#lana k. / threads
femmefae2005 · 5 months
idk if i've ever talked about this on here (since i know my loyal 50 followers care So much) but i used to be DEEP in the Lana Del Rey Unreleased Music lore..... anyone else here regularly spend 8+ hours reading the Song Lore thread on lanaboards?? does anyone remember TOSTB (toasty-b) when they convinced their followers that there was a Lizzy Grant era song about to leak called Nonny Peeka Monger..... which in retrospect is an obvious lie but I did still show up at school the next day and immediately gossip abt it w/ my one lanapilled friend.... does anyone remember DOIJROIJ or the gunshot in the leaked V2 of Live Or Die being a trader's mark or the Who Is K? debacle.... i feel like I could write a whole unauthorized book about mz grant from like 2005-2014 when she stopped being interesting to me
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bearpillowmonster · 3 months
Smallville S8
A lot consider this to be the last good season because it's Lex's last, which in a way, it's kind if Lex's story. He has the best moments. Had you asked me when I was a kid, I would've said that it makes sense to have him leave at some point but in the format of a TV show, it's strange to see an actor go after so many seasons. The question I'm going to argue is whether it's a worthy sendoff.
So we start off...Clark's lost his powers...and gets them back in the same episode...from the sun? So going directly in the sun, reboots his powers no matter what? So no, Luthor does not spend the whole season with Clark on a leash as his personal bidder. We don't even see Luthor for a good majority of it.
We have some new players to the ball field now though to take his place, just in general. Our man, Sam Witwer, for example. He's a paramedic, which is a point of view that I'm immediately interested in aside from being a fan of his. Someone on the front lines doing the minion work to keep Clark humble. What's funny though is that instead of Clark being in everyone's sights, it's Chloe. Chloe and Jimmy had a thing going on and they literally get engage in this first episode but our man, Sam- Davis (we'll call him Dr. Day for short) has a crush on her but sees her with Clark so it's like a double whammy.
Obviously Clark isn't really interested BUT he mentions after a near death experience that the life he saw flash before his eyes, he's ready to leave behind. Which echoes S2 and the Red K, kind of crazy but honestly I'm fine with seeing him leave Smallville behind (looks at the title) Oh, he just said that, didn't he? It's more just a "moving up in the world" type of quote. ESPECIALLY since it enables him to get his Planet job and start some actual flirting with Lois *clap clap clap*
But- Lana? Yeah, she's absent for a good while too. She's kind of like the antithesis of Clark's new leaf because he's learning to sacrifice everything in his life but with Lana, he wants to preserve it, to keep his attachments. In a way, it's holding him back but you kind of can't blame him for looking back and forth when it's framed that way. But all seems fine and good but know that there's an underlying thread ...a dark plot that lingers and it's not good, it's really strange. In fact, I'd say it argues the dumb witch plot of yesteryear, like a weird fanfiction between two characters. I think part of it has to do with paying actors though because they like to make it like "Oh, guess what, I'm acting as two characters at once." like how Zod was just the other actors at one point but whatever, I guess that's not the total point of the season.
Jimmy and Chloe actually have a marriage going on and...it's in Clark's barn? Wth? More of that budget thing I was talking about them glossing over. They make it in a semi-Paranormal Activity/Cloverfield type filming though, which- was around the time those came out. Idk, I feel like some stuff, Smallville isn't good with transitioning into but it's good with what's there. "Suddenly Clark and Lois like each other" and they put them in situations that build that relationship but it feels more a spur of the season sort of thing, previous seasons always liked to keep the backdoor open so closure never seemed to be met with much. What's there is really good a lot of the time though if you look at it from a singular lense.
As if that isn't weird enough, the Legion is here. Like...we get this really good moment between Clark and Lana about working together and then the Legion comes to solve it for them. I don't even care to see them in the series as a whole, they're better as an unspoken thing. I much view this world as its own away from the established universes because Clark is essentially weaker, yeah he's in his younger years, but imagine he stays that way, a lot more grounded like the clips I saw from Crisis. Like he took on the world as a kid like one big headrush and then as an adult he actually gets to reap the benefits and live his life. That's just my impression of this series but seeing them blatantly ignore a lot of potential development by introducing them this way feels bad (though they say that carbon fuels will be replaced in 2028 so there's still hope). The beginning of this season was nice and clean but the seeds to dirty itself up were always there and they began to sprout right here.
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It also kind of takes a detour from there because it was all building up to that moment and introduced so much stuff in that episode that it felt like it had to dedicate and stray away from the rest for a little bit, which makes it seem like it's losing steam but at the same time still shoveling in coal. If I had to give this season a tag, it's that it toes the line to where he reveals himself as a super but finds subliminal reasons in other people to keep a secret identity. Asking himself why he's 'the man of tomorrow' and not yesterday.
All in all, carrying on the legacy of Lex (who all takes his place) is actually done quite well, redefining what we thought we knew about the series and giving us some really good 2000s angst along with it, that's half the reason I joined. (There's one scene in particular with Dr. Day that I will just never forget) Now the departure of Lex is a different story, while the set-up was fine and dandy, the ending was horrid in my opinion, I imagine they wanted to make it ambiguous enough that if he wanted to come back, they could do it but this is not his final season, the last one was, I wouldn't go into this one thinking that way. (Though the last one didn't tie up much did it)
Oh and look kryptonite money.
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I guess you could say that money IS kryptonite or maybe the money is worth more in the vending machine that way? Who know what the heck they were thinking, but I'm here for it. (that'd be a really evil and dastardly plot to try and uproot Superman, Luthor, take notes. (I guess that's why he's more of an American Express guy))
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(good pic to warn you of MILD ACTUAL SPOILERS) As far as the ending for this season, everyone usually has a big cliffhanger ending and the first half of the last episode is great, it sets up a bunch, it does good work but then the second half just throws it in the trash, like they just obliterated it.
Let's work backwards, spoiler, they set up Zod again, which, big surprise there, they set him up earlier this season and then had this orb thingie and it's just stupid to me, I liked some of the villains this time around but they need to know who to bring back and who to put away. So it's not just a 'choice' thing, it's a writing thing.
Dr. Day gets flubbed, like, what was the point of all that build up then and I get that's part of the point but it's like a complete 180 for so many characters right there, the love triangle in Jimmy, Chloe and Dr. Day and even Clark. Clark choosing to be pure alien from now on is something we haven't explored yet and I see the reasoning behind it but this is just a kind of dumb way to go about it.
Not to mention that Clark is mid fighting a villain before cutting back to Chloe and then surprise, it's all over. Like- what happened to the plan? The villain? We just cut away and it's the next day?? Hello? End of the world threat here and you're just gonna skim over that. "How'd you make it out alive?" "Oh, I don't know, I got out just before she pressed the button I guess." That's a stupid kind of stupid, not even time constraints can make that one up. I don't care if you ran out of budget because that's the only logical explanation I can come up with but you work around it, you write around it, you do something! You don't just ignore the whole reason for the episode and skip to the aftermath. I don't care if you show the battle or not after that, just give me some sense of finality because it completely takes away from whatever scene you put next, that was all I was thinking about after that was "why?"
It turns out it's a blink and you miss it moment, there's an explosion and that's just meant to be the end? I didn't even realize until I looked it up and was like "I must've been looking away or something but it still isn't satisfactory."
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joemuggs · 8 months
Albums of 2023 part 1
OK I started a best albums of 2023 thread as there's lots that got missed out of charts I contributed to. I got carried away and there's nearly 100, but they're all superb and I think there's something for everyone here. Start with this: a DEVASTATINGLY fresh drum'n'bass/jungle excursion from a perpetually underrated UK bass don Altered Natives.
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A short but PERFECTLY formed 20 minutes of heavy, trippy R&B with surprise UKG and even drum'n'bass twists, Tinashe deserves so much more credit as an innovator...
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I was late to this one but should've known the Hive Mind label always delivers. Swedish-based guitarist Vumbi Dekula delivering track after track of perfection like it's as easy as breathing.
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I've always enjoyed Lana Del Rey when she's at her most benzo-haze - and this Mitski album hits that spot perfectly... not that it's all dissociated - it's very smart and sharp - but you can easily drift away into it.
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Metallica, Pink Floyd, Fleetwood Mac, Blondie covers in a millennium old Inuit language? Well yes - and in Elisapie's hands it's DEVASTATING. I played the Leonard Cohen one out at 3am in a chillout room in the summer and it was real, REAL magic.
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TONN3RR3 & BIKAY3 = French live electronic beats of various flavours + EXTREMELY eccentric Congolese vocalist = braincell-scrambling funtimes...
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First of two major trip-outs from Optimo Music last year - with Op:l Bastards and then K-X-P, Timo Kaukolampi is best known for motorik cosmic synth rock, but here everything is stripped away except the abstract cosmic, and wow it'll give you vertigo if you let it.
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The presence of Peter Zummo here leads to automatic Arthur Russell comparisons for Greek-British brothers áthos - and it's not NOT Arthur-ish.... but more, it's operating in the same boho world of freedom as he did, and finds its own delicate voice within that.
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Another massively unsung talent, original Moving Shadow / - now Over/Shadow - crew, half of Mixrace with the mighty Paradox (they also had a great record out this year), Dave Trax makes THE most exquisite soulful but heavy d'n'b and this album is among his best.
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Melbourne's always been musically interesting, but this new duo project from a Gorillaz / Genesis Owusu collaborator Mindy Meng Wang 王萌 with Sui Zhen is above and beyond. Sort of fourth world but more advanced (fifth world??), it's a really personal, precise and endlessly fascinating thing.
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Dunno how Jamal Moss does it so prolifically but consistently: an endless flow of machine funk like a jet of magma from the centre of the earth. Add Polish saxophonist Jerzy Maczynski to the mix making Universal Harmonies & Frequencies, and the results are overwhelmingly ecstatic.
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Holmer zooms into the essential something that links Mary Chain, Goldfrapp, Stereolab, Cocteaus and all their influences in turn... a kind of pure essence of motorik, psychedelic, magickal pop..... Such an instant, potent, pleasure-centres hit.
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Your favourite DJ's favourite DJ's favourite DJ Jerome Hill is also no shabby producer and every one of these eight tracks is the platonic ideal of a bleeping, clonking, tweaking, hot, sweaty, bassy dancefloor banger.
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Need a reminder that it hasn't all been done before in electronic music? TSVI got you covered: this is the FRESHEST gear, but never innovating for innovation's sake - always about emotions & composition first. Includes several Loraine James contributions too \(more to come from her....) ❤️
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The kind of drone music that can give you superpowers if you make space to really soak it in. Kali Malone x Lucy Railton x Stephen O'Malley = AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!
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The Magic Numbers pretty much passed me by, but this solo album from the band's Michele Stodart is the epitome of Soft Music For Hard Times, real quiet dignity stuff, beautiful subtlety to production/arrangment and just the kind of countrified songwriting I adore.
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A second one from Hive Mind, and another supermodernist feeling one - ultra sophisticated stuff from the Rio de Janeiro polymath Ricardo Dias Gomes: is it post-rock? Indietronica? Neotropicália? Yes/no/whatever... watch out there's a noisy surprise at the end!
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Is it me or is R&B / neo soul wayyyyy more experimental than hip hop at the moment? Like the Tinashe and Janelle albums, this is super short but WOW does Madison McFerrin pack a lot of innovation, emotion and just v.i.b.e.s. into its 27 minutes
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Very cleverly structured because it starts quite timid and slight, which it turns out is maybe expectation management? But Andre Three Stacks builds into something that demands repeat plays - and a megastar bringing Don Cherry meets Hiroshi Yoshimura vibes into the world?? It's not quite the masterpiece I'd hoped for but it is GREAT.
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The perfect (paradoxical?) combination of being absolutely true to the unchanging groove of Detroit, but also pushing it forwards sonically... DJ Bone STILL sounds like the future.
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A second appearance for the most fun abstract cellist out there, Lucy Railton - this record is really tricky, it feels different from different angles, keeps throwing surprises at you, the proverbial "a lot to unpack"... but it's GREAT.
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hinako omori somehow emerges from a wellspring circa 1979-81 when prog synth meandering was feeding into e.g. Kate Bush, Eurythmics, Japan, and then traces through that into 00s post trance pop but it doesn't sound retro? HOW?
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Another small but perfectly formed one. Amazing that Ultramarine's elegant, pastoral, ECM-ish house explorations are still so exploratory and moving after all these years - and they fit perfectly on the Blackford Hill label which had an extraordinary year too.
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In a year when not a lot of hip hop floated my boat, this was a glorious exception. Kind of odd it didn't get more hype really - Kaytra absolutely on top of his game, partnership with Aminé flows together just like their names, guest spots on point, vibes upon vibes upon vibes (instrumental version is great too!)
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David Harrow is the absolute epitome of real craftsmanship honed over years and years - and this album of dub and downtempo tracks with rich layering of singing modular synths is a really magical exercise in world-building.
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OK that's that for now, direct link to Part 2 here....
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oodlyenough · 9 months
for the fic ask game, 11, 26, 21?
11. What fic was the most satisfying to finish writing?
Well assuming I can finish it before the year's out it'll probably be this Lana/Mia fic, because both of them as characters and their relationship is a lot of ground-up work from minimal canon, and I think I've managed to pull out some interesting threads from it. One of my fave genres of fic to write has always been expanding on characters who only get touched on in canon and I'm finding it very satisfying with Lana and Mia. Also I wanted to write some f/f.
26. If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year?
I'm going to say when I was writing Batestian Mimicry, which was my first fic of 2023 and also first AA fic, specifically the point when I realized I could make the whole story work so much better if I made Edgeworth, like, 25% more of an asshole. Writing a new character/universe/ship is always a little intimidating and that felt like the moment Edgeworth, Phoenix and Narumitsu generally started to click for me.
21. Share your favorite piece of dialogue
HM I love writing dialogue so a tough call. Probably this bit from Room Service
“Your money?” says Phoenix, guilty for only as long as it takes to remember the kind of car Edgeworth drives. “Jeeze. Thought we were on Scotland Yard’s dime—or, uh, shilling, or whatever they have here. You know, part of the investigation.” “What investigation? You and Maya are no longer missing. In fact, you keep insisting you never were.” Okay, now Edgeworth sounds properly irritated. “You also keep insisting that your unwitting participation in a blacksite pharmaceutical experiment was ‘not that big a deal’, and that being drugged and kidnapped—” “Hold it.” Phoenix spins around, lifting his hand to cut off Edgeworth’s rant before it reaches escape velocity. “Let’s not throw around the K word, alright? I told you, it was all a… a misunderstanding. Besides, technically we signed a contract.” “A contract?!” If Edgeworth were a cartoon, Phoenix imagines steam would be whistling out of his ears. “You can’t—that’s not—” He cuts himself off, taking a theatrical deep breath as he pinches the bridge of his nose. “Wright, sometimes I think your law degree must be written in crayon.” “Nah. Fingerpaint.” 
This fic in general was super fun and it was nice to reach a point where they could bounce off each other comfortably.
Thank you!!
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lavientha · 2 years
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◇ ⸝⸝🍦⌇🪜 𖠗: Marthalia Bellamy ੈ♡˳
About me
My name is Marthalia Bellamy but you can just call me Thalia, Martha, or any nickname you’re comfortable with. I go by she/they as my pronouns. Worry not, I’m of age. My MBTI is INTP. I have two stelliums in my 10H and 6H, if it’s matter. Personally, I prefer not publicly any signs in my birth chart, but you can ask me directly about it if you want to.
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My interest
I put my interest on books, literature, TV shows, music, writings, and art.
For books, I prefer genre of fantasy, romance, horror, and mystery. Sometimes I read classic literature books also.
For TV shows, any genre is welcome. But, Fleabag, The Haunting of Hill House, and Gilmore Girls are my comfort TV shows so far.
For music, I don’t have specific genre, and I consider myself into any genre. But, if you’re wondering who I listen to most of the time, it would be Taylor Swift, Lana Del Rey, Summer Walker, Phoebe Bridgers, SZA, Bruno Mars, Frank Ocean, Green Day, and Muse. Also, I listen to K-Pop songs from BLACKPINK, Stray Kids, ITZY, STAYC, IVE, NMIXX, LE SSERAFIM, and NewJeans.
Before You Follow
My account contains self-talk or monologue, reading threads, my interest, and foul language or profanities. I tend to keep my account as small as I can, hence, I regularly do soft-block to break mutual if I start uncomfortable or just feel too crowded. So, keep that in mind, I do that for myself merely to keep my account as my safe place.
Do NOT Follow
I don’t have criteria for this one actually. But if you hate me in general and your tweets always hurt others’ feelings over harmless things, I will simply remove you from my followers list.
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vileintcnt · 10 months
muse masterlist
this is going to be a huge post I'll add to as muses change where I just have a little bit about each muse and a few very generic plot ideas/concepts I have for each one that can be tweaked/built upon. you'll find them under the cut! :)
cassidy bardot ; influencer, vixen, disloyal, party girl, obnoxious, bitchy -> meet her match, give me cat and mouse, give me 'try not to fall in love', give me dad's employee, give me older married men
blaire bardot ; ice skater, strong-minded, competitive, innocent -> give me hockey players(!!), give me 'highest bidder gets a date', give me rivalry, give me smug assholes who she'd HATE, give me enemies to lovers, give me competitors who set off her bicuriosity
nola dempsey ; erotic novelist, charismatic, assertive, aloof -> tbc.
lana gilbert ; supermodel, party girl, luxurious, spoilt, dinner parties, vacations in the hamptons -> give me wild rich people truth or dare, give me billionaire sugar daddies, give me mile high club, give me married men, give me country club employees
natalie abbot ; trophy wife, lonely, hopeless romantic, husband-loathing -> give me harrison/charlotte's friends hitting on her, give me her trying to find her youth in a nightclub and your muse hitting on her, give me flashback threads, give me gala events, give me cheating on her husband
luxe farrow ; scream queen, charismatic, quick-witted, ruthless -> give me on set sexual tension, give me casting call, give me celebrity couples, give me SECRET celebrity couples
remi windsor ; professional ballerina, calculated, competitive, bored easily, bratty, intelligent -> give me all the older men, exclusively, give me married husbands, give me professors, give me politicians, give me parents friends, give me creeps/stalkers
valentina ferreira ; socialite, bitch, manipulative, gaslighter, troublemaker -> give me like sorority girl hazing plots, give me secretly in love with her best friend, give me cocky frat bros, give me sk8r boy
vivian greer ; investigative journalist. hardheaded, defensive, determined -> tbc.
charlotte abbot ; debutante. ditsy, flirtatious, oblivious, materialistic -> I want older men taking advantage of how airhead she is oop, bimbofication, give me date auctions, give me metalhead boys who know how to F U C K lmfao
brandy vega ; magazine director. impatient, confident, forward, dominant -> gimme interns that are in love with her, give me affairs with younger men, give me flings abroad
sawyer devlin ; farmers daughter. naive, innocent, adventurous, bashful -> i want city boys/girls to turn her life inside out, i want sneaking off the farm to go to a dive bar and meet older men, i want farm hands/working tourists flirting with her and making her all blushy and nervous, i want priests testing her faith, i want cute slowburn with the muse who works the coffeeshop she visits when her and her dad run the farmers market
luz montoya ; influencer. flirtatious, wildchild, materialistic -> tbc.
billie buffet ; ranch hand. cocky, sarcastic, wild, hands-on, impatient -> city boys/girls who have no idea how to work on a ranch being teased by billie, billie taking them to the nearest dive bar, lets fuck in the back of this random guys pickup at the bar vibes, sneaking around on the ranch, come with me i know a spot vibes
margot fletcher ; guitarist. manipulative, dorky, sarcastic, stoner -> omg I want moms give me all of the moms, I want margot convincing mothers that they’re goddesses who should leave their husbands, give me doting fans that she can seduce, give me best friends that fall into margot’s arms when their boyfriends are mean
layla fontaine ; singer. sultry, mysterious, chic, inherently sad, flirtatious, wise -> give me older male music producers that she immediately falls in love with, give me older men she can call daddy and write songs about, give me rockstars she would have grown up listening to that she can do drugs with now she’s famous
bowie romero ; rockstars daughter. angry, party girl, defensive, toxic, hopeless romantic -> I want all of the toxic relationships, give me Bowie smashing plates above their head give me flirting with other people in front of each other to piss each other off, give me ripping the hair out of any girl who dares look at her partner, give me best friends who like to talk shit about boys and then go down on each other
dixie gallagher ; waitress/illustrator. sarcastic, melancholy, irritable -> tbc.
martha rossi ; groupie. obsessive, shy, virginal, adventurous, soft -> okay I rlly want rockstars taking advantage of this sweet thing, give me her being handed her first joint/line, give me why don’t you come join me on the tour bus vibes, give me secret relationships give me her being sheltered from the press and growing more and more confident
penelope quinn ; singer. wild, upfront, party girl, suggestive, daring -> i want her to ruin the lives of sweet sensitive muses, give me all of the innocence for her corruption, give me nervous babbling as she sits on their lap give me all of the shy innocent shit, like peaches WILL talk your muses through it
claudia jagger ; tattoo artist/succubus+vampire au. creepy, seductive, hyper-sexual, excitable -> give me everyone susceptible to falling in love with a woman who’s excited to kill you ❤️ like i want her biting thighs mid sex and exposing herself as a vampire meanwhile they just thought she was a lil weird, give me priests omggg, like literally her demonic ass swaying a priest from the church i live
vanessa guerra ; crime wife. passionate, deviant, glamorous, suggestive -> give me bodyguards, give me her husbands biggest rivals, let her light their cigars and perch on their laps, or even like rp as her husband just give me debauch and dangerous, i want her being shown how to fire a gun i want ‘baby he looked at me wrong. kill him.’ vibes
bunny brandt ; ghostface. calculated, mean, condescending, sarcastic -> give me camp slasher vibes, give me omg it looks like we’re the last ones alive that’s so crazy wanna make out and grope each other before i reveal i killed everyone, give me summers working in dingy amusement parks/arcades, give me girls so infatuated and scared that they wanna help bunny with her fucked up ghostface plans
candace jackson ; pageant queen. ditsy, religious, flirtatious, naive -> okay i want pageant judges i want slimy agents i want priests i want older men i want mechanics with dad bods and i want graphic beer bottle experiences and just filthy bimbofication slutty threads for her oop
sofia dewi ; professional thief. manipulative, possessive, cocky -> tbc.
min-jae 'MJ' choi ; professional thief. cunning, irascible, violent -> tbc.
duffy boone ; waitress. shy, inexperienced, wanting, daydreamer, sweet -> I want cute slowburn shit pls, sneaking around so her strict dad doesn’t find out, picking her up on a motorbike to take her on a date, giving her all her firsts, getting her high for the first time just idk cute shit pls ty
farrah stanley ; stripper. materialistic, confident, seductive, bratty, mischievous -> “sorry I don’t have any money, I’ll make it up to you!”, give me rich men coming to the strip club, give me unexpected romance with a best friend she always thought wasn’t interested but has secretly been jacking off to her like his whole life, give me sorry can I borrow your shower? just debauch porn plots basically, I want her to catch her best friends dad jacking it into her panties, or omg is that my friends dad on the other side of this glory hole?
agatha underwood ; bartender. blunt, cocky, manipulative, klepto -> I want someone to be the Clyde to her Bonnie, rob a bank with her, get a gun together and go full robbers music video style, give me planning out the theft in a shitty diner, give me being so in love that they’re willing to die for each other, give me seedy motels hiding out, but also give me the kind of arguing the devil would hide away from, give me accidentally killing someone and having to go on the run, give me disguises and stealing cars and just all that good shit yk?
cam fonseca ; DJ/videographer. anxious, stoner, inexperienced, awkward -> give me them trying to read whether or not someone’s flirting with them and being totally clueless, give me rich girls who are mean to them but secretly wanna be fucked by them, give me skater boy best friends who don’t know how to make the first move, give me lazily touching themselves while they watch a shit movie after getting high just because
tallulah gunn ; chef. snappy, sarcastic, teasing, career-driven -> yes chef kink confirmed give me chef sex, give me fucking in the alleyway behind the restaurant, give me her being desperately in love with her best friend and cooking him amazing meals and telling him he needs to take care of himself meanwhile she loves taking care of him and wants him to notice herrrr, give me her best friend catching her masturbating, give me her restaurant regular who always shows up after the restaurants closed so that she can cook him things off menu, give me her sucking her patisserie professors finger clean
cherilyn langley ; burlesque dancer. charming, excitable, cluttered, party girl -> being in love with the guy who works bar in the club she dances and neither of them knowing it yet, give me spontaneous date nights with tinder matches where she tries and fails to cook them a nice meal in her tiny apartment so they order pizza and sit on the roof give me cute shit give me omg fire fuck and being smitten with the man in uniform who shows up, give me locked out of her apartment and finally having to properly interact with the neighbour who always smiles at her in the elevator, but also give me best friends fucking around and finding out, give me playfights that result in her being spanked and liking it wayyy too much give me omg did you just send me a nude on accident I kind of love it, give me ugh I hate my situationship, should we just fuck?
presley alden ; horse rancher. stoner, opportunist, fun -> tbc.
lola calvo ; roller derby pro/film major. awkward, antisocial, competitive, mean -> give me hot roller skater girls who wanna break through her moody exterior, give me skater boys who would like to do the same, give me rivals in her film class where arguments turn to them kissing her and her being angry at first but then being totally into it, give me popular boy/girl being super into her and her thinking she doesn’t stand a chance
barbie kilpatrick ; fashion major. ditsy, stoner, materialistic, playful -> give me one night stands that turn into multiple night stands, give me fucking in a nightclub bathroom, give me cute alt boys she can steal weed from x give me her getting super angry at a boy she thinks has hurt her friend but it turns out to be his roommate/brother and he asks her on a date omg
eloise booth ; escort/psych major. seductive, materialistic, well travelled, smart, loyal -> give me in love with her professor, give me allllll of the sugar daddies, give me men who worship the ground she walks on and taking her to see the world and give me holiday romances
harrison abbot ; hotel heir. arrogant, obnoxious, entitled, lonely, charming -> give me tipsy kisses shared with his best friends girlfriend who he's in love with, give me Harrison drunk at your muses door feeling sorry for himself, give me rich socialites partying together and fucking in limousines, give me ways for him to show off his stupid wealth, give me pretend to be my girlfriend to appease my overbearing parents, give me sneaking around his hotel at night
fitz aldridge ; f1 driver. hyper-sexual, commitment phobic, suave, flirtatious, driven -> give me all the milfs, moms best friend, teachers, girlfriends mom, all those vibes, give me brothers girlfriend give me best friends girlfriend, like the vibes are definitely adultery, I want best friends that become sexual out of nowhere and then kind of dig it and make it a routine on their nights out until it gets uncomfortable, give me him fucking the sports reporters that interview him after a race
tobias penn ; music producer. romantic, passionate, sensitive, confident -> I want secret relationships and him getting frustrated that they have to keep it quiet because he naturally wants to show her off, give me musicians new to the industry that he helps produce but ultimately falls in love with, late nights in the studio, calling each other to discuss music all the time
ted buffet ; ranch owner. stern, grumpy, bossy, reserved, hard working -> hot girls working at his ranch that he can fuck pls, give me omg you've been teasing me for so long I'm going to fucking break and fuck the shit out of you if you don't quit it, give me him blowing off steam at a bar by fucking someone in the bathroom stalls, give me best friends daughter, give me shy sweet girls that he wants to protect but neither of them can help touching themselves while thinking of the other
waylon buffet ; ranch hand. adventurous, excitable, shy, sweet, golden retriever energy -> omg city girls, show him the world pls, drag him out of his comfort zone make him dance in a bar take his virginity get him love drunk okay I want him to be obsessed, I want him thinking your muse is going to take him to the big city, either city girls coming to the ranch to work or him getting an internship in some big firm where the bosses daughter makes his eyes pop out of his head because damn girls don't look like that back on the farm with their designer shoes and skimpy dresses
roman romero ; club owner. 'bad boy' prototype, sweet, passionate, hopeless romantic, loyal -> your muses dads will HATE him, him showing up out front on a motorbike, sneaking in through your muses window, I want virginal saints who he has to go slow with and they're so desperate for each other it hurts, give me pls just the tip baby I swear, whimpering when he sees her undress vibes, I want him to literally have no interest in anyone but her and protect her from everything, I want him to get extremely jealous of anyone who looks at her a certain way, I want him breaking someones arm for flirting with her, 'apologise to the pretty lady' vibes
ravi sidhu ; lit professor. reserved, romantic, intelligent -> tbc.
sid carpenter ; bassist. flirtatious, cocky, jealous, wild -> pls I want him to have fans that give him their panties and just completely throw themselves at him?? I want him getting public head at crazy industry parties and doing drugs off of titties, I also low-key want him dating a girl who’s just as iconic as he is?? bc pls like her getting him to wear her thong while he’s performing and having pink lace sit above leather trousers is low-key highkey sexy to me it’s very rock and roll coded okay
patrick spence ; drummer. awkward, charming, gangly, dorky, stoner -> okay same as deacon except when your muses throw themselves at him I want him blushing and geeking out, I want him to fall desperately in love with someone, I want like, him and a girl he has no romantic affiliation with watching a movie together that’s kinda sexy and then just mutually deciding they need to masturbate until did you just touch my leg?? leading to fucking each other basically, I want the hot girl at the video store he’s high key obsessed with showing up at one of his concerts and him just completely wilding, I want best friends younger sister I want popular girls who would never be caught dead with him
buzz underwood ; biker. unkind, aggressive, sleazy, offensive, dangerous -> ok but like cliche porn plots give me sons girlfriend stuck in a precarious position and him taking advantage, give me filthy things with beer bottles(oop) give me taking a girl for a ride on his bike and getting roadside head give me entitlement give me free use give me sharing her with his friends ok
connor hawthorne ; law student. psychotic, toxic, manipulative, gaslighter, emotionless, murderer/stalker -> I want toxic relationships for him, I want him to lose it a little whenever they argue I want him begging and desperate for her to come back to him when they break up I want obsession I want him to want to die for your muse but then in the same breath be like the biggest asshole to them ever all the time, I want overprotective toxic jealousy I want him to get slapped and get kinda hard over it 💀
wesley loomis ; ghostface. creepy, fucked up, 'tortured soul', shy without the mask, passionate, clumsy -> pls just give me lots of cliche ghost face plots, 90s/80s slasher vibes, summer camps, mega malls, give me muses that are kinda fucked up and find ghost face sexy oop, give me climbing in your muses window and sending them photos of Wes cutting off their panties
tanner copeland ; conman. sleazy, perverted, intimidating, smug, slick -> omg give me conman vs conwoman, he doesn't expect her to con him and then dip after they fuck so he makes it his life mission to find her and do the same but they start falling in love or in the process they accidentally kill someone and have to go on the run???? and all they do is bicker but then at night when your muse snuggles up to him, he kinda likes it
donovan o’toole ; corrupt priest/demon au. manipulative, charming, snake-tongued, actor, precise -> I'm thinking the most debauch things, spanking your muses clit with the cross , let him just manipulate your sweet muses okay like, convincing them it's okay to sin, bending them over the pews, but also like, your not so sweet muses trying to seduce him and him playing the tortured soul priest act and then all of a sudden switching on them and orgasm withdrawal and edging and rghfernjk yep, ALSO in the demon au, even more debauch and spooky!!
colt campbell ; mechanic. sleazy, perverted, gruff, solitary, self-serving -> give me sorry I can't pay vibes, give me sleazy dive bars, give me neighbours who wanna fuck him showing up on his doorstep asking for 'sugar', give me sitting on his lap while he plays poker with his friends and just like, domesticated vibes oop, but also 'guys you won't believe what a pretty pussy she's got, show my friends sweetheart'
cooper ashley ; porno director. professional sleaze, 'artist', charismatic, big daddy energy -> c a s t i n g c a l l, give me X vibes with crew members thinking they wanna be in the porno and Cooper indulging by showing them how, give me him making a girl a star in the porn industry but them being in love also???
beau ashley ; drug dealer. antisocial, smug, sarcastic, 'bad boy', I hate everything mindset -> waait ugh so like, his brother is Cooper, I'm seeing Cooper always having pornstars in the house and beau being disinterested in them because he's obsessed with this one sweet girl who works in like the local diner or something and they're super conscious because he's surrounded by supermodel level women all the time but he thinks she's the most beautiful girl he's ever seen????
tomas nunez ; investigative journalist/conspiracy theorist. curious, geeky, workaholic, nervous, cute -> give me fellow journalists going on like road trips to see all the alien hot spots and report on them but also like, falling in love??? slow burn, give me women who are forward and confident and him just turning into a babbling mess because he doesn't know how to talk to women, give me stupid cliche hunting big foot shit and like, also unlocking his freaky side in an abandoned asylum or something when your muse lies in the bed and he straps them in and immediately gets hard, but also OKAY IS THIS STUPID IDK, I kind of want him to fuck a hot alien babe, because like, him teaching them everything????? idk eep
michael ostreicher ; wannabe director. dorky, playful, golden retriever, horny -> give me roommates to lovers, give me milfs, give me I shouldn't be in love with you because you're my best friends gf, give me meet cute, give me meet ugly, give me slowburn, give me bridesmaids at a friends wedding??? give me threesomes
kenzo maeda ; videographer. awkward, stoner, weirdo energy, unrealistic -> literally just give me he was a skater boy she said see you later boy vibes, popular girls who act disgusted by him in public but love him in private, give me best friends who have a crush on him and he's oblivious maybe because he's smitten by some popular blonde who hates him and the tension of him finding out and then realising the girl of his dreams has always been thereeeee idk
frankie manetti ; chef. swears all the time, short fuse, rough sex, smokes like a chimney -> yes chef kink confirmed, I kinda love the idea of milfs eating at his restaurant and then wanting to 'pay compliments to the chef' while their husband is still at the table hitting on a waitress, I want him to have a strange relationship with one of the girls who works in the restaurant, maybe his girlfriend is the waitress but him and his chef colleague share way too many looks and tender moments but then the next minute he's swearing in their face telling them that what they've cooked isn't good enough, maybe they cry and he goes to console them and they kiss and then he goes home with his waitress gf and its just like ???
silas st.james ; travel blogger. laid back, adventurous, intelligent, easily smitten -> plsssss I'm just picturing solo travellers meeting him by chance and them travelling together, falling in love and him showing her the world, but also like, him taking work at a beach club or something to fund his travelling and meeting hot moms, I want like, idk the film but they decide to get off the train together?? idk those vibes okay
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whatsonmedia · 2 years
This week's 4 new Albums with User & Critic scores!
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There were a lot of music albums published this month by various artists, but these five albums were chosen because they are now at the top of the charts. WhatsOn editor Tama has selected the top albums, Listen to the songs from these albums and add them to your playlist. Taylor Swift's "Midnights": a sparkling return to pure pop The pop icon's eleventh album departs from her recent re-recording project and quiet lockdown compositions in favor of more upbeat, futuristic sounds. In a statement following the release of her tenth studio album, Taylor Swift said that "Midnights" contains "the story of 13 sleepless nights spread throughout my life." The release of this album, which is a collection of songs "composed in the middle of the night," was rather unexpected. Another original album seemed remote, especially following the publication of sister albums "Folklore" and "Evermore" in the midst of the pandemic. Taylor is currently in the process of re-recording her first six albums in order to reclaim ownership of her earlier efforts. https://youtu.be/Odh9ddPUkEY In the TikTok series "Midnights Mayhem with Me," where she broke down the album's track listing song by song, Swift also disclosed that Lana Del Rey would be making an appearance. Album "Midnights" got an 81% score from critics based on reviews and a 65% user score based on rating. https://open.spotify.com/album/151w1FgRZfnKZA9FEcg9Z3?si=2jPC2BWmRRmISZ6Upz-qYA The English band Arctic Monkeys makes a comeback with a daring, intricately arranged album chock full of intriguing love, desire, and doubt songs One of the biggest rock bands of the new millennium, Arctic Monkeys, is being transformed into a lovesick, dapper lounge act by the 36-year-old frontman. Following the career-reviving heights of 2013's AM, Turner turned inward and upward for 2018's Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino, obliquely revealing his fears and desires through the concept of an elaborate resort in space, watched over by Big Brother and populated by desperate ghouls dancing to the seductive notes of piano and synthesizers. Their sixth studio album, The Car, is full of diversions, nonsequiturs, and lost threads that are only held together by Turner's swaying vocal lines and an orchestra that is constantly on standby like a wind-up toy waiting to be stirred into life. The Car is an album about love, longing, and doubt, and the obfuscation supports its fundamental premise that the most basic truths are the most difficult to discover. However, like with its predecessor, the more time you spend in its maze, the more obvious its themes become. https://youtu.be/6zgEObNc_-k Album “The Car " got an 80% score from critics based on reviews and a 70% user score based on ratings. https://open.spotify.com/album/2GROf0WKoP5Er2M9RXVNNs?si=uyla-55eSz2KE7DEJlYQjw With "Hugo," Loyle Carner's third studio album, he makes a comeback Loyle Carner has just published his third album, Hugo, three years after the publication of his previous one, Not Waving But Drowning. The three singles that came before the album, "Hate," "Georgetown," and "Nobody Knows (Ladas Road)" have already been described as career highs, and the rest of the album has received almost universal praise from critics. Deeper analyses of his ongoing dyslexia and ADHD difficulties are among the themes of the album. He also continues to muse on what it means to be mixed race and how he sees society's struggles with race, Black Lives Matter, and police brutality through his own personal lens. https://youtu.be/kaDgT7w4dEg Album “The Car " got an 85% score from critics based on reviews and an 81% user score based on ratings. https://open.spotify.com/album/3McfY0EGNjsrVdYa9ZnoSH The London band Dry Cleaning expands on the caustic post-punk of its debut while experimenting with new sounds and moods, while Florence Shaw, known for her understated delivery, uncovers hitherto unheard details Even though the last three years have been terrible, what if your tortoise also escaped? Florence Shaw laments the loss of a beloved family pet on Dry Cleaning's new track, "Gary Ashby," as evocative guitar tramps and twirls like the animal itself trotting off. This band's debut album from the previous year was full of caustic, barbed-wire post-punk, so it's a goofy, sad-sweet curveball. Though it was written shortly after the release of New Long Leg, Stumpwork is a whole new world, vibrantly extending Dry Cleaning's basic sound. It alternately veers toward industrial noise or dream pop while also being post-punk; hardcore vandalized with Dadaist journal thoughts; frigid and brooding; lush; and friendly. https://youtu.be/PD3KhCTk4dU Album “Stumpwork " got an 84% score from critics based on reviews and a 72% user score based on ratings. https://open.spotify.com/album/64OXKq9VK1geZd3Q9OpoBO?si=J58u9yCqR0eGhOAllP5PZg Read the full article
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azaleapaths · 5 years
closed starter / @villanelleswrites​
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     lana is far too perky for a family reunion, but she can’t help it. with imogen by her side, she feels on top of the world. she could be accused of being obsessive and naive, but she just feels... happy. so happy. the smile on her face is infectious as she leads the two of them up the steps of her exorbitantly big childhood home. it looks the same as it always has, it’s been in the family for generations. it has enough rooms to double as a hotel and yet it’s only ever them. the kiryakov family are not the giving type. they take and take. they win. they win so much they can afford to lose. “everyone’s going to love you, i just know it.” with barely one knock on the big brass door knocker, she’s instantly greeted with the familiar face of leroy, their butler for as long as she could remember. “hi!” she greets him as she would a beloved uncle, grasping his hand as she turns to look at the blonde she’d momentarily left behind her. “leroy, this is imogen, she’s going to be staying with us while we’re here for dad’s party.” she informs him, giggling as she looks between them. he begins to ruminate on which room he’ll give her, but lana quickly interrupts. “don’t be ridiculous. she’ll sleep in my room.” despite how affectionate and kind she is with the man, it quickly becomes obvious that he’s below her when she dismisses him as quickly as she embraces him. ignoring him entirely now, she turns back to imogen and takes her hand. “can you imagine that? if i had to sneak you into my room like a teenager?” she scoffs, beginning to lead the way through the house. it takes not more than a couple minutes for the presence of another kiryakov to make itself known. damian struts down the hallway with a glass of scotch already in his hand, clearly having heard the high pitched tones of his younger sister’s voice. he doesn’t greet her, instead he waits for lana to notice him and she does so quickly. “dami!” she sounds a little childish, her voice filled with warmth as she wraps her arms around her brother. damian smiles at her, but his attention is quickly captured by the other woman in the room. “you brought a friend to this hell house?” 
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ramonahblog · 2 years
Spoilers for Season one and two of Superman and Lois (CW)
So Jon said that he wanted to be great at something like his family is why he took X-K.
So headcanon that while it was partially what he said, it was also the fact that Lois and Clark really fail at giving Jon ways to defend himself. But also seem to understand that Clark being Superman puts the family in danger. Like there’s this disconnect and they can’t connect the thread between “Clark being Superman puts the family in danger” and “Jon will be in danger because of this”.
The fact that there’s two seasons and I’m still not sure if Jon has his own ELT is horrifying. Also the fact that Lois sends Jon to be alone in his room when Jon-El first arrived. For the crime of snapping at Clark who left this active threat to protect a secret he ended up revealing anyway. 
I doubt the show’s going to do it - it seems firmly set in its “unless you’re Lana, powerless people are useless” narrative. But at this point, I want Jon to steal some more of John Henry Iron’s weapons. 
Or maybe Natalie gives him some. Pretty sure Natalie would be 100% on board with Jon having defensive weapons. 
Also I kinda really want a fic set between 1x08 and 1x09 where John Henry Irons discovers half his weapons is missing. Or did he just not realise they were missing? He seemed kinda shock when Jon returned them. Was he just shocked at the amount? 
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Text of tweet thread by Anthony DellaRosa @ifeelthewind, Jan 4th 2020 [cw: Contrapoints, transphobia, biphobia, doxxing, abuse, harassment, K*w*f*rms, etc. etc. etc. etc.]
Well, it's been a solid two days of waking fucking nightmares, and also the regular kind.
So, let's talk about it. Contra's got me actively fearing for myself, and also for my family (and here's how). Alternate title:
Contra told a *million* people that I "might be" a Nazi who's "just pretending to be trans."
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Now, keep in mind, Contra's a relatively wealthy woman with just over 800,000 YouTube subscribers and almost 11,000 paying patrons. Meanwhile, I have 662 Twitter followers and holes in my mouth where teeth used to be.
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Anyway, in her video, at 33:35, she quotes a series of three consecutive tweets of mine, starting here.
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So, um, I've actually had her blocked for a long, long time. Definitely at least a year. Maybe two.
So, the fact that she was able to see these tweets at all, to begin with, means that she was namesearching *around* my block, specifically trawling for content. Which is a hell of a thing.
Like, I blocked her because over the course of a couple years, her work became just incredibly fucking triggering for me. But she's so fucking omnipresent in pretty much *every* online trans space, it's basically impossible to fully escape her stuff. So, the block was there to give me at least *some* protection against being blindsided? For a while, I also actually muted her name.
But here we are.
Also, I feel like, after a certain point, she must have been watching *me*, very specifically, because, later in the video, she also quotes *this* tweet, which got literally *five* fucking retweets in its *entire* fucking lifetime, and also contains no big, hot, easily searchable keywords. 
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I mean, unless she was fucking sitting here, combing through literally *every single fucking mention* of "Olly" or "Philosophytube" or "trans people." Put a pin in that. Anyway, Contra reads my tweets about Buck Angel's famously petty, spiteful act of transphobic violence against Lana Wachowski, which, yes, could have *easily* gotten her killed, and argues that we shouldn't care. In fact, not only should we not care -- we shouldn't even check to see if it's true.
Because that "reminds" her of what "creepy stalkers who hate trans people do." You know, digging through the archives, looking for dirt. But let me remind you, Buck's comments exist in the media because he *sold them to the media*. He deliberately went on a fucking tear through the entire fucking tabloid circuit, eventually reaching as high as Rolling fucking Stone. He "exposed" Lana, very, very publicly, specifically to punish her. *Doing* that is apparently fine, whatever. Be a guest on my fucking YouTube show. Let me gush and gush and *gush* about your fucking "decades" of "good trans activism" (with absolutely no specifics). But *talking* about the actual, historical fact that he *did* do that, a simple acknowledgement of the fucking harm, is abusive and stalker-ish? I'm sorry, *how* did you get to my tweets again? So, immediately after featuring and responding to three of my tweets, she asks the audience,
"How can you tell the difference between a trans anarcho socialist with an anime avatar, and a Nazi *pretending* to be a trans anarcho socialist with an anime avatar?" "Well," she says, "you can't. Anonymous is anonymous is anonymous, whether it's on 4chan or Twitter."
And I'm honestly not sure she's still talking about me at this point? Because literally none of those things apply to me?
1) I don't specifically identify as an anarcho socialist. I don't specifically identify as *any* particular political micro label. I just don't really find it useful.
2) This account has *never* been anonymous. It has *always* had my name on it.
3) This is not an anime avatar. This is something I drew in, like, 2015, when I was playing around with a bunch of different brushes in FireAlpaca.
4) Although I don't use them as my avatar, I *have* posted selfies here.
5) If I *did* use them as my avatar, well, you didn't fucking censor anyone's avatars in this video. Not even the ones that actually *are* real people's actual photos. So, if my face *was* my avatar, you would have just shown my face to a *million* people and counting, *immediately* before saying I might be a Nazi *and* a fake trans person.
You want to talk about abusive, TERF-y tactics? How about that?
How about stalking the tweets of an autistic trans person with 600 followers, screencapping them out of context, broadcasting them to a literal fucking *million* a *million* of your own fucking fans, and telling them all that the autistic trans person is the "real" Nazi and also maybe not even really trans? How about fucking that? Like, I'm not sure if you *are* talking about me, because, factually, all of this is fucking bullshit. But it certainly *sounds* like you're talking about me.
'Cause you haven't changed gears at all. I'm still the last person you quoted, you're still in the same "bit," and you're still responding to the thing I brought up. Like, really, this has two potential outcomes.
a) People take what you're saying at absolute face value and cheer you on as you take down the faceless fake trans person you've turned me into, or
b) They Google the tweets you so, *so* helpfully provided the *full* fucking text for, find my actual Twitter page, and then, whoops, all of a sudden, I have Contra stans on my Twitter page.
Like, let me lay this out. Those tweets in the video have all been up for two months already. They've been up. They've been out there. They've been seen. They're old news, more or less. And, yes, when they were new, I got hate. Yes, I got abuse. Yes, I even got other big YouTubers, reactionary dipshits like Peter Coffin and shoe0nhead, "liking" posts that talked shit about me. (That's why I went ahead and blocked as many of Peter's followers as it would let me).
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But nothing like this.
I've been in protected mode for two days straight.
Nothing's ever done that before.
Nothing's ever been that bad.
Not till this.
Not till you.
Did being featured in Contra's video result in a noticeable uptick in abuse and harassment directed my way?
Unmistakably, yes.
And I was soon as I went protected on Twitter, it started flowing over into my Tumblr. And that put me in the position of wondering where it was going to stop. Were they going to get my phone number? My address? My work?
Fun thoughts.
Fun, fun things I have to live with now. She closes out this segment by telling me, or this hypothetical thing she's created adjacent to me,
"Shut up and go back to K*w*f*rms, where you belong."
Let me tell you.
I've never checked, because I know I wouldn't be able to handle if it I did, but I wouldn't be surprised if K*w*f*rms actually *had* a page about me.
I don't *know*. I don't *want* to know. But I wouldn't be super fucking surprised. [cw: suicide]
I'm autistic. I'm trans. I've always been *very* online, growing up, and for pretty much my entire fucking life (at least for the chunk of it that I can actually remember), I've had groups of people trying to goad me into suicide. I've seen whole fucking group chats where they fucking plan it.
So, yeah. I wouldn't be surprised. If I didn't have one before, I probably fucking do now. Oh, and then she notes,
"I'm saying this in the c*ntiest way. And they deserve it! They deserve the c*ntiness!" Gosh, I wonder why my DMs across two sites are full of abuse right now. Anyway, I can feel myself fading fast.
I might come back and talk about that Olly thing we put a pin in later.
Or I might just go on protected again.
We'll see how this shakes out. 
The fucking disgusting hypocrisy of Natalie Wynn of all people saying “Shut up and go back to K*w*f*rms, where you belong” when she by her own admission was raised on 4chan’s /lgbt/
As the linked facebook post summarizes:
“You want to talk about cancel culture and online mobs and disposability?Then let's talk about how ContraPoints just sicced days of harassment and stalking on a low profile trans person with no power, no money, no fame, and said something that will only certainly result in them getting a dedicated KiwiF page. She's going to get someone fucking killed (if she hasn't already)”
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gio-is-writing · 4 years
This came to my mind while listening to Lana Del Rey’s song + I cried while writing this, enjoy!
Pairing: Kakyoin Noriaki x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Character death, blood, deadly injuries, graphic description of said injuries, some real angsty stuff.
Summary: At the end, destiny decided they were born to die.
Born to Die
Feet don’t fail me now, take me to the finish line.
This wasn’t how things were supposed to go down.
It all happened in a flash, one moment they were face to face with Dio completely confident on their plan to defeat him and in the other they were sent flying and crashing into the building walls below them. Pain, nothing but pain.
Opening her eyes the only thing above were the stars, the night sky of the egypcian city of Cairo. How beautiful was the sky, so peaceful but at the same time so empty looking back at her, at her broken state. If only she could have the time to look at it for hours, a whole night just watching stars go by and disappear into the dark void.
With a groan she lifted her head up, where was Kakyoin? was he okay? but was met with a sight she never wanted to see in her short life, her lover crashed against a water tank; bleeding out.
As she tried to turn and stand up she felt sharp pain on her abdomen, it was so sharp and strong that she almost screamed in pain but no sound came out. Looking down she couldn’t believe her eyes. It was like her body was almost torn in two, a hole so big that she could almost see through with her eyes completely wide in shock but that didn’t last long, she had to get to him; she had to be with him.
Oh my heart it breaks every step that I take
She crawled with the remaing strenght she had, her life almost hanging from a thread but she would not give up, not now. He was so close, (Y/N) could see his pained expression and his chest taking his last breaths
Laying at his feet he noticed, (Y/N) was there just a few feet away. He had to tell her he finally figured it out, he knew about Dio’s ability to stop time.
“(Y-Y/N)” he barely mumbled “Time, he c-can stop... time”
The female teenager slumped besides his form, face to face with the redhead and it was like time was stopped once again. How she love his handsome face even if it was covered in blood and dirt, she was in love with him and the end was nearing.
But I'm hoping that the gates, they'll tell me that you're mine
“W-we have to let them know” he continued
“T-the clock”
“De-destroy the clock and... hope Mr. Jo-joestar under...stands.”
Their words were slurred and almost inaudible but there was no time to waste. Even if this was their last it had to be for the remaing crusaders to prevail and end Dio once and for all.
Both stands materialized in front of them but they were nothing like the strong and fast stands they knew, they were merely a shadow; a banishing light.
“My last esmerald splash”
Just as Hierophant Green gave its last signature move Queen threw her wand with all her energy left, both attacks hitting the ticking clock and destroying it.
Walking through the city streets, Is it by mistake or design?
This was it, the inevitable death.
They couldn’t say they didn’t expect it from the start of the journey but being in this position was so surreal. Not a sound was heard, the city completely silent on their ears.
“I’m s-scared Kakyoin”
He didn’t know how to respond, he was scared himself. They were only teenagers, they were supposed to be going to high school and perhaps little dates here and there but not them, not Kakyoin and (Y/N). Destiny had other plans for them since the beginning, aiding Jotaro and Mr. Joestar. They were born to die.
“I-“ words got stuck in his mouth, eyes filling with tears “I’m s-sorry”
I feel so alone on a Friday night, can you make it feel like home if I tell you you're mine?
Two teenagers on the verge of death, 9’565km away from home and their families. Laying on a rooftop surrounded by water and blood, their own blood and holding onto their last seconds.
Everything crumbeled down inside them, holding each other as if they would disappear into thin air; like they never existed. Their bodies giving up on them, failing and deteriorating in seconds before their own eyes.
“I love you (Y/N)”
Silence. A sob.
“I-I love you too, Kakyoin”
Just as their lips touched for the last time, everything went black.
It's like I told you, honey.
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aro-who-reads · 5 years
Beyond the aro and ace character database
Claudie Arseneault’s aro and ace character database is one of my favourite things on the internet, but since it hasn’t been updated for a while I thought I’d share my list of aspec characters from more recent books that aren’t on there. I’ve done my best to compile all the lists I could find. Although I am not ace and this really only an aro blog, I’ve included ace characters as well, because it’s hard to find lists that separate these. (And it may help those looking specifically for aro rep to know which of these may have ace rep and not aro rep.)
This isn’t a rec list; I’ve only read a few of these. This means I’m not sure all my information is correct, some books were really hard to find info on! (Please let me know if anything is incorrect, or if there’s anything you think I should add!)
I’ve also included upcoming releases, because why not? 
I’m sure I’ve missed stuff, I might update this at some point.
(List under the cut)
Beyond the Black Door - A. M. Strickland MC is ace, word used in blurb, there is a different word in-universe. MC is also biromantic and demiromantic, although this is less of a focus. Described in the book, confirmed by the author.
Six Angry Girls - Adrienne Kisner (forthcoming) A main character is ace
The Sound of Stars - Alechia Dow Includes a demisexual character
Rick - Alex Gino (forthcoming) MC is ace
Empire of Light - Alex Harrow Includes a demisexual character
Black Wings Beating - Alex London Includes aroace character
A Bad Deal for the Whole Galaxy - Alex White Character is described as aroace (words not used)
The Stars We Steal - Alexa Donne Includes a side asexual character
A Conspiracy of Truths - Alexandra Rowland MC is Word of God aro
Loveless - Alice Oseman (forthcoming) MC is aroace
The Lost Coast - Amy Rose Capetta One of the mains is greysexual
Once & Future - Amy Rose Capetta and Cori McCarthy One of the mains is ace (word used), probably a non-SAM ace
The Black Veins - Ashia Monet Aro, no romance
Liar’s Giude to the Night Sky - Brianna Shrum (forthcoming) Lead character is pan and aro
The Moore’s Academy for Extraordinary Beings - Brooklyn Ray (e.d) (forthcoming) Aro-based anthology
Full Disclose - Camryn Garrett MC’s best friend is an ace lesbian (word used)
If it Makes You Happy - Claire Kann (all) main character is in a queerplatonic relationship, her qpp is described to be aro (word not used)
Swithback - Danika Stone One of the mains is explicity aroace
Elatsoe - Darcie Little Badger (forthcoming) MC is ace
This Golden Flame - Emily Victoria (forthcoming) Includes an aroace character
No Frills - Erin Elizabeth Grammar (forthcoming) Has demisexual love interest, asexual friend
Belly Up - Eva Darrows main character’s best friend is grey ace (word used), love interest is demisexual (also word used) (both are alloro)
Now Entering Addamsville - Francesca Zappia Lead is ace
Moonshine - Jasmine Gower Secondary main character is alloaro, described but word not used
Dread Nation - Justina Ireland Character is suggested to be aroace
The Perfect Assassin - K A Doore Includes an asexual character
The Crow Rider - Kalyn Josephson (forthcoming) A side character is aroace
Castle of Lies - Kiersi Buckhart One of the main characters is described as demisexual (word not used). This is pretty much ignored in the second half of the book. (this one has low reviews, proceed with caution)
Camp - Lev A C Rosen (forthcoming) Includes an aroace side character and an ace lesbian character
Technically, You Started It - Lana Wood Johnson Includes a demisexual character
Doomed - Laura Pohl (forthcoming) Has an aroace main character
The Last 8 - Laura Pohl MC is bi and aro, described on page but word not used
Immoral Code - Lillian Clark One of the mains is aroace
Belle Revolte - Linsey Miller (forthcoming) Includes a bi ace character
Mask of Shadows - Linsey Miller Side character is alloaro, described but word not used
Hazel’s Theory of Evolution - Lisa Jenn Bigelow MC is aroace
Sorcery of Thorns - Margaret Rogerson Side character is aromantic, described but word not used
Tales of the Thread - Michelle Kan Short stories with aro characters
Archivist Wasp - Nicole Kornher-Stace Word of God aro. No romance
Who I Was With Her - Nita Tyndall (forthcoming) has an ace side character (word used) Hold - Rachel Davidson Leigh Main character’s best friend is (questioning) aroace, words used
Tarnished are the Stars - Rosiee Thor One of the main characters is explicitly aroace
The State of Us - Shaun David Hutchinson (forthcoming) Includes a demisexual character
The Ninth Life - Taylor B Barton (forthcoming) Includes a demisexual character
Shadows You Left - Taylor Brooke and Jude Sierra Includes a demiromantic character
Scavage the Stars - Tara Sim (forthcoming) Inclues a demisexual character
Common Bonds - various authors (forthcoming) Aro anthology!
Their Troublesome Crush - Xan West Includes a demiromantic character
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thatesqcrush · 5 years
I have to ask you 13, what music do you listen to when you’re writing fics! Your “Bad Guy” Nevada piece was amazing! Every time I hear that song, I think of that piece.
“Bad Guy” was very much inspired by the Billie Eilih song of the same name. I literally played it on a loop while I wrote that fic. Nevada pieces are very much inspired by Lana del Ray (Video Games, Off to the Races, Blue Jeans), Banks (Beggin for Thread), Gabrielle Cilmi (Sweet About Me).
Currently, Mr. In Between is driven by Tove Lo (Habits - Stay High), K. Fly (Giver), Shaed (Trampoline), St. Vincent (New York) & Feist (Undiscovered First).
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edsonlnoe · 6 years
MG Awards 2018 | Nominaciones
Tumblr media
Película Avengers: Infinity War Call Me By Your Name The Florida Project Hereditary Roma Sueño En Otro Idioma Director Ari Aster | Hereditary Sean Baker | The Florida Project Ernesto Contreras | Sueño En Otro Idioma Alfonso Cuarón | Roma Cristina Gallego, Ciro Guerra | Pájaros de Verano Luca Guadagnino | Call Me By Your Name Actriz Yalitza Aparicio | Roma Toni Collette | Hereditary Maggie Gyllenhaal | The Kindergarten Teacher Sally Hawkins | The Shape of Water Saoirse Ronan | Lady Bird Charlize Theron | Tully Actor Timothée Chalamet | Call Me By Your Name Tom Cruise | Mission: Impossible - Fallout Daniel Day-Lewis | Phantom Thread Colin Farrell | The Killing of a Sacred Deer Brady Jandreau | The Rider Joaquin Phoenix | You Were Never Really Here Actriz de Reparto Hong Chau | Downsizing Mackenzie Davis | Tully Marina de Tavira | Roma Danai Gurira | Black Panther Nicole Kidman | The Killing of a Sacred Deer Laurie Metcalf | Lady Bird Actor de Reparto Josh Brolin | Avengers: Infinity War Willem Dafoe | The Florida Project Armie Hammer | Call Me By Your Name Michael B. Jordan | Black Panther Michael Stuhlbarg | Call Me By Your Name Alex Wolff | Hereditary Guión Original The Killing of a Sacred Deer Lady Bird Pájaros de Verano Roma Sueño En Otro Idioma Tully Guión Adaptado Call Me By Your Name Disobedience Leave No Trace Widows You Were Never Really Here Zama Edición Avengers: Infinity War Call Me By Your Name The Florida Project Mission: Impossible - Fallout Roma Searching Fotografía Call Me By Your Name The Florida Project The Killing of a Sacred Deer Pájaros de Verano Roma Sueño En Otro Idioma Diseño de Producción Black Panther Call Me By Your Name Crazy Rich Asians First Man Roma The Shape of Water Diseño de Vestuario Black Panther Call Me By Your Name Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindewald Pájaros de Verano Phantom Thread The Shape of Water Make-Up & Hairstyling Black Panther Bohemian Rhapsody The Nutcracker and the Four Realms Ocean’s 8 Pájaros de Verano The Shape of Water Efectos Visuales / Especiales Avengers: Infinity War Bumblebee Christopher Robin First Man Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Mission: Impossible - Fallout Edición de Sonido Annihilation First Man Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Mission: Impossible - Fallout Roma Sueño En Otro Idioma Mezcla de Sonido Avengers: Infinity War Black Panther First Man Incredibles 2 Mission: Impossible - Fallout Roma Score Bird Box First Man Hereditary Isle of Dogs Phantom Thread You Were Never Really Here Soundtrack Black Panther Bohemian Rhapsody Bumblebee Call Me By Your Name Love, Simon Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Canción “Alfie’s Song (Not So Typical Love Song)” — Bleachers | Love, Simon “All the Stars” — Kendrick Lamar, SZA | Black Panther “Back to Life” — Hailee Steinfeld | Bumblebee “Canción Zikril” — Denise Gutiérrez | Sueño En Otro Idioma “Home” — Vince Staples | Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse “Mystery of Love” — Sufjan Stevens | Call Me By Your Name “Run For Your Life” — K.Flay | Tomb Raider “Visions of Gideon” — Sufjan Stevens | Call Me By Your Name Poster Bumblebee Call Me By Your Name The Florida Project Isle of Dogs Pájaros de Verano Roma Trailer Black Panther Hereditary Incredibles 2 The Killing of a Sacred Deer Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Tomb Raider Diseño de Créditos Annihilation Call Me By Your Name Isle of Dogs Rings Roma Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Película Animada Ana y Bruno The Breadwinner Incredibles 2 Isle of Dogs Ralph Breaks the Internet Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Off-Screen Performance Josh Brolin | Avengers: Infinity War Bryan Cranston | Isle of Dogs Jim Cummings | Christopher Robin Jake Johnson | Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Shameik Moore | Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Ben Whishaw | Paddington 2 Non-Anglo Performance Paula Beer | Frantz Hong Chau | Downsizing Diane Kruger | Aus dem Nichts Daniel Giménez Cacho | Zama Carmiña Martínez | Pájaros de Verano Daniela Vega | Una Mujer Fantástica Performance Mexicano Leonardo Alonso | El Vigilante Yalitza Aparicio | Roma Adriana Barraza | Todo lo Demás Karina Gidi | Los Adioses Eligio Mélendez | Sueño En Otro Idioma Luis Gerardo Méndez | Tiempo Compartido Featured Actor Dianna Agron | Novitiate Ann Dowd | Hereditary Jorge Antonio Guerrero | Roma Keiynan Lonsdale | Love, Simon Mónica Miguel | Sueño En Otro Idioma Sarah Paulson | Bird Box Stunts Avengers: Infinity War Black Panther Maze Runner: The Death Cure Mission: Impossible - Fallout Papillon Tomb Raider Breakthrough Actriz Yalitza Aparicio | Roma Hong Chau | Downsizing Lana Condor | To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before Cynthia Erivo | Widows Esther Garrel | Call Me By Your Name Thomasin McKenzie | Leave No Trace Margaret Qualley | Novitiate Brooklynn Prince | The Florida Project Breakthrough Actor Noah Centineo | To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before Timothée Chalamet | Call Me By Your Name Juan Pablo de Santiago | Sueño En Otro Idioma Harris Dickinson | Beach Rats Daveed Diggs | Blindspotting Brady Jandreau | The Rider Hoze Meléndez | Sueño En Otro Idioma Alex Wolff | Hereditary Rising Filmmaker Ari Aster | Hereditary Maggie Betts | Novitiate Aneesh Chaganty | Searching Sara Colangelo | The Kindergarten Teacher Greta Gerwig | Lady Bird Carlos López Estrada | Blindspotting Diego Ros | El Vigilante Chloé Zhao | The Rider Ensamble Avengers: Infinity War | Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Holland, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany, Chadwick Boseman, Danai Gurira, Letitia Wright, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Don Cheadle, Gwyneth Paltrow, Benedict Wong, Tom Hiddleston, Peter Dinklage, Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Pom Klementieff, Bradley Cooper, Karen Gillian, Zoe Saldana, y Josh Brolin Black Panther | Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan, Danai Gurira, Lupita Nyong'o, Letitia Wright, Martin Freeman, Andy Serkis, Daniel Kaluuya, Winston Duke, Sterling K. Brown, Forest Whitaker, y Angela Bassett Call Me By Your Name | Timothée Chalamet, Armie Hammer, Michael Stuhlbarg, Amira Casar, Esther Garrel, Victoire Du Bois, Vanda Capriolo, Peter Spears, y André Aciman Mission: Impossible - Fallout | Tom Cruise, Henry Cavill, Rebecca Ferguson, Michelle Monaghan, Ving Rhames, Simon Pegg, Sean Harris, Vanessa Kirby, Wes Bentley, Frederick Schmidt, Alec Baldwin, y Angela Bassett Roma | Yalitza Aparicio, Marina de Tavira, Diego Cortina Autrey, Carlos Peralta, Daniela Demesa, Marco Graf, Fernando Grediaga, Nancy García García, Jorge Antonio Guerrero, Víctor Manuel Reséndez, y Verónica García Sueño En Otro Idioma | Eligio Meléndez, José Manuel Poncelis, Hoze Meléndez, Juan Pablo de Santiago, Fernando Álvarez Rebeil, Fátima Molina, Nicolasa Ortíz Monasterio, Norma Angélica, y Mónica Miguel Escena Battle On Titan | Avengers: Infinity War The Speech | Call Me By Your Name The Accident | Hereditary Ferris Wheel | Love, Simon Halo Jump | Mission: Impossible - Fallout Nacimiento | Roma Blockbuster Avengers: Infinity War Black Panther Bumblebee Crazy Rich Asians Mission: Impossible - Fallout A Quiet Place Non-Theatrical Release Annihilation Bird Box Leave No Trace Novitiate The Rider To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before Documental Hasta los Dientes Human Flow Jane No Intenso Agora Notes On Blindness Visages Villages Película Mexicana La Negrada Nuestro Tiempo La Región Salvaje Roma Sueño En Otro Idioma El Vigilante Película Iberoamericana Acusada El Ciudadano Ilustre La Noche de 12 Años Pájaros de Verano Una Mujer Fantástica Zama Circuito Independiente Disobedience The Florida Project I Am Not A Witch Pájaros de Verano La Región Salvaje Roma
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jaceyourself · 6 years
End of Year Wrap-Up 24/12/2018
Happy Merry to all you readers!
I’ve had a great year but all us music fans have had an even better one! Streaming services mean that now more than ever we can experience the musical output from all corners of the globe (though overwhelmingly the English-speaking parts of it) to understand different points of view, learn of the goings on in other parts of the world and most importantly indulge ourselves in a bit of a boogie. All the moods, genres and feels you could think of are out there, so over the holiday period perhaps try and listen to something new. Who knows it might break the tension with that younger/older relative round the xmas table when you find they also happen to like k-pop/jazz-funk/grindcore or at the very least you can bicker about the tragedy of the current album charts (Greatest Showman: 21 weeks!). To aid you in your quest for knowledge/excitement/small-talk I have spent almost 30 minutes curating a best-of for both albums and singles in the year of 2018. 
(NB even with my album-a-day policy, there’s no way I can get through everything I want to within the 365, so if your fave appears ignored, let it be known that I probably haven’t heard it yet. The full list of everything I’ve listened to this year is at the bottom)
So in no particular order:
Jinx Lennon- Grow A Pair!!!
The Beths- Future Me Hates Me
The Pistol Annies- Interstate Gospel
Travis Scott- ASTROWORLD
Mount Eerie- Now Only
Cardi B- Invasion of Privacy
The 1975- A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships
The Aces- When My Heart Felt Volcanic
Confidence Man- Out The Window
Cardi B- I Like It
Janelle Monae ft. Grimes- Pynk
Lori McKenna- People Get Old
SOPHIE- Immaterial
Marie Davidson- Work It
Car Seat Headrest- Stop Smoking (We Love You)
The 1975- It’s Not Living (If It’s Not With You)
Have a great festive period and I’ll see you in 2019 :D
2018 Albums what I listened to
Floating Points- Reflections – Mojave Desert
James Elkington- Wintres Woma
Miguel- War & Leisure
Ride- Weather Diaries
Sidney Gish- No Dogs Allowed
Emperor X- The Orlando Sentinel, Oversleepers International
Broken Social Scene- Hug of Thunder
MC5- Kick Out The Jams (Live)
Public Service Broadcasting- Every Valley
JJ Doom- Key to the Kuffs
HAIM- Something To Tell You
Camila Cabello- Camila
Sheer Mag- Need To Feel Your Love
Taylor Swift- reputation
Shabazz Palaces- Quazarz vs The Jealous Machines
This Is The Kit- Moonshine Freeze
Japanese Breakfast- Soft Sounds From Another Planet
Tune-Yards- I can feel you creep into my private life
Jupiter & Okwess- Kin Sonic
Various Artists- The Passion Of Charlie Parker
Waxahatchee- Out In The Storm, Great Thunder
Offa Rex- The Queen Of Hearts
Dizzee Rascal- Raskit
Alvvays- Antisocialites
Childhood- Universal High
Marmozets- Knowing What You Know Now
Declan McKenna- What Do You Think About the Car?
Paul Heaton- Crooked Calypso
Lana Del Rey- Lust For Life
Charles Lloyd New Quartet- Passin’ Thru (Live)
Rip Rig & Panic- Circa Rip Rig + Panic
Avey Tare- Eucalyptus
Justin Timberlake- Man Of The Woods
Rio Mira- Marimba del Pacifico
Oddisee- The Iceberg
Aimee Mann- Mental Illness
Katie Von Schleicher- Shitty Hits
Arcade Fire- Everything Now
Girl Ray- Earl Grey
Ezra Furman- Transangelic Exodus
Randy Newman- Dark Matter
Dead Cross- Dead Cross
Chronixx- Chronology
Mondo Cozmo- Plastic Soul
Kesha- Rainbow
Lal & Mike Waterson- Bright Phoebus
Steve Reich- Pulse / Quartet
Orchestra Baobab- Tribute to Ndiouga Dieng
Ratboy- SCUM
Prince- Dirty Mind, Controversy, 1999, Purple Rain, Parade, Sign ‘O’ The Times
Stanley Cowell- No Illusions
Oneohtrix Point Never- Good Time Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Downtown Boys- Cost Of Living
Screaming Females- All At Once
Rob Luft- Riser
Sibusile Xaba- Open Letter To Adoniah
Jen Cloher- Jen Cloher
Everything Everything- Fever Dream
Grizzly Bear- Painted Ruins
Bob’s Burgers- The Bob’s Burgers Music Album
Superorganism- Superorganism
Maren Morris- HERO
Courtney Marie Andrews- Honest Life, May Your Kindness Remain
Stefflon Don- Real Ting Mixtape
Ghostpoet- Dark Days + Canapés
Young Fathers- White Men Are Black Men Too, Cocoa Sugar
Queens Of The Stone Age- Songs For The Deaf
Thurst- Cut to the Chafe
John Moreland- Big Bad Luv
Aruan Ortiz- Cub(an)ism [Piano Solo]
Mount Eerie- Now Only
The War On Drugs- A Deeper Understanding
Various Artists- Pop Makossa
Liane Carroll- The Right to Love
Fickle Friends- You Are Someone Else
Nadine Shah- Holiday Destination
Various Artists- Howsla
George Ezra- Staying at Tamara’s
The Doors- The Doors
Filthy Friends- Invitation
Susanne Sundfør- Music For People In Trouble
LCD Soundsystem- LCD Soundsystem, Sound of Silver, American Dream
Mogwai- Every Country’s Sun
Kacey Musgraves- Golden Hour
The National- High Violet, Sleep Well Beast
The Klezmatics- Wonder Wheel
Hercules & Love Affair- Omnion
Mount Kimbie- Love What Survives
The Aces- When My Heart Felt Volcanic
Matthew Bourne- Isotach
Finished- Cum Inside Me Bro
Forced Into Femininity- I’m Making Progress
Heron Oblivion- Heron Oblivion
Hamell On Trial- TACKLE BOX
Confidence Man- Confident Music For Confident People
Swet Shop Boys- Cashmere
Princess Nokia- 1992 Deluxe, A Girl Cried Red
Steely Dan- The Royal Scam, Aja
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard- Nonagon Infinity
Sparks- Hippopotamus
J. Cole- KOD
Fat Tony- Macgregor Park
L’Orange and Jeremiah Jae- The Night Took Us In Like Family
Little Simz- Stillness In Wonderland
Lady Leshurr- Queen’s Speech
Brand New- Science Fiction
Janelle Monae- Dirty Computer
Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever- Talk Tight
Fred Thomas- Changer
Myra Davies- Sirens
Laraaji- Sun Gong
The Killers- Wonderful Wonderful
Descendents- Milo Goes To College
Frank Turner- Be More Kind
The Horrors- V
Moses Sumney- Aromanticism
Arctic Monkeys- Whatever People…, AM, Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino
Oxbow- Thin Black Duke
Dee Byrne’s Entropi- Moment Frozen
Mike Stern- Trip
The Vampires- The Vampires Meet Lionel Loueke
Gogol Bordello- Gypsy Punks: Underdog World Strike, Super Taranta!, Seekers And Finders
Umphrey’s McGee- Zonkey
Hard Working Americans- We’re All in This Together
Courtney Barnett- Tell Me How You Really Feel
Jllin- Black Origami
Various Artists- Rough Guide to the Music of West Africa
Wolf Alice- Visions Of A Life
The Young’uns- Strangers
Fever Ray- Fever Ray, Plunge
CHVRCHES- Love Is Dead
Oumou Sangaré- Oumou, Mogoya
Charlotte Gainsbourg- Rest
Daniel Avery- Song For Alpha
Daphni- Joli Mai
Kanye West- ye
Cécile McLorin Salvant- Dreams and Daggers
Trio Da Kali, Kronos Quartet- Ladilikan
Kelela- Take Me Apart
Bob Dylan- The Times.., Another.., Bringing.., Highway.., Blond.., John.., Nashville.., New.., Blood..
Lily Allen- Alright(,) Still, It’s Not Me(,) It’s You, Sheezus, No Shame
Fanfare Ciocarlia- 20
Wolf Parade- Cry Cry Cry
Zara McFarlane- Arise
Margo Price- All American Made
Bebe Rexha- Expectations
Motörhead- Under Cöver
Orchestre Les Mangelepa- Last Band Standing
Drake- Scorpion
Various Artists- Gentle Giants: The Songs Of Don Williams
Noga Erez- Off The Radar
Baxter Dury- Prince of Tears
John Maus- Screen Memories
Lankum- Between the Earth and Sky
Shamir- Revelations
Years & Years- Palo Santo
Converge- The Dusk In Us
Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino- Canzoniere
Fred Hersch- Open Book
A. Savage- Thawing Dawn
Big Thief- Capacity
Kelly Clarkson- Meaning Of Life
Dirty Projectors- Lamp Lit Prose
Robt Sarazin Blake- Recitative
Shed Seven- Instant Pleasures
Spinning Coin- Permo
Call Super- Arpo
Laura Perrudin- Poisons & antidotes
Ellen Andrea Wang- Blank Out
Lori McKenna- The Tree
Wu-Tang Clan- Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
Lee Ronaldo- Electric Trim
Deer Tick- Vol. 2
The Paranoid Style- Underworld U.S.A.
Youssou N’Dour- Set, Joko- From Village To Town, Nothing’s In Vain, Seeni Valeurs
Kasai Allstars- Around Felicite
Carly Rae Jepsen- Emotion
Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds- Who Built The Moon?
Anna Ternheim- All the Way to Rio
U2- Songs of Experience
Mônica Vasconcelos- The São Paulo Tapes
Travis Scott- ASTROWORLD
Nabihah Iqbal- Weighing of the Heart
Van Morrison- Versatile
Jim James- Tribute to 2
Criolo- Espiral de Ilusão
Maciej Obara Quartet- Unloved
The Beths- Future Me Hates Me
Maryam Saleh- Lekhfa
Naomi Bedford- Songs My Ruiner Gave to Me
Jens Lekman- Night Over Kortedala
The Spirit of the Beehive- pleasure suck
Tom Rogerson- Finding Shore
Paul Jacobs- Pictures(,) Movies and Apartments
Ariana Grande- sweetener
Rina Sawayama- RINA
Marcel Khalife- Andalusia of Love
Gunter Hampel- Bounce (Live at Theater Gütersloh)
BAYNK- Someone’s EP
Omar Souleyman- To Syria(,) With Love
Blood Orange- Negro Swan
Open Mike Eagle- Brick Body Kids Still Daydream
First Aid Kit- Ruins
Shame- Songs of Praise
Homeboy Sandman- Veins
Playboi Carti- Playboi Carti
Eminem- Kamikaze
Troye Sivan- Blue Neighbourhood, BLOOM
Priests- Nothing Feels Natural
Rhiannon Giddens- Freedom Highway
King Krule- The OOZ
Django Django- Marble Skies
Bon Iver- For Emma(,) Forever Ago
Calexico- The Thread That Keeps Us
Mary Gauthier- Rifles & Rosary Beads
Hookworms- Microshift
Aphex Twin- Collapse EP
Rae Morris- Someone Out There
Field Music- Open Here
Rhye- Blood
Shopping- The Official Body
MGMT- Little Dark Age
Christine and the Queens- Chris
Alela Diane- Cusp
Sonic Youth- Sister
Brigid Mae Power- The Two Worlds
Deafheaven- Sunbather
Various Artists- American Epic: The Collection Disc 1, 2, 3
Rich Krueger- Life Ain’t That Long
Lil Wayne- Tha Carter V
Modern Mal- The Misanthrope Family Album
Rejjie Snow- Dear Annie
U.S. Girls- In a Poem Unlimited
The Orielles- Silver Dollar Moment
Tal National- Tantabara
Marie Davidson- Working Class Woman
Superchunk- What a Time to Be Alive
Brandi Carlile- By The Way(,) I Forgive You
Car Seat Headrest- Twin Fantasy
Loma- Loma
Marlon Williams- Make Way For Love
Nipsey Hussle- Victory Lap
Insecure Men- Insecure Men
Kendrick Lamar- Black Panther
Rapsody- Lalia’s Wisdom
Khalid- Suncity
Tracey Thorn- Record
Anna von Hausswolff- Dead Magic
Jinx Lennon- Grow a Pair!!!
Gwenno- Le Kov
Judas Priest- Stained Class, FIREPOWER
Robyn- Robyn, Body Talk, Honey
The Magic Gang- The Magic Gang
Essaie Pas- New Path
Bob Dylan and The Band- The Basement Tapes
The Decemberists- I’ll Be Your Girl
Pistol Annies- Interstate Gospel
BCUC- Emakhosini (Bantu Continua Uhuru Consciousness)
Jack White- Boarding House Reach
Yo La Tengo- There’s A Riot Going On
Sidi Touré- Toubalbero
Lil Peep- Come Over When You’re Sober(,) Pt. 2
The Breeders- All Nerve
The Vaccines- Combat Sports
CZARFACE- Czarface Meets Metal Face
Laurence Pike- Distant Early Warning
Chopteeth Afrofunk Big Band- Bone Reader
Leo Kalyan- The Edge
Hayley Kyoko- Expectations
Tristen- Sneaker Waves
Thelonious Monk- Les Liaisons Dangereuses
Brad Mehldau & Mark Guiliana- Mehliana: Taming The Dragon
Amy Rigby- Til The Wheels Fall Off, Little Fugitive, The Old Guys
Rose Cousins- Natural Conclusion
Nora Jane Struthers- Champion
Lilly Hiatt- Trinity Lane
The Rolling Stones- The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones No. 2, Out of Our Heads, Aftermath
MAST- Thelonious Sphere Monk
The 1975- A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships
Jhene Aiko- Trip
Don Bryant- Don’t Give up on Love
EMA- Exile in the Outer Ring
Small Believer- Anna Tivel
Vera Sola- Shades
Cardi B- Invasion of Privacy
Darkthrone- A Blaze in the Northern Sky
Sarah Shook & the Disarmers- Years
Goat Girl- Goat Girl
Unknown Mortal Orchestra- Sex & Food
Alasdair Roberts, Amble Scuse & David McGuiness- What News
Kali Uchis- Isolation
Wye Oak- The Louder I Call, the Faster It Runs
Migos- Culture II
Hinds- I Don’t Run
DRINKS- Hippo Lite
Alexis Taylor- Beautiful Thing
Jenny Wilson- EXORCISM
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fidusinhomine · 6 years
Whenever I think about my thread with @spider-with-a-suit all I can think of is when Lanas gonna make peter L I C C A R O C K
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