#la'zel bg3
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taygra5shaon · 11 months ago
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how it should have happened...
Fuck cazaldor.💀
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elunoir-unlovable · 2 months ago
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Happy 2025! 2024 was an INSANE year for me (peep the engagement ring) can we tell I was on a Bg3 kick? No? However beloved Pipit and an OC my DM made made it into the roster! Hope you all love Sebastian Krezkov as much as I sure do. Happy new year everyone!
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redwolf272 · 5 months ago
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Starting to wonder if someone at Larian has a secret ship...
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mindoveranti-matter · 1 year ago
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I feel like I'm on to something here
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altirin · 1 year ago
Baldur's gate III - "Who broke it?"
Tav: So. Who broke it? I’m not mad. I just want to know.
Karlach: I did. I broke it…
Tav: No. No, you didn’t. Astarion?
Astarion: Don’t look at me. Look at Gale.
Gale: What?! I didn’t break it.
Astarion: Huh. That’s weird. How did you even know it was broken?
Gale: Because it’s sitting right in front of us and it’s broken!
Astarion: Suspicious.
Gale: No, it’s not!
La'zel: If it matters, probably not… Shadowheart was the last one to use it.
Shadowheart: Liar! I don’t even drink that crap!
La'zel: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Shadowheart: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, La'zel!
Karlach: Alright let’s not fight. I broke it, let me pay for it, Tav.
Tav: No. Who broke it?
Gale: [whispering] Tav, Wyll’s been awfully quiet…
Wyll: Really?!
Gale: Yeah, really!
Tav: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it. I predict ten minutes from now, they’ll be at each other’s throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
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mysticalpotater · 8 months ago
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I pre order both the standard and deluxe of the BG3 vinyls.
I was so happy when I got this in the mail.
I am heading to Colorado next week for the Denver Fan Expo and plan on having Neil sign it
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mai-nonsense · 1 year ago
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A Totally Normal party.
I spent 30 minutes on this bullshit, enjoy.
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pendragon1400 · 1 year ago
Bad weather
Do you ever think how funny the campsite would be in bg3 if they had bad weather.
Gale quietly reading in his tent while it’s raining. Looks up to see Karlach playing in the rain, while Astarion complains loudly from his tent, and Tav/wyll desperately trying to get Karlach to go to her tent before she gets sick or hurts her engine. While Shadowheart is cuddling with scratch and the owl bear and La’Zel is sharping her sword still
Imagine snow. Imagine the snowball fights, and Astarion being wrapped in every blanket imaginable. Astarion taking literally everyones blanket and becoming a blanket lump until he is hit with rouge snow and almost kills who threw it.
Everyone sits around Karlach, bc she is space heater.
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spirits-n-giggles · 9 months ago
Now, I don't do much fandom deep dives these days, but I think it's feckin funny to hear of ANY unapproving ships in Baldurs Gate 3 of all things... A fandom that is FILLED TO THE BRIM with pan-sexual/romantic (and asexual/romantic) partners to choose from (if not more than one at time) so if anyone ever gets on to you about how you might enjoy a dark and twisted toss in the sheets, simply give a lil giggle, banish them to Raphael's succubus, and go about your day.
Life is too short to give a single shit about some dumbfuck opinions that are trying to ruin your day. So ruin their day by having a good one and go enjoy your ascended vampyres, your murderous drows, your literal sexy bear (my personal fave), your special connection to Withers, your spunky lil threesomes-- or even no romance at all, if thats what appeals to you. That's why this game is so awesome. There is no "right" answer.
This game is just that: a game. Go enjoy your game. And enjoy the story YOU choose to tell. That's what this game was made for, after all.✌️
TL;DR - if someone's ugly to you, block their ass. Simple as that. They exist to waste your time and your time is valuable, so if they don't pay your rent pay them bitches no mind. (thanks RuPaul)
Besides.... if you were a REAL BG3 fan, you'd ship 'em all together in one big dysfunctional orgy. 🥰
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mahiiimahiiii · 1 year ago
Ok hear me out: once the crew gets to bauldurs gate they have mini funerals ala good place.
(part 1)
I'll give you a taster (+ my beautiful redeemed bhaalspawn):
Gales "funeral" would be at a library. He would pile books together as a makeshift coffin and wear a bright pink night robe with fuzzy slippers and curlers in his hair, as well as a dusty pink eye mask. Everyone would be wearing some sort of robe, his flowers of choice for the event would be lilly of the valley.
"gale died doing what he loved, learning."
"some might say this would be the ultimate fate for gale"
He would interject, eating the cucumber on his eye, "I do not think the best outcome for me would be turning into an ilithid. But I must admit- it is fitting."
Later events would be a wine tasting and going shopping for new books.
I feel like hers would be a moonlight bonfire, lots of ring dancing and setting her old sharran armor on fire.
"I think-" karlach would start up "a lot of us would be dead if we didn't have our cleric. So shadowheart has earned her props.. not only is she reliable- she is resilient, she is strong."
"despite our quarrels, I am glad to fight with you. I have watched you bloom into a magnificent warrior, for what force? We will see soon enough. May your death be glorious." La'zel quipped.
Her flowers of choice would be night orchids. she would then insist on learning how to swim and manage a doggie paddle.
I feel like hers would be on the beach with a fruity drink in hand as she floats around in the water. The fish around her have probably boiled, which is more incentive for a fish fry.
Everyone gets like a back breaking hug. Lots of physical activities party games wise, be drunk and merry. Most likely people get a bit sunburnt and burnt burnt.
There is no speeches as Karlach is too busy expressing her gratitude about everyone else.
She gets withers to do limbo with her
Her choice of flower is sunflowers.
She would like to opt out of this. a simple "thank you la'zel, may you die horribly in battle. May your wounds bleed out and may you suffer immensely" will suffice.
(her choice of flower is snap dragons)
Hers would be a touristy walk of bauldurs gate.
She talks about her life, a sense of oral history to pass onto others. The night ends with root veggies chips and cheese, and a generous donation to animal sanctuaries within the cities from the Harpers.
Her idea of fun is bastardizing the ballads that volo wrote via mad libs. Which immature humor ensues.
The mighty _____ o' noble _____ (noun *x2)
Found ___ and sent them back to ____ and ____ (noun, adj*x2)
She would rest in a fainting couch in a puddle of sun in the wildshape form of a big cat, tail swishing idily as people read off their bastardized poems.
Her choice of flowers are jasmine blooms.
His would be a picnic in the park, as people read their speeches to him in comfortable sun dresses and loose cotton clothing, he would hold a little bouquet of daisies resting on a soft gingham sheet with a crown of flowers.
He would insist of going to his favorite pastry shops in the city. Sweet wine, tarts and small cakes. A day of sweets to remember the sweetest person in the camp.
His whole funeral was about allowing everyone to experience the childhood he knew, which wasn't much, but was something he knew they needed.
The look of pure joy in everyone's faces was enough to sustain him for the rest of his days.
The goals were, teach karlach hopscotch, double dutch with Wynne, climb a tree with astarion, and show la'zel some human dances. The older people in the group were less inclined to indulge, taking the roll of the gossiping parents to the 20 something aged other members in the band.
The night ended with dances and fiddle music.
His choice of flowers are thistle blooms
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taygra5shaon · 6 months ago
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The motherwave dress is hand down the most stunning armor of BG3
I'm still aliveeeeeee, it have been hard few month, I needed a break
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razzle-dazzle-13 · 1 year ago
The BG3 crew are some horny bitches.
Unfortunately most of them just looked at my Tav, talked at length about how much they wanted sex, then said, "But ew, not with you."
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There is no more controversial topic within the Astarion fanbase than ascend or not.
I wonder if the fanbase of other companions also discuss good and bad endings as much?
There are also like "You idiot, Gale always wanted to be a god..." or "Shadowheart wanted to become a dark justiciar..."
or do they understand that the character is making a change?
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darklyhandsome · 5 months ago
Watching a bg3 playthrough and the guy who's playing said La'zel looks like a who from whoville and now I can't unsee it 😅
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atomicfunnightmare · 7 months ago
I know little to nothing about dnd (I watched some critical role and that's it) and if someone saw how I play baldurs gate 3 they would probably point out all the things I do wrong
But I don't care
I have fun
My party is not balanced and that's why I keep getting killed?
Whatever, I am attached to the companions that I picked up first and I'm getting through it with them till the end
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witty--fool · 7 months ago
Me and my girl squad! (They're all slightly evil)
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