#Probably to Lek
dartalias · 13 days
One of the reasons i love reading Kyoshi is her inter monalogue and something i love about it is that she knows about agriculture and its just randomly using this knowledge in her head
(And in her pettiness)
Like in the Daofei city they were worriedly explaining to her how sad and bad it is that they are tied up with a gruop called "Autumn flower society" that have "moon peaches" as their simbol, and how dangerous they were
And Kyoshi first thoght was "moon peaches bloom in the spring, idiots, but of corse they wouldn't know that, they're daofei not farmers"
Or the amont of times they go to a new place and the firt thing she does is cassify the soil as good/bad to plant things
Kyoshi herself acknowledge this trait of hers sometimes
Like she is doing a ditch with earthbending and being like "See that Yokoya??? I can plow land too, i could be a great farmer"
Or when shes eating dust being like "its not eating, its testing, spirits why did i have to know that???"
Love my avatar farmer girly with criminal and artistic genes
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chambers003 · 7 months
can anybody hear me (pearl and gem sw rebels au????? but also not??)
(messy because im working off of pure vibes for now)
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itstimeforstarwars · 11 months
Not to be a nerd or anything but I need to make a Togruta headpiece that way I can make reference photos of many poses and angles for someone with a different montral shape than ahsoka.
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atla-suki · 1 year
official legacy of yangchen combustion bender art when ???????? WHEN???????
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daisyeyes-sims · 1 year
i usually play sims in one big chunk of time and then stagger post through the week
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blackkatmagic · 1 month
Ooh for the ask game Oola. I love her💕
On Ryloth, every type of bender has their own dance. It’s hard to remember, sometimes, that the rest of the galaxy just sees bodies moving.
Oola stays still, careful, quiet, as Jabba sleeps. There are a handful of people left around the main rooms of his palace, but more of the guests and hangers-on are asleep, sprawled out drunk in corners or having retreated to their rooms. The only one still awake is the Ubese bounty hunter in the heavy mask, settled back against the far wall to watch the room.
It’s a problem, but—Oola is too desperate to care at this point.
Only knowing that this was an option got her through the dance earlier. Oola had been tempted to fight back, to resist even if she knows what happens to slaves who defy Jabba. She’d held herself back, though, because Jabba always drinks heavily when he’s pleased, and getting the smuggler as a wall decoration had pleased him.
It means he won't wake up for anything short of an explosion, now, and that’s all the chance Oola needs.
Carefully, she shifts, slowly enough that the clink of the chains won't draw attention. Boba Fett is still in the palace, probably lurking in the halls somewhere, and he’s dangerous enough, clever enough to make her wary. But—
With her body between her and the bounty hunter, she brings her hands up, breathes out, breathes in again. The foundation of any dance is breathing, even more than motion, and she remembers hours in the sun with her mother, training her breaths in Ryloth’s scorching heat. The hand motions are simple, too, muscle memory now, and she turns her hands, slides her palms past each other, breathes. Tatooine's suns are down, and this would be easier in the day, but that’s fine. This is her only chance to get away, so she has to take it.
Light flickers, fire kindles. A flame leaps between her palms, and Oola curls around it, lets the chain connected to her collar fall right through its heart. Harder to hold it while she’s still, but an actual dance is impossible, so this has to be enough. At least for this, it’s all in the breath, at least.
Oola breathes out, in, out again, and focuses on heat. Focuses on Ryloth’s suns, and the feeling of the traditional dance the firebenders use to call up their flames. She knows the steps, knows the guide they give, and like this her bending is stripped entirely of its grace and beauty, filed down into something utilitarian and rough, but—
She’s escaping. That’s the only important thing.
And then, just a little heavier than silence, there’s a footfall behind her.
Oola jerks her hands down, ducks. The chain is glowing white-hot, though it hasn’t melted yet, and there's no hiding that, but if she plays stupid, if she uses the fact that to Jabba she’s just a plaything—
The bounty hunter’s hand slides into her line of vision, careful to avoid her lek, and catches the chain. Then, sharp, their other hand slashes down—
Fire, a thin and blue-white lance of it that’s hotter than anything Oola has ever felt before, strikes the metal and breaks it in one blow, sending drops of molten steel scattering across the sand.
Quick, the bounty hunter pulls Oola to her feet, still gripping the glowing end of the chain so it can’t fall back against her skin. They jerk their head towards one of the halls, but don’t wait for a response, just pull Oola in that direction at a near run, ducking into the shadows, then down the halls, through several rooms and up a narrow set of stairs meant for the slaves. Near the top, there’s a door standing ajar, and the bounty hunter pushes it all the way open, guides Oola in, then shoves it closed behind her.
Fear rises, and Oola takes three quick steps back, unease warring with relief. The Ubese hasn’t shown any interest in Jabba's personal slaves since their arrival, and they have to know what Jabba will do to them for taking Oola even this far, but still an unsteady sort of fear washes through her veins, makes her hands tremble as she raises them. One on one, she can defend herself if she needs to, without the threat of Jabba's retaliation, but people will notice.
Slowly, deliberately, the bounty hunter raises their hands, palms out, then reaches up. They grip their helmet, pull—
Not an Ubese at all. A Human, a woman with heavy braids of brown hair bound up out of the way, clear brown eyes that meet and hold Oola’s without hesitation.
“Easy,” she says, pitched quiet even though they're alone in the room. “You were trying to escape, weren’t you? I can help.”
“Why should I trust you?” Oola asks, as steady as she can make it. “You work for Jabba.”
The woman snorts, like that accusation is ridiculous. “I'm here to save a friend,” she says. “The one in carbonite.” Hesitates, just for an instant, and then meets Oola’s gaze again and says plainly, “My name is Leia Organa. I'm the princess of Alderaan. If you know that, it means I'm at risk, too. So we’re even. We can trust each other.”
“I don’t think it works like that,” Oola says, but—she knows what happened to Alderaan. She’s heard of its princess, even on Ryloth. Even on Tatooine.
The princess of lost Alderaan saved her. It’s like something out of one of the old tales her father loved.
“Why not?” Leia asks, and smiles. “You don’t have to worry. My brother and I have a plan.”
A plan. Oola didn’t have one beyond breaking the chain, and she puts a hand up to the collar, something shiver through her. If there’s really a way out—all the way out, and not just to die in the desert, free but still doomed—someone like Princess Leia would surely know it, or be able to make it. But—
“Boba Fett is somewhere in the palace,” she says, and it feels a little bit like despair. “He’s too dangerous—”
Leia rolls her eyes. “My brother is distracting him,” she says, and smiles at Oola, like sharing a secret. “That’s part of the plan.”
It seems utterly impossible that the prince and princess of Alderaan are both on Tatooine, both working to free one friend from Jabba's grip. Seems even more ridiculous that they would care about freeing an enslaved dancer, too, without any reason to bother, and Oola has to take a breath, close her eyes. It feels like a dream, like at any moment she’s going to wake up to Jabba's touch, a waking nightmare she’s lived through for months now.
It's not Jabba's touch that makes her open her eyes, though. It’s a Human hand, cooler than her own skin, bare of its heavy glove. Leia touches her cheek, light, careful, and when Oola looks up, Leia holds her gaze with a seriousness that makes Oola’s heart turn over in her chest.
“We can get you out,” Leia promises, and her smile is a warm thing, like Ryloth’s sun. “Your firebending is beautiful. It shouldn’t stay in a place like this.”
Oola shudders, closes her eyes. She presses a hand over Leia's, leans in, and when Leia wraps her up in a tight hug, she twines her lekku around Leia's arms, buries her face in the worn pressure suit, and just breathes.
She was just dancing, before. But Leia saw it for what it was. And right now, that feels like the only thing that matters.
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thelaisydazy · 7 months
Band!141 x Reader - Roach
“Thank you, we’ll call in a few days..”
Your stomach churned. Were they really going to call you? Or, was that just what they told the dancers they weren’t satisfied with? 
Your feet carried you down the street, pushing past the crowds of people that flood into the city every day. Your stomach growls. In your rush to get to the audition, you hadn’t eaten breakfast today and you were starving. You take out your phone to check what’s around.There was a little diner open nearby, it wasn’t exactly the fanciest place, but it was cheap enough for your budget. You turn to head towards the diner only to walk directly into someone, your phone clattering to the sidewalk. 
You stumble back to see a young man, perhaps only a few years older than yourself. He’s tall, though certainly not the tallest you’d seen today. He’s got spiky brown hair, which you imagine might be soft and fluffy without all the gel in it, and soft brown eyes. He’s wearing a tight fitting black muscle-tee that cut just slightly too short, showing off his midriff and a pair of fitted black ripped jeans. Just how many punks were you going to run into today?
“Woah, hey sorry,” he said, bending over to pick up your phone and offer it back to you. You quickly take it, frowning as you see the screen is cracked now. “Oh damn it, sorry ‘bout that.”
“It’s… it’s fine,” you say dejectedly. It’s not, but it’s not his fault you walked right into him and dropped your phone. 
“Hey, I’m going to meet some friends for lunch,” he says. “Why don’t you come along? My treat, I feel bad about your phone.”
You look him over cautiously. “I don’t even know your name,” you say. 
“My friends call me Roach,” he says with a grin. “But you can call me Gary if you’d rather.” 
“It’s nice to meet you Gary,” you say, giving him your name as well. “Roach is a funny nickname.”
“Yeah, my mates and I used to mess around with fireworks,” Gary explains. “Couple times I didn’t get away fast enough, somehow I didn’t get hurt though. My mates said I was like a roach, just surviving anything.” He chuckles at the memory. “How about that lunch then?”
You think for a moment. Is it really safe to go with a perfect stranger? The band you met on the subway jumps into your mind. They’d been nice enough to stop the train for you and offer you a seat in the full car, perhaps Gary was just as nice.
“Sure, why not?” you say. “Couldn’t hurt.”
Gary grins at you and you can’t help but smile back. There’s just something friendly about him, you just hope his friends are as nice.
“Roach! You made it!” A familiar voice calling from a booth at the back of the bar shouts out. You turn to see the same group of men you’d met just earlier that day. It’s Kyle that spots you first out of them, that amazing smile crossing his face. “I see you met our new friend.”
You and Gary walk over and you take a seat near the middle of the table, between Kyle and Gary. You look at the latter. “You know, when you said you were meeting friends, I should have guessed this is who you meant,” you say with a giggle. Looking around the table, Johnny and Ghost were sitting at the far end from you, Ghost having just pulled his mask back up to cover his face when he saw you walk over. John was sitting on the other side of Kyle from you, he drank from his beer and smiled at you.
“How’d you get on at your audition, love?” John asked, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “Did’ya get in?”
“Oh uh.. They said I should hear back in a couple days,” you say, fidgeting with your napkin. You still weren’t so sure the instructors had actually meant it though. 
“I see..” John said thoughtfully. 
“Bonnie thing lek ye?” Johnny chimed in from his seat next to Ghost. “They wis probably speechless or summat.” Ghost nudged him in the ribs with a sharp look.
“Audition?” Gary asked, looking at you. “Whatcha tryin’ out for?”
Before you could answer, Kyle wrapped his arm over your shoulder, though he kept his grip light enough that you could slip away if you wanted to. “Ballet, that fancy place,” he said. “Gonna be a real principal dancer one day.”
Your face feels hot at his confidence. “Oh well… I don’t know about all that,” you say nervously. “I mean.. I’d just be happy in the corps de ballet really.” You’re not really certain you’ve got what it takes for a lead role anyway. “How did that recording go anyway?” you ask, trying to change the subject. 
“Fine, if Soap would focus,” John rumbles, shooting the younger man a look. 
“Haud yer wheesht!” Johnny exclaims looking a bit flustered himself. “Aye wis jus’ think’n alood.”
“An’ not staying on beat,” Kyle teased back.
“Oh I’m sorry..” you say, feeling bad for asking now. 
“Dinna fash, leannan,” Johnny laughs. He starts to stand up. “Am gett’n ‘nother round.” He returns a few moments later and slides a bubbly red drink in front of you with one of those little paper umbrellas in it. 
“What is it?” you ask. Johnny only grins and shrugs at you. Despite your better judgment you take a sip, surprised not to taste any alcohol in the cherry flavored drink at all. “Is this a Shirley Temple?” Your surprised reaction makes the table laugh. 
“They’re not a kid Johnny,” Kyle laughs. He looks at you. “Lemme know if you want a real drink.” All you can do is nod quietly in response as you sip your Shirley Temple.
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foibles-fables · 2 months
rating the Flying Opera Company members on how well they'd spot you on bench press
Kyoshi: 8.5/10. Strong, reliable, encouraging. Keeps track of your reps and helps you put away your plates when you're done. Gets a little bit distracted when Rangi is working out nearby, though. Needs a strained "don't got it" to snap back to focus every so often.
Rangi: 7/10. A great and knowledgable spotter, but will offer unsolicited and granular critique on your form that might turn into a 15-minute lecture. Resting bitch face makes it initmidating to approach her and ask for a quick spot, but it's worth it.
Kirima: 5.5/10. Not really interested in spotting you, but will (a bit begrudgingly) if you ask. Stares you down while you lift, silent. Will let you sweat for a few seconds if you can't make the press before she assists, to assert dominance.
Wong: 9.5/10. You're safe in his hands. Can curl the bar with one hand if you fail a rep. Conversely, doesn't hesitate to yell at you to do one more rep if he knows you have it in you. Offers both encouragement and advice. Warms up with your working weight, so you don't even have to put any plates away when you're done with your sets.
Lek: 4/10. Is just overly excited to be asked. "Yeah, I got this!" (He might not have this.) Stands close and yells "LIGHT WEIGHT" when you lift off. Grabs your last rep halfway up and tells you "that was ALL you, ALL YOU." (it wasn't all you.) But he's sweet and genuine and it's hard to be frustrated with him when he's all hyped up.
Lao Ge: 1/10. I wouldn't risk it. If the bar crushes you--it's probably on purpose.
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kedreeva · 6 months
I knew Berserker Male Syndrome was a thing(mostly thanks to your past posts) but like. Why. If hand-raising literally any of the birds you mentioned(including peahens) makes them more friendly, why does a peacock become a ferocious dinosaur when hand-reared? And if they're capable of that, why aren't outside peacocks like that? Genuinely intrigued here.
Theories abound and honestly I'm not 100% sure the same thing doesn't happen with chickens (hence why so many people tend to with roosters that "turn mean" post puberty but I digress) but I have less means to prove it. The most prevalent theory among peafowl keepers is that peafowl have much stronger family ties (even down to a genetic level we don't understand, considering blood-related males recognize one another as relations and allow blood relatives into the lek *even if they've never met*) than the other birds, with babies staying close to and following their mothers for 2-3 years instead of 2-3 months, and that if you replace that mother role yourself, the cock bird considers you to be another peafowl. For hens that's not a big deal- you're mom, you're probably higher on the pecking order to them, the hens all get along. There are a few people who report an aggressive hen, but it's usually towards other birds and (imo) likely due to improper social upbringing (the raised hen not knowing how to interact with other birds and defaulting to aggression to cope). In the case of a male, however, if you are also a peafowl then you must fall into one of two categories- a mate or a rival. You're not blood related by whatever they sense, and you're not going to mate with them, so the conclusion must then be that you're a rival male. Time to kick your ass out of the territory!
Unfortunately you're probably 10x or more their size, and aren't going to leave (except that you do, since you don't live outside/in their pen), which puts them into a constant state of stress and territorial dominance flux every time they see you (or other humans) that results in an incredibly aggressive male.
By "outside" I assume you mean non-hand-raised ones. When they're raised by actual hens or without a strong parental bond (like incubator hatched and brooder raised) they just... don't make that association with humans. You aren't a peafowl to them in those cases, so as long as you aren't acting like a threat, there's no reason to be aggressive toward you. There's the same chance there is with any animal that he's just naturally a dickhead (I've had it happen once, and I culled him for it because he was just attacking the other birds), but there's no specific predilection for aggression that could have been avoided in those cases, it's just genetic chance at that point.
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shellomantic · 6 months
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KIRIMA DESIGN !! my first out of a series where i design characters that hasnt gotten a canon design from rise of kyoshi. (shadow of kyoshi will be done later. theres a lot to unpack) i'll be doing lek after this!
Kirima's design notes / headcanons:
if daofei bad why pretty
her only indication really is the "wolf like fetures" and the earth kingodm tunic things,, there arent many official leads on how she looks like SO i implied a bunch of my own headcanons here
first of all, her hair. i love the idea of wolfcut kirima, but i just know that wolfcuts especially long ones aren't very practical in battle so i made her have wolfcut bangs + a braid.
now why does she have a braid? she has water tribe ancestry, spesifically from southern water tribe's wolf cove (where katara and sokka are from) however she's not 100% water tribe, i'd say around 25-50%
i headcanon when she was young, the water tribe side of her family would teach her things about their culture, mostly the hair and the fighting style. Her parents are probably also criminals, thats why she became a daofei, even after going off-contact from her blood relatives and joining jesa and hark, she still kept the hairstyle and accepted her heritage to be a part of herself.
The face paint is slightly inspired by Sokka's though i couldnt incorporate that too much because it doesnt work well in red
i dont know why i gave her blue eyeliner, it really gives her the menacing vibe to contrast her elegant teasing-ish personality, also she is a criminal so she has to apphear scary.
she definitely has siren eyes.
she is known to have a presice bending style. precision over power type of thing, her fighting style looks a lot more "sharp" and agile compared to the typical flowy movements of a waterbender
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annoyinglyhardsong · 2 months
Codywan Week 2024 Day 2: Beating Rival Suitors off with a Stick
Author Note: Hello again lovelies! Here we are with day 2! This was I believe one of the art prompts for @codywanweek but I am not a talented enough artist yet to do this prompt any justice past some awkward stick figure creatures. So to writing it goes. I had planned on going full crack fic with this because the idea of Obi-Wan literally beating people away from Cody seemed so hilarious, and maybe I'll get around to actually doing that, but for now this was the closest I could get to it. As always, likes, reblogs, comments, are all very much welcomed and appreciated! Happy Codywan Week! Divider by @saradika-graphics, if you are looking for any cute graphics or dividers they have tons of amazing ones!
Tags/Warnings: Mostly SFW, a few suggestive themes, protective Obi-Wan, jealous Obi-Wan, clueless Cody, a highly amused Rex, alcohol.
Mando’a translations: 
Cyare- beloved
Jetii- Jedi
Kriff - fuck
Dank farrik- some kind of curse 
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This was supposed to be a nice relaxing night out with friends, but was slowly becoming anything but that. As the night went on Obi-Wan could feel his eye starting to twitch more, and his blood pressure rising. He tried to hide his scowl behind the rim of his glass as another woman slid up next to Cody and Rex and started flirting with his partner.
This woman was a beautiful golden skinned Twi-lek with striking orange freckles, and was the fifth woman who had tried to flirt with the Commander. There had been some men too, and Obi-Wan couldn’t blame them. Cody was a striking man even out of uniform. He was tall and broad, with kind brown eyes and a soothing voice and demeanor. 
He couldn’t hide the self satisfied smirk that spread across his features when the woman slunk away after a few minutes of conversation with Cody. A few had tried to flirt with Rex when they realized they quickly weren’t going to get anywhere with Cody, but Rex could be prickly on the best of days and I guess this woman decided not to press her luck too much and cut her losses. 
But still the almost never ending string of suitors was starting to get to Obi-Wan. Noticing his glass was empty he ordered something a little stronger. A double of Corellian whiskey on the rocks. 
He and Cody had been together for a year and a half at this point. They were stable and happy in what they had for each other. Obi-Wan surely had never felt like this towards anyone else before and he tried to make sure that Cody knew just how much he meant to Obi-Wan. He would worship the ground that man walked on if able to. And he always felt complete and confident knowing Cody was his loyal commander and right hand man when it came to strategizing and charging into battle. 
In fact Obi-Wan would probably say this was the most secure and confident about himself he had ever felt. There was almost always a little bit of doubt lingering in the back of Obi-Wan’s mind that he wasn’t good enough. That he wasn’t dedicated to the Code enough, that he needed to meditate more, that his ‘saber techniques weren’t sharp enough, his battle plans not thorough enough, that if he had even an ounce of time for himself that he needed to be using it to help others and support the Order. He never felt selfless enough, even though he gave almost everything he had and was able to, to those around him. 
But with Cody those nagging thoughts stopped. Almost completely. Cody was able to calm the storm inside his mind with a glance or a touch of the hand. Cody helped inspire a confidence in him that he so rarely actually felt, and on the days when his anxiety started to eat at him or he felt like he had failed his men after a particularly rough mission, Cody was there to catch him and remind him of how much he did right. Of how many men he was able to save, of how he is able to fix almost any negotiation and find some common ground, of how his troops look up to him and trust him, and of how much care he shows them when most other nat-borns treat them like nothing more than flesh droids. 
He was confident in his relationship. So why was this stream of suitors making him so uneasy? Surely he wasn’t one to stoop so low as to be frazzled by possessive jealousy like a hormone addled padawan. 
But as another suitor sidled up to Rex and Cody, nothing hiding the lust in their gaze as they eyed both men, possibly in the hopes of taking both of them home tonight, something in the older man snapped. 
Cody was his, dank farrik. How dare others think they could flirt with his cyare? That was his beloved, and he was going to make sure everyone in the galaxy knew it. 
He knocked back the rest of his drink in one go, wincing momentarily at the burn. He threw down an amount that he thought was enough credits to close out their tab for the evening and purposefully walked up to the trio. 
Sauntering up behind Cody, he slunk an arm around the trim waist of his boyfriend, placing a kiss on the back of his neck mischievously, before propping his chin on the slightly taller man’s shoulder and fixing the interloper with an icy glare that would scare shinies out of their boots. 
Cody brought his free hand up to loosely clasp around Obi-Wan’s. “Hello love, is everything alright?” Cody greeted gently. 
“Perfectly fine darling. Just missed you is all.” Obi-Wan responded keeping his eyes leveled at the interloper.
The housewrecker squinted his eyes at Obi-Wan slightly, gauging what type of threat Obi-Wan was going to make to his evening’s prospects. But little did he know he had just come toe to toe with a durasteel wall that would not be intimidated. He had stared down sith and other nightmares on an almost daily basis his whole life. This was a training exercise. 
“I believe I was just about to buy you boys a drink,” the challenger tried to draw Cody’s attention back to himself.
 Rex had backed away slightly from the stand off that was happening in front of him, not wanting to get any more involved than he already was and with a look on his face that made him appear to be in pain, when in reality he was minutes away from busting out in a peal of laughter at the entire thing. 
Cody went to answer for himself but Obi-Wan beat him to it. Hand tightening further around Cody’s waist as he answered, “Oh really? I thought you had mentioned you wanted to leave soon dear.” A slight edge to his tone. 
Cody’s face had started to flush from the blatant display Obi-Wan was putting on. He was never this forward or possessive, usually allowing Cody to handle himself, while watching from a safe distance in case anything were to go awry. But tonight something had ignited a fire in his other half that he had never seen before and he would be the first to admit he thought it was sexy as hell. 
Flustered he tried to respond calmly, “Oh? Is it getting late already? It really isn’t much of a bother if you wanted to stay longer. Rex and I were just catching up since we haven’t been deployed together in a while.” Cody realized he was rambling and wasn’t entirely sure who he was trying to placate at this point. 
Obi-Wan hummed and started kissing and nibbling up Cody’s neck to the sensitive spot just behind his ear. “Hmm. I would agree with you dear, but I believe we had additional plans for the evening that I am very eager to get to.”
Cody’s blush had deepened to a shade of maroon and stretched from the tips of his ears to where his neck disappeared beneath his blacks. His brain was not working anymore, too distracted by Obi-Wan’s ministrations to his neck trailing fire that seemed to zip down his spine and pool low in his belly. “O-Other..plans?” he almost squeaked out. 
“Oh yes. I believed it involved getting you out of this armor and seeing how quickly I can get you screaming my name.” Obi-Wan stated, voice pitched low and husky, still attacking Cody’s neck and giving a small bite and a tug to his earlobe. 
If the interloper had had any hope left to woo and sway Cody and Rex to coming home with him for the evening it almost immediately evaporated at the display in front of him. One trooper he had targeted, a deep blush coloring his skin nicely, eyes blown wide with lust and desire, sending small smiles at the man wrapped around him. The other trooper he had hoped to woo, was far too entertained by the entire situation, and he had more self respect than to embarrass himself by still trying to entice him to bed. Given the strong reaction of the ginger man to the trooper in orange, he would rather assume that the blonde in blue was spoken for in a similar manner. 
The interloper decided to cut his losses, at this point the ginger might actually bed the trooper he was wrapped around with the entire bar as witnesses, and well after this display he had lost his desire to try and find someone to bring home. Clearing his throat awkwardly and bowing in a quick apology he walked away from the trio and disappeared into the crowd. 
As soon as Obi-Wan lost sight of the person who had been trying to make a move on his cyare, he relaxed just a little and stopped the intense assault on Cody’s neck, but remained wrapped around his boyfriend. Enjoying the presence and warmth of the other man. 
Cody, recovering a little from the onslaught of attention, whipped his head around to glare at Obi-Wan unsuccessfully. No matter what he couldn’t really be mad at the man, at least in this situation. “What. Was that all about?!” Cody asked Obi-Wan incredulously. He really had never seen the man react like that, and bringing up their bedroom activities was a new level of public openness that neither of them ever really breached. They both preferred to keep their private affairs private and sacred between the two of them. 
Rex, seeing the hungry look in Obi-Wan’s eye, decided to silently slip away, giving the two a bit more privacy, and feeling awkward as a third wheel. “I got tired of people flirting with you and trying to make a move on you. You’re my cyare and kriff it, I’m going to make sure everyone knows it,” Obi-Wan practically growled. 
Cody was starting to put the pieces together now. Obi-Wan could be insecure and he couldn’t have his Jetii feeling that way about their relationship. “Obi-Wan. I love you. No matter how many people try to flirt with me or make a move, you’re the one who has my heart. Always,” Cody said seriously. Obi-Wan looked ashamed for a few seconds before Cody continued, interrupting whatever train of thought the ginger had picked up, “But I will say I do like this side of you. It’s kinda hot,” he finished softly.
“Oh yeah?” Obi-Wan started, mischievous glint back in his eye, “Well I guess I better get you home then and follow through with those plans,” before closing the gap between the two for a quick kiss on the lips as he whisked his commander back to his rooms in the Temple. 
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dartalias · 29 days
Pirate Kyoshi/flying opera AU
I wanted to draw this for i while and i still think i will but in case i cant (no time, but i think i can make it) i just gonna drop my idea here:
Pirate Kyoshi and Flying Opera Company
(This will be SUPER long im thinking about it for a while now)
basically: "what if Kyoshi had accepted Tagata's offer" it would be like "i will go with you if you let everyone go."
I kinda mix a little bit with airbender Kyoshi too, but different, so follow me here:
for this AU specific i thoght in make Kyoshi enter the fitht nation and pretend to be a non-bender to Tagata at the beginning since canonically she dont earthbend in front of her intil the seafloor (dosent happend in this scenario)
Why?? do you remember when Tagata say she dosent have use to earthbenders in a ship? But she look to Kyoshi and see "potential"
[Important detail in this AU: Tagata recognise Jesa's fetures in Kyoshi just like that other pirate did (see this in a coment somewhere and love it), i didnt make a backstory for them but i think it would be cool, the point is: she knows Kyoshi is Jesa and Hark daugther]
Because of that Tagata is divide trying to figure out if Kyoshi is an earthbender or an airbender, and Kyoshi's plan is just pretend she can't bend anything to make Tagata "lose time" intil she finds a way to ether escape or defeat her
But when Tagata try make Kyoshi airbend Kyoshi thinks "this will never work, im obvious not the avatar" what make her relax (which is what was missed in the firebend test in canon btw) and dont think about it much
And then she airbend
And BOOM, suddenly she's the avatar, literally only her knows it, and she is surrounded by a bunch of daufei, while being untrained, scared and lost in a completely unfamiliar territory
So, since she cant go back to Yokoya (Tagata and the deal she made etc etc.) She goes to her cannon next impulsive plan B
The Flying Opera Company
Somehow she convince Tagata to bring them in the ship as her "team" or "guests" bc she needs more training (its true) and they would be the only daufeis who would have some idea of how to help her
So she goes to the tea shop and convince them to joing her (in almost the same way of cannon: "you're our lider's daugther and its offering transportation") and agrees to teach her if she joins they, making their vows instead of Tagata's, this way they would be a gang working for pirates instead of part of tagatas krew, which make its possible to Kyoshi be/go openly againt her (not that something would really stop her, but still..)
And thats would be kinda it, they would be runing with the pirates, making caos. With a airbender in there ship they would be easily the "best"/bigest pirates ever (she can literally control the wind, in a ship) besides, fighting with a airbender is something you wouldn't expected or be prepared to do in the daufey line of work
And Kyoshi would be pretending to be just an airbender (probably making up a history of "i couldnt try it or they would figure out", or "it didnt work before" or "i knew it but couldnt train it" something like that) both for Tagata and the Flying Opera (exept Lao Ge who figure it out, maybe he teach her how to kill people here too)
So besides Kyoshi being almost openly agains Takaga and planing for her dawnfall, (she is BAD at pretend to like someone) and seemed to be more of a willing prisioner then a real part of her crew, having a daufei airbender is a super advantage and Tagata is smart enogth to use Kyoshi in her benefit even when Kyoshis is trying so sabotage her or going agains orders, thats a dangerous dinamic, especially with Kyoshi involved, but i think would be great to see it
I dont know how this would end tho (maybe a postponed seafloor rise?)
Some still untied points:
-Jianzhu would still be a big villan, i have some plans for him (and maybe Hei-Ran) but nothing concret
-Rangshi is obviously the endgame, i just dont know yet when she would join Kyoshi (she would never let Kyoshi go with Tagata, so they would have left before Rangi arrives) but since she would definitely go after her and i think this would be it, at some point she finds her and tags along
-Kelsang dies protecting Yun from Jianzhu
Is killed by Jianzhu when he discoveres Kyoshi to be the avatar
Dies trying to go after Kyoshi
Lives and help Kyoshi with airbender later on♡
-Lek lives
-i have NO IDEA how to make Kyoshi get her things (fans, makeup, diary etc.) but she does
And thats it
Write this make the drawing ispiration grow back stronger so maybe i will do somethings of this later
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vanhelsing-if · 1 month
Who would stitch Helsings wounds? Are they used to it? How about if Helsing has to take their shirt off for wound treatment, who would blush
the only people keeping helsing in one piece: osyka, xoese, eli, ren, frankie
would never trust them near helsing’s wounds: vic, dracula, leks
but if one of the ro’s were treating helsing…i don’t think any of them would blush honestly. osyka and eli would be too focused on cleaning and stitching the wound to think about anything else, dracula is definitely the type to say ‘gross’ when they see a wound but in the way that sounds like they’re fascinated by how gross it is, and you’d be too busy running away from vic and their hacksaw to take your shirt off in the first place.
altho there is a medical wing with genuine, professional medical teams so helsing doesn’t need to worry too much and they probably are used to it by now, but that can be a choice you’ll make in-game.
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countessofbiscuit · 8 months
IC-2224 studied the twi’lek’s face as she studied the hologram.
She pushed the device back across the table, simpering. “I can’t say I see many Jedi.”
“He wouldn’t see many whores.”
She started, but recovered and swept a lek over her bare shoulder. “Charmed, I’m sure.”
“I’m here on business, not pleasure.”
“Can they not coexist?” She smiled like marble and extended her manicured hand. “I’m Garsa. My company starts at ten credits, my conversation at twenty, and anything else probably can’t be expensed.”
After a moment, he took her hand in his. “Cody. And I’m pretty good with paperwork.”
. . . . .
I find myself obsessed with the possibility of this pairing. A drabble.
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ms-kio · 3 months
Absolute Filth
Kai Chisaki/Overhaul X Clone Wars! 1261 Words
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(Image is just the outfit, no Eri T-T)
Chisaki Kai wasn’t… stupid. He'd traveled dimensions- Seriously! Could this woman get any more annoying?- He’d spent two years in the shithole that was known as the Coruscant Canopy, making a living off of making people disappear. Apparently, he had gotten popular due to turning murder cases into ‘missing persons’ cases, which never got looked at in the depths, and hardly ever in the canopy. Down in this filth-infested area, he'd mellowed out a bit, no longer having the inclination to so blatantly disobey the Yakuzas moral code.
Chisakis current Yakuza family was named after his old one, the Shie-Hassaikai. However, its members were wildly different. The majority of his Kobun were Twi-Lek women, fierce ladies who were willing to do what needed to be done in order to provide for their families.
Back to the annoying woman. She wouldn’t just shut up! From Chisakis limited knowledge on the types of ‘aliens’ around, the word ‘Zeltron’ was pulled up from his memory banks. There were a few in his new Yakuza family, but not many. They were the ones who projected emotions, right? Well, that sure wasn’t working. Never had, and probably never will. Maybe it was the quirk factor. 
Now, Kai was currently weighing the pros and cons of dividing the Zeltron by the numbers of molecules she had, but Chisaki Kai was currently very well dressed and an invited guest of Ziro the Hutt. He was inclined to mind his manners.
“C’mon, Chisaki. I promise, you’ll enjoy being with me.” Maybe not. Yes, Kai was that much closer to pulling off his gloves.
Kai shifted his eyes to look at her, knowing the striking gold was already sending a very violent message. “Talk to me like that again, and I will find your face on yet another missing persons report.” He threatened, fed up with her antics. Of course, she knew ‘missing persons’ when it came to him meant dead. So, wisely, she stopped talking.
Kai stood, making way to Ziro and taking a seat in a large, plush chair next to the Hutt, up on the raised platform. “I take it that Zeltron was being a little too… friendly for your taste. Hm, Chisaki-san?” The large slimeball questioned as he took a puff of… Whatever the hell that was.
“Indeed.” He drawled, tracing the gold band around the edge of his glove. He’d invested in more… protective outfits, due to the absolute filth that was in the depths, which he frequently visited. Not to mention, his base of operations was down there as well.
A Kobun then entered the establishment, signaling to him. Someone was coming. It was then that an assassin droid found Senator Amidala trying to sneak out. What was she doing here in the first place? Ziro wanted her dead, which would be bad for all parties involved if he killed her. “A moment, Ziro.” He said through his mask, holding up a gloved hand and beckoning his Kobun. All three currently in the room lined up next to him, two to his left and one to his right. Two Twi-lek ladies and one Nautolan man.
All attention was turned to Kai and his masked companions. “If you have the senator killed, you’ll have the whole of the republic senate focused on you and the Hutts, plus Naboo and her allies breathing down your neck. Do you want that?”
Ziro hesitated, providing enough time for a gold protocol droid to lean in the door. “Is anybody home?” Followed by shouting and explosions. Kai’s Kobun were safely beside him as clone troopers quickly and efficiently took over the bar, holding Ziro and the Yakuza members at gunpoint. The Kobun had their hands on their vibro-blades, tense and alert, while the Oyabun himself hadn’t flinched, his legs crossed as he leaned on a gloved hand, propped onto an armrest.
“Chisaki! Do something!” Ziro demanded as he was cornered, turning the attention- yet again- to Kai.
“No.” He said simply. “I have no quarrel with the republic, and I’m here as a guest. Not a bodyguard. The Shie-Hassakai have no obligation towards you.” He turned his head to address his subordinates, facing the Kyodai of the trio. “Stand down. Go report to the Wakagashira, I’ll deal with this.” The trio bowed, the gold bands around their Lekku (For the Two-leks) and arms (for the Nautolan), and lining their masks glinting in the dim light.
“Let them go.” The Senator ordered when the clones moved to intercept. “They weren’t here when I arrived, and delayed Ziro long enough for you to rescue me.” Chisaki nodded towards Amidala, who returned the gesture before turning to Ziro.
Kai tuned out their conversation, considering his options. One, he could use this to make allies with one of the more powerful senators. Two, make allies with Ziro and potentially the entire Hutt clan- “It was Count Dooku! He forced me to kidnap Jabba's son. Please believe me! I swear, I love that huttlet!” Oh? Guess his decision was made for him. Kai didn’t want the Shie-Hissaikai involved in that mess. Zero would be on his own this time. Plus, Kai would never want to deal with a liar. He’d seen the holocall between the Count and Ziro, the hutt wasn’t being coerced. Not at all.
“He’s lying.” Chisaki said once Ziro was out of earshot. “I observed his holocall with the Count, Ziro was being paid.” That certainly got their attention. “Commander Fox, is it? Make sure he’s locked up tight. I have a feeling our dear senator may have made an enemy.” The clone nodded, obviously not used to being addressed directly by civilians before barking a few orders to his junior clones.
“If I may ask, Mr. Chisaki. Where do you stand in all this?” Amidala spoke up. A fair question, in all honesty. A smart one to ask, too.
“Just an acquaintance. Ziro has hired me for jobs multiple times before, and invited me as a guest.” Kai answered truthfully, uncrossing his legs and resting his forearms on his knees. From the grim understanding on the senator's face, she knew exactly what kinds of ‘jobs’ he did.
“I see.” She said, not noticing that the clone commander behind her was that much closer to grabbing his blaster. Seems he understood too, and understood how high-profile a target the senator was.
“Commander.” He sighed letting his eyes fall closed for a moment. “If I wanted senator Amidala dead, she would be.” The mentioned woman clearly didn’t know whether to take that as a threat or reassurance, while her guard didn’t hide the fact that he heard it as a threat.
The senator's posture straightened, eyes sharpening on his figure. “If you intend to threaten me, Chisaki, You’ll find it’ll take more than mere words.”
Chisaki sighed, standing. “Unless someone convinces me to take one of the numerous jobs that include your death, Senator Amidala, the Shie-Hassaikai will not bother you.” He stated firmly. “I have no intention of letting my family get tied up in the business of war and senators.” There was a moment where the room’s breath was held, Fox’s hand resting tensely on his blaster. “I can assure you of that. However, if the republic decides to go after my family, I am not afraid of getting my hands dirty.” Chisaki said, standing up and taking a couple paces towards Amidala. “You have my word.”
With that, Chisaki brushed past the rest of the clones, exiting the establishment and boarding the hovercar that had been waiting for him.
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tygerbug · 23 days
It is funny, in retrospect and with people currently rewatching the show just for Matt Smith, that Smith was an unknown before Doctor Who S5 and it was felt he'd ruin the show. David Tennant was hugely popular. The show was more popular than it had ever been. It was thought that fans would leave and the show would die with him.
Tennant was leaving after 3 seasons and some specials, because there's this superstition since the classic series that that's what you should do. (3 and 4 stayed for 5 and 7 years, and probably thought the show would die when they left. But 2 passed this advice on to 5.)
At 26, Smith was half the age of a more traditional Doctor. Moffat had wanted someone older, and fans thought he'd been coerced into hiring a young romantic Doctor (which Tennant also was).
Some audio leaked from the set, recorded from the next room over, of Matt delivering a line oddly, and it was shared as evidence that Smith couldn't act.
The line was "I am the Doctor and you are the Daleks." Except, presumably due to something happening onset, Smith said Daaaaaaaaaaaaleks.
It is funny, from jeje's reactions and in retrospect, that Matt Smith was an unknown before Doctor Who S5 and it was felt he'd ruin the show. David Tennant was hugely popular. The show was more popular than it had ever been. It was thought that fans would leave and the show would die with him.
Tennant was leaving after 3 seasons and some specials, because there's this superstition since the classic series that that's what you should do. (3 and 4 stayed for 5 and 7 years, and probably thought the show would die when they left. But 2 passed this advice on to 5.)
At 26, Smith was half the age of a more traditional Doctor. Moffat had wanted someone older, and fans thought he'd been coerced into hiring a young romantic Doctor (which Tennant also was).
Some audio leaked from the set, recorded from the next room over, of Matt delivering a line oddly, and it was shared as evidence that Smith couldn't act.
The line was "I am the Doctor and you are the Daleks." Except, presumably due to something happening onset, Smith said Daaaaaaaaaaaa leks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLCUrrAoZag
Anyway, Eleventh Hour aired, viewers liked Smith, and the show remained popular. Sadly the popularity did drop off during the next two eras, for various reasons. Not just because people got used to Matt (after three seasons and some specials). (At the 50th and 60th anniversaries, they relied on nostalgia to get viewers back.)
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