#kudos exchange
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enigmaoftheduchess · 3 months ago
Christmas & New Year: Fanfic Event!
Have you received gifts this Christmas? If you are a fanfic writer and reader, I have one more for you! Open this link! It will take you to a very simple exchange: you review and give kudos to at least one chapter of someone else's story (of your preference, any fandom you like) and share a chapter of yours! Come and enrich our exchange with your fandom!
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sa9vva · 1 year ago
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Hello @vanroesburg!
I was your @dcmk-exchange Secret Santa! I'm sorry for being late with this, but here's your gift and I hope you like it!
I wanted to go for hurt/comfort with your ideas/prompt but i accidentally hurt my hand so i can't draw sooner and ended up with this instead, i'm sorry :")
the setting is they're in college and roommates! and you can see this as either romantic/platonic relationship!
<under is scrapped pages>
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inseparabiles · 1 month ago
#highkey envy everybody in the tags#who gets asks like 'please write piss kink yesterday'#where the fuck are you getting your freaks from#high society life has made me so prim and proper#got my pinky up when I drink my fucking tea
would you like write smut like that? is that why you haven't because you don't get asks like that and you would if you did? asking for a friend
It's genuinely. Like don't get me wrong we do like writing our genfic, we do love our all of that that we're doing anyway and people seem to like reading, but it's like
I guess it's been oddly branding? And I don't know if it's that people now take that brand as a "well you wouldn't do this thing and asking it of you would be weird and I'm going to respect your implicit boundaries by not doing it" or if it's more like "we, the audience that you have, want this specific thing that you're already writing and when you part from it it's HIGHKEY WEIRD and OFFPUTTING" or a mix of both but
would we like to get the kind of unhinged requests that we're seeing all over the tags? Get slapped in the face with an ask that's just so out there? Write explicit for the sake of explicit without having to find a better excuse for it? Yes. God. Yes. We would.
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i-am-randomtrash00 · 2 years ago
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spacebubblehomebase · 1 year ago
ANOTHER "Fanfic Search Help" Request because I'm at the end of my rope and very desperate for some good ol' nostalgic read. Pls help me.
Kaishin pairing.
DCMK fandom.
Angsty and Dark.
Toichi lives sort-of???
Other world mishaps.
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This time the plot is mostly about Kaito Kuroba being sent to another world where the BO didn't ruin his life. I say "mostly" because this is a series of fics in AO3 and some of them focus on Shinichi's P.O.V. too. The biggest (heart) kicker is that in their original world, the BO killed off each of their friends and family one by one until it's just the two of them against the world with nothing but a few small tokens to remember each person they lost by. The two of them were always together, but they were in too much danger to prioritize the idea of being "together". Still, Kaito and Shinichi were each other's lifeline. At their last chance to keep Pandora away from the Crows, Shinichi made a choice that had him be disguised as Kaitou KID while he paralyzes Kaito from following so he, instead, can die in the thief's place. A sequence of mourning and magical mishaps happen after, which led to Kaito being sent to a world where BOTH his parents were still alive, but there's another him in it too. One who still has a crush on Aoko and had no reason to take on the KID mantle from his father. While he gathers his bearings in this new reality where he still has people to care for him, we later learn that another Shinichi exist here too. One that never took the Apotoxin, but is somehow just as miserable as his dead counterpart. Mostly homeschooled, this Shinichi never grew up being viewed as a "great detective" rather more as a "corpse magnet weirdo" who has no friends and got involved in an incident in his childhood that would traumatize anyone (except for one indigo eyed boy he met then who was adamant about his dad rescuing them. Huh... He wonders how that kid's doing now). Bullied and distant from even Ran and Sonoko, he lacks the confidence and self-assurance of our Shinichi who takes pride in the truth. Rather, this one is more afraid and saddened by it and is mocked for his bluntness. That's why this new world's Kaito never heard much of this Shinichi too, because he's not featured in the news for solving cases, but he's been ostracized for it. I just love the idea of how different people could turn out to be with just a change of perspective. This Shinichi is still observant and cares for people's safety, but because of how he was viewed as a negative instead of a positive, in this world, his strengths became a weakness and what attracted our thief Kaito never got to shine. Changing their meeting and this Shinichi's personality instead to meek and lonely. Not as driven and assertive.
Last time I checked, it's not finished, but that's fine. I love the concept too much! My biggest fear is that it's been deleted.
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elfchensdcartblog · 1 year ago
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Dear @ninthfeather !
Here’s your secret Santa reveal for the @dcmk-exchange event!
Though I wasn’t able to include all ideas like Shinichi having a disability after being his normal self again and wanted to do a more silly Meme pic (stealing Hakases car was one of those) at first…
I decided on something „normal“ like the boys hanging out together and chatting about their day and hobbies. 🤪
I had fun after all, also while texting you and hearing your opinion on different topics 😊
I hope you like your gift 💝
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nic-42 · 1 year ago
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here are my gifts for @digitallyfanged ! I'm your little secret santa (ФωФ) [I wanted to make the backgrounds opposite, one is extravagant and colorful while the other seems like an ephemeral and ignored silence so maybe the characters would stand out]
I hope you like them! and I thank @dcmk-exchange for helping me and answering my questions being new (* ´ ▽ ` *)
(little gift doodles under the cut)
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I love the relationship of these 3
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Gremlin wants juice
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Gin is a lady (vodka likes spa manicure)
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also sketches to get to the final works, and a little girl's night with Sonoko and Kaito (they criticize people and fall in love with handsome actors)
I had planned to explain the worlds behind the main works but I don't know if it would be too much...
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storiesbymay · 9 months ago
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Today EXCHANGES PAIR reached 100 kudos! It's the first fan fiction I've written that achieves a certain amount of recognition from readers, and the readings are also more than I'd hoped for!
THANKS TO Crumbeliis61991, IloveLotusFlowers, SweetOceane, imGoing_Insane, Meiila, boringwinterpotato, alexlcagle, shinn_shinn, sayangventi, zophyne, robin_ratazane, DessaRain, electroids, Hello_luvs, Ratatoskrs, Rossella00, RedHoodedKid, Artistic_Whore, pinkittens, Tomienari, Maya031, alicy_sunberg33, Kitkitty, ArielArashi, FandomFrenzzy2, That_one_Mlem, Sunnyzww, HopeBett, Deadmoons, yongsanhotguy99, felixxx_lol, W_She_swtd, IcedBeverage13, snackshack, sxftiebread, palgebitna, bumblebeebarnie, Killunix, levaana, cleolevi, anastasce, itz_Qu4ck, MoonLord, IcAnTgEtAfUkInGuSeRnAmE, quarreopt, Arcanara, and harushion as well as 53 guests!
Story summary Some nights with friends do not go as planned… The Sumeru boys know something about that. Sometimes an extra glass of wine is enough, others an aphrodisiac mushroom. Add to that the frustration of couple problems… actually two.
Rating: 🔞
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survivingofffanfics · 3 months ago
Since everyone's doing fic exchanges I decided to put my hand in the pot. For this new years day, do a kudos and comment for someone in the comments section. Post your favorite fic you're writing to be reviewed
1. Fic title
2. Rating
3. Synopsis
4. Fandom/Genre
5. Warnings
6. Are you looking for feedback or praise?
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sexybritishllama · 1 month ago
i don't think i'd ever delete my old fics because i know the torment of having your favourite stories deleted without any way to read them again and i don't want to do that to someone else's potential comfort read. however you could not make me actually read any of the things i wrote when i was 14 if you had a gun to my head
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enigmaoftheduchess · 3 months ago
❤️ Kudos + Review 🖊️
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There's a multifandom exchange going on! If you have a fanfic and are interested in joining, join Fanfiction Writers Unite, and comment your chapter on this link, review another person's work that you like in the comments and give them a kudos!
The tags have the fandoms available there so far.
NOTE: some are crossovers.
It will be available for posting chapters until Friday and for reviewing until Sunday.
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shikai-the-storyteller · 3 months ago
Me: Man, I wish I could write detailed and thoughtful character analysis essays like I used to :(
My brain: *Lighting up with inspiration when seeing a specific exchange between Shadow and Sonic in Prime*
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artemx746 · 2 months ago
anyways I wrote a short little Cadence and Lam fic
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timetohealit · 10 months ago
Oooooh to be a fly and have a Time Machine so I can go see how Simon agreed to give the band’s name to the boys
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rosemirmir · 1 year ago
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deathandnonexistentialdread · 10 months ago
Someone broke his phone but he says he isn't angry but the dark smoke coming from his makes it obvious that he is going to kill one of the other three
The anger over losing his phone has broken the seal on his dark powers. The world is in jeopardy. Only a very ancient scroll has the power to defeat him.
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