radarsteddybear · 1 year
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betterdonutgalaxy · 1 year
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my children (well only some of them I have so fucking many)
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sgdi · 2 years
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Medusa and Larold went back to the village after chasing off the evil wizard. They were approached by an old woman.
"Can you help me?" she asked the pair. "my daughter has been kidnapped to the tower!"
Medusa and Larold agreed to help. When they walked the winding path they met a strangely dressed fellow whose eyes had a mesmerized air.
"You'll need these tools if you want the princess back." he handed Medusa a bow and arrows and Larold a sword and helmet.
They entered the tower and fought their way to the top. At the top the girl was sat.
"Princess we're here to rescue you," said Larold.
"OK, but I'm not a princess. That weirdo took me and put me here. No idea why."
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laroldtheheralddd · 1 month
Hey I finally animated something!
This is a bit rough around the edges but I wanted to do something short and simple since I haven’t put something like this together in awhile. I’ve definitely learned a lot about the process for these sort of things and will definitely be doing more animations/animatics in a future.
Stole this from the infamous “hfth as vines” video, might even illustrate more of those clips at some point
Of course I want to finish another project first 🙃
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Consider this a sneak peak, it’s only a gif but it’s gonna have some more complicated rendering then my previous animation
Edit: it’s done now!
See ya soon!
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absolutelybatty · 4 days
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kenisle · 9 months
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i love this show so fucking much
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getitfrenchship · 2 months
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Larold pog
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ruleofstars · 1 year
i would say these are funnier with context but oh well. shitty memes i made about my d&d campaign
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deliriumbubbles · 2 years
If they'd named their firstborn Harold, then the Trainor family would be
and Gary
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winterstaryu · 1 year
I could remember the name Aristotle so I called him Aristocrates (like Hippocrates) and now I feel like I'm never gonna be able to stop
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dead-n-cide · 1 year
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paeinovis · 1 year
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cornertheculprit · 4 months
Random question but fo you think Phoenix's attitude to Larry in aa3 and thee aa6 dlc is warranted or is he too harsh?
for me it's less about whether i think the attitude is warranted and more about whether i think it's in character in which case the answer is absolutely yes. phoenix's treatment of larry took a sharp turn downhill the second he found out that larry was the sole reason he got blamed for that class trial when they were kids and he takes that class trial SO seriously. he literally lists it as the worst moment of his life above his false girlfriend framing him for murder. so yes it is absolutely in character for him to go from "larry my best friend larry" to "....larold. the stain upon my boot." after finding out that larry framed his ass for something that happened when they were kids. i think people try to integrate the fact that larry took off when edgeworth "died" (died in quotation marks because again phoenix seems to make it clear that he knew edgeworth Was Not Dead he was just mad that edgeworth didn't live up to the Edgeworth In His Head. different post) into phoenix's shitty treatment of him post-aa1 as well but i don't think that has anything to do with it because phoenix would not have talked to anyone about edgeworth's "death" ANYWAY. his whole thing during jfa is going "Don't Ask Me About The Topic Again, Maya." larry taking off wouldn't make a difference.
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sgdi · 2 years
I will* write a 100 word story using these dice
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There was a well in a village. It made the villagers sick.
Medusa crawled out of the well and scared everyone away except Larold the ogre.
"Hello," said Larold, leaning on his club. "Did you poison the well?"
"No," replied Medusa. "It has been cursed by an evil wizard. I need to get to the next village to catch him."
Larold smuggled Medusa into the village in a hay cart. There they saw a funny dressed man with a flute at a market stall.
"The wizard!" Medusa and Larold chased him from the village and into a maze, where he was attacked by wolves.
*I have tried once already, but forgot the word limit
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laroldtheheralddd · 1 month
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Gathering Storm
Made another animation this one starring Olivier! I’ve been wanting to illustrate Olivier’s weather abilities for a while now since they’ve always looked so darn cool in my head whenever he used them.
Anyway this was a lot of fun to do and provided the opportunity for me to experiment with different rendering techniques for animation. Gradients and blended stuff overall takes some practice to learn how to move without looking choppy.
The effects also took a long time, I did a lot of experimenting with those to figure out what looked the best. The version up above is certainly the most dramatic looking but I also ended up with some calmer ones.
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glitches-and-bugs · 5 months
Error: Roommate Not Found (Could be you!)
Hi all, this is where I have the most followers so I'm gonna try to use it to my advantage.
My name is Indigo, but on this blog I'm Glitches. I'm looking for a roommate in the NE Ohio area to come move in to my home and help with bills.
To be clear, I have a room I'm renting out. I have a place! LGBT friendly (Preferred, even), with 2 (Count 'em, TWO) trans roommates.
Room is 350 a month, very cheap for this area.
Willing to help with getting you insurance for the area and getting you in with mental health services as well (I know a place that's super LGBT friendly and very nice)
I've tried literally every other avenue of finding roommates. Please reblog and spread this around! DM me on @starshinesoda if interested!
Cat picture for you. This is Larold, I love him.
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