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whatifitookalilnap · 7 months ago
Korra, sighing dramatically: I’m attracted to men but at what cost?
Kyoshi’s spirit whispering in her ear: you’re also attracted to women
Korra: why didn’t you tell me that sooner? I could have saved a lot of time with this information!
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azural83 · 25 days ago
So we're getting a show about an earth avatar who grew up in poverty,allegedly has an airbending companion,must fix the previous water avatar's mistake who is unfairly hated and came after a glorified air avatar
Can they just give us a kyoshi show already
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certificated-angst-enjoyer · 3 months ago
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I missed drawing them 💜
Request for @foibles-fables
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colorful-craze · 8 months ago
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Is this anything
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dartalias · 6 months ago
One of the reasons i love reading Kyoshi is her inter monalogue and something i love about it is that she knows about agriculture and its just randomly using this knowledge in her head
(And in her pettiness)
Like in the Daofei city they were worriedly explaining to her how sad and bad it is that they are tied up with a gruop called "Autumn flower society" that have "moon peaches" as their simbol, and how dangerous they were
And Kyoshi first thoght was "moon peaches bloom in the spring, idiots, but of corse they wouldn't know that, they're daofei not farmers"
Or the amont of times they go to a new place and the firt thing she does is cassify the soil as good/bad to plant things
Kyoshi herself acknowledge this trait of hers sometimes
Like she is doing a ditch with earthbending and being like "See that Yokoya??? I can plow land too, i could be a great farmer"
Or when shes eating dust being like "its not eating, its testing, spirits why did i have to know that???"
Love my avatar farmer girly with criminal and artistic genes
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kaerontes · 9 months ago
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thinking about rangshi through time just makes me want to cry
— this was for a tiktok btw, so I'll leave the video below 💚
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specificpollsaboutbooks · 3 days ago
F/F Couples
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deadguydeathmatch · 2 years ago
Dead Guy Death Match Semifinals Poll: 2
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angelkittiezz · 10 months ago
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a little kyoshi for pride month
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chilipepprr · 11 months ago
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The creators were too scared to pair Kyoshi and Korra together because they’d be unstoppable. Anyways I made this comic because I just KNOW Kyoshi would’ve defended Korra 🩷
(I might add more details later)
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amanda666edits · 1 year ago
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whatifitookalilnap · 3 months ago
Headcanon that every time an Avatar goes through some shit they just blame Wan because he’s the reason why Avatars exist:
Yangchen, waking up with a massive headache: damn, this sucks. I bet it’s Wan’s fault
Kuruk: wow, killing evil spirits is literally killing me. If that Wan bastard just minded his damn business, I wouldn’t be in this situation!
Kyoshi: I’m really hungry, I should probably eat. I bet I wouldn’t be so hungry if Wan didn’t give me this fuck ass career
Roku: I wish my best friend wasn’t a genocidal maniac. Curse you Wan!!!!
Aang: I can’t find any vegetarian options on the menu. I can’t believe Wan did this to me
Korra: I’m having such a hard time telling Asami how I feel about her. This has to be Wan’s doing.
Wan, tweaking out in the spirit world: oh be fucking for real your bisexual ass would have issues even if you weren’t the Avatar. WHY DO I KEEP GETTING BLAMED FOR EVERYTHING? AND HALF OF IT DOESN’T HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH BEING THE AVATAR!!!!
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stormbornnn · 2 months ago
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movietonight · 1 year ago
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My friend Alicia made an ATLA meme
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colorful-craze · 8 months ago
Just finished The Reckoning of Roku…I definitely have some thoughts about Kyoshi’s lackluster characterization. (Spoilers obviously!)
First of all, this portrayal of her seems to have a lot of the same problems that NATLA has: turning into what the vast majority of the fandom thinks she is, a cold, stony killer, and ignoring all the development and characterization that she got in her novels (not to mention her TRUE character and personality). I don’t believe that unnecessary brutality would be something that she grows into; it would be something that she grows OUT OF. Especially since she already HAD that arc in her books, specifically TSOK, when she was shown struggling with how far she should go and questioning her choices, not to mention expressing regret over any unnecessary violence she exhibited.
I also find it extremely difficult to believe that Kyoshi (even after nearly two centuries) would ever stop seeing the value in individual lives. She lost so many people who were close to her at a such a young age, and she expresses so much care and concern for the lives of both her loved ones and innocents. She knows the perspective of loss too well to ever turn into some mindless killing machine. And living for so long would only emphasize the value of the lives around her, as she would have had to go through that loss over and over again.
I don’t think she would have refused to listen to reason, either, ESPECIALLY if it’s from a companion of over twenty years!
The last thing is that even if she DID change near the end of her life…that mindset would not be the one that she carries into the afterlife (or wherever the dead avatars end up). In ATLA, we see her giving Aang good, solid advice, that—despite what the fandom tends to think—does not advocate for just indiscriminately killing anyone who opposes you. She was levelheaded and calm, but she wasn’t cold and empty the way she seemed in RoR. Kyoshi was a pursuer of justice, obviously, but she would know what kind of justice was deserved.
I know this is kinda long but I just had a lot of issues with the way that Kyoshi was portrayed as the fandom-popular cold blooded killer, ignoring all of her existing canon characterization and character development and arcs. It felt kind of lazy and uninspired. The book overall was alright but this part of it was definitely not my favorite.
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dartalias · 4 hours ago
Rise of Kyoshi fan-comic n°01- "The beginning, or almost that"
(For those who dont know i'm doing the entirely of the Kyoshi novels in comic format, that's the first one)(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ
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ITS DONE!! *high-five myself* *cries*
About the next ones:
It will be the "nine years later" + "the boy from makapu"
I did started already but because its still at the beginning and i have to come up with all the designs for basically everything it will take some time (╥﹏╥) time i expect to be shortened at least at bit once i get through these firt comics and have all the designs settle
(Im using the game/cannon looks as reference but also taking some liberty upon them, once i age up the characters they will prob look more like the cannon but still not 100% identical)
That means the characters aperance may suffer some little changes along the way (Jianzhu will definitely not stay like that) i'll try not alter nothing major thoutgh)
Ether way, by my measure it will take around 1/2 months for each comic (ಥ‿ಥ) they will be around the same length that this one (hopefully a little longer) between 20-30ish pages featuring more or less 2 chapters per comic
(I'm open to any opinions and tips <33)
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