#f/f ships
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F/F Couples
Lucy and Mina :
"Not at all canon, but Mina cannot stop talking about how beautiful and graceful and perfect her friend Lucy is at every opportunity, often while holding her hand or laying beside her in her bed. Special mention to Mina writing that she loves Lucy 'with all the moods and tenses of the verb'. Which is one of her letters that was noted to have never been opened by Lucy, so if you're into tragic couples doomed by the narrative then bonus points there?"
#specific polls about books#spab#spab polls#tournament polls#bookblr#books#f/f ships#semifinals#carmilla novel#carmilla book#carmilla x laura#carmilla#sheridan le fanu#lumina#lucy westenra#mina murray#mina harker#mina x lucy#wilhelmina murray#dracula novel#dracula book#bram stoker dracula#dracula bram stoker#dracula#bram stoker#gothic literature#gothic fiction
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Why do m/f ships are often regarded as boring and plain in comparison to m/m and f/f ships?
I think it's a combination of things:
1) Over-saturation. M/F romances have been the bread and butter of mainstream media for literally thousands of years. (Although the world's first known work of literature was pretty gay, so there's that lol!) Anyway, because of this, it's easy for M/F stories to repeat old plots, or for audiences to feel as if "there are no new stories to tell." After consuming M/F romance media for a while, people can start to feel like "I've seen this before." When the market is saturated, it becomes harder to find new twists on old tropes, fresh voices, etc., and there's no longer as much sensation of mystery or the unexpected--if you see a hot main female character and a hot main male character in a movie, chances are they're guaranteed to get together. When things become "given" in media, the stakes vanish, and it's much harder to generate interest from readers or viewers. ("This ship is going to be endgame anyway, so why bother worrying about whether they'll get together?")
Conversely, when the romance is M/M or F/F, it still has an element of "newness." Perhaps we haven't seen this particular romantic comedy plot with a queer couple before. Maybe adding the extra element of societal response to being gay changes up how an old trope will play out. Because queer romances haven't been grafted on to seemingly every possible trope and scenario in media (yet), there's still chances for surprises and intrigue. Basically, M/M and F/F have the benefit of newness.
I think it's worth pointing out, though, that this will likely not last. An inevitable side effect of queer romances becoming normalized in mainstream media is that, over time, all those tropes and cliched plots will get played out with both M/M and F/F ships, and we'll one day reach over-saturation on queer romances as well, making many of them feel just as bland as the stock of M/F romances in media too.
2) A lot of M/F writing is just really bad. I've discussed at length many reasons why M/F romances tend to be more poorly written in a lot of mainstream media, and the many reasons are too varied to go over again (misogyny, inexperienced male writers, sexual fixation on the other gender resulting in objectification, etc. etc.), but I think it's key to remember that a lot of stories which contain romantic plots weren't actually intended to be romances at all. They just have a romance because society treats romance as obligatory. Writing a horror story? Wait, you mean the hot male protagonist and the hot female protagonist aren't going to bond over their life-threatening situations and end up together? Writing a movie about the horrific tragedy of the sinking of the Titanic? What do you mean it won't center around a forbidden romance between people of different economic classes? Your high fantasy epic doesn't have a princess for your knight to save?! Huh?
The problem is that a lot of people who can write well in one genre cannot write well in other genres. You can have the best horror writer in history... and that person may be completely incapable of writing a romantic plotline to save their life. You can have the most accurate historical political intrigue researcher ever--and then that person has zero experience trying to build effective romantic tension. Unlike other genres which don't have to cross over with each other--your crime drama doesn't have to become a historical drama; your YA fantasy novel doesn't have to become a comedy--writers of practically every genre are expected to be able to throw romance plots into their works and sell them.
When romance is so ubiquitous, it's inevitable that a lot of it is going to be written by people who aren't skilled at writing it, and thus a whole lot of it is going to just be kind of poorly written.
Conversely, we're still at a moment in time when queer romances are regarded as somewhat controversial in mainstream media. It's growing less so over time, but we're still at the point where, if there's a queer romance in a piece of mainstream media, it's because the authors really wanted to put it there. It's not there because of a sense of obligation or viewer expectations, but because someone producing that work really wanted to tell a queer romance story. When you're adding a romance plotline because you really want to write a romance, that plot is (usually) better simply because that plot is more important to the writers.
Furthermore, because queer romance plots are still scrutinized much, much more than M/F romances by editing boards, shareholders, etc., it is likely that these stories are held to a higher writing standard that M/F romances currently. They will be subject to greater editing and require greater "justification" in order to sell decision-makers on the necessity of including the pair. Therefore, across the board, queer romances in mainstream media are likely to receive more of the writers' time and effort than M/F romances.
Once again though, this is a product of media's current situation and not something that will last. Give it a few more years in an LGBT+ friendly administration and M/M and F/F romance plots in shows, books, etc. will become normalized to the point that including one won't be remotely controversial. The level of scrutiny and focus on such ships will fall, and eventually they'll become just about as obligatory as M/F ships, complete with the matching drop in quality. 😂
#echo answers asks#fandom stuff#m/f ships#m/m ships#f/f ships#I think the situation with m/f versus queer ships can simply be summed up as:#If you were forced to eat cake for a month#and then someone offered you a steak instead#which is going to look tastier in that moment?#people don't actually HATE the cake at all#they're just tired of seeing the same thing in every story#so alternatives are starting to look better and better
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F/F ships for ATLA and LoK in Fandom Trumps Hate 2025
Bidding opens tomorrow for the @fandomtrumpshate charity auction, and I'm so excited to see what it's like. Here's a roundup of all of us specifically interested in creating fan work for F/F ships in the Avatar the Last Airbender universe, with Avatar-related excerpts:
Type of Fanwork: Fan art Subtype(s): Comic, Drawing/painting/etc. Fandom(s): MXTX (works): Mo Dao Zu Shi / The Untamed, The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System, Tian Guan Ci Fu / Heaven Official's Blessing; Avatar The Last Airbender; Steven Universe
Type of fanwork: Written fanwork Subtype(s): fan fiction (new), other written fanwork Fandom(s): Harry Potter: Marauders Era, Original Series; Avatar The Last Airbender; Marvel: Avengers, Captain America, Falcon & Winter Soldier, Spider-Man (live action), Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse Characters/pairings of interest: ... for ATLA, anything is great ...
Type of fanwork: Written fanwork Subtype(s): fan fiction (new) Fandom(s): Avatar The Last Airbender; House MD; Supernatural Characters/pairings of interest: For Avatar, I usually like focusing on Zukka or Azula, Mai and Ty Lee (doesn't matter how they're shipped together or if they're platonic I like all instances of them!) ...
Type of fanwork: Written fanwork Subtype(s): fan fiction (new), fan fiction (remix of an existing fic) Fandom(s): Good Omens; Avatar the Last Airbender; Any fandom I've created for before Characters/pairings of interest: ... ATLA - Toph, Toph/any especially any female character. ... Legend of Korra - Lin, Bei Fong family
Type of fanwork: Fan art Fandom(s): Teen Wolf; Marvel: Daredevil, Deadpool, Marvel Comics, Spider-Man (live action), Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse; Avatar The Last Airbender Characters/pairings of interest: ATLA: Kataang, Zaang, Zutaraang, and almost any other Atla/LoK pairing.
Type of fanwork: Written fanwork Subtype(s): fan fiction (new) Fandom(s): Dungeons & Dragons (TTRPG); Avatar The Last Airbender; Pokemon
Type of fanwork: Fan art Subtype(s): Drawing/painting/etc. Fandom(s): Avatar The Last Airbender; Avatar Legend of Korra
Type of fanwork: Written fanwork Subtype(s): fan fiction (new) Fandom(s): Avatar The Last Airbender; Harry Potter: Original Series; Captive Prince Characters/pairings of interest: A:TLA: I really enjoy Zuko, Sokka, and Suki, and I could write any romantic combo of those 3, from any POV. Could write from Toph or Azula's POV too, and could ship them with any of the aforementioned characters or OCs. These are the ONLY pairings, characters, and POVs that I can focus on / deliver on in this fandom. ...
Type of fanwork: Written fanwork Subtype(s): fan fiction (new) Fandom(s): Avatar The Last Airbender; Locked Tomb Trilogy Characters/pairings of interest: I’m most experienced with Korrasami and Griddlehark, but I’m willing to try my hand at other pairings as long as they’re F/F!
Type of fanwork: Written fanwork Subtype(s): fan fiction (new) Fandom(s): Avatar the Last Airbender; Person of Interest; Original Work Characters/pairings of interest: ... Avatar, Legend of Korra: only for the pairing Korra and Asami (Korrasami) ...
#fandom trumps hate#fth 2025#charity auction#avatar the last airbender#f/f ships#i'm alone in the Person of Interest fandom :(#but at least i'm not the only Korrasami shipper!#this is my first time and i don't know if anyone will bid on me#here's hoping we all raise some money for great causes!
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novo ano, novos temas pro femslash february !! pra quem não sabe, esse é um evento onde você produz algum tipo de arte com ships sáficos (wlw, yuri ou f/f) com os temas sugeridos durante o mês inteiro !! é aceito fic, fanart, aqueles videozinhos de ship, gifsets, colagem de imagens/moodboards; basicamente qualquer tipo de produção artística que mova o fandom wlw <3 se tiver interesse, aqui estão...
meus temas de femslash february 2024:
1) “Isto me lembra de você.” • A cuida de um ferimento de B
2) categoria!au (tipo atla!au, mlb!au, ninjago!au, pmmm!au e afins) • “Eu estou contigo!”
3) hanahaki!au (pode ser criativo com essa trope !!) • seres sobrenaturais (vampiros, fantasmas, demônios, múmias, bruxas ou apenas monstros não -humanos)
4) omegaverse • “Estarei esperando por você.”
5) primeira vez • troca (de papéis no canon, de personalidade, de corpo, de escola, de lado numa batalha e etc)
6) deficiência (pode ser tanto levada como a palavra natural ou fazer personagens que tenham deficiências !!) • viagem no tempo (loop temporal conta !)
7) A surta porque B se feriu no meio da batalha • navios (pirata!au, marinha!au, viagem num navio, uma cena de pescaria e etc)
8) fantasia!au • “Por você, isso vale a pena.”
9) mundo apocalíptico (ataque zumbi, seres não conhecidos destruindo a terra, virose que está matando a população e etc) • a mimir (A observa B dormindo, ou ambas dormindo juntas e etc)
10) “Se eu tiver que lutar com Deuses para te ter, eu irei.” • Memórias
11) dificuldade de comunicação (falam linguas diferentes, uma muda ou uma surda tentando conversar com um falante/ouvinte, seres de espécies diferentes com linguagem não aproximadas e etc) • Casamento
12) Inimigas para amantes • A se sente segura com B
13) toques físicos (mãos dadas, abraços, aperto no ombro, cafuné no cabelo, beijo — sfw ou nsfw) • características animais (híbridos, pode se transformar em um animal e etc)
14) dia livre !
15) tatuagem • “Você é a única pessoa que eu poderia pedir ajuda.”
16) relacionamento a distância • máfia!au (italiana, japonesa, *brasileira*.... tanto faz)
17) reencarne suas lésbicas (oposto de 'enterre seus gays' trope) • fazer a maquiagem/cabelo da outra
18) “Você quer que eu pare?” • namoro falso
19) domesticidade • amor proibido
20) found family • ternos
21) asas (pode ser metafórico ou não !) • “Só tem a gente aqui.”
22) intenso contato visual • usar sobrenome/codenome em público vs usar o nome/apelido no privado
23) 'proctetive character' (si, a tag do ao3) • “Eu não vou te deixar morrer hoje!”
24) viajar na estrada • B é guarda-costas de A
25) luto • “Eu poderia te devorar agorinha!”
26) isekai • eu, você e ela/policasal
27) agentes secretas!au (fbi, csa, kgb, espiãs, charlie's angels/as panteras e etc) • “Eu morreria por você.”/“Eu mataria por você.”
28) mitologia/folclore!au • desentendimentos
29) colegas de quarto • “Por que você me ama?”
caso tenha curiosidade, aqui está a lista com os temas do ano anterior !! sinta-se livre pra usar qualquer um dos temas da minha lista <3 só peço para que, caso o faça, me avise para eu divulgar a sua arte também !! eu continuarei postando as minhas fics na coleção do ao3. se for fazer fic e também quiser participar, poderá colocá-la ali — mas não é obrigatório !!
que 2024 traga mais ships sáficos pra gente <3
#plot do eme#ao3#ptbr no ao3#femslash february#femslash february 2024#f/f ships#wlw prompts#f/f prompts#yuri#yuri ships#yuri prompts#f/f#femslash prompts#femslash#sapphic ships#sapphic prompts
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arcane ships be like
i love a show that teaches equality (😭😭😭)
#guys i don't actually ship jayvik but it was necessary for the reference#sorry for the quality btw i threw this together#timebomb#jayvik#caitvi#arcane#arcane spoilers#arcane season 2#EDIT: multiple people have pointed out that the labels i've used aren't the characters' real sexualities. and they're right#there's actually NO labels in runeterra so i shoulda said m/f m/m and f/f relationships#but you guys already gave this 13k notes so whatever bro#just know!!! they are more than whatever nathaniacolver post labels them as! :)#EDIT AGAIN AFTER THE FINALE: I DO INDEED NOW SHIP JAYVIK. DAFUQ#DOOM IS DOOM#edit number 3 or something idk man people keep asking stuff:#i made this after act 1 and before acts 2 & 3 so this is an ACT 1 MEME#and yes timebomb are whatever the frick you want them to be. *sighs*. i should've said f/m relationship so bad
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#femslash#f/f fanfic#f/f romance#f/f ship#archive of our own#ao3#ao3 fanfic#ao3 tags#fanfiction#fanfic#fanart#destiel meme news
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Things are dire in the otp:true tag

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theyre fighting a god in the morning
#calling op out ooc theres no way theyd be dancing lbfr#soc art#animation#critical role#vox machina#percy de rolo#vexahlia#percahlia#they might be the m/f ship of all time for me idk#think ive got this out my system anyway moving on#the legend of vox machina#tlovm#artists on tumblr
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F/F Couples
#specific polls about books#spab#spab polls#tournament polls#bookblr#books#f/f ships#griddlehark#harrow the ninth#harrowhark nonagesimus#harrow nonagesimus#harrow x gideon#gideon the ninth#gideon nav#gideon x harrow#tlt harrow#tlt gideon#gideon tlt#harrow tlt#the locked tomb#tamsyn muir#rangshi#rangi avatar#avatar kyoshi#kyoshi novels#chronicles of the avatar#kyoshi avatar#kyoshi x rangi#rangi x kyoshi
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Me when I see a picture of ✨The Character™✨:
#selfshipper#self ship#self shipping#fictoromantic#fictosexual#self ship community#f/o#f/o community#fiction#fictional characters#fictional other#anime#anime character#character#characters#the character#fictional crushes#fictional crush#cartoon characters
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thought about the character too hard
#gif warning#f/o blog#self ship community#self ship meme#selfship meme#self ship#selfshipping#selfship#selfship community#proships dni#ok to rb
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“I can fix him” I couldn’t fix him and I don’t want to. I think he grew prone to biting and scratching in order to get by in a harsh world, and to me his resilience is part of what makes him so beautifully himself. I could be kind to him, though. I could show him gentleness. I could, slowly but surely, in the same way one earns the trust of a skittish stray cat, convince him that my touch will never come accompanied by pain. That, around me, he can allow himself to be soft. To relax. I could be the one he associates with warmth and safety, the one he longs to be held by after a hard day. I could be his home.
#I’m very sad rn so I’m doing what I always do when I’m sad: thinking about being gentle towards my abrasive Blorbo#self shipping#Self-shipping#self ship#self ship imagine#f/o imagines#romantic f/o
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Robot characters who are given names like SL-308-62 but instead of their human friend going Well let's call you Sally for short, they instead ask the other if they Like their current name.
"Do you like your serial number?" they ask. "Yes, quite. It reminds me of who I am" the robot replies. "I have heard others like me go by different names after some time, and maybe one day I'll choose one for myself, too. But right now that is my full name, yes" they continue.
Because it's not your decision to make whether or not the robot will receive a new name. It should be theirs only. What's the difference? One is more complex and the other is simplified. They were both given by strangers instead of themselves.
"62 will do," they conclude. "It's my model number - there will be no other 62 after me."
#silly example#just thinking about seven threes full serial number. i appreciate that its current given name stems from it#not in a dehumanizing way. not to me. thats who it is.#📡 incoming transmission 📡#self insert#selfshipping#selfship#self ship#robot f/o#robots
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get off dating apps. the love of your life is from a video game!
#waughh#wanted to make it 'the love of your life is fictional' to encompass all f/o's but..... sounds a bit mean =3= despite being truee#ok!#f/o#self ship#sillyposting#fictional other#yumeship#f/o community#self shipping#selfshipping
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"Your boyfriend is evil!" "Your boyfriend is cruel and horrifying!" Well, he's a joy to me. Maybe it's a you problem.
#self ship#self shipping#f/o: hades#f/o tag: soulbound#oc x canon#evil f/o#villain f/o#blorbo posting
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