#I played this entire update in the spam of about 14 hours
jupitisms · 9 days
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avocado-frog · 1 year
Dahlia. 10
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sorry about the spam posting i'm trying to get caught up. curses to everyone who voted "update dahlia" on the make me write tag
I keep posting these and forgetting the link lmao -Ao3 link
-It's the Leo backstory chapter!!
-I spent a whole goddamn hour trying to make sure this lined up with the timeline
Segment one- 7/29/2008 -The twins are five, the triplets are about three months old -Using Leo's full name felt like I was writing an entirely different character -My confession is that this chapter was written back in May, and I didn't learn to play go fish until two weeks ago when a six-year-old beat me four times (she was cheating) -It's edited to make it less obvious that I didn't know how to play go fish when I was writing it. I thought it was like solitaire?? As if a game for little kids would be like solitaire ever at all?? -Olivia>>
Segment two- 4/2/2009 -Twins are six now -They just got stolen -"She could count on one hand the amount of times she'd even seen her aunt, and that was impressive, because she could count really high up." Baby Leo <3 she can count to like 80
Segment three- 4/5/2009 -Logan and Lily!!! Love them -Logan's probably around 13, Lily's 5 -The way I forgot Logan had a sister -The way I also forgot that Lily's full name is Lilith
Segment four- 4/10/2009 -OH THANK GOD it was physically paining me to write Leonie -(chewing on drywall) they gave each other nicknames and they kept those nicknames even though Leo forgot everything else and-
Segment five- 5/14/2011 -The twins are eight now -Logan, Jasmine, and Lily all left and if the twins hadn't forgotten then they'd have grown up thinking that they were dead anyways :(
Segment six- 5/30/2011 -Leo was out for like two weeks -Emily (derogatory) -Oh No
Segment seven- 9/29/2011 -The twins are color-coded red and green -THEY'RE BOTH AFRAID OF LOUD NOISES AND THEY DONT REMEMBER WHY GEGEGRGRGGR -Autistic Leo real -So it's canon that their magic develops after a big stress and Leo's was after one day at school and honestly-
Segment eight- 10/23/2011 -Their ninth birthday!! -Kai debut the littlest guy ever -He's like. eight i think
Segment nine- 10/17/2013 -It says age ten but it's a week before they're eleven -Leo got into a fight for attention -emily for the love of god pay attention to your hostage she's about to develop a personality disorder -Marcy's brief cameo <3
Segment ten- 11/19/2014 -The twins are twelve -The twins are no longer friends also -Leo almost gets arrested -"That was what she wanted, wasn't it?" NO -How obvious is it that i don't know card games
Segment eleven- 6/17/2016 -The twins are thirteen -Girl you GOT him!! he's fucking dead!! that was unnecessary!!! -ASPD Leo is real
Segment twelve- 10/31/2018 -They're sixteen -Forget-me-not canon
Segment thirteen- 1/14/2019 -Leo's dynamic with the kids >>> -"Snowmen, I'm familiar with the concept." -Leo says "hold your horses" -ELLIOT!! Alive and well!! He demands apple cider -Sam wants to be like his sister :((
Segment fourteen- 3/20/2019 -I'M SORRY!! -Leo's beef with Jaxon sort of explained -Leo's just trying to find someone to blame
Segment fifteen- 4/20/2019 -The fight :( -Leo leaves
Segment sixteen- 5/11/2019 -Ryan's nightmare but Leo is too Leo to know what to do about it -"Silently, she cursed the weather for doing this to him."
Segment seventeen- 10/23/2019 -Coincidentally the seventeenth segment is the twin's seventeenth birthday -Hope you're excited for the Cass backstory chapter when I parallel the shit out of this
Segment eighteen- 6/14/2020 -They're still only seventeen -Anyways: the present -Dylan and Ryan are basically possessed by Elliot right now so that's cool -Leo has to deal with it tho -There was a deleted segment where Leo used to play softball to explain the baseball bat she uses, but I don't know shit about softball and didn't want to try. Anyways, Leo played softball in 7th grade -Leo finally calls the others, does not mention the part about the kids being possessed
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muffintonic · 3 years
Alright, I think i’m done BOTW 2 spamming for today. Anywho, time for some thoughts in general!
1) I hated how the shrines in BOTW were so cold and dark compared to the bright and lively nature outside (I wish they had all looked like the Master Trials challenge where there were trees and stuff incorporated inside), so I hope if we’re forced to have dungeons they’ll be more like the Wind Waker ones. 2) I hope they don’t make us use the grappling hook or anything like in Wind Waker to move around the sky islands (I hated that mechanic). 3) I’m probably one of the few people who wanted less Zelda and more of the Champions in HWAOC since i’m only really attached to BOTW (and we saw a fair amount of Tetra in Wind Waker)/apparently Zelda’s been sidelined in all the other games, so i’m hoping in vain that we get more Champions material in BOTW 2. Also, Link could stand to have some more cutscenes centered around him as well (the few we got in some of the sidequests in BOTW were great). 4) I only really somewhat care about Riju and Sidon, so I won’t mind if the new gang gets sidelined in BOTW 2 (I still think Nintendo wasted the found family/band of brothers aspect on the dead characters--I love them so much and they’re all I want!! The problem is, they’re dead and I don’t really care all that much about their replacements!!! I dunno, maybe i’m hampered by the fact that I can replay the original champions’ memories whenever I want/read their diaries, but I can’t rewatch the new gang’s cutscenes AKA i’ve forgotten their characterization since they don’t talk to me much now that the game’s over). It’d be great if they have some weaving storylines in BOTW 2 that will get me more invested in them, but currently i’m not that interested. 5) Speaking of which, I know it’s 100% not going to happen, but goddang if I don’t want the Champions to have been returned to life. Nintendo totally squandered HWAOC by not making it a true prequel/canon to BOTW (the Champions Ballad confirmed that the Divine Beasts had trials in order to be synced to the champs, so the new gen use of them wouldn’t have happened without that + Mipha thought Link had changed in BOTW yet says in HWAOC that he hasn’t changed + some scenes like “Champion Revali’s Song” never happened at all/got replaced with alternative scenes that really changed some dynamics + basically all of Revali’s time-relative characterization from his diary/pre-100 years of solitude got thrown out + I feel like Daruk got totally sidelined), so i’m still craving that Champions content. Also, I feel like it’s totally unfair that Zelda came out of 100 years totally unaged while everyone else died. Life seems to really suck for people in the LoZ universe who aren’t chosen by divine powers. 6) They’d better keep it open world and non-linear. I can’t go back to being forced to backtrack/trudge through things, I just can’t. BOTW was everything i’ve ever dreamed about in a game (truly open world + non-linear + interactive + meaningful story + lots of outfits + beautiful landscapes) with Skyrim previously being the only thing that came close to what I wanted, so I really hope BOTW 2 doesn’t deviate too much from that. 7) I really liked Kass in BOTW, but i’m not sure what direction they’d go with him in BOTW 2/i’d be fine if he sat BOTW 2 out. I worked so hard to complete all his quests in BOTW so he’d go back home to his family, GODDANGIT, KASS. 8) Someone mentioned that since the first trailer had underground aspects, we’re probably going to be playing as Zelda with the Slate there, and I agree. They didn’t make a playable model for her in HWAOC for nothing. 9) I want to be able to stable the deer and bears and stuff, but I know that won’t happen. Being able to ride the moose and rhino things from the Hebra area probably won’t happen either, but I want to ride them!!! 10) I hope there’ll be at least a few new buildings and stuff in the towns/they’ve started construction on some areas in Central Hyrule, but I guess that’ll depend on how long it’s been in-universe since BOTW. Or maybe not, considering how there’s still Karson and Hudson even though Bolson retired from Bolson Construction--insta-towns like Tarrey Town could totally be feasible if they wanted! 11) I have one foot in the camp that believes there’ll be time shenanigans in BOTW 2. HWAOC totally threw me off with it being an alternate timeline, so i’m not sure whether we’re going to be experiencing that again or time travel itself, but I definitely won’t be surprised this time around if Nintendo goes that route again (and it would be super interesting to see the Link from 10,000 years ago). I’m not entirely convinced that the Link we see exploring the sky in the second trailer isn’t our Link, mainly because he seems to still have on the blue boxers from BOTW. 12) I also heard that maybe this will be the last LoZ game ever since something something Demise something Skyward Sword something something lore from games i’ve only vaguely looked into (i’ve only ever played BOTW --> Wind Waker --> HWAOC)??? If so, it kind of sucks that I came in just when they started making games with playstyles palatable to me (I had to look up every single thing when playing Wind Waker, but BOTW let me solve things according to MY logic/I missed being able to explore in HWAOC), but at least it’ll end on a super high note/I won’t experience later disappointment, I guess. If BOTW 2 involves breaking the reincarnation cycle for the Triforcers, I would be really surprised. (On a related note, Nintendo making Ganondorf good would also be a 100% shock to me, but it would be great to end on that as a subversion. Yes, I want them to bring back the semi-complicated Ganondorf from Wind Waker.) 13) I hope they don’t rush releasing it. I heard they pushed back BOTW originally (I got it in 2019), but it came out fantastic for it! I know COVID’s been affecting things, so I really hope they’re treating their staff right and are mindful of crunch. 14) I want even more outfits (there seem to be at least two new ones, if the variant of the Hylian Tunic crossed with Link’s Champion’s Tunic counts). Give me all the outfits!!! Also, I hope we get even more hair variations in addition to the hair down option (which is all i’ve ever wanted since I saw the mod that altered the Ancient Helmet). 15) I wonder if we’re going to get a bonus for having both BOTW and HWAOC save data. 16) I wonder if we’re going to be keeping the Champions’ skills. I’m going to miss being super overpowered, if not. 17) I hope Nintendo doesn’t cave in and make surfaces climbable in the rain. Having that limiter is more realistic and Link would otherwise be too overpowered with a super climbing ability. 18) I liked BOTW’s scattered music that got more noticeable in populated areas because it was fitting for the post-apocalyptical/nature aspect. Hearing your footsteps in an open field and the buzzing of insects was super nice and prevented me from getting music fatigue (which i’d probably experience since whenever I play BOTW it’s for 5-10 hours at a time). I hope Nintendo either keeps that or makes audio options. 19) I heard that BOTW 2 is going to be super dark or something, and i’m okay with dark, but not GRIMdark, so I hope it doesn’t go that far. From what we’ve seen in the second trailer it still looks beautiful, but I hope it doesn’t do that thing that some games do where after the midpoint/a certain story point all the scenery permanently changes to be dark and scary (that’ll seriously hamper post-game playability for me if so). 20) If they expand on the Zonai, that would be super cool! Doubly cool if the time travel shenanigans involve them/ancient Link being one! 21) I kind of want windstorms to be a weather feature. We had lightning, heat, and cold, but no wind! No, I don’t count the wind geysers and the occasional breeze in Tabantha. 22) I want a chest in my house to hold more weapons than just the gear mounts. BOTW only had enough mounts for the champions’ gear, but it also had rare items like the Kite Shield and Forest Dweller’s Sword that you can’t get anymore once you use them up! 23) I want to be able to stable my horses at my house. What’s the point of that little area if you can’t stable your horse there! 24) Speaking of Link’s house: where is Zelda going to live? If the castle’s not reconstructed, it’d be neat if Link adds an extension to his house for her. 25) I hope they open up part-time jobs (think Mabinogi) as an option to earn rupees. Having to hunt for Luminous Stone deposits or feed Trott to make money can be such a chore. I think some of BOTW’s minigames/sidequests might count as those, but those minigames were either frustrating if your goal is to earn money (since most of them cost money to play in the first place and the mechanics weren’t always easy), or didn’t earn that much in general. 26) I wonder if Kilton is going to have updated items since the monsters seem to have changed. 27) I want to be able to dive underwater (mainly so I can explore the beautiful reefs over at Lurelin). A dive meter like the one from Super Mario Sunshine would be cool. Also, it’d doubly be neat if you had a separate stamina wheel for swimming and could permanently upgrade your swim/diving stamina (the speed+ swimming items just consumed your stamina faster, which was a pain)! 28) It’s definitely too late for this, but it’s a shame that the Hylians have so many face/body/hair and outfit variations, but the Zora, Rito, and Gorons don’t. The Gerudo were kind of okay with the hair and body variations, but the other races seemed to have a serious copy-paste problem. I guess technically some of the more important NPCs (ones with quests/cutscene triggers) had different coloring, but they were severely lacking in clothing variation. Also, the only old Rito was the elder??? At least the Gorons and Zora had some old folks besides their leader walking around. Very weird, but I don’t think BOTW 2 can fix any of this. 29) I wonder how they’re going to do the final boss battle, considering how epic/cinematic the BOTW 2x battle was. What can top fighting (on horseback, no less) a giant, flaming boar made out of malice? 30) I wonder what the Yiga are going to be up to, considering how Ganondorf seems to be somewhat kicking in BOTW 2.
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xuxi99 · 7 years
All the things i was tagged in~
in order to not spam my blog with all the things i was tagged in i’ll make a one big post, so i wont annoy my followerstdfrhg 
also, i’ll tag people at the very end of this, sorry in advance if you already did one of these tags :)
Let’s Bold It Tag
tagged by @antaresw thank you 💕💕
APPEARANCE: I am 5’7’’ or taller I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or had braces There is something I would change about the way I look
PERSONALITY: My Hogwarts House is: Gryffindor / Hufflepuff / Ravenclaw / Slytherin I am an introvert I like meeting new people People tell me I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude to people that I’m close to I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: I can sing well I can play an instrument I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well (when I really try) I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least two people in arm wrestling I know how to cook three meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing Fandoms are my number one priority I do or have done martial arts
EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a game I have watched an entire season of a tv show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
RELATIONSHIP: I’m in a relationship I have a celebrity crush I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least three relationships I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings for them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for over a year I have had feelings for a friend
MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a best friend I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend from school in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone
RANDOM: I have break danced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that is hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages fluently I have made a friend in the past year
Rules: Have to tag 15 people at the end of this 
tagged by @miinct and @kristinanix00 thank you! 💗💗
Five things you’ll find in my bag:
 lots of tissues 
a bottle of water
pink totoro power bank 
my wallet
Five things you’ll find in my bedroom
a guitar 
my laptop
cups and mugs all over my desk
cat toys
johnten bag i hanged on my wall lol
Five things I’ve always wanted to do:
go to nct s concert 
visit my friends from other countries 
go to a cat cafe
volunteer at an animal shelter  
buy my mom a big housedgfdsgfxcv
Five things that make me happy:
my cats, friends, family
doing things im supposed to do
buying things for my family and cats
knowing that i did everything i could to help others
Five things I’m currently into:
manga/manhwa (👉F O O L S👈)
saving money for nct s merchandise 
editing videos
Five things on my to-do list:
buy for my cats bigger cat tree
buy for my cats two baskets
buy ncts latest album
drawing more regularly
to not take everything for granted and enjoy my time with my family as much as i can
92 questions
tagged by @l-etaeyong thank you!!💞💞
1. Drink: milk
2. Phone call: my sister
3. Text message: rejecting a job offer
4. Song you listened to: the strokes- last nite 
5. Time you cried: two weeks ago, maybe?
6. Dated someone twice: no
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: yes
8. Been cheated on: no
9. Lost someone special: yes
10. Been depressed: yes
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
12-14: purple, blue, peach
15. Made new friends: yes
16. Fallen out of love: yes
17. Laughed until you cried: yes
18. Found out someone was talking about you: no
19. Met someone who changed you: no
20. Found out who your friends are: ..yes
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: yes
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: 99%
23. Do you have any pets: yes, two cats
24. Do you want to change your name: no, i got used to it and many people told me how pretty it is :)
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: bought my cats a lot of toys lol
26. What time did you wake up: 5/6 am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: i was sleepingtyfghd
28. Name something you can’t wait for: moving out of my house 
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: an hour ago
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my poor decisions 
31. What are you listening right now: grizzly bear - two weeeks
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: no
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: people ignoring me when i need do to something important and i need their help
34. Most visited Website: mangago fdgnhgdfxv
35. Elementary: graduated 
36. High School: graduated
37. College: :)
38. Haircolor: brown
39. Long or short hair: in between 
40. Do you have a crush on someone: no
41. What do you like about yourself: my lips
42. Piercings: none
43. Bloodtype: A
44. Nickname: zuza
45. Relationship status: single
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite TV Show: nct life tydjtrdytgr
49. Tattoos: none, but im planning to get one soon
50. Right or left: left handed
51. Surgery: adenoidectomy
52. Piercing: none
53. Sport: ??dytfghtdrgf
55. Vacation: my house tdyfhg
56. Pair of trainers: converse
57. Eating: everything that has pasta in it
58. Drinking: water, tea
59. I’m about to: check mangago for any updates tydhftdg
61. Waiting for: a miracle to happen 
62. Want: money
63. Get married: nope
64. Career: i dont even know at this point dygfhfdg
65. Hugs or kisses: kisses 
66. Lips or eyes: eyes
67. Shorter or taller: taller
68. Older or younger: older
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: nice arms 
71. Sensitive or loud: both are good ytdfgd
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker
74. Kissed a stranger: no
75. Drank hard liquor: nope
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: no
77. Turned someone down: yes
78. Sex in the first date: nope
79. Broken someones heart: dont think so
80. Had your heart broken: yes
81. Been arrested: no, im a good kid
82. Cried when someone died: yes
83. Fallen for a friend: yes
84. Yourself: me?
85. Miracles: i try to believe 
86. Love at first sight: more like a crush tefddrgsf
87. Santa Claus: until i was 6
88. Kiss in the first date: no
89. Angels: chenle
90. Current best friends name: ariadna
91. Eyecolor: brown mixed with green
92. Favorite movie: theres so many, cant choose etrghrtdgf
i hope you got to know me better through these tags :)
i tag @johntenismyotp @yutasneko @gghateblog @mashiington @minteacakes @dreamlnadream @backisshinee and @1aeyeon !!
dont feel obligated to do it if you dont want to!!
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softedwin · 7 years
hitting on you - chapter 3
haha guESS who’s back and finally updated. I’m sorry it took so long. you can find a more detailed explanation on ao3 why this took me so long. I hope you enjoy! a huge thank you to @julieseven and @towonderland72 for betaing, and to @shakespeare-and-sunshine, @skamskada and my girl @isakje for being the greatest cheerleaders in the world <3
When Isak woke up the next morning, he had probably the biggest headache of his entire life. He could barely move or, more so, didn’t want to. He reached for his phone but immediately regretted it when the screen was too bright in his dark room. After his eyes adjusted to the light, he saw that he had a message from Even and, of course, the boys. He checked Even’s text first.
(09:28) Even: good morning. hope your hangover isn’t too bad. looking forward to today
Isak looked down at his phone comically. There was one thing he was certain of now: Even was out of his mind. After everything that had happened, he still wanted to meet up with him? Isak knew that he was good at charming people - Magnus had told him several times - but he didn't know he was  that good. It took skill to make a guy stay after you punched him in the face and he watched you get kissed by someone else
(12:03) Isak: I’m dying
(12:11) Even: that sounds a little dramatic, doesn’t it
(12:12) Isak: it’s the truth tho. don’t think I can make it today
(12:12) Even: are you for real?
(12:13) Isak: no, but I still feel like dying
(12:13) Even: haha go take a shower and when you’re ready, I’ll come get you. Maybe coffee will help
(12:14) Isak: coffee won’t help with a hangover tho
(12:14) Even: but maybe seeing me will
(12:16) Isak: that was so cheesy, it’s not even the alcohol anymore that makes me want to throw up
(12:16) Even: hey!
(12:17) Isak: it probably won’t make the hangover better but it will definitely make my day better
(12:17) Even: who’s the cheesy one now
(12:19) Isak: shut up, I’m going to take a shower now.
(12:19) Even: have fun
(12:20) Isak: thank you very much, I will
(12:20) Even: ohhh I bet you will
(12:22) Isak: oh my god you are insufferable. I hope you know that
(12:22) Even: oh yeah I do, believe me
(12:23) Isak: good
(12:25) Even: go take your shower now
Isak replied by sending a thumb up emoji, then checked the group chat. He wasn’t even surprised to read messages like “Are you okay?”, “What happened last night?”, “We only saw you leave with Even. Everything okay?”, “Please text us as soon as you read this” but neither did he have the energy to explain everything nor did he want to think about what happened last night. Sure, the part where he talked to Even in the park was nice but the part where he blew Emma off wasn’t something he wanted to remember. Isak typed a short “I’m fine, don’t worry” and locked his phone again, throwing it next to him on his bed. Afterwards, he got up slowly, his head hurting with the movement more than he thought was possible. “I will never drink again, Jesus Christ,” he mumbled to himself as he was walking towards the bathroom languidly.
It had happened too often to him. Opening Snapchat because he wanted to send a picture of something that reminded him of his friends to them but it was the front camera facing him. Every time, he got frightened by himself and was terrified if he actually was that ugly. And this was how Isak felt when he entered the bathroom and saw himself in the mirror for the first time that day. “Fuck, I look like trash,” he said, squinting at his own reflection. He had bags under his eyes and he looked even more exhausted than he actually felt. Having a shower was probably the best thing he could do right now.
Isak got out of his clothes and turned on the tap. Since the water took forever to get warm, he had to wait for a few minutes, quite literally freezing his ass off (the temperature in the bathroom itself wasn’t that high either), before he could get in. As soon as the hot water hit his skin, he sighed contently. The shower was doing wonders for him and he felt immediately more alive. He lost track of time, and eventually his skin started getting wrinkly, but he didn’t care. He didn’t want to get out just yet, but he knew he couldn’t stay in there forever. After rinsing out the rest of his shampoo, he grabbed a towel and put it around his waist. His entire body was dripping, making the floor wet, which caused him to almost slip. But luckily, he got a hold of the sink and cursed to himself. This day was already starting out great.
Before he left the bathroom, Isak checked if anyone was around to see him. He didn’t want a rerun of what had happened a few weeks ago when he was done showering. Isak had left the bathroom in a hurry but tripped over his own feet and conveniently lost the towel from around his waist. He had been quick enough to snatch it before it fell on the floor but the damage had already been done and he could hear a “Nice ass!” and laughter from behind him. When Isak turned around, the towel in its rightful place again, he saw Eskild down the hallway who wiggled his eyebrows at him suggestively. The pure horror on his face was replaced by annoyance and he let out an irritated groan. “Fuck off, Eskild,” was his only reply while he made his way towards his bedroom, slamming the door behind him. Weeks of teasing and bragging about how good Isak’s butt looked had followed, and he had tried to avoid his friend as much as possible. Sure, he liked his roommate and they got along pretty well but he was also a fucking pain in the ass sometimes (no pun intended). Eventually, he told himself that Eskild was just jealous and he got over it. Didn’t mean he wanted to repeat the whole thing, though. So after realizing that no one seemed to be within reach, he bolted out of the bathroom, trying to get to his bedroom as fast as possible. Looking down at his own body, he thankfully found that the towel was still where it belonged.
Isak flopped down on his bed and reached for his phone, checking yet again for any new messages. The guys were, of course, spamming in the group chat, demanding to know what had happened last night, but Even hadn’t texted him again. Which made sense, considering the other boy was awaiting a message from him.
(12:59) Isak: I’m finally done. I’ll text you again when I’m dressed and ready
(13:03) Even: holy shit how long does it take you to shower You did have fun in there, didn’t you
(13:05) Isak: oh my god even, stop it
(13:05) Even: YOU DID!!!
(13:06) Isak: no, I didn’t
(13:06) Even: sure you didn’t, buddy
(13:07) Isak: I’m blocking u
(13:08) Even: anyway You ever heard of save the environment?
(13:09) Isak: yes, why?
(13:10) Even: you’re doing the opposite and unlike you I care deeply about my planet
(13:10) Isak: I’m hungover!! I needed that shower okay
(13:11) Even: are you really trying to make excuses for hurting mother earth In the long run you showering for so long will have consequences that are much worse than your minor, temporary hangover
(13:13) Isak: did you just say minor Because this shit isn’t minor And I honestly cannot tell if you’re for real right now or just fucking with me
(13:14) Even: well I am definitely not fucking you right now, considering that we’re not even in the same room
When Isak read the text, his face turned a bright red. How could Even just write stuff like that? It wasn’t that it made him uncomfortable or anything, if anything he actually kind of welcomed it. He just didn’t really know how to reply and maybe he was also a bit embarrassed. Isak probably wouldn’t be able to face Even later if he responded to this sex thing now.
(13:20) Isak: 1) you are insufferable but you already know that and 2) I am getting dressed now
Before he locked his phone again, he opened Spotify and pressed shuffle. Some song he had forgotten he had even saved started playing, but he didn’t mind. Instead he moved his hips along to the beat. He liked dancing and goofing around to songs as long as it was in the safety of his own bedroom. Isak reached into his closet, grabbing the clothes he picked out for the day. While putting them on, he danced through his room, feeling hyped. He wasn’t as tired and exhausted as he was when he woke up, so the shower had actually helped.  
After he had put on the last piece of clothing, he stopped in front of the mirror and looked at himself. The dark circles around his eyes were still there and probably wouldn’t disappear in the next few hours. Apart from that, Isak believed he actually didn’t look too bad.
He prayed that he wouldn't fuck this up today. You didn't get many chances with other people, especially not someone as amazing, kind, and charming as Even, and Isak felt like he had already pushed his luck too much.
Smiling at himself confidently, he turned away from the mirror and texted Even that he was ready.  On my way was the reply he got back.
When he left his room, a smile was playing around the corners of his mouth. He was so excited to see Even again and there was even a little bounce in his step. As he walked by the living room, he saw Eskild sitting on the couch. He must have noticed Isak as he looked up at him. The fact that Isak was practically beaming seemed to make him suspicious as he raised an eyebrow at him. Isak stopped in his tracks and waited for his friend to explain himself, a confused look on his face.
“Why are you so happy? What’s going on?” Eskild eventually asked after giving him another once-over.
“What do you mean? Am I not allowed to be happy?”
His friend contemplated this for a moment, tapping his index finger against his chin. “Of course you are.” He paused for a second, then continued, “it’s just… weird. You are usually grumpy. I’m just wondering what got you so happy.”
He wanted to tell Eskild about Even so badly, do some ‘gay bonding’ like he would say. But Isak didn’t even know where this thing between him and Even was going, let alone what it was. It had only started blossoming recently and he still wasn’t 100% sure if the other boy liked him that way. So he would rather keep it to himself until he got that figured out.
“Just having a good day. It’s nothing,” he lied and shrugged. Before Eskild could say anything else, Isak got the hell out of there, snatching his jacket from the coat rack on his way out.
While waiting for Even to arrive, Isak leaned against the wall of his apartment complex and played some games on his phone. He didn’t know how long it would actually take for Even to get here but because enough time had passed since he sent his last text, he figured it wouldn’t be much longer.
As Isak was focused on his phone, he was startled by the cheerful ‘Hello’ directed at him. He looked up, eyes meeting Even’s, and a huge smile spread over his face.
“Hi,” he replied just as happily while stowing away his phone.
Before Even continued to speak, he seemed to be thoughtful for a second, his brows furrowing in confusion, eyes narrowing. “For how long have you been out here?”
“Not too long,” Isak answered casually and shrugged.
“Aren't you cold?”
Indeed he was. Isak had been so focused on his phone that he hadn’t really noticed until Even brought it up. “Maybe a little bit, now that you mention it.”
Even flashed him a big affectionate smile that was enough for him not to notice the cold again. “Well, then let’s go and get you warmed up.”
They walked side by side, close to each other, their arms almost touching but not quite yet. Isak had his hands buried in the pockets of his jacket and focused on the street ahead of him, only occasionally sneaking a glance at Even. He usually caught him looking and gave Isak a smile, who looked away bashfully, blushing and smiling to himself. It was mostly quiet between them, both enjoying the other’s company silently. It didn’t take them long until they reached the café that Even had been heading for. The café was rather small and not too busy, with a harmonious and peaceful atmosphere. Isak already liked it.
After he paid for his coffee, he chose a rather secluded area in the back of the café and sat down on a comfy chair, waiting for Even to join him. When he did, Isak couldn’t hide his surprise at Even’s choice of beverage.
“Hot chocolate?” he wondered, “you’re drinking hot chocolate?”
“Uh, yes?” Even replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Which it was. “Why are you so surprised?”
Isak shrugged, looking down at his own coffee. “I don’t know, I didn’t take you for a cocoa drinker. I was expecting something more… special?”
This earned him a big toothy grin and Even nodded knowingly. “You thought I was the kind of person who goes to Starbucks and orders a Latte Macchiato with not one but five pumps of hazelnut and vanilla syrup, two espresso shots and whipped cream but not  that much because I need to watch my waistline. Right?”
For a short moment Isak looked at him perplexed by the detailed description and then shook his head in disbelief, laughing softly. “Yeah, exactly,” he admitted, “but you know, hearing all of that coming out of your mouth actually confirms that you  are this kind of person.”
“Nope, this is enough. There’s nothing a hot chocolate can’t fix.” As Even said it, he raised the mug to his mouth and took a sip. When he put it back on the table, Isak noticed the milk froth on Even’s upper lip. He gestured towards it, pointed it out but when Even tried to wipe it away, he didn’t quite get the spot. “Is it gone?”
Again, Isak shook his head and Even tried a second time but failed yet again. He grinned amused at the other boy as he asked one more time if it was gone. “No. Wait, let me…” Isak muttered as he leaned across the table, brushing away the remaining milk froth. His thumb maybe lingered a moment too long on Even’s lip but he just couldn’t help himself. His lips were so  soft . Isak could only imagine what kissing them would feel like when he took his seat again.
Isak fixated his eyes on those kissable lips but soon enough Even interrupted him as he thanked him quietly. Isak realised he was staring and immediately averted his gaze shyly, as he whispered, “no problem.” While he hoped that his creepy behavior hadn't been noticeable, he busied himself with opening the cookie that came along with his coffee. Afterwards he dipped it into his drink and took a bite.
They were quiet for a bit until Even spoke up again.
“You look good for someone who complained about dying earlier.”
Isak lightly blushed but chose to ignore the compliment. “Well, I  was . But the shower helped.”
A wide grin played around Even’s lips. “Ahhh, the shower! Glad it helped.” Even winked at him, confusing Isak the slightest bit until he realised exactly why he had done it. And how could he have forgotten that part of their conversation?
Isak groaned loudly and shook his head, burying it in his hands. “Jesus, sometimes I cannot believe you.”
Even just laughed while wiggling his eyebrows at him. “No need to be ashamed,” he teased.
Although Isak was indeed embarrassed, his cheeks sporting a deep red, he smiled back. “We are not having this discussion again,” he replied determinedly.
The other boy nodded in understanding, his features going soft as he gently asked, “what do you wanna talk about instead?”
Isak thought for a moment, then pointed to Even’s nose tentatively. “How’s your nose?”
“Good, I guess. It doesn’t hurt anymore.” he answered nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders. “But I told you before, the guy that punched me was a softie.”
“And I told you before that I am  not a softie!” Isak exclaimed but couldn’t help laughing.
“Sure, you’re not. Keep telling yourself that.”
Isak just shook his head in disbelief as he watched Even taking another sip of his hot chocolate. It still felt unreal that he was actually here, talking to Even, making stupid jokes and laughing about them, just enjoying each other's company. Before the incident, Isak had never talked to the other boy. He had only admired him from afar and decided against talking to him because he always thought that Even might find that weird, Isak just coming up to him and starting a conversation out of nowhere. So instead, he had chosen to whine about it to his friends who probably had been very tired of the ‘Even Bech Næsheim’ topic by now but had still listened nevertheless.
Isak had also daydreamed of him, imagining their conversations and what Even was actually like. And it shouldn't have come as a surprise but this whole scenario playing out right now? It was exactly how he imagined it, with Even being funny and teasing but also attentive and incredibly charming.
Silence surrounded them again, and while it had been okay the first few minutes, Isak was getting uncomfortable. The question that had been lingering on his mind, haunting him ever since that fateful day, threatened to burst out of him but whenever he opened his mouth, no words came out. He was obviously struggling, his mouth opening and falling shut immediately after. It took him by surprise when Even suddenly took his hand, stroking the back of it with his thumb in a calming manner as if to say: It's okay, take your time. Isak smiled at him gratefully and while it did help to some extent, he still fidgeted with the table cloth. He took a deep breath and finally the words were tumbling out of his mouth.
“Uhm… I’ve been meaning to ask you something,” he started slowly, quietly, unsure of himself.
Even nodded and smiled at him encouragingly as he sat up straighter, waiting for him to continue. It was only subtle but Isak’s fidgeting seemed to make the other boy nervous as well. Isak tried to stop himself.
“Why did you even come over that day?” As he said those words, he managed to hold Even’s intense gaze, surprising himself considering he couldn’t even get his mouth to work not even two minutes ago.
Even’s mouth formed an O, realisation dawning on his face. A smile graced his lips as he was scratching the back of his neck, a small blush creeping on his cheeks. Isak would never get tired of seeing him like this - all flustered and suddenly shy - nor the fact that he was responsible for it.
“Uhh, well,” Even tried, letting out a nervous laugh, “I was, well, I came over because I wanted to talk to you?” It was more of a question, as if he was unsure of how Isak would react to that confession.
Isak was definitely surprised, to say the least. “You did?” he asked incredulously, leaning forward on the table, eyebrows raised highly in disbelief.
“Yeah. Well, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to get coffee or hang out sometime and I had everything planned out in my head because I was nervous as hell. But then you punched me in the face.”
If he was honest, Isak didn’t know what to focus on: the fact that Even had wanted to ask him out or the fact that he had been just as much of a trainwreck as Isak, trying to muster the courage to talk to the other boy.
“You had everything planned out, huh? What was your plan then?” Isak wanted to know, a big smirk plastered across his face.
Even groaned, burying his head in his hands. He shook his head shortly before looking up at Isak again. “You really want me to tell you?” A nod. “Jesus. So, like I said, I was really nervous and I had been wanting to talk to you for weeks but I kept putting it off because I thought you might think I’m weird or maybe you might not be interested. Which is ridiculous when I think about it now but any-”
“Wait, what? What makes you think I was interested?” Isak interrupted him promptly. His brow furrowed in confusion and he tilted his head slightly, curious to hear Even’s explanation.
“You stare a lot and you’re not very subtle. At first I thought it was the “fucking hell, that dude is weird” kind of staring but it wasn’t. Not at all.” By the end of it, a deep blush had already been formed on Isak’s cheek and he could feel his face quite literally burning. Isak had been convinced that he wasn’t too obvious with his staring, never allowed himself to let his gaze linger for more than 10 seconds. How had he even noticed that? It didn’t take him long to realise that Even had probably been staring too if he had picked up on that. But instead of addressing it, teasing Even about it, he tucked that knowledge away in the back of his mind. It was something he could smile about and cherish later.
“Well, anyway, my plan was to come up to you, looking extremely cool and handsome, flash you a big smile before I ask you if you wanted to hang out. You, of course, would be so surprised that you could only stare at me dumbfounded and I would have to repeat myself. You would be blushing by then but say yes or at least that's what I'm hoping and I would act cool like it wasn't affecting me at all and tell you I would text you and then I would walk away while you would gaze after me and as soon as I round the corner, you would freak out with your friends,” Even took a deep breath as he finished, a big toothy grin on his face.
His grin only widened when Isak looked at him stunned. Letting out a puff of air, he replied, “Wow. You really thought this through, huh?” He wouldn't ever admit that if it had happened like in Even’s little story, he would have exactly reacted like the other boy described it: speechless that his crush was talking to him, turning into a blushing mess and saying yes a tad too eagerly. And honestly, who wouldn't freak out when a guy like Even wanted to hang out?
The fact that Isak didn't deny any of this seemed to be enough to confirm Even’s assumptions. His eyes glinted knowingly and although it was subtle, Even appeared to be pleased with himself.
“Yeah, I did,” he admitted and nodded in agreement, “and the part where I walk up like this really cool guy worked. But when I opened my mouth, you ruined everything!” He tried to sound serious but couldn't stop the laughter from bursting out of him.
Isak immediately joined him, shaking his head. “I didn't even do it on purpose!” he exclaimed, trying to defend himself. “Wouldn't want to hurt a pretty face like yours.”
“Awww, you think I'm pretty?” Even asked him teasingly, placing a hand over his heart as if he was seriously touched by Isak’s words.
Suddenly, his half empty mug was more interesting than Even’s face as he muttered, “shut up.” He could feel his face heat up again in embarrassment and avoided looking at Even the best he could. Which was hard because have you seen this man? Gorgeous as hell. Isak would never get tired of looking at him.
“But no matter how it went down, we still ended up here,” Even eventually muttered softly, his eyes shining so beautifully in a way that took Isak's breath away for a second.
“Yeah, we did,” Isak agreed quietly and bravely locked his gaze with Even’s now, not giving in under the scrutiny of his look. Instead, he kept his eyes on him as if he feared Even would disappear if he only as much blinked.
“That was all I wanted.”
Isak nodded and smiled as he drank his coffee. When he had woken up this morning, he would have never thought his day would turn out this way. Sure, he was aware that he was going to meet up with Even, but he didn't expect things to go like this. While he was comfortable around Even, he was still awkward at times and blushed too easily at whatever Even said; yeah, he anticipated this to go much worse. But what he got instead was Even’s confession, which he definitely didn't expect. The other boy had thought about their conversation when they first talked in depth as well and it left Isak speechless. He didn't know what to make of or do with this information and he wondered if Even’s imagination stopped after the first meeting. But all that mattered right now anyway was that Even seemed to want this just as much as Isak which made him feel all warm and giddy on the inside.
It didn't happen often that Isak’s crush wasn't one-sided. So far it hadn't happened at all. Isak remembered all the fruitless crushes he had: Jonas, a few other guys from school, that one guy he had made out with at a party but had then panicked and was now hiding behind a girlfriend Isak knew he didn't love and never would. Isak thought Even would be one of them. Just another boy that wouldn't reciprocate his feelings and that Isak would get over rather quickly. It was always only a matter of time. He was delighted that this situation seemed to be different for once.
Eventually, Isak emptied his mug and wiped his mouth. He watched as Even put down his cup shortly after him. “Do you wanna get anything else? Another cup of coffee? Maybe food?” Even asked.
“Food sounds good. I saw earlier that they sell waffles,” Isak replied thoughtfully. Before he could say anything else, Even was already out of his chair and said, “Waffles it is then. Be right back.”
He turned on his heel, starting his walk to the counter to order, when Isak called after him. Even stopped in his tracks and turned back around, facing Isak. “Uh, can you also get me a hot chocolate?” he inquired shyly, rubbing the back of his neck.
Even’s smile was wide when he answered. “Of course.”
Isak watched Even’s back as he made his way to the front of the café and ordered two hot chocolates, Isak’s waffle and a muffin for himself. When he came back to their table, he put down one of the cups in front of Isak and the other one on his side, sitting down again afterwards.
“It’ll be a while until you get your food, though. They said all their waffles are freshly baked,” Even told him before he took a bite from his muffin.
“Okay, cool. Thanks.” He nodded shortly, then asked, “how much is it? The hot chocolate and the waffles, I mean?”
Even was still chewing the bits of his muffin, so it took him a while to answer. He tried to eat faster but it only caused him to choke on it which then turned into a coughing fit. He hit his own chest in an attempt to stop it but only when he also drank some of his cacao did he calm down a bit. Isak looked at him worried and reached out his hand tentatively to touch Even’s but backtracked in the last second. “Are you okay?” Isak wanted to know with concern laced deeply in his voice.
Instead of answering immediately, Even let out another cough but nodded. “Yep, I’m good. I’m good.”
Isak raised his eyebrows in suspicion. “You sure?”
The other boy made a ‘mhmm’ sound as he took another sip of his hot chocolate. He shook his head and wiped away the tears that had formed in the corner of his eyes due to all the coughing. “Okay, I’m all good now, really,” he said more to himself than Isak. The muffin was pushed aside as Even chose to eat that one later, and instead looked back up at Isak. “Don’t worry about paying though. This one is on me,” he declared with a bright smile on his face. And while it was hard not to just give in when Even smiled at him like that, he couldn’t accept the offer.
“No, you really don’t have to do this. I can pay for myself,” Isak protested.
“Because you’re a strong independent woman who doesn’t need her date to pay for her?” Even asked, eyebrows raised, and a grin playing around his lips.
Isak thought for a moment, then looked him dead in the eye as he said seriously, “Yes, exactly.” He sat up straighter subconsciously but his posture faltered soon enough though and his laugh could be heard as clear as a bell. It didn’t take long for Even to join him, and yet again Isak considered his laugh the most beautiful sound on earth.
Even’s laugh soon became soft and Isak could recognize something in his eyes that looked a lot like… fondness. “You can pay next time,” he promised.
The possibility of having a repeat session of this made Isak smile even more and he tried to hide his pink cheeks by looking down at his hot chocolate and taking a sip. Before he could reply anything though, a girl came up to their table to place a plate down in front of Isak. He thanked her smilingly and began eating. The waffle was delicious and Isak couldn’t stop the groan slipping out of his mouth. He noticed Even staring at him comically, and with his mouth still stuffed with food, he asked him, “What?”
Even tried to hide his grin as he said, “nothing. It’s just, you look and sound like you’re having an out of this world experience. You sure you don’t want me to leave you alone with those waffles?”
“I mean, they are out of this world. But if you wanna see someone who really has a holy experience every time he eats waffles, you should join us for lunch on Monday. Mahdi is like, obsessed with them,” Isak replied, grinning at the thought of Mahdi and his love for waffles.
“Oh yeah, he’s one of my best friends,” he explains,  “he eats them every day in the cafeteria for lunch. I don’t know how he’s not tired of it yet. The lady there always has them ready before Mahdi even orders them, so he can dive into paradise straightaway.”
“You’re kidding, right?” Even demanded as he was leaning forward on the table, his eyes insanely wide.
Isak just shook his head while he laughed. “No, I’m not. I am 100% serious about this. You don’t joke around when it comes to Mahdi and his waffles.”
“Jeez, I guess I’ll have to join you guys on Monday then to see this for myself,” he responded, a grin spreading across his face.
“Yeah, that would be great,” Isak said as he continued to eat his food. He switched between stuffing his mouth with waffles and drinking his cacao. It wasn’t long until he was finally finished and wiped his mouth with a napkin. He looked at Even who had picked up his muffin again, eating away at it.
They fell in silence again with Even munching on his muffin while Isak watched him subtly. He could sit like this forever, just staring at this beautiful boy sitting across from him. But he knew that wasn’t possible and that they needed to get home pretty soon where they would part ways. A horrible thought, if you asked Isak. But looking at his phone, he realised that they had been sitting here for hours and that it was getting late. Talking to Even seemed to make him lose track of time entirely.
When Even was done eating his muffin, Isak nodded his head in the general direction of the front of the café. “Do you wanna get anything else or are you ready to go home?”
Even smiled at him warmly as he answered, “let’s go home.”
When they left the café, it was starting to get dark outside, the sun painting the sky in a bright, beautiful orange. And while this was a beautiful view, Isak would rather look at Even who was even more stunning.
They made their way home quietly. Isak longed to reach out his hand, hold Even’s in his but like earlier he restrained himself and instead let his arms dangle at his sides. Too soon did they reach Isak’s shared flat and Isak knew this would be the end of a wonderful day spent. As soon as he would say his goodbyes to Even and go inside, the spell would be broken and he would return to the real world. God, there were so many things he still wanted to tell him and Isak’s head was spinning with thoughts and a million other questions that threatened to burst right out of him. He didn't even know where to start or if he should at all.
When they came to a halt in front of the kollektiv, the two of them just stared at each other until Even broke into a smile. Isak looked at him confused, asking him a silent ‘What?’.
“I was right. Today was even better than last night,” Even explained. “And you didn't kiss anyone.”
Not yet, Isak’s brain supplied helpfully but Isak tried not to ponder over it too much. “Yeah,” he breathed, a small smile dancing around his lips. “I’m just glad Emma finally knows how I feel about her even though I wasn’t really nice about it. I mean I feel bad but also kind of relieved, you know?”
“Hmm, yeah.” Even agreed with a nod of his head. He thought for a moment, tilting his head slightly. “But it wouldn’t have been fair to either of you to keep this going, so you did the right thing. Although you really could have been nicer about it.”
Isak smiled helplessly at the grin he was met with. “I know, but I don’t think I would have gotten my point across otherwise. I hope she isn’t too mad.”
The thing was: Isak really didn’t want to upset Emma and he definitely hadn’t planned on telling her like that. He wanted to explain this to her calmly, not when he was drunk off his ass. But when she had kissed him, he had just lost it - which didn’t justify his behavior - but he couldn’t exactly say he regretted anything. Isak was glad the words were finally out there and so he didn’t have to keep up this lie anymore that was slowly eating away at him. He couldn’t do it any longer.
“Ahh, I’m sure she won’t stay mad for too long. Not at someone with a pretty face like yours.” Even’s smirk was marvelous as he said it so casually, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Isak’s brows were raised in a mix of surprise and confusion while heat rose to his cheeks for the millionth time this day. The other boy ignored it and shrugged. “Just use your charm on her. It’ll work.”
“Like it worked on you?” Isak had his arms crossed on his chest and a challenging glint in his eyes. His lips spread into a smirk as he waggled his eyebrows at him. Isak didn’t know where the sudden burst of confidence came from. But he didn’t mind at all because soon Even’s look of astonishment turned into breathless chuckles and it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen and heard.
Even looked down for a second, shaking his head, and then looked back up again. His gaze pierced into Isak’s eyes with such an intensity he had to avert them. “Yeah, exactly,” Even finally said, grinning like a cheshire cat.
After that they stayed silent, only sharing secret smiles with each other, while Isak buried his hands in the pockets of his jacket. Isak had to process this information. His crush had basically told him that he liked him too, that he could charm anyone if he wanted to and even managed to do that to Even. Even Bech Næsheim liked him and this knowledge still felt somewhat surreal to him. He didn’t really know what to do with it.
During that whole conversation Isak hadn’t noticed that they had been getting closer, only standing a few meters apart now. Suddenly, he had a deja vu to last night where they were in this exact same position, Even only meters away from him but coming closer and closer and Isak standing there frozen, not knowing what to do. He tried not to let the panic rise in him again. He  wanted this, so why was he so damn nervous about it?
This time Even searched his face, silently asking ‘Is this okay?’, and Isak only nodded because of course it was! God, Isak desperately wanted to kiss him, feel Even’s lips pressed against his own. He tried to swallow his nervousness when they were only centimeters apart now, his heart pounding so loud in his chest he was sure Even could hear it. This time he wouldn’t hug Even and he would definitely not run away again. No, this time would be completely different.
When their noses brushed, they shared the same breath, inhaling and exhaling each other. Isak never wanted this moment to stop, never wanted the bubble they were currently in to burst. But the universe seemingly wasn’t on Isak Valtersen’s side lately. As their lips were almost touching at this point, Isak’s phone suddenly ringed. With that, the spell was broken, the two of them jumping apart, as Isak fished his phone out of his pocket.
One of these days he was actually going to kill him.
Isak cursed under his breath as he answered the call, not being able to keep the annoyance from his voice, “what is it, Magnus?”
Magnus didn’t seem to notice that Isak was annoyed and started babbling away happily, “We heard someone from school is throwing a party and we wanted to know if you’re in? We’re currently pregaming at my place. Please, please, come, it will be so much fun!” His friend sounded way too excited, like more than usual, as if he had already had his fair share of drinks. “And you still haven’t told us what happened last night and have been ignoring us all day. We are deeply concerned about you, Isak Valtersen. So you are obligated to come and explain this to us.” Magnus tried to sound serious and genuine, he really did, but soon afterwards Isak heard him chuckle on the other side of the phone. He didn’t want to know how much Magnus had already drunk so far.
Isak thought about it. He didn’t feel like partying but he guessed he owed the guys an explanation. So he let out an exasperated sigh and shook his head as he gave in, “okay, I’ll come.” Magnus squealed in his ear loudly, making Isak hold the phone away from himself and clench his teeth at the screeching sound. He shouted at Jonas and Mahdi that Isak was going to join them, which was followed by deafening hollering.
Eventually, Isak said his goodbyes to Magnus and then looked at Even apologetically. “I’m sorry about that.”
Even shook his head and cracked a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “No, no, it’s fine.” Isak knew it wasn’t. Hell, he didn’t think it was fine and he was going to kill Magnus later for ruining this perfect moment. Why couldn’t he have called a minute later? But Magnus had never had a good timing, Isak knew that.
“Looks like I’ll be going to another party tonight,” he said, shuffling around awkwardly. Isak didn’t want this to end just yet. He would say anything to keep this conversation going for a little while longer.
Even arched his eyebrow, smirking at Isak. “Do I need to worry about you going around kissing girls while I’m not there?” he joked, trying to sound nonchalant, but the slight concern in his voice slipped through anyway. His heart actually clenched at that tone.
“No, you don’t,” he reassured him, looking at him fondly. Why he would ever want to kiss anyone but Even now was beyond him.
It was only subtle but Isak could see the corners of Even’s lips lift a bit immediately. “I won’t drink anyway. Probably. Maybe.” Isak pretended to think about that for a moment and then started cackling. “Okay, I won’t drink too much. I won’t survive another hangover like this morning.”
“Mhm, I’ve heard showers help,” Even replied teasingly, licking his lips. Isak tracked the motion with his eyes, blatantly staring at him, before he shook his head to collect his thoughts again.
“Oh my God, Even, I can't believe you brought that up again!” Isak exclaimed who struggled to be serious about this. “Will you ever stop?” Isak had a feeling he wouldn't. Something that he had noticed within only a few days of talking to Even is that he loved teasing others, specifically Isak. So the shower gag would be brought up over and over again until it got old, Isak knew that much.
“Not in the near future, no,” Even confirmed his assumptions but Isak wasn't even mad. It was a joke and if it really made him uncomfortable, he knew Even would stop if he asked him to. The other boy wouldn't intentionally hurt him. So instead, he sighed dramatically like it was the worst thing to ever happen to him.
“Anyway, I don't want to hold you up any longer. Go to your party and have fun. I’ll see you on Monday,” Even said, giving Isak one of his fondest smiles. He started walking backwards, waiting for Isak to say his goodbyes. He was quite amazed by Even who didn’t run into something along his way because Isak had been staring a lot at him until he managed to open his mouth.
“Yeah, see you on Monday,” he replied softly and watched as Even waved at him before turning around and strolling off into the night. Isak looked after him, only darting his eyes away when Even disappeared around the corner. He already missed the tall, sweet boy.
Isak wandered off into the opposite direction and seeked to look forward to meeting his friends, telling himself it was going to be fun. When he got on the tram, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and got it out. First, Isak thought it was going to be one of the boys, asking him where he was and when he would arrive at Magnus’ but he got it completely wrong. It was a text from Even. (18:53) Even: had a lot of fun today, it was great. can't wait till Monday Isak smiled to himself, warmth filling his body from head to toe all over again. He still couldn't wrap his head around what was happening but it was obviously a good thing, so he wouldn't complain. His smile grew bigger as he typed out a reply. (18:55) Isak: me too. I liked talking to you. seeing you actually did help with my hangover. even bech næsheim, the greatest hangover cure
(18:56) Even: aww haha stop it, you're making me blush glad I could help you tho
(18:58) Isak: what? me making you blush? incredible
(19:00) Even: ikr haha
(19:10) Isak: also thank you for walking me home.
(19:14) Even: of course. Yeah, today had definitely been one of Isak’s favorite days.
16 notes · View notes
sagevalleymusings · 5 years
Internet Addiction is Real (even when you use it to write about internet addiction)
In October 2015 I started a video game ban that lasted six weeks, and ended around this time that year actually. I didn’t post my reflections about it then, partly because it felt self-aggrandizing and partly because people were kind of shitty when I announced my video game ban, saying things like that they found the internet an important way of connecting with people and that they were going to spam me with videos of puppies now. And yes, it was kind of shitty to say these things to me because their forthrightness that they didn’t have a problem with social media or the internet didn’t change the fact that I do. It’s at minimum rude that not one but three of my friends thought the appropriate response to my struggle was not only to tell me that I didn’t have a legitimate struggle but to say that they were going to undermine my efforts to better myself. 
And it did feel like I’d bettered myself. In 2015, in six weeks, I had: 
Completed two books, and started two others. 
Made my bed every single day
Started exercising intermittently
Learned how to cook two completely new dishes to great success
Been more productive at work
Finished unpacking my bedroom from moving in four months ago
Wrote a published piece on Patheos
Painted my nails twice (something I used to enjoy a lot)
It was actually surprisingly difficult, especially at first. I was spinning my wheels trying to do something that wasn’t video games, and coming up surprisingly short frequently. I tried getting back into whittling, which there was simply not conducive space for; I tried writing daily, which was exhausting and had many of the same pitfalls, as it was still extended periods of time in front of a monitor. But six weeks later, I felt lighter, more productive, and more present. Ultimately, I think this was an important exercise. A reminder that when a want becomes a need, it ceases to serve you. 
But now I find myself falling into the same patterns that I’d gotten into in 2015. I spend almost all of my time in front of a computer screen. I work at a computer with unfettered access to the internet and very little structured work, get home, and hop on the computer. I alternatively work and play on the computer from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed. I am in front of a monitor of some kind, for nearly 14 hours every single day. 
Is this a bad thing? I don’t live near most of my friends anymore, but they’re on Facebook. I don’t have a TV but I can get news and entertainment from the internet. I am not the kind of person to bash new technology for the sake of its strangeness. But here’s the thing: the biggest detriment for me from this kind of access to the internet, to social media, to the entire compendium of human knowledge and endless possibility, is that it prevents me from completing. 
Being able to change tasks to literally anything means that I do change tasks to literally anything. If I don’t want to do the laundry, I can just pick up Flight Rising. If I don’t want to do the dishes, I can snag Monster Super League. If I don’t want to finish my art project, there’s always Pokemon Go. If I don’t want to work on the budget spreadsheet, I can take Office Specialist training. If I don’t want to schedule meetings, I can look up the menu on this restaurant to make sure the receipt is within regulation. If I don’t want to write, I can practice Spanish on Duolingo.
Even when the thing I’m doing is still work, the issue isn’t that I’m not doing work, but that I’ll get five feet from the finish line and change tasks every time. It’s that my brain has somehow decided that being rewarded for starting something new is more important than finishing something old, because that’s how the internet works, so that’s how the world works. 
Modern internet culture has no end. There is no finale. Movies that do well get unplanned sequels. Shows that were supposed to end in Season Five get extended to Season Thirteen and die a slow death after everyone has gotten way too sick of it to care. Facebook will literally scroll forever, as will Twitter, Tumblr, Netflix, and Youtube. Games have switched from stories to live services - experiences that are only loosely connected to the vaguest semblance of a plot, and gameplay that you can interact with daily for literally the rest of your life (or until the server goes down). 
And so, like layers, my modern interactions with the internet just built on top of one another. Unlike when I could play Legend of Zelda and then Super Mario 64 and then Prince of Persia consecutively, I would start Pokemon Go, continue doing that, pull up Monster Super League, continue doing that, pull up Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, The New York Times, Flight Rising, YouTube, ad nauseum until checking every “daily” that I had to do went from taking one hour to taking six, or eight, or ten. I feel like I’m constantly trying to “catch up” in order to complete whatever facet of the internet I’d started, while not realizing that they update faster than I could possibly catch up. It’s a common joke in people my age that we’re in a perpetual cycle of promising to catch up with friends. But with the way Facebook rewards shallow, brief, constant interaction, is it really that this is a product of my age, or is it a product of my time? Fifty years ago, did you say the same thing, or did you just write a letter? 
Hell, even texting as the alternative to phone calls is just surface-level constant interaction. And yet a text “conversation” takes about five times longer than a phone call, but we justify it because it “doesn’t get in the way” so we’re all doing three things at once, all of the time, because we don’t have time for any of them. I can justify my 14 hours of screen time because I’m gaming, writing, and socializing, while there’s a load of laundry in the wash, and dishes drying in the rack. And that argument makes so much sense until the tasks I’m juggling become less and less significant and more a waste of time. Facebook is genuinely a waste of time if I’m scrolling past 50 different memes that 19 of my friends have shared when the point was supposed to be the people that shared them. It took me I think two weeks to notice that a friend of mine was having a serious emotional issue because I couldn’t hear it through all the social media trash that builds up like oceanic microplastic that you can’t even see but still swallow anyway.
So what do you do? Stop playing games I enjoy and have made friendships from? Cut out social media in my life and consequently stop talking to important friends? Block time wasters on my work computer even though the issue isn’t any one time waster but the way it re-wires my brain to start new tasks in the middle of old ones?
I don’t know what the solution is ultimately. But really all I’m doing is wasting time. I’m writing this at work. I know I’ll have neither the “time” nor the motivation to write this at home. And I’m only writing this instead of doing something more toxic and less valuable because my boss caught me on Facebook today.
So when I say I have a problem relationship with the internet, if your response is to become defensive about that, maybe ask yourself if that defensiveness means that you, too, are only one more clickbait article away from being the kind of person who has to change their Facebook password to a random key mash just to stop themselves from checking it on the clock, and yet can’t motivate themselves to do work instead. 
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jvzooproductsclub · 6 years
Azon Funnels Review | Demo | Exclusive Bonus Package | New Software Builds Amazon Stores On The Fly
Azon Funnels Review | Demo | Exclusive Bonus Package | New Software Builds Amazon Stores On The Fly
Learn more here: http://mattmartin.club/index.php/2018/06/19/azon-funnels-review-demo-exclusive-bonus-package-new-software-builds-amazon-stores-on-the-fly/
Welcome To MattMartin.Club!
Thank You So Much For Taking The Time In Checking Out My Review On "Azon Funnels"
Hope You Will Enjoy It!
Software Dynamically Builds Amazon Stores Right Inside Facebook
Product Creator Simon Greenhalgh Product Name Azon Funnels Front-End Price $37.00 Niche Affiliate Marketing | Amazon Bonuses YES! Listed Below! Refund 30 Days Money Back Guarantee Recommendation Yes, 100% from Matt Martin 🙂 Launch Date 2018 – June – 20th @ 10:00 AM EST Official Website Checkout "Azon Funnels" Official Site
Click Here @ 11:00 AM EST on 2018-June-20th To Get An Early Bird Discount On "Azon Funnels" Along With My Exclusive Bonuses
There are 3 big problems with current automated Amazon Store Builder solutions:
The store the software creates is NOT compliant with Amazon TOS
The plugin doesn’t play nice with your theme and crashes your site
The software does not update prices and descriptions
SO… best case you lose sales, worst case you lose your Amazon account AND you still need to figure out how to get traffic. That’s why today I am about to brought you a lastest solution that helps you turn FB and Amazon into your personal ATM… without any experience, paid ads or even a website. Let’s check out my Azon Funnels Review for more details!
Azon Funnels is a brand new way to sell Amazon products right inside Facebook messenger by creating affiliate stores that are 100% unique to keywords that visitors type in the chat! This is going to blow you away! Not only that but the upgrades enable you to create stores by voice or by simply typing in just 1 keyword. The store is created and hosted by Azon Funnels cloud platform right in front of your eyes.
In a nutshell, this is the world’s first fully Amazon compliant software that builds 100% unique stores on the fly based on exactly what your prospects are interested in.
Azon Funnels Rating - 9.2/10
Quality - 9/10
Features - 9.5/10
Support - 9/10
Easy to use - 9/10
Bonus - 9.5/10
PROS - DFY Amazon stores created ON THE FLY that appeal DIRECTLY to the interests of YOUR prospects - EXPLODE your conversions & commissions with CUSTOM stores laser-targeted to your audience - Sell INSIDE FB Messenger - where 66% of consumers PREFER to connect with brands - Automate EVERYTHING for a 100% passive profit solution - Profit in literally ANY niche with products hand-selected for SPECIFIC buyers - No paid ads, technical skills or store maintenance required - EVER - Make passive commissions in ANY NICHE with unlimited, DYNAMIC Amazon stores created on-the-fly based on the exact interests of EACH prospect - Exploit FB Messenger for 100% message delivery & SKY-HIGH open rates for mind-blowing conversions - NO technical skills, no spamming, and NO paid ads required! CONS - I have not found out
As you may know, Simon Greenhalgh and his partners Kevin Byrne & Schoeffel Jean-Philippe are the vendors behind Azon Funnels, as well as many stunning products regarding WordPress supporting tools. Because of his worldwide success, a lot of products launched under his name have drawn the attention of several online entrepreneurs such as exPersona, eCom Secrets, Spinty, TrafficAid, ClickPress, Konversio, to name but a few.
Due to his popularity in the market and his previous successes, I strongly believe that Azon Funnels will not be different from its predecessors. The next segment of my Azon Funnels Review will carefully analyze this application.
Here are the key features that you will discover inside this product:
1. Access to the “Messenger Amazon store builder” to create stores using Messenger
2. Access to the Online Dashboard to create stores
3. Works with all Amazon
4. Update your store template by simply sending a message
5. Product research, automatic website creation, affiliate link customization AND Hosting (unlimited when customers purchase the unlimited plan)
6. Unlimited traffic to customers amazon stores
7. Unlimited commissions on all sales generated via the platform (they don’t get any % of the customers traffic or commissions)
8. Compliance setup and ongoing checks (to make sure customers store is always up to date, Store is ALWAYS up to date with the right information, the right images, and the right price at any time)
9. New products added every day during 3 months
10. Dynamic search: allow your visitor to search for products that are not showcased on your store earning more commissions by keeping visitors longer on your stores.
11. Live Dynamic Stores: create stores on the fly for any keyword
12. Get traffic from your visitors (social widgets to share your Amazon links on autopilot)
13. Backups and high end infrastructure (powered by Amazon itself)
14. 3 premium templates included
It is simple, Azon Funnels gives you everything you need to make passive commissions all day, every day. Let’s take a minute to recap the huge benefits come up with:
100% Amazon & FB compliant – make direct commissions from inside FB messenger.
Daily site backups & complete product description / pricing updates – virtually hands-free maintenance of your stores.
Premium hosting of ALL your stores included.
Viral traffic & social sharing built in – no need for paid ads.
Dynamic Search built in – make commissions from ALL Amazon products whether they’re listed in your store or not.
All your stores render perfectly on desktop & mobile – cash in from visitors using any device.
Step-by-step, A-Z training on how to profit within hours … even if you’re a complete beginner … plus how to automate everything.
In addition, you will be getting tons of the vendor’s greatest bonuses for your fast action:
BONUS 1 – Set Up An Amazon Affiliate Discount Store
BONUS 2 – How To Set Up A Secure Digital Products Store
BONUS 3 – FBA Profit Mastery Advanced
BONUS 4 – Alibaba Profit System
BONUS 5 – Rapid Amazon Research
BONUS 6 – Amazon Review Site Generator
BONUS 7 – Guide To Amazon and Ebay
BONUS 8 – How To Publish An Ebook On Amazon Kindle
Is it enough awesomeness for you? Because you will be also receiving my ULTIMATE huge bonuses. Those treasures are waiting for you at the end of this Azon Funnels Review. And even though you do nothing but only read my Azon Funnels Review, to thanks for your kind support, I still give you free bonuses. So keep reading then scroll your mouse down!
After trying this product for a week as a beta tester, I noticed the following key points: Each of your Azon Funnels stores also features ‘Dynamic Search’ … allowing visitors to search for Amazon products not showcased in your store. This keeps people in your store longer and lets you profit from the unlimited selection of Amazon products.
The 2nd thing is Premium Hosting of all your stores … included! With Azon Funnels, you won’t need hosting. Heck you won’t even need your own website! All your stores are hosted on their premium servers which include industry-leading security, lightning fast load times & the ability to handle as much traffic as you send.
The next next special thing I want to show you is that you can make profits globally. Sell in ANY country where Amazon does business, with stores built in your language of choice. Effortlessly target untapped markets with the power of Azon Funnels automation.
Inside the member dashboard
Last but not least, you will get the world class, A-Z Training Inside The Member’s Area. User-friendly, step-by-step training from start to profit for marketers of all levels. From right inside your dash, you’ll be able to access modules on:
Setting up your FB page
Connecting the Azon Funnels software to your FB account
Getting your Amazon Affiliate account created
Using both the messenger & dashboard options to create unique Amazon stores on-the-fly
How to interact with your fanpage fans via Messenger
How to integrate with a free 3rd party tool to automate the entire sales process
All you have to do is only 3 simple steps:
Step 1 – Setup a FB page based on personal interest
Step 2 – Connect your Azon Funnels software to your FB account
Step 3 – As people comment on your posts they will be sent to an automated store
NO website needed as your stores are created dynamically on your prospects interest. Let’s check out the demo video below to see it in action!
In addition, you will be getting tons of the vendor’s greatest bonuses for your fast action:
For a limited time, you can grab the Azon Funnels with early bird discount price in these options below. Let’s pick the best suited options for you before this special offer gone!
⇒⇒⇒ Front-end: Azon Funnels ($37) >> See Details <<
New software turns fb & amazon into your personal atm … without experience, paid ads, or even a website! Instantly tap into the authority of amazon & the power of fb for profits around the clock
⇒⇒⇒ OTO 1 – Upgrade – Azon Funnels Pro – Pricing: $47 >> See Details <<
1. Access to the Editor engine: edit content / items, remove products
2. Access to the Content Publishing engine:
3. Search new products by keyword or ASIN
4. Add new products individually, or in batch
5. Drip feed products (for example 5 new products each week)
6. Drip feed products on multiple stores
7. Access to 5 extra premium templates
8. Facebook training
⇒⇒⇒ OTO 2 –Upgrade – Azon Funnels Hosted – Pricing: $47 Per Month >> See Details <<
1. Access to the Voice and SMS store builders: Create stores on the fly as ideas come to mind. Send a text message / SMS with your keyword to create an Amazon store (meaning: you don’t even need an Internet connection).
2. Voice: Simply call the app phone number, say your “keyword” and the store will automatically be created for the customer. No technical skills required.
3. Voice app recognizes around 80 languages.
4. Store is created in the country the Amazon associates account is located. Automatically Import and host 10 domains with AzonFunnels to use with your Amazon stores.
5. Access to the template club and receive 3 premium templates each month
⇒⇒⇒ OTO 3 – Azon Funnels Commercial Pricing: $97 Once Off >> See Details <<
1. Use the power of AzonFunnels to create stores for your clients, on fiverr and earn money.
2. Resell service to clients, license transfers to buyers for that store only
Let’s act now, don’t delay and grab it now while it’s still at the lowest price possible! And Just feel free to give it a try, because You have a full 30 days to put this to the test and make sure that this is for you. If you do not see any results within this period then please reach out to them. The Helpdesk Team is always there to help you out and make sure that you have been following the correct procedures.
In summary, I hope that all of the information in this Azon Funnels Review can help you gain more understanding about this product and then be able to make a wise choice. If you’re ready to start making a real online income in the most passive way possible then click the button below before the price rises. I am look forward to seeing your success.
However, in case you are in need of any advice, please feel free to keep in touch with me anytime. Regardless, thank you for reading my Azon Funnels Review. Goodbye, and see you again!
Click Here @ 11:00 AM EST on 2018-June-20th To Get An Early Bird Discount On "Azon Funnels" Along With My Exclusive Bonuses
  "2018 WordPress Ultra-Mega Plugin Bundle" As Bonuses For Your Fast Action:
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A rare once-in-a-lifetime Super Mega Bundle on all the best WordPress Plugins to take your site to the next level and beyond.
For the 1st time, we are including all 4 our of Mega WordPress Plugin Bundles into one Super-Mega Bundle. This will be the only chance to get $4000 worth of Premium WordPress Plugins for a one off price that is 98% off of the regular pricing.
Volume 1: includes all the Social Media and Engagement plugins you will ever need for any type of WordPress based site
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  Click the BUY NOW button BELOW to get informed today!
Click Here @ 11:00 AM EST on 2018-June-20th To Get An Early Bird Discount On "Azon Funnels" Along With My Exclusive Bonuses
1. Clear Your Cookies in your Web Browser (Ctrl + Shift + Delete) 2. Purchase Products Through My Email/Website 3. Contact Me Here OR Here On FB with the receipt of your purchase 4. ALL Bonuses in General Internet Marketing Bonuses Package is Yours & You will receive them within 12-48 hours.
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0 notes
365goalsfor365days · 7 years
2017 Bucket List - October Update (3/365)(Total: 86/365)
Clearly this was a super productive month. But actually, November is going to look not so productive too, but that’s just because I’m working on a lot of Christmas presents and I can’t post them until after I give them to people in December. So be prepared for list spam after December 17th (my Christmas party is on the 16th).
1. Become a homeowner
2. Do a 30 day Abs challenge
3. Reach goal weight of 120 lbs
4. Watch Rotten Tomatoes Top 100 Movies of 2016
5. Build a bear at Build-A-Bear
6. Buy a new winter jacket
7. See a Sunset-Retreat Ceremony at the RCMP Heritage Centre in Regina
8. Obtain regular drivers license
9. Make homemade jam
10. Get a passport
11. Make a dream catcher
12. Make a mobile with 1000 origami cranes
13. Knit a scarf
14. Make homemade basil pesto
15. Go rock climbing
16. Tour the Chicago Connection tunnel in Moose Jaw
17. Tour the Passage to Fortune tunnel in Moose Jaw
18. Make herb butter
19. Go through the Edmonton Corn Maze
20. Attend a drop-in Spin class
21. Attend a drop-in yoga class
22. Get a pair of mukluks
23. Bowl a 100+ game
24. Catch a fish
25. Go Ice Fishing
26. Watch Rotten Tomatoes Top 100 Horror Movies (except the ones on the top 250 list from 2016)
27. Read “Animal Farm” by George Orwell
28. Take a ride on the High Level Streetcar
29. Read “Water for Elephants” by Sara Gruen and watch the movie
30. Read “The Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini and watch the movie
31. Read “The Ables” by Jeremy Scott
32. Attend a cooking class
33. Make Eggs Benedict
34. Make own soy candles
35. Donate $25 to a charity once a month for the year (12x)
36. Complete wedding photo book
37. Read “It” by Stephen King and watch the movie
38. Tour Candy Cane Lane
39. Find 5 Geocaches
40. Increase student loan payments to $300 each/month
41. See the stars at an observatory
42. Earn $1/day for 30 consecutive days
43. Visit the Devonian Botanic Gardens
44. Read all 36 books in the original “Dear Canada” series
45. Read all 54 books in the fictional “Magic Tree House” series by Mary Pope Osbourne
46. Read all 51 books in the Adventures of the “Bailey School Kids” series
47. Read “Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers” by Mary Roach
48. Make a quilt
49. Try hot yoga
50. Watch an E-Ville roller derby bout
51. Go to a Paint Nite event
52. Read “The Shift: One Nurse, Twelve Hours, Four Patients’ Lives” by Theresa Brown
53. Make homemade fried chicken
54. Go to an Around Midnight show
55. Read “Working Stiff: Two Years, 262 Bodies, and the Making of a Medical Examiner” by Judy Melinek, TJ Mitchell
56. Do the Blogilates Thigh Slimming Challenge
57. Dye my hair blonde
58. Read “Every Patient Tells a Story” by Lisa Sanders
59. Make the “Curious Confection” Alice in Wonderland drink
60. Make the “Sirens Song” Little Mermaid drink
61. Make the “Glass Slipper” Cinderella drink
62. Make the “Belle of the Ball” Belle drink
63. Read “The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat” by Oliver Sacks
64. Donate 10 lbs of food to the food bank
65. Solve a rubik’s cube
66. Make macarons
67. Host a holiday dinner for family
68. Make coconut cream pie
69. Pick berries from a berry farm
70. Visit the Dead Sea of Saskatchewan (Little Manitou)
71. Sew a dress
72. Sew a teddy bear
73. Make a lemon beeswax candle
74. Win something
75. Hold Crow Pose (Yoga)
76. Go to dinner theatre
77. Go horseback riding
78. Hold Sirsasana (Yoga)
79. Attend the Edmonton Heritage Festival
80. Hold Kala Bhairavasana (Yoga)
81. Have a meal at Bistro Praha
82. Try ax throwing
83. Eat a Noorish
84. Eat at Café Bicyclette
85. Get a hot stone massage
86. Read all 20 books from the Royal Diaries series
87. Pose for a nude painting
88. Be in a boudoir photoshoot
89. Read all the books from the Dear America series
90. Watch Rotten Tomatoes Top 100 Movies of All Time (excluding the ones from last year’s top 250 imdb movies)
91. Make my own bath bombs
92. Make homemade artisan soap
93. Make handmade coasters
94. Crochet a hat
95. Conquer my fear and hold a snake
96. Become a First Aid Instructor
97. Become a CPR Instructor
98. Learn how to play “Under the Sea” from the Little Mermaid on xylophone
99. Learn “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” on ukulele
100. Make fancy homemade popsicles
101. Complete graduation photobook
102. Watch every movie on the IMDB top 250 movies list
103. Bake a chocolate chip filled beavertail
104. Make caramel-apple jello shots
105. Make homemade Bath Salts
106. Pick a pumpkin at upick
107. Crochet Christmas stockings
108. Do a cross stitch
109. Read “End of Watch” by Stephen King
110. Make homemade California rolls
111. Read “The Devil in the White City” by Erik Lawson
112. Get a position in Labor and Delivery or Postpartum
113. Complete the Neonatal Resuscitation Program
114. Do 100 Consecutive Push Ups
115. Make chicken curry
116. Read “Revival” by Stephen King
117. Read “The Girl on the Train” by Paula Hawkins
118. Read “They Left Us Everything: A Memoir”
119. Read “The House Girl” by Tara Conklin
120. Make candy apples
121. Read “Fangirl: A Novel” by Rainbow Rowell
122. Complete my Wreck this Journal book
123. Jog an entire 5K
124. Have a full day Harry Potter movie marathon
125. Read “We Need to Talk About Kevin” by Lionel Shriver
126. Complete a 1000 piece puzzle
127. Try the sensory deprivation chamber at Floatique Edmonton
128. Donate 5 items to the Ronald McDonald House
129. Watch Rotten Tomatoes Top 100 Documentary Films
130. Sew all badges on camp blanket
131. Make pecan pie
132. Watch The Good Dinosaur (2015)
133. Sign a petition
134. Learn how to do my taxes
135. See a play at the Fringe Festival
136. Visit the Edmonton Folk Fest
137. Go to the Muttart Conservatory
138. Have lunch at Ampersand 27
139. Fold 1000 origami stars
140. Play through Beyond Two Souls
141. Watch Rotten Tomatoes Top 100 Musical & Art Movies (with exception of the ones from last year’s top 250 list)
142. Explore the Art Gallery of Alberta
143. Go to the John Walter’s Museum
144. Eat at Earnest’s at NAIT
145. Bake a Baked Alaska
146. Have a girls night
147. Visit the Reynolds-Alberta Museum
148. Have a game night at the Table Top Cafe
149. Make beef and Guinness stew with Irish Bread
150. Cook lobster
151. Make tiramisu
152. Go to a Driving Range
153. See a movie and have dinner at the VIP theater
154. Bake Boston cream pie
155. Complete a coloring book
156. Play slots at a casino
157. Go skating
158. Try to escape The Cabin at Escape City
159. Watch an outdoor movie
160. Tour the Royal Canadian Mint
161. Go on a gelato date
162. Complete Sims challenge
163. Get a BBQ and have a BBQ with friends
164. Have a yard sale
165. Make blueberry bavarian
166. Successfully do winged eyeliner
167. Have dessert from Italian Bakery Edmonton
168. Try scuba diving
169. Eat at Native Delights food truck
170. Eat at the Three Bananas Café
171. Try fried chicken and waffles
172. Try a Po’Boy
173. Grow Parsley
174. Grow Oregano
175. Watch 28 days
176. Eat deep fried ice cream
177. Camp at Elk Island National Park
178. Make homemade tootsie rolls
179. Eat at The Buckingham
180. Roast pumpkin seeds
181. Marathon the Shrek series
182. Do 100 consecutive sit ups
183. Read “Tough Shit” by Kevin Smith
184. Read “Mugged by a Moose” by Matt Jackson
185. Go to a hot springs during winter
186. Watch a parade
187. Read “The Trouble with Alice” by Olivia Glazebrook
188. Go hostelling in Nordegg
189. Take a class at Greenland Garden Centre
190. Have lunch at the Harvest Room at Hotel MacDonald
191. Take a drop in class at the Art Gallery of Alberta
192. Read “Shine Shine Shine” by Lydia Netzer
193. Get dessert from the Duchess Bake Shop
194. Complete a 52 Week Savings Plan Challenge
195. Go to a couple’s massage
196. See a live show at the Roxy
197. Read “Hope’s Boy” by Andrew Bridge
198. Attend a show at the Rapidfire Theatre
199. See a U of A varsity game
200. Play at Breakout Edmonton
201. Have dinner on the Edmonton Queen Riverboat
202. See a film at the Edmonton Film Festival
203. Complete Wedding Scrapbook
204. Go paddle boating
205. See a movie at the Garneau Metro City Theatre
206. Try La Poutine!
207. Tube down the Pembina River
208. Attend a cooking class at Superstore
209. Read “I, Ripper” by Stephen Hunter
210. Read “Happyface” by Stephen Emond
211. Learn how to edit photographs
212. Read “The Mighty Miss Malone” by Curtis
213. Visit grandma’s grave
214. Design my own deck of cards
215. Start a scrapbook
216. Finish my red recipe book
217. Send out Christmas cards
218. Make homemade lip balm
219. Do a 30 day arm sculpting challenge
220. Read “In the Unlikely Event” by Judy Blume
221. Read “Church of Marvels” by Leslie Parry
222. Read “My Secret Sister” by Helen Edwards
223. Read “The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society” by Annie Barrows
224. Read “The Book of Negroes” by Lawrence Hill and watch the movie
225. Read “Nerd Do Well” by Simon Pegg
226. Read “Wild” by Cheryl Strayd and watch the movie
227. Read “I am Malala” by Malala Yousafzai
228. Eat at Plates
229. Read “The Book Thief” by Markus Zusak and watch the movie
230. Read “Welcome to Nightvale: A Novel” by Joseph Fink
231. Read “1984” by George Orwell
232. Read “Nightmares!” by Jason Segal and Kirsten Miller
233. Read “The Bazaar of Bad Dreams” by Stephen King
234. Read “Finders Keepers” by Stephen King
235. Read “The Little Old Lady” series by Catharina Ingelman-Sundberg
236. Read “Mr Mercedes” by Stephen King
237. Read “Left Neglected” by Lisa Genova
238. Read “Doctor Sleep” by Stephen King
239. Read “Bringing Adam Home: The Abduction that Changed America” by Les Standiford
240. Read “Carry On” by Rainbow Rowell
241. Read “A Spy Among Friends” by Ben Macintyre
242. Read “Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood” by Rebecca Wells and watch the movie
243. Read “Still Alice” by Lisa Genova and watch the movie
244. Read “Five Days at Memorial” by Sheri Fink
245. Read “Behind the Beautiful Forevers” by Katerine Boo
246. Read “The Haunting of Sunshine Girl” by Paige McKenzie
247. Read “Dirty Jobs” and “Second Hand Souls” by Christopher Moore
248. Read “Two Shadows Have I” by Don Banting
249. Read “My Sister’s Keeper” and watch the movie
250. Bake Lemony Blueberry Cheesecake Bars
251. Bake Cream cheese, banana & coconut pain perdu
252. Make Smoked Salmon & Fresh Dill Potato Skins
253. Make Mexican Tostadas
254. Read “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” by J.K. Rowling
255. Read “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding and watch the movie
256. Read “Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea” by April Genevive Tucholke
257. Read “The Good Nurse” by Charles Graeber
258. Read “Four Past Midnight” by Stephen King
259. Read “When Rabbit Howls” by Truddi Chase
260. Read “Hope: A Memoir of Survival in Cleveland” by Amanda Berry & Gina DeJesus
261. Read “Anya’s Ghost” by Vera Brosgol
262. Read “Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them” by J.K. Rowling and re-watch the movie
263. Read “Birdie” by Tracey Lindberg
264. Read “The Trouble with Goats and Sheep” by Joanna Cannon
265. Read “I am Haunted” by Zak Bagans
266. Read “Dad is Fat” by Jim Gaffigan
267. Read “At Home in Old Strathcona” by Gwen McGregor Molnar
268. Walk across a suspension bride
269. Read “The Tumbling Turner Sisters” by Juliette Fay
270. Read “The Dangerous Animals Club” by Stephen Tobolowsky
271. Read “The Book of Speculation” by Erika Swyler
272. Read “Seriously…I’m Kidding” by Ellen Degeneres
273. Read “The Nurses” by Alexandra Robbins
274. Get ears pierced again
275. Make 365 new recipes
276. Catch all the Pokemon
277. Go Roller Blading
278. Read “Room” by Emma Donohue then watch the movie
279. Read “Seeing the Light” and “Drowning in Amber” by E.C. Wells
280. Walk at least 20 000 steps for 3 consecutive days
281. Build a fire myself
282. Read “Scrappy Little Nobody” by Anna Kendrick
283. Build a sandcastle
284. Build a snowman
285. Write a legal Advance Directive and get notorized
286. Get all Pokemon medals
287. Make a house key print tree ornament
288. Read “The First Phone Call from Heaven” by Mitch Albom
289. Read “The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August” by Claire North
290. Read “Joyland” by Stephen King
291. Read “Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls” by David Sedaris
292. Read “If I Stay” by Gayle Forman then watch the movie
293. Watch Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
294. Photograph a robin
295. Photograph a blue jay
296. Eat at Craft Beer Market
297. Go apple picking
298. Subscribe to Novel Tea Club boxes
299. Fully decorate apartment for Halloween
300. Go to another TWOS Dark Matters Night
301. Cook every single recipe in a cookbook
302. Tie Dye a baby onesie
303. Try an alcohol shot
304. Swap customized handmade keychains with Daniel
305. Body paint with Daniel
306. Read “AB Negative”
307. Go canoeing
308. Play a game of chess
309. Play laser tag
310. Have a Chopped competition with Daniel
311. Read “The Astronaut Wives Club” by Lily Koppel
312. Read “I Never Knew That About the Irish” by Christopher Winn
313. Reach level 40 (highest level) of Pokemon Go
314. Do a 30 day butt lift challenge
315. Make fruit sushi
316. Eat at the Sugarbowl
317. Complete a 12 Months to a Healthier You Challenge
318. Do the 30 day HIIT Challenge
319. Shoot a gun
320. Juggle 3 balls
321. Pick a door lock
323. Dance on my balcony with Daniel as it gently rains
324. Fit into size 6 pants
325. Write a love letter
326. Watch Now and Then movie
327. Complete Pocket Posh Logic book
328. Watch a hockey game from the stands
329. Watch a football game from the stands
330. Eat one of the meals at the High Level Diner that was featured on You Gotta Eat Here!
331. Use the old phone system in Alberta Government Telephone at Fort Edmonton Park
332. Make the “Sleep Cycle” Princess Aurora drink
333. Watch a film at Capitol Theatre in Fort Edmonton Park
334. Go to the Alberta Aviation Museum
335. Visit Jurassic Forest outside of Edmonton
336. Have breakfast at Under the High Wheel
337. Make the “False King” Disney drink
338. Make the “Ohana Colada” Disney drink
339. Have dessert at Block 1912
340. See a movie at the Princess Theatre
341. Go to an exhibit at the Fine Arts Building Gallery
342. Start an expense journal
343. Take a class at Purdy’s chocolates
344. Read “Between a Rock and a Hard Place” by Aron Ralston and watch 127 Hours movie
345. Make wine glass winter scene candle holders
346. Complete ACLS course
347. Read “Complications” by Atul Gawande
348. Eat Dippin Dots
349. Learn calligraphy
350. See a moose in the wild
351. Go paintballing
352. Watch Steel Magnolias movie
353. Go on a double date
354. Sew matching aprons for myself and Daniel
355. Can something with mom
356. Do a 30 Day Yoga Challenge
357. Have an entire grocery receipt with save, discount, or bonus air miles for every single item
358. Visit Dr. Woods House Museum in Leduc
359. Go on a bike ride around Telford Lake
360. Skip rocks with Daniel
361. Get free tea from DavidsTea
362. Do yoga outside at sunrise
363. Eat hungover breakfast with friends the morning after a party
364. Read “Fortune’s Bastard” by Robert Chalmers
365. Watch Rotten Tomatoes Top 100 Comedy Movies
0 notes
Fifa 18 Within the Check: A Declaration Of Like to The Superstars
duel of the giants: "Fifa 18" are Stars reminiscent of Lionel Messi recreated right down to the smallest Element. Quite a lot of like to Detail: sweat, Tattoos, and hairstyles are extraordinarily detailed. The developers have taken into account above all standard gamers. Anyone who shoots a objective, it is allowed to have fun his goal with the Followers within the audience. Quick exchange: Within the second half, proposals for a replacement to be displayed. Anybody who agrees, just need to press two buttons for a change and never the menu. EA Sports has honed in on the wing recreation. The edges may now be higher positioned in the penalty space. Defending has change into much more durable, as a result of the gamers respond much slower to alter direction. Of fast and attacking robust gamers equivalent to Lionel Messi, the maneuver ranks with a number of Tricks more elegant by the defense benefit. Swap with the Idol: The profession mode with the fictional professional Alex Hunter (left) goes on. In the history of Stars like Cristiano Ronaldo seem again and again. This Time the gamers are allowed to gown the younger heroes themselves. A nasty appearance: A display on the upper proper edge of the display screen warns in the case of "Fifa 18" now facing a threat of substitution. You need to know what the impact of your decisions in the Journey of FIFA 18? In our answer we make it clear to you on this regard. You need to know what impact a Formation has on the sector of FIFA 18? In this article, we summarize every thing you want to know. So you may farms in the final word Workforce of FIFA 18 coins and this proper to take a position. We present you the simplest strategies, with which your fast Coins you may earn. We will deliver you helpful tips on profession mode in FIFA 18. So your switch can increase the funds, the Potential within the youth workers, improve morale, improve and transfer right to make. We clarify to you the Squad-Constructing Challenges in FIFA 18 and offer you helpful tips on how you completed the SBCs quickly and value-künstig. So you may be assured of unique in-game cards! We explain to you the particular strikes and Tricks in FIFA 18. Here you'll discover the button combos for all of the Tricks and the highest 10 5-star-Skiller, these special movements can all run.
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Are you a subscriber of EA Entry, which saves you even ten euros within the Microsoft Retailer. The Icon Version is also accessible for the Xbox 360 and the Playstation three. Look here to buy you FIFA 18 Icon Edition. EA will announce more data concerning the FIFA 18 on the event EA Play, which takes place shortly earlier than E3 2017,. Extra information to FIFA 18 may be discovered on our topics web page to the sports activities simulation. You wish to shoot you, ever warm up and follow, you too can, of course, our suggestions and Tips for FIFA 17 learn and as much as the day of the discharge play. On the photographs you may see the most effective gamers in FIFA 18, the football simulation from EA. Visitor comment · 02.10.2017 at 09:27 UhrWie is the week definition for the FBD Packs. UhrIch have purchased the FIFA 18 full version within the PlayStation Store, but it was not loaded down. Where is the problem ? PES since Worldwide Superstar Soccer is full, the user will admire the collection as a playful, realistic and tactically challenging than FIFA. Unclear on the licensing for Supervisor simulations. The once-fashionable soccer Supervisor series from EA has been set to the title of football Manager 14. Whether or not or not EA has lately developed a brand new interest in a Supervisor-Simulation, is unknown. It appears to be that the DFL must determine for a new Deal with Digital Arts, which could be in accordance with kicker eSport is probably the financially more lucrative method. Alternatively, the Bundesliga and the 2. Bundesliga in extra collection comparable to PES, at the very least in the higher vary. Possibly, however as is the case in the problem of Television rights new Player on the scene, which nobody actually expects. EA Sports activities has announced the official Release date for FIFA 18. The soccer simulation will be released on three completely different dates. FIFA 18 will seem as his predecessor in September. 21. September the EA Entry Launch. This EA Access can play members even earlier than the official Launch of FIFA 18 for ten hours. 5 days later, on 26. September is the Pre-Launch for pre-order earlier than the game is formally on 29. September within the trade will appear. FIFA 18 for Pc and Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, and PS3. The older console versions will get a "Legacy Edition". In addition to some visible Adjustments to the popular "The Journey"mode is expanded when it comes to content material. As well as, EA needs to develop the eSports and tournaments on a global level. Update: According to the game financial system, the DFL extended their Exclusive license contract with EA is up to season 2021/22. Konami and SEGA purchase the license rights for Supervisor video games. Each the DFL and EA have not confirmed this assertion yet been formally.
FIFA 18 for Sony PS4 PS3 Xbox One Xbox 360 Swap / ENGLISH / NEW & sealed model new. FIFA 18 for the Nintendo Change will move to the current information on the a part of EA to 1-2 weeks! PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Swap, PS3 or Xbox 360: to play regardless of which console You FIFA 18, here You will discover every Model at the top of the range! Benefit from our particular provide and order FIFA 18, now at an unbeatable value! Solely while stocks last! With all the soccer legends of our time! FIFA 18, Our Service is for you! Customer support is very important to us. We offer worldwide delivery. Fee might be made by worldwide Financial institution transfer or PayPal. You can see our delivery charges and terms in the postage and fee circumstances section. Please ensure that you've understood our merchandise description earlier than inserting a bid or buying with the Buy it Now option. Thanks very much! Downloads - 89.056 looks, three,180.6 views per day, 28 days on eBay. Tremendous excessive from the appears. Super high bought, 1.797 Sold, 50 Accessible. Bay. Tremendous excessive from the seems to be. Tremendous excessive bought, 1.797 Sold, 50 Obtainable. Vendor 136.909 article sold. If you have any questions about in which and how to use where to buy fifa 18 coins, you can call us at the page. Ships on time with Tracking, 0 issues with past gross sales. Ships on time with Tracking, 0 issues with previous sales.
September. Members of EA Entry (Xbox One) and Origin Entry (Pc) FIFA 18 then, in a Play First Trial. At Electronic Arts has to match the release of the FIFA 18 Demo launched a brand new Trailer for the football simulation. September, a playable Demo Model of FIFA 18 is on EAs platform Origin. As FIFA 17, the youngest part of the since a long time present football sequence focuses on the art Frostbite expertise. At Digital Arts loses this year, a number of the licenses to the competitors. Konami tried that with Professional Evolution Soccer, time and again, the nice opponent of rights from. FIFA 18 is, and inexperienced persons must first get used to the new FIFA, EA has finally added some new options, resembling, for instance, new edges and duties for FIFA Ultimate Staff. A time is already fixed: the FIFA 18 will begin promptly at midnight unlocked, in keeping with a current PSN newsletter from Sony. The release of the usual Version is on 29. September. The Pc Version of FIFA 18, or fairly the activation of the key codes on Origin seems to offer lots of the patrons for the problems. FIFA 18 Demo for PlayStation four (PS4). Chip score Excellent. The official Demo for FIFA 18 EA is out there for the PlayStation four (PS4), and will be gambles. September 2017 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Laptop, Nintendo Change, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 seem. EA stops by our reside stream to play a match and show off what's new. Watch extra from Gamescom in 2017 right here! The FIFA 18 demo has been released within the UK for Playstation & Xbox and i decided to have a couple of video games and provides my suggestions on what I believe in regards to the demo. OFFICIAL THE JOURNEY 2 GAMEPLAY! The Journey 2, Hunter Returns. FIFA 18 Demo Gameplay. FIFA 18 Official Demo Release, FIFA 18 Official Gameplay. Marriage ceremony with Vanessa Kirby? Que devient Hilarie Burton (Les Frères Scott) ?
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