#kakyoin imagine
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Oiee! Eu gostaria de fazer um pedido de um cenário na parte 3, onde a leitora defende o kakyoin (e se der, ajuda a provar que ele estava certo) no episódio do stand da morte 13.
Eu nunca vi ninguém escrever nada sobre isso, e acho muita sacanagem que os crusaders tiraram o coitado do kakyoin de doido antes de tentar acreditar nele :(
Adoro o seu blog! Tenha um ótimo dia/noite ^3^
Olá!! Como você está? Eu espero que bem!💕 Muito obrigada pelo request, eu realmente achei ele incrível e gostaria de tê-lo escrito antes, mas a falta de inspiração ainda me assombrava���� Mas finalmente consegui fazê-la!! Espero muito que gostem e tenham uma boa leitura!!
Wildest Dreams
Noriaki Kakyoin x Leitora
Observo de longe com um olhar tranquilo o sr. Joestar conversando com o homem na qual havia lhe vendido um avião para que pudéssemos continuar a nossa viagem com destino para Cairo. Sorri assim que notei Polnareff retornar ao lado de Kakyoin, mas meu semblante se fechou quando vi que o ruivo parecia pensativo com alguma coisa.
– Kakyoin, está tudo bem? - Perguntei enquanto me aproximo dele e coloco minha mão amigavelmente no braço dele. Não pude deixar de notar o sorriso grande de Polnareff e de como ele saiu na direção de Jotaro e Joseph, parecendo querer deixar Kakyoin e eu sozinhos.
– Eu estou bem… Só acho que tive um pesadelo. - Ele disse enquanto olha levemente atordoado para trás e eu sigo o olhar dele, vendo apenas um garotinho chorando por algum motivo que desconheço.
– Caso você queira contar sobre ele, eu estarei aqui para ouvi-lo sempre. - Digo com um tom gentil e amigável em minha voz enquanto ainda o encaro.
– Eu agradeço S/n, mas infelizmente não consigo me lembrar do sonho… No entanto, se eu lembrar eu com certeza o farei.
Ele deu uma pequena carícia na minha cabeça e sorrimos um para o outro antes de caminharmos até onde o grupo está. Joseph continua a discutir com o vendedor do avião, que explicou que não poderia entregar o veículo hoje por conta de um bebê que estava doente, mas uma senhorinha que acredito ser a mãe do bebê, deu a ideia de levarmos ele junto conosco. E depois de muita conversa, resolvemos levá-lo.
– Ah… Gente, eu vou caber aí? - Pergunto enquanto vejo Kakyoin e Polnareff nos bancos de trás do avião, e como eles eram grandes, acabou não sobrando muito espaço pra mim.
– Não tem nenhum problema, S/n! Você pode ir no colo do Kakyoin. - Polnareff me olhou com um sorriso malicioso e meu rosto ficou mais vermelho que o cabelo do Kakyoin, que está tão corado quanto eu. Ouvi uma risadinha do Joseph e vi Jotaro escondendo o rosto com a aba do boné, mas fui capaz de ver rapidamente o sorrisinho dele.
– Polnareff… - Murmuro o nome dele em um tom de ameaça e invoco o meu stand que parecia estar prestes a dar uma surra no francês, que ficou assustado ao perceber isso.
– E-Ei, calma minha querida e maravilhosa S/n! É apenas uma brincadeira!! - Ele colocou as duas mãos na frente do corpo, como se estivesse se rendendo.
– Acho bom.
Digo enquanto me acalmo um pouco e entro no avião, me espremendo para ficar entre Polnareff e Kakyoin e com a cesta do bebê no meu colo.
Enquanto Joseph pilota o avião, eu comecei a observar aquele bebê, e minha intuição estava gritando que havia algo de errado… Balancei um pouco minha cabeça para os lados enquanto penso: “Não seja boba, S/n S/s! Ele é apenas um bebê!”. Mas para ser sincera, eu mesma não consigo engolir esse meu pensamento.
Percebi que Kakyoin e Polnareff estavam dormindo em cada lado meu, então peguei meu walkman e comecei a escutar alguma música para que a viagem pudesse ser mais rápida. Em um momento sem querer, eu olhei para o bebê e me espantei quando o vi com um olhar macabro acompanhado de um sorriso, e quando ele notou que eu percebi, ele voltou a “dormir” como se nada tivesse acontecido! Espantei-me quando um toque me chamou a atenção, e eu vi que era Jotaro, então eu retirei os meus fones.
– S/n, eu acho o bebê fez as necessidades. Tem como trocar a fralda dele? - Joseph perguntou para mim, então fiz uma cara malandra e acordei Polnareff ao meu lado.
– Hã…? Oquê? - O francês coçou os olhos devido o despertar repentino. - Oque foi?
– O senhor Joestar falou pra você trocar a fralda do bebê. - Digo e entrego a cesta que o bebê está e sorri ao ver que me livraria desta tarefa e ainda por cima me divertiria vendo ele com dificuldade em fazer uma coisa tão simples. - Polnareff, você tá fazendo tudo errado! Coitado do seu filho se você tiver um!
– Pode vir me ajudar então?!
– Não acho que você esteja merecendo a minha ajuda!
– S/n!!
Dei uma risada e confesso estar apenas brincando, oque o deixou aliviado e então tento ajudá-lo a pelo menos não deixar a criança de cabeça para baixo. Mas repente todos do avião se espantaram quando Kakyoin começou a gritar e a se espernear enquanto está dormindo!
Olhamos assustados para ele e eu imediatamente tento acordá-lo, mas Kakyoin dá um chute em mim e no sr. Joseph, que acabou perdendo o controle do avião e agora nós caíamos em uma velocidade absurda!
– S/n, você está bem?! - Polnareff ficou preocupado com o chute que recebi e olhou para o meu rosto que provavelmente estava com alguma marca.
– Estou bem, não se preocupe! - Digo mais nervosa por estarmos caindo do que por ter recebido esse chute.
Todos pareciam estar aflitos enquanto o avião parecia cada vez mais perto do chão, Jotaro segurava a perna de Kakyoin e eu tentava acordar o Kakyoin que parecia ter paralisado. Por sorte, quando o avião estava prestes a cair, Joseph conseguiu retornar o controle e todos nós escapamos de dar de cara no chão! Suspirei e notei o bebê mais uma vez nos braços de Polnareff, com aquele mesmo sorriso… Esse bebê é muito estranho…!
– Ei, velhote! - Ouvimos a voz de Jotaro e eu suspirei quando notei oque aconteceria em seguida, então apenas aceitei o meu destino.
Já era noite e estávamos no meio do deserto, mas por sorte encontramos um bom lugar para acamparmos próximo de onde o avião está. Nesse momento, eu estou ajudando Jotaro a pegar algumas coisas do avião que se encontra destruído e meu olhar não consegue deixar o Kakyoin, que está com a mão na testa e parecia bem abatido.
– Jotaro, eu já volto. - Aviso e escuto ele apenas murmurar um “Hum” e caminho até o ruivo, me sentando ao lado dele. - Kakyoin, estou preocupada com você.
– Me perdoe S/n… Não sei oque está acontecendo comigo. - Ele diz sem me encarar.
Antes que eu pudesse falar alguma coisa Joseph nos chamou para jantar, então todos nós pegamos um pouco de comida enquanto o mais velho do grupo começou a fazer uma papa para o bebê. Resolvi voltar para o avião para pegar a minha mochila e alguns sacos de dormir para o grupo e enquanto eu estava procurando, ouvi uma discussão acontecendo no acampamento e então eu corri de volta para lá.
– Ei, oque está acontecendo?! - Digo enquanto coloco os sacos e a minha mochila no chão, próximo de um tronco.
– S/n, o Kakyoin está ficando completamente louco! - Polnareff diz enquanto aponta o dedo para Kakyoin.
– S/n, me escuta por favor! - Kakyoin se aproxima de mim e me segura pelos ombros, ele parecia desesperado e eu me senti tocada com isso. - Eu sei que tem algo de errado com esse bebê! Eu o vi comendo um escorpião há poucos minutos. E eu escrevi isso, provavelmente enquanto eu dormia.
Kakyoin levanta a manga de seu casaco e eu vejo escrito “Baby Stand” no seu braço, e arregalei levemente os olhos.
– Eu sinto que isso é um tipo de aviso! Por favor, acreditem em mim.
– Vê?! Ele tá completamente biruta da cabeça!
– Eu acredito em você, Kakyoin. - Digo e todos, até mesmo ele, pareceram surpresos com a minha resposta.
– Você também tá ficando louca, S/n?! - Polnareff parecia desacreditado.
– Polnareff, oque impediria disso ser verdade?! Esse bebê tem alguma coisa estranha e eu vi isso desde o avião! Além do mais, se até mesmo um macaco já foi um usuário de stand, oque impede de um bebê ser?! - Pergunto enquanto me mantenho ao lado de Kakyoin, que parecia grato por eu ser a única a defendê-lo ali.
– Mas… Isso não deixa de ser loucura! - Polnareff continuou a argumentar e eu apertei minha mão em punho enquanto o encaro.
– E desde quando tudo que a gente passou nessas 4 semanas não é loucura?! Nessa jornada tudo é possível!
– Já chega vocês! - Joseph falou de uma maneira rígida, como se fosse um pai dando bronca nos filhos. - Olha, vocês devem estar estressados por conta da viagem. Por que não vão dormir um pouco e amanhã conversamos melhor sobre isso?
Polnareff e eu concordamos e eu estava prestes a dar meia-volta e arrumar o meu saco de dormir, quando fomos surpreendidos pelo Kakyoin ativando o Hierophant Green e o mandando na direção do bebê que estava nos braços de Joseph. Eu tentei impedí-lo mas Polnareff ativou o Silver Chariot e o nocauteou por trás.
– Caramba… Será que o Kakyoin não vai mais poder nos acompanhar? - O francês perguntou enquanto todos nós olhamos para Kakyoin desacordado no chão.
– Não tenho certeza, vamos deixar para resolver isso amanhã.
Joseph diz enquanto põe o bebê na cesta e eu imediatamente me sinto mal enquanto olho para o ruivo que permanecia desacordado.
Arregalei os olhos quando notei que os Crusaders e eu estávamos em um tipo de parque de diversões, e isso nos deixou atentos. Polnareff pareceu chocado.
– Merda, eu me lembro agora! - Ele colocou a mão na cara enquanto olha para todos nós com aflição. - Estamos sob ataque de um stand, e o usuário dele é o bebê. Kakyoin tinha razão!
– Sei que não é um bom momento, mas… EU SABIA! - Digo enquanto olho para aqueles 3 com um sorriso ladino, mas em seguida olho para os lados. - Por falar nisso… Cadê ele?!
– Já era pra ele estar aqui! Vem, vamos procurá-lo!
Mas antes que pudéssemos dar um único passo, os cabelos de Polnareff cresceram e se prenderam em dois postes, a corrente de Jotaro estava firmemente enrolada no pescoço dele e a mão protética do sr. Joseph ficou enorme!
– Mas que… - Antes de eu me mexer, algumas plantes enrolaram as suas raízes em meu braços e pernas, me derrubando no chão e me deixando presa. - D-Droga, como nos livramos desse stand?!
Enquanto tentávamos bolar algum plano, percebemos um tipo de “representação da morte” com uma cara de palhaço se aproximando de nós, e meu coração acelerou de medo e raiva enquanto o encarava.
– Lali-ho!
Jotaro tentou invocar Star Platinum, no entanto, era apenas uma das falsificações do stand. Ele, que se chama Death 13, começou a nos explicar que não conseguíamos invocar nossos stands pois como estávamos dormindo, nossa mente estava em um estado de relaxamento.
– O Death 13 jamais precisará enfrentar um stand, eu sempre serei vitorioso! - Ele se aproximou e ergueu a sua foice para nos atacar, mas para nossa surpresa, o Hierophant Green apareceu e começou a enforcar o Death 13, que tentava se livrar do aperto.
– Olhem, é o Kakyoin! - Polnareff apontou para uma xícara de um dos vários brinquedos que tinham no local, e meus olhos brilharam quando o vi sentado de um jeito bem… Uau!
– É a hora da sua punição, baby.
Misericórdia Senhor, é impressão minha ou esse lugar começou a ficar mais quente? Acho que é algum ataque do Death 13…
A luta entre Kakyoin e o stand do bebê era bem tensa, mas eu tinha minha confiança total no ruivo, que parecia pegar leve por conta do usuário ainda ser um bebê, e essa coisa tão simples me fez suspirar ainda mais por ele.
– Ei… S/n, pelo menos tente disfarçar. Você tá praticamente babando pelo Kakyoin~ - Polnareff sussurrou no meu ouvido.
– Eu tô?! - Limpei o canto da minha boca e notei que era apenas mais uma provocação do francês, que pareceu se divertir com o meu rápido desespero. - Quando nós acordarmos, eu juro que vou te matar!!
– Você nem vai se lembrar disso, quando nós acordarmos tudo será apagado da nossa cabeça!
– Hunf, você tem sorte!
Vi que ao longe, Hierophant Green estava dentro do Death 13, que curava a ferida do braço de Kakyoin por pura pressão. Suspirei e caminhei em passos lentos e nervosos até o ruivo, que quando me notou, sorriu de uma maneira doce.
– S/n, obrigado… Obrigado por ter ficado ao meu lado.
Não o respondi, mas ao invés disso, fiquei em sua frente enquanto eu perdia minha coragem aos poucos a medida que os olhos violetas de Kakyoin me observam de uma maneira confusa. Antes que ele perguntasse algo, apenas suspirei e então agarrei o colarinho dele, o puxando para um beijo.
Ouvi as comemorações de Polnareff e Joseph e senti que Kakyoin havia congelado por aquela minha ação inesperada, mas logo senti suas mãos em minha nuca enquanto me beija na mesma intensidade. Desfiz o beijo para recuperar o fôlego e então sorri para ele, que estava com as bochechas coradas e me olhando com ternura.
– Vou rezar para que você fale mais vezes a palavra “baby” na mesma forma que antes. É tão atraente!
– Vou tentar me lembrar disso…
– Ei… S/n, acorda. - Resmunguei algo que nem eu mesma entendi, mas consegui ouvir uma risada. - Vem, temos que tomar café para continuarmos a viagem.
Abri os meus olhos e me sentei no saco de dormir enquanto vejo Kakyoin mais radiante enquanto acorda todos os outros. Me levantei e fui até uma poça que tinha ali perto e comecei a lavar o meu rosto, que foi algo que Polnareff, sr. Joseph e Jotaro também fizeram.
– Tenho a impressão de ter tido um pesadelo na noite passada… Mas não consigo me lembrar. - Polnareff indaga e nós 3 concordamos.
– É, tenho a impressão de ter sonhado com algo bem assustador…
Concordei com um aceno, logo me levantei e fui para perto da fogueira recém-apagada, que vi que tinha pratos com ovos, salsicha e também panquecas.
– Uau, você quem preparou tudo Kakyoin? - Perguntei enquanto me sento no chão e pego um dos pratos.
– Sim, eu quem preparei tudo. - Ele se aproximou e retirou o prato que estava em minhas mãos e colocou outro, que parecia ter uma porção maior de tudo que tinha e também havia morangos e mirtilos próximos das panquecas.
– Uau! Obrigada Kakyoin, assim eu vou acabar me acostumando mal! - Digo com um tom de brincadeira enquanto pego um garfo enquanto como um pedaço da panqueca. - Uau, isso está delicioso!
– Obrigado. - Kakyoin colocou seu rosto ao lado do meu e me arrepiei quando senti a respiração dele acariciando a ponta da minha orelha. - Isso é apenas para você, baby.
Meu corpo inteiro esquentou e ele simplesmente se levantou com um sorriso ladino e saiu segurando um prato com oque parecia ser papa para o bebê como se nada tivesse acontecido!
Eu sinceramente acho que a minha morte não será causada pelo DIO, e sim por Noriaki Kakyoin e o seu charme.
The End
#jojo#jjba#jjba x reader#jojos bizarre adventure#jojo x reader#reader insert#jjba fanfic#post in portuguese#jjba imagines#oneshot#my writing#noriaki kakyoin x reader#noriaki kakyoin#stardust crusaders#jjba x you#Jojo#kakyoin imagine#noriaki kakyoin x you#jjba part 3#jojo's bizarre adventure#jojo no kimyou na bouken
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I’ve been having thoughts. Completely Normal and not emotionally unstable thoughts.
I DEMAND more Joseph seeing/treating Kakyoin as a 2nd grandson content ITS TOO CUTE
#jjba#jojos bizarre adventure#noriaki kakyoin#joseph joestar#my art#stardust crusaders#I have more ideas#that’s doesn’t mean y’all shouldn’t#GET ON IT#imagine Joseph wanting to dote on Jotaro but bc Jotaro is a BITCH Jotaro doesn’t allow it#so Joseph goes for Kakyoin instead#and ofc Kakyoin likes it even if he admits it or not bc POOR BOY DESERVES IT#⚠️⚠️⚠️ SPOILERS AHEAD⚠️⚠️⚠️#I also really like the idea of Joseph seeing Caesar in Kakyoin too#I can see it#they’re both graceful vibes I think#or maybe Joseph sees it in Jotaro and Kaks friendship#but then the parallels between their deaths#ESPECIALLY Joseph’s reaction#when TikTok pointed them out#that’s when I started getting ideas about Joseph and Kakyoins relationship#it breaks my heart AGAIN IM SICK OF IT GIVE ME MORE
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Jotaro Kujo — kakyoin's amusement
cw: nothing rlly, jotaro kujo is bad at feelings tag
an: inspired by that tiktok audio of when he sees me lol
Always being on the move with barely any breaks and with enemies at every turn has left Kakyoin with little to no entertainment. Of course, he doesn't mind, even if he's already starting to miss his NES.
Fortunately for the red-head teenager, it seems that the Gods have heard his prayers and have blessed him with a new source of entertainment, exclusive front-row seats that only he is the audience of, said entertainment being the hidden feelings between you and Jotaro.
Well, it's not really hidden—you're both aware of your feelings, just not each other's. And being the only other teenager left, the two of you ran to Kakyoin to rant about your feelings.
And just the admissions alone was already absolutely amusing.
You were the first to admit your feelings.
It was still early on the journey, and Kakyoin was tasked to retrieve tickets with Jotaro, but he found that the teen had already gone on without him. Shrugging it off, Kakyoin opted to enjoy his stay and make the most of the hotel amenities instead.
He found himself in the pool area, and much to his surprise, he caught you in one of the beach chairs on the poolside. Feeling his eyes on you, you wave him over, and he approaches you to sit on the beach chair adjacent to yours.
It was quiet, and Kakyoin racked his brain for anything to say. Eventually, he opens up the conversation with one of the obscure facts he knows off the top of his head.
Thankfully, you responded in kind, and the conversation flowed easily from there. Your conversation bounced from one thing to another before eventually, the both of you settled in comfortable silence while laying back on your respective beach chairs.
It was a bit sudden for Kakyoin, but he'd be lying if he said he was surprised when you suddenly admitted it.
"I think I like him...." You spoke, suddenly breaking the silence between you and the red-headed teen. Kakyoin glances at you, and he can see you feeling a bit embarrassed to say it out loud.
"Hm..." Kakyoin hums in response before adding with a noticeable teasing lilt in his voice. "Who? Polnareff?"
"Yes, of course. Because I want a grown man." You respond sarcastically, rolling your eyes as you look at him, watching his lips turn up to an amused smirk. "I'm talking about Mr. Joestar, obviously."
"Right, my mistake." Kakyoin matched your energy, the both of you sharing a chuckle, before he turns to look at you, meeting your gaze.
"So, Jotaro, huh?"
Kakyoin's smirk widens at the sudden smitten look on your face just from the mention of the name, and he's 99% positive that you don't even realize it.
"Yeah..." You sigh, one that reminds him of a hopeless romantic protagonist of romcoms he's seen his parents watch before. "I mean, can you blame me? Going through all these troubles just for his mom? How he jumped to save that kid without hesitation? And that face of his isn't helping."
"Honestly? I can't say I'm surprised." Kakyoin responds to your small rant, his voice soft and comforting. He sees your lips part, looking at him in slight panic, and he cuts you off before you can even speak.
"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."
"Thanks, Kakyoin."
"Mhm. Thank you for trusting me with this."
On the other hand, it took Jotaro quite a while before he admitted it—both to himself and to his friend.
After a long day of fighting the menace that was Steely Dan and a long day of traveling, they ended up in another hotel. As usual, Jotaro and Kakyoin ended up sharing a room, and you ended up getting separated from them with your very own room.
It was a really long day for both teenagers; both were drained and worn out, with Kakyoin mentally exhausted from exerting the effort to manifest his stand in a much smaller form and Jotaro both mentally and physically drained after all the beating he took earlier in the day.
"I should've beaten him up more." Jotaro groans from his bed, making Kakyoin turn to look at him, a brow raised.
"Steely Dan? You ended up hating him that much?" Kakyoin responds before leaning on his elbows, still lying on the bed. "How bad are the things he did to you when we left you with him?"
"That's not the issue. I've already made him pay for what he did to me." Jotaro responds, before shooting up from his bed, removing his hat, and placing it on the shared nightstand between their beds, running a hand through his hair.
"But...." Jotaro trails off, and Kakyoin sits up on his bed as well, raising his brow even more.
Jotaro grumbled something under his breath, and Kakyoin could swear he heard your name amongst the words the other teen grumbled.
Kakyoin repeats your name, and Jotaro faces Kakyoin, his gaze hardened.
"What about them?" Kakyoin asks curiously.
"I can't easily forgive him for the shit he did to them."
Kakyoin is quite surprised by his words and how genuine they sound. His gaze darts to his friend's face, his scowl deeper than usual, a vein almost popping on his temple. Jotaro's exhaustion must be making him slip his composure, his emotions taking hold of his exhausted mind.
"What did he do?"
"He grabbed them. Right. in front. of. me." Jotaro scowls, his jaw clenched tightly. "Grabbed onto their arm so tightly like they were his."
Kakyoin blinks at that, his eyes widening slightly. No.. that expression on Jotaro's face.. it wasn't annoyance. Not completely...
"Held their chin to make them look at him. His face was so damn close to theirs, I would've punched him right then and there if it wasn't for the old man."
Definitely not annoyance. It's jealousy.
"I could feel Star Platinum just about ready to make him regret being born, and I had to actively hold him back." Jotaro finishes his mini-rant with a deep, annoyed sigh, his eyes darting over to look at Kakyoin.
It was Jotaro's turn to look confused at the amused grin on Kakyoin's face, a knowing look in his lavender gaze, making Jotaro's brows scrunch in confusion as he looks at his friend.
"The hell are you smiling about?" Jotaro asks bluntly with a deep scowl, "Didn't you hear a thing I just said?"
"I think you're the one who didn't hear what you just said, Jotaro." Kakyoin responds amusedly, his grin not faltering even under the scrutinizing gaze of Jotaro Kujo.
"What are you blabbering about?"
"Think back to your words, Jotaro. You're not stupid."
Jotaro paused for a while, running a hand through his already messy hair at his friend's cryptic behavior. He was already exhausted and pissed off; he didn't need any more of Kakyoin's bullshit—still, curiously, Jotaro did as he was asked.
Kakyoin's amused smile slowly widens along with Jotaro's eyes slowly widening in realization as he plays his own words back in his mind. His surprised gaze turned to look at Kakyoin.
"Are you suggesting....?" Jotaro trails off with a hiss. "Fuck off."
"I'm not even saying anything."
"Don't think about it. I'd rather eat my socks."
"Don't look at me like—" Jotaro sighs. "It's not like that,"
"But it is," Kakyoin insists with a raised brow and a smirk, "Isn't it?"
Jotaro didn't even respond this time, looking away from his friend's teasing gaze as his own landed on his bed sheets. Kakyoin could see the dust of pink on the other teen's cheeks the more he remained silent, and that was already enough of a response to him.
"God fucking damnit." Jotaro curses under his breath at the realization, letting out a deep sigh as he glares at his sheets. Kakyoin remained silent as he let Jotaro think about his newfound feelings.
Eventually, Jotaro turns his head to look at Kakyoin, the usual calm, cold, neutral look on his face as his ocean gaze stares through his lavender ones.
"Turn away for a bit." Was all Jotaro said. Confused, Kakyoin did as he was told, turning his back to Jotaro and looking at the wall beside his bed.
Suddenly, Kakyoin jumps slightly in surprise.
Jotaro is screaming.
It's muffled, probably by his pillows and his sheets, and it probably wasn't loud enough to be heard outside their room, but loud enough to surprise Kakyoin.
It didn't take long before he heard a deep breath and then silence.
"Good night," Jotaro spoke nonchalantly, and Kakyoin swiftly turned, but Jotaro was already on his side, back turned towards the red-head who was only blinking at him in a mix of amusement and surprise.
"Also, don't tell anyone about this."
"Aye, aye, captain."
#jotaro kujo x reader#jotaro kujo#noriaki kakyoin#jotaro kujo x you#jjba imagines#jjba x reader#jjba#jjba x you#jotaro x reader#jojo's bizarre adventure x reader#jojos bizarre adventure#jotaro x y/n#jjba jotaro
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this is a what if kakyoin survives au concept so.. part 4 kakyoin!!!?
Kak has always been one of my favorites >_<
I think in part 4, he’d be like.. a game developer or some sort of artist/psychologist? maybe a mix of all three considering he’s a huge freaking nerd
I also like the head canon that Hierophant is a very clingy stand if that makes sense
I kinda wish I’d given him more of a different wardrobe but that’s a problem for future me LOL
#jjba#jojo's bizarre adventure#noriaki kakyoin#kakyoin lives#hierophant green#stardust crusaders#aaa he’d get along so well with the DIU casttt like imagine that#like josuke and kakyoin gamer bond#joot and kak stand nerds too aaahhhh
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I've been thinking about JJBA again...
#I KNOW MOST OF THESE ARE JUST DIO AND GIORNO OKAY I JUST LOVE THEM AND THINK THEYRE NEAT AND MOST OF THE MEMES I SAW MADE ME THINK OF THEM#Also I haven't finished JJBA yet so I'm probably so wrong about most of these and i am so sorry if i am#i like to imagine that dio is just so bad with the internet and technology in general so he asks his henchmen or children for help#The casserole thing is 2 parts btw#also my smiling friends post got 1k+ notes??? thanks guys!!#jjba#jojo's bizarre adventures#jojo bizarre adventure#Dio Brando#dio jjba#jotaro kujo#Jotaro Kujo#jjba jotaro#noriaki kakyoin#jolyne kujo#giorno giovanna#rohan kishibe#rohan jjba#jjba meme#enrico pucci#pucci jjba#okuyasu nijimura#jjba okuyasu#are these good?? idk.#since people like these types of memes ill make more of them!!
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Contacts - Stardust Crusaders x Reader
a/n: This was originally part of the 1000 follower event...and has been in the drafts for almost a full year...worse thing is it was almost fully done minus Jotaros & Kakyoins part.
Hitting yous with another will fix mistakes soon! The app or tumblr itself does not make fixing mistakes easy.
#jjba smau#jjba fake texts#jojo smau#jjba imagines#jjba x reader#jojo imagines#jojo fake texts#jojo x reader#jjba x y/n#stardust crusaders x reader#jotaro x reader#polnareff x reader#kakyoin x reader#joseph joestar x reader#avdol x reader
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The stardust crusaders reactions to dating you (gender neutral)
Also a nice hint that I also do oc/selfinsert ship content... hint hint
#jjba avdol#jjba part three#jjba part 3#jjba jotaro#jjba#jojos bizzare adventure fanart#jojos bizzare adventure stardust crusaders#jojos bizarre adventure#jojo avdol#jojo kakyoin#jojo part 6#jjba kakyoin#kakyoin x reader#kakyoin x y/n#jotaro kujo#jotaro imagine#jojo jotaro#jotaro x reader#muhammad avdol#avdol x reader#polnareff jojo#polnareff fanart#polnareff stardust crusaders#polnareff x reader#joseph joestar#joseph x reader#jojo x reader#stardust crusaders#jotaro x oc#noriaki kakyoin
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Big "git his ass" energy with this lmao
#cowboy jotaro#rodeo clown Kakyoin#like imagine him taking off his makeup but he still has the lines. cuz they’re scars#that’s the good shit#jojos bizarre adventure#fanart#aged up characters#jjba part 3#jojo part 3#noriaki kakyoin#kakyoin#kakyoin lives#Cowboy au#sbr#sbr au#jotakak#jotaro x kakyoin#jotaro kujo#Jotaro#cowboys#rodeo clowns
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They're gonna go help Dio smile then kill him 🫶
#stardust crusaders where everything's the same except Jotaro and Kakyoin are Charlie and Pim#it's funny to imagine if they only go up to everyone's knees#so many jjba and smiling friends crossovers on twitter have inspired me#smiling friends#pim pimling#smiling friends pim#charlie dompler#charlie smiling friends#jojo's bizarre adventure#jojos bizarre adventure#jjba#jjba fanart#jjba art#jojo's bizzare adventure fanart#kujo jotaro#jjba jotaro#jotaro kujo#noriaki kakyoin#jjba kakyoin#kakyoin noriaki#jjba stardust crusaders#stardust crusaders#jjba part 3#smiling friends fanart#smiling friends art
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I'm a bit new to the asking game, but I have a headcanon request! What if the Stardust Crusaders met the daughter of DIO, who had a bright and extremely sweet personality with a stand who has techomagic abilities (able to create advance technology, extended knowledge in technology). I apologize if this doesn't make sense! This would be platonic btw!
— 🧠 Anon!
I think I have a grasp of what to write for this ask finally. Darling is still a child of DIO it’s just that makes my title even wordier than it already is. Decided to do one character per bullet point btw
Platonic! Yandere! Stardust Crusaders w/ a technomagic stand darling.
You’re likely a huge help on the technological/engineering side of things for the crusaders. If you met them right at the start of trying to find DIO. Your first observation is probably akin of “Mr. Joestar you know you probably don’t need to break that expensive camera to use your stand right?”. Before long you have it repaired and ready to go, Joseph is wildly impressed and is quickly endeared to you. There is at least also one instance of him asking about fiddling around with a vending machine (for science of course), to maybe get something a little extra.
Avdol can see the trouble coming with you and Mr. Joestar a mile a way. Your eagerness towards technology is commendable and a little worrying if you get too caught up. Which is pretty often, and Joseph tends to be an enabler when it comes to anything he finds cool. He personally loves it himself but does his best to be your guide. He’s the one to most likely sit next to you in whatever transportation you’re in, it’s almost stifling but you barely notice most likely as you keep yourself entertained. There is quite a few times he does let you “loose” to do your thing, just because he enjoys your company so much.
Kakyoin is a bit more reserved in his reactions, the biggest thing that lures him to you is how well you utilize your stand in much of the technology you all run into. If you happen to bring up games out of boredom, his interest is piqued as you likely explain how you fixed a perfectly good console that was thrown in the trash. You tell him some people just don’t understand there’s things worth saving and there’s usually a fix that perfectly restores it. His feelings deepen when you tell him you believe him with the Death 13 fight. His hands are almost shaking, (In this scenario he is very likely to become a romantic yandere pretty quickly)
Polnareff bounces off your personality pretty easily, likes asking you a ton of questions and you manage to answer just about every one of them. He’d just wish you would relax a little bit and enjoy the smallest bit of relaxation (as you can when getting constantly chased by enemy stand users). So he usually nudges you with some kind of treat or even just doing something casually where it doesn’t seem that your brain is running on full power constantly. There’s a dozen times he’s even carrying you up the stairs, you deserve it. You saved his skin so he certainly has to return the favor. (This Frenchman would also be likely to end up a romantic yandere)
Jotaro is one who comes in when things go a little too far, especially if gramps or Polnareff are going what he considers over board, so if he wants to be around you he will find a way to do so. Not that he doesn’t occasionally indulge your tinkering with a little thunk to something with either his strength or Star Platinum’s. He definitely tells you to go to bed when you’re up too late for his liking while on the trip. Don’t ask why or how he got in your room, or even ponder if he was outside of your door guarding you. He can handle himself even if he is a bit hypocritical with some advice. Speaking of he is quick to tell you to lower your use of your stand, keeping it hidden so no potential danger catches everyone off guard. Especially when you’ve helped him out with Wheel of Fortune and Strength. He does let some of his eccentricities out with you and the others when it feels reasonable. But he’s still keeping one eye open at all times when he can.
If anyone’s wondering if there’s any worry about you being the daughter of DIO, I’d like to think Avdol was the one to keep an eye on you for trustworthiness before anything happened. (Even if none of them knew you were his daughter).
#yandere x reader#yandere#yandere imagines#yandere jjba#yandere jjba imagines#yandere jjba x reader#yandere headcanons#jjba imagines#yandere avdol#yandere Polnareff#yandere jotaro#yandere Kakyoin#Yandere Joseph joestar#platonic yandere#- 🧠 Anon
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(Him and Tonio get along very well actually)
@jotaromonth day 12 - week 2 (Friendship - morioh!!!)
#my art#it’s absolutely not like I have a side rare pair of jotaro and Tonio no of course not imagine that#jotaro kujo month 2024#jsjs#josuke higashikata#jjba josuke#josuke higashitaka#jojo josuke#josuke fanart#josuke 4#jotaro kujo#jjba jotaro#jotaro cujoh#jojo jotaro#jotaro fanart#jotaro joestar#tonio trussardi#Tonio Trussardi jjba#jjba Tonio#jjba#jjba fanart#noriaki kakyoin#jojos bizarre adventure#jojo's bizarre adventure#doodles#jotonio
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literally tried to think up the most uncomfortable way to put these 2 into a box and did that
#the sillies#i can imagine kakyoin legs kicking around and just punting jotaro in the face multiple times#jotaro dk if it was on purpose or not#jjba#jotaro kujo#jjba jotaro#kakyoin#noriaki kakyoin#jotakak#noritaro#jjba part 3
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Jotaro Kujo — Never Had
you were the best i never had, the only chance i wish i had to take
an: ugh the oscar isaac brainrot is brainrotting
God, how long has it been since he last saw you?
It must've been decades now.
So many questions ran in his mind, a cascade of curiosity and longing. How have you been? Have you been well? Were you married? Kids? Have the years been kind to you? Has life granted you the serenity you deserve?
But when you approached him with that sweet smile of yours, the sparkle in your eyes mirroring the laughter of youth long past, a small shy smile as if you thought he doesn't remember you...
What a funny thought. As if he'd ever forget you.
As if he could ever erase the indelible mark you left upon his mind, his heart...
50 days.
He spent less than fifty days with you, yet that was all it took for his heart to become a canvas painted with the indelible strokes of your presence, of your memory.
"I'm glad to finally see you awake," You spoke, giving him a small relieved smile.
All it took was the sound of your voice, the sight of your smile, and suddenly, he was seventeen again.
The heat of the desert, the ache in his muscles, Polnareff's jests, Kakyoin's antics, Avdol's nagging, Joseph's pranks—each moment etched in his mind like a cherished painting.
The dingy hotel room, sitting next to Kakyoin as he admitted his feelings to the teen who highly encouraged him.
But he was a kid back then. A kid burdened by the weight of his thoughts and unable to fathom the complexities of love.
It just wasn't the right time.
Suddenly, he's in the airport in Cairo, watching you walk away, to return to your home country. His heart heavy with unspoken words and unexpressed emotions, he watched you vanish into the crowd, carrying his unspoken feelings with you, forever sealed within the chambers of his heart.
A love that never found its voice.
And now, God... he would've loved to stay. Loved to catch up, especially in light of the absence of a ring adorning your finger.
But he had much more important matters.
"I'm sorry, I need to go," Was his response, laden with a sense of urgency, and he watched the way your brows furrow even more in concern.
"What's the rush?" You ask, laced with genuine worry and a subtle plea for him to stay. He doesn't blame you, he'd been out of it for a while.
"I need to—" A momentary pause hung in the air, his gaze locking with yours, a flicker of conflict dancing in his ocean-blue eyes; he felt like he was betraying you as he spoke, "I need to get to my daughter."
It's not the right time.
That thought flashed in his mind again, swiftly followed by another.
Will it ever be the right time?
He caught the subtle widening of your eyes, a flicker of surprise on your gaze at his words. Your lips hesitated, parting, on the verge of responding, only to retreat into a thoughtful silence moments later. The weight of your unspoken thoughts hung in the air, a pregnant pause that lingered for a beat before you finally broke the silence with your response.
"Is she in trouble?" Your voice carried a note of concern, your brows knitting together in a display of genuine worry. He always thought you were far too nice for your own good—too caring, too helpful, sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.
But then again, he couldn't find it in himself to be mad—can't fault you for it, as it was that quality of yours that led you to him, that led him to love you.
"No," He replied instinctively, the words slipping out before he could reel them back in, knowing that you would undoubtedly offer to lend a hand if he were to tell you the truth, and he can't.
He couldn't risk putting you in harm's way again. Couldn't bear the thought of dragging you into danger once more because of his cursed bloodline.
"Jotaro-" You begin, but he cuts you off with a shake of his head before you can finish your sentence.
"No." He spoke once more, his voice firm this time. Shaking his head still. "I can handle it."
Another pregnant pause stretched out between the two of you, a palpable tension hanging in the air. Your eyes brimmed with concern and worry, while he was certain that his own gaze betrayed a whirlwind of unspoken affection resurfacing to the forefront of his mind as he found himself reunited with you.
"I.. need to go." Jotaro decided to break the silence, and if you hadn't known him for so long, you would've missed the way his voice sounded breathy. Yet, you choose not to mention it.
"...Alright," You sigh defeatedly, "Don't let me keep you."
You try your best to give him a small smile, one of reassurance. In response, he simply nodded, a familiar gesture reminiscent of your teenage years when he would try to look cool in front of you—not that he'll ever tell you that.
"I'll come back." Jotaro found his lips moving when it should be his feet starting to walk away from here. "I'll come back here, for you."
Jotaro found himself teetering on the edge of a decision, a fleeting impulse urging him to lean in, to reach out and cup your face in his hand, to bridge the distance between you and savor the warmth of your lips against his own, yet, he held himself back.
It's not the right time.
"Okay.. I'll wait for you."
But maybe, just maybe... after he finally gets rid of the lingering thorn of his cursed bloodline, after he ensures the safety of his daughter, after he finishes the fight with this priest...
Maybe it'll finally be the right time.
#jotaro kujo x reader#jotaro kujo#noriaki kakyoin#jotaro kujo x you#jjba imagines#jjba x reader#jjba#jjba x you#jotaro x reader#jojo's bizarre adventure x reader#jojos bizarre adventure#jotaro x y/n#jjba jotaro
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i always thought it was weird they cut kakyoin from the part6 anime ngl
#jjba#noriaki kakyoin#uhhh hm. so like which fucking part do i tag#stardust crusaders#stone ocean#fuck it we ball there are worse misuses for tags than this#jojo's bizarre adventure#purp doot#yes he's got diet coke dio fit still i can't outfit design to save my life#not sure where i'd imagine him dropping in. last time i said after savage garden but maybe there could be an earlier point too?#he should also have some fucking green dolphin jacket he lugs around but it's late and im not drawing that#im also not drawing a bg he can float in the void for all i care atm#he should look more middle aged probably now that im looking at him
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Jotaro Kujo with a s/o who likes to eat with Kakyoin more than him
Despite being head over heels for the one and only Jotaro Kujo, he still intimidated you from time to time. Whether it be from his straightforward responses or his mysterious silence, you learned not to hold it against you. Kakyoin, however, was the polar opposite of your beloved, much more talkative and more open with random discussions and that created a link between you two when it came to meals, resulting in you both chatting away as if the others weren’t there.
“No you definitely have to play Pac-Man thoroughly before judging it” you said as you picked up a pickled radish slice “It’s a simple game, you just get the pellets and move onto the next level” you gawked at the red-haired boy before scoffing at him “As if!? it has lore behind it, It’s just not that simple…” the boy shook his head in disbelief as you began silently questioning yourself.
“Hey chatterboxes ease up, we’re here for a quick time not one that’ll give me a splitting headache” the older Jojo said as he changed his attention to his grandson, who was silently eating his food next to his two talkative companions “You know, I’m I the only one seeing that (Y/n)’s spending more time with Kakyoin rather than Jotaro?” Polnareff asked catching the attention of the others.
“I supposed you are right about that Polnareff” Advol said as Joseph began eyeing the teens across from him “Stop that old man.” his grandson said as he went back to eating his food “Yeah last thing we need is for you to pop a blood vessel, Mr. Joestar!” You said as placed pieces of meat onto Jotaro’s plate “Then answer the question (Y/n)!” Polnareff said trying to seem serious.
“No offense Jojo” you said to your beloved boyfriend before facing back at the three older men “But Kakyoin is a bit more open when it comes to conversation, That doesn’t mean I don’t care for Jojo!” you said as joseph looked over to his grandson only to get a ‘Good grief’ and a hat tilt “Don’t you worry Mr. Joestar, we talk plenty! I just get nervous is all…”
From what Jotaro heard he knew exactly what you meant, it was something he witnessed a lot when it come to interacting with you. You had a tendency to start rambling and then end up backing out of the last sentence for fear of boring him, it didn’t help how he didn’t know exactly to ensure you that he was fine with your rambling but for now as long as you have another person you can talk to then…
“I don’t mind it.”
#jjba x reader#JoJo's Bizarre Adventure#jotaro x reader#jjba imagines#kakyoin#jojo x reader#jojo part 3#stardust crusaders#joseph joestar#mohammed avdol#jjba polnareff#x reader#jjba jotaro#ihavenoconceptoflife#request are always open
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Miscalculations - Stardust Crusaders x Reader
Request - SDC text chat w/the Crusaders fighting/bickering over who gets to braid y/n's hair? Or maybe sleeping arrangements?
A/n - Please accept this as an apology for my lack of posting...it's very rushed but I hope yous will enjoy anyway.
#jjba fake texts#stardust crusaders x reader#jjba smau#jjba x reader#jjba x y/n#jjba imagines#jojo x reader#jojo imagines#jojo smau#jojo fake texts#jotaro x reader#kakyoin x reader#avdol x reader#polnareff x reader#joseph joestar x reader
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