paeinovis · 1 year
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forecast0ctopus · 2 years
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I JUST THINK. THEYRE NEAT (also lil corner doodle from artoonsforever on instagram :] )
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nyaagolor · 1 year
more AA interview facts because ppl liked the last post more than I expected
When it comes to the main trilogy, the title of "favorite character" among the male staffers is pretty unanimously Godot. According to Takumi, female staffers (and fans) prefer Edgeworth. No one on staff expected Edgeworth and AA in general to be so popular among women but have come to love it
When Maya Fey is surprised, the liquid coming out of her mouth is not spit, it's actually ectoplasm
Gumshoe has "a lot of pure and warm love within him" that he pours into investigating instead of a girlfriend. He's married to his job, but would make a lovely husband otherwise
Franziska and Edgeworth don’t wear their prosecutor's badges because it's "more chic"
Diego was planning on proposing to Mia around the time he was poisoned
Edgeworth is "bad at communicating with people and horses"
The VA for Godot was so happy with how his lines came out that he uses the Godot voice to flirt with people irl
The office where all the staff works would receive chocolates on Valentine’s day addressed to the characters
While Takumi “can perfectly imagine Phoenix working in the service industry” he thinks that while in art school, he would do painting modeling for money
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sirgawainofgalifrey · 3 months
OHHKAY so I was reading the aa investigations Manga thing and I am eating up the Gumworth.
The whole second case is about a murder of a rockstar at a concert
Except the only reason Edgeworth and Gumshoe are there is because Gumshoe's a fan
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Like, Edgeworth was just like, okay, I'll come with you for no reason to this place I definitely don't want to be
And Even though he wants to leave ASAP, he still stays when Gumshoe asks him to for the Encore
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(He looking annoyed like bro nobody's forcing you to stay)
AND THEN!! When Gumshoe is genuinely distraught over the singers death, Edgeworth does still push him to do his job, but more gently tries to comfort him and give him advice in this situation.
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(and he also says "them" about who cuts Gumshoe's salary. He can't be the only or even primary force responsible for Gumshoe's financial problems, and here seems a little concerned about it.)
(add this to the list of Edgeworth being bad at feelings, but he's trying)
And there are a bunch more moments too, like Edgeworth letting Gumshoe go up on stage and even sing a song with the band performing (For the case though definitely not because this is Gumshoe's favorite band and favorite song and it would be a dream come true for him, and despite the fact that there was no reason in particular for Gumshoe to do it specifically)
And at the end Edgeworth angstily goes off saying he doesn't even like rock
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Anyway this has more firmly cemented my belief that you can't have Gumshoe and Edgeworth directly interacting without implying they're, at the least, platonic soul mates or, what I like better, in love 💕
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perrigoaway · 7 months
Who is your favorite Ace Attorney character and why?
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OMG hi! Thank you for the ask!!
As for my favorite character, I'm a big fan of Gumshoe! I just like big, goofy, endearing characters so much! I dont think ive posted any drawings of him here before though, so maybe it's a surprise! He's a sweetheart, and I miss him so much TT I've been playing Apollo Justice and Great Ace Attorney most recently, so I feel like it's been forever since I've seen him TT
Other than Gumshoe though, all of the protagonists have a special place in my heart, Phoenix, Ryunosuke, Apollo.. I specifically vibe with Apollo, he's a character I really feel like I match with, although he's much meaner in his head than me HAHA! my sister's and I have a habit of just whispering to eachother "they don't know I'm Apollo Justice.." whenever we say or do something vaguely Apollo-esque
Also, how we feeling about the Edgeworth tshirt? My sister's and I have been joking around about how we think it'd be so funny of he just wore a shirt with Miles' face on it, even funnier if he SPECIFICALLY spent his.. meager paycheck on buying it personalized HAHA! I was gonna draw it, but decided it was much funnier if I just left it his sprite in the court record
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halothanic · 1 year
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i heard you got a car, and you're gonna go far—
supposed to be a photo someone (gumshoe???) took of edgeworth on his first day on the job, on the top level of the courthouse parking garage. kept in his files for years. i think he would be a fan of keeping mementos (like me, who based the parking receipt off one i kept in my sketchbook, it was so fun to replicate)!
this idea was thumbnailed last year, inspired by one of my favorite songs for him, “caution repetitive” by princess chelsea. i can't believe i was tuned in even when it was released, but anyway.. just LOOK at the lyrics! and the harpsichord making an appearance, which always reminds me of him, lol. i wanted him to look smug, awkward, and blank all at once.
i just today learned apparently PWAA is set in 2016 and not 2001?! well i’m officially ignoring that, on the record, hah. the vanity plate was inspired by this reddit post i saw when i was trying to find out exactly what kind of car he had in the trilogy. plus i just love them.
i'm going to be getting 5x7s done, so we can all have our own little demon prosecutor. immersive!
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bixels · 7 months
When you're done with Farewell my Turnabout, I'm curious - many fans say that it's one of, if not the best case in the series. Do you have strong opinions one way or the other? What have been your favorite cases so far?
By far the best I've played. The highest stakes in any case thus far. So smart of the writers to put a character everyone universally loves DEATH in mortal peril to motivate Phoenix (and the player). They were unafraid of taking risks and hurting characters like Franziska and Gumshoe. They finally gave us what we've were hoping and waiting for too, which is Gumshoe and Edgeworth working alongside Phoenix. It was so, so, so incredibly satisfying seeing Edgeworth on your side and being a genuinely good guy, worrying about Maya's safety, and play-acting to stall for time. The judge was extremely funny. The twists were insane and unexpected.
By far my favorite part of this case is how it throws the entire series' conceit into question. It challenges Phoenix (and the player's) ideas of what it means to "win" at the game. Does finding justice mean finding the "true" killer, pinning the blame on someone else? Or does it mean making sure those who have committed crimes are able to tell their whole story and meet an appropriate sentencing? This is the first time Phoenix has had to defend someone who's 100% guilty. Was it right of him to pursue and accuse Adrian so vehemently? Throughout the case, you're constantly reminded of the trade-off you're potentially making: Adrian's life for Maya's, and Engarde's acquittal (remember those guilty are given the death penalty). Is it right to put someone to death if it means saving someone you care about? These are serious moral dilemmas that the case explores. What are the consequences of trying to "win" the game? Powers even calls out Phoenix's aggressive tactics of humiliating and throwing suspicion onto innocent witnesses, which is something that's been normalized to players. It's the first time I've seen the franchise question its own premise and whether or not it's teaching the player the right lessons about law and order.
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zuzsenpai · 3 months
So little know fact, Raymond Shields is my second fave AA character after Gumshoe. I’ve written tens of thousands of words of Raymond Shields fanfic. I’m not taking this localized name change well. I know I’m overreacting. I know people who liked the original names from TGAA also had this problem and got over it. But like…. AAI2 is my favorite video game of all time. That fan translation means a lot to me. It’s going to be hard. (I’ll get over it but like…. Today won’t be that day)
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g0ldenboi333 · 7 months
spicy take time: Ace Attorney 5 is not THAT bad
Dual Destinies: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly -- An Opinionated Review (not spoiler free, hehe)
As I was progressing through the series, I noticed that fans really seemed to dislike Dual Destinies, so as I finished Apollo Justice, I was worried about what I was going to come across and, it wasn't terrible. I've begun to replay some of the game and compile some thoughts.
The Good
Whether it be the complicated, the quirky, or the downright enjoyable to be around, Dual Destinies has all sorts of new characters to fit this bill. Some of my favorites include:
Athena Cykes -- The newbie lawyer with a loud and colorful personality and a neat little game mechanic involving her being able to hear emotions Simon Blackquill -- The prosecutor on death row who's very… persuasive (why does he get to have a sword?) "Bobby Fulbright" -- The game's eccentric detective. While he's no Dick Gumshoe or Emma Skye, he actually managed to grow on me, making the twist that the final antagonist was disguised as him the entire time all the more impactful to me.
Some other characters that I really enjoyed: Juniper Woods Jinxie Tenma Aura Blackquill Orla Shipley (the orca)
And some of my favorite puns, for fun: Candice Arme Robin Newman Sasha Buckler
The Introductory Case
Case 5-1 is one of my favorite introductory cases after 2-1, AAI2-1, and TGAA1-1. Its twists and turns had me on edge the entire time. I've seen some crazy shit in Ace Attorney -- exorcisms, cross-examining animals, children that are victims of murder attempts -- but a terrorist bombing was not something I would expect, weirdly enough.
I also think it's fascinating how it's the only intro case to span over multiple days and the second to chronologically take place after the main filler cases (after AAI1-1).
And I really like how it ends by leaving these two questions in the back of my mind: "What's wrong with Apollo?" "Who exactly is Athena?"
Prosecutor Blackquill
Out of all of the prosecutors in the series, Blackquill has one of my favorite concepts. The idea of a prosecutor being able to continue his job while awaiting the death sentence for a crime he did not commit, but rather, took the fall for is just soooo… AAAAAAA. I love it. How he also utilizes psychological mind games opposite to Athena's own.
I was originally terrified of Blackquill and his unique "Silence!" callout, but as case 5 progressed, I actually almost cried learning Simon's true colors. How he willingly went to prison to protect a young Athena and Athena's mother, Metis', work, refusing to accept help despite Athena's and Aura, his older sister's, pleas. He was genuinely willing to be executed for the sake of protecting Athena.
Athena and Apollo's relationship, Apollo's Skepticism, and Athena's Trauma
Throughout the course of cases 2 and 3, it was demonstrated how Apollo and Athena grew to trust each other. To me, they gave off sibling energy, which was made even better by the fact that, in Greek mythology, Apollo and Athena are siblings (half-siblings, but siblings nonetheless).
So when Apollo started feeling skeptical towards Athena regarding the whole Clay situation, it kinda hurt, Apollo even willingly wearing a bandage over his eye to prevent himself from perceiving Athena's suspicious ticks. (I love this concept and wish more could have been done it.) And Athena had a past of her own that wasn't helping the situation that she herself wasn't even sure of, traumatized by the idea that she might have killed her own mother.
This is what I would say to be Dual Destinies' strongest feature.
The Phantom
Like I've mentioned before, the twist of "Fulbright" being the final antagonist really got to me. And his whole breakdown with him being in a mad panic, questioning who he really was before getting sniped, has to be one of my favorite breakdowns in the entire series (second to the exorcism)
Turnabout Reclaimed
The concept behind this DLC case is a fascinating one. The defendant being an… uhm… orca and the murder being an accident makes this case really unique.
3D Models
While the models take a bit to get used to, I think, ultimately, they weren't a terrible idea. I love the sprites but there are some things that the models did that the sprites couldn't -- and vice versa. And I believe it was a great gateway into what we got with The Great Ace Attorney and Spirit of Justice.
The Bad
Phoenix's Role
I have problems with Phoenix in this game in general. His model, his voice, but overall, I think the biggest downside about him in this game is his role. How him losing his badge was basically ctrl-z'ed and he's back to basically steal the spotlight. His role in Apollo Justice was great. He was there, but not on the front lines, helping Apollo from the side. I was hoping that, with the introduction of Athena, she'd get help from him like Apollo from Kristoph in his own game or Phoenix from Mia in the first game, rather than being essentially sidelined herself.
Yes. Dual Destinies is a Phoenix Wright game, but with how much focus it gives to Apollo and Athena and their… Dual Destinies… it's a bit frustrating with him in the picture as much as he is.
Turnabout Academy
I don't believe in the "3rd Case Syndrome" that goes around in the fanbase (4-3, 6-3, AAI2-3, and TGAA2-3 were pretty good). However… replaying Dual Destinies, I can't bring myself to replay this case. The concept was okay, but, that's all I can really say. The characters were… eh? I like Junie, Robin, and Mirriam, but Hugh is insufferable and what they did with Klavier was… (I don't wanna be harsh but)… ew. How Robin was treated before revealing she was a girl, was kind of gross (in the initial 2013 release). Overall, it was an… okay case. I don't really have much else to say about this case other than I didn't really enjoy it.
Turnabout Reclaimed
I love the concept, but that's about it. I had a bit of trouble staying awake while playing this one. It felt a little reminiscent of 1-5, which best sums up my feelings about it. The characters were okay and the idea is great, but this case is just… there.
The Ugly
Main Menu
That menu is boring. There's nothing... here. At least previous releases had the gall to put an image in the background, whether it be a courtroom or silhouettes of the main characters. I can't tell if that's supposed to be a bulletin board or a closeup of a basketball, but it's likely neither of those are right.
I understand replacing the older VA's because of cutscenes and all that, and I'm okay with Apollo's new voice, but when it comes to the other characters with NEW voices, they kind of miss the mark. Apollo and Phoenix sound virtually identical, Klavier sounds… wrong, and I don't think anyone told Edgeworth's VA that he's only 34 because he sounds twice that.
3D Models
When it comes to characters being translated into 3D, that's where the models miss. Apollo's, and Klavier's models are … not the best and Phoenix's is actually disgusting. They got a much-needed update with Spirit of Justice, but they don't compare to the beauty of their sprites.
Overall, I personally think that Dual Destinies is one of the weakest in the series, but it's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. It's different and takes a bit to get used to, but it's fun :)
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journalsouppe · 5 months
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APOLLO JUSTICE!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!! What i would literally give to have a true AA4 sequel. I wholeheartedly believe if Yamazaki's team could ignore aa4 canon to make 5 & 6 then Shu Takumi should absolutely be allowed to ignore any 5&6 canon to make an aa4 sequel. I'm dying out here pleaseeeeee
The Phoenix sticker is from Peachcott. The Klavier sticker is from Ayabit from the Turnabout Cinema zine. The Apollo and Trucy stickers are from astarsor.
Writing typed below!
rating: 9.8 played: Fa 2023 port: 3DS favorite? Y replayable: Y recommend? Y series: Ace Attorney
apollo's such a dork <3
ooo i like the perceive function
i love the music
there's so much going on in this investigation
wow i love how uneasy i feel even after the trial ended
i dont think y'all want your panties back...
klav's a bill and ted fan i see lol
LOVE mr eldoon's design 10/10
klapollo meet cute moment LMAO
oops ^^; i accidentally wrote a 600 word essay about the first case
i like how apollo cried over trucy
i like klavier's hands a normal amount
alita must have some dirty fucking feet
the animations are so smooth
apollo being jealous of klavier at the concert and thinking he's cool LMAO
apollo is WHIPPED
trucy is KILLING it in court, she really is nick's daughter
klavier's shoe print *skull emoji*
out of pocket shiny forehead comment LMAO
lamiroir has similar vocal tones as malon!
the smile and hair twirl klavier LMAO
why am i doing this music recording thing T^T
i dont like looking at daryan T_T
letouse kazuma moment lmao
capcom loves the face down death with writing on the ground huh LMAO
wtf is the judge talking about
i love all these scientific tests with ema! :)
i love the snackoos SFX
klav does not miss an opportunity to take a short at apollo's big forehead LMAO
faking blindness is crazy
klav's office is so much more normal than edgeworth's
i love apollo and lamiroir goofing on klav
similar tech opening to brc
oh he's insufferable
"rip off" phoenix is so real for that
are they injecting magnifi with piss??
im curious why kristoph would do this to phoenix
he just left his daughter???
tf is going on
why does klav have that egg from dragon tales
apollo understands me with mascots
this is so gay omfg
daryan not liking trucy means he goes even more into the shit book than before
apollo the journaling king
the x-ray function is a really fun addition
omg phoenix with out the ugly hd redraw
he said it!!! he said 'ace attorney' lmao
i love and hate that i have to present the journal page
why does the screen shake when mr misham speaks T_T
siblings omgggg
I love this game so much. I love it so much that I am heartbroken knowing that AA 5 & 6 butchers the story it setup and I'm considering not even playing them unless AA7 is announced. I love all the main characters so much, the whole story was so well built and I can def see the influence the story had on DGS. Apollo is such a good protagonist, he's relatable but also so unique. I love seeing his character progression in the game: a new attorney who is easily manipulated to a confident and determined attorney who trusts in his own judgement. I LOVED Klavier oh my god. I love how much he respects Apollo and although he doesn't hesitate to tease him, he doesn't bully or abuse Apollo in any way. They both have a mutual admiration and rivalry where they try to play as fairly as possible. Klav doesn't maliciously withhold or change evidence, but he does spend hours reviewing his arsenal and thinks of all the counter arguments the defense could bring up. I really like Apollo's ability, it continues the mystery and mysticism from the original trilogy but with new mechanics. I adore Trucy so much. She honestly might be my favorite AA character. She's determined, strong willed, and above all -- extremely silly. I couldn't of asked for a better character to be Phoenix's daughter. I also LOVE the sibling reveal at the end but gdi if only they actually figure it out T^T T^T. I think Apollo and Trucy's dynamic is probably my favorite Defense and assistant dynamic. This who game was so fun, I know 4-3 is not everyone's favorite and it is a little all over the place but I also enjoyed it and loved the premise. There's so much to say, I haven't even talked about Nick and Kris - what an incredible feud, what a genius development for Nick. I cannot recommend this game enough, I am so obsessed with it and cannot wait to make art <3 <3.
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cherry15329 · 4 months
Since we had a poll for Team Phoenix, now it's time for Team Miles! Which team member is you favorite?
1)Larry, Badd, John, Klavier, Athena and Armie are NOT team members, but they always tag along with the team.
2)The reason why Simon is part of Team Miles is that I have seen some fans want Capcom to make an 'Investigations' game for Simon. I would also love to see his interactions with the 'Investigations' characters. Not to mention I want to see Simon using psychological manipulation while confronting suspects, witnesses, culprits or other characters.
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So- Danganronpa became a big enough fandom for me that I decided to make a side blog for it! And because…I need a community my dudes
I’m @snickerzanddoodlez, you can call me whatever you’d like! I’ve finished the first and second games, but I intend to complete the series so please avoid spoilers for DGNV3 when interacting with me! I did finish the Danganronpa 3 anime (you no, with the different arcs) though!
My favorite characters are Teruteru, Gundham, and Togami! Fuyuhiko and Monokuma are very close behind :) (NOTE: I don’t support all of these characters’ actions! You know who this disclaimer is about, haha! And my affection of said individual doesn’t exactly extend to the End of Hope’s Peak Academy anime…) Also, I haven’t played Danganronpa v3 yet, but I think I’ll like that weird little guy who looks like Mineta
EDIT: I love Gonta and Ryoma so far!
I’m a Warrior Cats veteran, so…the things I make might end up being a little weird!
I also sell cute lil’ Danganronpa stickers!
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The ask box is always open for questions, discussion, suggesting incorrect quotes / art / animatics, etc!
By the way! I like to be incredibly needlessly angsty and cringy- so we don’t judge here! I’m still getting a feel for what does and doesn’t fly in this fandom- so give me the best you’ve got! All of your angst and ideas- maybe I’ll draw them!)
Just stay generally SFW (suggestive jokes and the likes are fine!) and keep in mind that I am 16!
I’m up for (canon-character) Danganronpa RPs! As long as it’s not involving the third game! (Oh, also I will be unlikely to want to do it unless I can be Gundham and / or Teruteru. Preferably both but alas…tbh, you could just send me an ask with a prompt and I would prolly accept that. Maybe I’d even do some of my responses in drawings. Who knows. :3)
Oh! FYI, I tag posts that fit into the same niche the same way! Here’s the list!
Incorrect Quotes - dgnincorrect
Headcanon - danganheadcanon
Posts I Look Back On for Comfort - my happy posts
Animatics / Animation - danganimatic
-The Teruteru Essay
-Animatics (Even Unlisted Ones!)
(If you are on this list and uncomfy with it let me know!)
Please note! As long as it isn’t incestuous / predatory, I don’t really mind what people ship- these are just my biggies! I’m also a really big fan of weird / unconventional ships. Not PRO-ships, let’s get that straight, just ships that make you think about ‘em for a minute…like, “who came up with this??” I dig those.
Gundham x Sonia
Akane x Nekomaru
Fuyuhiko x Peko
Ishimaru x Mondo
Makoto x Kiyoko
Byakuya x Toko / Genocide Jack (I like to pretend they love each other)
Monokuma x Monomi (silly)
Hajime x Nagito (not usually in a serious context- just as a bit)
Chiaki x Hajime
Kazuichi x Ibuki
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the-bar-sinister · 6 months
Have you played the AA Investigations games? If yes, what did you think of them? Sadly I was only able to play for myself the first one (I couldn't make the translation patch for the second one work :( ), and let's just say that the novelty of playing as Edgeworth wore off quickly lol. The second one was much more ambitious with some stellar character arcs and a memorable final villain, but of course it's still stuck in "only in Japan" limbo...
Yes! We played both Investigations, and Investigations 2 (fan patch) about 10 years ago. Currently, we're in the middle of watching a letsplay/fandub of the games because uh, yeah. We're not going to play through them again. They're the worst 'games'-- NOT the worst stories– in the AA series.
I definitely can't blame you for saying the novelty wore off quickly. Investigations has some serious flaws as a game and in structure. Which is an absolute shame, because the characters and stories are some of my favorites.
I absolutely adore Detective Badd, Agent Lang, Shih-Nah, and Kay Faraday from the first game, and Sebastian Debeste and Justine Courtney from the second game are some of my favorite characters in the whole series.
It's also absolutely fantastic to get to see more of Miles and Gumshoe together. I just love them as a mystery solving pair. They have such delightful energy. It probably helps that I'm a gumworth shipper from way back of course XD
But frankly, the fantastic characters, interesting worldbuilding and good stories absolutely can't save the Investigations series from its faults.
Problems with Ace Attorney Investigations
the need for the narrative to telegraph to the player how to solve problems, and forcing the player to painstakingly go through each of Miles' thought processes as a game mechanic has the opposite of the intended effect. Instead of making the player feel clever it makes Miles Edgeworth seem, very, very stupid and slow.
logic chess (from the second game) is agonizing. It's a great character bit for Egdeworth, having him conceive every logical problem as a chess problem, but its a fucking agonizing game mechanic.
circular reasoning. Every case is way too long, and it goes around in circles. I feel like this is a result of the "trial" phases being outside the court and thus having no real mediator. It's very true to life because people are going to "nu-uh" for as long as they can, but, realistic or not, t's agonizing to explain the same things to characters over and over and over.
connected to the above, all of the cases are too long, and also some of the logical leaps that the games expect you to make are some of the worst in the series. From Apollo Justice onward the games got a lot better about having a clear line of logic for where you're supposed to present evidence. Investigations and investigations 2 are just fucking guesswork.
So yeah while I definitely think these games are fantastic lore and character wise and worth experiencing, they are absolutely aggravating to play. My personal suggestion for anyone who wants to experience them is to pick a lets play/walkthrough video of their favorite variety (commentary, dub, no commentary) and enjoy them without having to worry about the terrible fucking gameplay.
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daixess · 6 months
I feel like Dick Gumshoe, Maya, and Pearl would all be Miku fans. Phoenix and Miles just have to deal with it 😭😭
I'm still playing Ace Attorney 2, so I might wait until I get a better feeling of Pearl's character to assign em favorite songs and producers and stuff
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badgerhuan · 7 months
Mitsunoko :3c
@saltyfilmmajor NANCY HI I KNOW IT'S YOU
so I've waited until I'm stuck on a bus for about an hour to answer this on my phone bc otherwise it's going to turn into a 10 page propaganda manifesto with screenshots and I do not actually have the spoons for that.
they make me UNWELL.
Ship It
1. What made you ship it?
my beloved friend @twotwinks was playing through Ace Attorney Investigations and liveblogging it at me. and at one point jhe sent me a screenshot where Itonokogiri swears to follow Mitsurugi through thick and thin. and then was promptly dragged away from him kicking and screaming.
famous last words
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jhe then started microdosing me with content about these two in the games, and after I told my treasured friend @maverickcalf about it they also started putting posts about them on my dash. and it took about three weeks before I caved and read through the entire ao3 tag of the ship in one night and. the rest is history, as they might say.
ive always had a passing interest in Gyakuten Saiban but just never got around to getting into it properly. I'd bought and played through a bit of GS6 when it first came out but didn't get very far bc of my limited Japanese then. when MT got really into it I thought it was the perfect chance for me to familiarize myself with the franchise (nothing better than a friend that infodumps) but I. never expected to fall into the franchise as hard as I did, especially not in This Specific Way. this will now be my entire personality for the next three years.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
god where do I START.
I think what really does strike me is in the first game, how much they clearly trust each other. Itonokogiri is Loud about it so we know clearly where he stands, but while Mitsurugi doesn't say it out loud there are so many scenes where his actions dictate he does trust Itonokogiri. small instances that makes you go HUH. like the fact that he feels bad about keeping things from Itonokogiri in Turnabout Goodbyes!! and the fact that Naruhodou suspected it would hurt him and WEAPONIZED that against him. like. GOD. WHAT THE FUCK. HOW IS THAT CANON.
another thing I love so much about them is that despite fitting the stereotypical roles of a smart character + a not so bright character, Mitsurugi is never condescending to Itonokogiri. it delighted me so much in Gyakuten Kenji 1 where Itonokogiri would have a question about something, and Mitsurugi would just explain it very plainly and straightforwardly to him, without judgement. it means so much to me!!! he never calls him dumb or stupid to his face!! even in his thoughts the most he does is phrase it tactfully in a way that doesn't outright insult Itonokogiri whenever he does something unexpected. I just. oughhh I love them so much.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
oh boy do I.
having only played the games in Japanese and only learned about the changes made in the English version through my friends, I strongly believe the English localization of the franchise is at best a pale comparison to the original and at worst a purposeful character assassination of many of the characters, ESPECIALLY Itonokogiri. to me, Ace Attorney is a completely different franchise from Gyakuten Saiban and the characters in the localization are not and will never be the same characters as the ones in the original. I respect the people in the fandom that love version of the ship and the characters in the localization but I need people to understand. they have a very different vibe from the original version of them. because Itonokogiri, a Japanese man, not understanding what a ceiling fan (katakana) is, and Gumshoe, an American, not understanding what a ceiling fan (English) is, have very different implications, and Mitsurugi's and Edgeworth's reactions differ greatly based on that.
I can never engage with the English-speaking fandom at large bc of that and it saddens me, but at this point I care about Mitsurugi and Itonokogiri's characterization in the original Japanese versions of the games Too Much to compromise on it.
oh and even among jp fans I am camp mitsunoko instead of nokomitsu (it's less about the top and bottom thing and more about the vibes and dynamics bc on GOD Itonokogiri would NEVER be the one to make the first move are you KIDDING ME) and that pigeonholes me into an even MORE niche corner LMAO.
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HII HI OH MY GOSH ACE ATTORNEY FAN HII !! 🥹🥹🧡🧡🧡 oh im so happy to find another ace attorney fan in the selfship community !!! 💞💞
i saw your f/o list and you are so so real for that !!💕 my favorite AA character is Athena!! 🧡 ლ⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠ლ⁠) hope we can be friends!!💕
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