’s no point! You intervening will just make things worse!”
Both of you stepped outside and just as you were about to make a run, he grabbed your arm and held you back. You whipped your head back at him, staring at him with furrowed brows. “Why won’t you let me try? Do you hate me that much?”
This was the scene. You had to cry out to him with all the yearning you had, and you tried to find some way to bring such emotions out. You drew out the scene, trying to improvise a speechless act as you looked for ways to tear up.
One look in the corner of your eye and you found Jotaro watching you intently among the background researchers mumbling among themselves. He was stoic as ever, posture lax yet poised with his hands in his pockets, but there was something in the way he watched you that slipped past his stone-like expression. He had his brows furrowed and his lips tight as he never broke eye contact with you.
Your heart started to ache and you were reminded of the man in your dreams, but rather than the vision of him dead, your mind flashed glimpses of the stranger when he was alive. All of them were from your perspective and every one of them was like a memoir of two lovers- flashes of school uniforms and lunches, oceans and sunsets, a joyous wedding, and a budding family.
Were these… Your eyes swelled with tears. My life?
But you realized you were still on set and with the appropriate emotion, you said your lines. “Because I did!” You cried. “I did let you try but every time I let you back in… every time I let myself fall for you again, you die all over again. You don’t know how many times I’ve seen you die.”
“I’m doing all that I can, including putting all my goddamn efforts into this machine, just so I can save what we have.” You continued to sob, pulling away from his hold. You were meant to stare far off into the distance, away from your co-star, but your gaze drifted off to Jotaro instead.
“I promised I’d find you again in another universe but this time when I do, I’ll make sure we’ll never have to suffer the same fate as before.” Finishing that line, you tore away from the biologist’s gaze and back to Isamu with tired, puffy eyes. “So please, let me go and leave me be now you know what’s best for us.”
Isamu said nothing and dropped his hand in defeat.
“And cut! Y/N, that was amazing!” the director clapped his hands and slapped your back. You sniffled and let out an awkward chuckle. “See? I knew you had it in you! I expected nothing less from such a talented actress.”
“Yeah…” You tried to look past him and onto the watching crowd, trying to spot a certain blue-eyed man among the crowd. “Thanks…”
True to his words, the director wrapped up the shooting and applauded everyone with an enthusiastic good job. The crew patted themselves on the back and began to pack everything up, your co-star had already left beforehand as you would’ve expected, and your manager handed you a padded jacket and a steaming cup of coffee. “Took you long enough to get into the mood.”
But you didn’t answer as you kept searching among the moving crowd for his specific white coat and unique hat, but all you saw were the black shirts of the filming crew and the standard white coats of the other researchers that just happened to pass by. Why did you watch me like that? Your chest ached out of the blue and you grew restless. Were you there or did I just imagine you?
“Earth to Y/N-san! It’s about to rain!” You blinked yourself back into reality as you felt a droplet land on your nose. You swallowed and bowed your head in apology to which your manager simply waved it off. “It’s fine, let’s just head back inside.”
You said your farewells to the team as you stepped into a changing room to switch your formal wardrobe with a more casual fit, and after smoothing out your blouse and skirt, you headed to the nearby mirror to make sure your face was free of the make-up from earlier.
One look at your reflection and you stared at yourself with bewilderment, a hand coming up to rake through your hair. “What the hell was that?” You often took pride in your ability to immerse into the scene, be one with your character, and display the intended emotion, but for the first time, whatever it was that you felt- that surge of nostalgia and longing- was real.
Now came into question whether spotting him on the sidelines caused this or was it these emotions that triggered your brain to hallucinate the marine biologist watching you close by as a means of projection.
You shook your head and patted your cheeks. “You’re making this a big deal. It’s probably nothing.”
“Y/N-san! Do you need a ride back? Or do you have other plans?” Your manager said.
“I’ll go home by myself! You can go ahead!”
Pushing past your confused thoughts, you fetched your bag and made your way to the building’s entrance. Walking past the glass doors, the downpour hindered you from going any further. You opened your tote and rummaged around for an umbrella, only for panic to grow as you couldn’t find any.
“L/N-san.” You perked at the voice calling out to you. With one look over your shoulder, you widened your eyes as Jotaro approached you with an unreadable expression. “Looking for something?”
“Kujo-ssi,” you said, cheeks growing warm. “A-Ah yeah. An umbrella actually but I don’t think I brought it with me.”
It was a matter of time until he stopped a few feet away from you. “Here.” You paused and drifted your sight to the closed gray umbrella.
Heat crept up your face as you made a move to grab it with hesitation. “Aren’t you going to need it?”
He shook his head. “I have a spare one.”
You nodded, still dubious, and took the umbrella off his hand. You opened it and took one step forward, only to pause and look to your side and saw Jotaro still standing in place, not making any move to bring out the so-called “spare” from his satchel. He caught you looking and raised a brow in question.
“You don’t have one more, do you?”
He didn’t reply for a solid second, only to clear his throat instead. “I do.”
Sure you do. “Are you busy later?”
Jotaro cocked his head and turned to you. “Why do you ask?”
“Want to get some coffee?” You asked with warm cheeks. “But if you’re busy then it’s fine.”
“Sure,” he said as he glanced at his watch. “I need some caffeine for the late-night meeting. I might as well.”
In an instant, you smiled with relief. “That’s great because now I can do this,” you said as you gestured for the marine biologist to come closer which he did, surprisingly. With him close, you stretched your arm and lifted his umbrella to cover them both. “Now I don’t have to feel guilty over accidentally stealing your stuff. We can walk to the cafe together like this.”
Jotaro huffed with a small smile. “Walk? I can drive us there. If you want, I can also take you to your hotel once we’re finished.”
Your heated face never ceased despite the chilly breeze from the rain. “We still need to get to your car from the parking lot outside so…” You bit your lip. “Walking is technically still part of the journey.”
For the first time since you met him, Jotaro chuckled softly. “I guess it is. And by the way,” he took the stem of his umbrella and held it up higher than you did with ease. “You’re too short to keep us both dry.”
You pouted at his remark. “You could’ve offered earl-”
“We better head there now,” Jotaro said, cutting you mid-sentence. “The nearest cafe is going to close in 30 minutes.”
“Rude,” you moved closer to him as the two of you stepped into the rain. “Now you owe me that ride home.”
“For reminding you?”
“For cutting me off. Thou shall not cut me off mid-speech, understood?”
Jotaro smiled and shook his head. “Good grief.”
It was all history from that point moving forward.
One coffee out turned into another hangout, and ever since then, both would frequently find each other despite your hectic schedules, and every time, they’d find an excuse to stay for a bit longer.
Something that started from a simple date at a restaurant spiraled into a sightseeing trip around the rural landscapes of the capital. Once what was a quick exchange of formality between acquaintances, shifted into casual banter between close friends. You even got to meet his sweet mother for tea.
Eventually, somewhere in the middle, you kissed him one fateful evening and he kissed back.
And that would be the last meeting you got with the biologist before he set off to sea to accomplish an on-site dive for a study.
Time seemed to pass faster than usual. You can still remember when you acted out your first scene in Tokyo months ago and here you were now- about to wrap up the last scene to film before sending the footage to the editing department. Everyone in the filming crew cheered among themselves and thanked you for the work you’ve put into the project, complete with a bouquet and a snack truck with your name and image plastered all over.
Even as your manager patted you on the back and offered his “good jobs” and compliments, you could only think of sharing your accomplishments with Jotaro, wanting to huddle close and talk about what was to come next for a leading star. At the same time, he would hold you in his arms as he listened.
But all you could do for now was send a text message for him to read in hopes he would open them when he’s no longer busy. And so you were left by yourself, lost in thoughts and dreams about your repeated visions that stormed your mind. Up to now, you couldn’t remember the name you uttered at the end.
Of the man you held as you died in what appeared to be a past life.
To celebrate the success of the shoot, the director hosted a party a week after where everyone involved in the movie was invited and have a well-earned good time. And you did enjoy your time there; you got to eat a buffet-worth of food, drink as much as you could without getting drunk, and get into wild conversations with the other actors about what their acting experiences were doing this film.
It was only as you were about to head into the van your manager drove did the news arrive. It blared on a skyscraper’s big screen announcing a freak accident that occurred to a research vessel that sent a certain marine biologist into the hospital in critical condition.
Dread poured over you instantly, your heart falling into a deep void as it feared the worst.
Whatever you intended to do that night flew out the window as you told your manager to drive you to the hospital mentioned in the news, and noticing the panic in your voice, he didn’t bother to question you and did what you told him to do.
You bolted out of the vehicle the second it stopped in front of the building’s glass doors. You made a beeline to the nurse’s station and asked where he was, growing frustrated when she told you guests weren’t allowed to visit no matter how many times you tried to tell her he was your boyfriend.
Your efforts were dismissed and all you could do was sit on one of the many chairs in the waiting area, head in your hands as you did your best not to break into hysterics. Your manager stayed put and not knowing how to comfort you properly, he stroked your back in silent reassurance.
From the outside looking in, you shouldn’t be feeling such extreme emotions for someone who you recently met and dated within a short amount of time. Being upset at a loved one’s threatened health is normal, but this was something that hurt you more than it did anyone else.
It was visceral. It induced a gnawing guilt that began to consume you from the core and you didn’t know how to process that when you shouldn’t be feeling such emotion when you didn’t do anything to earn it.
Hours passed and you remained seated even as your manager politely left an hour ago. By some blessing made by whatever greater deity was there, an equally distraught Holly found you in tears upon hearing the news, and with the loving touch of a mother, she wrapped you in a warm embrace and you did the same.
She led you to where her son’s room was and upon entering through the door, you bit your lip as the tears began to swell in your eyes seeing your lover’s current condition- unconscious and bandaged heavily on one side of his face with an oxygen mask fixed on his face.
Knowing you, Holly gently encouraged you to sit by his side and gave you ample time to stay with him alone before leaving the room, closing the door with a soft click.
You let out a shaky exhale as you gently reached for his hand, bringing it to your lips to kiss the knuckles and enclosing it with your other hand. “Why am I hurting this much?” You muttered. “I’ve known you for months and yet it feels like years. I feel like I’m going to die seeing you like this.”
You held his hand tight as you laid your forehead on it, praying for him to wake as soon as he could. Little did you know, you slept throughout the night in this dim hospital room still in the outfit you wore from the party.
And then you were in that dream once more, witnessing the rushing waves and moving skies yet again. However, you were an active viewer of the experience and with your conscious dream state, you looked over at the fallen allies lying on the ocean surface, and in front of you was… him.
You couldn’t be more stupid when you didn’t recognize him at first glance, but as if the veil had been removed, you saw his face in clear daylight.
All those visages of high school up to marriage were with him and only him. You knew now the last piece of the puzzle. His name.
The man in the white coat and ripped hat.
He was drowning.
Jotaro couldn’t even bring it in himself to do anything as he let the sea drag him to the depths. Perhaps, this dream made sense considering what had happened during his recent dive: It happened underwater, his face got cut against a rocky wall of jagged edges, and he became unconscious.
But this felt different as if this dream was a disjointed memory that wasn’t his but it was at the same time.
He wasn’t wearing the diving gear he’d usually use, but a purple coat with gold accents and a ripped hat that had the same color as his fit. He was blind in one eye as he had expected and with his functioning eye, he watched as red trailed up from his gash.
Was this vision a sign that he was simply going to drown for the rest of his life? And why did he feel guilt when no one was involved but himself?
Jotaro should be doing something to get out of this situation, swimming to the surface and taking a breath, but he felt numb as if he was stuck in a cold paralysis. He wasn’t in control of his body but he could sense the dull pain and fatigue putting him in this bind.
‘I see how it is…” He stopped resisting and let his eyes close, accepting that this was his fate.
But a sudden warmth came to him in a heartbeat. Muffled by the water, a gentle chime of a music box strung itself for Jotaro to hear. ‘What… was this?’ Then there was that familiar tightness wrapped around his wrist that led to him opening his eyes.
And there you were, your hand holding his wrist.
There was fondness dripping from the way you looked at him, a sad smile gracing your features even as you let yourself be engulfed in the cold water alongside him.
No words were said as you swam closer to him, reaching forward to cup his cheek with your free hand, and even amid the watery void, seeing the surface become out of reach, Jotaro smiled as he moved his hand to engulf yours. On both yours and his hands, a wedding ring adorned your ring fingers and it was this moment, he realized.
‘It was you.’
He pulled you to him and wrapped you in a warm embrace, burying his face on your shoulder. You did the same as you held him tight.
And now, even as they sink to the darkest depths of the abyss, he won’t be alone. At least they had each other and that’s all he needed.
You wake with tears rolling in your eyes and with your sudden realization, you shot upright and turned to Jotaro sitting up as well, with a hand gently touching his affected face with the bandages that covered it undone and on his lap.
“Jotaro-ssi…” He paused and shifted his attention to you, slowly lowering his hand to reveal the aftermath of his accident.
It was the exact injury you constantly saw in your dreams; the same vertical scar that ran down the right side of his face with the injured eye now dull and glassy. It’s really you. You hid your mouth in a feeble attempt to stifle a sob. “You’re awake.”
Through a blurred vision, you looked at him as he grazed your hand with his. Without hesitation, you held it tight and brought his palm to your lips. He huffed, hearing the smile as he did. With a gentle caress of his thumb on your cheek, he said.
“I found you.”
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Safe Haven (4)
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Soldier Boy X Fem!Paramedic!Reader
Summary: You and Ben have been bonding for a few days, but after a scare, you both have an important conversation
Warnings: Foul language, talks of PTSD, some slapping (not from ben), angst, this is literally the slowest of burns, eventual smut, so minors dni, Soldier Boy bc he's a warning on his own
Like I've said before I write sb as less insufferable and horrible, he's still a dick but he's warming up to reader so he's nicer
WC: 3.2k
A/N: I AM SO SORRY. I know I left this tory forgotten for a year, and that's so not fair to you guys, and I am truly sorry for it. I've never been good at finishing my series. I tend to get blocked in the middle and I'm never able to get past it. But I started rewatching s3 again and decided to give this series a second try. And I think I have a much clearer idea of how to proceed from where I left off. I just always have a hard time with the middle. But I will do my best to not leave this series unfinished because yall were more than supportive to it and it's not fair to just leave you hanging. So if you stuck around thank you.
Next part | Series Masterlist | Soldier Boy Masterlist
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The last thing you expected to wake up to was the smell of freshly brewed coffee and Ben, in the kitchen, actually cooking something. You were still a bit out of it from sleep when you walked into the kitchen, but you stopped dead in your tracks and your eyes grew at the sight of him, frown plastered on his face as he stood with a pan in his hand. You blinked a couple of times and snorted in disbelief. 
“Since when do you cook?” You asked as you moved to stand beside him, slightly tilting your head as you looked at the slightly burnt sandwich on the pan. “If that’s what you would call cooking.”
“Fuck off,” He rolled his eyes at you and scoffed like he took offense to your words as he grabbed the sandwich from right out of the pan and took a bite out of it. His face remained in a frown, lips pursed into a displeased grimace. “I got hungry and you were still in your room, so I improvised.” 
Well at least you appreciated him not barging into your room so you would cook for him. After you went off on him the other night he gave you space, he was just as flirty and inappropriate, but respected your space and wouldn’t antagonize you much. If he could do something on his own he would, but was still silently grateful if you ever did anything for him. And much to his surprise, you still allowed him to stay, for some reason. But he didn’t mind it. And honestly, you didn’t mind his presence either, if anything he was pretty bearable most of the time. 
“Does that not burn?” You asked, eyeing him with big eyes as you turned the stove off and placed the pan on the sink. 
He shrugged, “The Russians burned me with flamethrowers the size of your head for fun, so no, this doesn’t burn.” 
You stared at him blankly, lips slightly parted as you tried to process his words. 
“Right..” You simply shook your head, not even wanting to inquire further. You were about to walk away when you heard him say your name. 
“That’s for you,” He said, pointing at the glass mug you usually use for your coffee, droplets of water already pooling around it like it had been sitting there for a little while. You looked between the glass of coffee on the counter and him, confused. 
“You made me coffee?” You asked slowly, squinting at him with confusion. He grabbed a glass of his own from the counter next to the stove and he nodded as he drank from it. 
“Why do you sound so surprised?”
You grabbed it and hesitantly took a sip from it, eyes widening in surprise. It didn’t taste half bad. So he wasn’t entirely useless. 
“I don’t know. I mean, you cooked and you made me coffee,” You said slowly and paused, narrowing your eyes at him suspiciously, “What do you want? Is this your way of convincing me to fuck you?”
He laughed at that, tongue running over his pink lips playfully and an equally playful glint in his eyes, but he shook his head, “No…” His lips curved into a small smirk as he stood in front of you, leaning down close to your face. “Is it working?”
You took a deep breath, eyes wandering to the side to avoid his. You'd be lying if you said you hadn’t considered it. In the days he had been pretty much hiding in your house, you had grown to like his company, when he wasn’t being a dick of course. And he was irresistibly attractive in more ways you would like to admit. But you knew better than to let him in your bed. 
“You wish.” You moved away from him and hopped on the kitchen island as you sipped your coffee, your face already flushing with heat, though you were glad he couldn’t see that. 
“You know the offer is always on the table if you change your mind darlin’.” He winked, lips curled into a smirk as he drank from his coffee. You rolled your eyes at him and shook your head.
“How did you even manage to get the coffee machine on? I’ve seen the way you look at my phone, it’s like your brain is computing. Technology isn’t your thing.”
His face turned blank and his lips fell into a flat line, jaw slightly twitching, like he was not amused by your comment in the slightest bit.
“You can suck my dick, thank you. For your fucking information I’m not that stupid. I’ve seen you make coffee every morning for almost a week, I can manage to make some goddamn coffee.” 
You were trying your hardest not to laugh, you had to close your eyes and exhale through your nose so you wouldn’t laugh at his clearly offended tone. And when you opened your eyes to look at him, he looked anything but amused. 
“Jeez alright, don’t get your panties in a bunch. It’s not the worst coffee I’ve had, so.” Your lips curved into a half smile and he rolled his eyes. 
“That’s how you like it right? Iced, a bit of cream and caramel?” 
“Yeah, actually.” You said with a half smile, surprised he actually seemed to have remembered that, most guys you've dated wouldn't have bothered to remember even after months.
He smirked almost proudly and he hummed as he stood in front of you, and had your legs been open, he probably would’ve stood right in between them. You straightened your back as you looked up at him with curiosity. 
“That’s a good girl. I like a girl who knows her stuff.” The words rolled off his tongue so naturally and yet so breathtakingly hot it made you inhale sharply. He knew what he was doing to you when he did things like that, and the worst part was that he would often just walk off, almost as if he was hoping you would chase him. Which you never did, as much as a part of you wished you did. “I’m a pretty quick learner, I can do things just the way you like ‘em, you just have to ask.” 
And with that he walked off, smug smirk full on his lips at the sound of your sharp breaths and quickly beating heart. Your sanity and modesty could only last so long if he kept this up. And honestly, you didn’t see it stopping anytime soon. 
You blew out an annoyed sigh as you padded down the hall from your room to your living room, the persistent sound of Ben calling your name nonstop having pulled you out of your own space. 
“Dude what.” You sighed out as you stood with your arms crossed and looked down at him. He was sprawled out on the couch, an arm behind his head. For a second your eyes drifted to his bicep under the soft fabric of the henley you had given him, and you had to force yourself to look at his face instead.
“What are you fucking deaf? I’ve been calling you for like five minutes.”
“Yes Ben I heard you the first five fucking times you screamed my name. I was busy. What do you want that is so urgent and you can’t do yourself?” You asked, leaning your weight into one heel. 
“Do you have any drugs?” He deadpanned, not bothering to take his eyes from the TV. You stared at him, blinking a couple times. 
“What I said. Do you have any reefer or benzos or some shit like that?” He turned his head to look at you this time, face completely serious. 
“Uh.. No? What the fuck do you want drugs for?” You asked, rubbing the side of your face, still trying to process his request. 
He ran a hand over his face, fingers threading through his hair and he sighed heavily, looking up at the ceiling before speaking.
“I need something to help me take the edge off. I’m constantly restless, I always have this feeling like I’m going to punch a hole through a wall, I can’t sleep and I didn’t feel that way when I was fucking high all the time, so.” He said with complete honesty, he was serious too. 
Your lips slightly parted as you thought about it for a second. You guessed it made sense. If he did have PTSD weed probably would help him relax. You knew that feeling pretty well. You sympathized with him even. 
"Yeah okay. I know a guy." You finally said.
Ben gave you a surprised look, his eyebrows slightly raised. He definitely didn't take you for the drug type. But then again, maybe you liked to feel numb sometimes, too. 
"Thanks sweetheart." 
"Sure." You gave him a half nod as you glanced at your phone. "Listen, I'm gonna go out for a bit. I'm gonna buy some groceries and stuff. Stay here? Please. Your face is still all of over downtown. And with the whole Homelander Starlight bullshit I just don't think it's safe." 
"Aww sweetheart, you worried about me now?" He sat up with a shit eating smirk that made your roll your eyes. 
"Not particularly. It'd be less money I'd have to spend if you weren't here actually." He shot up an eyebrow with disdain and scoffed at you, making you grin. "I mean it, after what Homelander did in plain daylight, nobody's safe." 
"What did that fucker do this time?" He asked, his tone suddenly changing and he sat up straight. 
"Didn't you see? Oh yeah, you don't even own a phone." You sighed, "Homelander lasered a guy at some form of public event. The guy wasn't a criminal, he wasn't dangerous, he was just telling Homelander the truth to his face. So he killed the guy." 
"In plain daylight? You're kidding." 
"I fucking wish. I saw the video, it was all over Twitter before it got taken down. The worst part, everyone there cheered him on. He murdered an innocent person and everyone praised him for it. It was terrifying." 
Ben sat in silence for a long minute, even after you were done speaking. His lips were parted but he never spoke. That was his son. His only son. He couldn't say he was a saint, he knew he had done plenty of wrongs, unforgivable things, but he had never killed a person without reason. Let alone an innocent person. He was disgusted, digusted that his own flesh and blood could do something so horrible. Disgusted that Vought made him that way. He couldn't live knowing Homelander was still out there like this. He had to end this. One way or another. 
"Ben!" You called out loudly as you kicked your front door open, struggling to carry the multiple bags you so wrongly assumed you could carry on your own. You groaned loudly, the one time you needed this motherfucker. "Ben you useless asshole I need your super strength!" 
Still nothing. 
"I cannot with this motherfucker…" You muttered angrily to yourself as you pretty much dropped the bags on the floor. 
You left the door open since you still had more bags in your car but you wanted to find him first. You called his name a few more times as you walked around your farmhouse. He sure wasn't downstairs. You went up to the second floor, maybe he was in the guest bedroom, he slept there sometimes. 
Still no Ben. 
You stood in the middle of the hall with a frown on your face. Your stomach twisted with uneasiness. Your palms began to sweat cold as you thought the worst. God, where could he have gone? He clearly didn't know his way around town, he had no car. And worst of all he was still wanted by FBSA and now the CIA as well in a joint task force. 
He was gone. He was actually gone. 
What was this feeling? You felt sick and lightheaded, and your heart was racing. You leaned against a wall as you took deep breaths. Were you actually upset he was gone? Was this worry and panic you were feeling? Your mind was racing with every possibility, the next being worse than the previous. Maybe he got hurt? Or worse, maybe he blacked out and hurt somebody else again. God, why didn't he listen to you? 
You were drowned in your own worry when you heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. You straightened up, afraid someone had come for you, another supe, or the cops. You had been aiding a known fugitive afterall. 
You didn't know how long it had been, but you heard your name. It was his voice. 
"There you are. You okay? Why is the front door wide open?" Ben stopped at the top of the stairs, eyes furrowed into a worried expression. 
You didn't realize you had been holding your breath. And you felt like you could breathe again. But the knot in your stomach was quickly replaced by your blood boiling. God, how could he just walk in like that? Did he not realize how worried you had been?
You were worried about him.
You hadn't worried about anyone since—
You didn't think, you simply marched in front of him and your flat palm collided with his cheek. You were so fucking furious with him.
"What the fuck were you thinking? Why did you leave without saying anything? Are you so reckless and careless that you didn't stop to think you're literally the most wanted Supe right now?" You were shouting at him, shoving at his chest like it was going to do anything. The man didn't even move. He was stunned, surprisingly not angry. If anything seeing you like this turned him on.
"Jesus Christ, woman, can I tell you my safeword first?" He scrunched up his face a bit. He didn't feel your slap. It didn't even leave a tingle, but it was more so the fact that you had the guts to do so. You glared at him and smacked his chest one last time before you crossed your arms over your chest, face fixed tight and fuming. "Why are you so angry? I wasn't gone long." 
Did he seriously not realize?
"Why? Why am I so angry?" You repeated his question with disbelief. "Maybe because you could've gotten hurt out there or arrested! Or worse you could've—" You stopped, catching yourself before you said the words.
Ben raised an eyebrow at you, sensing the heat in your words, and he gave you a half nod of his head, knowing what it was you didn’t dare to say. 
"I could've what? Go on say it. If you had the balls to smack me then have the balls to finish that sentence." 
"You could've hurt someone." You finally said after a few seconds of silence, your voice much quieter now. 
"Right, 'cause I'm the brainwashed terrorist supe who just loves to blow people the fuck up, is that it?" He lowered himself to get in your face, his words accusatory, but also hurt by your accusation. You didn't to outright say it for him to know what you meant. Everyone else seemed to think so anyway. You avoided his eyes, mouth closed. "What? You got nothing to say now?" 
"I don't know! You're unpredictable, your powers are unpredictable. I'm not saying you meant to hurt those people, but you did Ben, I saw it. I saw all of it. It wasn't fucking pretty and I just—" You swallowed, closing your eyes, frustrated with yourself. Why were you so upset about this? About him? "I know you don't want any more of that on your conscience."
Ben stared at you for a long while, lips pressed together, and his jaw ticked with frustration, but he didn't snap at you. He just sighed. 
"I didn't hurt anyone. I just.. I can't keep hiding here with you when Homelander is out there. I just can't." He finally said, his voice strained with emotions you just couldn't quite understand. "I went to see an old friend from Vought. I needed to know what was going on. I need to do something. But I'm…" 
He swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing and lips pursing as he tried to say his next words, like it was hard for him to do so. You met his eyes this time, expectant. 
"I'm sorry for worrying you. I didn't think… To be honest with you I don't know why you care but I'm glad you do. So I'm sorry." He breathed out the words with his chest, like he was lifting a ton of bricks off his chest and he could breathe. 
Your eyes grew in size at his seemingly sincere apology. He had never sounded so genuine, he had never looked so much either. But he was, his green eyes were big and apologetic, and there was no smug smile, no grins, just a flat line and his big eyes. 
"I'm sorry for hitting you. I was just worried. I thought something might’ve happened." You sighed, giving him an apology of your own, which he welcomed with a tiny smile and nod. "But I... Fuck, I'm still worried about what you're doing. Homelander is extremely dangerous, Ben. I don't think you should get yourself in more trouble than you already are." 
Ben would be lying if he said he wasn't surprised by your concern, it made him feel strange, actually. No one had actually shown him such selfless care before. Everyone always needed something from him or were just pretending to care for him. But no you. Everything you had done for him you had done because you wanted to, not because you had to. And he still didn't know why. 
"Listen darlin', I can't tell you much, but I can tell you this— I had a mission before you found me. I started something and now I need to finish it." You frowned even more, and he couldn't help but reach his fingers to smooth the tight lines above your brow, and for some reason, you let him. "I have done some pretty bad shit, I'm not gonna lie about that, but if I can do one good thing by killing that motherfucker, I will. I can't just sit here while he's out there doing God knows what and with nobody to tell him otherwise." 
"I don't know what it is that you got yourself into, or that you got me into, but we're here now. I just ask you that you tell me what's going on. I think I've proven to you that you can trust me." You finally said with a long breath, but you still felt that pressure on your chest. "Do what you gotta do, just be careful." 
His lips curved up into a small smile. A genuine smile. He hesitated at first, but something in his chest told him to do it. You had already slapped him once anyway. He closed his eyes for just a second and leaned down, his lips touching your forehead ever so slightly. 
"Don't you worry about me, sweetheart. There's nothing that fucker can do that hasn't already been done to me before. I'll be okay." 
He'll be okay as long as you let him stay because somehow, you have been the only thing keeping him sane.
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aita-blorbos · 14 days
AITA for murdering four people because a guy made a gross comment about my sister?
I, 13F lost my older sister, who I'll call A, 23F a few days ago. It was an incredibly devastating loss for me and was also deeply traumatic. She had been forced to assist in a murder by her boss R, 39M, who had an insane amount of influence and power over legal officials because he's been blackmailing them for 15 years. Since our country's legal system is incredibly fucked up, they refused to acknowledge the fact that she was under duress and sentenced her to death alongside R.
About six months ago, I found a childhood diary of A's from before I was born. I'm not going to go into detail about what I found, but it was enough to make me literally vomit. I felt really hurt that she, as well as my oldest sister, F, 33F, had completely hidden so much about my families history from me, as I knew SOMETHING had happened before this (A was in beauty pageants and on a reality TV show as a little girl as well as in incredibly sexualised ads and magazines and shit as a teen and barely an adult) and I knew A was plagued by nightmares, but I didn't know what they were about.
So, about three days after my sister's execution, two boys I knew, who I'll call W, 15M, and C, 17M, started to mock me and my beloved girlfriend D, 13F. The two boys had often gotten tried to bully me and my girlfriend for being weird emo lesbians, but that day W said something that made me see red. He told me, quote, "Damn, I wish I could've fucked your sister before she died."
I immediately start punching and kicking him and W, as well as C, start attacking me back. D didn't really get physically involved with the fight because she's always been incredibly anti confrontational and shy, but she did cheer me on. Eventually, our teacher found us and sent us to the vice principal's office and he suspended all four of us for a few days.
Now, D's parents have always been incredibly abusive and as soon as she found out she was being expelled, she burst into tears. D and I grown increasingly codependent over the past 6 months and I've let her know many times that I can and will kill for her, to which her response was usually, "please do not do that", but this time I actually wanted to kill her parents. So, we were dismissed and we went our seperate ways from the two men.
I took D to the apartment where I live and I convinced her to kill her parents with me to make sure they wouldn't kill her first. Eventually she agreed and we snuck into her home in the middle of the night and slit her parents throats in their sleep. Cue typical body hiding, dismembering, yada yada all that. I even got to take a nice, romantic bath with D to wash the blood off our bodies.
Anyway, the next morning, I wake up and I decide that last night was a really fun date and I wanted to do it again. So obviously the next people we kill were gonna be W and C. My girlfriend was MUCH more hesitant to follow through with this plan because W and C are still kids or whatever, they hurt her much less than her parents hurt her, beating them up was enough, and they both have little sisters who are in our homeroom at school who don't deserve to lose a sibling. I managed to convince her anyway, despite how reluctant she was.
We set up a false account under the name of a girl in our class called S, 13F, who had been severely bullying D and even sent her to hospital for a "prank". We added the two guys to a groupchat and managed to lure them into a forest by promising sex and weed because we know that they're both stoners and weird horny teenage boys.
I found them in the woods and stabbed W a couple times. C managed to get away and call the cops after seeing his best friend die so D went after him and stabbed him to death too. At some point the cops showed up and circled D and I with guns, to which I got really scared they were going to hurt my girlfriend and jumped at her, causing all the cops to fire at once.
So I'm currently writing this from the bullshit afterlife the wizard put us in (my bloodline is cursed by a wizard but thats neither here nor there) and W and C are REALLY mad at me. Also, apparently D was right because W's sister, T, 13F, just showed up on account of literally killing herself because she missed her brother so bad.
So, yeah, AITA?
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vendoramachine · 9 months
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open robe pt. 1
velvet x fem pop star reader
i think we were absolutely robbed from seeing vel in a robe, so eat up 💜
notes : fluff, mild/light cussing
the mornings after shows are always the worst. your throat is always sore from singing all night, your muscles are tired from the intense choreographies, and overall, you just feel like crap. in the moment, everything is great. you hit that high note, you landed that backflip, and your fans love you. post-concert exhaustion is a musician’s equivalent to a hangover.
i groaned as i tossed around in my bed, staring up at my ceiling like i could see the heavens. last night was insane. i was the opening act for velvet and veneer, my two favorite people on the face of this planet. weakly, i picked up my phone from my nightstand. the screen lit up, it’s brightness burning my retina.
veneer and i were best friends during our childhood, so when the two announced that their plans to start their careers in music, i was a tad doubtful. those two couldn’t hold a note if a gun was being held to their foreheads. i admit, their success was a little suspicious, but i just figured that their voices had matured and gotten better over time. in fact, they inspired me to become an artist as well, and they helped promote me and my music.
opening up my messages app, i texted the person who was on my mind 24/7; velvet.
“hey vel 🤗 we did so good last night!!!! i had so much fun, thanks for letting me open up for u and veneer 💟” my thumb clicked the send button. it was 8 a.m. and i didn’t expect velvet nor veneer to be awake, especially not after that hell of a night. i sat up in my bed, attempting to stretch the exhaustion from my muscles and rub the tiredness from my eyelids.
every fiber of my being told me to take it easy today, but where’s the fun in that if i’m not with my girlfriend? resting in bed all day without her just makes me feel like a lonely person. i forced myself out of bed to brush my teeth, take a shower, and eat breakfast.
as i finished chewing the last bite of my waffles with damp hair and a soft, velvety robe wrapped around me, it was now 11 a.m. i checked my phone, and still no response.
“wow, that girl must be knocked out.” i chuckled to myself, opening veneer’s contact and calling him. it took a few rings for him to pick up, but something about his hoarse voice and dim room told me that i had accidentally woken him up.
“what do you want?” he huffed, sass in his strained voice.
“good morning to you too, veneer.” i scoffed, making him roll his eyes and smirk playfully.
“okay, okay, sorry. good morning, y/n, what could you possibly need that was worth waking me up?”
“rude, but i was wondering if vel-“
“can’t you just call her instead?” veneer cut me off. jeez, where are this guy’s manners?
“i don’t want to wake her up. also, if i did wake her up, she’d be mad at me all day; don’t you know anything about your sister?”
“oh, whatever. come over, otherwise velvet and i will literally sleep all day. we need your motivation to get up.” say less. i hung up before he could speak another word.
time skip cause i’m lazy lmfao 💁‍♀️
i rang the doorbell to their giant house, and veneer talked to me through the doorbell.
“the door’s open, girl.” i shrugged and walked right in. wandering through the halls, i saw my girlfriend’s brother sitting at the kitchen table with his robe.
“hey, i’m on the phone with ritz.” veneer perked up, blushing angrily once he noticed that i was joking. hilarious. i sat down on the chair beside him, noticing the absence of my girlfriend’s presence.
“i don’t understand why you don’t just ask him out already.” i stole a grape from his breakfast plate.
“easy for you to say, my sister made the first move on you. i’m just waiting for him to do the same. if he wants to, he will.”
“please, that’s only because velvet is way too prideful to let someone make the first move on her. she would literally rather die. in your case, however, both you and ritz are shy, embarrassing messes. you just lack your sister’s confidence, ven.” i teased, veneer hit my arm with the back of his hand. his pathetic attempts to hide his smile just made the situation funnier.
“you’re so annoying. i don’t get how vel tolerates you.” he forcefully refused to let the muscles on his cheeks upturn into a smile.
“you couldn’t even bother to change before coming over here?” veneer attempted to switch the subject, no longer wanting to talk about his pretty-much boyfriend.
“hey, you can’t come at my robe when you’re wearing one too.” the sound of a door opening behind us made my face light up.
“hanging out without me? how rude.” velvet commented. my head whipped around. her hair was messy, and her robe was wide open, the strings hanging loosely by her sides. she wore nothing underneath her robe besides her shorts and a bra. oh. my. god.
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angelsanarchy · 3 months
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Glass Houses: Jack Thurlow x Y/N One-Shot Series PRT 36
Tagging: @roryculkinluvr@thatsthewrongwallcraig@icarus-star @cc-luvr @madamemaximoff06@shady-the-simp @quicksilversg1rl @s-0lar @kristennero-wallacewellsver@ophelialaufey @mayathepsychic1999 @x-prettyboy-x @rorylover71 @auggiethecreator @tempt-ress @blacksoul-27 @kappasbbgirl @starry-eyed-wild-child
"So you and Y/n have seemed to settle into a nice place." Jack watched Dr. Carty's face as he held a satisfied grin.
"I like to think so. It's been nice having someone to wake up next to who doesn't think I'm a complete psychopath." Jack joked but Dr. Carty sighed.
"Well you aren't a psychopath Jack-" Before Carty could give him the whole spiel he laughed.
"I know I'm just messing with you doc. Y/n lets me joke with her about it so I guess I'm just feeling a bit more free with it.
"You truly do look free Jack. I'm very proud of the beautiful progress you've made." Dr. Carty shut his book and smiled at Jack.
"How about the medications? Are they treating you better?" He asked and Jack shook his head.
"Actually yeah these work a lot better than those last ones. Y/n told me to start keeping a medication diary on days I'm feeling weird so that's helped with what time of day I take them. Should have started boning a medical professional a long time ago." Jack teased once more and Dr. Carty actually chuckled.
"Thankfully you aren't my type." Jack's eyes lit up.
"Son of a bitch, did you just take your doctor hat off to make a joke? I think we'll both be leaving this session proud of one another." Jack and Dr. Carty laughed together.
"I also think now wouldn't be a terrible time to start looking into getting a companion of the furry variety. I can send you some really good adoption companies that my team works with if you're looking for one that's been trained." Dr. Carty started flipping through his folders and Jack felt a surge of excitement at the thought of getting his own dog.
"I'll run it past Y/n and see what she thinks. We much just go to a shelter." Jack saw the smile of contentment on the doctors face as he nodded in response. Jack hadn't even left the parking lot before calling Y/n to tell her he got the green light for a dog. When he walked into the front door he saw Y/n standing at the kitchen island with her laptop open.
"Okay so I've already found a few pups I think would complete your pretentious emo writer lifestyle." Y/n was bent over the counter and Jack took in a deep breath.
"Oh yeah? What have you found?" He leaned over her shoulder and looked at the dogs she had pulled up. They were all shelter pups with silly literature names.
"This one literally looks like a rat and it's name is Poe...liked Edgar Allen." She laughed. Jack put his arms around her from behind and rested his chin on her shoulder.
"What about this one...Duke." She pointed to a Great Dane and Jack laughed.
"Why not just get a horse." Jack teased making Y/n scoff.
"He can be a big sweet baby! Don't count the big ones out." Y/n kept scrolling through the pups and Jack moved her hair from her shoulder to kiss her neck.
"You off the rest of the day?" Jack asked rocking his hips into her ass so she could feel how hard he was.
"I switched with Candace. She's taking night shift so I can help you puppy search although something tells me your brain is in another place." Y/n let him squeeze her tits from behind her and she leaned her head back.
"Who knew therapy and dogs got you so worked up." She teased.
"Walking into the house and seeing my sexy girlfriend bent over the kitchen counter...that's what does it for me." She palmed Jack through his jeans and he groaned.
"Yeah? That's how you want me? Bent over the counter like this?" Y/n pushed her shorts down and Jack recognized the black underwear she was wearing. They were the same from the night she got naked outside and he was able to cum for the first time.
"Fuck...yes...this is exactly how I want you." Jack gave her ass a smack and watched it jiggle. Jack undid his jeans and pulled his cock out, jerking it to full hardness as he ran it over her ass.
"Mmm daddy's being a tease." Y/n bit her lip and look back at him. He twisted her arm behind her back and forced her to lay her face on the marble countertop. He slipped into her and it felt like her cunt was practically pulling him in. She hissed when he slapped her ass harder this time.
"You were wearing these panties the same night I watched you get undressed." Jack thrusted into Y/n steadily, talking over the sound of skin slapping against one another.
"All I kept thinking about was having you on your knees sucking my cock while I held your hair to face fuck you." Y/n moaned as he dug his fingertips into the meat of her hips.
"Yeah? You wanted to throat fuck me while I had my knees in gravel? How sadistic of you. Tell me AH- MORE!" Y/n shouted as Jack slammed into her deeper.
"I watched the way your ass jiggled and kept thinking, that's an ass I want sitting on my face while I tongue fuck her stupid." Jack gritted his teeth and Y/n whined pushing back onto his cock harder.
"Fuck Jack...I'm gonna cum already. Don't stop. Please don't stop." Y/n begged and Jack started fucking her faster, sloppier. He wanted to cum inside of her so badly. The more she moaned his name, the more he knew every time he was in the kitchen now, he would be hard as hell.
"Where do you want me to cum?" Jack asked frantically.
"Cum wherever you want to. I'm yours." He felt Y/n tighten around him and he pulled out just in time to paint the crimson hand prints he left on her skin with his cum. He jerked himself off until he was practically dribbling down his own fist. He could see Y/n's release running down her cunt to her thighs as she caught her breath. Jack put his cock back in his pants and walked around the counter to get a wet paper towel to clean her up with.
She felt the cool rag on her ass as he cleaned her and she started laughing. Jack stroked her back and pulled her shorts up until she raised her head to look at him.
"What's so funny?" He asked curiously.
"All I can think about right now is eating leftover pizza and getting high so I can take a ride on that pretty face of yours later." Jack matched her laugh and leaned down to kiss her.
"I'll grab the plates, you grab the joint." Jack heated up the pizza and carried it outside towards the pool where they had two lawn chairs. He grabbed two candles from under the sink and sat them on the table between them. When Y/n saw what he had set up, she smiled.
"You're getting so cheesy and I fucking love it." She gripped his chin to kiss him dramatically as she lit the joint and sat down opposite him.
"How was therapy?" Passed Jack the joint and took a bite of her pizza. Jack shrugged.
"It was really good. We talked about all my progress, I told him we've slept together..." Y/n snorted at how relaxed he had said that.
"You told your doctor we're on fucking terms now? How progressive of you." Y/n teased.
"I told him that we were together now...so naturally he asked if we had gotten intimate." Jack made a face as he repeated Dr. Carty's question.
"Did you tell him all the places in this house you've fucked me stupid?" She asked with a smile. Jack leaned towards and he nodded his head.
"Something like that." He kissed her lips and pulled back to lay on the chair.
"I'm proud of you, you know. You've really opened up since we first met. It's nice to be able to finally get to see who you are." Y/n took the joint and watched as Jack lit a cigarette.
"I want to say I couldn't have done it without you but I know you'll just give me shit-"
"Oh you would absolutely be lost without me." Y/n joked.
"Shanda is due to visit soon. She left me a voicemail about coming out but I didn't listen to the whole thing yet...I was kind of hoping you could meet her." Jack looked over at Y/n as she continued to eat.
"Yeah? You want me to meet your best friend?" She asked sweetly.
"Well both my parents are dead. You met my doctor in a less than normal fashion so I'd say it's time to meet the final boss." He looked over at her as he took another drag from the joint, forgetting about his cigarette in the ashtray.
Y/n got up from her own chair and sat in Jack's lap.
"I would love to meet your best friend Jack." Y/n rested her hands on his chest looking down at him.
"Good. I need to introduce her to my girl so I can brag about all the incredible sex we've been having." Jack smirked. Y/n laughed at him.
"I do believe you mentioned something about letting me ride that face..." Y/n reminded and Jack wrapped his arms around her torso, sitting up so he could lay her down on the lawn chair.
"We can do that right here, right now." She continued to laugh as Jack gripped her sides but they were both startled by the sound of a voice.
"Hey! No fucking on the pool chairs! I use those!" Shanda stood tall with holding the hand of a shorter brunette next to her. Jack's face lit up as he looked over at his best friend.
"Hey fucker! What are you doing here?" Jack asked still laying on top of Y/n.
"Visiting my stupid bitch best friend and his hot girlfriend." Shanda dropped her bag and Jack let Y/n up. He made the introductions and Y/n seemed to hit it off with them right away. Jack felt elated. It wasn't a feeling he thinks he's ever felt before but in this moment, that's the only thing he could think to describe it.
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jungkookslipring · 6 months
This is Home Pt 2
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If you haven’t read part 1 yet, check it out!😄 it’s more angsty than this chapter, TW are mentioned❤️
genre: angst, hurt/comfort, AU
Pairings: reader x Ateez
Relationshop: Platonic
It was time. You knew in your heart nothing good would come out of you stepping foot back into that house. You exhaled the breath you didn’t realize you were holding and walked into the living room. This was day three of sleeping over at your friends’ home, and you noticed a huge difference in your body and mind waking up in an environment full of love. Wooyoung was making pancakes while Seonghwa and Yunho were at the table drinking coffee. Two more heads popped up from their place on the couch. “Morning y/n”, Hongjoong called out from his spot on the couch. Jongho muffled a hello with a mouthful of pancakes. You couldn’t help but smile at that. Seonghwa handed you a jar with iced coffee.
“How are you feeling?” He asked. You chuckle.
“Would you believe me if I said “fine”?” You asked humorously. He gave you a sad smile.
“No,” he said simply pulling you into a hug. You thought about their offer, and you wanted to bring it up, but you didn’t know if they passed the message along to the other guys who lived here.
“Where’s everyone else?” You ask taking a sip out of your drink.
“Yeosang is still asleep and Mingi and San are at the gym,” Yunho said, filling a plate with a couple pancakes for you. You graciously took the food and sat on the couch. “They let us know of your living situation,” Hongjoong said quietly. You looked him in the eyes, searching for any signs of hesitation.
“You’re more than welcome to stay here as long as you need,” he said sincerely.
“But there’s eight of you here! Wouldn’t that be too much?” You asked.
“Y/n, you’re here more often that you are at your own home,” Wooyoung joked but with seriousness in his voice. You laughed at that, because you did in fact stay at their house longer than your own. Hongjoong pulled out his phone and showed an opening of a unit that was only a couple doors down from theirs. A super cute studio apartment that had the most gorgeous view.
“This unit is open, if you chose not to stay here, at least you have a safe space that could be all yours,” he said as you swiped through the photos. Apartment hunting has been a nightmare, because no one seemed to be wanting to give up their space, when Hongjoong saw the unit late last night when you were asleep, he saved it in his browsing history.
“You deserve to live where you’re safe, welcomed, and loved,” Hongjoong said kindly, rubbing his hand on your shoulder. Damn them. They were just so kind to you. You eyes watered at the idea of waking up happy in a home filled with your best friends.
“We support you no matter what, whatever you decide to do we got your back,” Jongho said kindly. You put down your plate and coffee right before Hongjoong pulled you into a big hug. Right on cue, Mingi and San walked through the front door.
“Did you show her the studio?!” He asked seeing that you were in Hongjoongs arms. You smiled and wiped your eyes.
“I’m going to apply for it,” you said thickly. The boys ran to you and pulled you into a tight hug.
“Hell no get your sweaty asses off this couch!” Hongjoong scolded with no real bite to his words.
“I really hope you get it,” San whispered as he held you tight.
The next day you got an apartment tour. Seonghwa went with you for emotional support, not to mention apartment hunting with a plus one was a lot more fun anyways. You fell in love with the studio space immediately, and the landlord said it was yours if you were ready to commit. You finished the paperwork in your new studio apartment while Seonghwa watched you fondly, so happy seeing you giddy as the landlord handed you the keys. The next few days were crazy! When your parents were away, Hongjoong and the rest of the guys had started packing your room into bins and boxes, ready to be sent to your new apartment which was literally a few doors down from them. San and Wooyoung were on the couch looking on Etsy looking at apartment decor, and Mingi and Yeosang were grocery shopping, getting you a head start on meals for the week. They were all so excited for you to have your own space, but they were going to miss you staying at their home, as were you, but you were grateful you were now going to live even closer to them.
Moving day came and they all helped you move, set up, and decorate your adorable studio. What did you do once everything was finished? Took your happy butt right back to their apartment and spent the rest of the night celebrating, watching movies, eating pizza, drinking, and cuddling in a giant cuddle pile on the floor. You could finally breathe easy, and your heart was filled with nothing but joy. You had your own place now, but this will forever be home.
taglist: @felixmainacc @felixburneracc @myforevermelody143 @dunno-wut-to-do @itzsana-kiddingmenow @someone-who-loves-kpop-saranghae
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