#kundalini astrology free
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PAC: Energy Check~ for wherever you are right now
This was completely unplanned but frankly spirit doesn't give a fuck about my plans. So if this found you, here are some messages you probably need right now-

pile 1: Ooh.. as I was preparing to start your reading, I saw 11:11 as the Chariot card showed up for you. This. Tells me that you are pretty strongly connected to your divine path right now, which simply means that you're doing something that's keeping you in alignment, sweet pile one! Good job! Keep going down this road because you WILL stumble upon amazing experiences and people! This message is coming through quite strongly. Now, isn't that lovely? Hehe.
Here's the thing, though.. Although you're actually IN alignment with your greatest timeline and life, you seem to be completely UNAWARE of the fact! You might be going through the necessary purging emotionally and/or mentally as a result of this alignment since the "old stuff" has no more room in your new vibration anymore. So, you've probably had to go through some intense endings and/or tower moments in life lately and THIS has left you feeling really, really sad. Maybe even depressed. For some of you, if that's the case, please seek help, sweet soul. It doesn't have to be therapy but even as simple as talking to a trusted loved one, you know? Or even journaling about it could help if you're into it. It seems like you could use a new perspective on the things you're going through right now. I'm sensing that you might be feeling emotionally numb right now too, but that's because you've been doing a lot of emotional processing lately AND IT'S ALL PAYING OFF. I just need you to know that. You just can't see it right now because you're slap dead in the middle of the storm, and I'm looking at it from a bird's eye view, you know?
While you're purging old stuff, I also see you making your way through an old core belief - "I gotta work hard to be deserving of anything because I inherently don't" Or something along those lines. You may have started purging this belief as a result of life showing you that it's simply not something worth keeping alive inside you. Maybe recently, you caught yourself overworking yourself to death only to receive very little in return (in any area of your life - relationships included) and this experience helped you wake up to this unhelpful belief of yours. You're unlearning this belief as we speak. It's not easy though, but I CAN assure you, you're acing it.
If you find yourself worrying too much about anything and everything or simply feeling a general fear, just know that it's a normal reaction to having things uprooted in your life. Life, right now, is asking you to do your best to focus on what's right in front of you because if you do this, the future is guaranteed to sort itself out. I promise.
I love you so much, pile 1. I see all your hard work and am rooting for you SO hard, bro. Love and light.
Pile 2: Seems like to me that y'all have been STUCK in a particular pattern for a while now, maybe years? For some of you folks reading? Let me spell it out for you what this pattern looks like to me - an imbalance of the mind and heart. Too much mind and too little heart. Maybe none at all.
I can't seem to tap into the root of this imbalance, maybe because it's different for each of you reading, OR maybe it's not relevant to us right now because you can simply begin to address this imbalance as you see it in your day-to-day. But I sense that you're really good at addressing things, so once you're conscious of this pattern going on subtly in the background, running your life, you can really do something about this. This pattern may show up as you struggling with feeling fear, and this is blocking you off to one very important thing fear is here to show us, and that is how to support ourselves. If we are afraid of something we desire and have a healthy relationship with fear, we go for the desire while caretaking our fear. I read a quote the other day, it said "Do that thing you love but if you find that you're scared, then go do it scared." The point I'm trying to make is, fear isn't going to go away on its own, it's you who will simply expand your ability to hold space for it AND your desires equally. When you figure out how to do this, magic will happen in your life. You'll find that your unwillingness to caretake your fear only gave you more things to be afraid of (because, hello, Law Of Attraction *lol*), BUT you'll also find that when you radically start taking responsibility for your fear(s), you'll be able to act from a wiser space and be your full badass self. You'll find that there are so many things you CAN do and so much life you CAN live. Everything you've wanted to start doing in life will start to happen almost seamlessly. It WILL surprise you big time. You're currently making your way through an important part of your healing, and that is to hold yourself in all your glory. To hold all parts of yourself, even the ones that are scared shitless. Once you've integrated this segment of your healing, SO many doors will unlock for you. Sweet soul, you have no clue of JUST HOW MANY. And this… is probably because you manifest with your heart primarily (meaning you feel things deeply and so you unknowingly tap into the frequency of what you want easily) and your fear is keeping you stuck in your head, which means you're only 40% of the full You right now, PRIOR the healing of c. You might even feel it sometimes. You might feel like you're only a shell of a person (been there myself, you're not alone in this!). Listen to that feeling. Your truth lies in there. You're meant to be the 100% you, and I see that you're already halfway there!
I love you so much, pile 2, sending you so much light and love. Hope you find the resources you need to make it through to your new life where you live in more love than fear.
Pile 3: Man… y'all been fighting for your lives, huh? I see that you may be in the midst of a lot of divinely evoked darkness? Lol, I literally heard that - divinely evoked darkness. Maybe you're going through a dark night of the soul, perhaps? Whatever your're going through though, it seems like you've been hanging on for dear life.
Some good news for you- no matter the circumstances you're in right now (be it good, bad, or terrible), you've been doing all the work necessary to keep your head above water and have been diligently nurturing your own light, positivity, and essence. THAT'S incredible resilience, sweet pile 3, and I'm really proud of you! It's not easy to keep an open heart through bad times, and that's such a grand achievement in my eyes. UGH, BEAUTIFUL.
Your energy SCREAMS transition period vibes. You seem to be neither in your "old" timeline nor in the new one yet. You're sorta hanging in the middle right now. I see the Hanged Man in the third eye as I tell you this. Feels like you're in the void right now, and things just seem… bleh. Boring. Colorless. This is probably because you're already done with the ugly part of the process, "the divine shakeups", the loss, and the purge. Think… the bland but peaceful feeling you feel after having an intense ugly crying session, you know? Yeah, you're energetically there right now. You'll probably be here for a while longer because you've let go of MAJOR stuff, pile 3. Did you let go of people recently, maybe? Or that old bad habit, perhaps? That was the purge, so to speak. And now you're in the aftermath of it all, the uncomfortable but necessary calm.
-Side note: You might've struggled to embody your divine feminine earlier, but the timeline you're entering right now is the exact opposite of that. You might be attracted towards things that will help you nurture your own divine feminine right now. Give into it. Nurture patience, stillness, and compassion for self. It will HOPEFULLY speed up the void period if you consciously take part in it, you know?-
You're quite emotionally intelligent, and it has guided you throughout the whole process, and it also seems like it ain't your first rodeo in the process of proverbial death and rebirth. Good on you because you're doing a real good job keeping your calm through venturing into the unknown. You know what? You remind me of Elsa from Frozen, taking on the unknown like it belongs to her. You are such a queen, omg.
Yep, all that's left to do now is celebrate yourself, pile 3! Try your best to embrace this period, the void, and you'll be on your way to your next happy adventure! Love and light, sweet soul. Thanks for sharing your energy with me today.
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A Dive Into The Dark Feminine

The Dark Feminine is not the same as the Wounded or Shadow Feminine energy. No. She is deeply misunderstood because society represses her into shadow. She is liberation, rage, pleasure, and intuition. She is not a manipulation or a repackaging of the male gaze.
She is fierce grace, wild liberation, the sword of truth. She is blood, sex, and earth. The Lover and the Whore. She shakes the cage of "Good Girl" conditioning to unleash the full spectrum expression of woman.
She is Hekate, Kali, Lilith. The Creatrix and the Destroyer. She is the Shamaness, the Wild Woman, and the Wise Crone. Once a woman awakens to her there is no going back.
"Your rage is sacred.
Your grief is a holy gift.
Your full-spectrum depths,
hold your greatest power."

Dark Feminine Energy is:
Self sourced power, sensuality, chaos, devotion, magick, passion, rage, transformation, internal safety, fearlessness, sexual liberation, the unknown, regeneration, wholeness, sisterhood, authenticity, death
• Cut off toxic people.
• Practice shadow work.
• Prioritize self-care.
• Healthy communication with loved ones.
• Practice manifestation.
• Try things out of your comfort zone.
Essential Dark Goddesses
• Lilith
• Hekate
• Morrigan
• Nyx
• Persephone
• Morgan le Fay
• Erish Kigal
• Baba Yaga
• Sekhmet
• Freya
• Circe
• Oya
• Hel
• Medusa
• Eris
• Kali
• Melinoe
• Angrboda
• Tiamat
"And in the death of her reputation,
She felt truly alive."

Pre and Post Patriarchy Views of Women and Sex
• Sexuality and divinity were one; sex was seen as divine.
• The more sexual a woman, the more holy.
• Priestesses that were initiated into the highest Mystery (womb magick) were seen as livinf goddesses.
• The worth of a woman was inherent.
• Sacred priestesses in tune with their sexuality, having mastered the power of their bodies (Kundalini) were revered as a direct portal to spirit and the Gods/Energies of the Universe.
• Sexuality being taboo, seen as profane, filthy, even evil.
• The more sexual a woman, the more vulgar and profane.
• Priestesses turned to sex slaves, "prostitutes" for men to release upon their repressed sexualities and sexual tension.
• The worth of a woman is now in relation to a man; her value is in her chastity. The more lovers she has, the more worthless she becomes.
• The word "whore" is used as an insult for women who were comfortable with sexuality.
• The more a woman is sexual, associated with the taboos and repressed instincts of the collective, the less she is respected, seen as "not respecting herself", "being cheap", "easy", or "giving her most sacred possession away".
• Women with high sex drives said to have "fornicated with the Devil".
Someone who has a lot of sexual energy can also possess a powerful healing energy. This is because sexual energy IS healing energy at a spiritual level. The best healers have big sexual energy.
VINDICA TE TIBI - "Claim yourself"

The Secret Power of Friday the 13th
Friday the 13th is actually good luck as it is associated with the 13 cycles of the moon in a lunar year, this is why a woman has 13 cycles a year, and ovulates on the 13th day. In 1487 free thinking and Divine Female Energy was suppressed and labeled witchcraft by Heinrich Kramer, who went forth to burn many healers on the stake due to forced ignorance and hatred for powerful female leaders. This is why Friday the 13th is actually a spiritual day of enlightenment, divine/dark feminine energy, and healing that should be sacred instead of hated.
Black Moon Lilith
In astrology, Black Moon Lilith plays the role of 'Guardian of the Threshold'. The term indicates a spectral image which manifests itself as soon as the student of the spirit ascends upon the path into the higher worlds of knowledge. Lilith, representing the testing of the feminine oracle, comes with temptations and promises for the ego, forcing the seeker to meet their own shadow.

"Darkness is the fertile soil of the feminine. Discomfort is the birth place of our shadows. Wild chaos catalyses true leadership. Raw emotions teach us how to feel. The deep void of our sex holds our primal hunger. So, what powerful darkness do you feel is wrong? "

#satanic witch#satanism#withcraft#demons#magick#witch#demonolatry#lefthandpath#dark#witchcraft#eclectic witch#dark femininity#dark feminine energy#Dark feminine#lilith
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Young Thug, Ashlesha Sun 🐍🐍🐍
TW⚠️: Snakes
Nakshatra deity: Serpent🐍
The sun is now transiting Ashlesha, just in time for this post lol
I 💚 Young Thug so much, and it just randomly clicked to me that he could be Ashlesha Sun, after checking, he is lol,, I guessed bc I knew he was Tropical Leo Sun,

~also it’s very hard to pass up his obvious love for snakes

Ashlesha is “The Entwiner”, “The Embracer”, both I feel fit Young Thugs persona very well, as he’s known for deeply caring for/embracing many people he chooses to surround himself with
~This nakshatra is very very choosy and very private. Also naive.. bc they are so loyal/trusting over ppl they become close to, it is a theme that these natives get taken advantage of.. think Marilyn Monroe (Ashlesha Asc) (more information on this in Claire Naktis video of Ashlesha)
In Claire Naktis’ video, she also expressed how Ashlesha Natives can love to stick their tongues out, and that is so funny to me bc ⬇️

Many natives are highly seductive/hypnotic/cunning/magnetic/etc.
This Nakshatra is deeply connected to sexual energy, relating to the Kundalini/Caduceus🐍🐍 (energy that is coiled at the base of the spine, circulating through the spine+aura, pictured below)
Young Thug has literally nicknamed his self ‘Sex’

His Sun is in tight conjunction with his Jupiter, creating a large persona, emphasizing his Ashlesha traits
While he may be an extreme case of Ashlesha, he is a really good example of how it may manifest! I even have Ashlesha Mars, and I have a baby snake I never thought I could bond so deeply with💚
I strive to see Duality of all things, no good or bad, just light and dark, I know society looks at something like a snake or Young Thug as unlovable bc they are too ‘unpredictable’ and ‘intense’.. from a surface layer. Take a deeper look into something you consider bad, and see the reasoning of why it is that way, why everything is as it should be. Anyway Free Jeffery 💚💚💚💚💚💚
really mf good video sources for Vedic astrology:
Claire Nakti on YouTube
Daquan Jones-Vedic Astrology on YouTube
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I have a huge Facebook Group about the Occult, Paganism, Wicca, Witchcraft, Spirituality, etc etc etc - come join the family!
We have lots of different articles, images, discussions, PDF File ebooks, and lots of other things including lots of master posts about lots of different topics!
If you're interested in any of the following;
Paganism, Wicca, Witchcraft, Occult, Esoterism, Reiki, Shamanism, Druidism, Asatru/Odinism, the Kabbalah, the Qliphoth, Freemasonry/Masonry, Rosicrucianism, Voodoo, Hoodoo, Santeria, Satanism (LaVeyan and Theistic), Luciferianism, Kundalini, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism/Daoism, or similar Spiritual things as well as;
Working with Ancestors/Deities/Nature/other Spirits, Ghosts, Entities, The Fae, and others. Yoga, Meditation, Healing, Chakra Work, Mysticism, Folklore, the History and Mythology behind things, as well as things like the Mandalas, Mudras, the Paranormal, Demonology, Goetia, Astrology, Astronomy, Astral things (travelling, etc), Gypsy culture, Ancient Religions and Civilizations, Native American history/culture/beliefs/religion (spirituality), Empaths, Indigo Children/Adults, Pleiadians, Star Seeds/Lightworkers/Crystal Children/Rainbow Children, and other things related to spiritual evolvement and practicing as well as controlling your abilities and making them stronger, Doppelgangers and different Earths/Dimensions/Realms/Parallel Universes/Aliens/the Multiverse and Universe, Past Lives, etc and anything else;
If any of this interests you, feel free to join us :)
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what’s the name of the astrology book that you’re reading? 🧍🏾♀️🧍🏾♀️
astrology and the rising of kundalini: the transformative power of saturn, uranus, and chiron by barbara hand clow. it focuses a lot on midlife crisis stuff in the opening but has some really great insight on life cycles in the remaining 2/3rds like i shall be chewing on this for a few days! oh and i have a free pdf available in my archive 🤓
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Picasso freaked out on the body of women.
Reason is the fornication of innocence.
Ecstasy is the fruit of passion.
Patience is a dream lying close to destiny.
The ammunition of the soul is love.
When Adam and Eve sinned God cursed them by saying Adam work hard and till the soil and to Eve he said you will have birth pangs. The Adamite curse is still active and we should ask God to annul it.
Becoming the self is a celebration of life.
It’s better to laugh with tears of joy.
Mind buys reason and feeds on passion.
Ghostaddiction from Ghost and addiction is the liking for Ghosts.
I am opening the door of opportunities with the key of belief.
The self forgets yesterday, lives today and hopes for the future.
For Christianity the serpent is a malefic entity who beguiled Adam and Eve. It’s a curious fact the Serpents are worshipped in India. How can a repulsive creature a bloody reptile be paid homage and devotion?
Flowers are the music of colors.
The philosopher Judith Butler’s exhortation that gender is a historical and social construct is pleasing to LGBT community but is invalid for the people with straight sex.
Are we condemned to be free as Sartre has said because we are responsible for the choices we make. I am revising Sartre by saying we are privileged to be free.
Looking at astrology, reading the tarot, consulting numerology, divination, séance, sorcery, and witchcraft are all an abomination for God and brings a severe curse on all who indulge in it. These sins are the sins against the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.
A writer’s institution is himself or herself.
There is no middle way as espoused by Buddhism there is only one, a narrow way and that is Christ who said I am the way, the truth and the life.
The Historicity of Christ is reason and his divinity is belief.
Museaphoria from muse and euphoria is the joyssance of emotion.
The trinity is a divine mystery.
Museocrat from muse and aristocrat is a person who is creative.
A flower has a lyrical, poetic, metaphoric meaning in language.
In contemporary society women becoming masculine and men are becoming feminine.
Nietzsche’s will to power is to optimize language and secure a stable, prosperous, and happy meaning.
Its passion and not effort to do something you like and mine is writing.
Gandhi the father of Indian independence is an idiom for nonviolence.
A celebrity waving her hands and smiling like chocolate has no affection or regard for the audience but is a person who is promoting herself as an icon.
Kundalini is crazy and crappy. How can in meditation raise a serpent coiled in the pubis to the forehead. It is a devilish and fiendish act.
I am manifesting a Rothschild into my bank account.
India is famous for its naked pot smoking fakirs and why can’t the government make it legally available to all. Democratize pot. I love the Ginsberg held placard: Pot is Fun.
The heart has many stories to tell.
Sex is the surrender of bodies to passion.
The ego is vulnerable in intimacy.
Embrace uncertainty with optimism.
Celebrate life: celebrate meaning.
Victory is round the corner.
The ones whom I have loved have hurt me the most.
Sex is the music of ecstasy.
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what is in stock for you for the next 6 months? i am 100% non-judgmental, detailed and brutally honest. so feel free to ask me ANYTHING. (etsy is linked in my bio) can’t wait to work with you! • • • • • • #spiritualitycoach #tarot #tarotcards #tarotreading #tarotreader #tarotonline #spirituality #spiritual #manifestation #oraclecards #astrology #moonology #manifest #kundalini #aesthetic #kawaii #psychicprediction #lovereading #soulmates #twinflame #psychicreading #like #follow #lawofattraction #psychic #prediction #futureprediction https://www.instagram.com/p/CqLW-jgIJMA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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What is Palmistry?
Palmistry is a divination practice used to study a person’s characteristics, major life events, preferences, etc. by studying the lines of the palms and other attributes of one’s hand(s). The History of Palmistry: Like some other metaphysical practices, it is likely that palmistry’s beginning stages happened in India, but this is unclear. Like astrology, it appears to go back as far as a few of…

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Welcome to a judgement-free zone!
I created this blog as a space to share my spiritual insights and to help explain spiritual concepts that have become very mainstream that I believe are being misunderstood. Please understand this is my understanding and I’m not god, just a mere interpreter trying to help the collective. If you are new to spirituality, read this.
2023 Master Post
Let’s talk about:
Spiritual Awakening: Karma | confirmations, synchronicities and signs | past lives | communicating with spirit | kundalini | divine timing & intervention | numerology
Souls | Protector Souls | Soul Co-Opting | Soul Connections | soul ages | soul missions | divine counterparts
Free Will vs Pre-Determination | What is time?
Magic: Black Magic | Sex Magic | Full Moon | New Years | Language | Magic of Names | ❄️ | Summer Solstice | Fall Solstice | Spring Solstice
Astrology | Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces | Relationship Astrology | Houses/Chart Styles | Vedic, Esoteric and other modalities | Astrocartography
Divination tools
Manifestation | Financial spirituality
Energy: Energetic Tethering | Energy Absorption | Energy Vampires | Ley Lines and Energy Vortices | Collective Energy | Energetic Attacks | Essence Charging
Spiritual Gifts: Animal Communication |Healing your intuition | Spiritual Healing | Discovering your inner magic | channeling & clairs | telepathy | mediumship |
Chakras: Heart Chakra | Throat Chakra |Third Eye Chakra | Crown Chakra | Root Chakra | Sacral Chakra | Solar Plexus Chakra | Alternative Chakras
Humanity: Current state of humanity | Human body limitations | Gender | Collective Lessons | Hustle Culture | Tattoos | spirituality & drugs | medication & spirituality | body ascension
Sleep: Sleep Disturbances | dream work | interpreting dreams | precognitive dreams | different types of dreams, lucid |
Elements: Fire Bending | Water Bending | Air Bending | Earth Bending
Angels: Earth Angels | archangels
Love energy: preparing for your partner | love spells
Whatever else you want? You can ask me if spirit has messages for you, channeled messages, dream or astrology interpretations. I just ask in exchange that you please give me feedback as it helps me understand my gifts more! 💕
Read before asking for a reading
You can also ask me about my own spiritual journey, music, pop culture, the evils of capitalism, etc.
Other discussed topics:
tarot | law of attraction | twin flames | soul mates | spiritual awakening | auras | past lives | therapy | mental health | starseeds | inner child | numerology | faeries & mermaids | spirit animals | MBTI | enneagram | human design
Topics on my to-do list:
mythology, specifically Greek and Roman | deities /finding yours | 5D integration | 3D proof of the 5D | death energy | the language of spirit | why our spirituality weakens with age | blood disorders and other “disorders” and spirituality | energy sensing | energetic proximity | levels of living | energetic loss | hierarchies | cassadaga | energetic clearing | meaning of life | translating higher dimensions into 3D | energy of creation | energetic shifting | how you hold your power back | anti love | energetic manipulation | power of intention | frequency and music | letting go | portals | discovering spiritual gifts | storytelling and spiritual tools | how to remember what you know | circulating energies | aha moments | energy of non-judgement | energetic recharging | energy channeling | energy of spaces, ie bedroom and how to shift energy of spaces | remote viewing/deja vu
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the beauty of shatabhisha ✨⭕️
✨elizabeth berkley: shatabisha chandra
*A MAJOR TW FOR JUST ABOUT ANYTHING!! please put your mental health first and understand that nothing online is more important than your mental state love*
please also read my post on the mythology of rahu and ketu prior to reading this. it will allow you to better understand the nature of shatabhisha:
👄 shatabhisha lies in the heart of the aquarius rashi. aquarius, being ruled by shani, creates a beautiful juxtaposition of exotic and hypnotizing features that garner the attention of the masses. in general, they could have basic features, but it is almost as if a magnetic film adorns their body to attract the attention of others. their facial structure is typically quite chiseled. shani is said to govern the bones, so they will particularly have great bodily structure overall, especially since aquarius is said to rule the legs (particularly the lower part of the legs). they prefer to have very prominent brows, depending on their time frame, their eyebrows are either very thin (1940s-60s, 90s-00s) or quite bushy (70s, 2010s-). rahu rules the mouth, lips, and teeth. you will notice that many shatabhisha natives will have famous scenes that involve the use of their mouth. such as, sarah michelle-geller’s famous kissing scene in “cruel intentions”, alicia silverstone’s famous chewing gum scene in “clueless”, winona ryder chewing licorice in “heathers”, etc.. even shatabhisha native cindy crawford was known for her pouty lips and has her own lipstick campaign. thanks to the suggestion of the lovely @/vediclover8 on twitter, popular model khawlah al anezi, shatabhisha chandra, has very prominent lips and often takes close-up pictures with her lips being the vocal point of the photograph. according to the bible, the lips denote the interior things of a person, their internal worship, from which is adoration, it is even used to represent a prophet. in the given passage below, the prophet’s lips were touched, and, thus, his iniquity was taken away and his sin expiated. this action is representative of our interior being signified by the lips, denoting charity and its doctrine.
💋Jehovah shall smite the earth with the rod of His mouth, and with the breath of His lips shall He slay the wicked (Isa. 11:4).

✨khawlah al anezi: shatabisha chandra
💄 there is great abundance within the lips. some cultures even believe the lips of a person to be the karaka of their soul. you may tell a great deal of a person based on their lips. hence, why shatabhishas (and other rahu natives) typically obtain larger lips, or other dramatic facial features in general. they wish to transcend cosmic perfection and embody the surreal beauty that almost hurts to look at. they want to be a dream-like being. it’s not unusual for them to favor dramatic facial features, as shani bestows this naturally to his nakshatra natives. however, rahu adds this insatiable and vain desire to obtain his wishes. this insatiable need to embody the collective desire influences them to work hard to obtain what they view to be perfection. they are no stranger to plastic surgery, intense work out routines (they typically have a good respiratory system for this, as rahu is the karaka of the lungs), and makeup and skincare. think of the shatabhisha natives like rihanna who owns tu the multimillion fenty skincare and makeup company or kesha who owns kesha rose, a new makeup line.
✨alicia silverstone: shatabhisha surya
🐉 however, shatabhisha does not want to embody the male fantasy or the status quo. unlike ardra, who wants to devote themselves to their partners, and swati, who naturally embodies the male fantasy. shatabhishas attract high levels of sexual attention because they cater to their own fantasy. this is because shatabhisha is the veil that separates us from the physical and astral plane. this veil subconsciously draws in the adoration and favor of the masses. recall prince, frank sinatra, and elvis presley—who are all shatabhisha natives. they have this highly transcendental nature that transports you to a time of simplicity and deep love. the masses view shatabhishas as this ideal being, this causes many of these natives to feel a great deal of pressure and have many cyclical patterns in their shadow state. what once gave them freedom becomes an entrapment ⭕️. this is why we see these natives reach a level of despair or destruction in their lives. their rahuvian fantasy they created becomes adopted by the masses and popularized. due to the grossing popularity of the traits that once brought individuality to the shatabhisha native, it loses it’s appeal after awhile and people are left continuously craving more from them. examine the undertone shifts of shatabhisha’s music below. you will notice this freshness and unique quality to their earlier music and a dull sense of finality in their later works:
🐎 elvis presley (shatabhisha chandra): “jailhouse rock” (1957) and “blue eyes crying in the rain” (1976)
🐎 prince (shatabhisha chandra): “raspberry beret” (1985) and somebody’s somebody (1996)
🐎 THE MOST SHATABHISHA ARTIST - johnny cash (shatabhisha surya and buddha): “i walk the line” (1957) and “hurt” (2002)
✨alice pagani: shatabhisha surya
⭕️ as discussed earlier, shatabhisha is the cosmic circle. they either have the choice of remaining in this cyclical state or transcending the confines of repetition. because shatabhisha is the height of rahu, the planet of obsessions, they fall prey to many behaviors and tools that rely on addiction and fiendish behaviors. the undoing and unraveling of these natives will be because of their craving for escape from being the middle man between the astral and physical planes. this escape typically comes in the form of addiction to drugs. drugs give these natives the false illusion of breaking the cosmic cycle and finding expansion in imprisonment. prince was addicted to percocets; michael jackson (shatabisha lagna) was addicted to opioids; johnny cash was addicted to cocaine; elvis presley was addicted to opiates and codeine; even the first men to have written about the scientific usages of cocaine, amerigo vespucci had shatabhisha ketu and karl koller had shatabhisha surya and shukra. the most famous drug lord billionaire pablo escobar had shatabhisha lagna. you will also find the primary reasoning for shatabhisha’s death is drug-related. this correlates to the meaning of ouroboros.
✨samantha robinson: shatabhisha chandra
🐍 the insatiable head of rahu and the cyclical expanse of the cosmic circle itself is reminiscent of ouroboros. ouroboros is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating it’s own tail. this symbol originated in ancient egyptian iconography, the ouroboros entered western tradition by greek traditions and became a prominent symbol for gnosticism, alchemy, and hermeticism. the term ouroboros derives from the greek term οὐροβόρος, οὐρά means 'tail' and βορός means'-eating'. it is a symbol often interpreted as the eternal cyclic renewal or the cycle of life, death, and rebirth (themes of shatabhisha). it’s symbolism has been used to describe the kundalini. the yoga-kundalini upanishad, defines this correlation as “the divine power, kundalini, shines like the stem of a young lotus; like a snake, coiled round upon herself she holds her tail in her mouth and lies resting half asleep as the base of the body”. the shedding of a snake’s skin also symbolizes the renewal of self, the snake biting its own tail is a fertility symbol in some religions, and the tail of the snake is a phallic symbol, the mouth is a yonic or womb-like symbol. which correlates to rahu being symbolized by the mouth; shatabhisha being of the most feminine and expansive yoni: the horse yoni; and rahu’s mahavidya, chinnamasta.
✨samara weaving: shatabhisha chandra
🩸 according to the panchatantra grantha, once parvati went with her friends, dakini and varnini, to take a bath in the mandakini river. parvati was elated and enveloped with love, causing her complexion to darken. her friends became hungry and asked parvati to give them some food. parvati asked them to wait and said that she would feed them soon and began walking. soon, her friends once again asked her for food and told her that she was the mother of the universe and the children. they used this reasoning to demand that their hunger be satiated immediately. the lovely parvati laughed and with her fingernail slit her own head. the blood immediately spurted into three directions. her two friends drank the blood from two of the directions and parvati herself drank the blood from the third direction. because parvati cut off her own head, she is known as the tantric mahavidya chinnamasta. chinnamasta is said to symbolize the courageous efforts needed to make the most inconceivable sacrifice for those you love. parvati’s severed head symbolizes the liberation of shatabhisha. as a person’s individual identity is a state of conditioning or limitation, dependent on qualities, think of shatabhisha natives’ susceptibility to illusions and narcotics. the action of decapitation reveals the true maternal being of the feminine yoni that is shatabhisha. which is unconditioned, infinite, and boundlessly free. this symbolism of freedom is reinforced by the aquarius rashi (the natural eleventh house of limitless gains) and chinnamasta’s nudity. her nudity symbolizes that she cannot be covered or contained by any garment, due to her finding abundance in infinity and self-government. to chinnamasta’s left, dakini is black and, to her right, varnini is red. chinnamasta herself is white. these three colors, black, red, and white, represent the three gunas. all three gunas belong to prakriti, the principle of materiality of all nature itself. it denotes that nothing exists or is birthed without the mother (parvati). it is she who is responsible for the limitless abundance of earth and satiates her children with her warm blood, like the milk of a mother or prana.
✨winona ryder: shatabhisha chandra
*i understand that many of you do not follow me on twitter so i want to include a revised thread on shatabhisha i made recently*
🌌 shatabhisha is the nakshatra of limitless possibilities. it is symbolized by the empty circle and a thousand stars/flowers. the deity of shatabhisha is varuna, the deity of the cosmic and terrestrial water, the sky and earth. he is the mystical healer and the lord of maya (illusion). shatabhisha is the final vimshottari nakshatra of rahu. it is here, rahu is calmed by shani, as shatabhisha lies in the aquarius rashi. aquarius is the natural auspicious eleventh house of the zodiac, the house of gains and strong income. it is the house of one’s aspirations and desires. indastro says the the eleventh house is the 5th from the 7th house, which represents our desires, thus, it refers to the fulfillment or the defiance of desires, which is why it is called the house of gains. the eleventh house is also representative of your social environment. this is why shatabishas, which lies in the heart of aquarius, naturally are aware of the desires of others and help you realize what you wish to do in your lifetime. friendship is important to them and likely comes easy to them, almost to the point of obsession.
💐 in the netflix show “baby”, shatabhisha surya native alice pagani plays an underage pr*stitute who ends up befriending an “innocent” and seemingly kind girl (chiara). alice lives a life of not caring about the consequences of her actions, failing school, drinking alcohol, and being an esc*rt. chiara lives a life of craving perfection, great grades, and promise. alice’s character exposes chiara to her world of sugaring. although reluctant to the lifestyle at first, chiara begins to become obsessed with the sugar lifestyle and it becomes the only thing she wants. alice’s character starts to slowly feel trapped by that lifestyle and no longer wants to participate in those behaviors. in the movie “une fille facile”, sofia (played by shatabisha surya native zahia dehar) plays an esc*rt who stays with her innocent cousin in the summer. sofia is promiscuous, care-free, and marches to the beat of her own drum. whereas, her cousin is depicted as a nervous, intelligent, and “pure” person. sofia enjoys taunting older men and enjoying the luxuries of sugaring. her cousin idolizes her lifestyle and wants to be exactly like her, copying her style and even getting her exact same tattoo. chiara and alice pagani’s characters get matching tattoos as well (more on rahu’s tattoo symbolism below). sofia’s cousin becomes obsessed with sofia and, due to amounting circumstances, sofia can no longer take her wanton lifestyle and up and leaves her cousin.
⛓ in “baby”, we saw shatabhisha native alice exposing her friend to the world of sugaring. in “une fille facile”, sofia, another underage esc*rt, exposes her innocent cousin to the world of sugaring. in both storylines, the innocent friend becomes entrenched by the enamoring powers of such a dangerous and expansive lifestyle of shatabhisha and becomes obsessed with both them and their lifestyle. whereas, the shatabhisha natives eventually wake up and realize that the life they are living is what they no longer want. however, their friends are now completely obsessed with their newfound taste of freedom and take issue with leaving their the shatabhisha old friend’s lifestyle. the shatabhisha native ends up feeling trapped and reaches a breaking point and leaves. this is because rahu is the planet of obsession and desires. he is quickly fueled by the magnetic popularity he receives in the eleventh house, but these natives quickly feel trapped and restricted by what they once regarded as their friends.
🪞see, varuna reminds me of the esoteric meaning of the mirror, i know the mirror is said to be inherently venusian, but there is power in the vibrations of your reflection. mirrors are directly linked to the astral plane and are a neutral, but illusionary, device as well. it is all about the vibrations you put into the mirror, because you will receive it directly back. the obsession of one’s appearance and outer reflection is here in shatabhisha. until, eventually, they either embrace the ouroboros and kundalini powers of maya or snap. the limitless expansion within themselves creates this unnerving attraction and causes many individuals to crave to see the shatabhisha native they so wholeheartedly desire staring back at themselves in their reflection. it is like the expansive nature of shatabhisha causes those around them to become consumed and reborn by the shatabhisha native’s ether. it is literally like they give life (whether it is positive or negative) to people. people will resent their unbelievable beauty and carefree nature and people will then walk all over them for it. how the shatabhisha native reacts to this is entirely up to them.
🔪 some other examples of this is are shatabhisha chandra native alice silverstone as ‘cher’ in “clueless” (as suggested by @/vanillemercure on twitter). cher is depicted as a popular and upbeat teenager who has a special penchant for fashion. cher decides to makeover the new girl in school: tai. she tries to make tai into a popular, more fashionable girl. tai was originally quite impressionable and looked up to the opinions of cher. once she was made over, people began to notice her more and fawn over her beauty. this eventually goes over her head and causes her to start to neglect cher and not care about her. due to cher and tai’s fight over a boy, cher reaches a breaking point and realizes the life she truly wants to live and the love she longs for. in “cruel intentions”, shatabhisha chandra sarah michelle-gellar plays kathryn. kathryn seems like your stereotypical shallow rich girl with dark tendencies. she does not care for following the rules and lives as she pleases. she makes a seductive deal with her frenemie sebastian to see if he can take the v*rginity of the new headmaster’s daughter. only, once sebastian starts to get to the know the headmaster’s daughter, he realizes the cruelty of their wager. kathryn is outted for her terrible and harsh past and habits. her reputation (illusion/maya) is completely shattered and destroyed. winona ryder (shatabisha chandra) played ‘veronica’ in the film “heathers”. veronica is a part of the most popular clique at her high school, but she disapproves of the other girls' cruel behavior. when veronica and her new boyfriend, j.d., confront the leader of the popular clique and accidentally poison her, they make it appear a suicide. veronica realizes that j.d. is intentionally killing students he does not like. eventually, she too reaches a breaking point, after stopping j.d. from killing the whole school. she stops trying to fit in with popular clique and realizes life truly has both none and infinite meanings. the same applies to her character in the movie “girl, interrupted”. shatabisha chandra samara weaving plays ‘grace’ in “ready or not”. grace could not be happier after she marries the man of her dreams at his family's luxurious estate. however, she must hide from midnight until dawn while her new in-laws hunt her down with guns, crossbows and other weapons. grace desperately tries to survive the night and continuous comes up with clever ways to save her life. once grace survives the night, her in-laws still continue to try to kill her. however, they are unsuccessful and all attempts are ceased when they start to blow up in front of her. she laughs at their attempts, while she is covered in their blood. she has broken free from her in-laws heinous acts (the cyclical force) against her and embodied the devil himself (prying the veil between the physical and astral plane). shatabhisha is all about you reap what you sow. they are the expansive reality of maya. they are fully aware of the presence of the divine collective and the power of consciousness. they do not care about what is inherently evil or divine, as they know that life is essentially both. it transcends the need for labels. shatabhisha is rebirth and renewal. it’s obsession and transcendence. once they pass the defining stage of their life, they realize that most of the people in this world are just hollow shells bending to the will of the divine collective.
🌠 recall that the aforementioned characters are known for their independence, exactly like chinnamasta. people look to these natives and wish for them to behave as parvati, the cosmic mother. they want these shatabhisha natives to pour their essence into them to feed their uncontrollable longings. like dakini and varnini, their friends and the masses will continuously remind them of their needs and wants (recalling the eleventh house) and feel as if the shatabhisha native owes them happiness and fulfillment.
✨sarah michelle-geller: shatabhisha chandra
💉 rahu is also associated with tattoos, especially the ardra nakshatra. as ardra is the planetary intermingling of the energies of rahu and buddha. buddha, who is also known for bestowing a love for tattoos, is a friend of rahu. rahu is illusionary in nature so the natives of rahu pay great attention to their appearance. in ardra, we see the use of tattoos to simply express who they are. like ardra native margot robbie who has stated many times she enjoys tattooing smiley faces on the toes of her friends. in swati, we see them using tattoos to help reinforce their image. think of swati native adriana lima who has a curved, sharp tattoo on her left ankle. she reportedly got this tattoo during her “rebellious” years and wanted something to commemorate it. in shatabhisha, we see these natives want to adorn themselves with something that is unique and conveys who they truly are. think of erykah badu (shatabhisha surya) who infamously got “allah” tattooed in arabic on her bare shoulders. rihanna (shatabhisha surya) who got the egyptian goddess isis under her breasts to pay tribute to her grandmother and matching star tattoos on the back of her neck to match her ex. this matching tattoo phenomena is a theme of shatabhisha. remember the matching tattoos in “baby” and “une fille facile”. victoria beckham (shatabhisha shukra and brihaspati) and david beckham got the same quote tattooed for their sixth anniversary. sophie turner (shatabhisha surya and mars) and joe jonas have several matching tattoos. macaulay caulkin (shatabhisha chandra) and paris jackson (shatabhisha brihaspati) got matching spoon tattoos. this all correlates to aquarius being the house of great friendship and rahu’s inclination for foreign bodily adornment and niche subcultures, birthing a significant need for finding themselves in hidden meanings (like tattoos, ouroboros, or other occultic topics).
✨drew barrymore: shatabhisha surya
👁 in shatabhisha, you either free yourself from the demands of others and the cyclical nature of life (chinnamasta) or drown in illusion (varuna). i want to close with exploring more of the meanings of ouroboros. in norse mythology, the ouroboros appears as the serpent, named jörmungandr, one of the three children of loki and angrboda. jörmungdar grew so large that it could encircle the world and grasp its tail in its teeth. according to the legends of ragnar lodbrok, the geatish king herraud offers a small lindworm as a gift to his daughter, рora town-hart, the lindworm grows into a large serpent which encircles his daughter’s bedroom and bites itself in the tail. the serpent is then slain by ragnar lodbrok who marries the daughter. ragnar later has a son with another woman named kráka. his son is born with the image of a white snake in one eye. the snake encircled his iris and bit itself in the tail, and, thus, the son was named sigurd snake-in-the-eye. amongst the indigenous people of south america, they believe that the waters at the edge of the disc-shaped world are encircled by a snake, particularly an anaconda, biting its own tail. even in the book of leviathan, the leviathan is a singular creature with no mating partners, whose “tail is placed in its mouth". the phenomena of ouroboros even goes back as far as the poems of kalir (a hebrew poet who wrote classical verses) in the 6th-7th centuries CE. the indigenous people of south america’s emphasis of the circulation of an anaconda around the earth is reminiscent of varuna (the deity of shatabhisha). varuna is the god of the oceans like the anaconda snake who theoretically encapsulates the ocean. varuna’s vehicle is the makara (the crocodile) like the movie “lake placid vs. anaconda”, starring yancy butler (shatabhisha ketu). it is a cheesy film about a town sheriff who has to find a way to kill a gigantic crocodile and anaconda before they kill and destroy the whole town. this is the essence of the uncontrollable nature of varuna. he is a deity that believes in the equilibrium harmony between the “good” and “bad”. these descriptive adjectives do not even exist to varuna, as he is the fluidic being of ether and water. he will allow you to reach your fullest potential and guide you through your earthly desires. hence, sigurd snake-in-the-eye who was born of the earthly desire of his father to move onto another woman. the child received a snake in his eye, both symbolizing the circulatory nature of shatabhisha and rahu’s bestowment of mesmerizing and maya-like (illusionary) eyes. this is due to the eyes being reportedly a “window to the soul”. the more captivating and mesmerizing your eyes are, the more intoxicating and beautiful your soul may seem.
✨cindy crawford: shatabhisha surya
as always, i am open to any constructive criticism! i tried to touch on the appearances, manifestations, and symbolism of shatabhisha and i hope i did these hypnotizing natives justice! shatabhisha is genuinely such an expansive, captivating, and transcendental nakshatra ⭕️🐍 these natives seem to always give off a completely otherworldly presence via their exotic features and them being the cosmic veil. if you are looking for more information about shatabhisha, get to know the overrulers and supreme deities of saturn, yama (god of death) and prajapati (the creator) and rahu, durga (the goddess of power) and the serpent god. also—and i cannot stress this enough—familiarize yourself with the deity of this nakshatra: varuna. if any of my placements or information are incorrect please feel free to let me know! also, i am fully aware of the origins of vedic astrology and if i was in anyway disrespectful to hindu culture, i will take down this post immediately xx
**all of these placements were found using astrotheme/.com and/or astro-charts/.com. it is important to note that some chandra (moon) placements may be off by up to 6 degrees and lagnas (risings) as well, due to the fact that many websites do not have 100% accurate birth times for the given celebrities.
**i take absolutely no credit for the invention of vedic astrology-based appearance profiles. please watch claire nakti on youtube or look into @/cn0bles, @/lovejustlied, @/dh4nishta, and @/vanillemercure on twitter for more in-depth analysis on vedic astrology xx
#shatabhisha#vedicastrology#rahu ketu#nakshatras#astrology#aquarius#aquarius moon#aquarius aesthetic
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We are one month into spring, which means I have already consolidated my workhorses for the season. This was a difficult choice, as spring makes me want to take out all the decks. However, in order to keep work deep, I restrict these lists to 10 tarot decks and 5 oracle decks. Listed in alphabetical order, they are:
Tarot decks:
Chronic Tarot: OOP (sorry) Thoth-based deck with a focus on geometry and colour, wonderful for a higher level of abstraction.
Cosmic Slumber Tarot: An explosion of gentleness with saturated, rich, flowy artwork. Dream-like, but it speaks precisely and concretely.
Crystal Unicorn Tarot: Pastel hues, unicorns and crystals meet in this deck for a mellow, comforting
Delos Tarot: OOP (sorry again). A cartoon-styled clone of the RWS which knows its shadows as well as it does its colours and lights.
FateShifters Tarot: A multi-artist, 115 card rendition (w/ expansions) of the RWS with an additional focus on astrology
Floriography Tarot: This collage deck mixes the author’s Cuban heritage with the language of flowers and patterns. A nostalgic discovery, perfect for the blooming season.
Heart of Stars Tarot: Films and series meet tarot in these galaxy-layered cards with carefully chosen symbols and characters.
Luna Sol Tarot: Soft artwork and pastel hues offer a gentle but energizing vibe that doesn’t sacrifice depth or symbolism in its quest for openness.
Naked Heart Tarot: Animal-centered deck that uses white space brilliantly. It is balanced and powerful and approaches courts in a very clever way.
Vintage Erotic Tarot: Expressive deck focused on erotic vintage but with a modern feeling collage technique.
Oracle decks:
Art of Kundalini Oracle: A vibrant deck focused on the Divine Feminine, that feels assertive,like a mentor. Its rich, colourful artwork is enchanting.
Connected & Free Oracle: Attractive watercolour artwork with white-space play that works for every moment and situation. Highly intuitive, one of my fav oracles.
Oracle of the Essences: Vibrant multi-artist deck with essential oils as a theme. Great for learning, meditating and affirmations.
Sacred Rebels Oracle: A deck for growth, filled with warmth and the welcoming energy of nature. Incredibly rich and layered.
Soul Landscapes Oracle: It is bright, pretty and joyful. Its whimsical energy is really comforting, and the mix of colours with the white space is very refreshing.
Which are your decks for this season? If you haven’t already, check out the #tops tag to read the picks for previous seasons, as well as my top underrated decks (tarot and oracle)!
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Learning Tarot is complicated
It was exciting but also overwhelming at the beginning.
There are up to 78 cards. Not only that, to be on the same level as those amazing readers on YouTube, I should learn Astrology, Numerology, Pendulum, Mythology, working with Angels and Guides, and other Spiritual stuff like Crystals, Reiki, Kundalini, etc. My God! I feel the pressure already while listing those subjects here.
And meditation? Some say it’s compulsory for anyone working in the spirituality industry. So ridiculous.
I hate it the most. Doesn’t work for me. I felt so uncomfortable doing it. Forget it. I never meditate.
Why was I in the rush?
Because I wasn’t a teen or 20 something when I started learning Tarot. I had to work and other boring duties and chores to do. I had to take good care of my lovely children (meaning, my 3 cats). I had to master it as quickly as possible.
I enrolled in a 10-hour long online Tarot course. But I knew that much wasn’t enough.
I, then, did more Tarot courses, read articles, watched free YouTube tutorials, bought books and e-books, etc., and most importantly, watched tons of YouTube Tarot videos. I wanted to become pros like them so bad: having big beautiful crystals and sage around, owning hundreds of Tarot decks and working well with all of them, giving amazing accurate messages to viewers they haven’t even met.
But, then…I felt exhausted, stressed, confused, and overwhelmed.
Still, I continued to learn.
And, it took me over a year to realize that most of the things I had learned didn’t align with me at all.
And, I am me. I don’t have to become someone like them.
It’s quite painful to realize that those YouTube videos and Instagram posts are nothing but something that put me, and other Tarot beginners in a mental trap that we have to master many spiritual subjects, owning lots of cleansing tools and crystals and candles and tons of decks, and acting mysterious to be called a Tarot reader, a mystic, or whatever. Those things are just a show-off to fool people’s eyes. The truth is, a realistic mature client just wants to receive clear guidance and see where they’re heading. That’s it. They don’t care about those colorful crystals, candles, and other stuff. Those things are just tools to attract young clients or people crazy about fashion and trends. A real authentic reader just needs to dress clean and neat. A tidy desk, 1-2 decks, and something to cleanse the working space. That’s it. They don’t need to try so hard to prove anything.
I felt so angry and disappointed in myself.
I had wasted so much time, money, and energy on so many videos and courses.
Here’s the lesson I learn about learning:
“Understand who you are and understand what kind of mentor or material you’re learning from”
I’m a detail-oriented, realistic, simple, organized, minimalistic person. I don’t like drama. I want to know what the exact problem is and what the specific solution is. I see things as black and white. It’s a yes or no, no maybe for me. Therefore, I should learn from people who have the same personality and see things as I do.
I’m also a loyal person, which means I’m loyal to a few decks. The other decks keep resting in the cabinet.
I’ve learned that
- I only need 1-3 decks to look into matters, seek guidance and predict the future.
- Oracle Cards deliver beautiful messages, but they’re not necessary. They don’t add much depth to the reading. They just help to relieve the pain in your heart.
- Essential crystals: Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Selenite. Amethyst is the most important one for boosting psychic abilities and predicting the future.
- Cleansing tool: Palo Santo. It’s clean, safe and I can take a piece of Palo Santo anywhere without being afraid it may break or make a mess in my bag. Also, it smells good.
So, how do I learn Tarot now?
- I rarely watch Tarot YouTube videos nowadays. The messages seem not to resonate with me much. Besides, I want to hear specific messages, not general all the time.
- I only use 1 Tarot website and 2, 3 Tarot books for reference. I read and re-read the card meanings from those materials.
- Sometimes, I write card meanings for myself. It’s nothing serious. I just look at the cards and write what comes to mind.
- I do readings.
The key point is: Less is More.
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The College/Debt Plans of the Main Democratic Candidates
Klobuchar: No for free college. Fuck you poors! Community college and that’s it! You can refinance your debt, I guess.
Beto: No for free college. Let’s just increase the loan forgiveness problem but you will still have tons of debt and college will be really costly. But I’m hot check out my abs.
Joe Biden: Two years of FREE community college. There are a few other progressive ideas in my plan, but like Hillary Clinton if I get elected (but most likely lose to Trump) I won’t actually fight for these things. Do the poors love me yet? Ugh fuck Bernie.
Pete Buttiegieg: no to free college. More pell grants. We should look into student loan refinancing. I’m super smart. I know Norwegian... which I learned in college... Harvard.
Marianne Williamson: I will consult the leading astrologers when mercury is in retrograde and they along with my sentient crystals and my one extraterrestrial friend I made during my vacation at Roswell we will decide the best way to deal with this issues. Plans are for suckers. Plans don’t solve anything love does. Virgos, Capricorns, Aries, and Taurus’s get reduced college off the bat since the charts I consulted this morning said this is the best plan of action. I will also open up my chakras and radiate light from my kundalini and this will help us actuate peace on earth. ** starts singing** Ooh, my body's sayin' let's go Ooh, but my heart is sayin' no. If you wanna be with me Baby there's a price to pay I'm a genie in a bottle You gotta rub me the right way! **turns into a cloud of loving mist**
Kamala Harris: Welcome young ones. You shall get a 23% reduction in debt if you play a little game. I have fifteen golden tickets distributed around the country, and if you find them you can sell them for $500 right off the bat or if you wish to go further in this journey you must then enter my Police Academy Narcotics Unit training program where the remaining contestants who didn’t sell their tickets will compete to become the next best cop! The winner gets a 34% reduction in student debt. OR if you are from a marginalized community and qualify for pell grants if you run a successful small business for three years we may look into reducing your debt.
Elizabeth Warren: We can do free public college. We should fund HBCU’s more. We have to eliminate a lot of student debt but not all.
Bernie Sanders: We will have all public colleges be tuition free. We should fund HBCU’s as well, and we will eliminate ALL student debt!
#funny#bored#this isn't even good lol im just procrastinating#bernie sanders#marianne williamson#elizabeth warren#kamala harris#Pete Buttiegieg#politics#college#education
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11/11 Portal Energy
Today is the 11/11 portal which is bringing in an influx of powerful energy. Let me start off by explaining what a portal “is”. Whenever there are portal dates, these are days when energy is easier accessed. However, this energy always exist and you can tap into it at anytime. It’s just that during portal days, the energy is extremely high so you don’t have to go looking for it.
*Cue a silly example*
Let’s say you have a favorite restaurant. To get food (energy) at this restaurant (frequency), you must go and pick up the food (tap into the energy/frequency on your own time). However, for a special day, they are deciding to deliver to your house. You are not expecting them, however, so if you are not paying attention (not in tune), you can miss the doorbell (the influx of energy).
It’s the same with “portal” energy. This energy already exists and you can access it anytime however on days like this it’s very easy to access and is in your face.
So, what does this 11/11 portal bring?
First, the energy serves as a wakeup call. Anything that you, or society, has been asleep about or have been trying to avoid, will be very noticeable right now. Your inner demons, your shadow self, your reflection, everything. 11/11 is a mirror so you will be seeing the reflection of your spirit in this “mirror”. This wakeup call will be the start of, or act as the catalyst of, people’s spiritual awakenings. Expect subconscious thoughts to be revealed and pushed to the forefront. This will be amplified with the Mercury in Scorpio transit. Mercury is currently in Scorpio at the 0th degree. Numerology and astrology wise, the 0 energy in itself is a portal. It is the portal of limitless potential that you can either take high advantage of or flop. This energy is so abundant and intense, however, that it can get out of control and requires discipline. So with this transit, this can cause very intense, obsessive, intrusive, and shadow thoughts to come to the surface. If you are in tune, you will be able to handle it - that is the discipline. If not, it can “eat you alive”. During this time, the truth will be revealed in all things. Occult and hidden things will have a light shone on it. This portal will make it easier for occult information to be unlocked. If you are into the Akashic Records, this is the best time to tap into the frequency. This is also perfect energy for decoding the hidden meaning to things within society. However, remember that Scorpio energy is still occult energy. Although the energy will be revealed, it will be subtle. You will have to peel back the layers to see it for what it REALLY is. If you are not in tine or willing to do this, you may miss the message.
This portal also brings the energy of Ezekiel’s wheel. When decoding the spiritual symbolism of the Theta hurricane, spirit showed me Ezekiel’s wheel. I would recommend completely researching the story yourself as my interpretation will be extremely short. But, basically, Ezekiel was shown in the sky a vision of four beings all with four faces. A face of a human (ego), a face of an ox (harvest/abundance), a face of a lion (courage/power/strength), and a face of an eagle (resurrection of christ consciousness aka awakening of the “chosen” ones). This being is directly mirroring the “chimera��� being in Greek mythology. A chimera is a fire-breathing female monster with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail. Funny enough, back in May spirit told me to rewatch the Chimera Ant Arc of the anime Hunter x Hunter and reminded me to do so again last week. I am currently rewatching it. Spirit said it will reveal the truth behind things going on right now in the world. So, the fact that Ezekiel’s wheel energy is high right now, which is a direct mirror to the concept of a chimera, is too synced - you cannot make it up at this point. In the story of Ezekiel, these beings came in on these wheels within wheels through a ball of fire. The wheels within wheels have been interpreted metaphysically by some as UFOs. So technically could this 11/11 energy bring UFO sightings? Maybe. But, you will need to use discernment as spiritual knowledge is being hijacked right now so UFO sightings can be faked. However, on a spiritual/energetic level - this energy of Ezekiel’s wheel coming in shows an increase of the fire element, solar energy, and of the frequency. This can bring random fires, kundalini activations, a rise in frequency, an awakening of your extraterrestrial self, etc. With a rise in the frequency also brings more “deaths” - physically and symbolically. This is because not everyone can handle frequency shifts.
This portal is for the “chosen” ones (golden beings, melanated beings, ETs, etc) to recognize who they are and to recognize their power. This portal is also during the Uttara Phalguni nakshatra which is represented by the fig tree (fertility, prosperity, abundance) and the latter red one (red energy = dark feminine rising, Kali, Saturn, those with special spiritual bloodtypes, Lilith, etc). It’s also represented by the rear legs of a bed which symbolize eternal rest and peace of mind. Anything manifested during this time will be long lasting and abundant. It will have a stable foundation and provide security and stability. This is amplified as the 11/11 portal this year is also the 4/4 portal. 4 = foundations. 4 also = Uranus so the Uranus in Taurus energy will be very beneficial right now. This is the time of 180s where one can reinvent themselves. 2:22 as I type this. This is the time to turn all of the lead in your life into gold. This is the time to become a better you. This is the time to shift into a higher reality.
Also, when meditating, I asked spirit for more information surrounding this 11/11 portal. I was shown a golden fruit + the Tree of Knowledge (Garden of Eden). I was told that this is the way. Aligning to the gold frequency and obtaining spiritual knowledge. This portal is the perfect time to get started. It’s crazy I was shown this in my meditation as the fig tree is associated with the Garden of Eden and we are in the nakshatra currently that is represented by the fig tree. Again, you cannot make this up.
So, what should you take from this?
Start taking your spiritual self and journey seriously. Take care of your mind, body, spirit, and soul. Eat better. Meditate. Obtain knowledge. Become a free thinker. Learn how to decode.
Reinvent yourself for the better
Manifest long term success + wealth
Shift into a higher vibration and reality
Increase your immune system. Carry pearls. Work out. Get some sun. Decalcify your pineal gland.
Watch and decode the Chimera Ant Arc of Hunter x Hunter + the Wizard of Oz.
Find out who you TRULY are. Are you only a human? Are you a hybrid? Tap into your galactic energy.
Art x Andy Nero
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