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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 1 month ago
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i ended up going with a triple chocolate frankenstined monstrosity. chocolate chips cocoa powder plus Nutella and a hazelnut on the inside for fun. they’re in the oven now
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rosefinnigen · 1 year ago
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psfletcher-author · 3 months ago
I cant believe dan and phil just confirmed their relationship status
What astronomical level of boiled frog are we at when dan and phil literally discuss THIS IMAGE with no caveat and no denial, and yet no one notices:
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actressposts · 5 months ago
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jupitisms · 6 months ago
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gallade-x-treme · 1 year ago
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aymanayyad80 · 8 months ago
Hello dear friends ! ❤🤍💚🖤🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
All positive words can't show how generous you are, especially on the side of sharing my posts to let other donors know about the people of Gaza who are still suffering the horrible circumstances resulting from the injust war on Gaza! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸❤🤍💚🖤
Thank you from the deepest bottom of my heart for the support you are showing to help Palestinian families stay safe and alive.🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
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Despite the various colours of sufferings and tortures we are undergoing at the moment, your brave stances and support greatly ease and relieve us . Your loud voices and your heroic acts make a great difference to our Palestinian cause. 🖤💚🤍❤🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
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We are fundraising such donations to have the least basic needs of life and to help find safety and peace for the little kids who don't deserve to lead such horrific situations.🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
Thanks to your contribution, my family is on its halfway to reach the goal. All forms of your help make a difference to free the people who have been struggling and paying much for almost 300 hard days. ✌✌✌🖤💚🤍❤🇵🇸🇵🇸
Please keep supporting the fairest cause of the world either by directly donating or sharing the link to let others know. Don't hesitate to help people in tough and dire times till the black days end.🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
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rcmclachlan · 2 months ago
Tommy Kinard, from a long line of Gloucester fishermen. Hence his penchant for ill-fitting jeans, flannel, and affection via bitchiness.
He and Evan are sitting on the little bench outside The Causeway waiting for their chowder—best in the country, hands down—when Evan, who's been quietly studying boats in various stages of winter wrapping across the road, suddenly asks, "Why did you leave here? It's awesome. The downtown area looks like something out of a postcard—"
"It does not," Tommy interjects. "Rockport's downtown, on the other hand..."
"—and the beaches feel like real beaches, even if they do smell like shit."
Tommy tilts his head back and inhales the heavy, but comfortingly familiar stench of low tide. "I left because the town's unofficial motto used to be 'Come for the heroin, stay because you've developed a crippling heroin addiction.'"
Unimpressed, Evan nudges him with an elbow, then jumps to his feet to get the door for a family of six who will be waiting at least a month for a table big enough to accommodate them to open up.
The Causeway is approximately the size of an elevator car. Despite its outward appearance, it's relatively new; it hadn't been there when Tommy was a kid. The little cinema next door had been, though, and he feels a surge of pride for the Williams family that it's still going after all this time.
"No, but seriously." Evan hunkers back down next to him. "Why'd you leave?"
"Why'd you leave Hershey?" Tommy counters.
The corner of Evan's mouth twitches knowingly. He's got Tommy's number in a way no one else does. "You know why I left. But you could've stayed here and done anything. Massachusetts might be even more progressive than California—I mean, it was the first state to legalize gay marriage. Plus, I know there's an air base nearby."
"Hanscom," Tommy says. "It belongs to the Air Force and I wouldn't have been caught dead joining them."
Evan gives him a dubious look. "But the Army was okay?"
"Don't you know, Evan? The Army is for real men," he says with a grin, putting an emphasis on it so Evan knows just whose words he's parroting. "The Air Force is for fa—"
"Yeah, okay, I got it," Evan says loudly, cutting a furtive glance at the people on the other bench, who are too busy looking at their phones and not talking to each other to pay attention to any casual homophobia. "You're gonna get us run out of town."
"Please, it's Gloucester. If anything, they'll probably join in."
Evan deflates a little, pouting, and Tommy is helpless against the urge to press a kiss to his hair. What Evan doesn't understand is that Massachusetts is like an impressionist painting: beautiful if you're standing back far enough to see the whole of it, but get closer and it's as ugly as anywhere else.
"My point was," Tommy continues, "I left because I needed something more than what this place could give me, same as you. And also I needed to be somewhere with a spring wind chill above -10°."
"You bitch if the temps hit above 70," Evan points out.
"I also bitch if the day ends in Y." Tommy shrugs. "Bitching is the official state sport, especially when it comes to the weather."
Checking his phone for the time, Evan heaves an impatient sigh and drops his chin onto Tommy's shoulder. He's too used to LA's food trucks to last a minute here. "There's so much here, though. Like, Worcester looked fun."
Tommy winces. "It's pronounced 'Wuss-ter'."
Wide-eyed, Evan lifts his head. "You're shitting me."
"I shit you not," Tommy says. "And Worcester's okay. It's big, though. And a pain in the ass to navigate."
"What's beyond Worcester?"
"Nobody knows." He coughs out a 'fuck' when Evan buries an elbow in his gut.
Laughing, Evan echoes, "'Fahk.' There's the accent I've been hoping to hear. I mean, heeyah. Try and hide it all you want, Kinard, I know what you are."
"Okay, Hershey, I dare you to say 'water' like a normal person," Tommy can't help but tease. "Remember, there's no U or D in it."
Eyes sparkling, Evan presses close with a shit-eating grin and says slyly, "I'll show U where to put a D."
Before Tommy can shove him off the bench for that one, the door to the restaurant opens and a head pops out. "Order for Kinard?"
"Saved by the clams," Evan chortles, standing up when Tommy goes to grab the bag from the kid. He gives a long, luxurious stretch, and Tommy can't help but let his eyes be drawn to Evan's belly when his shirt rides up. "Where do you want to eat? We could go sit down by the beach. There's a big dahlia garden display there."
Huh. They still do that? That's actually kind of sweet, but Tommy has plans and they don't involve the public.
"If you don't mind a bit of light trespassing, we'll head up to Mussel Point. The view's well worth it."
Intrigued, Evan lifts his brows. "Trespassing? Gee, Tommy, you take me to all the best places."
That snark is nowhere to be found half an hour later when Evan's full of clam chowder and getting ruthlessly jacked off while the ocean bays at his feet, but Tommy doesn't call him on it.
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golswia · 2 years ago
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✨✨✨A CLUE✨✨✨
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stormbreaker-290 · 8 days ago
Sighs so queerly
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I think he looks nic e ina dress,,,,,,, and in anything,,,,,,,, and in general,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Oc by @bumble-the-sun-bee ofc <3
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hi-intrepid-heroes · 1 month ago
glad to see skaldova immediately jumps on the oldest and most beautiful of naddpod traditions: be gay do crimes, and cum jokes
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alpacacare-archive · 1 year ago
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doriansbutt · 11 months ago
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This life is amazing
When you greet it with open arms
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dilfmobius · 6 months ago
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Lokius moments that altered my brain chemistry [4/?] ↳ the legs!
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thecollectibles · 2 years ago
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Art by W E L A T G U N E S
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lil-bobcatz · 2 years ago
Such shape, very much yems-
Hoot hoot doodles!
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